Hot Doggie - Chapter Two free porn video

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Hot Doggie - Chapter Two ? By: Beverly Taff Elizabeth was the first to waken. For a few seconds she could not understand where she was. The weird but pleasant sensations in her clitty alarmed her, and she also lay helplessly attached to an unrecognizable lump behind her. For a moment she panicked and let out a weak whimper of fear that jerked Sandra from her deeper slumber. In that first waking moment Sandra was also puzzled by the strange but pleasant clamping sensation around her dick. Somehow this 'pressure' was interwoven with an indescribably satisfying and 'full' sensation in her lower belly. Sandra sleepily murmured her contentment as Elizabeth stirred and then remembered. "Aaah. Wher-? Wha? Oh! Now I remember," squeaked Elizabeth as she recalled what had happened. Then she began to feel the pleasure. "Mmm! Thasss nice," she whispered as she savoured the delightful sensations in her tummy. She felt so delightfully 'full' down there but without any sensations of pain or forced entry. Elizabeth humped her newly mobilised hips and magnified the wonderful sensations that were growing in her loins, this action brought Sandra fully awake. "Wha-a! What the!" croaked Sandra as she recognized the same pleasant but unfamiliar fullness in her tummy. Then she also remembered the night before and her hand gently curled around Elizabeth's waist as her newly conjoined friend urgently satiated her lust. "Mmmm, thass lovely!" sighed Elizabeth as Sandra's knowing fingers gently reached up and gently stroked her stiffening nipples "You bet," murmured Sandra as she savoured the shared delights. "This is just the nicest way to wake up," giggled Elizabeth as she gently rocked her newly conjoined hips back and forth. Her actions sent waves of pleasure along their mutually sensitive cock and deep into their shared vagina. Sandra let out a low gasp and gently moved her fingers down to Elizabeth's clitty. Again their mutually shared sensitivity immediately let Sandra know where and how to finger their clitty and Elizabeth gave her first soft moan of lust. For the first time in Elizabeth's life, somebody knew exactly how and where to pleasure her and she squirmed ecstatically in response, 'It was just so perfect!' Somehow their shared sensations exactly complimented their needs and they ascended into a perfectly orchestrated crescendo of mutual orgasms. First came the desperate explosive urgency of their boy climax followed by the longer satiation of their girly pleasure until they both lay curled together panting from their exertions. Once they had recovered, they chatted softly for long minutes. Sandra savoured yet another delight from her newly acquired girly sensations. This was the need to lie in a loving embrace and chat softly about everything. Thus they shared their intimate secrets and thoughts until the feint sounds of lunch being served drifted up the stairs to Sandra's staff flat. They stirred reluctantly and uncurled from their 'spooning'. Sandra found it unexpectedly easy to sit up and stretch so she sat on the bed with her arms reaching as high as they could go. Elizabeth gave a squeak of surprise as the stretching sensations relieved the tension in her newly shared arms. Having never had limbs before, she had never experienced the pure luxury of a good stretch in the morning. "What d'you do that for?" giggled Elizabeth. The question caught Sandra by surprise. "Wa-. I always stretch in the morning, why d'you ask?" "I've never needed to before," declared Elizabeth ruefully, "I never had arms." "Oh! Sorry. I keep forgetting. Of course not, this'll be all new to you." "Can I try it? It felt really nice," begged Elizabeth. "Well; it's really a one off thing. Once you've had a good stretch there's really no need for a second. I'll let you do it next time we wake up. Right now I need to pee." "Well fancy that. So do I," finished Elizabeth. Sandra rose easily and reveled in the simplicity of the action. It was almost as though Elizabeth wasn't there. Once having stood with ease, they minced urgently to the lavatory. This time Elizabeth demanded to see exactly how Sandra peed. "Huh,i" chuckled Sandra as they reconciled themselves to the total intimacy of their conjoinment, "Can't a girl even pee in private?" "Girl!" scoffed Elizabeth, "Well you're some girl darling. Anyway, now that we seem to share every sensation, I want to feel what it's like for a boy to pee." Sandra shrugged and squatted on the lavatory. "If you're the lady would you like to go first then?" asked Sandra courteously. "No," said Elizabeth firmly, "now that we seem to be sharing more sensations with every moment, I want to see what it feels like for you to do it. Go on, show me." Sandra squeezed her prostate gland muscles hard and jetted out an explosive stream that caught Elizabeth by surprise. "Eeek! I felt that. Gosh it's weird. Can I try?" "Be my guest," offered Sandra generously. Elizabeth tried but nothing happened. She let out a grunt as she tried to operate unfamiliar muscles but there were simply no connections or mechanisms in her crotch to operate the delightful little gland. She felt it when Sandra 'squeezed' but she could not 'squeeze' the prostate herself. Nevertheless, it was a weird but exciting sensation to feel their shared prostate gland being 'squeezed' so intimately. "It's no good. It won't come." "Well I'm still not empty so I'll have to do it." So saying, Sandra squeezed again and released the remainder of her urine. Elizabeth felt the strange muscle flexing as it squeezed the prostate again and forced the stream from Sandra's bladder. However, try as Elizabeth might she could not emulate the response in Sandra's peculiar little prostate gland. She felt a bit jealous of Sandra's control because all she did to expel her pee was kind of push and let go. Once Sandra was finished she backed up along the pan to allow Elizabeth access. As Elizabeth relieved herself she felt a strange twitching sensation in her urethra. Suddenly her pee stopped and she protested. "Hey what did you do?" "I could feel you peeing and I just tried to see if I could control it," replied Sandra. "Well that's not fair. You just stopped me. Let me go." Sandra squeezed her prostate gland again and suddenly Elizabeth's stream erupted with a rush. "Eeek. Aaah. How d'you do that? Gosh, it's weird!" "I don't know," chuckled Sandra, "I just can." "That's not fair, were not sharing equally. Stoppit! Let me do it!" Sandra relaxed her control and Elizabeth finally regained control of her own bladder. They chatted about this unequal split as Elizabeth wiped both her labia and Sandra's cock. She noted that Sandra's cock needed very little wiping and remarked enviously. "It's not fair. You boys have all the easy bits." "Not any more I don't," argued Sandra, "Your drips are my drips, now I have to squat to pee and I'm quite sure I'll feel all your pains and cramps when you have your period." "Yeah, that'll be a downer for you. My period cramps can sometimes be painful and they make me really moody." "Hello-o! Anybody ho-ome," sang Sandra ironically. "Who's been attending to your periods for the last twelve months, you don't have to tell me about your periods and your moods." "Well, that's true," conceded Elizabeth, "but this time you'll get to understand why." Elizabeth didn't see Sandra's secret little smile. For the transvestite Sandra, the idea of perhaps one day having a baby and experiencing the whole process of giving birth, was a dream come true. If the price was a monthly stomach cramp, Sandra was more than prepared to suffer it. Elizabeth could never know just how contented Sandra was with the new found potentials of their conjoined body. The very idea that she could keep her boy bits and yet still have a baby was just the most wonderful situation she could ever have hoped for. Secretly she thanked the strange wizard and resolved to return to the strange little 'Spells r' us' shop in the old Cripplegate and pay him handsomely for his blessings. After washing themselves, they returned to Sandra's bedroom and set about dressing. "I'll do your bra first," offered Sandra. "OK," replied Elizabeth thankfully, as she smiled contentedly. 'No more would she ever have to wait on somebody else's convenience.' Firstly, Sandra slipped Elizabeth's breasts tenderly into her bra then caressed her sensitive nipples as she slid her hands around to fasten the clasp. Sandra gave a little sigh and rolled her head against Sandra's warm naked breasts before Sandra next put her own bra on. The satiny cups provided just the right texture of pillow and Elizabeth gently rubbed her cheeks against Sandra's hardening nipples. "Stoppit!" begged Sandra, "You'll get me all stiffy again!" Elizabeth could already feel Sandra's cock nudging agreeably at her labia. She hesitated just long enough for the cock to grow to the right length and stiffness then she humped gently and 'sucked' eagerly with her cunny. Their mutually shared cock slipped easily into the slippery scabbard of their mutual vagina and Elizabeth tensed her cunny muscles to hold it greedily. "Now slip those control front panties on whilst were together, then your stiffy wont show," suggested Elizabeth. Sandra got the idea and chose the pair of 'support' panties that lay folded neatly on the panty pile in her dressing table drawer. She held them up for inspection and concluded that the broad full crotch-piece would fit properly around their boy-parts and then properly 'contain' their wayward cock. The soft, firm, silky material compressed Sandra's cock into and between Elizabeth's cunny to reveal very little evidence of 'transition'. As the firm silky material slithered over their conjoinment they each shuddered as they studied themselves in the mirror. "See, it doesn't show at all," declared Elizabeth. Sandra shuddered again as the silky sensation tantalised her scrotum and Elizabeth twitched deliciously as she sensed Sandra's delight. "Does it always get you like that?" "What?" parried Sandra defensively. "That silky texture thing, I felt it as well you know." "Well you'll understand now why I'm a tranny then won't you?" "I said I felt it," argued Elizabeth, "I didn't go all gooey over it; not like you did. I even felt our cock twitch as the silk brushed your ball-bag." "So I'm a trannie, it's what trannies do." Elizabeth was about to say 'gross!' but she held her tongue. 'Sandra couldn't help being what she was. After all people could be crippled inside their head just as easily as being crippled without arms and legs.' Instead she studied the silky front support panel of their panties and nodded satisfactorily as she concluded just like Sandra, that the rounded bulge in the crotch of their panties almost resembled the normal swell of a woman's labia in a tight pair of panties. "It'll do," Elizabeth declared as she smoothed the silky material against her tummy. Sandra shuddered again but this time Elizabeth simply stroked Sandra's cheek reassuringly with their other hand. "If you like it darling, then so shall I," she encouraged, "And anyway, you're quite right; it does feel rather nice." Elizabeth felt Sandra physically relax as the relief coursed through her body. "Thanks for not judging me," replied Sandra as a little sob escaped her. They both studied their image in the mirror again and Sandra smiled her satisfaction at Elizabeth as they both cheered up. 'This was the ultimate in 'transition',' thought Sandra as she admired the smooth front of the panties, 'Just another advantage to having become conjoined,' she concluded privately. Though who would ever get to see their panties beside Elizabeth and her, was something she had yet to worry about. If Sandra was to have her way, they would live as a private couple just like a married couple till death did them part.' She searched through her wardrobe and concluded that she would have to lay recourse to the same nursing overall until they could properly resolve their new clothing needs. Elizabeth simultaneously recognised their clothing needs and declared that they had better each pick a blouse to fit their upper bodies then put the overall on. This done Sandra couldn't help but notice that Elizabeth had chosen one of Sandra's smallest, silkiest numbers. It was a sleeveless blouse made from the softest chartreuse. Sandra decided to match it with a blouse of the same colour and long sleeves. They grinned as they realised the significance, 'Yes; silky was nice.' Elizabeth did not need sleeves; she simply used Sandra's arms to button up the front of her own blouse. Next they buttoned up the outsized nursing overall then lastly, Sandra slipped on a pair of tights and her favourite heels. This time Elizabeth let out a little pleasurable gasp as the tights slipped silkily up her newly sensitive legs. "Mmmm, that's a nice feeling!" she squeaked. Sandra tensed for a moment before demanding. "You're not just saying that are you?" "No!" protested Elizabeth, "Honestly! It feels really nice." To emphasise her words, Elizabeth stroked their inner thighs and squirmed licentiously as her fingers slithered over the glossy tights. She had not yet realised that Sandra had knowingly chosen a pair of her most expensive glossy tights just to test Elizabeth's reaction. Her hopes had been fulfilled. It seemed that Elizabeth now garnished the same sensitive pleasures as Sandra did >from soft silky sensations. 'Perhaps Elizabeth was developing the same sensitivities,' hoped Sandra wishfully. The final touch was the matching pendants and a final check in the mirror. They agreed that everybody would conclude Elizabeth was still in the baby harness then they set off for lunch. In the corridor Octavia approached them quietly. "Glad to see you've managed to look like you usually do. People will think that Elizabeth is in the baby sling under that big overall. Are you going into the dining room? "Yes," replied Elizabeth as she relished the luxury of freely declaring her intentions. She followed Octavia's glance towards Sandra's eyes behind her and snapped sarcastically. "That is if Sandra agrees." Octavia then realised her slightest action had betrayed her view that Sandra was the boss. She apologised to Elizabeth for making the worst error of all; 'speaking over the disabled patient's head'. "Sorry love, it's just that-" "Oh don't worry, I'm used to it, anyway, Sandra does have primary control." Octavia glanced questioningly at Sandra who nodded confirmation as she replied. "Yes it's true, Elizabeth can control our limbs but only if I relinquish that control." Octavia gasped. "My God, is the conjunction that intimate? Do you mind letting Elizabeth take control?" "It's fine by me, anyway, It's quite relaxing really. Walking can be fun; sort of arriving somewhere without actually having made the effort." "Wow! Sound's weird," said a smilimg Octavia. "Yes, the whole thing's weird!" interrupted Elizabeth, "now if you don't mind; all the food will be cold." "Of course, we can talk later." As they parted company, Octavia could not resist staring at the duo and marveling at their easy progress. 'It was as if Elizabeth was no burden at all.' She turned to resume her ordinary duties as she concluded they could have a long chat and discuss everything after lunch. When Sandra and Elizabeth entered the dining room the meal was almost over. All the mentally disable residents had left and the room was nearly deserted except for Jenny and Marge sitting in the bay window finishing their puddings. Jenny and Marge were two ex-models who had been driving to a photo shoot when they had an accident. Both girls had lost their legs just above the knees. They were now wheelchair bound. They waved the duo over and Sandra nodded acknowledgement. Elizabeth was too busy relishing the pure luxury of choosing her own food and carrying the tray. Sandra unthinkingly told Elizabeth her own choice and suddenly realised that Elizabeth was not officially connected yet. Nobody was supposed to know about Elizabeth's newfound ability. She felt their elbow give her a soft nudge in the as Elizabeth reminded her of the perils. Fortunately, Jenny and Marge did not notice and the danger had passed before it had started. With their choices made, they strolled over to Marge and Jenny. "Are you coming into town this afternoon?" invited Jenny. "Uh, not today, I've got to go over some stuff with Octavia," replied Sandra as she and Elizabeth adopted the old familiar pattern. Jenny then looked at Elizabeth and pressed her. "Well you can still come, love. We can easily sit you on our chairs and share the load like we always do." "Well. I uhm-. not just today. I've also got business with Octavia. Thanks awfully. Tomorrow perhaps." Jenny and Marge's eyes widened with mild surprise. Usually, Elizabeth always jumped at a chance to get out and about. Both ex models seemed a little disappointed and it showed in their faces. "It was just such a lovely day and there's room on the bus for both our wheelchairs," finished Marge. Elizabeth was disappointed. She desperately wanted to go into town as well. She had often gone to town inside Sandra's baby sling and their appearance had ceased to turn many heads. Most of the shopkeepers and publicans knew about Elizabeth's thalidomide condition. Indeed, most of the townsfolk regarded Sandra as something of a saint for shouldering the burden. They settled down to their meals in silence while Jenny and Marge watched fascinated, as Sandra appeared to feed Elizabeth with ease. "You're doing well feeding Elizabeth. She hasn't spilt a bit." Sandra and Elizabeth tensed for a moment then resumed eating as Jenny and Marge prepared to leave for town. Elizabeth eyed them wistfully. The opportunity to share a day out with two 'normal', intelligent, mentally unimpaired residents was a rare treat. Sandra sensed Elizabeth's disappointment and realised that Elizabeth was really keen to go. Sandra decided to bite the bullet and take the plunge. "Eh- would you two be prepared to wait a bit before going?" Jenny swapped a glance with Marge and they agreed. "Not too long. The bus has to collect the others. How long will this business with Octavia take?" "Well I need to chat with Elizabeth first. You go and get ready and we'll have finished lunch in a minute." As Jenny and Marge wheeled away, Elizabeth rounded on her partner. "What's all that about? We can't go to town like this!" "Well we're going to have to go some time, sooner's better than later." "But the doctors!" protested Elizabeth, "What about their medical opinions?" "We can make an appointment to see the doctors any time. Octavia will sort that out. If we place the baby harness over my shoulders and make it look like we used to look, then nobody will know." Elizabeth considered Sandra's idea. 'It would work,' she concluded. "So what about those two, they might notice, and they might invite me to share one of their laps." "Easy, we tell them about our conjoinment. They're good friends. If Octavia can handle it then they surely can." "Huh. I think we'd better check with Octavia first," suggested Elizabeth, "Only out of courtesy to her and our position here. Technically, we're responsible adults. Octavia can't tell us what to do." "She could throw me out." "Uuhh hello-o, she can only throw US out. We can always choose to live in our own normal house now. After all, we have managed perfectly so far." "Well that's true. Trouble is, I like it here." "Well, that's simple then, lets go and see Octavia." They chatted in Octavia's office for a good twenty minutes before Marge and Jenny returned ready for town. Finally, they emerged with Octavia shaking her head as she smiled at Jenny and Marge. "OK then," observed Octavia, "here they are, tell them right now." "Tell us what?" chorused the legless pair. "You'd better all come back into my office," suggested Octavia. Once everybody was seated in front of Octavia's desk, she spoke to Jenny and Marge, "Right you two. You'd best prepare for a shock. Sandra and Elizabeth have one hell of a surprise for you." The two ex models exchanged puzzled looks until the other duo stood up and unbuttoned the front of their nursing overall. "Where's your baby harn-? Oh my God!! What's happened?" squealed Jenny, who had the better view. Marjory strained her neck as Elizabeth flung the front flaps of the nursing overall wider, then when she saw the situation she joined Jenny in the same squeal. Octavia quickly subdued them. "Oh for heaven's sake girls.Stop being so melodramatic." "Melodramatic!!" screeched Jenny, "What d'you mean melodramatic. They're joined to-bloody-together for fuck's sake!!" "Yes indeed!" continued Octavia, "And very happy they are about it." "Oh I'll bloody bet!" cackled Marge as she stared at Sandra and Elizabeth's tights around their common waist. "And how did this bloody happen? Did the chief fairy seamstress come down and stitch them together?" "Well not quite." interrupted Sandra, "But you know that strange shop I was talking about last night. The one were I bought the pendant." "Oh don't bloody tell me," scoffed Jenny, "He sold you that Magic Necklace." "That's exactly what I'm saying. Don't you remember last night when you put one half of the pendant each around Elizabeth's neck and mine. Well that's when it started." "Oh get out of here, crowed Marge. That's just so much crap!" "It may be crap to you!" snapped Elizabeth but can you explain this!!" So saying, she yanked down the side of their tights and panties to reveal a perfect conjoinment with no sign of a scar, Jenny and Marge's eyes widened in uncomprehending disbelief. "Oh fuck! It's true," gasped Jenny. "You better believe it!" riposted Elizabeth as she snapped the waistbands back to respectability. She had absolutely no intentions of exposing their true dual sex condition. That was to be their very own secret. "Now, shall we go into town?" finished Sandra as a shocked silence engulfed Jenny and Marge. "I've got to return to that crazy shop and thank that wizard." "Thank him!" gasped Marge. "You bet!" replied Elizabeth, "Just look, I can use these arms now. I'll explain on the bus. Come on. That wizard is one fellow I've just got to meet and thank." "Well I'll have to get the baby harness and pretend Elizabeth is still in it,"finished Sandra. Still reeling from the revelations, Jenny and Marge turned in a state of shock and wheeled towards the minibus while Sandra and Elizabeth fixed up the baby harness to make it look as though Elizabeth was neatly ensconced in it. They met again just as the driver had finished the wheelchair hoist and the girls were safely fixed in the bus. On the journey to town, they chatted in whispers to avoid revealing the situation to the driver. The driver worked full time for the care home and attended to all the transport needs. She was however well known for her gossiping. Despite her efforts to eavesdrop on the four friends, she arrived at the mall none the wiser and they arranged a pick-up time for the evening. As soon as they were out of earshot, they unanimously elected to go to the strange little magic shop. After traipsing through the mall and around the winding streets of the old town, they eventually came to the cross roads of Cripplegate and Oldgate. Sandra searched around uncomprehendingly as no trace could be found of the strange little shop. (N.B. For our transatlantic Cousins, the word 'Gate' is the old Nordic Viking word for the even older Roman word Street. Think of Aldegate in London. One translation could mean 'Old Street' or 'The Street of the Elders.') "But it was here, right here!" Sandra protested tearfully. "Oh yeah, well I suppose that figures. It was a magic shop after all," scoffed a disbelieving Marge, "Come on. Let's go for a coffee across the street." "It was definitely here. I know it was! How do you explain the pendant and our conjoinment?" Sandra continued angrily. "She's got a point their," added Jenny, "How do you explain the joint?" "Conjoinment!" snapped Elizabeth, "It's called a conjoinment." "Are we going for coffee or not?" demanded Marge. The four made their way across the old cobbled street to their usual little pavement caf?. After finishing their coffees, they went shopping because Sandra and Elizabeth had some very special needs. Jenny and Marge soon learned why. "Yes," declared Elizabeth to Jenny as they examined the new bras, "No underwiring, but with Double D soft smooth satiny cups." Why so particular?" asked Marge. "The underwire ones dig into my neck and the patterned cups irritate my ears, see." To demonstrate, Elizabeth pressed her head back into Sandra's fulsome cleavage. "D'you mind!" objected Sandra, "I'm here as well you know." Jenny and Marge exchanged comprehending glances and went searching amongst the racks of bras for something suitable. They met outside of the large disabled changing room with over a dozen suitable bra fittings. After testing each one, Sandra and Elizabeth agreed on nine of them and they went into the purchase basket. Next they had to choose panties. This time Elizabeth let Sandra choose them. By now she perfectly understood Sandra's special needs and excluded the two models from the search. For once Sandra was secretly grateful for Elizabeth's oft time pushy, domineering nature and she let her conjoined partner repel Jenny and Marge's questions. "This bit's really private. Go and do your own shopping. We'll meet again for coffee at the same caf? on the Cripplegate about fiveish," ordered Elizabeth. Once Jenny and Marge had left, Sandra and Elizabeth learned to their pleasant surprise that they were quite comfortable with only a single extra size up from Sandra's old panties. Armed with this comforting knowledge they soon accumulated a suitable wardrobe of new, very silky, full cut frilly panties with a light support feature. As they tested each pair back in the disabled changing room Elizabeth expressed her surprise. "It's incredible. I seem to have blended right into your tummy. Look, they're a perfect fit. Mmmm, these are yummy!" Sandra twitched agreeably and Elizabeth sensed her satisfaction. "Several of these in different colours, I think," declared Elizabeth. "Yes please!" gasped the slightly agitated Sandra. Elizabeth smiled inwardly. 'Sandra's pleasures were becoming her pleasures also.' They tested a few more different styles and finally finished with over thirty different panties. "I don't think my card will stand this," declared Sandra dejectedly. "Mine will, easily," finished Elizabeth. "But, you shouldn't have to buy my panties I -" "What d'you mean, your panties? These are our panties!" "Oh-. Yes. Of course! I -. I -. I'm still getting used to this. "So am I. So am I!" finished Elizabeth as she smiled at her partner in the mirror, "Now, what about skirts and trousers?" "That's going to be much more difficult," observed Sandra. "Oh I shouldn't think so. If we buy stretch trousers they should be just like our panties. Let's try just one size bigger again." "And the skirts?" persisted Sandra. "We'll just have to experiment. Jenny and Marge can help us there. After all, they were fashion models. They should have excellent dress sense." To emphasise her words, Elizabeth was already dialing their friends on her mobile and they appeared from the coats section in a matter of minutes. "Tops, skirts and trousers girls, what d'you think?" demanded Elizabeth. Jenny and Marge just couldn't resist such an open invitation and the afternoon passed swimmingly. It was also during their visits to the disabled changing rooms that Jenny and Marge accidentally learned of Sandra and Elizabeth's big, big secret. Having been accustomed to the casual nakedness and intimate adjustments of the catwalk, Jenny was checking the fit of a very soft delicate skirt when her hand strayed quite naturally to Elizabeth's crotch. Because she was confined to the wheelchair, and had to stretch to make the job easier, Jenny reached under Elizabeth's crotch and Sandra's butt to adjust the crumpled back tail of Sandra's blouse and make the skirt sit right. Unexpectedly, her fingers fetched up against Sandra's rigid organ. With her mouth full of fixing pins, Jenny let out a muffled squeak as she immediately recognised the familiar shape and texture of a boy's cock. The pins spat out of her mouth as she squeaked and her knowledgeable fingers gave the familiar organ a knowing squeeze. With ten years experience as a model behind her, Jenny knew exactly what a man's erect cock felt like even through a pair of tights and silky panties. She'd seen it all. "What the hell!" she whispered hoarsely. "Ahh," croaked the devastated Sandra as she felt the unexpected fingers wrapping themselves around her silk encased organ. "Damn!" giggled Elizabeth as Jenny's wide-eyed face gaped up in shock. "I'd hoped to keep that a secret." "I'm not surprised!" gasped the shocked Jenny. "What's going on?" asked Marge. "Feel for yourself. They've got a cock tucked away under there," declared Jenny as she pointed to Elizabeth's crotch. "You're joking!" giggled Marge. "Just put your hand under that dress sweetie. You'll see if I'm joking or not." "Leave us alone!" protested Sandra. "No let them see," argued Elizabeth, "They may as well know the whole truth." "What! Everything?" protested Sandra. "That's what you said earlier. Remember?" "That was just the conjoinment, not this." "Why not?" argued Elizabeth, "D'you think they weren't curious anyway. I'll bet their little minds have been fermenting like wine vats since lunch time as they try to figure out what the arrangements are down there. Am I right you two?" Jenny and Marge blushed then nodded guiltily as they both replied, 'Yes'. "See. We're going to get this all the time, and what d'you think the doctor's will say tomorrow?" "But I feel such a ? such ?a," wailed Sandra. "What! Fraud, freak, what?" demanded Marge as her inquisitive fingers reappeared from under the flimsy skirt. "Don' worry about it kid, we've all got crosses to bear," declared Jenny as she gave Sandra a knowing glance and nodded slightly towards Marge. Sandra immediately got the jist and gasped, "What. You mean you two. You're -!" "We are now," added Marge, "Well we are now because only perves and freakos want to sleep with stumpies." "Well we were actually A.C., D.C., before," added Jenny, "that's why we are such close friends, but now we keep ourselves to ourselves. Octavia knows. In fact, when she found out she was positively adamant that we become residents at her care home. She understands you see, in fact I'm not sure if she isn't a lezzy herself." Sandra was mildly shocked at the revelations, "Oh come on! Octavia's just a hardheaded businesswoman. That doesn't make her a lesbian." "Don't you believe it. We girl's can spot these things!" added Marge. "In fact I think Octavia would be quite sympathetic to your transvestism. Just fancy that. You're a tranny. We never never knew. You're a very good one sweetie. We'd never have guessed in a million years, and we've seen it all darling." Jenny nodded in agreement then added. "I think you should tell Octavia. It might go badly if the doctors tell her tomorrow." "They can't do that!" argued Sandra, "Medical confidentiality and all that!" Sandra was worried though. Perhaps it would be better to tell Octavia. She knew that Octavia was a genuinely fair-minded woman. Her treatment of Sandra and the ensuing promotion to night duty nurse had proved that, but the idea of Sandra declaring her transvestism to the boss had terrified Sandra. "So what are we to do with you then sir?" grinned Marge. "What d'you mean Sir!" snapped Elizabeth, "I'll have you know, I'm all girl!" Jenny and Marge frowned uncomprehendingly. "But that's a cock down there," objected Jenny. "And my pussy, you didn't check all the way did you? You didn't look inside panties!" "What! You mean -!" gasped Marge. "Oh we might as well show them every bloody thing!" sighed Sandra as she hoisted up the flimsy skirt and tugged the waistband of their tights and panties down past their knees. Jenny and Marge juggled clumsily in their wheelchairs as they both pushed forward to get a clear view. Elizabeth, having long been used to the ignomies of a lifetime of unasked-for exposure, gave a wry smile as Jenny and Marge developed disbelieving stares. "Shit! You lucky bitches!" gasped Jenny, as she watched Sandra's growing cock sliding easily into Elizabeth's greedy cunny. After another brief disbelieving silence Marge broke the spell, "So where's your arsehole?" demanded Marge. "Where it's always been," aid Sandra as she tugged the tights and panties back to their waist and adjusted the crotch of their panties to make their cock comfortable. Jenny and Marge fell silent again as they exchanged envious glances. "Jenny's right. You are one pair of lucky bitches!" finished Marge. "Yeah! Just imagine if w -, we -!" stuttered Jenny. "If only!" finished Marge as they shared previous thoughts." "Well. It's not to be," sighed Jenny, "let's get these purchases to the sales counter then we can look at some jackets for us." "That's an idea," added Elizabeth, "I could wear a short bolero jacket that only reaches down to our conjoinment at my back." "And the same sort of thing for me cut away from the waist," added Sandra. "Oooh, now at last, we're getting some proper fashion sense," grinned Marge, "I remember seeing something in ladies clothing, they had several different styles of jackets, skirts and dresses in the same colours and material. They would make an excellent matching outfit. They gathered up all the purchases and made their way to the coats and jackets department. Finally the last clothing stop was at a material and haberdashery store for a huge selection of assorted dressmaking and lingerie materials. "Some of our clothes will still need modifying. This stuff is for alterations and tailoring," declared Sandra, "I'm pretty good with a sowing machine." When they finally emerged with the wheelchairs loaded with shopping, the evening shadows were lengthening and they scurried through the winding lanes back to the Cripplegate. It was naturally Sandra who spotted the little shop first. "Shit look!!" Three other heads turned and gaped disbelievingly at the olde-worlde portal then gasped in unison. "That's impossible!" "Yeah, tell me!" snorted Sandra, "Now tell me I'm daft!" "I don't think we should go in," cautioned Marge, "this is just too creepy." "Well, I am," declared Sandra. "I've got a bill to settle and a massive 'thank you' to deliver. I don't intend to cheat him of his monies." "Seconded," said Elizabeth, "and anyway, I owe him a big 'thank you' as well." "I don't think it's wise," protested Marge, " it's giving me the creeps." "Why," asked Jenny, "he hasn't actually hurt anybody and these two seem to be actually really pleased." "Amen," said Sandra. So saying, the conjoined duo were already crossing the street and entering the little shoppe even as Jenny and Marge still sat arguing in their wheelchairs. The doorbell gave its familiar ring and Sandra waited expectantly while Elizabeth's eyes strayed everywhere as she peered through the gloom. "So where is he?" "He'll be here shortly, just be patient, I reckon if he's made the shop visible again, he's expecting us." "Makes sense," observed Elizabeth as they strolled between the displays. As they examined the displays, Sandra suddenly realised that the shop was laid out differently. As the realisation struck her she turned nervously. "This is weird." "What is?" "The shop, it's different. When I came here last time the counter was that side and the door to his back room was in that wall. And the door, that's different as well. Last time I had to squeeze past that display but now the door opens the other way and there's much more room. It's wider, and look-, it's like a disable access. D'you know, I think he's expecting us, or rather he's expecting Jenny and Marge." "Are you sure?" asked Elizabeth. "The more I think about it, the more certain I am. This shop is really weird. I think we'd better go. It's Jenny and Marge he's expecting" "There's no need," came a disembodied voice from the gloomy door behind the counter. A startled Sandra spun around to recognise the wizard stepping behind the counter. "I wish you wouldn't do that." The wizard's eye fell upon Elizabeth and smiled. "Well hello Miss Elizabeth. Everything's well I see." "How d'you know my name?" demanded Elizabeth. "Don't bother," interrupted Sandra, "He knows everything. He's a wizard." She felt Elizabeth shudder nervously so she reached gently and squeezed her reassuringly. The wizard nodded benignly as Elizabeth calmed down. "So where are your friends, Jenny and Marge?" Sandra nodded through the shop window to indicate the two wheel-chaired figures still arguing across the street. "They're afraid to come in." "You mean Marge is afraid," replied the wizard, "I can sense Jenny trying to persuade her." "Shit!" Squeaked Elizabeth, "So you're a bloody clairvoyant as well." "Yes," replied the wizard matter-of-factly without a single sign of conceit or condescension. "So are they going to cross over?" asked Elizabeth. "She's almost persuaded. If you call from the door, that'll persuade her." Taking the cue, Sandra opened the door and beckoned with her hand. Marge looked at her questioningly so Sandra reinforced her efforts with a 'thumbs-up' sign. Finally persuaded, Marge wheeled to the disable crossing and picked her way across the smooth patch across the old fashioned cobbles. Jenny followed and Sandra held open the door. The wizard adopted the typical stance of the expectant retailer and beamed a smile at the two legless girls. "Morning Jenny, Morning Marge, how can I help?" "How d'you know our names?" demanded the still suspicious Marge. "He always knows," interrupted Elizabeth. "Don't even go there." "It's a magic shop and I'm a wizard. Now you're looking for a solution to your legs; or should I say lack of legs." "Christ! You don't pull your punches do you? Couldn't you be a bit blunter?" added Jenny. "Stop wasting my time. You've wasted enough by arguing across the street. I can't keep this magic portal open all day. It takes energy. If you want sympathy, you'll find it between shit and syphilis in the dictionary! I produce solutions, not always normal solutions but solutions nevertheless. Now d'you want help or not?" "I told you not to upset him," cautioned Sandra. Jenny and Marge fell silent with shock and the wizard tapped his fingers impatiently. "Can you really help us?" asked Marge finally. "Yes, of course. You might find the solution strange but it will enable you to move about normally. The only thing I won't do is add to your burden. You've stuff enough already in your lives." "Meaning what?" gasped a suspicious Jenny. "You're close, very close. As true lovers, would you like to get closer?" "Well of course we'd like to be closer. We love each other deeply." declared Marge boldly as she threw caution to the wind. The wizard smiled and rummaged through the same cabinet as he had previously with Sandra. He then produced another double necklace and again it comprised two chains each with two interlocking pieces of the same stone. This time, both parts were pink. Jenny and Marge exchanged nervous glances as Jenny fingered the jewelry. "Are you sure this will solve our problems?" "I can assure you it will give you legs to walk again." These words almost clinched it but the wizard reinforced their decision. "If you don't believe me, I'll take Sandra and Elizabeth's necklaces back and they can become separated as before." "No-oo!" wailed Elizabeth, "I like it as we are! I've got arms and legs!" "And me," added Sandra, desperate to keep the intimacy of her newly conjoined partner. The wizard smiled and reassured the conjoined duo that he was only demonstrating to Jenny and Marge how happy they were with their solution. Sandra let out a sigh of relief and slumped against the counter as Elizabeth wiped her own brow to remove the beads of worry. The wizard turned again to Jenny and Marge. "There you are ladies. You know Sandra and Elizabeth intimately, and they are quite happy. I can assure you that the solution will please you both. Now here are the instructions. Marge, you're left handed, so you wear this necklace, see how your stone fits on the left hand side." Marge studied the necklace and smiled as Jenny slipped it gently over her neck. Marge sensed the intensity of Jenny's love so she reciprocated with the other 'right handed' necklace. Both girls kissed passionately but the wizard seemed totally unphased by the naked display of lesbian affection. Instead he turned to Sandra and Elizabeth. "So how can I help you this time?" "Oh ? oh nothing," stammered Sandra, "I just wanted to thank you and bring you the money for our necklaces." "As I said last time, if the necklaces have made you happy then there's no fee. Enjoy your life together." He turned to the still tightly embraced Jenny and Marge and smiled again. "Now ladies, it's nearly five o'clock. I'm closing soon, so if there's nothing else -." Reluctantly the legless pair separated and Sandra held open the door as they wheeled into the street. "Live long and live happy!" called the wizard just as the door was closing. "Nice man," declared Elizabeth humorously. "Oh a lovely man," finished Sandra. "D'you think those two understand?" she whispered as she studied the two wheelchairs bumping along the cobbles of the Cripplegate. "I suspect they do," suggested Sandra, "Indeed I think they really want to get extra close." "Like us," giggled Elizabeth. "Yes. Precisely like us." "But side by side." "We'll see in the morning." The pair felt their cock stiffen and their cunny grow moist as they both considered the approaching event. For a brief moment, they had to turn into a narrow alcove and adjust their panties to allow their cock to locate his favourite cunny. When they rejoined the street Elizabeth studied the wheelchair pair again. "What d'you think the wizard meant by saying, 'Not adding to their burden'?" Sandra was stumped and just shrugged her shoulders. This caused her soft silky blouse to caress Elizabeth's ears and Elizabeth could not resist gently nestling her head between the fulsome silky pillows of Sandra's breasts. Finally they spotted the care-home's minibus waiting just outside the mall. Jenny had contacted the driver on her mobile and organised the rendezvous. Gratefully, Sandra quickened her stride and they loaded the bus with wheelchairs, shopping and passengers. On the bus they debated in whispers what the necklaces would do. "I think they'll somehow join you together like Sandra and me," suggested Elizabeth. "D'you really think so?" giggled Marge. "Doesn't that frighten you?" gasped a surprised Elizabeth, "After all we didn't know that it would happen and anyway, for me at least, it's best thing to ever happen." "And for me," added Sandra. They all exchanged knowing glances as they remembered Sandra's position. She was now a very attractive girly transvestite who had the best of all worlds. A cock, a cunt and all the sensations she could ever hope for as both a girl and a sissy. Elizabeth persisted. "But if you become conjoined, it could be for ever!" persisted Elizabeth. "No," replied Jenny, "The wizard said he could separate you two again if you gave back the necklaces. I believe we have the same option." "Why. Aren't you certain about becoming conjoined?" pressed Sandra. "I think it depends on how we're joined." Curiosity stirred everybody's imaginations and Sandra felt Elizabeth getting horny as the wetness formed in their mutual vagina. This in turn set their mutual cock off and Elizabeth knew that the idea was turning Sandra horny as well. They gently tensed their various bits as they sensed their mutual horniness reflecting their fantasies. Elizabeth was forced to indulge her own licentious thoughts and press further. She turned to Marge who seemed the more adventurous of the lesbian pair. "So how would you like to be joined?" Marge glanced at Jenny who smiled encouragingly. 'After all,' thought Jenny, 'it would be good to know just how far Marge would like to go.' The idea of being conjoined intimately with her best friend and lover was already making her cunny damp. "Go on," pressed Jenny, "I'd like to know what to expect." "Well -, this -, this only fantasy you understand," hedged Marge. "Go on. I'd still like to know just how far you'd like to go." "Well, I -, I'd like to share the nice bits so that we could share sensations like Sandra and Liz." "And that would mean -," "Well -, you know. If we were joined side by side, we could each share the same cunny and each have a leg." "Sounds good so far," grinned Jenny, "so what about topside?" "I -, I haven't really thought about that. I mean, do we each keep our arms and tits or what - I don't know." "That would be a bit uncomfortable. I think we should each share one boob each and perhaps one arm each. Then we would look just like 'a two headed woman'." Sandra considered the configuration and nodded. "That might be the best arrangement. You could sit in a normal chair and your clothes would be more or less normal. Tops might have to be tailored a little wider to accommodate your two heads." All four considered the arrangement and the silence indicated that this was the general consensus. Jenny broke the silence as she searched for advice. "What's it like for you two? You know, sharing stuff like lavatory functions and uhm, sex." "Great," declared Elizabeth, "We defecate together but we pee through our own plumbing." "Why's that?" asked Jenny. "Sandra still has to flush her boy plumbing after we've had fun," smirked Elizabeth knowingly. Sandra nodded confirmation then added. "But we still each feel the other peeing even though we control our own water. It's a bit weird." "And the number two's?" "That's a bit trickier," said Elizabeth, "we both have to push simultaneously or it doesn't come." "Uugh! Gross!" snorted Jenny. "Don't knock it until you've tried it. I'm only giving it to you as it is. If you end up sharing the same butt hole, just think about it." Just then the bus lurched into the lane and they prepared to disembark. No more was said as Marge and Jenny each fingered their halves of their necklace thoughtfully. Octavia met them at the door. "Have you had a good day?" "You bet," replied Elizabeth for all of them, "and lot's of new stuff for us." Octavia glanced at the shopping bags under the wheelchairs and smiled thoughtfully. 'Sandra was lucky that Elizabeth was a very wealthy orphan. It was obvious that Elizabeth had funded the retail therapy. Sandra would never have to worry about money for the rest of their conjoined lives.' Then Octavia fell to more mundane but important matters. "Now you two, as we discussed after lunch before you went shopping. I've arranged for several doctors to see you tomorrow. Did you have any trouble in the mall?" "No," replied Elizabeth, "The baby harness disguised everything. Several people recognised us and just assumed Sandra was carrying me like normal." "Good. Best let the doctors know about you before this whole thing goes public." Sandra and Elizabeth fell silent whilst Jenny and Marge exchanged thoughtful expressions. Octavia then addressed Sandra. "Will you be OK for night duties? I couldn't get anybody to replace you at short notice I'm afraid. If you can't face it I'll fill in for you." Sandra smiled. 'Octavia was a good boss and a caring one.' However, Sandra found Elizabeth to be no problem and so she happily volunteered to do the night shift. "Are you happy with that Elizabeth?" pressed Octavia. "I'm as happy as a sand boy," giggled Elizabeth, "anyway, I'll probably sleep most of the time. Sandra's breasts make a lovely pillow." So saying, Elizabeth closed her eyes and wagged her head sensuously between Sandra's bountiful 'double d' breasts. Octavia smiled wryly as noticed Sandra twitch ever so slightly and the almost un-noticed interplay between the conjoined pair. Octavia gaze rested a little too long and wistfully as she considered Sandra's firm, splendid breasts. 'Some pillows,' thought Octavia,' and they were not even sagging' she noted in silent envy. 'Elizabeth sure was a lucky girl.' For a long moment Octavia was almost transfixed by the straining mounds under Sandra's beautiful silky blouse. The she realised her actions had been noticed. Although Elizabeth was still luxuriating in Sandra's cleavage with her eyes still closed, Sandra was very much awake and 'eye's wide open'! Octavia caught Sandra eyeing her curiously and she turned away a little too quickly in her attempt to hide her interest. However, Octavia's interest had not gone un-noticed. Sandra was exquisitely sensitive to the slightest nuance of unusual behaviour and Marge and Jenny had also noticed Octavia's lingering gaze. Octavia sensed the tension and immediately turned to the night logbook to divert any further attention. "Well I -. Look, give me a call, if you encounter any difficulties. I'll check in again at ten then I'll sleep in the spare room in the staff cottage across the grounds tonight, just in case; O.K?" "Fine by me," smiled Sandra who tactfully allowed Octavia the chance to 'withdraw' gracefully. "Oh. And I've arranged for the cook to leave out some extra supplies in the kitchen in case you need to prepare any extra meals or something." "Thanks," called Sandra as Octavia almost fell through the door in her embarrassment. "What's with her?" asked Elizabeth who had opened her eyes again. "Dunno," lied Sandra, as she exchanged knowing glances with Jenny and Marge. "Come on, let's get this shopping put away." The four of them entered the lift and went to Sandra's flat to rearrange all Elizabeth and Sandra's new underwear. "Oooh! You certainly like them frilly and very femme don't you?" giggled Marge. Sandra felt a little self-conscious but Elizabeth went on the attack. "It's what we like. So mind your own business!" "Sorry about that love," added Jenny. "Please don't take any notice of Marge, she can be a bit insensitive ate times. We'll see you later in the lounge." So saying the pair wheeled back to the lift with Jenny scolding Marge like a pair of fussy old dames. Once they were alone, Elizabeth and Sandra had the rest of the evening until ten o'clock just experimenting with their new clothes. Most of the lingerie fitted satisfactorily, but needle and thread was needed to adjust some of the outer clothes. Fortunately, several years of tailoring to her transvestite needs had made Sandra an excellent seamstress. Her little sowing machine was soon busy and would remain so for many years to come. By nine, she had knocked up some excellent garments to accommodate their unique needs. At ten o'clock, Octavia returned and dismissed the afternoon, 'two til' ten' shift. This enabled Sandra to take over her night roster without any unwanted publicity. Fortunately the only 'mentally normal' residents in the home were Jenny, Marge and Elizabeth. The other twelve residents were all quite seriously mentally disabled. As Sandra made her rounds that night she simply kept the lights down low so the mentally impaired residents couldn't see much. The sight of Elizabeth apparently sitting in a baby harness was quite usual anyway. At eleven o'clock with the first night round complete, Sandra and Elizabeth rejoined Jenny and Sandra at the card table. "Are you going to try it tonight?" asked Elizabeth, failing to conceal her excitement. The two models nodded and they fell to discussing their preferred conjoinment. By midnight, weariness overcame Jenny and Marge so they made their excuses and went to bed. Elizabeth also yawned and Sandra smiled condescendingly. "I've got another round to do love, then I'll be making myself a cup of coffee." "Uugh, I don't much like that Idea. It might keep me awake as well." "Well until the job thing is sorted, I'm afraid I'm pretty much obliged to Octavia. She was good enough to give me a job when my life was shit, so I owe her this much." So saying, Sandra commenced her patrol and Elizabeth grumbled because she wanted to sleep. Sandra recognised the problem. It was OK for Elizabeth when Sandra sat down in the office and curled up in the big armchair, but when she walked about doing her rounds, there was no way Elizabeth could get to sleep. Sandra sensed Elizabeth's discomfort as she constantly tried to make herself comfortable. "I'll go and get some sort of support to bind your body against mine," observed Sandra, "then you can relax a little more." As Elizabeth grumbled sleepily, Sandra slipped up to her room and collected her little sewing machine and some suitable materials. In the small hours of the morning, the little machine whirred away between inspection rounds and by four o'clock; Sandra had produced a very specialised double-bodied panty-corselet that sprung out of a single panty bottom. Elizabeth eyed it sleepily and grumbled as Sandra stepped into it and tried their umpteenth mutual fitting. Finally, Sandra knew she had got it right. The double bodice fitted them both comfortably and Elizabeth found the lightly boned bodice support just perfect. It was not laced like a corset because the dual elasticated bodices made the garment a snug fit without crushing or pinching them painfully. Finally, after Sandra had finished fastening the hooks and eyes at the back of each bodice she turned to face the mirror. "It fit's just like a second skin," giggled Elizabeth as she studied the mirror. "Mmm, yes," replied Sandra as she smoothed their sensitive fingers over the delightfully silky material. Elizabeth noticed Sandra's sensuous reaction and smirked knowingly. "Huh! I just knew you would have to use such silky smooth material." "So, I'm a tranny. I like soft and silky.Here, you have a feel." Sandra relinquished control of her hands to Elizabeth who promptly ran their fingers up and down the silky panels of her own bodice. Then she gently traced their fingers over the soft silky cups of her bra and gasped at the tantalising shock of delight. Sandra of course felt the same exquisite sensations and gasped as she lurched sensitively. "Oo-oh! Warn me when you're going to do that!" Elizabeth sighed pleasurably. "Mmmm. It's a reallydoes nice feel isn't it? I think I'm developing your tranny feelings for soft and silky." "Would you really want to?" whispered Sandra nervously. "Well I can cant I? Anyway, girls are allowed to wear soft and silky." Sandra swallowed nervously. She did not know what to think. "But haven't you always liked soft and silky?" "Well I was never really allowed to, was I? Not like this. No soft silky material caressing my bum or silky sheer glossy tights slithering on my legs. This is all new, and very nice I might add. Remember, I've never had smooth and silky before. They always treated me like a lump of meat and dressed me in plain cotton." "Sandra was beginning to realise that Elizabeth had never been allowed, and indeed able to express any feelings of femininity. Only their conjoinment had enabled her to advance down such new avenues of personal exploration. Sandra relaxed as their cock started to stiffen. Elizabeth felt their shared cock responding and tried to squirm to get their cunny in the right position for receiving it. However, the double-bodied corselet provided too much support and prevented her from bending and humping freely. Instead, their cock grew into the silky front of the shared panty section and ended up pressing against their shared clitty. Elizabeth let out a little squeak of frustrated surprise as she reached feverishly to try and tuck their wayward cock into his rightful haven. "Blast it! It's grown too far. I can't tuck it back with this corselet panty section holding him against me. Damn! But it feels nice though!" "Sandra 'humped' gently and sent their cock sliding along the silky front panty panel while the ridged back of the penis pressed against their shared clitty. Elizabeth let out a groan of delight. "Oo-ooh-owow! That's just soo-oo good!" With that, the little clock chimed softly and Sandra had to commence another early morning patrol. "Come on. Duty calls." "Oh what, again? Can't we just finish this -?" begged Elizabeth as she frotted their clitty urgently along the back of their cock. "Sorry. It's four o'clock," declared Sandra, "and anyway, I want to see how Jenny and Marge are doing." "Ooh yes!" whispered Elizabeth, "D'you think they'll be conjoined by now?" "If it works as fast as it did for us, I should think they would." "Come on then, let's check them out," giggled Elizabeth. "No. I just want to check they are still asleep. I'm not going to disturb them. They should be allowed to wake up in private. After all we had privacy." Elizabeth's narrow shoulders sagged a little with disappointment. She so wanted to check the two models out. After completing the necessary rounds, Sandra took her night torch and carefully peeped around the door to check on Jenny and Marge. In the low glimmer of the torch, it was obvious that their heads were too close together for two individual bodies even though the duvet covered them. Sandra felt a warm glow of empathy for the pair then Elizabeth let out a little gasp and whispered excitedly. "Look! Look! Those are feet sticking out!" Sandra followed Elizabeth's gaze and then also gasped. She gave Elizabeth an excited hug and they slipped quickly out of the room. Back in the office they fell to discussing the obvious conjoinment of their friends. "I only saw two feet; a left and a right." "They must have grown legs then because those feet were sticking out under the duvet," confirmed Sandra, "It's possibly some sort of transformation of body tissue. You know, like transfer part of both torsos and make them into legs. "D'you think we should wake them up?" pressed Elizabeth. "Well it's nearly five. Why not? Let's take them a pot of tea and some breakfast. That'll be a good excuse." The pair then removed to the kitchen to prepare an early breakfast before the day staff arrived. As they carried the tray along the corridor, Sandra and Elizabeth heard excited gasps and squeals coming from the room. "I think they've already woken," declared Elizabeth unnecessarily, for the pleasurable sounds coming from the room were quite obvious. Fortunately, Jenny and Marge had an apartment in a separate wing from the rest of the disabled residents. Their shrieks of excitement could not be heard and the other residents slept peacefully. At the end of the corridor Sandra tapped on the door with her shoe and declared 'Tea and breakfast!' The giggling stopped and there was a brief pause before Jenny and Marge answered in perfect unison. "Enter." Careful not to upset the tray, Sandra eased the door open and they entered to find the two girls sitting up and looking very 'flustered'. A brief glance immediately told both Sandra and Elizabeth what they had already anticipated but there were a few unpredicted deviations. The duvet was drawn up over their breasts so there was little else to see except their two heads, and a pair of arms. As everybody had expected, Marge's head was on the left of their conjoined body whilst Jenny's was on the right of the slightly broadened shoulders. Their shared smile was even broader than their shoulders as the girls struggled to get further upright. "D'you want to see the rest," squealed Marge as the excitement mounted. "You bet!" squealed Elizabeth, "What else is new?" "We've got legs! Look!" squealed Jenny as she flicked the edge of the duvet up and swung her right leg out. "Fabulous!" responded Sandra excitedly as she hurriedly put the breakfast tray on the rolling hospital table. "Do they work?" Jenny and Marge exchanged frowns as they 'tested' the arrangement. "They seem to," replied Marge, "but we each only control the one leg on our side." "Well that's to be expected, so what about walking?" asked Elizabeth, "Have you tried yet?" "Uhm, no not yet. We haven't even gone there yet. We've been a bit uuhm ? preoccupied you see, there's other stuff too." "Go on," urged Sandra, "Show us." "We ? we've got three titties, look!" Elizabeth did a double take as Jenny slowly lowered the duvet to expose a splendid rack of three ripe firm breasts. Each could not have been more perfectly formed and all where of the same size. "And we share feelings in the middle nipple. It's really kinky!" grinned Jenny. "But very nice," added Marge as she gently brushed the middle breasts with her fingers, causing Jenny to twitch licentiously. "And what else?" pressed Sandra. Jenny and Marge pulled up their knees under the duvet and banged their knees gently together. Their jaws sagged slightly as they gasped softly before Jenny found her voice again. "We uuhm-, we share a vagina." Elizabeth gave a little gasp and Sandra felt Elizabeth squeeze their own shared parts inside their panty-corselet. "I half expected that!" giggled Elizabeth. It sounds really nice. Do you uuhm -, you know, share feelings down there?" Both girls smiled a little coyly before nodding together. Then Marge answered. "Yes. It's really weird. I woke up to find sexy here diddling away at my clitty. When I turned to reciprocate was when we discovered we had been conjoined. Jenny said she had been half asleep and thought she was only diddling herself. We've been enjoying each other ever since." "Mmmm," sighed Elizabeth, "It's really nice isn't it?" "You bet!" finished Jenny. "Well, you'd better eat your breakfast then you can try walking," decided Sandra, ever the practical one. "I Bet your first walk will be to the bathroom, you both look hot and bothered," smirked Elizabeth. Marge and Jenny exchanged knowing glances and blushed again. They had yet to test their shared plumbing arrangements. "That'll be a first," giggled Jenny. Finally a huge grin spread across Jenny and Marge's faces as they sat right up and adjusted the duvet to allow the hospital table to roll over the bed. As the duvet slipped further below their breasts, both girls squealed in unison again. "Surprise! Supri-ise!" Sandra and Elizabeth gasped as a second pair of arms emerged from under the duvet. "Oh my God!" squealed Elizabeth as Sandra's jaw sagged for the first time to display genuine shock. "Shit! That's really weird!" declared Sandra finally, as she recovered her composure. "What! D'you mean two heads and three tits isn't weird then?" scoffed Elizabeth. A slight trace of doubt clouded Jenny and Marge's faces as they sensed Sandra's concerns. "D'you think it's too much?" asked Marge seeking reassurance. "No. Not me," replied Sandra as she recovered her composure. "After all; we're not exactly normal ourselves, so we can get used to it but others -, others might find it a bit threatening." Jenny pulled a wry smile as Sandra laid out the food. "Why've you laid out two plates? We've only got one stomach." "Yeah, but you've got two mouths and two heads, besides there's different stuff on each plate. Lizzy and I prepared each of you your

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Doggie Styles 1 Teasing Duke

Chapter Summary – Claire Davis discovers a new way to have some sexy, teasing fun. This is the first of a who-knows-how-many-chapter story. I think Claire has many adventures ahead of her. If you like a story, take a moment and let the author know, by your votes, comments or PM! Your feedback is the only reward we get. I’d love to hear from you! UU. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read...

2 years ago
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New Doggie Bitch

Today started out just as any other day, letting the dogs out into the large yard in the back of the shelter. As I sat there watching the dogs, two dogs started to mate, I was memorized by the pink long cock and the knot at the base of his shaft. As I watched the two mate, I could feel my clit swelling, my juices starting to flow out of my freshly shaved pussy. My nipples standing at attention begging to be freed from my Blue lacy bra. I knew my boss would be arriving in about 15 min but I...

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Normas Secret Doggie Life

Norma was born on a farm to very loving parents. Being an only c***d she was always alone; she had no real chores or jobs to do on the farm except for gathering the eggs which were a money making commodity for the farm, she was annoyed when at the age of ten she was sent away to boarding school; she no longer had the freedom that she enjoyed on the farm. At least when she did have the holidays when she would come home. Her parents had given her a puppy when she was about six years old, for...

3 years ago
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Slingshot BillChapter 2

I was telling y'all about moving close to Austin an' getting another wife but I wuzn't gonna tell you no more unless you told me how y'all liked my story so far. Well, enough of you said you did that I decided to tell you a bit more. The other wife comes later in my story so I better not get ahead of myself. The ranch we bought belonged to a widder that wanted to move to Tarrant County where her son now lived. She already sold off the livestock an' everything else so there wuzn't much...

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Slingshot Billpart two

The ranch we bought belonged to a widder that wanted to move to Tarrant County where her son now lived. She already sold off the livestock an’ everything else so there wuzn’t much left except the buildings, a corral an’ fences. Of the buildings there wuz the ranch house, a barn and a bunk house where the hired help stayed. There wuzn’t no hired help left an’ that wuz fine with me. I intended to use that building as sleeping quarters for the children while we gradually built on the main...

3 years ago
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Slingshot Billpart two

Introduction: Bill Tinker relates how he acquired lots of wives in late 19th century Texas. I was telling y’all about moving close to Austin an’ getting another wife but I wuzn’t gonna tell you no more unless you told me how y’all liked my story so far. Well, enough of you said you did that I decided to tell you a bit more. The other wife comes later in my story so I better not get ahead of myself.The ranch we bought belonged to a widder that wanted to move to Tarrant County where her son now...

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Hotwife Chapter 3A The Continuation Of My Hotwifes Weekend

HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...

Wife Lovers
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Jean loves her two doggies and with the arrival of Sampson her new pony what happens next is one of her wildest fantasies comes true

As a young girl, I learned how good it felt to have a doggie licking me. It began one day as I was sitting on a curb licking my ice cream cone with my dog, Lassie. I was about 9 at the time and had on a very short little dress. As I sat there eating my ice cream, some of it dripped off my cone and fell between my legs. My short dress was way above my thighs, exposing my panty clad pussy as the ice cream dropped. I spread my little thighs as I looked down to see the sticky ice cream had landed...

1 year ago
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Doggies Dont Wear Clothes

They’d just gotten done with body-pump class and showered and decided to go across the street to the coffee house. Adam ordered a dark roast, black, no cream. Lily and Craig both ordered nutty caramel lattes, which made them laugh as always. They joked again that maybe Craig and Lily, not Adam and Lily, should be the married ones. They made conversation. ‘We finished the basement,’ said Adam. ‘Put in a full bathroom, drywall, wall-to-wall carpet. Place looks great.’ ‘You act like you did it...

3 years ago
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Choto Temple Ch 13

‘OK, I’ll try to start at the beginning. I guess that makes sense,’ Zerzinski said. Once again, he looked toward the corner of the room. Where he kept his memories, apparently. He was finally seeming to be more or less at ease with telling me stories that include intimate details. I would certainly understand if he never got used to it. But it sure flows better when he can relax, as with anybody else. ‘I probably said this before. But it was like coming up for air. ‘Going from being...

1 year ago
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Choto Temple Ch 09

The content of the message: call me. There was Cy on the other end of the Skype line. Her hair was in even more disarray than last time, and a towel was hanging around her neck. ‘You’re lucky I picked up,’ she said. ‘I’ve just been at the beach.’ ‘Of course. What else is an Australian to do?’ ‘Dan-o,’ she said, ‘you owe me big time, and I don’t mean sexual favors.’ ‘What did you find? I’m very intrigued!’ ‘You sure as fuck should be! Exactly nothing like this has ever come out of...

1 year ago
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Captivating Catwoman

Sarah's husband Robert had only been away on assignment for a few weeks when he informed her that he was involved with a woman in Europe. He hoped that any legal proceedings could wait until he returned. In the meantime he instructed a lawyer to draw up papers transferring the house to her name and providing financial support for her. He said he knew she had been unhappy and hoped that she would try to move on without him. Otherwise, he was unapologetic. Sarah assured him she would be fine and...

Group Sex
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Lois Lane and Catwoman

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The story I posted last night was a scenario joining events from the Lois & Clark TV show and the Lois Lane comic books #70 and 71. I hope most of you remember some of the details I put out for background there. This story is derived from events in the story in LL #71. The opening paragraph...

1 year ago
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Cynthia Palmers New LifeChapter 3 Cynthia learns to Love Doggies

Cynthia Palmer felt betrayed. She had already been raped by two dogs at the hands of two thugs. She thought that she was alone in the world and when she saw her mother she was so excited that she almost forgot how she got there and that she was walking naked with a leash and collar that was being pulled by a guy that had made her screw dogs. Having her mom back made her so excited she wanted to hug her and never let go. She told her mom briefly how she thought she was dead and that she loved...

4 years ago
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Pepper and I had left that bitch little Niece of mine sitting on the edge of the couch, legs spread widely out, ass at the edge, and that blonde haired pussy of hers all wet and matted haired from her intense orgasm. No doubt it probably was the first real orgasm the bitch had in her life and my Peppers tongue is the cause and reason for it all. I wanted her to come fully back around from passing smooth out from the tongue pleasure my Pepper had just given her, and fully submit to...

2 years ago
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Choto Temple Ch 11

When I was interviewing Zerzinski this afternoon, I was once again thinking about the vastly different reactions people can have to the whole Donor X phenomenon. As well as to Zerzinski’s specific kind of sexual orientation, and how people respond to that. The evening’s readings were a fascinating exercise in contrast. Rie never came over that night. Presumably, Zerzinski was keeping her occupied. Though I didn’t know, and kept trying not to care. It was a different, though equally...

1 year ago
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Gotham City by Catwoman

[ Update: Free Use World !! The main storyline will continue. Please enjoy using Catwoman's lesbian anal fetish mind control Gotham City. ] Prologue: Batgirl struggled with the nylon ropes binding her in place. They dug deep into her costume across her nips and down the crack of her pert ass. There was little else she could do. The thin ropes bound her thighs and ankles together in kneeling position. Her arms were firmly tied behind her back and those ropes were tied to the ones around her...

Mind Control
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Hot Doggiestyle

So it was another freshman weekend at college, i was looking for something to do. Get drunk, find some slut, and get laid. I couldn't find anything right away, but then i went across the hall to my friend Brian's room. He had one of his friends, who was a Junior at the time, over and the friends twin sister. They had already been drinking, so they invited me to have a few beers with them. The friend, Jeff, and his sister, Jen, were both pretty drunk already. Jen was really hot; nice face,...

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Choto Temple Ch 08

Interesting things started happening from the moment I left Zerzinski’s house, to walk down the trail to my place. The first thing was only notable in retrospect. Another beautiful Japanese woman was walking toward Zerzinski’s place as I was leaving, as usual. She appeared to be a member of the Choto Temple. At least, most of the women who were older than teenagers seemed to be Choto members. And this one looked to be in her late twenties perhaps. Her face was lacking the usual...

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Slingshot Billpart one

I lived with my ma an' pa an' my two sisters miles from anythin’ civilized tryin’ to scratch out a livin’. My pa failed in everything he tried includin’ farmin’ an' ranchin’ but him an' ma wuz never bitter an' we wuz a fairly happy family even if we wuz dirt poor. That happiness come to an end one day when I come home from my huntin’. Ma an' Pa wuz layin’ face down in the dirt in front of our cabin. My twin sister Beth an' my older sister Philomena wuz kneelin’ beside the bodies...

3 years ago
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Slingshot Billpart one

Introduction: Bill Tinker relate how he acquired lots of wives in late 19th century Texas. My name’s Bill Tinker an' I am 12 years old at the time I’m tellin’ you about late in 19th century Texas. I can pretty much hit anythin' with my slingshot, mostly rabbits but I can hit doves an' pheasants on the fly too. It’s a good thing too or we’d most likely starve to death.I lived with my ma an' pa an' my two sisters miles from anythin’ civilized tryin’ to scratch out a livin’. My pa failed in...

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Robin and the Catwoman

“Oh my head.” Robin whispered as he stirred awake. It took a few moments for him to fully regain consciousness. His last memory was of chasing someone across the Gotham rooftops, now he was in someone’s apartment. “I’ve been captured!” He screamed in his mind as he suddenly realized he was under restraints. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to think calmly, just as Batman as taught him. Take stock of the situation, then form a plan of action. The room was in semi-darkness, illuminated...

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Anniyai Doggie Muraiyil Othen

Vanakam nanbargale, En sontha anniyudan seitha kama uravai satrum suvarasiyam matrum kamam kuraiyamal pakirnthu kolkiren. Inthakadhaiyai oru vari vidamal muzhumaiyaga padithu ungalin karuthugalai kizhe pathivu seiyungal! Ungalukum paditha pinbu kamam seiya vendum asai vanthal, thamathikamal sendru sex seithu vidungal! Varungal kadhaiku pogalam! En peyar Vasanth, vayathu 21. Coimbatore-il ulla oru periya thaniyar engineering kaluriyil padithu vanthen. Enaku oru mutha annan irunthan, avan padipai...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Sweet Aunt In Doggie Style

Hi every one I’m harsh from Gorakhpur, first of all i am a huge fan of ISS and i liked the incest part the most. This story gonna be a bit long because i have tried to give each incident clearly.  I know u will think this as fake but believe me friends i swear this is a true incident in which i have given all the truth. Ok, now to the story, this happened just two week before i. e.  On 27 November 2013.  I am of 16 with 5. 3 inches dick in length and 5 inches in girth. ( its true because all...

2 years ago
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Choto Temple Ch 02

Here’s Chapter 2 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 2! ***** ‘I love Japan, and so many things about Japanese culture, but the lack of furniture drives me nuts,’ Zerzinski said, as he sat down on the couch. ‘Why don’t they all get back problems from sitting on the floor all the time?’ he continued. ‘I don’t know how that works.’ He had a warmth about him that I hadn’t expected. I had never met him til...

2 years ago
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Doggie FarmChapter 2

"Ohhhhhh... ohhhhhh Goddd!" Toni moaned into the pleasure- slackened face of her young desire-incited boy friend as he continued to fill her with slow, long thrusts... rhythmic plunges that fucked into her tight, yielding vagina to greater and greater depths, until at last she felt the smooth spongy tip brush at her cervix and his full, sperm-filled balls slap resounding into the soft sensitive crevices separating the widespread cheeks of her naked buttocks. The pain-pleasure left her...

3 years ago
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Doggie FarmChapter 3

On the cobblestone path connecting the security-tight servants' quarters with the plantation home of the Baline's, young Diana Williams' blood temporarily turned cold, which was natural enough, she reasoned, having no certain idea of what was to be expected of her. At that moment, she was thankful for the two joints of fine-grade Columbian marijuana that the Baline's so generously kept available for their servants. Not that the Baline's weren't good to their help otherwise. Man, if it...

4 years ago
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Doggie FarmChapter 4

A morbid feeling of aloneness crept over Toni Baline as she watched her boy friend Jeff head down the dirt trodden path to the kennels over the hills, far enough away from the palatial stretch of lawn bordering the swimming pool and patio for no one to see. But what could she do about Aunt Claudia's oversight decision to make use of Jeff's young muscularity as chief dog trainer? He was being paid, handsomely at that, and besides, wasn't she, Toni herself the one who'd suggested Jeff join...

3 years ago
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Doggie FarmChapter 5

Toni Baline stood at her window lookout for two aching hours, watching the gardener clipping the hedges and pulling weeds from the peony beds, and wondering how long it took for one lesson in feeding dogs. In truth, she had her suspicions; still, elusive, brooding day dreams that crept into her conscious mind every time she thought those ominous feelings were beaten, kept her rivetted to that window. Finally, she went about her household duties with a lackadaisical attitude, bored by the...

3 years ago
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Doggie FarmChapter 6

It was more anger than guilt that had churned continuously inside Jeff since his infidelity with Aunt Claudia, not that he hadn't felt a good measure of remorse at his spineless betrayal of his beloved sweetheart, but the fact that the red-headed woman treated him like less than a serf ever since, made his blood hot. Worse still: in his transgressive wretchedness, he had unwittingly punished Toni in the chastisement of himself saying little to her since that romp in the hills one day ago....

1 year ago
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Doggie FarmChapter 7

Harry Weinstein grunted out a choke of surprise he licked his finger dipped in the birthday cake icing and raised his eyes in time to see a naked young girl bolting down the steps, her honey- blonde hair and jouncing breasts tearfully panting towards him. The obese man chuckled wildly, smacking his lips. Man, these Balines gave a party all right, and for the first time that evening, he hadn't felt regretful about laying out all that cash for his wife's birthday. Christ, if the blonde honey...

3 years ago
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Doggie FarmChapter 8

Kneeling above and behind Toni, Harry continued to watch the reddish inflamed skin of the young blonde's lascivious stretched anus draw back and partially out with his cock, clutching it as if the tightly sucking channel didn't want it to ever come out. At first, the pressure on his prick had been almost unbearable, but now it was just tight and exhilarating the type of squeezing delight that promised to draw the jism out of his balls and to her bowels. And then, he saw Milt kneeling down...

2 years ago
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Doggie DoctorChapter 2

Mimi Spender cried, screamed, kicked, and pleaded to her guardian angels. It did no good. Pinned to the hay stack with that smirking photographer squatting victoriously over her, she wondered how she could have been so stupidly ignorant as to let this man sweet talk her into getting naked. His immense hairy balls were brushing her flat smooth belly, his thick knob of a cock beginning to swell and harden as it dangled beneath his taut stomach. "C'mon, honey, stop playing hard to get. I know...

1 year ago
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Doggie DoctorChapter 3

Sore between her legs from John Dobkins' brutal ravagement and sore at the world for her ill-turned fate, Mimi Spender had peddled at full speed her ten speed bicycle back to the dormitory and headed straight through the heavy glass doors to collide head-on with her roommate of this semester--Susie, a tall, blonde girl, friendly in her own timid way. Her blonde, perspiration-matted hair clung to her forehead in stringy bangs and the underarms of her University of California T-shirt were damp...

1 year ago
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Doggie DoctorChapter 4

After all these years of debauchery, Ed Buyers for his thirty-eight years was still a good looking man. Bachelorhood was his key: He didn't have to devote any time to covering evidence of his debauchery... the late nights with women, the empty Jack Daniels bottles... nothing. Just he and his dogs and his assistants. Clearly, he was the master of his castle, and that was rule number one here at Bartholomew's Kennels. His property was vast. A full three hundred and fifty two acres of fine...

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Doggie DoctorChapter 5

Mimi Spender whistled to herself along with the rock n' roll AM station blaring from her portable radio, her only entertainment now that Susie had taken her stereo home. It didn't matter that it was on volume 10; nobody was in the dorm except for she and the girl down the hall and that was almost ego-shattering. Like standing in a corner by yourself at a dance while everybody else is boogeying and having a fine time. Well... that was yesterday. Yesterday was depression--especially after...

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Doggie DoctorChapter 6

Mimi Spender clenched her eyes tightly shut, refusing to give up the lassitude of afternoon dreams, despite the insistent tap on her left shoulder. Her eyes blinked once and the summer breeze blew silken strands of her chestnut hair across her relaxed face. The effort of reaching up with one hand awakened her senses, then, and the events of the day flooded back on her in startling reality. Her father's encouragements, the empty house... and later on her own lewd masturbation while a girl she...

1 year ago
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Doggie DoctorChapter 7

"You think so, huh?" grated a voice from the doorway. Mimi's eyes went wide at the sight of Ed Buyers and that menacingly wonderful German shepherd standing vigilantly at his side. And any thoughts she had in the way of explanation were quickly dispelled as his hands went to his belt, then his zipper, and his pants dropped with an alarming thud. Mimi watched hypnotized as his penis came throbbingly into view, its dangling length already hard. She knew she should scream and put an end to...

3 years ago
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Doggie DoctorChapter 8

He did more than stop. Ed Buyers pulled completely out of her. One long sucking stroke and he was out. "Hey... don't... put it back in," she whispered. Ed grinned. Then it slowly faded, his eyes twinkling, seeming to grow a shade murkier. "Now... cunt, you're going to show a little respect for a real cock." Ed's eyes telegraphed messages as he pointed to the corner of the room, his free arm swinging in a long sweeping arc-- pointing. Mimi's eyes followed his movement, then stopped,...

3 years ago
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Doggie DoctorChapter 9

There was more to come. Much more... For minutes the room fell silent, save for the slowly easing, ragged breathing of a temporarily sated coed and her employer, Ed. The rhythmic lapping of Lancer's tongue as he washed his limp animal cock resounded lewdly against the incessant hum of the vibrator buried to the cervix in the insatiable pussy of Carrie. Mimi was the first to stir, her mind bruised from the tremendous psychic beating she had just endured. Her tender chaffed cuntal hole...

4 years ago
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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

3 years ago
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Hottub Foursome

Last night (Friday night and St. Paddy’s day) Kip and I had a big night. No snow here and Spring Break crowds so we didn’t expect to be snowboarding early on Saturday morning. Some guys we know from Denver were up so it was 4 gay guys hitting the town!!! Kip’s sister was spending the weekend down in Fort Collins or Boulder or somewhere so we had the house to ourselves. 4 gay guys (Kip and I consider ourselves bi), pretty much unlimited speedo supply, a little bit of booze and a hottub – what...

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She truly is not my actual maternal Niece, She is actually my husbands Sisters daughter. Now she by no means is a nieve; Straight laced girl; Just the opposite actually. Wild and acts like a mare in heat!! I know beyond a doubt she's fucked well over her share of young men. But the truth of all that is; She has really never had a big dick in her at all ! You all know the story of that all to well; Those pencil dicked little boys she's fucked have never been able to give her...

2 years ago
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Photoshop 69Chapter 2

"Holy shit!" Pete was in heaven. "Honey, language please." "Sorry dear," said Pete hoping he hadn't upset her too much. Becky licked around the head of his dick apparently not too upset with his foul language. Becky was surprised with herself. This was not something she had ever considered doing. She was licking her husband's thingy. The thing he peed from. His penis. It was dirty and made her feel cheap. Still, Pete seemed to be enjoying it very much and she expected his little...

1 year ago
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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 15 Preparing the Breastworks

Once in his chambers, Judge Rule turned and said, “Roycealee, Peter, Joe Bob, anybody want a drink? Sweet tea? Jack and branch water? Some of Pappy Smith’s ‘shine? No? Well, we’ve got big problems. This smells bad enough to gag a maggot! Y’all get that feelin’ too, don’t you?” Roycealee frowned and told him, “I’ve had a bad feeling for quite a while, but I never could get it to jell. Y’all both think we have a white slavery ring operating - at least sex trafficking, don’t...

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Confessions of a Catwoman

CONFESSIONS OF A CAT WOMAN By Natalie Wilde Someone once said that the life changing events will not come when you expect them but rather will sideswipe you on a Friday at 3 in the afternoon. Well for me that was true, except it was Thursday. And what seemed like a normal October afternoon would soon have major implications. I am writing this, as way to try and make sense of the things that have happened to me and how my life...

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Choto Temple Ch 14

Mariko and Rie both walked in, carrying trays of dinner. ‘I hope we’re not intruding?’ Rie asked. ‘Not at all,’ I said, momentarily having trouble summoning the words. Mariko said something quietly to Rie in Japanese. Rie listened and then translated. ‘Mariko says she’s sorry she never had a chance to give you that lesson with the espresso machine.’ Then, speaking for both of them, she continued. ‘We understand that you leave here in the morning.’ ‘It’s true, unfortunately,’ I said,...

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Choto Temple Ch 10

The diary continued for quite some pages. I was looking forward to reading more later. But there was a schedule to keep. I grabbed my notepad and recorder and headed toward Zerzinski’s place. ‘The thing is,’ Zerzinski said matter-of-factly, ‘if I heard some of the things I have said to you when I was younger, I would have thought I was an asshole.’ ‘Even if you understood the context?’ I asked. He smiled. ‘I was a pretty ideological guy, before… I don’t know. I’d like to think with enough...

1 year ago
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Reddit HotWife, aka r/HotWife! Well, we’re back at it again. It would seem that we have a new subreddit to review, and this time around it’s /r/HotWife that takes the stage. We all know as a place where you can find pretty much every kind of community. Well, this 18+ community seems to be a very unlikely one because of what it’s supposed to be about. This subreddit is all about people showing off their hot wife as she gets fucked by her boyfriend outside of their marriage. So, you...

Reddit NSFW List
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I Am My Doggies Pussy

Introduction: Horny and Alone I have lived alone since my divorce several years ago and have a home sort of in the rural suburbs. I work a part time job and have a big Lab named Bear that is my watch dog since I am alone most of the time. I am not a beauty queen and am a little on the heavy side as I have a wide ass and plump thighs. My breast are very large, a 44 Ds and I love to play with them. I was always into masturbation and love to make myself cum every day, some times even several...

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