Maiden's Curse free porn video

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Maiden's Curse by: Prudence Walker Bob was pissed; his date had failed to show. She had arranged to meet him at the opening of the refurbished museum. They had first met at a bar, only two days prior to the opening. They had seemed to hit it off and Bob had been confident that, this time, he would make a go of it. Now it seemed that his luck with women was running true to form. Wandering alone in the museum, refusing to fall into his usual despondency, he lost himself in the unfamiliar surroundings. As it was near closing time, there were only a few people about. In frustration, he decided to knock on a door that had a restricted access notice on it, hoping that someone was inside who could re-direct him to an exit. When no one answered, he tried the handle and was surprised to find it opening freely. He called out, as he entered, but only received silence in return. Feeling somewhat nervous, he walked further into the room examining the exhibits, which seemed to be in some disarray. Possibly this was a workshop where they got the exhibits ready for showing. Something seemed to be silently calling to him and as he sought the source of that call, he stopped in wonderment, for there in the corner a beautiful woman was standing, motionless. As he moved closer, he realised it was an image on the lid of a mummy case. She was extraordinarily beautiful. As he gazed on her countenance, he couldn't resist running his hand over the lid's surface, tracing the contours with his fingers. Then, getting the same strange urging as before, he felt compelled to open the lid, which he did? revealing? nothing, it was empty. Disappointed, he was about to close the lid when he heard footsteps approaching. Panicking, knowing that not only was he trespassing, but also having disturbed the exhibit, he looked for a place to hide. The open mummy case beckoned invitingly, on an impulse, he stepped inside the case, trying to squeeze his body into its almost form fitting lining. Pulling the lid shut, bar a crack for air, he was glad he had a slender build as he only just fit. The door opened and he heard voices talking. "Look at this beauty," he heard them say. "It only arrived yesterday, it was only discovered last week. We were lucky to be the ones to catalogue its unique properties," a different voice spoke. Bob was silent, hoping they wouldn't open it like he did. Then his blood went cold as he heard one of them say. "Lets set it back down on this trolley and I'll get one of the guys to bring it into examination room tomorrow. Be careful you don't damage it, or you might be cursed." Bob heard the man laugh, and he wondered what he meant. "There's a curse?" came the other voice, sounding worried. "Well, I don't know much about it, but I heard that when they discovered it, there was some mention of it being capable of changing your body. I wouldn't worry; they probably put their own interpretation on the inscriptions. Doesn't every mummy case have tales of curses associated with them?" Bob had no time to dwell on the implications of a curse as he felt the case tilt backwards and with an ominous click, he heard the lid shut as the weight settled fully on his tenuous grip. The voices of the people outside became muffled. While he debated if he should call out, or wait before trying to extricate himself out of this self-imposed prison, he realised that it was too late?the men had already left. Bob found that he was trapped, he couldn't find any release on the inside, obviously, there being no need for one for the last occupant. The confining space left little leverage available for him to be able to force it open. Already it was clear he was starting to starve for oxygen, as his lungs started labouring. Slowly, as his oxygen starved brain started to fade, he grew aware of a voice calling him, a woman's voice. He sensed it more than heard it and, while he concentrated on it, his panic seemed to fade as he lapsed into unconsciousness. His last rational thought was wondering if this was the ghost of the original occupant finally calling to him to join her. ~oOOo~ He awoke, wondering where, and after gazing around, when he was. The shadow from the half built pyramid sheltered his body from the late afternoon sun, which cast its slanting rays across the burning desert; told him he wasn't in Kansas anymore. He was walking, no that was wrong, she was walking ... SHE? ...Yes, incredible as it was, he seemed to be in a woman's body. No, that wasn't quite right, it was as if he was a passenger in her mind. He could see, hear, and feel her body as if it were his own, but he had no physical control over it. She was speaking in a foreign language, but not being particularly academic he couldn't say which one it was, but assumed it was Arabic. The other odd thing he noticed was that there seemed to be a pause between her thinking and speaking, as if she too, was speaking in a foreign tongue and was translating her thoughts into words as she went. He could just pick up a minute amount of her thoughts and it was clear that it wasn't an earth language of any era. Her next words confirmed this as he listened in. "But Krith, we didn't come all this way from Omicron IV just to fail now, we need to activate plan Chronus." "I know Aglsha, we took a chance coming here, unfortunately we only had the one go at it." "This world is in danger, it's a pity that this is the highest technologically advanced culture available at this time," Bob heard the woman say. "You realise the sacrifice you'll be making, if you go ahead with the plan? It will be many hundreds of years till the technology that sent those signals to us, come to be. Finding a suitable candidate could take even longer, time that can hardly be spared." "Of course Krith, but hopefully a candidate will come along that fits the criteria, and in the right time frame," he heard Aglsha answer. "Then I will live again if only as a guide." "Well, if we are going to do it we had better start now before the ship loses all power," replied the man referred to as Krith. "What will you do after the ship has finished reverting?" The man sighed, "I guess we'll try and blend in with the natives, lending what help we can. Maybe we can start the process of advancing the knowledge base?" "The orb? It may be needed in the future and I can't risk having it." "Don't worry, my daughter, I'll put it in a stasis field. For the future candidate, you'll know its whereabouts and what to do with it. We will have placed the resonators in the pyramids in the exact alignment," he added, looking up at the still to be completed pyramid. Bob then saw a series of quick scenes of the two of them entering a ravine that was hiding what could be only a spacecraft. Then the scenes flickered rapidly as if being fast-forwarded like a video. One scene showed a machine shining a device at the prone woman; the last was odd, as the only thing in view was the mummy case. It had the exact likeness of the woman, but of the woman herself there was no sign. Bob felt darkness descending again as his senses faded. ~oOOo~ "WHAT THE HELL!" Came a voice. Bob woke, hearing the surprised yell of a museum worker, and found the lid had been opened. A man was staring at him with a shocked expression and, as Bob moved his body the man blanched, shock stopping him in his tracks at seeing the person in the case move. Bob started to apologise, thinking he was in serious trouble, but stopped in shock at the sound of his own melodious voice, which sounded just like that of the woman in his dream. As he started to climb out of the mummy case he noticed a few other changes. His shirt was stretched tight across his chest and he could feel what could only be breasts underneath. He swiftly jumped up out of the case noting that as he suspected he was a female beneath his male clothing. The clothing felt uncomfortable and ill fitting on his newly transformed body and he was aware of the stunned reaction of the man standing next to him. "You're her... I mean...the woman who... on the could..." the man spluttered. Bob just wanted to get out of there and find out what had happened to his body, so he/she ran to the door pulling it open with a ripping and tearing sound that indicated that it had been locked. Well, no more. It hung drunkenly off it's one remaining hinge as Bob ran though it without pause. S/he was out and running along a corridor before the man in the room had time to even think of stopping her. As s/he ran, his/her mind was racing. 'How did I damage that door?' S/he thought, 'If I'm a woman now. I shouldn't have been able to do that, not even as a man!' Passing a darkened display case s/he stopped in wonder. 'Now I know why that man was so shocked,' thought Bob. 'I'm the spitting image of the woman on the lid of the mummy's case! How is this possible?' ~oOOo~ Finding his way towards the exit, s/he realised it must be the next day as the morning sun, shone streaming though the museums windows. Bob paused near the unopened main doors and wondered if they were still locked. Suddenly a shout coming from behind galvanised him/her into action as a lean looking security guard came hurrying towards him/her talking into a walkie-talkie. Bob decided s/he had places to be elsewhere, and took off running. Stiff-arming the solid looking door, s/he was hoping for a repeat of the last time. She was shocked, not only to see it open under his/her impetus, but that it came off completely and went flying several yards away down the steps. Bob ran like the wind, taking the steps four at a time, leaving the security guard trailing behind in his/her wake. As s/he ran s/he marvelled at the strength of this body, s/he was hardly exerting him/herself. Finding the car, s/he unlocked it and got in, squealing the tires in his/her rush to get home. He glanced at his/her new face in the rear vision mirror, and nearly ran a red light in his/her self-absorption with the face that met his/her gaze. The fine boned features were surrounded with a mass of honey-gold hair that had the odd look of showing reddish highlights as it moved. Clear limpid blue eyes that invited one to drown in were framed with long dark lashes beneath highly arched eyebrows. The lips glistened, as if freshly coated with lipstick. The overall look was mesmerising, and Bob had fallen in love it. ~oOOo~ Arriving home, the first thing Bob decided to do was strip off and examine more closely, this body of his/hers. Standing naked, in front of the mirror Bob was amazed. Of his old body there was no sign. Instead, the girl that greeted his/her scrutiny was gorgeous. Her long legs were perfectly proportioned and showed no sign of the strength that had allowed her to avoid the guard. Looking at her arms and hands, she saw no bruising, yet the strength hidden within was masked under a seemingly normal slender arm. Looking at herself, having decided to think in terms of her obvious gender. She guessed that everything seemed in proportion. Breasts ample, without being too big and a slender waist over hips that seemed normal, but felt much wider and more padded than he would have imagined. Trying not to look to closely at her new genitalia, she sat on the bed not wanting the distraction, while she thought about how this all had occurred. The girl in the past had obviously had a major part in her new form, just what the mechanics of it were, she couldn't say, but that ray thing must have been the key. Perhaps it imbued the case with her essence. It was plain that she was unlike anyone else on earth. Maybe she had some sort of super power which allowed her to change form, or at least change another's. With a sudden chill, Bob wondered if she was in fact a sort of parasite, living though others and altering them to a form of her choosing. Searching her mind Bob could detect no other thoughts than her own. Maybe it had failed. It was a long time ago, hopefully too long. She tried not to feel guilty at that thought, remembering the words from the dream about the world being in danger. Perhaps the danger had passed, but the thought wouldn't go away that, somehow she was failing to avert the danger because somehow the woman, Aglsha had failed to survive whatever the process was that had changed Bob's body into that of hers. Bob decided that nothing could be done at the moment about her obvious changes. She would have to think of the practicalities. First, she needed some clothes and a name. 'Bobbi' seemed the obvious choice, but a perverse thought, possibly a memory of the original person, whose body she now wore, made her choose Angela as the modern day equivalent. Getting up, she went and looked at her clothing to see if anything was adaptable so she could at least go and buy something appropriate. Putting on a clean vest and under pants was first. She shrugged at the look of the pants on her, but wasn't prepared to go out with nothing on underneath. She saw a sweatshirt that, although baggy on her, didn't look too out of place. A pair of shorts was the only thing that would fit. Having a drawstring it could be tightened around her narrowed waist. A pair of leather sandals completed her attire, on which the buckles were tightened to the last notches. Taking a deep breath, she went back out to the car. She felt nervous, as she knew she was about to try and pass herself off as a woman. This time there was no adrenaline or panic to cloud his mind of the fact that he was in a woman's body, as was the case in her flight from the museum. No, this was the calm deliberate and intentional portrayal of someone that she had no prior experience of, to fall back on. It was scary, and she nervously looked around to see if she was drawing any attention as she got into her car. ~oOOo~ Driving into town she had to stop for fuel. She noticed the attendant at the pumps looking at her, but it was a look that she knew. She should, as she had given that very same look to all of the pretty girls in the past. It was uncomfortable, the mental undressing he was giving her, and it felt embarrassing. The only positive thing about it was, she obviously passed as a woman with full marks. Finally, she stopped near the centre of town and was in the process of reversing the car into a tight parking space, when a man walking by started directing her with hand signals so she could tell how far she was from the other cars. It gave her a new experience that she was of two minds about. As she got out and thanked the man, who was smiling, she was thinking it was nice to have the help, but did this mean the man didn't think she was capable of parking on her own, because she was female? Or was he genuine in helping for help's sake? She wondered, if she had been in the same exact situation, but as a man, would he have offered the same help? Pushing those thoughts aside, Angela started walking towards the mall wondering what was in store for her. As she entered the mall doors a group of people came towards her. One of them was holding a video camera with the letters WMTV on the side. She stopped in her tracks, thinking that they knew somehow who she really was and what had happened in the museum. As she was about to turn tail and hike it out of there, Angela saw that one of the men approaching was holding a large jar filled with envelopes, curious, she paused, waiting till they got nearer. "Welcome, welcome my dear, you as a visitor to the mall today, have been given the opportunity to win a prize just by picking out a lucky envelope from the jar. This promotion guarantee's that everyone will be a winner. Could please tell us a little about yourself and why you chose to shop here," he continued, thrusting the microphone in her face. "I don't know what to say?" spluttered a surprised Angela. "Well how about your name?" he laughed. "That's always a great start." "Angela." "Well Angela, "Can you tell us what you'll be buying here?" the man asked, interested. Angela was fearful that she would be ridiculed if her photo was shown and her real identity was discovered. Knowing that to turn and walk away would make her stand out more, she decided to go along for the ride. "Umm, clothes I guess," Angela replied, thinking fast. The man laughed goodnaturedly, " of course, where's my head? I should have known that a beautiful lady like you would shop for clothes." Angela blushed, as she realized that, even dressed as she was, she was beautiful. This was the hardest part of becoming female. To interact with others with a whole new set of rules, rules she didn't know. The physical side, by comparison, was easier to deal with. She still had two legs, two arms, only certain bits were different. Realizing she was supposed to say something, she said that she needed a whole new wardrobe as she had lost a lot of weight. The man asked her how often she shopped here and how much would she normally spend. Angela blushed and said it was her first time here, and that she would normally spend about $400 dollars when she went shopping. Managing to make up some on the spur of the moment facts about herself. The man thanked her and held the jar so she could take out an envelope. Opening it, she saw that it contained a voucher offering half off any beauty treatment offered by any establishment in the mall. 'Oh great, just what I need now...not,' Angela thought to herself. 'Isn't having to learn how to buy women's clothes enough, without that." Thanking him, before he could ask any more questions, she escaped thankfully into the sanctuary of a lingerie shop. She chuckled to herself that only a few hours ago, she, (as Bob) would have never had the courage to enter the place. Now, she was using that same fear most men have, against them. Looking around the shop she realized that she was going to need way more money than she anticipated, the prices on women's clothes shocking her. Checking to see if the coast was clear, she ventured out seeking a money machine. Locating one, she inserted her card, not noticing the spark that went from her fingers to the card and punched her numbers in, wondering how much she should withdraw. Checking her balance first, she was surprised to see that it had unaccountably doubled. Taking advantage of this windfall, she withdrew almost $2000. She settled on the shop that had a fine array of clothing for women. Entering, Angela went and asked an assistant for some advice, explaining that she needed an entire new wardrobe. "Do you want some help picking out the right sizes?" she asked helpfully. "Yes, please. I need everything from the skin out and head to toe," replied Angela, looking at her beseechingly. "I expect to spend a lot of my money here," she added. The assistant told her to wait a moment, and then walked over to an older woman, who seemed to be the manager. As the assistant spoke to her the woman looked over at Angela and gave her a smile. She spoke quietly to the assistant for a moment before continuing to walk into an office. The assistant returned with a big smile and told Angela she was free to help her as long as she needed her. Even in the other shops, if necessary. This was great news for Angela, as she sorely needed all the help she could get. The rest of the morning was a strange experience for Angela as Heather, the assistant, took almost full control, guiding her in the selections of not only clothes, but also makeup and accessories. Most of which Angela considered unnecessary, as all she wanted was look presentable. She didn't want to make her body stand out more, especially in the eyes of men, but couldn't come with a valid excuse to refuse. She didn't want to refuse Heather's selections as she valued her expertise in this department. It seemed that they must have tried on everything in the shop and in the shoe store next door. Heather suggested a visit to the malls' salon after learning of the half off offer. When, after a few nudges from Heather, she gave in to having the works done. She had her hair permed in a very practical style that needed only a few brush strokes to keep it neat and yet it made her look extremely attractive. While her hair was being done, she had her nails done and her ears pierced. Seeing that her ears didn't bleed at all, she had some small hoops inserted instead of the usual sleepers. Another girl did her makeup, commenting that she hardly required it bar a little eyeshadow. After viewing herself in the mirror afterwards, the combination of the clothes, makeup and hair, made Angela feel very much at odds with the image. In the mirror, in front of her, was an image out of her dreams, a beautiful woman with a body to die for. A woman, however, whose head still contained Bob's very male thinking mind. The thinking processes of that mind, as it looked at the vision in the mirror, were telling her that they would like to kiss and get to know this attractive person more intimately. Unfortunately, the sexual orientation of the body was firmly fixed in the heterosexual range and as such, did not respond to the image in a sexual manner. This meant that Angela wasn't turned on physically with her image, which left her feeling worried. Was she going to find men attractive? At the moment she was too busy trying to survive her first day as a member of the fairer sex, to dwell too long on those thoughts. Walking out of the saloon, she thanked Heather again, and bought her lunch at a one of the little bistros in the mall. Angela noticed the eyes turning as she entered, and while she tried not to feel like she was piece of meat on the auction block, it was as if peoples eyes, the men's in particular, were burning holes in her. It was a hurried lunch, as the attention from the men took most of Angela's appetite away. She felt like she was on the menu also, and wondered if she, as Bob, had given some other women the same feeling when he had admired a particularly attractive female. With lunch over, Heather helped carry her bags of purchases to the car. Promising to come again Angela thanked Heather, who promptly hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Taken aback at this display of affection, Angela smiled back as Heather waved goodbye, thinking that women don't worry about showing their feelings to others in public. Getting back home, Angela unloaded the six bags of feminine clothes and other products. She spent the rest of the afternoon hanging up her new clothes after making room in her closets. The underwear went into the just emptied drawers and the makeup products she just left in their boxes on the dresser, as she wasn't planning on using them anytime soon, even if she knew how. Other feminine hygiene and hair care products went into the bathroom, along with the moisturizers. Looking at all the shoes she had bought she took off the heels she was wearing, opting for a pair of comfortable mules. Scrounging in the cupboards for something to eat, she realised that tomorrow better be a grocery shopping day. Finding enough for the evening meal, she sat and ate in front of the telly. She caught sight of herself on the news as they aired the piece on the mall. Looking at herself on the news item, she was struck by how feminine she looked in her odd assemblage of Bob's clothes. She did notice that her gestures and movements were feminine too, with no sign of the scared male within. 'Was this a part of living in a female body? 'She thought,' or was there another factor here, that she wasn't taking into account? Shrugging away these thoughts as unsolvable for the moment, she started getting ready for bed. The effects of the first full day as a woman, plus going on a marathon shopping spree, started taking their toll. Looking at some of the nightwear she had purchased, Angela cringed a little inside. They were so feminine and delicate, and seeing that Bob normally slept in the buff, she wondered why she let herself be talked into buying them. Putting them back in the drawer, deciding to continue sleeping nude, she crawled under the sheets and was soon fast asleep. Her dreams were unusually vivid. They seemed to contain scenes of pyramids and Aglsha and, when the dreams turned to normal present day things, it was as Angela that she saw herself, not Bob. Waking once during the night, with the need to urinate, she wandered into the bathroom. She seemed to be going on a female autopilot as she pulled up her nightie and sat down before doing her business and walking sleepily back to bed. On awakening, Angela yawned. As she stretched her arms before sitting up she noticed the fact that she was wearing the nightie. 'How had that happened?' She wondered. She didn't remember putting it on, and looking over the drawers she noticed a few other things were out of place. Sliding out of bed, she noticed the way the nightie felt, as its silky folds slithered against her body. Feeling slightly aroused, as the sensuous fabric stimulated her nipples, she looked closely at her dresser wondering what it was that looked different. 'Oh my god!' She thought. 'The makeup.' Where, before the bottles and tubes and other items she had purchased had been still in their assorted boxes and wrappers, now they were open. Checking, she saw that not only had someone opened them, but also they had been used. The container of foundation had fingerprints in it and the lipstick was smeared on the end. In a panic she rushed though her flat looking for an intruder. Not finding anyone and, seeing the doors were still locked, she sat down and wondered if she was dreaming. Getting an uneasy suspicion, she walked back to her bedroom and placed a finger in the foundation. 'SHIT!' She sat back down on her bed, stunned. It was a perfect match! Somehow, in the middle of the night she had opened the makeup and used it, as well as putting on the nightie. 'I'm losing it,' she thought. 'Something weird is happening to me. Apart from the body change, now I'm sleep dressing...or what?' Trying to come up with a word for it, and failing. Looking closely, she could see traces of eye shadow still on her lids. 'Man! What happened last night?' Thought Angela with a shiver. She decided to dump the makeup in case it happened again, thinking that without it, maybe the possibility of her sleepwalking might diminish, but as she started to pick them up a voice seemed to shout (NO!) Shocked, she froze, her hand poised over the bottles and creams. Slowly she moved her hand forward and again came that oh so faint plaintive cry. (NO, PLEASE!) Angela thought this was the end, that she was mad. Hearing voices in her head was the last straw. Wasn't being transformed by an alien device enough? She sat and waited, fearing any further signs of insanity. As she sat thinking in an almost meditative state, she could sense a struggle within her mind, as if someone or something was trying to communicate with her. Then, like a radio that had just hit the correct frequency, the voice began to speak, becoming clearer with every second. (I am Aglsha speaking to you though this body I recreated when you entered my Hevreck capsule. I'm sorry that you were formally a male, but your particular aura was attracted to the capsules' sensorium.) # Authors note: to make things clear, from now on, Aglsha's thoughts will be within (---) and Angela's thoughts within '---' normal conversation will use "---" # 'I don't understand,' thought Angela. 'What's a Hevreck capsule, and why was my what's-it attracted to your sensor thingy?' Angela could hear the voice laugh in a very feminine manner. It was comforting in that it was very relaxed sounding laugh. (Lets see if I can simplify it for you. The Hevreck capsule contained my disembodied essence or soul if you will. It contained a detector that was searching for a certain type of person to come within range. It was set to attract a person with psychic, or latent psychic powers, and get them to enter the capsule so I could re-enter the world again.) 'I have psychic abilities?' Angela thought back. (Well, they are latent now, but with my powers at your command we should be able to accomplish my mission,) Aglsha replied. 'Your mission? What powers? I don't understand.' (The reason for my being here is to save your planet. It was partly our people's fault that it was put into danger.) 'What danger?' Angela parroted, feeling a sense of dread. (There was an enormous cloud of Pleolites entering our system, what you might call a scourge. They are a pestilence to all forms of life and they are now headed into your system. They will destroy all life on this planet in a few days, leaving nothing behind. ) Angela gasped, 'how long before they arrive and is there a way to stop them?' (Not for another month or two as far as I can calculate, although it could be sooner. Time is short and we need to prepare. There is an orb, which can amplify the mental processes in the brain. I need to find it and set up the field with the aid of resonators placed in the pyramids by my father.) At that, her voice grew sad as she realised that her father was long dead and yet it was as if it was only yesterday when she last heard his voice. 'Go on please,' begged Angela, hoping to distract her in her time of sorrow. "What exactly are these Pleolites?" "We don't know, only that our first attempts at contact resulted in the deaths of the crews that flew too close. We did find one thing; we managed to recover a craft that was left drifting after the cloud had passed by. Everything in the ship was dead, including the ships Helx, even plants where dead." "Helx?" "It's like one of your planets felines." "Ah, a cat," Angela offered. "Yes, a cat." "Anyway...we...we managed to deflect them with a special energy shield before they could do any damage, as we are a spare faring race.) She continued, struggling to put thoughts of her father aside for the moment. (We decided to re-direct them towards a sparsely populated part of this galaxy where they could do no damage, but four Konicons later, we started to receive radio waves coming from a point directly in their path. We established that a civilisation was growing in that part of the galaxy, as the transmissions grew far beyond what is normal. Much debate was held as to whether we should assist in any way, but it wasn't until a different type of transmission was received that we acted. We saw what you call television. It was quite a shock to see people just like us, but separated by the immensities of space. We couldn't stand by and do nothing, so we created a hyper warp craft that would make a one-way journey to your planet.) 'Wow! Just like a story from star trek.' Angela said, butting in on the narrative. (Star trek? Oh yes I see the reference in your mind,) she replied. 'You're reading my mind?' thought Angela, getting alarmed. (Only your surface thoughts, I would never violate the sanctity of your own mind without you inviting me!) The shocked thought came back. Angela considered the situation. Here she was, in a body not her own, having a silent conversation with an alien female who was residing in her mind, worrying whether that female was reading her mind or not. It seemed too ludicrous, and she started giggling in a very feminine manner, then that started to become a full laugh. Aglsha's thoughts grew puzzled but held a touch of amusement, as Angela's thoughts grew plainer. 'Sheesh. Come on in any time. My thoughts are your thoughts,' she laughed, using a line from a Star trek episode. 'Just don't blame me if it looks like a cess-pit in there,' she added. Aglsha's voice smiled, if such a thing can be said. It certainly felt like it did to Angela, as Aglsha's joy of being invited to share Angela's deepest secrets coloured her next words. (Angela... I like that name. I see you took it as the closest to my own in your language. Thank you for the consideration. I'm honoured and I promise you that I'll try my best to help your world and though you, save your planet, not to mention guiding you though the mysteries of the female lifestyle.) 'Why did you have to transform me, though? Couldn't you have used my male form?' queried Angela. (Unfortunately the orb is tuned to the thought patterns of the female mind and your psychic powers will blossom as a female, thereby adding to mine. Anyway, getting back to my story, there was a slight miscalculation due the vagaries of warp travel plus the fact that it was new technology and untested. Instead of us arriving here at the time we where expecting, with a technological presence, we arrived in your past where the best we could do was set up the resonators and prepare for the future.) 'Couldn't you have just warped forward a bit?' asked Angela, thinking of a recent episode of star trek. (Unfortunately the craft was built in space, using a non- magnetic metal alloy, Lithium Phosphorite. It's the only thing that works in proximity with the warp engine. Unfortunately, because of its high reactivity as soon as we hit the atmosphere the hull started degrading and wouldn't stand the stresses of an escape from the earth's gravity well.) 'So what was the capsule? How did that work?' (Is your entire race this inquisitive?) She sighed, (oh well, let's get the questions over,) Aglsha smiled. (The capsule contained my energy matrix. My physical being was converted and stored while my mind went into stasis. We still had the energy from the ship to do the conversion, but knew we wouldn't have it in this time period to reconvert it. That's why we...I, needed a physical body. The energy required is so much less to affect the body changes and download my mind into your brain.) 'I guess there was plenty of room in there,' joked Angela. (Yes its surprising, I think your brain has a bigger capacity than our own, but we need to get the capsule back here, to complete our change,) Aglsha added, not fully getting the joke. 'You're kidding right? I mean, we couldn't get back in now, not with the exit I made. What more changes do we have to go though?' Angela asked, worriedly. (Look, this is what we will do. Now where's that makeup? We need to dress appropriately.) ~oOOo~ The woman that strolled though the museum bore little resemblance to the one that left such a trail of destruction a day ago. Elegantly made up and wearing an expensive silver sheath dress that showed every curve of that luscious body, she walked calmly past the same guard that had given chase the previous day. She strutted past as if she owned the place. The guard's eyes were riveted on her ass as she walked away from him towards the display rooms. (See, I told you he wouldn't be a problem,) 'Did his eyes pop out or what?' Angela murmured. (I'm sure something did, but I'm pretty sure it was much lower than his eyes.) 'Okay, now what?' Angela whispered, looking at the newly installed door leading into the room containing the capsule. (This way, to the right. I can sense it. They must have moved it since you were here last.) Angela, moved to the corridor on the right and walked along it till a command from Aglsha, stopped her outside another door. She looked to see if the coast was clear, then grasped the handle and twisted. The force from her extra strength hardly showed on her face, but the handle groaned and a metallic grinding sound indicated that the lock had given way. Opening the door as if it had been unlocked, Angela strode determinedly in, barely pausing, as she orientated on the capsule as it lay on a table. She walked in and placed her hand on the capsules' lid. Aglsha concentrated, tapping into the well of Angela's untrained psychic power. She started the process of Zendo, whereby the capsule shrank rapidly in size until it was barely six inches long and as thick as a walking stick. The process continued, much to the amazement of Angela, as the ends curved inwards until they met and fused, becoming a circle only two inches round. Pulling a leather thong out, she tied it though the circle making a necklace. She then placed it over her head letting the altered capsule slide between her breasts and out of sight. Just then, a shout alerted her to the presence of a staff member as he entered from another adjoining room. "Hey! What are you doing in here? This is a restricted area," he shouted. "Oh? Sorry, I just wandered in, as the door was unlocked. I didn't see any sign on the door," Angela calmly replied. Scowling, the man went over to the door, examining it closely. Seeing that indeed the handle turned easily he was about let her off with a warning until his eyes saw the two sliding bolts that were now useless, the ends having been bent and broken. He glanced around the room looking for another intruder, one who might have had the strength to cause such damage. Seeing no one and dismissing the woman in her seeming frailty, he quickly made a call on his walkie-talkie. "Intruder alert in room Alpha B," he intoned quickly. A crackle of static preceded a voice saying. "There's help on the way... anything missing?" "Haven't checked yet, but there's a female here that needs questioning. I found her in the room." "Is she our intruder? Are you in any danger?" "No I don't think so," replied the man, feasting his eyes on the vision in front of him. "I think I'm in danger though. In danger of falling in love!" he laughed. The room was suddenly inundated with burly guards and more of the museum's staff, all wanting to know what the story was. Angela kept her face calm as questions were fired at her. "How did you get in?" "What were you doing in here?" "Was there someone else here?" "Are you someone's accomplice?" When the staff realised the mummy case was missing, the questions started turning ugly, until Angela shouted, "Enough already! I told you I haven't seen it, or taken it! Does it look like I could have broken in here and removed a mummy's case or whatever it was you're looking for?" she said indignantly. "Ask the guard at the door. I'm sure he noticed how long ago it was when I entered." She gave them all a look of wrathful indignation at being falsely accused. One of the brighter staff members called for the guard to be brought to them and they quieted down until he arrived. He wasn't long in coming and confirmed that she had indeed entered alone, just about five minutes before. The staff members, who had accused her, apologised saying it was all in the heat of the moment, what with finding her in the restricted room and all. One of the guards escorted her outside, saying the museum will be closed while they do a thorough search. Angela could feel the miniaturised capsule behave oddly as she moved. It seem to press hard against her as she walked forward and it felt like it was resisting changes in direction by pressing into her breasts as she turned. She queried Aglsha, who laughed. (When I compressed its spatial dimensions and its apparent weight I couldn't reduce its mass. It still has the same inertia of the original weight. It's slow to start moving and just as slow to change direction or to stop. I can bend some of the physical laws, but I can't break them.) She explained patiently. ~oOOo~ Back home again, Angela removed the capsule from around her neck and placed it on the floor of the lounge. Aglsha, using Angela's hands again, returned it to its original mummy case form. (What form of electrical energy do you use, Direct current, or Alternating?) 'Alternating,' Angela replied. Angela, following Aglsha's instructions then fiddled with the lid, removing a section with a sliding, twisting motion. This revealed a fine coil of filament like wire, which she proceeded to insert in a power outlet after pressing on certain protrusions. Immediately there was a soft hum and several small pin like light's glowed on the mummy's lid. Angela went into the kitchen to get something to eat, while the capsule continued to absorb energy. Looking at the lid after an hour, she noticed more lights were showing and some were blinking in a hypnotic pattern. A mental query to Aglsha gave her more information than she wanted, as Aglsha told her that they needed to return inside the capsule for the final changes. 'But why?' questioned a worried Angela. (This body is strong, but the bones are not. We need to strengthen them and add a few features the capsule couldn't do with its stored power.) Angela reluctantly climbed into the open capsule, and on Aglsha's instructions, closed the lid. ~oOOo~ Aglsha climbed out of her capsule in the late afternoon. She stretched her arms and checked out this new body. She found it as limber as her old one as she went into her yoga style exercises. Feeling the body's hunger, she went into the kitchen to cook something sustaining. Taking her food into the lounge along with a strong cup of coffee, she relaxed, enjoying the solitude of this body without Angela's constant questions. After thoroughly enjoying a meal prepared with her own hands, she sighed. (Come on sleepy head?time to wake up.) 'Ugh! Wassup? Boy my head and my body, aches.' (What do you expect when most of the calcium in your bones has been augmented with Molyhedrum?) 'Moly what!...?' (Don't worry it's not as bad as it sounds. It makes your bones as strong as steel without the extra weight, but it won't show up on an x-ray in case you're worried,) Aglsha reassured her. 'So what else has changed?' asked a slightly mollified Angela. (Well our flesh is denser and will take a lot of punishment and we are much faster in both speed and reflexes.) 'Wow, a female superman,' laughed Angela. (Almost.) 'Anything else?' Angela pressed, sensing that Aglsha was holding something back. (Yes, but its something only I can access at this time. Now lets get a few items before we dispose of the capsule.) 'We're getting rid of it? Won't we need it again?' Angela blurted out in surprise. (No, but there's a few items we may find useful.) Under Aglsha's instructions Angela slid and pressed at certain spots on the lid to reveal a tiny recess that contained a small silver disc on a necklace and a ring with clear crystal that caught the light producing a rainbow like flash. Placing the ring on her finger and the necklace around her neck produced a curious tingle though her body and she could feel something calling to her. 'What is this feeling I'm getting? It seems to be calling me.' she asked, startled. (That's the orb. We need to find it, and those devices amplify its signal so your mind can sense it's whereabouts.) 'Is it in Egypt? If so, we are going to need money and lots of it,' Angela enquired. (Money? You don't have enough?) 'No, and with the way I look, I've now got no job,' sighed Angela. 'Its a nice body an all, and it's starting to grow on me, but I can't go to work and say I was turned into a woman by this alien artefact. I'd be locked away and that's the last thing we need with the earth in danger.' (All right, what types of credit systems do you use.)? Angela went and got her old wallet with her credit cards and drivers license, all showing the name Bob Warner. 'Oh oh! We can't travel overseas with that.' She thought, more to herself than to Aglsha. (Place the document in the capsule with anything else we need that has your old name on it. We can correct them and send that information to the appropriate places electronically.) Aglsha told Angela to plug another fine wire into her phone jack and after a flurry of flashing lights signalled the capsule interfacing with the network. All the information was transmitted to the banks and the government agencies so that her new identity would hold up under any scrutiny. Removing her cards, driver's license, and passports Angela saw that that they were all now showing Angela Warner. Even the photos had been replaced with her new image. (I've augmented your current monetary accounts. I hope 3 million of your units of currency will be sufficient.) '3 mill..... Oh my god, I'll be arrested for fraud...' Angela gasped. Wait a minute, it was you wasn't it, that altered my account balance in the mall?" (Yes, I sensed that you needed more currency, and altered the card so that it would double whatever you had.) 'Where did we get 3 million dollars from?' (Don't worry; it's been obtained though untraceable routes and it won't attract any attention from the authorities. I transferred a dollar out of 3 million accounts disguised within normal bank charges.) ~oOOo~ The woman waiting quietly as she was issued her boarding pass on the direct flight to Cairo was the picture of calm elegance. One could have never of imagined the turmoil going though that woman's mind. Dressed in a navy skirt jacket combo and matching heels, she fussed a little with the ruffles on her cream blouse. "Are you sure I look okay?" Angela asked nervously. (With this body? You'd look great in a sack,) sighed Aglsha, wondering how many more times she would have to convince her. "I hope that passport stands up, we could end up in prison for a very long time otherwise." (Calm down and just enjoy the flight. We will be very busy later and I need you in a relaxed state, not burning up your energy needlessly.) ~oOOo~ Angela walked up to her seat that the stewardess had indicated and sat down. It was the isle seat of the row of two, running up the left hand side of the plane. The plane seemed rather empty to Angela. There was an old lady in the seat in front but nobody in the seats behind. Shortly afterwards a man came up to her right and placed a small hold all in the luggage locker above her head. He turned to her and said with a smile, "Hello" She realised he was going to be sitting next to her and started to stand to allow him to get past. "No need for that. If you like, you can take the window seat and I'll take this one," he said smiling. "By the way, my name's Simon." "Angela," she answered, as she moved into the window seat. "A very apt name, if I may be so bold." He said, smiling at her. "Thank you," she blushed. His frank gaze with his piercing blue eyes seemed to look straight into her soul. It felt different from the looks she saw from most men. His gaze never dropped from her face to the more obvious place that seemed to attract men's attentions. She dropped her eyes to survey his lean body that seemed to be turning her insides to jelly. 'What's happening to me? Why am I feeling like this about a man?' she queried. 'Is this something to do with you and those extra modifications?" (Sorry, this is just a normal reaction to the male of your species. Doesn't he look gorgeous with that black, unruly mane of hair and those eyes?) 'But I'm a man... I was... um I guess not, at least not anymore. Is this how a woman feels when she is attracted to a man?' (Yes, Aglsha smiled.) 'Oh boy, am I in trouble.' Angela's internal dialogue with Aglsha took only seconds. Looking back towards Simon, on the pretext of looking around at the other passengers, she managed to take in more of his physical attributes without making it obvious, or at least that was what she was hoping for. Simon was smartly dressed, and looked like a corporate executive until she looked at his hands. They seemed callused, as if used to physical work and not just paper pushing. While she was wondering what he did, she realised she was thinking of him as possible husband material. 'Oh my god! How can this be? I was a man until a few days ago. Surely it would take longer than that to change my attitudes and sexual preferences like this?' (Um... oh dear... I think that's my fault, Angela,) came Aglsha's thought. (This body is extremely female. It's part of how our race is. That is why it is reacting to the physical presence of this man and the feelings you were getting, but the other is a bleed over effect from my thoughts. I was thinking he could be a suitable partner and that has coloured your thoughts on the subject.) 'Phew! I'm glad I know that. I was starting to wonder. Will this bleed over continue to happen or can you stop it?' (I could stop it, but it's not advisable, it's part of the meshing effect that our minds are going to need if we're to work together with the orb. Maybe after, if all goes well, we can separate our minds and I can enter Entropheny.) 'Entropheny? I don't like the sound of that. What is that?' (Dear one, it's like an endless sleep.) 'You mean death, don't you,' cried Angela, fearing the answer. (Yes, but it will be for the best. You wouldn't want me sitting in your mind sharing your intimate moments.) 'No, I won't let you sacrifice yourself, I need you,' pleaded Angela. (Let's survive the crisis first, then we'll see.) Angela looked out of the window as a tear ran down her cheek. She didn't want to be alone in this body, and she valued Aglsha's advice. "Is anything the matter?" asked Simon curiously, noticing Angela wiping a tear away. "No, I'm fine, it's just I'm going into Egypt alone and I might never return if things don't turn out favourably," Angela sniffled. "What a co-incidence, so am I. There's some research I need to do involving the pyramids," Simon answered with raised eyebrows. "Research?" questioned Angela, thinking he could be worth cultivating further. "You'd laugh, it has something to do with UFO's," he replied, looking for any sign of derision. "Interesting, tell me more." Simon looked at her in surprise, his estimation of her going up at matter of fact way she accepted his statement. "Well, it seems a certain archaeologist deciphered a previously unknown text that tells of a visit by an alien craft at the time of the pyramid building. I've been sent to investigate the information, to see if there's any truth in it." "Oh? You look into UFO's then?" "Among other things. I work for a government agency..." he broke off suddenly, looking around the aircraft, checking for anyone listening. Seeing nobody particularly close and the woman in front sleeping, he relaxed, wondering why he'd divulged that information. He knew the agency wanted no one to hear anything about the report until it could be dismissed as a hoax. "Oh I know, one of those I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you things," she laughed, seeing his hesitancy. "Well, I guess that's close," he continued softly, "but for some reason my instinct tells me there something more to you other than your beauty. I can't put my finger on it, but it's as if part of my soul is telling me that our fates are entwined with each others mission," he said enigmatically. 'Aglsha, he knows something, I'm sure of it,' Angela fretted silently. (I sense a power in him that's similar to your own, but of the opposite polarity. We may need him. I say we confide a little more to ensure he accompanies us.) Angela smiled at Simon and told him that her mission was to save the world from a hitherto unknown threat emanating from space. Expecting him to scoff and dismiss her story as the ravings of a seriously troubled female, she was pleasantly surprised when his eyes narrowed and he asked from where was this threat coming from. Getting the information from Aglsha, she said, "from the direction of..." and she rattled off the spatial co- ordinates as given by Aglsha, mentioning that the threat was about 1500 km across. "How did you...? never mind..." he paused, looking at her in speculation, and then coming to a decision, said. "Nobody knows this, but two days ago a cloud of something unknown was picked up by radio telescope heading this way from that exact position. We don't know what it is, but it's moving fast. The text that was deciphered mentioning the UFO also mentioned a warning about a global threat unlike any other, coming from space. You wouldn't happen to know what that is by any chance?" 'Shall I tell him?' (Yes.) "It's a cloud of Pleolites" "Huh?" Angela sighed, "I know this is going to sound bizarre, but they are a pestilence which will destroy all life on this planet should they enter our biosphere. The only thing standing in their way is myself and an object called the orb which is what I'm looking for." Looking at Simon to see his reaction, she was surprised to see him blanche. "The orb," he whispered, more to himself than anyone. "It was mentioned in the text," he continued. He looked at Angela intently searching her face for... what? "There was one other thing in the text." He paused dramatically, watching her expression. 'Oh oh,' she thought, 'here it comes.' "Yes," he continued taking her silence as a cue to continue. "It said, 'protect she, who has the sun in her palms, for she is the bearer of the light that will keep the world from darkness.' " (That was a message from my father), Aglsha told her. 'Sounds very dramatic, can we truly do this,' Angela thought back. (God willing, we will.) "Are you she?" Simon asked quietly. She nodded and looked away from those piercing blue eyes "I am she," she answered simply. "Look at me...please," pleaded Simon, gently taking her hand as it lay on her lap. She turned and he looked at her and the tears that welled in her eyes, and his heart melted. The sudden realisation that this woman had captured his heart made his next task all the more difficult to do. "I have to inform my superiors about this. This is bigger than the both of us can handle. We need support that will give us a fighting chance. He took out his cell phone and started to make the call. Angela froze in panic. Only the calmness of Aglsha's thoughts prevented her from trying to run, fruitless, as that was, seeing as they were 20,000 feet up in the air over the Atlantic Ocean. (Calm child,) came Aglsha's thoughts, (he's right, we do need more resources, and the way he's been looking at you, I'd say he was smitten.) 'I'm finding myself attracted to him as well, but I'm feeling confused. In my head something tells me this is wrong, but my body is telling me otherwise.' Angela confessed. (Honey, don't fret over it. At this moment, we have bigger fish to fry, to quote one of your sayings) "It's all arranged," came back Simons's voice, interrupting her internal dialogue. "What's all arranged?" Angela asked, worriedly. "We'll be met at the airport by a team flown in from Hawaii. Now, a question, do you know where the orb is?" he asked anxiously. "Well, I can't point it out on a map, but I can tell you the direction. It's sending me a signal that only I can sense," Angela reassured him. "Then it looks like we need to keep you alive and well at all costs," he sighed. "You believe me, don't you?" Angela whispered, looking at Simon. "Of course. I can tell that there is something unusual about you that tells me you are the most important person on the earth at this time. I trust my instincts, they have never let me down yet." ~oOOo~ As soon as they passed though the tedium of going though customs at Cairo airport, they were whisked away in a dark limo to a warehouse that was on the outskirts of the city. Uncertain of what was in store for her, Angela was nervously awaiting meeting her interrogators. Only the presence of Simon holding her hand gave her any comfort. A door opened from a small office within the building and a short grey haired man walked towards them. He was older than Simon by a number of years, his face lined with the ravages of time. He stopped, looking first at Simon, then at Angela, his eyes trying to pierce her seemingly outward calm. "Simon, is this she?" "Yes sir, this is Angela, the one mentioned in the texts." "How can you be sure? She looks as if a strong wind would blow her away. Definitely not my idea of the saviour of the world," he scoffed. "I can look after myself," Angela retorted, shocking herself. 'Why did you make me say that,' Angela communicated to Aglsha. (We need to convince them now, not a week from now. Let me take the reins for a few minutes while I demonstrate) 'Okay, but don't do anything stupid, I don't think he likes us.' "Please, if you want to see if I can handle myself then get someone to fight me, Aglsha said, imperiously. The man smiled and whistled. At the whistle, another man came silently out of the shadows. He was about six foot three and built like a bulldozer. His neck was corded with muscle and he made Angela look like a porcelain doll in comparison. As he came forward, he crouched in front of Angela in what was typically a martial arts stance. Simon looked on in shock and stepped between them, thinking to stop what was obviously a serious mismatch. Aglsha pulled Simons arm and whispered in his ear. "I can take him on, just don't interfere." Simon looked at her with speculation in his eyes, but conceded to her wishes and stepped back. As he did so, the man facing her lashed out in what was surely a killer blow. All hell broke out, as Angela seemed to move with blinding speed easily evading the hulk's attack. To Angela, taking a backseat in her own mind, it was as if time had slowed down. She could see the man start a strike to her head, then it was as if he started to move in slow motion. Aglsha moved her head out of line of the oncoming blow and started her own counter punch to the throat. It was as if she had all the time in the world. He had only just started to react to her movement by the time she had punched him, pulling the blow a little so it wouldn't do him serious harm. Simon watched in amazement, as it seemed as if Angela hadn't even moved, and the man facing her had just sunk to his knees, gagging from the almost unseen blow. Suddenly a shot rang out, shocking everyone, Angela seemed to flip over backward, one arm flung out in a spasmodic action with a speed that was frightening. As she lay on the ground shouts broke out, calling for a stop to further action. Simon rushed forward, hoping against hope that she was still alive. The grey haired man was yelling to another for a medic and lambasting the shooter for being trigger-happy. Angela fortunately, was still in her hyper mode when the shot was fired, and sensed the bullet approaching. With a flip of her body she shot out a hand in time to intercept the bullet and, with the speeded up reflexes, caught the bullet in her hand. She managed to disperse enough of the bullets kinetic energy so that the bullet slowed enough so that it only bruised her palm of her hand. Lying on the ground, she saw Simon rush over and she smiled inwardly as she saw his concern over her safety. He reached down and she shocked him by turning over and getting to her feet as he blurted out a question. "Are you bleeding? Tell me where were you shot?" "I'm okay, I'm not shot, Simon." "Huh? But?I thought?" Angela walked over to the grey haired man and took his hand turning it palm upwards. Dropping the bullet into the stunned mans palm she said, "I believe this belongs to one of your men, please return it. I don't need it in my diet," she said, nonchalantly. The man looked at her, and then at the bullet, turning it over with his fingers, then he threw it away towards the man still holding his weapon, saying. "Enough, she's proved to me at least that she has a power. Hopefully, it's good enough to help us overcome the prophecy." At her look, he explained that the text was in the form of a prophecy and, with the discovery of the cloud approaching earth; they weren't dismissing it so casually. One, because the text included the stellar co-ordinates of the cloud and two, because of the approximate time frame of its arrival. A fact that had a certain small group that was privy to the information, very nervous. "Now, whereabouts is this orb that was mentioned in the text?" he continued moving over to a table, that Angela saw, was covered by a detailed map of the region. "That way," Angela pointed, ignoring the map. "Huh?" then seeing Angela with her arm out pointing, he sighed and took out a compass and moved behind her, orientating on the direction. "You're sure?" he questioned. Getting her nod, he moved to the map, aligning it with the compass. He then drew a line along it, starting at roughly the position where the warehouse was located. "Okay, we need to get another line from the east of town to get a triangulation." He muttered. Angela and Simon were shown into a small room where a meal was served for them. Adjoining it was a small bathroom that had a shower which Angela took full advantage of, getting rid of the stickiness from the afternoons heat. The meal consisted of a salad with assorted cuts of grilled steak and a bottle of soft red wine. Angela was grateful that it wasn't anything heavier because of the oppressive heat. Angela noticed Simon's curious glances at her during the meal. He looked appraisingly at her as if she had changed into something. "What? Angela asked him. "Sorry, I can't get over how you did that earlier with such apparent ease." "We'll I do have a little extra something," she replied cryptically. After eating, and a quick rundown from the grey haired man (who was introduced to Angela as Gary) on the next day's agenda, they were shown to a couple of rooms, each which had a rough bunk bed in it. Gary apologised for the bed, saying it was only a last minute set up and that conditions from now on would be spartan at best. Angela didn't rest as well as she might have liked. Not only did the heat linger, but also the call of the orb was so much stronger, giving her some rather strange dreams. The next morning saw her dressed in what could be described as an Indiana Jones outfit, even to the hat. Gary had got them sometime in the night from sources unknown, pointing out that the clothes Angela had brought with her were hardly suitable for the task ahead. She reluctantly agreed, but packed one of her nicer gowns in the small handhold she was given. She was determined to dress elegantly in the evening no matter where or what the location was like. Having to wear pants again seemed odd and restricting, after the freedom of wearing skirts and dresses. Gary and two other men had loaded a somewhat battered Land Rover that had seen better days, but which, they were assured, was in good order. They had attached a covered trailer, which contained most of the gear required for a trip into the Egyptian deserts. Getting nervous, that the search for the orb was underway at last, Angela climbed into the front passenger seat while Simon got into the driver's seat. Gary sat in the rear with a communication rig on his head, while the two men mounted a couple of old English Army-Indian motorbikes, looking in similar condition to the Landrover. Then, with a roar, they sped off in front, presumably acting as lookout/escort. As they moved out towards the east for the other reference line, Gary started questioning Angela. "I did some searching of the data bases and sent your fingerprints for i

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The Witchs Curse

The Witches Curse Steve Islop should have been a very happy man as he sat in his railway carriage, looking out at the scenery rushing by, as his train sped from London towards Plymouth - but he wasn't! Most young lawyers, two years qualified out of College, would have been overjoyed at the prospect of taking up an appointment with a respected provincial firm of Solicitors in a pretty market town in the middle of Devon; but Steven wasn't like most young lawyers. Two years previously...

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The Pharaohs Curse

I was watching a special about Pharaohs of Egypt, and they began talking about one in particular that I found fascinating. They showed a statue Amenhotep IV and I was surprised to see wide hips, narrow waist, and what appeared to be female breasts, on what was supposed to be a male ruler. Well, needless to say, I could see the potential for telling a grand tale of a cursed mummy who transforms victims into female followers. The following is my attempt at entertaining you, and I do...

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Sorcerers Curse

Disclaimer: You really should be 18 to read this so scram if you aren't. Sorcerer's Curse By JR Parz Given he was an only child and raised by his rich aunt, money had never been an issue with him, therefore it didn't come to any great surprise when he decided to take the summer off after he graduated UMASS with a Master's degree. One evening while he was looking for a video to rent at Blockbuster Video, his attention was drawn to a pair of young blonde beauties standing by the...

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18 year old curse

Becca Miller rises out of bed early one morning smacking on her alarm to shut it up, she wore a long shirt and panties to bed that's it. usually she's a late sleeper but today? It's special it's her 18th birthday, she's officially an adult now and she plans to go out before the festivities begin she picks out an outfit, a long little bit of a thin blue dress, a sexy thong she's been saving just for today, she almost passed on a bra but realized the dress was a bit see through in the light and...

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The Reverse Curse

Some like the SRU wizard. I've sort of spun up my own version - a gypsy woman named Madam Zelda. She is sometimes helpful, sometimes nasty, and always has some gender-bending effect. I hope you like it. (My first story, entitled Fraternity Drag Ball, featured Madam Zelda. Look for her in future stories. I like her style...) I do like feedback from readers. Leave comments, or e-mail me at [email protected] ***************************************************** The...

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The Venus Curse

The Venus Curse By Lampwickxxx There was nothing in the mail for John that morning. But just as he was turning away from the door he heard a letter drop onto the mat. The postman must have forgotten it and turning back he saw a pink envelope lying on the mat. Picking it up he looked at the crisp black letters and his address. Opening it, he found a single piece of very fine paper inside, the border was gold and in old fashioned writing it had complete jargon. Metaphorsic Venus...

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Maddies Curse

This is an entry in the Valentine’s Day Contest 2008 — if you enjoy the story, please take a moment to cast your vote. * * * There was a sickening sound of screeching tyres followed by a dull thud. The ominous silence that followed sent ice-cold fear racing through Maddie’s veins. Blindly she ran across the street, the gravely tarmac shredding her bare feet – although she barely noticed. Another car stopped and voices buzzed like mosquitoes on the edge of her consciousness. Sasha was lying...

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The Curse

1. ‘Why don’t you simply confess, you wretched creature of darkness. End this now, and your soul may yet receive the grace of forgiveness when you will be purified by fire.’ She mustered all her strength to lift her head and look him in the eye. Her body was but a sea of pain, she had been ravished, branded, stretched, cut, speared and strangled. Even if her body was broken, her spirit was still victorious. The inquisitor was aghast when he noticed that she even smiled at him, a calm,...

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Disneys Curse

Bladen Disney was at a loss of words. His father Walt Disney had passed away several weeks ago and now Bladen was at the reading of his father's will. His father passed some of his valuables like jewelry to his friends and furniture to his family. He left his home to Bladen's mother Jessica. That wasn't why Bladen was at a loss of words though. His father had left Bladen his most valuable possession. He left Bladen his empire. He left him his company for Bladen to run. Bladen of course was...

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The Curse

She sat across the table from me with her hands folded on it. Her eyes followed a cockroach that was crawling up the wall, and her young face was drawn and pale. When I had found her, she was on the brink of death, lying in an alley off the strip in Las Vegas. I had gone in to take a piss before going to my car after work.*It wasn’t until I almost tripped over her that I saw her, a small figure lying on her side barely breathing. My first thought was to call an ambulance, but when I knelt down...

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Daughters Curse

Daughter's Curse At first I thought I was having a stroke. I remember thinking, you're only 48 years old and your parents are still alive and healthy. This can't be happening. But when I tried to get out of bed, I couldn't move my right side. Then I realized I couldn't move my left side and for some strange reason, that made me feel better. My vision seemed to be fading too - everything was turning golden in a kind of tunnel-vision effect. But then the sides of my face began to get...

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This is a story of a cursed house. It seem anyone one who moves in gets "strange" urges that slowly get more and more intense till they must be fulfilled. For the past 10 years the house has remained empty but the sales agency has kept it up so it is still in nice condition. Other than the curse there is nothing odd about the house. The curse that is on the house is that of incest. Any family that moves in gets the urge to seduce other members of their family. More time in the house makes the...

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Harry Potter and the Imperius Curse

“Dilligrout!” he half-shouted. “Alright. Alright,” and the portrait swung open and he climbed through. Entering the room, he saw that the fire had burned out and everyone had already headed to bed, all except Hermione who was sprawled across a chair by the fire lying with her head resting on the arm, nestled in a pile of library books. Smiling, Harry walked over and went to wake her up, but he stopped, noticing what she was reading: “Illegal magic is often hard to trace, especially within...

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The Fcking Transformation Curse

This is an anthology story of people with a curse. The speciality of the curse is that the unlucky person transforms into an exact clone of another subject they were thinking of whenever they get aroused! So yeah, this means men transforming into their own fap-off material :) Or women turning into the hunky crushes next door xD The curse works by reciting some magic words in a foreign language and picturing the targeted person in your head. So it is even good for some little revenge too :) The...

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Butterfly Curse

Butterfly Curse Written by Dauphin [email protected] I always hated my name! Why do parents call their children strange names? Do they not realise that these names stick with children all their life? I am 11 and I also want to change my name. My mother called me Harper and I am a boy. Besides me hating my name, I had the perfect life. I had a good mother that was not an evil bitch, or worried too much about us. She gave us freedom and...

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The Gumball Machine Curse

Gumball Machine Curse By: Set3 Hey there reader. Since you are reading this, I can get away with calling you "reader" regardless of what your name is, so there! ... Sorry. I'm still a little frazzled from what happened to me, with being cursed and all. However I guess I got off light compared to what I heard some others got cursed. Anyway, my therapist says that getting my ordeal written down would help some and while I'm hesitant, my girlfriend, as in a girl who is just a friend,...

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The Ancient Curse

“If I might advise you, Miss Carstairs-Browne, I don’t think you should be alone in Carstairs Manor. I mean, a great rambling place with not even a servant left.” “I know Mr.Roberts,” I said, smiling, “and I know the story that is told about the curse, but you see, I don’t believe in old curses.” I was talking to Mr.Roberts, the agent who managed Carstairs Manor and land. It had fallen to me to inherit the crumbling old house and the few remaining acres of what had once been a huge estate. I...

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The Neighbors Curse

The Neighbors Curse By Morpheus Leanne Baker quickly walked down the busy sidewalk, surrounded by people on all sides, though she barely noticed any of them. However she smiled smugly, knowing that they were all noticing her. They always did, which of course was what she wanted. The men drooled while the women glared in envy, much to her delight. Of course Leanne couldn't blame them from staring at her. After all she was gorgeous. She was 5 foot 9 and a half, with long shapely legs....

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Family Curse

Family Curse By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold & Barry G. Chapter 1 Alyssa Strasburg poured herself another drink as she glanced at the clock. It was just a few minutes before midnight. She nervously took a sip of...

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The Bethlem Curse

My name is Edward Verde. I was once held with some regard within high society, but my fall from grace began when some friends and I went to an opium den. This was quite the daring thing to do around London during 1862. We went to try our luck with the eastern dragon.My friends at the time made sure I had plenty to smoke, being one of the more reserved out of our troupe, they thought it would be good sport to see me completely under its spell. Little did I know that this produce of the devil's...

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My Girlfriends Kinky Curse

The nice little New England suburban area looks nice in the spring, all of the trees and bushes are getting back their leaves and the houses all match. That is except for the house coming up ahead which looks old and ratty. You remember how kids would joke about how the old lady who lives there was a real life witch. As your bike rides close to it, your front wheel hits a part of the pavement that is sticking out and it sends you careening to her from yard. You knock over her collection of...

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Laras Curse

Lara is your normal 18 year old girl with the exception that when a hand is placed on her she can be transformed into anything just by strongly thinking of what you want to turn her into. She was 7 years old when the curse was first noticed, she was playing with her twin sister Abby, Abby had her hand on Lara and was thinking about how much she wanted another doll to play with and in flash Lara was a doll, even through the change was over in an instant Lara could feel the change, she couldn't...

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The Spiral of a Curse

The website looked like one of those creepypasta threads. Black background, white text. It came when people were at their lowest, an icon on your desktop that simply read Revenge or Justice or whatever you wanted most at the moment. The icon above it a spiral seemingly made of stone, diving deeper and deeper, without end. Upon clicking on the icon, they were brought to the aforementioned creepypasta website. The lives of men are unclear, inscrutable. Why do some live lives of luxury idly, while...

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A Gypsy Curse

You are roused from sleep by a banging on the door. Checking your watch you see it is past noon. It was a heavy night last night and your head is throbbing. You remember you are the only one in the house, so you roll out of bed, throw on a dressing gown over your naked body and stumble to the door. In front of you is an old gypsy woman. "Sprig of lucky heather, young man?" she asks, her eyes twinkling. She smiles revealing a graveyard smile. "You got me out of bed for that?" you ask...

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Laundry Theater The panty Curse

Laundry Theatre: The Panty Curse By: Pinkman100 I grunted as I lifted the last of my heavy laundry baskets up and onto one of the many tables at the local Laundromat. Taking a moment to catch my breath after hauling in several overly packed baskets, I found myself wondering if Kim and I would ever finally get our own place together and move in. Maybe then we would have our own laundry machine and I wouldn't have to procrastinate laundry and end up taking just about every...

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The Curse

The Curse By Jason Sommers It all started shortly after my wife and I divorced. I decided to join my friends down at the bar. After a couple of hours of drinking and playing pool my friends decided to call it a night, but I wasn't quite ready to go home, so I sat back down at the bar. About 20 minutes later a beautiful woman sat down next to me. We started to talk and before I knew it we were leaving together and heading back to my place. When we got to my place, she was all...

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The Curse

The Curse By Jason Sommers It all started shortly after my wife and I divorced. I decided to join my friends down at the bar. After a couple of hours of drinking and playing pool my friends decided to call it a night, but I wasn't quite ready to go home, so I sat back down at the bar. About 20 minutes later a beautiful woman sat down next to me. We started to talk and before I knew it we were leaving together and heading back to my place. When we got to my place, she was all...

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Christmas Curse

The Curse JoAnne forced her way brusquely through the dense crowd toward the Thai place on the corner. Lord, she hated holiday shopping – screaming brats, the jarring sounds of ringing bells, the constant fucking “gimme, gimme, gimme” of the damn “charity” workers. As if they weren’t really there to guilt you into forking over the goddamn money. And all these fucking people just kept on bumping against her, wrinkling her $2000 black skirt and jacket power suit. Didn’t they have somewhere to...

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The Diaper Curse

(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old) Joanne Abadila was at a loss. It was not the death of her estranged parents that got to her. Joanne's parents where a very traditional, conservative family. They had very strict, scheduled to the letter life-plan in mind for her since the day she was born. She was meant to go to the same law schools, have the same friends and get the same job as her parents did, all boiling down to looking after the family's estate just as her parents did...

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The Curse

Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagarism of this work. THE CURSE By Wyrdey "I'm sorry, Sir, we're full tonight. You should have made a reservation." Calvin watched the argument unfolding. He knew that, while he was technically a door man, his job also required him to provide some muscle if customers became unruly. "Do you know who I am?" the irate stranger demanded. Calvin was impressed. Marcel, the head waiter, was a...

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Grandmamas curse

Grand-mama's curse --------------- A young lady is sent out on a mission to right a wrong. --------------- The young lady had been given a mission. Find the son of a bitch and bring him back to grand-mama. Actually finding the man would be of little problem; he was a very powerful and well-known figure. But grand-mama was an aging Gypsy witch who had been wronged. This man had done evil terrible things to her and her people, and had to be made to pay. The young lady...

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Sophies Curse

Sophie's Curse Chapter 1 - Squeezed Through a Tube My guts were being squeezed through the opening of a tube of toothpaste. My arms flailed to grasp onto something to keep all of me from going out that tube. Next thing I was falling and trying to grab onto something. A dream. I awoke breathless. Great pain. I had been in a stupor for days now since I first came to. What had happened to me? What was I doing in this hospital bed? It started to come back to me. Nurse Johnson. Me...

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The Irish Curse

The Irish Curse By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part One A half dozen teenage girls were buzzing around the locker room after showering, drying their hair and hurrying to get dressed after track practice. They were stuffing backpacks, jumping into their school uniforms, and collecting everything they needed for the weekend. "Ok, girls," yelled Holly clapping her hands. "Now that everyone's dressed, don't forget anything and we'll see you on the bus at eleven." "OMG, they...

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The rubber doll curse

NOTE. This story has no racial or cultural agenda nor have I. It is simply a sexual fantasy. If I offend you then I opologise. That said read and enjoy. The rubber doll curse. "Get out of the way you lazy arseholes," I shout. The road ahead is completely blocked by a procession of cars and vans. At the head of the procession is a horse drawn carriage which is what is slowing things down. I am late for work and at present on a warning for my tardiness. I had left the house...

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I Went to Europe and All I Got Was This Succubus Curse

DISCLAIMER: This story involves corruption and demon transformations towards the end. If this is not your thing then I suggest not reading. I Went to Europe and All I Got Was This Succubus Curse By Schizo Jason loved learning about history, especially if it was history from another country. When most people go on vacation they would look forward to late night parties and meeting new friends. Now, that's not to say that Jason didn't enjoy those activities as well. Instead, he would...

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The Witchs Curse

ChristiDart 5,710 words [email protected] (The first chapter)                          The Witch?s Curse: A romance novel By: Christi Kay Dart                                     The Witch?s Curse1         CassyMcSmith sat quietly on the front porch swing, as the wind blew softly onto her rosy-red cheeks.The sun felt crisp against her skin, as it brought out thepigments of her fair, milky-white complexion.Cassy was a young, beautiful, teenage girl, of 17 years of age.Through out her...

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Maddies Curse

There was a sickening sound of screeching tyres followed by a dull thud. Ominous silence sent ice-cold fear racing through Maddie's veins and she ran blindly across the street, the gravely tarmac shredding her bare feet - although she barely noticed. Another car stopped and voices buzzed like mosquitoes on the edge of her consciousness. Sasha was lying in the road, deathly still. Maddie dropped to her knees, dirt scraping her flesh. She touched the familiar silky fur, trying to convince...

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Experimenting with curses

Every decade, three sisters of the witches convenant met on the eve of Shamain, the night of the dead. They were known among their peers as philosophers and researchers. Most of the witches in the world dabble in petty curses and potion making, but this was not enough for them. They wanted something more. So they made a pact among themselves to never to fight each other and to help each others in their research. This decade was no different from the others. At the exception of the subject of...

Mind Control
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Maidensdoom Wyrm

Maidensdoom Wyrm Copyright Oggbashan March 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************Lads and Lassies, listen now to meWhile I relate the tale so dire:Maidensdoom Wyrm roaming freeCondemning some to eternal...

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The Naked Curse

For this story, you will create a male main character who gets cursed with perpetual nudity. First, use the second chapter to describe your man; how old he is, what he looks like, his job, etc. Then, title the next chapter with who curses him and start writing! Feel free to use my chapters as an example.

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The Cursed

The Cursed. ------------- Darkside June 2002 Introduction by Sam King It was about two years ago, that I came up with the concept for the "Cursed" universe. While I can't now fully remember the genesis for it, I know a good deal of it came from reading Dave Duncan's book, "The Curse" particularly his treatment of those cursed with involuntary shape changing. Over the next few years, I started the story a number of times, never getting very far, and always unhappy with what...

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Cursed! by Eddie Glover part 1 Tommy Thompson frowned as he ran home from football practice. He wanted to go out tonight with his girlfriend Megan but this was the night of the full moon. Unlike the rest of his family who only changed form upon their strange curses, he changed into a gorgeous red-headed woman whenever he uttered a profanity....or under the full moon. Needless to say this curtailed his social life on those nights. He walked in the front door of his...

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Cursebreaker By: Lyrissa Ardath narrowed his eyes as he surveyed the edge of the drab, foreboding swampland. Gnarled, moss-encrusted trees leaned precariously out over dark pools of still water and the air was dank and cold and smelled heavily of rotting vegetation. Ardath seemed out of place in this dreary landscape, his well-polished armor and weapons making him appear as if he was a celestial being who had just taken his first step down onto the dark world of mortals. The young...

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The Curse 2 The Cursening

1. "Please tell me this isn't what I think it is?" Mom asked as she held the bra up by the strap. I was frozen in shock, hoping beyond hope that the bra was all I'd accidentally dropped in the laundry. Of course, the only thing that crossed my mind was, "What do you think it is?" She rolled her eyes. "What I think is that you brought a girl home at some point and she forgot her clothes." I felt relief wash over me. She just thought I'd brought a girl home. If she found out what...

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The Diaper kiss curse

(((This is a survivor story, can you survive and keep your teenage or adult minds or will you be cought and brought back to babyhood... will you survive.....)) Jill packed up her books in the library where she was finishing up some of her homework on her free period, she left the library on her way to art class, being in her last year of high school, there was exams starting in 3 weeks, so the teachers where piling on the work and expecting students to do more homework than normal. 'Sigh', "So...

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Orgasm Body Swapping Curse

It was in the middle of summer and Kevin Wallace was minding his own business for most of it, until the day when he was cursed (or blessed?) with swapping bodies with a certain someone. Some prepared characters (feel free to add your own): Christine Wallace, 38 Martin Wallace, 40 Ben Wallace, 16 Amanda Wallace, 21

Mind Control
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Nikias Curse

I first met Nikia at my local grocery store. It was a cloudy day, with thunderstorms forecast for the afternoon. I had just pulled into a parking space, when I noticed a woman standing on the opposite side of her vehicle, trying to do something to the door. There had been a lot of suspicious activity in the area as of late, including numerous break ins, to vehicles, in broad daylight. I thought for sure I was witnessing a crime in progress. I sat there for a few moments with the engine idling,...

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The Curse

I sit in the booth. My clothes sit in a pile on the floor, I’m naked and I smell disgusting. I’m not sure what time it is, but I know it is really late. I sucked two guys off and then, because I was so desperate to orgasm, I unlocked the door and three more guys came in and fucked me. I feel the wet cool stickiness in my ass. When I get really horny like this, time just disappears and my mind becomes completely focused on fucking and sucking and being used. But then it stops and I’m aware,...

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