My Dates_(1) free porn video

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work that needed to be done but nothing stressful or time consuming.
The weather outside was cold and crappy.  This winter was a little
more than usual.  Too bad I could not have scheduled my trip for a
better time.  But this was one of the nicer hotels so my luck was
really not so bad.

I checked into my room and settled in a bit. Then I wanted to go get
some cash for the night so I headed downstairs to the lobby to find
the ATM.  As I was going down on the elevator, two girls about 12yo
got on.  A liitle rotund, but cute. They were laughing and joking some
as they texted on their phones.  The little bruenette giggled and said
don't mind her friend, blondes always find things amusing.  When we
got off at the lobby, they wondered off and I went to the front desk
to ask where the ATM was.  The desk clerk pointed me to the gift
shop.  As I walked in the girls were standing by the ATM and giggled
some more when I walked up.  The brunette made some joking comment
about me stalking them and we laughed.

I got my money and headed back upstairs to my room.  I took a hot
shower and relaxed by watching some news in the nude.  I got dressed
and headed to the bar.  Looking for a scotch and some bar food. I got
on the elevator and when it stopped on the way down the two girls got
on. They started joking again how I was stalking.  I pointed out that
they got on after me. Maybe I should be the one who is getting
stalked.  I got out on the second floor were the bar was and they got
off too.

Now I made a comment about my pretty stalkers and we all giggled
some.  As we stepped off, it seemed like the blonde's parents were
standing there.  I was careful, not knowing how they would react with
the girls joking around with a stranger.  The mom started joking some
along with us.  She said they are a handful now, just wait until they
become legal.

The father commented how entertaining the girls are and we all headed
toward the bar area. They took a table as I headed up to the bar. I
ordered my drink and sent a round over to the parents.  As their
drinks were delivered, the father waved me over to take an empty seat
they had.

I took my seat between the mom and the blonde.  The introductions were
made. The mom, Judy, and father, Bill, were out here to visit her
parents for a few days.  The blonde daughter, Sally and her friend Amy
were off from school.  They stayed at a hotel because Judy's parents
had a small house and they went to bed early.

The two cute girls laughed some more about sitting next to their
stalker as we ordered some bar food. More drinks came and it seemed
that ever so slightly, Judy inched closer to me. Bill made a few off
hand comments about the young girls and their budding hormones.  The
drinks made me feel a little warm.

The food came along with some more drinks.  Judy dropped some dip
right on her breast and made a show wiping it off.  She made a comment
to Sally that someday she would have boobs to make a nice catch. I
said that Sally and Amy could catch anything with their smiles.

In the end the check came and Bill got it before I could. I told them
that since we all would be here tomorrow night, it would by my treat
to a nice Italian restaurant around the corner from the hotel.

Judy gave me a nice tight hug and kiss goodnight.  I almost felt
uncomfortable about it with Bill standing right there.  Then Sally and
Amy reached up and gave me an even nicer hug and kiss goodnight.  Bill
shook my hand and I said what a lucky guy he must be.  We parted ways
and I went to my room.

I got naked into bed with the scent of all three girls.  I rubbed one
out just thinking of them.  I exploded all over my belly.  I then
rolled over into the wetness and fell asleep.

I was up early the next morning to get off to do my work.  I was
certainly distracted just thinking about last night and tonight might
be like.

The day was done early for me.  I went back to the hotel and had a
good workout.  A nice long hot shower just relaxed me more.  I went
down to the bar to have a drink before dinner.  Bill was there alone.
He said he needed a drink waiting for the girls.  They were all up in
the room getting dolled up for the night. He said all three of them
were excited about going out tonight and wanted to look their best.

After a couple rounds the girls showed up.  They looked magnificent.
Judy had a low cut bloose that showed a lot of cleavage. The young
girls had their hair done up and were sporting some lipstick.  It was
nasty cold out, otherwise I am sure things would have been very

They had a mini van and we took the short trip over to Cirillo's
restaurant. Bill drove and had me sit up front with him.  We got to
the restaurant and the valet parked the van.  The young girls each
hooked onto an arm as we walked in.  There was no wait as we took our
seats.  This time I sat between the young girls   This also put me
right across from Judy -and a chance to peek down her bloose. Sally
and Amy pulled their chairs close to me.

Bill was the designated driver and commented that Judy and I had the
chance to have a few extra drinks and relax.  The dinner and drinks
came   As usual for this place the food was great.  Little Sally and
Amy loved the treat out tonight.  They were not busy texting on their
phones.  They were almost acting like ladies.

As the dinner wore on, Judy seemed to flash me more and more.  Bill
made some comments about the two young girls and I being on a date.
He said he was glad to be chaperoning and making sure they knew what
to do and how to treat me.

The check came and I gladly picked up the tab tonight.  Just
experiencing the sexual tension and having some company was well worth
the expense for me.  As we left the restaurant, my two young dates
each held an arm as we went out for the van.  Getting into the van,
Bill directed me to sit in the back with my dates.  We crawled into
the back and Bill told us to snuggle up since it was so cold out.  The
girls giggled, snuggled tight and put their arms around me.  Judy was
in the front and looked back at us.  She told me to go ahead and put
my arms around the girls to keep them warm. After all she added, dates
are supposed
to keep each other warm on any type of night.  As we made the short
ride back, both girls started rubbing my thighs.

With the drinks and the tension, I got maybe just a little stiff in
the crotch.  I was thinking I will have nothing but great thoughts
when I jack off in a few minutes.
We got out at the hotel and I was hoping no one would notice.  But
Judy had a few drinks and did not hold back. As the two young girls
got on each arm again Judy asked if they were enjoying the evening.
They both laughed and said it was the most wonderful night.  Judy then
told them I was having a great night judging by the buldge in my

Bill looked at my buldge and said want real man wouldn't have a buldge
with two pretty and courious young ladies hanging on him.

As we were walking in the lobby, Judy invited me up to their room to
watch a movie.  Instantly both girls pulled on my arms insisted I join
them.  I was feeling warm and with a few drinks in me I could not turn
them down.

We got up to the room and they had two double beds in there.  Bill
took my coat and Judy took me over to one of the beds and had me sit
down in the middle.  She adjusted some of the pillows for my back as I
leaned up against the headboard.   Judy took my shoes off for me and
asked if I was comfortable.

She then turned into a mom and told the girls they needed to get ready
for bed before watching the movie.  They were already on the remote
flipping through the list of movies to pick one out.  The girls let
out a sigh and started to get ready.  Bill was already in the bathroom
and Judy told the girls to get in their pj's. Now I got a little
uncomfortable wondering how this was going to work in such a small
room.  The girls were standing by their suitcase in the corner and
Judy was over by the closet.  I just made it a point to look right at
Judy.  Out of the corner of my eye I could tell the girls were
starting to get undressed.

Judy smiled at me as she told the girls to behave and move along. They
seemed to be taking their time.

Then this is where things started to get different.

While looking straight into my eyes and talking, Judy walked over to
where the girls were changing. They were both completely nude.  Judy
grabbed Sally by the shoulders and turned her towards me.  I think I
almost died.  This lovely woman was showing me her beautiful and stark
naked daughter.  Sally had that plump full smooth skin.  Her breasts
were just forming and trying to bud.  Her pubic area was just showing
some fuzz.  Amy turned towards me to show herself. All three girls
were looking right at me for my reaction as they smiled.

Beyond any words I did not know what to do or say.  The young girls
were the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.  There in their glory,
showing me their soul.

Judy could see the wonder in my face. She then told the girls that as
much as their date would love to watch them run around naked, they
needed to put on their nightgowns and go snuggle up with him. They
continued to change into their pj's under my full gaze.

Bill was coming out of the bathroom now wearing a robe.  He saw me
looking at them and said that they are things of beauty.  I looked
over at him and agreed.
Judy said she wanted to run down to the bar to get us some drinks
before starting the movie.  I agreed and made the comment that if they
thought I had a buldge when getting out of the van, I was certainly in
a worse condition now and was in no shape to run down and get drinks.

Judy left and Bill took up the role of the parent to get the girls
ready for the movie.   They had their very thin nightgowns on and Bill
hustled them up on the bed next to me.  One on each side.   Bill told
them to close in tight with me, and they had no hesitation to that.
They said they loved their date and wanted to treat him right; just
like any grown up lady would.   Bill got a blanket down from the
closet and wrapped it around the three of us.  He tucked us in and
even pulled my arms once again around my two pretty 12yo dates.

Bill sat down on the other bed and starting flipping through for a
good movie.  They girls chimed in and started making several choices.
They asked me what I wanted.  I just said the only thing I want are
two happy girls. They finally settled on some sappy love story just as
Judy returned with our drinks.   She said all of us look so cozy
waiting for the show to start.  She put my drink on the nightstand and
asked if my hands were too busy to get my drink.

She then walked back over by the closet and got undressed.  To be
polite, I started to look away but she started talking at me like she
did earlier.  Now a few of my inhibitions were leaving as I stared
right at her.  She got down to just her panties and bra.  Then looking
right into my eye she took off her bra.  All of us were looking.  I
commented that she had such nice and well formed breasts.  Bill agreed
and the girls giggled.

Judy then took her panties off and stood there for a minute to let me
take it in.  She had a nice bush that was well trimmed. What a nice
feeling I was having.  Two warm young girls holding me tight as I
watched this hot woman disrobe for me.  Bill said she looked like
dessert and I agreed.  Judy reached in the closet and pulled out a
robe.  She put it on and got on the bed next to Bill.

Bill took a sip of his drink and started the movie.   I reached up to
take a sip of my drink.  The young girls got even tighter to me. Sally
reached across me under the blanket, grabbed Amy's hand and pulled
over to my thigh.  Together, they started rubbing my legs.  I looked
over at Judy and she smiled back at me.  The blanket was thin and I am
sure she could see the hands moving on my legs.  The girls moved up my
legs and were getting close to my now raging buldge.

Judy looked over again and told the girls that it looks like their
date must be getting uncomfortable.  She told them that I would need
something loose fitting like a robe or a nightgown.  Sally called her
silly and said there are none left.  Judy stood up and came over to
us.  She reached under the blanket and started to undo my pants. She
said there might not be anything to change into, but I sure as heck
need to get out of these pants.  She undid them and I lifted my butt
up so she could pull them off.  She then reached back under and just
took my underpants off.

Holy crap!

She pulled the blanket up, but it never to expose me.  My now raging
hard on showed though the material.  Judy smiled as she handed me my
drink and went back to her bed.  Bill told the girls it looked like I
had a nice cock and they should see how smooth it was.

Jesus fucking Christ!

The mom just pulled my pants off and dad just told his daughter and
her friend to feel my cock.  Our interest in the movie just faded away

The girls started to rub and touch my cock under the blanket.  I
looked over and could see Bill's cock was full with the head poking
out from the robe.

The girls were laughing some as they touched me. They were a little
rough and Amy hit it wrong and made me winch.   Judy saw this and told
the girls they needed to be gentle.  Judy then got up came over and
pulled the blanket back.  Everyone in the room looked at my cock with
two sets of young puddgy fingers playing with it.  Mom started showing
the girls how to play with it.  Although, I suspected they all have
done this before.

Judt directed Amy to caress my balls and had Sally stroking my shaft.

I was in fucking heaven.

Sally said something about my precum starting to come out.  She then
leaned forward and licked it.  She stayed down there liking the
shaft.  Her mom encouraged her and said she was doing a great job.  I
looked over at Bill and agreed.   He had his cock out and was rubbing

He had a nice cock.  Well formed, circumcised and a little bigger than

Amy was not to be outdone. She slid down and  started to lick my ball
sack. While the two young girls were doing this, Judy pulled their
nightgowns off.  My hands started rubbing their warm smooth skin.  A
young nude preteen body is something to behold.  Soft smooth.

Judy was rubbing my hip.  She then slide her hand under my butt cheek
and her finger reached my bunghole.  She rubbed it with great care and
gentleness.  This was beyond belief.  And I thought I wad going to end
up back in my room alone jerking off.

Sally was now going deep on me. My cock was wet as hell from her
slavia. How did she learn to do this?   Amy was taking my balls in he
sweet mouth.    Her nose kept pressing against my cockhairs.  Her
tongue coming out of her beautiful mouth and sliding across my balls.
Judy's finger was pressing into my hole.   Judy could feel the
pressure building and told the girls to switch.  She was trying to get
me to hold out just a little longer.   I was gently caressing and
grabbing the buns of the two preteens.  The pressure became too much.
Judy pushed Amy aside and the mom swallowed down on my cock   I
exploded like never before.

She seemed to catch most of it.  She opened her mouth and looked
around at each of us to show off my sperm on her tongue. She then
closed her mouth, swallowed; then opened again to show all of that she
took it.   Some milky white drops of cum continued to leak up out my
cock tip.  Sally leaned down, licked it up and smiled.  Judy, ever so
gently, squeezed my cock to work out another drop for Amy to taste.

I was in fucking heaven.

I looked over and saw that Bill was coming towards me with a warm wash
cloth.   He had his robe on, but the front was open and his raging
hard on stood out.
He reached over and started to wipe my cock and balls.  I think he
even slid it down some and caught my bunghole.   He told his girls
they did a very good job in servicing their date he then said it was
time for their date to service them some.

He had both girls lay down next to each other on their backs.   He
then signaled to me to go down on them.  They both spread their legs
open and raised their knees.  I tended to Sally first.  I got up in
front of the young child and climbed up some.  I started to nibble on
her tiny budding breasts.   I worked down her belly and reached her
young warm and now wet pussy. That preteen pussy opened up as I
started lapping.  Those soft and fresh just wisps of pubic hair.

I heard some very load moans and groans from Judy.  She was on the
other bed and Bill was plowing away on top of her.  They looked over
at us.  The parents are fucking while watching me eat out their little

I was working on Sally's pussy as Amy was petting her head.  What a
nice friend.  The juices were flowing and Sally was bucking her hips
back up at me.

She had the nice soft pussy of a young woman.  Sweet and puffy.  Small
wisps of hair.

After what seemed an eternity, I felt I needed to give my other date
some attention.  As I moved over to Amy, I saw that Bill was now
taking Judy doggie style.  Infuckingcredible.

I moved over on top of Amy.  I gave her a kiss on the mouth.  She took
in my tounge- tasting some of the juices from her best friend.   I
started working my way down Amy's neck and to her budding breasts.
Little breasts so tender.  Then down her belly to her young wanting
pussy.  She was now much wetter than her friend.   The smell was
wonderful.   I dug right in licking and tasting.

My hardon came back on.

Bill screamed and moaned.  We all stopped and looked over as he was
still doggie style with Judy.   Pulling her hips back to him as he
blew his load .  Her nice boobs swingling to the rythum.

I went back down between Amy's legs  again.   After awhile, Bill came
over.  Looking at my cock he said it was time to offer the girls some
mutual pleasure.  He grabbed my shoulders and guided me over to his
wanting daughter.   I moved over her.  The look of anticipation on her
face was so adorable.  Bill reached under me and took hold of my
cock.  He stroked it some then tipped it down to rub over his
daughter's cuntlips.  He rubbed me on her then asked me if I was ready
to take her.

I nodded yes.

He then guided my cock into little Sally.  It slid right in.  No
protection and no worries.  And by the feel, no first time.

I started pumping and Bill moved his hands back to rub my buns as we
moved.   Sally reached up around my neck and pulled me down to her for
a kiss.  She opened her mouth and we swirled our tongues.  Now she got
to taste her friends cunt juices.

Soon I just had a desire to do doggie like her parents.  I flipped her
over on all fours.  This time young Amy helped slide my cock back into
her friend.   I was pumping away.  Pulling on Sally's hips with a good
motion.   Having already exploded this evening, I was ready to go the
distance now.

Bill interupped me and nodded towards Amy.  She was on her back and
spread out.  Bill said it was her turn now.   I pulled out of Sally.
My cock all hard and wet with her fresh juice.  This time mom Judy
held Amy's head and caressed her brow.   She called Amy a big girl now
as I mounted her.   Her pussy lips parted as I slid in.  I started
pumping away.  Sally reached over and rubbed my buns like her daddy
did before.  But she went a little further and like her mom, started
rubbing the bunghole.

Judy asked me to get on my back.  I pulled out and rolled over.  Amy
swung her legs over on top of me and sat down on my cock.  A smooth
move.  Amy started riding my cock.  Judy helped Sally to go back to
rubbing the bunghole.   Now Judy produced some gel and put a dab down
there.   Then both girls worked a finger in there.

Bill was sitting in a chair in his robe.   Sipping his drink and
taking it all in with a smile.

The mom and daughter worked my butthole as Amy rode me.   My balls
started to tighten.

Sally pulled her finger out of my ass and got on all fours.  She
started to beg for me.  Amy rolled off and I mounted Sally once
again.   She bucked and I pushed.  A loud slap was heard each time our
bodies came together.  Her tiny plump body had little shock waves.  I
could feel the gel still stuck in my ass cheeks.

And now came that feeling to explode.  I pushed in deeper.  And now I
felt Bill's hands on my buns.  He quickly moved a finger inside me as
I came deep into his  daughter.   I almost thought I was hurting her
with the load.   I squeezed out what I could and Sally tightened her
pussy to keep me inside.

But soon my cock slid out but Bill still had his finger in my hole.  I
looked back and he was naked with a hardon.  Now it seemed that his
cock was a lot bigger then mine.   Judy took hold of Bill's manhood
and put some gel on it.  Then she put more on my backside.   Bill
grabbed my hips and mounted ME.

A feeling that I cannot describe.   My bowels filling up as Bill's
cock filled me.  The three girls gathered around to watch.  Bill
hugged my back and kissed my neck.  Judy maneuvered Sally in front of
me and opened up her legs.   Then as Bill plowed away at me, mom
pushed my head down into Sally's pussy that was leaking my seed.

I moved my tongue up her slit catching my own cum.  Like mom, I
swallowed as they watched.   And Bill pounded my ass as they watched.

Soon Sally moved away and the girls stepped back to watch the show.
Bill slamming my ass.

I reached back and rubbed his balls.  He screamed as he filled me with
his sperm.   My limp dick swayed as Bill abused my butt.   I collapsed
as Bill fell on top of my back.

The girls all came over and gave Bill and I lots of kisses and

I was now whipped.

Judy said it was a wonderful evening and now it was tine for bed.

I got under the covers and Sally and Amy moved their nude bodies
against me.  My ass dripped with Bill's gift.

Bill and Amy turned off the lights and went to bed.

Holding these two, worn out and beautiful naked 12yo girls was
heaven.  The smells and the afterglow.

I had the best nights sleep of my life.

I awoke before the others in the morning.  I lay there for a moment
with the enjoyment of being wrapped up by these two soft and warm
preteen beauties.

I got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower.  Not having my
stuff there, I used their soap and shampoo, coming out smelling like a
little girl.
I dried off walked back into the room naked.  I love walking around
naked in the morning.  I gazed upon the two young girls curled up to
each other sound asleep.  Bill and Judy lay there looking sweet.

I shared something with all of them but one.  Judy was a prize.  I do
like young girls and have given myself to men, but a mature woman is
the reward.

She was under the covers with her husband.   I went over to her side
of the bed and sat down.  I started caressing her hair.  She looked up
at me in her slumber  and smiled.  God she was just beautiful.  She
smelled so nice and had a sultry look.  She sat up some and a breast
became exposed.  I moved to caressing her neck and then made my way
down to her breast.

So soft.

I massaged both breasts, enjoying her warmth.  A few kisses were
exchanged.  I worked my hands lower and lower to her moistness.  Bill
started to stir and watch us.  As I caressed his bride's pussy he held
her hand.   I was fully hard now and starting to show some precum.
Bill got up and went to the bathroom.

I got under the covers and laid on top of Judy.   My cock on top of
her pussy.  She was moist and wanting.  I slid inside her as I kissed
her.   I started rocking up and down and her hips moved to meet me.
She became to moan.

Bil had come back and was sitting on the girl's bed.  Sally and Amy
awoke and were looking at us.   I pushed the covers off so the family
could see me mounting their mom/wife.    I exaggerated my movements to
make a show.   Judy did the same.   She soon flipped me over and took
top.  She started really moving her hips and gyrating on my cock.
Having cum twice the night before, I was ready to hold out for a long
time this morning.  Judy was in for a treat.

Judy and I soon got lost in ourselves.   The heat was on and we moved
through several positions.   At one point she was on top and facing
towards my feet.  I looked over at an incredible sight.

On the other bed, Sally was on all fours getting fucked by her
father.  Amy was spread out in front of Sally.  Sally had her face
buried in Amy's young little pussy.

I went back to giving this gorgeous woman the attention she deserved.
I rubbed her buns as she moved up and down on me,still facing my
feet.  My thumb found her rosebud and circled.  This family had a
facination with butts and I would return the favor in some small way.
As Judy moved up and down, my thumb rubbed around her anus.  I then
put my thumb up her pussy along side my cock.  Getting it good and
wet.  Judy knew what I was going to do and called over to Amy.  She
told Amy to get the gel fast.  Amy unlocked her pussy from Sally's
lips and got the gel off the nightstand.

Amy put some gel on my thumb.  Then her cute little pudgy fingers put
some right on Judy's asshole.  This all the while Judy is riding me.
Once we got lubbed, I flipped Judy on her belly and lifted her hips.
I entered her pussy doggie style and spread her ass cheeks open.  I
then took my thumb and easily slid into her bung.

Little Amy still a had a need and got in front of Judy.  She then
signaled Judy to suck on her pussy.

Life is fucking GREAT!

I am fucking the mom while she sucks on a little girls pussy. Her
husband is next to me fucking the crap out of their daughter.  And my
ass still feels the effects of his cock up there.

Judy got on her back and lifted her legs up high.  I mounted her and
looked at her eyes.  We both could tell I was getting close.   Amy
went back to the other bed and started kissing Bill's ass as he
pounded his daughter in the missionary.

With Judy's legs over my shoulders I began a very slow and erotic
movement in and out.  This position offers deeper penetration and we
both felt it.   Soon my balls pulled up and I was ready to blow a
load.   I held Judy's head and looked into her eyes as I shot a
load.   My whole soul went into it.  My whole body felt like it was
moving through my cock shaft and into her being.  My eye were locked
in Judy's as was shared the moment.

I slowed as I jerked and squished the last drop I had in me.  I held
Judy as I simply thought her the most beautiful and wonderful thing in
the world.

I pulled out and we both felt the ooze drip out of her warm and well
worn pussy.

I looked over at Bill as he held his cock that was dripping sperm.  He
had shot a load on his daughter's belly.  Amy was moving to lick it

My life could end now and it would be complete.

But I was late for work and work pays the bills.   Life can suck.

I kissed Judy and told her I had to leave.
I got up and dressed in the same clothes I wore yesterday.  I gave my
two preteens a nice kiss goodbye. Even getting some of Bill's seed
from Amy's lips.  Gave Bill a kiss on the check and rubbed his balls
for a second.

Giving Judy another kiss; a look right into her eyes, I left.

I walked out of the hotel into the slushy snow of a Long Island


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Blackmailed Into SwappingChapter 9

As Mavis followed Hank across the dark back yards, she was assailed by a variety of emotions. She seemed to be tagging after her illicit lover like a docile servant girl; she couldn't understand how she could submit to other men without even a show of resistance, then be flooded with remorse after they had had their way with her body; and as they approached the Quentin home, a sense of reluctance almost caused her to turn and bolt for her own house--she didn't want to see her husband...

4 years ago
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Spring CarnivalChapter 10

Ann wrapped her arms around my chest and kissed me back. My eyes blinked open, and I glanced over towards April. The look in her face was outstanding. Her mouth dropped open, she put her hands on her hips, and did her best to look indignant at me for kissing Ann first instead of her. I just laughed. Ann turned me towards April and pushed. "We'll teach you not to be grateful," she said. I fell forward in mock suprise and managed to drop both of my hands right on top of April's tits, which...

3 years ago
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Sweet CarolineChapter 14

We’d gathered up all of our stuff from the car and brought it all inside. While doing this, Caroline said, “I guess you decided. That’s a great idea, using the same signage all three places. The signage on El Camino Real Freeway may have to comport to the rest of the signage of the other stores in the center. You have a unique look to the O’Hara Real Estate sign you have now. That could be a deal-breaker if they won’t let you use your own ‘logo.’ Did you, by chance, get a trademark for...

2 years ago
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Cafe Lawyer Ch 01

While the front coffee shop was full of its morning customers, the dining room in the back was closed as usual until dinner. I put my laptop down on my table in the back corner and waited for it to boot as Suzie, my usual waitress, brought over my breakfast… Belgium waffle, strawberries, coffee now and iced tea, later… ‘Good morning, Hon,’ she said, pouring my coffee, ‘how was your weekend?’ ‘Lonely without you, Suzie,’ I replied, laughing as she gave me a kiss on the cheek while my desktop...

1 year ago
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MAU The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 9

MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 9 Jeri's eyes were dry as she sat in the back of Tim's cab. It seemed to her that this was a scene they had repeated. "At least this time I'm not crying," she thought, as she wondered what Tim must think of her. She could see that he kept glancing into his rearview mirror ? checking to make sure she was okay. "Jeri, maybe it's not my place to say," he said finally, thus breaking the uncomfortable silence. "It seems what you're doing is...

4 years ago
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Bus Takes Me To Heaven

Hi Iss readers this is my second story in this site as this incident happened me just six months before I was travelling by bus to my native. Usually I used to book the tickets in the before two to three days but this time due to some work I didn’t done it. It was weekend also all the buses was full rush first I went to govt bus stand but my bad luck every buses were full and not even a single seat was there. From there I planned to go by private bus there I got the bus only two seats were...

3 years ago
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Garage TV 8211 Part II

Hi friends this is your friend directly come to the story ye kahani un dino ki hai jab main 12 class me thha. mere uncle ne ek garage khola thha. meri uncle se achhi patne lagi thhi to mai bas garage me hi baitha rahta thha unka naam thaa “raj”raj uncle ko sexy books and magazines ka bahut shauk tha. wo apne garage me un kitabo ko bahut secrecy k saath rakhte thhe. Khair maine ek do books dhhondh li aur mujhe bhi maza aane laga un kitabo ko padhne me. to phir kya ? jab kabhi uncle kahi jaate...

1 year ago
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F amily fire pt2

I answered the phone in a post-sex haze. My cousin Jimmy said, "Hey man come over later and watch the game." I looked over at mom lying beside me and said, "I'm busy b*o." When he asked me what I was busy with, I realized that Lila hadn't told him about mom and me. I said, "I'll talk to you later, Jimmy." Mom said, "You go over there, I have things to do."I said, "How do you know what we we're talking about?"She laughed, "You don't have to be a genius. You always watch the games with Jimmy on...

4 years ago
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Boop Boop Ray Gun

Instructions of the Boop Boop Ray Gun Congrats on finding the Boop Boop Ray Gun. People with the ray gun can swap one thing between two targets. Side effects may vary depending on subconscious. Side effects might upset conscious mind. Only allowed to use reverse button once per day. Only affects most recent swap. Must wait 24 hours before swapping anything back manually. If the ray gun is broken in anyway, the reality will be locked as is. Be careful and have fun. (A while ago: Note from me,...

3 years ago
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Sarah my work subordinate

One morning after my girlfriend spent the night, I finished my shower and was getting dressed for work. My girlfriend had just finished her shower and saw my naked body. She dropped her robe, laid back on the bed, spread her legs and asked, "How about a quickie before work?" Although I was going to be late, I couldn't turn down her invitation. I eased my face between her legs to get her wet and ready. She must have been horny and masturbating in the shower as she was already very wet...

3 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 25

Kirsty pushed the front door of her home open and dragged me across the threshold into the hallway. "Mom, we're back," she yelled casually throwing her school bag to one side. "We're in the front room," the sound of Rosa's voice wafted through the house. Kirsty scowled theatrically as she heard her mother's reply casting her eyes to the ceiling as she did so. "I so wanted them to be out," she said quietly whilst giving me a lopsided grin. "I wouldn't have objected if they...

4 years ago
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6 February 2008Chapter 1

Wendy, Jake and Tiffany sat in the outer room waiting for his appointment with Dr. Carla Mackenzie. They talked about general topics, trying to leave hockey out of the conversation. Wendy would glance the odd time at her son and wonder why she hadn’t crossed the line and they have their first fuck. Wendy flexed her pussy muscles soon needing another fuck with Dan. One of the pleasant drawbacks of hopefully being pregnant is that her hormones made her constantly horny for cock. Jake, in...

4 years ago
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Thinking back A true story

The trip cost me money, it was one of those impulse trips. Decided late evening, put to reality early morning. For some reason it seemed like the last minute tickets were taken out of the system back in those days, I didn’t get away cheap. As I sat on the train I wondered if this was really the right thing to do. Visit a stranger for one thing only, Lust. To visit him even though I knew he had three broken ribs. (Apparently you can cough your ribs off.) He said it would be fine. That he still...

1 year ago
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Back to WorkPart 5

Beth awoke in a fog... not sure where she was... she had been in so many different hotel rooms and beds over the weekend. Then she realized she was in her own bed in her own home but alone. Where was Bill? Then she remembered the scene in the rec room. She lay there nude, sprawled out alone in their big bed, her being alone in a bed was a really unusual event lately. She thought about what had obviously happened over the week end with her family and smiled. As she lay there she reflected how...

2 years ago
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Is It Really You MotherChapter 3 Together again Until death part us

Bella knew now, with the passage of time, several weeks later, more than a month and with lack of news from Sandy, that the moment elected had not been the best to confess her sexual pulsing, or the deep cravings she had; surely she had frightened her, and perhaps that was one of the principal reasons that had tipped the scales for her to return to the East and her former life. Those dark feelings that had now surfaced in her mind had rooted and were the psychological consequence of the anal...

2 years ago
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Getting Over Jake and Under Adin

“Get your ass up, lady.” Harlee snapped at me. “You have been sulking around here since Jake dumped you, and I’m getting freaking sick of it. We’re going out tonight, and you’re going to enjoy yourself if it fucking kills me.” I opened my mouth to argue, but she shut me up with a snap of her fingers. “Don’t you dare make any excuses. You’ll wear my clothes. You are doing this, Taylor.” “Harlee,” I whined. “I don’t know if I can. I haven’t been to a club in months. I don’t even know if I can...

Straight Sex
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Changed Ch 02

This is the continuation of the “Changed” story, I recommend that you read chapter One first. This is a work of fiction and all the characters and events are fictional. If you are under the age of 18 or are in an area that prohibits erotic fiction then leave now. This story depicts lesbian sex and mind control, if that’s not your thing then leave now. You’ve been warned… I awoke the next morning to the sound of running water and female singing. Julia was in my bathroom taking a shower and...

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The Email Trail

To: Macca It’s true – I fucked her! It pretty much happened the way it said in the email. She is a real slut – but she’s a tall voluptuous fuck doll. Boys, you gotta email her and fuck her – I fucked her up the arse! She loves young cock – she asked me how old I was and when I said 22 she was really happy. I reckon she’s late 30s or early 40s, but a real brunette sex bomb. She looks just like the photos on the sex site. Her profile name is titsMaria. She’s a total fuck slut and even asked me...

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Part 2 Mandy is deflowered

The time finally came! Mandy was 18 and she was kind of chubby, what you may call a nerd girl as she never dated but spent her time studying to get in to a larger college. Mandy had full firm breats and her ass was firm and round. She was a very pretty girl and when she was naked her body fit her frame and she was very attractive. I bought a few tickets to aconcert for all her parents had done for me and the night they were to go would be the night I planned to deflower their cute...

2 years ago
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Yankee Swap Chapter 19 Triumph and Tragedy

Yankee Swap, Chapter 19: Triumph and Tragedy Connie lived to dance. She knew something was bothering Kim and was frustrated not knowing what it was. She knew Ken was a very private person - Cheree had said as much over the years - but Ken seemed an extrovert compared to Kim. Connie found it hard to even get time to spend with her, and that left no room to get down to what was going on. Of course it could just be the reaction of dressing as a woman for over a week now, but she...

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The Imperfect Storm Chapter 6

Sunday morning, I think. A baby cried. Huh? I don't have a baby... oh my fucking head... somebody moved... where the fuck am I? "Never a dull moment around here!" said Kylie. Way too loudly, I might add. I was a little confused as to why she was in my bed. But, this wasn't my bed. Oh yeah. Ohhhh Yeahhhhhh! I watched Kylie's naked body move to her closet, and return with a robe wrapped around it. "Mmmmorning," moaned Whitney. "Where does she keep the...

4 years ago
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Erin Meets Vanessa

There is an end to everything, to good things as well. (Chaucer 1374) Smart cookie that fellow. As it was with me and Amber. I spent several fabulous weeks with her, she showed me how to submit and how to value myself even when willingly placing myself beneath below another.But as with so many things real life gets in the way. I got a new job and needed to move, so we spent one last evening together. A wonderful meal followed by an even better night together.So here I am in lovely Georgia and...

1 year ago
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My mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! My mom was 40 at that time I was 19 and She is a beautiful woman with the best set of breast and with sexy cleavage curvy body. But she is a real flirt with every man and that makes Dad furious and Iknow that. It was a month earlier and I stayed home from collage because of the flu fever. Mom told meto stay in bed and she would bring me anything up tomy room. I really needed some water and I heard a deep moan. I peeked in to see what was happening and...

2 years ago
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Modern Relations part 03 Alexandra Does All The First Time

Alexandra and Kevin lay sprawled over each other, arms draped over legs, breathing in deeply, post coitus. The sheets were slightly moist from their shower and hasty towel off. Kevin lay facing up with his head at the foot of the bed while Alex lay face down to the right with one leg over his midsection. Kevin considered Alex’s extended leg as it lay next to his face. He found the sculpted calf, fine boned ankle and high arched irresistibly sexy. Until minutes ago she’d been walking around in...

1 year ago
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Wifes pussy being played with public

Going out for a relaxing evening, I saw Sue getting ready."What? No. Your not wearing that out tonight."We are getting ready for a grown up evening on the town. Getting dressed up a little nicer than the usual Friday night at the bar. I am wearing nice strides and a collar shirt. Jacket. I tell Sue to put on a nice skirt. A nice little half-cup bra that pushes her large tits up and out a bit, barely covering her nips. A nice top. A lightweight, black and white pattern, flowy thing. Your...

3 years ago
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Floor ExercisesChapter 4

A couple of school handymen waited outside for Coach Carson the next day. She greeted the guys happily. They stayed in the girls' locker room while we went into the gymnastics room. Coach pulled us out of practice five minutes early. "Everybody into the locker room," she said. "Everybody?" said Samantha. "Everybody," Coach confirmed. We assembled near my locker. Everyone noticed the extra long shower curtain hanging from a railing. Coach pulled the curtain closed. It separated my...

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I Dream of Demie 17 ConceptionInception

--- I Dream of Demie 17 - Conception/Inception (MF, caution, cons, magic, mc, nc, oral) by Krosis of the Collective --- Detective Dianna Shepherd awoke from...a nap? She was sitting on her couch, but hadn't she just been sleeping in her bed? She was wearing her robe... She looked down. The front of her robe was spattered with blood! "What the hell?!" Then she tasted the metallic tang in her mouth. She rushed to the bathroom mirror. What stared back at her was a scene from a charnel...

2 years ago
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Daddys New Girl Part 2

It only took a couple of minutes and she was fast asleep in my arms. I just sat and held her, relishing the moment. I contemplated what I might do for her if she were willing to leave her abusive pimp. After reflecting for a while I scooped her up and carried her to my bed. I laid her gently on the bed and pulled the covers up to her neck. I went and did my thing in the bathroom and slid into bed next to her. I popped on the TV as I usually do but thought better of it and turned it back off as...

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Wife fucks friend on the way home

We had just been out to a strip club with a couple of friends. We brought our mini van which has a lot of room inside. This actually came in hand. We dropped one friend off at his house, and my wife and our other friend (a coworker of hers) climbed into the back and started making out. I could see them in the mirror. They were feeling each other up and ended up stripping down naked. I could see glimpses of them kissing and letting there hands wander. Shortly I saw her giving him a BJ and she...

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The Picard ManoeuvreChapter 7

They met at breakfast in the communal hall, and chatted easily over a substantial breakfast. “We might be busy at lunch-time. We’ll see how we go,” Gladys told her friend. They walked to the ‘Brewhouse’. Gladys, of course, was as fit as might be expected with her background. Scott, while he certainly kept as fit as he could, was less accustomed and a little short of breath when they got there. “You’re a bit out of condition,” Gladys smiled. He sighed, jerkily, as his lungs tried to catch...

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Fat FarmChapter 25

Day 244 Saturday Denise put on the dress and looked in the mirror. The dress was a light pink gown of a style that was commonly worn by bridesmaids. At least Susan had made sure that it had a nice low front that allowed Denise to show off her rather substantial bosom. It was hard to believe that it was a little loose on her. Only two weeks earlier she had been to the store to have the dress fitted. Denise looked over at Susan. There had been a time when wearing a dress like that was an...

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Intruder Tys Point of View

The weekened before, I had gotten drunk with an old friend which led us to a hotel since neither of us had a place of our own.  We had multiple sessions but passion and intensity were lacking. I now had more self-confidence in my woman pleasing abilities so I figured hey, why not check out the personals site. I craved being intimate with another woman, so I grabbed my camera and poured my heart out. Let the browsing begin. Instantly I realized the prospects were slim. I hid my profile and...

1 year ago
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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 17

Entering high school fresh-persons are safest if they first don a cloak of invisibility. Unfortunately those don't come in my size. Being five foot nine and a half I stand out. I also have a terrible habit of getting myself into some extraordinary messes. I assume getting a pedophile thrown in jail just last Friday qualifies. After a mere three weeks at Central High, I am notorious. Having now arrived at Sunday morning, my boyfriend Greg, his younger sister, and I are emerging from my...

3 years ago
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Baited into a Trap

John gets up to leave as I kneel there contemplating how I'm ever going to look him in the eyes again. We'd gone to school together but hadn't spoken since so luckily I'd only have to deal with it if I was passing him in the street. As he walks out of the room to go clean himself up, Clare gets up and walks towards me. She sits down in John's old seat with her legs crossed to one side of me. She's holding something in her hand, some kind of strap but I can't tell what for. "Did you enjoy...

2 years ago
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Fingerpainting Ch 03

It was nice to be able to spend the day grooming, being artistic, and cooking. Cat had just finished taking a pan of cinnamon buns out of the oven and flopped down on the sofa to lounge and think for a few minutes. She had no idea what time Evan would be back. It was still early in the afternoon, so she probably had a little while. He had left her a key and she had wandered the neighborhood around his apartment, going into little shops of various sorts until she had a small supply of grooming...

1 year ago
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Enathu Paiyanin Nanbanai Umbi Oothen

Enathu kanavan iranthu 10 varudangal aagugirathu, ithu naal varai naan veru entha aanaiyum ookavendrum endru aasai patathe illai. Aanal ippozhuthu enathu maganirku vayathu 22 aagugirathu avanathu nanbargal ingu veetirku vanthaargal endraal enathu kaama aasai avargal meethu vizhugirathu. Ennal athai thaanga mudiya villai, pinbu ena nadakirathu endru theriyaamal puriyaamal irunthen. Naan oru gramathil vasipathaal akam pakam irupavargal thapaga pesi vida pogiraargal enbathale naan veru oru aanai...

2 years ago
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Alien The BeginningChapter 18

Jim felt good when he turned off I-40 heading north on US 89 in Flagstaff. It had been three days since the incident at JJ's parent's home and he thought he had everything pretty well in hand. He was driving the van and following Benito and Blake in the restored Chevy Malibu as they headed toward northern Utah. They had decided on 160 acres outside of Kamas Utah with options on two more adjacent 160 acre parcels. Jim thought it was particularly appropriate because of the unique nature of...

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Slut School 3

The next Friday night Rosemary rang my front door bell right on time. I was naked when I opened the door to her. As soon as she was inside the door she kicked off her rubber thongs, then I helped her take off the skimpy sun dress that she was wearing, and there we were, both naked. We wrapped our arms around each other and pressed our boobs and our cunts together. It didn't look as if Rosemary was traumatised by the events of last Monday night. Thank goodness! “Hi Julia. Where are Jules...

1 year ago
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Natalies New Beach Outfit 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! "Sorry, mom," Kim apologised, "I, ah, didn't mean for that to happen." "Oh, geesh, sweetie," Natalie joshed, "I kind of expected that." "Yeah, sis," Mark chimed in as he stared at her small breasts and almost bald mound. Smiling at her as she sat down on the couch he added, "I'll tell you one thing, sis, it was fun to watch." Kim concealed the blush encompasing her face. "Yeah, I bet." Then she looked him straight in the eye and continued, "Seeing me...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 147 What I Love

I had a lot of work to do to get ready for my internship in Kokomo. My departure was still a week away, but I needed every minute. Not the least of which would be spent with my friends. Rhonda slid to a stop in our driveway on Monday morning at six-forty-five. She parked her bike and newspaper bags by the breezeway door and walked into the house. She'd been coming to my house for almost two years now and knew the back door was always open. If by some chance it wasn't, she knew where the...

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 77 Something To Grab For

They landed in San Jose on a Saturday afternoon for their second World Championships. Their practices started on a Sunday, and their competition was Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. They were not in their room an hour, when there was a knock at the door. "Hi, Liz!" Sophia greeted her. "Hiya, Soph. Hi, Warren!" She ran over to him and wrapped him in a bear hug. "I'm so happy you're here." "So am I," he grinned at her. "We're all getting together in the hotel restaurant for...

3 years ago
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Sharons Busy DildoChapter 9 Real And Rooty

"Oh, God, yes," squealed young Cindy Fawcet. "Like a geyser I do!" The answer was in response to Sharon's simple question: "Do you ever have wet dreams?" The look on Cindy's face, if the words themselves hadn't been enough of a statement, said it all. She was delighted just with the thought of a wet dream. "Do you know," she continued, "that one night I came so hard that I nearly woke up my parents? Do you have any idea what would have happened if they had discovered me doing...

1 year ago
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The Great Shift Kiyomis Tale

The Great Shift: Kiyomi's Tale Mariko Everyone remembers where they were when the Great Shift happened. How can you not? Unless you were one of the lucky 7%, you wound up in the body of a stranger. You were younger, or older, or shorter, or fatter, or a different race or sex. Even those not directly affected had to deal with a world suddenly turned on its head. Most were horrified, but to me, it was a gift from heaven. One second, I'm lying in my bed at the Shorecrest Retirement...

1 year ago
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Prisoner Part Two

The next three nights Danny would make me perform like his slutty little bitch. Each time he fucked my ass, it did get easier but he was still very rough and aggressive when he did it. He would even slap my butt cheeks and call me his whore; his idea of romance I assume. On the 5th day at breakfast in the mess hall I saw Danny talking to two other inmates and making hand gestures towards me, then I saw packets of cigarettes changed hands and all of them smiling at me. I had no idea what was...

Oral Sex
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Kindling A Cuckold Part II

Sara tossed the Kindle onto the bed before kicking off her shoes and taking off her jeans. She thought about taking off her panties as well but they were cotton, pink cotton, and she liked the feel of them against her sex as she masturbated. It was cold at first under the duvet but she soon warmed up. She reached for the Kindle again and selected another bookmarked page. ‘They were alone now. Don had closed the hotel room door behind him leaving her alone with Jack. “Alone at last,” he...

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My New Life As A TGurl Slut Pt 4 DPd By The Bouncers

Jack was the first person I met on my first night out dressed as a girl... a sexy, slutty girl.He is the head bouncer/ co-owner of the security firm that deals with security for various gay and tranny nightclubs including this particular TS/ TV/ CD club which was my first introduction to 'the scene'.And I must say it's an awesome club. The trans scene is much larger than I realised but this isn't just a venue that hosts transgender nights, it offers much more.It certainly isn't a sex club...

4 years ago
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Sex Questions

What’s your favorite place to be kissed? My neck or pussy.What’s your favorite color lingerie?Black or Red.What color panties are you wearing?Pink.What’s your favorite sexual position?Doggie.Do you prefer srawberries with whipped cream or chocolate?Both!Do you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top?Both.Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off?On, then you can really see how eachother feels.Do you like rough sex or smooth sex?I love rough but smooth is really nice and romantic too.What one...

2 years ago
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Ellen and Jim TemptationChapter 3

The next day, I had several court appearances during the morning on other cases. We broke for lunch and I walked over to my favorite diner by the courthouse for lunch. I had just sat down when a heard that voice. “May I join you?” Before I could utter a word, He was next to me in the booth, not across from me, next to me. “Mr. Baxter, I’m sorry but this is highly inappropriate on your part. I’m your wife’s attorney and contact with me without your attorney present is a no no.” He said,...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Valentina Nappi Third Appearance

Every time Valentina goes to the fridge everything she’s bought is gone. And she’s sooo over it. Today she catches the little kitchen mouse in action. After yelling at him and a little fat shaming she leaves. Valentina is pissed that he isn’t able to get it up because of all the added cholesterol in his system. He’s under doctor direction to abstain from sex so that only adds to the marital disappointment. After the lashing and feeling even worse about his life, he sneaks back into the fridge,...

2 years ago
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Hot South Indian MILF8217s anniversary party ends in gangbang

This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read Velamma, after an intense session with the lifeguard, went back to her husband, Ramesh. Ramesh was, however, busy devouring the seafood cuisine in the ship, The south Indian milf was surprised when she found that one of her old friends, Professor Anushka Reddy, was also on the ship. The professor wanted a vacation, and by coincidence, the friends ended up on the same cruise ship. The adventure with different food items...

3 years ago
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Black List II Russian WinterChapter 13

The snow kicks up along the frozen tundra of White Island, blowing in all directions as the helicopter begins its decent. Men with heavy coats and automatic machine guns filter out of the bunker base. “This is where we must part, Miss Roberts,” Sergey says. Samantha has spent most of her time wearing a black hood, not able to see where she was or where she was going. The only time it was taken off was when she had a visitor to her cell or when it was time to eat. Usually the two happened at...

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Gwen Goes into ecstasy out on the Mountainside

So Gwen and I were were back up hiking in the Hills..A beautiful gay it was, After a couple of hours climbing I said to Gwen, " lets have a break and something to eat. She said that sounds great, " I need a rest "Then she said " let's go down this way, off the path " So we head down the hill a bit, then come across some large rocks, " Perfect says Gwen " Next thing she is taking her clothes off.. And starts to strip me naked. Then she gets on her knees and takes my cock in that beautiful slut...

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A Pleasant Encounter n Scotland

Hubby and I were vacationing in Scotland and drove over to Rowardennan, beside Loch Lomond.We parked the car with the windows down, close to the entrance of the old youth hostel and hubby got out and went for a walk down to the waters edge.I remained in the car as it was surrounded by Rhododendrons and a shady wooded area, which was cool, especially as today was very hot. I pushed my seat back into a fully reclined position and put both me feet onto the dashboard, my dress hiked-up mid-thigh,...

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