Sara 7 free porn video

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Our first day at school wasn't that big of a deal as we spent most of the day in class. Oh we spent close to an hour in the quad between classes and we even ate a small meal there. It was much better than high school ever was, for me at least. No one came up to me and asked me if I was in the right school or tried picking on me because I was smaller than every one else. We did have a few guys trying to hit on Amy and me but neither of us let it go to far. I couldn't for obvious reasons and Amy didn't because she wasn't interested in boys our age. She told me she wanted a real man like Stan or one of the guys at the club. She wanted some one who was mature and sexually advanced. After class we went to Columbia University so I could meet with Doctor Simons. She was the one treating me for gender reassignment. I never thought I would go all the way but that was the way it was written on my medical records. My visit with her consisted of a half hour of talking. We talked about how I felt and if I had my side effects from the hormones. We talked about my sexual urges and my erection response. So far I couldn't complain about any of this, as my appetite had neither increased nor decreased since I first started taking the hormones. Also my sexual appetite was about the same. Doctor Simons seemed quite pleased. She gave me another injection and took another blood tested before letting me leave. She also gave me several bottles of pills to take at prescribed times of the day. She told me since I wasn't having any ill effect and my blood work was normal she wanted to jump start my system for a few weeks. After the doctors Amy and I took a cab back to our apartments. She had been awake when Stan told me we were going out to eat that night. She knew this didn't include her and she was all right with it. She told me that she knew Stan and I were in love and we needed time alone together. While I was getting dressed for the evening she left for her own apartment. I wore a fairly conservative dress that night. Thought it was Black and slightly above the knee it wasn't sexy as far as I could see. The skirt of the dress was a pleated skirt that was quite loose. The top of the dress was sleeveless, but the collar wrapped around my neck like a choker. It was great for hiding my Adams apple though it was never a real problem. The heels I chose was a three inch pump that was more mundane that sexy. I looked elegant and not the least trashy. I didn't want to call too much attention to myself as Stan's date. We went to a restaurant that was one of the best in the city. I almost gagged when I saw the prices of the meals. I knew my mother's restaurant was a family style and an excellent value but I had no idea it was so cheap compared to the restaurant Dan took me to. I had no idea what to order, as it all seemed so expensive. Fortunately Stan ordered for me and once it came I could see Stan was paying for the ambience as well as the meal. Believe me the ambience was quite expensive. The meal wasn't that spectacular and the service were only marginal at best. My mother would have fired the waiter if he worked for her. All the people that came up to Stan to say hello surprised me. Of course he introduced me to every one but I felt like I was on display. I mean I was looked over like they were grading a piece of meat. It wasn't until our meal was served when I was able to ask, "Who are theses people?" Stan took my hand and said, "They're people I have business with. I'm sure they all came over to check the beautiful girl I was with and wanted to know if you were my niece or what. Tomorrow I'm sure to get several phone calls to get more information about you." I let the subject drop while we ate, as I didn't want to spoil the meal. Later as we walked out of the restaurant I asked, "Was this some sort of test? I mean were you seeing if I passed as a girl." Stan turned to me took both my hands in his and said, "Don't ever think that. I would never put you in that kind of position. You are a girl the way you walk and talk, even your mannerism screams you're a girl. Hell Amy isn't as feminine as you are. What happen tonight should have been expected and I should have warned you about it before hand. For years now I left my sexuality in doubt so tonight they wanted to see if it was really me with a beautiful girl." "So they were staring at me to see if I was really a girl? I mean why else would they look at me that hard. I felt like a piece of meat they were looking to buy," I told him with a little more irritation in my voice than I really felt. At first Stan looked confused then he started to chuckle before saying, "I'm sorry obviously we were taking on two different subjects. I thought we were talking about all the people that came over to our table and you were talking about how they were checking you out. Sweetheart, that's normal for a beautiful girl. I guess it's not politically correct in today's world but that's what guys do. Your beauty took them in and they couldn't tear their eyes away from you." I didn't believe him so I said, "No really what were they looking for is they're anything out of place?" Stan pulled me close and said, "Honey you?re perfect, now let's go home so I can do what they only can dream about." A few minutes later we were in a cab and on the way to Stan's apartment. Once we were in his apartment he made love to me like never before. It was slow and wonderful. Stan made love to me for well over two hours before he finally succumbed to exhaustion. I had two orgasms myself. The first time it even surprised me as all of a sudden my boy clit started spewing streams of sperm all over Stan and I. The second time I orgasm it was deliberate as Stan stroked my clit while he filled my pussy with his love cream. The next two days went by rather quietly. Stan and I went out to dinner again on Thursday night. He wanted us to go out to dinner at least two times a week. He told me since we didn't date before I moved in with him we should date after. He wanted me to know I wasn't just his sex pet, I was really his girlfriend. On Friday we went and had our pictures taken. I went first and sat through several poses in three different outfits. Stan was lucky to only have to sit through three poses in the same suit. We then sat for three poses together. The one I liked the most was one where I sat on his knee with his arms encircling my waist. It was the one I would have turned into a painting to hang on the wall over the mantel at Stan's country house. After we were done with the photographer Stan and I drove to Amy apartment and picked her up before heading to his country house. Stan had arranged it with Amy's parents to bring her home and back to the city seeing we were already going the same way. When Stan was out of town Amy's father would come and get us. Friday night I spent the night with Stan. After we had breakfast on Saturday morning I drove to my mother's while Stan entertained his friends. At five that afternoon I drove to the club's mansion to started my bi-weekly duties as waitress for the club. I had first thought that Jennifer and Michael Masters owned the mansion in which the club held their meetings. I later found out that the club owned the mansion and Jennifer and Michael were just the hostesses for that year. Each year a new couple was chosen for the job. Believe me when I say it was a job. They had to make sure the house was cleaned before and after each event. The bar had to be stocked and the buffet table also had to be prepared. I don't remember seeing a buffet table at my initiation but then again I didn't see much besides the play room. When I got to the mansion I found the front door open and Jennifer Masters standing in the entrance hall "Come in Sara. You're the first to arrive but I'm sure not the last. Come and I'll show you where you can change." We went up the stairs to what would have been a very large bedroom when the house actually had a family living in it. Around the room there were five makeup tables that seemed well stocked with makeup. Hanging to the side of each table was the French maid's uniform that each waitress was to wear. I could see each had been cleaned as it was still in a plastic cover from the dry cleaner. In the center of the room there was a long table that had several boxes on it. I looked at the boxes and saw two of them contained disposable douches and the other two contained disposable enema kits. There were also several bottles of mineral water in an ice bucket and a dozen wine glasses. After I surveyed the room Jennifer said, "As you can see there is a station for each girl." She steered me to the center makeup table and said, "This will be your station unless you prefer one of the others. Seeing you're new the other girls will have first choice but we've never had a problem with changing tables." "In the bathroom," she told me as she pointed toward a door to the left of the makeup tables. "You'll find a large tub filled with bubbles that the girls love to soak in before getting dressed. But we do ask you to be ready by six thirty so every one is downstairs when our guests start to arrive. Now I must get down stairs before the food arrives. If there is anything you need don't be afraid to ask. If we don't have it we'll have it next time." I looked over the things that were set up on the table. My eyes went immediately to the pair of panties sitting on the table. I instantly saw they had a split crotch and knew they were crotchless so I said just before Jennifer left the room. "Excuse me Mrs. Masters but I can't wear these panties. I need something to hold my penis back between my legs." Jennifer turned smiled and said, "Of course you can dear. You don't have to hide your treasures from us." I didn't think this was right but I really couldn't argue with her. I had brought my own makeup case and my own enema kit with me. I was undecided whether to use their disposable one or mine. I finally decided to use my own seeing I knew what to do with it. After stripping out of my clothes I took the kit and went into the bathroom. I wanted to get my bottom cleaned out before any of the other girls came in. I was still self conscience about giving myself an enema in front of other people. I had just started to fill my bottom when I heard voices in the dressing room. I knew instantly they belonged to April and Buffy the two cheerleader from my old high school. "Come on April I want to get into the tub and relax before I get dressed," I heard Buffy say. Buffy was what you would have expected a girl by that name to be. A complete air head who only graduated because she was a stone fox and I had heard she would put out for just about anyone including a few teachers. April was the brains in that combination though there really wasn't much brain at all. Both girls came into the bathroom as I stood there holding my enema kit. They were both naked and each was holding two enema kits and a douche kit. "I see we didn't get here first this time. You're Sara, the new girl, right?" April asked. I could feel my whole body blush as I turned and said, "Yes and your Buffy and you are April." "Oh don't be embarrassed with us. There are no secrets here. It's kind of like the boy's locker room at school," Buffy told me as she started mixing up her douche before using it. Before I knew it April was using one of the enemas she was caring and Buffy was on the commode using her douche. After I had cleansed my bottom twice and both April and Buffy had cleansed them selves I started for the shower till April said, "You're not taking a bath with us. The best thing about this club is the bubble bath we share." "Are you sure you want me to join you," I asked as I remember how they treated me and the other boys like me in school. April giggled and said, "That's really a silly question. Of course we want you to join us. After all you're one of us now. Come and jump in with us. Amy and Julie should be here soon. Then all five of us would be in the tub together." I couldn't see how three of us could fit in one tub let alone five of us. In fact I couldn't see a tub anywhere in the bathroom we were standing in. April took my hand and led me through a door. Inside that door was a room that had a huge tub in it. It looked like a small square swimming pool that was filed with bubbles. Buffy was the first to step over the side and slide into the tub April followed as she pulled my hand for me to join her. The tub wasn't that deep as it came up only to my chest but the water was quite warm and the fragrance was flowery. April sat next to me with Buffy on the other side of me. With in seconds both girls had a hand resting on my thigh. April was the first to move her hand over and grasp my clit while Buffy's hand went between my legs and grasped my balls. "You can play with us too you know," April told me as she started to stroke my clit. "We use this time to get each other aroused. As for getting off there'll be plenty of that later tonight." I moved my hands to each girl's pussy and started to massage their vaginal lips with the tips of my fingers. Both girls seemed to sigh as they moved their outer legs to give me more room to maneuver my fingers. As my fingers danced on both girls' pussy April said, "I remember you in school. You were one of the smart kids that always sat up front. To me you seemed so smart compared to every one else. I felt sorry for you because you were so small and you got picked on so much." "I remember you too. I always thought you two were really pretty in your cheerleader outfits," I told them. Both girls laughed before Buffy said, "Why do you think we became cheerleaders? We loved walking around school in our uniforms. We knew we were turning every boy on in the school. It sure wasn't for school spirit like every one says. We did to get guys and get laid as often as possible." April squeezed my clit and said, "Buffy and I learned about sex early on. We lost our cherries while we were in seventh grade and haven't looked back since." I was amazed they had started that early. "That's pretty young I didn't even think about sex till I was in high school," I told them. Buffy giggled before saying, "As soon as April started to develop breast we had thought about it. You see April and I have been friends since we were babies. We spent many nights together in the same bed as children. When she started developing breasts it was only natural for us to play with them. One thing led to another and we became lovers." "It was only natural that we then started to wonder what it was like to be with a boy," April told me as she continued the story. "I mean we heard all about fucking and we saw it being done on the TV. We invited a couple boys over to my house one night and had sex with them." "They were as young as we were and they came too soon but it was fun the first time." Buffy told me. "Speak for yourself Buff. If you remember my guy blew his load before he was even in me," April told Buffy with disdain in her voice. Buffy laughed before saying, "I remember all right. I also remember you made him clean you off before you threw him out of the house. The second time was much better for both of us. The guy we choice were older and they lasted a lot longer." "Yea they were, to bad my mother walked in on us," April told her. "Your mother found you with these guys what did she say?" I asked. "At first she told the guys to stop and pull out. She then told them not to move until she came back," April told me as she continued to stroke my clit ever so lightly. "When she came back she gave the guys each a box of condoms and said she was too young to become a grandmother. You want to talk about four stunned kids. We didn't know what to do after that. Eventually the boys left with out doing anything. Hell Buffy's guy lost his hard on and couldn't get it up again for a week or so he said. "After the boys left my mom called Buffy's mom and together they sat us down and told us the facts of life. Two days later we started on the pill and our moms didn't worry about us after that," April told me. They went on to tell me about how their mothers had been waitresses and they had hoped their daughters would follow in their footsteps. They both found out about the club when they turned seventeen. They both wanted to join as soon as they could. After they told me their story I told them mine. They were quite surprised I never had sex till I graduated from high school. They said they were sorry I had missed so much. We continued to fool around with each other for a few minutes more before Amy and Julie came into the room. Both were naked and they quickly slid into the tub with us. Even though I was the only boy in the tub I was still the smallest. Buffy wasn't much bigger than I was. She stood an inch taller but her breasts were smaller by half. Julie was the next tallest standing three inches taller than I was with April an inch taller than she. Amy was the tallest of the five of us though she was only five foot seven or eight. None of us weighed over a hundred pounds. April's breasts were a little bigger than mine, which were smaller than Amy's. Julie had a small B cup though they looked smaller than mine did. Even though Amy had the biggest tits in the tub I thought Julie's breast looked the best. They were perfect in every detail, even her nipples looked perfect. I could tell by the glazed look in every ones eyes that there was plenty of pleasuring going on under the water. I knew my hands were quite busy as was Aprils and Buffy's. I was also sure Amy and Julie was taking full advantage of the warm bath water. Before anyone could actually get off Jennifer came into the bath and told us it was time to get dressed. I was the only one that showed any sign of the excitement. As I was the only one that had an erection. We took showers two at a time together and dried each other off with big fluffy towels before finally going into the dressing room to get ready. All the girls had the same crotchless panties I had though I was the only one that had anything protruding from them. They were actually very pretty, they were black satin with a tiny white lace border that seemed to outline the slit. Where as I normally put my panties on after I did up my stockings and garter with these panties the girls wore them under the garters. I guess they weren't removed during sex. When I put on the corset I had to have one of the girls pull on draw strings to make it tighter. They were all amazed I liked my corset as tight as I could get it. I was really hoping the corset would train my body so I looked like I had a girl's figure with out it. The corset was made of black satin and it had bone inlays to help hold my sides in. There was no bra built into the corset like some of the ones I had. There was a support below my breast and would have held them upright if I needed the support. From what I could see none of the girls in the room needed any support. The dress of the uniform was extremely short. In fact it was so short I could see the tops of my stocking as I stood in front of the mirror. This didn't bother me as all the girl's dresses were as short as mine was. The layers of crinoline below the skirt made the skirt stand out almost horizontally. The top of the dress fit me like a glove thanks to the corset. The neck line was low cut which framed my breasts that seemed to bulge out of the top. There was a zipper in back that I needed help getting zipped up. Before putting on my four and a half inch spiked heels I went to work on my makeup. I put it on extra heavy giving myself a slightly trashy look. I did this seeing the other girls did the same. Unlike the other girls I didn't have to worry about my hair. There really wasn't anything I could do with it seeing it was so short. But I don't mind telling you I was a little jealous watching the other girl changing their hair styles to fit with the mood. Amy and Julie both put their hair in a French braid while April and Buffy did theirs in a tight ponytail. Once my makeup was done I put the tiny hat on my head and held in on with several bobby pins. I put the lace choker with the black ribbon around my neck. Then finally I slipped the shoes on my feet and buckled the two straps around my ankle. As a finishing touch I dabbed perfume on my neck between my breasts on my wrists and behind my knees. Oh yes a little went on my upper thighs just in case. By the time I was done April and Buffy had left the room. Amy came over to stand next to me, as I looked myself over in the mirror. Julie stood on the other side of me before Amy said, "We do look sexy as hell don't we? I could see why the membership wants us to dress like this." "I have to agree with you the three of us look very sexy," I told Amy as she took my hand in hers. "You do know Julie don't you Sara?" Amy asked. "Of course I know her from school," I said. Julie giggled and said, "I don't remember you in school but I do remember Scott. I also don't know you as well as Amy does but I hope we can rectify that in the future." "That's what I meant I knew you as Scott," I told her. "But I would like to know you as Sara." Julie took my other hand and gave it a squeeze. "There are a few things I should tell you before we go down stairs," Amy told me. "First off, try not spilling on to anyone. No one will be mad at you if you do but no one likes a cold drink spilt on him or her. Secondly make sure you flirt with everyone. They'll flirt with you so it should be easy, and third don't take offence if someone slides their hand up your dress." I giggled and said, "I kind of knew all that. I watched what was going on last time and I understand we're like play toys with this crowed." "I guess your right but April didn't like it the first time she served at a meeting," Julie told me as we walked out of the room and down the stairs. "That was until her mom took her to the side and told her to stop being a brat. She said a few other things to her and it must have worked as April quieted down and now loves what she's doing." We walked down the stairs through the entrance hall and in to a back room that was known as the bar. From what I gathered none of the members came into the bar. It was the place the waitresses got their trays filled or got their drinks when a member asked for something other than champagne. Besides the waitresses and the Masters there was only one other person in the bar. The bar tender was a boy like us waitresses who just turned eighteen. He worked for one year like we did as bartender for the same reasons the waitresses worked. Once the party was in full swing he went to the playroom and partied with the rest of us. I learned later he had to be bisexual as he had to entertain men as well as women. He also had to be fairly well endowed. I also learned to get the bartender position a competition was held and the one who could satisfy the most members in a night got the job. You would think this position would go to a jock but it wasn't always the case. As it was this year. I didn't know this at the time of my first night at the club as a waitress. I didn't find this out till a few weeks later. This year's bartender was one of my friends from school. He was really smart as he carried a nine point nine average though all four years. We had been on the debate team together and he was supposed to go to Harvard in the fall. I knew he had high aspiration for politics. To say he was the brightest and the best our school had to offer would not be an exaggeration Before I could say anything to Sam the bartender Amy handed me a glass of champagne as Jennifer and Michael Masters walked into the room. They each took a glass of champagne and raised it in a toasted before Jennifer said, "Ladies and gentlemen to a wonderful and fun filled evening for all of us." After we drank from our glasses Jennifer said, "Seeing it's doesn't look like rain and I doubt any one will be wearing a coat we won't need a cloakroom girl. Sara seeing this is your first night you and Julie will be in the entrance hall first. The other girls can come in once more members start to arrive." As I picked up a tray of filled champagne glasses from the bar Sam gave me a wink. I couldn't help giving him a smile as my face turned bright red with embarrassment. He then smiled back at me as a tiny giggle escaped my lips as I scurried from the room. I was glad I was first in the entrance hall, as I had no idea what I would say to Sam. We had been friends for a long time and now he knew my secret it would make it impossible not turning red as a beet around him. Like I said I didn't know what he went through to get the position of bartender at the time. The members started to arrive almost from the second Julie and I stepped into the entrance hall. In less than ten minutes there were at least twenty couples in the hall. As if on cue, Amy April and Buffy came out holding their trays to start serving. It would not be uncommon to find myself surrounded by several men and women. Almost from the second I offered each a glass I would have someone's hand up my skirt in back as fingers slid between my ass cheeks. My front wasn't invulnerable either as I felt several hands tickle my scrotum or stroke my constantly hard boy clit. It wasn't enough to get me to squirt my sissy cream but I could feel pre-cum oozing out of the tip. I giggled when I watched one man as he pulled his cream covered finger from under my skirt and dip them into his wine glass. I didn't know why April would have found this attention offensive. I loved every minute of it. I could also see why my mother talked so fondly about her time as a waitress. I flirted with the members and they shamelessly flirted back with me. I had returned to the bar several times to get a filled tray but each time there was another waitress all ready there or one followed me in. It wasn't until I had to get a special drink order when I was finally alone with Sam. "Bourbon, with a splash of soda, please," I asked as I placed my half fill tray on the bar. "Anything for you beautiful," he told me as he started to pour the drink. "I wish I knew this side of you while we were in school together. I might have had a date for the prom." Again my face blushed, a deep red as I said, "I would have gone had I know this side of me at the time. I guess you know who I really am then?" Sam smiled and said, "Only because my Dad told me about you. When I saw you at the last meeting I didn't know who you were, but I liked what I saw. Maybe you and I can go out on a date sometime?" "I'd like that but I?m seeing someone right now," I told him. "That's too bad for me." He told me sadly, he passed me the drink I had ordered and I made a quick exit. It wasn't until nine when the door to the playroom open and people started to file in. It was also the time when Stan finally arrived. I had been looking for him for the last hour and I started getting worried. As soon as I saw him at the door being greeted by Jennifer I felt relief fill me. I went to him and said, "A glass of champagne, sir?" Stan chuckled gave me a quick kiss on the lips and said, "How about a glass of scotch instead." "Anything for you sweetheart," I told him as I quickly made my way back to the bar. After getting his drink I found him standing outside the playroom waiting for me. He took the glass I offered and said, "I just got off the phone with the West Coast. I have to fly out first thing in the morning. That means I have to drive back to the city tonight. I can't stay." "I'm sorry to hear that do you want me to change and go with you?" I asked. Stan cupped my head in his left hand and said, "No you stay and enjoy yourself. I already talked to Amy's dad and he'll drive you and Amy back tomorrow or on Monday which ever you girl's want. I should be back at week's end, if not I'll let you know." I could feel tears well up in my eyes as I said, "I'm going to really miss you." "I'm going to miss you to. If you weren't in school already I would have like to take you with me." He told me before he took me into his arms and kissed me deeply. We kissed for a minute or two before he said, "I have to go now I'll call you when I get into LA tomorrow." "If I'm not at the apartment I'll be at my mom's," I told him as I hugged myself tightly to him. A few minutes later he was in his car and driving away. As I stared after him I could feel the tears running out of my eyes. I don't know how long I stood there staring out where I last saw his tail lights. It must have been a while as I heard Jennifer Masters say from behind me. "There you are sweetie. I was beginning to think you left with Stan." This told me she knew about him leaving so I said, "No he told me to stay and enjoy myself, but I really can't." "Well of course you can, He's only going to straighten out a few problems and he'll be back. It's not like he went off to war or anything that drastic. Honey when you're involved with a business man you have to expect this sort of thing from time to time. Now why don't you go up and fix your face then come and join us in the playroom. I know there are quite few people that are waiting patiently for your company." I almost laughed as I couldn't see how anyone could be waiting for me when there were so many other people in there as willing as I was. Finally I told Jennifer I would be in, in a few minutes once I straighten my make up. She kissed my cheek and told me to hurry. It didn't take me long before I was as pretty as I could be. I then went down and walked into the playroom. There really wasn't much light to see by and I tried making my way through the room. But I had no idea where I was going and what I would do once I got there. Thankful those decisions were taken out of my hands. I had only gone about ten feet before someone grabbed my hand and pulled me down on to one of the large leather sofas. Through the dim light I saw it was my friendly police officer Doug. "Hey honey I've been waiting for you?" he told me as he wrapped his arms around my waist." "Are you going to take your night stick to my backside now? I swear I didn't do anything wrong," I told him. "You got that right honey and I'm sure you did something wrong." Doug told me as he rolled me over on to my tummy before he started licking my bottom. It wasn't long before some one else sat on the sofa and I was sucking their cock. Over the next four hours I been fucked by ten or more men and sucked as many cocks. I even licked as many pussies in that time. Around one Amy dragged me into the bathroom and we used disposable enemas and douche kits to clean out our love holes before going back for more. The only thing I couldn't get rid of was the belly full of cum I had swallowed. Around three the party broke up and in the end the only ones left were the five waitresses. Even Sam the bartender left. We made our way upstairs to shower and soak in the tub for a few minutes before we got dressed and went home. I do remember getting home around five in the morning. I do remember changing into a nightie before climbing into bed. I just don't remember putting my head on the pillow. At round noon my mother was shaking me awake telling me Stan was on the phone. After she handed me the phone and left the room to give me privacy I heard Stan ask if I was okay. "I'm fine love it wasn't as bad as the first night though I wish you were here to give me one of your massages like you did last time," I told him sleepily. "I wish I was there too love. Have you decided about when you're going back?" he asked "I totally forgot to ask Amy. I'll call her in a little while. Can I call you on your cell?" I asked. "Yes you can. I'm always available to you on my cell love. Call me when you find out," he told me. We talked for a few more minutes as I told him about the meeting he missed. He then told me he had to go and he would wait for me to call him. I was pretty sure Amy would still be asleep so I didn't call her just yet. Instead I went down to the kitchen to see if there was any coffee left from that morning. I found my mother sitting at the breakfast table reading the paper. "Good morning mom did you just get up?" I asked as I poured myself a cup of coffee. "Yep, now that you're older and you know what I do at the club I can sleep as late as I like. Did Stan say when he'll be back?" "No," I said sorrowfully. "He called from the airport. I need to call Amy about when we'll leave for the city, but I don't want to wake any one there." "We've been invited to a barbecue this afternoon at Lisa and Ted's you can talk to her then. Oh and bring your bikini she has a lovely pool we love to lay around by," my mom said. "Have you been spending time at Lisa's and Ted's?" I asked. "Well we do have a few things in common you know," she told me with a slight defensive tone. I knew my mom and Amy's mom were more than just friends. The smirk on my lips told my mom what I was thinking. She smiled and her face turned a deep red before she said, "Well now you?re gone I have to talk to someone. Whether you want to admit it or not we do have a lot in common. I mean we're both members of the club and we both have sent our only daughter off to college." I realized I might have over stepped my bounds with this so I said, "Mom its okay, I'm glad you have a friend that you can share things with. Now I know you're not completely lonely when I'm not here." My mom relaxed a bit and said, "I'm sorry I don't know why I got so defensive, you knew I was bi and you knew I enjoyed other women." "Of course I do mom and you shouldn't feel guilty at all about it. I mean unless Ted doesn't know about it," I told her. "Oh he knows alright. I've slept with him and her at the same time." My mom told me as the redness of her face returned. "Then no one's cheating on anyone else, there should be nothing you should be embarrassed about," I told her. "Your right honey I shouldn't be, but it's still embarrassing to tell your own daughter," she told me shyly. I knew I couldn't stop her from being embarrassed about her feelings toward Lisa so I changed the subject, sort of. "What time are we going over? I need to stop at Stan's house and pick up my clothes and I would like to leave my car if you don't mind following me there." "Let me shower and get dressed before we go," she told me as she stood to clear the table. I instantly noticed she was only wearing a robe. This was quite unusual for my mother as she always was dressed before. I mean she might have only worn her panties and a top under her robe but she kept it closed. I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised as we saw each other naked at the club. Hell we saw each other having sex at the club too. It didn't take us long to shower and get dressed. We then drove to Stan's house in separate cars. My mom came in to help me pack but there really wasn't much to do, as I hadn't unpacked when we arrived from the city. I did change the bed linen and straighten up the bedroom before leaving. I also check the living room and the kitchen in case the guys made a mess the day before. If they had I didn't see any sign of it. I then packed my belongings in my mom's car before putting my car in Stan's garage. It didn't take us long to get from Stan's house to Amy's house. Though, all the way there my mother was very quiet. This did give me the time to really look at my mother. I had to admit she was still a very beautiful woman. Her hair was still the same dark auburn I always remember. Even at her age I couldn't see a single gray hair. I knew about dying but as far as I knew she never dyed her hair. Seeing she was wearing a short skirt I could see her long legs. They were still as shapely as they have always been and there wasn't the slightest hint of cellulite on her thighs. She had a flat tummy and her breasts seemed to stand on they?re own, though that I really wasn't sure of. I had seen her at the club naked but due to the low light level I couldn't see her too well. I guess I stared at her too long as she said with an agitated tone. "What are you looking at?" I quickly shook my head and said, "I'm sorry I was just admiring how beautiful you look." She said, "Yea right what were you staring at?" "No really I was just thinking how beautiful you look and I was hoping I look as good as you do." I left out the age part by she knew what I meant. At first I could see she didn't believe me but then she smiled because she knew I was telling the truth. I saw her blush once more before she said bashfully. "When I look in the mirror I think I still have it but it's nice when someone else tells you you're beautiful." I must have hit the mark, as she couldn't stop smiling after that. When we arrived at Amy's house my mother went straight to the back instead of knocking on the front door. When we walked in I saw Lisa and Amy lying on chase lounges soaking up the sun. Both their bodies glisten from the tanning oil that covered ever inch of exposed skin. There was an awful lot of exposed skin as neither girl wore a bathing suit. I was actually quite shocked they were sunbathing nude. I looked at my mother and saw her turn a bright red, which told me she had done the same thing a time or two. "Come on girls lets get those clothes off before we lose the sun," Lisa told us once she realized we were in the back yard. "Lisa you told me we were going to wear suits today," my mother said, as she stood frozen on the spot. "Come on Teresa you don't have to be modest around our daughters any longer. Hell we've seen each other naked at the club what's different here. And don't tell me the lighting is better," she told my mother. I had a look around the back yard and saw there was a ten foot high fence that surrounded the pool area. They owned a house on a ten acre lot so there really wasn't any other house close to theirs. There wasn't any way some one could see inside the fence. Once I had checked everything out I started taking off my top. My mother knew she had lost the battle so she started taking her clothes off too. With in seconds I was down to my gaff and was about to peal it off when Lisa asked, "Honey what do you have on? It looks like you don't have a penis any longer." "It's called a gaff. It hides what I don't want anyone seeing. This way I can wear shorts or even a bathing suit. Amy bought it for me," I told her. Lisa gave her daughter a look before telling my mother with a strong country accent. "I see our youngin's have already learned a thing or two in the big city." Every one laughed including my mom, which seemed to break the tension in her. Soon after she was as naked as the rest of us as Lisa rubbed tanning oil on her. I really didn't pay much attention seeing Amy was spreading tanning oil on me. Amy made sure my genitals were covered as well as my breast. Once I was completely coated with the oil Amy and I laid side by side on a wide chase lounge. It was big enough so we could fit comfortably. When I looked to where my mother had gone I saw she and Lisa was also sharing a lounge chair. I had no idea where Ted was seeing he wasn't out by the pool. We lay quietly on our backs for about twenty minutes then together we rolled onto our tummies as Amy asked, "When do you want to go back to the city?" "I would like to stay the extra day but we have a test on Tuesday and I left my books at the apartment," I told her. Amy giggled and said, "Me too I thought we could study together in the apartment tomorrow. I guess my mom's right about me putting things off, but honestly I doubt I would have gotten much studying done around here." "I feel the same way especially with having a meeting last night. I doubt I could study today if I wanted too," I told her. "Good I think my father will be happy too. Several times he mentioned the traffic he would run into tomorrow. Come on lets go tell him the good news." We got up and went into the house. We found Ted sitting in the living room watching a baseball game on TV. I wasn't surprised to see him sitting on a recliner in the nude. What did surprise me was when Amy sat on his lap and cuddled up to him before saying, "Daddy Sara and I talked it over and we'd like to go back tonight. We have a test on Tuesday and we need to study." Ted's gave his daughter's left breast a gentle squeeze before he said, "Okay honey, tell your mom and see if she wants to ride with me. We'll leave after six if you two are ready." "Thanks Daddy I'll ask mom and Sara's mom it they want to go," she told him as they kissed each other on the lips. After we left the room and walked down the hall to Amy's room I asked, "Are you guys always so intimate with each other?" Amy giggled and said, "Well it's not like were having sex but yes we touch each other intimately all the time. When my mom and I hug each other we let our breasts touch. My dad caresses my breast on occasion and I caress his cock once in awhile. I know some people would say it is incest but we don't see it that way, we're just caressing each other." I thought this was odd but I wasn't going to question it. I mean they seemed like a loving family and if they were comfortable with this level of intimacy who was I to judge them. When we walked into Amy's bedroom she said, "There something I need you to do for me." Amy picked up the butt plug I had put in her earlier in the week and said, "Would you please put this back in me? I took it out before I went to the club yesterday. I didn't want anyone finding it in me until I was ready to have anal sex with them." "You shouldn't need my help with that. You shouldn't feel any pain after this long," I told her. Amy smiled down at me and said, "Silly I've been taking it out and putting it in all week without pain. I just like the way you put it in me." You could imagine how stupid I felt at this point. I could feel the blush cover my entire body as I told Amy to get on the bed on her hands and knees. Amy quickly jumped to my command as I followed her with the butt plug and a bottle of anal lube. I made sure to lick her bottom for a long time before I started using my fingers. I could tell instantly Amy wasn't near as tight as she had been earlier. Also she wasn't as scared this time, but I still took my time and made it a very enjoyable time for her. When I first started licking her pussy I could taste the coconut butter tanning oil that she used. It was actually a very enjoyable taste and the smell was wonderful. That combined with the smell of her secretions I was in heaven. I could barely remember I was supposed to put in the butt plug while I was licking her love nest. How many orgasms she had I couldn't tell you though I know I could have drowned in the fluid that poured from her hole. But I would have to admit I would have loved to drown in it. Amy was the one who stopped us as she finally pulled away. As she lay on her side I moved up and wrapped my arms around her. We kissed a few times before she said, "I just love when you do that to me," I told her I loved doing it to her. "I could see why, you showered her in pussy juice," we heard from the doorway. When we looked up to see who had spoke I saw it was Julie. She was still wearing her shorts but she was missing her top. Amy held out her hand and said, "Come here and give us a kiss." Julie pulled off her shorts and panties as she made her way across the bedroom. She lay down on the bed with me in the middle then leaned over me and kissed Amy very passionately. After a long kiss she turned to me and kissed me just as passionately as she had kissed Amy. After Julie kissed me she lay on her side next to me with her head propped up on her hand and said, "I guess sis wasn't lying when she said you've been keeping her entertained while she was away. I have to say I'm very jealous I miss her dearly." Amy laughed and said, "I've heard you've been keeping yourself entertained with our mother and father while I've been away." "That doesn't count seeing I was fucking them before you left." Julie told her before she stuck out her tongue at Amy. "You have someone new and I don't." Julie told Amy with a pout. "That's not what I heard Julie. I've heard you have gotten to be wonderful friends with Sara's mom too," Amy told her. Amy then looked at me and saw the shock on my face. She covered her mouth with her hand and said, "Oh god you didn't know." I quickly got over my shock and told Amy. "It's okay it was just a surprise was all. I was just as surprise as I was then I found out your mom and my mom where having sex together outside the club." Julie giggled and said, "Be prepared for another surprise. She has also been with my mother and father." I couldn't believe this was the same woman I grew up with. As far as I knew she had been so virtuous and now that I have grown she has finally let go. She had finally opened herself up to let others into her life. Part of me was jealous but a stronger part of me was happy for her. She had given up so much to raise me and she was entitled to find some happiness. After both girls saw I was okay with my mother's new found love for sex Julie said, "Speaking of mom and dad, where are they? I have an itch only Daddy can scratch." "Dad was in the living room watching a Ball game and mom was out on the patio with Sara's mom," Amy told her. "You girls have fun I going to find daddy." Julie said as she got off the bed. She didn't even bother putting on her clothes again as they remained on the floor after she left. I was very confused with the way they were talking. Finally I asked, "How come she calls your parents mom and dad?" "We both call each other's parents, mom and dad," she told me as she laid her head on my shoulder and started to stroke my boy clit. "We have since we were little. Our parents spent a lot of time together when we were growing up and since Julie called her mom and dad I just naturally did too. When we're out in public we call them by the first name but when were in the house and alone with them we call them mom and dad." That made sense but I had to ask. "I gather Julie has had sex with your mom and dad does that mean you have had sex with her parents?" Amy looked at me for a few seconds as if she was making her mind up about something before she said, "I can trust you with a secret can't I? What I'm about to tell you could get our parents into a lot of trouble." After I promised I wouldn't tell anyone she said, "When I was sixteen and sexually active I had sex with Julie's dad for the first time. I found out later that Julie had been with my dad before I was with her dad." "My parents were out of town for a few days and I was staying with Steve and Angela, Julie's parents while they were gone. I had been out with a friend and Julie had to go shopping with her mom. When I came home, Steve was alone in the house. He was watching a movie on TV and as was usual I took my clothes off and sat on the couch with him. "I really don't think Steve meant anything to happen but before either of us knew it I was cuddled up to him and I was caressing his cock. I had done this quite often, as did Julie to my dad, but this time Steve got an erection. He told me we should stop but I couldn't. I reached up with my lips and kissed him. It started out very simple but before either of us knew it the kiss had turned very romantic. "I had been very excited and I'm sure when our naked bodies rubbed together it became too much for Steve. Though he told me we should stop he didn't sound like he really wanted me too. When I took his manly cock in my mouth he stopped telling we should stop. "Before he blew his load in my mouth he pulled me off his cock. He looked into my eyes and told me if we're going to do this lets do it right. He picked me up and carried me into his bedroom. He made love to me on the bed he and his wife shared. "Like I said before I had been with boys and girls before so I knew the score at least I thought I knew the score. When Steve made love to me that first time it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I never had an orgasm with a boy before, but I had several that day. In fact by the time his cock filled my pussy with cum I was a quivering mass. After he pulled his cock out of me and when he tried to touch me I shook like I was still cumin. I also moaned like I was in pain. It was at this time Julie and Angela decided to come home. "Poor Steve though he traumatized me or hurt me some how. When he heard Angela come home he jumped off the bed and quickly went to her to tell her what had happen. By the time Angela came into the bedroom I had come down from my orgasmic high and I quickly became scared. I mean I was in bed with Angela's husband surly she would be mad at me. "Angela came over to the bed and sat down next to me. I'm sure she saw the fright in my eyes. She ran her hand through my hair and said, "Honey Steve told me what happen he's worried he hurt you. Are you okay is there anything I can get you?" To say I was confused would be an understatement. "I mean there I was lying on her bed and I had just made love to her husband and she was asking me if I was alright. In my confused state all I could think to say was. "He told you what we did is he nuts." Angela laughed and said, "Of course dear Steve and I do not have secrets from each other. He knows he can have sex with whom he pleases and I know the same. We have what people call an open marriage. Now please sweetheart tell me how you feel Steve is really worried he hurt you." "No he didn't hurt me at all it was the best thing I ever felt. I mean I had no idea it could be that good. I told her. Angela pulled me into her arms and said, "He is a wonderful lover isn't he, though we now have a problem." When I asked her what the problem was she said. You have to understand Steve could get into a lot of trouble if it became known that he had sex with you. Regardless of how grown up you think you are, you are still a minor. And he could get arrested and put into jail for it. "I would never tell any one this happen I wouldn't want Steve to go to jail," I told her, but then I asked, "Seeing you have an open marriage do you think he can make love to me again some time?" "Angela laughed before saying, "I think that can be arranged but next time I get to join in. I know my two daughters are lovers so having me in bed with you and Steve should be okay right? "I hugged Angela to me and said. Definitely all right mom I can't think of any one I would want to share Steve with more than you. "We kissed and hugged each other for a few minutes before she slapped my bottom and said. ?Okay baby get your pretty little ass off my bed and into the shower. If I know Steve as well as I think I do you're dripping all over my sheets. "She was right of course so I took a shower and helped Angela remake the bed. As we left the bedroom she wrapped her arm around my waist and said, "Make sure you give Steve a big hug and kiss to let him know every thing is alright. He was really scared he hurt you. "I did just that and I also whispered in his ear that I looking forward to the next time he made love to me. Julie already knew what had happen as her father told her and her mother at the same time. That was the day she told me my parents and her had been making love for a few months and of course Julie's parents knew from the first day as mine did once they got back from their trip." I was amazed by what I had been told but it didn't seem all that improbable. All I could think to ask Amy was. "Are both your families naked all the time?" Amy giggled and said, "Not when it's cold out silly, but when it's warm definitely." To change the subject she said. Now I think it's time to lick your pretty." Why she decided to call my clit a pretty I have no idea but from that day forward, she always called it that. After Amy sucked me off and after I told her not to swallow we kissed and shared my sperm. She had never done that before but after that day anytime she sucked me we shared it. She thought that was special and loved that I wanted to share it with her. We were then called to dinner, which we ate out by the pool. Julie's parents had also come over and we had a wonderful time. I was sorry when Ted said it was time to leave I really didn't want it to end. My mother and Amy's mother rode with us to the city. Once there I invited every one up for coffee before they had to ride back. I could tell that my mother and Lisa where impressed with Stan's apartment. They only stayed an hour before leaving for home. Once they were gone Amy and I showered together then sat on the sofa to watch TV. It was the first time I ever sat naked in Stan's apartment. Amy and I had done this often after this but for some reason when Stan was home I felt like I had to wear a nightgown. I know I felt prettier in a night gown then I did naked. Once we settled down Amy said, "This afternoon my mother asked me a question. At first I thought she was being silly but I guess she really wasn't. She wanted to know if you and I every made love together." I laughed and said "Of course we have what was she thinking?" "That's what I thought too and told her as much, but she was talking about intercourse. I laughed and told her that was absurd we were two girls. Then my mom laughed and didn't say anything else. Now that I think about it we could do that. I mean you do have penis even though you look so much like a girl. We could fuck if you want to." I realized Amy was serious now so I asked, "How do you feel about that?" Amy though for a minute and said, "Julie and I only used our hands and our mouths when we made love. We never used any dildos or vibrators. We liked it that way. If we wanted cock we could get one but when we were together we didn't need one. Now I realize you're different, you have a penis we could use and its still part of us. So if you like I would like to try it sometime just to see." That night we made love and I used my boy clit on her, She told me she enjoyed it but I wasn't sure. She was used to having bigger cock then what I could give her. But she did like that I licked her pussy after I fucked her and I think that was why she asked me the next night to fuck her again. The next morning she asked me to put in a larger butt plug, but first she wanted me to be the first person to fuck her bottom. I felt privileged to be the first and thanks to the abundance of sex I had over the last few days I felt I lasted long enough to do her justice. Thanks to the fact I stroked her clit with my finger Amy came several times before I filled her with sperm. I then made sure to lick her bung hole clean before I started licking her pussy. Amy was almost in a catatonic state by the time I seated the new larger butt plug in her bottom. During the week we became inseparable. We cleaned together showered and dressed together. We cooked our meals and studied together. But on Thursday night Stan came home. Without being told Amy moved her clothes to the spare bedroom and for the next three months that was where she lived. It was Stan's idea to have her move in with us. First off he didn't like the idea she was living alone. Secondly he liked the idea I would have someone when he had to leave town. And having her lovely body near by was always an added plus. She only went back to the Master's apartment to get the rest of her belongings. And that was the last time till Julie moved in, in September when she started school. Julie and Amy lived at the Master's apartment even though, both girls became regular visitors and bed partners with Stan and I during the school year. Stan took his vacations to coincide with my school schedule. During Christmas break we went and stayed with my mother and aunt in Florida. I'm not sure how much rest he got as my aunt made him feel right at home in her bed. I learned later that my mother also had sex with him. I think that was why Sandy or my aunt made sure to take me shopping almost every day. During spring break Stan took me to Paris, which I loved seeing I had Stan all to myself for two weeks. We visited all the places of interest, but the only thing I was interested in was our bedroom. In early June a new crop of waitresses were initialed into the club. This time there was only four and none of them were Transsexual. Once all four had gone through their night of initiation the former waitresses were retired. It was a closed ceremony where our uniforms were removed and we were given new Gore Vidal gowns to wear. Women only attended the ceremony. It wasn't until the rings were put on our right pinky finger that I realized who was in attendance. There was twenty or so woman present and each wore the same ring I was given. As soon as the ring was placed on my pinky I realized it was the same ring I saw my mother wear my entire life. The gold ring with the two caret marquee cut diamond was the very same ring my mother wore. The same ring each woman in attendance that day wore. We were all former party girls. I felt a kinship with these women and they felt the same kinship. It wasn't every girl who could proudly wear the former party girl ring. Only those who chose to serve and pleasure. And I was the only transsexual to ever wear one. It was a happy day because we were now members of the club, but it was also a sad day. No longer would we be the center of attention. No longer would men and women surround me, as I held my tray of wine glasses as the members' hands slipped under my skirt to caress my bottom or my treasures as my genitals had been referred to for the past year. My mother understood my sadness as she said, "I know honey it's a sad day but in the future you will look back fondly on your time as a party girl and no matter what happens in you life no one can take that away from you." I wasn't sure how that was supposed to help but I put on a happy face and thanked her. Over the next three years Julie Amy and myself remained friend, lovers and study partners. For the most part we did every thing together. And we had almost the same classes thanks to Amy's uncle. We didn't attend school every summer but we did it twice and Julie once on her own so she could catch up with Amy and I. As for Stan he got all the sex he ever wanted. I started thinking he went on business trips more often just so he could get away from the three of us. But his love for me never died. My love for him never died either. I loved him as much the day I graduated as I ever did. In fact after graduation I went to work for him. At first it was as his girl Friday, later as a department head and recently as a vice president. I go everywhere he goes on business. And yes we mix pleasure with business all the time. Julie and Amy have both been very successful as well. They landed great jobs thanks to our connection with club as promised. They even have steady boyfriends that are also members of the club so they don't have to hide their wanton sexual appetite. As for Sam he went off to Harvard a year later. He wanted to get his obligation to the club out of the way first. We never went on a date even though Stan said I could, but we have shared many sexual trysts. He is now working for the current administration in Washington. If they knew his sexual preference or his affiliation to the club I'm sure he wouldn't last long. After reading this you are probable wondering why I'm remembering all this. Like I said in the beginning, it's the important things you remember on special days. Well this is my special day a day every girl wants. This is the day I will become Mrs. Stanford Franklin. We will be married at the club's mansion. There will be well over three hundred guests. I would have been happy with a justice of the peace but the club's membership insisted we get married at the club. They said its not often their members get married and they wanted it done right. After a year of planning the happy day is finally here. Oh in case someone wants to know, there will be no orgy after the ceremony. Well at least not involving Stan and I. And the members are only allowed to kiss the bride until we get back from our honeymoon.

Same as Sara 7 Videos

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It was a typical Los Angeles winter night. Raining and cold, Sara looked out at the rain-soaked streets, knowing that she would have to work tonight, rain or not. She walked out of her apartment to the corner and caught the bus 10 minutes later heading off for another night of work. Her new day job was only good for minimum wage and 20 hours a week, so she still needed her night job to make ends meet.She got to her normal area and got off. She then started her normal night work, walking two...

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I met Sara through an adult personals website. I had originally posted my ad on a night I was home alone d***k and horny. So I was surprised , a month later, when I got an email. Sara lived in the same town as me, so we met on her college campus on a Friday afternoon. Initially I was disappointed in her appearance. Sara was 5’5′, kind of chubby/stocky build, small tits, short hair, average looking at best….she looked like a brick …having no distinguishable waist line. She dressed like a tomboy....

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I met Sara through an adult personals website. I had originally posted my ad on a night I was home alone drunk and horny. So I was surprised , a month later, when I got an email. Sara lived in the same town as me, so we met on her college campus on a Friday afternoon. Initially I was disappointed in her appearance. Sara was 5'5", kind of chubby/stocky build, small tits, short hair, average looking at best....she looked like a brick ...having no distinguishable waist line. She dressed like a...

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It was a typical Los Angeles winter night. Raining and cold, Sara looked out at the rain-soaked streets, knowing that she would have to work tonight, rain or not. She walked out of her apartment to the corner and caught the bus 10 minutes later heading off for another night of work. Her new day job was only good for minimum wage and 20 hours a week, so she still needed her night job to make ends meet. She got to her normal area and got off. She then started her normal night work, walking two...

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   I couldn’t get the thought of her out of my head. So was so beautiful to me. She had long black hair. I wondered what it would feel like running my fingers through it. Sara also had the darkest blue eyes I had ever seen. If I looked in them too long I felt I would lose myself.    Her body was just perfect. I am about 5’7 and she was just an inch or two taller than me. She had long legs that always seem to have a tan. Her breasts were about the same size as mine as far as I could tell. A...

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My name is Sara and I like porn. I like porn for men, the real smut, no germ-free high-gloss productions. Only that turns me on. I like deep throat and gangbangs, slaps and humiliations, big breasts and anal scenes. Nothing is more erotic than a woman who gives everything without being boring and perfect. I hate fake excitement. Gargling and bubbling it should, the saliva must flow and the eyes can be in tears.And of course, I love to see cocks. Cocks that are getting rubbed, that slip through...

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   I couldn’t get the thought of her out of my head. So was so beautiful to me. She had long black hair. I wondered what it would feel like running my fingers through it. Sara also had the darkest blue eyes I had ever seen. If I looked in them too long I felt I would lose myself.    Her body was just perfect. I am about 5’7 and she was just an inch or two taller than me. She had long legs that always seem to have a tan. Her breasts were about the same size as mine as far as I could tell. A...

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The feeling in the pit of his stomach grew more intense as he neared the clearing. He was early - he'd been waiting for this moment for years, in a way - and he was far too scared, too exhilarated, to be late. He was at the clearing now. It was around 15 metres wide, with thick tufty grass covering its floor. Taking a crumpled packet of cheap cigarettes from his pocket, he found he was shaking slightly in fear. The rain put paid to any efforts to light one, though, so he shoved them back...

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No narration, I hope. One I wrote a while back and need some urge to continue - I have a second chapter but it needs work. I'm hoping that posting stories once more gives me a reason to write again. Callie ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The clicking and clunking of the letterbox and the slapping of envelopes onto the floor was the signal for Katy to peel away from the chair and run into the hall, immediately followed by Mr. Jangles,...

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Saradas is one of those sites that caught me a little bit off guard because I didn’t immediately understand the name. I’ve reviewed countless porn sites with nonsensical, unfamiliar or foreign names that just turned out to be your typical free tubes stocked with your typical dirty movies. Maybe it’s just because free tubes are the dominant format for free adult sites, but that’s honestly what I expected here, perhaps with a South American twist. Turns out I was way off, which I would have known...

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Welcome to, or, whichever one you prefer because they both lead you to the same place for Pinay sex scandals or Pinoy sex videos. What is this place all about? Well, it’s a website where people post some of the best amateur porn and scandals that arise in the Pinay sphere. You better believe that there’s a lot of kinky and sexy stuff going on here so strap up and get ready for a ride that you’re going to remember. Maybe because you enjoyed it or maybe because you...

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Sarada Hentai! Do you crave a fuck load of hentai that you can get off to? Then you probably love reading hentai issues and watching hentai videos. But what if you want something a little more unique? Such as hentai photo galleries designed to get a mother fucker like you hot and sweaty?Then you need to check out Sarada Hentai. Here, you will find a wide array of hentai content that is certain to make you get off time and again. With so many pages of content to choose from, where in the hell...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Sarah By Sissie Maid Cuckold FOR SARAH "What wrong honey?" "I don't know I guess I am tired." "But it's not like you to no be able to get it up." "I know Pam. I just don't know, maybe its stress, works not going so good." "Hey, I know, Audrey at work said her husband had some issues and she did this..." Pam took hold of her silky nighty and wrapped it around Brenden's cock. She could instantly feel it grow. She smiled at him and said, "It worked, it worked just like...

1 year ago
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Chapter 1 I had just come home after an extraordinarily hectic day at work. It was Friday, and this was the last day of school for the summer. I am a mechanic at a very busy shop. It seemed like everybody was going somewhere for the summer and they needed their cars fixed, yesterday. I was swamped all day. I didn't even get a lunch break, which I was really feeling because I had skipped breakfast that morning as well. I had just kicked off my shoes and was starting to get undressed for my...

4 years ago
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Sarah was a raving beauty and I had lusted after her from the very first day she came to work for me. Jet black hair that hung down to the middle of her back; 36 C cup breasts on a five foot five frame that probably was carrying about a hundred and twenty-five pounds and with an ass to die for. I would call her in the office and give her some meaningless, trivial task just so I could watch her ass as she walked out of the room. Sarah only had one major flaw; she was married (women that nice...

2 years ago
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“Hands up, chin down!” my voice booms through the boxing club. I have barked out these words a million times. Instructions that were also barked out at me a million times by my coach, for the first few years of my training when I was a teenager. Three loud electronic buzzes signal the end of the training session. “Good work ladies and gentlemen. See you at the next class,” I announce, dismissing the class. I am fifty four years old. Outside of work, I train and teach at my friend’s boxing club...

Oral Sex
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My name is Steve Johnston. I’m 57 years old, 6’3”, athletic and still have most of my hair. I run my own computer consulting firm. My income is more than adequate for my needs and my ongoing investments assure me a comfortable retirement. I own a home in a nice community just outside of a college town. You might think that this would lead to some fantastic sexual adventures but my needs are met by some good friends a few nights and weekends a month. All things are subject to change and it...

1 year ago
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She has always made a joke of it. "We met in a church," she would say. And people who know us would do a double take. "In a church?" And of course, it was almost true. You see, in our quaint little midwestern town there was an old church building which had been empty for many years. About 15 years ago a fellow with some interesting business ideas purchased the building and opened a musical instrument store at the back of the former sanctuary and a performance music hall in the former...

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What some of you already know or don't know, before I started my first real job, I studied one year at a local university. Unsuccesful cause I partied to much and I didn't want to study, so I quitted after a year. But in that first year I met somebody very interesting and somebody I still like very much to this very same day. And that's what this story is about, or should I say who : Sarah. The people who have read my previous erotic stories, know that I have had lesbian sex with a girl...

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DADDIES GIRL My 16 year old daughter Sarah is beautiful just an angel, long blonde hair, deep blue eyes and was just as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside. I had divorced from her mum when she 8 and we had always been very close, so much so she had chosen to come live with me when she was 11. I had no problem with it, she never got on well with her mother they always argued, anyway I loved having live with me, her company was amazing and I watched her grow into a beautiful...

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I stared at my daughter, shocked by what she had just told me. “Your brother fucked you!?” She had come to me quietly, timidly but she wanted to tell what had been going on in my own home for two years, “Yes, I think he raped me but I’m not sure anymore.” Now that her brother was out of the house she felt she could talk to me, “What the hell do you mean you’re not sure? Did he rape you or not, that should be pretty easy to figure out. Either you let him or he forced you, which was it?” Nate,...

2 years ago
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Sarah By Christie Angenieux (c)2000 Vanity Press "I want to you to maid for me tonight." "What?" "I said I want you to maid for my party tonight. Some of my friends are coming over with their husbands and I think it would be a great opportunity for you to open up." The thought was arousing, but I didn't think I could go through with it. "I'm not sure...I..." "Didn't you tell me that you felt all alone when you dressed and that you wished other people knew and would accept...

3 years ago
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Several summers ago I was a waitress at a restaurant down in the outer banks. The restaurant was very popular but had a horrible staff. I worked with mostly women who had been there for years and bsically had the run of the place. The owner hired me at the last second when one of the girls quit without notice. I had never waitressed before, and my new co workers weren't shy about openly displaying their resentment towards me. I was "accidently" tripped while carrying trays and routinely talked...

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My Senior Prom was almost a bust. Three days before, my girlfriend had called to say that she was very sick and probably wouldn't be able to go. "Shit," I thought, "Only three days to find someone else good enough to go with?" Fortunately, my school posted a list of all the students going to prom--including whether or not they were going stag. I ran my finger down the "date" column, stopping at the blank spaces to check out their names. "Karen Stiller. No wonder she's going alone."...

1 year ago
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I told this story to a friend last night. I had forgotten all about it. On my way home it all came flooding back into my head. I have to tell this story. It happened in Great Neck, Long Island, New York in the summer of 1962. These were pre-disease days. I was 30. Her name is Sarah Weingold. She was 22. I was working for a credit card company and our office building was next to what today would be called a Strip Mall. There were only five or six businesses in this mall. Sarah’s father had a...

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Dinner I asked her? No sex 1st, then we’ll eat. I wanted to screw her from the moment I saw her, but this was a bit more forthright that I expected. We had been working together on the training course all day and had just got to the hotel. Well, you have been eyeing me up all day, sizing me up, trying to look down my blouse, so why waste time? Hell she was definitely my type of woman. Well in that case, my room or yours? I asked Yours she said firmly and headed to the elevator. We were on the...

1 year ago
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This is truly what you would call paradise. There were so many beautiful girls and since it was always really hot here they went around pretty much nude. We were what some would call stranded. We all lived on little huts on the edge of a small lake in the centre of an island. I sat on the beach, it was getting late. I looked around to see what girls were still had not gone to bed. I stared in amazment as I found a hot chick named Sarah still sitting on a log across from me. I walked over to her...

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Nerves and anxiety were at an all time high… It was 6pm and I was stood propping up the bar in a strange place I'd never been in and had already had a couple of Gins to calm my nerves, yet my palms were still sweaty and legs were like jelly. But then “she” walked in… And I'm not exaggerating when I say everyone in the place turned to look at her. Her name was Sarah and we had been talking online for over a year and finally the stars had aligned and we had agreed to meet. My first thoughts were...

1 year ago
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I sat alone in the back of the small, yet oh so exclusive suburban church and watched the proceedings as only an outsider can watch. I had no part in the funeral services although my heart would be buried in the grave along with my beloved. It was difficult to concentrate on the words of the unctuous, self-important minister as he extolled the virtues of a woman he had never met in an orator's voice that held no sincerity. The half listened to drone of his words flowed over me. My own...

1 year ago
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I was at a national convention in D.C. The convention was in its 3rd day and it lasted 7. They bused us from the convention hall to our hotel every day. This got to be a hassle some times, because you had to wait and wait sometimes. On this day, i had become separated from my friends and stood alone waiting for the next bus. It finally came and i got a window seat. Five minutes later, a huge black woman got on and sat down next to me. She said hello, and i returned the greeting. She...

3 years ago
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If you like images to go with your story you can click for the illustrated version of this SARAH in the comments below. Enjoy...The greatest thing about my lover, Joe, is his cock. I just love it. It's so fat and hard and muscular, I love holding it, I love stroking it, I love kissing it, I love sucking it, I love feeling it between my tits, I love feeling it filling my arse-hole, I love feeling it filling my pussy.I'm 26, with long straight brown hair, and brown eyes. People have always called...

4 years ago
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Als Sarah erwacht, liegt sie in einer dunklen einsamen Gasse. Sie rappelt sich mühsam auf und sieht sich um. Die schäbigen Häuserfassaden auf beiden Seiten sind so hoch, dass der Himmel darüber nicht mehr zu erkennen war und das Tageslicht gänzlich verschluckt wird. Vielleicht ist es auch gerade Nacht. Das einzige spärliche Licht kommt von vereinzelten Lampen über den Häusereingängen. Doch die meisten sind zerschlagen oder sehen so aus als ob sie schon seit Jahren nicht mehr gebrannt hätten....

2 years ago
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“Hands up, chin down!” my voice booms through the boxing club. I have barked out these words a million times. Instructions that were also barked out at me a million times by my coach, for the first few years of my training when I was a teenager. Three loud electronic buzzes signal the end of the training session. “Good work ladies and gentlemen. See you at the next class,” I announce, dismissing the class. I am fifty four years old. Outside of work, I train and teach at my friend’s boxing...

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My phone is going off and when I look, it’s my husband texting me. He doesn’t even bother to call. He says he is going to be home late from work again. I just finished putting dinner on the table.I sit there and eat alone, having a glass of dark red wine. I know he’s fucking someone now. I take off my pants and start fingering my pussy as I finish eating alone. That bastard.It is a couple of hours later when I hear him come in the door. The food has been in the refrigerator for a while. I am...

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The Dress Shop Part Three

CHAPTER SEVEN THE FIRST DAY After overhearing the conversation yesterday, I was more nervous than ever. Since the conversation, Beth hadn't even eluded to it. That morning, however, Beth seemed worried too. It was clear she knew that the placement at Amy's dress shop could lead to some big freelancing contracts down the line with her magazine. And a permanent job for me. I also think she thought her reputation was on the line. Beth was sitting on the sofa, fiddling with the hem of...

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Ted Emily

Emily, 19, studied her outfit in the bathroom mirror. She was wearing a tight-fitting, lace, black, baby doll, the hem of it barely covering her bottom. The top of it held her small breasts beautifully, awarding anyone who looked at them to see the fleshy, proud swelling of the tops of her creamy white breasts. Walking closer to the mirror, she took her makeup out and leaned in close to her reflection, very delicately, meticulously applying her lipstick. She then took out her eye shadow compact...

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Last Kiss

My sixteen years hadn't prepared me for Jenna's question. The answer was stuck in my gut and wouldn't pass through my parched mouth. I licked my lips. I did it again. It was a simple question. "Well?" she asked. Her eyes were hypnotic. Two big pools of brown that penetrated my soul, weakened my knees, and melted my heart. "Huh?" Somehow I managed to squeak that out. Sitting under the bleachers of the school's empty football field, the word that was so hard to get out was almost lost...

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My Wife Mallory and I Move To Alabama PT2

When my wife Mallory woke up from her name after she learned how Juba wanted her to help clean her ex husband cletus she glowingly got out of bed. It was like she was rejuvenated and full of life. “Mal can we talk about what Juba has you doing at work and what happened today ?” I asked “Sure babe . Oh my god I’m starving” Mal replied “Yea I just don’t think I like that job Juba has you doing . “ I confided “It’s certain a tough job I don’t know how to do it or even what I’m doing . Like I have...

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After her birthday, Brit spent most of her free time in the studio. Within a couple of weeks, she had the walls covered with her drawings, and sketches all over her desks. Jeff taught her how to scan her drawings into the computer and keep track of them in a database. He was amazed at how talented she had become in the last couple of years. Walking into the studio was like walking into a fantasy world; he found himself suddenly surrounded by fairies and unicorns and magical landscapes of all...

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Dipping My Toes In The Lesbian Pool

Looking back, I can see how this all happened. At the time, I didn't realize what was taking place. Not that I'm complaining right now. It's that I thought I was an observant person. I'd strained ligaments in my left ankle while running. I'd jumped off a curb, my foot landing on a small rock that blended in with the asphalt. I went down in the middle of the street, uttering words I usually don't use. I think I scared the kids playing a couple of doors down because they all stopped to gawk at...

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ANNIE'S STORYAT THE DEALERSHIPAfter that, I became Matt's cum slut. I could not get enough of his cock. I loved him and told him so. Matt reciprocated. Matt and I talked on the phone everyday. I would tell him how horny I was and he would call me his dirty little slut. I would play with my cunt and tell him what I was doing. This always got him hard. I started dropping by the dealership after 6 when just Todd and Matt were working. Matt's office was right next to the main showroom window...

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Becoming an Egirl Part VIII

Author's Note: this is a fan made continuation of the original 2 part story written by the brilliant and beautiful Ashley barron, and a continuation of Mystery Girl's continuation of Ashley's original 2- parter series. Please follow Ashley on her on Twitter or Instagram (@AlsoAshleyB), Tumblr (AlsoAshley), Reddit (AlsoAshley) and as always, you can find all her modeling stuff on Patreon ( and OnlyFans ( The original concepts are all her's...

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The Pet

The PetThe last things I remember in my life were his arms, grabbing me from behind and covering my mouth; the darkness of the street, the quick and sharp pain in my neck. Everything that came after can’t be referred to as life. But it’s not a death either, unfortunately. There’s too much sounds and smells surrounding me for that. Too much sensations. But then again, this could be real hell, which is opposite of heaven. Who knows.I remember my first day in this hell. How I woke up and opened my...

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Saturday 11th July The girls locked the bathroom door behind them, and looked at each other conspiratorially. Lauren was aware that Nikki wanted to play with her brother’s cock, and had no real objections, but she found it difficult to commit to being a part of the frolicking. Perhaps she would just watch. She assumed that Mike would have no objections to that. She reached behind and undid her top, letting it fall to the floor. It was still damp and had made her nipples firm without being...

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Jamaican Man Sucks His Sisters Pussy

I am from the island of Jamaica in the Caribbean. It is a tropical paradise known for its balmy sunshine and natural beauty. The local populations live carefree lifestyles, dancing to reggae music and swimming in the clear, warm waters off palm shaded, white-sand beaches. Yet, after all their liberal lifestyles, pussy eating is tabooed in my country where the religion of Rastafarianism predominates. In that belief-system, the purpose of sex is regarded more for its procreation value than for...

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The night Larry watched me fuck April from 8 feet

The night Larry watched me and April fuck from 8 feet away. This story is an odd one no doubt, but it really happened. Like so many other nights, my roommate Larry was "asleep" on the couch when I got home from my shift at the bar. It was his go to spot for not only helping me usher the various girls I brought home down to my bedroom faster, but as the place he had to be to not only hit record, but also to watch the action go down if he chose to on the TV. Something he nearly always did. For...

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The BraceletChapter 13

Well I had a fun, fantastic night and morning with the girls. Just a mention of Pam or Stephen made Lorraine cum. We knew where her mindset was. Pam came around after lunch looking well and truly stuffed, however you could not remove the smile from her. Pam was beaming her sexual awaking. We sat, with drinks, on the lounge when Pam started with her afternoon. “Stephen came around exactly at 1:30pm. I opened the door and instructed him to follow me. I took him into my bedroom and pulled back...

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The Horse of Another Color

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Harry Potter And That Need

Harry grinned in spite of his present discomfort. It was quite nice actually to be awakened from a particularly vivid dream and have to deal with an ache in his groin, rather than the usual pain on his forehead and the burn of his scar caused by his frequent nightmares. Instead of the slitted red eyes of Lord Voldemort, his dreams now were often filled with visions of a fiery redhead, and the salty-sweet taste of their first kiss in the common room after the last Quidditch match, or the...

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When I woke up the next morning I found myself alone in bed, although there was a warm area next to me that must have been vacated only recently. I could hear water running in the en suite so I guessed Joanna was in the shower. She was humming quietly to herself, an unrecognisable tune, but the effect was incredibly endearing all the same. It didn’t sound as though she had any regrets about the previous night. Soon after the water stopped running, Joanna emerged from the en suite wearing her...

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Sophie sat at her desk, bored, gazing out of the window. Her mobile pinged again, another tinder message, she opened her phone. Surprise, another middle aged bloke with a shitty chat up line. She stared off into space wondering why it seemed only on TV women her age had young guys chasing them. "Hey, how's it going" snapped her out her day dream.Sam, one of the new guys walked past, before she could stutter a reply he'd dissppeared around the corner with a wink.Oh my god she thought, had he...

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Best friends sister IX

“For a moment there I was scared it was your mom or dad.” He chuckled and moved to the bed where her clothing still lay, picking them up he handed her t-shirt and hot pants to her, leaning in for a kiss. She crinkled her nose and quickly covered her mouth, “Ohmigod Joe! Eeeuw I still got morning breath and you have just brushed your teeth.” “Well I have to say morning, its bad manners not to greet.” She glared at him with her blue eyes, a smile quickly creeping over her...

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