A New Job A New Life free porn video

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New job. New life.
Chapter 1 meeting Barbara.

What was I to do? My girlfriend, Lisa, had left me for a very rich guy that was a client where she worked. I had lost my job 6 months ago due to cut backs in my department.
I had lost several pounds because I wasn’t eating properly; as my money was running out. I’d sold all of the hall furniture even the mirror I had chosen for the hall. I did have an interview this morning; hopefully I’ll get this position. I got up showered, had a close wet shave, It pays to look neat and tidy. I went to my bedroom to get dressed. Oh no; I did not have any clean underwear. My white shirt was a little grubby but if I kept my jacket done up I might get away with it, but no briefs. What could I do? In desperation I looked in Carole’s dressing table drawer and yes there were several pairs of her panties, would they fit could I wear them? I picked out a pink pair they felt very silky smooth. I held them up against me and yes I seemed I would fit into them. I stepped into them first one leg and then the other. I pulled them up my legs, and settled them around my hips. My cock snuggled in and I felt good, very good. Oh my I was getting hard; suddenly my cock popped out of the waist band and was pointing skyward. I started to leak pre-cum, I hadn’t touched myself. I got back to the bathroom and dealt with my erection. About 5 strokes and I pumped my sperm into the toilet. Cleaning myself, I went back to the bed room and finished dressing. I had calmed down and my cock was snuggled back in the panties. I left for the interview.

I arrived in plenty of time and waited for my appointment. I went in and sat down. I answered all their questions as best as I could and did not get flustered by any.
“Thank you, we’ll let you know in the next couple of days, either way”. I got up and walked out. One of the guy’s in the interview room got up and followed me out. I thought he was showing me to the exit. But as I approached the gent’s toilet, I felt the kneed to empty my bladder.
“Is it OK for me to use the toilet”? I enquired.
“That’s where I’m headed, feel free”. He replied.
“Thanks” I replied, and pushed the door open. Walking up to the urinal, I unbuckled my belt undid the button and pulled down my zip, forgetting I was wearing my ex girlfriends pink panties, that were clearly on display.
“Nice panties”, he said “I love pink”
“Oh um yes, they are my ex girlfriends as I didn’t have any clean of my own available, she left them to move away with a very rich guy who was going places”.
“That’s OK, have a look at mine” He said.
I looked down and he was wearing pink lacy panties, “Very pretty” I said being polite.
“If you carry on wearing panties to work, the jobs yours” He said.
“What about the other interviewers? They might prefer one of the other candidates” I asked.
“Leave them to me, I am the person who is in charge.” He replied.
“Well I have plenty to choose from as my girlfriend left me for a rich guy and left all her clothes at my flat. I replied.
“When can you start?” he asked.
“As soon as you like” I replied.
“Today is Thursday, so how about Monday morning 8:30am for a 9:00 am start with the post. So I can check out what panties you are wearing and perhaps some stockings if she has left any” He said.
“Thank you, I won’t let you down.” I answered “I’ll see you Monday morning. I peed put everything away and left him standing at the urinal stroking his hardening cock.

The weekend flew by and Monday morning at 6:30am my alarm woke me. I leapt out of bed and took a shower. I shaved close not leaving my usual 11 o’clock stubble. Then back to the bedroom. I had been through every item of underwear Lisa had left behind and had found some tan stockings and a pink suspender belt with another pair of pink panties. (The others had been washed with my own shirts and briefs; I fastened the suspender belt around my waist then spun it round so the fastener was at the back. I rolled up the stockings as I’d seen Lisa do so often. I slid my foot in and smoothed them up my legs in turn. I clipped them on and then stepped into the panties and pulled them up. Oh hell I was getting hard again. Did I have enough time to relieve my self before work? I looked at the clock, No; I would have to concentrate on getting ready and ignore it. I pulled on a freshly laundered shirt and stepped into a pair of trousers, followed by socks shoes tie and Jacket. I cooked a couple of slices of toast and managed to eat them. It was time to leave. Must set the alarm for 6:00.
I arrived at work 8:25am.
“Come into my office” my new employer said. He closed the door behind us.
“Now let’s see what you are wearing” He stated.
I undid my trousers and lowered them exposing my stockings, suspenders and bulging panties.
“Lovely, you took my advice and found some stockings, but I think you need to shave your legs.” He said.
I looked down and sure enough my leg hair was poking though the sheer nylon of the stockings. “Oh yes I never thought. When I looked up he had taken off his trousers and was dressed in black lacy undies similar to mine. He walked over to me and caressed the bulge in my panties. I was very aroused and soon was hard in his hand as he continued to stroke me.
“We don’t have long before the rest of the staff come in” In saying it he knelt down and released my cock from my panties. He slipped it into his mouth and sucked me. All too soon I felt my creamy cum rising. “I’m cumming” I said.
He held me close and continued sucking; soon I was spurting in his mouth which he swallowed.
“Mmmm that was lovely, very creamy. You will do well here. Now get dressed and we’ll find some work for you”. He said. “Oh and by the way watch out for Mrs Williams she is the office gossip and I am looking for a way to put her in her place so nobody would believe her anymore” he added.

The work was very menial and easy to do so at the end of the day I was about to go home when I received a call asking me to visit the boss again. As I walked to his office I felt myself getting erect in my panties. I knocked on his door.
“Come in”, he called. “Close the door behind you” he said.
“What can I do for you”? I enquired.
“I like the sound of that” He answered. “Would you like to give me some time like I gave you this morning”? He continued.
I had never had sex with another man or even looked at a cock other than my own. I guessed I might lose my job if I didn’t suck the boss.
“If you are uncomfortable with giving me a blow job on your first day, don’t worry it can wait. Your job is safe” he went on to say.
I might as well get this over as it sounds like I will have to go down on him sooner or later.
“I would like to suck you now, if that’s ok. I said.
“Lock the door” He said.
I locked the door and turned back to him. He had moved from behind his desk and had dropped his trousers. He stood in front of me in his sexy undies his panties bulging and a damp patch showing clearly. I undid my trousers and stepped out of them I laid them on the chair and walked towards him. I sank to my knees, then reaching for the waist band of his panties I eased them down and his rapidly expanding cock sprang forth. I took hold of it and stroked him back and forth like I would my own.
“Mmmm that is heaven” He said. I knelt closer and tentively tasted the end with the tip of my tongue. Not bad not too salty and really nice. So I opened my mouth and slid it over and down his cock.
“Oh fantastic, that is wonderful, Mmmm lovely” He gasped as I sucked and bobbed up and down. I ran my tongue all around the head that while the shaft was hard the head was soft and really sensitive to my tongue.
“Oh my goodness I’m cumming, Mmmm you don’t have to swallow” He managed to gasp.
I kept sucking; after all he had swallowed my load this morning. I gulped his creamy cum down as quick as I could I tried not to spill any on the carpet, in case the cleaners saw it. When he finished pumping his cream into my mouth, I licked his cock clean and then stood up.
“Thank you, he said that was fantastic, you must be well practiced in giving a blow job”. He said.
“No it was my first time” I replied.
“You are a natural” He said. Have you ever been to a TV club”?
“No this is my only second time I have worn feminine underwear.” I replied.
“Well how are you getting home tonight”? He asked.
“Walking, I don’t have a car and I can’t afford the tube or bus till pay day” I said.
“No problem, I’ll drop you off and you can show me what other clothes you ex left behind” He said. “And no arguments” he added.
“Thank you, you are very kind” I replied.
“No lets get our trousers on and we can be on our way.” He said.
We left the office and I got in his BMW, we drove to my place and parked up. He followed my in and when the front door was closed he took off his jacket then shirt and tie, opening his brief case he extracted a black lacy bra and expertly attached round his chest the he too a couple of pink jelly like shapes and put them in the cups of the bra. Next he undid his trousers and took them off. Then took a dress from his brief case and slipped it over his head, the last thing from the brief case was a pair of medium heeled shoes, which he stepped into.
“That’s more comfortable, let’s go and see what you have at your disposal”. He said.
“Oh by the way I’m Barbara when fully dressed, and I do normally have a wig and make up on when I go to the TV club I mentioned”. Barbara said. “But I’m still the boss, Mr Jones, at the office” he added.
“I’ve not thought of having a Girl name” I said.
“Oh goodie we can christen you with the name of your choice, now let’s see what clothes available.” Barbara said.
We went through to the bedroom and Barbara opened cupboards wardrobes and drawers locating all the feminine clothing and underwear.
“First we will sort out and separate the bras and panties also the suspender belts and stockings; I think just keep the new tights in case the dresses you fit into are a bit short. You don’t want to show your stocking tops when walking. Why don’t you find any shoes your ex left? Normally you have to get your own as women generally have small feet”. Barbara said. “And why don’t you make us a cup of tea or coffee, and take your trousers off I want to see you in your gorgeous undies walking around”.
I took off my trousers and went to the kitchen made two drinks, when I returned had all the cotton underwear folded into a heap.
“Put these away, they will be emergency use only, you’ll prefer to wear silky or nylon undies, they are wonderful against the skin.” Barbara said.
I put them into the lowest drawer of my 5 drawer chest.
“Now come here and put this on”. Barbara said as he held out a pink bra that matched my panties.
I stood in front of Barbara as she slipped the bra up my arms and then turned me round and clipped it together. She then turned me back and picked up some tights rolled them up and slipped them into the cups giving me a more feminine shape. I glanced sideways and saw my profile in the wardrobe mirror. Wow I did have a feminine outline; apart from the bulge evident in my panties.
“That needs taking care of” Barbara said. And knelt down on the floor she pulled my panties down to my stocking tops and my cock leapt up, leaking cum. Barbara ran a finger up the underside of my cock and wiped away the cum, then slipped her finger in her mouth. She removed her finger and then slipped her mouth over my cock and started bobbing up and down. She teased my love eggs and stroked my bum. I didn’t need much to make me cum and soon I was again spurting my semen into Barbara’s mouth. Barbara removed my cock and stood up and leaned in to me and kissed me full on the lips, her tongue probing to find an opening. It seemed only natural thing to open my mouth, when she passed some of my semen into my mouth. I returned the french kiss seeking out my cream from her mouth and taking it into my mouth and swallowing it down. We fell onto the bed in each others arms kissing cuddling and fondling. I was fondling Barbara as I was intent on arousing her to go down on her again. I couldn’t wait to get her cock in my mouth again. I had become a slave to her cock and the life giving seed it gave forth.
“That is wonderful”. Barbara said. “You have a wonderful touch”
She was becoming hard in her black panties as I stroked her more and more. I turned to the 69 position so I could get her panties down and get her cock in my mouth. As she became fully erect I enveloped her cock with my lips and mouth. I started bobbing up and down sucking as I went and teasing her love eggs. I felt Barbara feeling me in my panties and round to my bottom then she found the entrance she was seeking and teased all round the edge till she had me squirming. Then she wet her finger and returned it mo my rose bud, and eased it in feeling inside me. She gently pushed more and more of her finger in me until I could the palm of her hand against my bottom. Then she pulled back and then forward, fingering me, I felt another finger entering me stretching me even more. Barbara was entering virgin territory and it felt good. Oh did it feel good. All the while I was sucking Barbara. I felt her swell in my mouth, so I stopped sucking.
“I want you in me Barbara darling” and turned on the bed I got on all fours offering my self to her. Barbara knelt up behind me and put her cock against my rose bud and pushed. She pushed and I felt her cock pop through my ring muscle. “Ooh that is so good but gently darling” I said over my shoulder. Barbara eased back and then pushed forward this time he went a little deeper. Soon I felt pure pleasure as she rocked back and forth.
“Ooh darling you are so tight, I’ll nearly cumming already” Barbara gasped.
“Fill me with your cream lover” I cried, as he gave a final thrust and pumped an enormous amount of her juice into me. As she finished cumming she pulled out and we collapsed back on the bed exhausted.

We must have fell asleep because when I awoke Barbara was taking off her dress and bra and packing them back in her briefcase along with her heels.
“Hello sleepy head” She said.
“Did you doze off too”? I asked.
“Yes I awoke about ten minutes ago” She replied, “but now I have to go home and go to bed I need a change of undies and be ready for work tomorrow” Barbara continued.
“I need to shave my legs and perhaps a few other places.” I replied.
“I have left £200 on the dressing table towards your salary, not payment for services rendered. Tomorrow I will let you have the day off and you can go out and buy a wig and some make-up Then on Wednesday when I bring you home you can show me and we can try a make-over and a dress or two because I am going to take you to my TV club next week-end and show off my beautiful girlfriend. See you Wednesday at the office about the same time no need to be there early as this morning. We will have all evening together and I want you to make love to me this time” As she was speaking, she was dressing I noticed she had left the black bra on under her shirt and it showed through.
“I can see your bra through your shirt” I said
“That’s ok I live alone and my jacket will cover me if I meet someone I know” She answered.
With she came over to me and we kissed.
“Goodbye for now, see you at the office Wednesday” she said and walked out. I was left standing watching her go. I could feel her semen leaking from me. So I decided to take a shower. I stripped out of my undies and wrapping a towel round my chest like a woman normally does. I went to the bathroom. I started the shower and washed my hair and body then unscrewing the shower head I gave myself a wash out filling myself with water the sitting on the toilet and letting it wash out I did the 3 times and made sure I was fully empty.
I dried and returned to the bedroom I grabbed the underwear that was lying on the bed and put it on the chair. Then selecting a baby doll nightie and panties I dropped the towel and put them on. I picked up the hair dryer and began blow drying my hair. When it was dry I got into bed and switched the alarm clock off. I lay in bed thinking about today. Just what had I become; I had sucked a cock twice and had a cock in my ass, I felt so horny again; I was hard in my baby doll panties, but I knew I did not have any seed left to shoot tonight. So holding my cock I drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 2.

I woke still feeling horny, I got out of bed and went into the kitchen made some breakfast as I finished and washed up my crockery leaving it to drain. Returning to the bedroom I sorted through the underwear I’d put on the bedroom chair. I selected a white suspender belt tan stockings and white nylon and lace panties. It was at that point I remembered to I needed to shave my legs, I decided to do it right now. I picked up my electric shaver and tried to shave my legs but the hair was too long. What other choice, perhaps Lisa had left a razor in her bathroom cupboard. I went to her cupboard and opened it inside there were a host of cosmetics eye shadow, lipstick, eye liner, eyebrow pencils, foundation cream. At the back two packets of hair removal cream; I took them out and read the instructions. One was a general purpose cream the other read bikini line for more sensitive areas; obviously the genitalia. I took the general purpose and using the plastic spreader smoothed it over my legs, there was a lot left so I decided to deal with my sparse chest and tummy hair. Looking in the mirror I looked like a monster all covered in this smelly cream. I waited the required time and then got in the shower. After showering for about 10 minutes the water was starting to fill the shower tray. The plug hole was becoming blocked. I turned the shower off and bent down to check what was causing it; fool it was my body and leg hair. I removed from the drain and flushed it down the loo. I grabbed a towel and walked back to the bedroom. As I dropped the towel I looked in the mirror my hairless body looked odd. But even odder was the hair around and over my cock and nuts. I returned to the bathroom and this time with the other pack. I spread it all over my remaining hair, 10 minutes back in the shower. Rinse it off dry myself; clear the plug hole, Must remember to buy some more for next time. Now it was time to dress. I wrapped the suspender belt around my waist; then opening the new pack of stockings put them on and fastened them to the suspender tabs. I stepped into the panties and pulled them up my legs settling them around my cock and nuts. Then I put on a pair of jeans followed by a t-shirt and a sweat shirt. I slipped on my trainers and realised my stockings were visible. I took off my trainers put on some socks and then put the trainers back on. I picked up the money Barbara had left and went to an internet café. I logged on and searched for where I could buy a wig and heeled shoes in an 8. One site suggested a department store not far. I logged off and walked the short distance. Entering I looked at the list of what was on each floor. The shoe department was on the ground floor. I viewed the rack of shoes and found a pair I liked in an 8; now for the wig. Up to women’s accessories and again view the selection on display.
“Can I help you”
I turned and next to me was an elderly lady shop assistant. She had a name badge that said Amanda.
“Oh yes perhaps you can I need to buy a wig for my girlfriend she has had chemotherapy and is in need of some help”. I replied thinking on my feet.
“Come with me and I’ll show you what we have in stock. What colour hair did she have?”
“About the same as me” I answered.
“Mmmm I think we can do that” Amanda answered.
Amanda took me to a small room just off the sales floor.
“Good job we are not busy today, I can give a little bit of more time”. Amanda said, and disappeared before I could thank her. Amanda returned with 4 wigs of different styles lengths and of course prices.
I looked at them as Amanda held them out for my inspection. I chose a medium length that would stop at my shoulders.
“Let’s try for a fit” Amanda said and slipped it over my own hair before I could stop her.
“Yes that’s very you, it fits your facial shape and colouring perfectly.” Amanda said.
Amanda knelt down making sure it was fitted correctly. As Amanda stood up Amanda put her hand on my leg right on top of my suspender button.
“Oh you’re wearing stockings and suspenders also panties I expect.” Amanda stated.
“Yes” I managed to reply.
“Can I see, I do so love a man who is in touch with his feminine side”.
I stood up and undid my jeans letting them pool at my ankles.
“Wow fantastic, can I touch”? Amanda asked.
“Yes” I nervously replied.
Amanda cupped my cock and her little finger caressed my nuts. I throbbed with delight.
“Mmmm horny little devil aren’t you”. Amanda said. Her other hand was doing something behind her back. Suddenly her skirt fell to the floor. I could see her reflection in the mirror Amanda too was wearing stockings and suspenders with full nylon sheer short style knickers, which I later found out were french knickers.
“Please feel my pussy I’m so wet and I need to cum” Amanda said.
I did just that, slipping my hand up the leg of her knickers and fingering her slippery pussy. I soon found her clit and tweaked it causing her to gasp. I too was getting harder as Amanda stroked me through my panties. I continued to stimulate her clit. Soon Amanda fell against me whispering in my ear. “I’m cumming, oh I’m cumming”. Amanda managed to stifle her moans as Amanda orgasmed. Amanda stopped stroking me as Amanda came. When Amanda calmed down Amanda knelt down and eased my panties down. Amanda started to stroke me again.
“Oh I’m almost cumming” I gasped.
Amanda sank her mouth over my cock and sucked me. I felt the familiar tingle of an impending cum. Then I was spurting my cream into her mouth which Amanda swallowed quickly.
“Mmmm you are so tasty” Amanda said as Amanda stood up.
I put my fingers in my mouth and tasted her juices.
“So are you, very tasty” I replied.
“Well about the wig, how does it look and feel”? Amanda asked.
“Fantastic” I replied.
We made ourselves respectable, I took off the wig and Amanda placed on the display head.
“We have a buy two get one free this week on some of our lines, it includes our wigs. You could have three different styles but I recommend you keep the colour it really does suit you”. Amanda said.
“Yes please, what other styles have you got”? I asked.
Amanda showed me and I selected two more wigs complete with stands to keep them on.
“I would love to see you again; I think we could have some fun. I have always been attracted to TV’S, if you are in agreement, also perhaps I can help you with future purchases and make up advice”. Amanda said.
“I would like that, I am experimenting with some make up this evening” I replied.
“If you give me your address I am free tonight and I could help you.” Amanda replied.
“Oh wow that would be wonderful” I said I wrote down my address.
”I’ll be around about 6:30 if that’s OK”. Amanda said.
“Perfect, I’ll have the kettle on”. I said I paid for the wigs and walked out of the shop.
I had a look round the shopping centre, and purchased a make-up case complete with several colours. I found a chemist and bought two packs of hair remover of both types. Then went into a shoe shop and purchased 3 pairs of medium heeled shoes in an eight. I looked at my watch and saw I had been out for 4 hours. I felt hungry. I headed for a coffee shop. Instead of the usual big meal I would have ordered I ordered a salad and latte. When I finished I walked home and got in just after 5:00. Amanda would be here in about 90 minutes. I decided to have a quick shower and change my underwear.

10 minutes later I was standing in my bedroom naked wondering what to wear. I decided I would try and be very sexy so it was on with all black undies including a pair of sheer black lace top stockings. I went to the wardrobe and selected a black mini skirt and a white blouse. They both fitted quite well apart from the blouse, it was a little loose, and then I remembered I needed to pad my bra. Unbuttoning my blouse I rolled up two pairs of tights and fitted them into the cups. I re-buttoned my blouse then fitted the shoulder length wig I had tried at Amanda’s shop. Then going into my sitting room I switched on the Television.
After about just over the hour there was a knock at the door. I walked to the door my heels clicking loudly on the laminate hall floor. I peeped through the spy hole and outside was Amanda. I opened the door and stood back behind it, inviting her in. She stepped inside and I shut the door and dropped the catch.
“Mmmm that sounds like someone wants to do naughty things inside my french knickers like she did earlier” Amanda said.
“Well I thought it would be better if we were not disturbed while we practice my make up” I replied.
“First things first, you promised me tea” Amanda stated.
“Of course, how do you take it? I asked
“Hot hard on my back or doggie style, Oh you mean the tea. White no sugar” Amanda said giving me a naughty wink.
I made the tea with Amanda watching me in the kitchen, I carried the cups into the living room.
“Mmmm no suitable mirror in here, have you a dressing table with lights? You need to see what I do so you can do it yourself” Amanda said.
“Oh and by the way what is your femme name? I can’t call you Mr or sir dressed like you are” She added.
“I haven’t chosen one yet I only started wearing ladies underwear yesterday” I replied.
“Well let’s choose one together, what names do you like? And it’s undies” She said
“I’ve always liked Carole” I said.
“Good choice, with or without an e at the end?” she asked
“With I think” I said
“That’s settled then, Carole with an e”. “Now let’s go to the dressing table. She instructed.
Picking up her tea and I picked up mine she followed me through to the bedroom. She saw my discarded undies.
“Looks like someone has changed their undies, I shall investigate later, but first let’s get you looking a little more feminine”. She said.
She sat me at the dressing table and switched on the lights I had seen Lisa do everyday not realising their significance.
“Now watch and listen carefully, anything you don’t understand just ask, right”? Amanda stated firmly.
“Yes, I’ll try and understand what you are doing” I replied.
Amanda first took some cleansing cream from the dressing table and wiped my face.
“Always start with a blank canvas, never put a day’s fresh make up over yesterdays” She said.
She carried putting on various lotions and creams explaining what she was doing and why. Then she came to my eyes and eye brows, plucking them into a shape that was enough to be feminine but passable as a male. Heck that made my eyes water as she plucked them one at a time. Eye liner, eye shadow, mascara all made my eyes look very feminine. She took a lipstick pencil and out lined my lips; she followed this with a small brush to fill in the main colour. Then she painted on lip gloss explaining that it will help me not to lose the main colour when kissing. Lastly she trimmed and filed my finger nails, and then she took a bottle of quick dry nail varnish that matched my newly panted lips and carefully painted each nail in turn. When she had finished, she told me to look at myself in the mirror. Wow there was a very passable woman looking back.
“With some tinted feminine glasses you could go out as you are” Amanda stated.
“Thank you, how can I repay you”? I asked.
“Oh I can think of a way” Amanda said.
Mmmm I bet she can.
“Shall we go to the sitting room and chat in comfort”? Amanda said.
“That’s a good idea my bum is numb from sitting on this hard stool” I said standing up.
Amanda seized the opportunity and lifted the hem of my skirt and smoothed my bum rubbing some life back into it.
“Oh that’s nice” I said. I turned and moved into Amanda putting my arms around her. I caressed her back making my way down to her bum. I lifted the hem of her dress and found she had already removed her knickers.
“Oh you naughty girl you haven’t got your knickers on” I said.
“You made me so wet today I had to take them off and wash them in the sink at the shop” She said. “And your making me wet again” She continued.
“Let’s stop and sit together quietly and calm down” I said.
We went into the sitting room and sat together on the Sofa.
“I need the loo” I said. I got up and went to the bathroom lifted my skirt and pulled my panties down and sat on the loo to pee. While I was sat there I heard the door bell.
“I’ll go” Amanda called.
She opened the door and I could hear talking, then the door closed. I finished stood up and did a quick wipe pulled my panties up straightened my skirt and flushed washed my hands and returned to Amanda.
“Who was at the door”? I asked.
“Someone called Lisa looking to give her ex boyfriend a message. I told her there were no males living here. She spun on her heels and left” She replied.
“That was my ex girlfriend who dumped me for some rich guy, that is why the flat is a bit sparse of furniture, I used it to keep the bills paid. That is also why there are lots of feminine clothes here; she left without taking anything saying she could afford to buy all new designer clothes”. I told Amanda.
“She said she was looking for you, she wanted to give you something” Amanda told me.
“Should I go after her”? I enquired.
“That’s up to you, but she might take a dim view of you dressed in her clothes” Amanda suggested.
“Yes you’re right, forget her”. I said.
“No I’ve a better idea lets go to bed and you can fuck me” Amanda grinned.
We went to bed I slipped off my skirt and blouse while Amanda unzipped and stepped out of her dress.
We looked at each other both dressed in our undies only Amanda had no knickers on. We fell into each others arms kissing and fondling, then we fell on the bed and started a long and tiresome love making session. I entered Amanda’s pussy in the missionary position then doggie, finally with Amanda sitting on me firmly impaled on my cock loving every inch I could push into her. Finally we collapsed exhausted and slept. I awoke about 2am to find Amanda putting her dress on.
“Are you leaving my love”? I asked.
“Yes sweetheart, I have to go home and shower and make sure I’m ready for work tomorrow, You don’t know how catty some girls can be if you turn up for work in the same clothes. Can I call you for more fun”? She said.
“I’m depending on it” I answered.
“Good I’m going out of town tonight for a sales seminar I can’t get out of but I will be back on Sunday. Perhaps I can see you again then” She said.
“How would you like to have lunch or perhaps later meal with me”? I asked.
“I would love it, I’ll call to let you know what time I’m due back in town” She said. She lent across the bed and kissed me on the lips. There was a slight hint of my semen where she had sucked me off and we had snowballed my semen.
“See you Sunday my sexy lover; I left some make up remover on the dressing table, Bye and happy dreams” She said and walked out of the bedroom out of my flat and away into the night. I set the alarm for 6am took off my wig; put it on the stand they lay down and fell asleep.

Chapter 3
Waiting for the weekend
I awoke to the alarm at 6am. I sat up and saw myself in the mirror. I still had my make up on. While I sat at the dressing table removing the make up and nail varnish. I thought about the past few days. Just a quick recap
My girlfriend had dumped me.
I got a new job and become a cross dresser with the new boss.
I met and had sex with a shop worker who loved cross dressers and wanted to help me with my transformation. Yes that’s about it.
I showered and washed my hair, then returned to the bedroom. I picked up all the worn undies and took them to the washing machine. I selected a cool delicates wash and started it off. Back to the bedroom; this time I selected pale blue panties white suspender belt and black sheer stockings. On with my shirt, trousers, socks and shoes a little breakfast and it was time to leave. I could afford the bus today, so I arrived at work early. I went in and Mr Jones was there.

“Good morning Mr Jones” I said.
“Oh yes good morning, um sorry I can’t remember your name” he answered.
I looked around, nobody else in sight.
“Carole” I replied.
“Oh yes Carole” he whispered. “Are you dressed in your lingerie”? He continued in a low voice.
“Yes, the usual, and I have some news for you about my task you set me yesterday” I said.
“Then I’ll pick you up and take you home tonight, and you can tell me all about it and show me what you bought” He said as he walked into his office, “See you later sweetheart” he whispered, as shut the door.
I did my work and finished early enough to be ready for Barbara to meet me in the car park.
As he approached his car where I was standing waiting his arrival, he announced in a voice that would carry.
“This lift is until you can afford a season ticket and only because I pass you tower block on the way home.”
I got in his car and shut the door.
“That was for the benefit of the office gossips, we can’t have tongues wagging putting two and two together and coming up with four.” He said.
Barbara drove to my block. He stopped outside, “We are being followed, so I’ll go home and come back and see you about 8 o’clock, is that OK with you”? He said.
“Perfect, it will give me time to get ready for you” I said and got out and walked to my front door, let myself in. I hurried to the sitting room window and through the net curtains I could see the woman who Barbara had warned me about had stopped outside my flat. Then she drove off obviously annoyed because she almost caused an accident pulling out into the traffic.

Prompt at 8 o’clock my door bell rang. I looked through the spy hole. It was Barbara she had her jacket open enough so I could see she had a see through blouse with a pretty lacy bra underneath. I opened the door and let her in.
“Wow I love the blouse and the lacy bra” I said as I closed the door behind her flipping the catch to prevent any body trying to get in, just in case Lisa came back. Like she did when Amanda visited.

“You look absolutely stunning” Barbara said. “I need to dress can I use the bedroom”? She asked.
“Of course, excuse the mess. I did not know which dress to wear, so I tried several, I’ll come with you and hang them back in the wardrobe” I said. We went into the bedroom Barbara with her case with her change of clothes in. As I picked up the discarded dresses and replaced them in the wardrobe I arranged them in colour order, as I had seen Lisa do. I turned to see Barbara stepping into a skirt. She clipped it around her waist and zipped it up. It was quite short exposing quite a lot of stocking clad legs.
“Very nice skirt” I said.
“It’s my sexy mini skirt and it makes it easier to get under to remove my panties later when you make love to me” she said.
“I’m looking forward to that” I said.
“So am I” she replied. “Now what have you to tell me about yesterday”? She added.
“Let’s go to the sitting room” I said.
We sat together cuddled up and I told her about Amanda, the oral sexy the make-up session and told her about the other two wigs I had bought. While I was talking I had my hand up her skirt stroking her cock in her little lacy panties, as she had being the same for me.
“Oh that is so horny, do you think she would be up for an evening out at the TV club I’m taking you to on Saturday night”?
“Not this week, as she is out of town till Sunday, on some sort of sales seminar, but I have invited her to a meal on Sunday when she gets back” I told Barbara.
“Mmmm, I wonder if I might invite myself”. Barbara said.
“That would be good, but I think I’d better ask her first then perhaps I can call you if she fancies a 3 some with two sexy good looking TV’s” I said.
“Right now I need to get on my knees and suck you, if you would like me to.” Barbara said.
“I would love that, but I would love to make love to you as you did to me Monday evening, shall we return to the bedroom for more comfort”? I said.
“Yes please I’m looking forward to having you in me filling me with your sperm” Barbara said.
In the bedroom crawled onto the bed and resting her head on her forearms presented her sexy panty clad bum to me. Her mini skirt had fallen forward onto her back. I eased her panties down and taking some lubrication from the bedside table rubbed some all round her rose bud and over my cock. Then moving closer I put my cock at the entrance to her pussy and pushed. I slipped inside her causing her to emit a moan.
“Oh that feels wonderful, please make love to me slowly I want it to last” Barbara gasped.
I slowly pushed in deeper and then pulled back until I was almost out. I kept pushing in and out for about 15 minutes until Barbara announced.
“I can’t hold on any longer, I’m going to have to shoot my juice”.
I started to increase the pace and I soon felt the familiar tingle of an impending cum.
“Mmmm me too” and then Barbara gasped as she shot her juice onto the bed.
I followed suit quickly and unloaded my juice into Barbara’s pussy, giving one final thrust, and then slowly pulling out. Barbara’s pussy was still open a little and my juice seeped out a little.
“Darling that was fantastic” Barbara said, and turning round she sought out my mouth and kissed me firmly on the lips. We lay down next to each other kissing cuddling and fondling, unfortunately we both to exhausted, to arouse each other just laid together enjoying each others company and bodies.
About 11:30 Barbara announced she should go home and she would see me again tomorrow at work. She dressed back in her outer male clothes to preserve my security in case anyone saw her leaving.
“We will have to cool it a bit at work Mrs Williams followed me to my home” She said.
“I saw her park outside after you dropped me off” I said.
“Tomorrow I’m going to ring a friend of mine who owns a small car business and arrange a car for you then you can arrange insurance etc and I’ll get him to deliver it to the car park and give you the keys. Its ok he is a TV too and very passable” she said.
“Thank you Barbara darling, you really are too kind.” I said
“The way you have made me feel tonight is thanks enough, I feel like a real woman and I can feel your lovely juice soaking my panties as I stand here”. She said.
I showed her to the door and kissed her goodnight full on the lips with my door wide open and I was only wearing my lingerie minus panties, my other clothes had been discarded during our love making.
“See you tomorrow my love”. I said.
“Count on it and I’ll talk to you about Saturday night. You should be able to drive to my house and we can go from there; Night, night darling”. She said and left.
I closed and locked the door. I felt on a high and as I walked to the bedroom I felt my cock begin to rise again. Down boy I thought I need you fully charged for Saturday with Barbara and possibly Sunday with Amanda. The rest of the week went as planned my new, actually second hand car arrived, delivered by a gorgeous woman. It was then I remembered Barbara said her car dealer was a very passable TV.
“Hello I have your car. Here are the keys, there is a full tank of fuel and it’s taxed for 12 months with an MOT. See you Saturday night at the club, Barbara is a very lucky girl and I haven’t heard her so happy for a long while, Bye” she said and blew me a kiss. Then was gone like smoke in the wind.

I spent Thursday and Friday evenings, practising my make-up skills Amanda had showed me. I wasn’t anywhere as good as Amanda had made me, but she had a few years on me of using cosmetics. But I looked passable. Or at least I thought so. I abstained from any sexual activity to keep my stamina up for Saturday night. Barbara had called me to her office on Friday afternoon and had given me an envelope telling me to open it when I got home and not before. I drove home carefully and when I got indoors. I opened the envelope and inside was a note. It read:
Be at my house at 6:30 come prepared to change at my house and we can go dressed from there as I live in a very secluded area. We will have a third person who you have already met.
Love Barbara XXX.

There was also a letter, I recognised the handwriting; Lisa: It was hand delivered saying please forward:
I opened it; it read
My darling, I am so sorry that I left you the way I did, but I am so happy now with Steve. He has enclosed a cheque for £10,000:00p to help you with your rent and any other bills till you get back on your feet. I hope the new owner of our flat can forward this on to you..
My very best wishes for your future. Lisa.
There was a reply address:

I took the cheque and popped it on the notice board. I would post a thank you but I would drive to the coast and post it from there so she would think I had moved away as she had.
After I had finished with the practice make-up session, cleaned it all off except for the clear nail varnish. I undressed from my lingerie slipped on my nightie and baby doll panties with a negligee over and took all my washing to the machine. I sorted it and set it going.
Then I returned to bed and after a couple of chapters of my current novel. I settled down to sleep. I awoke the next morning with the hardest cock I’ve ever had I was like iron. I went for a pee (it normally works). Today like most others it wilted, I then showered and had a really close shave; I checked the rest of my body for hair that I could see. I dressed in lilac panties tan stockings and white suspender belt. Over my undies I put on socks trousers polo shirt and trainers. I had a quick cup of coffee and some toast. I picked up the cheque from Lisa and Steve, and headed off into town. First stop the bank and deposit the cheque. I got the usual chatter, would I like to invest some of it a higher rate of interest?
“Not now I rather busy to day, but I’ll make an appointment to discuss it with a financial adviser later, Thank you. I replied and left.
Walking towards the shopping mall I saw a ladies boutique with all sorts of very desirable undies displayed in the window, being bold I walked up to the door and entered. I was looking at the display when I saw a box with what looked like breasts in it. I looked closer and yes, that’s exactly what they were. Knowing my bra size was a B-C cup I picked up an unopened box in my size and took them to the cashier. The cashier picked up the box and scanned it £29.99p please she said without looking up. I handed over £30:00p and told her to put the penny in the charity box.
“Thank you madam” she said. Then looked up and said Oh sorry “Thank you sir”
“You’re welcome” I replied and walked out with my new breasts. Wandering into the shopping mall, I was happily minding my own business, when Mrs Williams called out to me.
“You’re the new chap at work aren’t you”? She asked.
“Yes thank you” I replied.
“Mr Jones gives you a lift home, doesn’t he”? She enquired.
“Only twice while my car was being sorted out, because I live on his route home, and he was being very kind as the first day it was raining quite hard” I answered.
“Yes I know, I saw him drop you off” She said.
“Yes I know as I saw you, then I watched you pull into traffic nearly causing an accident” I said slightly angry. Don’t lose it I thought.
“You were lucky that truck didn’t hit you. I added.
“Yes well he should have been more alert” she retorted, annoyed that I’d seen her and her reckless driving.
“What can I do for you” I asked
“Nothing, I just wanted to make your acquaintance, what have you been buying” she said looking at my carrier bag.
“Just something for my Mum who is a Hospice fighting with the big C”. I said.
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry” She said.
“Yes you did and I’ll thank you to keep out of my life unless it involves work. I am a very private person who takes exception to people prying” I replied. I turned on my heel and walked away.
“Just trying to be friendly” She called.
“Just trying to be Nosy” I replied.
I left her standing opened mouthed, Hearing her friend say that being nosy would get her in trouble.
I carried on with my shopping and bought three pairs of sheer black lace top stockings and three pairs of black seamed stockings. Then I saw a gorgeous set of underwear a black lacy bra with matching panties and deep suspender belt. Did they have it in my size? I walked into the shop and thumbed through the rack. Yes a bra then yes a pair of panties my spirits were soaring, finally at the back there was a suspender belt in my size. I took all three items to the counter; a young girl took my purchases and said.
“Some one is a very lucky girl; oh did you want the waist slip that matches the set”? She asked.
“I didn’t know there was one; it’s not on the display”. I answered.
“Oh yes but it wasn’t put on the mannequin as it would have hidden the suspender belt and panties.” She replied.
“Oh yes I see, yes I think I will have the slip as well” I replied.
She disappeared for a few moments, then returned with the slip, she carefully wrapped them for me and took my offered cash. When she gave me my change she said
“I hope you enjoy them”.
I looked at her slightly embarrassed.
“You’re nail varnish and your lovely shaped eyebrows, either on their own ok but together, well: have fun” she whispered and went to serve another customer.

Chapter 4
The party
I caught the bus back home and after undressing I ran a bath and had a long perfumed soak. Then I dried and wrapping a towel around my chest I went to my bedroom and unpacked my purchases. First I removed the labels and fastened the suspender belt round my waist. I unpacked a pair of seamed stockings and rolled them up my legs and clipped them to my suspenders. Lastly I stepped into my panties and drew them up my legs tucking my cock in. Next I unpacked the breasts and read the instructions, there were two tubes of adhesive one for one or two days the other was for about a month that was also shower resistant.
Also in the box was some body make-up to blend the edges with my skin for a more realistic appearance. I chose the one to two day option. I carefully applied the adhesive to the breast forms and lay on the bed. I positioned them over my own nipples where the hollow was and applied pressure for about 10 minutes as per instructions. I lay still for another 5 minutes then tentively sat up, they held fast so picking up my bra, I clipped it in place and settled my new breasts into the cups. Then I stepped into the slip. I felt wonder caressing my silky clad legs as I walked to my wardrobe and looked through what dress to pack. I chose a black dress with spaghetti straps and black 2½ heeled black shoes. I chose one of my wigs and put that in an overnight case. I added some make-up and a spare pair of stockings. Finally I put on my jeans, shirt and Jacket; I was ready. I looked at my watch. I had 45 minutes to drive to Barbara’s. Just right I did not want to be late or too early. I walked out of my front door to see the neighbours coming in. They waved, I waved back. I hope they did not notice my breasts under my jacket. Oh what the heck lets go, it’s too late now to worry.
I drove to Barbara’s. I knocked on her door overnight bag in hand. She opened the door.
“Oh wow you look stunning” I said my mouth remaining open. Then from behind her the woman who had delivered my car appeared.
“Come in darling” Barbara said. “What have you brought to wear tonight”? she added.
“I’ll show you just as soon as you show me where I can change and do my make-up”. I said.
I’ll help you with your make up”, Barbara’s friend said. She continued, we have not been properly introduced. I’m Donna”.
“I’m Carole, with an e” I said.
“I’ll open a bottle of wine while you change and Donna does your make-up” Barbara said.
“I thought we were going to a club for people like us” I queried.
“This is the club; the other members will start arriving in about ½ an hour.” Barbara replied.
“Come on sweetheart lets get you ready”. Donna said ushering me upstairs into a lovely bedroom where a dressing table was laid out with various items of cosmetics and several wardrobes. I noticed they had names on them. Donna saw that I had seen the labels.
“Not all our club members are able to dress at home or even drive here part dressed; some their clothes and other items are stored here for which Barbara charges a small fee which also includes laundering their undies”. Donna said.
I quickly shed my jacket, shirt and jeans.
“You sexy girl, your undies are absolutely gorgeous, what dress or skirt and blouse do you have”? Donna asked.
I opened my overnight back and carefully extracted the contents hanging my dress on a rack.
Donna enthused over my choice and complemented me on bringing spare stockings.
“Now let’s get you made-up” She said. She proceeded to apply foundation blusher etc until I Was once again looking at a woman in the mirror. While Donna did my make-up I heard Barbara’s door bell several times.
“That will be the first arrivals who are already dressed and don’t need to change” She said.
As she finished my make-up the door opened and Barbara walked in carrying several coats and jackets.
“Wow who is this gorgeous woman in my bedroom” Barbara exclaimed.
“Thank you darling, just my wig dress and heels, then I will join you and the others” I said.
“I can’t wait, you will be the belle with the balls” Barbara answered, then she laid the coats on the bed and left.
“I think wig first before your dress” Donna said. While saying she had taken my wig and was placing it on my head. She then took my dress off the hanger and helped me pull it over my head. I stepped into my heels.
“Do a twirl for me” Donna said.
I twirled without falling over.
“How’s that”? I asked.
“You’re perfect, just perfect. Let’s go and join the others”. She said.
We joined the others and all eyes were on me. I was the new girl in town. I was asked so many questions, when did I start dressing, what item of undies turns me on the most, what was my first item of underwear did I put on, and many more. During the evening several more girls arrived some dressed some in male clothes and requiring the use of the bedroom.
About 9:00 I noticed two girls slip out with their arms around each other.
“Where are those two going”? I asked Donna, who had sat by me so far.
“They are going to the games room; would you like to see it”? She asked
“Yes please” I said.
“Follow me” she said.
When we entered one of the girls was laid on her back on a mattress on the snooker table. The other girl had her head between her legs, and was bobbing up and down. The girl on her back was giving moans of enjoyment. Just then another girl entered the games room and seeing the two using the snooker table, she walked over to them and lifting the back of the skirt of the girl doing the sucking, she pulled her thong to the side and slid a finger into her ass. With her other hand she lifted the front of her own dress and eased her panties down exposing her rapidly hardening cock. Then without asking she pulled her finger out and replaced it with her cock. She slowly at first moved in and out making both girls moan out loud, as they both received pleasure.
Donna looked at me and asked
“Would you like to play”?
“With you. Yes please”. I replied.
“I am really pleased you said that I have wanted to get into your panties all evening, and I am having trouble keeping my cock tucked away knowing what you have on under that gorgeous dress”. She said.
Donna led me to the other end of the snooker table and putting her hands on my waist lifted me with ease onto the table and told me to lie down. Next I knew my panties were hanging off one foot as Donna’s head was bobbing up and down between my thighs. Then the one of the other girls from the other group had crawled onto the table and was knelt by my head, offering her cock for me to suck. I nodded and she moved over me into a 69 position easing her cock into my mouth. I greedily sucked it as Donna sucked mine. Soon the cock in my mouth pulsed and pumped the creamy cum into my mouth. Unable to spit it out I swallowed it all down. This really turned me on even more and just as suddenly as I had received a mouth full I gave Donna a mouth full. The rest of the evening went in a similar style with O&A levels being obtained by most. I lost count of how many loads I received both orally and anally. I do remember having to search for my panties that were removed in the games room. But I ended the evening one of the 6 bedrooms, having tried them all. The end of the evening came too quickly and all the girls who could just leave just did while the others showered and changed back to their male counter parts. They wandered around between shower and dressing completely naked with no impulse to check out any of the cocks they had had previously in their mouth or pussy.
Donna and I were the last to leave, Donna said.
“Why don’t you drive home dressed, you will easily pass for a female and change back at home.”
“I’ll need to touch up my make-up I look like I have been caught in a hurricane”. I said.
“Well you have given and been given several blow jobs tonight”. We all three laughed, at Barbara’s comment.
Donna touched up my make up while Barbara sponged some spilt semen from the hem of my dress. Donna and I left together kissing each other goodnight. We drove ourselves home. Me without incident; and entered my flat. I locked the door and went to the bedroom undressed put my undies and dress out for washing I slipped on a negligee and made for the bathroom. I cleaned off my make up and showered. When I dried I slipped a nylon knee length nightie on with matching panties. Climbed into bed and fell almost immediately to sleep.
I awoke to the sound of my mobile ringing. sleepily I answered it.
“Hello, whose calling”? I said
“It’s me Amanda, you sexy girl. I’m back what time is lunch?
“Oh sorry gorgeous, I’ve just woke up I had a very heavy evening, how about 2pm”?
“Sounds good, how about I come over about 1pm for a pre-lunch kiss”? Amanda asked.
“Perfect, I’ll get dressed and be ready. I answered.
“Don’t put too much on I have some gorgeous free samples from the seminar for you to model for me, and you can tell me all about your evening” Amanda said “See you later Mwah” as she kissed me through the phone line.

Chapter 5
A mannequin parade with Amanda

Amanda arrived with a medium sized suitcase about 15 minutes early. She carried the case through to my bedroom. She returned and we sat and ate our meal. Awe cleared away our used crockery loading my dishwasher and setting it going.
“Now off to your bedroom my little sex kitten, we have some clothes for you to try on” Amanda said.
As we approached my bedroom Amanda was already unzipping my mini skirt allowing me to step out of it as I walked into the bedroom.
“Wow very sexy undies darling, I hope the bra is a match” She uttered.
“Of course” I replied as I undid the buttons on my blouse and threw it on the bed next to the suit case.
“Now off with your undies but leave your stockings on” she told me.
I stripped off my suspender belt, panties and bra, it was at this point Amanda saw my false breasts.
“Oh wow, where did you get them from” as she caressed my breast forms. The nipples she was caressing had a firmer core which in turn caressed my own which had an effect at my crotch causing my cock to rear its head an give Amanda a prod against her leg.
“Did I cause that”? She said as she reached down and stoked my cock causing it to get even harder.
“Yes darling and you are making it even harder” I replied.
“Then I must deal with it before we start our little mannequin parade” She said as she knelt in front of me and kissed the head of my cock all the while she stoked it up and down. She cupped my love eggs and gently caressed them making me want to cum even more. Amanda felt the passion rise up in me as my cock started to thicken indicating my approaching orgasm.
She slipped my cock into her mouth continuing to caress me.
“Oh I’m cumming” I hissed.
Briefly she removed her mouth and said “Yes I know and I want it in my mouth now”.
I quickly obliged and filled her mouth. She licked her lips and then stood. I leant forward to kiss her so she could pass me some back.
“No darling, I have been deprived of this all week and I want to savour it as I slowly swallow it all”. She said.
When she had consumed all my cream she opened the suitcase.
“That was very tasty darling; now let’s see what we can dress you in from my samples” She extracted several undie sets, blouses and skirts. She threw a few packs of tights on the bed.
“You don’t want them they are not sexy enough, but I do have some sheer seamed stockings in the bottom of the case”. She continued.
The first set I put on was a very sheer pink undie set that my dark nipples on my falsies could be clearly seen as was my cock in the sheer panties. They felt as though I was not wearing any undies. And I said as much to Amanda.
“That is the point of those”, she said “but they leave nothing to the imagination” she continued.
We continued most of the evening with me putting on and taking off several undie sets, skirts and blouses, there was even a couple of dresses as I took them off Amanda folded the undies and put them in my lingerie drawer. The skirts, blouses and dresses she hung in my wardrobe and put the stockings in a drawer with my others I had bought.
“Now for my favourite item, she said and handed me a box tied with a ribbon. As I undid the ribbon Amanda took her skirt and blouse off. She was wearing a pink see through undie set like the first set I had tried, like the set I had worn it was so sheer I could see her very erect nipples and her pussy lips that were trying to hide behind a very damp patch making them even more sheer. I opened the box and inside was a baby doll nightie and matching panties in lemon with lots of frills. As I slipped the nightie over my head I noticed there were two slits in the bodice allowing my nipples to protrude through: the panties were open crotch and I hung through the crotch as I pulled them up.
“Well these are not going to keep me tucked away are they” I said with a grin.
“That’s the idea” she said grasping my cock gently and leading me too the bed where she pushed me back onto it and slid her panties down her legs and stepped out of them. She climbed on top of me and taking my cock guided me to her pussy. I was semi hard by this time and her manipulations soon had me hard again. She slid down and impaled her pussy onto my rampant cock. She slowly lifted herself up again and kept up the slow pace for about 20 minutes. I was struggling to stop myself from cumming too soon when she reached behind her back and unfastened her bra letting her gorgeous breasts out to play. I reached up and tweaked her nipples with my thumbs and index fingers.
“Mmmm that is fantastic” She breathed” Keep it up” she continued.
“I’m struggling not to cum and fill your pussy” I said.
“Ok let’s do it” She said. She started to quicken her pace and reached forward to tweak my nipples.
“Oh I can’t hold back any longer” I hissed.
Bouncing faster she started to gasp as her orgasm approached. I felt the usual tingle in my groin as my semen rushed up my cock into her waiting pussy. I had just finished pumping my load when she moaned as she came and her juices flooded all around my cock mingling with my juices.
“Can I lick you clean of our juices”? I asked.
“Only if you share them with me after” She replied.
We rolled over so Amanda was on her back, I carefully pulled out of her and moved down her body stopping to kiss her breasts and suckle on her nipples, then I moved down to tongue her belly button. Then I moved on to lap up her leaking juices that were mixed with mine; Next I pushed my tongue into her pussy as far as I could get it lapping, licking and sucking as much out of her as I could without swallowing any. When I felt as I had had as much love mixture as I could hold into my mouth I moved back up her body I positioned my mouth over hers without actually kissing her. Then we opened our mouths and let some of the mixture to dribble into her mouth. When she had about half of my mouthful I moved closer and kissed her fully on the lips then sliding my tongue over her teeth till we mixing the juices fully. Then we swallowed what we had in our mouths, I repeated the process filling my mouth from her pussy again and passing it into her mouth. I collapsed on the bed next to her and gently stroked her breasts; paying attention to her nipples keeping them hard, as she writhed on the bed.
“Oh I’m cumming again just from you playing with my breasts” She gasped.
I moved down the bed and managed to get my mouth on her pussy as she came again. I lapped up her juices again swallowed them down; licking my lips as I left her pussy and moved back up the bed.
We fell asleep for about a couple of hours. When we awoke I looked at the clock and saw it was 9 pm.
“Unless you want to sleep the night we had better get cleaned up and the discarded clothes sorted”. I said.
Amanda was still wearing her stockings and suspender belt while I was still wearing my crotchless panties and baby doll.
“I’m staying the night, and I hope you are ready with another load of your lovely semen for me”. She said as she wriggled down the bed and taking my cock between her lips making it stiffen and swell in her mouth.
“Mmmm if you keep that up I’m going to fill your mouth with another load of my juice”. I breathed trying told hold back cumming.
“Fill me lover then I can sleep with a full tummy of your cream” she said and went back to sucking me. Suddenly she pushed her index finger past my rose bud and stimulated my prostrate. It caused me to thrust into her mouth and shoot my sperm into her mouth which she hurriedly swallowed. When she had licked and stroked all my cream into her mouth she pulled the Duvet over us, and we spooned together with my flaccid cock against her butt cheeks. This time we slept till the alarm went off. And I awoke with my morning wood poking at her rose bud, trying to find a way in. Amanda lifted her leg and let me gently slip into her anal pussy.
“Mmmm that’s lovely you are so tight th

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Newlyweds Erotic Wrestling Match

I'm an athletic and fun-loving guy in his mid-20's, average height and weight. Trim and good-looking, I'm a pro shoot wrestler, and it shows in my lean, muscular build. I've recently married the love of my life, a beautiful mixed martial artist. My wife is just a couple years younger than me, and a perfect blend of cute and sexy. Though she trains hard at the gym daily and is a fierce competitor in the cage, she's the sweetest woman in the world. She's curvy, but it's all muscle, her only fat...

2 years ago
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If you're like me, darling, you enjoy giving hawt, newd blow jobs in some dirty sweaty adult arcade video booth, using LOTS of tongue and saliva! HA HA HA! Naked Caucasian wimp, cowering at the feet of his negro mastah. A lewd and completely newd bareback blowjob! To be performed in the dayroom, In front of all the other inmates! Ha ha ha! Denewda! Little Caucasian sissy takes orders from his big Negro Bull! I love being with Negro men!! BORN THAT WAY! BORN SISSY! Ha ha ! I KNOW that I was born...

1 year ago
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Samnewali Divorced Lady Ki Chudai

Hello guys and girls, myself insomanicman 24/m from surat, Gujarat. Thank you guys for your compliment on the last story. Bohot time waste na karte huwe sidha story pe aate hai. To baat pichle mahine ki hai mere ghar k samne 1 family rehti hai usme hai uncle aunty or unki 2 ladkiyan. Unki dono ladkiyon ki shadi ho chuki thi. Par kuch prblm ki wajha se unki choti ladki ka divorce hogaya tha or wo apne husband ko chod kar uncle aunty ki sath rehne aagai thi. Wo ladki ka naam tha kusum, age hogi...

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neww bbw fwb

MWM, posted an ad on cl, iso a bbw. Was answered by a 52 year old married lady. We chatted awhile. She finally came over while the wife was out of town. Sitting on the couch having a beer and chatting she finally says"your a nice guy...where shall we doe this?" I told her the bedroom. She excused her self to go to restroom.She is about 30-35# overweight. Great big titties, short reddishbrown hair.I laid on the bed in my boxers. Sorry....I'm 42 6' 220.She came out in a loose top and shorts. I...

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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

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Samnewali Aunty Se Pyar Kiya

Hi dosto, mera naam raj hai me puna ke paas rehta hu aur jo story me batane ja raha hu wo meri pehli sex story hai, mai 26 saal ka hu aur akela hi rehta hu hamari ek colony hai jis me mera family house hai, par mere sare family members gaav me hi rehte hai aur kabhi kabar hi puna aate hai, ye story 6 mahine purani hai jab mere samne wale ghar me ek naya couple rehne aaya tha, wo teen hi log the uncle aunty aur unka 3 saal ka ladka, wo jab aaye tab aise laga tha ki ye log kabhi muzse baat hi...

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Author's note: This story is part of my continuing effort to expand the horizons of Fictionmania. It's a bit of an avant-garde piece that may not be everyone's cup of tea. The format is a tad different from most every story that you might read in that it has much more of a play-script type appearance. It is supposed to be a written transcript of the news magazine "Dateline: NBC." The story is based on the concept introduced in the now classic story "For A Girl" by O2bxx, and even...

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Samnewali Chachi Piyasi

Hii..Mera name raj aryan hai, me assam ke ek sote se gaon se hu, mera hight 5.7 hai,age 21,penis 8.5 hai, color dark hai, aaj me first time meri stories likh rha hu,agar koi galti ho to maaf krna,,aab jada bor na krte huye side stori pe aata hu,,yeh mera real stori hai….Prosh ki chachi ki stori hai chachi ka naam radhika hai,chachi ke ghor me unki 7years ka beti,sasuri,or unka pati ek sonar hai jada tor ghor se bahar rehta hai hafte me 2din ke liye aate hai ghor me or unka ek pao tuta huwa hai...

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Chudwanewali The First Fuck

Hi friends, this the first part of the series of sex experiments between 7 college friends i.e. Sana, Kajal, Sukeerti, Meena, Mayank, Siddhu and Ranjit (me). We guys used to hang out together and used to travel together to college and back home. Reviews and comments at Sana was my best friend and I knew her from my schooling days. Sana’s physique was on the heavier side but I would say she had flesh at the right place. Kajal was the sexiest in the group and used to dress accordingly with all...

1 year ago
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Newspapper Boy

Little Johnny is delivering newspapers. He knocks on a door and says to the lady, "I'm collecting today... that'll be five dollars."She says, "I'm a little short on cash, but I'll gladly give you some great sex instead."Little Johnny agrees, "All right."He walks in and the lady undoes his pants and pulls them down. To her surprise, she sees the biggest penis she's ever seen.Little Johnny then reaches into his shirt pocket, pulls out a handful of washers, and begins sliding them onto his...

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OneWild Night

One Wild NightGawaine C. Ross People call me Buck. I’m an artist in oil colors, and a sculptor. I run in marathons, so I’m in good shape. Most women smile when I walk by; I think it’s because I’m 6’6” and wear tight clothing. I have hazel eyes and brown hair. My parents were immigrants from Poland, and our whole family is very close. I have my own apartment and my own studio. I’d known about The Primeval Woman, an annual arts festival that takes place every year out in the Nevada desert. It...

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Newtons Interrogation

NEWTON’S INTERROGATION BY PRATAARAKA ODYSSEY SPACE STATION ORBITING GANYMEDE, MOON OF JUPITER 11 MARCH 2311Odyssey Space Station, more commonly referred to either by its acronym (OSS) or simply Odyssey, was the largest scientific space station in the known galaxy, and the second-largest in the entire Sol System after the Cerberus Defense Platform in geosynchronous orbit over Central Asia. Odyssey Station itself was comprised of three large, spinning rings over four kilometres in circumference...

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Newhart The Made Maid

"Stephanie, I never said you weren't pretty. I just said that some men prefer, well, different types of women." Joanna grunted as she lifted a sack of potatoes from the car. "You can't expect every man to drool over you." Stephanie continued to sort through the brown grocery bags, searching for the one with lightest load. "And why not, Joanna? You don't really expect me to believe those boys were looking at you in THAT way, do you?" Joanna, a tall, slim woman of about 40, pushed a...

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Reddit GoneWildAudio, aka r/GoneWildAudio, aka GWA Reddit! Do you remember, back in the day, when the highlight of our porn life was either to buy a porn video, get some bootleg shit, or make one of those calls where you get to talk to an actual sex worker? Well, this subreddit is sort of like that, but not really. It is called GoneWildAudio and I think that pretty much explains what it has to offer… right?As for Reddit by itself, I think it is safe to assume that everyone knows and loves...

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Reddit GoneWildTube, aka r/GoneWildTube! When you think of the best porn that money has to buy what do you think of? Probably some of that high-quality professional studio type shit that you can see on many of the premium porn sites out there. Well, there are many people who actually don’t want to see that kind of content and instead want to see real and amateur content from real and authentic people. It’s not hard to see why there is such a high demand for such content and so there are...

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Reddit GoneWildPlus, aka r/GoneWildPlus! Ah, you gotta love the ‘gone wild’ category overall, because that means that there will be lots of lovely babes doing something naughty. Well, on Reddit.com you have a variety of categories that are seen as ‘gone wild,’ and this one in partial is dedicated to all the pretty plus sized chicks. I think you can get that from the title as well since I am talking about r/GoneWildPlus/ subreddit.So, if you are interested in the plus-sized chicks, and you...

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Reddit Gone Wild Curvy, aka r/GoneWildCurvy! I’m back again to talk about Reddit and one of its many beautiful subreddits. /r/gonewildcurvy/ is one of those unforgettable subreddits that cater to real men, or so to speak. So, if you are somebody who got excited with the thought of curvaceous amateurs getting naked and doing who knows what, I am sure that you will appreciate what /r/gonewildcurvy/ has to offer.As you might have already been able to guess, I like Reddit quite a lot. I think it...

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Reddit Gone Wild, aka r/GoneWild/, aka Reddit GW! Are you a fan of amateur sluts showing off their hot bodies for all of the internet to see? I mean, who the fuck isn’t? That shit is the best. Maybe you’re one of those babes who wants to show off the body they have worked so hard to achieve. Let the tiddies free, go spread eagle, bend over and show everyone your plump ass, or whatever other kinds of kinky photos you want to take. I’m talking about exhibitionism.We all have a bit of that drive...

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Some celebrities have given their career a kick in the backside by having their nudes or sex tapes leaked. Think Kim Kardashian. While you may not be able to sleep with these celebs (The Porn Dude is going, to be honest with you here), The Fappening is your chance to see them in all their glory. Celebrities are taking nude photos every day. Some may not find their way to the internet, but the ones that do are almost certainly going to make an appearance on TheFappeningNew.com. And what better...

The Fappening
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Do you want the Newest XXX? Are you one of those people who prefer to have their pornographic shit downloaded to their PC? Well, newestxxx.com is mostly about that, but there are some other privileges you get from visiting this site. For the most part, all the videos that can be downloaded can also be watched online, so you could say that this is also a porn site.Now, there are a couple of things I need to tell you about this site before you visit, and if you are interested in a place that...

Free Porn Download Sites
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Ready to join Newbie Nudes? One of the drawbacks of reviewing porn all day is that I can’t see regular women without picturing them naked. I want to check out the checkout girl’s hooters, I’d like to examine that jogging chick’s cunt, and I just have to watch my neighbor get stuffed by one of her boyfriends. Newbie Nudes specializes in exactly that kind of smut: amateur pics and videos of the real girls next door.NewbieNudes.com has been on the Internet since 2002, making it a dinosaur in...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Reddit Asians Gone Wild, aka r/AsiansGoneWild! Is this your first time here? I highly doubt you have never heard about Reddit before, but in case you have not, I shall talk about this site a little bit. However, my main focus here is to talk about their section called ‘Asians Gone Wild’ and I think that that name speaks for itself. I mean, what else the fuck could you possibly expect, than a bunch of hot Asian chicks being… wild?Reddit is a wonderful place filled with many subsections, to...

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NewGrounds Adult Games

Damn, NewGrounds 18+, that's a name that I haven't heard in a while. Don't get me wrong, this website is still popular today, but that popularity is nothing compared to the popularity the website had back in the day...so why did this happen? Honestly, no one knows why the website isn't as half as popular as it was back then, but let me tell you one thing, the website still has some amazing pornographic video games, and I don't get it why people aren't talking about these more.I mean, they...

Free Sex Games
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Escort News! I love porn as much as the next guy, but I will also be the first one to tell you, sometimes it just does not cut it. Most days I can get by, sure, by fapping to a number of the best porn tubes and premium paysites on the web. But some days, I just need something more. You can find the hottest porno ever made, the sexiest girls getting fucked in all your favorite positions, it will never ever come close to the real thing.The way I see it, any sane person likely has a certain amount...

Escort Sites
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Reddit Streamers Gone Wild, aka r/StreamersGoneWild! I admit, I get a lot of mileage out of mocking Reddit users. Some of you make it so easy with the fedoras and neckbeards, not to mention that embarrassing incel and nofap bullshit. I admit you’ve been right about a few things, though, like hentai. Who would have thought I’d be jerking off to breast inflation cartoons on the regular? Reddit, that’s who. Lately, I’ve been hooked on r/StreamersGoneWild.StreamersGoneWild is a subreddit devoted...

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Reddit GoneWild18, aka r/GoneWild18! I spent all morning snorting crushed Viagra and jacking off to some perfectly ripe, beautiful teens. I’m always in awe of those perfect perky tits, never touched by the ravages of age. I love those pretty young faces and tight asses, not to mention their fun, sexy attitudes. I was about to bust my seventh nut of the day when security noticed me and I had to split before I ended up with a third strike. Hard as a rock and in need of more teen fap material, I...

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Reddit Petite GoneWild, aka r/PetiteGoneWild! Small girls tend to be very feisty and eager to please, at least in my experience. Luckily for all of us, Reddit is basically a site that has it all. Their subreddit called r/PetiteGoneWild/ really got my attention, and you are about to learn why. Although I am pretty fucking sure you can get the hang of what the site is all about, if you just visit it yourself, I am still here to provide lots of information for those who are interested.I mean,...

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Reddit GoneWild30Plus, aka r/GoneWild30Plus! If you know anything about my horny ass, you know that I get off to bitches of all walks of life. Fuck yeah, I’m like most horny bastards that get off to college teens showing off their pussies for the old perverts to get off to, and for sure, I enjoy getting off and getting off Asian sluts (see what I did there); few things make me harder.And that includes the kinds of horny bitches that are 30+ you can find on Reddit.com/GoneWild30Plus. Yeah, teens...

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Reddit AltGoneWild, aka r/AltGoneWild! Do you love staring at those bad looking bitches? I’m not talking about when your mother strips out of her sweatpants showing you all the shit she shoplifted from the local big box store as you try to hide your mystery boner, either. I’m talking about the goddesses over at Reddit.com/AltGoneWild. If you get off to the pieces of ass that have piercings all over their bodies and more ink than original skin cells, you’re going to love this subreddit!So if the...

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Reddit AssholeGoneWild, aka r/AssholeGoneWild! Ah, here we are again. With the wonderful world of Reddit.com and many of its beautiful subreddits… and today, we shall be exploring a subreddit called r/assholegonewild/. The main gist of this subreddit are assholes, in many shapes and forms, so if you like to see naughty girls spread their asshole wide open, you, my man, have come to the right place.Of course, the perfect description of r/assholegonewild/ would be Gone Wild – Asshole Style, or at...

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Reddit GifsGoneWild, aka /r/GifsGoneWild, or Bodies in Motion as the title says, is a subreddit dedicated to all amateur people who want to expose their bodies to the public. When you’re looking for a good time that involves watching people from all around the world show off their bodies for free, then /r/gifsgonewild is the place to go. If you ask me, gone wild content is something that we have seen a fair amount of on Reddit, but there is so much more to explore out there when it comes to all...

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Reddit WeddingsGoneWild, aka r/WeddingsGoneWild! Every subreddit with the ‘gone wild’ in its name is obviously a pornographic or at least a naughty one. I think that is a given, and that is why I am here to introduce r/WeddingsGoneWild/. Now, I know that this might sound odd, but at the same time, it is not that odd, really. You have loads of gorgeous brides who decided to get a bit naughty before or during the wedding. Quite simple.I am aware that the very sound of this subreddit might look a...

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Here we go with another ‘gone wild’ subreddit, and honestly, I can never have enough of these. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, when you see the words ‘gone wild’ in a subreddit name, you can expect a lot of porn basically. Well, on r/40plusGoneWild/you have lots of older muffs going crazy in a sense that they are taking their tits out, and riding massive cocks.Now, this is a place where all the older babes of Reddit.com are allowed to post their own naughty images or whatever the...

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Reddit GoneWildHairy, r/GoneWildHairy! So, you’re into hairy pussies? Never understood that myself, but who am I to judge? Listen, I’m always here for you guys, even if you do like weird hairy pussies. And when you like something, I make sure to find a place where you can enjoy it to the fullest extent. In the case of hairy pussies, there’s no better place to go to than /r/GoneWildHairy. This subreddit has some of the best pics that you’ll ever see of everything from trimmed hedges to overgrown...

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Dude in dresses, looking fine as heck, and being naughty as ever… I think that is the best way for me to describe what r/GoneWildCD/ is all about. Now, if you are interested, the name stands for ‘Gone Wild Crossdressers’, and that is exactly what you will see. There are hot crossdressers of all shapes and sizes doing all kinds of naughty things in their bedroom, in public, or wherever the fuck they want basically.To make this shit even better, Reddit.com is a free website with literally...

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Reddit PHGoneWild, aka r/PHGoneWild! So, are you ready for another juicy Gone Wild subreddit? Welcome to r/phgonewild/, aka Philippines Gone Wild, where you get to see just what you would expect. I think I have explained this on many occasions, but the ‘gone wild’ subreddits are basically all about sexual shit of something particular… such as this subreddit, where you have Philippine chicks getting dirty basically.First of all, I think it is safe to assume that you are into lovely Asian girls,...

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Well, well, well… here is yet another gone wild subreddit, and we all know what that means. You are about to see some hot British chicks do all kinds of naughty crap, and of course, the whole r/GonewildGBUK/ subreddit is free for everyone to explore and enjoy. So if you think British chicks are hot, well, you are in for a treat.Overall, the design is pretty slick, and you can even choose between the dark and the light layout, which makes everything so much easier for everyone. I am pretty sure...

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Here we are, with yet another ‘Gone Wild’ subreddit. We all know what that means, right? Every subreddit with the ‘gone wild’ beside the name is pornographic and erotic. This one is called r/GonewildAudible/, and that should already tell you what the fuck you can expect. Of course, for those who would like to know a bit more about r/GonewildAudible/ in general, I am here to make your life a lot brighter.First of all, if you are utterly confused, r/GonewildAudible/ is a subreddit, which is a...

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Reddit Scrubs Gone Wild! I don’t know about you mother fuckers, but nothing gets my cock hard and throbbing quite like seeing a woman in scrubs. Maybe it is because they are so easy to fucking get off that you know you can fuck their pussies in a split-second – if you can find time to sneak them into the bathroom of course! Or maybe there is something with the way they hang on their titties and asses.Whatever the reason may be, I know that I am not the only one that feels this way. Which is...

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Do you enjoy New Trans Nudes? I’m talking about beautiful women with their tits out and dicks bigger than your own, the kind of babes who are truly packing and well endowed. Trans porno is way more common than it's ever been, and it seems like every free tube has some chicks with dicks tucked away in the corner. Well, if you’re a big fan of the women and their penises, it’s usually a better bet to jack off to a site that focuses on them. That’s why you’re here, right?Just like it says on the...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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A jobs a job

**This is my first work. Reviews and critique are positively welcomed. Thanks for reading!** So, this is now what I do. What's this you ask? Well, currently I'm tied to a table, arms above my head, legs apart, blindfolded, naked and surrounded by food. There's some sort of conference on, but its in Russian and I couldn't really tell you what its about. The food is snacks for the delegates, and I'm basically a table decoration, eye candy. One of them has his hand on my thigh and,...

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PART 1 Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war! Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship. Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck,...

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Footjob sockjob and spunking inside my best friend

It was about 3 in the morning and I am in Graeme's flat (my best friend) soon to be married to Kelly-Anne.I am so drunk and listening to the ipod in the living room, Graeme is out cold in his bed.I hear a noise at the door and its Kelly-Anne... shes very drunk too. Shes wearing a short dress and those modern black footless tights that all the girls are wearing now! But shes wearing socks with them too. I cant stop looking at her legs in those tights and socks!Shes lying snooring on the couch in...

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Valentines Day Rimjob

Introduction: The first time I pleasured and worshipped my wifes ass. The first time I rimmed my wife was an experience we both will never forget. It forever changed our sex life for the better. This event took place on the Valentines Day before I proposed to her. Let me explain a little bit about us. For a very long time, I had sealed my heart away. I dated some fucked up bitches when I was young and dumb. I was raised in Hawaii with influences from Eastern culture. The whole concept of...

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Newport Adventures

This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...

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Tracey the Lifeguard

Tracey the LifeguardBy: Jake OliveNote: As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. [email protected] had finally come to England and Tracey was very happy to be working as a pool lifeguard. At 22 Tracey was probably a bit too old to still be holding temporary summer employment but she had spent the last four summers working as a lifeguard and she couldn’t think of any reason to stop now! Tracey’s wasn‘t always the brightest or most mature girl in the world and unfortunately she had...

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Reddit Handjobs, aka r/Handjobs! I know many of you guys like blowjobs way more than you enjoy handjobs, but if we were to just give handjobs a shot at fascinating us, I think that most of us would feel more than grateful that handjobs exist. I don’t believe that these wonderful things get enough attention from people. So to compensate for that and perhaps give handjobs a little bit of love, I’m going to introduce you guys to a subreddit that is all about handjobs. It’s called, well,...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 28 Live at the Lifesaver

“So, how should we do these Stone’s songs?” Phil asked at our rehearsal session. “I think we all know the music, we just need to come up with a pretty awesome arrangement; we don’t want to sound like yet another cheap cover band.” “I had some ideas, if it’s okay for me to make some suggestions,” Allison said. “Of course it is,” Phil said. “Everyone can have a say, there’s no rule that says you can’t participate in the discussion.” “Thanks, Phil, I guess being the newest here, I’m a bit...

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After hours with the lifeguard

“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...

4 years ago
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A New Job For Ash And A New Life

A New Job For Ash, And A New Life Chapter 1: A New Start Evening was coming on after a day of typical late April rain, accompanied by a drop in the temperature. Ash, standing in the front doorway, glanced out at the dark and damp street, sighed and then turned back to his mother. "Good-bye, Mom," he said as his mother gave him a hug and a slight kiss on the cheek at the door to the home he was leaving. "I feel bad that you're going, Ash," she replied with a worried...

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New job

One night while looking on jobsites you spot a job advert from my company. “Import and export firm seeks a personal assistant, will involve some travelling, sometimes travelling will be to foreign countries, salary 24 – 26K depending on experience. Would prefer somebody with previous experience but this is not essential” For some reason this advert strikes a chord with you and the role sounds very interesting to you. You especially like the idea of being paid to travel to...

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AEBN Handjobs

Without answering that dumb question, what else can you fap to, hombre? I have come to learn that it's the small and simple that make life lively. With online porn being flooded with all manners of sex – wild orgies and extreme fetishes – it's the simple, intense handjobs that make you erupt exceedingly. Handjobs feature the art of stroking! Horny lusty babes can't wait to get their hands around a dick and choke it mercilessly until a hot load spews on their fingers. Watching her hand move up...

Premium Handjob Porn Sites
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Wife gives footjob to stranger as I wank

I have a huge foot fetish and am blessed to have a wife with beautiful and sexy feet. Our foreplay always includes a lot of foot licking and sucking ( by me of course). Sometimes a footjob by her is enough to give me complete satisfaction. When we go outdoors, I ask her to always paint her toes and wear sandals (my favorite color, both in paint and sandals, is red). When I say men staring at her feet and looking at me with envy, it gives great pleasure. It was one of those days when we were out...

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