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Bash's Bakery By Julie and Bashful Authors' note: This is a non-disclaimer. This story was inspired by a couple of threads on the Hyperboard and some remarks made during chat sessions. It is meant to be humor, whether it is or not is up to the reader. We hope you enjoy it. If you are mentioned in the story, it is intentional and everything that happens to you was meant to happen to you. If you think we are talking about you but you aren't sure, we probably are. We wrote it and we're glad we did. So there. "Julie, we need to talk. I've been reading a lot of comments lately on the hyperboard at Fictionmania about Tryxi Trash and me. Now there are other women claiming to have spent time with me. You don't believe them, do you dear?" "Of course not Bash, sweetheart. I know you're the most faithful man there is. I would never believe such comments especially since these other 'women' don't even have the nerve to use their own names, just those silly names they made up, Honi Muffin and Debbie Donut, ridiculous. You're not going to let them get away with it are you? Oh, and we can't forget about Raven and this lawsuit nonsense. He better stay away from me." Julie said. "Nope, I have a plan. I want to open a bakery, right across the street from the courthouse where The Judge will be handy to deal with anyone who gets rowdy. I called my good friend the Wizard at SRU and he has a deal on some 'special' flour and some other things that will help us settle the score with this bunch. I know who most of these 'Pastry Girls' are. There are a few others involved as well. Here's the plan." Bash and Julie plotted into the night. With the help of the old man, Bash's Bakery opened the next day. A week after opening, Bash's Bakery was doing land office business. Lots of locals dropped in for donuts, bagels, croissants and coffee. Bash offered special items as well but only to certain customers. In the first week after opening, Bashful got a phone call. "Bash, this is Raven, I need to drop in and see you. I need a deposition from you and Julie for this lawsuit with Tryxi Trash. When and where can we meet?" Raven asked. "Why not come to the Bakery, it 's right across from the courthouse here in Dallas. I'll let you try my special donuts, on the house." Bash said. "Free donuts! I'll be there tomorrow." Raven said. The next day, just after 9:00 AM, Raven came in and sat down at the counter. He and Bash exchanged pleasantries and Bash poured him a cup of coffee and placed a plate of assorted donuts in front of the attorney. After eating two donuts, Raven marveled at their flavor and lightness. He assured Bashful that he would make a killing in his new enterprise. "Oh, no killings, just some much needed changes." Bash said. "Huh, what do you mean by that?" Raven asked. "Nothing, just thinking out loud, more coffee? Try the powdered sugar ones, they have a little something extra in them." Bash said. Julie walked by and said hi to Raven, not particularly glad to see him. "Julie, when can you and I have some time to talk?" Raven asked her. "Later, Raven, after you have eaten all your donuts." She told him and walked off humming to herself. Later that day, Julie took the garbage out and came back in smiling and humming the same tune. Bash knew she was happy and that made him happy too. They smiled at each other, closed up and went home. Several weeks go by and a call came into Bash's Bakery from Ohio. "Bashful, this is Eric, I'm on my way to Texas for a conference and wanted to stop in and see how your new bakery is doing." "Hey Eric, that would be great. I'm looking forward to seeing you. When will you be here?" Bash asked. "Next Monday, I'll drop in for some coffee and some of your special pastries, okay?" Eric said. "Sure, anytime." Bashful hung up and went back to packing a 'special' order for the Judge. He normally holds court in Ovid but he has a bench he sits twice a month in Dallas for special cases. The Judge was someone you wanted to make sure was your friend. His sentences were sometimes very harsh and always extreme. The phone rang again. It was Mrs. Eric. "Bash, could you do me a favor? I'm ready for another child but Eric won't take the time away from his computer to do his part." Bashful thought a moment about the lovely Mrs. Eric, 6' 2, blonde hair and great legs, truly a beautiful woman. "Uh,?you know I'm married, Julie would kill us both?" Bash started to say, while he blushed. "No silly, here's what I need you to do." Mrs. Eric said. Bashful listened and made notes while Mrs. Eric explained in detail. "You've got it, I'll take care of it and see you sometime Monday morning" Bashful said. Early Monday morning, Eric strode into the little bakery and took a seat at the counter. He was 6' 5 and slender. A former athlete, he was still fit looking. He shook Bash's hand and they chatted for a few minutes. "By the way, Bash, have you seen Raven recently? No one's seen him since he came to Texas for some legal business." Eric asked. "Raven? No he dropped in here and had some coffee and donuts but that was the last time I saw him." Bashful said, just then a timer went off in the kitchen and Bash rushed back to take a rack of croissants from the big oven. "Wow, those smell good," Eric said. "Let me try one of those Bash. "Sure, I made them especially for you, but you better sit in the booth over there. You'll be more comfortable." Bash advised. "Okay," Eric said, "but the stool is fine with these long legs of mine." "I just don't want you to fall off the stool and get hurt." Bash said. It made no sense to Eric but he moved to the booth. Bashful poured him a cup of coffee and gave Eric a plate of hot croissants, and some butter. Julie came out to see Eric and handed him a jar of preserves she had gotten from the back of the shop. "These are great preserves Julie, where'd you get them?" Eric asked. "We have an old man, uh, I mean friend that supplies those to us." Julie said with a secret smile. "Uh, this may sound strange, but are you getting taller Bash? It looks like I'm shorter than I was." Eric said. "Eric, your wife called just after you did and made a request. She wanted a daughter she could raise to be her little princess. She really doesn't want to get pregnant, bloating, swollen ankles, the whole bit, you understand, don't you? I mean this was nothing personal, just a request that I could fulfill." Bash said. "Oh my gosh, you're turning me into a woman and I'm going to be pregnant with a little girl?" Eric gasped. "No, I'm turning you into a little girl. Sheesh, how hard was that to figure out?" Bashful said. "I'm going to be a little girl the rest of my life?" Eric sobbed. "No, absolutely not." "Thank goodness, how long? One year, two?" Eric said, seeing a ray of hope. "Well, I'm making you into a little blonde haired, blue eyed, three year old, so in fifteen years, you'd be a lovely young woman." Bashful said. "Fwree, you're making me a fwree year old widdle girl? No, I won't wet you. You make me a man again. Now!" Little Erica stomped her foot and began bawling. Julie picked the little girl up and comforted her. The preserves had changed Eric's business suit into a cute little sundress in a Buggs Bunny print. His wingtips became matching sandals. Her long blonde hair was pulled up into twin pony tails and she had one front tooth missing. Just then, the little bell over the door tinkled and a woman walked it. She was tall, as tall as Bashful. She had long blonde hair and was wearing a dress that was tasteful and showed off her fabulous legs. It was Mrs. Eric. "Oh Julie, Bashful, she's perfect, just perfect. How can I ever thank you? I know, how would you like Eric's computer? We won't need it anymore," she said. "Won't you want little Erica to learn how to use a computer?" Julie asked. "Why? I'm going to teach her to be a good wife and mother, she won't need a computer for that. Thanks again you two, I'll send the computer UPS." With that, Erica and her new mother left. Julie and Bash waved goodbye to the little girl who just buried her face in her mother's shoulder and cried. Two weeks later a man came into the little bakery and looked around. He went outside and took pictures of the sign over the door, which had a four color picture of the dwarf 'Bashful' from the Disney movie "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." The man came back in the store and asked to see the owner. "My name is Julie and I own the place with my husband. How can I help you?" The man was dressed impeccably in a black Armani suit with a crisp white shirt and a boldly colored tie. He wore expensive Gucci shoes. He presented his card. "I am Samuel O. Barnett, Esquire, Attorney at Law. I represent The Disney Corp. I am here to instruct you to cease and desist with the display of our copyrighted material, to wit: the image of the dwarf 'Bashful' over your door. If you do not remove the offending painting immediately, I will be forced to take legal action." "But that was a present from a friend who painted it just for our little store. We're not hurting the huge company you represent, please, just leave us alone." Julie asked as nicely as she could. Julie always liked happy endings. "Very well, you leave me no choice, I will be forced to file suit in the courthouse across the street." Mr. Barnett announced. "Wait, let me call my husband and ask him to come down here and take the sign down. Will that satisfy you?" Julie asked. "Only if it happens in the next fifteen minutes." Barnett said. "How about a nice cup of coffee and some of our special eclairs? They're on the house." Julie said. "Okay, but don't think for a minute that I'm going to change my mind about this just for a cup of coffee and some pastry." Barnett said. "Okay, let me call Bash." Julie said. She served the attorney and then picked up the phone and walked into the kitchen to talk. "Bash, I have an attorney who says we have to take the picture down from over the door, you know the one Cleo Kraft did for us. No, you don't have to come down here. He's having some eclairs right now. I'll see you later." Julie walked back out to the front counter. "Now will there be anything else?" "No thank you ma'am, those were very good eclairs. I need to go to get to my job interview at the law firm. Gee, I might be a clerk this time tomorrow. How do I look, professional enough?" She asked. The young woman, about 19 years old was wearing a simple but very nice black business suit with a short pleated skirt and black Gucci pumps. She had a crisp white blouse and a boldly colored scarf around her neck. She was fresh faced and pretty with shoulder length red hair and bright green eyes. "Well, in my opinion, Sammie, the scarf is out of place. It's a very nice scarf but it is a little too loud for that suit." Julie told her. "Thank you, I really want this job," Sammie said as she removed the scarf, "the firm does a lot of pro bono work for small businesses that are being crushed by large, unfeeling, corporations. I want to help people like that. I better go, wish me luck." The girl left for her interview. Sammie dropped in the next morning on her way to work and told Julie she had gotten the job. Julie smiled and hummed her favorite tune, another happy ending. After Sammie left the bakery Julie began cleaning the counters and getting ready for the lunch run. The tinkling of the bell alerted Julie to a potential customer. She looked up as an average looking man in his forties walked in. "Can I help you?" she asked. "We haven't met but I feel like I know you," he said holding his hand out for a handshake. "It's me, Steve Zink." "Steve, what brings you to Dallas?" Julie asked. "Well, I was making a connection at DFW airport but my next flight has been delayed. I don't leave for another six hours. So I thought I would come and check out the bakery I've heard so much about. Also, I wanted to ask you if you've seen Raven? I tried calling Eric but his wife says she's unable to deliver the message." "Well Steve I'm glad to finally meet you in person. I'm sorry your flight's been delayed but at least it gave us the change to meet. I'm sorry you won't get to meet Bash, but he's delivering donuts to The Judge across the street at the courthouse. He normally holds court up in Ovid, Oklahoma but he holds a session a couple of times a month here in Dallas and he always gets some of Bash's special pastries for his trials." Julie explained. "There were a couple cinnamon rolls left over, if you're interested?" "You mean it, some of The Judge's special pastries?" Steve asked, his eyes lighting up. "You know, I always wanted to be the Cat Woman." "Sure thing. You want milk or coffee with those?" Julie asked as she sat a plate of warm pastries in front of Steve. As he sat down on the barstool in front of him, "Milk, of course," he replied. As Julie turned away from the counter to get his glass of milk, Steve began eating the sugar-covered confections. By the time she turned back, he had finished the first roll. "My, you were hungry, weren't you?" Julie said. "Well, it was a redeye flight and I didn't have breakfast this morning. These are so good," he said, eyes agleam. "You know, I think I feel it working!" "I do believe you are right," Julie answered as Steve began getting shorter. "What's happening?! I'm shrinking! I'm supposed to be getting taller with big breasts and long blonde hair and?and?and." He began sputtering. "Steve, what made you think you were going to get exactly what you wished for?" "But I want to be Cat Woman!" he wailed as the changes continued. His hair was short and its color could only be described as mousy brown. His height stopped at 5'1" unfortunately; his breasts never exceeded "A" cup in size. "Well, you are 'the cat woman'," Julie explained. "What do you mean? Just look at me!" Steve was almost screaming. "I have no chest to speak of and look at my clothes! Where is my lovely shiny, black, vinyl cat suit?" "Why I think you look rather nice," Julie said examining her. Steve was wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with a picture of Garfield the Cat on it. There was an employment badge hanging from a cord around her neck. "And what do you mean, I am the cat woman?!" "Look at your badge," Julie explained. "You work for the Zenith No Kill Animal Shelter. Your job is to clean up after the cats. The shelter has never had an employee that gets along with the cats as well as you do. It's as if you are kindred spirits." Steve looked at the badge that was hanging from her neck. It said her name was Jennifer ? The Cat Woman ? Zink. Jennifer was crying by now. "You might want to head back to the airport. Your flight to Zenith leaves within the hour," Julie warned. As Jennifer slid off the stool she stumbled. "What are these 'things' on my feet?" she asked hysterically. Julie looked down at the high-top orthopedic boots that Jennifer was wearing. "Oh yes, it's so sad about your ankles," Julie sympathized. "What's wrong with my ankles?" "You have very weak ankles and unfortunately, you will never be able to wear anything but those corrective boots. You can never wear high- heeled shoes. Even heels 1" tall will cause you untold pain," Julie explained. "Nooooooooo," Jennifer cried as she left the bakery. "All I wanted to be was 'my' cat woman." Julie shook her head as she watched through the plate glass windows as Jennifer stumbled across the street. She began humming that tune that had been running through her mind so much of late and finished setting things up for the lunch crowd. One day, Bashful got an order from a catering service for a cake big enough for a guy to jump out of. It seems one of the Pastry Girls was getting married and a bachleorette party was being arranged. When Bash saw the guest list for the party he started right to work on the cake and a special order of bear claws as well. The day of the big party came and the male dancer who was supposed to jump out of the cake couldn't be found. The caterer for the Pastry Girls appealed to the baker to find a suitable replacement in time for the party. Bashful called Bill Hart who he knew was in Dallas attending a computer convention at the Info Mart. "Bill, some of the girls at FM are having a little party for Carrie Gore since she and Troy are getting married tomorrow. It would be a real feather in my cap to be able to deliver the one and only, Bill Hart, to that party. What?s the chance of you coming by and letting me slip you into a big cake?" Bash asked. "A bachleorette party huh? I've never jumped out of a cake before and I thought you were a little upset with the Pastry Girls over that hyperboard thing and the lawsuit. By the way, have you heard from Raven or Eric or Steve Zink? They seemed to have disappeared. I've been trying to get all three of them to return my e-mails and I've heard nothing for weeks. It seems the last anyone heard from them was when they came to Dallas." Bill asked. "Nope, Bill, I haven't seen them since they dropped into my shop. I heard from Mrs. Eric the other day, she sent me some things and she didn't seem upset. We talked on the phone and she said everything was fine at the house, the new little girl is happy and healthy. She never mentioned anything being wrong with Eric." Bashful replied. "Well, they'll turn up, they usually do. Okay Bash, I'll jump out of the cake for you. Just tell me when and where to be." Bashful gave Bill directions to the shop and asked him to be there about 5:00PM. Bill showed up and Bashful asked him to change into a black leotard. "What do I have to wear this for. I thought I'd wear my street clothes." Bill said. "Health regulations. It's to keep body hair from falling into the cake since it is edible. Like wearing a hairnet over your body. It's got plenty of stretch and should fit you very comfortably, especially after you've been in the outfit for awhile." Bash explained. "What do you mean by that?" Bill asked. "Oh, just that the fabric breathes and molds itself to your body as it warms up." Bash said. He had removed the SRU tag from the inside of the leotard as well as the proper use instructions. Bill went into the office and undressed and pulled on the leotard. It felt tight when he first put it on, but it soon relaxed and fit him much better, just like Bashful said it would. Bash helped Bill into the cake and the Zenith Delivery Service picked up the cake and took it to the nearby hotel where the party was being held. Bill found himself getting drowsy during the short truck ride and he dosed off. The cake was rolled into the party room and all the Pastry Girls gathered round. They expected a Chippendale dancer to jump out and do a striptease for Carrie on her last night as a free woman. They were only partly right. When no one jumped out of the cake. Regal, also known as Honi Muffin, cut the cake and began handing pieces out to all the other Pastry Girls, Debbie Donut, Chrissy (Croissant), Wendy (Wheat-bread), Paula (Poundcake) Egan, Anne_Mal Crackers, Elizabeth ?clair, Diane Dumpling, Jan (Peggy Pie Crust) Dreamer and all the rest. They each received a slice of Bash's special cake. When the last girl had finished her cake, a messenger entered the room. He sought out Carrie and gave her the telegram he had been told to deliver when he saw the cake had been eaten by all who were there. Carrie opened the telegram and fainted. Honi Muffin rushed to her friend's side and picked up the telegram and read it. Honi got pale, she began to shake, before she could tell anyone else in the room what was in the telegram, they found out for themselves. All of the Pastry Girls began turning into men, very hairy men with large male bodies and pronounced male organs. Not the kind of body easily feminized. Carrie was spared to some degree, she was changed but not as drastically as the others. When Carrie, now Cary, woke up he was told his betrothed was on the phone. A weeping Cary Gore took the phone and spoke to the person on the other end of the line. "Hello, miss could you put Troy on the phone please(sniff)," Cary said. 'This is Troy, would you get Carrie Gore please sir?" A lilting voice asked. "This is Cary Gore, (Waaaaaaaa)." "Carrie? I've turned into a girl. I look just like Sara Michelle Geller, you know, Buffy the Vampire Slayer?" Troy, now Troi, said. "It happened right after I ate these bear claws that were delivered to the house today." "Well I look just like Hugh Grant, the British actor, and I don't like it." Cary wailed. "Well I don't like having these tits bouncing around, all over the place. What are we going to do? We can't get married now." Troi said. "We have to. First, if I don't marry an American, I have to go back to Great Britain, which's the reason for getting married in the first place. Second, according to the note Bash sent, if I don't marry you anyway and you have a child, all the Pastry Girls are going to stay Dough Boys. Waaaaaaaaaaa." Cary cried. Troi fainted. Meanwhile, Bill woke up due to all the screaming and carrying on. He decided it was time to make his appearance so he shoved the trap door open on the cake and jumped up. He noticed several things: 1. He was in a room full of hairy, well-endowed men wearing dresses and makeup. 2. He was now a very fetching young woman wearing a skimpy bikini. 3. The men were all looking at him. Bill's night was very interesting after that but we'll leave that for another story. Julie was humming as she was wiping down the counters. There had been so many customers lately! She barely had time to catch her breath. "Packed up all my cares and woe, here I go singing low," she started singing out loud. "Bye, bye blackbird", She began to laugh. Suddenly she heard the rumblings of a large truck coming down the ally. Quickly she gathered up the rubbish from the kitchen and from behind the counter. "Bash, honey, watch the front, please," she called. "I hear the garbage truck coming and I want to get the rest of this stuff out before it comes." "Sure thing, Babe. Oh, say hi for me, ok?" "Will do!" Julie exited through the back to where the dumpster sat that serviced Bash's Bakery. She threw the two garbage bags over the side and heard them crash into the debris already there. "Ow!" said a voice that seemed to come from inside the dumpster. "That hurt." "Sorry, Raven er Tryxi," Julie said with a smile. "Bash says hi." "When you said you were turning me into Tryxi Trash, you never said Tryxi the Trash-dumpster and why doesn't Bashy get to bring the trash out? I never get to see him anymore," the dumpster complained. "Now Tryxi, don't worry about Bash. You know I take very good care of him. Besides it's trash pick up day." "Oh goody! Are you going to stand and watch again?" Tryxi asked. "Since it turns you on so for me to watch, I will. It's the least I can do, considering," Julie replied. "The truck is just next door." "And they can't hear me, can they?" Tryxi asked. "No, only Bash and I can hear you since we were the ones who cast the spell." "You'll never convince me that Bashy had anything to do with this!" "We both decided that becoming Tryxi Trash was what Raven wanted and to grant his wish was a reward and not a punishment. But Tryxi Trash-Dumpster was more appropriate. Anyway, having Tryxi hanging out is an alley fits her persona, don't you think? Here's the truck now." The massive truck pulled along side the small dumpster. With a groan of gears, the long forks reached out towards the openings in the bottom of the container. "Yes, yes, come on baby, I'm ready for you big guy, stick it in me hard!" moaned the trash bin. As the forks entered the slits made for them, a metal on metal screech pierced the air. "Oh, yesssss!!!" Tryxi cried out at the same time. "Pull me close and lift me high!" As the forks began to lift upwards, the dumpster bumped back and forth against the tines. The dumpster rose higher and higher, slowly until suddenly it tipped over and all the trash poured out. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh" Then, gently, the truck lowered Tryxi back to ground. Slowly, almost reluctantly, the forks slid out. Then the truck drove off. "See you next week, big guy!" Tryxi called out. The taillights of the truck blinked back in response. Julie turned and went back inside the bakery. Crossing over to Bashful, she caressed his arm. "How did it go?" he asked. "She wants the trash picked up more than once a week." "Sorry, once a week is all the city will do for a shop of our size." "Any chance we can close early?" Julie asked, "or do we have more special customers due today?" "No, we can close now. All our 'special' customers have been taken care of." he replied as he turned the closed sign outward. "Bash, they are our friends, was it nice treating them that way?" Julie asked. "It's just for fun, inside of a week, all the Pastry Girls will be girls again. Eric and Steve will be back to normal, well what passes for normal for them anyway. I made sure the ingredients were mixed for temporary changes only. Cary will be Carrie and Troi will be Troy in time for their wedding. They'll get a matched set of indictments for Immigration Fraud of course but they'll be back to normal. Everyone will be back to normal and it will all seem like a bad dream. Except Bill, I understand he enjoyed the second half of the Bachelor party." Bashful told her. He leaned down and kissed Julie and then led her towards the door. "I just love trash day!" he said as he turned off the lights. As they drove home Julie hummed her little tune and smiled a secret smile; SHE had mixed the ingredients for the 'special' donuts Raven ate. Julie had her own idea of a happy ending. Blackbird, bye, bye.

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If any woman deserved a good man, it was Jackie. Sadly, her fling with Jimmy came to an abrupt end. Cheyenne and I had just finished cleaning the rooms, and she wheeled the linens to the laundry room while I went back to the bar to help Jackie set up for lunch. Francis had called in sick. We were chatting away as we laid out placemats and flatware, when I dropped a fork on the floor and bent down to pick it up. Just as I reached down, I heard a loud crash as the window behind me blew in,...

1 year ago
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My Wifes New Tatas

My wife and I had been married for twenty-one years. She was the love of my life. We married right out of high school, and she delivered the first of our two children, ten months later. Eighteen months after our son was born, she gave birth to our daughter. We were inseparable.Ever since I have known Angel, she had taken care of herself. She was a cheerleader in school and she worked very hard to keep her body in tip top condition. Even after two kids and at forty years old, she still had the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Favourite Fantasies 6

Here’s a fantasy of mine that came to life last spring. I’ve never told anyone about this experience until now. I’m a twenty-two-year-old guy, born and bred in Washington, D.C.I’ve had this fantasy for a few years. It basically includes having a girl serve me sexually, and spanking her from time to time.Well, last April I was walking with Carol, a close friend with whom I’ve never had sex. We shared intimate secrets – including me telling her that I’d love to fuck her and her de-clining. Carol...

4 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 2 Tammy

Things were a bit different on this trip. The crews had elected a floating work schedule. As long as the work was done, they did it as required. In engineering, they all helped each other. Lee and Bing taught everyone how to perform necessary engine checks. Lee, Bing and Terry while aboard would still do the main checks and repairs, but the others could help by taking a short night shift every few nights to do the simple walk around checks. Hydroponics elected for a similar loose roster as...

3 years ago
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A Real Cracker

The man was dosing at the rear of the house when a sweet young voice woke him. "Master there a car in the drive," she called, the man moved his head slightly to see the young girl in the doorway. She was dressed only in a pair of faded jeans; her young breasts were standing naked and proud. "Put some clothes on and make some coffee please," the man called back smiling at her. He exited the hammock as elegant as possible, then walk round the side of the house to greet his visitors. A...

1 year ago
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Toilet sex

I was just getting out of the shower and was about to dry off when the feeling came. The movements in my stomach told me everything, I had to shit really bad. Not really caring that I was still dripping water, I put of the toilet seat and sat down. If you had that "I really got to go" feeling, than you know how it felt when the fist bomb dropped. I was on the toilet for about thirty seconds when I heard a loud knock on the door. "Babe, are you done? Hurry up I want some food" the voice said. I...

1 year ago
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Public Flashing

Reddit Public Flashing, aka r/PublicFlashing! Alright, before you get your panties up in a bunch, we’re talking about girls flashing stuff in public. Yeah? Alright? So, don’t worry, you’re not going to get flashed by dudes with their cocks here. All you’ll see are tits, asses, and pussies. Public Flashing is the kind of subreddit that is pretty intense if you look at the premise. We’re talking about chicks who are flashing their pussies, tits, and assholes while out in public. However, most of...

Reddit NSFW List
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Taking my Son

This story takes place towards the end of my high school. This is one of my friend’s story who mailed me and i thank him as he gave permission to me to post this story here.His mom narrates the story.It all started last year when my husband had to go on a business trip to New York for a week. My husband and me hadn’t been to sexually active for about two years. Oh we would have sex every now and then, but it just wasn’t satisfying. Seeing he was going to be gone for a week left my son Kevin and...

4 years ago
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Body Shifters Universe Nowomansland

I was awake. It would have to be now. I'd be thinking it, planning it, and I had to move. I couldn't let things stand. But it wasn't so easy: I couldn't just jump out of bed - not with all of them. So I began to slowly extricate myself from the tangle of womanly limbs. So sleek, so soft ... NO! NO!! I wouldn't think about how gorgeous they all were. That way would cause me to surrender, and continue to wallow in the soft, deceptive delight of their luscious flesh. I moved, and a platinum...

3 years ago
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A Match for the el Maiens Ch 19

Thank you so much for the feedback and ‘votes of confidence’ as I put up the latest chapters, which mark a shift in tone. I was anxious about how that would go down, so I’m very grateful to see you are still enjoying the story. :heart: ***** Tashka trailed into Arianna’s room and sank into one of the blue and yellow armchairs. She shut her eyes and lay still. Her mind was like a herd of deer, so many thoughts running this way and that, appearing in brief dappled shadows in a sunny wood. Her...

2 years ago
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A Log Truck Driver In Outer SpaceChapter 5

When I went to sleep the night before I'd been happier than any time since the spacemen took me away. In fact, Karen had made me as happy as I could ever remember being. That didn't keep me from waking up a couple of hours before sunrise. Today was the day I was supposed to arrive according to the schedule Karen had pointed out. If the minor vultures had started showing up ahead of time, no doubt some serious vultures would come around today. I dressed in my sneaking around in the dark...

1 year ago
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Two day later, the heat wave continues and I get a text from Liz asking if Laura can use the garden for sunbathing. I think, pretty half naked girl in my garden? What’s to consider? I was going to be busy around the house and doing some errands so no problem. An hour later, Laura arrives, looking like she's going to the beach. Short shorts, vest top big beach bag full of who knows what. She sets herself down on a lounger, “this is so kind if you Jack" she says as she starts to unpack. Book,...

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Clothes flew off as we got inside. We'd been teasing each other all the way home and lust took over as the door slammed shut. I lifted her onto the counter and plunged my cock in to her dripping pussy. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled me deeper inside her. Our coupling was short and brutal as she begged me to fuck her hard...........

2 years ago
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Queen of Harvest Moon Part 3 Rickys Halloween Surprise

As more and more unfolds and becomes known the O'Hare's fight becomes a plan. Their neighbors and friends are drawn ever deeper into "Operation Queen." Rita, her husband and her daughter Dorothy become pawns in the corporation's plans. Queen of Harvest Moon Part 3: Ricky's Halloween Surprise By Angel Julia sat at the kitchen table with her husband Bill and Rita as the girl's were excitedly filling them all in on what was going on at the O'Hare's house. "There are trucks...

1 year ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 67

Two pairs of women smelled a large dead rodent when the news of the proposed settlement for salvage of Gorgipest broke. There was a suspicion that the leak came from the Palace which very pointedly indicated that it did not comment on any matter. The survivors of what they called the "Death Ride" had spent a little of their time researching and discussing salvage in all its ramifications. They had come to a conclusion that GmBH as owner of the salving vessels was going to get a very big...

4 years ago
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Total Woman Excursions 13

‘Pull’ The clay pigeon sailed forth on its arced journey down the Total Woman Excursions resort skeet range. Blam! The 12 gauge shotgun pounded Fallston’s shoulder. The target disc burst into a spray of pieces as the lead pellets followed and found their mark. He was two for three this round! ‘Not bad, not bad at all. But not as good as me’ said Oksana. Her blond hair and blue eyes bespoke her Scandinavian heritage. Her 3-3 marksmanship bespoke her hunter instincts. Olivia, the Mediterranean...

3 years ago
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Room to improve

"That's right, James. Good job, you're all going to have to study hard so keep that in mind." The teacher said. James sat at his desk, a great start to first grade being the one student who got the right answer on the first question. But before he could react everything froze. The awkward classmates, his tired eyed teacher, even the fan blowing in the corner all froze. Before James could react the entire room and the people in it fell away from him out of sight. James found himself in a void of...

4 years ago
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hidden truth

"Katie wake up your gonna' be late for school" She heard the voice dispite her efforts to stay oblivious to the world. "I said wake up!" This time the words were driven through to her with a yank of her covers and a swift hit from a pillow to her face. "Hehehe yah Katie wakey wakey eggs and bakey" Katie wasnt sure what was worse her sisters pillowy bombardment or her little brother ear piercing laugh."mmm what time is it?" she faked being still half asleep, when in reality...

2 years ago
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Shemale story

One day cruising the porn sites I saw an Internet ad for an Asian Kathoey that would be dancing at the strip club downtown. I hadn’t been to a strip club in years but I went out of curiosity. Something drew many others and me to the show. After a few women performed an announcer came to the stage and introduced the main act. When she called my cell I was surprised. The picture in the Hudson’s advertisement was small but it was possible that she had seen the source. The mail...

2 years ago
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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 10 Incestuous Lust Kindled

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 4th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker I leaned back in the chair watching the video of Clint’s wedding to Pam Hiragawa. My eyes studied it for the dozenth time. I had several pads of notes written on what I’d observed. There had to be something useful in it. Something we could grab onto. Every day, it felt like that bastard Clint was getting further and further from justice. Protected by his powerful friends. The small room, covered in our...

1 year ago
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After the Exodus the Brave new Beginning part one

After the Exodus, the brave new beginning By: Malissa Madison To my fans and longtime readers, thank you all for joining us in this adventure. This spin off, is the result of some very good questions asked by a few of you, and we want to let you know how things are going back home. Thank you, Malissa and Gang ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dotty and David sat quietly in the separate interview rooms waiting for the interrogations to begin....

1 year ago
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Shrunken in a whore house

Your night starts out innocent as you were walking the College campus. The University was nothing much but this night everything was different as a strange glowing was coming from the science building. Having curiosity get the best of you you check it out to find your body being sucked into a portal before shrinking you down. You scream the whole time as you free fall into a animated world . Your body lands on a soft surface. In amazement you look around and see characters from Disney and...

3 years ago
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Mumma Had Nice Session

Hi ISS readers I m back with the incident which occurred a month ago.First my intro I’m Mastram(RAM) and this incident is about my aunt deepu whom I also call mumma because her hubby was my dad’s friend and simultaneously deepu is my mumma’frnd so I use to call her mumma and our relation was like Mom n son n also a best frnd.Let me tell about mumma she has a dynamic 34 30 36,32 years old figure milky white in color,n had a baby of 5 year.Coming to story…. Ye incident ek month phle hua jab uncle...

1 year ago
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Shopping at the mall

I am at work now trying to get done cause I feel like going to the mall to buy some shoes and have my glass of wine and I thought about the guys that fucked my pussy and I felt my pussy getting wet as it been a while since I had some sex so I get done at about 4 pm and I leave and as I am walking into the mall I look around and not to many people around so I walk and buy a few things and I go to my favorite place for my glass of wine and as I am sitting there I look up and there is Kenny and...

3 years ago
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Sex With A Granny

This is an absolutely true story. It happened years ago when I was like thirty years old. I still think about it to this day and sometimes masturbate. I always had the fantasy of being with a much older lady. Well one day it came true!It all started when I found an ad in an adult magazine. A lady in her sixties was looking for NSA sex. This was back in the day when communication was mostly done by mail. I saw a pic of her. She had thigh high stockings on and was lying on her back. Needless to...

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Special Delivery Part Two Repost

It had been several days since Brian met Jamie on his delivery route. He could not stop thinking about her. He kept picturing her eyes locked in a gaze with his… kept imagining her standing in that doorway and kept fantasizing about her taking off her blouse and pulling him inside for the ride of his life. If his friends knew how many times he had masturbated just in the last weekend, they’d stage an intervention – he was hopelessly addicted to the thought of being with Jamie. Every morning he...

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Supermodel Setup

Supermodel Setup I was on my way downstairs to the breakfast table when I heard Aunt Stephanie and her daughter Priscilla having a heated conversation. "Look Mom, I don't know what's going here but it wasn't me or any of club's members for christ sake!" "Priscilla dear watch your damn language, and don't sit there and lie to me!" I took my seat at the table while Priscilla stared down at her well soaked cereal that was sinking in her bowl. "Mom you know the fashion club is built on...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 78

Yes, there would be a wedding ready to go tomorrow evening. I just didn’t know if there would be a groom in attendance. I couldn’t decide what to beat myself up over first: that I had not listened to Jeff when he warned me about my father, that I had somehow believed that Jeff could have done what he was accused of or that I let my guard down and had given any credence to my father’s allegations. I was engulfed in agitation. I wanted to do something, but all the advice I had been given said...

3 years ago
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A Bunny to Play With Ch 13

I didn’t know if it was a wise idea to go home with a stranger, but Anne had hurt me, and I had ruined Helen’s dress, and if I was honest with myself, all I wanted was something intense to take my thoughts away from reality for a while. The sound of the key turning in the door’s lock promised that intensity, and I felt excitement bubble up inside. I was pushed inside before I could think about taking a step and almost ended up on my knees. Helen turned on the light, and after blinking a few...

4 years ago
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Mother son panty fetish

My mother an I were close , mom was 45 . Not a bad look.n lady , short, small tits, wide hips. Fat flabby ass,I loved to check out my mom , up skirt , undressing , pante shots etc. one afternoon I went to the bathroom to J/o I found a pair of moms dirty panties . I picked them up they were so soft an I could smell Her pussy an ass sweat , my dick was getting hard . Her panties were light pink , sheer ,nylon briefs. I pull down my pants an I just had to try on Moms underwear , the crotch was...

2 years ago
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Watching the Boys Part 13

I quickly glanced over and made out the silhouettes of Mister Grossa and Bryan standing just inside the bedroom. Both of them, their cocks erect, staring directly at me. Bryan had a lust filled look on his face as Grossa smiled deviously at me. His arm hidden from view behind Brian as my boy made small pushes back against the man's hand. Grossa was finger fucking my boy right in front of me, and Bryan loved it. The room was dark but I could see Bryan's hair all messed up, at first I thought he...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 12

Bill Madison frowned. "If this guy, this asshole doctor, really did this — is really responsible for ... Oh, shit. That means — if it's true..." he hesitated, his voice stumbling, "then he raped her. Hell, if she were drugged and couldn't stop him, then it is rape." "I think there's a lot more to it than that," Diana sighed. "She mentioned that he took her to men. She also said that she has AIDS, or at least that's what Ingles told her." "AIDS? Took her to men?" Kathy said,...

3 years ago
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drunken and Fuckin another Mike adventure

The night was still young but we were ready to go. Mike and I had attended a small get together over a friends. The BBQ was a blast and we both were getting a little tanked. He was more tanked than I was, and I noticed our neighbor hanging on him once in a while. I am not the jealous type,so I just laughed it off. It was time to leave the party and she asked if she could catch a ride back home. Mike answered yes before I could even get out the answer. They both stumbled to the SUV as I went to...

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Peppers Pills

Pepper's head rolled from side to side as she came to. Someone was lightly slapping her on the cheek while faint music played in the background. "Hey, hey," the person slapping her said. Pepper's eyes came to focus on an attractive blond guy still patting her cheek. "Who are you?" she asked. He finally stopped hitting her and handed her a little white pill. "I'm Parkman. Here eat this," he said. Still a little groggy from whatever she'd been drugged with and the fact that she was...

4 years ago
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Mind controled Janice Pt13

We have lived next to Janice for a few years and have become used to hearing her temper tantrums, lots of shouting though to us she has always been very polite. She is probably in her mid 50s and overweight. I noticed what I think as unusual behaviour soon after we moved into our house. I have seen her walking in the street in the nude at least five times. The first time I was placing my daughter in the car and could see her walking up the full length of the street naked thankfully I was sat...

3 years ago
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Human Mattress 2

HUMAN MATTRESS 2By Hungry Guy     Doug yawned and awoke.  A ray of sunlight filtered in through the crack in the curtains on the single window of his dorm room.  He lifted his head up and saw that it was only 9:18.  Too early to get out of bed on a Saturday morning.      The girl upon which he was sleeping squirmed a little.  There had been so many girls the past few weeks that he could no longer remember their names.  She couldn't move much because her ankles were shackled and tied tightly to...

2 years ago
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Victor takes me to a sex shop

One Friday night I was starting to feel bored at home; then I decided to ask Victor if he wanted to go with me to a sex shop…My dear hubby was delighted and he asked me to dress sexy.I decided to not wear any bra or panties. I just slipped on a cotton shirt and a sexy black mini skirt I often use when I am horny.My hard nipples were just visible through the material and the skirt could barely cover my ass cheeks. I looked like a real slut.Victor could not resist coming up and hugging me from...

3 years ago
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BBC Fucks them Both

Trevon thrust his hard black dick into the sexy white bitch on her knees in front of him. Her soft white ass was covered with red welts from his hand. She liked it rough and had begged him to slap her harder. She was in her forties and wasn't young but she had a fantastic body with big tits, a tiny waist and a big round ass that was just right for fucking. "Fuck me harder baby," the white bitch panted as another climax shook her soft round body. He husband sat in the corner of the hotel room...

2 years ago
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first time sex with a bbw continued

she asked me my name i was out i told her my name and asked her where she was actually going she said she was just going to have fun she actually had no place in mind my head was banging with ideas and i knew this was the catch and if i failed to follow this lead ill never get laid so i was scared to make an offer but i asked if we could just go over to my place cos i was having a house party she said cool and we dropped in the next station and walked home we where walking and touching and the...

3 years ago
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Dons Wet Dream Ch 01

This is chapter 1 of a 3 chapter story. Sincere thanks to CWatson, for his editing efforts on this large job. I’ve made a few changes since he reviewed the draft so its likely any ‘clangers’ are mine. (A Swag is a canvas bed roll, usually including a basic foam mattress and blankets.) * Don had worked hard this morning, and thought he’d earned a break– that’s what he reckoned anyway — earned this coffee for sure. He had to get ready for Libby’s inspection. She’d be here soon makin’ sure he...

3 years ago
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A visit from a friend

I had been teasing him all night and finally convinced him to come over to visit for a bit. He was nervous. This was his first time over while hubby was home, well since we had begun to play and tease this way at least. The two of them have been buddies for years. We all sat and talked for a while as he sat all the way across the room on the other sofa. As the night went on, hubby started drifting off on us and before long he made his way up to bed. I motioned for him to come over and join me...

1 year ago
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Homelands Pt 2 Ch 05

As I made my way up the stairs from the basement to the kitchen, I noticed that something was wrong. I felt like I was living in more than world at the same time. The body I felt and saw wasn't the body I thought of as mine. But then it was again. Memories flashed through my mind. I'd done this. The disorientation I felt was the aftermath of, what, a spell I'd cast? I was a wizard of some kind? That didn't sound quite right, but it was close to the truth. The family had been under threat....

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Lost at Sea book 1 Where Theres a Will chapter 13

“You trained him to do what!?” Will demanded.Bella was sitting on the edge of the bed trying to coax her monkey back inside. “Well, I was ransacking your room for your clothes. I pulled your drawers out and started stuffing as many of them as I could into a duffel, and then you called me down. Jack must have thought we were robbing the place and kept going after I left.”“You trained him to commit larceny?” Will was simultaniously amused and horrified.Bella gave a small guilty shrug. Janie...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Santa Loves All Kids Even Ginger OnesChapter 2

And so, that was that. Jessica’s mom had been telling fibs back home at the family estate, somewhere in some snooty enclave of Coconut Grove, that her once wayward daughter (allegedly a legendary trollop of Miami’s South Beach) had settled down with an entirely respectable husband and a loveable brace of flame-head twin crotch fruit. All ripened then for embracing by an estranged elderly aunt with entirely too much free time and an absurd excess of ready cash ... assuming that I was willing...

2 years ago
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The Death of Saema Chapter 5 Play Preparation

“Hey, Mr. Kim. How’s the family?” It was James, a tall, 29-year-old good-looking black male that had been working for the funeral home for around two years as their regular night-shift guy. “Oh, hey Jimmy,” he replied politely. “They’re doing just fine. In fact, we’re going to dinner with her parents at that new seafood place off of Whitaker. So, I’ve got to get home and get ready.” “No worries, man. You guys get out of here whenever. I’ve got a couple shows I’m going to watch on the laptop,...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Sexy Teacher Again

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello, guys, I’m Karthik. I am from Bangalore and I used to study in XYZ Engineering College when this incident happened. A few days ago I had written how I had the 1st encounter with my teacher who was 28-29 years old with a bomb figure and big 36D boobs. Here is the link if you want to read it. I suggest you read the above sex story before reading this one....

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