Preludes Ch. 03: Self-Medicating free porn video

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Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I’m grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

At the very least I suggest reading the PROM series first if you haven’t already. It is the main story from which the others are branched so things could be a little confusing (and surprises ruined) if it is skipped over.

For those of you who read Prom, welcome back! This series deals with the two months of Rachel’s life that led up to where Prom began. It will hopefully provide you with some background for why certain events occurred and why Rachel may have acted in ways that she did. Overall it takes on a bit of a darker and less whimsical tone, but if you read the whole Prom series, you already understand why.

As always, I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you’re too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I’m kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

PREVIOUS — Chapter 2: Full-Service


Rachel’s heart pounded out of her chest as her breath continued to come in short, gasping bursts. The sweat that had been glistening all over her body for a while was now freely dripping from her temples in a steady stream of droplets. Her muscles burned, but she pushed through the pain and began to pick up her pace as she sensed sweet relief finally coming in just mere seconds.

Pulling the fast breaths through her nose, she swallowed and wiped chaotically at her brow. Her jaw was tight but a smile formed behind her eyes. She was fully into a good rhythm, and it was moments like these that she was able to clear her mind of everything else and focus squarely on the task.

She thought about this current session and how long it was lasting. Certainly longer than the last time. Pushing past her comfort zone was always uncomfortable but it sent sizzling endorphins streaking through her brain. She wanted this. She needed it. It made her feel good about herself.

It was a reminder that she was still skilled and good at things during a time when nothing else was working out. Her days had been dark and lonely lately and hope seemed to come in only teasing, fleeting flashes. She could still see Rebecca’s hateful glare from earlier in the day and she could feel lump it had put in her throat. The painful memory sliced through her stomach and she quickly pushed the image away. She didn’t need that negativity right now. She was so close. Just a few more seconds and she’d be there. Just a few more-.


Rachel threw her head back and let out a deep breath as the treadmill’s countdown hit zero and the speed automatically dropped from the torrid pace she’d set. She’d been running for 45 minutes and her body was drenched and quivering. Her breaths were still fast and rough and her heart rate was sky high, but she smiled deeply with relief. The treadmill slowed to a cool-down pace and she gripped the sides of the machine with shaking hands as she moved her feet in time with the tread.

After a minute or two, her breath and pulse returned to bearable rates and Rachel glanced around the room. She was in the exercise area of the gym at school. It had been about a week since she’d taken a ‘break’ from the soccer team (although she knew she wasn’t going back). She still hadn’t told her parents she’d quit so most days after school she would head to the gym and get on the treadmill like she was currently. For one, she wanted to stay in shape since she wasn’t playing a sport anymore. And two, just getting up on the machine and running helped to clear her mind of all the bad things in her life. It was an escape, if just for an hour or so each day.

The workout area was pretty well populated and Rachel recognized several people. It was the middle of the spring season so various athletes were in for therapy or to work out on their own. Rachel noticed a few eyes on her as well. She was sweating and her hair was up in a damp ponytail, but she still looked hot and enticing. She was wearing a workout tank top that showed off her lower stomach and also left her sports bra visible from the sides and back. And she had on a pair of spandex shorts which drew plenty of attention to her toned legs.

She wiped at her brow and continued to scan the room as she walked through her cool-down. She’d been about to turn back to the treadmill’s display screen and assess her performance when her eyes caught a hint of movement. Someone was walking towards her, and as recognition hit her brain, she tingled involuntarily.


Rachel narrowed her eyes as the confident boy approached with a bright smile stretched across his face. It was Monday and it had been just two days since she’d let him and his friend Craig talk her into blowing them both in the back of his car. Rachel had enjoyed the experience, and by the end she’d been pretty worked up, but she was still kind of pissed at Austin. He’d taken her phone while she’d been in the middle of doing him and he’d texted a friend of hers (Kevin) to jokingly cancel their plans for the evening.

She’d initially been furious when she’d found out what happened, but her anger had subsided quickly as arousal over her hookup with both boys took over. Getting them off had made her feel useful and wanted for the first time in weeks. It had filled her with sexual energy, and given her a buzzing (if temporary) high. She’d even raced home and touched herself in the shower while replaying the afternoon.

It had been more than enough to get off to and the warm feelings of power and satisfaction had lasted her all through the weekend. She’d been so grateful for a respite from her darkness and it had marked the first time since her fight with Rebecca that she’d been comfortable by herself.

But Monday’s arrival had swept away the warmth and replaced it with a chilling dread as she contemplated going back to school and facing everything again. It had been jarring just how badly her body and soul craved the lost sensation. All she could think about was how she wanted that good feeling to come back. She needed it. Deep down, she knew it was just a temporary fix but it had been the first antidote to the poison that been choking her heart for weeks.

Austin stopped directly in front of her and let his eyes run noticeably all over her body. As she looked down at him from the treadmill with a disinterested smirk, he grinned back.

‘Rachel! Long time, no see!’ He winked at her, recalling their time in his car just a few days earlier.

Rachel scoffed and pursed her lips. ‘Shouldn’t you be out polishing your rims? Or you know, texting people from my phone and fucking up my plans?’

Austin grinned sheepishly and shook his head as he fired back with a defensive laugh.

‘Hey now! C’mon, you’re not mad about that, are you? I’m sorry! I was just messing around. You gotta admit it was a little bit funny, right?’

Rachel continued to scowl dismissively at him but she couldn’t help letting a quick grin escape her lips. It had been sort of funny. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

‘Yeah yeah, whatever. Some thanks I get for being so nice to you.’ She tingle
d at her own words as she returned his playful wink.

Austin smiled again knowingly. Oh, she’d been ‘nice’ to him alright. And, God, so good at it. He’d thought about the perfect feeling of her mouth on him ever since he’d left her by her car in the parking lot. And as he watched her magical tits bounce subtly in her sports bra, he thought about the brief look he’d gotten of them too. He had to get a better view.

‘What are you doing in here anyway? I thought you played soccer.’

Rachel shrugged and wiped a bead of sweat from her eyes. ‘Yeah, I did. But I’m taking a little break. What about you? Just trying to walk around and show off your guns?’

Austin looked down at himself and smirked. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt that fit him well. ‘Yeah, well. Gotta give you ladies something nice to look at, right?’

Rachel rolled her eyes again and laughed. So cocky. But she had to admit that he looked good. He was the school’s quarterback and his arms were impressively well-sculpted (something that she had never really taken the time to notice before). She let her eyes run down quickly over his body and she tingled reflexively as she pictured his penis again. She could almost still taste him on her lips. The image was so vividly fresh.

Austin grinned to himself as he watched her gaze trace downward. ‘Nah, I’m just playin’. Just trying to stay in shape for next fall. Gotta make sure they don’t change their mind about that scholarship.’

Rachel nodded and wiped some more sweat from her brow. ‘Gotcha. Guess we’re both just staying busy.’

Austin smiled and inhaled a contemplative breath as he took in her words. His mind had already been in a very particular place ever since he’d seen Rachel from across the room, but their conversation had served to focus his thoughts further. He glanced around before stepping in closer towards the machine. His eyes flicking over her exposed stomach, he licked his lips and lowered his voice.

‘Well, speaking of getting busy.’ He raised an eyebrow. ‘What are the chances of us having a little more fun together?’

Rachel felt her cheeks go warm as she blushed at his boldness. She raised her eyebrows into a surprised smile and searched his face.

‘More fun? What are you-?’ She laughed nervously. ‘When? Like, now?’

Austin kept his gaze running smoothly over her body. He offered a casual shrug as his eyes flashed deviously.

‘Sure. Why not?’

Rachel felt her stomach flutter as she continued to walk to the slow pace of the treadmill. Her finger tips tingled and she glanced around nervously to see if anyone was nearby. Looking back at Austin, she swallowed and flashed him and incredulous smile.

‘You’re crazy. No, look, maybe some other time. First off, there’s people all around the gym. Where would we-? Nevermind. And second, I’m, like, totally gross right now. I need a shower. I just ran for almost an hour.’

Austin again looked all over her glistening body. He simply shook his head. ‘Are you kidding me? Gross? You look fucking hot as hell. In fact, I was hoping we could have even more fun than last time…’

Rachel felt a shockwave ripple through her spandex. More fun than last ti-? Was he talking about having sex? Her slowing heart rate spiked again as she looked over his body. He’d clearly been working out, too. Not as strenuously as she had but he’d been lifting weights and his arms looked tight and toned. His skin had a slight glow as well.

She tingled again as she suddenly pictured doing it with him. She already knew what his dick looked like. She kind of wanted to see the rest of his body now. And feeling him slip firmly inside her? She licked her lips involuntarily and let her eyes flutter shut. It would probably feel soooo good.

Another pulsing between her legs shook out of her haze and her eyes opened wide. No! That was crazy. And despite the tempting nature of her fantasies, it was something that she’d surely regret immediately. Breaking her ‘no sex’ rule with Brad had been jarring enough. She didn’t need to be adding another name to that list.

‘Uhhhh, yeah, that’s not going to happen. You’re even crazier than I thought if you think I’d just let you-.’ She swallowed and tried to sound strong. ‘No.’

Austin winced as he tried to hide a look of disappointment. He’d allowed himself to consider for a second that maybe it was a possibility. But he quickly regained himself. She might not be down with fucking him, but he already knew what she was down for. And this time he’d definitely make sure he saw a lot more of that body.

‘Fair enough. Just throwing it out there. But it’s cool. We can just chill the same as last time, right?’

Rachel set her jaw and looked away so she could think. He was being so casual about it. She scoffed mentally as she considered it though. It wasn’t as if what she’d done for him in his car should have given him any reason not to be casual. He’d picked her up at a gas station for God’s sake. Him and a friend. She looked back at his face and tried to mount a final defense.

‘Look, where would we-? There’s people everywhere. The locker rooms are full. I’m not about to get caught suck-.’

Austin cut her off with a shake of his head. He knew he had her. The fact that she was simply quibbling about locations was all the evidence he needed. And he also had the solution to her worries. He had the perfect spot.

Taking in her confused expression, Austin reached into his pocket and pulled out a small key ring with two keys dangling from it. He looked around cautiously before holding them up and jingling them playfully in front of her. As she narrowed her eyes suspiciously, still not understanding, he spoke.

‘You know what’s great, Rach? Having your coach love you. Like, love you enough to give you an extra key to the film room so you can go study tape on your own time.’ He curled his lips into a grin and shot her a knowing look. ‘If I recall correctly, you’re an all-state athlete yourself. Don’t act like there aren’t some perks.’

Rachel swallowed at his words and grinned back. It was true. Her field hockey coach had gotten her out of class a few times. Even an exam once. Her eyes flicked back to the keys in Austin’s hand. She hadn’t even known there was a place to study film. Must be a football thing.

‘Where is this film room?’

‘It’s here in the gym. It’s just on the second floor back near the offices. Trust me. No one goes up there when it’s not football season.’ Austin paused and raised his eyebrows confidently. ‘See? You didn’t even know it existed. We’ll lock the door and no one will bother us. I promise. C’mon, it’s a sure thing.’

Rachel felt her stomach flip as she realized she was actually considering it. Despite it not being a good idea. Despite her still being upset with Austin over his texting prank. Despite being dripping with sweat and feeling dirty and gross.

Despite all that, she wanted to do it. She wanted that feeling she’d gotten from doing it a few days ago. That temporary, empowering spark that had illuminated all of the dull blackness she’d been wallowing in. That good feeling was gone now and she needed another fix. It was like a drug.

She looked Austin up and down a final time and once again pictured her lips on him. Another exciting shiver rippled through her senses. Locking eyes with him, she reached out and pushed the ‘stop’ button on the treadmill. It came to a smooth halt and she simply stood silently, her whole body heaving with nervous breaths. She bit her lip and brushed some sweat away.

And then, she nodded.


Austin felt himself stiffen as excited anticipation washed over his brain. He was going to get it again! After thinking about her all weekend! He casually adjusted his shorts and nodded back with a bright smile.

‘Nice. All right, just, um, go out to the lobby area and wait real quick. I’ll leave in a minute so it’s not obvious.’

‘s scalp tingled as she nodded in response and stepped off the treadmill. She kept her gaze on him as she grabbed her water bottle and took a deep drink, numbness running through the tips of her fingers. The excitement of the moment began to make her head swim and she finally turned to make her way towards the exit to the main area of the gym. As she leaned into the door and pushed it open, she looked back at Austin a final time and flashed her dancing eyes. He grinned slyly and looked away as she disappeared from the room.

Rachel’s entire body buzzed as she stood quietly in the gymnasium lobby and waited. Her mind was racing with wild anticipation and the energy kept her post-workout adrenaline rush flowing freely. She wandered aimlessly over to a vending machine and licked her lips as she focused her eyes on a tall can of sweetened iced tea. Her run had left her throat dry and she had a sudden craving for her favorite drink. She smirked at the illuminated buttons and took another sip from her water bottle. She’d get her treat after she finished up with the other task on her agenda.

The thought of what she was about to do forced another cool shiver through her veins. For the first time since the fight, she actually felt somewhat like her old self. The whole thing was certainly a bit reckless, but it was also exciting. She was kinda into Austin (at least physically) and the decision to go up with him to this mystery room actually filled her with a sense of control. Soon he’d be quaking under her power and writhing in dizzying pleasure. And that gave Rachel a feeling of value that she’d been so desperately lacking and searching for in her dark time.

Her thoughts were broken as Austin suddenly appeared with eyes bright and keys in hand. He smiled as he led her across the gym towards the coaches’ offices and into a rear stairwell. It took them to a narrow upstairs hallway which appeared to dead end and open up into a large storage space. In the middle of the hall, however, was a single white door. Austin stepped over to it and inserted one of the keys. It unlocked with a click and he pushed the door open and hit a light switch. Guiding Rachel by the small of her back, he led his prize into the room.

Rachel looked around and studied the new space that she’d never even known existed. It was a small room. Just a few chairs and an L-shaped desk. A couple of older-model computer monitors were set up and binders and boxes were stacked on a cabinet shelf. Overall, it was pretty boring. But like Austin had said, also pretty perfect for their current purpose.

She jumped slightly as she heard the door close and the lock click shut behind them. She turned back towards Austin and studied his grinning expression. His gym shorts had developed a bit of a tent to them and Rachel grinned at his obvious arousal. She was glad that he was excited and ready. She was excited and ready too.

Glancing downward at her feet, she sniffed a breath through her nose. The floor had a low carpet (for which she was grateful) and she took a step towards Austin, preparing to get things started. She brought her palms to his chest for balance and was about to sink to her knees when he suddenly reached out and stopped her. He shot her a playful smile and teasingly ran the back of his knuckles over the front of her tank top.

‘Wait, I just gotta see more of this ridiculous body of yours. Last time was such a tease.’

Rachel straightened back up and gave him a thoughtful look. She was no stranger to hooking up in school but she really preferred to keep her clothes on. If someone did somehow walk in, it would be a lot easier to pop up and act like they were simply making out or something. But if she was naked, there might not be enough time to remedy the situation. Her life was complicated enough these days. She certainly didn’t want any trouble.

‘Austin…we’re at school. If someone comes in-.’

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Self Pleasures Inc

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My self torture 3

My self torture true story of a torture sentence ordered by my online master. He lives in Europe and is a very sadistic pain master. He continues to increase my sentences of self pain torture. I did tell him I would carry out any sentence that will give me extreme pain outside of killing me. He knows just how to control his pain slut. Always looking for more ideas how to give extreme pain to myself Saturday self torture sentence and my e-mail to master Hi master Max, Well master I...

2 years ago
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Zen and the Art of Self Defense Chapter 7

Part 3 - Way of Harmony Chapter 7 - Counter Technique The story so far - After setting up doctor and therapist appointments leading to sex-reassignment surgery, Chrissy traveles back to her home with Jillian in tow to come out to her mother and brother. She shows Jillian the sights of northwestern Ohio (of which there really aren't all that many), who then returns to L.A. after a week. For the following week, Chrissy and her mother get to know one another better, ending with...

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The other self

Trisha woke up and, like every day, the first thing she did was checking her diary. As always the last entry was detailed. Even small events of the previous day have been written down in a small neat handwriting. If someone would take a look it probably would appear if Trisha has trouble with her memory. As if she couldn't remember the day before. Which, incidentally, wasn't that far off the truth. Having read the last entry she got up to prepare for the day. A shower was first....

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Steves Self Bondage Experiment

This is a story about my experiences in exploring self-bondage   An Experiment in Self Bondage This is a story about my experiences in exploring self-bondage.? I am normally a dominant male who enjoys placing submissive women in restrictive bondage for prolonged periods.? I had always wondered what it felt like to bound and helpless, so I began exploring self-bondage.? As you know, the trick with self-bondage is to make the release reliable and foolproof, although I would prefer to...

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Feeling my self

Oh! I start feeling myself more now, it's so nice to have sex with men, it makes me horny and feels better I want to jump on him and start kissing him.2 times in the week good to having sex, I start to feel as gay as personal identity as someone likes guys. Now 31 years old and I want to see myself as a gay guy as gay love cock and fuck men good, loving sucking and rimming. Started taking videos and photos when I'm doing sex with someone to see my self sexy and hot, to see my self if I'm good...

4 years ago
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Bikini Beach Self Sacrifice

1. The Penitent "You don't want to do that." The gunman's head jerked round, eyes flashing dangerously; had Brian misjudged things? Had he allowed his bravado to take him just a step too far? Would today be the day he drew his last breath? The boy could not have been more than nineteen; perhaps this had been a mistake; perhaps he was one of those in-between teenagers, where a mature view of the world had not quite caught up on the panic of being cast into it as an adult. He took...

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A man discovery about advanced sexual techniques 8211 The subject is sucking oneself off

Most sexually active men have had this fantasy. And I’m talking about straight men, because that’s what I am. I’ve been in the same relationship with one woman for over twenty years now. But every time I hear about this it seems to turn me on. The subject is sucking oneself off. Yes I know that sounds weird, and also im- possible, but I found out that with a little practice, it can be done. I love my woman, and she’s as sexy as can be. But like most men in...

3 years ago
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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 2 Naughty Naked Selfies

Chapter Two: Naughty Naked Selfies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My eyes widened at the sight of Mitsuko-hime standing naked in the onsen, steam rising around her breasts, droplets of water glistening on her curves and her brown nipples like diamonds turned into nectar. Her skin was pale, milky, so fair and perfect. Her hair was a black curtain pilling around her shoulders. Her eyes looked up, meeting mine. I trembled before the daimyo's daughter. I had seen her from afar, but never...

1 year ago
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Discovering myself0

As usual on Fridays I walked through the park on the way home from my college. I usually wait for my friend Janette. While on the bench reading, sounds from a gathering of trees and bushes behind me attracted my attention. Leaving my books on the bench, I went to investigate. Following a faint trail I heard the sounds again, looking through the bushes let me see a small space. Maybe this was where the seniors went to smoke pot. Then I saw “The Man”. He was standing at the far edge with...

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Finding myself0

"Oh, ok," I said in a quivering voice. My nerves were shot, my hand shaking, and I was just talking on the phone. Was I really going to do this? Had my hormones got the best of me? I had just met this guy on a dating site and we chatted a for a hour or so and he's inviting me over. "You'll love it," he said very reassuringly, "we're just two guys looking to get off. I'll slide off your pants and it'll all be good from there." I had never gone that far with a guy before. And...

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Couldnt help myself0

Lena was stroking his cock. He pressed her to him and kissed her lips passionately. He turned her on her back getting ready to satisfy his lust and … woke up. Yes, it was just a dream… A sweet pleasant dream… The sun was bright and shining through the window. Anthony could hear some remote noise from outside. He stretched himself. Getting up in the morning was so difficult… It was so nice and comfortable lying under the warm blanket. But the interrupted dream still tortured the man – his cock...

2 years ago
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Seek The Wolf in Thyself

Wolferick felt the change begin. As before, it started with a pulling sensation in his mind as it grew to the predatory mind of the beast. Then came the pressure in his bone, much like when pulling out a tooth, as they warped and contorted into the time perfected frame of the wolf. His mouth itched, his ears itched, and his skin crawled as vicious teeth grew and fine tuned ears morphed and ultra sensitive fur sprouted all over his changing body.The change was over in minutes, and with it...

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Discovering myself1

I was one of the first girls in my school to develop breasts, which this garnered a lot of attention from the boys in school. By the time I was 15 I had developed into a full d cup while still maintaining a slim figured. With my black hair barely covering my ears, hazel eyes, and pale white skin I never really thought of myself as more than cute. I had no interest in trying to attracted anyone so I dressed modestly, not that my body didn't still stand out. Regardless I had no interest in...

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Selfbondage fun for Julia

Julia stares blankly at her tv. She's already watched the only good show for the day, and she has no other plans for the day. she suddenly thinks about a bondage video she saw last night. In the video, the gil was tied up with a vibrator in her pussy. the girl couldn't get out till she eventually found a knife,and ended up having multiple orgasms. "I should try something like that" Julia says to herself.

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My life as a selfsucker

I bet every man in the world has thought about sucking his own cock. I know I did for years, until one day I started doing stretching exercises and I noticed I was so limber that I could put my head in my lap. I started thinking about how good it would feel to stick the head of my cock into my mouth, so I got undressed and my cock was rock hard. I stuck my legs over my head and there was my cock inches away from my mouth.I stuck my tongue out and could just barely lick the head of my swollen...

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My selfsucking life from net

I bet every man in the world has thought about sucking his own cock. I know I did for years, until one day I started doing stretching exercises and I noticed I was so limber that I could put my head in my lap. I started thinking about how good it would feel to stick the head of my cock into my mouth, so I got undressed and my cock was rock hard. I stuck my legs over my head and there was my cock inches away from my mouth.I stuck my tongue out and could just barely lick the head of my swollen...

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Date Coach from sissifyourself

Chapter 1“So what brings you here today?”Daniel looked at the date coach. He wasn’t sure of his height, taller than himself for sure, who stood at a paltry 5’ 4”, even though he was already 23 years old. He’d been made fun of his whole life for his height, but he still had a good bit of muscle, and some fat on him, as he weighed about 150 pounds, with nary a hair on his body. The doctor on the other hand, still looked athletic and muscular through his button down shirt, and didn’t look a day...

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Groundhog Day from sissifyourself blog

The alarm went off at 6 AM, like it always did. I stirred groggily andlooked over at my fiancée Leah. She looked so scrumptious lying therethat I had half a mind to blow off work and make passionate love to her,but instead I gave her a little shake on the shoulder. She moaned thatshe was awake, and she padded off to the shower. Only having onebathroom in the apartment meant I was shaving while she was showering. Itwas hard to see in the steamed-up mirror, and sure enough, I nickedmyself.We...

3 years ago
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Having Mself Some Fun

It was early on a Saturday morning, I was laying on the bed in Joliet's bedroom, Joliet had picked me up on Friday night. I could not help but admire Joliet as she/he left for work. Joliet was on t-girl that really turned heads when she/he went out. Working as an escort, Joliet made decent money. Joliet would say 'I turn them on and get paid for being beautiful.' Joliet would always come home horny as hell, we would have marathon sex sessions. Joliet would let the passion flow like a caged up...

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I was just 16 years old, still slim and quite flexible. I went through puberty early at 13 and as my hormones went into overdrive a lot of things started changing, My pubes grew in and my cock grew out, I would get a boner every time in the showers after GYM class surrounded by all the other guys in my class. My best friend at the time was also in a similar way. He live a block over from me and we would often camp out in my tent in the back yard. I kept a stash of girly magazines for us to look...

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RobynSelfStory 01

This lockdown is so frustrating. Not that I ever played a real lot, but having even the opportunity to play removed somehow makes it worse!So I guess a girl has to do what a girl has to do. With too much time on hands, and too much time looking at, er, naughty things; well, what’s a girl to do?Last night, after a lovely lengthy hot shower, and shaving in all the right places, I wondered what I should do. Inspiration soon found me.I dug out my old electro equipment. Now, this is nothing fancy or...

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Know Thyself

Know Thyself By Pamela ([email protected]) I was resting comfortably reading a book in a chaise lounge in the back porch of my house, when out of nowhere a FedEx guy showed up and called out to me, "Are you Greg Perkins? I have a package that needs your signature." Since I was wearing a dress and had obvious breasts I jumped up attempting to run into the house so he couldn't see me. But he had and he called after me, "Hey man. I see you. I need your signature." "I need to...

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Know Thyself

Was it Aristotle who once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom?” If that was true, I thought I was the wisest man alive. I thought I knew myself well. I was a pretty good guy, a not-so-bad husband, a more-than-adequate lover, a good provider as a father, a friend you could probably count on, a straight-shooting supervisor ... all good stuff, right? Events these past several months shattered my previous self-image. It turns out I was not so wise. In fact, I was a total...

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Reddit GettingHerselfOff, aka r/GettingHerselfOff! Is there anything fucking hotter than watching a dirty bitch make herself cum? Sure, we all have our kinks, but universally, is there a straight dude alive that is incapable of getting off to a slut rubbing her pussy, riding a giant dildo that’s bigger than you could ever hope to be, or vibrating her clit to climax? That’s like saying the more food you eat, the more you feel hungry: it’s an oxymoron, and it’s downright impossible.That’s why I...

Reddit NSFW List
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SRU One Selfless Wish

This story was written to the specifications of Debbie L as part of a story swap. SRU: One Selfless Wish By Morpheus Pissed off, Cody Burke glared at anyone in the mall that got in his way, smirking as an old woman stepped aside. He couldn't believe it. First his girlfriend Valerie had dumped him, claiming that he just wanted her for sex, (which Cody had to admit that was true), then his roommates started threatening to kick him out since he couldn't pay the rent. As far as Cody...

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A Camgirls History of Self Pleasure Through 2284

It was in the year 2020 that humans first felt their stiff introduction to the future of lovemaking.  We passed forcibly from a world of human flesh with large stiff cocks bathed in the fragrant lubricant of female musk and fluid to the trance of orgasmic bliss at a distance. The agent of change was only 125 nanometers in length but it imposed its will upon a world that was unprepared and woefully inadequate to its demands. Tragically, many died, but far more were to have their lives wrenched...

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Debbies self discipline LC part 1

Please be gentle as I have never written anything like this in my life…..this story is a fantasy of mine and has been inspired by someone who I think is an amazing writer and someone I hold as special to me…you know who you are xoxo After leaving high school at 18 I decided I wanted to become a writer and after researching different colleges and specialised schools I stumbled upon the L & C school of writing, the fees were within my budget so I thought …why not I need to learn from someone...

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LC school part 1 A young girls lesson in self discipline

Please be gentle as I have never written anything like this in my life…..this story is a fantasy of mine and has been inspired by someone who I think is an amazing writer and someone I hold as special to me…you know who you are xoxo After leaving high school at 18 I decided I wanted to become a writer and after researching different colleges and specialised schools I stumbled upon the L & C school of writing, the fees were within my budget so I thought …why not I need to learn from someone...

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Time Traveling Sister Wants Brother To Rape Her Past Self

AN: This has got the be the weirdest fucking story I ever made. Obvious disclaimer, please don't rape family members, please don't rape friends, please don't rape people in general, it's a crime and obviously not gonna play out how you think. Your sister won't fall in love with you if you rape her in real life, so please don't fucking do it. ----- I looked at the pocket watch in my hand with an almost giddy smile. In fact, I had a grin so wide, I was almost worried I was about to break my own...

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Star Wars Normality Self insert Part II

Important Notice: On my vacation just now, I found out that I lost some of my fun at writing ever since posting what I created, because I always thought about what would be good for the readers. Something I never did in the years before. I wrote a story just as it came to my mind once again and can tell, that it does far more to relax me than what I did in the last months. As a consequence, I will not post anymore in the foreseeable future and go back to write just to relax without...

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Top Tips To Self Pleasure-Whether you’re single or have a partner, indulging in self-loving from time to time can do wonders. Pleasing yourself not only helps you learn more about your body and what works for it but it also helps relieve stress, relaxes your mind, drives away cramps and makes you a happier person.If touching yourself feels good and the way you plan to go about it causes no risk of injury, then you should seriously go for it.Self pleasure, or masturbation, is a great way to have...

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Transgender Outdoor SelfBondage

Another day of work had finished and I flew out the door just after 4:30pm on a mild March afternoon. I had still not transitioned professionally, so presented as male in the office. After work, though, I was my true self. A transwoman who was already taking hormones. I got into the car and turned out onto the main road, traffic was not too bad and I made the journey across town in under 15 minutes.Pulling up at the side of the road, the last glimmer of daylight was fading, but the streetlamps...

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