قصة ام فادي من دمشق 2017 جزء 2 free porn video

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رفعت امي رجلها الاولى
والتانية لاتزال في البانيوو...وغسلتها من الرغوة جيداا...وقالت لي يلا لشوف مصلي اصبيعي
وانا هون بلشت مصمصة وامي بدء الامر يعجبها وتان أأأأممممم اااي ااي وتقول اقوى حبيبي اقوى فزدت من قوة المص لاصبيع رجليها يلي
كانو في منتهى الجمال والاناقة والأعتناء الفائق والمينيكور الأحمر الغامق...وهنا كانت قدم امي التانية
لاتزال في البانيوو...وهي تلامس قضيبي عن طريقة غير مباشرة وسريعة وكانت خاطفة جداا....وكأنها تحلب ايري بين أصابع قدميها
وهنا انتهيت من المصمصة انا...؟وقالت امي برافو حبيبي انتة ابني يلي بفتخرفيك لانك شاطر في
مداعبة النساء...قلت لها شكرا ماما لانك خليتيني مصلك اصبيع رجليكي الطيبين...فردت امي بصوت
مبحوح...من اللذة وقالت لي انو متى تشاء فيك تلعبلي باصبيع رجليي وتمصون قد مابدك...قلت لهاجد...فردت بنعم
حبيبي....بس اصبيعي؟...قلت لها شكراا ماما....؟وهنا اكملنا الحمام وقالت لي وشو عجبك كمان
فقلت لها انو هي هاد الشي الوحيد يلي بخجل منو امي فقالت قوول عادي بلا خجل ماما ...؟
فقالت لي شبك احكي فقلت لها لاأريد بخجل وهنا وقفت أمي كان جسمها باكمله على مرآى ناظري
واشرت بيدها على كسها وقالت لي شوو شبك قصدك كسي...؟مو...صح حبيبي...فهزيت
راسي بخجل فضحكت امي ولاتزال واقفة وممسكة بشفرات كسها الكبار المرخيين وقالت لي شو يلي عجبك فيه لكسي...فقلت لها بخجل شفراته
الكبار والواسعين...وقالت امي جد قلت لها اي جد ماما فردت علي امي بسؤال مفاجئ...؟هل تود
ان تلامس كسي وتلامس اشفاره الكبيرة...فقلت لها لا؟....فقالت امي ليش حبيبي مو انا امك...ماني غريبة وأطمن مارح أزعل بالعكس أنا عم وعيك؟؟
هون انا ضليت ساكت...فمسكت امي يدي بطريقة سريعة ومفاجئة وانسلت اصابعي الى كس امي
الكبير والمنتفخ..وشفراته الكبار ويلي كانو مرخيين من بخار الحمام وكانت يدي قابضة على كس امي
وتعتصره هي بيدي...وانا مدهوش من ماما وقالت شو عجبك ...كسي...وقلت لها بجنن...أأأمممم ااي ااي ااي وقالت لي بعبصني ماما شوي لحتى تتعلم كيف تبسط المراة..وقلت لها كيف فمسكت اصبيعي
وفوتتن بكسها ومسكت يدي التانية ووضعتها على زنبورها وهي تان وتتاوه وتصرخ من الشهوه اااااااه ااااي ممممممموووها ويزيد
صراخ امي وتقول يلا بسرعة كمان بعصني كمان حبيبي كمان.ااي ااي ااي مممممممم.....آآآآخ....أييييييي...آآآآآآآآآآآآآه.......أوووووووووه
أووووووووح........مممممممم....وصارت تتلوى بجسمها وصدرها يرتج فوق عيوني واردافها وفخادها تتلوى مع انثناء جسدها...وتقول ممممممم....أيييييي كسي ....أوووح... ووووح...ثم أطلقت صرخة عالية جدا تدل بانها وصلت لرعشتهاااا آآآآآآآآآآآآآخ.......وبعد لحظات توقفت أمي عن التأوه وكأنها نسيت أن من يبعبص في كسها وزنبورها وشفرات كسااا الكبار نسيت انو هادا ابنها وقالت لي...يسلمو...ماما لانك بعبصتني شوي وهيك بكون علمتك كيف تبسط
الوحدة من كسها صح فقلت لها صح ماما....وهنا رايت سائل ابيض ينسال من بيت شفرات كس امي وقلت لها ماهذا السائل ماما ونظرت الي وقالت هاد هو سائل الشهوة يلي بتوصل له الأمرأة في قمة رعشتها ونشوتها عند مداعبة الزنبور والشفرات ايضا وقالت امي ولايهمك هاد شي طبيعي عند النسوان ....وهنا انتهينا من الحمام ونشفنا بعضنا...وقالت امي عطيني
الملابس الداخلية لحتى البس فقلت لها ليش مو في البيت مابتلبسي لانجوري...فقالت لانو بدها تروح
لعند رفيقتها ناديا لتنام عندها انا هون زعلت فحست علي امي اني زعلت وقالت لي لاتزعل حبيبي شي يوم باخدك لعندها تنام معنا ...وهون لبست امي وكان الانجوري اسود...وشفاف...
وكان....الكيلوت......خيط رفيع كتير من ما سمح للكيلوت بأن يختفي وينحشر بين فلقات طيزها الكبيرة و لدرجة انو فات الكيلوت بين اشفار كسها ولم يظهر الكيلوت من الامام لانه كان غارق في كس وشفرات امي الكبار يلي يكادو
في ان ينفجروو من الانتفاخ ومن كتر النياكة...المهم ارتدينا ملابسنا وجلسنا قليلا في الدار نتحدث
في المواضيع العائلية...قبل موعد مشوارها...بساعة تقريبا وطلبت مني امي بان اعملها مساج
خفيف قبل ذهابها...فوافقت على الفور ...وهنا خلعت امي رووب النوم الشفاف لونه زهر...وكان طوله ياتي الى الفخد..
فقط...وكان يظهر الكيلوت والسوتيانة من خلفه...؟
فخلعت ايضا السوتيانة ونامت على ضهرها وبدأت انا بالمساج وصارت امي تان وتتاوه من المساج المريح
وقالت امي انزل للاسفل قليلا...ونزلت..وبعد دقيقتين؟...قالت امي كمان شوي انزل فانزلت يدي
قليلا...للاسفل...وصرت عند منطقة الأرداف والطيز تقريبا في اول الشق....؟وهناظهر الكيلوت لي وقالت امي
عملي مساج لطيزي حبيبي..وبدات المساج في طيز امي وهي مسترخية على الآخر.. وقالت لي
حبيبي فادي شلحني الكيلوت اذا مدايقك في المساج..اوكي ماما ورحت مشلح امي الكيلوت ولما رفعت
طيزها الي ظهرت لي عورتها بالكامل هذه المرة شفت بخش طيزها الذي يميل لونه الى البني الفاتح وكان مفتوحااا...لوحده...كانها كانت تنتاك منذ قليل .....وااااو....على خرم طيز امي العاهرة
من كتر مو آكل زباب وايور...وقالت لي بلش المساج ابتدائا من الضهر واستقر في الطيز وهنا بلشت
انا في المساج...وكانت امي مستمتعة جداا....وقالت لي بعد قليل...في بالدرج كريم للمساج...ولاكني كنت أعرف نوعية الكريم وهو ليس للمساج بل هو لتكبير وشد الطيز الى الاعلى لأني رأيت أعلان الكريم ذات مرة في التلفاز
جيبه وتعال ماما جبت الكريم ولما كنت بدي اقعد قالت امي لا تقعد هيك مابترتاح...؟ قلتلها كيف
قالت لي قوم وقعود بين رجليي...فجلست بين ارجل امي وهي عارية...من الخلف..ورحت
امزج الكريم على جسد امي وافركه بيدي وهنا قالت امي توقف وضع كريم بس على طيزي وفركلي ياها...لأن هاذا الكريم ياحبيب امك فقط للمؤخرة....
وفعلا..بدئت في فرك ومزج الكريم وبعد قليل انزلقت يدي على بخش طيز امي من دون قصدي...ودخل أصبعي الأوسط بشرجهااا
وهنا صرخت....امي....آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآخ....وقالت ويحك ويحك ثم اياك.في ان تعبث في بخش
طيزي مرة تانية لقد عورتني ....أييييييي...ممممم...آآآآآآه...أوووووح....فقلت لها من تاثير الكريم...انا اسف ماما...فسامحتني وبعد قليل...قالت...بس بتعرف شي
قلت لها شو قالت...عجبتني طريقة انزلاق اصبعك جواا طيزي لأنها كانت بطريقة غير مباشرة عجبتني طريقة الأنزلاق وكأنها مزحة جميلة وقالت: كفي المساج بس بشرط قلتلها شو
قالت انك وانتة عم تمسجلي طيزي بدي ياك انو تمرر اصبعك الاوسط من من فوق شفرات طيزي...واريدك ان تعيد حركة انزلاق اصبعك بدبري لاكن عندما تريد فعل هذا لاتقول لي...وقلت لها لماذا امي؟...فقالت لكي أتفاجئ من الانزلاق....لقد أحببت هذه الحركة والانزلاق المفاجئ في خرم طيزي كأنه مساج لشرجي....يلااا لشوف تابع تلك الحركة
فقلت لها موافق...وفعلا....رحت امرر اصبعي من فوق خرمها الكبير ويلي كان منفتح شوي
من كتر المحن والاسترخاء يلي كانت فيه امي لانو كان خرمها عم يفرز سوائل لونها ابيض من طيزها ودبرها الكبير وتفوح منه رائحة طيز والدتي

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Water Bed Sex 1969

Athena's place was hopping with loud rock music, a mixed bag of stoned, wild and naked hippies.Athena had two roommates and each one of them had a water bed.. Conveniently, both of them were away for the summer and the naked Hippies wanted to have some experimental sex...It was a hot and humid night in Mobile Alabama and Daphne Street was a bit conservative .Jack, a tall lean kind of guy, had a huge cock and as he was dancing, it swung around every which way in the air..MIchelle, a petite...

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My Wild Sister Pt 1

A couple days after we received news that she would be returning we got a knock at the door, Jo was home. As my mother opened the door I was shocked to see a thick, tanned and sexy girl with the biggest tits I'd seen in a long time. Not even some of the Playboy bunnies I had seen compared to the tits crammed into her university t-shirt. I could feel my dick get hard as I stared. She came in, gave my mom a hug and kiss and slapped me in the back of the head. "Hey where did fatass go?...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Silvia Saige Kuleana Harley Haze Leading Questions

Harley Haze and Silvia Saige are chatting about a recent night out with the girls, reliving the excitement. But the more they chat, the more Harley starts to get the sneaky suspicion that Silvia has the hots for her roommate, Kuleana! Although Harley keeps slyly asking questions to get to the truth, Silvia keeps sheepishly trying to dodge them… until they bring Kuleana into the conversation. Harley starts questioning them both, trying to get them to admit that there is a spark between...

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Pirate Chapter 1

She was a barmaid from the town he has just sacked, and her ankles were loosely chained, facing away from him. She turned as he entered, and now stood meekly facing him, waiting to see what he would do. Her dress came down to her knees, and was laced up the front and the back to her bust line, with only her white shirt underneath to cover her breasts that spilled out over the top of her dress. She had seen strong, handsome men all day, and now with this stunning captain bursting into...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Bess Breast Roommate Temptations

Bess Breast loves to walk around the house like nobody is home. Her roommate Tony has a girlfriend, but the temptation of her amazing tits and huge booty is making it difficult for him to stay away. He catches her walking around in her bra and underwear a few times and then he can’t take anymore. He spies on her while shes in the bath. Her huge tits look amazing. He gets caught but she’s into it. She calls him over and the real fun begins. He worships those perfect tits and round...

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The Slavering Chapter 02

The Slavering, Chapter 02 Tesla climbed the stairs ahead of Cheri. "I live on the fifth floor of a three-story building." She gestured downward. "It was a four-story building before they raised the street level. Underground Fairview is the original street level." Cheri trudged up the steps. "Eh?" "They added two stories on the corner of this building." She opened the security door. "Eighty years ago. The building is much older than that. Chinese. She pointed to the scrollwork....

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My Cousin Annie

I know my last one was bad, I was never really good at writing stories but I try my best. I'm now making a new one that I hope EVERYONE will like...hopefully...Anyways i'm more of the funny type, not story type but again, I do try my best and it just entertains me to make a story that atleast one person will like. So, I hope you enjoy the story. _____________________________________________________________________________________ We fucked till' we could fuck no more. It felt so good...

2 years ago
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No Way I like Cock Lesbian

Before I started thinking seriously about boys, I had thoughts about other girls. This began in more or less "innocent" ways. Fooling around with girlfriends at parties, if we felt sure no one would discover us. I'm talking about innocent little kissing dares, touching tongues to see what it feels like, and ... maybe even a little light touching under bras, and sometimes under panties.When I first got to college I learned that a lot of girls, especially Juniors and Seniors, were openly bisexual...

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SURFING THE WEB WITH A TWIST.I love to surf the web my favorite sites are the porn sites I just love all the women that put there photos on these sites and even there videos, I love the amateur’s section, as these are real people and not models,This one day I decided to do some surfing and as always you get popup messages The usual ones are sign up for free sex and then the camcorders one’s shag a local woman in your area,The usual crap I just want to find some good wanking material somebody...

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Erotic Education 1 Erica3

Erica meets me in our local park where we walk and chat about erotic educationI offer her a lesson in love in practise, in a secluded part of the water-parkI offer her a first ever orgasm from licking love lips after her golden showerErica eagerly follows me to my place for more privacy for next lessons in loveI teach the teen to play for pleasure her love lips so she can come without meErica likes my love lessons, especially how she can climb up from first heavenErica likes most how to...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Silvia Saige My Boss Wants My Wife

The doorbell rings and Marcus London opens the door to find Silvia Saige and her husband Billy eagerly waiting to come in. He invites them in as Billy introduces his wife to Marcus. Marcus takes her hand and kisses it. ‘Charmed’ he says. While Billy hangs up his windbreaker, Marcus holds Silvia’s hand a little longer than she’s accustomed to. She slowly pulls it away as he smiles creepily. Billy doesn’t notices this as he thanks Marcus for the invitation, being...

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Paying Rent

Troy sat quietly grinning to himself. He turned his gaze, from the floor, in front of him, to the clock, on the piano. He would be leaving in half an hour. He returned his gaze, to the floor, in front of himself, and smiled again. Dean and Troy had been friends for many years. They had many common interests. They shared a love of guns and the out of doors. They had spent many weekends out at Troy’s cabin. Dean had even helped to fix up the old house, so that it was more livable. Over the...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 11

(MAY 1940 – HOLLAND SURRENDERS) “Hitler, who founded the Third Reich, who ruled it ruthlessly and often with uncommon shrewdness, who led it to such dizzy heights and such a sorry end, was a person of undoubted, if evil genius. It is true that in the German people, as a mysterious Providence and centuries of experience had molded them up to that time, he found a natural instrument which he was able to shape to his own sinister ends. But without Adolf Hitler, who was possessed of a demonic...

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Me Myself and Them

I must have gotten my love of fashion from my mother. She wrote a style column for a women’s health monthly, and took home free copies of couture magazines with beguiling names like Crash, Oyster and Purple. As an idle sixteen-year-old I spent hours going through them, cutting out pictures to tape into my fashion “idea book.”I hoped to be a runway model myself, one day, and I had every reason to think I’d have a shot at it. First, I was pretty, with strong cheekbones and wide-set eyes. Also, my...

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Deflorencing Of Shikha In Train

Hi, Friends….This is Shweta Saxena back on ISS. I have received a lot of positive comments on my previous story “Sexography of Shweta Saxena”. For new readers, I should tell you that I am 21, from Dehradun, possessing a round pair of 34D melons with figure 34-24-34. Now I am going to post a story which belongs to my dearest friend Shikha who is my childhood friend. In order to get the appropriate flow, I am writing in her own words. So enjoy it and send your comments. Hello. I am Shikha. I am...

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Sex Ecstacy With My Team Member

Hello all, I am a software engineer working at an MNC in Chennai. I am 6 feet tall with an athletic body at the age of 27 years. I joined this MNC recently and there were 8 members in the team, 3 girls and 5 guys. In the first week of my work, I noticed only 2 girls and other one was out of office. So, some time later I enquired the team members about the girl and I came to know that she was on the maternity leave and her name is Latha. I was very disappointed that the 2 girls in the team were...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 515

Friday afternoon we had a long meeting. There were progress reports on everything that had happened in the last few weeks. Vicky and Jake were pleased with the construction progress at the dorm for the security team at South Korea. If they were satisfied, then I was too. The State Department and the CIA had approved the list of new hires that were going there. All of them were to be here in two weeks for training. The first week would be used for administrative training and mandatory State...

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Fucked Reetu Really Hard 8211 Part I

Hi ISS readers this is Raj here to tell you about my incest story with my beautifull slutty elder sister Reetu. Me and my elder sister Reetu live in an apartment in Pune with our parents. Our parents both are working and most of time are busy which made me to mostly interact with my sister Reetu. I saw Reetu growing up and getting in good shape from my childhood. We were nice friends right from the childhood till her puberty because after that I started seeing her differently. When I was around...

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My wife tells me about fucking Tim

Tim has been a friend of mine for several years but he had never met my wife Andrea so I invited him over one weekend. It was hot so I told him to bring a swim suit and we would hang out by our pool. He and I were setting by the pool and enjoying a few cold beers when Andrea called my cell. I told her to hurry home from work and join us by the pool. At that time the idea of showing off my sexy little bride to Tim popped in my head.I heard her car as she pulled into the garage so I told Tim I'd...

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Step father

I was 16 when my step fater caught me in my shorty pajamas in the kitchen. Mom was at work and he had been eyeing me for months. He walked behind me and rubbed my ass. "You have a nice ass" he told me. I just laughed. Then he lifted my top. "Those are nice tits too. Better than your moms. Hers sag from k**s and age." Then he took his hands and rubbed across my tits. "Do you like me touching your firm tits?" He kept rubbing me as he spoke to me. "I bet your tits taste real good." Then he bent...

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While We Were Away Chpt 2

The continuing story of a man who got more than he bargained for ...This is my first attempt at writing erotica. If you like the story, please take a moment to vote for it or leave a comment, so I can get a sense of whether I should continue it or not. Thanks for reading.For two days after the wife had walked in on Tanya pulling her strap-on out my ass and me with my jizz all over my face, it had been absolute silence in our house – a cold front of epic proportion. I buried myself in my work,...

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Scotts SituationChapter 5

Kosey talked with Ariana, saying it was time for the newlyweds to celebrate their wedding night. He snuck the three from his home for the twenty-minute drive to their beachside cabin. “I will leave you to your night of celebration,” Kosey smiled, shaking Scott’s hand. “You watch out for our family,” he charged to Heinz. He dutifully lay on the porch, facing the road. Sula laid a bag of food on the kitchen table and handed a paper bag to Scott. “From Papa.” He opened it, seeing a...

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FALL 2007

3 o'clock in the morning,the streets of Long Island suburbia are deserted.It's not cold,but the breeze is enough to at least harden any dude's nipples without their consent.But that didn't stop me,didn't stop us..to do what our young minds would normally consider unthinkable...Wait,scratch that,what MY young mind thought was unthinkable.IT all started during the end of the Summer,when my boss ask me to be in charge of the restaurant for a few hours one day,the last bartender/cashier he trusted...

3 years ago
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"Do not tell a friend anything you would conceal from an enemy."-Arab Proverb*"There is, of course, the tale of the man who built a horse of ebony that flew through the air with its rider—" "We've heard that one already. What about the tale of the three Sufi Qalandars who were each the sons of kings and also each blind in one eye?" "That one was as old as a dried date when my father was a boy. If you want to hear a truly wondrous story, listen to me recount the tale of the rich man who bought...

Group Sex
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Chuck and LisaChapter 50

I didn't expect to be awakened by someone kissing me on my morning ego after falling asleep while still loving Etta. I looked down and saw Lisa kissing and sucking me. She rose when my hand went to her head, and as she slid up on me, said, "Good, you can put the fire in my itch out. I wanted you last night, but Sharon only wanted to be with me. I love pussy, but I really love this thing that helped put my babies together." I hugged Lisa to me as she slid me into her, and I told her, "I...

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Welcome Home

As is says in the good book, there is a time for all seasons, on earth as in heaven. It was now time for winter to evolve from what had been a wonderful, midwest fall. Not more than two weeks ago, the dark brown, dead leaves that were now strewn about the frosty ground had been a rainbow of colors against a blue sky. Now dark gray clouds hung over the chilly air and a cold wind blew from the north like an omen of the approaching hour. Jim Baker was born with Spinal Bifida, a crippling disease...

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Junior YearChapter 32 To Wish Impossible Things

When I arrived on the set, I saw there was a new trailer on the lot. That could only mean one thing: Kate Upton was either here or about to arrive! Fritz looked at me as though I’d lost my mind when I began to dance in the parking lot. “Kate Upton,” I said, and pointed at the trailer. Of course I went straight there and knocked. How could they have a trailer for her if she wasn’t even here yet? That didn’t curb my enthusiasm, though. I was a bundle of happy energy all morning. Jessup even...

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My Best Friend 18 The Relative Pt 2

I pulled up to Amanda’s house to see that she was waiting in the doorway with a huge smile on her face. I put my car in park and walked up to the girl with a shit-eating grin on her face or as I like to call her Amanda or sweetheart or honey or darling it really depends on my mood. “Hey. You packed for the weekend?” Amanda pulled out two duffel bags and dropped them at my feet. Guess that answers my dumb ass question. I looked up from the bags and decided against saying why she would...

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KristinChapter 13

The 4th of July holiday was coming up and I decided to try to enlist my parents in helping me convince Kris to marry me. The fact was that she continued to consider the whole thing to be a big joke. She just dismissed out of hand any idea that I might seriously want to marry her. It was odd, really. She was objective and clear-thinking about absolutely everything ... except about herself. To her, she was an unreconstructed whore and that was all she would ever be. Therefore, the thought of...

2 years ago
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my fantasy

Firstlet me tell you about myself. My name is Lexy and I'm 25. I am average weight, average height with a curvy body- not fat but with something to hold on to. I have size D breasts with very large dark areolas that contrast my pinkish white skin, and a nice perky ass. I have been married for the last two years to Tony. Our sex life is pretty wild- including toys, porn and so on. This weekend I was feeling particularly horny and decided to have some fun. We were going over to Toni's friend Mike...

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"All right class," Miss Eddy admonished her all girl's senior high home economics class, "the bell rang over a minute ago, please take your seats so we can get started!!!" After everyone was in her seat and quiet, Miss Eddy began, "Now this is an important chapter we're beginning today, so I want to make sure that you all pay very close attention to what we discuss and do, because this is information you'll be using for the rest of your adult lives, is that clear!?!" With twenty heads nodding...

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Stripped in public

The club was really busy. We had been there a while and had had a few drinks…well I think a lot of drinks really. We were all dressed up, you wearing a classy, stylish, black, sheer, mid thigh length flowing dress with an open back, heels and your hair the way it is now. You looked amazing. I wore a powerful black suit. We were dancing away and having fun with a group of guys that were sort of lingering around and watching you when I said I was going to get another drink for us. You...

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