My Funny Androgyne free porn video

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My Funny Androgyne (c) 2005 by Nom de Plume What will Donna Mae Trix get her girlfriend for Valentine's Day? Could a cruise be the cure for the wintertime blues? The continuing misadventures of Miss Anne Thrope, by the author of The Jessica Project. * * * Winter in Chicago is bad enough when you're a businessman who can get away to Palm Beach or Palm Springs. When you have to put on a dress and ride the bus to your cubicle every day, you soon find out that nylons are no match for an arctic blast off Lake Michigan. For a working girl, winter in Chicago is almost unbearable. Almost. Having a man in my life, even if my special someone was a dominatrix masquerading as a man, was enough to put a spring in my step as I went through the week in my high heels. I lived for Friday nights, when Donna would squire me to dinner and a show before I took her to bed in my little apartment. The weekends were reserved for indoor sports: sleeping till noon, cooking for two, and multiple orgasms. I loved sex as a guy, but I loved it more as a woman. Just getting ready for a date was an erotic experience: deciding what outfit and lingerie to wear, soaking in a steaming hot bubble bath, smoothing moisturizing creme over my tender body, styling my hair and putting on my makeup. On this particular occasion, I was meeting Donna at the same restaurant where she had rocked my world by showing up as a man, and just like then, she told me to "wear something special." It was Valentine's Day, and I wondered how she had ever gotten a reservation as I cut the tags off my new dress. My little black dress! When I spied it during my lunch hour, jammed into a FINAL CLEARANCE rack at Talbot's, my heart jumped at the prospect of wearing something so pretty. Now, after slipping on a black teddy and a new pair of ultra-sheer black pantyhose, I was quivering in anticipation as I stepped into my dress. The velvet skirt kissed the tops of my shimmering knees, and the plunging neckline barely covered my bra straps. I could almost hear my tortured penis whimpering in my panties when I nudged my silky feet into a pair of black stilettos. When I tottered over to the full length mirror to survey the finished product, I was struck by how vulnerable I looked. With blonde hair curling down my bare neck, a hint of cleavage, a satin bow tied around my waist, gossamer legs and spiked heels, I would be easy prey without a man to protect me. How would Donna stand up to a mugger? I wondered as I fastened a velvet choker around my neck. Would she shoot him with her gun full of female hormones? * * * After I handed my faux fur to the coat check girl at Lawry's, I felt almost naked in my little black dress. Was it my imagination, or were heads turning throughout the restaurant as the maitre d' escorted me to Donna's table? There she was, looking smashing in a double-breasted navy blue blazer and gray flannel slacks. With her neatly trimmed beard and mustache, she looked like a sea captain as she got up from the table and kissed me on the cheek. She must have been wearing lifts in her Italian loafers, because even in my stilettos I had to stand tiptoe to kiss her back. We were seated across from each other this time, with a flickering candle between us. Once again, Donna ordered an expensive bottle of champagne, and I waited until we were alone before asking what she got me for Valentine's Day. "You mean you didn't get anything for me?" she asked in mock surprise. "I'm the girl," I countered. "Hmmm, maybe being a guy isn't so great after all." "You'll get your goodies later on tonight, at my place. Provided you treat me right. No flowers, no candy - you're blowing it, Mister." Instead of responding, she pulled a beautifully wrapped gift box from under the table and presented it to me with a flourish. "Will you be my Valentine?" she asked. "The boy is just full of surprises," I said as I tore off the ribbon and wrapping paper. The box was from a boutique on Oak Street. Inside, under layers of tissue paper, was the skimpiest bathing suit I had ever seen. "And I thought I felt naked in this dress," I said as I held it up against myself. "At least I don't have to worry about wearing it any time soon." "That's where you're wrong," Donna said. "Take another look inside the box." I peered under more layers of tissue paper, and spotted an envelope. "What's this?" I asked. "A gift certificate to a tanning salon?" "Give me a little credit," Donna replied. I opened the envelope, and my heart jumped to my throat. It was a ticket wallet from Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. Inside was an itinerary for a one week cruise from Port Canaveral to Jamaica, Mexico and Grand Cayman. The departure date was in early March. "We just have enough time to get you a new passport," she said. A cruise! Days on end lolling on deck chairs in the tropical sun! Excursions to exotic ports of call! Formal dinners in the grand salon in my little black dress! Night after night, fucking our brains out to the rhythm of the waves! It all sounded like a fantastic dream, yet something Donna said was nagging at my subconscious. "Oh, Don, it's wonderful!" I cried. "I'd love to go, but..." "But what?" "Do I really need a new passport?" "Of course you do, Anne. You already have a driver license in your new name, what's the big deal?" My driver license in the name of Anne Thrope had been issued by court order as part of my punishment in the Metabolean class action settlement. One of the few good things about the Consent Decree which had doomed me to life as a woman for a year was a proviso that my old license would be returned to me once my year was up. "If I apply for a new passport, will I be able to get my old one back?" I could see the hurt in Donna's eyes as soon as the words were out of my mouth. "Is that what you want?" she asked. "I don't know, we really haven't talked about it," I stammered. We were so caught up with our new lives, neither one of us wanted to face the reality of what would happen when my year as a woman was over. Once I changed my gender to female in a sworn declaration to the federal government, would I ever be able to go back to being a man? Is that what I really wanted? "I thought you liked things this way," Donna persisted, taking the initiative like a man. "I do, Don. But who knows how I'll feel when I have a chance to switch back?" "I do, because that's what I just did, remember?" "And how would you feel about having to stay like that forever?" "Are you kidding? I'll never go back to being a woman if I don't have to." "See what I mean? What if I feel the same way in September?" The waiter came to take our orders, and we both pretended to be interested in his recitation of the night's specials. Food was the last thing on our minds, and after we made the default selection of prime rib (King's cut for Donna, Queen's cut for me) we sat in silence, painfully aware of the other happy couples sharing their love in the crowded restaurant. Donna just stared at me, as if saying, "We have such a good thing going, baby. Please don't screw it up." Part of me wanted to scream, "Please take me on the cruise! Take me anywhere you want to!" Just the thought of escaping from the Chicago winter for a week was enough to make me want to say yes. A whole week without getting up before dawn to wash and style my hair, put on my makeup, gussy myself up in a dress, heels and stockings to freeze my ass off on the way to my bus - what was I thinking? But another part of me was desperately afraid that I was being sucked deeper and deeper towards the point of no return. After all, Donna was a professional dominatrix. How could I be sure that this wasn't just another of her elaborate psychological games, designed to break my will and doom me to a lifetime as a woman? Our salads came, and we picked at them listlessly. Finally Donna broke the frosty silence. "Do you remember what I promised you on Christmas Eve?" "You told me that you would go back to being a woman if I went back to being a man." "Well, the offer still goes. What hurts more than anything is that you won't even consider doing the same for me." "I'm not sure that's what I really want. Oh Don, I'm so screwed up right now!" I felt tears dripping down my cheeks. She reached over with her napkin and gently wiped my face. "Your mascara is a mess," she said with a half smile. "I'd go into the ladies room with you, but I don't want to start another Valentine's Day Massacre in Chicago." I tried to laugh through my tears, and she got up and pulled back my chair. I picked up my clutch purse and hurried towards the lounge. There was a line, of course, and the girl standing in front of me surveyed my face. "Bummer! Breaking up on Valentine's Day?" she asked. She was cute, short and blonde, the kind of girl I would have lusted after when I was a guy. Now, as I followed her into the ladies room after two women walked out together, I could only sigh at how much my life had changed. Standing side by side in front of the full length mirror, I saw her lift up her skirt to fuss with her panties and hose. In times gone by, I would have wanted to grab her ass. Now I was rummaging through my purse for a tissue to fix my makeup. Is this what the rest of my life was coming to? "How about some sisterly advice," the girl said. "I think I can fix it okay." "I don't mean your mascara, I mean your man. Let me take a wild guess that you're breaking up with him, only you're not one hundred percent sure you're making the right move. Well, he brought you here for Valentine's Day, didn't he? Do you know how many girls would kill for a guy who would put on a coat and tie and take them to a place like this?" "You don't understand." "What, you have 'issues' with him? Let me tell you a little story about a guy who was head over heels in love with me, and treated me like a queen. After we started living together, one day I came home early from work and found him parading around our apartment in my panties. So I dumped him, right? Well, get this today he's married with two kids, living in a mansion in Winnetka, and I'm here on Valentine's Day with a Viagra poster boy who's cheating on his wife. Take it from me if you find someone who makes you happy, never let him go." Then she was gone, before I could respond. I felt terribly alone as I stood there, fixing my makeup and brushing my hair. There I was, pretending to be a woman, while the only person I had ever really loved sat waiting for me, pretending to be a man. What if we were the only two people in the world, and we could switch back and forth whenever we wanted to? If we really were soul mates, did it even matter? Suddenly I knew what I had to do. I rushed back into the restaurant, looking around for my new friend and her sugar daddy to thank her, but she was nowhere to be seen. I thought nothing of it at the time. I returned to our table to find Donna waiting patiently for me. Our dinners had been served, and she waited until I sat down before lifting her fork. "Such a well-mannered gentleman. I guess growing up as a girl was good for you. They're going to be so impressed at the Captain's table." "Does that mean you'll go on the cruise with me?" "Of course, silly. As a very wise person once told me, 'If you find someone who makes you happy, never let him go.' If becoming a woman is what it takes to make you stay, then I'll put up with all of the hassles, but you're gonna owe me big time, buddy." That night was incredible. After we got back to my apartment, Donna slowly undressed me, kissing each new place as my skin was unveiled. Soon all I had on were my teddy, panties and stockings, and she paused to lovingly peel the nylons off my legs before she stripped me bare and went to work with her tongue and fingers. Have you ever experienced simultaneous male and female orgasms? Had your penis sucked while your ass was penetrated until you were racked with spasms of unimaginable ecstasy? Donna did that to me again and again, and when it was over, I would have been content to live out my days as a woman if it meant all my nights would be like that. * * * I could hardly believe it when my alarm clock went off at six o'clock the next morning. Donna must have let herself out after I finally fell asleep, and when I dragged my naked body into the bathroom to turn on the shower, I was stunned by my reflection in the mirror. My hair was a tangled mop, my face was streaked with makeup, and there was a vicious hickey halfway up my neck. After I shampooed and conditioned my hair and soaped my tender skin under a hot shower, I dried myself off and went through the now-familiar motions of styling my hair and putting on my makeup. The hickey was still visible despite my efforts to conceal it. I rummaged through my closet for the knit dress with a turtleneck collar that would hide my hickey. It was very short, but I had no choice. After putting on my lingerie, nylons and dress, I glanced at the clock and saw that I was running late. The stilettos that I'd kicked off on my way into bed lay on the floor where I left them, and without thinking I put them on, dumped the contents of my clutch into a matching purse, pulled on my coat and raced for the door. Normally I stuffed my heels into a shoulder bag and wore long socks and sneakers on the way to work, but there was no time for that today. I fished my scarf and gloves out of my coat pockets on the way to the elevator, and by the time I was out on the sidewalk, I had to sprint in my heels to make the bus. It was barely above zero, and my legs were purple by the time I got to the bus stop. Fortunately, my bus got there at the same time I did, and I was able to grab the last seat as we lurched off. Another day, another dress, I thought to myself. Life at the office had settled into a surreal routine, in which my former colleagues pretended not to notice that I was dressed as a woman, and my former underlings did their best to accept me as one of their own. I was just firing up my computer when Gladys poked her head into my cubicle. "Big night last night?" she asked. "I must look like shit." "Far from it! You have the glow of a woman in love." I felt myself blushing. "I just came in to tell you that Mr. Sharkman's Executive Assistant is off this week, and he wants you to take down the minutes of his weekly staff meeting. It starts in five minutes." Just what I needed! All of my old direct reports would be in that meeting, along with Dick Sharkman himself, the womanizing creep, who had hit on me at the office holiday party. I grabbed my steno pad and made a quick stop at the ladies room to freshen my lipstick and straighten my hair before walking into the lion's den. "Good morning, Anne," Sharkman said with a thin smile when I entered the crowded conference room and began looking for a seat at the long table. "Why don't you sit here," he said, pointing to a chair against the wall, next to table laden with coffee and muffins. Of course that way they could look up my dress! I sat down awkwardly, tugging my hem down towards my knees while every man in the room stared at my legs. I crossed them carefully and perched my steno pad on my silky thigh. "Anne, could you freshen up my coffee, please?" a snotty junior executive asked. "Me, too," another one said, and then another. I could feel their eyes following me as I stood up and walked over to the coffee table in my stilettos. It was impossible not to walk like a bimbo in those heels, and I could only imagine what they must be thinking about their former boss as he bent over in his short dress to fill their mugs. When I was finished, I returned to my chair, and caught several of them smirking as I crossed my legs and pulled my dress down. Mercifully, Sharkman turned down the lights to make a power point presentation about a new product in development, and the rest of the meeting passed without further mortification. After the lights came back on and the meeting broke up, I waited for my former colleagues to leave, looking down at my pad and pretending to study my notes. When only Dick Sharkman remained, I got up and headed for the door. "Oh, Anne," he said, "I'm leaving for L.A. first thing tomorrow morning. Could you please have the draft minutes ready for me before you go home tonight?" I looked down at my scrawls on the steno pad. It would take me hours to decipher my own handwriting and type of something presentable, and I knew Sharkman was just trying to get a rise out of me, but something inside me refused to give him the satisfaction. "Yes, sir," I said. I could feel his eyes boring into my back as I minced out of the room. Gladys intercepted me on my way back to my cubicle. "How about some lunch?" she asked. "There's a big sale at Marshall Fields if we hurry." "Sorry, I'm swamped. Mr. Sharkman just dumped the minutes on me, he wants them before he leaves for La-la-land tomorrow." "I've been there. He'll hang around tonight waiting for you to finish them, and when everybody else has gone home and you're still slaving away, he'll ask you out to dinner." I was gobsmacked. "You gotta be kidding. Unless you're telling me he's gay." "Well, not exactly. But I did find out from one of the MIS guys I'm dating that Mr. Sharkman has been visiting some very interesting web sites." "Omigod. You mean like 'Chicks With Dicks?'" "Exactly. It seems he has a thing for girlie men." "Can't he get fired for visiting sites like that on company time?" "Dear, sweet, innocent Anne he's an exec, remember? Those rules are only for us peons." With a shake of my head, I bent over my keyboard and began the tedious process of transcribing my pathetic "shorthand" into some semblance of what went on during the staff meeting. Gladys brought me a bowl of soup and some crackers when she got back from lunch, and I was surprised to see her coat covered with snow. "It's a blizzard outside," she said. "Good thing you don't live in the burbs." I thanked her and returned to my screen. After hearing about the weather, I felt cozy in my little cubicle, and my thoughts drifted to Donna as I kicked off my heels and tucked my legs up under my skirt. The hassles of being a woman seemed a small price to pay for the ecstasy we shared together, and in a few weeks, we'd be basking in the tropical sunshine. I thought of calling her to whisper a few obscenities, but I had no privacy, so I thought the better of it. The hours flew by as the minutes took shape, and at a few minutes before five, I printed them out and put on my stilettos to take them to Sharkman. Most of the staff had already gone home after the office manager closed the office early on account of the snowstorm, and I encountered no one on my way to my old office. Sharkman was hunched over his computer screen, and he didn't see me when I approached his desk. When he heard me place the minutes in his inbox, he sat up with a start, and I couldn't help but see the image of a girl with an enormous penis on the web site he'd been secretly browsing. Sharkman tried to act nonchalant as he switched off his computer, no doubt hoping that I hadn't seen what I'd seen. "That was fast work, Anne," he said smoothly as he perused the minutes. "These are excellent." He waved at the expansive windows in the corner office. "It's pretty nasty out there. Can I give you a lift home?" I weighed the misery of slogging through the snow to wait for a bus in my short dress and high heels against the humiliation of being dropped off at my crummy apartment in Dick Sharkman's company car. What if he hit on me when we got in the car? It would be his word against mine. "No, thanks," I replied. "I can't compete with your virtual girlfriends." "What do you mean?" he asked nervously. "I don't think you could give me a hard-on if my life depended on it. And Mr. Sharkman, I'd be careful about those web sites you're visiting on the network server." I spun on my heel and got halfway back to my cubicle before I felt him grab my arm. "You're not planning to tell anybody about this, are you?" he said as he spun me around. "What if I do? Are you going to get me fired? Gee, then I won't have to dress up as a woman any more. Go ahead, make my day." I pulled away from him and crossed my arms defiantly. In my heels, I was taller than he was, and I felt a sudden power over a man that was strangely exhilarating. "Aaron, please, let's talk about this." "Aaron is history," I spit out the words. "And so are you, if you try to fuck with me again." I returned to my cubicle, picked up my coat and purse, and headed for the elevator. He didn't try to follow me. * * * The sun beat down on my bare back while Donna smoothed another nerdle of sun screen onto my tender skin. "Getting a suite with a private balcony has one downside," she said. "With you going topless all the time, I won't get to see any tan lines." I rolled over and reached up to kiss her lightly on the lips. The little skirt on my swimsuit ruffled in the warm breeze, and the nipples on my emerging breasts were hard with desire. "If you do decide to go back to being a woman, the tan lines from your beard will be a lot harder to explain." "If I go back to being a woman, who's going to able to satisfy you?" "Oh, I don't know, Dick Sharkman seems kinda interested." "If he comes anywhere near you, he'll get a taste of my hormone gun." "Your hormone gun turns me on." I started to nuzzle on her ear. "Let's do it right now," I whispered. "Again? You're incorrigible!" "Just making up for lost time." I got up and waggled my ass as I walked into our stateroom. She was two steps behind me, and by the time I had my swimsuit off, she was on top of me, pressing me down into the soft pillows on our king size bed. I spread my legs and waited for the joys to come. Donna was never particularly stacked, and the strapper T-shirt she always wore to bed concealed her small breasts. With her boyish hips and toned pecs, she had the look of a spunky teenager who's just lost his virginity and is eager for more. As always, she climbed on top. My breasts had become wonderfully sensitive, and she delighted in teasing them with her teeth while her hands caressed what remained of my manhood. Again and again, she brought me to the brink and sent me over the edge. My hormones had reached a happy equilibrium, and I was capable of prolonged erections which enabled me to pleasure Donna endlessly after each shattering orgasm of my own. By the time we were sated, it was almost time for dinner. Donna showered first, and she was almost finished dressing by the time I got out of the bathroom. "It's formal night," she reminded me as she fumbled with her cufflinks. "I'm glad I don't have to wear a tux every night. It's almost as much of a hassle as being a woman." "Poor baby," I said. "I think we'll move to the Sunbelt. It would sure beat living in Chicago this time of year. All I'm wearing tonight are a bra, panties, and my little black dress." "I doubt if they'll let you into the dining salon without your shoes," Donna said as she strapped on her cummerbund. "Is this thing backwards?" "It doesn't really matter," I said, miffed that she had ignored my hint of a permanent relationship. "No one's going to notice you anyway." I sat down on the rumpled bed to strap on a pair of high heeled sandals. "I suppose you think they'll all be staring at you." "Um hmm." I turned my back to Donna so she could zip me up. "Aren't you jealous?" "Are you kidding? Every guy on this ship is jealous of me." She nuzzled my neck after she fastened the clasp on my dress, and I could feel myself become aroused again. With supreme will power, I turned around and straightened Donna's bow tie. "Let's get out of here while we still have our pants on," I said in my sultriest voice. "Anne Thrope, whatever am I going to do with you?" she sighed. How about marrying me, dummy, I said to myself. I took her hand and she escorted me down the promenade deck towards the grand salon. The breeze felt wonderful as it swirled my dress around my bare knees, and I squeezed her hand while we stared into the moonlit night. At that moment, my life was perfect, and I knew what I wanted to do with it. Before I could change my mind, I paused and removed something from my purse. Donna gave me a quizzical look as I flung it over the rail, and we both watched as it spun into the water and disappeared beneath the waves. "What was that?" Donna asked. "Aaron Thrope's passport," I said. "When I got my new one, I hung onto it, just in case. I don't think I'll be needing it anymore. Do you?" I looked up at Donna, but instead of the smile I expected, there was a dark look on her face that I had never seen before. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing. Let's eat." Startled, I followed her into the enormous dining room, which was already crowded with suntanned couples in their tuxes and fancy dresses. Our table seated six, and our companions for the voyage were already there: a pair of empty nesters from New Jersey and two tipsy women who were vacationing from their husbands. They greeted us with their customary enthusiasm, seemingly quite taken with the attractive young couple who were so much in love. But tonight, they must have noticed something different between us, as Donna withdrew deeper and deeper into a mysterious funk. Before our entrees were served, the orchestra began to play "What I Did for Love." Desperate to get away from the table so I could talk to her, I told Donna that I wanted to dance. "I don't think so," Donna said. "Come on, Don," the woman from New Jersey broke in. "Be a sport." "Maybe he'd rather dance with one of us," one of the hausfraus volunteered. To avoid a scene, Donna reluctantly pulled back my chair and led me out onto the dance floor. I waited until I was in her arms, and she started listlessly leading me around in circles. "What's the matter, Don?" "Nothing." "Come on. I know you too well." "You don't know me at all, Anne." "Give me a break! I don't even know myself anymore. I'm dancing backwards in high heels, trying to figure out why the most important person in my world is about to dump me. What's going on?" She bit her lip, and I thought she was going to start to cry. "I can't keep this up anymore." "Keep what up?" Again, she withdrew into her shell. I pressed myself against her and whispered, "Please, Don, just level with me. Whatever it is can't be that bad." She pressed her cheek against mine so she could speak without looking into my eyes. "Okay, you asked for it. Maybe it's for the best. You were bound to find out sooner or later anyway. It's just that the past four months have been so amazing." "When the Metabolean settlement went down, a lot of the plaintiffs were incensed that you got off so lightly. Their expert witnesses already knew that Metabolean was the perfect antidote for temporary feminization, and instead of a one-year sentence, they wanted life. One of their lawyers approached me with an offer: if I could fix you for good, they'd pay me a million dollars under the table." My head was spinning. "Fix me for good?" "Make it so you would never go back to being a man. The hormones were phase one. Your friend Gladys was cut in, although she never knew what was at stake. Exposing myself to Metabolean was a calculated risk, but once I got a taste of being a guy, I was hooked. You gotta admit, the sex was great. Then I came up with the idea of taking you on this cruise. I selected an itinerary that would require you to get a new passport, and I even anticipated that you would dig in your heels. When I saw you throw your old passport overboard, I suddenly realized that this could never last. I've been manipulating you every step of the way." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Okay, so you shot me with your stupid hormone gun and bribed Gladys to be nice to me. I still think you're giving yourself a little too much credit. I decided to get a new passport after I had a heart to heart with a total stranger on Valentine's Day." "Anne, that girl you met in the ladies room at Lawry's was working for me." I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach. "So all of this has been an act?" "No! That's the worst part of it. I love you, dammit!" She choked back a sob. My budding female intuition told me that Donna's love for me was real, and that she was as afraid of losing me as I was afraid of losing her. Whatever she had done, I was going to stand by my man. "You really don't know me very well, do you?" "No, and now I never will," she sniffed. "That's the worst part. I'm going to spend the rest of my life knowing I blew it." "No, you're not." She stifled another sob. "What do you mean?" I reached into her breast pocket and removed her decorative silk handkerchief. Gently, I dabbed the tears off her beautiful face before I inserted it back in her pocket and rested my chin on her shoulder. "I was a total shit before you came into my life. A 'misanthrope' was what the mediator called me. Well, somehow you turned me into a different person, and in the process you stopped being a manipulating dominatrix and picked up a conscience. That's why you had to confess what you did to me." "But how could you ever forgive me? I've been a complete shit." "It takes one to love one." She lifted my chin and kissed me softly on the lips. "I guess we were made for each other," she said. I felt an erection poking against my dress, and Donna felt it too as I pressed myself against her. "That's not very ladylike." "All I have on under this dress is a pair of panties. I can't go back to the table looking like this!" She took me in her arms and swept me off my feet. "Could you ever marry a millionaire?" she asked as she carried me back towards our stateroom.

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I have a funny, and frankly, hot, story from spring break 1996 when I went to Jamaica with my friends in college. There, I met a fellow spring breaker named Jamie who was a bit of a hippychick complete with cornrows (that she had done in Jamaica as many tourists are apt to do). Our evening consisted of an all-night toking and 69 session in her hotel room. The air was so dense with weed smoke that I really couldn't smell her otherwise musky pussy. However, I was kind of on the look-out because...

3 years ago
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Funny blowjob in a nerds car

Hello everyone, this is my first story here... This is a real one, i haven't many of them to tell so in the future i could switch to fantasy. I'm also not english so tell me about my writing :-pBy now: here the facts. I was 23 and i broke up with my boyfriend after almost 1 year, i was very sad, angry and, must admit, cock-hungry.That night a good friend of mine held a birthday party in a nightclub, we danced and had a very good time, drinking much. Aware of me being a good drinker, my friend...

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Funny Tag team orgy

When i was 18 i had my first orgy was me, my boy, this girl i had just met, and her friend. It all started at cici's (pizza buffet) me and my boy had walked in to grab a bite when we came across two big booty chicks ...we hit it off and started talking after five min's into the convo 1 of the girls asked if we wanted to fuck!!!! lol i know i couldn't believe it myself it was as if an angel came down and sprinkled pussy juices all over my throbbing cock ..... i was so shocked that they...

2 years ago
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joker: "Ok pronounce.. M.A.C. D.O.U.G.L.E.S.S" fool: "Its pronounced MacDougless" joker: "Ok now pronouce M.A.C. D.O.U.B.L.E." fool: "Ok MacDouble" joker: "Last one now pronouce M.A.C. H.I.N.E " fool: "Ok MacHine" (sounds like mac hind) joker: Points at old house phone and says "Now what is that?" fool: "An answering machine" joker: "Ok now spell machine" fool: "Ok? M.A.C.H.I.N.E. " joker: "Yup you just spelled MAC...

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Funny Fuck

Her friend Cheryl made porn for women and sold it on her website. They'd had conversations about making a tape, but Natasha was a bit worried about it, something like that could ruin her career if it got out there. "No one will ever know who you are, sweetie. I'll pay you guys, and you'll have a keepsake. I promise I'll make it fun. I want to do something different, just for shits and giggles.""Okay. Let me talk to John about it."After Natasha had broached the subject with John, she was...

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Funny Sex Games and Sex on the Lake

(episode 7) Over the summer break after my freshman year at UGA I was working full time in a grocery store to earn spending money for the next school year. I would see my girlfriend, Jennifer on my days off, either going to her house in Atlanta or she would drive up to see me. We’d often would go out on the lake skiing, using my dad’s smaller ski boat. One weekend I was able to borrow my dad’s large boat for the day. Jennifer and I had several friends who were dating each other at the time...

3 years ago
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Funny the things you remember I came home earl

I've found myself thinking about Dawn even more that I usually do lately. Maybe that's because it's less than a week until it will be 5 years since I lost her. I love and miss her so much even now and find myself remembering many of the things we did ... both in the lifestyle and out as well as fantasying about the things I so wish we could have tried. I was remembering the time pretty soon after Dawn and I had experienced out first "lifestyle event" together which are actually posted my first...

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Funny experience with edging and 69

I came across one of my diaries from 1998 and reacquainted myself with a 'hook-up' as I used to call them that I thought would be entertaining. At around this time I first discovered 'edging,' and I regularly engaged in it especially when talking to women on aol. By "edging," as I am defining it, I would masturbate and right as I got to the point of orgasm I would let go of my dick. My glans would usually twitch and a tiny amount of cum would peek out, but the orgasm would be delayed, the...

1 year ago
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Funny and sad

I have been so long now by xHamster, or maybe not. Have been traveling through my and your adult sweet factory. I love it by the by.Somewhere, along the line, I start looking, no I mean realy looking what is going on around me in this wonderful world, my real and fantasy world.Before 1985, I had a world, also with sex, but I am not going to go into that at this time.1985, my sex world woke up, wheew and how, I had moved to another country.browsing in a newsagent, I found the "Story of O", it...

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funny but sexy

This is a true story I swear it and I hope the lady in question doesn't read this that is why I shall not put any names. You guys know me from my videos with Aspen by the name Dr. Sleeze/Bothced. I was introduced to this lady and yes she was of legal age, 29 I think. Before me she had only dated African American men but for some reason we clicked and she had part of my dark weird humor in her but we got together at her apartment and before we even took our clothes off she started telling me...

3 years ago
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Funny story 1

(This is not a sex story)Story: ''Me and my two brothers as a substitute teacher''(Soft peaceful music)David(Me): Why are we up so early?Austin: This is ruining my workout time father.Zack: Shut up Austin, no one cares about how healthy you are.Austin: I can change the world one salad at a time.David(Me): Oh my God, Why are we here?Fredrick(dad): I think you three should give back to the youth.(Rhythmic ticking)Austin: Why?Zack: What is the youth ever given to us?David(Me): I don't know a...

2 years ago
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Funny story 1

(This is not a sex story)Story: ''Me and my two brothers as a substitute teacher''(Soft peaceful music)David(Me): Why are we up so early?Austin: This is ruining my workout time father.Zack: Shut up Austin, no one cares about how healthy you are.Austin: I can change the world one salad at a time.David(Me): Oh my God, Why are we here?Fredrick(Dad): I think you three should give back to the youth.(Rhythmic ticking)Austin: Why?Zack: What is the youth ever given to us?David(Me): I don't know a...

4 years ago
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Funny story 2

(This is not a sex story)Story: ''Me and my two brothers stuck in the elevator''Austin: There's like no signal for our phones in this elevator.Zack: That's dumb.(Elevator motor grinds)Austin: Oh my God!, I think the elevator just stopped.Zack: Oh my God!, is this really happening?David(Me): I told you your muscles and asses were too much weight...Austin: Shut up, David.Zack: What do we do?David(Me): I don't know. Isn't there like a cord we pull for the driver?Austin: That's to stop a bus, you...

3 years ago
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Funny Fetish

I’m Madeline, Maddy works well, and I’m dating a guy with an interesting angle on intercourse. Now I’ve tried lots of that activity myself and met my share of both good and worthless dudes, but this was a new one for me. I’m late twenties and never married but I’ve tried lots of things including cohabitation with one guy and another time with two guy roommates. I was back to dating a few guys when I met Terry. At first he didn’t seem unusual. We did stuff together and got comfortable. I’m not...

1 year ago
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Funny small white dicks

I was your typical small short skinny long haired white boy i had a small 2 inch dick that I jacked off all the time, iv always wanted to get fucked by a black friend of mine but iv always been too nervous to tell him afraid of rejection. But one day while he was at my house just me and him:) we were on the couch watching tv when suddenly I had to go to the bathroom because I got super horny! I sat on the toilet jacking off my small 2 inch dick while watching gay porn. I tried not to be too...

1 year ago
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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 6 Bound

At breakfast early in the second week, Sapphire called for our attention. "Slaves," she started as if to draw attention to our status, "The Japanese delegation has arrived from Tokyo for their annual visit and to negotiate an extension of our trade agreement. Only four of them this time and one is the young lady who some of you will remember particularly well. As those of you who have been here for some time know, their trade with us is very important for the economy of this country." I...

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On Staff Part 2

"Jim, this weekend, is that enough lead time for you to put together a dinner here? For about five guests?" Melissa asked as she walked into the kitchen. She'd just arrived home from work and I was sitting naked at the breakfast room table, testicles and penis hanging down between my thighs to lie on the cool, finished wood of the chair seat. I like the way that feels, testicles lying on the cool wood like that. I was naked because that was the way Melissa preferred me to be. Over the months...

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To be or not to be

I woke up today as usual... late. My head hurt like hell and I wish I could just bash everything. Today won't be a good day. My name is James, 24, 5'7'' and I work in a grocery store. My boss is a total jerk, but hey, he's dating my mom so I have to be nice to him. It's been over 6 months now and I still don't understand why my mom's dating him. Cassandra, or as I call her ''mom'', use to be a dancer. My father use to tell me all about it. After his death however, my mother quit everything to...

2 years ago
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  My latest creation I had developed over the last fifteen years. A synthetic, humanoid, enlightened, inquisitive, living, android - Sheila as I called her was far beyond anything that had ever been done. She had a capability of movement faster than anything out there now. Her thought processes were almost as fast as the human brain. She was for lack of better words perfect, well to me. In the respect of the human race she was close, approaching, though not quite there.   I had just...

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ModernDaySins Gizelle Blanco Idle Fantasies Caught Creeping On Her Slumber Party

Alex Mack is just minding his own business when his stepsister makes a beeline for him, reminding him that she’s having some friends over for a slumber party, so he better not bother them. Alex rolls his eyes and makes a pinky promise… that he secretly has NO intention of keeping. Later on that night, he follows the sound of laughter to his stepsister’s bedroom, peeking in and watching all of the young women hanging out in their nightwear. He sneakily spies on them as they...

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Stolen Ch 01

Elisa was in the kitchen doing the dishes, trying desperately not to think about Nick. ‘It’s illegal for a guy to look like that and to be single! It’s Eve tempting Adam, or Adam tempting Eve. He is so very tempting…No! Don’t go there. Remember?? No men. They are the problem, not the solution. Just dry the dishes and think of something else’, she ordered herself. ******* Completely frustrated, she went on to drying the dishes and as soon as she touched the wine glass it all came back. How...

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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 10 Leliana

Leliana had almost managed to resign herself that her – increasingly ardent – fantasies were just that: fantasy, and pure fiction. Nathaniel had shown no sign of wanting more, and as she kept reminding herself, he was a Fereldan Arl – he was never going to choose her, even if he was interested. And he’d made no overt moves to show that he was interested in her; he’d been friendly, and he still watched her the way Alistair looked at cheese, but he’d done nothing else. But it was only ‘almost’...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Coat of Paint

I can’t believe I left that bloody folder at home, what a waste of time. I pull up at the back of the cottage only to find that I have to park two places down because both our parking spots are blocked by the painter’s van and scaffolding. Still, I shouldn’t complain, our landlord Nigel has kindly offered to have some work done on our place, including repainting the window frames and tidying up the garden tiles. As I jump out of the car, I barely notice that there seems to be no sign of the...

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Meeting Rob Part 2

After I agreed to going upstairs we quickly rushed up to his bedroom as soon as we got in he grabbed me pulling me towards him kissing me, as we kissed I couldn't stop myself grabbing his throbbing cock threw his jeans it felt huge in my hand as I did this he grabbed my ass hard as our tongues played together in our mouths, my cock was so hard I could feel myself precumming I was so horny I couldn't believe what was happening that I was kissing a man feeling his cock him grabbing my ass it...

1 year ago
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Charlie and KarenChapter 10

"In all the excitement last night I forgot to mention something." Gilly said at breakfast. "When I found Leanne's g-spot she started to come. Really come like a man does, she was squirting all over my arm." "Oh yes, she does that but it isn't like a man." Karen explained. "Now don't get freaked-out about this, it's not something she can help. The bladder is just above the g-spot, if you press hard you put pressure on it and that makes her pee. That's what was coming out of...

4 years ago
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General SidChapter 19

The sickly sweet smell of burning flesh hung in the air and drifted down the road to the west. For two days, the enemy had marched into the wind smelling what they knew to be burning bodies. They didn't know who had died or how many. The result of the assault on their noses, a constant reminder that they were marching into a deadly situation, was disheartening. When the forces arrived at the citadel, their moral plummeted upon seeing Sid's army. Five thousand men of Sid's army were...

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FirstClassPOV Jamie Jett Slender Blonde Jamie Jett Pleases Her Boss

Blue-eyed blonde hottie, Jamie Jett, is a slender slut who loves to show off her petite body. The gorgeous chic in black lingerie, stockings, and latex boots enjoys teasing with her boss. She takes off her lingerie without any hesitation when Alex Jett asks for it. Jamie fingers her pussy while Alex watches her. Not able to resist the urge to bang her any longer, Alex commands Jett to suck his cock. The naughty babe quickly drops to her knees to give her boss what he wants. After the sloppy...

4 years ago
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Wie ich mit der Intimrasur anfing meine Zeigegei

Schon seit ich Jugendlicher bin, hatte ich ein besonderes Verhältnis zur Nacktheit. Mit der Pubertät wurde ich mir bewusst, dass ich mit meiner Nacktheit auch meine Geschlechtsteile anderen Leuten zeige, und diese sich daran sexuell erregen. Ich selbst war ja auch begierig darauf, andere Leute nackt zu sehen und mir bei Frauen deren Brüste und Fötzchen, bei Männern ihr Glied und Hoden anzuschauen. Dass sich andere an meiner eigenen Nacktheit ergötzen und sich damit aufgeilen, wurde mir damit...

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My ExTeacher Became My Girlfriend

Shriya is my 12th standard crush. She was our lab assistant in the physics lab. It started when she finished her MSc and joined our school to start teaching. Since she was so young and without experience, her job was to help students in the lab. One day as we entered the lab, our teacher introduced us, “This is Shriya ma’am. She will issue your apparatus, sign out, and sign back in everything you use.” I didn’t care much for the lab work and tried to sneak out when I noticed Shriya closely....

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First time with sis

This is a work of fiction and all events, characters and locations are fictional creations. Where to begin? Well first my name is Dan i'm 24 and this is a retelling of a life changing event that happened 2 years ago. I was just finishing my degree and had been away from home for 4 years, i hadn't even visted home for holidays due to the costs of travelling back and my increasing work loads. The last time i had seen my little sister(Jenny) was the summer i graduated high school when she was only...

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Fionas story

Fiona’s StoryI’m fifty eight a widow for the past twelve months my late unlaminated husband left me a large settlement feelings of being insecure and a broken family I haven’t spoken to my family for the past eighteen months and they avoided his funeral to be honest I don’t blame them due to my late husbands interference my fifteen year old grandson Mark lost a contract and the chance to become a professional footballer the fallout led to a major family breakup.The phone call from my Daughter...

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Sudha Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hi friends, Mai raj phir hajir hu apni nyi kahani ke sath. Mai 25 yrs ka average looking banda hu. Meri height 5.11 h and dick size normal h but uparwale ki kripa se kam kam 1 hour chodne ka stamina rakhta hu. Mai delhi me rahta hu. Merii pichhli kahani ke baad bhut se mail ayye jinme 1 mail subha sharma (fake name) ka tha age 29 figure 35-30-36 (jo mujhe baad me pta chla) Height 5.6 feet. Agar koi 1 baar dekhle to khwabo me chod dale. Mujhe subha ka mail aaya. General intro ke baad ki...

1 year ago
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Teasing The Peeper

Quarantine was becoming a bitch! The only good thing was wearing comfy clothes all day long. Nadine amused herself doing yoga in front of her large living room window. She wished she had a balcony like her last apartment, but at least this window caught some of the mid-morning sun, as long as she timed it right. She didn’t hate yoga, but much-preferred gym time and her kickboxing lessons.She didn’t really mind working from home, but wanted her gym to re-open before she went completely...

4 years ago
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A Come BackChapter 30 Sexual Frustration

Molly had noticed all the drinking glasses around the living room and kept breakfast simple. Cleo and I slept in. When we finally did roll over the Sun was well up and the day had started. Molly's breakfast was simple fruit cut up into chunks. We served ourselves. Molly was busy cleaning up the living room like we'd been teenagers. She fluffed pillows and picked up glasses. Then she polished the rings on the tables from our wet glasses until they disappeared. All without saying a word....

1 year ago
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Mysterious Hypnotic Spiral Hypnotizes Mom

Susanne Butler was settling in for the night in her house, she was Caucasian, she was 62-years-old, she was 5'8, shoulder length long blonde hair, blue eyes, she was wearing underwear, a long satin silk nightgown, she was also a loving divorcee mother to her 18-year-old teenage Daughter named Katherine, she's also Caucasian, she's 5'7, brunette hair, hazel eyes, her 16-year-old son named Peter, he was also Caucasian, he was 5'9, brown hair, brown eyes, her 3-year-old Toddler son named Mark, and...

Mind Control
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Ghost StoriesChapter 18

Earlier That Day It was somewhere between 1PM to 2PM in the afternoon. Dimitri, Donovan and Cameron were inside a library, on one of the top floors. Basically Cameron wanted to borrow a book on science, since he was a bit of a nerd. Since they just came out from school earlier, they still had their school uniforms on. While they were searching for Cameron's books, on a shelf, from one of the aisles, they left their satchels (bags that school students carry on their backs) and jackets by a...

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GF ke saath Sister ki Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam aditya hai, meri age 24 hai main Indore me rehta hu. Meri family me 4 members hai, mom, dad, my lovely elder sister n me. Meri sister mujhse 2 1/2 saal badi hai.Uska color fair hai, uski body ki sabse zyada badiya cheez hai uski gaand aur uske boobs. Uski gaand toh aisi hai k jab dekhta hu bas aisa lagta hai bas chodte rahu, chodte rahu, chodte rahu….sorry yaar neha ki gaand yaad aa gai. Waise neha meri behan ka naam hai. Meri Yeh story hai k Maine saalo ki mehnat k baad kaise apni...

2 years ago
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The Ranch Chapter 1

Do you have dreams? I mean really vivid dreams? Really vivid very dirty sexy dreams? The kind of dreams that will make you orgasm in your sleep? I ask because I do. Well, not lots of them. Just one dream. I’ve been having it since I was a teenager. I’ll just quickly tell you how it goes, because it’s not the real story, but it is the beginning of the story. It feels like I’m awake but in a field, not in my bed. It is always spring in the dream. It’s a little cool, the grass is that vibrant...

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Five Strokes

One night, after a very long day of work and ridiculous traffic, I finally make it home. Pulling up to my driveway, I work to strip my mind of this entire horrible day. I feel dirty from dealing with a demanding boss, incorrigible clients, and incompetent co-workers. I notice as I come in the door all the lights are out, but your car is home. “Strange,” I think. Walking into the house, I notice my two favorite scents: chamomile and lavender. The smell is intoxicating and fills my senses. I...

Straight Sex
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Her name was Makayla. I met her when she was still under 18. I wouldn't say I was ever attracted to her really, not until she came of age. Makayla was the daughter of Jane, an older lady I had met somehow. I needed a roommate and she invited me to stay with her. My life was on a down slope, again. So I ended up staying about a year with them. Some things happened, of course, and I ended up moving out of janes house. Fast forward to about two months ago, and Jane texts me asking if I can come by...

1 year ago
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Mum Son Make A Video

Note : This story is completely fictional! Early one Friday morning when I was sitting down having my breakfast I heard my mail come through my front door, so I got up and went to pick the post up, and there in my hand was what I had been dreading, my bank statement. I opened it up to see what I already knew, I was again over my overdraft, this time by £300, how am I ever going to get out of this bloody mess that I myself had gotten into? So here I am a single bloke of what 35, nearly 36 living...

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Belles College Experience

After receiving her letter saying she is accepted into Dartmouth University, Belle packed her bags and was off to live out her dreams in becoming a Journalist. Her father saved up a lot of money that he won from his inventions, and he put her on a plane. Belle was excised that she got the full scholarship to the school, and they were going to provide her a dorm room while she is going to school. Once she was there at the University, and she got her class schedule for her first semester there....

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 9 A Cracking Good Time

September 15, 1994, London, England All those life lessons I’d learned recently rushed to the forefront of my mind. What had happened with Ailea, Mitsuko, and Sakurako, as well as with Michelle, meant I needed to treat Pippa’s request properly. The only question in my mind was whether or not there were special circumstances which would warrant me trying to talk her out of it. I was concerned about regret, but I’d discussed that with the three Japanese girls, and in the end, I couldn’t...

4 years ago
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Wilbur Sees It DifferentlyChapter 6

It was a long trip to Fort Smith from the "Cherokee Nations". My wives and I traveled easily. We started early and stopped for a long dinner break before continuing through the afternoon. We only set up the tent if it looked like it might rain. We had plenty of cargo capacity on the large string of horses we had along so they were loaded lightly. The rolling green hills and valleys gave us a varied and beautiful landscape. As we traveled toward the Arkansas River there was plenty of...

2 years ago
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The Importance of Being Auburn

Once again I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. As always I must also add, that I can’t leave a story alone. I could well have added some cock-ups after they have seen it and before it gets posted. That should keep the GPs happy at least. The story starts circa 1966. There is no sex in this story. I must also point out that at the beginning of the story the protagonists are only 17 years old. The legal age of...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 33

It’s Saturday and I’m marrying a Duke! Most importantly, I’m marrying the brave, handsome man I love and who loves me. I left my bed to shower and then dress. I had packed my case for my honeymoon and put it in the trunk with my dress and another smaller case in the back seat. I got in my car and drove to meet the others at a restaurant where reservations had been made. We would be Angela, Anna, Mo, Missus Madison, and me. I talked with Berthold this morning and he knew of no creditable...

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Bells Book and Candle

"When you see the daemon, mate with the daemon" - old M'n saying Hank let out a yawn. This, as it turned out, was not a smart thing to do while showering. His half asleep body had started to drift forward, the hot spray not yet doing its duty of waking him to the world. Jets of water entering his throat, though, did. With a spitting cough, he jerked his head back, right hand going to the tiled wall. It would be just his luck to slip, lose his balance, fall, and crack his head open. That...

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This was something that I have done with others for a long time... the following is a hypnosis script that I use for the ones that want to experience hypnosis do it's deepest levels. This is just the start... but those that read it, wanting to be taken in the spell, can begin to feel what the depths of the mind can bring. If you believe, and if you know that it is real... or could be real... then you will be amazed at what you could feel. Please enjoy.I want you to pay attention to each...

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HalalChapter 10

That evening we sat down to watch the six o'clock news in the clubhouse. With us were the whole Fernandez tribe, including Manuel, a year younger than Alicia and a lawyer in King City and Linda Carruthers and her two kids. We were especially interested in seeing how the national broadcasting companies would deal with our little protest march, if they would. I have a preference for ABS' news policy; of the three main broadcasters, they are the most even-handed in dealing with everyday...

2 years ago
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Breast Enhancements

Hi My sweet Friends. Thank for taking the time to read my post. This one is about our neighbor Miss Marshall who lived in the trailer next to us. There is a story about her on my blog. She was a seamstress and would make me dresses, skirts, tailor my outfits so they would fit just right. I would visit her often and we would sit and talk about everything she loved who and what i was which made it so easy to confide in her. Every time she made me a new dress or fixed others I would mention that...

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Learning CurvesChapter 20

Tiffany and Phil were sitting on the couch playing a video game when Hailey and Katelyn returned. Hailey groaned when she saw their activity. “They’re dorks,” she said. “I finally fall head over heels for a guy and he’s a dork.” “Is that ‘Winter Wizard Wars?’” Katelyn asked, sitting down beside Tiffany and forcing the other two to scoot over. “You play?” Tiffany asked as she hit the pause button on her controller. “Sort of,” Katelyn admitted. “I mean I’ve played it with my brother. He’s...

2 years ago
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San Andreas Stories Chapter two

KINGS IN EXILE Carl’s feet were on the ground even before he had tossed his sheets off him. His mind had quickly switched into survival mode. The knocking on the door was still fresh in his senses as he grabbed the only thing he had at had to dress himself. He wrapped the towel about his middle and knotted it quickly. If this is Ballaz coming for my ass, thought Carl, then it’s do or die. I ain’t running no more. Carl pushed aside the blanket that served as the door from the bedroom, and...

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