The Survival Of Joe Conover: Part 1-3 free porn video

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The Survival of Joseph Conover By Norman O. Johnson I had a malignancy, so they gave me chemotherapy. My hair fell out, guaranteeing that I wouldn't die of cancer of the hair. So the doctors cut off a body part, and assured me they'd got it all. But they hadn't, so they cut off another body part, and assured me they'd got it all. Once again, they hadn't got it all, so they cut off another body part. Have I failed to mention which body parts they cut off? It doesn't matter anyway now, because at some point, the malignancy became inoperable, and I died. This is not the story of how I died, but how I survived after I died. Therefore, my story begins at the beginning, on my deathbed. How can I describe how it felt to die of cancer? I won't try, but I will to say that no painkiller was worth a damn as I lay there in my hospital bed waiting for the end, while the carcinomas were gnawing their way through my guts like a feeding scavenger. I drifted in and out of wakefulness, only sometimes aware of the beeping of the heart monitor, only sometimes noticing the intercom in the corridor paging doctors, and only sometimes hearing my daughter Nancy's sobbing and sniffing as she sat in a nearby chair. We had already exchanged our last words. There was nothing more to be said. Why, then, was she still here? Because she couldn't bear to leave. That was a good enough reason. My son Jason had left some time earlier. That was all right, too. He had always been uncomfortable expressing his feelings. I couldn't blame him for being true to himself, especially since I'd been the same way. Suddenly I was very cold. My head spun. My vision blurred. A strange sentence came to my lips. "My name is Michelle," I said, or tried to say. That puzzled me. Why would I say that? My name was not Michelle. I was Joseph Conover. My unfocussed eyes were aware of a shadow hovering over my face. "I'm not Michelle," said the shadow. "I'm Nancy. I'm your daughter, Nancy, Dad! Remember?" I couldn't precisely see her face, but I knew from experience how Nancy's large sensuous mouth twisted when she was upset. This was my last sight of her face, even as a blur. "I remember," I tried to say, but only a croak would come out of my mouth. I had expected my last thoughts to be of God, repentance, and forgiveness, but instead my last thought was, My name is Michelle and I want to die. Part One: By the Back Door That wasn't my last thought after all, only the last thought before I died. I did have other thoughts. My next one was a sentence fragment. What in the---? Something very strange was happening. I was breathing. Didn't I just die? Dead people aren't supposed to breathe. I was lying on my side with my head propped on something very different from the hospital pillow. There were no bedclothes over me and under me no mattress, just a hard floor. I also felt hair on my head. Hadn't I been bald only a little while ago, because of the chemotherapy? I struggled to open my eyes. My eyelids were heavy. Through the cracks I could see daylight. I forced my eyelids completely open. I was not in that hospital room any more. I sat up and took in the dismal sight. There was no furniture in this room. The floor was littered with trash of every description. There was a heap of black ashes and scraps of burnt wood in the middle of the floor, with blackened floor tiles around it. The walls were disfigured with spray-painted graffiti. The window had neither glass nor a screen, and showed a front lawn full of foot-tall grass and weeds, and part of a street. Judging from its size, this room had been the dining room of someone's home once, but that was long ago. Now it was a flophouse. The whole scene reeked of urine, feces, vomit, rotting garbage, dirty clothes, and an unwashed human body, in which I was living. I already knew it was not the body that Joseph Conover had lived in for fifty-one years. What was this new body like? Cancer was not gnawing away relentlessly at my new insides. That was a gain, but I also felt drained and groggy, as if I'd taken an overdose of some sleeping pill. I felt clammy and sticky. My clothes reeked. What was I wearing? I looked down at myself and saw a flannel shirt, too warm for a September day in North Carolina, with the sleeves rolled up; a pair of blue jeans with badly worn knees; and filthy red and white sneakers. I wasn't wearing a belt, but it didn't seem necessary, because my hips were broad enough to hold my pants up without a belt. Straps. I was wearing something under my shirt that had straps going over my shoulders. There was some excess weight in my chest, which I could feel shifting as I moved. I unbuttoned my shirt and opened it. Sure enough, I was wearing a bra. I guessed my cup size as B. I was a woman. I had come back into the world as a homeless woman wearing smelly clothes who slept in an abandoned house. I couldn't have imagined a more uncanny fate for a dying man. Was this a sort of hell, an eternity of homeless misery as a member of the opposite sex? No, I couldn't believe I'd been a bad enough man to warrant eternal damnation. This wasn't an afterlife. It was real life, which I'd reentered from a doorway I hadn't know was there. If I was a woman, then, I must be a woman "down there" as well. I unzipped my pants and pushed them down. I was wearing no panties. Between my legs I saw hair, only hair, a thick triangle of hair. A shudder went through me, a shudder of horror at my vulnerability to the crime that every woman fears. In my new body, I could be raped. To me, that was more terrible than not having a penis. Me, a woman? How absurd. I might as well be a cockroach named Gregor Samsa. I didn't feel like a woman. I felt like a man stuck in a woman's body, a very uncomfortable feeling. But it was the only way I could live at all. I pulled my pants up and began silently to cry, overwrought by conflicting emotions. I was glad to be alive. I was awestruck at this bizarre turn of events. My womanly vulnerability frightened me. I missed my children and longed to be reunited with them. I was afraid for my future. My smelly clothes and filthy body disgusted me. But when all was said and done, I now had a chance to live again, and this body was the only means to do it. I resolved to make it work for me, somehow. How would I live? What name would I use? If I told people I was Joe Conover, I would spend the rest of my new life in a mental hospital. For some reason, the name Michelle came to my lips again. Why had I said, "My name is Michelle" to my daughter? Only then did I notice the thing I'd used for a pillow was an old worn backpack, which might have contained some clue to my bizarre continued existence. I opened it. There was a threadbare blouse, two or three T-shirts, a large baggy sweatshirt, another pair of jeans tightly rolled up, and, among other items, a woman's compact and a wallet. Taking out the wallet, I found a Georgia driver's license issued to Michelle Amanda Toomey, whose birthday was 24 years in the past. It had the picture of a bored-looking young woman with honey colored hair, large brown eyes, high cheekbones and a sensuous mouth. I opened the compact and compared my own face with the picture. A pale emaciated exhausted version of the same face stared back at me. Searching further through the wallet, I found a Social Security card and about 200 dollars in cash. So I at least had a legal identity. The two hundred wouldn't last me long, but with a Social Security number I would be able to get some kind of job. I didn't want to think about where Michelle got that money. Giving blow jobs in back alleys was my best guess at the time, and still is. Now I understood better what had happened. Michelle's and my souls (yes, there is such a thing as a soul) had exchanged bodies. It was a disaster for Michelle, who had certainly died in my old body. For me, it was a new chance at life. But, was starting my life over again as a poor homeless woman a blessing or a bargain with the devil? I searched around in the backpack to see if there was anything else I could use. I came across a little plastic box that contained a syringe and some fresh needles, each one in its plastic sheath. I shuddered again. Did Michelle have to take insulin? No, diabetes is a fat person's disease. Forgetting the other forms of diabetes, I had a frightening thought, and checked my forearms again for scars and bruises. I found them, my needle tracks. I was a heroin addict. If that wasn't bad enough, I might have hepatitis or the AIDS virus, or both. I had traded cancer for this! I threw the needles across the room, and crushed the syringe underfoot. Male or female, rich or poor, the one thing I would never be is a heroin whore! I took a deep breath, and contemplated my next move. I couldn't bear to go to Nancy or Jason in this wretched condition. I would come back into their lives once I was well away from the smack, and had a roof over my head and a job, and wore clean clothes. I couldn't call myself Joe Conover any more, but I had my pride. On the other hand, I wasn't too proud to recognize I needed help. I knew of one other person in the world who would believe my crazy but true story of survival, and would put a roof over my head until I got back on my own feet. Her name was Lillith. She ran a New Age oriented store featuring books, crystals, and various metaphysical knick-knacks. She also did psychic readings. My dear wife Linda, who had died two years before me, was one of her clients. In those days, I hated Lillith. I thought Linda was wasting our hard-earned money on her. I was polite to her face, but when she wasn't around, I called her the Gypsy charlatan. I never believed in her so-called psychic powers. However, because she would believe things that no one else would, I hoped to convince her I was Joe Conover in a new body. I hated having to hand Lillith this victory, but I was also a practical man (woman?), and a practical man does what he has to do whether he likes it or not. I stripped till I was only wearing my bra (the only bra I owned). Opening the knapsack, I put on clean socks and jeans, and pulled the sweatshirt. I hated having to put dirty clothes back in my knapsack with the clean ones, but there was no help for it now. My bladder was getting full, but I couldn't stand the thought of pissing on the floor of this house, after so many had done it before. I would use a gas station bathroom in a few minutes. I walked out of the house. What part of town was I in? Was I even still in North Carolina? I waded through the tall grass to the driveway, and took a look around. Many of the houses were old and dilapidated. Two were abandoned, not counting the one that I had just abandoned. The street had a deserted, weekday morning look. I made it to the sidewalk and started uphill, being careful not to trip over the numerous cracks and gaps in the sidewalk. Someone was shouting in my direction. "Dat's right! Git out! You need to git outa heah! We don't need no drug freaks and crack ho's messin' up our neighborhood!" I looked to my left and saw a black woman standing in the doorway of the house next to the abandoned one. I quickened my pace. "Go own! Go own! Git out!" she shouted. She would get her wish. I would never come back here. I didn't blame her for hating my guts. She had no way of knowing I wasn't the same junkie-whore who had crashed in that empty house sometime yesterday. When I made it to the top of the hill, I read two unfamiliar street names on the sign. In the distance, however, I could see the First Union Bank tower and several other tall buildings. The quaint green dome of the Old State Capitol, now a museum, was also visible. So I was still in Raleigh, North Carolina after all, the city where I had made my fortune, the city where I had died. My cancer had eaten up a piece of that fortune, but my children would have a substantial legacy, including life insurance. I didn't want that money back now. They were adults. They were old enough to make their own mistakes, to be held accountable for their mistakes, and to learn from them. I drew a deep breath and tried to get my bearings. I was on the southeast side of town. Lillith's shop was in an old section of downtown, where some warehouses had been converted into shops, offices, and loft apartments. I could walk all the way down there, but it would be a hike of an hour and a half. So I started walking in the general direction of downtown. As I walked, the feeling of being stuck in a woman's body returned. Living this way would never be easy. I would never marry a man and start a family. I would be a Lesbian, if I had a sex life at all. But at least I could have dignity and be self-supporting. My second life was a gift which, so far as I knew then, no other dying man had ever been given. I would do the best I could with it. What was the alternative? Suicide? I'd always disdained that as a coward's choice. A few minutes later, I ducked into a convenience store to use the bathroom. Sitting to pee was not new to me. About a year earlier, my crotch had become so rotten with cancer that my entire genital set had had to be sacrificed. While wiping myself off, I noticed the autoerotic possibilities of my new sex organ but felt stuck again. However, I had a more immediate worry. My body was a time-bomb set to go off as soon as heroin withdrawal began. There was no telling when that bomb would detonate. I didn't want to face it alone. I continued on my way. Low-income residential housing now gave way to a low-rent retail district: the convenience store, a liquor store, a tattoo parlor, a strip joint. I passed the strip joint with another shudder. That was where young women with no other marketable job skills make a living. I would never work there. No way! I'll admit I'd visited that scene a few times, decades ago before I married Linda, and found the whole scene to be cheesy, chilly and non-erotic. As a businessman, I couldn't see a well-defined career path in it for even the most successful stripper. I quickened my pace. A van pulled to the curb just ahead of me. The words "Silly Monkey" were painted on the side in huge lopsided letters. The rest of the van was festooned with little caricatures of long-tailed monkeys jumping about. Although they were drawn in manga, the style of Japanese comic books, they reminded me of the Curious George books I'd enjoyed as a child, and years later read to my own children. A black-haired girl with Oriental features leaned out the passenger window and called out, "Hey! Need a ride?" I wasn't prepared for such kindness, but it was welcome. I stepped up to the window and said, "Yes, I would. I need a lift downtown." I liked the sound of my new female voice. The side door of the van slid open, and I climbed inside. The inside of the van was taken up mostly with large box-like things that I took to be amplifiers, speakers, and other band equipment. In the shadows I thought I saw a packed up a drum set. Two other girls were sitting on the little remaining floor space. One was asleep with her mouth open. The other lent me a hand and pulled me in. Her arms looked strong. I guessed she was the drummer. "My name's Gina," she said. "We're a band called Silly Monkey." "I'm Amy," said the Oriental girl. She motioned to the driver. "This is Sarah." Sarah looked back. "I'm the lead singer." "I'm the bass guitarist," said Amy. "The worst one in the whole freakin' country, dude," said the girl who'd helped me inside. "By the way, I'm Gina. I'm the drummer, and my girlfriend sleeping here in Lena, the lead guitar. She covers up Amy's mistakes." Gina and Amy exchanged a playful glance, and laughed. "Are you guys a local band?" I asked. "Fuck, no!" said Amy. "We're on tour." Then Sarah told me where they were from. It was a university town somewhere in the Midwest. I'm no longer certain which one. I think she said Manhatten, Kansas, where Kansas State University is, but I won't swear to it. "We had a kick-ass gig in Chapel Hill last night," Amy put in, "and we haven't slept a wink since." That was the great thing about being a kid, I concluded. Having the energy to party all night. They were all very young, only about four or five years younger than my current body was. "Speak for yourself, dude," said Gina. "Lena's ahead of the rest of us." Lena stirred, muttered something unintelligible, and kept on sleeping. "My name is Michelle," I said. "We're just a bunch of bums," Gina joked. "We're a rock and roll band on tour." That sounded like a not-so-subtle gig at my homeless status. Gina didn't trust me as much as the others, I guessed. "We're supposed to be in college," called out Sarah from the driver's seat. "But we figured, if we didn't try this, we'd spend the rest of our lives wondering what might have been." "We're going places, too," said Amy. "We're gonna be the next big thing." "So, do you guys have a gig here in Raleigh?" I asked. "Yeah," said Amy. "But first we want to, like, have breakfast or brunch or whatever you wanna call it. Then we need to find a cheap hotel and crash for a few hours." "Sounds like I'll be the only one having coffee to drink," I said. Gina laughed. "Didja hear that, dudes? Michelle just invited herself to a free breakfast." "Gee-nah!" Amy and Sarah burst out in unison. Then all three of them laughed. "That was so rude, dude," said Amy, not at all offended. For a second I thought Amy was talking to me, and that Amy had figured out I used to be a man, but it was clear from the context she was addressing Gina. "Of course she's invited," said Sarah. "It's our treat. After all, Michelle, you're homeless. You've had enough bad luck." "I just hope you, like, stay away from the booze," said Gina to me, looking like she really meant it. "Alcohol isn't my vice," I said. "I'm a heroin addict." I rolled up my right sleeve and showed Gina my scars and bruises. "Holy shit!" Gina swore. "Girls, she's not kidding! Michelle's on the fuckin' rig. She's got, like, scars on her arms and everything." "Not any more," I said. "I'm quitting, effective today. I'm going to pull myself together, get off the junk, and get me a life." I hoped they believed me. I was assuming an unreformed junkie wouldn't just come right out and admit. "Gina, I think she means it," said Amy. "God bless you, Michelle," said Gina. Gina gave me a brief hug. While we were hugging, I got a whiff of my ear-length hair, and realized how filthy it was. "I'm so glad you girls believe me," I said. "When we finish breakfast, I want y'all to take me to the place where my friend Lillith works. She owns a store. She'll help me get on my feet." "It's a deal," said Sarah. "We want to help you with this." "And y'all don't have to treat me to breakfast," I insisted. "I can pay it. I've got a few bucks left over." "No way!" said Amy and Sarah together. "We're treating you, dude," said Amy unambiguously. "It's the least we can do. You'll have more money to pay for detox later." "Thanks, Amy. I'll never forget you guys." "You're gonna start jonesing pretty soon," Gina warned me. "Vomiting, diarrhea. You won't be able to sleep for days. I've known guys who were on the rig." "Including a certain ex-boyfriend," Amy put in, one eyebrow raised. "Who shall remain nameless," Gina chimed in. "It got ugly, not just for me but for Amy here too." "The asshole's doing hard time now," said Amy with great satisfaction. "Deserves every minute of it, too." "Lillith's an old friend," I explained. "A real friend, not the kind I used to shoot up with. She'll help me through this." The fact was, I barely knew Lillith, and she knew I had never liked her. Not until now, anyway. The truth was far too weird for these kids to believe. "How about McDonald's?" Sarah called out from the driver's seat. "Mickey-Dee's? Blekh! Corporate crap," Amy joked. "Amy's right. Mcdonald's it is," said Gina. "Good! It's decided," said Sarah, as we pulled into the parking lot of a McDonald's somewhere in southeast Raleigh. "It's corporate crap, but it's a known quality," said Amy with a shrug. Our eyes met. To me, she seemed no different from lots of other late-teens-early-twenties kids, the kind who are just trying things out, and uncertain what sort of plans to make for their future. But she seemed fascinated with me. Once again, I suspected she knew I used to be a man, but it was a ridiculous thought. Sleepy Lena woke up just enough to tell Gina she wasn't hungry, so we let her go back to her snooze. As the rest of us piled out of the van and into the McDonald's for breakfast, I suddenly realized I was shorter than the tall late-teens Black boy behind the counter. I guessed Amy's height to be a petite five feet four or five inches. Using her as a measuring rod, I calculated my own height at five feet seven or eight inches, roughly the same as the other three girls. Since I'd been six feet tall when I was Joe, I was disappointed at having to raise my chin to look a youth of eighteen in the eye. We ordered breakfasts and staked out a table for four. I sat next to Amy and across from Gina. Sarah sat across from Amy. "I want to thank you girls for buying me breakfast," I said. "It's the least we can do," said Sarah. She had a sweet smile. "But be warned," said Gina, "you might see that breakfast again in an hour or two, when withdrawal hits. Beating heroin takes guts." "I want to go see my friend Lillith," I said. "She'll know what to do." Amy gave me an encouraging look. "You're gonna lick this thing, Michelle. I can tell. You're tough. You're an ass-kicker." "That was a great gig last night," said Gina. "You should have been there, Michelle. The audience loved us." "We were at Chapel Hill," said Amy, "which is this way cool boho college town just up the road there." "She knows that, Amy!" Gina chided. "She's from North Carolina." Amy made a face. What a delightful bunch of kids they were! I had to remind myself they didn't see as a middle-aged person, but as a young woman only four or five years older than they were. As we started eating, I considered my good fortune. I was not just alive again, I was alive and young, but with all the wisdom I'd gained from my fifty-one years as a man named Joe Conover. I was going to kick some ass, too! Once I beat this heroin habit, that is. "We've got a gig tonight with a bunch of other bands over at the NC State campus," Sarah explained. "Moo-U!" said Amy, imitating a cow. "Moo-U!" said all three of them in unison. "So," I said, "all you guys know about North Carolina State is what they told you at Chapel Hill. Yes, it did start out as an agricultural college. But that's nothing to be ashamed of. We're eating agricultural products right now." "She's got a point there," said Sarah, eyeing her egg-ham-cheese biscuit, before taking another bite. "They have a top-rated engineering school too," I continued. "It's a fine school with a broad curriculum. They're not just a bunch of aggies any more." I was a proud alumnus (alumna?) of North Carolina State, but I couldn't bear to tell them that a college graduate had sunk so low as to become a homeless heroin addict. "Looks like your typical college football rivalry," said Amy. "We have them in the Midwest too." "So, what kind of music do you guys play?" I asked. They tried to tell me by mentioning other bands that had influenced them. I knew about the Pretenders, and I'd heard of the Breeders, but didn't know any of the Breeders' songs. Then they mentioned some Japanese girl singer named Mitsuyo, whom I'd never heard of. I'm not even sure I'm spelling that right. Then Amy finally defined their sound in two words, "menstrual rock." The whole table laughed, including me. I finally said, "I like mostly older stuff: The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Who, Jimi Hendricks." "That's all great stuff, dude," asked Gina, "but aren't you kind of young to be into Classic Rock?" "Maybe." I shrugged again, disguised Baby Boomer that I was. I sipped my McDonald's coffee, and figured out that the teen-speak term "dude" was no longer gender-specific. Amy finished eating first. Picking up her coffee, she announced, "I'll be outside. I'm joe, I mean, I gotta have a cigarette." I knew she was starting to say she was jonesing for a smoke, and I appreciated her last-minute edit job on her words. ### When breakfast was over, I directed the Silly Monkey van to Martin Street in downtown Raleigh, just west of the park. As I said earlier, this was an old section of town where buildings once used as warehouses were starting to fill up with businesses and loft apartments. "Right there on your right, Sarah," I said. "The Metaphysical Store." Sarah pulled the van up the curb, and I got out, thanking the girls profusely all the while. They all got out, too, even yawning Lena, who asked where the hotel was. They all hugged me and wished me luck. I even got a hug from Lena, who called me Shelly, despite Sarah's attempt to introduce us. Amy was the last to get back in the van. "Before I go, Michelle," she said, "I'd like to have some way to get in touch with you later and see how you're doing." "Sure thing." I managed a smile. "You can just write care of the store here. Lillith will get it to me." "That's no bullshit," said Amy. "I will write, 'cause we're all concerned about you. You just get off that fuckin' rig, and you'll be ready to kick some ass." She flashed me a thumbs-up as she got in. I returned the thumbs-up, then waved as they pulled away from the curb. This is one of the strange things about life. You meet people sometimes by chance, and never see them again, but in those few minutes they make an indelible impression, for good or ill. I'll always be grateful to the Silly Monkey girls for the kindness they'd showed to me. It wasn't just the ride and the meal. They had brightened up the very grim first day of my second life. I took a deep breath. It was every middle aged person's dream to be young again, with all the vigor of youth, and your whole life ahead of you to realize your possibilities, but also armed with the experience of fifty years, so you won't make the same mistakes the second time around. And I had been given this unique blessing. It was a truly wonderful thing. The heroin-bomb was still ticking inside me. Defusing it was the most important thing now. Gender issues could wait for another time. Part Two: The Metaphysical Store I turned around and faced The Metaphysical Store. The display window featured several books on subjects that have never interested me (Deepak Chopra and the channeler Lazaris, for instance), and there was a half-off sale on aromatherapy candles. A sign advertised the hours on Sunday afternoon when Lillith would be available for what she called "readings." I was about to share some most peculiar reading matter with her. I walked into the store. It was a Friday morning, perhaps 9 or 10 AM. There was only one customer, a young woman in blue jeans, college-age, carefully studying the bookshelves. A big table in the middle of the room contained the candles that were on sale. Lillith was behind the counter, looking bored. She was about my age; that is, early fifties, the age of my first body, and a bit on the heavy side with ear-length blonde hair. She was wearing a long loose-fitting dress without a well-defined waist. Lillith looked like what she was, a middle-aged hippy. She and I had met once or twice, briefly. I had never thought much of her and she knew it. The phone rang. "Metaphysical Store?" Lillith answered. "No, we do not carry 'The Satanic Bible,' or anything else by LeVey." She looked at me and waved. I guessed she was mistaking me for a regular customer. I stepped up to the counter. "No," she said into the phone, "we don't carry any Satanist items at all." The caller said something. "Because, sir," she said pleasantly, "I have a moral objection to that kind of shit, that's why. Have a nice day, sir." She turned to me like we were old friends. She began the conversation with a whisper, as if she knew how crazy the subject matter would sound to the store's lone customer. "Joe? Joe Conover? Thank the Goddess, you're not dead." I was flabbergasted. She knew who I was and why I was here! I glanced warily at the customer, and replied in a low volume. "Then you know about this?" "Sure. It's my gift. I'm sensing you're glad to be alive, even though you'd rather have come back as a man." "I'm also a sleazy drug addict. I woke up today in a flophouse." "You're a heroin addict." "I know. I found the scars on my arm. I broke my syringe the minute I realized that. I need help, Lillith. I have no place to stay. Nobody's gonna believe I'm Joe Conover, except you. I can't go to my kids, at least, not until I'm over my drug problem and have a job. I've got two hundred bucks in my wallet and the clothes on my back. Then there's the weirdness of coming back as a woman. Lillith, I'm glad to be alive." I started to cry. "But I'm scared. I need help." Lillith stepped around the counter and gave me a hug. Without another word, she led me into the back room and lowered me into the chair in front of her desk. She dried my face. "Just sit tight for a few minutes, Michelle," she said. "I'll phone my roommate Natalie. She has a home office at my house. If she's home, she'll pick you up and take you back there. Later we'll buy you some new clothes. Whew! I suggest you wash your hair today." "Thanks so much, Lillith. I didn't think much of you before now, but I gotta admit, you're the real thing. You even knew I'm going by the name Michelle now." Her eyes twinkled with mischief. "Still think I'm a charlatan?" "Of course not." "I'm not a Gypsy either, Michelle." She snickered. "By the way, nah-nah-nuh-naaa-naaa!" She laughed. She was entitled to a laugh at the expense of my skepticism, so I laughed back. "I just had to get that out of my system," Lillith said. She bent down and kissed me on the forehead. "Now you just hang tight, honey, while I call Natalie. If she's not home, I'll call a taxi for you." "Thanks so much, Lillith." I was feeling very humble at the moment. It was a new feeling. I'd always felt myself to be the equal of every task life had sent my way. Now, however, I was dealing with something absolutely uncanny that had never happened before in the history of mankind. At least, not so far as I then knew. I put my elbows on the desk and buried my face in my hands. I tried to tell myself it was a blessing just to be alive again, but I was starting life over as a homeless, heroin-addicted woman, and the time bomb was still ticking. Lillith's head popped back through the crack in the door. "Good news, Michelle, Natalie was home, and she'll be here in about 30 minutes." "Thanks. In the meantime, can I browse around the store a bit?" "Sure." So I whiled away the next half-hour or so trying to work up some interest in the contents of Lillith's bookshelves. In failed to find any interest in her books on UFO's and alien abduction, or in the endless scavenger hunt for lost Atlantis, or in Tarot, or in astrology. I was looking into a book about angels, and noted with some interest that they had Hebrew names, when I heard the other book-browser step past me. "Loser," she stage-whispered. She was mistaken. I was no loser. I'd just started my next race. My head turned to meet the sound of the door opening. "Michelle, she's here," Lillith called out from her place at the counter. Natalie came into the store, looking bright and cheerful. She had thick wavy hair falling down to her shoulders, dark brown skin and delicate African facial features, with thick cherry-red lips. She was wearing a halter top and low-cut tight blue jeans, showing a slim muscular abdomen. As the kids like to say, Natalie was a hottie. For a moment I felt sadly stuck, once again. Her obvious eagerness to see me brightened my mood at once. She walked rapidly around the aromatherapy table towards me and said, "Ready to go, Michelle?" She hugged me like a sister. It felt good, so I hugged back. She smelled wonderful. I didn't. When we came apart, she made a face, and then showed me her best smile. "Girlfriend, soon as we get you home, you're getting a shampoo." "Don't forget your backpack, Michelle," Lillith called out from behind the counter. She passed it to me across the counter, and we left. In the car on the way home, Natalie and I compared stories. She began with a blunt question. "How old were you when you died?" "Fifty-one. I left two grown kids behind me, and the business I founded with two partners is thriving. Or it was, when I started dying of cancer. Ever heard of ACP Technologies?" "I'm not sure." "My real name is Joe Conover, and the C in ACP stands for me. I was one of the three founding partners. It's one of the fastest growing computer consulting firms in the world. It's still growing, too, despite the famous implosion of the 'dot-com' companies." "I used to be a man named Eric Hopkins. I died when I was nineteen, but the good Lord saw fit to drop me into this body, so now I use 'her' name, Natalie." I gasped. I wasn't the only person this had happened to! "Then you also swapped bodies with someone just at the moment of death?" "Not exactly. God swapped our bodies. The original Natalie was a stripper who spent all her spare time drunk. After I died, I woke up in her body, sharing an apartment with two other strippers who hated me. They liked me even less when I treated them like strangers that morning. I didn't know who they were, and I couldn't understand why I was a woman all of a sudden. I was scared to death." "Me too." "There, see? We have something in common. Now I know I'm not the only one. Fortunately, God made sure you and I got together, so I could introduce you to womanhood." "Then you really do believe God did this to us?" "Not TO us. FOR us, girl." I squirmed a little at hearing myself called "girl." It didn't seem right. This God-talk also made me squirm. For me, G-O-D had replaced S-E-X as the subject a gentleman does not bring up in polite society. Although theoretically a member of a major Protestant denomination, I had seldom attended church, and tended to look upon religion as a convenient way to keep other people from killing each other. God had never seemed real to me. Even when I prayed to God during my last illness, I had no sense that anyone was listening. "Then you're comfortable being a woman?" I asked. "How is that possible?" "That's a long story. I think it's more important right now for us to compare our stories, so we'll both understand why God sent us back into the world as women." "Okay," I said. "How long ago did God swap you?" "Five years. And I tell you what, Michelle, the first year or so was pretty rough, but I'm used to it, now." "Then you turned into somebody else! That's scary, Eric." I used her original male name on purpose. "I'm not Eric any more," she said. My heart skipped a beat. I gasped. I was going to turn into somebody else. Nothing would remain of Joe Conover but a memory. That was very, very wrong. "I know what you're thinking, Michelle. Actually I haven't completely lost Eric. I just started growing in a different direction. Eric's good qualities are still with me." "So tell me Eric's story first." "Okay. When I was a guy, I was what they call a 'playa.' I chased after the ladies and had a long list of sexual conquests, beginning when I was fifteen. But let me clarify one thing. I'm not from the ghetto. My people were middle-class Blacks from upscale Severn County, Maryland. In high school my favorite subject was English. I was an aspiring writer. After high school, I didn't want to go to college right away. I wanted to go out and see something of the world, and get some experience, so I could have something to write about. My dad's brother owned some fast-food franchises, so I came down here to Raleigh and worked in one for a year. I dabbled at writing but I spent most of my time chasing the fillies." "Not realizing you would become one yourself," I put in. She laughed. Her laugh was a brief high-pitched giggle. "Yes, life happens while we make other plans. Anyway, I must have done some girl who had a very jealous boyfriend, 'cause one day three guys grabbed me on the street, threw me into a car, drove me to a dark alley somewhere and beat the shit out of me. Then, when I was lying there helpless and sore, their leader whips out a huge knife and says, 'This is for fuckin' my woman!' Then he rips out my plumbing, the whole works. He got everything, girl, and left me to die there with nothing between my legs but a bloody wound." "That's horrible!" I made a face. "I lost consciousness pretty fast. You know, if you cut a man's penis off, and don't do anything to stop the bleeding, he bleeds to death in a hurry." "Stands to reason. There's a lot of blood vessels in those things." "Now let me get back to my first days as Natalie. I found out from my roommates that I'd just lost my last job for puking on a customer in the middle of a lap dance. Not knowing what to do, I looked up a psychic in the classified ads of one of those weekly papers. I figured a psychic would be the only people who would believe my story. I came up with Lillith's name, and got a reading from her at the store. She agreed to take me in. I moved my stuff out of my ex-roommates' place and into her house. I started working in her store to earn my keep and worked on my writing. My first novel, 'On My Own Case,' was highly autobiographical." "You told your own story as fiction." "Yeah, but instead of becoming a professional writer, the new woman becomes a psychic detective. I had always wanted to write crime fiction, so Melanie Grove solves crimes. Both of my first two novels are about her, and I'm working on the third one now." "Can you actually earn a living at this?" "Not till very recently. Two months ago I sold the film rights to 'On My Own Case' for a hundred thousand dollars." "That's great! When are you gonna get the money?" "I already got it. There's another two hundred thousand coming on 'the first day of principal photography.' That's an industry term." "What if they never make the movie? Will you get that money?" "If they never make the movie, I'll never see the rest of it. That's why, when you sell film rights, what you're actually selling is an 'option' to make a movie. They can still opt not to make it. That's part of the reason I'm still an active writer, instead of a woman of leisure." I was hoping Natalie had a good estate planner and tax accountant. "I think it's wonderful what you've done, Natalie. It's like you just continued working toward the same goal you had when you were a man." "Yeah, but my female characters are a lot more convincing now." She smiled broadly, flashing perfect white teeth. One of her front teeth had a tiny diamond in it. I guessed the original Natalie, the stripper, had it put in. "And I'm sure," I added, "your male characters are better than those of most female authors." "Precisely. Which brings me to the reason why God remade us as women to begin with. He's making good-will ambassadors between men and women. We're better qualified than, say, the guy who wrote those Mars-and-Venus books, because we remember being men and know what men are like more intimately than any born woman." "That's interesting." Like most people, I commonly said, "that's interesting" just to keep the conversation moving, but this time I thought she had a good point. It was a useful purpose for women like Natalie and me. We pulled into the driveway of Lillith's modest two-bedroom house in the North Raleigh suburbs. "Lillith's got an interesting history herself," Natalie added. "You mean Lillith used to be a guy?" "Oh, no." Natalie laughed again as we got out of the car. "I just told you I was the only one I knew about until I met you. Lillith was one of the original hippies from the San Francisco Summer of Love in 1967. She taught me a lot about those times. Oh, but of course you lived through that too, Michelle. I don't have to tell you anything." We started up the walk towards the house. "I'm about her age. I'm an old Baby Boomer too. I wasn't a hippy. I was an activist. There was an important distinction there. A lot of people never figured out the difference." When we got to the front door, Natalie put a sisterly arm on my shoulder and asked, "How are you feeling?" "I'm a bit chilly." She looked at me seriously as she put the key in the lock. "It's August, Michelle. The temperature is in the seventies, and you're wearing a flannel shirt, but you're chilly." "Withdrawal symptoms?" I asked. "Afraid so," she said, opening the door. We stepped inside. "I'm gonna download some information about heroin withdrawal from the Web, so we'll both know what to expect. Be brave, girl. The next few days are going to be rough." Part Three: The Monkey on My Back Natalie took my dirty clothes to the laundry room, while I monopolized the bathroom for the next hour. I took a long, hot shower, shampooing my hair in the process. When I got out of the shower, I felt like I was walking on an iceberg. I was so cold my teeth clattered together and my knees shivered. I wrapped myself in a robe and blow-dried my hair. A few times I opened my robe and massaged my body with hot air in an attempt to keep warm. As I brushed my hair straight, I realized how much I had to learn about female grooming: hair care, makeup, nail polish, matching clothes. how to walk and sit in a short skirt. But, if I was going to be a Lesbian or celibate anyway, how feminine would I need to be? Such were the ideas that were going through my head as I finished drying my hair. Drying my hair didn't take long, because it was barely long enough to cover my ears, with short bangs in the front. It was a low-maintenance style, which I decided to keep. The chills went away as I left the bathroom, still wrapped in Lillith's plus-size robe that overwhelmed my bony frame. My stomach felt tense. I found Natalie in her bedroom, which was also her home office. She was busy at her computer, probably at work on her next novel. She looked up from the screen. "Michelle," she said, "I've got the information now. I don't suppose you have any idea when you last shot up." "No. Michelle Version One was still in this body then." "Version One. That's funny. Hold onto that sense of humor, girlfriend, 'cause you're gonna need it." She spoke gravely, glancing at her monitor screen several times as she explained the symptoms. "You'll be jonesing for a week, maybe longer, depending on how long you used. Your symptoms include drug craving, restlessness, insomnia, cramping, vomiting and diarrhea, cold flashes and kicking with your feet. That's where the expression 'kicking dope' or 'kicking the habit' comes from. Also, you'll have dilated pupils, goose bumps like we've already seen, watery eyes, runny nose, yawning, loss of appetite, tremors, panic attacks, and muscle cramps. Your blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, and temperature will go up. It'll be most extreme about 48 to 72 hours after your last use." I remembered the day of the week was Friday. "Well, assuming I last shot up yesterday, that means this is gonna be a grim weekend for me." She reached forward and patted me on the shoulder where I was sitting. "We'll help you through this, Michelle." "So you're not going to take me to the hospital?" "I wouldn't expect a homeless junkie to have health insurance." "Good point." I nodded, feeling stubborn. "I can lick this. I know it won't feel the same as dying of cancer, but it can't possibly be worse. Besides, it'll be over in a week." "The longer you've been a user, the longer it's gonna take. You don't know how long the previous owner abused that body you're living in." She took both my hands and looked me in the eyes. "Listen, I'm a recovering alcoholic, so I know what it's like to battle addiction, even though your symptoms are going to be very different. Lillith and I will help you through this." She hugged me. "Lillith and I are on your side for lots of reasons. We'll help you, honey." I could feel the pressure building in my throat. I clapped a hand over my mouth and ran for the bathroom again. Not quite making it, I spewed that half-digested McDonald's breakfast all over Lillith's bathroom floor. ### At breakfast the next morning, I nibbled at my toast and sipped my orange juice in silence for a while. Then Lillith said, "Michelle, honey, you're already seriously underweight, and this heroin withdrawal is going to take a lot of energy. So please, please, eat. Force yourself to eat." I yawned. "Pass the strawberry jam," was all I managed to say. Natalie handed it over. "Get any sleep last night?" "Not a wink." My hands quivered as I spread the jam on my toast. "I knew you didn't sleep," Lillith said. "You didn't touch the bed in the guest room." "Natalie, I want to thank you for being there for me yesterday," I told her. "I really appreciate that." "No trouble at all, girlfriend," said Natalie. "Warm up your coffee?" "Thanks," I said. "I'll want it mostly to warm up my insides." Natalie filled my mug again. "I can see your hands shaking," Lillith observed. "Are the chills just as bad as yesterday?" "No, they're worse. I was shivering all night. Today and tomorrow are going to be my worst days, according to Natalie. Worst for the chills, worst for the shakes, worst for the kicking, worst for everything." I held my mug in shaking hands, and managed to take a sip and put it down again without spilling any. "This is my day to mind the store," said Natalie. "Lillith will be here for you." "That's good. I appreciate that. This is not something I want to face alone." I took a bite of toast and munched it, mulling over my weird situation as I chewed. Joe Conover was now a woman, but deep inside he was still Joe Conover. I was afraid that one day this situation would drive me crazy, but here sitting beside me was Natalie, formerly known as Eric, and she was doing fine. How had she managed to kill the male part of herself? How could I kill mine? Did I have any right to kill it? I was, after all, a father. Unlike Natalie, I had responsibilities to my children even though they were now adults. For Nancy's and Jason's sake, I would have to remain Joe Conover forever, which meant that I would always be stuck in this body. I looked at Lillith over my half-eaten toast, but she spoke first. "I heard the TV on last night. What were you watching?" "I was improving my mind, using the History Channel, the Learning Channel, and various Discover channels. I learned about dinosaurs, ancient Pompeii, the air war in the Pacific in World War Two, and how the Brooklyn Bridge was built." I yawned again. "Are you sleepy, honey?" asked Lillith maternally. "No. The yawning is just a reflex." I was dreading today and tomorrow. ### I spent all day Saturday on the sofa, shivering, my teeth clattering like an old-fashioned telegraph key. Lillith held me while my feet violently kicked the air. I felt panicky a couple of times, and feared I was going to die again. Even when she had lunch, Lillith never left my side. I was shaking too violently to feed myself, so Lillith spooned some vegetable soup down my throat. I was to hold my food now, which was a blessing. The night-times were the most fearful times. Because Lillith and Natalie had to sleep (and had the privilege of being able to do it), I was alone on the sofa while Lillith dozed in the living room's best chair. Something, perhaps her psychic sense, awakened her from time to time to check on me. I tried to get my mind off my misery by watching a marathon of light comedy movies on TV, but I couldn't concentrate on anything. I collapsed into a fitful sleep sometime after 4:00 AM, but woke up shivering two hours later. At Sunday breakfast, I was shaking so bad that Natalie fed me my toast and coffee. Then she got dressed up in her church clothes. "I'll say a prayer for you," she said, using her nicest smile. Lillith watched over me during the morning hours. I was kicking so hard she had to move the coffee table further from the couch. Natalie returned from church, changed into designer jeans, and took the TV remote away from me. "Little bit of Eric is still in there," I joked through my chattering teeth. Laughing, Natalie switched the station to hip-hop videos. In the afternoon, Lillith left to open up the store for her psychic readings. I remained a fixture in the living room, shivering and kicking. Natalie watched videos for a while. Then she went to her room to write, but she checked in on me every fifteen minutes or so. About 3:00 PM the kicking subsided. I still felt chilly, and my arms were covered with goosebumps, but my teeth stopped chattering and my body stopped shaking. I asked Natalie to fix me some lunch. She served me another bowl of vegetable soup and a turkey sandwich, and sat beside me to watch me eat it. "Do you like to read mystery stories?" she asked. "Well," I said diplomatically, "I read a few Sherlock Holmes stories when I was younger." "Because if you can concentrate well enough to read something, I'd like you to try some of my novels." "Okay. Just leave them where I can find them. I just might check them out later this week." So she left two paperbacks sitting on the coffee table for me. In between TV shows, I stared at them and appreciated her entrepreneurial confidence. If she didn't believe in her own stories, who else would? After lunch, I didn't eat that day. Instead, I went to bed at seven o'clock, with an electric blanket turned all the way up. I slept or tried to sleep for the next seventeen hours. I was awakened many times by chills and shivering, by kicking spasms, or by grotesque nightmares that I usually couldn't remember. One that I did remember I had over and over that night: my body (the old male Joe Conover one) was growing cancerous green and purple sprouts shaped like plants or tentacles or clumps of fungi. About noon Monday, I threw on my robe and dragged myself into Natalie's room, where I found her diligently typing away. "When's lunch?" I asked. "Returning appetite," she said, looking up from her monitor. "That's good news. Other than that, how are you feeling?" "Like shit. I can sleep a little bit. I kicked a lot in my bed. I've still got the chills." I sighed. "You know, Natalie, even though I wasn't in this body the last time Michelle Version One shot up, I can understand how hard it is to quit this stuff." I sat down on the corner of her bed. "I have this incredibly intense craving. It's not for food, it's not for water, it's---" "Heroin," she completed. "Your body is begging you for another fix." "Which I won't give it." "God-damn right you won't," said Natalie firmly. "After all, you're the one that stomped on your syringe." "Natalie, what if I've got AIDS or Hepatitis?" "We don't know about that yet. First let's get you through the jones. Then we'll take you in a for a physical and see about the other stuff." "Can Lillith's psychic powers see that stuff in me?" She shook her head. "She can detect symptoms, but she doesn't carry around an electron microscope in her head. She can't see a virus in you." She reached over and patted me on the arm. "Let's get through the withdrawal first, shall we?" "Good idea, Natalie. One problem at a time." She took one of my hands in hers. "You still have the chills," she said, "but at least your hands aren't shaking like they were over the weekend. I'm willing to bet you can make your own sandwich if I show you where everything is." "Yeah, that would be good. I hate to be such a bother." So I made myself a sandwich in the kitchen and ate it. For the afternoon, I turned off the TV for a change and curled up on the sofa with Natalie's first novel, "On My Own Case." It was the story of the man who lay dying, whose life was mysteriously saved when his mind was swapped into a female body. Now known as Melanie Grove, she solved the murder of the man she had once been. I enjoyed reading it. The characterization and details were vivid, and the pacing of the story was smoother. I kept on turning pages mainly to find out how a man who is not a transsexual, not even a casual cross-dresser, adapts himself to the prospect of spending the rest of his life as a woman named Melanie. And midway through, Natalie's novel answered my question. The answer was, don't try to suppress and forget the man you used to be. He'll always be there. Instead, you develop another aspect of your personality, a feminine face you offer to the world. It gets you through the day, and it helps you enjoy being a woman. However, you can still adopt your old masculine attitudes from time to time. In my case, of course, the old me, whose name was Joe, would return when I reunited with my children. I could still be their Dad, even in a female body. But I couldn't go back and see my kids until after I'd gotten my life straightened out, and that would take some time. In the meantime, I would have to learn how to be a woman named Michelle most of the time. At dinnertime, not having much of an appetite, I made myself another sandwich. While I was making myself eat it, I noticed that even though the chills were still there, my kicking spasms were gone. That was real progress. I finished the book Monday evening about 10:00 PM. Once again, I slept only intermittently during the night, but I got up in the morning and started on Natalie's second book. Reading all day and into the evening, I came within a couple of chapters of finishing it, and decided to save some for Wednesday. I finished it Wednesday. In the afternoon, Natalie took a break from her writing to show me some basic grooming techniques: brushing hair, applying lipstick and basic makeup skills. "This weekend, like maybe Sunday after church, we'll go shopping and get you some clothes," she said, very excited. "Oh, you and I are going to be a great pair of girl friends. I just know it!" I spent the rest of the week being chilly and restless and fighting that nameless craving. I spent a lot of time pacing around the house, muttering to myself. Fortunately, I could compose myself enough to do something for perhaps half an hour at a time. I used this time to do household chores, like scrubbing the bathtub and dusting furniture. I also spent some of it writing. I recorded my recollections and feelings of the past few days in an unused notebook that I'd found in the guestroom. These pages are the remote descendants of that little diary. Wednesday evening after dinner, Natalie and I were idly watching the TV news, when I felt like discussing my gender issue with her. "I read your first two books," I said. "Really? Did you like them?" "Yes, the characters were convincing and the plot kept moving." "Oh, thanks! Just wait till you see the third one," she broke in. "I'm going to throw in some truly audacious plot twists." "Excuse me, Natalie, but the main thing that interests me so far is how Melanie learns to accept her womanhood. She realizes she can't get rid of her old identity completely, so she decides to be both. She presents herself to the world as Melanie, but she's got her masculine aspect tucked away in the attic, so to speak, to rely on when she needs it." "When Melanie was a man, his name was Ed," Natalie said. Like any committed author, she always spoke of her fictional characters as if they were real. "I'll try her strategy too," I replied, "but I have to tell you, it feels kind of weird being Joe inside and telling everybody I'm Michelle. That feels weird to me." "You can't tell anybody you're Joe, or it's involuntary commitment for you, girlfriend." "I know, Natalie, but you're not a parent. My kids need me." "How old are they?" "Early twenties. They've both just finished college, but age isn't the whole story, because their mother died only two years before I died of cancer." "That's young to lose both your parents." "I know. I want to be there for them. I don't know how I'm gonna explain it to my son Jason, but I think Nancy will believe me. She's like my wife Linda. She's more open to weird stuff than Jason is. But I still can't go back to them yet, even without the heroin problem." Natalie nodded. "Yes," she said, "it will take some time for you to get used to being a woman." Her face brightened up. "I ought to give you some lessons in how to be girly." She giggled. "We'll have so much fun! If you like, we could start right now." I reached for the remote and switched off the TV. "Okay, Natalie, let's start with something simple, like how to sit down in a dress." "You're on! I have a skirt that I think will fit you." She jumped up from the sofa. "Go to your room and slip out of those jeans. I'll meet you there in a couple of minutes." I went to "my room" (actually the master bedroom which Lillith was sharing with me) and slipped out of my jeans, feeling chilly again. Carrying a skirt on a hanger, Natalie came in and found me naked from the waist down. She laughed. "You didn't have to take your panties off too!" "I don't wear panties under blue jeans. They seem unnecessary somehow." I opened the almost-empty drawer in Lillith's dresser that she had lent to me. I kept a few pairs of panties in it. Some were loaners from Natalie. Lillith's undies were too big for me. "Nothing wrong with that," said Natalie, "but you'll probably want panties during your periods. You're so malnourished, you might miss your next one." "That's okay with me," I said, trying to avoid the unpleasant thought of gooey menstrual blood leaking out of me. I stepped into a pair of panties and pulled them up. I thought of what I now had between my legs, in the place of the organs that had begotten my children. I felt stuck and emasculated, and wondered if this body would ever be truly mine. Bravely telling myself that I had to at least give my new feminine role a try, I pulled on the skirt. Natalie pulled up a wooden chair with an old-fashioned cane bottom. "The number one objective here," Natalie began, "is to avoid flashing your panties to everybody in the room." Her large dark eyes twinkled. She giggled. "Unless, of course, you're seriously trying to get some guy's attention." Natalie and I then began my first lesson in femininity. Walking and sitting in a skirt aren't difficult, really. The main point is to keep your knees together as you sit and stand up. That was easy. Since the age of 13, when I first started looking up skirts, I'd seen many girls do that. But since I like to cross my legs, she had to show me how to do that without flashing. With a little bit of practice, I could neatly lower myself into a seated position and cross my legs at the knee, at the same time using a hand to tuck the hem of the skirt between my knees, so I didn't flash anything. "That was easy, wasn't it, Michelle?" "Yeah." "You're a fast learner. With a makeover and some decent clothes and accessories, you're going to have men breaking their necks as you walk by." I shook my head. "I don't think so, Natalie. I've never been attracted to men. I don't see why that should change now. I'll either be Lesbian or celibate." That amused Natalie. "We'll just have to see how you want to play it. Truth be told, I was attracted to both sexes when I was a guy. I never did anything with men. I was terrified of being queer." She laughed. "I had no idea what was coming up. Now I can have a boyfriend and not feel gay. I'm still attracted to women, but I don't do anything about it. I kind of overdosed on chicks back when I was Eric. I wouldn't want to do anything with one now, anyway, because I would be disloyal to my boyfriend." "You have a boyfriend?" "Lord, yes! He's such a cool guy. He's a librarian. I met him at a book signing. Turns out he was a big fan of my first book. His name is Dewey. Let me show you his picture." She took out her wallet and showed me a picture of herself on a sofa beside a slightly chubby black man with wire-frame glasses and a shaved head. I handed back the picture. "He looks like a nice man, Natalie, but for me the main issue is not whether I'm going to be a Lesbian or a straight woman but whether I can accept being female at all. I didn't ask for this. I'm no transsexual." "You used to work in computers, right?" "Right." "Then you know the difference between hardware and software." "Right." "I learned it when Lillith taught me how to word process. Later I did some reading on brain anatomy and behavior and figured out that brain wiring is the key to the whole process." "Brain wiring?" "Exactly. We have the memories of the men we used to be. That's the software. The old software was deleted and replaced with our files and programs. So I remember being Eric and you remember being Joe. Are you with me so far?" "Yeah." "However, how the brain cells connect with each other is part of the hardware, the brain wiring. We still have women's brains, and they're wired to operate a woman's body. I felt stuck in this body at the beginning, but over time, the feedback my female-wired brain gave me changed my whole orientation, so I feel at home in this body now. I don't miss being a man any more, even though I think it's really cool that I used to be one." "So basically, Natalie, what you're saying is, a human being's personality isn't just memories and thoughts and feelings, it's also partly anatomy. Just like a slow motherboard would make even a very efficiently written program, optimized for speed, run slower." "Precisely." "I don't know whether that'll work with me, Natalie. Here I am sitting here in a skirt, with my knees crossed like a proper young lady, but I feel like a cross-dresser who's had his penis cut off." She looked at me sympathetically. "Michelle, honey, a lot has been taken away from us, but we need to make the best of what we've got. After all, we didn't choose to be men the first time around, did we?" "No." Natalie shook her head. "I'll admit my first year wasn't easy. Then I figured out it wasn't an either-or thing. I didn't have to either become Eric again or totally forget about him." "You're androgynous," I said. "Precisely." "Maybe I ought to change my name to Michelle Josephine Toomey so people can still call me Jo," I said with a grin. Natalie missed the joke. "What's your middle name now?" "Amanda." "That's a nice name, but it's getting overused." ### On Friday morning I awoke feeling very strange, but in a good way. I wasn't kicking. I wasn't shivering. I wasn't restless. I wasn't consumed by an unnamed craving. I was over my jones. I was well. I looked up at the ceiling and whispered, "Thank you, God!" I threw the covers off, pulled on my blue jeans and a tee shirt, and ran to the breakfast table to share the good news. Lillith looked up from putting jam on a bagel and said, "Is the house on fire?" "No!" I said, almost shouting. Natalie put down her coffee mug and beamed her brightest smile at me. She had already guessed the good news. "Natalie, Lillith, I'm not sick any more. I beat it!" They jumped up from the table and surrounded me with the

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The Devil in Joe

Joe was a nice guy, everybody always told him so and he liked being called thus. Joe was a system analyst, that whilst it was not the most exciting job in the world, it paid the bills. He liked working for a large company where he was constantly told there were places to ?grow? in the company. Approaching his thirties he was in reasonably good shape, average build, average height, pale grey eyes and brown hair. He worked out regularly and was happy with himself.  He did not consider himself to...

4 years ago
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A Girl Named Joe Part one

Joseph A. Bradley sat in the small camp chair around the fire and realized he was happy. He was on his family's hereditary property on the Hawaiian island of Kawai camping with his family. Dinner had been hamburgers cooked on a grate over the fire with chips and cold veggies his wife, Karen brought. Right now, Karen was in the Winnebago cleaning the dishes and his son across from his having a civil conversation with his father. His Daughter was at the edge of the clearing looking up...

4 years ago
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Joe is trained as a doggyslave

Converted from "3931_01.txt" on 13-Nov-2005 by AscToHTM 5.0 Joe is trained as a doggy-slave by 2NNWaiting for the man to arrive, Joe is thinking about how much things has changed since he met him. When they met Joe hadn't been in the least bit turned on by either breathplay or female footwear. Now Joe prances around in his home, wearing a pair of six-inch stilettos. He loves the stilettos now, but he didn't use to. Before he met the man stilettos did nothing for him, but now they make him...

1 year ago
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Joe Savior and his Glory Hole Wife

Joseph Savior was cleaning the family room of the four- bedroom colonial, cleaning and waiting for the calm that occurred only at night in their busy home. The odd and relaxing silence that sleeping kids would bring. Oh sure, a few giggling outbursts or requests for water from the c******n, but then as they drifted off the blessed silence would come. Mary was upstairs putting the c******n to bed. Four of them. From ten year old hellion, David, to three year old Beth. With eight year old, Tommy...

1 year ago
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Pete And Joe Get Laid Second stab at humor in sex

Pete and Joe have been friends all their lives. As such, they have shared quite a bit in the 30 or so odd years they have known each other. They shared a neighborhood. They shared a school. They shared friends. They shared the same drunken babe the night of their first sexual experience. They now share an apartment, and in a few minutes they will be sharing a pizza. "You did order the pizza," Pete asks quizzically, "right Joe?" "Yea, I ordered the damn pizza." "Extra sausage?" Pete asks. "I got...

2 years ago
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Joe und die Neue Zeit German

Joe und die ?Neue Zeit?von blumchen100 1. Virginia?Bitte nicht, Sir, bitte nicht mehr schlagen, bitte, bitte nicht mehr. Ich verspreche, ich tue es nie mehr wieder, nie mehr! Ich werde gehorchen, gehorchen, ganz bestimmt! Ich verspreche es, ganz bestimmt!?Ein heftiger Schluchzer erschuetterte den wohlgeformten Oberkoerper der nackten Frau, wobei ihre melonengrossen festen Brueste aufregend zitterten. Sie kniete vor dem Mann und hatte ihre Haende in flehender Geste wie zum Gebet gefaltet. Dann...

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Pete And Joe Get Laid Second Stab At Humor In Sex

Pete and Joe have been friends all their lives. As such, they have shared quite a bit in the 30 or so odd years they have known each other. They shared a neighborhood. They shared a school. They shared friends. They shared the same drunken babe the night of their first sexual experience. They now share an apartment, and in a few minutes they will be sharing a pizza."You did order the pizza," Pete asks quizzically, "right Joe?""Yea, I ordered the damn pizza.""Extra sausage?" Pete asks."I got...

2 years ago
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Pete And Joe Get Laid Second Stab At Humor In Sex

"You did order the pizza," Pete asks quizzically, "right Joe?" "Yea, I ordered the damn pizza." "Extra sausage?" Pete asks. "I got your sausage," says Joe sarcastically. "What's taking Jose so long, he's usually much quicker?" asks Pete. "What am I, his mother? How should I know?" Joe adds. Suddenly the door buzzer rings. Joe goes over to the intercom and presses the button. "Hello." "Pizza," a voice says. "Alright, come on up." Moments later...

2 years ago
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A girl named Joe part two

On the Monday, following Joes' arrival in Cocoa Beach He dressed in a set of the panties and bra and hose the air force provided and put on a sleeveless dress with a lace collar and the rather frumpy brown shoes. Everything fit, but Joe felt like a damned fruit in the anachronistic women's clothing. Joe cleaned up the dirty dishes and gave the apartment a good holystoning the night before, specifically because he knew Lt. Burns was due to drop by. That was why he kept all the dumpy...

1 year ago
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Marilyn Joe Flashing truckers

As we peer through an open door, we she a beautiful woman busily at work. She is wearing a very classy white suit that is knee length and has a slit at the rear, roughly twelve inches long. Her blouse is of a fine silk with a lacy tie, and her shoes are white six-inch stilettos, with a chrome-spiked heel. Her name is Marilyn, and she has long strawberry blonde hair, which she has pulled back and up in a banana clip. She is also wearing glasses, and all of this gives her a very professional yet...

3 years ago
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A girl named Joe

Joe Bradley also known as Joanne Bradford was on the floor of his little efficiency apartment laboriously cranking out push-ups. He could not manage as many as he wanted, because of diminished upper body strength. When he managed twenty push-ups he switched to sit ups, those were easier. Then he used the bar he installed in the closet to do ten pull- ups. When that regimen was finished, Joe took a shower. It had been three days since Joe's rape and he had not reported it. Doing so...

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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 12 The Truth Comes out about Joe

Ron had told me about his trip down south to convince Sarah that she should return home and try to patch up her marriage with Gary on her terms. My wife, Sue was cheating on me with her friend Lyn’s husband, Jon. It seemed that my life was starting to fall into tiny fragments but I couldn’t work on that now because my good friend Ron needed my support.I needed to allow Ron to work through what had happened to him and his wife, Ronnie and maybe, just maybe by doing so he might find a solution...

4 years ago
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Joe mum and me

Since mum and dad separated, mum and I have generally gone on holiday together at least once a year; either just the two of us or with mum’s current boyfriend of the time. Just after my sixteenth birthday mum announced that we were going on holiday to Spain. Mum was still in her early thirties and very attractive but at that time mum did not have a boyfriend. She asked me if I wanted to take mine. I must have looked vacant. “Joe,” she said. Joe is my sort of second cousin and almost exactly the...

First Time
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ldquoJoe is that making love

Introduction: Just toolin' along hummin' a song Country roads take me home; I’m humming the John Denver song, the radio’s off, I’m making my own music like I do a lot of the time when I’m driving. When I take off on a journey it’s always Willie and On the road again, sometimes, when I’m cruising during the day I’m with Tim McGraw going Everywhere, but at night, on a lonely country road it’s always Denver.And I am on a country road, two lanes of mcadam, a single white line down the middle but...

2 years ago
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Play with my titties Joe

Introduction: Just toolin' along hummin' a song Country roads take me home; I’m humming the John Denver song, the radio’s off, I’m making my own music like I do a lot of the time when I’m driving. When I take off on a journey it’s always Willie and On the road again, sometimes, when I’m cruising during the day I’m with Tim McGraw going Everywhere, but at night, on a lonely country road it’s always Denver.And I am on a country road, two lanes of mcadam, a single white line down the middle but...

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Joe on the Road

Introduction: Just toolin' along hummin' a song Country roads take me home; I’m humming the John Denver song, the radio’s off, I’m making my own music like I do a lot of the time when I’m driving. When I take off on a journey it’s always Willie and On the road again, sometimes, when I’m cruising during the day I’m with Tim McGraw going Everywhere, but at night, on a lonely country road it’s always Denver.And I am on a country road, two lanes of mcadam, a single white line down the middle but...

3 years ago
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Gloria Barbara Alice and Joe

GLORIA, BARBARA, ALICE AND JOE By Betty Noone Mark Curry and his wife, Shirley, lay on their bed completely exhausted. After ten years of matrimony they just had the most intense sex in all that time. They were both dripping wet, laying on their backs, and holding hands. Reveling in the moment they confessed to each other their utter satisfaction. However, as good as they felt they were confused. Up to now, in all of their married life they enjoyed sex with each other, and even...

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Two Moms Two Sons 11 Joe And Pete Do Something Sexy For Their Moms

POV: PeteJoe and I suddenly bit down on our bottom lips and made eye contact just for a few seconds. Needless to say, my hard-on deflated just a tad. No one said a word for over a minute, but we both surely knew they wanted to see the sight, judging by the looks on their faces.Then both of them came to us, but they went to each other's sons, so I had London press the front of her body onto mine. "We fucked each other for you two, solely to please you," she admitted, wrapping her arms around...

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When Joe met Mary Aly met Sam both for sex h

This is the first story although they can be read in any order. Joe & Aly came to Sam & Mary for help with their sex lives. They agreed to certain conditions chief of which was that they could not say no to anything suggested to them. They also had to agree to do anything they were ordered to do. When they hesitated they were led to the front door, at which point they both pleaded to Sam & Mary to take them on as clients. At that point they were told another condition is they would...

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Joe massages his busty mom

Joe is a teenager, young and full of thoughts about sex and fantasies. One thing occupying his mind is his mother Gina's luscious body. Her big bubble ass and her over sized tits measuring 75 F with cups as big as his head. He often brings one of her bras when he jerks of his growing cock, thinking of how he it would be to fondle them or even better suck them like when he was just a bejby. A moment he loves and also brings him a lot of sexual tension is when mommy asks him to massage her...

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Selena and JoeChapter 17

Joe woke Thursday morning in one of those dazes where you don't know where or what you are. The shades had been drawn, but light peeked in. He thought about a hotel room in Phoenix, but the sudden urge to pee changed his concentration to his penis and the night before came back to him in spades. He turned his head to see the sleeping Selena. "My God," he thought to himself. "This woman literally sexed me into submission last night. I've never seen a woman so possessed with sexual...

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Selena and JoeChapter 6

A rustling on the bed began to rile Joe from his sleep at he washed he cobwebs from his mind. He became aware of Selena slipping in behind him on the bed to spoon him, reversing the position they fell asleep in. "Good morning," she whispered with a kiss to his cheek. "Good Morning yourself! Are we sorry for anything that happened last night?" "No, not for me anyway. There was a lot of sexual tension building and I think we lifted it. My reasoning may have seemed flawed, that a first...

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The Standoff Miss Tiffany Saloon Owner Joe ORiley Sheriff

The year was 1882; the west had started to settle down and many of the old wild, rough and tough towns were no longer that way. Such was the small cow town of Apache Creek, AZ; at one time it was famous for being one of the roughest towns to drive cattle through. A town that use to be run by crooked Sheriff Williams, who looked the other way when cattle were rustled or a cattleman was robbed.Now it had settled down and the old sheriff was gone, replaced by Sheriff Joe O’Riley, an Irish bloke...

2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 55

Selena's Sunday morning dream made her sleep serene. It was of the simple life she and Joe would share someday. It was idyllic in her sleep thought, as if floating on a cloud where making each other happy and enjoying their children were the only chores. What made it seem even more real was the gentle calling of her name as Joe tried to wake her. "Selena,... Selena? Essy, are you awake? I need some help." Joe whispered as he gentle rubbed her hip. Suddenly she startled. "What! Is...

3 years ago
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Charlie and Uncle Joe Part 1

* A/N: This is a story I wrote a while ago. I've made some editing and proofing changes. And for those that read on Lit as well. Yes I am Kushiel. Please bare in mind when reading this I was trying to write from a seventeen year old's perspective. Hope you enjoy! * This is a story about me and my Uncle Joe. He was kind of the black sheep of the family; the no hoper entrepreneur that never really made it you know? There’s always one in any family. But that didn’t make him a loser. Well at...

2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 31

The final days of Selena's 3-week internship were bittersweet for her. While the internship turned out to be little more than an audition for both parties involved, she truly did not want to leave and felt she was ready step right in. However in the last few days there were situations that cropped up where she, for the first time in her stay, felt clueless. Ross Curran pointed out privately where he felt she needed work and polishing, and at the final meeting and evaluation with the entire...

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From Teen Bride to Hot Wife 5 Back To Reality Joe The Cuckold

Joe stands behind Caroline as she sits at the table writing. He lifts her long hair to one side to uncover the nape of her neck, kisses it gently before saying, "Tell me again, Caz. Tell me how his cock tasted.""I've an essay to finish," Caroline says, her pen moving quickly across the page."Please, Caz. It won't take long. I've got a hard-on just thinking about him having you like that."It's five nights since Caroline's visit to Dammartin Manor. This evening she's sat at home doing coursework...

Wife Lovers
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Selena and JoeChapter 52

Sunday dinner was just being cleaned from the table as Selena prepared coffee and Betty Hanson was cutting the apple pie she had made for Joe. Joe was due for another vicodin, but he wanted to skip them until bedtime when he could take 2 and go right out. He wasn't in a lot of pain, just a dull ache when he tried to move the leg. He knew in bed, in his sleep, these movements would wake him for sure, so he wanted to be above that threshold. But he had "business" he wanted to take care of...

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Joe BradyChapter 4

After stopping at the Police station and saying good-bye to Carla, Joe was on the road heading west to Colorado. He thought he would like to visit some of the named ski resorts he heard about like Vail and Breckenridge. It wasn't that he was a skier, he wasn't, it was just that he thought he would like to see and say he had been to these places. He visited these two resorts and was impressed. While there wasn't snow yet on these runs what impressed him the most was the steepness of the...

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Selena and JoeChapter 10

As Spring Break time began to roll around Selena began to feel Joe out to see if they could go away together. She knew he rarely rested from his investment games and keeping his finger on the pulse of Johnson Construction. If there was anything about him she wanted to change, it was that. As obsessed as she was with hard work, she was still young enough to realize the need to recreate. She was hard pressed to remember a day she had spent with him where work didn't enter the equation. If this...

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Selena and JoeChapter 26

Selena was happy that Joe's homecoming Friday was a forgetful day at Polytech. One class had been canceled altogether and another was cut short when a professor was called out by the birth of a grandchild. Classes had reached a review and study phase anyway so Selena went through the day on an auto-pilot of sorts, her little notes of the where and how to meet Joe at the airport etched in her mind. Joe was coming in on a government charter and not going through the public terminal. She was...

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Susan Adam and Joe

Susan, Adam and JoeFamily, Close Relations, Up skirt/Pantie Flash, Multiple partners, Cum Dump, Pregnancy Joe arrived at Susan's in the mid afternoon. Adam and 4 of his “crew” were there. Susan had on her “little Blue Dress”, one just sexy enough to entice, over sheer “Day Glow” bright yellow, bra and pantie set. Adam brought in his suit bag and over night suitcase. He noticed the suitcase was weighty, but passed the thought, and left with his crew. Coming back an hour later, out of the view...

1 year ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 43

The gentle ringing of the phone stirred Selena. She had set it on low ring, figuring she would rarely need the wake up call. "Hello thank you!" She said to the waker and hung up, then quickly sat up on the side of the bed afraid to fall asleep again. Once again the phone rang and she reached for it again. "Please don't hang up in my ear this time." She heard Joe say. "Oh my God, that was you! I'm so sorry my love." She said, embarrassed. "I just called Joseph and told him I...

4 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 15

When they got into the car for the short jaunt home Selena kept her eyes forward and asked. "You're not pissed, are you?" "No, not really," Joe answered, "But, you could have started World War 3 there. Why in hell did you go and do it NOW. We could have waited until we were a year together or something? You were lucky, I'll tell you that. I'm very tempted to give you that red bottom you talked about." "You better not! I've been a spoiled little girl all my life and you're...

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The Savoy Part 2 Joe the Masseuse

Sam certainly wasn’t the only story I have from working here, Recalling what happened with Sam, I think the next encounter would be with our Masseuse, Joe. Now there was a guy you’d watch all day. He was very much a boy next door type. Naturally built, blond hair, quiet and shy, yet incredibly cute. Well that’s what the guests say anyway… And I’m pretty sure I’d agree.Another bonus was that he was a masseuse, so he was normally only wearing a pair of shorts and a vest top. His legs were hot...

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Uncle Joe

I had just returned from a long solitary afternoon walk in the forest. The house looked really pretty in the snow, with its fairy lights adorning the rafters and windows. In fact, it was quite picture perfect, so I stopped to take a photo. I framed the house against the white valley in the background, making sure that I included the lush green fir tree to the right of the house and avoided the somewhat tacky lighted plastic reindeer in the middle of the garden. The sun was low in wintery...

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Selena and JoeChapter 45A

Thursday morning when Selena's alarm went off they both woke, having had a good nights sleep, despite the exhaustive tryst they had. They hit the bed around 9 o'clock and were asleep by 10. "Want me to make you some breakfast babycakes?" Joe asked as she began to get up and put on her robe to head to the shower. "Oh, honey! I didn't realize you were even awake." She answered and rolled back into the bed. "We were naughty last night when we were supposed to be making love. You make...

3 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 45B

When the tour group got to Monument Park they each broke off from the lined group and checked out their favorite plaques and monuments. Joe sidled up to Shelley. "Fancy meeting you here." "You don't hate me do you?" "No, of course not. I was disappointed, but knew I had to understand." "It hurt me too, you know. I loved you like crazy, but things were just... that's it, "Just"..." "You look different; something is not quite the same." Joe inquired. "I had a jaw reduction....

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The Bun also Rises Chapter 2 Cuppa Joe

Mary spent the rest of the day at The Bun also Rises in a tizzy. Alternating between flying with the birds and swimming with the sharks, her stomach was all over the place. Several times she even found herself in the restroom thinking maybe a prayer to the porcelain god would help her. The clock went between not moving, to moving backwards, to jumping ahead hours at a time. Joe Ferguson would be here at 5 pm and she was going to have coffee with him. Joe, please bend me over the counter and...

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Cousin Joe Pimps Cousin Emma

“Hi Joe! I am coming to Detroit for an internship interview, can I crash at your place?” I said on the phone. “Definitely!” replied Joe, “When are you coming?”, “I will fly there this Friday afternoon”, “Sure, send me your flight info and I will pick you up”. After I landed, I grabbed my carry-on and headed out, cousin Joe was waiting by his white BMW. “Emmaaa, welcome to Detroit!” said Joe, and gave me a big hug. He stepped back and looked at me head to toe, “Wow, you look like a Barbie...

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51 Avis makes joe a sissy boy reissue

51 Avis makes joe a sissy boy [reissue]Joe had promised that we would reverse role playing and I decided to take him up on his offer. "We're gonna play reverse roles today" I announced one day and after a bit, Joe agreed. "What would you like to do?' he asked me. Looking straight into his eyes, "You're going to be my sissy while I make love to my old boyfriend" I replied. I knew he would have to agree after promising, so he looked at me, "I did promise" he answered back and so the stage was...

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Selena and JoeChapter 49

Waking Wednesday morning the last thing Selena wanted to do was go to work, but she figured it might be the only way she could pass the time until Joe came back up from his tests. She had already informed Ross Curran that she would be leaving early. He, in turn, informed her that if she were there as a full time member, as she would be after July, this would not be a serious enough situation to lose a member over in peak trading times. She knew she was required to always be fully informed as...

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Selena and JoeChapter 8

Joe slid his little sports coupe into the dorm parking lot and scanned the area for Selena. Just as he parked the car he saw 2 girls round the corner, one being Selena. Upon seeing Joe she ran in mid sentence to meet him. Without even having a chance to get out of the car her lips were on his, kissing him. "Oooo I just had to get my lips on yours. God, I can't wait to hold you. Let me dash upstairs and I'll be right back." Selena said, barely taking time to breath. She ran from the car...

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Two Moms Two Sons 22 Keisha And Joe Give Sandra A Crack At Them

POV: Keisha.We both took each other's hands and made our way to Sandra. As we saw Pete, London, and Gia disappear, we both put our hands out, and she willingly took them. Although she still had a weird look about her face. Nevertheless, she failed to speak, and we just escorted her to our bedroom, as we knew her room currently had other people in it, right then. We both went into our bedroom and calmly sat her down on the bed. I shut the door, came right to her, lowered myself to my knees, and...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Joe

Blackmailing Joe ? Conferences are always a lot of fun.  Joe uses them to get away from the wife and kid just for a few days a couple of times a year.  Don’t get him wrong? Joe loves his wife and kid, but it is always nice to get away and loosen up. ? This conference isn’t different.  He gets to go to Mexico for four days during the off-season, so the only people around are the fellow conference-goers.  The first day there he notices a nice looking woman.  She isn’t the typical Barbie doll...

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Selena and JoeChapter 47A

Joe Johnson's little roadster pulled to the front of Ben Bensons and the parking valet rushed to escort them out of the car and into the warm waiting area. Joe explained they had reservations and their third party was likely already inside. Soon they were being escorted to a booth in the back under a wooden fish sculpture. It was "Joe's table" at Bensons. It was also "the table" of many regular patrons much more famous to Joe, but it was early enough that he was able to get it. There...

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Selena and JoeChapter 28

The weeks of the lovers Summer of Love seemed to whistle by. From the moment Selena finished her last exam she melted into the cozy confines of co-habitant living. After a few weeks it seemed that had always lived together with life going on like a well-rehearsed symphony. Most days were spent with mornings devoted to the business of investments and sharing household chores. Many of the afternoons were packed lunches and off to local parks and beaches for picnics, and sometimes the rest of...

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Selena and JoeChapter 37

On Monday night, her last day of a long Founders Day weekend, Joe said his goodbyes just after 7 o'clock. Their lovemaking had been intense and fulfilling so that losing their last 12 hours originally planned was easier to cope with. Joe always pledged that her school was number one, so when she became worried about her presentation for Doc Stevens, Joe knew where her priorities had to be set. Dressed in a hooded jogging suit she drove into the dorm parking lot and saw Lucy's car...

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Selena and JoeChapter 48B

The morning air made her feel jubilant as she walked in almost a march against the cold breeze that froze her face. She felt like every eye on the street was on her and they were saying "there she is, that girl who's in love more than any woman ever. There she is. I wish I was her." Although she was always content in her relationship with Joe, there were always lagging doubts because many of the women who had wanted him were still close. Whether it was the ring, or the way the ring made...

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Selena and JoeChapter 33

The ride home from New York City was almost surreal for the couple. Their love had reached a height even they had no idea was possible. They spoke little on the way but glances to each other that caught their eyes were 1000 word soliloquies. Despite Joe's years of relationships he was as much the babe in the woods that Selena was at this level of adoration. With the wind blowing above their heads in the top down roadster the ride was a series of deep sighs. Until they turned up the street to...

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Selena and JoeChapter 14

The days had grown to only a few before the lovers left on a vacation alone for the first time. Joe made the arrangements to fly into New York City on Saturday afternoon before her meeting with Wall Street Global. He planned on showing her a bit of New York that night and after her interview, if time allowed. He worried her by telling her that she should tell the group whom she was dating and planned to marry, and what he did. He wanted to be sure there was no conflicts involved with her...

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Selena and JoeChapter 46

Selena lay in bed listening to the purr of Joe's light snore. She felt empty and alone. Although Joe said her admission made no difference, they went to bed without making love or the usual affections. They both downed their wine and Joe took her hand and led her to the bedroom. She undid her robe and Joe took it and laid it across the foot of the bed. He patted her bare butt and she crawled into the bed with Joe following her. She played coy and rolled away from him hoping he would spoon...

3 years ago
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Mary Joe Resume Their Vegas Fun

Mary and Joe were having a great time in Vegas. The night out at the dance club really excited them both. Joe was amazed at the way Mary opened up, and how brazen she had been around the black men. She really liked to tease them with her sexy body, making her very excited. Joe knew it as all in fun, and always kept a close eye on her, being alert and ready to intervene if things had gotten too much out of hand. He would protect her, at any cost, while she played and enjoyed herself. After all,...

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Selena and JoeChapter 65

Joe and Selena had been asleep in each other's arms for about 45 minutes when Joe startled. "What was that!" He said quickly sitting up moving Selena from her perch on him. "Wha... what?" "Listen," Joe said intently before falling back onto the pillow. "Oh, its Lucy and Jer! God I was dreaming about some thing and... " "Those two, still going at it." Selena reminded him, "The company, the strange bed and everything must have been an inspiration for them. Lucy said they'd...

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Joe BradyChapter 6

The following morning during breakfast there was a discussion on where now to go in their travels. Sara said there was no reason to head immediately back to her home to get married. The arrangements she needed to make for the wedding she could do over the phone or via email. They should continue to see the country as she thought the wedding would be in late September or early October. Heading south they did the “Apache Trail” driving tour outside of Phoenix. The sometimes unpaved single lane...

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Selena and JoeChapter 11

The next 8 weeks seemed to fly by as Selena engrossed herself in her studies preparing for her mid-terms. She was seeing Joe anywhere from 1 to 3 times a week, usually just spending one night a week at his home. She found she constantly wanted him and the time in between was getting more and more arduous for her to bear. Her Dad was getting less and less impatient with her as she spent less and less time at home as well. One dinner during the week and seeing her at church on Sunday morning...

2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 30

"Hello? Daddy?" "Selena! Is there something wrong?" Scott Hanson asked in a worried tone, knowing it odd she call him at work, and from New York City. "That's what I want to ask you, if there's anything wrong." She said back inquisitively. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I spoke with Mommy last night and I'm so psychologist, but I can tell something is wrong. She sounds very depressed. I got real bad vibes from her Daddy. Do you notice anything when you talk to her?" She...

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