قصة ام فادي من دمشق 2017 جزء 2 free porn video

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رفعت امي رجلها الاولى
والتانية لاتزال في البانيوو...وغسلتها من الرغوة جيداا...وقالت لي يلا لشوف مصلي اصبيعي
وانا هون بلشت مصمصة وامي بدء الامر يعجبها وتان أأأأممممم اااي ااي وتقول اقوى حبيبي اقوى فزدت من قوة المص لاصبيع رجليها يلي
كانو في منتهى الجمال والاناقة والأعتناء الفائق والمينيكور الأحمر الغامق...وهنا كانت قدم امي التانية
لاتزال في البانيوو...وهي تلامس قضيبي عن طريقة غير مباشرة وسريعة وكانت خاطفة جداا....وكأنها تحلب ايري بين أصابع قدميها
وهنا انتهيت من المصمصة انا...؟وقالت امي برافو حبيبي انتة ابني يلي بفتخرفيك لانك شاطر في
مداعبة النساء...قلت لها شكرا ماما لانك خليتيني مصلك اصبيع رجليكي الطيبين...فردت امي بصوت
مبحوح...من اللذة وقالت لي انو متى تشاء فيك تلعبلي باصبيع رجليي وتمصون قد مابدك...قلت لهاجد...فردت بنعم
حبيبي....بس اصبيعي؟...قلت لها شكراا ماما....؟وهنا اكملنا الحمام وقالت لي وشو عجبك كمان
فقلت لها انو هي هاد الشي الوحيد يلي بخجل منو امي فقالت قوول عادي بلا خجل ماما ...؟
فقالت لي شبك احكي فقلت لها لاأريد بخجل وهنا وقفت أمي كان جسمها باكمله على مرآى ناظري
واشرت بيدها على كسها وقالت لي شوو شبك قصدك كسي...؟مو...صح حبيبي...فهزيت
راسي بخجل فضحكت امي ولاتزال واقفة وممسكة بشفرات كسها الكبار المرخيين وقالت لي شو يلي عجبك فيه لكسي...فقلت لها بخجل شفراته
الكبار والواسعين...وقالت امي جد قلت لها اي جد ماما فردت علي امي بسؤال مفاجئ...؟هل تود
ان تلامس كسي وتلامس اشفاره الكبيرة...فقلت لها لا؟....فقالت امي ليش حبيبي مو انا امك...ماني غريبة وأطمن مارح أزعل بالعكس أنا عم وعيك؟؟
هون انا ضليت ساكت...فمسكت امي يدي بطريقة سريعة ومفاجئة وانسلت اصابعي الى كس امي
الكبير والمنتفخ..وشفراته الكبار ويلي كانو مرخيين من بخار الحمام وكانت يدي قابضة على كس امي
وتعتصره هي بيدي...وانا مدهوش من ماما وقالت شو عجبك ...كسي...وقلت لها بجنن...أأأمممم ااي ااي ااي وقالت لي بعبصني ماما شوي لحتى تتعلم كيف تبسط المراة..وقلت لها كيف فمسكت اصبيعي
وفوتتن بكسها ومسكت يدي التانية ووضعتها على زنبورها وهي تان وتتاوه وتصرخ من الشهوه اااااااه ااااي ممممممموووها ويزيد
صراخ امي وتقول يلا بسرعة كمان بعصني كمان حبيبي كمان.ااي ااي ااي مممممممم.....آآآآخ....أييييييي...آآآآآآآآآآآآآه.......أوووووووووه
أووووووووح........مممممممم....وصارت تتلوى بجسمها وصدرها يرتج فوق عيوني واردافها وفخادها تتلوى مع انثناء جسدها...وتقول ممممممم....أيييييي كسي ....أوووح... ووووح...ثم أطلقت صرخة عالية جدا تدل بانها وصلت لرعشتهاااا آآآآآآآآآآآآآخ.......وبعد لحظات توقفت أمي عن التأوه وكأنها نسيت أن من يبعبص في كسها وزنبورها وشفرات كسااا الكبار نسيت انو هادا ابنها وقالت لي...يسلمو...ماما لانك بعبصتني شوي وهيك بكون علمتك كيف تبسط
الوحدة من كسها صح فقلت لها صح ماما....وهنا رايت سائل ابيض ينسال من بيت شفرات كس امي وقلت لها ماهذا السائل ماما ونظرت الي وقالت هاد هو سائل الشهوة يلي بتوصل له الأمرأة في قمة رعشتها ونشوتها عند مداعبة الزنبور والشفرات ايضا وقالت امي ولايهمك هاد شي طبيعي عند النسوان ....وهنا انتهينا من الحمام ونشفنا بعضنا...وقالت امي عطيني
الملابس الداخلية لحتى البس فقلت لها ليش مو في البيت مابتلبسي لانجوري...فقالت لانو بدها تروح
لعند رفيقتها ناديا لتنام عندها انا هون زعلت فحست علي امي اني زعلت وقالت لي لاتزعل حبيبي شي يوم باخدك لعندها تنام معنا ...وهون لبست امي وكان الانجوري اسود...وشفاف...
وكان....الكيلوت......خيط رفيع كتير من ما سمح للكيلوت بأن يختفي وينحشر بين فلقات طيزها الكبيرة و لدرجة انو فات الكيلوت بين اشفار كسها ولم يظهر الكيلوت من الامام لانه كان غارق في كس وشفرات امي الكبار يلي يكادو
في ان ينفجروو من الانتفاخ ومن كتر النياكة...المهم ارتدينا ملابسنا وجلسنا قليلا في الدار نتحدث
في المواضيع العائلية...قبل موعد مشوارها...بساعة تقريبا وطلبت مني امي بان اعملها مساج
خفيف قبل ذهابها...فوافقت على الفور ...وهنا خلعت امي رووب النوم الشفاف لونه زهر...وكان طوله ياتي الى الفخد..
فقط...وكان يظهر الكيلوت والسوتيانة من خلفه...؟
فخلعت ايضا السوتيانة ونامت على ضهرها وبدأت انا بالمساج وصارت امي تان وتتاوه من المساج المريح
وقالت امي انزل للاسفل قليلا...ونزلت..وبعد دقيقتين؟...قالت امي كمان شوي انزل فانزلت يدي
قليلا...للاسفل...وصرت عند منطقة الأرداف والطيز تقريبا في اول الشق....؟وهناظهر الكيلوت لي وقالت امي
عملي مساج لطيزي حبيبي..وبدات المساج في طيز امي وهي مسترخية على الآخر.. وقالت لي
حبيبي فادي شلحني الكيلوت اذا مدايقك في المساج..اوكي ماما ورحت مشلح امي الكيلوت ولما رفعت
طيزها الي ظهرت لي عورتها بالكامل هذه المرة شفت بخش طيزها الذي يميل لونه الى البني الفاتح وكان مفتوحااا...لوحده...كانها كانت تنتاك منذ قليل .....وااااو....على خرم طيز امي العاهرة
من كتر مو آكل زباب وايور...وقالت لي بلش المساج ابتدائا من الضهر واستقر في الطيز وهنا بلشت
انا في المساج...وكانت امي مستمتعة جداا....وقالت لي بعد قليل...في بالدرج كريم للمساج...ولاكني كنت أعرف نوعية الكريم وهو ليس للمساج بل هو لتكبير وشد الطيز الى الاعلى لأني رأيت أعلان الكريم ذات مرة في التلفاز
جيبه وتعال ماما جبت الكريم ولما كنت بدي اقعد قالت امي لا تقعد هيك مابترتاح...؟ قلتلها كيف
قالت لي قوم وقعود بين رجليي...فجلست بين ارجل امي وهي عارية...من الخلف..ورحت
امزج الكريم على جسد امي وافركه بيدي وهنا قالت امي توقف وضع كريم بس على طيزي وفركلي ياها...لأن هاذا الكريم ياحبيب امك فقط للمؤخرة....
وفعلا..بدئت في فرك ومزج الكريم وبعد قليل انزلقت يدي على بخش طيز امي من دون قصدي...ودخل أصبعي الأوسط بشرجهااا
وهنا صرخت....امي....آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآخ....وقالت ويحك ويحك ثم اياك.في ان تعبث في بخش
طيزي مرة تانية لقد عورتني ....أييييييي...ممممم...آآآآآآه...أوووووح....فقلت لها من تاثير الكريم...انا اسف ماما...فسامحتني وبعد قليل...قالت...بس بتعرف شي
قلت لها شو قالت...عجبتني طريقة انزلاق اصبعك جواا طيزي لأنها كانت بطريقة غير مباشرة عجبتني طريقة الأنزلاق وكأنها مزحة جميلة وقالت: كفي المساج بس بشرط قلتلها شو
قالت انك وانتة عم تمسجلي طيزي بدي ياك انو تمرر اصبعك الاوسط من من فوق شفرات طيزي...واريدك ان تعيد حركة انزلاق اصبعك بدبري لاكن عندما تريد فعل هذا لاتقول لي...وقلت لها لماذا امي؟...فقالت لكي أتفاجئ من الانزلاق....لقد أحببت هذه الحركة والانزلاق المفاجئ في خرم طيزي كأنه مساج لشرجي....يلااا لشوف تابع تلك الحركة
فقلت لها موافق...وفعلا....رحت امرر اصبعي من فوق خرمها الكبير ويلي كان منفتح شوي
من كتر المحن والاسترخاء يلي كانت فيه امي لانو كان خرمها عم يفرز سوائل لونها ابيض من طيزها ودبرها الكبير وتفوح منه رائحة طيز والدتي

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Doing the Divas

As you walk down the street on a fine summers day your mind begins to drift off as you run on auto pilot. You recall Wrestlemania 25 and in particular the Diva's, such fine specimen of woman and curves that caught the eyes. Whilst a cheesy grin emerged on your face as replayed each Diva in your head jumping around in slow motion you were dragged back into reality when out of nowhere...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 14

John leaned against his walking stick waiting for Mr. Jensen to settle into his chair. It was an old chair, one that had been repaired many times yet remained functional and level. The yard was neatly trimmed and free of weeds. The grass was green despite the time of year. The porch was clean. He swept it every morning with a broom that looked as old as he. The house was in good repair. John had watched him paint the outside of the house last summer. For a man in his seventies, he was still...

3 years ago
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Indiscretions Ch 08

Melissa Singleton got up in the morning, took a shower and got dressed. The print-decorated man-tailored blouse and gray slacks she chose looked terrific on her, but she wasn’t aware of that. Then she straightened up the house. Tom was due home from another overnight trip today, and Melissa made a practice of having the house look extra-good when her husband got back from a trip. The phone rang. She walked over and picked it up. ‘Melissa,’ Tom’s voice came through the receiver. ‘Honey, I hate...

1 year ago
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Saga of love

As madhu kissed on my right breast, her fingers started rubbing my mound. I could not resist what she was doing nor caress her with whole heart, it was my sister with whom I was having sex, I was eldest of all my siblings, my parents were quiet open what ever was going on in their lives to me. My dad and mom have a great married life, inspite of huge differences they have, my mom had few affairs even after marrying my dad for quiet a long time, my dad never went out of marriage, except for. I...

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When she was 23 she married a very nice young man who was 28 and they appeared to be very much in love. Eighteen months later she presented him with a healthy son. Two years later she called me in the middle of the night from the hospital to inform me that Jim had died from a massive coronary. I found out later that they had been making love and when they had finished she went to the kitchen to get them something to drink and when she returned he was gone. That was four months ago. The phone...

1 year ago
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The Towel

 Mark came home late Saturday night from his friend's house and entered through the back door into the kitchen and noticed his mom talking on the phone. He immediately noticed that she had a towel wrapped about herself. "Hi, mom," he said as walked in. "Geez, you're home early," she said. Mark looked at her. "What, mom!? It's after ten." "Is it that late already?" Mark nodded as his mom said her good byes to her phone friend. "I'll call you again, Mabel. Good bye." As she hung up the phone, she...

2 years ago
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Darkest DaysChapter 3

His body is warm and strong and Cynthia finds herself leaning into him as he tightens his embrace. Robert caresses her head. “Back when you were my life, you gave me something that I could live for. Now everything’s changed, and you’re gone. But I’m still here with nothing to hold on to.” He closes his eyes, trying to stop the tears. Why should I hold on when there’s nothing to hold on to. Sex made me feel alive, but now I’m bored with mindless passion. Drugs were somewhere to hide, but...

1 year ago
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Moms Milk Part 4

I finished my run and returned home to an empty house. Mom and the baby were dropping off Dan at the airport for a three day business trip. It had been a week since I had been alone with mom.As the shower water ran over my body, I closed my eyes and lathered my dick, reveling in the thought of getting lost in her large, milky breasts. I stopped before I went too far and rinsed the soap off my hard dick. By the time I had dried off and put on a pair of gym shorts, mom was pulling into the...

2 years ago
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Me And My Curious Cousin 8211 Part 2

I am sure you must have read my earlier experience with my cousin. I had fucked her and she had loved it. Since then we have done it almost regularly and she keeps coming for more. She is always horny to see me and kisses me whenever she gets a chance. We fuck whenever her parents are not home. We have tried many things like different positions, different things and did a little bit of role-playing twice. She, for her age, has a bigger ass than usual and bigger boobs than usual. She is fair but...

1 year ago
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The seduction and awakening of my wife Debbie

How my wife was seduced and awakend sexually during a Labor Day cookout with our new neighbor. My wife and I have been married for going on 10 years now. We married shortly out of high school and had a pretty good life together for most parts. The only area we had any real differences in was sex. Debbie had a very low sex drive and two or three times a month of routine ordinary, nothing to wild, sex was sufficient for her. I on the other hand wanted to go several times a day and the wilder and...

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Zimbabwean Revenge

ZIMBABWEAN REVENGE By Shabbadew2002 Email me at [email protected]  Ever since blacks came to power in 1980 in Rhodesia and the country became Zimbabwe, whites who didn?t emigrate have experienced hard times. ?Years of white rule left the black majority with a taste for revenge and retaliation. ?Now that they have the power, blacks have harassed whites, especially over the issue of land ownership. ?  White land owners have been threatened, bullied, arrested and had their land confiscated or...

4 years ago
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A Broken Man

I couldn't feel anything, not for my wife of twenty-five years, not for my grown daughter, and not for my granddaughter. Feeling anything just manifested itself as physical pain, so my life was only numbness. I had been like this for the past fifteen years. I did my job well, took care of my family, but felt no love or no passion for life. I would often daydream of ways to kill myself. Then it happened; a Saturday morning walking the dog, and I stopped at a neighbors garage sale. I talked to...

2 years ago
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Vengeance Is MineChapter 9

Adrienne We had finished with Darius in the back of Walmart and were walking to the front when we were stopped by an AT&T salesperson trying to pitch DirectTV to us. I looked at Meredith and smiled. She returned my smile knowing what I was thinking. “Sure, we would love to hear about your offer,” I told him. The salesperson started on his sales pitch, and I spoke to Meredith through our link. “This is an easy thing to master. Simply bring your magic forward, look them in the eye and ask...

3 years ago
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Net MommyChapter 4

For the first time, I really hated the plumber who had visited my place to attend a complaint of a leaking tap in our bathroom. He took almost two hours to finish his works, and during that whole period I had been cursing myself for registering the complaint with the company. Rick remained in his room, and didn't come out to see what was happening. Finally he completed his work; I felt relieved. I thanked him and signed the bill. I showed him door and once he was gone I locked it carefully...

1 year ago
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The School Girl

Shannon returned home from a long day of school and shopping. The eighteen year old blonde had spent her one evening off of the week looking for new clothes so that she could start going to job interviews. Her current job filing papers for a prestigious law firm had grown dull. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, something she could learn from and put down on her resume’e when she went off to law school. Instead of learning how to put crooks behind bars and protect the innocent, she had...

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Quick Business Trip

This just happen yesterday, I had to go out of town for a quick business trip to the panhandle of Texas about a 7 hour drive from where I live. I aske my wife if she wanted to ride along with me for the fun of it. She readily agreed to go with me. I told her it might be best if she took an over night bag with her as if it was to late we get a room somewhere. We woke early AM like 3:00 AM, was loaded and on the road by 3:30 AM. My wife was still sleepy so she relaxed in the passenger seat and...

4 years ago
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A Smooth Operator

Smooth Operator …. So it was just another boring day as phone sex professional. Horny guys (and sometimes gals) calling me all day just wanting to stroke that cock and go. If I do my job right and take enough calls I can make 100 a day with my voice. My little girl voice that every man wants to hear screaming for daddy to fuck me. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy … my panties are so wet daddy …. mmmm my pussy is so hot daddy mmmmm Booooorrrriiiiinnnggggg! Every guy wants a certain fantasy girl that is a...

3 years ago
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Exploration With My Sexy Cousin

I was 18 or 19 years old and exploring my sexuality. During that time after 12th standard, I was introduced to sex, porn movies and girls. Having a computer in my room helped me watch movies with ease. This story is about that wonderful summer and how it unfolded into a wonderful mêlée of sweat, cum, breasts and smelly pussy. I was old enough but not old enough to have a separate bed when our house gets crowded with relatives. It was an innocent night except for the fact Pooja was in the house....

3 years ago
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Little Bit of Fun

Prologue i. ‘Do you know what would be fun?’ ‘No. Tell me.’ ‘Stealing a transporter band and going to Earth.’ ‘You think it would be fun to break the law?’ ‘Nah, I think it would be fun to go to Earth. I don’t care how we get there.’ ‘Well, you go on your own then. I’m not getting involved. They’ll lock you up for life if they find out you’ve been to a forbidden planet. Especially the most forbidden planet in the galaxy.’ ‘They’ll never know. We’ll be back before anyone realises we’re gone.’...

2 years ago
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Fucking Mrs McKinley

Introduction: The events leading up to and following the few months I spent fucking the Theater Arts teacher. Most of my friends have two or three crazy stories to tell. One of them fucked a co-worker in the employee bathroom while the manager thought they were moving freight. Another guy had a threesomea goddamn threesomein the high school band hall. I remember being surprised that people actually did that sort of thing outside of porn. Ive only had one sexual encounter that was really...

1 year ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 51

"So the deck of the barge is just wide enough so that you can walk around the house without leaving the barge. We will have to weld some some uprights, then string some cable between them to make a rail. If that's okay with you," Ev said. He obviously was going to be treating it like his own project. "Sure that's fine," I said. "One thing I learned from my house at County Seat is that insulation is important. We sprayed on some foam inside and out. We filled in the shape of the...

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Karen From Trophy Wife to Slutwife 1

PrologueEveryone calls me Rich. It’s short for Richard, but also because I’m filthy rich. I’m not the guy who flaunts his wealth, but I have a nice car, nice house, and I have a trophy wife. Here is where the story begins. My trophy wife is named Karen. I’m a thirty years her senior. She 24yo and has a smoking hot body. Hey, that’s why I married here. I knew she was after my money, but I figured that I would be getting that body to myself for the rest of my life. I mean she a real looker. Long...

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Mindys EscapeChapter 6

Several police cars made their way through the construction of Shady Acres Condominiums, a new housing development that the town board agreed would be a marked improvement over the slum that it replaced. Detective Merrill from CSI: Piscataway walked up to one of the police officers looking down into the bare foundation of one of the demolished houses, "What do we have here, officer?" The officer replied, "Sir, the construction crew found a body in the basement of this old...

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Goddess Phyllis

Goddess Phyllis Goddess Phyllis  I remembered that face as soon as I saw her. Phyllis?s younger sister. I had been jerking off to her, Phyllis and their mother, Elly, since I was a teenager. I always imagined that Elly, starting at a very young age, taught her girls all about the power of sex and the pussy. How to use both to get anything you want. How to seduce a woman or man. I never imagined that all that was true, and then some. So, thirty years later, here I was with Karen,...

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“My pupils grew,” David thought as he watched Olivia enter the room, and saw the lights gel together into a big bright blur. He rubbed his eyes and recovered sight in time to watch Olivia walk to her seat, her hips ebbing and flowing into his memory. This was the first time he’d seen her since school let out for summer vacation. He was almost positive she’d never been this curvaceous- her body flowed like water, genes as shameless as an ocean. It was ridiculous for him to call this high school...

Quickie Sex
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To The End Game Part 2

Because John is my best friend, I get to hang out at his place a lot. Jenny his girlfriend was always there. Ever since I saw the sex video they made and secretly copied it, I've been obsessed with Jenny. I always had a thing for her but that video made it unbearable for me to not have her. I knew deep down that she was a slut even if she appeared to be demure. The way she acted in that video was so slutty she almost seemed like a whore. And I'm going to have her one way or the other. So I...

Cheating Wifes
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Would you like to try it Snowballing

"Have you ever heard of snowballing?" my wife asked me one night as she sensed my moment of climax rapidly approaching.We often spoke to each other during sex, even oral sex, which was our preferred method of satisfying ourselves and each other.Recently we had increased our gym nights from two to three each week, working out on the machines and enjoying the ever-present eye candy. For a couple in our forties, we were both in pretty good shape, if I must say so myself, and sweating and straining...

4 years ago
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Not proud

Is there anyone else who fucked a woman and will never tell anyone else about it?My friend, Travis and I had been running out 10 K run as we normally do every other day. We biked and swam too, so our goal was to be competing in Iron Man races.It was early Friday evening and we got back to his house drenched in sweat. His parents had a big house with a swimming pool and gym in the basement of the house. They also had a sauna and a hot tub outside. Our legs were really sore so we jumped in the...

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Me And My Cousin Huma Part II

By : Suhail Khan Hi, I am Suhail Khan from Aligarh. In my previous post, I mentioned how the sexual relations between me and my elder cousin Huma started. We were having regular sex, almost every day in the afternoon when her parents used to sleep. She started taking birth control pills regularly. This continued for 14 months, and then the time came of her marriage. One day after we had sex, she said, “Suhail, main bohut tension mein hoon, jab suhagraat mein woh mere saath karenge, to unko pata...

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One FeliciaWhy does he have to be so damn hot?Felicia stood in her opulent bedroom, one manicured hand clutching the fine d****ry and the other pressed to the glass as she gazed down at Colin from the window. Her stepson was bent over, stretching for his run, ass firm beneath his sweats. From this angle, she could see how the material hugged his balls. Her pussy grew wet just imagining what it would be like to squeeze them. They wouldn’t feel anything like David’s. She just knew it. No, whereas...

4 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 34

Have you ever seen a cat sleep upside down ... flat on their back? I've seen kittens do it. I've seen kittens sleep upside down with their rear paws crossed, their front paws crossed and even both front and rear paws crossed. I've even stuck a lily of the valley stalk in crossed front paws, took a picture of it and won a contest for a funeral home. Doesn't She Look Natural? The picture just after the flash was cute, too. That kitten had shredded lily everywhere. When I showed the after...

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Miss December

Part I David watched from the window as the car pulled around the corner and out of sight. It was Friday evening, and now he’d have the house to himself for the whole weekend. He was looking forward to relaxing at home for a couple days before he had to go back to the real world on Monday. He decided to take a shower because he wanted to be nice and clean for what he was planning to do. He made sure to wash himself thoroughly. He admired his cock as he cleaned the long semi-erect shaft....

2 years ago
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Best Customer Service

The best customer ever! I have been in the plumbing business my whole life and I have had my share of Horny house wives calling up to get a young service man to come over and service their needs. I have had my share of women as well and I am always willing to help out a horny lady anytime. But I was never thinking that I would be sharing a story like this one. It all started on a hot summer morning and I was working in the office like I have been for the last few years. I mostly do the take...

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