Zach's Meteor free porn video

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Zach's Meteor I was born in a small town, as the song says, but unlike the song, I managed to find a way to leave it behind, and until recently, I thought I thought I would never come back. Until the day Zach's meteor changed everything. My way out of my small town was through medicine. I got into med school, and ended up taking Psychology, and became a psychiatrist who specialized in gender issues. You have no idea how prevalent this is, but there are darn few of us who are willing to help the sufferers. Almost as soon as I hung up my shingle, as it were, my appointment book filled to overflowing with men and women who in one way or another dont fit the gender norms. Why had I gotten into this particular specialty? Well, for the same reason I couldnt stand to live in my home town any longer. I'd had a friend who was a girl in every way except what was between her legs and to say she had a hard time of things is putting it nicely. When she died, I vowed I would do everything I could to make sure that girls like her got the help they needed, rather than the hate they sometimes received. The day Zach's meteor hit, didnt seem any different than any other. I heard about a meteor shower coming, but not being a stargazer, I shrugged and let the thing go. It was several months later that I got drawn into the whole issue. The one person from my hometown I still had contact with left me a message asking me to call him as soon as I could. His name is Doctor Alan Brown, and yeah, he got ribbed for the last name during the 80's, but for a small town GP, he was a pretty cool guy, and he had helped me a lot getting to where I am, so calling him back was a no-brainer. So I ring his number, and when he answers, I say, "Hey Doc. How goes the trip to the future?" "Ha, ha, Adrien. How goes the head shrinking game?" "Doing brisk business, as always. What's on your mind?" "Well, I got a bit of a situation here, Adrien. Is there a way you could come for a visit? Call it a consultation." "What's it about Doc? I have a lot of people here who need my help." "I... rather not talk about a patient over the phone, Adrien. But I really need your help, and so does my patient. And to be frank, it ... involves more than one person.." I remembered all the times he'd helped me, and so at last I said, "Well, as it happens I have a week's worth of vacation coming in two weeks. Is that soon enough? "Okay, Adrien. And thanks." "No problem, Doc," I said, and then hung up the phone. The next two weeks went by without much difficulty, but every once in a while I wondered what could possibly be going on that would make Doc Brown call me to come for a "consultation." He knew what I specialized in, so the assumption would be it would have to do with that, but in that case, why not send the patient to me? Finally, I had seen my last patient before my holiday, said good bye to my assistant who would be covering for me, and made the drive toward the place where I had been born. It wasnt a long trip, physically, but it was worlds away from the life I now lived, and I had to admit I was more than a little nervous. How would I be treated, now that I was "big city folk"? It was a pretty quiet day, with only a handful of people out on the main street when I drove in. I went to Doc Brown's office, parked my car, and went into the small office. The one thing new in the place was the receptionist. A pretty blonde in her late teens or early twenties was at the desk, and she smiled when she saw me. "Welcome home, Adrien." "Do I ... know you? I've trouble believing I would forget such a pretty face." She blushed, and said, "I've ... been through a few changes since you left." With that rather cryptic comment, she got up and sashayed to Doc's private office. She knocked at the door, and said, "Adrien is here, Doc." Doc came out, looking as rumpled as his namesake from the movies. "Thank you, Sabrina." He said, and then took my hand. "Come. I'll think better on a full stomach." We walked from his office to a little outside cafe and made an order. Once it came, and he got a little food and coffee into him, he relaxed and said, "Well, Adrien, you're looking good." "Thanks. But you didnt bring me to town to make small talk." "Always straight to the point. First though, what did you think of my secretary?" "Pretty girl. She seems to know me, but I dont recognize her." "That's because last time you would have seen her, she was a him. That was Zack Murphy." I looked at him, waiting for the punchline. That girl, Zach Murphy? The son of one of the worst tormentors of my friend? He'd had colleges salivating to get a chance to talk to him when I left, the whole town loving him as the best football player seen in the area ever. I looked at Doc and waited to see if he was going to crack a smile or tell me he was kidding, but he looked totally serious. 'Okay, Suppose I believe you. Doesn't explain why you called me to come. I mean, maybe I didn't see the girl in her before, but there are a lot of my patients who try very hard to 'man up' for long stretches. " "That may be so, but how many of your patients were not willing participants in their .. transition, isnt it?" "That's the correct term. But what do you mean, not willing?" "Perhaps its best to let her tell you the story. Care to come back to office, and she can tell you the whole thing?" "Sure," I said, and we settled the bill, and left. We walked back to the office, and Sabrina was waiting for us. "Doc told you about me?" "Some. Hard to believe you used to be Zack Murphy, though. And what's this about you being not willing?" She laughed and said, "Yeah, I could see how that would throw you. But its true. When this started, I was not a willing participant at all." I sat down beside her and said, "Okay. Tell me all about it." "It all started the night of the meteor shower. One piece feel in the river that abuts our property, and I figured I'd go and see if it was worth anything. I'd heard some of these meteor fragments can be worth big bucks. The cold water of the river cooled it really quick, so I was able to pick it up and I took it home. But something in the meteor started to transform me. By the end of the first day, I no longer resembled the football hero who had made his town and his dad so proud, instead I looked like like a feminized version of myself. To say that I freaked out isnt putting too fine a point on it. And my dad's reaction was just as bad, if not worse. He of course didnt believe me that this wasn't my fault. All he could see was his precious dreams of me going to the pros collapsing on him, and as far as he was concerned I had betrayed him. I ran out of there before he could show me his answer to that problem. Not knowing what to do or where to go, I came into town and ran into Doc here. I guess I looked enough like the old me that he believed my story, and he took me to his house so I'd have a place to stay. By the time I woke up the next morning, I was even more feminine- looking. I looked more like a tomboy girl than a guy, and there seemed no sign of the transformation slowing down. By the next morning I no longer had male parts, and I had a pretty good set of breasts growing, and if it wasnt for Doc here I probably would have killed myself. Once I was fully female he helped me find the information I needed to handle being a girl. By then I could go out in public and nobody would connect the new me with the old one, so with his encouragement, I picked a girl name, and started to try and make a new life for myself. He gave me a job working here as a receptionist, and I guess I'm doing as okay as I can be. And that's my story, Adrien." I looked at this young woman, and remembering how her father had treated my friend, I felt compassion for her. "Okay, but Doc hinted there was more than one person involved. Who is the other?" "Well, I left the meteor behind me when I fled my home, Adrien. About a week ago, my dad stopped coming into town, and after that, nobody heard from him. Finally, Doc decided to pay him a visit, and well .... it must have taken longer to show the effects. He might not be the best person ever, but he still needed our help." "So it affected him too? Where is he?" "He wont leave the farm, Adrien. We're hoping that with your help we can convince him to at least let Doc examine him." I scowled. Did they really expect me to go to the aid of the man who drove my best friend to suicide? But on the other hand, he was still a human being, and didnt I become a doctor to help people? I stood there for a long time, looking at this girl. If she could forgive her father for forcing her to leave, who was I to do any less? "Fine. Let's go to your dad's place." We went to my car, and drove out to the farm. To avoid the awkward silence that would have otherwise occurred, I asked Sabrina "All things considered, you've seem to adapted pretty well. How did that happen?" "Doc helped a lot, but part of it was I realized I could let what happened victimize me, or I could do the best with what I had now. All I had to do was look at how my dad has lived his life. He was an athlete back in the day, and always blames an injury for not making it to the big time. He lives totally in the past, and cant seem to get over losing his athletic skills. That's one reason he pushed me so hard. I guess he figured if he couldnt be a pro, he could be the father of one. If I had blown my knee or something, I might have ended up the same. So I've decided to take advantage of this change to be someone really different. I'm going to be a doctor, and make a difference in a way that throwing a football never would." "But being a girl ..." "Is less of a big deal than I thought at first. Some things are different, but a lots the same, and at least I'm still young and healthy and have all my marbles. Could be a lot worse off." She sighed, and continued. "Look, I looked into the whole transgender thing, especially female to male, because that's kinda what I felt like. I could bind my breasts, wear boys clothes and keep using my male name, but this body of mine may not let me take male hormones, or have surgery, so I'd always be kinda stuck no matter what. God bless those who would go that route anyway if it made them happy, but I've decided to give being a girl a shot." "Well, that's ... really mature thinking." She laughed, and said, "I know. Football players are kinda always portrayed as being a little bit dim, but I would have aced college even without the free pass.people think athletes get." "How far along is your dad?" "Not sure. he looked like a sissy, to use his term when he stopped going into town." "How can you forgive him for what he did?" "Because he needs it. And I wasnt much different until my own transformation woke me up." "Because he taught you hate." "Maybe. But, I've learned better, and nobody would understand what he feels like better than me. Maybe I can teach him a better lesson." "Well, lets see if he'll let us help him," I said as we pulled into the long drive to the farm. We knocked, and the door opened on its own. "Hello?" Doc shouted. "Go away!" we heard. "You need help, Mike," I said. heading for the sound of the voice. "Adrien? What are you doing back in town," I heard from a bedroom. "Believe it or not, your.... child has convinced me you to come. Even if you were a bastard." He/laughed, and it sounded hysterical. "More like a bitch, now." I had a bad feeling, so I smashed through the door, and saw him/her laying in bed with a large shotgun under his/her chin. "Ummm. Mike? Could you maybe put the gun down, and we can talk about what happened to you?" "Why? Cant live like this. I'm not a man anymore." "Neither am I, dad. But you can find reasons to live, if you want to." Sabrina said, coming into the room. "Zach? Is that ... you?" "It was me, dad. I decided to call myself Sabrina now." He/she lowered the gun, and softly said, "That's .. what your mother wanted to call you if you had been born a girl." "Yeah, I know dad. She and I had a few conversations before she died." "I ... I ..." "Dad, its really up to you, but you can find a way to keep going. We'll help, wont we Adrien?" I gently took the gun away and said, "Yes, we will." "Why would you help me, after what I did to Tom, to Zach?" "Because your son has shown me a better way. Not forgiving you hasnt helped me at all. So maybe a little forgiveness will." "Okay." She took my hand, and i helped her out of the bed. And into the future, one day at a time.

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"You know," Scooter remarked as she and Jim headed down the Bright Angel Trail from Indian Gardens. "We ought to rig it around with Al so we could actually run with Dave and Mary once. I've never run with them, and I've always heard they were pretty cool." "They are," Jim said. "I spent all last fall running with them, remember? If Team 2 has a certain religious tinge to it, Team 1 has a New-Age tinge to it, so to speak." "What kind of tinge do you think Team 3 has?" Scooter...

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All American BoyChapter 50

Our game with Stratford was scheduled to start at 4:00 so we’d get back to Masonville before too late on a school night. The trip would take us two hours each way and at 1:00 we were on our way to board the buses. How they kept it a secret, none of us team members knew, but there were seven buses lined up behind the team bus with ‘Masonville Mavericks’ painted in bright red on the sides. The bus behind ours was the Masonville Mavericks’ Junior Band. The other six buses had signs painted on...

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The Promise

THE PROMISE by J R D It was a little before 2 on a Tuesday when he got the call. He answered with his usual, "Parker residence." The voice on the other end of the line said, "Mister Shawn Parker, this is officer James of the city police. There's been an accident. Your wife has been seriously injured. You need to come down to Mercy General. Now." He almost missed the cradle returning the phone to its base. He didn't even shut off the computer where he was coding a...

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Kinky Moments With Vanitha Aunty

Hi Readers. This is my first story. I haven’t had sexual intercourse yet. But had a lot of kinky moments with aunties and college girls. My name is Avinash. I am from Coimbatore. My age is 23. Currently I am working as a software developer. I first learnt to masturbate when I was doing my 10th std. The ejaculation moment was so intense I used to masturbate very often with no purpose. Whenever I was in a mood to touch myself I would. We were living in a rented house. The house owner stayed in...

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Bound together Chapter 5 Supernatural Hellfic

She was in the black room again. There was no chaise lounge this time and she was naked. She couldn’t help thinking what he’d do to her this time. Every day was getting worse and now she even wished he’d put her back on the rack. At least when she was there, she could close her eyes and pretend she was somewhere else or she could think of Mikey. But the things he was doing to her now were unbearable. She knew she wouldn’t be able to take it much longer...and he wasn’t offering her to get off...

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Part 37 Light My Fire

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 37: Light My Fire A few months passed before we broke our pledge of monogamy. Seriously, In this house, with Stephanie and Sandy just a few feet away, that’s quite an accomplishment. I bet if you put Stephanie in a convent, in a month you would have a whole bunch of bi-curious nuns. Of course it was Stephanie that ended our monogamous relationship. It didn’t matter though; Holly and I had gotten back the confidence in our relationship that had...

2 years ago
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Teenage Threesome with an Older Man

This story is entirely a work of fiction. So jack off to it guilt free.As the screen door slammed behind me my mother yelled from the kitchen. “Addison, where are you off to?“ Why did she have to know everything I did? “I don’t know,” I lied. I knew exactly where I was hesded. “Just going for a Bike ride.”“Well, be careful. It’s awfully humid out there.“That was true. It was August and summer vacation was sadly coming to an end. Boring school would be starting again soon but these weren’t...

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A Paladins TrainingChapter 8 Machinations

all characters are over the age of eighteen years ***SMYTHE – Ironshire, Ekistair*** The morning of the day after Aran departed Ironshire, Smythe was on his way to visit an old friend. After all the intense training he’d put Aran through in the past three months, Smythe was in the mood for a relaxed, quiet chat, and he knew just the man to see. “Henley!” Berrigan exclaimed with a laugh when he opened the door. “Hello, Berrigan,” Smythe said with a grin, clasping forearms with the...

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JapanHDV Nene Kinoshita Your girlfriend and you find her napping in your bed

Nene Kinoshita is a fun outdoor girl who loves to spend her time with friends enjoying their company and enjoying her life outside. She also happens to be a porn star in Japan and she loves working as well. She is quite famous and as she is many men dream of her when they watch her movies. Most dream of her fucking them or sucking their cock. And some go as far as to dream what it would be like to have someone like Nene Kinoshita as their girlfriend. They imagine that if she were, she would be...

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Dominant Black Tales and Submissive White Tails

Did she have a hidden agenda? Was her desire to dominate white men driven bysome racial hatred or need to seek revenge for her enslaved ancestors? By alloutward appearances, that would appear to be the case. But Mistress Desirewas far more complex than superficial appearances would allow. Black, strong,confident, and proud, there was no mistaking that the Domina was proud of herAfrican heritage and took pleasure in reducing her white submissives to whateverit was that they feared the most....

1 year ago
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Owned by the MotherinlawChapter 11

On the way home from the mall, I was ordered to drive to a remote rural high-spot and Parked the car 100 yards or so from a quiet crossroads. A lone wooden pole stood at the spot; there was no traffic or other vehicles there. Blanche ordered me to get into the back of the car with her. "I hope you enjoyed shopping with me; I can't wait to take you again. Would you like that?" My cock buzzed to as big an erection as it could manage in the cage as I thought about more sublime humiliation at...

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Nylon Lexis sissy training part 7

I hear the bing on my phone and feel a tingling of excitement as I see it's a message from you. You tell me your flat is free and to dress nicely and come round ASAP....I shower and make sure I am smooth head to toe, paying careful attention to my clit and asshole so that they are silky smooth for whatever you have in mind for me. After I've dried off, I moisturise my skin and pick out some whore red underwear to go with my newly red hair, a sheer suspender belt with 6 metal straps, red...

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Tushy Adriana Chechik Lonely Bored Wife Gets a Anal Massage

Stunning Adriana loves her life. She has a rich husband who gives her everything her heart desires and she is very high maintenance. The only problem is that he tends to spend a lot of time out of town on business and she gets pretty bored all on her own. Feeling tense, she books herself a massage to ease her frustration, and when Lorenzo arrives, she knows she’s in for a wonderful session of relaxation. He is an amazing masseur and knows exactly how to ease her tension. Adriana has been...

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Passion8217s playpen

Kate was taken to breakfast. She was washed first, again in milk, this time by the old woman, who did her hair and her face for her, washing her like she was a small c***d, with Kate resisting, but not completely, for she knew she must let the woman do her work lest she be punished. The woman also washed Kate’s body. Unlike Maria, she used a sponge. Kate wondered if her value had somehow diminished during the night. Had her own performance, in the bedroom, led to her being less favored? ...

2 years ago
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Summer of Discovery Ch 04

After three hours of lying prone on the couch, shouting at himself in his mind, Alex Stone finally decided that he needed to stop dwelling on what he had done and do something about it. “I’m not a bad person,” he told himself over and over. He could not explain what had happened when the head cheerleader had knelt and taken his thick member in her mouth, but he knew that he needed to find her and make sure she was okay. He needed to explain that he hadn’t meant to grab her head like that,...

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College nerd gets lucky Part 2

Again, a gasp at the size my member, then her brain caught up with her eyes, but before she could do or say anything, I jumped in, time to take advantage of this situation. “Do you mind? Can’t you see I’m busy with my homework?” I placed my hand on the back of jenny’s head and pushed her down further on my dick. Surprisingly, she went down with the smallest resistance and continued bobbing her head up and down. Oh God, is that her tongue? There is no way I’m going to last, this bitch is good,...

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Ana brings someone home by night

On Thursday night I came home from office very late. In the kitchen I found a note from my sweet Ana, telling she had gone out with the girls, including her slutty girlfriend Helena, for a girl’s night out.Knowing Helena was there with her made me get real nervous; I knew that devilish bitch was a bad influence for my nice shy Ana.I relaxed on my favorite sofa and had some glasses of Irish whisky as I watched some porn. About midnight I was almost fainting; so, I woke up from the sofa and...

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Mutual Giving

A knock at the door, Mel answers, seeing Jay. Jay looks so fine, his white dress shirt showing off his broad shoulders, going nicely against his dark chocolate skin.He greets Mel with a huge smile, "Hey baby, how have you been?" Mel responds, "Good, I have missed you, come here love."Jay leans in for a teasingly soft kiss, pulling at Mel's bottom lip. He grabs her and pulls her closer enjoying the sensation of her breasts to his chest. "Mel, baby, are you not wearing a bra? I feel your nipples...

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The Truth

I know everybody says their stories are true even though we all know most of them are bullshit, I swear the experiences that I write about here are the real deal. I can talk about them here as I cannot talk about them to 99.5% of people I know in my everyday life. I would be happy to talk with people in my area who have the same "secret" likes I have, just send me a message or friend request.I'll start with the obligatory background info.I'm a 40 year old, masculine white male who has been...

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emailprotected Ch 05

Chapter 5 And If You Call In The Next Half Hour… Jayce shifted in the waiting room chair. The whole place seemed so sterile, more like a hospital than a psychiatrist’s office. Possibly on purpose, the walls all blended together, not a solid corner in sight, even the chairs and shelves had only curved edges. With the exception of the new magazines on the table, everything was white, and that’s what made Jayce uneasy. The speaker on the wall chirped to life. ‘Jayce Winslow.’ He looked around...

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Rides Crowds And Oh Wow You Are Sexy Part 1

It was a dark place in my life. I had absolutely nothing to do, nowhere to go, no job, no friends. I needed to get out of my house because my parents were fighting as usual. Yes I know what you're thinking. "Why don't you move out instead of complaining about how you hate living with your parents?" Well easier said than done. It is not exactly easy to just find a steady job and actually make enough money to afford my own place. I decided to go out for the first time in a while. Since I was...

Love Stories
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Mad Diaries Part 6 Keerthi Mam Trapped

Hi friends, this is Madhan with a story of how and my friend Ashok had sex with Keerthi mam who was taking our maths. I am now continuing the story. Let me come to the story. I took in the hotel to mam’s phone through WhatsApp from Sanjana’s mobile. She watched the video, her face turned pale and she got panicked, sweating heavily due to the fear. She called Sanjana’s number. Now Ashok attended the call and spoke in a modified voice. Keerthi: Hello, who’s this? Ash: Now I’m the one who’s...

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Meri Chachy N Cousin Sis

My name rocky (nick name) i usd to liv far 4m house 4 stdies n i had 2 fuck my czn sis. N i got holidays . I wnt home the next day i went 2 czn sis. I had took condem n i removd that n threw it frnt of sis. She saw it n ask me wats ths i hide it she told me wht whm u going to do i said wen u alone tel me n i came home n then i went to meet my chachi n by mistake the condem had cm out of my pant she saw it n askd 4 whm it was . I was v scare . I told i had just kept it . Then she askd u got gf ....

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Falling in and Out of Love

Hi folks. This one is a bit different. A couple of weeks ago my wife and I were entertaining some friends. The question that started this story arose. That question was whether or not any of us had actually ended up with the very first person we fell for. Almost all of us including AK and I had nothing but horror stories about it. I asked a few other people and got even more anecdotes. This story is the blending of some of those. Now unlike in the story all of these things didn't befall one...

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Encounter With A Young Kerala Aunty In Chennai 8211 Part 2

This is the story about how I seduced Ramya, the young housewife from Kerala living in Chennai. Here I am going to continue on the second part. This part is more of the detail about how the conversation happened between me and Ramya. I personally believe the story is not just about fuck and suck. There is a romantic part which is more dick raising. Coming to the sex story. I got a reply message from Ramya after two weeks. She felt sorry for not responding and said she was busy with household...

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