Sara 3 free porn video

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We slept until four the next morning when we had to get up and get ready to leave for the airport. We had the first fight out and we had to be at the airport by six for check in. To this day I don't know which one of us was more nervous about flying, my mother or I. I know my mother had flown before as her and my father had flown to Hawaii on their honeymoon. But as far as I could remember she hadn't flown since then. In fact she hadn't been on a vacation since they started the restaurant. Once we were on the plane my mother took the seat next to me and my aunt took the aisle seat with me seated next to the window. When we took off my mother held my hand tightly and I'm sure if it wasn't for the polish on my nails she would have turned my fingernails white. The flight only lasted two and a half-hours before we started our decent into the Tampa airport. From the air the area we were flying into looked beautiful with the tall palm trees and the azure blue of the Gulf of Mexico. The area looked warm and inviting like a tropical island even though it was still part of the United States. I didn't know how warm it really was until we stepped off the elevator into the parking garage. The first thing that hits you was the oppressive humidity. It really felt like we were trying to breathe in water. Then you noticed the heat. Seeing it was only eleven o'clock in the morning it was well passed eighty-five degrees and with the humidity it felt well over one hundred degrees. I swear sweat broke out on my skin the instant we walked off the elevator. Thankfully my aunt's car was in a parking garage out of the sun so the inside wasn't too hot. Seeing the car was a convertible my aunt put down the top for the drive to Sarasota where she lived. Once we left the airport we drove across a long bridge that took us to St, Petersburg. We then drove down the 275 freeway to the Sunshine Skyway Bridge where we could see the Gulf of Mexico on our right side and Tampa Bay on our left. It was a beautiful drive and even though it was quite hot out, the breeze we got from the top being down was quite refreshing. I had thought that we would go straight to my aunt's house after the airport. I was actually hoping we would get something to eat along the way. We didn't eat breakfast before leaving the house as we assumed we could get some thing at the airport. None of the restaurants were open in the airport and we couldn't have stopped anyway, as we had to get to our gate so we didn't miss our flight. The flight was a non-meal fight so all we had was coffee and orange juice. By the time we got to Sarasota I was starving. I kept this to myself, as I didn't want to make a nuisance of myself. I quickly found out we weren't going to my aunt's house after all. Instead we stopped at a plastic surgery clinic. I assumed this was so I could speak to the doctor about my breast implants. In the office after my aunt told the receptionist whom she wanted to talk to, we were told to be seated while the receptionist went for the doctor. A few minutes later I was given a few forms to fill out while we waited for the doctor to get done. I filled out the forms and my mother had checked them over. I was taken to an exam room and told to strip down and put on the hospital gown that was on the exam table. Once I was changed I didn't have to wait long before the doctor came into the room. I was mildly surprised the doctor was really a woman seeing how my aunt had talked to her over the phone. I mean the way my aunt seemed to play coy and the whispers I had heard I would have assumed she was a he. It gave me pause as I wondered if my aunt was a lesbian even though she was married to a man. The doctor was very attractive. She stood just about the same height as my mother five foot eight and from what I could guess she was a lot thinner than my mother. She had beautiful honey blond hair that was in a severe bun on her head but I was sure when she let it down it would be quite long. Her deep blue eyes were reassuring and just looking into them helped me to relax. After the doctor gave me a reassuring smile she said, "Hi Sara my names Doctor Sally Endicott. Your aunt tells me that you want to be a girl and you want breasts like a real girl has. Is this true?" I would like to say I sounded confidant when I told her I did want them, but it didn't come out that way. I was quite nervous and I stuttered slightly. The doctor took my hand and said, "There's nothing to be nervous about sweetheart. I know this is a big step for you and one you won't be able to reverse easily. Now I must ask, are you doing this of your own free will or is someone making you do this. Perhaps a boy friend or a lover." I sounded a lot more confidant then I did earlier when I told her my boy friend didn't even know I was getting it done. She then pulled off the gown and examined me as we talked about why I wanted to become a girl. We also talked about what I wanted done and how far I was going to take it. Once she had examined me she said, "I can see this is something you want so I guess we should proceed. Now like I told your aunt and your mother my next appointment I have open is this Friday unless you want to do it today. From what your Aunt has told me you haven't eaten today and Mondays are my normal surgery days. In fact I just came out of surgery before I came in here to talk to you." Even though I didn't want to wait until Friday I told her, "What ever is easier for you." "Honey either one is easy for me. Now do you want to wait and give your decision some more thought or are you convinced this is what you want and you're ready?" Sally told me. I really wanted to be back home by the weekend. I wanted to see Stan again, so I said, "I'd rather do it now. I can't see putting it off any longer." "Okay honey I'll send the nurse in to give you an injection to relax you and help you sleep. The next time we'll see each other you'll be looking every bit the girl you want to be," the doctor told me just before she left the room. The doctor was only gone a few minutes when a nurse came in and gave me the injection. I was then told to lie down on the gurney and wait. My mother came in a few minutes later, she kissed my forehead and told me she loved me. That was the last thing I remember till I woke up in the recovery room. I felt like I had just closed my eyes for a few seconds but when I open them again I knew some thing was different. My chest hurt like someone had beat me with a stick and just taking in a breath seemed to cause pain to shoot though me. My mother was at my side and I heard her say as if she talking at a distance, "Honey the surgery is over and you have two beautiful breasts. The doctor just gave you something for the pain and it should start to work any second now." The painkiller did start to work quickly and in only a minute or two I was only feeling a slight discomfort. A few minutes later a nurse came over to my bed and told me I had to start walking if I wanted to go home. With the help of the nurse and my mother I was soon walking around the room I was in. After about an hour of walking with a break every few turns the doctor came in to examine me and told me I could go home. I got dressed with the help of my mother and my aunt. This was quite embarrassing seeing my mother had to tuck my penis into my panties. Seeing I was already wearing a bra to help hold every thing in place I only had to put on my blouse which was another form of torture. My mother and I sat in the back of the car as my aunt drove. Even though my mother cradled me in her arms the whole way I still could feel every bump in the road. Each one send jolts of pain through my body. It was already dark by the time we left the clinic and I couldn't see much of the town my aunt lived in though I really wasn't looking. The only two things I remember was the smell of the ocean when we stopped at my aunt's house and the gorgeous blond that open the door to my aunt's house when we arrived. Though at the time, I really didn't care. Thankfully I was taken straight to bed where after putting on a nightgown I went straight to sleep. When I woke up Tuesday morning I realized the painkiller that the doctor had given me had worn off over night. On the bedside table there was a bottle of pills and a bottle of water. I took one of the pills and a deep drink of water before getting out of bed to use the bathroom. After going to the bathroom I took off my nightgown to see my new breasts for the first time. I wasn't all that happy about the way they looked. They looked like some one had stuck two cantaloupes under my skin. They were round like balls and the skin was as tight as a drum. I could also see where the doctor had made the incision. Just under the areola there were several strips of tape. Under the tape I could see a red line. Once I had checked myself out I went back into the bedroom where I found my mother and my aunt sitting on the bed waiting for me. As soon as my mother saw me she said, "Good morning honey how are you feeling?" "I hurt somewhat but I can live with it," I told her. "Have you looked at them yet?" my aunt asked with quite a bit of excitement in her voice. I could feel a blush come to my face as I said, "Yea they look okay but they don't look real." "Really let me see. I thought Sally would do a wonderful job on you," Aunt Cheryl told me. I was embarrassed even more by this but I took my nightgown off so my mother and my aunt could see. Once my breasts were exposed my aunt stood up and placed her hands on my breasts. After a few seconds she said, "They look almost like mine did when I had mine done. I think they'll look great once your body has time to adjust to the implants." I was quite surprised when I heard she had implants too. I looked at my mother who didn't seem the least bit phased by the admission. Then again I guess she knew all along. My aunt must have seen my surprise as she giggled and said, "Yes honey I had my breast done too. I wasn't happy with what Mother Nature gave me so I went and had them enlarged. That's how I met your uncle. He was the surgeon that put in my implants. A few months later we met at a party and we started dating. Would you like to see them?" I couldn't believe my aunt was asking me if I wanted to see her breasts. She didn't wait for me to answer she simply pulled the belt of her robe and opened it. Underneath her robe my aunt was only wearing a pair of white lace panties. Her breasts were unsupported and I could see they didn't need any support. They were actually quite beautiful in they had a perfect teardrop shape. If my breast looked half that good I would be quite happy. My aunt didn't bother to close her robe, she merely let it fall close as she started saying. "Now why don't you get cleaned up and put something on. Sandy has breakfast ready and I'm sure you're starving." Sandy was the girl I met the night before though I had forgotten all about her. As my mother and my aunt left the room I took my cleaning gear and went back into the bathroom. Seeing I couldn't take a shower till my incision healed I gave myself a sponge bathe and deep cleansing. I then put on a pair of panties a pair of shorts bra and a crop top tee shirt. With my new breasts the tee shirt fit me like a second skin. If it wasn't for the bra I was wearing I'm sure my nipples would have made their presence known. After putting on a little make up I went in search of my mother and Aunt Cheryl. Finding them wasn't hard, as all I had to do was follow my nose to the smell of coffee. When I walked into the kitchen, I found my mother, Aunt Cheryl and Sandy sitting at the breakfast nook. The outside wall of the breakfast nook was a glass wall that had a view of Sarasota Bay. It was actually quite breathtaking. When Sandy saw me enter the room she jumped up and prepared me a plate of eggs and bacon. She also brought over a plate of fresh fruit and a tall glass of orange juice. This was the first time I got a good look at Sandy. She wasn't much taller than I was, just two or three inches. She had long blond hair that even though it was in a ponytail it still reached the middle of her back. She had beautiful C-cup breasts that the nipples seemed ready to pop holes through her jogging bra at any second. Seeing she was only wearing a jogging bra and pair of tiny tight shorts I got a good look at her body. Her legs were lean like someone that ran often. Her tummy was as flat as an ironing board. She had a pierced navel that sported a simple gold ring. She also had clear blue eyes that looked like the water in the Gulf. Her skin was flawless and it looked like silk. I knew she couldn't be that old maybe a few years older than I was. Her mid twenty's at the most. After she put my breakfast in front of me she went and sat between my mother and my aunt. Almost instantly her hand moved over to my aunt's who took in hers. The way they held hands told me there was something between them and it was more than just friendship. My mind drifted to what these two would look like in bed together. "You do remember Sandy don't you Sara?" my aunt asked bringing me out of my thoughts. "Vaguely," I told her. "I was pretty out of it last night. But I do remember being introduced." "I guess you were." My aunt said with a laugh to her voice. "Sandy lives here with me and I am quite fond of her. Does that bother you?" "No why should it?" I asked though I was certain her remarks had something to do with my thoughts on what they looked like in bed. "Well it shouldn't though you seemed preoccupied a few minutes ago," my aunt told me. I could feel myself blush at being caught thinking of such things where my aunt was concerned. Sandy giggled and said, "I think your niece is bisexual. I think she was thinking about us and what we do together." "Well there nothing wrong with that is there Tress?" my aunt asked my mother. "Nothing wrong with that at all," my mother told me. Nothing more was said during breakfast about the matter but I could feel there was something going on. Kind of like I was being led into something that nobody wanted to just come out and say it. After breakfast I was given my first bikini. It was a thong bikini that left my bottom exposed though it had a tiny triangle panel that covered my genitals. The bottom was so tight it held my penis and balls between my legs and if you weren't looking for it you wouldn't have known I had anything between my legs. The top fit perfectly over my new breasts though it only covered the nipple and a little bit more. I felt quite naked even though I was covered. My mother also wore a bikini and it was the first time I ever seen her in one. I was actually surprised how good she looked in one. Though she didn't have the breasts my aunt did she was quite beautiful in her own right. My mother and my aunt along with Sandy and I went out on the back deck that over looked the water. There was no access to the water but my aunt really didn't need it as she had a large in ground swimming pool. We lay out in the sun for the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon before the afternoon storms started to blow in. Once we were forced back inside Sandy and I started cooking dinner. I quickly learned that Sandy was a very intelligent and funny person. Before I knew it she had me laughing so hard I forgot how much I hurt. During this time I found out she was only three years older than I was. She was also going to college but not during the summer. She had lived with my aunt since the beginning of the last school year. Once we had dinner pretty much complete Sandy said, "You know you really should have your ears pierced. You have really pretty ears and they would look great with two earrings in each ear. I also think you should get your navel pierced as well. I think a girl looks super sexy with a pierced navel." We had planed on getting my ears pierced when we went shopping on Sunday, but we never got around to getting it done. I wanted my ears pierced, as I knew it would make me look more feminine. Having two holes in each ear would look even better as I knew quite a few girls in school had two holes in each ear. As far as navel rings are concerned I knew I though girls who had their navels pierced always looked sexy but how would Stan feel about that. He never said whether he liked them or not. Then again he never told me what he liked though he seemed to like everything I did. After I thought about the navel ring for a few seconds Sandy asked. "Well what do you think? Maybe we can go out tomorrow and get you pierced?" "I need my ears pierced," I told her, "but does getting your navel pierced hurt?" Sandy stepped closer to me and put her hands on my shoulders before she said, "Not as much as what you had done yesterday. It will be a little bit painful but once it's done you shouldn't feel any after effects. I'll be there to hold your hand through it." This was as close as I ever got to a real girl who wasn't related to me. I had the sudden urge to kiss her but I knew that wasn't proper. After all she was my aunt's girlfriend. The matter was quickly taken out of my hand when Sandy leaned over and her lips touched mine. With in seconds our tongues were entwined as my hands went around her waist. It was then, I realized Sandy had a tongue ring as well. I was surprised I didn't notice it before. Kissing Sandy was sort of like kissing Stan, the difference was he was taller and he seemed powerful. Sandy on the other hand was shorter and softer. Her kiss was gentle as if she was worried she would break me. She also smelt different. Definitely more feminine and almost flowery, her fragrance was softer. Just as soon as the kiss started it ended with both of us gasping for breath. Sandy put her hand to her mouth and said, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. I mean I wanted to but you're not into girls are you." "I've never kissed a girl before not like that," I told her. Though I wanted to tell her I enjoyed it. "Well you didn't say you didn't like," Sandy said with a mischievous grin. "Does that mean you liked it?" "It was very nice. Not like kissing Stan but in ways better," I told her. "I know what you mean," Sandy told me as she put her arms around my neck. "I like screwing guys I mean I like having sex with them but they don't kiss like a woman. If I could find a girl with a big cock who still kisses like a woman I'd love her for the rest of my life." She kissed me again and this time she didn't pull away too quickly. As much as I seemed to enjoy the kiss I worried about my aunt. When Sandy pulled her lips from mine I asked, "What about Aunt Cheryl. Won't she be upset with you?" Sandy giggled and said, "You mean because I'm kissing you, hardly. We have an understanding. We aren't a monogamous relationship. We sleep with whom we want. Though I'm sure Cheryl holds the line at incest." I wanted to ask more but my aunt came into the kitchen. I was still in Sandy's arms and I pulled away quickly and I'm sure I looked guilty about something. Either she didn't notice or didn't care as she asked Sandy a question before leaving the room with Sandy right behind her. After dinner we sat around and watched TV seeing the rain that started earlier was still coming down. By ten that evening and after another painkiller I was quite sleepy. I kissed my mother and my aunt good night and went off to bed. I wasn't in bed a minute before Sandy came into my room and kissed me good night. The next morning the storm clouds still lingered and it looked like it was going to rain any second. This wiped out any chance for sunbathing, which was something I was looking forward to. Once breakfast was over Sandy told my mother and my aunt we were going to get my ears pierced and do some shopping. My mother reached into her purse and took out a jewelry box and said, "This is a graduation gift from me. Have them pierce your ears with these." I open the box and found a pair of diamond studs. They were beautiful and I was sure quite expensive. I thanked my mother and kissed her. She then handed me a new credit card with Sara's name on it and told me my old card wasn't good anymore. My aunt handed me another box and said, "Get two holes in each ear and have these put into the back holes. They're your birth stone and they'll go nicely with your diamond studs." When I open the box and found a set of aquamarine studs that seemed to sparkle in the light. The stones themselves were quite small and they would go nicely in the second hole. They also went well with the larger diamonds on the other studs. I thanked my aunt and kissed her before going to get dressed. I chose a khaki skirt that was about mid calf long, a pair of tan stockings and two-inch heels. For a top I chose a button down white blouse that I tucked inside the skirt. Of cause I wore a white lace bustier that had garter straps. While I was doing my makeup Sandy came into my bedroom. She was wearing a pair of Khaki shorts that were quite short and pretty tight. For a top she wore a white crop tank top that left her belly showing. For shoes she wore thong style sandals. She took one look at me and said, "Honey you're way over dressed for a shopping trip. I don't know how they dress where you come from but down here we wear as little as we can get away with." Sandy then went to my dresser and started going through my draws. She pulled out a crop top tee shirt. Then she went to my closet and picked out a pair of tennis shoes seeing I didn't own any sandals. She placed these on the bed and said, "You can wear the skirt but everything else has to go." Sandy then left the room so I could change. After about ten minutes I was changed and ready to leave. Once we were on the road Sandy made a beeline to a Tattoo and body-piercing salon. The place was kind of seedy though the artist did serialize both set of earrings before piercing my ears with them. The ear piercing went rather quickly as he used a sort of gun that pushed the earring though my earlobe as it made the hole. There was very little pain and in no time both ears were pierced twice. The navel piercing wasn't as easy. First I had to choose something to put in my navel. There was a wide selection and in the end I chose a simple ring like Sandy wore. I chose it because Sandy said to start with something small till I got use to it then I could go bigger. Instead of using a gun like he did with my ears the artist had to use a needle. I had to lie down on a massage like table while the artist stood over me. He pinched a bit of skin at the top of my navel with a pair of forceps then pulled it away from my body. He next took a long needle and pierced the skin. The piercing wasn't that painful though the way he grabbed the skin with the forceps was more painful. There was only a stab of pain as the needle pierced both layers of skin at almost the same time. In the end it wasn't that bad and I had to say my belly button did look sexy with the gold ring. When we were done at the tattoo parlor Sand took me to an outlet mall. She said we could get good clothes at a cheaper price there. It was there that I silently thank Sandy for telling me what to wear. Even though I felt undressed I was glad I changed seeing how hot it was out. Even though the sun didn't come out all day the temperature hovered around ninety degrees and the humidity was unbearable. By the time we went though half the stores in the outlet mall Sandy and I were acting like best friends. We giggle almost constantly and we held hands or walked arm in arm. We got an awful lot of looks from the boys that passed and the men seemed to look just as much. We even got an offer to party with a few boys but of course we turned them down. At around four in the afternoon we left the outlet mall to go home. On the way we stopped at a grocery store. Grocery shopping didn't take very long as it seemed Sandy knew just what she wanted and where it was located. By five thirty we arrived back at my aunt's house. Once we had all our purchases in the house Sandy started dinner. I sat in the living room with my mother and my aunt. "Are you feeling okay honey, I mean with your surgery?" my mother asked. "My chest still hurts somewhat but it's not unbearable," I told her. My mother took my hand in hers and said, "I was thinking since we're here and if you're up for it we could go to Disney World tomorrow. I mean it would be a waist coming here and not seeing it." My mother and I had talked about coming to Florida and seeing Disney, but we never actually got around to doing it. We never seem to have the time. After I turned twelve I stopped thinking about it. More excited than an eighteen-year-old should be I said, "Do you really think we can?" My mother heard my excitement and said, "Yes honey I think we can. If it's all right with you I was thinking about inviting Sandy and your Aunt Cheryl to come along." "I think that would be wonderful. We always talked about going," I told her. "I know we have and I'm sorry we haven't. The restaurant took up too much of my time and I sorry about that too." There was a note of sadness in my mothers voice and I felt guilty about bring up the times we talked about going. "Mom I didn't mean any thing by that. You had to do what you felt was right. I'm grateful you took such good care of me," I told her as I slid my arms around her to give her a hug. My mother hugged me back before saying, "Thank you honey." To break up this melancholy mood my aunt said."That's enough of talking about the past. You both have new lives ahead of you and it's time you both start living them. Sara honey would you give Sandy a hand with dinner while your mother and I get changed. I have a meeting I need to go to tonight and your mother is coming along with me. I hope you don't mind spending the night here with Sandy?" Sandy and I had a great time together that day and I didn't mind in the least spending the night with her. I told this to my aunt before leaving the living room. Sandy had dinner in hand and all I really needed to do was set the table. Once dinner was done the four of us sat down to eat. I was quite surprised how my mother was dressed. Both my mother and my aunt were wearing short tight cocktail dresses. My mother's was white with lots of sequence and my aunt's was beige with no sequence. They both wore four-inch high heels and the heels were as thin as spaghetti noodles. Their makeup was heavier than I ever seen my mother wear hers. I was actually surprised how beautiful they looked. I mean I knew my mother was pretty but the way they were dressed was stunning. "Is something wrong honey?" my mother asked. "No there's nothing wrong mom," I told her though I couldn't stop staring at her. "I never saw you dressed like this before. I was just thinking how beautiful you looked. I saw my mother blush and a smile came to her lips when she said, "Thank you honey. I guess you haven't seen me like this." All through dinner we talked about going to Disney. Sandy and Aunt Cheryl told my mother and I what we would see and where we should go first. I learned that Sandy had been to the park about twenty times but she still loved going any chance she could get. When dinner was over my mother and aunt left for their meeting, though I couldn't begin to understand what kind of meeting would require you to dress like they were. Sandy and I cleaned up the dishes and then the kitchen. Once the kitchen was clean Sandy said, "Now we can relax. I'm going to change into panties and a robe so I can be really comfortable while I'm watching TV. You might want to do the same." I don't know why she told me this but I went along with her suggestion. I went into my bathroom and washed up as best I could before slipping on a clean pair of panties and a clean bra. Seeing I was told by the doctor to wear a bra for the first few weeks to keep every thing in place I knew I should wear the bra even though Sandy didn't mention it. I then put on a little makeup and a robe before going back into the living room to watch TV. Sandy was already sitting on the oversize couch and there was a movie playing. I've seen this movie a time or two and I liked it but it wasn't anything special. It was a romantic comedy that wasn't too romantic and not at all funny. I sat on the couch about two feet from Sandy and started watching the movie. Once I was settled she stopped the movie and said, "I'm going to get a soda and the popcorn should be ready. Would you like a soda too?" "If its not too much trouble. I could come with you to get it," I told her as I started to get up. Sandy waved me off and said, "It's no bother I'll be right back." It didn't take Sandy long before she came back carrying two cans of soda and a large bowl of popcorn. Instead of sitting back where she had been she sat down next to me. She then restarted the movie as we both dug into the bowl of popcorn. At first I thought it was purely coincidental our hands dipped into the bowl at the same time. On the third or fourth time my hand went into the bowl Sandy eased her finger through mine and we held hands for a few seconds. Once the bowl of popcorn was eaten we held hands while we watched the movie. About half way through the movie Sandy rested her head on mine and her hand started tracing circles on my thigh. By this point my panties were only covered by the hem of the robe I was wearing. Due to what her fingers were doing I could feel myself become excited. Only by keeping my legs closed tightly was I sure to keep my penis between my legs. My mind was in a quandary by this point. I was convinced I was gay as I like what Stan and I did together. On top of that I like dressing as a girl and living as one. Every thing seemed so right for the first time. Now I was having feelings of arousal over what Sandy was doing. I mean, a girl was sexually arousing me. I also wasn't sure if Sandy knew I didn't start life as a girl. She only knew me as Sara and never as Scott. What if she thought I was another girl? I knew Sandy liked girls and from what she was hinting at earlier she and my aunt were lovers. I also knew she like men, men with big cocks and big muscles. We had talked about the men she had been with and every one was muscular like Stan was. Sandy didn't give me much time to think as her hand moved up to my chin and pushed my head back. I looked up at her and in the next heartbeat her lips were on mine. We kissed for a few seconds before her tongue slid into my mouth. All thoughts of how gay I was left me as I started sucking on her tender tongue. At the same time Sandy moved her hand down and she cupped my left tit tenderly as if she thought she could hurt me. My breasts were still tender but her caress didn't hurt in the least. Her hand actually felt good as it slowly massaged my flesh through my lace bra. The bra didn't cover my breast for very long as Sandy other hand moved down my back and unsnapped the clasp. A second later I felt her hand on my naked flesh for the first time. Sandy caressed one tit then her hand moved over and caressed the other. Through all this our lips never parted and our kiss became more passionate. My left hand stayed at my side as it was wedged between Sandy and I. My other hand was able to move and it had come to rest on Sandy's hip. After Sandy had caressed both my breasts for a few minutes she took my hand and guided it to her own breasts. She wasn't wearing a bra like I was and my hand came into contact of her warn soft flesh instantly. I don't think I ever felt anything as soft and firm as her breast in my life. As my hand squeezed her breast I could feel her hard nipple in the palm of my hand. I knew this meant she was excited and I was surprised I could make her so. I was actually thrilled I could turn her on. This lasted for a few minutes more before Sandy released my lips and said, "Don't be afraid baby I promise you won't hurt me." As I looked up at her I could feel myself start to blush before I said, "I've never been with a girl before and I'm not sure what to do." "Just relax and do to me what you enjoy," she told me before she started kissing me once more. After only a few seconds she stopped kissing me and said, "You are okay with this. I mean I'm not forcing you into this am I. The way you kissed me I assumed you were willing." "I'm willing to try but I should tell you." That was all I could get out as Sandy started kissing me once more. Our kisses were more passionate than before and her hands moved over my breast like she was trying to memorize them by touch. When she started pinching my nipples I couldn't stop the moan from escaping my throat. My own hand moved over her breast as I squeezed them and caressed them. Following Sandy's lead I took her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. That's when I founded out Sandy's nipples were pierced. She had a small ring, about the size of a dime that hung from each of her two nipples. I could feel they went right through the back part of the nipple. I later learned this was why her nipples were always hard. As I pulled on the nipple ring I heard Sandy moan and her whole body seemed to shiver. I was sure she enjoyed this so I did it several more times. After a few seconds Sandy started to squirm like she had to go to the bathroom. She pulled her mouth from mine and gasped like she was in pain. She pulled her robe open as she pushed my head toward her breast and said, "Use your mouth on me now baby. Lick my breasts with your little tongue." I tried going for her nipple right from the get go but Sandy stopped me and said, "No baby lick my breast first lick it all over and kiss it sweetly." I followed Sandy's instructions and started kissing her breasts all over. I then started licking till her skin was damp with my saliva. Sandy was mewing and moaning each time my tongue got close to her nipple but I stopped short of actually touching it. Just the feel of her soft tender skin on my lips and tongue was enough to give me a raging hard on. I had lost the battle of trying to keep it tucked between my legs. Only the robe and the way I was sitting kept it hidden from Sandy. When Sandy had enough of my licking she directed my mouth to her right nipple and said, "Now suck Baby. Suck me softly at first." I started sucking her nipple as softly as I could and Sandy gave a moan of approval. At the same time I could feel her shake slightly and she started moaning almost constantly. After a few minutes of this she told me to suck harder and to use my teeth to nibble on her nipples. At the same time she took my hand and pushed it down toward her tummy. My hand merely grazed over her tummy and the ring that was pierced though her navel. When she pushed my hand lower I could feel she had thought better of putting on her panties. When my hand touched her pubic area I could feel she had very little hair down there. There was a small patch of hair at the center of her pelvis that I later found out was called a landing strip. With Sandy's hand guiding me I pushed my finger between her spread legs and came in contact with her slit. I was surprised that she was so wet, I wondered if she had peed. I didn't know at the time a woman secreted fluid when she was excited. The fluid was slick like oil and I could smell it as the aroma wafted up >from between her legs. The smell was like nothing I ever smelt before. It smelt clean and yet heavy. For some strange reason it excited me. When my finger pierced her hole for the first time Sandy gasped as if I had pinched her. The gasped was followed by a moan unlike any she had given before. At the same time she seemed to melt into the sofa. I stroked my finger in and out of her tight little hole for a few minutes. At the same time my mouth stayed glued to her left nipple as I continued to suck and nibble on her. I even played with the ring that was pierced though her nipple. After a few minutes of this Sandy pulled on my hand that was finger fucking her. She guided my finger to the very top of her slit and said in a hoarse voice. "Rub my clit baby. Feel the little lump under your finger. Rub that real gently and you'll make me cum." I felt the lump that Sandy was talking about. It wasn't very big and it felt like a pimple that hadn't come to a head yet. But obviously it had some connection to her sexual stimulation. Fore as soon as I started rubbing it Sandy started moving her hips and started moaning. After a few minutes of this she pulled me close and wailed she was cuming. Her whole body seemed to shake like she was having a seizure. She then gasped through her clenched teeth as she went completely ridged. She held her breath for a few seconds before releasing it in a sigh. I hadn't taken my lips from her nipple or my finger from her clit through out her orgasm. But once her orgasm was spent Sandy pulled my mouth off and pulled my hand from her pussy and hugged me tightly. When she could breathe normally she said, "That was wonderful. You're going to make any woman a great lover honey. Now I think it's my turn to give you some pleasure." Sandy started kissing me once more only this time she was much more aggressive than she had been. Her hands were more active then they had been. As she kissed me her left hand moved over my breast and she even pinched my nipple between both her fingers. I moaned and groaned each time she did it. She then pulled my robe opened and started licking my breast just like I had done to her earlier. Her mouth seemed to be every where at one time and she made sure to kiss every inch of my breast. Only when my breast were properly adored did she finally take my left nipple into her mouth. The way she sucked and nibbled on my nipples made me moan even louder. She made the way Stan pleasure my nipples seem like a novice. When she wasn't sucking one nipple her hand was caressing it and rolling the nipple between her fingers. What she was doing made me feel like I could cum just from the simulation. I was panting and moaning and I could feel my clit leaking precum. It felt like I could squirt any second. When I felt Sandy's hand move down to my tummy I started to panic. We were having too much fun and I didn't want to spoil it by her finding out I wasn't a real girl. When her fingers started to slide under the waistband of my panties I grabbed it and said, "May be we should stop now." Sandy pulled her mouth from my nipple and said with a shocked look on her face, "Why do you want to stop? You seemed to be enjoying it so much." I was enjoying it and I really didn't want to stop but I didn't want her finding out this way. To come up with an excuse I said, "I'm worried my mother and aunt will be coming home soon. I hate to have them find us like this. What would they think?" Sandy giggled and said, "I don't know how your mother would respond but I know your aunt wouldn't care, you wouldn't be the first girl she's found me with. I also know you mother and aunt won't be home for hours yet. So we have all the time we need to pleasure each other." Sandy's mouth once more went down on my breast as her hand tried to go inside my panties I stopped her once more saying. "Sandy, what you'll find inside my panties isn't what you expect. I'm not a real girl." Sandy looked down at me and said sweetly. "Of course you are baby. You're a beautiful girl with an extra long clit. To a girl with an open mind like mine that can be very arousing. Now please relax and let me pleasure you. After all I know a lot of ways for us to pleasure ourselves and I'd like to show you those ways." "How did you know I wasn't really a girl? Could you tell right off?" I asked desperate to know. Sandy giggled and said, "I wouldn't have know if Cheryl hadn't told me. She knew I could never keep my hands off someone as cute and loveable as you. But she also knew how you were born would have nothing to do with whether I wanted you. I think knowing you're a T-girl turned me on to you even more. Now no more talking only moaning and gasping." Sandy started kissing me once more but it wasn't long before her mouth was once more on my breast. This time when her hand slid under the waistband of my panties I didn't try to stop her. When she sucked on my nipples her hand stroked my hard clit. Sandy must have done this before as she brought me to the edge of orgasm over and over again till finally I begged her to let me squirt my sissy juice. When I was finally allowed to cum I exploded in her hand while sparks flashed before my eyes. It wasn't the best orgasm I ever had but it definitely ranked up there with the best. Once my orgasm had subsided I watched as Sandy licked my sperm off her fingers. She then bent over and kissed me so I could taste my sperm in her mouth. After we had kissed for a few minutes she stood up and held out her hand to me before saying. "Let's go into my bedroom were we can get comfortable." Once in her bedroom we stripped off our robes and I stripped off my panties and bra before climbing on to her king-size bed. We kissed and played with each other for about an hour before Sandy pushed my head down so I could lick her pussy. The fluid I smelt earlier was flowing freely once more and I licked it up like it was manna from heaven. I never tasted any thing like it before and I knew I would want to taste it as often as I could. I loved how she tasted and I wanted to lick her hole exclusively, but Sandy wanted more. She taught me how to lick her clit and how to suck on it. After she had an orgasm I could lick her cum up but I had to return to her clit once I had it all. I don't know how many times I made her cum but I didn't want to stop. She then sucked my clit for a long time. She brought me to the edge several times and no matter how much I begged she wouldn't bring me over till she was ready. When I came I fired gobs of cum into her mouth and she swallowed every drop. We rested after that but we continued to kiss and play with each other till I was hard once more. This time I got between Sandy's legs and enter her with my clit. This was my first time fucking a girl and I can't tell you how thrilled I was. I knew then why a man would do just about anything to fuck a girl. The feeling of her hot wet pussy surrounding my clit was mind blowing. If I hadn't already cum twice that night I know I would have cum the instant I entered her. Thankfully I was able to last for sometime before I filled her with my love juice. Once I was had recovered from the orgasm Sandy talked me into licking her pussy once more. She didn't bother washing as she wanted me to lick my sperm from her nest. I was only too happy to oblige. This time Sandy squatted above my face and I licked her pussy as my sperm flowed into my mouth. I would have to say it was the best flavored cum I ever drank. Sandy then did something I had though would be impossible. When she told me, since I fucked her it was her turn to fuck me. I didn't think she could do it the way I was used to it, but she soon proved me wrong. Sandy got off the bed and went into her closet. A minute or two later she came out sporting an eight inch hard on. It was the first strap on dildo I had ever seen. It was as long as Stan's cock but his cock was thicker. Sandy had me turn over onto my tummy and knelt between my legs. She used some lube to grease my hole but before she slid her dildo in she finger fucked me for several minutes. When I felt I was well lubed I asked if I could have her cock now. "Obviously you're not a virgin to this form of loving. Stan must have had his way with you," she told me with a playful slap on my bottom. Before I could answer I felt the head of her cock enter me. I was surprised that there was a small amount of pain involved but that didn't stop me from pushing back and taking her latex cock half way into my pussy. Stan would have been proud of me. Once Sandy saw I could handle her dildo she started fucking me in earnest. She moved in and out adding more on each in stroke till her thighs met my ass cheeks. We then started fucking harder and I was on my hands and knees giving as good as I was getting. We kept this up for a good ten minutes before I asked if I could turn over. Sandy said sure and pulled out so I could flipped over. Once I was on my back I held my legs up so she could reenter me. When Sandy was in me once more we started again. This time I could reach up and play with her breasts while she held my legs up. Sandy fucked me till she came several times. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get an erection and even though I had tried to stroke my clit I couldn't cum. I think it was the fact I had several orgasms already that night. I guess eventually the well will go dry, but I didn't care as I had a wonderful time with Sandy. When she couldn't go on any longer she pulled her dildo out and crashed on the bed next to me and said, "Sorry honey I'm exhausted. I really wanted to make you cum while I was fucking you." I cuddled up to her and said, "It's okay love it's my fault. I just can't get it up. I guess I came too much already." Sandy kissed me and we held each other. We must have fallen asleep as the next thing I knew my mother was waking us up. "Come on girls if we're going to Disney we need to get on the road," I heard my mother say from the doorway. I opened my eyes looked around and found myself still in Sandy's room. I also saw my mother looking in from the doorway. I didn't know what to say about why I was in Sandy's bed but my mother didn't wait for an explanation. Once she saw I was awake she stepped out of the room. After I woke up Sandy with kisses I made my way back to my bedroom. I followed Sandy's direction on what to wear. I chose a pair of shorts that looked like a skirt, a crop top tank top to show off my new belly button ring and a new pair of thong sandals that I had bought the day before. Once I was dressed and my makeup was on I caught up to my mother aunt and Sandy in the living room. It was decided we would stop to eat breakfast on the way. We left soon after. Disney was every thing I had expected. Though we tried to ride on every ride due to the length of the lines we weren't able to. We did get on most of the rides I wanted but of cause I wanted to ride all of them. My mother actually bought me a pair of Mickey Mouse ears with Sara's name on them. As an eighteen year old boy I would never had worn them, but as an eighteen year old girl it was quite acceptable. Sandy and I wore our ears proudly. She also bought me a leather jacket with the Magic Kingdom embossed on the left breast and a very large stuffed Mickey and Minnie for my bedroom. I had gotten rid of all my stuffed animals' years ago, but now I was living life as a girl my mother said I needed some to help me feel feminine. Surprisingly she never brought up the fact I had slept with Sandy. Then again maybe she thought it was quite innocent. I mean it's not uncommon for two girls to spend the night together in the same bed. We stayed in the park until they closed before driving back to my aunt's house. I'm sure it will be one of the days I remember with fondness for the rest of my life. That night I slept alone but only after sharing a very passionate kiss with Sandy. She had snuck into my room after every one else when to bed. Friday morning I was filled with mixed emotions. I was thrilled to no end that I would be seeing Stan again. I had missed him and I was looking forward to spending the weekend with him. I was also quite sad knowing I was going to be leaving Sandy. We had become good friends and we shared some wonderful times together. Not only was she my first female lover but she was also a confidant. She was someone that knew me and accepted me for what I was. I knew I would surely miss her. We had to make one stop before we could go to the airport. Dr. Endicott wanted to see me before I left town. She wanted to check over my incision just to see if they were heeling correctly. Thankfully I didn't have to wait too long before I was taken into an exam room. After the doctor had checked out my incision she said, "You're heeling nicely Sara. I think you can remove the steri strips tomorrow and every thing should come out nicely." I thanked her before she handed me a slip of paper and said, "That's the name of a doctor in New Jersey near where you live. She handles cases that deal with sexual reassignment. If you're going to be as feminine as possible you should start on female hormones. If you don't see her you should see someone. Now good luck and I hope to see you again soon." We shook hands before I left the office. Sandy went with us to the airport and we said our good byes out of sight of every one else. She said she would miss me and she hoped to see me soon. She also made me promise to come back in the fall when the weather was nicer. I also said good bye to my aunt who told me she loved me and she would see me soon. I knew my aunt spent the month of July and August at our home so she didn't need to spend it in Florida when it was so hot. So I was pretty sure I would be seeing her in the next few weeks.

Same as Sara 3 Videos

2 years ago
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It was a typical Los Angeles winter night. Raining and cold, Sara looked out at the rain-soaked streets, knowing that she would have to work tonight, rain or not. She walked out of her apartment to the corner and caught the bus 10 minutes later heading off for another night of work. Her new day job was only good for minimum wage and 20 hours a week, so she still needed her night job to make ends meet.She got to her normal area and got off. She then started her normal night work, walking two...

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I met Sara through an adult personals website. I had originally posted my ad on a night I was home alone d***k and horny. So I was surprised , a month later, when I got an email. Sara lived in the same town as me, so we met on her college campus on a Friday afternoon. Initially I was disappointed in her appearance. Sara was 5’5′, kind of chubby/stocky build, small tits, short hair, average looking at best….she looked like a brick …having no distinguishable waist line. She dressed like a tomboy....

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I met Sara through an adult personals website. I had originally posted my ad on a night I was home alone drunk and horny. So I was surprised , a month later, when I got an email. Sara lived in the same town as me, so we met on her college campus on a Friday afternoon. Initially I was disappointed in her appearance. Sara was 5'5", kind of chubby/stocky build, small tits, short hair, average looking at best....she looked like a brick ...having no distinguishable waist line. She dressed like a...

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The one thing Sara loved was fucking. She would fuck any one anytime anywhere. It started when she was young and her dad's friend took her to his hunting cabin and fucked her for over three hours. That made her addicted and wanting more. She met him two times a week for a fuck session but it was not enough. She found a site where men wanted to fuck younger girls and when she put her picture on it she had a lot of men wanting to fuck her. Most of the men were fifty or sixty and she liked the...

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Sara Sara  Mi chiamo Sara, ho ventidue anni e studio Lettere e Filosofia qui a Milano. Mia madre ? francese, mio padre? italiano. I miei genitori vivono e lavorano a Nizza, la citta? in cui e nata mia madre, ed in cui sono nata anche io.Finito il liceo, mi sono trasferita in Italia per frequentare l?universita?. Desideravo conoscere meglio il paese di mio padre e cos? ho preferito Milano a Parigi. Parlo correttamente l?italiano oltre al francese, percio? non ho problemi di lingua.  Sono alta u...

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It was a typical Los Angeles winter night. Raining and cold, Sara looked out at the rain-soaked streets, knowing that she would have to work tonight, rain or not. She walked out of her apartment to the corner and caught the bus 10 minutes later heading off for another night of work. Her new day job was only good for minimum wage and 20 hours a week, so she still needed her night job to make ends meet. She got to her normal area and got off. She then started her normal night work, walking two...

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Sara was a little butch, you know? I don't mean she was a bull dyke, or anything, and I don't want to be thought of as judgmental about it. It's just that she had this disdain for men, dressed like a man, and generally just did not seem to radiate any femininity at all. She was also a little on the plump side, but overall not bad-looking. Even cute, in a strange sort of way. Well, she and I were co-leads on a sizable computer project in a large IS department. We worked well enough...

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SARA By Charles E. Campbell CHAPTER 4 PLEASING ALICIA Tommy showed me a mat on the floor in the kitchen where I was to sleep.A dish of water sat next to the mat. He attached a pair of very stout chainsto the clasps in my breasts, and locked the chains to an eye-bolt that wasin the floor. I fell right to sleep almost the instant I lay down on the mat.Neither the dirty cracked linoleum floor nor the odd sounds from the woodskept me awake. When I finally started to awaken from my deep...

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Sara was nineteen and very sexy with huge tits and a great bubble ass. XShe had been sleeping with Senator Brown for over six months. He was married with six k**s and his wife was knocked up with their seventh. The senator had a big thick cock and a thirst for sex with young girls. He always made sure they were of age and big tits. He moved Sara into an apartment close so he could stop in and fuck her any time he pleased. He would call her and tell her "I am five minutes away. Get naked." He...

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   I couldn’t get the thought of her out of my head. So was so beautiful to me. She had long black hair. I wondered what it would feel like running my fingers through it. Sara also had the darkest blue eyes I had ever seen. If I looked in them too long I felt I would lose myself.    Her body was just perfect. I am about 5’7 and she was just an inch or two taller than me. She had long legs that always seem to have a tan. Her breasts were about the same size as mine as far as I could tell. A...

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My name is Sara and I like porn. I like porn for men, the real smut, no germ-free high-gloss productions. Only that turns me on. I like deep throat and gangbangs, slaps and humiliations, big breasts and anal scenes. Nothing is more erotic than a woman who gives everything without being boring and perfect. I hate fake excitement. Gargling and bubbling it should, the saliva must flow and the eyes can be in tears.And of course, I love to see cocks. Cocks that are getting rubbed, that slip through...

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   I couldn’t get the thought of her out of my head. So was so beautiful to me. She had long black hair. I wondered what it would feel like running my fingers through it. Sara also had the darkest blue eyes I had ever seen. If I looked in them too long I felt I would lose myself.    Her body was just perfect. I am about 5’7 and she was just an inch or two taller than me. She had long legs that always seem to have a tan. Her breasts were about the same size as mine as far as I could tell. A...

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Dinner I asked her? No sex 1st, then we’ll eat. I wanted to screw her from the moment I saw her, but this was a bit more forthright that I expected. We had been working together on the training course all day and had just got to the hotel. Well, you have been eyeing me up all day, sizing me up, trying to look down my blouse, so why waste time? Hell she was definitely my type of woman. Well in that case, my room or yours? I asked Yours she said firmly and headed to the elevator. We were on the...

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This is truly what you would call paradise. There were so many beautiful girls and since it was always really hot here they went around pretty much nude. We were what some would call stranded. We all lived on little huts on the edge of a small lake in the centre of an island. I sat on the beach, it was getting late. I looked around to see what girls were still had not gone to bed. I stared in amazment as I found a hot chick named Sarah still sitting on a log across from me. I walked over to her...

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Nerves and anxiety were at an all time high… It was 6pm and I was stood propping up the bar in a strange place I'd never been in and had already had a couple of Gins to calm my nerves, yet my palms were still sweaty and legs were like jelly. But then “she” walked in… And I'm not exaggerating when I say everyone in the place turned to look at her. Her name was Sarah and we had been talking online for over a year and finally the stars had aligned and we had agreed to meet. My first thoughts were...

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I sat alone in the back of the small, yet oh so exclusive suburban church and watched the proceedings as only an outsider can watch. I had no part in the funeral services although my heart would be buried in the grave along with my beloved. It was difficult to concentrate on the words of the unctuous, self-important minister as he extolled the virtues of a woman he had never met in an orator's voice that held no sincerity. The half listened to drone of his words flowed over me. My own...

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I was at a national convention in D.C. The convention was in its 3rd day and it lasted 7. They bused us from the convention hall to our hotel every day. This got to be a hassle some times, because you had to wait and wait sometimes. On this day, i had become separated from my friends and stood alone waiting for the next bus. It finally came and i got a window seat. Five minutes later, a huge black woman got on and sat down next to me. She said hello, and i returned the greeting. She...

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If you like images to go with your story you can click for the illustrated version of this SARAH in the comments below. Enjoy...The greatest thing about my lover, Joe, is his cock. I just love it. It's so fat and hard and muscular, I love holding it, I love stroking it, I love kissing it, I love sucking it, I love feeling it between my tits, I love feeling it filling my arse-hole, I love feeling it filling my pussy.I'm 26, with long straight brown hair, and brown eyes. People have always called...

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Als Sarah erwacht, liegt sie in einer dunklen einsamen Gasse. Sie rappelt sich mühsam auf und sieht sich um. Die schäbigen Häuserfassaden auf beiden Seiten sind so hoch, dass der Himmel darüber nicht mehr zu erkennen war und das Tageslicht gänzlich verschluckt wird. Vielleicht ist es auch gerade Nacht. Das einzige spärliche Licht kommt von vereinzelten Lampen über den Häusereingängen. Doch die meisten sind zerschlagen oder sehen so aus als ob sie schon seit Jahren nicht mehr gebrannt hätten....

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“Hands up, chin down!” my voice booms through the boxing club. I have barked out these words a million times. Instructions that were also barked out at me a million times by my coach, for the first few years of my training when I was a teenager. Three loud electronic buzzes signal the end of the training session. “Good work ladies and gentlemen. See you at the next class,” I announce, dismissing the class. I am fifty four years old. Outside of work, I train and teach at my friend’s boxing...

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My phone is going off and when I look, it’s my husband texting me. He doesn’t even bother to call. He says he is going to be home late from work again. I just finished putting dinner on the table.I sit there and eat alone, having a glass of dark red wine. I know he’s fucking someone now. I take off my pants and start fingering my pussy as I finish eating alone. That bastard.It is a couple of hours later when I hear him come in the door. The food has been in the refrigerator for a while. I am...

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Bhai Ko Seduce Karke Chudwaya

Hi dosto………me Iss ki bahut badi fan iski kafi kahaniya padti hu…pehle me kabhi apne bhai,maa,papa aur bhi relatives k liye galat khayal nhi rakhti thi but iss ki stories padhne k bad mje pariwar me chudne ka bhut swar ho gya … Meri family me maa seema 36 age.ek housewife hai..papa beer bar chalate rakesh age 40….meri ek behan hai.mujhse choti hai kirti 18 …mera bhai bhi mujhse chota hai raja 18…me 21 ki me padti hu…..meri behan aur bhai school me padhte hai.. Ab me...

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The Neighbors Suck Like UsChapter 14

As dawn came and the neighbors awoke, all eager for a morning cluster-fuck, so, too, did breakfast time come three hundred miles away. Roger Wedgewood and Tony Benson were sharing a table in the hotel restaurant, having coffee and toast and talking about the woman they had fucked the night before. Then in came Tom, their host, looking all fresh and well-scrubbed. No one would have known what a pervert he was, unless they had been fucking his wife while he looked on. He joined them at their...

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The Adventures of a Cuck Continue Part 2

In part one I alluded to the events of a few weeks ago, and how what follows came about. Having admitted to my wife, Asha that I was interested in repeating the experience of sharing her with another man (only this time being more involved) we started to discuss how this would go.A few days after my confession, once we had put the kids to bed, we opened a bottle of wine and began to talk about it. Asha was curled in next to me on the sofa in a pair of leggings and a vest top. This gave me the...

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Coital BlissChapter 1

Wilbur Claude Coxman was a nerd. In fact, Wilbur was the epitome of a nerd. Yet, he was the most popular boy in Central High School. How could a 16 year old boy who was only 5'-5" tall, weighing 78 pounds, and looking like Ichabod Crane be the most popular boy in school, including being the bosom buddy of every jock on every athletic team? Not only did Wilbur not play any sports, he never bothered to attend any sporting event because he simply was not interested in that sort of thing....

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Evil Fist! If you’re a person who is into some extreme shit, and I mean that both in a metaphorical, but quite honestly in a very literal sense too, then I think that you’re going to really love what I found for you guys today. It’s a site called, and it’s pretty much everything you have ever wanted when it comes to a platform that concentrates on fisting videos that really shape the bounds of what is insane and what can be done. Okay, so that’s a lot of talk for a site that seems...

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Hung and Entitled

After breaking up with my last girlfriend, I started having sex with guys. I started using apps like Grindr and Scruff and found that men are far more capable and willing to worship my cock. I still have a soft spot for pussy, but my thick ten incher needs to be praised. I had no interest in a relationship, just sex. My job gave me the freedom to go to the gym and the pool quite regularly, so I had a fit body. I loved watching guys check me out in the changing room and even had a few...

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Persuading Mom To Pose Chapter 3

We lay together for several minutes, enjoying the cuddling while she softly stroked my chest, then moved to my abdomen. "You know, Jimmy, you have grown into quite a handsome man. I never realized it either until just now, but you are pretty sexy in your own right!"Then her hand moved even further south and wrapped around my still rock-hard cock. "And now that Tiffany is all rested up, she'd like to play some more... if you're 'up' for it, James!""You're a naughty little slut aren't you,...

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You WonT Believe What Happens to CrystalChapter 3

JJ told me he saved the best for last. I really am satisfied now. I don’t know if I can take any more. I feel good all over and sore, all at the same time. I really need to rest. I think if I had known what was coming I’d have been feeling a lot less sleepy. JJ flipped me over. As always, it never occurred to me to resist. I do whatever he wants. Just like a rag doll I stay in any position into which he put me. He slapped my ass hard and told me to get up on my hands and knees. I managed to...

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Another dangerous taxi driver

Another dangerous taxi driverVictor and I had attended a very nice joyful party that summer night.We have danced for hours, chatted to some friends and had really had a good time.But as I danced with some of my girlfriends, my lovely Victor had visited the bar; more times than I had waited.Then later that night I found my sweet husband was “out of order”…When it was time for me to leave I hunted him up, easy enough, because he was at the bar still and suggested that it was time to go. No way...

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Alisons new life

Alison Bond is lead into the room buy the leash hooked to the blue collar around her neck.  At the end of her leash a black hooded male slave.  Sitting on the coach in the hotel suite is her master.  He looks at her as orders her to come and kneel before him.  The hooded man hands the leash to the master turns and leaves the room.Master grabs a naked tit and asks:  ?How are you cunt???Fine Master? she answers.  ?How may I serve you???Crawl over the table and come back with the flogger.?Alison...

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The babysitter

This happened a few years back. My wife had gone out of town to be with her sister and I was left at home watching my young son. Saturday night came fast and after a long week at work I needed to go out for some drinks with the guys. I called my wife to see if her friend could watch my son but I was out of luck so she gave me the number for the k** next door who was home from school on break. It was a fairly cold night and he showed up at my door in overly trendy and strange fashion from...

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An Alien Abduction

Introduction: Rebecca wakes up in a strange place and soon discovers shes been abducted by aliens…with one interest it would seem. She awoke in a dark gray room. The lighting was dim, almost dark. She looked around herself slowly. Her head was throbbing, feeling like her skull was going to be split in two. Every tiny movement of her neck sent shooting paints through her entire head. She pulled herself up slowly, looking around at her surroundings. She was in an all gray room, quite small, with...

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Moth Ch 014

Please forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. * ‘What’s wrong?’ asked Lei. ‘What?’ snarled Kokata. ‘Don’t give me that, Black. You’ve been acting strange for days,’ said Lei. ‘Ever since we traded with the termites, actually.’ ‘You traded with the termites,’ snarled Kokata. ‘I didn’t. I don’t trade things. I don’t need things.’ ‘Crankywort.’ Kokata wasn’t in a mood to joke...

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Big Cock finds Big Pussy

I have a big dick. It's 11 inches long, 6 inches wide, cut so that the big head is always exposed. There are good things and bad things about having a big dick (yes, really, there ARE disadvantages despite what you've thought.). In the realm of sex, mostly it's good things. In the area of personality, though, it took some time to work through things. Let's start with women. Just having a big dick didn't automatically take away my nervousness or my hesitancy around them. Asking one on a date was...

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The Watcher

I decided to go to the bush and get as far away as possible from any distractions. That is what is so good about Australia; it is so vast and uninhabited, that not many miles out of any city you are in the bush. Miles upon miles of Malee or scrub, but unfortunate little water in this the driest continent. Years ago I had come upon a little green oasis, by an old windmill driven pump that no longer works well. It had once been used for stock watering, but had fallen in disrepair, but the pump...

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Cumming Dad

By : Demongay I am an Indian living in Mumbai but I travel a lot. Any Indian girls or adventurous Indian aunties anywhere in India who wish to have anonymous, no strings attached relation are free to contact me on Confidentiality is expected and will be provided. Now for the story based on a true incident. Laxmi sat on her dad’s lap. Her head was on his shoulder and she was crying. At 18 and a first year BA student in Ramabai college, she’d had a series of disasters in her love life and her...

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Jodie Pays Off Her Debt

My name was Gary and I'm married. I just turned fifty years old and even though I have a good sex life with my wife, I still had a fantasy of having sex with Jodie. She works with my wife at the Citizens Bank in town and is fifteen years younger. Jodie had some financial issues and when it rained it poured on her. Her Chevrolet Caviler just broke down and she didn't have the cash to get it repaired. So unbeknownst to my wife, I lent Jodie three hundred and twenty-five dollars to get her car...

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The first time we had sex, Christina Vietti was sitting on the floor of her dorm room. She had a bottle of Champaign in one hand and her legs spread. She was touching herself, rubbing her pussy and looking at me, asking me to touch her. She had a beautiful smile, but I still had to think twice before I making my decision, she was a friend after all. I started by running my hands up and down her legs, which made her groan, apparently champagne had that effect on her.We dated after that, and I...

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Sods LawChapter 5

Saturday 25th June 1983 I waited for her to trot out the ‘let’s just be good friends’ routine, but I was surprised. “This has never happened to me before,” she said reflectively. “It’s not like a crush or an infatuation, I’ve done both of those and I won’t be fooled again into thinking they’re the real thing. But this – what’s going on here with us – this is different.” Oh, it was’t the ‘good friends’ talk. “I agree. Go on. I’m listening.” “I’ve never felt as totally at ease with anyone,...

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