SOVEREIGNTY 19 free porn video

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Sighing, first Alan had to defeat the last three. Merlin knew that the last two plain mages would be no problem but this champion was another matter all together. There had to be something that he could do to help Alan. Snapping his fingers Merlin concentrated and created a small ball of light. Smiling he concentrated again and it vanished. ‘There, ‘ he thought, ‘that might help, a little watch dog.’

Alan rolled over his head pounding, what the hell was going on? He didn’t think he’d used that much energy as he thought back over all of the last battle. So that was why the water dark mage had been so confident! He’d been trying to drain Alan while he’d been attacking, basically using all of Alan’s power he’d absorbed against Alan. Damn it! No wonder he’d been so weak afterward, unlike when Merlin gave him his power the dark mage had actually used up all he took.

Another thing I really need to watch out for Alan thought as the room stopped spinning. Opening his eyes Alan looked around the room, huh, this was a first; he was actually alone. Thinking of Hopix a moment his member got uncomfortably hard. Sighing, Alan thought, I’m going to die from just the want of her, long before the dark mages finish me.

Getting up Alan thought he ought to talk to Merlin about the energy draining spells. Looking all over the sanctuary Alan started to get a little worried when he didn’t see either Merlin or Hopix. Walking back in Alan decided to eat before he did another thing. The main problem there was he couldn’t eat what the people here did. He’d already had severe cramps from just a taste of the local food on another planet, shaking his head he wasn’t really ready for that again.

Alan waved his hand and a few dishes he’d had at the diner appeared before him. The food piping hot, his mouth started to water, hell yeah! He thought, ‘that’s more like it!’ An hour later, still no Hopix or Merlin; Alan really started to get worried, reaching out he soon felt both them not far from the sanctuary.

Flashing out Alan appeared next to Merlin, and then his mouth dropped open. What in the hell was going on? Hopix was held suspended in the air in a spread eagle position, a look of fear on her face ‘til she saw Alan.

“Merlin! What in the hell is going on? I sleep for a few hours and this happens? Talk old MAN!” Alan Roughly grabbed the front of Merlin’s shirt.

Merlin’s face was hurt as he tried to speak. “We had stepped out to get some air I didn’t think they’d attack; they captured both us an hour ago. I am unable to move from this spot, as I am afraid you are stuck also.”

Alan scoffed at Merlin and almost ripped the man from where he’s been stationary. Stepping up Alan had ripped over half of what was holding Hopix loose when a dark mage appeared.

“Uh, uh, uh keep it up and she dies bastard! You might have defeated the others somewhat easily but that won’t happen here.” Alan lunged forward freezing when Hopix screamed. “Sweet isn’t she? Her screams will fuel my hatred for the human race for centuries. Now then try to save her and she dies, move and she dies. Be a good little boy and stay right there as we eat your soul and power.”

Another dark mage appeared this one looking like a twisted long legged bird shape. Alan had been examining everything suddenly a smile lit up his face. “So you want me to stand still, ok, hit me if you can!” Alan growled as his face twisted into a mask of rage.

The second dark mage faltered a moment; Alan smiled more as the dark mage was suddenly a huge ball of flame. The first dark mage looked back at the second causing Alan to smile more. Waving his hand across the sight of Hopix in front of him, Alan felt her fade and reappear within his shield behind him.

“I knew as soon as I saw you that you would take every advantage you could. You have a lot of power, and you obviously have more brains than the others. Well you have a little more; here I thought you had been watching me all this time. I am no simple fool as you thought I was. You are the last of an accursed blight upon this planet, it has been a while, but at last this planet will be free!” Alan shouted as he threw several attacks at the dark mage at the same time.

Diving and twisting the dark mage wasn’t even aware when Alan appeared directly behind him. “You are dead! I have much more power than you!”

The dark mage was shocked when the dust and smoke cleared and Alan was gone! Reaching out the dark mage felt nothing of the man, no wait what!? Turning the Dark mage saw Alan behind him, but how he’d felt nothing! “You were just out classed,” Alan said as he made several slashing, flattening and punching motions. Several cuts appeared, then the dark mage was buffeted, then he was suddenly flying backwards all the breath knocked out of him. Appearing above the bleeding gasping mage Alan growled, “good bye you son of a bitch!”

The dark mage screamed as he caught fire, and was suddenly flattened to a pulp. There was a clapping behind him making Alan whirl firing with all his rage. The champion’s eyes grew large as he increased his shields. What in the hell? It wasn’t enough as the bolts quickly ate through his shields smashing into his left arm. His own rage building the champion pointed his right hand at Alan.

“Just for that you little bitch!” The champion growled out, “I’m going to kill you as slowly as I can!”

“Yeah right! You and what army you pathetic little ass! Have fun healing; there is none higher than us here. Though you could beg the dark council, I’m sure they’d love to help you. Oh yeah that’s right they aren’t allowed! Go away little boy!”

The champion growled again then was gone, though Alan knew he wouldn’t get that far with his injury. Turning Alan tenderly picked up Hopix, and nodded to Merlin and flashed back to the sanctuary. Alan was just starting to take her into the sanctuary when her eyes briefly opened, “I’m sorry my love, I’m sorry I haven’t told you who I am. Who my family is, I was so afraid that I would loose you. I love you more than life it’s self. My mother you have met before, my father you also know.”

Hopix’s skin started to glow, again Alan could only stare. What was going on with her? This was a lot like on the other Fairixie world when she had confessed that she wasn’t what she appeared to be. “What are you trying to tell me?” Alan asked her.

“I have denied who I am for so long out of the guilt I have felt. It was a mage I trained that betrayed and enslaved my home. I never allowed myself to grow close to anyone ‘til I met you. Please forgive me my love.” Here Hopix’s body started to levitate out of Alan’s arms.

Turning to look at Merlin the old man was smiling tears falling from his eyes. “Merlin? What in the hell is going on here?” Merlin only shook his head and motioned toward Hopix.

“Again my love,” Hopix’s voice stated as it grew louder. “I am sorry I hid it from you, I was so afraid of loosing you, even as I am right now.” Her eyes flashing as the glow around her radiated brighter from her.

Suddenly the light council appeared, Hopix’s friend Nealiex standing at the front a proud look on her face as tears were streaming down her face also. Then the cube in Merlin’s hand flashed and a vision of the queen appeared next to Nealiex, tears also in her eyes. “Finally,” Alan heard her say.

Floating to an almost standing position, a strange authoritative voice issued from Hopix’s mouth. “For centuries I have denied who I truly am, what I am. As of today I can no longer do this.” Here she looked at Alan. “I wish to accept Alan Glanto’s union promise, if after this he still wishes to. Before all assembled, before my family and friends, I now declare myself as Hopimer, First Princess of the Fairixie home world; next in line for the throne.” Here she looked at Alan, “I know you have to decide you have a day then either way the waiting ends.

Hopix now Hopimer lowered her voice as she spoke to Alan, “I love you with all that I am my love. I’ll understand if you reject me.” With that all but Merlin vanished.

Alan stood there in shock what in the hell had just happened? Where in the hell had everyone gone especially Hopix? “Alright talk old man. What in the fuck is going on? Why didn’t you give me a hint or something?!!”

Sighing Merlin sat, “I couldn’t Alan it is their law, they have to declare and relate all things about them their selves. I especially as an outsider could say nothing, even if she is my daughter.”

Pissed as hell Alan growled about to punch Merlin in the face but struck the wall instead. “What the fuck! Does everyone think that I am a child they have to spare the feelings of? Give me a break!”

“Just tell me one thing Alan. Do you love my daughter?” Merlin asked praying that the answer he got wasn’t the right one.

“Of course I love her! Christ what in the hell is up with you people! I’m not a damn machine that can just turn it off and on!” Alan shouted still pissed.

“Look Alan it has...” Merlin started.

“NO! You look old man! I have an asshole to kill, so that these people no longer live in fear. If I die then problem solved, we aren’t bonded yet so she’ll survive. If I live? Then I come back here and I kick the shit out of you! Agreed?” Alan said his eyes flashing the anger he felt.

Merlin smiled so Alan wasn’t against his daughter yet, good they needed to build on that. “You might find that harder than you think but you can try young man.”

“HA!” Alan shouted back over his shoulder as he stormed out of the sanctuary.

The champion smiled as he looked at the clone that Alan had defeated with ease. Turning toward the sanctuary he felt the ultra high power spike. Damn he thought it felt like that bitch of Alan’s. Appearing outside the sanctuary the champion’s mouth dropped open as he watched everything. Damn it! She was no longer Hopix! Under the agreement she was free, then he smiled, good this ought to screw Alan up enough to make him an easier target.

The champion waited a while then saw an extremely angry Alan leave the sanctuary. Ah! Good now to declare his right to start the battle now.

Appearing in front of Alan far from the Sanctuary the champion smiled. “I think it’s time to end this, or are you too tired?”

“You really don’t want to do this right now.” Alan warned the man.

“Oh but I do, you ass wipe, shall we?” The champion sneered as he started to power up.

“Fine you that eager to die so be it!” Alan said as the champion mockingly nodded at Alan.

Alan contacted Merlin letting him know he was about to start the last battle. He needed to get all the Lobrits to safety UNDER their cities. Alan told the man that he knew he now had the power, he needed to hurry this was going to be extremely messy.

At first they just threw a few bolts at each other feeling each other out. Satisfied the champion suddenly started to fire with increasing power at Alan. Several bolts missed as Alan thought they might. Flashing out and behind the champion at the last second the man was shocked as his own attacks hit his shields.

“Nice move ass wipe now then...” the champion started just as Alan let loose an extremely powerful bolt. The champion’s mouth dropped open as he could feel the heightened power of it fueled by Alan’s rage. Hitting his shields it sliced through brushing the champion’s left leg. Screaming he retaliated smashing Alan’s shields with a myriad of attacks.

It seemed they were going for hours the champion was a little frustrated. Everything he’d learned about Alan was doing no good he had to resort to something of desperation soon if this kept up. The champion could feel his power actually dwindle a bit. No he thought I have plenty Alan will fade long before I do.

Alan wasn’t all that sure he could defeat this little piss ant as of yet except for the first bolt Alan had only been fighting the champion to a standstill. Though he’d used a hell of a lot of power Alan still had a huge reserve if he had to resort to it. As of yet he thought he was still good though.

For another hour they continued to fire at each other. Now four hours into the fight they were both starting to pant a bit. The gash on the left leg of the champion still wouldn’t close, though he’d sent abundant healing to it. A few bruises on both arms but they were nothing compared to the wound the white mage had given him.

Alan had small cuts across his face, his chest, arms and legs, plus he face was now bruised. Still Alan had only been fighting the champion to a stalemate. Damn it Alan though not sure I can keep this up all that much longer, this is as tiring as straight battling was.

It was four and a half hours into the fight when Alan made his first mistake, instead of avoiding a bolt from the champion Alan took it full as it sliced across his shoulder. Laughing the Champion had dropped his protection, as Alan fired through the pain catching the left arm of the champion. Smiling Alan heard the man scream as the bolt burned the arm to a useless piece of meat.

The champion’s eyes flashed as he started to send several bolts at Alan again, this time one actually got through hitting his right leg. Sealing it as fast as he could Alan felt a little better then felt his power falter a bit as he started to sink toward the ground. Looking over he could see that the champion was also sinking fast toward the remnants of the largest city. Shaking his head Alan thought I’ll have to try and rebuild these. Hate that we destroyed the other two already.

Alan tried to reach out to find the champion. Alan was surprised when he felt that the champion was as weak as he was now. Maybe I’ve got a chance Alan thought if this goes on with us using our powers we’ll be into our life force before too long. Merlin appeared not long after they had both sunk toward the land. Shaking his head Merlin thought this was going on far too long for his tastes. There wasn’t a whole lot he could do, he could help in small ways only energy or healing but no actual fighting.

Searching like Alan had taught him, he could feel the champion in front of him. Damn the man was so weak compared to what he had been, when Merlin had gotten his ass handed to him by the man.

There Alan was! Holy crap! Alan was weaker than Merlin was! Hell Merlin was stronger than both of them right now. Flashing out near Alan, Merlin knew he had to stay as far away as he could. “Alan?” Merlin said before he rounded the corner behind Alan.

“I’m around the corner from you,” Merlin heard Alan’s whispering voice.

“Why are you here? You cannot interfere.” Alan told the man.

“I know that Alan, but I can provide aid, he’s on the other side of the city. I felt that your power was dropping as was his. As it is right now I have more power than both of you. Strange feeling knowing I am the most powerful mage on the planet right now.” Looking at Alan, Merlin said, “I don’t like it! Nope not at all.” This of course made Alan smile the old man was nothing if not honest.

Merlin started to add his own power to Alan’s. Sighing he knew it wasn’t a lot of help but at least his levels

were high enough for Alan to use. Alan nodded making Merlin stop, the man was a little light headed. “Alright try to get away from here at least a little way. That way I know you’ll be ok.”

Merlin swayed a little then sat back a minute, nodding he smiled and vanished. Well Alan thought both of our powers are nearly exhausted. This rest won’t really help though with what Merlin had loaned him Alan might actually have a chance.

Merlin actually managed to get to a hill side that overlooked what was left of the city. Damn he thought as he appeared and stumbled to the remnants of a smoldering tree. Taking the cube out of his pocket tears falling from his eyes he whispered, “I’m sorry my darling, I guess I did too much. I gave him almost everything; he deserves the chance to be with Hopimer.” Crying harder he kissed the image of her as he felt the last of his strength leave his body. “I did so wish to hold you one last time before I died, please forgive me my love.” With that the darkness took him even as a scream erupted from the cube.

Recharged at least half way Alan started to make his way toward where he felt the champion. This has to end Alan thought. 15 minutes later Alan slowed feeling the champion not far away.

“Hey ass wipe I know you’re there stick your head around the corner I’ll make it quick that way this is done then I can rest and eat your soul,” came the champion’s voice.

“You know you talk too much,” Alan said as he rolled out and fired at the champion in the other leg, dropping the man to the turf. Still rolling Alan was behind cover again when he felt his good arm bleeding. Damn it! Looking out he saw what appeared to be something that looked a lot like glass. Shit!

Alan leaned out for a quick look seeing that the champion had crawled behind cover himself. Moving quickly Alan moved as close as he could ducking behind cover as the champion let loose a barrage of energy blasts. “Feeling better now prick?” The champion yelled, “I saw you were bleeding kind of stupid moving without checking the terrain.”

Alan smirked, almost as stupid as taking on an enemy he knows little to nothing about. “You’re a fine one to talk can’t walk or use one arm, personally I think you are about done!”

“Oh I’ve got more than enough to kill you, besides after I take your power I won’t have to worry.” The champion yelled back.

Alan was about to make a move when a round light orb appeared. Flashing a scene a moment Alan smiled, damn why hadn’t he thought of that? Alan could see the champion was huddled against the wall in front of him had he gone in, he might be dead now. Alan nodded to the orb which winked out Alan started to climb the wall on the far side of it.

Looking down Alan saw that the champion was still waiting on him to make a frontal attack. Aiming Alan let loose with three bolts the last of the power that Merlin had given him. One caught the champion in the chest, another in his already injured arm. The third shot barely missed destroying everything between the champion’s legs.

Alan listened to the screams of the champion as he climbed down and walked to what was left of the man. The man’s eyes went wide when he saw Alan trying to power up Alan waggled his finger at the man and knocked the man out with a solid kick in the face.

Barely able to stand Alan yelled, “I call the light and dark council’s. After they had both appeared the dark council seething that their champion was unconscious, Alan spoke again. “I have defeated the dark council champion; I therefore call for a judgment.”

“This fight was to the death!” The leader of the dark council spit out.

“No, as I remember you said when he killed me, you got us both. My part was if I win not a death, I need a judgment this pitiful creature can no longer fight. Therefore by the wagering the dark council made with me, they can no longer interfere in the affairs of earth. I and my life are also off limits, this includes any worlds that I have visited or am living on.”

The leader of the light council was smiling from ear to ear. Yes, Alan had made that wager and yes he had won.

“I call for a judgment,” the leader of the light council called. All of the members agreed that the champion could no longer fight.

Suddenly there was a groan from the creature / man, “Excuse me a moment, ‘ Alan said and kicked the champion again in the face, “Ok he’s out again.” The entire dark council growled at Alan, and then all slowly started to agree the champion was finished.

“We need a ruling lived Reficul, or are you risking the rightful evoking of your true identities?” The leader of the light council smiled.

“No! We are all in agreement. All that was agreed to will be fulfilled know this Alan Glanto anywhere else you go we will be there. In this respect we will always be watching you!” The leader of the dark council stated. With that the dark council and their champion disappeared.

Alan nodded then took a step toward the sanctuary; that was the last thing he remembered for at least two days.

Hopix was smiling down at Alan, god he thought she was so beautiful. Alan loved her so much but he was going to die there was nothing that he could do. Crying he held her as close as he could, he knew there wasn’t much time but he had to hold her a last time.

It was almost three days later when Alan opened his eyes, shaking his head he was in the cheap motel room. Where was Hopix they said they needed a decision, hanging his head he nodded they had used him. Just like his wife had. Tears erupted from his eyes; I truly loved her now there was nothing left with her gone.

Reaching in his pocket the cube was even gone, so they had all lied to him. ‘Well, ‘ Alan thought, ‘that’s about my life.’ Alan walked out, might as well go eat. got to get a job, sighing Alan shut and locked the door.

On the far side of the bed a light erupted near the floor as did a voice. “Alan? My love, are you there? Mother, father I can feel him his energy is so low. I have to go to him, I don’t care!” There was a titanic eruption of energy then a lightly green skin colored woman, 6 foot tall appeared out of a rift.

Bending down she could feel the cube, then she found it under the bed. Shaking her head Alan was so confused, why had the cube brought him back here? Then her mouth dropped open of course, home! The energy of the planet he was born on had the strongest healing energy.

Looking in the mirror Hopimer smiled; with her absolute power this would become far easier. Waving her hand her appearance changed. Smiling she nodded that ought to do, oh! She best wear clothes, she giggled. Walking out she followed the very low energy of Alan to a strange metal building, taking a deep breath she entered.

Alan had taken a seat at the back in a booth by himself, as depressed as he was he hoped everyone left him alone. Looking up a beautiful 6 foot slender red head walked in the door. Damn Alan thought that is one gorgeous woman.

Then the amazing happened she came to his table! “May I sit with you?” she asked with the sweetest voice that he’d heard since Hopix’s. Looking harder at the woman, damn if she didn’t look a lot like Hopix.

“Are you alright sir,” she asked.

“No not really,” Alan replied. “I lost the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I guess she was taken from me.

The job I had my bosses lied to me, apparently everything I did for them was for nothing. I woke up in my hotel room alone without my ride I got from some good friends, well I thought they were. So no I am not alright, sorry I’m not good company.”

“Oh my god I am so sorry Alan,” the woman said causing Alan’s head to snap up and then he was staring at her.

“How do you know my name?” A stunned Alan asked.

“Why wouldn’t I know my future husband’s name?” The woman said as she giggled a bit.

“Ho ... Hopix?” Alan barely managed to get out. When she only smiled and nodded Alan could only stare at her. “But you’re human looking, they can all see you!”

“Thanks to you I have almost all my full power. You disappeared right after you fell near the Lobrit’s city. We all became frantic searching for you. Apparently the Trembly’s felt you would die if you didn’t heal on earth. I finally felt you a few minutes ago. Please Alan can we go home? You still have to declare your decision.” Hopimer explained. “Oh and Alan my name is Hopimer now, I wear it as the next in line for the throne.”

Alan nodded as they got up and left Alan stopped and kissed Hopimer deeply and passionately, causing her to almost pass out. Hopimer handed Alan his cube as realization settled in. Alan smiled wider; ducking into a nearby alley there was a sudden flash of light then nothing.


Five years later Alan was chasing the twins Donax and Glamix. Alan was far happier than he’d been in a very long time. The simple fact that Hopimer conceived their wedding night was nothing compared to the completion of their bond. Everything was hundreds of times better; his vision, his feelings and did he mention the sex?

Hopimer watched the three loves of her life. Though she wasn’t queen yet she sighed, there were still official things she had to do. She missed going out to different places. Suddenly a thought hit here grabbing both of their seldom used cubes Hopimer walked up to the twins and Alan.

“I was thinking we need to take a trip!” She told all three of them.

“Sure hon anywhere in particular?” Alan asked as she grabbed Alan’s and the children’s hands.

“I was thinking the Trembly’s world,” Leaning over Hopimer kissed Alan then started to whisper in his ear.

Alan got wide eyed, smiled, and whispered, “You are?” Hopimer nodded as she touched her stomach and they all vanished.


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First some prelude: I was stationed in Germany with the U.S.Army when I met Sharon, She was a transfer from state side to our company and subsequently my section. My section was the Operations section for the Company and had 5 positions one of which was a administrative assistant that was vacant till she arrived. A little about her; She was about 5' 6" tall, Beautiful Blond hair (both top and as I later found out to my pleasure down also), what really caught my attention was her breasts,...

2 years ago
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Hannah 1 Innocence Lost

“Ready to go, stud?” Jennifer Cox said to her 15-year-old son Adam. Adam blushed, but his cock twitched a little. “Yeah.” Out the front door and into the car they went. Adam rode shotgun as his mother drove to the Interstate. Twenty minutes down I-40 and a few twists and turns into the West Meade neighborhood and they were pulling into a driveway. Adam’s heart raced, and his 4-inch circumcised dick hardened as he anticipated what he’d be doing. Jennifer and Adam were part of the latest trend...

4 years ago
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Cyber Fun Turns Real Part II

Two weeks have passed, and I have been a very good girl. I have sent Sir Rube a photo every single day, usually before 9:00 AM! Perhaps this is why I'm very confused by the video chat we had this morning. The video chat started out very well. Sir Rube asked me to dance for him. I let down my long brown hair, turned on some music and began moving my hips and body to the rhythm. I opened the buttons of my white blouse, revealing a white lace bra, and continued dancing, perhaps in a bit more of a...

1 year ago
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Like A Woman Scorned

SYNOPSIS The women's self-help group was dedicated to making men suffer for their marital sins, and what more fitting humiliation could there be, than to force them to be the kind of woman they most desired. When the narrator wakes up as a Dolly Parton look-alike, he expects the worst, but actually gains more than anyone could possibly have imagined. This story contains adult themes. Please respect your local laws. LIKE A WOMAN SCORNED By Marianne Nettes 'Hell Hath No...

2 years ago
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Time to do it Over

“Alex, you awake?” Martin said as he slipped his hand between Alex's legs. “Yes.” “You want to...” Martin never came out and said what he wanted. “Sure.” Martin took the head of Alex's cock in his mouth and started sucking on it. Alex laid back for a couple of minutes and took in what was being done. He remembered this exact blow job taking place 37 years before. Maybe it was because he had not had that many up to then but it had seemed that it was a lot better. Now...

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pokerfun losing my virginity

Thankyou for the positive responses.remember if you dont like young sex dont read. I knocked on granddads door and went in, he sat me down and we talked at length about the previous night and how I felt about all that I had done. I let him know that when I was with the group I was happy but in the room was a bit weird and was unsure if I wanted that to happen again. We also talked about the future and what would be expected of me if I wished to carry on within the group. He told me that I...

2 years ago
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The Sum of Her Parts

Elizabeth entered the magic shop with some trepidation. She hoped that Darwin had taken the morning off and that the bimbo he employed was running the shop. No such luck. Her former classmate grinned in recognition and greeted her. She put on her best face and hoped the minor warlock wouldn’t know what she wanted the ingredients for. She wished there was another shop in town. “Hello Darwin,” she returned his greeting. “How is business?” “Oh, I can’t complain,” he said. “Well, I can, clearly....

2 years ago
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En Nanbanin Kaathaliyai Sex Seithen

Yaarum athigamaaga ninaithu iruka maatargal, nanbanin kaathaliyai sex seivathu throgam aanal athai vida parka kudaiya vishayam namathu unarvugal thaan. Nam manathil thondrum unarvugaluku athiga sakthi irukirathu, athai naam unarnthu manathil thondrum aasaiyai katti podamal nirai vetrinaal thaan nam manam pun padamal irukum. Naan ippozhuthu thaan kalluriyil padithu mudithu irukiren, veetil velai thedi varugiren. Naan thanjavurai sendrthavan, ippozhuthu chennaiyil thangi velai theedi varugiren....

4 years ago
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My Dirty Little Secret 9

Introduction: Ali explores why sexuality is actually a spectrum and depends on how drunk someone is. As always, thanks for the feedback, guys. I did notice that you all noticed the horrible errors I made in the last chapter and thats because of my terrible editing and the fact that Id written the chapter over the course of a few weeks and had forgotten the name I was using for Mitch, who is actually Mike. And Quin is actually Dave — I didnt forget that name, obviously, but Ive got this weird...

3 years ago
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Mistress WatchingChapter 22

Ed left the office at 7 o'clock. The young policeman was waiting for him in front of the building. Ed had him drive to Katherine's house. Katherine opened the door as the car rolled to a stop at the front door. Ed told the driver that he wouldn't need him until 7 in the morning. Katherine took Ed's arm and led him out to the patio. She had set a table on the patio with plates and silverware. She left him and went into the house. She returned with a Scotch on the rocks for him and herself....

4 years ago
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Togetherness Part 3

The foursome eventually went to bed, with the puppies joining the respective counterparts in bed and in a deep sleep once their humans were asleep themselves. Lee and Gabriela slept soundly too, with Reed and Jessie happy that their kids were acting like siblings more and more as time wore on. They would have fights eventually, but at least they had a good start before then. Ryan was actually the last to go to sleep. He kept to himself during the puppies' introductions and tried to...

2 years ago
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Build a mom workshop

You wake up on a bright beautiful morning. The suns is shining, the birds are singing and just as luck has it, today is your 18th birthday. Now, according to the law, you had free use of all women above the age of 18. You quickly put your clothes on and readied yourself for today, but before you could leave you noticed a note slipped under your bedroom door. You pick it up and read it. Dear son, I apologize for leaving you like this but in order to encourage the spreading of male genetic...

3 years ago
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The Driveway

I found out about my wife quite by accident. Well, actually it was a combination of her lack of self-control and an accident. For some time now I have suspected that Mary has been having an affair. No one thing, just a lot of little things seem to point in that direction. It all started when Mary went back to work. When our youngest started kindergarten Mary took on a full time job with a new company just starting up in the mortgage referral business. When she started the job she found that...

1 year ago
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Peeping Jerry

I walk by this apartment window and the curtains are wide open, so I look in and see this beautiful woman sleeping on the couch wearing only a see-through top and panties. I am looking in on her and getting turned on as I notice her sliding glass door is open a little, so I slide it open a little more and sneak in. I walk quietly through the kitchen to the livingroom where she is sleeping on her side and the only light is coming from the TV. I am so nervous I don't know what to do, if she wakes...

2 years ago
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Pennys Other Life CHAPTER 4

Things were running smoothly at the YWCA. Penny was less worried now that Mr. Brown would report her to Mark or to the police. She was totally into her photoshoots at MORE4LESS. Without a boyfriend of her own, she found that Mr. Brown satisfied the craving she had to parade naked in front of a virile man. Plus which, he was someone who had what it took to give her a massive orgasm every time. She had been looking forward to Monday evenings for several weeks now, and Mr. Brown had even given her...

Straight Sex
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The New summer job part 14

Daniel's three friends sat recovering from the fuckfest as Daniel's mindraced with what he'd just done. He knew life with his friends would neverbe the same and despite his shame and trepidation about the event, he stillcouldn't keep his eyes off their cocks, the three cocks he'd justsucked. He still tasted the cum that had trailed down his throat into hisgut; he instinctively licked his lips. He realized somewhere deep inside hewanted more.No one spoke as they left the sauna, dressed and left...

1 year ago
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Thand Me Maari Shruti Ki Chut

Hi, Mein Gaurav, Bhopal k 1 engineering college ka student. mein aapko aaj 1 kahani sunane ja raha hu jo ki mere 1 dos ne mujhe email kiya hai. pasand aaye to bhi aur na aaye to bhi, apna feedback mujhe jaroor bheje. mera email id hai to ab suniye chudai ki kahani, chodne wale ki jubani…….. Baat un dino ki hai, jab mein graduation 3rd year me tha(2011). meri 1 gf hua karti thi, naam tha shruti (fake name). uska figure bahut hi achha tha 34-26-34. Thand ka mausam tha aur humari final exam me...

2 years ago
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Sunny Wants Friend8217s Help To Sexually Satisfy His Wife

This is the story of my friend, Sunny, and his wife, Maneet. I will tell you how I had sex with Maneet to satisfy her sexual needs at my friend’s request. They were married for 11 years and had a kid. However, Sunny had lost interest in Maneet over the years. They hardly would have sex and when they did, Sunny would just enter her and be done in a minute or two. This would leave Maneet unsatisfied. To fulfill her urges, my friend’s wife would masturbate whenever she got a chance. Once Sunny saw...

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Summer fling

I am always curious about my wife’s sexual past and am constantly asking her to tell me about some of her exploits. She recently told me about a fling she had twenty years ago, where she had been flirting with one of the guys at a summer camp she worked at. Unfortunately, when the summer ended, he returned back to his home town which was several hours away. They had never hooked up that summer as she thought he was too young and they never had any privacy during the summer to do anything. As it...

1 year ago
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Two Moms Two Sons 28 The Dads Find Out Everything

POV: Will, then Keisha, Will again. "Holy shit, I can't believe we both just had sex with our daughters-in-law, Josh." "Yes, but we did it, man. I mean, we fucking did it, regardless of what the reasons were. No matter how we developed crushes on them, we got into their panties and had our ways with them too, Will." "Dude, this is bad," I said, shaking my head. "How the hell can we expect this to stay locked up forever? What if just one of them lets it slip? Then the other one will...

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A Family Affair1

The one complication here is that my mother - Julie – is a seriously attractive woman. Clever (PA to a shit hot barrister), funny, outgoing and best of all curvy in all the right places. She’s a 38DD (is there any guy that doesn’t check out his mom’s bra size?). She came to terms with her divorce and started dating again, some men lasting longer than others but no one that looked like a long-term prospect. I’m sure there were times when she just wanted sex. That may seem presumptuous but...

4 years ago
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"Are you ready?" "Yeah, are you?" "Yup." "Can you see everything?" "Move the camera down just a little." "That better?" "Perfect." "I'm a little nervous." "Me too, but I think the nervousness will stop once we start." "You're probably right. Okay, let's go. Tell me something." "Like what?" "I don't know. Something that'll make me hot." "You have a beautiful pussy." "That's good, say something else." "Your tits are wonderful too. They're so big....

1 year ago
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My wife and a fat black guy

y small petite red haired wife and I have had a completely open relationship since before we married. She has and always will have a deep need for strange cock on a regular basis to keep her hot pussy satisfied. Ellen is a woman that is so rare that I have never heard of another like her. she loves to be naked 24-7 outdoors and gets off on being around lots of men old, mostly black men. It started when she was a girl and her dad and brother let her run naked from early spring till late fall...

2 years ago
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Paris in Flames

The first time I saw her was at a small Parisian bistro, walking distance from the Louvre. Le Petit Flore on Rue Croix des Petits Champs, a favorite of mine. Unpretentious and inexpensive. The day had been moody, despite being the first day of summer. It was, in fact, that moodiness which first drew me to her, the sun suddenly bursting from the clouds, illuminating her, setting her fiery mane ablaze. The sudden image of a moth fluttering too near a candle flame gave me but a moment’s pause as I...

3 years ago
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Salli kai armaan

It was the days of my dream come true. I would briefly introduce myself I am Joenain (name changed) and I am 30 years of age with a well built with some extra padding on my body. I love exploring new means and tries experimenting every time when it comes to sex. I am married for a couple of years and no issues. I have a salli who is ultimate when comes to figure a bit wheatish in color and she is a beautician. It all happened one day when she had come down to our house in Chennai for a week’s...

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Episode 16 Becki in Chains

Crowded pub in NewcastleA couple sat at table in the pub, when 2 gorgeous chicks walk in, stand hips touching at bar. Man cannot keep his eyes off their long legs and tight denim-clad bums, wife notices his gaze. "Stop drooling, they're much too young for you... wait a minute isn't that blonde Becki from your favourite porn site?"How did you ...?""Easy, just click on your Most Visited page on Chrome; you really should be more careful on the Junior Porn Club site " she said raising her voice...

3 years ago
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Lifes Important MomentsChapter 4 The End Game

Six months into the new job I had the routine down. I was traveling six days a month. It worked out to three, two day trips. Barb and I were doing well and I was happy. It was after one of my trips that I discovered a pair of Barb's sexiest panties in her lingerie bag. I couldn't tell if they had any semen stains on them so I couldn't be sure if Barb had cheated on me or not. I decided not to accuse her without more evidence than a pair of panties in the laundry, but I also decided to be...

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Mr Jackson wants to play with busty Susie

My wife and I live in a large apartment building just out of town. Its a great big old house which was converted into 10 different apartments. The area is lovely and we are lucky enough to have a big, shared garden out back that we are free to use whenever we wish. Susie is a real gem. She's a dark blonde, 5'6,125lbs and has an amazing pair of 34F breasts. Her skin is smooth and lightly tanned, and her curves are perfect in every way. She's real fun to be around. Confident and flirty, and...

Cheating Wifes
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 31 Holiday Season Part II

December, 16, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, Jamie’s on the phone,” Dave said. “We’ll take it in the conference room.” Dave, Julia, Elyse, Stephanie, and I went to the conference room to hear what Jamie had to say. “It didn’t go well,” he said. “They pretended to not know what I was talking about.” “So what are our options?” Julia asked. “Prepare an invoice for the software, say, fifty seats, and one year of support, and send it to me. I’ll send it, along with a demand letter, and a...

1 year ago
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Timothy Ki Payari Bahn Susan

Ahhhh!! Meri payari bahn susan, timmothy ne susan ki wrists ouskay head ke ooper deewar ke saath dabatay huwe kaha. Susan ke geelay baaloun mein mojoud ouske shampoo ki mahak buht alluring thi aur tim ne literally aik long moment use kertay huwe ous scent ko inhale kiya aur ouskay asar mein mudhosh ho gaya. Susan bila shubah buht aggravated nazar aa rahi thi aur tim ki grift se bach nikalnay ke liye apnay badan ko wiggle kar rahi thi. Ousko yeh ehsaas ho raha tha keh ouskay geelay badan se...

2 years ago
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Burning Lust0

But when she hit me with that kiss, I had the feeling that If I didn't fuck her right this minute, my cock would explode. I forced her back with passion of my own. She jumped and wrapped her legs around me, and I proceeded with grabbing that glorious sized ass of hers and carried her into the bedroom. She began to undo her robe the second I set her down on the bed while I finished undoing my belt. She got undressed so fast that if there was a world record, she had definitely topped it. One...

3 years ago
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A Future of Chaos

You pace back and forth quickly. “Please hurry” you say impatiently. “Calm down. I’m almost done.” Dr. Blacksmith replies calmly. Your name is Chris Johnson, you are 19 years old. The person in front of you is Doctor Jane Blacksmith. It is the year 2040. During the year 2020 theworld's largest war ever erupted, a war which violated all rules of nature, a war which changed the healthy planet into a fast decaying world. Over this time many powers rose and crumbled, powerfull races vanished...

4 years ago
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A Novice SorceressChapter 3

The Laws of Similarity 'Law of Similarity: Basically, this means the map is the territory. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is a duck. This law is used in making voodoo dolls, though a picture of a person can be used also... ' A couple of days later Katy stood before the mirror on her closet door looking at her nude body. She looked from the top down. If only she was taller. Sure, she had no breasts, but there were plenty of girls her ages that...

1 year ago
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Kings and ConquerorsChapter 6

Nick continues his long digression: Young and handsome and well-schooled, along with being empathetic as opposed to aggressive and selfish, practically raping their wives, Effen uses his skills to become the Lothario of his village. He starts as soon as he returns from leaving his lover to her mate, the former hermit healer. Instead of shying from the gazes, he returns those he's interested in. Never those already mated. Widows take his focus first. He thinks he may learn from them. With...

3 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 3

“Kiskan, would you like something to drink before we get started?” “No thanks Barnim. If you want to get something, grab it and join me at the table.” As I opened the fridge, I saw it was full of everything I liked. Not having eaten, I figured a bowl of Golden Grahams and OJ would work. Somehow, I knew where everything was without thinking about it and grabbed a bowl and glass. Sitting down at the table, I looked at Kiskan. It was amazing looking into her eyes. They were bottomless pools...

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Naomi and Julian

At twenty-nine, Julian would be what you'd call a catch. Six-foot-seven and two hundred ten pounds of tight, lean muscle and model looks. He had been a college basketball star at Stanford, but the one-dimensional, white three-point shooter couldn't make his mark in the pros. What a forgettable three-year NBA career — plus another two seasons in Europe — did for him however, was set him up monetarily.Endurance had always been his athletic strength, and his financial freedom allowed him to...

Wife Lovers
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Tryst or Trust Another Cheating Wife StoryChapter 6

Several months later, and several thousand dollars poured into the “Attorney’s Fund For Straight Teeth And Higher Education” later as well, Annie and I were sprawled on our couch. The boys were off visiting their sister, and that left us alone for the evening in an unaccustomed quiet house. After much travail, the prosecutor had determined that my actions that evening, responding to the active assault of my bound wife, weren’t going to appear unreasonable nor imprudent to a jury. She figured...

1 year ago
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Sex Experience With Friends Mom

Hi, everyone. My name is Rohan. I am 26 yrs old, fair and good looking. I had been looking for a chance to fuck my friend’s mom. I got that chance in June 2015. I begin with a short description of my friend and his mom. My friend’s name is Pradeep. I am his best friend. He is a little bit shy and due to his shy nature, he never denies anything I ask for. But as I grew, I started liking his mother. Her name is Lata. Lata isn’t that pretty. It’s her chubby body and big ass which attracts me...

4 years ago
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The Retreat Ch 07

Author’s note: I didn’t intentionally leave you guys hanging…sorry about that. Crazy work hours couldn’t be helped, I’m afraid. I think it will be a few more days before I can post the conclusion to this story. I’ll work on it as quickly as I can. Please overlook any mistakes. Sleep deprivation makes proofreading difficult…:-) * On the morning of December 31, Nick woke up with Jess still in his arms, his groin cradling the smooth globes of her delectable bottom. He breathed deeply, relishing...

4 years ago
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Claiming Her Kid Sister

I never dreamed I'd fuck my girlfriend's sister, but I don't regret it. In fact, I'm going to do it again.If you'd asked me beforehand, if you’d stopped me before I knocked on their door that warm summer afternoon, I would have been offended at the suggestion that I would ever cheat at all. But an hour later I was in the shower, washing away the sweat of sex as my body tingled with the afterglow of nailing that luscious teenage beauty.I'd left her red-faced and trembling, eyes unfocused...

1 year ago
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Life with a Sentence

Life with a Sentence By TSnympho - Fifth Edition - I am usually a well-behaved person, which makes it unusual for me to find myself in trouble with the law. I was with some friends and ended up going to a party, my friends soon left finding the party a little on the boring side, and left me to enjoy myself. I was getting a little buzzed by now and got another drink. Apparently someone put something in one of my drinks because soon I lost all control...

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Elizabeth 05 Christmas Troubles

The snowflakes were drifting beautifully to the street below as the workday wound down. I was grateful for the electric lights Mr. Thompson had had installed shortly before I had come to work in his office, for their warm glow was marvellous against the slate-grey afternoon sky outside. It was just one of a hundred delights I found in being a working woman in those days when that was still quite unusual. The grey would of course have faded to black by the time I took my leave in an hour or so,...

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Mia was eighteen and had a huge set of tits like her mother. Her mother was sexually active and just married her fourth husband who was much younger and had a big appetite for sex. Mia could hear them fucking every night. One day when her mom had just left for work Mia was in the kitchen getting breakfast in her robe. The new hubby named Nick came up behind her and put his arms around her and opened her robe and began feeling her tits. He whispered in her ear "Your tits are so firm and even...

1 year ago
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The Weekend Metamorphosis Friday Part 1

.....It has been a while since we had some free time, just the two of us; time to relax and enjoy ourselves uninterrupted by ..... THE WEEKEND METAMORPHOSIS – FRIDAY NIGHT (Part 1) The Dining Room We are sipping our wine while the light in the hotel’s dining room is subdued; our table in the middle of the room invites everyone to look at you..... I look at you! and I contemplate the activities of the night ahead. It has been a while since we had some free time, just the two of us;...


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