Memories Of Last Night free porn video

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The professor’s voice echoed dully around the room, sweeping tunelessly over the heads of 70 tired and uninterested students. The sky outside was grey and miserable, mirroring the mood of the room, bar for one girl – Jo.

She was sat in the middle of a row, halfway up the tiered seating, and was radiating her good mood. Her long brown hair, fell in curls over her shoulders, and seemed to shine under the incandescent lights of the hall. The professor glanced up and caught sight of her; she wore a cheerful grin and had to keep biting her lip to stop her small smile from spreading into a full beam. He sighed, ‘Probably still feeling the effects of whatever she had last night’ he thought to himself.

If Jo could read his thoughts, she would have had to laugh. The professor was closer to the truth than he realised. Last night had been the most amazing night she had had in a while, and when she had woken up in the morning, she couldn’t stop smiling or thinking about the events that had unfolded.

She picked up a pencil and began doodling on the paper that lay in front of her, playing through the events one more time…

It had all started out like any other evening. She had been curled up on her usual spot on the sofa, TV on in the background as she lost herself in the new book she had begun reading. The streetlights outside flickered on as the night drew in close, and she was snapped out of her book by the sound of the front door opening. Matt walked in, brushing his hands through his hair, and throwing his coat and bag down on one of the chairs in the lounge next to where Jo sat.

‘Hey babe!’ She smiled, as he bent down to give her a light kiss on the lips, ‘How’s your day been?’

‘Not bad.’ He replied, and had begun to tell her about one of his lectures from the day.

She sat with her book on her lap, a finger holding her page open and watched him as he spoke, his cheeks pink from the cold outside and his blond hair tussled messily. His eyes smiled at her as he spoke, looking at her with the same loving look that he wore when they first got together.

She loved him, but she had always felt like things were lacking a little in the bedroom. She was sure he felt the same, but neither of them had ever dared approached to subject. He bent down again and gave her another kiss, the feeling of his soft lips on hers filling her with a warm feeling, and he moved into the kitchen in order to start making dinner for the two of them.

The evening had progressed in much the same way as it normally did, eating dinner on the sofa together, the other students they lived with arriving home and joining them in the lounge for a while. Eventually, the others all left one by one, to go to their rooms, leaving Jo and Matt in the lounge by themselves again.

There had been a pause in the conversation as their attention flicked back and forth between each other and the TV, when suddenly Matt had burst out with it.

‘Can we chat about sex? Specifically, ours, or our lack of.’

The question took her a little by surprise, but she eagerly agreed – this talk had been long overdue.

‘I think we’ve always been a bit held-back in the bedroom, and I think we should both start exploring fantasies and trying new things?’ He bit his lip nervously as he waited for her response.

‘Yeah, I agree!’ She urged, enthusiastically. ‘What is it that you have in mind?’

He began to open his mouth, when one of the girls that they lived with came running down the stairs and into the room, tears streaming down her face. Jo jumped up to go and comfort her and gave Matt a look that said I’m sorry. Another time.

‘I’ll leave you guys alone.’ Matt sighed as he moved upstairs, well aware that he wasn’t needed downstairs, and that the conversation he had been planning was going to have to wait.

It was perhaps an hour and a half later when Jo finally climbed up the stairs and headed toward her room. She could hear the shower running and, when she saw that he wasn’t in her room, realised it must be Matt in there. She sighed to herself, feeling frustrated at the turn of events. She had been so pleased for the conversation to come up, and then it was ended as abruptly as it began.

She started to pull off her clothes and get ready for bed. She pulled her jeans down first, wiggling them over the curves of her ass and letting them drop to the floor, delicately stepping out of them. She then pulled her vest top over her head and dropped it down onto the floor next to her jeans. She was stood in just her bra and panties now, and caught a glimpse of herself in the tall mirror by her bed. The pale glow of the streetlight fell through her window and cast shadows on her body, defining her slim and toned figure. Her hips created a ‘v’ shape above the hem of her panties, and – as she unfastened her bra and let her breasts fall loose – she couldn’t help but appreciate how good she looked. She let her chestnut brown hair down from the messy bun it had been held in, and it cascaded down her neck, the tips of it covering her nipples.

She was stood like this as Matt entered the room and she saw him gaze hungrily at her body in the mirror. He had only a towel wrapped around him and, as she turned, she watched a bead of water drip from his hair, rolling down his cheek and neck and onto his shoulder. It slowed its travel as it climbed over his strong collar-bone, and then continued its course down his chest. It rolled over a nipple, erect from the cool air, and then snaked down his muscled abdomen. As the drop of water reached his hip, she noticed that familiar tenting at the front of the towel that meant he was enjoying the view as much as she was.

Jo opened her mouth to make a comment, but he stepped over to her with a look in his eyes that made her voice turn to whisper in her throat.

His gaze was wild and ferocious, a determination that she had never seen before filled him. His hands reached out and pulled her in close to his body, the heat from the shower still radiating off his glistening skin. His head bent down to meet her upturned face and, with lips just a hairs breadth apart from hers, he whispered, ‘Let me show you what I want.’ He pressed his mouth hard against hers, their wet lips locking together, tongues dancing in each other’s mouths.

He pulled her body in hard toward him, and she could feel his cock throbbing between them. She let her body relax, welcoming his command, letting him move her as he pleased. His hands were on her back and he moved them, sliding one up to the back of her head, his fingers moving between her hair. Suddenly he tightened his grip and pulled her head back, baring her neck.

His lips moved down to the soft pink skin, and bit down gently. She let out a soft groan of appreciation. She had rarely seen this strong side to him and she could feel herself enjoying every moment of it. She felt him tasting her skin, kissing and biting as much of it as possible, and she let out a murmur of pleasure every time he did so.

His other hand now moved down her back, holding her hips tightly for a second before grazing over her ass. In one swift movement, he bent down, and lifted her whole body up, his hand now supporting her weight under the thighs. She wrapped her legs tightly around his hips, letting her body straddle him. His cock was now stood at full attention and she could feel it pressing against her pussy through the towel.

Their mouths met again and she let out a little moan of delight as she felt the lust she had long thought absent flowing between them.

Suddenly, he pushed her body away from his, throwing her down on the bed. She landed down on her back, her breasts bouncing with the fall. His eyes gazed at her naked flesh, hungrily taking in every inch of her exposed body. He stepped forward, letting the towel fall down to the floor. His cock sprang free and Jo couldn’t help but yearn to touch it, to feel it. It had been so long since they had last been together, and she had forgotten how big he could get. The crown of it stood 7 inches up from the base and, in the glow of the streetlights, seemed to shine with his precum.

She began to push herself back, ready to move into the usual missionary position that they always used, but he put out a hand, stopping her.

‘No. Tonight, I call the shots.’ He growled, his voice crackling with a strength that she had never known. She allowed herself to be commanded by his touch and let him move her body, his strong hands pushing and pulling her as he desired.

He pressed her body down so that she was laying flat on her back, with her arms up above her head. He let his hands race back down her body, his fingers tracing over her skin, sliding delicately over her hips and down her thighs to her calves. Flattening his palms down, he pushed back up her legs, grazing up her thighs, curling his fingers so that they hooked over the top of her panties. Keeping his hands there, he let his thumbs stroke over her mound, rubbing her clit through the thin cotton. A sly grin of satisfaction appeared on his face as he saw a small wet patch begin to appear through the material, her pussy was soaking wet from his touch.

The rubbing continued, and Jo could feel herself moaning and arching her back, eager for more of his touch. She rocked her hips, pressing her wet pussy harder against his thumbs, a load moan escaping her lips.

Quickly, he pulled his hands away, bringing her sodden panties with them, exposing her shaved pink mound to the world. She gasped a little as the cold air hit her wetness, all thoughts and questions that had been in her head, disappeared as they were replaced with a burning desire for that satisfaction that she knew he could give her.

She watched intently as Matt pulled the small cotton briefs off her and up to his mouth, his tongue tasting her excitement that had drenched the material. He had never done anything like this before, never acted with such confidence, and watching him like this only drove her cravings for his body wilder.

His cock throbbed as he climbed over her, his legs straddling her hips. He held her hands in one of his, and using her damp panties, tied her hands together, dropping them back above her head when he was done.

She could feel her breathing speed up, she had always wondered what it would be like to be tied up and to be at his mercy, and it looked like tonight she would have the chance to find out.

He moved off the bed and walked round to the foot of it. He leaned forward, one knee resting on the edge of the mattress. He was looking directly into her eyes as his hands found her ankles and pulled her legs wide apart, the lips of her pussy spreading open for him like a flower opening up to the sun. He could see her wetness had soaked her and was now dribbling down between her ass cheeks and onto the clean, white bed sheets. The sight of her body aching for a release gave him a new lease of confidence and he settled himself down between her legs.

She felt his breath first. The heat showered down on her wet lips, making her whole body tremble with anticipation. He took a deep breath in, inhaling the sweet, intoxicating smell of her desire, and then she felt his lips.

They pressed lightly against the inside of her thigh as his tongue ventured out, tasting her soft skin. It travelled up towards her eager core, savouring the flavour of growing pleasure on the moist area. Jo groaned deeply, she wanted his tongue inside her, his wet lips over her whole sex. She wanted to cum over his mouth and face.

His tongue began teasing the delicate lips that surrounded her sweet hole. As he gently licked up and along them, she felt her body shivering – not with cold, but with mounting pleasure. He hadn’t even gotten to work yet and she could already feel the orgasm building up inside of her, the excitement taking over.

He pulled back a little, letting his mouth hang open, just centimetres away from her quivering sex.

‘Oh fuck yes.’ She moaned, as his tongue shot out and began expertly circling her clit. The orgasm was growing within her. What had just been an ember seconds before, had been fanned into a raging fire already, threatening to engulf her whole body and take over her entirely.

His lips now met her swollen bud and started sucking it and rolling it between them. Instinctively she began closing her legs, to hold his head where it was, but his hands grabbed onto her thighs, and turned her over so she now lay on her front. He moved onto his knees, pulling her hips up with him, so she was bent forward in a doggy position. She noticed a wet stain on the sheets where his cock had been and realised he had ruined the sheets with his precum. The thought of his cock being that excited, sent a new wave of feelings through her body, adding fuel to the fire within her.

With her hands still tied together by the wet panties, she couldn’t lift her torso off the sheets, so was knelt with her pussy and ass sticking high in the air, ready for his mouth.

He pressed his mouth against her mound with a frenzied determination, the sight of her glistening wet cunt driving him mad with desire. His tongue pressed deep into her hole, drinking up her sweet nectar with obvious lust and she had to press her face down into a pillow to stop herself from shouting out in enjoyment.

She didn’t know how much longer she could last. His tongue was now moving in and out of her faster and faster, a thumb was rhythmically rubbing her clit and his other hand had now found it’s way to an erect nipple and squeezed it tight. Jo moaned loudly as the three actions worked together, building her up to new levels of pleasure. Deeper and deeper his tongue worked into her, and she could hold on no longer.

As he tugged on a nipple and his tongue dove deep into her pussy, the fire erupted out of her, consuming her whole body in burning ecstasy. Her juices flowed hot and fast out of her pussy and she rocked her hips, riding his tongue, spreading her sweet cum all over his face. He didn’t stop his movements, and pushed on harder and faster. His tongue drove fast in and out of her, his spit and her cum flowing down her legs, drenching the bed.

She felt the second wave nearing, and the hand that had been on her breast now moved to her ass. A finger slid between her cheeks, lubricated with her essence and she felt the tip of his finger press down, massaging her tight asshole.

Never before had she experienced this and the new sensation mingled perfectly with the rubbing of her hot clit. She felt her heart racing and her blood pounding in her ears, as she began to cry out in pleasure once more.

As she began bucking her hips once again, Matt moved his tongue down to her clit and his hand up to her vagina. Two fingers slid easily into her, curling into her G-spot, pressing against it with each thrust in.

This time she couldn’t help but scream his name out loud as she came. It was more powerful than anything she had experienced before, her cum poured from her once more, flowing over his hand and into his mouth, dripping off his face and onto the already soaked sheets.

She could take no more, and collapsed sideways onto the bed, the sensations still rippling through her body.

He wasn’t done with her yet though, and moved behind her, spooning her body. He pulled her still bonded hands over his head, so that they were locked behind his neck.

Gently he lifted up her thigh and slid his throbbing cock between her legs. With the crown of his dick, he teased her, sliding it along the length of her slit, pausing to rub her clit lightly. He slid it back to her dripping entrance and slowly pushed in. She felt her body welcome him in, swallowing up every inch of his shaft.

The warmth of her pussy surrounded his cock and he pressed in as deep as possible, till his hips pushed hard against her bum. He let out a deep groan of satisfaction and she knew that he wouldn’t last long now, not after the hot build-up. He dropped her leg back down so that she squeezed his member tightly within her.

Her back arched as his long spear slid in and out of her, every inch of it pushing a new pleasure deep into her. Faster he began thrusting, the sensations building up within the both of them. Together they started moaning and he let one hand drop down to her swollen bud. His fingers delicately pulled the hood back and forth over it, synchronised in time with his thrusts. She couldn’t help but start shouting out, the pleasure too much to contain.

She felt his cock start to swell up within her, just as her walls started to squeeze tightly against his shaft. His actions sped up as he began pounding harder and harder into her. A hand grabbed onto her breast and squeezed hard, the pain mixing with the pleasure within her, heightening every sensation.

‘Yes! Yes! Oh fuck yes!’ They both shouted as they drew near, each of them urging the other on.

Mouth open wide, her whole body froze, muscles seizing up as he slammed hard and deep into her. Stars exploded behind her eyes as she came, her body glowing hot as it was filled with a deep pleasure. Every sensation multiplied and intensified within her, for what felt like an eternity. Her whole body groaned in satisfaction as it exploded with pleasure, the feeling extending to every part of her being.

She felt his cock pour its hot, white cum deep within her core, making her whole body shake as he pressed deep into her, emptying everything he had inside her, filling her completely with his pleasure. Her cum flowed hot and fast out of her, covering his cock and balls, trickling down her leg and onto the bed to mix with all the previous juices she had spilled.

He slid his softening dick out of her still trembling sex and lifted her hands off his neck, rolling her onto her back. She lay heart pounding, mouth open wide still, desperately trying to cling onto the feeling for just a second longer.

‘You’re not done yet. I think you’ve still got one left in you.’ He whispered in her ear.

She barely had time to process what he had said when she felt his tongue running its way down her body. A thin layer of sweat coated her chest, and her breasts were still heaving as she tried to slow her breathing, but it was useless. His fingers had found her hole and were beginning to slide in and out once more, and her breathing once again became deep and heavy.

His mouth met her outer lips, the taste of both his and her cum mixing on his tongue. His fingers began sliding faster and faster and she could feel his cum start to drip out of her hole. His tongue met the creamy white liquid it as it dribbled out of her and his fingers slid down to tease her other hole.

The sensation of his tongue massaging her fucked pussy and the thought of him licking both of their cum out of her turned her on more than she realised, and Jo found herself moaning once again, a fourth orgasm nearing.

A finger, coated in cum pressed into her ass as his tongue delved deep into her, tasting where his cock had just been. She moaned loudly, and felt her body start to shake one last time. His finger slid just in and out of her asshole and his tongue teased the inside of her cunt. She pressed her pussy hard against his face, moving his tongue and finger deep into her. She began rubbing her slit against his mouth faster and faster, his tongue now rolling over her clit once more.

‘Oh god!’ She screamed as he pulled his finger from her tight hole and his tongue danced with her engorged bud. Her head rolled back and she closed her eyes tightly as she felt her pussy pour out everything it had left as she came one final time.

She felt the last of her energy drain out of her and her breathing start to slow back to normal as he moved behind her once more, untying her hands and pulling her in close for a loving embrace.

When she next opened her eyes, it was morning and sunlight poured in through the window. A cup of tea sat on her bedside table with a small note leaning against it.

Jo propped herself up against a pillow as she grabbed the note and opened it:

Good morning my love!

Sorry I can’t be there when you wake, but I want you to know I’ll be thinking about you all day! I hope you enjoyed last night as much as I did!

See you later,Matt xxx

She smiled to herself and silently promised that tonight, it would be her turn to play out a fantasy, she just hoped he would enjoy as much as she enjoyed his...


Jo snapped back to reality as one of her classmates nudged her.

‘The lesson’s over, Jo. Time to go! Where were you? You looked like you were a million miles away!’

Jo laughed, ‘Yeah, sorry! I was just remembering… something.’

She bent down and put her notepad into her bag. Time to go home. She thought. I hope Matt is ready for what I’ve got planned!


Grinning devilishly, she sped out of the lecture hall, eager to get home.

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Memories of a gay boy part2 run devil run

Introduction: New part to Memories of a gay boy! enjoy! Intro: Sometimes temptation gets the best of us all, for some of us it just happens more often. Your not told how to make the right decisions your just thrown into a situation and told to do your best. And when you look back on what you did nothing can fix that little mistake. I felt like my world was crashing around me when those words fell out of his mouth It really sucks Im straight. He said it so casually, like it didnt matter that he...

3 years ago
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Memories of Summer

I shivered as I walked on the vacant boardwalk this late November afternoon. The angry waves had much to say as they crashed along the beach, mercilessly taking more sand (and memories) with them. Just a mere four months ago, this beach was my home and sanctuary. It was my own private paradise. I found great enjoyment and even greater pleasure here with the four “s” words, sun, sand, surf and sex. I loved it all, though not equally. The sex part was by far my favorite. I placed my hand on the...

2 years ago
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Memories of 78

Memories of '78As an elderly gentleman, I sometimes look back in time. Let me tell you about my zipless fuck, as the term was at the time. I had been in Stockholm, Sweden and were heading back to Uppsala in my red Alfa Romeo late in the evening, whem I spotted a girl walking in the chilly summer night with a skirt, short as the British petrol pump attendants use to wear in 1968. I stopped and asked her if she wanted a ride.She gladly accepted and I drove her to her house somewhere at the coast...

1 year ago
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MEMORIES 12 Lisa as hot host1

MEMORIES became an even better read series when I started to tell about my private recent storiesMost of those MEMORIES will be about Lisa Love, of whom I even remember her coming future with me!'Coming future' in both meanings: firstly she is as hot for me as much she loves me with all her heartShe loves me with body and soul, I love her and being a gentleman and she so hot, she will come often!'Coming future' also covers all events to happen soon, like this small sexy story of her hosting...

2 years ago
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MEMORIES 10 Subby Solagge1

First seven sexy MEMORIES were letters from readers ranging from soft stuff to tough treatsAll were very well read - between 4.000 and 7.000 times, and got lots of likes and commentsLast three are my private MEMORIES of friends from here visiting me in old AmsterdamThese last one are extremely well read: between 6.000 and 10.000 at the moment I writeLike this one of sexy Solagge, which started out as a fantasy fuck of old friendsA sexy story aiming at getting her wet and hot, rubbing off as she...

1 year ago
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Memories of my first Milf

Sometimes you bump into people you have not seen for a while and all kinds of memories come flooding back. Such was the case the other night. I saw a guy I had not seen for over 20 years who used to live next door to me. It reminded me of a spring afternoon just a couple weeks after I turned 18. I hope you enjoy my memories as much as I do!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ran into Eddie Schantz from my old home town this weekend and it reminded me of the first real sex I ever had...

3 years ago
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Memories of Summer

I shivered as I walked on the vacant boardwalk this late November afternoon. The angry waves had much to say as they crashed along the beach, mercilessly taking more sand (and memories) with them. Just a mere four months ago, this beach was my home and sanctuary. It was my own private paradise. I found great enjoyment and even greater pleasure here with the four “s” words; sun, sand, surf and sex. I loved it all, though not equally. The sex part was by far my favorite. I placed my hand on the...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Memories Revisited A Scrapbooking Store

Memories Revisited: A Scrapbooking Store By Heather St. Claire Diane McMasters took off her scarf and coat and hung them up in the stockroom of her new scrapbooking store, Memories Revisited. It was a crisp, bright early November day. Diane loved the holidays; she was already looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas: the decorations, the gifts, the time with family, and most important of all, the opportunity to give thanks. Just a few weeks earlier, Diane had purchased the...

3 years ago
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Memories Revisited Fixing Gods Mistake

Memories Revisited: Fixing God's Mistake By Heather St. Claire Diane McMasters poured another cup of coffee for herself and her husband David. The morning sun was streaming into their kitchen and glistened from the stainless steel appliances. The kitchen was big, modern and filled with light?every woman's dream. Diane had particular appreciation for it because David had built it with his own hands. His success as a building contractor had made it possible for their family to enjoy...

2 years ago
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Memories Of Long Tall Mary

MEMORIES OF LONG TALL MARY by Long Tall Mary A 50 year old dominatrix reminisces on her long career in Central New Yorkand describes some of her more memorable encounters. CODES: M/F, F/F, nc, heavy, job My name is Mary and I just turned 50 years old this past week. I'm a 6 footweight proportionate, blue eyed blond and known in the business as "Long TallMary". For nearly 15 years I've been active as a career life style dominatrixin the Syracuse area and am the best in the business as well as...

1 year ago
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Memories The Beginning

Memories- Beginnings This is not so much a story but more a collection of memories of my life. I write this for a variety of reasons. First, like everyone else, I want to be remembered in the future. So, this will be my legacy. Second, because I want to help others, it is my hope this will encourage those of you who are facing challenges as you progress along your journey into womanhood. Remember, the path to womanhood is not always easy. And lastly, I hope to inspire those who are...

1 year ago
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Memories of Joseph

Christine couldn't believe her eyes when she caught her 17-year-old son and her 15-year-old daughter kissing in the living room. She'd gotten off work early that day and it was raining outside as it usually was in Seattle. She ran inside the house hearing music blaring loudly from the living room stereo and she almost choked when she saw her children kissing so passionately on the couch. She didn't say anything at first. She just stood there watching them kissing and whispering sweet things...

1 year ago
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Memories Of Joseph

Note : This story is completely fictional! Christine couldn't believe her eyes when she caught her 17-year-old son and her 16-year-old daughter kissing in the living room. She'd gotten off work early that day and it was raining outside as it usually was in Seattle. She ran inside the house hearing music blaring loudly from the living room stereo and she almost choked when she saw her children kissing so passionately on the couch. She didn't say anything at first. She just stood there watching...

2 years ago
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Just a Blue Nightlight

I just stepped out of the shower, it was my second of the day. I threw on my jeans and a baggy shirt. It was one of those stay home and just relax kind of days. You had been at work and swung by the store on the way home picking up some light bulbs and a nightlight for the bathroom. You always hated having to turn on the bright light when you had to sneak away to the bathroom. We replace the decorative bulb in the hallway and install your nightlight. You clap and twirl at the blue glow...

4 years ago
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The Personalia noticed that they were becoming uncomfortable. They put this down to Governor Bob Kempe of the planet Rehome, and his enthusiastic support of their race. He kept telling everyone he met how kind and helpful the Personalia were. He made them out to be the ideal race to be partnered with - friends to be admired and praised; a defence force without parallel; a source of technical and financial wizardry; the perfect complement to human ingenuity and pushiness. That upsetting...

2 years ago
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A Glastonbury Sacrifice

The full moon had not yet risen as the girl trudged along the rough path that traversed the top of the long ridge up the Tor. Even so, there was sufficient light for her to see the ruined tower of St Michael’s Church on the summit, silhouetted against the darkening sky. She looked down at the baby clasped in her arms, barely three months old, and wrapped the shawl tighter around it. This Midsummer Eve the weather was warm and clear, but there was moisture in the air and she did not want it to...

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Glastonbury 2013

Chapter 1 Tuesday 25, June My name is Tony Gates and I own and run a ten bedroom, Georgian period guesthouse in Shepton Mallet, Somerset. I work long hours sometimes and I don't get rich as a result of doing it, but I'm my own boss and I suppose that I'm relatively happy. Most of the bookings are made through the Internet nowadays, so all that I have to do is check my email account for the automated notifications every morning after I've made the breakfasts and then cleared everything...

1 year ago
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Memories of last night

The professor’s voice echoed dully around the room, sweeping tunelessly over the heads of 70 tired and uninterested students. The sky outside was grey and miserable, mirroring the mood of the room, bar for one girl – Jo. She was sat in the middle of a row, halfway up the tiered seating, and was radiating her good mood. Her long brown hair, fell in curls over her shoulders, and seemed to shine under the incandescent lights of the hall. The professor glanced up and caught sight of her, she wore...

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Nuns Vs Knights

In front of a smaller than average congregation, unusually attended by a few of the kingdom's notably agnostic Knightly Order of Dyna, the head priestess of the Holy Church of Merridan addressed "her flock," as it were... even though the warriors in attendance actually outnumbered her faithful. "In conclusion, give generously, my brothers and sisters. A heart that strays from our divine creator, Geod, is a heart that is susceptible to corrupt thoughts and malice against one's fellow man. A...

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The last song of the nightingale

The last song of the nightingale ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Colonel Clara High ? ? I am an Female Empire's Senior Officer Lady and some handsome young prisoner is in love with Me...??So... We are making love in the Camp... every day...and night...?With the time I start to get bored with him...He things that I am his...forever...?can you imagine???When the day come...I send for him... ??? ?I am lying in the wide soft aromatised bed... and I am waitting for...

2 years ago
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Encased In Plaster

ENCASED IN PLASTER By Hungry Guy     Dale's house, set back from a lonely dirt road just off I-78 out in rural Pennsylvania, was full of plaster and ceramic sculptures of wildlife.  He had a workshop studio in his basement with sculpting tools and supplies, and he had long since converted his garage into a gallery and store.  People would drive all the way from New York and Philadelphia to buy his works.  He wasn't wealthy by any means, but his hobby provided him a modest income.    Unknown to...

3 years ago
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How I Made Love To My Mother Atlast

Hey guys this is Anuj again and am back as i promised with this story “How I Made Love To My Mother Atlast” Let me give you an introduction about me, I’m a avg-looking guy 5’11 tall with a thick 6′ dick, which i believe is good enough. The Heroine of my story is my beautiful mother, Aditi(43),though she looks like she’s near 35, Hieght-5’2 and figure 36-28-36, her assets are jaw dropping and still make men in the marketplace etc hard and she’s one of the most beautiful women you’ve ever...

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Kevin Reilly unlocked his front door, kicked off his shoes and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. He had just taken his wife Keri to the airport where she was going to be catching the 8 a.m. commuter flight to the state capital. It was her biweekly three day trip to perform secretarial duties for her boss, Bradley Knox III, or as Kevin always referred to him, Trey. Every time he used that nickname for her boss's pretentious official name Keri would remind him that her boss hated it....

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Memories of Flight 109

Peggy Oxenberg paid no attention to the wide-open spaces far below California Air Express' Las Vegas Shuttle as it made a wide banking turn that gave the passengers on her side of the aircraft a breathtaking view. With almost as many hours in the air as the pilot at the controls, the former flight attendant had seen it too many times before to be impressed. Instead, the forty-six year old vice-president of in-flight operations concentrated on the paperwork she had brought with her to wrap up...

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Death Knights

On the edge of the galaxy an interstellar species known as Terrans continued to explore and expand their reach. Calling themselves the Steel Empire, or SE for short, they have vast technology, and ambition. Their home world now known as Steel Crown, is the origin of the Death Knights. Gifted among the Terran People for their ability to manipulate the fabric of the universe. Only one in a hundred thousand Terrans are born Death Knights, and they form the ruling class of the SE. The Death...

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Hi! Let me introduce myself. My name is Rory and I’m eighteen. My brother is Derek and he’s seventeen. Actually, I’m almost two years older because he just turned seventeen a couple of months ago, and I’ll be nineteen in less than two months. I was nine and Derek eight when our father was killed in a car crash. They said he was drunk, and I can believe it. He was drunk a lot of times. He didn’t have any insurance, and we’d never had much money anyway, so we were in kind of a tight place. In...

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Memories of A Gay Boy part 3 Vanilla

Introduction: Memories of a gay boy part 3! wait for the last part! Intro: In the dark hours of the night, Tokyo screams with noise. Never silent, never peaceful, and never finished. aishite mo ii kai? yureru yoru ni aragamama de ii yo matto fukaku kurushii kurai ni nareta kuchibiru ga tokeau hodoni boku wa…kimi no…vanilla rang through the house. The sound of Gackt: Vanilla sang its tempting melody in the hotel room. Translation is Would it be ok to love, too, in this trembling night? Just like...

4 years ago
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MEMORIES 8 Masterbate for me

The majority of uploaders are non-native speakers of English and most misspell "masturbate""Masterbate" implies 'bating' on orders of a Master, which invokes my MEMORIES of three slavesMaty is my female friend in Uruguay - a lovely looking lady with a topjob handling airtrafficMaty loves to pretend she is my slave but not very good at it, showing thus indirect disrespectMaty informed me in the beginning about her two teen slave girls, both so hot and eager to learnMaty offered them both to me...

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I do not pretend to be a writer, but I just thought I`d scribble down some memories. This is`nt fiction, just a small part of my personal history.Some things happened in the dark ages, othersnot so long ago, but everyone of them is etched in my memory and I can still remember it like it happened yesterday. [/First Timesb]My first real open mouth kiss was when I was about f******n and not being real sex, I don`t suppose it is against the law to state that age here.We were...

4 years ago
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MemoriesPt 2

As I slowly caressed Angela’s ass, the memory that almost made this impossible came flooding back!The simple act of running a finger up and down her ass conjured up memories of the exact same thing only with Elena and not Angela.We worked together more since that night at her party. I later discovered that Elena was now in charge of scheduling and that was the reason we had so many closing shifts together.After the night of the party, she would walk past me, smile, and say, WOW. That became our...

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MemoriesChapter 5

Over the course of the next couple of days, Candy and I moved back into the house we grew up in, although now we were sharing a room. There wasn’t quite enough space for us to put our stuff in. I had to move into the room the dresser from the second bedroom. We each had a dresser now and we shared the closet. It wasn’t full, meaning I needed to take her shopping, sooner or later. We also shared the queen bed, as Mom asked us to turn on some music when we wanted to ‘Put Seabiscuit on the...

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MemoriesChapter 6

I took off the next week from painting. Pat came by to give me my check from the showing. He stopped to talk to Mom – they started up like the old friends whom they were. Candy and I left them alone. Candy told me to not tell Mom about what she felt about Pat. I took Candy on a vacation, after getting Mom’s assurance it was OK for us to go and leave her by herself for a while. We went to Alaska first, a place I always wanted to experience. We traveled together, as if we were a married...

1 year ago
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Memories of Lillian

He sat in the chair at the foot bed, his eyes focused on the young man’s hefty penis as it pounded in and out of her. The young man’s buttocks tightened as his seed gushed into her; the man in the chair watched and lazily stroked his erection. He bid farewell to the young man as he left the hotel room and watched as he disappeared into the elevator. Closing the door he heard that she was already running the bath and his erection twitched with excitement. He enjoyed these hotel evenings most of...

3 years ago
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Memories of a Mortician Mortuary Montage

Age: 21 Cause of Death: Asphyxiation due to suffocation Other Injuries: Nil Time between death and delivery to mortician: 12 hrs Notes: A night out at the club turned tragic for a pretty young woman when a stampede resulted in her being suffocated to death. Luckily, her sweet body remained unscathed when she was delivered to the mortician. All dressed to party Crushed by people, air deprived Your hot body, limp (All the costumes featured in this story have been featured in past...

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