Slots VI free porn video

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Slots VI By Julie O It was a late in the afternoon and Joe the mechanic/owner of the Empire Garage was killing time. It would soon be dark, and in the cool of the evening he would go hunting. Of course, he wouldn't be hunting animals; he would be hunting unwary travelers on the highway between the California border and Las Vegas. He was looking forward to seeing the results of the latest changes he had made to the slot machine. Joe sipped his beer and watched videotape that he had found in the car of one of his victims. Joe rarely watched television, other than his transformation tapes. However the previous owner of the tape had raved about the show and how great it was. He called it 'reality television' or something like that, and said that this was the latest and best show. The man, who as now a shapely prostitute in Reno, said the popular show followed this wild woman around and showed her bizarre life. Joe found the idea of watching something like that show totally idiotic and a waste of time, but that was until he saw the women in the show. She was some ex-stripper who had married some old guy and when he died she became instantly rich. She was now considered some sort of a 'cult figure'. He smiled when he saw her and remembered when he had transformed her from a foul-mouthed trucker into a blonde buxom tramp. He was glad to see that one of his "alumni" was doing well. He decided to pull the tape of her transformation and watch it later that evening. He also wondered how much the network would pay for it! He smiled, thinking that her dead husband's family would surely kill for such a tape, as they hadn't approved of her getting a huge inheritance. No, he would keep it and let her enjoy her life. He watched several episodes before he felt the urge to hit the road. The sun was down now and he would start his patrol. Joe wondered who would be his catch tonight. As he drove his old tow truck out towards the highway he thought about his last victim and it gave him an instant erection. The bimbo had been a television producer from Los Angeles who was returning from a long weekend of gambling. She was now a really hot looking red head, with a very shapely body and huge breasts. She was extremely talented sexually and she had stayed with him for three days. When he tired of her, he sent her up to Reno to become a working girl in a brothel owned by another one of his transformed victims. He never liked to keep his transformed girls more than a few days. In fact, most were gone the same day. Joe didn't want or need a companion, just the occasional sexual partner. Joe paused at the edge of the highway and debated which way to go. His instincts directed him towards the city, and he smiled, as they were rarely wrong. Joe kept his eyes open for tonight's victim. Thankfully, when the slut machine did its job, it also changed the person's history completely, so there weren't any messy missing person reports to worry about. It was as if their prior life never existed. Joe figured that he had transformed thousands of people with only the occasional problem. True, some slipped through the cracks, but they were rare. Sometimes there was a futile search for the person. The cops would come out to his place to ask him questions, but for the most part they left him alone. Joe wasn't worried as the magical spirit he had freed so many years ago protected him. Like a true predator he could sense his victim long before he saw them. He licked his lips in anticipation. Then he saw them on the side of the road. There were two men standing next to a broken down car. He flashed his lights and pulled over next to them. A possible doubleheader he thought to himself. "Well, looks like ya got a problem!" he said. He hid his smile. He had perfected his grizzled old mechanic routine. He came across as harmless and it lulled his victims into a false sense of security. "I think it's the fuel system," said the taller of the two. Joe sized them up as he looked at the engine. They were both in their late twenties and looked like they were business professionals. They looked too soft to be anything else. Joe noticed that the second man was very quiet and seemed almost despondent. "Hmmm, I can get a better look at the problem back at the garage. I'll have to tow you," said Joe. "Sure why not. With my crappy luck it we'll end up spending the whole weekend there," complained the second man. "Don't mind him Gramps, he just broke up with his girlfriend. How far is it to your garage?" asked the tall man. "Only a few miles," said Joe. You'll pay for that 'Gramps' crack, thought Joe. "Come on Steve, cheer up! You'll get over that tramp soon enough," said the tall one. "I just wished I knew who Cathy was cheating with," said Steve, "I'm telling you Dave, if I find out who it is I will kill them!" "Dude, cool down. You have to forget about her," said Dave. They climbed in the truck with Joe and headed back to the garage. Along the way Dave told him all about Steve and his problems. Apparently Steve had been close to asking his girlfriend to marry him when he found out she had been sleeping around. Dave was taking him to Vegas to forget his problems. Joe sensed that there was more to this story than what Dave was telling him. He smiled thinking that in a way he would be helping Steve forget about his ex-girlfriend. They pulled into the garage and Joe led them to the waiting area. Joe watched as they walked in. He took a quick look at the car before he moved the slot machine into the waiting area. There was something he needed to know before he started their transformation. He popped the trunk and took a look inside. There were two overnight bags and a briefcase. The case belonged to Dave and that seemed like a good place to start. He didn't worry about being discovered, as they were stuck in the waiting area. He opened the case and found what he was looking for. There were several love letters from Steve's lover to Dave. Apparently they had been seeing each other for the past few months. Joe also discovered that Dave and Steve worked at the same company. They were salesmen at a luxury car company. Joe sensed that Dave was also screwing Steve over at work. There were times when Joe had a sixth sense about his victims and he could learn things about them by touching their belongings. Joe soon realized that Dave had been secretly stealing Steve's customers at work and had cost his 'friend' a promotion. Joe thought about this and thought about what he should do about this 'false friend'. He would of course change both of them, but decided that Dave would get a special punishment. He smiled at his decision and he made the adjustments on the machine. Sometimes Joe liked to deal cosmic justice. Joe wheeled the slot machine into the waiting area. He gave his well-practiced speech and set up the machine. In all the years of doing this only one time had a person ignored the machine. Joe went back to his office and turned on his TV. The close-circuit system allowed him to watch and hear the action. The microwave was on and soon he would have some hot popcorn to eat while he watched the show. "You go first," said Steve as he sat down on the couch and yawned, "Suddenly I feel really sleepy. I think I'll grab a nap." "Okay Buddy," said Dave. He sat down on the stool and examined the machine. He played a lot of machines but he had never seen this one. He slipped in some money and pulled the handle. He glanced over at Steve, who now fast asleep. He felt a little bit of remorse over what he had done. Still, it wasn't his fault that Cathy had found him attractive. If Steve had been a better lover then this wouldn't have happened! However, Dave didn't feel any guilt over stealing Steve's sales. That was business and anything was fair in business. After the first couple of pulls he was rewarded with a few coins. He was amused that instead of the usual fruits, bells and bars there were breasts, vaginas and other parts of female anatomy. He called over to Steve, but he saw that Steve was out cold. Dave was still looking over at Steve when he heard coins pouring out of the machine. Quickly he swung around and saw that he had hit a triple. He stared at the three vaginas aligned on the machine. Then he began to feel a warm tingling feeling in his pants, unlike anything he had ever felt in his life! He reached down in his pants and to his horror he discovered that his cock was gone! "Son of a Bitch!" he yelled. Dave rapidly undid his belt and unzipped his khaki pants and pulled them off. With trembling hands he pulled down his boxers and was stunned to see that 'Dave Junior' was gone and he now had a pussy. He began to tremble in fear and he gingerly reached down and touched himself. Dave felt an incredible new sensation as his fingers slipped into his new opening. Without thinking he stripped off his boxers and threw them next to his pants. Dave glanced over at Steve and saw that he was still asleep. Panic gripped him! What now? He felt his temper growing and was tempted to smash the machine. He stared at the machine and his rage grew. He then noticed that the triple, that had been three pussies, was now three cocks. Maybe he could win his Johnson back! He sat there for several minutes trying to get the nerve to pull the arm again. He felt all hot and sweaty and he was trembling slightly. There was also a disturbing thought in his mind. He found himself staring at the three cocks and wondering what one would feel like in his new pussy or even his mouth! Without even thinking he began to finger himself. This does feel very good he thought. He began to fantasize about being fucked by a man. Dave looked over at the sleeping Steve and wondered what it would be like to feel Steve in him. He briefly regained his composure; he stared at the three cocks and pulled the arm to make them go away. Anything would be better to look at then them! Back in his office Joe let out a chuckle. He knew he had this one hooked; all he had to do was watch him change. This one would be very entertaining! He reached over for his bag of popcorn. Dave watched at three pairs of breasts aligned. "Shit!" he yelled. Frantically he swung around at looked over at Steve. The last thing he wanted to do was wake him up. He couldn't let Steve see him like this. Thankfully Steve was still asleep! The same feeling of warmth and tingling was in his chest and he looked down and watched as he shirt pushed out due to the growth of his breasts. For some reason he thought it looked like a circus tent rising. Dave pulled his shirt off and saw that he was the proud own of a very large pair of breasts. They were round and full with very prominent nipples. Dave shook his head in disbelief. Things like this weren't supposed to happen! His curiosity took over and he began to feel his breasts and nipples. He was rewarded by another wonderful new sensation. Dave tried to focus, but it was getting very hard, as these new feelings felt sooooo good! He rubbed his nipples with one hand and fingered his vagina with the other. The feelings were very addicting! Without hesitation, Dave pulled the arm again and immediately went back to playing with his nipples. He wasn't evening watching the result, as he was too addicted to his new body parts. Dave watched as his hands and arms changed. As he rubbed his nipples he was amazed to watch his nails grow out and turn bright red. They looked nice on her slender new hands and slim slender arms. Yes, she still had the face of a man, however, Dana no longer saw herself as a man. She knew that she had to complete the transformation before Steve woke up. Dana eagerly pulled the arm and squealed in delight when three pairs of legs came up. She stretched her legs out and watched in glee as they became smooth and beautiful. She smiled at the fact that her cute little toenails now had the same color as her fingers. Now she needed to finish the job. Dana pulled the arm and felt that wonderful tingling and warmth around her ass and waist. She hopped off the stool and ran her hands down her now shapely hips and thin waist. She giggled in delight as she inspected her lovely new body. Joe watched and smiled. Dana wouldn't have the extreme body of one of his typical transformed girls. She would, of course, very sexual in nature. However, he resisted the urge to make her into one of his sluts, as he had a special plan for her. Dana was now praying for her face to transform. It was the only thing left that reminded her that she used to be a guy named Dave. She felt a huge sensation of relief as her wish was granted. She closed her eyes and felt the tingling warmth sweep down her head and face. Dana felt her old identity of the backstabbing Dave slip away. She was now Dana Gates, 22 and deeply in love with her fianc? Steve. However, deep down she knew and remembered her true identity. It would be her eternal punishment for being such a complete bastard. When she opened her eyes she quickly ran into the restroom and looked at her face in the mirror. Her dark brown hair surrounded her gorgeous face. She ran her hands over her face. She was so beautiful! She went back out into the waiting area and saw that the old mechanic was standing there with her bag. As with all his transformed girls, all their belongings changed to match their new gender. "I figure you'd want this," he said with a sly smile, "And your car is ready." "Thank you so much," she said with a giggle. Her voice was now totally feminine. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. She then quickly got dressed. She was put on a bra and panties. Her breasts were 36 DD and she was very proud of them. After all they were all natural! She then picked up her red sleeveless dress. It was tight and looked like it was painted on her luscious body. Dana then picked up her open toed pumps and slipped them on. She then did her makeup. Dana was very pleased with the way she looked. Joe had walked out while she was dressing. He was a bit depressed that he wouldn't be having sex with her, but it was nice to do something good occasionally. Besides there would be plenty of others! Dana walked over and woke up Steve, "Honey the car is fixed," said Dana, as she gently shook him and then leaned over and kissed him. Her tits were almost popping out of her dress low cut dress. Steve woke up and when he saw Dana standing there he smiled. He was so lucky. He had just been made the salesman of the year and had been given a promotion and a huge bonus. Now he was on his way to celebrate in Vegas with Dana, his lovely finance. Steve smiled thinking about how he had met Dana the very night he had broken up with his old girlfriend Cathy. Dana was unlike any girl he had ever been with. She was a total sex machine and totally devoted to him. They would be getting married this weekend, that is if they could find time to leave their room! Dana was standing there looking so hot. He smiled and wondered if they could make it to their room. He really wanted to have her right now. Steve wondered if Dana could read his mind as she sat down on the couch next to him and pressed her sexy little body next to him. They were soon kissing, his hands running across her lovely body. He felt her undoing his belt and unzipping his pants. Without a word, Dana moved down and took out Steve's cock. She was pleased to see that it was getting hard and soon would be it's full twelve-inch length. Steve had a momentary thought that his cock was only five inches long, but that quickly faded as Dana eagerly took all twelve inches into her willing mouth. Steve laid back and moaned in pleasure as Dana went to work. Damm! She was good at sucking cock, thought Steve. It amazed him that she could take all twelve inches into her mouth and her pussy. It was like she was designed especially for his huge cock. Normally, Joe didn't care to watch another man having sex with a woman but this was different. He was pleased that his 'modification' to Steve was performing to its fullest capability! He had directed Dave's masculine energy into Steve. Dana would be totally addicted to it and she would never leave Steve. Joe also loved the irony that now Steve would be fucking 'Dave' instead of the other way around. Dana's head was bobbing up and down. She was in a state of total bliss! She loved the sensation of Steve's cock as it moved in and out of her mouth. She found herself fingering her pussy as she sucked him off. She couldn't wait until they got to their room and they would be making love all night. She felt Steve tense up and she readied for his climax. Dana loved the fact that Steve always seemed to have a huge load. She was so happy that she would soon be his bride and mother to his children. Dana was also happy that Steve wanted a large family! The idea of being pregnant was suddenly very appealing. After they cleaned up Steve and Dana paid Joe and they headed to Vegas. Joe smiled and was proud that he had done a good thing. Dana would always have a sexy body, even after she had a baby, and she would never lose her love of sex. He looked at his watch. There was still time to make a quick patrol of the highway. He wouldn't be alone tonight after all. The End

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Strip Fights

The Basics Women compete against each other in the world renowned international Strip Fighting League matches to recieve a variety of prizes including fame, recognition, cash, property, championships, revenge, but above all the crown. The Crown establishes the holder as the undisputed champion and Queen of the SFL. Granting them ownership of the luxurious SFL Palace and all its vehicles and not to mention fortune that would make Musa I of Mali jealous. Most importantly The Queen, is the 2nd...

1 year ago
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Two Russian Dipteras Meet and Chat

Being addicted to voyeur videos, which include females on toilets, there are some centred on the continental beach toilets, which are no more than an open row of squats over pits. Of course that means quite a few flies buzzing around and this story has grown out of those intimate scenes and my evil mind “Where the fuck you been? You missed a great curly pile of shit down the garden. Fresh and hot, saw him do it and a few of us hovered and wow, was it tasty,” snickered Fly1. “What old...

4 years ago
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Main Mare 29 Saal Ki Didi

Dear readers . Hum ghar main 4 log thay . Mom or bare didi seetha or chhoti didi prachi or phir main . Mian ghar main sab say chhota tha mare age 18 ki thi . Or dad out of country thay udhar he job kartay thay . Bare didi seetha jin ki age 28 thi jo 2 saal say divorce thi un kay husband ko kese or say piyar hua or os say shaadi kay liya didi ko divorce day di thi . Os kay baad didi jin ki age 24 saal thi wo aik bachi ki maa 3 month say bane thi . Or main jo sab say chhota or laadala baita or...

1 year ago
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Pt 4 Angel gangbanged at Joes the LAST time

The beginning of the 4th of July festivities with Angel - During the day mostly..___________________________________________________IF Angel had of been more patient then hungry she would not have been sitting on a wooden bench with that hook still in her cunt because Joe had intended to remove it before she had breakfast. However, now she had to sit there eating her breakfast with it still in her cunt.Once her breakfast was done Joe told Angel to lay back over the table so that we could...

1 year ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 10 Romance

A week after my birthday I got new casts. That took me most of a day, because they had to do a bunch of X-rays first, and then cut the old casts off and fiddle with everything. My foot cast wasn’t all that much different, but I was fitted with a walking cast, a boot that strapped around it and fastened with Velcro. That made it bulky, and I needed to put it on after I got dressed. Still, anything was better than the wheelchair! That got sent back to the rental company, along with the crutch,...

3 years ago
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"I want to violate you tonight. I'll be over around 9," was all the voice mail told her. She was excited with the anticipation of what would be in store for her. What was turning into a semi-stale sex life had been recently revived, and some aggressive fucking was just what she needed at the end of a long day. She took a long shower, letting hot water cascade down her full DD tits, pinching her nipples from time to time. Taking special care, she made sure her pussy was shaved to perfect...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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My Driver8217s Wife 8211 My Lover

Hello Dear ISS Friends, Hope you are all enjoying eventful lives interwoven with healthy doses of colourful sex. With women of great beauty and a zest for life. I for one have been fortunate to meet such women who see what they want, ask for it and take it. And I as a loyal soldier, dive deep into this cosmic dance of sight and smell and the depths of orgasms. I love women, whatever the age, whatever the social strata, whatever the colour, I just love them. Thank God for them! I hope you have...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Alice March Vicki Chase The Art of Older Women Part Three

Alice March is sick of studying and she remembers her professor Dr. Matthews suggesting Vicki Chase as a tutor. She calls Vicki, hoping to get a visual idea of the material she has to cover. Turns out Vicky’s free at 6 tonight, so Alice gets excited and Vicki comes over. Alice begs to know about the irony in Romeo & Juliet, and while Vicki explains, Alice is overcome with lesbian sexual urges toward her tutor. Vicki goes on, but soon Alice finds herself distracted once again. This...

2 years ago
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House Call

I was curious. Of course I was curious. I love to suck cock and told him that. But the only cock I had sucked in a long while was my wife’s lover’s 20 centimeters uncut schlong during the few threesomes we had in the past year, but that wasn’t enough. I wanted more. All the way, have a man all to myself. Suck his cock from limp to hard, lick his balls, stroke him and let him cum in my mouth. Swallow all of it, every last drop.Our threesomes had definitely been a revelation, but our lover was...

4 years ago
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Fucking my sis

As parents drift apart, a brother and sister get cHowever thick my parents thought the walls in our house were, they weren't thick enough. I'd lost count of how many times I'd lain in bed listening to mom and dad fighting when they thought we wouldn't overhear them. I was at a point where I almost didn't care anymore, but I couldn't say the same for my little sister.Once the yelling started it was usually only a matter of time before Monica would be up and looking for something to take her mind...

4 years ago
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A truly loving family The ladies fun

Introduction: While the men are away, the females play. Hi. My name is Anna. I am a 41 year old mother of two wonderful adult children. Their father, Jim, and I have been married for 25 years and still have a very healthy sex life. In fact, there have been several embarrassing moments with the kids because of the noise we make when we have sex. It is quite common to hear the words, Jesus mom, quiet down! shouted by one or both of them. Our son, Patrick, is the oldest at 21 and is still...

2 years ago
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Strip poker party

The girl with the long dark hair lost again. Slowly, tantalizingly, she pulled her t-shirt over her head, revealing that she was wearing nothing whatsoever underneath. Her small, firm breasts were the same golden color as the rest of her skin, with the aureolae a darker chocolate brown. All that she had left now was a pair of small, white cotton panties. While he looked admiringly at the breasts just revealed, caressing their curves with his eyes, the black girl to his right shuffled...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Fucker

Before we start I want to tell you that this story features use of the game mode. It is recommended that you turn on the game (press start game) for their are scenes that can only be accessed with certain scores that would otherwise be unavailable if not enabled. __________ The light of the room clicked off plunging me into darkness. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, glad to finally get a break from bright lights. I stumbled my way to the unkempt bed, my feet slipping on some of the mess of my room....

2 years ago
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Slave Sanctuary 5 Full Moon1

Full moon lasts two or three nights for me with my bad eye-sight, we celebrate it by beach beatingsFull moon, I line up my main sexy slaves and tie them with arm and legs spread to palm trees for meFor the full moon ritual I invited two fine friends to help me properly spank and use my main slavesFor the full moon party I line up my all sweet sexy slaves in groups of three or four for fornicationFirst we see the Swedish section with Sasha, Natalia, awesome Ashtyn offering us all their hot...

3 years ago
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Cock CandyChapter 12

Luke slides into his desk and leans over to whisper to Candace once her lesson is over. “Have you heard anything about anything?” he asks. “With Brandy gone I’ve got no new information,” she explains. “I haven’t heard from Randy since that night. Brandy left me all the money, so I assume she went back.” “No call or anything?” he asks. “Nothing,” she says. “With the exception of going back, I don’t know how to contact her. And most likely, my tribe has moved on to someplace safer.” “How...

3 years ago
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Rachel Bruce and Sylvia Experiment

''Enough, lover man, I want to finish the story about Bruce in high school. Just because you are HIV, doesn't mean you can't cum a geyser that stains the ceiling. I'm not supposed to taste it now, but I might anyway!''"Olay, lover, stop beating it off for a minute. Don't worry, You'll be jacking off so hard by the time I get finished. Did you ever jack off so hard that your arm and your hand just took control?"''Not since I was sixteen, Silkie...''" I want to see that, Denis, you jacking off so...

1 year ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 19

Brock made sure Melanie joined him for the team lunch. She knew Al Perez but she hadn't been introduced to Josh Hart, although she'd met his wife during the game in Los Angeles. "Damn, Rook," Josh said when he and Melanie pulled up seats with the two veterans. "This has got to stop. You're going to give Stimson a complex." Melanie followed the Dodgers as much as she could from Tennessee so she recognized the name of the Dodgers star relief pitcher. "If Stimson isn't careful he'll...

3 years ago
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Best Friends

"Emma, I'm just jumping in the shower," shouted Selma. "Okay," I replied as I collapsed onto the double bed we would be sharing tonight. Selma was my best friend and we had just got back to our hotel in central London. We were staying here because we were attending our friends wedding the next morning. I knew this would be particularly hard for Sel because she had just recently broken up with her boyfriend of five years. I don't think single life is much for her, unlike me who seems to be...

2 years ago
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The summer of 1976 was memorable mostly for the Wrong reasons. It was very HOT, Dry and under the government most of the uk was on strike including waste collectors and even undertakers! Our son and daughter were just toddlers and wife Sarah and I were extremely grateful when her late parents would step in to baby sit so we could have time off together. Our dog Goldie Wasn,t much more than a big puppy then at just over a year old and of course we took it in turns to take him out to relieve...

3 years ago
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Massage turns into a moneymaker Part 2

A few weeks later I went back to the massage parlor to see Candy again. Just like the first time we had an amazing session. I came twice, both times on her perfect tits, and like last time I licked every drop of my cum off her. As I was getting dressed Candy asked me a very surprising question. She wanted to know if I would be open to coming back later that night. She had an appointment book for 9pm with a very rich, very handsome, very kinky client. She told me that her client Marcus told her...

1 year ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 244 Attacking Sword

On a cold, cold snowy day, two emotions were frozen. Sorrow--and hatred. Now that fifteen years have passed, those two emotions, still frozen, lie beneath one smiling face-- (Kenshin and Enishi cross swords.) Enishi (sinking into a low stance): Let's do this, Battousai! Sanosuke: Low stance-- Megumi: He's going into the Kofuku? Watoujutsu Senran Tousei! (Kenshin dodges and parries a storm of blows.) Kaoru: Kenshin! (Enishi drives Kenshin back towards the treeline.) Enishi: Die,...

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Poetic Seduction

Emma had listened to ‘Moments of a Welsh Village’ by her favourite author a thousand times. Well, not actually voiced by him, but by a cast of actors and actresses. The leading voice was of the best narrator, in her opinion, that ever lived. She even had the DVD of the movie, with the same actor playing the leading role, though in her mind, she didn’t think it was as good as the hypnotic voices that echoed in her psyche.And here she was, in the very village it was written; to the home of her...

2 years ago
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My Ultimate Fantasy Part 1

Although the below story is fiction - I have lived it over in my head so many times it almost seems to be real.It was Saturday morning and the office was empty, but I was stuck working. I probably should have called in sick because the only thing on my mind was sex!The previous night was a typical Friday night for me and focused 100% on sex. I did not feel like going out so I stayed in my apartment and shaved my cock, balls, and ass, then went to my spare bedroom which is basically my fucking...

3 years ago
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A teachers erotic adventure pt4

Are you sure, you've had enough for now? Do you want to give so easily?" the Chinese wife, teased, friendly taunting her victim. "Yes, "Jennie panted still exhausted from the wild female tussle.""Okay, then, "Peggy laughed, "I'll let you. " Peggy said with a hard little laugh, as she taunted Jennie. "Now, let me check to see what MY husband wants me to do to you, "she said laughing down into a dispirited Jennie's face. "O.K.," Jennie panted, "but, just get it over with, okay?" Peggy laughed,...

2 years ago
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A Close Call Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 32

Evening Star died before they reached home. Doug was inconsolable. His wives tried to get him to face the fact that Evening Star was better off now than she had been when she was wracked with pain. Doug just nodded and retired back into his fog of emotional pain. When they landed, Doug disappeared into his apartment and left the funeral details to his wives. He did come out for the funeral and the lighting of the pyre, but went back to his hidey-hole and refused to come out for days. After...

1 year ago
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Road Trip

We had just left Savannah, Georgia, and were heading back north to Ft. Bragg, N.C. We were in my 68 Convertible Corvette, and Anya was always a horny b---h, when I started to play with her pussy, and she reached over and pulled my shorts down to my feet, and started to suck me. I was passing a panel van, when I looked over and saw this young driver looking at us and grinning, and giving me the thumbs up. I pulled her mini-skirt up around her waist, exposing her beautiful ass in a thong. Next...

3 years ago
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For Sale Queensize Bed

I had just finished cutting the grass as Gina jogged by. I saw her slow down to a walk and wave. I smiled and gestured for her to come over. She slowly sauntered up the driveway, taking in the sight of my sweating body, with a sly grin on her pretty face.It was already very hot at eleven, and the temperature was still climbing, so I had dressed in a pair of khaki shorts and sandals to cut the grass. I was covered in perspiration and could see my chest hair glistening in the sun as I looked down...

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Daughters Mothers FriendsChapter 8

For the next two weeks, approximately, me and my friends spent our days in class with my mother learning how be great at sex. I said approximately, because time seemed fluid. We never had a clock, and some days seemed shorter than others. Some mornings we would wake up dead tired, and other times we’d all be awake for hours waiting for the lights to come on. I learned later, that this was done deliberately. Throwing off a person’s circadian rhythms is an excellent way to weaken ones...

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