SmokeSCREEN : Book6.0 free porn video

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Dear Literotica reader,

Please forgive spelling mistakes and the like – my spell-checker has decided to take an extended vacation, and I’m afraid you and I must suffer for it.


* * *

my hurt inside is fading / this shits gone way too far / all this time i’ve been waiting / oh i cannot breath anymore / for whats insides awaking / i’m not i’m not a whore / you’ve taken everything and / oh i cannot give any more

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We grab an O-bag of stuff guaranteed to put you to sleep and head upstairs, pawing each other the whole way.

I wish I wasn’t stoned. I hope I’ll remember this tomorrow.

We toss the bag at the others, still giggling in their circle of couches and keep right on going.

‘Hey, are you guys, um…’ and Cat trails off, just before I slam the door to his room behind us. It’s dark, except for the light let in by the office windows and he strikes a match for his candle.

For a second he’s at the window and I’m still by the door, and we’re uneasy. If I go to him, am I being too forward?

No – crossing a room is just crossing a room.

My feet begin moving anyway, and soon I’m beside him. Even while lighting the candle he hasn’t looked away, and he wraps an arm around me, slowly as I kiss him again. He clutches me tight, and the kiss becomes slower – longer – wet.

I don’t know entirely what to do in this situation – what little I know I’ve pieced together from a children’s book called Where Did I Come From? that my parents showed my older sister when she was six. That along with some pamphlets, some porn and a little masturbation forms my basic understanding of sex. Perhaps ‘a little’ is the wrong phrase… I used to fantasize about Cypress all the time.

‘Hey?’ I’m staring at him – we’ve stopped kissing apparently.

‘What?’ I ask.

‘What’re you thinking about?’

‘I’ve never done this before.’

Am I nervous? No. Curious. I suppose he is too.

I shove him over to the bed and pull my shirt off – he gives the bra a double-take.

‘Like it?’

He takes his shirt off – there’s still a bandage on his shoulder, but most of his cuts are healing nicely. I’m very aware of the bandages on my arms now, and the not-quite healed bullet wound in my shoulder.

‘Come here,’ he says, reaching out for me in the dim light. I let him take me by the wrist and draw me to the bed as he sits, reaching up and behind me to fumble with the clasp of my bra.

‘Want help?’

‘I need practice,’ he grins, kissing me as he finally gets it.

‘Quick learner.’ I kiss him back and place a finger against his chest, pushing him down onto the bed. I lean over him and kiss his lips – his chin, his chest and his stomach before whispering, ‘Stay,’ and kneeling to his boots. I quickly unlace them and pull them from his feet – huh – he’s got big feet. His socks come off next, then I stand up and place one my little feet on his thigh.

He unties the bows and helps me out of the Chuck Taylors before I step back and let the skirt drop.

Jesus Christ I’m naked.

‘Take your pants off,’ I tell him, he smiles and stands, unbuckling his belt. He reaches for me but I step just shy of him and raise a hand to my chin, contemplating him. ‘All the way off,’ I say. He does, kicking them away and stands completely naked in front of me – he’s not wearing underwear. Huh. He’s up.

I want to ask if that’s all me – if he’s thinking about somebody else. I don’t. I let a finger graze my breast while I look at him, though. Scarred but strong. Sharp lines – broad shoulders, slim hips, long legs. He reaches for me again and I finally come to him – I’m getting cold.

He folds us into the bed under a soft blanket and wraps his arms around me. Warm and soft but firm and solid, it’s like cuddling up with the best teddy bear in the world – he kisses me again, but I have to ask in a whisper,

‘You sure there’s no one else you’d rather have?’

He thinks about it.

‘What the FUCK is your problem?!’

I’m not in the Tower – I’m in my army-surplus bunk bed.

I’m being screamed at, for sleeping late it seems.

The old one doesn’t stop shouting as I throw my one outfit on, calling me names.

Worm. Maggot. Slut. Dyke. Walking shit. I look forward to tonight, when I’ll be able to sleep again. It’s the only pleasure I’m allowed.

I’ve felt like many different people over the course of my life. I’ve been a daughter. A confidant. A sister. A mother. A cook. A friend. A doctor. A solider. A killer.

It hasn’t occurred to me until this moment what I actually am now.

I’m a whore.

At the moment, I am, and this is my story – but it’s not about sex. To be truthful, I know very little of sex – I’ve never met the man in my dreams.

So far he never touches me.

He just looks.

And it’s hard to believe what I’ve become.

His name is Michael Connor – but everyone calls him Mickey. The man in the black leather mask. He first took a shine to me before the Forks went up. After Crow ran off, he spoke to me. He was nice.

And then, in the scramble afterwards, when they were rounding us up, he made certain I wasn’t hurt. And when they took me to him, and he offered me food, I took it willingly. I spoke to him and became comfortable with him. So when he held back food until I showed him my shoulder, I didn’t think it was much to risk.

He still doesn’t touch me. I stand before him, naked, as his eyes roam.

‘I don’t think I’ve ever asked how old you are,’ he says. He likes talking to me, while he’s looking.

‘Twen’y,’ I say, with extra Kenneydean, and the scars that mar his face crease as he grins

‘I didn’t say it mattered,’ he nods.

‘Yes, Michael,’ I chime. I’m a trained monkey, now. Pull a lever. Push a button. Get a food pellet.

‘Do you enjoy coming here at night?’ he asks, finding a cigarette and handing it to me. ‘Sit,’ he motions to the chair beside him. I light the cigarette and take greedy drags. Michael doesn’t smoke – it’s a filthy habit, he tells me.

‘Yes, Michael.’

‘You do enjoy it?’

‘Yes, Michael.’ I keep pushing my hair behind my ears – he’s gotten me into the habit. He says he likes to see my face.

‘You’re a lot smarter than you seem, aren’t you?’ he says now. I ash my cigarette. He’s never asked something like this before. What does he want to hear?

‘Yes, Michael.’

‘And what do you think of me, in your secret thoughts, when you’re back in the Hotel at night?’ His dark eyes burn in the soft light, and I’m cold. I used to be overconscious of my nudity in front of him, but after a few weeks I didn’t care any more.

I just didn’t care.

‘That I’m happy you favour me, Michael,’ I say finally.

‘You’re just telling me what I want to hear,’ he says.

‘That’s what you want,’ I whisper.

‘That’s not what I want,’ he says.

‘You want to have me?’ My eyes shoot up to his. The scars don’t bother me any more. We’re as comfortable with his disfigurement as we are with my exposed nipples. But he looks away.

‘I suppose I would,’ he nods. ‘Do you know why I’ve kept you separate on Washing Day? Why the others are put through all sorts of things while you remain untouched? Simply viewed?’

‘You want to make certain I’m… pure.’

‘Yes – exactly that,’ he nods. ‘Exactly that. You are intelligent, aren’t you? Brie is still convinced you’re basically savages.’

‘We are, Michael.’

‘Spread your legs,’ he tells me. I do.

He’ll starve me otherwise.

He tells me I’m beautiful.

I could have been a hero. I could have affected change. I could have been braver at the Forks.

His eyes burn me in the old h
otel suite, and I know what I’ve become.

He tells me to turn around.

He wants to see my back.

‘Perfect skin. Perfect curves. Perfect face,’ he says.

And I hate what I’ve become.

‘The perfect beauty,’ he tells me.

I hate who I am.

‘My perfect Sophie,’ he whispers.

* * *

Michael is not the man I dreamed about this morning. I can’t see that man’s face, and I’ve never been in such a situation, so I pick the dream apart symbolically. Surely, I must be able to offer some insight into myself. But my mind just randomly makes connections.

Crow used to say I have an overactive imagination. She said I think too much.

They’re not really thoughts. Just escapes.

I used to daydream that I impressed Michelle. I don’t recall what I did to deserve it, but Michelle was proud of me and Crow patted me on the back. Good daydreams.

Lately, I dream of killing Michael. Mickey. Whatever.

They do worse to the others. Sometimes Brie will come into the hotel and select one of us. Last week she took Phoebe. No one was more surprise than her.

So Phoebe’s gone.

That leaves thirty of us girls left in the hotel. They have us mending things. I never sewed up something that wasn’t alive until they captured us. They use the boys in their auto shop, I think.

But us girls are only good for sewing. Or so Michael says.

Thirty of us. Ten old ones, all armed.

I dream I steal a gun. A big fuck-off Desert Eagle or a nine millimeter with the fifteen round clip. One in the pipe.

He would tell me to take off my shirt, and I would whip the gun out.

There would be a moment – we would finally share a moment.

He would understand that I never wanted him. Never wanted his affection. His praise. His favour. I would have him kill me, rather than feel his eyes on me again.

And as I squeeze the trigger, he would know the best part of his day was the worst part of my life.

The part that gives me nightmares.

And I would squeeze the trigger. Again and again and again until he’s just a steaming mass of gore on the scuzzy old hotel carpet. That’s for what you did to me. That’s for what you did to us. That’s for what you want to do.

Eight months.

It’s been eight months since I breathed free air.

Eight months since I saw my best friend.

Six months since I thought of stirring rebellion.

Four months since I lost hope of escape.

Now I fantasize about killing Michael. I kill him. The guards hear the shots. They bust in the door, and gun me down. I hit the floor, watch my life flow out in a thick red on the scuzzy hotel room carpet – just adding to the stains – and it’s all okay.

Because now I’m free.

And he’ll never make me feel like that again.

‘Sophie,’ a whisper comes from the bed under mine. ‘It’s not so bad, huh?’ she says.

‘Shut up, Diane,’ Amy snaps a little ways away.

This is how we spend our nights – in little army-surplus bunk beds in a cleaned-out suite.

I don’t answer Diane. I feign sleep.

They took Diane once – brought her back because there was something wrong with her.

‘I just mean it’s not so bad,’ Diane says again. ‘We have food. We’re warm. We gotta’ do a little work every day, but it’s not like there’s anyone shooting at us.’

‘Shut the fuck up, Diane,’ Amy hisses from the other side of the room.


The door blasts open, two women in the doorway.

‘Who’s talking in here?’ one of them shouts.

No one answers.

‘WHO is talking?’ the other one calls. Amy sits up.

‘It was Diane,’ she says, pointing towards the bunk under mine. At first I expect them to reprimand me, but they give Amy a pack of cigarettes and Diane a concussion. A black eye. A broken collar bone. And they take her away to the infirmary.

I return to my daydreams.

* * *

Two days later, Diane comes up to Amy in the Eating Room, her head bowed.

‘You were right to tell them,’ she says. ‘I was causing trouble.’ But Amy just narrows her eyes, and hisses,

‘What do you think you’re doing now?’

It’s been this way pretty much since the beginning. Old Floor relationships aren’t the same. Lisa and Michelle were two of the first to be taken by Brie. No one knows where Cat is, and Anze is kept with away from us.

It’s like I woke up in a different world.

But it’s still reality.

I am not a soldier. I may be a whore.

I am definitely a slave class.

I eat small bites of hard bread and think of justice. Dream of justice.

One day, we will be avenged.

I glance around – the guard is gone.

‘Martha,’ I whisper. She looks from her plate up to me – Martha has really nice dark eyes. ‘Did you see anything?’

‘I didn’t look,’ she whispers harshly back. ‘Be quiet.’

I break another piece of hard bread and munch on it. A half a crust – that was it, today. Glancing at the clock, I know Michael will come for me within the hour.

We’ll be cleaning the Eating Room and I’ll be called aside.

The woman will take me hard by the arm and drag me to the side, where she’ll strip-search me in front of everyone. Then she’ll drag me into the elevator.

Fifteenth floor. Ding.

And she’ll push me into his room.

‘Good evening, Sophie,’ he’ll say.

‘Good evening, Michael,’ I’ll say. I know to say.

WHAM! Martha kicks me under the table.


‘He’s calling you,’ she points behind me, and I turn to see Michael. I bolt to my feet.

He’s never early. Why is he early?

I’m so shaken that I don’t get rid of the knife I always pocket. I usually toss it aside before the strip search. But they don’t search me. They don’t touch me. He walks with me to the lobby, and my head is spinning.

This break from routine is unprecedented. What’s going on? Does Brie want me? Is he going to kill me? Rape me? Feed me? I hope he has cherries.

‘When was the last time you were outside?’ he says now, from behind his mask. He doesn’t take it off in front of anyone else – not even Brie.

‘Five months thirteen days, Michael.’ No one else can tell, but I know when he smiles under his mask.

‘Let’s go for a drive,’ he says.

And as he leads me to a car, he still doesn’t have someone search me. He pushes my head down under the roof, and I’m too shocked to smile. Today, I have a knife.

* * *

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// boom / here comes the // boom / ready or not / here comes the boys from the south // boom / here comes the // boom / ready or not / how you like me now? / is that all you got? / i’ll take your best shot

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* * *

The last time I was outdoors, the snow had been around for a while. Now it’s spring. The long grasses are lush and green – the ruined city of Grand Forks is overrun with a young forest. But we’re not in the city long. We drive out, through some grassland and into a forest. I’m riding shotgun – there are two other old ones in the back seat.

He lets me roll down the window, so I can feel the fresh air on my face, and offers me cigarettes.

Soon he stops the car beside a field with a tree in the middle. He instructs the others to stay by the car, and not to disturb us. We walk for ten minutes or so – the tree is farther than it seems, and I realize the grasses are giant – perhaps six fet tall. The tree itself is immense, probably a few hundred years old, and he spreads an old quilted blanket beneath it, before setting out a picnic.

I feel the bark of the tree and smile at the sunlight in my face.

I wish Cypress would have taken me on a nice picnic. Just once.

I decide to get this over with, and stalk over to Mickey, finger
ing the knife in my pocket. It’s just a butter knife – no good for slashing his throat. But one fatal stab, perhaps.

‘Look at you,’ he says, looking up at me from his knees. ‘You look happy.’

I can only smile back,

‘I am happy,’

before I stab him in the eye.

He doesn’t even look surprised as he falls back, the ugly blood spoiling the pretty quilted blanket.

Funny, I don’t feel as good as I thought I would. But he doesn’t look surprised. He’s still smiling as he spasms, the spike of metal shaking in his eye.

In the long grasses, they couldn’t have seen us from the car.

I shove a few strawberries into my mouth and rip open his leather jacket to expose the hand cannon he keeps under his shoulder. A big silver .449 calibre revolver, and the two bandoliers of ammunition wrapped on one of his shoulders.

He sputters as I stand.

He sputters and gurfles – he’s trying to breathe.

I thought I’d stabbed him hard enough to get through to the brain, but I pull back the hammer on the revolver and squint down at him over the barrel.

No – he’s out. I’ve got a gun – I can go anywhere as soon as I take care of the two by the car… But I point the gun at his head again.

No – it will alert the others.

I sneak through the tall grass towards them, the big revolver hanging loose in my hand. It’s a little lighter than my old Desert Eagles, and even though it’s been almost nine months since I handled a piece, it feels familiar. A good balance. Good weight.

They’re sitting in the front seat, running the engine, enjoying the air conditioning, and chatting. The windows are closed to seal in the cool air, and they’re so involved in their discussion they have no time to react as I pop up in the passenger window, unloading the revolver into the car. It’s deafening.

I yank the door open as I reload, but they’re already down. I drag the bodies out, and find that one of them is about my size, which satisfies. They’ve had me in sneakers for the winter, and I’ve been dying for a pair of good sturdy boots.

As I inventory my new belongings, I find I’ve become quite wealthy. Perhaps my sense of humor has become macabre through my captivity, but I chat at them as I go,

‘Didn’t know who you were fuckin’ with, did’ja? That’s right – we’re soldiers – every one of us. Just give us a piece, and we’ll fuck you up. Sure, Phoebe and Jessie surrendered to you, back in Winnipeg, but they were just the leaders.

The rest of us are fuckin’ savage. And now we’ve got a revolver. A shotgun. An uzi. Ammo. Lots of ammo. Food. We got food.

Everything’s gonna’ change,’ I grin, looking down at my haul.

If I hadn’t been so happy, I probably would have noticed Mickey coming up behind me. I don’t know what he hits me with, but it does its job – and I’m out.


She’s choking me.

Crow is choking me. I can’t breath. I can’t do anything. I can’t break away. I can’t move my arms. She’s hurting my arms.

Everything hurts – but she doesn’t stop choking me. I thrash.

I thrash and smack my head against the concrete wall, and wake up.

I realize why I’d been dreaming that.

I’m chained to a wall – two handcuffs hold my wrist above my head, while a solid steel collar tied to the floor holds me down. I’ve been more comfortable.

Under the single bulb that hangs from the celing, an old one sits, leaning against the far wall. He cradles a rifle, and smiles at me. Sort of.

He doesn’t speak. He just stands, knocks on the door, and is let out into the dark beyond.

I wait three minutes or so and start working on an escape. With my head chained down, I can’t get any leverage to break the cuffs or the chains that hold them. The walls are just concrete, but I’m not strong enough to pull the bolt that holds the whole assembly to the wall. I decide to think of a more graceful solution.

Squatting there, I wonder how long I’d been asleep for. I wonder what they plan to do with me. Is this the same thing that happened to Michelle, and Lisa and Phoebe?

Or is this some new punishment, devised for my unique and unforseen betrayal?

I grin.

This is gonna’ suck.

And so I start crying. I’m still crying when Mickey bursts through the door. He strides quickly forward and leans back, lining up his knuckles before smashing me straight-on in the face. God, he’s got a big fist.

I smack against the concrete wall, and the rusty chain that’s holding me down cuts my back. It doesn’t hurt so bad, but it’s bleeding enough for me to feel it flow.

Before I finish swinging, Mickey’s gripped my face in one big hand. He pulls me to his scarred grimace,

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I'll start by saying I've been dreaming about a hard cock in my mouth since I was a teen! For year I've tried to deny that I had bisexual desired ... but the urge became too great!I was going through a divorce. During that time I met-up with a woman who shared how turned on she was by MMF porn. That her last boyfriend was bi, and how much she loved watching guys suck cock! She made me promise that I would check it out!We stopped seeing each other ... one day I was enjoying this site and decided...

2 years ago
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Chatroulette Fun

I remember very clearly the first time I got off with a girl on Chatroulette. I'd only gotten a laptop with a built-in webcam a few months earlier, so I was a little late to the game. There's a South Park episode that really does justice to the amount of dick you see on Chatroulette and my perception of the site didn't change when I tried it out.Now to be clear, when I first went onto Chatroulette, it really was just to see what people had been talking about. I just clicked 'Start' and kept...

3 years ago
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Aunty Kai Sath Sex Kiya Bhot Maza Aaya Use Bhi Aaya

Ye khani 6 month pehle ki hai mai delhi se hu or ye khani bhi delhi ki hai vo aunty kya mast bata nahi sakta 32-34 kai the uski gand kya badi thi vo hamare ghar kai barabar mai rehti thi hamara aana jana tha vaha pe ab mai khani pe aata hu. Mera name love hai mai delhi ka rehne vala hu mera lund 7 inch bada or 3 inch mota hai Mere barabar mai ek lady rehti thi kiraype uska name hema tha name change use boob mast the or kamar mahasha aala.Ab mai time na kharab karke khani pe aata hu me une unti...

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Jakes Story Chapter 1

Our marriage had been deteriorating for some time. I had been obsessed with my career and I had gained some weight and not kept up with myself either. At 40, Jill was far sexier than she was at 25 when I married her – of course, the money I made paid for her clothes and personal trainer, but she had still taken it upon herself to maintain her appearance and I had not. Everything changed the day she left for a run and left her lap top open. I had long suspected she was cheating on me. I would...

Wife Lovers
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Big Tits TheoryChapter 8

Saturday I couldn’t believe it when I woke up. I mean I literally couldn’t believe it. I stood and stared at the mirror in absolute shock. My stunned brain didn’t even notice the other changes - my hair was twice as long as it had been at the start of the week, my waist was somehow even thinner than it had been before, and in contrast, my hips had widened. My ass was plump and around, and my legs were toned, despite the fact that I wasn’t really one for exercise. No, all that I could see...

4 years ago
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6 Sydney Morning Herald Monday, February 6th, 1978 LANDA’S PLAN TO CONVERT HOMES TO FLATS The State Government is considering allowing homes to be divided into two self contained residences. HOWARD DECLARES NO-LIMIT BORROWING TO BACK DOLLAR Canberra- A no-limit commitment to support the Australian Dollar with substantial further overseas borrowings was announced by the Federal Treasurer Mr Howard. Early February mornings in Sydney belie the day to follow. The sun had not yet evaporated...

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Sea KingChapter 18

The four of them strolled down the street curiously looking at the various shops and businesses while their diminutive guide kept up a continuous stream of chatter about the sights. Although they didn't seem to cause an unreasonable amount of commotion, it was not uncommon for those passing by, or even some of the shop workers, to stop and give them a small bow or curtsy, some obviously aimed at Dent but no few equally to Nesho or maybe Sosho. Nesho noticed and while this courtesy was...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 997

This came from a Canadian Soldier’s wife. It says it all. I sat, as did millions of other Canadians and watched as the government underwent a peaceful transition of power On November 4, 2015. At first, I felt a swell of pride and patriotism while Justin Trudeau took his Oath of Office. However, all that pride quickly vanished as I later watched 21 Soldiers, in full dress uniform with rifles, fire a 21-gun salute to the Prime Minister. It was then that I realized how far Canada’s military...

2 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book II Time TrippingChapter 18

Carrie Jensen needed to pee - badly. Her kidneys throbbed. If Baldy - he hadn't told her his name, and hairless as he was, in her mind, she'd nicknamed him Baldy - didn't return soon, she'd surely wet the bed. She was conflicted. She wanted Baldy to return so she could pee, but he'd raped her repeatedly the previous night, and she feared he'd rape her again if he returned. If he returned. If he didn't, she'd surely die. Without realizing it, survival had become Carrie's prime...

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Amanda was a virgin with girls, but she’d had an ongoing crush on her friend from school, Nora, a quiet but deadly sensual blonde, with lips that Amanda would give anything to taste in the right moment.The girls had been flirting off and on, and per usual, Nora let girls come to her. She never pushed or pulled, coaxed or cornered. If they wanted her, and she wanted them, it would happen. She had her quiet, yet alluring ways.Amanda always imagined herself daring to make out the first time in the...

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45 yo Heidi Gives Her First BJ

I was working on an IT contract in La Crosse Wisconsin on a project that required me to work some long hours. I was fortunate to work alongside some wonderful people and one that holds a special place in my heart is Heidi. Heidi was a manager at a manufacturing firm. She was very confident and capable in her role. Married and in her mid-forties, she still looked very good for her age. She was a bottle blonde, straight shoulder length hair, 5-3, size 8, with some shapely 36c breasts. She...

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Veni 8211 My Plumpy And Slutty Maid With Me In My Bed

Hi all… Saran here..From Kerala..I m back with my next story which happened to me recently… First of all I thank all those who mailed me… Coming to the story.. As I started my business,i sat home very less.I knew that my mom appointed a new maid in our house, I dont see her because of my busy schedule,this maid will come by 12 and will go by 2…One day I came home around 1:00 pm,i saw a lady of age 30(dnt knw the correct age)..She had good boobs and she had tummy which I like…She wore...

3 years ago
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AFWhat are friends for The ballad of Jessica

"AF- What are Friends For? The Ballad of Jessica" - By Flyover State. 2021. "Later," Mark said, leaving his friends. Mark and his friends had just finished basketball practice. He'd thrown a towel around his neck, and heavily plopped down into his car, a new Alfa Romeo Giulia. He started the car, cranking the A/C as high as it would go, until he cooled off, and then the Colorado air would be good enough. Mark ran his hands through his damp hair, he was blonde, with blue eyes, and...

1 year ago
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Marys Christmas

Introduction: The magic of Christmas is in the giving For reasons of my own, I no longer allow comments, nor do I make them. If you would like to offer a critique, please send me a pm. I can only improve with your very valuable input. This is my entry to Calling All Writers, Chapter 9. Please join our website and go to the Sex Stories Forum to enjoy more stories, and to vote. Mary pulled up next to the barn at Nicks Christmas Tree Farm, the first Saturday of November. The farm opened for...

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Lucky Landlord

Scheming Sam had a brainstorm. Well, for him it was. He decided to take advantage of the upcoming clown holiday, April Fool’s Day. He wanted a ploy that had some deniability yet offered a chance for fun and maybe a chance to get laid. He placed an ad on Craigzlist offering a short term room rental and planned to screen for a lucky lass. Lucky for HIM, he meant. Within a day, he had several responses, but most were from males. When he asked the five female responders to answer some questions...

4 years ago
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After 40 years

Her : We are sitting here in a pub, looking at each other in the same way that we did all those years ago. I can’t help but smile as the vague ideas I had then run through my mind. Him : I can’t believe we’re here. We’ve talked on the ‘phone, exchanged e-mails that were almost intimate but they’re never the same as being with the person with whom one is corresponding. Oh, she’s smiling – that expression I remember so well ! Her : He’s seen me smiling. How can I explain ? I’ve been married so...

1 year ago
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dost ki behen ko chodarlm

yeh aaj se 6 saal pehle ki sacchi ghatna hai.jab main 11th class me tha...pehle main aapko apne baare me bata do..meri age 20saal hai aur baat aaj se 1 saal pehle ki hai meri height 5;8hai aur main kaafi handsome bhi hoon chalo ab baaten to bahut hoti rahengi main asli topic par aa jaate hai.If anu girl, bhabhi,aunty wanna sex wid me in delhi then u can mail me at [email protected] and please comment me on my story if u like or dislike my story1 baar main aur mera dost kar rahey...

3 years ago
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The Introduction

This is the first story I have ever attempted to write. I’m fairly well educated, and am pretty imaginative when I’m half asleep in my huge bed. My entire life I have wanted to be a Special Forces soldier in the military (either Recon or Green Berets), and like to fantasize about rescuing beautiful women from dire situations :D. If you would like to comment, please do – negative or positive. I’ve been reading on Literotica for more than 7 years now, and finally figured I’d give it a whirl… The...

2 years ago
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THE EIGHTH GRADE SCIENCE TEACHERThis story is true and reflects every detail that I can recall. The next encounter with Beverly was equally unbelievable. More to follow. I was taking a huge risk of getting caught speeding and another with the wintry conditions of the road, but I had promised my wife that I would make it home in time for the Parent Teacher conference for my stepson. As we mingled with the hundreds of parents, clutching the schedule, searching the halls for the room number, and...

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Franklin II

I knew Franklin through a friend from collage. Franklin was a good looking black guy that had been a football player in collage and still looked it. He was about 190cm and 85kg and muscular with dark skin and short hair. He was a older than the rest of us already out of collage and working. We hung out at his place a lot because it was a place off campus and he always had good weed and was fun to be around.One summer night I was out at the bars and decided to drop by Franklin’s to see if he was...

2 years ago
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Meri Desi Maa Meri Maal

Hello doston, main apna naam to nahi bataunga, kyunki ye meri pehli kahani hai. Shayad aage bata du. To is kahani mein mera naam Shiv hai, aur meri maa ka naam Poonam. Ab main sabse pehle apne aur apne pariwar ke baare mein bata du. Main ek chhote pariwar se hu, aur chhote shehar se bhi, jo Madhya Pradesh mein hai. Mere ghar mein main(Shiv), mere papa(Rakesh) meri maa (Poonam) aur meri ek chhoti behan(Kajal) hai. Aaj main 21 saal ka naujawaan hu. Meri behan abhi 16 ki hai, isiliye uska zikar is...

3 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 69

Rada Kuznetsov didn’t grow up wanting to be a stripper. When she was a little girl, she wanted to be a KGB agent like her Grandpa Vil and was crushed to discover that the KGB (the real KGB) had been dissolved along with the Soviet Union the same year she was born. She had later decided she wanted to be a general in the Russian Army like her other grandfather Aleks Aleksovich and held onto that dream into her middle teens despite the complete lack of precedent for any woman to rise so high....

3 years ago
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TrialsChapter 6

“Morning, Helen. Morning, Stace. I have coffee and blintzes.” With a smile, Sydney woke her subjects from their two month long stasis. “Do they hurt?” Sydney asked quietly at Helen’s approach. Stacy was in the bathroom, having not woken up until Sydney’s arrival giving the two a few minutes of private time. “Dey itch.” Scowling at the distortion that the tongue piercing created with her speech, “especially the one in my pussy.” She added for shock effect, which worked, if my student’s...

1 year ago
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Dogging TalesChapter 4

We had escaped and were all really relieved as we drove home. I asked the girl her name and how she met them and ended up at their dog party? She told us it was Angela and had met the loud mouthed guy with his mate a couple of weeks ago at a park while she was walking her dog. “So what happened ... you can’t leave us all in suspense like that?” Sue said. “Well, I like my dog ... a lot and we ... well you know ... play together ... He’s not as big as King or that big black dog but ... you...

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Sharons night at The Gathering

Sharon flipped the phone onto her bed and turned to the hotel window. Two nights in Melbourne and apart from a few of her colleagues, she knew no one. Twelve stories below, the good people of the city shuffled home. Her phone beeped once more alerting her to a message from her husband Marcus.‘Go ahead’, the message read, ‘I told you to cut loose without me.’Sharon always loved playing with Marcus there, it gave her safety and security. ‘I sent you Mark’s contact details, call him,’Sharon...

2 years ago
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Poolside Romp Part 2

I couldn’t stop staring. She looked like an angel. A beautiful naked angel. Her tits floating on top of the swirling spa water dripped as she lightly splashed water on them. She was casually touching herself, no rush, nothing excessive, just… touching, lightly like a feather tracing across her skin. A bead of water caught on her pointed nipple and my pussy throbbed. I wanted to lick it off. I wanted her tit in my mouth and to suckle away at her nipple.  "I am at your service during your stay...

1 year ago
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How ibecame an perversion person

When i was at age of 22 i was already married,but my wife has no interest to sex. He was completely cold,but i catch her ones masturbating late night!when i slept she make herself horny and then she stroking her pussy used fingers but sometimes she use smal thing like hsng from toth brush or lipstick tube. She cumming an absolute silence but i heard ugly noise from her mouth, her tuth made this! Her body made a big curves because her kegs was involwed in some kinda stupor or whatever he staked...

1 year ago
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The bright morning summer sunshine burns though the window. I rub my eyes as I awake from my slumber. The fresh crisp white sheets are hot against my skin. I roll over onto my back and throw the covers off. The cool morning breeze from the open window flows over my body. I feel the hairs on my arms stiffen, the goosebumps rising all over me and my nipples contract as they react to the air.I feel one of my breasts with my hand and gently squeeze. My forefinger and thumb then find my hardened...

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Mother of the Bride

Dave sat in a chair surrounded by his mates, family, and his father in law as the stripper started the music. We watched as she strutted over in her high heel shoes and her sexy secretary outfit. She was tall skinny and blonde not as I had requested from the strip club in the city. The woman new how to put on a show she had Dave naked and hard after two songs. The next song she pulled a pearl necklace from her shaved pussy and ran the strand of pearls under his nose. Stuffed them in his mouth...

4 years ago
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Hannes Eine Hure zum Achtzehnten

Jeder der möchte kann mitschreiben. Eine Hure zum Achtzehnten „Hier Hannes“, mein Vater deutete auf eine verhärmt aussehende Frau. „Das ist Barbara, aber du kannst sie auch Babsi nennen!“ Seine riesigen Hände glitten über ihr stramm sitzendes Shirt. „Das sind Oschis“, kommentierte Vater und zog das T-Shirt rauf. Babis dicke fleischige Oberweite quoll aus dem viel zu kleinen Büstenhalter. Vati strich mit einer Hand über ihre rechte Brust und sagte, „eine Milchkuh zum Achtzehnten. Live und in...

1 year ago
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Niece Beth and My Wife

Niece Beth and my Wife (Sequel to “Niece Beth Gets It”)By billy69boyDisclaimer: All of my stories, and all the characters, are fictional, and are not meant to resemble any real persons. No u******e people have been harmed or otherwise exploited in the creation of this, or any, of my fantasy stories.Our beautiful niece Beth stayed with us for two weeks during the summer. She had just recently turned 16, and she was growing up to be a vision of beauty. She was getting taller, curvier, and...

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Mia Chapter 8 First Date

It was almost dinner time when Mia got back to the apartment after Jesse dropped her off and brought in her luggage. Since he was working that night so they couldn’t really get the opportunity to hang out, but it gave Mia the chance to unpack and get settled back in. Patrice was back already, but Norah and Kris weren’t due to arrive until the following day. Mia felt a little apprehensive thinking about Norah’s arrival. She was waiting to tell her in person her decision to try things out with...

3 years ago
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You Are What You Write

Eli hummed to himself in frustration, his chin resting on the palm of his hand and his elbow on his desk, staring at his computer screen. The cursor on his text program flashed in and out of sight, teasing him to write. He had gotten to the point where his protagonist had finally met his love interest, and now... "..." He sighed and leaned back in his chair. He knew he should've come up with a plan before starting this stupid novel. He adjusted himself again, leaning over and...

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Nicolas to Nicole Part 13

I remained silent while she looked straight into my eyes in the mirror, I felt her breath on my neck,her body pressed against my back, her left hand firmly holding me by the waist and her right hand caressing my flat crotch were no bulge could be found. No one had ever touched me that way, I should have been excited, but I wasn?t, I was... S: Nothing to say? I guess you'll tell me later when you feel more comfortable. In the meantime we can continue... As she said that, her right...

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Lura falls in Love

My house is the last in the block, in fact, it is the last house of the street. Here the paving stops and the street turns into a dirt road. No wonder then that there is hardly any traffic. From here the dirt road runs along the wheat fields that start just east of my home.Standing in front of the mailbox one could see a mile toward the east, but only about five blocks toward the city. There the street disappeared down towards the river. Today the mailbox had yielded one piece of junk mail,...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Body and SoulChapter 5

Carefully, Simon climbed out of his car and slammed the door shut. The ground was still spinning but the night air had cleared his head slightly. The light above the front door acted like a homing beacon and he stumbled towards it. The door proved problematic, as it involved inserting the key into the lock and remaining upright at the same time. He rummaged in his pocket until he found his front door key and promptly dropped it on the floor. He bent down to look for it, banging his head...

1 year ago
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MyGirlfriendsBustyFriend Bridgette B 23453

Ruh-roh! Ryan’s girlfriend Olive just finished a yoga class with her friend Bridgette B. and brought her over to the house for lunch…but Ryan recognizes those big tits from a mile away! It turns out the personal trainer had his eye on the sexy Latina at the gym for quite some time, until she caught his eye and the ended up fucking! But she had no idea that he had a live-in girlfriend, and that she’s in her yoga class! Can you guess what happens when Olive finds out she left her purse at the gym...

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Maureen O'Connell strolled leisurely down the pier, taking in all the sights and sounds thatsurrounded the departure of a luxury cruise ship. A native New Yorker, Mo had spent the lastseveral days cruising South Beach and enjoying the Miami sun, and boy, this was living, themiddle of February and the temperature had been hovering in the mid 70's! As Mo walked pasther, the Molly Dee gleamed sparkling white against the azure blue Florida sky, all 790 feet of her!The brochure that her travel agent...

4 years ago
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The Peddlers Daughter

Madison cursed to herself softly. She hated the walk from the parking lot to the shop. It was a short walk, but she had to go past a number of trash containers full of spoiling watermelons, cantaloupe and grapes. The Vietnamese who had a shop nearby made things unpleasant for the rest of them. On the other hand, a lot of people who came for the cheap vegetables and fruit invariably stopped out of curiosity to visit her store as well. The City Market had been good to her, her parents and her...

4 years ago
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The Cocky Sissy

THE COCKY SISSY By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2019 Warning: Humour. Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT THURSDAY AFTER SCHOOL Rick was fuming. "I'll show them! I'll really show them one day, those nasty meanies! One day. Maybe not tomorrow though..." The...

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