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The Nuclear Propulsion Boat U.S.S. John Paul Jones blasted ahead at a speed approaching 100 thousand miles per minute. It's nuclear pulse drive propelled it ahead at speeds faster than any human vessel in space had ever moved. Keeping pace with the John Paul Jones were the nuclear pulse ships of her new allies. The People's Republic of China had sent her best In the form of the People's Space Ship 'Revolutionary Guard' Her master and Commander, Air Marshall Deng Xiaoping Hailed the John Paul Jones to confirm course and speed, "John Paul Jones, we are on your starboard supporting your flank, the Aleksander Nevski should be on your port. As your countrymen say, you have point." "Roger that, 'Revolutionary Guard' we are coming in cislunar in the deep. The enemy may know we're coming, but if we do this right, they won't know from where." "DO not fear, Captain, we are with you, an attack on America, is an attack on China, as per the treaty drafted by President Nixon." "Glad I voted for him." "Indeed, Captain." The Commander of the Aleksander Nevski Colonel Valentina Tereshkova, radioed to report, "Captain, we read the enemy as shifting position. They seem to be making some kind of battle order. I suspect they know we are coming. The good news is their forming order of battle would be ideal if we were not coming at them from below the plane of the ecliptic. Have they never waged a battle in space?" "No, Colonel we don't think they ever have. Our read on them is that they're bullies. They only pick on planets they think cannot or will not fight back on an even field". The Jones' navigation officer confirmed that the fleet's three-day progress had been mostly undetected. The enemy was reading false echo from the dispersed radiation released by the Rampart station orbiting the moon. The John Paul Jones and her fleet came up from under the orbital track of the planet Jupiter, and the Raianna finally realized what was happening. Their ships broke formation and the J.P.J., R.G. and A.N. decelerated by the expedience of firing their rail cannons at the nearest enemy ships. The five-hundred pound heavy iron projectiles slammed into the hulls of the lead ships with a terrible kinetic force that ripped hulls open and exposed the interiors to hard vacuum. Captain Michelle Strelnikova gave the order, "Launch the D.A.R.T.s." Ten tiny ships launched from amidships, just far enough forward of the fuel magazine to not cook in the nuclear exhaust and sought out the largest Raianna ships they could find. Ensign, Peter Maxwell targeted one ship that seemed to be a supply ship of some kind. It flew near a weapon's ship fitted for orbital bombardment of planets and Ensign Maxwell attached his ship and said a prayer to his savior. He knew that he was doomed to hell for his act of suicide, but he was comforted that he would have plenty of dickgirls to keep him company. Nine other tiny ships each fitted with a 1.2 megaton fission-fusion nuclear warhead searched out their own targets. Each vessel was the size and shape of a Gemeni capsule with the second seat taken up by the nuclear charge. Each man turned woman was unable to bear life as a member of the fair sex, and so was making their deaths count for something. Fleet Leader Kona of the Raianna prefect council watched as the three human ships shot at and did terrible damage to the forward troop ships of the fleet. It was then that s/he saw the tiny little vessels flying in and among the other bigger ships. What were they doing, they were too small to have any guns or to- That was when the main supply ship exploded with a sudden horrible terrible light that struck deep in the racial memory. The initiation destroyed that ship and two vessels nearest it and blinded every Raianna unlucky enough to be looking at the main viewscreen at the time. Kona was fortunate In that she had been looking down at the scanner showing her two other big ships lining up in orbit over the Base world. What were they doing? They, could not be, no, they couldn't, they wouldn't,... They did. The Nuclear fission fusion initiations obliterated the base and killed two hundred Raianna personnel. Kona's kith and kin were once more dying by nuclear fire. Another fleet ship disintegrated by nuclear fire and another and another. This even as the support and logistics, craft were peppered with those horrible iron projectiles from the lead ship of the humans. The two other ships turned the remains of the ground base into rubble and then chased the escape ships to kill them. Murderers, killers, maniacs, that was what these humans were. Who else could unleash the fire-curse on other living thinking beings? Kona had lost the initiative in this battle but s/he collected he/r wits and started giving orders, "Turn our ventral side toward that ship, and fire the bombards." "Fleet leader, they are only effective in planetary strike mode,..." "DO IT!, These are the weapons we have, use them or we are undone." The flagship turned on her axis and showed her belly to the John Paul Jones. Captain Strelnikova was just wondering what they were doing when the enemy projectiles hit her ship, or rather the Explosive Reactive Armor plates lining the exterior of the J.P.J.'s hull. The Jones shook under the impacts but Ensign J.R. Dobbs reported, "Some secondary systems affected, Captain, but we're good we're O.K., Rail cannons are reloaded and armed, I have firing solution on the whale that just hit us." "Hit her Back, Mr. Dobbs." "Aye, sir, firing." The Jones's iron rounds ripped into the open launch ports on the belly of the Raianna flagship and rendered it dead in space. Kona asked frantically if the communicator was working. The Comm tech told her they had short range, only. "That is all we need, call the humans, transmit the following, "You have won, we surrender, we surrender, stop murdering us, you mad killers, we surrender!" The fleet was in tatters. Only three ships remained intact and none of them was armed. The Aleksander Nevski and the Revolutionary Guard returned from their pursuit of the fleeing Raianna. Those ships would never reach their fellows. The Raianna flagship was ruined It had marginal life support, no engines and no maneuvering power. Captain Michelle Strelnikova responded to Kona's frantic cries with her measured and prepared response. "Fleet leader, Kona, of the Raianna Civilization. I am empowered to accept your battlefield surrender, but be aware that I do not and cannot accept the surrender of your leaders, those who sent you started this war, and we recognize that state of war between humanity and the Raianna." "I, I do not understand,...War? Why War against us? We have only brought you healthy change and enlightenment" "Kona, I don't have time for this. Stand to and prepare to be boarded, we're coming to take your ship." "But who can I tell my grievance to, Michael?" "Tell it to the Marines!" That revealed to be the direct truth as a platoon of United States Marines, in specially designed hardsuits boarded the Raianna flagship, and ordered the Raianna to disarm and disrobe to be searched for weapons and intelligence. Marine Major Charles Lewis was still getting used to her female body, but was more than willing to use her Gauss rifle on the dickgirls if they did anything stupid. The flagship was junk and the few Raianna survivors were taken aboard the three surviving ships. Those ships were bracketed by the Human Orion ships and the Marines from the Jones guarded and garrisoned one while Chinese Naval Infantry garrisoned a second and Soviet Naval Infantry garrisoned the third. Captain Michelle Strelnikova sent the message back to Houston via the Soyuz-Salyut station and reported, "Enemy fleet destroyed, enemy beachhead, destroyed. 10 friendly casualties from DART assaults., heavy enemy casualties from both offensives. Fleet returning with prisoners of war. Recommend highest honors for the ten. They gave their lives, for all mankind." Three ships voyaged out, six ships, including three P.O.W. vessels were returning. The three alien ships were officially labeled 'Prize of War Alpha, Prize of War Bravo, and Prize of War Charles . The American Marines and Chinese and Soviet Naval infantry had a tough job managing the P.O.W.'s but they were up to the challenge. A grand total of 300 Raianna would be coming to Earth, not as conquerors or occupiers, but as detainees of a victorious, for now Human regime. Michelle wondered to herself, What now? The battle had been won, but what about the war? What about the changees? Well as far as they went' the Allied Governments would grill the Raianna to see if the virus could be reversed, or if not reversed, to see if the virus could be purged from the atmosphere. After three days of travel the Raianna ships were landed on Earth. Alpha landed in the New Mexico desert near the White Sands Missile range, Bravo, landed in Tunguska, Siberia near the new Soviet research facility built to study it and Charles landed in the Gobi Desert at the P.R.C. facility for the same purpose. It was agreed that any new discoveries would be shared. On Earth, the news was not good. The virus was spreading and affecting more men. It turned out that approximately ten percent of the human race had the RH negative blood factor. That meant that the number of men affected would go up, not down. At the current figures, as many as 250 million men could be transformed worldwide. Captain Strelnikova thought about that as she considered her attack on the enemy and the casualties she inflicted on them and felt very good. The human race had gotten a bit of its own back. The three Orion spaceships would remain in orbit. They had been built to launch from a planet's surface once, then to be orbit to orbit ships from then on, maintained by the three powers as permanent stations/ships. An Earth to orbit Titan rocket could get personnel and payload up to them for maintenance and refueling and the crew would return via the Delta wing shuttle re entry vehicle built in to the forward section. The Orion powered U.S.S. John Paul Jones was America's first true space ship. Michelle and her now battle tested crew closed down the Jones and stationed her in a stable high-orbit altitude that she would keep for a minimum of five years. After seeing to that, She and they donned their environment suits and strapped and belted into the Delta flyer "Edward H. White'. The re entry into Earth's atmosphere was smoother than any Apollo landing; this was due to the shuttle's larger frame and hull shaped for atmospheric flight. The Edward H. White was designed to be refitted and launched on two titan rockets back into orbit to dock with the John Paul Jones. As the Delta Flyer landed at Edwards Air Force Base, the Delta Shuttle Korolev landed at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Michelle would have to wait several days for her husband and the father of her child to return to Kirkland, but return he would or at least she hoped. When Michelle was cleared from quarantine she received the news of her commendation for leading the first victorious space navy battle in human history. Victory. Victory often covered a multitude of sins and caused the Admiralty to look with great beneficence on a new captain. The news media as well looked upon her with kind eyes and a warm heart. "HERO CAPTAIN SMASHES ALIENS!" "NAVY HERO WINS AT JUPITER!" Walter Kronkite's report on the battle highlighted her as the fleet commander, "Michelle Strelnikova, a decorated Navy servicewoman, is no stranger to jeopardy in space, and in this battle displayed unswerving courage. Her name will now be listed alongside names such as Farragut, Halsey, Spruance, and Nimitz as names that made America and the world, proud." The nation at large showed a tremendous burst of patriotism and nationalist fervor. After all, who cared about losing some fleabite war in the asshole of Asia, when America just beat the crap out of a bunch of super space aliens? Michelle checked in with General Ballard at Project Rampart and received the bad news. Men were still changing. The global situation was not all roses and candies either. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries tried to continue their embargo against the west, blaming the U.S> and 'western decadence and perversion' for the relatively small number of men that were transformed in O.P.E.C. nations. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia was leading the charge in that department and so the Soviet Union suggested a unilateral invasion of any country that threatened to cut off oil exports. President Ford suggested that any effort on that front should be an allied effort and not involve the militaries of just one partner in the coalition. Michelle walked in to the front door of her Officer's quarters and dropped her sea bag and her flight bag on the living room floor as she looked around an empty house. Joanne would be at school at this hour and Schtopaugh would not return for three days. Michelle was lonely. All of a sudden she missed Schtopaugh and Jo' and felt as alone as she ever had. Michelle dragged her stuff upstairs and changed out of her uniform was about to dress in a t shirt and sweats when she smelled herself and wanted a shower very badly. She was three months pregnant and the baby was starting to become apparent. After her shower, Michelle dressed and scoured the house for something to eat. There was food, but nothing that looked good. Suddenly Michelle realized, she wanted Mexican food. Michelle searched the phone book for a Mexican restaurant and finally spotted one that looked to fit the bill. Pancho's Mexican buffet, on the corner of San Mateo and Montgomery BLVD. Michelle drove to the restaurant in question and commenced to eat. It did not take long for her to realize the looks she was getting from a few diners. Not odd or condemning, but more bemusedly understanding. That was when Michelle saw the redhead in a maternity dress and sneakers packing away an enchilada plate. Michelle hoisted a honeyed sopapilla in acknowledgment and the woman nodded greeting at her fellow U.P.C. (Unborn Personnel Carrier). After three helpings of taquitos enchiladas, Chili Rillenoes and heavily cheesed Refried beans and rice, Michelle finished it with three dishes of jello and stood up to leave, having paid the fare when she received the first helping. That had been good, and most satisfying. What was odd was that Michelle had never before then liked Mexican food or had a particular taste for it. Driving home from her gorge-fest, she said aloud, "Man, pregnancy will really mess with your head; I wonder what else I'll want to eat?" Michelle received her answer as she drove to the 7-11 nearest the base to buy several bottles of Tabasco sauce and picante sauce. While there, she bought three bags of tortilla chips and two bags of pork rinds. As Michelle looked over at the stock of bean dip she said down at her tummy and the resident thereof, "What the hell you don't like pickles or ice cream?" Thinking about it, she told her unborn child, "Aah,, I can't blame ya, I can't stand the thought of that either." Michelle returned home feeling as if another mission had been accomplished, when she saw Jo's V.W. beetle car in the driveway and went inside. Jo, looked up from her studying and came to give Michelle a hand with her groceries, Michelle demurred and handed her the bags of spicy junk food and told her, "Here, why don't you put this crap in the kitchen?" Sure, Mike, say, since when do you like tex-mex?" Michelle shrugged and answered, "Since now I guess, I just pigged out at some place called "Pancho's." "Oh, sure, I know that place some of the kids at school like to eat there,." "So, how are you doin' at school, Kid?" "Who are you calling, a kid, I'm older than you?" "Fair point, so how is it?" As they finished putting the snack foods away, Jo' answered, "It beats the hell out of working for a living. Some parts of it are tough, but no tougher than the Corps was o na young man.. The strangest part is dealing with my alleged contemporaries. I look like them and I dress like them, but I sure don't think like them. Some of the stuff that comes out of their mouths is just crazy" Michelle followed Jo' into the living room to continue their conversation and asked, "Examples?" "Well, some of them actually think the U.S> Government is at fault for the war, that WE provoked it somehow, and that the Raianna were here to be our friends or some shit." So what happens when you point out the guys that were, are and will be changed by the virus?" "Oh, yeah, these people hand wave that away and claim they did us a favor. Like this is some big great prize." "Well to be fair the enemy didn't do it to us personally, it was those little grey bastards." "Yeah, you and I know that, sure, but they don't, that reminds me whatever happened to those little peckerheads, anyhow? "They, or rather the survivors abandoned the solar system after we nuked their base last year. We haven't seen hide nor hair of them since. That doesn't mean we won't ever see them again, but right now they're not the problem." "Yeah, the dickgirls are the problem, that reminds, me, I am not foolish enough to think the war is over, just because we won the battle of Midway. What happens next?" Michelle exhaled and responded, "Well, we get ready. We build more ships, more technology and we interrogate the crap out of our prisoners to see what they know." "We're not going to torture them, are we? I mean I sure hope to hell we're not going to go there." "No, at least I hope not, but we suspect the anticipation of pain can be and is more effective and persuasive than pain itself. I don't think we'll need to actually torture them, but the threat might be enough." "I hope so." Michelle and Jo' were very worried about the U.S. resorting to torturing the P.O.W.'s That was a dark place from which the U.S. would never be able to return. Even when Michelle interrogated the Zulu Romeo prisoner, she never laid a hand on it. She never tortured it. Implications and threats had been enough. Michelle then thought of the unborn child in her body and asked herself, not for the first time, in what sort of world would he or she grow up? What kind of person would he or she be, and what kind of example would Michelle give the little future Strelnikov/a It was a long night of trying to sleep interspersed with troubling dreams of alien domination and global calamity followed by three days of tense waiting for Schtopaugh to come home. Captain Strelnikova continued to work at Project Rampart. Her duties now consisted of dealing with one very important Prisoner of War that had been separated out from the U.S> encampment in Nevada. Former Fleet leader Kona Bl'Shara, of the Raianna Assembly. The next day, Captain Strelnikova walked in to the pressurized and secured cell holding the former enemy commander and she told the taller stronger other, "Good morning, Fleetleader, I will be your primary contact with the human authorities. We will feed you house you and look after you for the duration of your captivity as a prisoner of war. Right now, it is my duty to inform you that should you have any religious or cultural practices that require observance we would like to know them so that you can continue them if that is practical within the limits of your captivity." Kona asked in he/r oddly deep but still feminine voice, "What does this mean, 'Prisoner of War, I have never heard this phrase?" "It means that you are an officer in the military force of a nation or civilization they the Human Alliance is at war with and you have been captured while in open battle with us. That being the case we will be asking you certain questions to get information that will help us win our war against you." "But, I do not understand, there is no war, there is only the series of crimes of which your race is guilty." Michelle was thunderstruck, "Excuse me? Fleet leader, you trespassed in our star system, you then initiated an unprovoked bio attack against our planet, and our space navy then gave you a world class shellaquing in retaliation." "Ah, I see now, there is a misunderstanding. You seek to cloak your race's crimes in a patina of military respectability. I will clarify the events for you. My force of Galactic peace keepers came to this star system to take your race in custodianship, you threatened us with violence. We then acted to curb your violence and atavism, and you responded by attacking our fleet and murdering thousands of Raianna peacekeepers." "Ah, I see now, in our eyes we defeated an enemy navy that invaded our star system, in your eyes we attacked and killed a bunch of cops." If a 'Cop' is a Peace force officer, then yes, and you have kidnapped several hundred other peace officers. Your race is now indictable for quite an impressive series of crimes, any one of which would place your race in Coventry for a generation." "I see, Well your interpretation of events is certainly interesting, to be sure, Fleetleader. We will talk again. Good day." With that, Michelle left the cell and retuned to speak with the project's intelligence chief, Vernest Torgeson. He watched the captain as she sat and asked her,"So, what did you learn, Captain?" "Well, he/r version of events was interesting to say the least. According to he/r this isn't a war, it's a bust." "Excuse me, Captain?" "They class us as criminals and now presumably we're cop killers as well in addition to being kidnappers." Torgeson nodded and said, "Yes, I suspected that might be the case, at least to them. During the Vietnam conflict the other side never stopped referring to our forces as criminals, as if our war effort were illegitimate." "I remember that. Nevertheless, this is different, with this, they are serious. There was no trace of irony in her voice when she said it, and during the battle I got the idea that they were shocked out of their shoes that we were attacking them at all." "Then, the fleet we defeated at Jupiter,..." "Wasn't even close to a serious military force, just a bunch of cops come 'round to bust a local crook's hideout." Vernest looked serious and told Michelle, "I see, well this certainly changes things. Captain why don't you return to your office and I'll report this to my superiors in Washington. The President is going to need to hear this." "Speaking of things the president needs to hear, next time s/he and I talk how about tomorrow I start asking, my enemy the police officer a few questions about her people, their history and so forth. Things a 'criminal' would not think to ask but will help us determine the psychology of our enemy." Torgeson was pleasantly surprised and told Michelle, "Very good, Captain, proceed as you see fit in that regard. Carry on." That day as Captain Michelle Strelnikova sat behind her big desk in her office at Project Rampart, she wrote out the list of questions she would ask the P.O.W. The initials in question filled her mind and suddenly her old Naval Aviator sense of humor kicked in and she started thinking of unflattering acronyms for them. 'Police Officer, Wanking' 'Probably On Weed' 'Pretty Old Woman' 'Prostitute Overly Willing' Finally, the through hit her that Kona was probably sitting in he/r cell sweating like a Pimp with One Whore. She started giggling and then outright laughing at her own humor It made her feel good and even happy for a good few minutes, Then she got back to the task at hand. Chief Petty Officer Chandler heard the captain laugh and took heart from that. A superior officer in a good mood was a very happy thing for any non commissioned officer. Ask about racial history, Ask about tech level, Ask about current dominion, ask about biology.(If reluctance is shown offer to cut her open and find out for yourself, use criminal patina to reinforce threat). The project geniuses suspected a nuclear war in their race's past, were they right? They needed to know. How old was their species, were they among the first in the local group to gain space travel? If so what did that mean, could Earth search for any allies? The project needed to know. The Earth struck lucky with the Battle of Jupiter, but as many wars in Earth's past showed, beginner's luck counted for crap in a long war, and this was going to be a VERY long war. Michelle was working away pushing her pencil when suddenly all thought of the war, and the project and the defense of Mother Earth Mom and Cherry pie fled her mind and she stood up and told CPO Chandler, "Lunchtime." As she walk-ran out the office door to the elevator to the surface. This time, lunch was barbecue brisket and white bread with Cole slaw and baked beans at a place called 'Rudy's' Michelle was driving back to the base when she heard an odd sound on her right near the space between the two front seats in her Corvette. Her car was ringing. She stopped at the intersection of Carlisle and Lomas and looked at the source of the strange noise. It was a rather large bulky looking unit with a telephone handset in it. Michelle picked it up, put it to her right ear, and answered curiously, "Hello, this is Captain Strelnikova, may I help you please?" The voice was that of Chief Petty Officer Chandler, "Captain good the mobile telephone unit works, I wanted to call you to let you know that Lt. Colonel Strelnikov has arrived at the Albuquerque Sunport, His flight is in if you want to go pick him up. General Ballard has released you from the rest of your duties for today so that you could do that, Sir." "I see, thank you, Chief Petty Officer, I appreciate that, I'll speak to you later." When she hung up the hand unit, Michelle sped as fast as she legally dared to get to the civilian Sunport connected to Kirkland Air Force Base and retrieve the love of her life and the father of her child. Driving to pick up the mad Russian, Michelle thought about various things, including the fact that she had already had to let her uniform out to fit her expanding belly. She was trying not to put on too much weight, but she just seemed to get HUNGRY sometimes and thoughts of food would chase all ration thought from her brain. It was really bizarre. Then she reflected on the telephone in her car. A telephone in her car. That was like, Buck Rogers. Nuclear powered space ships and trips to the moon and fighting space aliens were one thing, but a telephone in her car and the shrinking computers were something else again. THOSE were every day things that reminded her forcibly that the world was CHANGING. As she sat at the stoplight, Michelle saw a sad eyed young woman in an army jacket sitting at a bus stop and realized the poor bastard was not a woman, or at least had not been one until recently. The sight of a startlingly young and beautiful homeless woman in ill- fitting men's clothing, was starting to become a common one on the streets of Albuquerque as it was in several other American, Canadian and Mexican cities. They were a symptom, not just of the Raianna attack, but also of America's refusal to deal with the reality of gender politics. Pretending the problem did not exist was no way to address the problem. The U.S. population was trying the same trick with the veterans of the Vietnam conflict, and that wasn't working either. The really bizarre part was that in some cases the victims of the Raianna and the veterans of the war were the same men. How many of these women had been forced to prostitute themselves just to be able to feed themselves? It was swiftly becoming an national outrage. The BGALS act was rotting in legislative hell as a seeming legion of conservative politicians held it up and railed against "Spending taxpayer dollars to coddle sexual deviancy". The Temporary COIN act expired at the end of the year and renewal of that was not probable. Michelle reached the Sunport and parked her Corvette, she then headed in to retrieve her husband from the cavernous building. Michelle found Schtopaugh just picking up his flight bag and duffle from the baggage claim check when she came up behind him, and told him, "Hey flyboy, wanna come home with me and party, My husband's out of town." He turned around and not missing a beat, told her, "Hell yes, I dig pregnant chicks.let's blow this Popsicle stand." Michelle went into his arms and kissed him, open mouthed and hard. When she broke the kiss he exclaimed, "Wow, what was that?" "You never heard of a French kiss?" "Don't the French usually surrender, that was decidedly German actually." Michelle swatted him on the butt and told Schtopaugh, Don't be a smart-ass, come on, let's Did-Mau, Mos Riki Tick." As the corvette blazed out of the parking lot with Michelle driving and Schtopaugh I nthe side seat, he looked down between the front seats and asked, "What the hell is THAT thing?" "It's a mobile telephone unit, they installed it in my ride when I was away, I guess they wanted to be able to reach me no matter what?" "I am surprised I didn't get one in Russia, didn't your people share them? "We should have, unless the Politburo is being stingy with the goodies." "Oh, they probably are, I would not be surprised. I swear in Russia, if you are not a party member you're nobody." "Well, never mind that, Jo' is in University and we're both back so we can talk about important things, like getting the baby's room ready." "You're really throwing in full with the motherhood bit, ehh?" "Schtopaugh I don't have a choice, our son and or daughter is coming weather we like it or not and that means we have to get the young space cadet's quarters Ship-Shape and Norfolk Style BEFORE he or she shows up." "So,.. does that mean no more,..." Schtopaugh asked worried. "No, No, We're good to rock and roll all night until the last trimester, which is good because I am as horny as a ten peckered goat and I need to get ploughed hard as soon as we get our shit squared away at the house, maybe even before." Michelle drove faster than was strictly legal until they passed the Gibson gate of the base, at which point, she slowed to the base speed limit and drove to the house. Jo' would be at school and both knew it, therefore their inhibitions were suitably low. As soon as Her briefcase and his bags hit the living room floor and Michelle slammed the door closed with one foot, Michel was pulling his tie loose and trying to get his short open so that she could feel his chest. Both of their covers were on the floor as they frenetically pulled each other's uniforms off and caressed and fondled each other's bodies. By the time Michelle's breasts were exposed to Schtopaugh's tounge and mouth, she was stroking his engorged cock and playing with his ballsack. He was using his left hand to get inside her panties and frig her to get her going full speed. It was hardly needed as he felt his two fingers slide in with almost no trouble and she, moaned in relief. "OOOOOOOHHHHHHH GOD YEAHHHHHHHHHH" She stroked his cock faster and he grunted his approval, "Yes, So Good, I love that, mmmmmmm. Before he could climax, Michelle bent down and took him into her mouth. Michelle licked and sucked his penis as if the taste of it was better than chocolate. Michelle realized that after a fashion the meaty musky taste of his penis and testicles was quite pleasant. That was why she enjoyed giving him oral pleasure. That and knowing he would feel obliged to return the favor. Michelle worked Schtopaugh's dick as if it were a lollipop and before very long, felt it twitch and pulse in her mouth and the hot semen filled her mouth with a strong taste of what was almost meaty and grainy at the same time. Some of it leaked out onto her lip and she wiped it away telling him as she swallowed, "Meat and bread, the Russian diet" "How did you know? "Because you jizz what you eat, lover." "Oh," He laughed self consciously and asked, "So, Payback?" Michelle shook her head and crawled on the couch on all fours, telling him, Its been a week since we kicked ass at Jupiter and I need to get FUCKED I need my victory fuck, right up the old Hershey highway." Michelle almost growled. Schtopaugh nodded and was already once again hard given how long it had been since he and Michelle had made love. He spread her butt cheeks apart and pushed himself slowly into her rectum, not taking care to not hurt her, but rather relishing the slow torture he was inflicting on her. When he was finally all the way in he could tell she was frigging her pussy by the motion her fingers caused on his scrotum. As Schtopaugh started slowly thrusting in and out of Michelle, She was moving back and forth over his shaft and moaning and crying in physical pleasure. "MMmmmmeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhh YEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSHHHH FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKMMMMEEEEEEEEEE!" With the last cry Michelle orgasmed and was working her own cunt with one hand while she massaged her own breasts with the other as Schtopaugh drove her into the couch cushions. Schtopaugh did not stop but instead turned her over onto her back as he pulled out of her rectum and was about to drive his hardness into her vagina when he suddenly remember their child and ran to the bathroom to wash off his penis. Michelle cried, "Come AWN, Where ja gowww, I wanna git fucked, Gimme a break, lover!!!!!!" Schtopaugh returned with his penis smelling faintly of soap and plunged it into Michelle's sopping pussy, when he did that and she felt him go in with almost violent suddenness she shouted "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHGAHD FUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKME! Each cry of 'Fuck me' was bizarrely timed to coincide with Schtopaugh thrusting into her and driving them both closer to their mutual climax. By the time Michelle felt Schtopaugh trembling with the force of his own imminent climax she had her legs wrapped around his back and her arms across his shoulders, hugging him to herself as she shook and cried, "EEEEEHHHHHAAAAAAAHHHHHGGGG GHAHD!" As they lay there I nthe afterglow, with Schtopaugh's softening cock still in Michelle, the door unlocked and opened and Joanne Bradford stood there and said in gobsmacked horror, "I did NOT need to see THAT!" Then she closed the front door and said through it,, "I'll be back when you two freaks are done debauching the living room, and oh yeah, SOMEbody better get us a new COUCH!" As the two heard her footsteps die away and he car start outside, they just giggled to each other, and moved to part and clean up their mess.

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 60 Jan 1946 the New Two Germanys and the Cold War

The alleged accident that killed General Patton at the end of World War Two was a terrible awakening to the American people that suddenly they had lost the most outspoken critic of the Soviet Union and the dictator Joseph Stalin taking the place of Hitler and his Nazi goons as the primary threat to continuing peace in Europe. He had plenty of critics for his outstanding views on politics and the world around us but he was one hell of a combat commander and inspired deep loyalty in his...

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Kents War

(This story is both a companion piece and a sequel to ‘My War’ by LeapYearGuy and is written with his permission. My thanks to him for very graciously allowing me to use his characters from his moving and poignant story. Although the original story is somewhat covered by PFC Kent, the original should definitely be read to get an understanding of the characters and how they ended up where they are. By the way, ‘REMF’ is a Vietnam era term used to refer to a ‘Rear Echelon Mother Fucker’, someone...

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A Love in War

‘I hate this place.’ ‘I hate that you’re such a brat,’ Danielle said to her little brother. ‘Why do we have to go? Ma-mère doesn’t even speak English,’ he whined some more. ‘She does, too.’ She reached over and smacked him just because she could. ‘You’re just too stupid to understand her.’ ‘Dani, don’t antagonise your brother,’ her mom scolded from the front seat of the mini-van. ‘They don’t even have a Playstation!’ Good God, just shut up! Danielle thought to herself. Before she said...

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A Love in War

"I hate this place." "I hate that you're such a brat," Danielle said to her little brother. "Why do we have to go? Ma-mère doesn't even speak English," he whined some more. "She does, too." She reached over and smacked him just because she could. "You're just too stupid to understand her." "Dani, don't antagonise your brother," her mom scolded from the front seat of the mini-van. "They don't even have a Playstation!" Good God, just shut up! Danielle thought to herself....

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My War

‘Hey Sarge, man, I gotta go,’ the sweet young PFC said with some urgency. Looking over at her from my station in the passenger seat of the deuce and a half, I asked politely as not to break any regulations, ‘Well sweet cheeks, do you need me to hold your hand? If you gotta go then I’d advise you stop the truck and go,’ ‘But… but there isn’t any privacy, where am I supposed to go?’ she asked holding her crotch. She couldn’t be fucking serious could she? ‘Look baby cakes, we’re in a combat...

4 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 162 Going to War

It is very tempting to bury yourself in a single cause once you are in the White House. The stuff that lands on your desk is important, life and death matters in many cases, and you can spend every waking hour micromanaging pieces of the job. Obviously, war is the most important thing, and it is very tempting to put all your time in on this. Not all Presidents can keep from doing this. Roosevelt lined one of the downstairs rooms with maps, giving it the still current name of the Map Room,...

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The defeat of Feminism in the Gender Civil War

Tales From the Gender Civil WarCaptured CIA AgentThe CIA Agent had become separated from her squad during the raid on the Columbia drug compound. The goons had grabbed her and dragged her deep into the jungle. Now she lived in the confines of the compound of the notoriously brutal Drug Lord Sancho Martinez . Sancho could not believe his luck, that he now possessed a beautiful, educated, blonde, American CIA agent as his personal sex slave. The woman who had lead the fighting to destroy him and...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 47 The Gears of War

The award ceremony that night was brief and uneventful. Hundreds of prizes of various qualities were handed out. Thanks to the numerous deaths of competitors both during the main competition and the ranking matches, a great many factions managed to step into higher positions and receive rewards beyond their capability to earn. The ranking matches were mostly just for the purposes of filling all the positions from 1st to 26th, which were the only individuals to receive any compensation for...

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Monk Gods of War

War was erupting across around the lower continent of Carmere. Drawn into inevitable conflict through border disputes and political instability, the Great Western Kingdoms and Holy Eastern Empires begin their move against each other in the name of conquest and honor. Over a span of a month, they gathered their forces on key battlefields and the Supremacy War began. Armies by the hundreds of thousands do battle over numerous fronts, turning the central border territories into inhospitable...

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Nobody Likes PalarmaChapter 2 A Decision to Wage War

March 14, 1996 “I don’t know. What does everyone else think?” There was a long moment of silence. The pre-contract briefing sat on the center of the conference table like a viper. No one wanted to touch it. Amra had sent a missive stating that they wanted to hire Jade Force to support its efforts to contain a group of fanatics called, The Enforcers of God. They hadn’t gotten to the point of a contract, yet. They weren’t even at the point of calling for a Confab. This meeting was to decide...

2 years ago
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Third World War

This story as with all the others of mine may be posted to any free site. Pay sites are forbidden. Follow the Standard Disclaimer, 18 years or old, offended by TG Fiction, graphical natured stories and such. Don't read it. Else, enjoy. Third World War Charissa Michelle Copyright 2000 I will start by giving you the background on my story. It was in 2052 that the planetary war, or Third World War ended. It was all started by an accidental computer malfunction in 2038. It was...

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A Pleasant Little War

PROFESSOR JAMES The harvest is finally completed and now I have a chance to put my story of the fantastic life I have found here in a readable form. My name is Jon Morgan and I live here on Highland with my wife, Ellen Grant Morgan, and a couple of hundred others in what we call the Grant Clan. Most fortunately many of those two hundred - and many in neighboring clans - are very attractive and very interested and willing women. I love the customs which have developed here. With the harvest...

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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 14 Off to War

“No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.” - Ronald Reagan Jason left the meeting with Ixal, Lisirra and Corvus. He was joined by Julia, Perdita and Razza along with Kalalal and his team. They met with the excited Gromelix and went for a flight together for half an hour before they climbed into an assault frigate to fly to the updated Battleship waiting outside the asteroid. “Your ship looks huge next to...

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HyperGraphia Goes To War

HyperGraphia Goes To War by Laika Pupkino ============================================== [While skipping down to the end and reading these reviews in chronological order might be a sensible thing to do in the comments section of an actual story site, this was meant to be read starting from the top. The title of the story that is being reviewed by these different commenters (when they manage to stay on the topic) is "!!!!!" =============================================== Online...

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The Preacher ManChapter 53 Civil War

One month later... Time: August 11, 8244 1:27 AM I walked back to my private quarters at the palace feeling very tired. One of the awful things about war, I thought, is that there's never an intermission. Still, it was a battle worth fighting, and over the past thirty days my cause has enjoyed an unbroken series of successes. Except for my tired mind, I had no reason to complain. The war began in the Caribbean shortly after dawn on July 15th, two days after a new holographic...

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Dawn of the Federation Book II Darkness on the Edge of SpaceChapter 3 Hammer Of War

Despite understanding Trip's explanation for his banishment from Buran Malcolm did the (in his opinion) logical thing the next day and ignored the request to stay away. Fighting his way through the crowded corridors of his ship he began to understand though, why Trip wasn't so keen on letting him see the carnage. Just about any panel that could be opened was actually open with either a human or Vulcan head stuck in it, surrounded by cables, pipes and engineering tools. It didn't really...

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TangentChapter 11 Council of War

Judy Bondi looked around the room she'd been led to and marveled. There was no other word for it, she marveled. The room had a high ceiling; there were windows along one side that let in lots of afternoon sunlight. There was a small alcove off to one side with a bed in it. A bed with the most wonderfully soft mattress she'd ever known in her life, and huge pillows that covered the headboard. Off to another side of the room, another small niche, with what passed for a toilet and a tub....

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The Aftermath of War

Gradually over the next few weeks tensions eased a bit, the fraternization rules were relaxed and Germany became a much better place.The rubble clearing still went on though, it had to, the building work was moving on quicker than most of us had anticipated.I'd met Eva's younger brother Manfred and I'd managed to get him a job on our building gang as a tea boy and general labourer, he still did a bit of black market wheeling and dealing, but mostly he was kept busy working and he was getting a...

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A Simple Game of War

WENDY Last week I got naked with my best friend Rachel and our Business Writing Teaching Assistant (TA) Tom. That's right. I, Wendy Olivia Witney, a virgin and the daughter of a Baptist minister, was an eager participant in a three-some. Surprised? Don't be. I'm still the same boring preacher's daughter that I've always been. I just stepped out of myself for one night, and things happened. I wanted them to happen again. My Business Writing class has lectures on Monday, Wednesday, and...

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Before the Civil War

Before the Civil War NOTE: The American Civil War (1861–1865) was a civil war between the United States of America (the "Union") and the Southern slave states of the newly formed Confederate States of America under Jefferson Davis. The presidential election of 1860 resulted in seven Southern states declaring their secession from the Union even before Lincoln took office. The Union rejected secession, regarding it as rebellion. REMEMBER: This is just a dirty sex story and is not...

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Love in the Time of War

Prologue: The Western Front 1915 He needed time to think. The noise, the sights were overwhelming. The smells of cordite and blood nauseated him. Major William Stewart, King’s Royal Rifles, was scared. He never expected it to be like this. Hunkered down in a fetid shell hole, his batman laying next to him, gurgling his life away, the Major was miles away from home. He lay on his back and looked at the sky. He tried to clear his head and make sense of what was happening. ‘Major, Major!’ the...

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A World that was at War

(Please note because of how I am writing this story it is important that you do pick a first and last name or else the main characters name will be John and his last name will be Doe which will then make the last name of his family the same. I use the name Hayden Logan, am only informing you of this should you not feel like picking one yourself, others have voiced that if I was to give the character a name I should just make it so. I on the other hand feel there should be some freedom and the...

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Prank War

Prank War By: Lyrissa "And I believe that is check," Wrathion said with a wide smirk on his darkly handsome face. Anduin Wrynn, prince of Stormwind, merely sighed. His opponent was wily and resourceful, and even though Anduin was quite bright, Wrathion often succeeded in distracting him somehow to claim victory. Of course it - was- just a board game. The two princes were sitting at their regular low table in Wrathion's private quarters upstairs in the Tavern of the Mists, high in...

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Spoils of War

SPOILS OF WAR The members of the NightWatch, occupying the towers around the main compound, stared out into thesemi-darkness unexpectantly. The snow-covered landscape glowed blue againstthe black sky and the scene was still, aside from the occasional stirringof the cormorants on the wide silver lake to the east. On a clear night likethis, the lights of an approaching vehicle could be seen from many kilometres.And incoming aircraft, increasingly unlikely these days, would be pickedup beyond...

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Naked War

“Ace,” Denise said as she tossed out a card.“Ten,” I countered.I was playing War, the card game, with my friend Denise Wright on a warm summer afternoon. We had graduated high school a couple weeks before and had the summer free until university started. Denise’s parents were away so we had her house to ourselves.“Mine. Five.”“Three.”“Mine. Seven.”“Seven.”War is one of those silly, mindless card games that one normally plays out of sheer boredom. Each turns over a card, highest wins. Ties go to...

First Time
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He Stood Tall in the Heat of Battle Iraq War

Cast of Characters 1. Sergeant Nate Harris Point Man M16 Rifle M9 Beretta 2. Sergeant Mark Hoover Intelligence M16 Rifle M9 Beretta S&W Model 625 JM 3. Sergeant Luke "Doc Kennedy Medic M16 Rifle M9 Beretta 4. Sergeant George Webster Radioman and Forward observer M14 Rifle M9 Beretta 5. Sergeant Ryan Sherman Demolition specialist M16 Rifle M9 Beretta 6. Master Sergeant Hank Foley heavy weapons M249 S.AW. Beretta M9 7. Captain Robert Randolph Commanding Officer of special forces team...

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 23 Explanations of War

Introductions were made and most everyone was seated. They were short one chair. Pappy elected to lean against the wall rather than get an extra chair from his or BB's apartments in the barn. He wanted to know what was going on and wouldn't take a chance of missing something. Though he loved Sean, he still wasn't completely comfortable with this Wizard business and controlling the animals. Sean was sitting in a highchair beside Seth. Martha's motherly manner settled everyone and even...

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No FutureChapter 90 War

Eric Esterhazy 2046 There were so many other things Eric would rather be doing. For instance, he could be doing something to address the scandalous rate of immigration from the war-ravaged regions of the world: scarred as they were all the way from India to Kazakhstan and from Tajikistan to Azerbaijan. He could be consolidating his position as Treasury Secretary by outlining innovative new tax cuts and further rationalisation of public expenditure. He could be actively promoting the causes...

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MAU Trek Wars

MAU: Trek Wars Synopsis: Further adventures of Seven as she and her Trekkie friends confront their ultimate challenge - Star Wars fans. Note: This tale contains numerous characters from both the Star Trek and Star Wars universes. If a reader is unfamiliar with the Star Wars characters, the official Star Wars databank can provide more information than I can include in this tale. I am trying to not clutter the story with too much detail on the characters, but to provide...

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Home from the War

Summer in England, 1945.I paused to take it all in and let peacetime wash over me. At last, it felt real. An American bomber named Enola Gay had ended it all after six years of madness and slaughter.I lit a cigarette, watching the train huff and puff slowly out of the station. Looking out over the station car park, everything was green. Peaceful, too.Picking up my case, I meandered into the street. I was a fifteen-minute walk from home and there would be no Stukas with their insane, banshee...

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The Aftermath of War

I was among the first of our soldiers to march into Berlin, I didn't expect to be welcomed with open arms, but what we were greeted with was worse, far worse.It was total apathy; these people had endured everything over twelve years of tyranny, twelve years of being careful of what they said or who they said it to!Occasionally, we saw bodies still hanging from lampposts where the last few fanatical S.S. men had hanged them or dogs gnawing at the rotting corpses lying in the streets. The dogs...

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Sexual freedom and war

I joined the British Army at the age of 16. I joined my adult regiment in October 1986, during the last throws of the cold war. My first regiment was based in the UK; however, the regiment was due to move to Germany towards the end of 1987. Before the move I was informed that we were going to deploy to Kenya for three months, we were flying out of the country on the 26th of December. I could not believe it; I travelled quite a bit as a k**, including living in the US and Australia, and whilst...

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Abandoned on War

I knew it was coming, all males were conscripted at the age of eighteen. Only this year there were not as many males so they had lowered the age. In our system men were conscripted into the military for five years. If they survived the men received grants for a family and land. Only they not only conscripted me they took my only sister. She committed suicide after she was gang raped by the cadets that were to train her. Training for conscriptees was mostly just teaching us how to point and...

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Sixth Generation Cowboy and a Third Generation WhoreChapter 3 Irsquod Rather Make Love Than War

Before Dawn, 23 March 2004 Forward Operating Base Chosin, Babil Province, Iraq “But let us forget warfare, again, for a little while. My name is Marcus Randal, and I have been wondering what your name is since I laid eyes on you.” I said. She looked into my eyes and said, “Marcus Randal. Oh my. I have never fucked a man before I learned his name, even if I forgot it later. I do not think I will ever forget your name. I hope you won’t forget me. I am Lance Corporal Loni Hellström.” “Your...

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Casebook of Wilma JenkinsPart 1 Tesh and War

'The Leader' looked out over the city, and smiled. It had taken many years to ensure that the city fell, and the inhabitants would come to worship him as a saviour to the people, and the plan had worked well. A cough behind him, he turned to face his second in command - Darius. This was a man who knew exactly how far he could go before the leader would stop him, and had many times with just a word. Darius spoke in a mocking tone -"They await outside Leader, a delegation to announce...

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My War

Chapter 1 : Homecoming It was Saturday the 15th Dec 1940 at about 07.30 in the morning when Lt Tony Nash RNVR wearily trudged homewards, he was feeling dirty and tired after traveling nearly all night from Portsmouth Harbour Station to London Waterloo, and then on to Stratford underground station, the nearest station to his home in East London. The underground railway platform was full of people still sleeping on the platform or, just beginning to wake to face a new day of queuing for food or...

Erotic Fiction
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Vixen Wars

People think being The Porn Dude involves nothing but jerking off to taboo anal movies and explicit voyeurism hentai, but the world of pornography is so much wider-ranging than that. Today, for example, I spent the day shaking my dick at an adult video game about a dark magician trying to corrupt my sister. Normally, I’m fine with any kind of sister corruption that goes on in adult entertainment, but in Vixen Wars, you fight alongside sexy broads who want to hook up, so maybe the trade-off will...

Best Porn Games
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A Memorable Day With Aishwarya

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers , friends, I’m Andy back again after 1 year with a very fresh & new story happened in my life. I had posted my sex saga with my maid Karuna in 3 different stories. After I left my house, I did not get any touch with Karuna. But to my luck, I found my new crush. Her name is Aishwarya (Name changed for privacy). Aishwarya is my brother in law’s wife. She was a great fan of Aishwarya Rai & always used to compare with her many times. Her age is about same as...

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Interstellar War

A short story of one officer’s last battle and the aftermath. “The galaxy is a very unfriendly place.” I was remembering what my number one drill instructor, sergeant Crabs had said on my first day of basic training. You know what? He knew just what he was talking about. I have learned that the hard way over the last 10 years. You see I am Major Mike Miller, Sardonic space defense forces. And this is the story of my death. Well for all that is practical it was my death and then again in a way...

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Freyja and the 4 dwarfs

Freyja is the goddess of love. Perhaps a more accurate description would be to say the Freyja is the goddess of sex and lust. She is sought after by giants, the mason who rebuilds the Walls of Asgard; by Hrungnir ‘the brawler’ who duels with Thor; and by King Thrym of jötnar who steals Thor’s hammer.Freyja is also associated with war. She collects the chosen of the slain warriors with the valkyries after a battle. Half of them go to Odin, while Freyja keeps half of them for herself.Freyja...

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A Girls War

A Girl's War By Cindi Johnson © 2006 Part 1 ------ I recalled something my father told me during one of his more lucid alcoholic states. "Danny," he said, "always keep your secrets. Bury them deep. Hold them down with a strong grip. Strangle them, violently, when necessary. You let them out, and they'll come back around and take you down. Trust me on this, Danny." That odd memory came back to me as I gazed at Tania's reflection in the pane glass window. She looked so...

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The way of the war After the war

I was sitting in the hall way outside of Erica's room with my face in my hands. I smelled a very enticing aroma. I looked up and all I could see was cleavage as my head was pulled in between two very nice breasts. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and reluctantly pulled back. It was Carol, I knew she was up here so was not really surprised. “Hi Chad, we have you a suite at the Duluth Hilton. Louise and Dotty will be in later tonight. But For right now you need a meal, a...

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The Way of the War After the War

after the war We almost decided to move the wedding date forward by two days to co-inside with V-E day. The end of the war in Europe. But decided to leave it alone, besides to much effort had gone into the preparations for the 10th . The wedding went off with out a hitch and Erica's little belly bulge was hardly noticeable. After all she was only about 4 or 5 months pregnant at the time. Let them count... later ... Erica laughs. We departed for our Honeymoon in a small floatplane...

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Sex In War

Even though it was noon the sky was dark, turned black by the thick, black smoke of artillery cannons. Destroyed buildings, gutted out by fires and reduced to rubble by the Imperial Navy, peppered the once proud city. The platoon I was attached to have taken up residence in one of the more preserved buildings, its concrete body protecting us from the enemy’s big guns, and allowing us to dish out punishment without exposing ourselves to danger. I know that seems somewhat cowardly, but this is...

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Lovers of War

Chapter 1 Our story takes place in the distant future. 2175 to be exact and the US is ravaged with war. The president accidentally insulted the chancellor of Germany so they retaliated by bombing us. Not a pretty sight. In a small town in Missouri, a small town named Nowhere, 19 year old Emily sat at her parents kitchen table watching as the snow fell lightly outside the window. Emily is your normal 19 year old with decent looks. She’s 5’10 and full figured but her height helps make her look...

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The Second American Civil War

Nobody saw it coming. Everyone knew it had been a crazy election year, but nobody expected war. However, when Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election, all hell broke loose. Donald Trump was the reason. He claimed the election had been rigged, that Michigan and Wisconsin, two key states which had both delayed releasing their votes, had cheated him out of the election. A surprising amount of people agreed with him. Then he suggested secession. It seemed to happen overnight. Most of the south and...

2 years ago
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Spies of Cold War

Cold war. A conflict between two different models of government. While there were armed conflicts during that period, it can be considered quite peaceful. The real war between two sides, was fought in shadows. Spies of both sides were the main heroes in this war. They stole information, assassinated targets, trained and led guerrillas, supplied false information to enemies, carried out sabotage, captured enemy spies and personnel... Some of them worked as double agents, triple agents, sleeper...

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At the Fictionmania Convention II The Price of War

At the Fictionmania Convention II: The Price of War by shalimar Let me explain some things. I met Monica at a weekly meeting of my local transgender group which just outside Atlanta, GA. She is a thirty-year- old male to female transsexual that is what we also call a little girl. In her mind she is really four. Although we have our differences we became close and I eventually became her "mother." Being both Fictionmania fans and hearing about the convention we made arrangements...

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Butlers DelightsChapter 21 War

About five years after Robinson had taken up his post as butler to His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, a small war started against the neighbouring Khanate of Tirfil. The new Khan, formerly Prince Habib, had allowed more and more incursions across the border, raiding villages, mostly for livestock but with a few women also being stolen. Things came to a head when a complete village was razed to the ground and its male inhabitants slaughtered. A few escaped and they confirmed what the...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 12 A Horror from the Cold War

"Holy Mother! You can't be serious?!" Pietor stared at his Chief of Intelligence. He was horrified at the very thought of what the man had just told him, but unable to discount the truth of it. Pietor had come to trust the man's careful devotion to his work, his habits of double- and triple-checking every scrap of information before accepting it as true, and the man's unswerving dedication and loyalty to their cause. Still, what he'd just heard was absolutely fantastic and almost...

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Anokhey Pariwar

By : Atila1 Ye baat un dinon ki hai jab main Patna jaise chote shahr se Naukri ki talash mein delhi pahuncha tha. Rukney ka bandobast apney doston ke saath pahle se hi kar liya tha. Mujhey pata tha ki mujhey kya karna aur kaun si naukari karni hai. Kuch dinon ki talash ke baad akhirkaar mujhey naukri mil gayee. Delhi ke south ex area mein mera daftar that aur main chahta tha ki office ke aas paas hi ghar mil jaye ghar kya kisi kamre ya barsaati ki hi talaash thi jahan zyada paisa naa invest...

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Apollo 18

Michael Partenza was not as a rule, a cynic. This did not alter the fact that even as he ate the customary pre launch breakfast of steak and eggs, he was mightily suspicious of this mission. He was the mission commander for the flight code named Apollo 18. That would have been fine, if it were not for the fact that he did not know what the true mission was. That information was classified. The man who held the orders was the secretly trained and rather shifty mission specialist,...

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Transvamporia Four Gender Wars

TRANSVAMPORIA FOUR GENDER WARS Introduction: Hi once again and welcome to the fourth installment of the Transvamporia saga. By now, I shouldn't have to tell y'all to read the first three parts before this one. I will say that so far my writing has been going fairly smoothly and I have been able to get out quite a bit fairly fast. I intend to try and keep up the pace as I have this big story inside my head that needs to get out. So once again I will cut with any...

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Sexy Dewar

Hi this is a true story which happened to me. This is the first time I am writing my story as I am going through the dilemma of pain and pleasure. One side of my mind has said I have committed sin but the other is saying I have right to seek pleasure. .Sex is a pleasure and I must not be deprived of physical pleasure. Action to be enjoyed by two loving partners who understand each others feelings.I am writing the exact facts, words and occasions as much as I can remember.My name is Rupam 25...

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Apollo 20

Michael let Schtopaugh hold her as she cried herself our over the seeming hopelessness of Earth's situation. The choice seemed to be either allowing Earth to be exploited with impunity by this sexless race of cold-blooded monsters, or make Humankind beholden to a race of Galactic enforcers who may or may NOT be honorable. The next morning as Michael went in her black tunic and skirt with white pillbox cover the Uniform of the Day, Michael's sleeves now had four gold bands adorning then...

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The Warlord

Once upon a time in a land, far, far away lived a young woman by the name of Isabella. She lived happily in the Kingdom with her mother and father. Her mother was a seamstress and her father was a jewelry craftsman. Her parents complimented each others designs with creating custom dresses and jewelry which there would ever be, one of a kind. While growing up, Isabella watched her parents work and over the years, she ended up creating her own designs in both clothing and jewelry and that made...

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Star Wars The Tie FighterChapter 5 A Dirty Little War

I suddenly had trouble breathing and my vision fogged up as waves of powerfully strong emotions crashed over me. Through the tears welling up in my eyes I reread the message several times to make sure that it was real. J'Una alive? Could it really be? Where the fuck was Tatooine anyway? I was so overcome that I became somewhat giddy and I think I even jumped up and down a little. Not what you'd expect from a veteran Imperial TIE fighter pilot, but there it is. I must have made more noise...

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