Queen Of Harvest Moon: Part 2a Ricky's Halloween Surprise free porn video

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Ricky's Halloween Surprise Part Two (a) By Angel While Ricky was in his drug assisted sleep with Nurse Fleming watching over him, Dr. Claire Roma and Julia were having a very serious conversation in Claire's office. Julia knew a few things were not right with Ricky and that is what Claire began explaining to Julia. "Julia, you know that Ricky has a few physical abnormalities that normal boys do not have. I want you to know that I have had a special interest in Ricky ever since the emergency last year at the elementary school. Dr. Wigs has kept me abreast of Ricky's health and overall physical progress since that day. Please just let me tell you my findings and then you can ask me any questions, okay?" "Alright, Claire, I will just listen for now but I won't promise I will not butt in at some point." Dr. Roma chuckled at Julia's answer and began. "You remember last year the chemical spill at the indoor pool and the subsequent fire. The gas spread through the school very quickly and many of the children were affected; be it only minor discomfort with skin irritation, rashes and breathing difficulties from sore throats. Nurse Fleming was with me and I was the first to arrive at the school. I sent Nurse Fleming to triage the girls and send them to me, worst condition first. Well, I set up my examination room in the large annex trailer and was treating the girls as fast as I could. Sending some to the hospital and keeping some for further observation. To my surprise a very cute girl dressed as a boy was now standing in front of me. I quickly began examining this girl asking her name and she told me it was Ricky O'Hare. When I tried to remove Ricky's pants to check for rashes Ricky looked around and refused to let me, holding onto his pants with a very frightened look. I told Ricky it was okay because only girls were here and that was when I was surprised. Ricky announced that he was indeed a boy." Claire chuckled again at the memory of this incident and Julia was surprised because Ricky had not told her anything about it. All he had said was "the" doctor had examined him and everything was okay. "Well Julia, I did not believe him and insisted in pulling his pants down and examining him. I was very surprised at what I found and quickly pulled his pants back up. I want you to know, Julia, I apologized and I was very sorry because the two girls that were there knew Ricky was a boy but did not say anything. They saw his privates I am sorry to say; be it only briefly. I had a long talk with these two girls and I know they have never mentioned this incident to anyone. I know because I checked back from time to time and these two girls are patients of mine." "Now, Julia, I must tell you why Ricky sparked my interest so. First, my nurse after a quick assessment assumed Ricky to be a girl and sent him to me for treatment. She knows I only see and treat young females, so this was also something unique. Second, on examining Ricky, if only briefly, I noticed several things that even fooled me into believing he was a girl. Now, after my complete examination I can tell you honestly and factually my findings. Julia, do you have any questions so far?" "Yes, Claire, I have a few! I know Ricky is small for his age and also that he is a very cute boy, but why would you and your nurse believe him to be a girl?" "Julia, your son has no 'Adams apple', number one. His eyes are closer together than is normal for boys, number two. You see girl's eyes have less distance separating them than boys. Julia, even at a young age there are key differences a professional can spot that identify gender. Your son has more female characteristics than male. That is what has sparked my interest in him." "Okay, Claire, please tell me what you have found and what we can do to correct it." "Julia, would you like some tea? This is going to take some time." Julia agreed to have some tea and they both went into a little kitchen that was next to Claire's office. Claire made the tea and once again they returned to the office; this time they both sat on a couch, with Claire getting and opening a fairly thick folder on the coffee table in front of them. The folder had Ricky's name on it and contained pictures and many medical documents. The surprising thing was that they all had Dr. Wigs name on them. Dr. Wigs had been sending Dr. Roma everything! This was done without the parent's permission. Julia began wondering if this could be a way out for Ricky. She surely knew it was grounds for a lawsuit. Julia kept quiet but was very vigilant as to everything else that was to come. Dr. Roma began again, "Here we have Ricky's physical examinations from infancy right up until a few months ago. Let me point out the beginnings of Ricky's changes. Here Dr. Wigs points out the lack of an Adam's apple. (Medical term for it is lengthy so I will keep calling it an Adams apple, dear readers.) Here we have the testicular abnormality. You see, Julia, Ricky's testicles had not dropped until just recently which has caused malformation and atrophy." The pictures had been taken in secret and neither Julia nor Bill had any knowledge they existed; another point for Julia to ponder. "Julia, this has caused Ricky's chance for the male hormone testosterone and a few others to not kick in at the onset of puberty. Here we have the lab tests confirming the atrophy and abnormality of his testicles. Now let us move on to his penis or lack thereof. As you can see by these pictures, Ricky's penis is much smaller than it should be for his age. His penis is the size of a normal four year old boy's. Dr. Wigs and I believe it will not grow much bigger than this. Most interestingly we have the more drastic and profound differences in Ricky's physical bone structure. Here we have pictures of Ricky's arms. Here we have a picture of a normal boy's arms at this age; do you see the differences, Julia?" "Not really, Claire, maybe just a little more curve in Ricky's arms." "That is correct, Julia, here is a picture of a normal girl's arms at this age. See the similarity?" "Oh my God, what are you saying, Claire!" "Take it easy, Julia, let me finish, okay?" Julia could only nod in agreement she was getting very upset and afraid. "Now for the hips we have both pictures and X-rays here to compare." Dr. Roma continued. "I want you to pay attention to the middle portion joining the two hip bones. You see the cartilage development? Now for comparison, once again the normal boy, and here the normal girl, of the same age; Ricky is more like the girl's once again. Now, Julia, the physical differences do go on but those were the important ones I wanted you to be aware of. Here we have Dr. Wigs blood tests and their results. I will put them side by side with those for a normal boy and a normal girl as comparison. You will notice which set Ricky's results resemble the most." "Claire, you are telling me Ricky for all intents and purposes is a girl with a penis? Are you trying to say what I think you are leading up to? That Ricky is really a girl?" Julia was very upset, she was crying now out of fear and for her son. Clair reached over and hugged Julia saying, "Ricky was born a boy but something happened to him that affected his system. We don't know what or why or how, yet; but Dr. Wigs and I have been searching for answers ever since I first saw Ricky. I also want you to know that most of these tests were paid for by us, out of a professional interest, and as a courtesy to your family. We did not want to alarm you or Ricky unduly until the results were all in." Julia really suspected something now. Dr. Wigs and Dr. Roma were in this together and she no longer trusted either one of them. Ricky was valuable to them both as a research subject and possibly future wealth from the studies they had done without Bill's and her permission. She wondered what else had been done to Ricky. She would have a long talk with him the first chance she got! Dr. Roma went to a file cabinet and removed another folder and came back and sat down. She opened it and started laying out forms. These forms were permission to treat forms! One already had been signed by her; it was the one the town's leaders had had her sign after all the rules and procedural changes were made official. She now regretted signing it! She remembered it being notarized immediately after she signed it and now she knew why! Julia had to get to their family lawyer and soon. Dr. Roma seeing the look and posture change in Julia read it correctly and smiled. She had this family and there was nothing they could do about it! Ricky was hers to do what she longed to do! Because of this signature, and with the backing of most of the town, The O'Hare family had little chance of winning besides running away leaving everything behind. Something she knew they would never do. They couldn't! Claire scooped up the forms, handing the folder to Julia saying, "You take these forms home with you and have your lawyer look them over. You and your husband sign them and bring them with you or fax them to me as soon as you can, Julia. Ricky must begin the treatments soon and we have a lot to do and I promise you she will be a proper Queen in time for the festival and thereafter." Claire gave Julia a smile that exuded confidence and a surety that scared Julia to her very marrow. Shocked pale and shaken, Julia took the forms; standing up on wobbly legs she said, "Dr. Roma, I want my son now and we are leaving this instant!" "Julia, I am sorry but you can't do that. Ricky will leave with you and today but not just yet. She is sedated and in a condition that a professional must look after her until we decide she is all right to go home with you." Julia became furious and was just barely able to keep herself from striking Dr. Roma! She asked to use the phone and Claire just motioned her to the desk. Julia first called their lawyer and then her husband. While she dialed the first number, Dr. Roma left the office and entered the examination room where Ricky was still sleeping. Nurse Fleming had prepared several shots and had mixed an IV solution while Ricky slept as Claire had instructed her. Nurse Fleming was a little surprised Ricky's mother had not returned with Claire. She just assumed that while Ricky was sleeping there was no need for her to come back and be with him. Dr. Roma gathered the syringes and told Nurse Fleming to start the IV. The so-called mild sedative was not mild at all. Ricky was in a deep sleep and did not even stir as he was positioned on his back and the large IV needle was inserted in his brachial artery. One after another Dr. Roma started injecting Ricky with the shots. One shot in each breast just under the nipples. One shot in each hip and two in his scrotum piercing each malformed testicle. Then a large dose injected into the IV solution that was now dripping into Ricky at the fastest rate possible for someone his age and size. Dr. Roma quickly gathered several tubes containing ointments and donned a pair of gloves as Nurse Fleming went to a corner and wheeled a cart that had thick disposable diapers "MoliCare" brand and several pair of plastic waterproof pants. The "MoliCare" brand of diapers come from England and are the thickest most absorbent and the best disposable diapers made in the world. Nothing but the best for Dr. Roma's pet project! She chuckled when she thought of her slick maneuver of buying and having delivered the sweat suit, matching socks, girl's silk camisole and the chemically treated boy's briefs for Ricky's visit to her office. She knew Julia would have her wear it knowing that Julia liked seeing her son looking effeminate. Julia would just say "cute" of course. The briefs were the important item though; they were treated with a fast acting chemical agent that entered Ricky's system and started to work on his urinary tract. Yes, for all intents and purposes Ricky would be urinary incontinent for weeks. Claire laughed out loud now, not able to contain her evil glee and ego-driven desires to not only possess this rare find but also to have the exclusive control of her. Dr. Roma laughed again after Nurse Fleming slid a diaper under Ricky's fanny and she began to spread the hormonal creams, thickly covering the area completely. One other thing she did just out of an evil desire to control Julia, she inserted a suppository into Ricky's anus which in about 30 minutes would cause him to fill his pants with feces. Yes, his mother would need to care for him in the most intimate way now. Julia's role was expanding and there was no escape for her. Claire began spreading another cream all over Ricky's little breasts and used a special ointment on his nipples. She put a circular pad over each breast. She nodded to Nurse Fleming who finished up by fastening the diaper tightly closed and slipping the plastic pants on Ricky. She then put a training bra on him to hold the pads in place on his chest. The look was one of a young girl with budding breasts. Claire had Nurse Fleming hold Ricky on his side as she injected one more syringe of drugs into his lower spine. When that was done Nurse Fleming dressed Ricky in his silk camisole, sweat suit, yellow socks and sneakers. She put the remaining plastic pants in a newly purchased pink diaper bag along with a box of disposable gloves, a package of baby wipes, and several tubes of creams and ointments. She added the 11 remaining diapers and zipped the diaper bag closed. At this very moment a delivery truck pulled up to the O'Hare residents leaving a case of these same diapers with Dorothy, a neighbor's 16-year-old daughter, who was babysitting Terry, the youngest O'Hare. She was surprised because the contents of the box were clearly marked and advertised on the outside: MoliCare the Worlds Finest Disposable Diapers Youth, size small. Soon another delivery and yet another would be made to the O'Hare house. What was to be a fun festival and a wonderful time for everyone was not to be for the O'Hare's, theirs was to be a nightmare far from fun and definitely not wonderful! *** Julia had gotten through to their lawyer and after explaining things that took far too long, he was to be at the house in three hours. She had placed an emergency call to her husband Bill and he was at that very moment speeding through traffic on his way home. Julia made her way back to the examination room only to find the door closed and locked. She knocked loudly while demanding entrance immediately. Claire opened the door with a smile on her face and said, "Julia, calm down Ricky is fine and you can take her home now. Let me just explain the treatment instructions to you and after you sign them, you can take Ricky and go home." Julia brushed right past her and took Ricky out of Nurse Fleming's arms, feeling and seeing the differences, his thickly padded bottom and his puffy chest area showing under his sweatshirt. She glared at the nurse with a look that could kill and demanded to know what they had done to her son. "Julia as I said let me explain what was done and what you must do and you can take her home, all right?" "If you have hurt my son in any way, Doctor Roma, I will kill you myself!" "Julia, please calm down, she has not been hurt in any way." Dr. Roma explained in her devious and well thought out way, leaving much out and ending up by informing Julia that Ricky would be incontinent for several weeks. She explained the use of the cream and ointment that must be used as prescribed or Ricky could suffer physical damage, and it would be Julia's fault if that occurred. Once Julia understood the instructions to Claire's satisfaction, she made Julia sign the treatment instructions giving Julia the copy and keeping the original. She had Nurse Fleming carry the diaper bag out to Julia's car, as well as a car seat for a child Ricky's size. Nurse Fleming installed the car seat in the back and she and Julia fastened the deeply sleeping Ricky into it. Julia had tears of sorrow and rage streaming down her face as Nurse Fleming whispered that she would stop by and tell Julia what really happened and what was actually done to Ricky. Nurse Fleming realized that Claire had used and deceived her as well and she was very mad. She was smart enough to realize she could help the O'Hare's and herself more by remaining in the doctor's good graces. So after the quickly whispered offer she returned to Dr. Roma's clinic, showing a false smile and a false promise to continue to aid the evil Claire and greedy Dr. Wigs. Julia drove home slowly and carefully, trying not to take corners to sharply because Ricky's head would fall side to side when she made a turn. She did not want his head to roll back and forth too sharply which would cause him harm. She turned into the driveway and pulled up as close as she could to the side entrance nearest the driveway. Inside the house a very curious Dorothy, aged 16, was watching the youngest O'Hare, Terry, playing with her Barbie doll like any 7 year old. Dorothy heard a car pull in and went to the door looking out its window. She watched Mrs. O'Hare get out of the car and she noticed her expression; it looked like Mrs. O'Hare was crying. Dorothy went back and got Terry and while holding Terry's hand they both went out the side door. What Dorothy saw surprised her and she asked Mrs. O'Hare what was wrong. Julia just asked for her help as she handed Dorothy the diaper bag. It was then that Dorothy informed Julia of the numerous deliveries and the many boxes piled up in the living room. Little Terry seeing her mother crying began to cry herself. As Julia was unfastening the still sleeping Ricky, Dorothy kept up a steady stream of questions, as any 16-year-old would do under these circumstances. "Dorothy, stop with all the questions and take the bag and Terry into the house right now, okay?" "Okay, Mrs. O'Hare, but what is going on?" "DOROTHY! Just do as I say, NOW!" Dorothy took Terry's hand and with the diaper bag's strap over her shoulder, they both quickly went back into the house. Julia picked Ricky up and smelled that smell; only one thing it could be. Ricky had messed himself. "What have they done to you, my Angel? My poor sweet child, don't worry Mommy is here now, and no one will hurt you again." As Julia put her arm under Ricky's fanny for support she felt the squish and knew he needed changing right away. She was furious but powerless which made her feel she had let her son down when he needed her the most. She cried hot tears and silently swore to protect him from any further harm. As she entered the house with Ricky held tightly against her, Dorothy was pointing toward the living room. Julia walked into the living room and saw the many boxes, some small, and some very large. She had no time now to investigate or examine them. "Dorothy, please phone your mother for me and ask her if it would be alright if you brought Terry over for a few hours. Tell her I will phone her later to explain further, but for just right now, tell her we have a family emergency." "Okay, Mrs. O'Hare, but what is going on and why are you crying?" "DOROTHY! Just do as I ask, okay?" Dorothy quickly shut up and phoned her mother. Terry ran up to her mother "Mommy, Mommy!" Julia seeing her child's distress smiled and let her follow them up the stairs into Ricky's room. Julia gently lay Ricky down on his bed and took Terry in her arms, hugging her close and speaking soothingly and softly. She calmed Terry down enough so when Dorothy was through talking to her mother, she left with her without any further problems. By the look on Dorothy's face, Julia knew she would tell Rita (Dorothy's mother) about Ricky messing himself and much more, she was sure. Julia gently undressed Ricky; leaving him in only his plastic pants, diaper and bra she went downstairs to retrieve the diaper bag. Still crying, she went into the bathroom to prepare for Ricky's much needed bath and thorough washing. After the tub was filled with about two inches of warm water, she returned to Ricky with the diaper bag in her hand. She removed what she would need and laid it out on the bed. She put on a pair of the rubber gloves and removed the bra from Ricky. Once again she lifted Ricky in her arms and laid him down in the tub and began removing his soiled plastic pants and diaper. *** Bill, very upset and worried after his wife's phone call, was driving madly; and in a great hurry, was almost home. He was just getting on the exit ramp when he heard a siren and in his rear view mirror saw the flashing lights. "FUCK! SHIT! Why now?" He banged the steering wheel in frustration as he pulled over to the side of the exit ramp road. *** Rita was trying to make sense out of the never-ending run- on sentences her daughter was firing at her; all she could do was tell her to calm down and speak slowly. Rita picked Terry up and hugged her close because Dorothy's tirade was upsetting her. *** Mr. Aims, the O'Hare's family lawyer, was trying to make sense out of what Julia had told him. He knew some of what was planned for her son Ricky. He was one of the few who was against the whole idea and voted no at both the town leaders' session and at the PTA's. He was one of only three no votes cast. He knew well both the written laws and the secret unwritten laws the town upheld at all costs. He would do what he could but knew it would not be enough for what the O'Hare's were going to need. He felt sorry for this family because he liked them very much but not enough to jeopardize his standing in this town or his practice. He knew well that if he stood by the O'Hare's, he would loose both. With a heavy heart and a guilty conscience, he climbed into his Lincoln and drove toward the O'Hare's residence. *** Julia had cleaned the feces off Ricky and began soaping and rinsing him off as the tubs filthy, smelly water drained. Ricky began to stir and slowly opened his eyes. She smiled at him and cooed to him soothingly as the tears still fell from her eyes, falling gently on her much loved son. Ricky wrinkled his face and nose as the smell registered in his foggy brain. He saw his mother smiling but also that she was crying and cooing to him like he was a baby. He quickly snapped out of his foggy state as he grabbed his mother, hugging her hard around her neck. He hollered out in pain as his chest rubbed against his mother's blouse. Looking down at his chest he saw two swollen mounds where when he last remembered were both flat with two little dots. Now those two little dots were puffy and sticking out from a larger, slightly less swollen chest. He felt nothing in his penis and scrotum it was as if they were no longer there at all. They were puffy and swollen as well but yet, he felt nothing down there. "Ricky, everything is going to be all right. Angel. No one is going to touch you again, especially Dr. Roma. Now you just let Mommy take care of you until you get better. Okay?" Ricky could only nod in response, he was so shocked at what he had seen and felt. He loved and trusted his mother and knew she would protect him and take care of him. That knowledge did not remove his fright or his pain though he just knew something was very wrong with him. He sat there and was horrified to see urine shoot out of his penis and on his legs, yellow fluid making its way to the drain. He cried out, yelling, "What is wrong with me, Mommy! I'm wetting myself and I can't feel anything down there?" "Honey, it is going to be all right, the doctor gave you some medicine and until it wears off, this is what is going to happen. Please, Angel, don't get upset, okay? This medicine will wear off and in no time you will be able to go pee-pee all by yourself again. Mommy is here and I will take care of you until that happens. I don't want you to be embarrassed or ashamed; it is not your fault." Ricky was upset, embarrassed and ashamed! He just couldn't understand what was happening to him or why he woke up in this condition; all he could do was ask why? Words would not console him enough. Julia wrapped her child in a big soft fluffy towel not bothering to dry him off. She carried him back into his bedroom where once again, he was shocked. He saw the diapers and plastic pants, he saw the tubes, the pads for his chest, and a tiny bra. He knew what it was because he had seen his mother wearing one that was much bigger, and the laundry basket always had one or two of them in it. He saw what he knew was a changing-pad waiting for him on his bed. He cried out again, "No, No, No, Mommy, please, why is this happening to me? I don't want to be the Queen! I don't want to be dressed as a girl! Please don't make me!" Julia cried right along with her son as she lay him down on the changing pad, knowing what had to be done. All she could do was be gentle and loving as she cooed to her frightened child, trying to soothe away his fears and pain. She tried to explain what she was doing and why it had to be done, wishing with all her heart none of this had ever happened. Ricky was stunned into silence. He had been overwhelmed with all that had happened and just stared straight up at the ceiling as his mother did what had to be done. *** Bill had stopped arguing with the state policewoman and she was now handing him a ticket. She warned him once again to drive safely or he, too, would be a family emergency. He had calmed down and carefully followed the speed limit. He was frustrated with the urge to get home as quickly as he could; the speed limits he had to follow seemed to be lower and slower than he could remember. Finally he pulled into his driveway, shut off the car, and ran into the house. *** Mr. Aims was driving through the center of town on his way to the O'Hare's as a police car drove up along side and the policeman inside motioned him over to the side of the road. The policeman informed Mr. Aims that the mayor wanted to see him right this instant and he was to follow the policeman and not deviate from the route. Mr. Aims agreed and followed the police car to the town hall and the policeman escorted him to the mayor's office. The mayor's secretary knew Mr. Aims well, she should; they were having an affair. "Hello, John, the mayor will see you in just a second." "Hi, Jane, we still on for tonight?" "Oh, yes, I made the reservations yesterday; we have our regular suite." They smiled at each other as Jane's intercom buzzed. "He is ready for you now, John, go right in." "Hello, John," the Mayor greeted Mr. Aims as he entered the office. "Hi, Fred, what's up?" "John, as you know, the festival this year is a very special event." *** Bill hollered out for his wife as he entered the house. "Julia, where are you?" "Up here in Ricky's room, Bill, hurry, please!" Bill ran up the stairs and stopped dead in his tracks seeing his wife just finish fastening a bra on his son's chest. "What the hell is going on, Julia? What is wrong with Ricky? Is he in diapers, too?" "Bill, please listen to me, and you are making things worse for Ricky; please think before you say another word!" Bill looked at his son seeing that Ricky was far off somewhere and not even aware that his father had arrived. Bill became very worried as he whispered to his wife. "What is going on, Julia?" Julia just motioned him to be quiet as she put a pajama top on Ricky and tucked him into bed. She kissed him on the forehead and cooed to him that everything was going to be alright and to just sleep now and everything would get better and better soon. Julia took her husband's hand and led him out of the room leaving the door open a few inches. In the hall she hugged him tight as the tears fell once again. He hugged her back wondering what the hell had happened; he had no clue. She led him down the stairs and into the living room; boxes lay scattered everywhere. She removed a couple of small boxes off of the cabinet that held the alcoholic beverages and fixed them both a stiff drink. They sat together on the love seat and she began telling him all that had happened while he was away in the city.

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The Halloween Party3

However, her ordinary life would completely change when she was invited to a party by a cute guy named Josh Kelman. Gina was walking through a campus hallway one evening when Josh approached her. He held out a black and orange card to her. "Hey, Gina, I'm having a Halloween Party this Friday," he said. "Think you can make it?" "I don't know, Josh," she replied. "I'm really behind on schoolwork, and..." "Come on, it'll only be a few hours," he said. "Besides, all you...

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The Halloween Party1

Halloween is a great time of the year to party hardy. My wife Renee and I throw a big Halloween Party every year in our barn. We renovated an 1882 farmhouse that has historic ties to our past. My grandfather’s grandfather built it. This year it became a hundred and twenty-five years old. The renovation took us five years and a lot of money, time, and effort but it was worth it. Five years ago we held our very first Halloween Party in our barn. It is in much better shape now. I think it is...

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Babysitting the Twins Again Part 3 Jennys Halloween Sleepover

This is part 3 of the Story of Debbie, Jenny, and the twins. This story introduces Jenny's friends. Please read "Babysitting the Twins Again" and "Babysitting the Twins Again - Part 2 - Sweet Sixteen" for the precursory stories. Cast of Characters: Billy and Bobby -- 15 year old identical twins. Smart, handsome, tall, athletic, horny. Willing to break a few rules… well actually, all the rules. Debbie - 22 year old "star" of part 1, Tall norse goddess... Had a little trouble...

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The Halloween Party

The Halloween Party By Vivian Bird Robin and Erica Green had been married for three years. Erica is a practicing Gynecologist and Robin is a technical writer and primarily works from home. Both of them had been satisfied with their marriage and careers, but Erica was starting to feel dullness creeping into things, especially their sexual relations and she wanted to do something to liven it up a bit. "Robin," said Erica, "You know that Halloween is...

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My Halloween party at the Mortuary

I'm a 41 year old mortician / funeral director that operates our family's Mortuary and cemetery. I'm married in a polygamist marriage ( not Mormon ). I have three children two teenagers and a two year old, now I have 2 Sister Wives, Toni that's a year younger than me and she is also my biological sister with 4 children to our husband. Then there's Kathy that is a good bit younger than us, she's 23 years old with 1 child to our husband. Well, it was Saturday October 31st 2015 Halloween,...

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The Halloween Party

(episode 18) This follows College SexscapadesI believe it was a Monday morning while sitting in class next to Brittany that she asked what I was doing for Halloween the next night. I told her that I was planning to go over to my fraternity house for the Halloween party there. Brittany then asked, “What costume have you come up with for Halloween?” I responded, “I haven't come up with anything yet, but I will be at the party.”Brittany then informed me, “Jennifer, Renee and I are going to a huge...

College Sex
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Halloween Party

Halloween Party By Carol Collins "Not another Halloween TG story!" You exclaim. Face it, Halloween is the one time of the year that dresses come out of the closet (pardon the pun), along with the other feminine finery, to be worn legitimately (at least in some jurisdictions). This is a more or less true (meaning highly embellished) story of what happened one year when a friend's mother dressed him up as her daughter for Halloween. If you like these types of...

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Halloween After the Party G

Halloween: After the Party- G Author's Note: Seems that there was room for a sequel by request. I wrote the other sequel first and discovered that the story changed a lot because of the way the other story ended. It was more than just deleting sex scenes and fixing transitions. They are different people. I was nervous as I approached the door to Starbucks. I could see my hand shaking as I reached for door handle. I don't know why I was so nervous; it was a first date, sort of. I mean...

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Halloween Surprise

I was thirteen the year my life changed in a wonderful way. I was a shy 'in between', small for my age, and developing slowly in puberty compared to my peers. It was a lonely time for me, particularly since my mom was raising me alone, far from extended family, but also because I was leaving behind the safety and comfort of being a child, whose whole world is his mother. One of the fondest memories I have from childhood is a love of dressing up for Halloween. I must have learned the...

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Tricked and Treated at a Halloween Party

My whole life has been somewhat of a planned activity. Everyday I had the same routine; go to school, stay after for soccer, go home, clean up and do homework, hang out with friends, and sleep. I didn't have time much for anything else, let alone a girlfriend, hell I was too shy to even approach a girl I wasn't already friends with. Don't get me wrong I watch porn and masturbate a lot, so I have some visual experience, unfortunately I have noone to use it on. This little tidbit of...

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Halloween Surprise

HALLOWEEN SURPRISE by Throne Charlie took the bus to Helena's neighborhood and walked the final six blocks to her small suburban house. He was so thrilled that she had invited him to accompany her to a Halloween party, even saying that she had an extra costume he could wear. He hurried along, trying to regulate his gait, which often slipped over into a distinctly feminine swish. Charlie sighed mentally. He was very aware of is less than manly body language and the accents he added...

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Modern Relations part 04 Alex and her Mother Halloween

Kevin lay semi-spooned over Alex as she finished her story.“Unfair!” he exclaimed with mock outrage. “You can’t just drop a bomb like Clayton plowing your mom, and then stop. Keep going, you bitch.”“Now be nice,” Alex admonished.Kevin popped up to get water for them. He filled two glasses then carried them into the bedroom, handing Alex hers. “You recovered pretty fast from... all the ick,” he said. “Do you suppose running Phil off gave you an advantage.”Alex sat back against the headboard feet...

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Telling Mom Im A Cross Dresser part 18 Missys Halloween Party

I had enjoyed my week of sex with Thomas and Lemar but in the end it left me sore and used but not like I was complaining. It was now getting close to Halloween and mom and I were making plans to go to a Halloween party a few city blocks away from us. Yeah, sounds kind of boring I know but it was no ordinary party with costumes and drinking alone. It was an orgy for bisexual people. It was only a few days away and Mom and I decided to go costume shopping both online and in the local stores to...

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Tricked and Treated at a Halloween Party

My whole life has been somewhat of a planned activity. Everyday I had the same routine; go to school, stay after for soccer, go home, clean up and do homework, hang out with friends, and sleep. I didn't have time much for anything else, let alone a girlfriend, hell I was too shy to even approach a girl I wasn't already friends with. Don't get me wrong I watch porn and masturbate a lot, so I have some visual experience, unfortunately I have noone to use it on. This little tidbit of information...

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Angel at halloween party

I was walking down the aisles of the mall with my girlfriend who had beenshopping for what seemed like an eternity for a friend's birthday party.The mall had never been my favorite place and I would just as soon not havegone with her. But girls always like to have guys with them so they cantorture them by asking if they like or dislike everything they pick out.After walking through just about every store including Victoria Secretwhich always makes me feel out of place we finally stopped in a...

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Our Halloween Party

Our Halloween Party I have always enjoyed watching the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, however they don’t show nearly enough of them during a game. So when my fifteen-year-old daughter Victoria wanted to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader for our Halloween Party I was all in favor of it. Every year I hold a safe Halloween party for the entire neighborhood. My wife left me with our only daughter years ago, so as her only parent she usually gets what she wants. Halloween was a month away...

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A Bewitching Halloween Part 1

"But Mom! It's not fair!" I shouted, waving my arms in annoyance as I followed Mom through the house. "Well, life isn't always fair! I don't want to have to work the night shift on Halloween, especially considering how many people get injured in stupid ways on Halloween, like drunks in pirate costumes impaling themselves on their own swords, but I have to go into work anyway!" Mom replied as she adjusted her scrub top. "Now, I don't want Dana out trick or treating past six, but I don't...

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The Party Bus A Halloween Story

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

5 years ago
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The Halloween Fraternity Party

Before I could get the front door unlocked my cell phone rings. My arms are full of bags from my day of shopping. Rushing inside the house and setting things down I reach in my pocket for my cell phone and see that my girlfriend Julia is calling. I can’t believe it she wants me to go to a Halloween fraternity party with her and her daughter tomorrow night. Do I dare go? I can’t believe I am even entertaining the thought of going to a frat party with a bunch people in their 20’s. Could be fun...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Halloween Costume Party Part one Reminiscence

I love Halloween. I love the Trick or Treaters. I love the costume parties. Halloween has always been a special holiday for me, maybe because I was born on the 29th. We, my husband, Joe, and me have always thrown a huge costume party for friends, coworkers, and family members every Halloween. Our parties were always family oriented util last years when we gave an adult oriented costume party. The bottom line is that I get sopping wet just thinking about that party. With this year's party only a...

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Halloween Parties Last Call

"Halloween Parties Last Call" We were in Dennis' apartment at the end of the evening of the Halloween party. Everyone had left but Dennis wasn't finished with me just yet. "Walk like a lady for me, go on Tim!" he said ordering me to strut and mince around the living room in front of him like I was some kind of a tart! I really didn't want to but did what he asked anyway. He was studying my Halloween outfit, a complete housewife/drag affair that was over the top with too much...

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Lactating Wife Impregnated by a Stranger at a Halloween Party

Jill’s PerspectiveHalloween has always been one of my favorite times of the year. And even now, at the age of twenty-five, married, and with a five-month old daughter, I still look forward to fall and the chance to dress in costume. My name is Jillian, but most people call me Jill, and I am married to John, who most people call Jack. I know it sounds kind of corny having our nicknames be Jack and Jill, but we have a lot of fun with it.We started our lives together in a nice suburb outside of...

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Halloween Party

Halloween Party by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas "Hi, dear," my wife said when I walked into the house, "how was work?" "Not bad," I replied, "we landed that new account, so the boss was thrilled. What's new?" "We're invited to a Halloween party, a costume party, at the Peterson's Saturday night. Do you want to go?" In truth, we hardly knew the Peterson's, having been introduced by a friend of a friend, and we usually didn't really celebrate Halloween. "I guess so, sure, why not," I...

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The Halloween Story Part One The night it started

The Halloween story. Part one: The night It Started. I was a normal seventeen year old boy, called Martin. I exercised to maintain a trim frame, I cycled all year round and jogged through the neighbourhood in the summer. I was a good kid. I had left school with good grades and an education that had enabled me to get a job at the local electronics store. I had several friends, including our next door neighbour Jim. I stripped down car engines with Jim and his father. I played video...

4 years ago
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Halloween Pool Party Part 2 Maddy Returns

Halloween Pool Party Part 2 Maddy Returns by Brenda I noticed Miss Maddy getting dropped off at the main house around 10 am. I did a quick final check of the pool room and my "pink" room just in case I forgot anything and around 11 Miss Maddy came in. She greeted me warmly with a light peck on the cheek and asked, "How's Ronnie doing today? I have missed our time here in the pool house. Why don't you show me what you have done before I take a swim dear?" Ronnie again, and "dear,"...

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Halloween Delight Part One

Halloween Delight; Part one: When I was young, I was only allowed to play in the basement. The upstairs was off limits to me as a play area. I could play in my room, but that was it, other than the basement. This was fine with me, as I found a lot to play with down there, and it was all mine. When I was either 5 or 6, I found a box full of dresses. They were from the late 1800's or the early 1900's and made of silk. They had full skirts that flowed to the ground and long sleeves....

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The Stag Night Part 2 A Halloween Prelude

Part 2 - The Prelude - A Halloween story So, before I go on with the account of the Stag night, I suppose I had better give you a little more background and fill you in with the events of Halloween some few months prior to the night being described. This wasn't my first time dressed, as I mentioned, but neither was Halloween. You see having a twin sister, especially one with an evil mind, meant that I spent as much time growing up as a boy as I did a girl. By the time Suzy and I were...

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Moms Hot Halloween Party Surprise

Introduction: Mom decides to help her college aged son get over his painful last break-up by bringing the whole family to a Halloween Costume Party. She accidentally mixes up the sizes for the costumes for father and son, leading to… other mistakes. How could you! I screamed at my phone and was so mad I wanted to throw it on the ground and smash it. Only the fact that Id worked all summer to pay for it kept me from doing just that. Im sorry Randy, but it just kinda happened. I hope we can...

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Halloween After the Party X

Halloween: After the Party- X Author's Note: Seems that there was room for a sequel by request. I was nervous as I approached the door to Starbucks. I could see my hand shaking as I reached for door handle. I don't know why I was so nervous; it was a first date, sort of. I mean we had already spent some time together. I had no problem at all spotting Terri sitting at one of the little tables. She appeared to have been here a little while already. She had a cup sitting on the...

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Halloween Party

Spells 'R Us: Halloween Party By Bill Hart The Lambda's Halloween party was tonight. Just about everybody, who was anybody, on campus would be there. CeeJay Larson hadn't picked out a costume yet. But then, he hadn't figured on being invited at all. His fraternity was the butt of some really weird rumors, so he'd been almost shocked when he and a couple of his brothers received invitations. He was looking for something unique. What he seen so far rummaging through through...

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Harvest Ball

This story goes back to my years on the farm when after the crops have been harvested the town has a big party celebrating the harvest. It was a cold October night all the crops from growing season had been harvested and it was now time for the annual ball' This event is planned yearly it is a way for the town to come together after a bountiful harvest. My mother yelled at the top of her lungs for me to hurry up she didn't want to miss the blessing of the crops by the minister i on the other...

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Halloween For LIfe Part 2

Anna felt bad about abandoning Jordan like that. She did think that they would be able to have a spa day together. She had no clue they would separate them like this. As she walked with her stylist she confided in her. "My sister is just a little nervous about who works on her hair, and face. We're new around here and she just doesn't want anything real drastic done," Anna explained. "Could you just pass that information along to her stylist so that she'll feel a little more...

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Sorting Out Part 3 Halloween 1971

Sorting Out Part 3: Halloween 1971 By Margaret Rene Claire I remember it was the following fall after my first time "outside" dressed completely as a girl during 6th grade at Halloween 1970. Now it was one year later, and I was12 years old and in 7th grade. My older sister was now a senior in high school and my younger sister was in 3rd grade. I had relegated dressing up to just once or twice a month when no one was home. When my older sister was working or doing something with...

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The Harvest of Jeremy

Anne still looked very good in a leotard, even at 62 years old. She stretched her leg and leaned against a bar at the side of the dance studio. A young man entered the front door of the studio, but Anne paid him little attention. She had not seen him at the studio before, but he looked familiar. Anne had given up dancing professionally years ago, but she still came to the studio several times a month. She was still healthy and fit and still loved to dance. "Once a ballerina-always a...

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Shibuya Halloween Part I

Hi, this is Hye-jin again, the young Korean-American with a passion for sheer stockings. After my stocking adventures in Jamaica and nuru massage experiences in Tokyo, I thought of another opportunity to push the limits of daring ecstasy - flashing in stockings during Halloween in Japan. In Japan, it’s Halloween mania during the month of October, particularly in the Shibuya district of Tokyo. I would have the perfect chance to wear my sexiest lingerie and finest stockings out in public without...

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Accidental Slut A Halloween Party

Hi! My name is Mollie and I'd like to tell you all about the Halloween party at my brother Jake's house.Wait...Let me back up a step or two.Picture a gorgeous 19 year old with huge 36D melons and a perfect bubbly ass and gorgeous green eyes and the whitest blonde hair that naturally curls all the way down to the top of my butt.At least, that was what I was going for. The original costume. Before I lost the blonde wig that would have covered by straight brown hair that comes about half way down...

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Best Halloween Ever part 1

Best Halloween Ever - part 1 By strangefun It started innocently enough, with the office Halloween party. I was working as an IT contractor for a small marketing company, and in the office with four girls I was the only guy, which made me popular. The girls enjoyed a "presence of a man" and were extra giggly and dressed-up on the days I was in the office. They were all young, including the owner, and very attractive. What they didn't know, or at least that's what I thought, that I was...

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The Halloween Party

I am a fairly successful businessman and own my own company. At six foot three, 225 pounds I am in good shape thanks to a relentless personal trainer at our local gym. With a healthy six figure salary, in addition to perks and bonuses, we live comfortably. My wife Diane is a typical 24 year old young woman in every way, except for the fact that she has grown more and more sensual as she gets older. She is beautiful, five foot six inches, 107 pounds carrying a 36C chest with shoulder length...

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Julie and Moms Halloween Party

After Klintuck and I visited mom, we went back to our place, Klintuck’s ship, and mostly just relaxed for a few days. It was getting close to Halloween so most of my attention and energy was drawn to figuring out what to do for one of my favorite holidays. I wanted to have another Halloween party, like I had gone to with mom so many years ago, but now I wanted to host my own. I wasn’t sure as to where I was going to have it quite yet, but I figured with it being close to Halloween, I would...

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The Halloween Party

I am a fairly successful businessman and own my own company. At six foot three, 225 pounds I am in good shape thanks to a relentless personal trainer at our local gym. With a healthy six figure salary, in addition to perks and bonuses, we live comfortably. My wife Diane is a typical 24 year old young woman in every way, except for the fact that she has grown more and more sensual as she gets older. She is beautiful, five foot six inches, 107 pounds carrying a 36C chest with shoulder length...

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Fifty Years of Halloween Costumes

An elderly couple loves Halloween, almost as much as they love one another. Sadly and tragically, Bonnie and Andy never had children. She couldn’t because of a horse riding accident that happened to her when she was young, a lifetime ago. Ironically not fair that those couples who should have children don’t and those couples, who abuse their children have an entire brood. Who knows, maybe had they had an entire brood of children, they would have abused them, too. I don’t know. A gift and not...

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Bewitched at a Halloween Party

Looking back at some of the crazy shit we used to do when we were younger, I'm amazed that most of us are still alive and have maintained our sanity, what little we had to begin with anyway. Thirty some years ago, several friends and I threw what turned out to be one crazy Halloween party at which I was bewitched. Although parts of this story are based upon what happened at several different real parties, a large part of this story is completely fictitious and a product of my over active...

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Hot Lactating MILF in Overalls Gangbanged at Halloween Party

My name is Jason, and my wife, Katie, and I are in our mid-thirties now, still living a cuckold lifestyle, that began with us agreeing to try swinging with our close friends, when I was twenty-seven years old, Katie was twenty-four. Our daughter was only five months old then, and Katie was breastfeeding her.Katie and I live in Memphis, where we moved when we got married, right after graduating from UT; me with a law degree, and Katie with an accounting degree. I was recruited by a law firm in...

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Halloween Party1

I called my friend Bill. Bill is a friend of mine who I swapped blow jobs with several times. I also invited his roommate Phil. I called my landlord Sonny. Sonny is screaming gay and we also swapped blow jobs on several occasions. Lastly, I invited Bill’s younger brother John. John was about 20 at the time. John and sonny had fucked around together a few times in the past. Actually we all had had each other at one time or another. it was kind of a party group we had. An NSA fuck buddy...

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The Halloween Party

Gina Matthews was a pretty ordinary girl with a pretty ordinary life. She was eighteen years old, a freshmen at Westhaven University, and a server at a fast food restaurant that wasn't well known or very successful. However, her ordinary life would completely change when she was invited to a party by a cute guy named Josh Kelman. Gina was walking through a campus hallway one evening when Josh approached her. He held out a black and orange card to her. "Hey, Gina, I'm having a Halloween Party...

College Sex
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The Halloween Party

Gina Matthews was a pretty ordinary girl with a pretty ordinary life. She was eighteen years old, a freshmen at Westhaven University, and a server at a fast food restaurant that wasn't well known or very successful.However, her ordinary life would completely change when she was invited to a party by a cute guy named Josh Kelman.Gina was walking through a campus hallway one evening when Josh approached her. He held out a black and orange card to her."Hey, Gina, I'm having a Halloween Party this...

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