قصة ام فادي من دمشق 2017 جزء 2 free porn video

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رفعت امي رجلها الاولى
والتانية لاتزال في البانيوو...وغسلتها من الرغوة جيداا...وقالت لي يلا لشوف مصلي اصبيعي
وانا هون بلشت مصمصة وامي بدء الامر يعجبها وتان أأأأممممم اااي ااي وتقول اقوى حبيبي اقوى فزدت من قوة المص لاصبيع رجليها يلي
كانو في منتهى الجمال والاناقة والأعتناء الفائق والمينيكور الأحمر الغامق...وهنا كانت قدم امي التانية
لاتزال في البانيوو...وهي تلامس قضيبي عن طريقة غير مباشرة وسريعة وكانت خاطفة جداا....وكأنها تحلب ايري بين أصابع قدميها
وهنا انتهيت من المصمصة انا...؟وقالت امي برافو حبيبي انتة ابني يلي بفتخرفيك لانك شاطر في
مداعبة النساء...قلت لها شكرا ماما لانك خليتيني مصلك اصبيع رجليكي الطيبين...فردت امي بصوت
مبحوح...من اللذة وقالت لي انو متى تشاء فيك تلعبلي باصبيع رجليي وتمصون قد مابدك...قلت لهاجد...فردت بنعم
حبيبي....بس اصبيعي؟...قلت لها شكراا ماما....؟وهنا اكملنا الحمام وقالت لي وشو عجبك كمان
فقلت لها انو هي هاد الشي الوحيد يلي بخجل منو امي فقالت قوول عادي بلا خجل ماما ...؟
فقالت لي شبك احكي فقلت لها لاأريد بخجل وهنا وقفت أمي كان جسمها باكمله على مرآى ناظري
واشرت بيدها على كسها وقالت لي شوو شبك قصدك كسي...؟مو...صح حبيبي...فهزيت
راسي بخجل فضحكت امي ولاتزال واقفة وممسكة بشفرات كسها الكبار المرخيين وقالت لي شو يلي عجبك فيه لكسي...فقلت لها بخجل شفراته
الكبار والواسعين...وقالت امي جد قلت لها اي جد ماما فردت علي امي بسؤال مفاجئ...؟هل تود
ان تلامس كسي وتلامس اشفاره الكبيرة...فقلت لها لا؟....فقالت امي ليش حبيبي مو انا امك...ماني غريبة وأطمن مارح أزعل بالعكس أنا عم وعيك؟؟
هون انا ضليت ساكت...فمسكت امي يدي بطريقة سريعة ومفاجئة وانسلت اصابعي الى كس امي
الكبير والمنتفخ..وشفراته الكبار ويلي كانو مرخيين من بخار الحمام وكانت يدي قابضة على كس امي
وتعتصره هي بيدي...وانا مدهوش من ماما وقالت شو عجبك ...كسي...وقلت لها بجنن...أأأمممم ااي ااي ااي وقالت لي بعبصني ماما شوي لحتى تتعلم كيف تبسط المراة..وقلت لها كيف فمسكت اصبيعي
وفوتتن بكسها ومسكت يدي التانية ووضعتها على زنبورها وهي تان وتتاوه وتصرخ من الشهوه اااااااه ااااي ممممممموووها ويزيد
صراخ امي وتقول يلا بسرعة كمان بعصني كمان حبيبي كمان.ااي ااي ااي مممممممم.....آآآآخ....أييييييي...آآآآآآآآآآآآآه.......أوووووووووه
أووووووووح........مممممممم....وصارت تتلوى بجسمها وصدرها يرتج فوق عيوني واردافها وفخادها تتلوى مع انثناء جسدها...وتقول ممممممم....أيييييي كسي ....أوووح... ووووح...ثم أطلقت صرخة عالية جدا تدل بانها وصلت لرعشتهاااا آآآآآآآآآآآآآخ.......وبعد لحظات توقفت أمي عن التأوه وكأنها نسيت أن من يبعبص في كسها وزنبورها وشفرات كسااا الكبار نسيت انو هادا ابنها وقالت لي...يسلمو...ماما لانك بعبصتني شوي وهيك بكون علمتك كيف تبسط
الوحدة من كسها صح فقلت لها صح ماما....وهنا رايت سائل ابيض ينسال من بيت شفرات كس امي وقلت لها ماهذا السائل ماما ونظرت الي وقالت هاد هو سائل الشهوة يلي بتوصل له الأمرأة في قمة رعشتها ونشوتها عند مداعبة الزنبور والشفرات ايضا وقالت امي ولايهمك هاد شي طبيعي عند النسوان ....وهنا انتهينا من الحمام ونشفنا بعضنا...وقالت امي عطيني
الملابس الداخلية لحتى البس فقلت لها ليش مو في البيت مابتلبسي لانجوري...فقالت لانو بدها تروح
لعند رفيقتها ناديا لتنام عندها انا هون زعلت فحست علي امي اني زعلت وقالت لي لاتزعل حبيبي شي يوم باخدك لعندها تنام معنا ...وهون لبست امي وكان الانجوري اسود...وشفاف...
وكان....الكيلوت......خيط رفيع كتير من ما سمح للكيلوت بأن يختفي وينحشر بين فلقات طيزها الكبيرة و لدرجة انو فات الكيلوت بين اشفار كسها ولم يظهر الكيلوت من الامام لانه كان غارق في كس وشفرات امي الكبار يلي يكادو
في ان ينفجروو من الانتفاخ ومن كتر النياكة...المهم ارتدينا ملابسنا وجلسنا قليلا في الدار نتحدث
في المواضيع العائلية...قبل موعد مشوارها...بساعة تقريبا وطلبت مني امي بان اعملها مساج
خفيف قبل ذهابها...فوافقت على الفور ...وهنا خلعت امي رووب النوم الشفاف لونه زهر...وكان طوله ياتي الى الفخد..
فقط...وكان يظهر الكيلوت والسوتيانة من خلفه...؟
فخلعت ايضا السوتيانة ونامت على ضهرها وبدأت انا بالمساج وصارت امي تان وتتاوه من المساج المريح
وقالت امي انزل للاسفل قليلا...ونزلت..وبعد دقيقتين؟...قالت امي كمان شوي انزل فانزلت يدي
قليلا...للاسفل...وصرت عند منطقة الأرداف والطيز تقريبا في اول الشق....؟وهناظهر الكيلوت لي وقالت امي
عملي مساج لطيزي حبيبي..وبدات المساج في طيز امي وهي مسترخية على الآخر.. وقالت لي
حبيبي فادي شلحني الكيلوت اذا مدايقك في المساج..اوكي ماما ورحت مشلح امي الكيلوت ولما رفعت
طيزها الي ظهرت لي عورتها بالكامل هذه المرة شفت بخش طيزها الذي يميل لونه الى البني الفاتح وكان مفتوحااا...لوحده...كانها كانت تنتاك منذ قليل .....وااااو....على خرم طيز امي العاهرة
من كتر مو آكل زباب وايور...وقالت لي بلش المساج ابتدائا من الضهر واستقر في الطيز وهنا بلشت
انا في المساج...وكانت امي مستمتعة جداا....وقالت لي بعد قليل...في بالدرج كريم للمساج...ولاكني كنت أعرف نوعية الكريم وهو ليس للمساج بل هو لتكبير وشد الطيز الى الاعلى لأني رأيت أعلان الكريم ذات مرة في التلفاز
جيبه وتعال ماما جبت الكريم ولما كنت بدي اقعد قالت امي لا تقعد هيك مابترتاح...؟ قلتلها كيف
قالت لي قوم وقعود بين رجليي...فجلست بين ارجل امي وهي عارية...من الخلف..ورحت
امزج الكريم على جسد امي وافركه بيدي وهنا قالت امي توقف وضع كريم بس على طيزي وفركلي ياها...لأن هاذا الكريم ياحبيب امك فقط للمؤخرة....
وفعلا..بدئت في فرك ومزج الكريم وبعد قليل انزلقت يدي على بخش طيز امي من دون قصدي...ودخل أصبعي الأوسط بشرجهااا
وهنا صرخت....امي....آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآخ....وقالت ويحك ويحك ثم اياك.في ان تعبث في بخش
طيزي مرة تانية لقد عورتني ....أييييييي...ممممم...آآآآآآه...أوووووح....فقلت لها من تاثير الكريم...انا اسف ماما...فسامحتني وبعد قليل...قالت...بس بتعرف شي
قلت لها شو قالت...عجبتني طريقة انزلاق اصبعك جواا طيزي لأنها كانت بطريقة غير مباشرة عجبتني طريقة الأنزلاق وكأنها مزحة جميلة وقالت: كفي المساج بس بشرط قلتلها شو
قالت انك وانتة عم تمسجلي طيزي بدي ياك انو تمرر اصبعك الاوسط من من فوق شفرات طيزي...واريدك ان تعيد حركة انزلاق اصبعك بدبري لاكن عندما تريد فعل هذا لاتقول لي...وقلت لها لماذا امي؟...فقالت لكي أتفاجئ من الانزلاق....لقد أحببت هذه الحركة والانزلاق المفاجئ في خرم طيزي كأنه مساج لشرجي....يلااا لشوف تابع تلك الحركة
فقلت لها موافق...وفعلا....رحت امرر اصبعي من فوق خرمها الكبير ويلي كان منفتح شوي
من كتر المحن والاسترخاء يلي كانت فيه امي لانو كان خرمها عم يفرز سوائل لونها ابيض من طيزها ودبرها الكبير وتفوح منه رائحة طيز والدتي

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Caring and Fucking

By: AWC Zoey brought Beverly back to the bed, lovingly putting her down and then maneuvering her towards the middle of the big round bed. So very gently he undid her shirt buttons and pushed it of her naked shoulders, exposing her very young, touching 21 curvy solid meat breasts decorated with the most perfect and erect nipples. The force of his bright black eyes was making Bev to tremble as he licked her lips and bent down to take her nipple in his mouth once again, licking and sucking them...

4 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 43

Steve, Sunday mornings are always fun around home. Chuck showed up with his crew, dressed to stimulate as much as my ladies did. As breakfast was eaten, Chuck said, "I want play with the new boat. What do you think, Steve, could we take it out for a while?" People heard Chuck's request and were speaking up, "Yeah, take us out on the new boat." "Let's see if Chuck can captain his new boat." "Come on Steve and Mercy; let's help Chuck check out his boat." Sue rolled her eyes and...

4 years ago
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My first gay experience with an old man pt2

Scott and I stood in the back because we didn't plan on staying that long. It was pretty dark but you could sort of make out what the others were doing in their seats. On the screen, some guy with a fat cock was fucking a beautiful girl in the ass. It was hot and both Scott and I commented on how horny we were getting. Scott leaned over and jokingly said, "from behind, she looks like you" which I took as a compliment. Even though were just friends now, we'd still throw sexual innuendos at each...

3 years ago
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The Great DepressionChapter 4

Only three passengers got off the train. One was an elderly man and the other two were a stunningly beautiful young woman holding the arm of a plumb middle age woman. As soon as Elizabeth saw the young woman she knew that she was Anna. Even though she had not seen her for a very long time she was struck by her resemblance to her mother who had been Elizabeth's sister. While Anna's luggage was being unloaded, her nurse explained to Elizabeth what she was to expect from Anna. She could eat...

2 years ago
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AdultTime Animation

AdultTime Animation is not your typical Saturday morning cartoons, at least according to the motto. That’s good news for me, since these days, I sprinkle every bowl of Cap’n Crunch with a healthy dosage of Viagra. Some folks grew up cranking it to Naruto, others to the Ninja Turtles, and still more had their first orgasm to the mom from The Incredibles. Hey, there ain’t no shame in it; cartoon porn is more popular than it’s ever been, and now you’ve got a lot more options when it comes to...

Premium Hentai Sites
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The Photographer

Chris was someone I had first ‘met’ on the chat section of Lush Stories. And here I was now stepping into his flat in London. Just the two of us. Our initial chat interaction had expanded into further lengthy chats, followed by numerous e-mail exchanges. We seemed to hit it off on-line and swapped stories, lifestyles, pictures and praise for the content on each others Profile Page on the site. We had many common interests and each loved the substance of the videos, pics and stories posted by...

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Analized August Taylor Living Fuck Doll

August Taylor is walking jerk off material. Her big fake tits and puffy DSL’s are there to get every cock in the room rock hard. This horny slut shows off her body with the sole purpose of letting the people at home see what a perfect fuck dolls she is. Her tight shaved pussy is dripping with excitement as she struts up to her dick for the day. She crawls to him and opens her mouth. With no hesitations he starts to pound his rock hard dick in and out of the cum dumpsters throat. August...

3 years ago
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The wheels spun uselessly in the snow, making a sorry attempt at a ‘woo-woo’ sound. Fuck. Jess’s eyes traveled to the blocked road sign that had caused her to swerve and she cursed again. Fuck. She was trapped in a snow bank and the heat was quickly dying in her car, the battery running low. It was far too cold to stay in her car any longer, and she knew that the main highway was only a mile or so back. The snow fall was light so she wouldn’t get too cold and when she reached the highway she...

5 years ago
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Birthday MagicChapter 6

"Let's see," Jennifer said as she looked carefully at the page. "I guess I just say these words, and it opens?" "Here, put the cube right in front of you." Drawing a deep breath, Jennifer exclaimed, "Here goes!" After muttering the words on the page, Jennifer looked down at the box. However, it remained motionless on the bed. "Hmm," Jennifer said in disappointment. "I don't think anything happened." Peter fumbled with his pants for a few moments and replied, "Yeah, that's...

2 years ago
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Welcome To Fictionmania Land

Hi here is my contest entry and my Valentine to the group and it's authors. I hope you will see this as the tribute it is meant to be and try to find all the TG refernces made in it. Welcome To Fictionmania Land by Cabinessence (Fictionmania Contest Entry) I have always been more of a stay at home guy rather than a social animal. I'd much rather spend quiet evenings just hanging around the dorm than going out partying as many of the other guys who lived in my dorm did....

2 years ago
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Brookdale Chapter 3

CHAPTER THREEThe positions she had already heard about were embarrassing, but the idea of ever being ordered to masturbate in front of others was mortifying. It only reminded her that there were no doubt many things that James would demand that will humiliate her and remind her of her lower position. Becca's eyes were wide, her mouth dropping open slightly showing her shock at doing such a thing. Quickly she closed her lips, as she did not want to appear doubtful of what she herself had been...

4 years ago
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The Candidate

The Candidate (A woman finds the perfect victim for feminization) By Miss Vicky I had been told what to expect and there he was, my next candidate! Even if I hadn't been told about this one, I would have recognized the potential he exhibited. How did I know this? I can't really explain it in mere words. All I can tell you is that I knew this one would be susceptible to what I had in mind. I had been watching him watch me for more than ten minutes now and I just knew. Perhaps it...

4 years ago
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——————————————————— While I had always been a good looking guy (people said I looked like Michael B. Jordan) girls never paid me much attention. That changed my junior year. I spent my first two years of high school working out. I wasn’t big, more of a lean/cut body build. I finally hit a growth spurt and grew from 5’6 to 6’ even, weighing in at 175 pounds. I combined my skills with my new height to lead the basketball team. I guess being the new star of the subpar team had its perks. Girls...

2 years ago
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PurgatoryX Laura Fox Bailey Archer The Body Shop Vol 1 E3

When Laura (Laura Fox) goes to the body shop to pick-up her car, Markus (Markus Kage) and Gabriel (Gabriel Clark) give her the final total of the bill. Its now $6,500 and Laura knows just how to make payment. After saving her chewed gum for later, she stuffs fat cocks down her throat as the horny bookkeeper (Bailey Archer) looks-on. Bailey watches Markus and Gabriel spit-roast Laura and finally decides to join the fun. When Gabriel introduces Bailey, Laura’s surprised and pleased to see Bailey...

3 years ago
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Office Flirting Turns into Office Fucking

Sitting across from one another in the restaurant section of a local bar, Cathy and I couldn't stop telling each our our deepest secrets.We had worked with one another for nearly two years and always enjoyed one another's company. I was her boss but couldn't stop myself from having "impure" thoughts about getting my hands on her fantastic body. A brunette with shoulder length dark hair, Cathy could melt any man or woman's heart with her sweet smile. A nice plump ass along with tits not too big...

2 years ago
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My son married me

Hello! My name is Mrs. Sumathi. I am from South India and I migrated to Italy, a place of sexy wonders, two years back with my new husband Suresh. We have a beautiful daughter Pravesh who is 19 months old this month. The reason for writing my story is tell you my little secret. My new husband Suresh is infact my own son. He married me, his own mother, before bring me to US as his wife. How it all happened? Please read on! I was married to Suresh’s dad Saravanan when I was 18. Ours is an...

3 years ago
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Tmkoc Episode 6 8211 Bang Bang

Hi friends, I’m back with the next episode. In case u forgot me im humraaj from vadodara. Any female or aunty if want to have some fun from or around vadodara can contact me on Now lets move to the story. Jaisa ki aap jante hai Jethalal babita ko chod ke sojata hai aur uski neend sidhe dophar 2 baje khulti hai. Phone pe 140 miss call aur wo aur babita dono sakhte mein hote hai. Babita kehti hai B: jetha ji ab kya karein J: wahi samaj nahi aa rahi babita ji. babpuji subah se phbe kar rahe...

2 years ago
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BongaCams Squirt

I’m not going to get into the debate of whether squirting orgasms are real or not, but I believe it’s part of the reason the niche is so popular. Which explains why babes who show off their squirting skills on live shows have always been in high demand. I bet we can all agree that a chick who can launch a hot pussy juice fountain out of their vagina will only make your fap sessions sexier. Well, the popularity of the niche has led to several live cam platforms hosting an onslaught of these...

Live Squirt Cams
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Gurl Story ndash Be Careful What You Wish For

“This one right here” Max said. “This little sissy is perfect!” Max and his two friends had spent the last few weeks scouring Craigslist personal ads for a small crossdressing sissy that they could take advantage of in the back room at Max’s dive bar. “I’ll email the cunt with a few pics of my nine-inch cock – see if she bites!” he bragged to his friends. Sure enough, two hours later, the CD named Holly liked and commented on Max’s pictures. Throughout the day Max and Holly swopped information...

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My Horny Teacher

Hi iss readers this is Goutham from chennai. I’m 23 of age now this incident happened on my 18th age. Please give your suggestions and comments on first introduce myself. I’m a average student i was studied at 12th class computer science group. I was good in all subjects except physics subject. Am the only son for my parent so they gets so much of involvement in my studies. They put me to tuition but there is no use. We rented two of our house. There is my angel monisha was living. Her age is...

3 years ago
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The New Client Dedicated to SofaCouple Miss Ter

I pulled up to the detatched house similar to all the others in the street. As I got out of the car in my best suit, as I wanted to impress these potential new clients and reached across to get my laptop a blonde toned female runner came by me and asked are you going to number 22. Yes I said. She looked me up and down undressing me with her eyes and smiles like the cat who got the cream and ran off. This was an unusual experience for me as I was not what you would call eye candy in fact more...

2 years ago
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The Shopping Trip

Sarah poured herself a cup of coffee and sighed, looking at the time. It was just past 9:00 a.m. and Don wasn't due back until 7 tonight. He had already been gone two days. She had tried keeping busy with work, but with having today off she feared the day would go incredibly slow. Stirring the sugar into her mug, she silently wished she had something to do to pass the time quicker. Startled, she jumped when the doorbell rang. She wasn't expecting anyone but welcomed the interruption.Looking...

Quickie Sex
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Dinner at the Overlook Room

After a hectic day of meetings and presentations in the city, Silvia decided to treat herself to an early dinner at the exclusive Overlook room, on the 85th floor of the City Center Tower. She reasoned that by getting there early, she would be able to have a relaxing meal, a few drinks, and watch the sunset during dessert. The gorgeous Latina was still dressed to kill in her grey pinstriped business suit and skirt, with a white silk blouse sheer black stockings, and shiny black pumps with...

1 year ago
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I Had To Have Her Part 2

I helped Megan up off the mats, and then kissed her once deeply and passionately. Then we noticed how we looked and what people would think when they saw the mats like that and us just standing nearby. So we both decided that that day was the best to not be at practice. "Do you think you can give me a ride home so I can get my stuff for high school and get a shower in?" she asked me. "Yeah sure let me grab my keys." I told her. I walked over to the other side of the gym and grabbed my keys and...

Erotic Fiction
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Mom Bani Dost Ki Sex Girl

Hi. Its my first story so if there are any mistakes please ignore it. So mein start karta hoon story apni mom ka description dekar her name is natasha, 46 years ki hai aur apni age ki womens se slim hai . Normally suit and saree hi pehenti hai except at night, when she wears maxi. Gori chiti hai aur figure size 36 32 34 hai. Make up jyada nahi karti aur hamesha ban thankar rehti hai. Is kahani mein 3 characters hai me,my mom and my friend. Meri mom ka nam to jan hi chuke hai aaplog so let me...

3 years ago
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Popular 3

I've already gotten more response to the second part than the first; that's why I wrote part 3 so much more quickly. It's still going to be a while before Tom isn't Tom, but a slut on his knees. Please keep telling me what you think, and if you have any requests. By the way: I'm a tall, thin, finely featured man with a secret desire to be treated like the slut I feel I am. I live in the NYC area. If anyone has any advice, I'd be ever so grateful. [email protected] Popular...

4 years ago
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Triple Your Pleasure

"It looks like you have a horny little fan club, Babe," I said to my wife. We were sitting at a bar after a long hot day on the beach. About twenty feet away at a table outside on the patio sat three young men who had been staring at Susan since she walked in.I call them young men, but I would guess they still had a couple of years to not be considered as teenagers."Yeah, I've felt them undressing me with their eyes. I'm feeling quite naked actually." I looked at her and just smiled. She...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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The taking of a conservative wife Chapter One

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a hot August Saturday afternoon and Deb was home by herself all weekend while her husband, Ron was out of town working. No matter what she did she could not escape the heat. Deb was 42 years old and took good care of herself. She still had a body that would make most 19 year olds jealous. She stood 5’4” and weighed 112 lbs. Debs breast were on the smaller side with her 34” chest...

1 year ago
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Sis cums of age

I was watching TV late last Saturday in my room over the garage. I had built the attic room myself as a statement to the family and myself that I was growing up and it was getting close to the time I would need a place of my own. Even now I needed to feel a bit of separation. My folks went along with me, remembering perhaps the same times in thier lives. It wasn't a palace, but it was mine, sort of, and it was good to get time to myself to think out the changes that were piling up in my...

First Time
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Bahamas Revelations

My fiancee, Debby, and I had dated since we were 15. It is now over 9 years later. I was on an airplane, heading for Nassau in the Bahamas for what to have been our honeymoon.My mind drifted back to I recent events.Debby and I became engaged over a year ago, after we had both finished our bachelor degrees. I was working toward being a veterinarian. She was a physical education teacher, at least until a month ago. A month ago I received a call from Debby’s mother at 3:00 A.M. on a Sunday...

5 years ago
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Stupid Cupid

STUPID CUPID by Throne There was a whole flock of them, flitting around high above the city. They were cute little cherubs, their wings flapping as each one checked the bow he carried and the quiver of arrows slung over his bare shoulder. They had blond curls and wore modest diaper-like garments. All of them appeared about the same except for one. It was Kelvin, an inexperienced and rather confused Cupid, who was obviously confused and kept going around in circles. Several of the...


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