Roommates Pt. 02 free porn video

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Jez walked through the door and dropped her bags on the floor. Clara jumped and dropped the book she was reading in her lap. ‘Oh hi.’ Clara smiled. ‘How was your trip?’

‘Good. How were things here? I bet you enjoyed the time to yourself.’

‘Yeah I did. I think it was exactly what I needed.’

‘Well that’s good. So I hope you don’t mind but I’m gonna have Benny over. You remember meeting him don’t you?’

‘It was a brief meeting but yeah I remember meeting him.’

Jez smiled and took out her cell phone. She stepped into the next room and Clara could only hear a faint bit of the conversation. Jez was laughing like a little school girl and whispering. She came back in the room just in time to agree to see Benny later on. ‘God I missed him.’ Jez slid into one of the chairs.

‘I know that look.’ Clara laughed. ‘Makes me miss Chet.’

‘You should invite him over. You guys can hang out with Benny and I. It might ease the tension between the two of you. Then you guys could get some of the things out of the air that maybe talking over the phone or whatever wont do.’

Clara hadn’t really thought about ever again meeting up with her ex. She had written off the whole thing as just a bad experience and was doing her best to move on to bigger and better things. However she didn’t have too much going on that night so she figured what the hell. He most likely wouldn’t agree to come any way so there was really nothing to stress over. But as she took her phone out to send the text she froze. She didnt know how to word it. Would she say it was a double date or just a dinner with her new room mate? Finally she put the words together perfectly in her head and got them out in a text before she could forget them.

‘Hey would you maybe want to come to dinner over at my new place tonight? My roommate is having her boyfriend over and I just don’t want to be a third wheel and you were the only one I could think to ask, that is if you don’t hate me.’

Clara waited for almost an hour before she got a response.

‘I guess. I thought you were done with me though.’

‘There should be no reason why we can’t be civil to one another. Not to mention it will give you an opportunity to see the new place.’

The conversation seemed to go over so easy. There was really no reason why the two of them couldn’t meet up and talk the way they were doing right now. That was the thought until the actual time came for Chet to come over.

Clara was sitting cross legged on the couch checking her phone every minute to see if he told her he was there. Jez and Benny seemed to be too preoccupied with one another to pay any attention to the outside world. When they heard a knock on the door Jez got up and sat on the arm of the chair Benny was in. Clara straightened herself up before opening the door.

‘Hey come in.’

‘Thanks. Sorry it took so long had to make a quick stop to the liquor store.’

Jez smiled as she grabbed the bottle of vodka from Chet’s hand. Clara and Benny just sort of stared at each other from across the room. ‘Who wants a drink?’ Jez asked as she made her way to the kitchen.

‘Do you need some help?’ Benny asked trying to hide the fact that his face was beginning to shift in color. He got up and disappeared into the other room with Jez.

Clara and Chet stood awkwardly facing each other before Chet slowly seated himself on the couch. They were both silent as if each one was afraid to be the first one to talk. They waited on the drinks to speak. Chet nearly downed his in one large gulp where as Clara sipped at hers casually. Benny decided to break the ice for everyone.

‘So who wants to watch a movie? I got some stuff I’ve just been dying to stream.’ No one in the room responded before Benny clicked on a movie none of them had ever heard of. The beginning scene was a girl standing in the shower and a man slipping in behind her. It hadn’t even gotten through the credits and there was nudity.

Clara and Chet stared at each other while Benny and Jez pawed at each other like wild animals. Clara couldn’t stand sitting out there any longer and got up to leave. Chet followed her and watched as she sat at the kitchen table and put her head in her hands.

‘Hey you alright?’

‘Yeah its just weird being here with you and everything. I know I’m the one who invited you but I just really don’t know what to say. We have already said everything that needs to be said to one another. Plus I really think you should know that I kind of have feelings for someone else.’

‘You have a new boyfriend already?’

‘Not exactly its just kind of a casual thing. It happened over drinks the other night and a couple other times in the days following. I know it can’t go anywhere but its just something I feel that I need right now.’

Chet watched as Clara turned her face away from his. Instantly he knew. He glanced out into the living room. His eye brows shot up and he stuck his tongue into his cheek. He motioned for Clara to follow him and the two of them walked out the front door. Chet hadn’t forgotten to pour himself a new glass of vodka and take it with him. They went to his car where he sat in the front seat and Clara leaned on the back drivers side door.

‘You betrayed your roommate who was nice enough to let you move into her house?’

‘Yes Chet because when I responded to the ad I had a secret plot in my head that a couple days after I was staying here she was gonna leave I was gonna come home to catch her boyfriend whacking away at himself then a couple hours later get a little too buzzed and do things that were so wrong and feel so good. You caught me in my whole master scheme.’

‘So he was better than me I take it?’

‘I wouldn’t say that.’

‘So in other words he was you just don’t want to say so to my face. Had we been in a fight and you hated me or something then you would tell me the truth.’

Clara looked away as thoughts from the encounters began to replay in her mind. She couldn’t deny that the feeling Benny gave her were some of the best feelings she had ever had. She decided to drop the whole topic but Chet just kept trying to bring it up. It was as if he was determined to get her to say the words but she knew better.

It was the only thing the two could think to do to get off the topic to lunge at one another kissing. They began petting each other. Chet ran his hand down and caressed Clara’s ass. He slipped them down the back of her pants and lightly fingered the outside of her ass hole. He didn’t wait much time before forcing it deep inside. Clara clenched and pulled away.

‘We can’t do this.’

‘So if I was to check your pussy right now it would be bone dry?’

‘Thats not the point. I left because I needed to figure stuff out. And I have and I really don’t want to turn back now. Sure we had a lot of great times but I just cant bring myself to deal with the same bad emotions I dealt with when we were together.’

‘Your idea of figuring stuff out is fucking some guy you’ve known for two days and sneaking around behind your roommate’s back. That sounds really adult. You know I’m gonna leave.’

Chet pulled the door closed and sped out of the driveway nearly running over Clara’s foot. Clara jumped back then stormed into the house. She didn’t say a word before going to her room. Jez and Benny just sat and stared at one another before Jez went up to talk to Clara. She knocked on the bedroom door.

‘Clara you mind if I come in?’

‘I really don’t want to talk right now. Look I’ll see you in the morning. We can talk then.’ Just saying those words Clara felt guilty. She couldn’t exactly explain to Jez that the fight was over her fucking Benny. She knew she had to come up with a new story so giving herself until the next morning seemed pretty reasonable.

The following morning Clara walked into the kitchen. Jez was sitting with her hands grasped
around her coffee cup and her attention was on the table. Clara approached slowly and placed her hand on Jez’s shoulder. Jez jumped and turned her face up to meet her gaze. Her eyes were misty and a little blood shot.

‘You okay?’

‘Yeah I just didn’t hear you come in the room. So you said last night you were gonna tell me this morning what happened.’

‘Oh yeah.. that. Chet just.. he kind of… he wanted me come back and stay with him. When I told him that I just really thought staying here was the best option. He got all pissed off. I just think I’m better off here in the bigger sense you know.’

‘Yeah I do. So um I know this is gonna sound a little off the wall but um…’ Jez ran her hand through her hair and looked up at Clara. ‘Are you interested in Benny. You know sexually I mean.’

‘I hardly even know him. Sure he’s good looking enough but a, hes with you and b, I don’t know enough about him to be really interested.’ Clara was amazed at how flawless that sounded. Jez seemed to loosen up a bit but Clara still had to ask, ‘Where did that come from?’

‘Well after I came back downstairs last night Benny and I started talking about you and your situation. He said how he thinks I’m way too involved in whats going on in your life blah blah blah then he said just how gorgeous you are and how you could have any man you wanted at any time. When I gave him the classic ‘Oh really’ look he didn’t seem phased and just went about talking how amazing you are and how you have a nice figure. Quite honestly I didn’t know how to react and I sort of still don’t. But if you say you’re not interested I guess I can trust you.’ Jez stopped and thought for a second. ‘I’m glad he didn’t come over the night when I was away and told him to check on you.’

The pang of guilt radiated in Clara’s stomach but she tried not to let it show. She looked away. Jez must have caught on though cause she kept trying to get Clara to look in her eyes. But the more Clara tried the harder it became. Finally Jez stood up and forced Clara’s face towards hers. She just shook her head and dropped her hand.

‘Why don’t you just tell me what happened?’ Jez demanded. ‘I already know hell its written all over your face. I just want to hear you say it.’

‘Look I didn’t want this to happen. I didn’t know he was gonna be here but I caught him in the middle of um… pleasuring himself and I just lost control. I certainly didn’t plan for anything to happen my mind just got away from me and my body followed.’

‘Well legally I can’t evict you for having sex, no matter who its with. I am kind of hoping though that you find someplace else to stay. It would be better for every one. I would hate to have to be here and witness you fucking my boyfriend right in front of me.’ Jez left the room and Clara couldn’t have felt worse. She could feel the word whore burning into her skin. She did the only thing she could think to do at the moment, have a cup of coffee.

That day at work Clara was ringing out a girl with a golden retriever. They were talking about the dog when Clara heard the ding of the front door. ‘Welcome to Pet World. Is there anything I can help you with?’ Clara realized she was talking to Benny.

‘Oh no go about with what you were doing.’ Benny said placing his hands in his pocket.

The girl picked up on what was really going on and excused herself. She led her dog passed Benny and he approached the counter. There was hardly any customers in the store so Benny didn’t feel much use in holding back what he needed to say.

‘So I heard from Jez today.’

‘Yeah and I really want my home life to be peaceful so I would really like for you to leave.’

‘I need to pick up a few things for my pet snake. Where would I find something like that?’

‘Maybe in the reptile isle.’ Clara said rather rudely. She saw her boss approaching so she decided it would be best to treat Benny like every other customer. ‘If you just go straight down the main lane and about ten rows down there should be a reptile section. Everything you need should be right there.’

‘Wait you said ten rows down? Look I think you should just come and help me find it.’

‘Clara, after you’re finished helping this customer you can go on your lunch break.’ her boss said.

Clara looked at him and gave a faint smile. She guided Benny to the reptile isle where he looked at a bunch of cages. He then eyed some heating lamps and then some hiders. He then walked out of the reptile isle and Clara followed. She knew he was just trying to get to be alone with her but she wanted nothing to do with it. She rushed him along asking what exactly it was that he needed. He refused to give her a straight answer as he went over to where they kept the snakes and lizards. He pointed at a baby ball python.

‘I want to see him.’

‘You can’t be serious. Are you actually interested in buying him or are you just trying to fuck with me?’

‘I might be interested just take him out. I want to hold him.’

Clara let out a deep sigh and took her keys out to open the tank. She handed the snake to Benny who began to look it over. They barely said anything to one another before Benny agreed to get the snake. Clara seemed stunned and brought him to the register to ring him out. She was shocked but he handed her the money and left the store.

Clara didn’t know what to feel. As much as she tried to ignore Benny she couldn’t stop thinking back to his body being pressed against her. She remembered how his warm breath and soft lips felt as he kissed her neck and chest. She began to imagine his hands caressing up her legs and running in between her thighs. Suddenly she felt her pants getting moister.

When Clara stepped out of the store she saw Benny leaning against the side of the building. ‘I was hoping you would come out.’

Clara said nothing and pulled Benny in for a long kiss. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and pulled him over to her car. She pushed him into the back seat and climbed on top of him. She kissed down his neck and lifted his shirt to kiss his chest. Benny stopped her and lifted her chin up.

‘Don’t you think we should wait until we’re in a more private location.’

‘Fuck it.’ Clara continued kissing down his chest and got to his waistband. She licked the area above his jeans and quickly undid the button. She whipped out his rock hard cock and began to suck on it swiftly. Benny sighed then pulled at her hair to get her back. He pulled her back up to his face. They began kissing again and Benny slipped his hand into Clara’s pants. He rubbed the area around her clit feeling as she flinched and wiggled under his touch. He flipped over and Clara got on all fours. But this time he wasn’t going for her pussy. He spit on his hand a little and wiped it on Clara’s ass hole. She pulled away quickly but pushed back against him.

‘You ever have any one do this to you?’

‘Don’t talk and just do it.’ Clara moaned. She pushed her hips back and Benny lined his dick up with her ass hole. He got the head in and Clara tensed up. She tried to pull away but Benny grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back. He pushed in deeper and cum dripped down Clara’s inner thigh. She bit her bottom lip to keep from yelling out. Benny made a couple hard thrusts into her before falling onto her back and letting out a grunt. He let his dick fall out of her stretched ass hole and pulled up his pants.

‘Have fun with that inside of you all day.’

Clara was still trying to gather her words as she got redressed and sat up in the back seat. She looked at her phone and realized it was time to get back to work. She kissed Benny on the cheek and left. She knew for the rest of the day she would be thinking about that.

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“Would you show me the Circle?” The question came from Jenny Harvest. From the tremor in her voice Dave figured she taken at least all-day to work up to the question. “Of course,” Dave replied trying to sound casual and relaxed. “If you want, you can follow me home and then leave whenever you want. We do a cocktail hour in the early evening, and then I also invite you to join us for a communal dinner with most of the Circle members. JR has bartending duty tonight, so she’ll be there. She...

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First Day at Boarding School

Author: Powerone Title: First Day at Boarding School Part: Part 1 NOTE : This story is completely fictional! This is just erotic fantasies - nothing more. Never try to do it in real live! Summary: Rebecca is tricked into a boarding school where she is forced to become a submissive. She is stripped naked, forced to cum, spanked and than raped anally, again having an orgasm. Keywords: M+f, nc, anal, oral, reluc, humil Author can be contacted at [email protected] First Day at Boarding School...

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Doctor mom fucked by hospital workers

Hi this is Raju and am 22 years old.My dad is a buisnessman and he is 49 old and my mom is doctor,gynaecologist and fertility special and she is a famous doctor in our place.My mom name is Velamma she is 38 years old.She is a tupical South Indian women.She is so fair like milk white.Her long hair which extends upto her ass and her blue eyes and pink lips are so sexy to watch.Her huge round breasts are like ripen watermelons and her sexy waist and fatty ass cheeks giggles when she walks...

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Older step sis uses me Part 1

The weekend was fast approaching and my mum announced that her and my step dad were off for the weekend and were going alone. They were off to Cornwall to stay in a caravan for a few nights on a short break. My older brother was going to be left in charge but I knew he was going to go out with his mates as normal and go clubbing, get drunk and stay out all weekend. It was a weekend fending for my self. I was used to it. I was only young, 15 but very happy and self sufficient. Well Friday...

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Something Crazy

Introduction: Ever get it in your head that you just want to do something crazy? Not just something out of the norm, but something really over the top? Did you ever do it? Michi and Keiko talked about, now lets see if they really did it? I just want to do something crazy and wild one day. You know, public sex caliber. I could feel the swelling within that started to get me wet even before we entered the spa. Seriously? Michi had me on the public sex thing. She had done it in a park at sunset....

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Femail order part 2

As we walked back home I kept thinking about Julie. She had recognised me. She knew I was male. But she hadn't been fazed to see me in a dress and heels, showing off my pretty legs, wearing make-up and a far from boyish hairstyle. On the contrary she had seemed pleased to see me. Was she pleased to see me as a person, or was she pleased to see me dressed as a girl? I hoped it might be both. I remembered what we had done on our dates. What would it have been like if I had been the one...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Reese Robbins 19 Years Old

Some girls do, some girls don’t, and some you just can’t tell. Words were never more true of today’s ex*!%@t and when Reese Robbins walked through our front door we all thought the same thing. This girl doesn’t look like she should be doing this but we are all so glad she is. Now don’t let this seemingly book smart sleeper fool you. This girl is into some kinky shit and says she prefers girls to guys and even wants to try multiple guys just to try it. You know, like 8 or 9 guys multiple at the...

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If Youve Got It Flaunt It

If You’ve Got It, Flaunt It My Dad told my sister Audrey almost every day of her life, ‘If you’ve got it, flaunt it!” He bought Audrey the tightest and skimpiest tops, skirts, shorts, and bikinis that he possibly could. I must say that she looks fantastic in them too. Being just fourteen years old she sure had a fine set of tits and yes she certainly did flaunt them. From my standpoint the older she got the more desirable she became. I was pretty sure that Dad was thinking the same...

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The big Cat groaned as it dug into the hillside with its sharp scraper blade, crisscrossing the side of the hill like a bright yellow prehistoric spider taking tons of dirt into its gaping maw with each pass. Katie Arden operated the huge piece of equipment with the skill of a surgeon, deftly maneuvering the big earth mover like it was the family car. At first the other operators were skeptical of her ability to handle one of the big rigs, but grudgingly they had to admit that she could do the...

3 years ago
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Marked Ones

This is a story set in a world where certain people are born with special abilities. These abilities manifest themselves as Marks on a person's body, typically looking like a scar that symbolizes what their ability is. A Mark can have almost any kind of ability, but there are never two of the same Marks existing at the same time. People with Marks are coveted, most people have the belief that if a person with a mark has a child, that child is more likely to have a mark themselves. Things are...

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Kapitel 1 – Das Institut Ein irgendwie futuristisch anmutendes, dunkelgraues Gebäude mit scheinbar drei Stockwerken tauchte am Ende der Sackgasse in diesem Industtriegebiet im Licht der Laternen auf. Bedrohlich wie ein schwarze Quader ragte es in den tropisch heißen, schwarzen Nachthimmel, den nur die Straßenlaternen mit gelblichen Strahlen einige Meter weit zerrissen. Kleine Motten und Mücken sammelten sich wild flatternd um die Glaskugeln der Straßenleuchten. Die dunkle, glatte Fassade schien...

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British exhibitionist wife masturbates on the beac

This is not my story, but I found it very hot so thought I better share it with you guys..My husband and I were on a holiday near Studland in Dorset - that's in England on the south coast. There is a very long sandy beach backing on to a big expanse of sand dunes, so it's easy to find somewhere to hide away from the public gaze - well that's what I thought.Our holiday was slightly out of season so the area wasn't packed with too many visitors and, luckily, the weather was hot and sunny. What...

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A One Night Stand With My Best Friends Husband Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I feel guilty having a one night stand with my best friend’s husband, but I don’t regret fucking him as it was one of the best sex experiences of my life. I was never the kind of person to have a one-night stand with someone and especially not my best friend’s husband as I loved my friend and never wanted to hurt her. But her husband was so hot and sexy that I couldn’t stop myself that day. I have always been fond of Jack as we all three were together in college and I had a huge crush on him...

Real Hookup
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Sibling MagusChapter 4

“Do you want anything to drink?” I asked and headed for the kitchen. “Well,” she said, not sounding very surprised. “Yes. What do you have?” One thing that had always irritated me was Faith’s accent. I didn’t have one, but she did, as well as our sister, Alyssa, and our mother. I thought it was a southern accent. I don’t know how many times they corrected me, claiming it was southern belle. I looked in the fridge. Katrina was really good at keeping our place stocked with food, and she...

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Shiny Faces

It was time for my shiny face. That's what Mrs. Elgin called it. And not just mine, but everyone's. We were salesmen, the bunch of us, boys and girls. Some of us were as young as five and some as old as fifteen, and even one boy who was sixteen. He was the old man in our midst. Most of us were between 8 and 13, but we were older than that really. Being an orphan is like that. It makes you old really fast, cynical and realistic. Even the little kids knew that every day that passed in the...

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Uncle Mikes Slutty Niece

I remember my first fuck like it was yesterday. It was actually 12 years ago. I was 15 years old at the time and a sophomore in high school. I have an older brother, but he was attending university in a town a couple of hours away. My parents had recently got the bad news that one of their old college friends had died. Since the funeral was in Ontario they were going to be gone for a few days. I tried to convince them that I was old enough to take care of myself while they were gone, but they...

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Camping Surprises by loyalsock

Mike and Norma had decided to try a camping trip in a remote area of New Mexico. Their sex lately had not been exactly perfect and Norma thought that the fresh air might perk things up a little. It’d been a long hard day hiking up the hill, and now that they had, at last, settled in for the night, Norma was hoping for a night of warm and sensual lovemaking. She and Mike climbed into the single large sleeping bag, and she began fondling his cock.Mike moaned and stroked her hair, using his coarse...

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Mit demder besten Freundin im Urlaub

Zu meiner Person Mein Name ist Tom, ich bin 26 Jahre alt, spiele Fußball und gehe oft laufen und fahre Rennrad. Also würde ich sagen, dass ich ein sportlicher Charakter bin. Mit meinem 1,84 m groß und mit meinen blauen Augen und kürzeren gestylten Haaren sicherlich recht hübsch abzusehen. Es ist Sommer und der Urlaub mit meinen besten Freunden steht an, auf dem ich mich riesig freue! Endlich aus dem Großstadtjungel ausbrechen und die Natur und Sonne in der Toskana genießen. Mit von der Partie...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 236

I had another interview about the boxing, so I just playfully challenged Webster and the republican to a three round match each. The proceeds to go to charity, winner take all to donate to their favorite charity. Webster was smart enough to say you don't want to see me in a pair of boxing shorts, and laugh. The ex chief from Dobson made a face. "Being Sheriff is no laughing matter. Porter is a joke, actually a dirty joke," he said They played that sound bite for me later in the day. "So...

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Edwards Storm

Edward's Storm My son Edward had been a happy baby, a quiet and shy toddler. Then, he hit puberty, and suddenly, he changed. Great bouts of anger and depression became the norm for him. At the time, I passed it off as the normal growing pains of a young man, until one day, something happened to change my mind. I came home to find he had gathered a pile of pictures and put them on the floor. He was trembling, and there were tears streaming down his face. I asked him gently,...

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Lost With Nothing to Lose19 Hiding an Army

“I have tremendous news, though you may want to sit down for this,” Admiral Deyesu said as Al entered his office. It hadn’t taken long for his superiors to promote him, not wanting other ship captains disputing his authority. “No thank you,” Al responded. “The last several times someone suggested they had good news, they were about to imprison me.” “You don’t have to worry about that any longer,” Deyesu said, sitting back and smiling. “After cleaning up Brskll’s mess and reestablishing the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 176 Pissy Chrissy

Pout all you want! I’m not leaving you here alone where you can get into something that will get you in deeper shit with mom. We waited on Ralph, Fern and Hailey to head down the road before I got the keys for the Lotus. Sharon about came right there on the spot. The crotch belt pulled between her legs made her cum when it pushed on her clit. I forgot that Chrissy hasn’t even ridden in the Lotus yet. Did she even know I had it? Unlike when I took Frank out, I didn’t hug the corners as the...

1 year ago
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Twins n best buds V

First off, something about our fun with Gavin, the kid at the water park. After we met him on one of the water slides the 3 of us started hanging out. We sat by the wave pool checking out the girls and judging who we thought was hot and who wasn’t and that got us talking about sex. Gavin asked us what we had done with girls so we told him and he told us about stuff he had done. His experiences were pretty close to ours except he had been to a Rainbow Party and we didn’t know what that was...

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My Life Part 10 The Rescue

I didn't have any Tuesday plans, until Katie brought me the prepaid and showed me a message from Mounika. "Help! Can you call me?" I called and Mounika answered. "Do you think you could hang out with Priya today? My aunt has to do some extra work and the person who was supposed to help her is flaking out. I need to go help her!" While having Priya all to myself was tempting. I knew it was not a good idea. "Can you at least come over so I can explain?". Mounika pleaded. After...

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Rachel Intersecting Lines

Authors Note: I love this character. I love how she came to life for me (though that story is going to get rewritten to make it better (Rachel - Crossing the Line)). What's different about this story is not only do I play the story through Rachel's eyes, but also through another character. Hope you enjoy... Thanks for reading and all the feedback given in the past. Sorry it's been so long since my last release... Rachel July 8th, 2:39 AM "Yeah..." I muttered into the phone while...

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Bla Book 6a Jurassic Bed BreakfastChapter 12

Vanessa sat down, her legs scissoring beneath her, and stared at the empty space where Kristin had been. A quiet moan interrupted her, and she turned toward Sheryye, lying in the grass nearby. Kristin was holding Sheryye's stump up in the air, trying to keep Sheryye from bleeding out all over the ground. "Oh, my!" Vanessa exclaimed. "I forgot! I'm so sorry..." she whined anxiously as she scooted over to her bleeding lover. Holding the dying girl in her arms now, Vanessa sighed and...

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Shooting in Hannah Version AlphaChapter 7

She started to leave, but then turned and came back, reaching for my hand and pulling me to my feet. We stood close. “Thank you,” she said. “Sure.” I know it was stupid, but it’s what came out of my mouth. “It will be okay,” she assured me. “Night.” Then she reached for my face and kissed me. We had never kissed. I couldn’t even remember her kissing me on the cheek. Her lips were soft, and warm and the next thing I knew my arms were around her, my hands on her naked back, and her hot...

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