A QUESTION OF FRICTION free porn video

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I won the lottery. No, not the big prize, but I did get five out of six numbers, and that was worth $10,009.88. The amount was significant to me because it pretty much translated into my birth date of 10-9-88. The money itself was also significant to me, because I had been working and living on my own for almost a year, and the most I ever had in the bank was eight hundred dollars.

When my mother called me and asked me to come over for dinner to celebrate, I was wary. I hadn't told her about it yet, but I guess I told enough people for the word to get back to her. When I moved out, we weren't on the best of terms. We'd fought constantly during the last four years, mostly over the pricks she went out with, and the two she let move in with us.

When I told her I was busy, she said, "Come on Bobby, we don't have to always fight, let's just enjoy an evening together, I'm happy for you."

Finally I said, "Okay Anne, but not if that asshole is there." I called her Anne when I wanted to be cold to her. She didn't like it.

She said, "I wanted to tell you, I threw Roy out two days ago, and yes, you were right, that was what he was. I'll tell you about it when I see you. I'm looking forward to this. Okay, tomorrow night at seven, and don't be late like you always are, I don't want everything spoiled."

I was just about to be annoyed, and argue that she was the one who's usually late, but I was feeling too good about winning, so I let it go and said, "Right."

When I got there the next night, I was in jeans, but my mother was all decked out. She looked like she was going to a party. Her hair was down; she had heels on, and a little black dress, that was very little. There was always one thing about her that nobody fails to notice, her body. She was born with it, and she did everything she could to maintain it. It was not the body of a woman in her late thirties. And most of it was on display.

Her cleavage was snow-coned out of the top, and the fabric was clinging enough to show the full curve of her ass. A small alarm went off in the back of my mind, knowing how she used her sexuality. Until I smartened up, it wasn't hard for her to get what she wanted from a horny teenager. She would hug me to her breasts and say, "Oh, Bobby do this for mommy." She knew what she was doing, and the annoying part of it was that the bitch usually got away with it.

I couldn't help it; she always looked hot to me. Tall, pretty, busty, walking around in her underwear as if I wasn't around. But she knew. Once, I was fooling around, making home movies with a cheap video camera she'd got me for my birthday. She was reaching down to get a pan from the cabinet and I said into the camera, "And here's a close-up of my mother's ass."

She got up and smiled and struck a pose with her ass sticking out. Then she turned around and took a deep breath and stuck out her tits." I couldn't say the words so I said, "And here's a close-up of my mother's front." She laughed, but I saw her look between my legs more than a few times when I was trying to hide the effect of her posing and teasing.

So we had the dinner, and the wine, and the small talk, and then we went into the living room. She sat by me on the sofa; close enough so that her thigh was on mine. I wasn't that surprised when she said, "You sure were right about Roy...he maxed out my credit card. That was the last straw. Now I'm stuck, and I'm really behind." She put her hand on the hand I had rested on my thigh. If she would have moved her thumb, it could have touched my dick. She said, "Bobby, can you help me out? I promise I'll pay you back. If you let me have five thousand, I can get out from under and..."

I pulled my hand out from hers and said, "You know something Anne, blow me. What, you think because you show me your tits, I'll do anything you want?" We'd had some no holds barred fights in the past and I even once called her a whore, but I knew we were getting into new territory. We'd both had a lot to drink and I was angry, getting angrier.

She said, "What are you talking about, a mother asks her son for some help and..."

I said, "Yeah and you just happened to wear that dress and happened to stick your tits into me every time you walked by me...what a joke."

"Oh Bobby, " she said innocently. "Maybe you're attracted to me...boys sometimes feel that way about their mother, but that's no reason to say I did anything..."

I said, "You really are a joke..." and then something shifted in my head and I said, "Ah what the fuck, who cares, I'll give you the money...just don't bother me anymore, don't call me..."

She said, "Don't be like that...I'll pay you back..." She came up to me and said, "Bobby, you're really getting me out of a jam; you're the best." She hugged me long enough for me to start getting hard. Her fragrance encircled me, her tits were in my chest and then she kissed my cheeks. I turned my head and when our eyes met, I saw a look that made me impulsively kiss her mouth.

When I realized that she was kissing me back, I pulled at the top of her dress and soft bra with one hand and her left boob became exposed. I took it in my hand as she was saying, "No Bobby, no..." But she wasn't stopping me. She was still kissing me. She didn't put her hand on mine to stop me from massaging her big tit or from taking her nipple between my fingers. What she did was put her hand on my cock and say, "We can't Bobby..."

I didn't say anything; I kept kissing and feeling her. When I stopped kissing her, I sucked on her nipple. She put her hand through my hair and said, "No baby, no..." And the way she said it, I knew I was going to fuck my mother, right then and right there.

As I undressed her, she played at fainting, or sleeping, or some such nonsense. She didn't help me and she didn't stop me, and I managed to have her naked pretty quickly. She really did have a spectacular body. He legs were long, and everything was round and firm and curved and smooth. Even her pussy was shaved and I was surprised how sexy I found it. I felt as if I could come as I opened her legs. I gathered myself and maintained control.

I brought my cock to my mother's pussy and as I first inserted it into the wet center, she 'Woke up' and said, "Bobby, what are you doing?" It would have been funny if I weren't actually fucking my mother. I penetrated her creamy hole and she moved her hips and said, "Oh God, why are doing this to me Bobby?" She could have easily pushed me off her, and if I thought for one second she didn't want me inside her, I would have stopped. She moved and clawed at my back and said, "Bobby, your cock is inside me...what are you doing...?"

I played the game. I said, "Mom I've thought about screwing you for a long time. So that's what I'm doing, I'm fucking you, I'M FUCKING YOU...that's what I'm doing, so stop asking me, because I'm going to fuck you until I get off inside you and fill your pussy with my cum."

She said, "OH God..." and she grabbed the couch with her hands by her sides and her legs spread as wide as she could get them. She humped up at me and I gave her the full length with each stroke and she moaned with each thrust.

I touched her clit only once and rubbed it a little. I didn't expect the reaction I got. She went over. "Oh God, I'm coming...OH...OH..." I thrust hard and fast into my mother's pussy because I wanted to come as she did, and I let myself go with rapid-fire releases. She was breathing hard after she came and she didn't open her eyes. I pulled out of her and got up. She turned to her side, facing away from me.

I put my hand on her beautiful ass and stroked it for a moment as a slight shiver went through her body. I said, "I'm going...you'll get your check." She didn't move or say anything. I thought to myself 'That was a five thousand dollar fuck, but it was worth it.'

All night, I thought about calling her, but I had no idea what to say. I wasn't sure what the hell had happened, but I didn't see it as my fault, and I didn't feel as if I had to apologize. I thought that maybe she would call me, but she didn't.

The next day at work, I think I had a hard-on 90% of the time thinking about the night before. I wanted more if there was any chance of getting some. I knew it was her day off, and I went straight to her apartment after work and let myself in. She was sitting having a drink and she looked surprised. She said, "Bobby, I wasn't expecting you. Listen..."

I said, "Anne, I didn't come to talk, I came for a little more of your sweet pussy." I took out the check and let it fall out of my hand.

"No Bobby," she said. "Don't talk like that. Last night was a mistake; it shouldn't have happened." Then her demeanor changed and she said quietly, "You know it had nothing to do with the money?"

I said, "Sure," sarcastically. But the way she said it, I actually believed her.

I walked up to her and began to unzip my fly. She said, "No Bobby...it was a mistake I'm telling you."

I took out my cock and said, "Was it mistake that you came like a freight train last night? Was it a mistake that your pussy was so creamy it dripped?"

I held my cock near her lips and she looked up at me and said, "Bobby, don't make me do this."

All I said was "Suck it ma." I never touched her. I never put my cock on her lips, but her lips ended up around my cock. She opened her mouth as if she was going to swallow the whole thing.

"Mmm...Mmm...Mmm..." Each time she moved her head forward to take my cock into her mouth, she made that sound. It was loud and distressed. It was the sound she might have made if I was holding her face and forcing my cock down her throat. I wasn't. Then they became hungry sounds as she licked and sucked. I undid my pants. I took my cock out of her mouth and lifted the shaft back. I didn't have to tell her what to do. She licked my balls and sucked on them.

I put my cock back in her mouth and I said, "Now suck until I come in your mouth; show me what a hot fucking mother you are." I picked up her sweater and practically tore her bra off. I knew that her big bare tits would only make me come faster, but I wanted them in my hands. I wanted her nipples between my fingers, so I could hear her squeal when I pinched them. She did, and she momentarily caught her breath while my cock was still in her mouth. I said loudly, "Don't stop sucking mom."

She went back to it and did a good job of blowing her son as her lips stretched around the width of my cock. Then she amazed me; she took me deep into her throat. I didn't want to think about how she'd learned to do I, but it felt unbelievable. She was taking me so deep, I was able to fuck her mouth. As I felt the cum rising in my balls, I let go of her tit and took a handful of her hair from behind her head. I fucked her mouth until I couldn't hold it any more. 'YES...YES...suck it mom...suck my cock...ANNIE..." I shot off the first release as if it came out of a canon and she gagged a little. I think it was the first time I ever made that loud a noise when I came. Of course it was the first time I ever came in my mother's mouth.

I let go of her hair and stopped thrusting my hips, but mom made up for it by moving in and out on my cock until I finished releasing into her mouth. She then turned her face into the pillow on the couch.

After a moment I caught my breath and I said, "Come on Anne, that wasn't something you've never done before."

She raised her mouth from the pillow enough to say, "But not with my son... I just let you come in my mouth Bobby!"

I said, "Listen Anne...I know what'll take your mind off it..." I pushed up her skirt and started pulling down her panties.

She said, "What are you doing bobby?" I answered by positioning her and pushing her legs apart. Before she could object, I went down on her. What a sweet pussy she had. She started moaning, "Oh God...Bobby," as I licked the wet lips of her vagina. She had the most sensitive clit of any woman I'd been with. It looked large to me when it emerged, swollen, from under the hood. The slightest licking over the tender nub made her writhe and moan. She'd said the word no almost all the time, but when I sucked on her clit she couldn't help but say, "Yes Bobby, yes..." I took the slick shiny flesh between my lips and sucked on it. A deep moan came from her and she came in my mouth with an intense arching and an extended arm as if she was reaching for the ceiling with her fingers. The long moan continued from the back of her throat and it was a****l passion, pure and simple.

I didn't give her much time to rest before turning her over. She hugged one of the pillows as I mounted her doggy-style. I penetrated her soft warm pussy and she dreamily sounded an unending 'Mmmm..." as I went in and out of her. I'd had enough experience, but mom's passion was exciting. I rubbed my thumbs into the firm flesh of her rounded ass cheeks spreading the globes apart; her pink puckered circle turned me on. I put a finger on it and rubbed as I fucked her.

I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I'm gonna fuck little Annie in her ass."

We went back to playing the game. She said "No Bobby please, we can't do that, it's too much, I'm still your mother...you've gone crazy...how could you want to do that to your mother?

I laughed, "Because you're the best piece of ass I've ever had, and you've got a big beautiful ass that needs fucking...doesn't it mom?

"She said, "No Bobby, no..." I pulled out and grabbed her pussy and started massaging her clit with my fingers. She moaned. My cock was sopping with her juices.

I said, "Say it Anne, say it."

She said, "Oh God...yes...I need fucking...okay?"

"Tell me your ass needs fucking Anne."

She was pushing back as I massaged her pussy and her ass opened as she leaned back on her heels. She said, "Yes...what difference does it make now...yes...my pussy needs fucking...my mouth needs fucking...my ass needs fucking...my ass needs fucking..."

As she said it I pushed my cock into her ass and drove it deep. She let out the longest and loudest, "OHHHHhhhhh..." that I'd heard from her since we'd started.

I had only imagined what anal sex would feel like, and I was all wrong. It was so much more intense, so much better. I said, "OH FUCK that's good...what an ass you have." I was drilling her with long strokes and the width of my cock opened that tight lane enough for it to hold my cock in a viselike grip. Her pucker had disappeared and only her ass stretched around my cock. I used my hips to drive each stroke between her firm globes. I said, "You love fucking, don't you Anne?"

She said, "Yes...I love fucking." She sounded almost out of breath. It wasn't that warm in the room, but we were both bathed in sweat.

I said, "Even if it's your own son fucking your ass, you love it, don't you?"

She pushed back in the same rhythm I was giving it to her and she said, "Yes, yes, yes, bobby...you know I do...oh fuck...yes...Bobby, Bobby...ohhh..." once I got going, I didn't want to stop and I penetrated her without letup stop until I felt my orgasm approaching.

I said, "I'm going to fill your ass mom..."

She said, "Yes, fill me, do it, do it..."

I squeezed the meaty globes and let out another, "OH FUCK YEAH..." as the hot cream shot out of me. I came deep inside her and my lubricated shaft became a piston as I released all the pent up sperm I had. Her ass was still raised as I finished and I reached for her clit to make her cum. Her channel was tight enough to keep me inside her even after I had come. I stayed inside her as I worked her clit with my palm and fingers. I had come enough to regain control and I teased her and said, "Should I stop?"

She almost whimpered, "No..." It didn't take long for her to come. I loved the sound of her coming. It sounded hard, and complete, and satisfying. She collapsed and when she did, my cock slipped out of her.

Without saying anything, I got up and got dressed. Mom sat cross-legged, looking at me, with her arms wrapped around a pillow that covered her tits and pussy. I looked at her and she looked so vulnerable. I wasn't used to seeing her like that. She said, "Bobby, don't go yet." I waited. She got up and came to me and put her arms around me. I held her, not sure what to do. She said, "Bobby could you stay a while...can we have some coffee, and talk...and not fight?"

I said, "Okay."

She said, "Hold me for a minute." I held her and stroked her smooth back. She was five-nine and always seemed so tall when I was growing up. Now that I was over six feet, and she was barefoot, she seemed like a girl in my arms. I was already getting hard again with her standing naked against me.

She reached down and picked up the check and said, "I don't want it; I don't want you to think that..."

I said, "Mom, I know that what happened didn't have anything to do with the money." She looked up questioningly. I said, "I do mom. I want you to have it, really. I don't owe anything and I'm only going to blow the rest of it anyway." She raised her mouth and kissed me softly without saying anything. The kiss lasted and I ran my hand over the downy curve of her butt. I said, "You really do have a great ass mom."

She smiled and said, "Let me get dressed and make you that coffee."

We sat across from each other and I guess we were each looking into a different person's eyes. Her eyes sparkled and we talked easily, despite what had just transpired between us. It was as if it was an accepted thing and we were going on from there. She said, "Bobby, let's never fight again."

I said, "That's a tall order for us...but we're both tall...so what the hell, let's give it a shot." She grinned and then she said what we both knew was true. "Our lives are never going to be the same, are they Bobby?"

"I guess not mom," I said. "We have a lot think about, and a lot to talk about...but I'm wiped now."

There was a quiet moment when enormity of what had happened surrounded us. I got up to go and mom said, "You could stay you know, your room is empty, or..."

I said, "Thanks mom, but I have a lot things to take care of at my apartment, and I start at seven tomorrow..." Actually I didn't have anything to do at home, but my head was spinning and I wanted to sort things out. And I also wanted to give her time to think.

I got up and kissed her and she said, "Goodnight...sweet Bobby." I almost didn't recognize her voice or the light that came from her eyes.

I said, "I'll call you tomorrow after work; think about all this mom."

She said, "I will baby." She kissed me goodnight again.

It had all happened so fast. I didn't sleep much, wondering where everything would lead. What did she really want from me? Did I want to sleep with her again? My dick was keeping me up as much as anything, so that was a stupid question. But was this going to bring trouble for both of us, and how long would it be before our cat and dog act re-appeared?

I called her the next day and she asked me over. She added, "Just to talk," but it sounded more like a question than a pronouncement. When I got there she was barefoot, in a tee shirt and shorts. She said, "Do you want a beer, or a Coke, or something to eat?"

I said, "No thanks. How about if we talk for a while and then go for pizza?"

She said "Great! Yeah great..."

We sat on the couch and she said, "So what do you think about all this?"

I said, "I'm not sure..."

Mom asked me, "Are you sorry?"

I gave her an 'Are you crazy,' look, and said, "No way."

She said, "I'm glad. Right from the first, when I realized what we were about to do, I thought, 'this isn't what people think should happen between a mother and son', but I knew you wanted me, and I wanted you..."

"I know mom," I said. "People can think whatever they want."

She didn't look at me when she said, "It was good Bobby." She didn't have to tell me what she was talking about.
I said, "It was more than good mom."

She laughed a little and said, "Yeah...I wanted to give myself to you, but...is this only going to be about sex?"

I said, "I don't know what it's going to be about mom, and the best I could come up with, after thinking about it all night is, why don't we just see where it goes. It's crazy I know, but it also doesn't bother me that you're my mother...I mean, actually, I was even more turned on because you're my mother. I mean I was whacked, you know what I mean?"

"I do Bobby," she said. "I like how we were together...my head went into all kinds of fantasies last night...I mean about what we should do...and the other stuff too...it's so strange that after all the fighting, we could be together like that. I don't know; it's probably all connected. But it still surprised me." She looked down and said, "It didn't take you long to find out what I like."

I said, "Well if it's anything like I like - it's everything."

She smiled and said, "You know what I mean."

I said, "Yes I do." I reached across and took her nipple between my fingers over the tee shirt and bra. Her eyes opened wide as I pressed my fingers together and said, "I also know that if you're a bad girl you get spanked...or worse...until you learn to be a good girl. Do you know that?"

She closed her eyes and said, "Yes...sir." I let go of her nipple and she opened her eyes and smiled at me. We looked at each for a long moment and mom said, "Do you want to go for pizza...or...?" We decided on' 'Or,' and finally went to eat about two hours later. When she asked me if I was moving back home, I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to rush it, so I said it might be better if we waited.

The next weeks were a whirlwind. I had more sex than I ever had in my life and we talked more in nineteen days than we had in nineteen years. After almost two months of sleeping over each other's apartment, mom said, "Couldn't we have one place Bobby? We could save eight hundred dollars a month, it would be so much easier, and...I want you with me all the time."

I didn't need convincing, so I said, "Sure mom, but you move in with me, my place is bigger and it need less work." She jumped at me and kissed me. It was nice to see her happy. We spent the rest of my winnings decorating and fixing, but with saving one rent, we were okay. And with only a few yelling matches while we painted and stripped the wallpaper, we had fun. The only blowout we had ended up with both of us throwing things at each other and laughing. We got paint all over the sheets that night.

That was the first time we only made love. I mean it was the first time there wasn't any of our usual fucking going on, no spanking, no dress-up, no games. It was nice to be able to do both.

Mom was reading something on the bed with her back against the headboard. I sat in front of her and lifted her top. I reached behind and undid her bra. I marveled at her breasts as she smiled. Unhurriedly I began to touch them with my fingers. I looked at every inch of gorgeous flesh down to each little bump on her nipples. I cupped both tits and felt how heavy they were. I caressed them, massaged them and fondled them. At that point, mom started laughing. I was almost too busy to notice. I said, "Am I tickling you?"

She was still laughing when she said, "No, it just struck me as so bizarre. I'm sitting here and my son is feeling me up and playing with my tits. And the craziest thing is, it seems like the most natural thing in world."

I said, "Yeah, and these are the most beautiful natural things in the world." I circled one tit and lifted it to my mouth to suck on the nipple. Mom closed her eyes and leaned her head back. I stayed on her tits for a long time, undressing us both completely as I massaged and gazed at her voluptuous flesh. Finally I made her sit on my thighs and we kissed, belly to belly.

We kissed for a long time and mom's mouth was warm and full of endearments. Her tongue was soft as her vaginal folds, which I teased with a light finger. When we came up for air I told her that I couldn't imagine a better woman for me, or a better mother. She folded herself into my arms and said, "I never thought it could be like this."

I said, "You know that it's been about more than just sex for me mom, don't you?"

She said, "Oh sweetie, I hoped so, because it is for me." And with a tone of wonder she said, "We love each other, don't we?"

I laughed and said, "Yes, we love each other mom." It was true, as ridiculous as it might sound; I had fallen in love with my mother. I cupped her breast again and suckled the nipple until I popped it out of my mouth. She giggled. I ran my hand along the curve of her tit and hip and thigh and said, "You're amazing."

She moved back on my thighs, and my cock, which had been trying on its own to find mom's hole while she sat on it, sprang. She put her fist around my shaft and said grinning, "No, this is amazing." I looked at her. She said, "No really, it is so thick. Take it from me, I know..." She stopped; she saw the look on my face. I didn't want to hear about anybody else and she picked up on it quickly. She said, "It's just so good for me, the way you are...and you're the only one I want."

I lightened up and said, "And I'm the only one you're going to have, if you know what's for you."

She said, "I know what's good for me." She held on to my cock rubbing slowly along the shaft and she kissed me. We touched each other for a while and then I told her to close her eyes. Down on her back, she opened her arms and then opened her legs and said, "Come baby."

I said, "Soon." I used one finger to touch her in different places. With her eyes closed she didn't know where I was going to touch or kiss next. I touched her nipple and then the inside of her thigh. I touched her ear and then kissed her neck. She quivered in anticipation until any touch or kiss in any place caused a reaction.

My lips on her clit made her moan. She said, "More?" I gave her more, but not enough to make her come.

I lifted her legs and approached her pussy with a stiff rod that I didn't have to guide. I placed the head on her opening and said, "You're mine now, aren't you mom?"

She said, "Yes baby, only yours...be inside me." The mushroomed head spread the fleshy folds and opened the entrance to her pussy. I pressed in and filled the moist channel that was coated with my mother's juices. When I was in her mouth, it felt the best. When I was in her ass, I didn't think anything could be better. Being in her pussy, at that moment, felt like the ultimate pleasure. Every movement, every sound, every look she gave me, said that she loved me. And with each stroke it became less a son fucking his mother, and more two people making love.

Even though we'd been having sex for a while, I realized that my mother had never been on top of me, so I rolled to put her in that position. She was surprised and laughed and then she sat up adjusting her legs so that she could move on me. After lifting and lowering herself on my cock a few times she said, "Ooh this is nice." I held her ass and massaged my fingers into the firm flesh as she impaled herself completely. Her tits bounced as my cock went in and out of her. I liked watching her almost as much as I liked fucking her.

She leaned back and I couldn't resist feeling her thrust out tits.

Mom rode me and her pace slowly accelerated as she breathed more deeply with each insertion. She was moving up and down on me pretty quickly when she started saying, "Bobby...Bobby...Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby..." Since she was controlling the pace I couldn't slow down to delay my orgasm. I knew I was about to shoot up into her and I rubbed her clit with my thumb to try and bring her off with me. I started coming first and she felt me releasing my sperm into her belly and said, "Yes baby, yes, yes."

I kept rubbing her clit as she bounced and right before my last ejaculations, she said, "OOOHHHhhhhh...yes...FUCK, OOOhhhh..." and she came. She didn't stop moving for a while and I stayed hard until she sat down with me still inside her. She said, "Mmmm, that was nice." Nice is a word that's so overused that its almost meaningless, but actually, I felt nice all over.

We were side by side and quiet for a moment until mom said, "I like to come so much."

I laughed, "Who doesn't like to come?"

Mom said, "I know, but...for me..."

I said, "Do you remember your first orgasm?"

She said, "I do...I think I was twelve and my best friend Karen had a paperback that was going around. It had erotic stories and illustrations in it. I took it home and read some of the stories, but what got me was an illustration with a guy that reminded me of Karen's older brother, whom I had a crush on. Before I knew it my hand was in my panties and I was fantasizing my head off about him kissing and touching me. I have to say though; I don't know how much I enjoyed that orgasm, because I wasn't sure what was happening. I screamed into the pillow because I thought my body was about to explode, and it scared me as much as it felt good. I was trembling like a leaf, and I was uneasy until the next day when some of my friends explained it all to me. After that I was off and running. How about you Bobby; what was your first time like?"

I said, "I only ask the questions, I don't have to tell."

She laughed and gave me a playful slap on my flank and said, "No fair."

I said, "Okay, actually it was you, you hot bitch, that got me started."

"Get out," she said.

I said, "It's true mom. I was eleven and..."

"You were eleven?"

I laughed, "Yup, I remember because I was going to turn twelve that October and it was still the end of the summer and we were still in the old house." In the afternoon you were sitting in the backyard getting some sun and you were wearing a bright yellow halter. I came out for something and I saw you bend over; I could see all the way down to your nipples. When it got dark, I went back into the yard and started rubbing myself thinking about what I saw and, whammo. So, we have a history mom...but what I'm looking at in the present is much sexier."

I put my hand on her thigh and then rested it over her the warm lips of her pussy. She leaned over to kiss me and her nipples grazed my chest. I played with the soft puffy circles and the hard rubbery tips and I knew that it wouldn't be long before we'd be ready to go again. It was a sweet night.

The following week at work, I was offered a chance to go into a training program. We talked about it and mom said, "That's great, only ten people were picked and my baby was one of them; I'm proud of you honey."

I said, "Yeah, it's for four weeks, and then after three months of working in the new position, it means a grand a month increase in my salary." Then I told her the part I was holding back. "Mom, the training is in California at the company's headquarters." That was three thousand miles away and she looked crestfallen."

"Oh God, you're going to be away for a month?"

I said, "Well, if I do it...I don't have to..."

"Don't talk crazy, of course you have to...well maybe you can come back for a weekend, they have some cheap flights, and..."

"Mom," I said, "The program is six days a week, and they want us there." She asked when it started and I said, "In two weeks."

She said, "Damn...I'm going to miss you." She put her head on my chest and said, "Are you going to find someone you like better out there?"

I laughed, "There is nobody better mom...I'm going to miss you too." She kissed me like she missed me already.

When the time came to leave, I wouldn't let her come to the airport because she had to go to work, and I knew it would be hard for both of us. We had spent every free minute of the last month together and it was hard to imagine not seeing her or touching her for that long.

The first two nights away we spent about three hours on the phone. The sex talk got me crazy. I knew I couldn't do that and get the work done I needed to prepare for the program, so we had to keep it shorter after that. When she asked if we went out at night, I said, "The guys go out to dinner together, but that's about it." I didn't feel the need to tell her that two of the 'Guys' were good-looking women.

One night, one of the women asked if I wanted to have a drink, but I told her I was seeing someone. She laughed and said, "I am too, but I guess your someone means more to you than my someone does." That was the night I started thinking of her as 'My Annie', and missed her the most.

A few days before returning, I told mom on the phone, "This was a good trip for two reasons, I like doing this job and I think I can be good at it. And more importantly, I realized just how much I love you. I want to be with you more than anything in the world. "

She said, "Oh honey, I love you so much. And I've been thinking about how when we make love, it's exactly the way I always wanted it to be."

I said, "What do you mean mom?"

She said, "You know...I like that rough stuff, and the playing, and that you can also be tender and make love to me...and...I love your cock...oh honey, make me come..." It was out of blue, because we hadn't been doing phone sex before. I took my cell into the hall since my roommate was within earshot. I told my mother all the things I was going to do to her when I got home, and how I was going to do them, and where I was going to do them. And then I listened to her long breathy exhale as she came.

The day to return home finally arrived and I talked to her during the one-hour cab ride from the airport. She had just gotten home from work and we could both hardly contain our excitement. Finally I said, I'm about five minutes away..."

She said, "Wait, don't hang up, I have to tell you something." I braced myself, she sounded serious. I imagined a hundred things that were going to fuck up my life. She said, "I got fat since you left...all I did was eat, my clothes don't fit, you're going to hate the way I look, and you're not going to love me anymore."

I laughed out loud in relief and said, "First of all, I'm going to love forever, no matter what you weigh, what you say, or what you do. And secondly, I know you, what are you talking about, two pounds?"

She laughed, "No four..."

I said, "I'll see you in two minutes." When the elevator opened on our floor, I saw her smiling face. She ran in to hug and kiss me before I could get out. I laughed, and had to stick a suitcase in the door to keep it from closing.

When we got into the apartment she said, "You look so good to me baby."

Taking a step back I said, "Now let me see the 'Fat lady.' Those are the most beautiful four pounds I've ever seen." She was wearing a grey knit dress and she obviously had no bra on. I kissed her and put my hand into the elasticized top exposing one of her tits. It really did feel bigger than I remembered. I said, "The four pounds went to the right place mom."

She just wanted to kiss and didn't say anything. She put her hand on my cock and rubbed. I reached down and felt down her thighs, lifting the short dress to her hips. I said, "God your legs are smooth."

She said, "I just shaved this morning."

I smiled and said, "Everywhere?"

She said "Everywhere." She knew how much I liked her that way, and she lifted her skirt and showed me her smooth pussy. I went on one knee and licked the soft lips and pressed my tongue against her skin-covered clit.

I stood up and smiled at her and she said, "Oh Jesus, come and fuck me."

We went to our bedroom and most of our clothes were off by the time we got there. I said, "Did you miss me mom?"

She said, "You know I did."

I ran my finger down her belly and said, "Where did you miss me mom?"

She covered her bare pussy with her hand and said, "Here baby, I missed you in here."

I said, "I have just the thing for that," and took down my shorts. My cock sprang because it was already stiff.

Mom laughed and said, "Oh yeah, that's the thing for me...now stop playing and come be inside me." There wasn't going t be any of our usual foreplay or 'fore-games.' She wanted that most intimate of physical connections that a mother and son could have. I approached and put my cock into her pussy and she gave a great sigh of relief. I understood, and I felt it too; we were one again.

I said, "I missed you, and I missed this, mom."

She stroked my hair and said, "Of course you did baby; this is where you belong, inside your momma's pussy." I stroked her slowly, long and deep. It wasn't frenetic at first. Our rhythm gently moved me in and out of her. We both felt the comfort of being together again, but it wasn't long before our more familiar passion was ignited. Within a few minutes I was working her pussy over, driving into her. There were times when mom wanted it as hard as I could give it to her, and this was one of those times.

"Yes sweetheart, harder, yes...take me...fuck me...yes...oh Bobby...I missed having you inside me..." She wrapped her legs around my back and squeezed with each of my thrusts. She wanted it as deep as she could take it. When she unclasped her ankles, I held one of legs and angled it over her belly to hit a spot that I knew usually made moan. I didn't think either of could keep up that pace for much longer without coming.

Mom's juices were flowing. My cock was slick and shiny as her natural lubricant eased me in and out of her. Lifting her that way exposed her small hole, and I took a long at it as I opened her pussy with each penetration. Whenever we'd had anal sex, we usually used a jelly, but with my cock so wet I thought I could take her anally without it. I pulled out and warned her, "I'm going to be in your ass, mom."

She pulled both her legs back to give me easier access and said, "Yes baby, wherever you want...you fuck your momma wherever you want." I wanted that full ass of hers. Her juices on my cock were enough to get me up into the tight channel. She made more noise than usual. Without the jelly there was added friction, but I was still able to penetrate her fully. To have my mother doing that for me, felt almost as good as the doing itself.

She said, "I belong to you now, don't I baby?"

I said, "Yes mom, you're mine, you're my sweet Annie."

She said, "Yes baby, that's how I feel when you take me like this, like I want to feel, like I'm yours...OH yes love...so deep in me..."

I kept driving into her and it was getting hotter and tighter with each stroke. I didn't want to stop, but I pulled out and reached for the lubricating jelly in the drawer. I urged her over to her hands and knees. As I slathered my cock I looked at her and said, "I can't believe how awesome your body is mom."

She beamed, "I guess it's not bad for a forty year old."

I said, "Hey, you're not forty yet, and that body looks like one of a twenty year old, a very lucky twenty year old. God, look at those tits." I took one of her heavy hanging boobs and massaged it. "And look at this ass," I said. "It's so amazing, it's sick." With that, I took some of the jelly and with two fingers I pushed it into her hole. "Oh man..." I said. I was so ready to go.

I lifted her hips a little higher and I could see her preparing herself for my entry. I raised myself so I could angle down on her and the jelly let me drive fully into her ass on the first penetration. Mom let out a long, "OHHHHH..." that went right through me; I felt it all. She said, "Oh Bobby, your cock is so big inside me."

I said, "That's how you like it isn't it mom?"

"Yes baby, that's how mommy likes it."

I couldn't believe how good it felt to be thrusting in and out of her tight hole. I said, "Mom, you have an ass made for fucking."

She said, "For fucking you baby...only for fucking you."

said, "Is it good mom?"

She said, "Yes baby it's good, I love you in me like this."

From the first time I was in her ass, I knew that anal sex was special for me. It was something I needed, and the fact that I had found a willing partner in my mother was amazing. I pounded even harder and she said, "OH GOD...OHHhhhh..." I wanted to fuck her forever like that and the intensity built to overwhelming.

I grabbed her pussy and yelled, "OH Fuck...I'm coming ma...I'm coming..." I let a fusillade of cum go and it all shot deep into her ass and coated everything as I penetrated in and out.

You hope it won't end as you're coming, so I kept pumping as if it wouldn't. When that moment of total self-absorption passed, I could concentrate again on massaging my mother's pussy. It wasn't long before she cried out too, "Yes baby, come in me, come in mommy's ass..." I continued to move and stayed hard in her as I released the last of the sperm I had to give her. When I pulled out, I could see the creamy white fluid that overflowed from inside her. We were both flat out and she laughed, "Oh my goodness...that was something else."

I also gave that laugh of pleasurable release and said, "Well it certainly was something else compared to what most mother's and sons do."

She turned over and before she pulled me down to kiss her she said, "Yeah, well we're not most mothers and sons, are we baby?"

After we kissed for a while and rested she said, "I wasn't sure if I should tell you something...I thought I'd wait, but..."

I said, "Mom you should tell me everything; we have to do it all together, don't we?"

She said, "Of course baby, well...I'm late, it's just a couple of days, but I've been so regular..."

I said, "Did you forget a pill?"

She said, "No, I'm careful, but you know, nothing is a hundred percent...we don't have to panic."

"I'm not panicking mom...what would you want to do?"

"I don't know," she said. "I guess it would depend on what you wanted to do."

I said, "You mean you'd have my baby if I wanted you to?"

"Of course I would love," she said.

It blew me away. I said, "That's a lot of love mom...it's awesome that you would want to have my baby."

She kissed me and said, "I'd be proud to have your baby inside me." It would be a big step, and we talked about it, but after making love during the night, mom got her period in the morning. We kissed and held each other, not sure how we felt about it, but knowing that we would face whatever the future might bring, together. And then we kissed again.


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Question for the men

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Schoolgirls First DateChapter 7

Julie Miller sat all alone in the dark car, re-living once again her night of terror and sexual awakening in that dirty scary old barn. She let a slight smile play briefly over her lips. Well, maybe not so much terror as sexual awakening! The action up on the big screen was getting to the girl. She was letting her mind drift more and more into the fantasy of the film, letting her mind imagine what it would be like to have two people doing ... that? And ... hey... ! those two people were...

2 years ago
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The Slutty side of My Marathi Mom 8211 Part 1

Hello All. My name is Bhavesh. I am a 30-year-old male from Mumbai. I am 5ft 8 and have a seven-inch long and 2.5-inch thick boner. I am divorced and working in the IT sector. My company deployed me to the US for work, and I would travel a lot there. My wife cheated on me back here, and so I divorced her. I have stayed with my parents since I was back. My mother, Sneha, is 52. She is a little bust and has maintained herself well with Yoga. Her figure is 36DD-32-38. She is a trendy woman but...

3 years ago
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A New Style of Education Part 16

A New Style of Education Part 16 By Karen Page "So, what was it like?" asked Emma. "What was what like?" I replied, my mouth full of a croissant. "No talking with your mouth full," scolded Helen. "Yes Mum," I replied. "It was great," I replied. "We saw inside Notre Dame, climbed the Eiffel Tower and saw the Arc de Triumph." "How come you got to do all that and we didn't," moaned Paula. "Because we finished the competition hours ahead of you," I replied. "How? Mr Hobson...

3 years ago
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Sexprerience of a whore part 1

Hi friends. My name is Shanaya. I am 19 years of age. You an say that I am kind of a slut. My parents are divorced. I live with my father and share his bed. After my parents got divorced, I seduced my father and after that we use to fuck daily. Except my dad, I have a lot other guys who fuck me. I am very big whore and I luv it. I wl be telling you stories my sexperienes. I was in the kitchen in the morning. I was naked with just a apron to cover my big boobs. My ass was naked and...

2 years ago
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Penrose Books Pt 1 19351937

* PART I - (1935-1937) 1. Charles Penrose Sr bought the building in 1925 to use as a anonymous back-street speakeasy, thanks to a healthy inheritance from an uncle he'd never even met. He set himself apart from the competition when he hired his new wife Ava to serve the customers and give a little nudie dance on the bar towards the end of the night. Of course after drinking 100 proof hooch the patrons never let it end at a dance. Charles would look on with a wry grin as the boys...

3 years ago
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Love in Chat3

Hello friends, Saayed aap log muje bhool gaye hai tabhi khanai pasand aane ke baad bhi aap logo ki traf se ek bhi mail nahi ayaa. Saayed aap sab logo ko joothy khaniya hi pasand hai yaa wo jo such to hai lekin bhaut badaa chadaa ke likhi jaati hai lekin mein oon mein se nahi hoon. Meri khaani jo khaani hi nahi balki mere jeevan kaa such hai. Ab mein aap ko phale apane bare mein batana chataa hoon ek baar phir se mera naam ANSH hai mein Lucknow kaa rahne walaa hoon. Aaj kal delhi rah rahaa hoon....

2 years ago
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Mistress Micahs Visit

©Nov 2001 The door bell rang as I was pouring the last pot of hot water into the tub. Setting the pot aside I placed out a washing cloth, drying towel and a bar of our mildest perfumed soap before moving to answer the door. Passing the clock in the foyer I noted that she was precisely on time, as always. Twice monthly on the fourteenth and twenty-eighth of every month, for almost five years now. Opening the door she sashayed into the room, the hems of her dress almost, but not quite...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 41 If You Remember Anything Call Us

February 6, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Well, if it isn’t my old friends Agents O’Toole and Stone,” I grinned, shaking their hands. “What can I do for you?” “We’d like to speak to you, privately,” Agent Stone said. “Are you investigating me?” I asked. Agent Stone shook his head, “No. You are not a suspect, a person of interest, nor a target.” “And by privately, you mean without Elyse or my attorney present?” “Yes, if you would. I’ll explain what we want and then you can decide,...

3 years ago
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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 13

The eastern sky was a red glow when Tom left town headed south. He wanted to ride out to the Crooms place to make sure all was well with the family that had caused his stay in Newton in the first place. Tom worried that Missus Croom would fall off the wagon and begin her drinking binge again. Millie and Danny were in the barn doing their morning chores when they heard the horse come into the yard. They knew before they reached the door in a dead run that it was Tom. They knew the sound of...

3 years ago
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Claires Mountain

The Forest Service contract required me to be up in the Sierra for six months straight. I suppose I could have driven four hours up and four hours back every day, but the thought of that drive for six months had me looking for any other option. Unfortunately, where I was going, there weren't handy hotels. So, I got on the Internet and started praying. My prayers were answered by a Bed and Breakfast ad in a little town just twenty miles from where our base was going to be set up. I called...

2 years ago
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First time dressed as a woman

Ok, this is an absolutely true story.I'm a married white guy, stocky, 6'1" with a 5-1/2" cut dick. I've been dressing up on and off since I was a p*****n, starting with my mother's lingerie and dresses. I love makeup, but especially lipstick. I used to masturbate by stroking my cock with a blood red lipstick while reading those old trashy porn novels you could pick up in the seedier luncheonettes.I always denied my cock loving side, imagining myself as a lesbian for the most part, but I...

4 years ago
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Mom and daughter part 3

Mother and daughter part 3Over the next few days the only time I had was in the evening and I talked with Judy and Beck but didn’t see them until Friday. The conversations with Beck were what I had in store for her and Mom this coming weekend, which I kept to myself even as she was begging to hear my ideas for her and her Mom. The conversations with Judy were about how come she had not shared that she was into the lifestyle when we were just a couple. Judy shared that in some sense she was...

1 year ago
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Jacelyns Story 1

I've always been a studious girl, perhaps it's my upbringing, hence getting into relationships with guys when I'm still schooling never crossed my mind, much less anything sexual. It was when I was about 18, that my body started to develop. I have a cute-ish baby face and personality, but my body... You see, I have 38DD breasts, and my white uniform always seem a little tight around my busts. That seemed to draw attention from my fellow schoolmates. My parents were very busy with their...

First Time
3 years ago
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MissSpelled Part 8

Miss-Spelled (Part 8) I pretty much floated back into my flat that night. "You'd better bloody call me after that, mister," were my parting words to Jack. I started getting myself ready for bed. I saw the plain nightgown that I had been wearing to bed and decided that I was in the mood to wear something a little more daring. When I first changed, I'd had a look through all of my drawers and had found one full of sexy negligees, underwear and even a basque. I hadn't felt...

1 year ago
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Legal Misunderstanding

I was sitting in my favorite easy chair, watching some soccer on TV - Borussia Dortmund vs. Bayern Munich, if I remember correctly - generally trying not to think about anything else, when my dear wife Anna passed me on her way out. “Tom, I’m going out tonight,” she announced nonchalantly. “Yes, my dear.” Well, what else could I say? I was surprised that she told what she planned to do at all. Usually my ever-loving wife would just leave without a word. “Without you, of course.” She took her...

1 year ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 11

Walter had been taking care of the Charles' pool for as long as Faith could remember. Although Mercedes frowned on it, Faith had always enjoyed chatting with him while he worked. Walter was a story-teller, and he was able to hold her spellbound, even now that she was in college. For his part, he welcomed her attention, always amazed that a bitch like Mercedes could give birth to such a genuinely sweet person as Faith. Mercedes literally did not notice the presence of Walter or the numerous...

2 years ago
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Untold Love 10

I know papa loves licking steamy pussies. I know, he is neither a whoremonger nor does he run after the call girls. He is very handsome, has a stout body and a huge meat loaf drooping down between his legs. I know; he is very probing with his tongue. He can make any woman wet in her panties and make her squeal in pleasure with the delicacies of his tongue; rolling along her delicate hidden assets. I have seen my mom squealing in ecstasy, thousands of times, our maids squirting hundreds of times...

2 years ago
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Ghost StoriesChapter 16

Gabriella landed on the floor, along with her stool. She tried controlling herself from screaming and even hoped that the ghost didn't hear anything from this side of the door. Gabriella panicked. Gabriella: (in her thoughts) It's the ghost!! She knows I live here!! Gabriella was so scared that she turned off the TV and crept all the way towards her bedroom, closing the door as silently as she could and locking it. She did not want the ghost to hear her every move. She heard the door...

2 years ago
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my schoolboy experience

This happened years ago, when I was a curious and horny 13yr old boy. I had moved schools and was still in touch with my best mate, Paul, who would take the time to come over for occasional visits. We were normal, good mates, and soon, we became closer still. He was a nice looking boy as i recall,full lips, and a nice slightly browned skin...we would often sit and play with lego or build models together, but as we began to reach puberty, our interests changed. It was on one of his visits to me...

4 years ago
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Marriage Counselor Chapter 1

"Come on in!" Janice cheered, as she stepped aside, letting the short, chubby man inside. He set down his briefcase, which resembled a suitcase. "I'm Janice, and John is my husband. He'll be along shortly. Honey, the doctor is here," Janice called out to me. "Yeah, I'll be right there," I said, as I threw away my paper plate from lunch. She didn't have time to make me lunch, even though she doesn't work. So I settled for a half-ass sandwich and chips. Something better improve, or I'm leaving...


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