De Haut En Bas Part 4 (Fin) free porn video

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Bonjour, Toute cette histoire est un pur travail de fiction. Toutes ressemblances avec certaines personnes ayant exist?es sont purement fortuites. Vous voulez nous faire un feedback : [email protected] ou [email protected] Vous voulez rejoindre la plus grande communaut? fran?aise de TG caption et TG story? Envoyez- nous un mail avec une histoire (minimum 2 pages) ou une TG caption ? [email protected] ou [email protected] avec les noms des transform?s : Arnaud et Alex. --- La proposition pour changer de vie --- "Bonjour les filles, vous avez bien chang? depuis qu'on s'est vu, j'ai peine ? vous reconnaitre entre toutes ces ouvri?res, vous ?tes vraiment des vrais de vrais maintenant..." Le gros moustachu leur dire puis il reprit " Comment va la vie loin de Paris loin de vos somptueuses vies de PDG?" Chantal et Cyndie furent effray?es car elles avaient presque oubli?es qui elles ?taient ? la base. Chantal se rappelait ?tre Arnaud, le beau jeune homme et Cyndie aussi... le beau et talentueux jeune homme. "Qu'est ce qui vous manque le plus? la jeunesse? l'intelligence? la richesse? la beaut? peut ?tre? ou votre masculinit?" ?trangement, la libido de Chantal et Cyndie poussaient ? lui dire en premier "la jeunesse... mais aussi un peu tout" "Ah oui? les grosses dindes que vous ?tes n'aiment pas approcher la quarantaine on dirait ... bon ?coutez moi bien... je pense que vous avez retenu la le?on, retrouvez-moi ? la fin de la journ?e, j'ai peut ?tre une solution pour vous pour r?soudre certains de vos probl?mes" Puis le gros mosutachu s'?loigna et Chantal et Cyndie retourn?rent sur leurs machines, le coeur s?rr? esp?rant qu'enfin leurs calvaire sera fini. Et si elles ne redeviennent pas des hommes au moins leurs vies d'ouvri?re sera fini ! Et la journ?e passa. ? la fin de la journ?e, Chantal et Cyndie se retrouv?rent ?trangement seules dans le vestiaire quand d'un coup le moustachu apparu suivi de deux hommes. Chantal et Cyndie mirent du temps ? reconnaitre les deux hommes "Bah quoi vous nous reconnaissez pas? vous vous rappelez pas, votre bureau, quand vous ?tiez des hommes?" "Chantal et Cyndie ?carquill?rent les yeux, cela leur semblait tellement loin ! c'?tait les deux ouvriers du d?but, ceux qui les avaient transform?s dans ce corps ! "? partir de maintenant" dit l'un des deux hommes "vous allez vous repensez comme Arnaud et Alex" Arnaud et Alex, toujours dans le corps de ces deux grosses truies, se regard?rent comme si ils ?taient sorti d'un long cauchemar... ils constat?rent les d?g?ts d'un seul coup, le vestiaire humide, leurs v?tement de mauvais go?t, le rouge ? l?ve outrancier, l'odeur d'alcool dans la bouche. Ils se jett?rent sur l'un des hommes qui les repoussa assez facilement "du calme les p?tasses, on est venu vous proposer un march?" et il reprit "comme vous pouvez le constater, vous avez perdu l'intelligence, la beaut?, la jeunesse, la masculinit? et votre raffinement si parisien. Tout ?a est tr?s loin maintenant... et je pense que vous avez retenu la le?on, non? ... nous ne pouvons pas tout vous redonner d'un coup, la vie redeviendrait trop facile pour vous.... vous devez donc choisir : Votre intelligence mais vous resterez dans ces corps disgracieux, votre jeunesse mais vous ne regagnerez pas votre intelligence ou votre masculinit? mais vous resterez de bons gros ouvrier comme nous ! Le choix ?tait difficile .... redevenir des hommes mais rester dans cette vie de merde, redevenir intelligent mais rester dans ces corps de merde ... ou redevenir jeune mais rester dans des corps de femmes un peu idiote. Tout r?fl?chis, Arnaud et Alex se regard?rent, retrouver leurs jeunesses leur permettra de redevenir ces jolies standardistes... c'?tait peut ?tre la meilleure solution. Arnaud et Alex dit alors : "La jeunesse ... nous revoulons notre jeunesse" "Ok les filles" dit le moustachu "c'est simple alors... voici comment le march? va se passer : Nous allons d'abord vous redonnez votre jeunesse ... vous serez plus jeunes : vous aurez toutes les deux 18 ans... pour confirmer et continuer la transformation , vous devrez coucher avec nous, l? dans les vestiaires, et demain vous vous r?veillerez dans votre nouvelle vie de jeune femme. Alors vous voulez vraiment ?a" Arnaud et Alex se regard?rent ... longuement puis dirent un petit "oui" Etrangement, l'id?e de coucher avec ces hommes ne leur paraissaient pas si d?sagrable.. leur libido reprenaient le dessus... et cela depuis quelques jours. Arnaud et Alex sentirent de l'?l?ctricit? passait dans leurs corps... ils se mirent ? r?tr?cir un petit peu... elles redevenaient plus jeune mais aussi plus mince... enfin ! leur figure devenaient encore plus f?minine, leurs seins leurs fesses.... quelque chose ?tait ?trange... elles ne redevenaient pas que plus jeune, elle devenait aussi plus f?minine ! ... Elles paniqu?rent et regard?rent autour d'elles, tout ?tait un peu plus grand. leurs anciens v?tements trop grand se disparurent... le vestiaire devint plus "tamis?", des lumi?res rouges ?taient l? un peu partout. Les casiers devinrent des porte manteaux o? des v?tements de pom pom girl, d'?tudiante ou d'infirmi?re ?taient pos?s... Alex et Arnaud ne faisaient pas que rajeunir, il changeait aussi compl?tement de vie ! Elles n'?taient pas que plus jeune, elles ?taient aussi plus petite ! Chantal et Cyndie se regard?rent... Cyndie... enfin Alex ?tait maintenant une petite blonde qui faisaient plus jeune que son age... Quant ? Arnaud, son teint changeait de minute en minute pour prendre un teint d'asiatique tandis que ses yeux se bridaient de plus en plus et que ses cheveux devenaient noire. Il semblait lui aussi si jeune qu'on se demandait s'il etait majeur... Alex se sentit alors un peu sup?rieure, Arnaud devenait une femme asiatique,.. Alex dit alors "ha ha toi petite asiatique Arnaud " cela devait ?tre une blague mais Alex se rendit compte avec horreur de son accent... un accent d'Europe de l'est ... de pologne pr?cis?ment... "ha ha ha ! Tu sais m?me plus parler Alex ! Et quel accent ! enfin, toi qui aimait les petites jeunes de l'est, te voila servie ? pl?sent ! Mais qu'est ce que c'est que cet accent oriental que j'ai d'un seul coup ??"" "Moi pas comprendre toi Arnaud avec ton accent de chinoise d?sol?e...toi parler moi vite pour que moi comprendre..." Les 3 hommes ?taient morts de rire Pendant que les 2 femmes se regardaient transform?, Alex en jeune polonaise et Arnaud en asiatique... les 3 hommes se d?shabill?rent dans ce vestiaires d'usine qui ne resemblait plus vraiment ? un vestiaire ... Arnaud ?tait dans le corps d'une jeune asiatique de 18 ans. Son gros cul flasque avait laiss? place ? un petit cul. Ses seins qui tombaient etaient ? pr?sent devenus fermes et de mensuration parfaite. Tout devenait plus fin chez lui, ses traits du visage, ses cheveux, ses yeux, sa bouche...comme seul v?tement, une robe noire transparente avec des dessins de dragon chinois laissant apparaitre son intimit?. Quant ? sa taille, Arnaud ne meserait ? pr?sent pas plus de 1m40. Un tatouages ecrit en chinois "J'aime la bite" etait inscrit sur epaule. Alex ?tait devenu tr?s blanche avec une petite bouche rose, ces cheveux ?tait devenu blond/blanc. De petite taille, ses fesses avait un certain rebondis et ses seins ?taient d'une blancheur virginale surplomb? de petit t?ton rose. Les ongles ?tait recouvert d'un vernis rose fluo avec des petits dessins d'?to?les. Ses jambes ?tait fine et sexy. Il ?tait loin le temps de ces deux gros jambons qui lui servait de jambes.. mais ?tonnament cela aurait satisfait n'importe quelle femme de devenir jeune et jolie... mais Alex sentait bien que quelque chose clochait, notamment sur ces v?tements et son maquillage. Alex portait maintenant une mini-jupe rose ressemblant presque ? un tutu, un tshirt "I'm a bitch" (Alex ne comprenait toujours pas l'anglais...) et de long talent qui lui permettait ? peine d'atteindre un metre 50. Arnaud et Alex ?taient maintenant de la m?me taille. Elles ?taient deux superbes femmes, l'une asiaique et l'autre polonaise. Avaient-elles vraiment 18 ans? elles semblaient plus jeune ... Elles se retourn?rent face aux hommes d?j? ? poil... le vestiaire avait bien chang? : recouvert de moquette rouge, il ne s'agissait plus d'un vestiaire mais d'un genre de backstage recouvert d'affiche pornographique o? des jeunes femmes se faisaient prendre par des hommes... Il fallu quelques minutes ? l'intelligence encore plus diminu?e d'Arnaud et d'Alex pour comprendre qu'il s'agissait d'une chambre de bordel avec ces costumes, ses menotess et ses capotes usag?s. Les deux jeunes femmes comprirent avec horreur qu?elles ?taient fait avoir ! Certes on les avait rajeunis mais on avait chang? aussi leur r?alit? ! Arnaud vit un sac ? main, il l?ouvrit et trouva un nombre incalculable de pr?servatif... mais aussi deux petits portefeuille : l?un avec un passeport polonais car Arnaud comprenait rien car c??tait un alphabet cyrillique et l?autre un passeport vietnamien .. Mais Arnaud ne comprenait aussi rien. Non pas que l??criture ?tait ?trange, non il n?arrivait pas ? d?crypter le A du B... du C... il essaya de r?citer son alphabet dans sa t?te mais en ?tait incapable ? ! Arnaud comprit alors qu?il ?tait maintenant analphab?te ! Et c?est alors que Arnaud eu un flashback... un flashback des banlieue pauvre de Hanoi, sa ville natale, o? deux hommes veint la chercher ? l?age de 14 ans pour lui promettre une meilleure vie en Europe. Arnaud ?tait sur qu?il ?tait n? ? Paris mais quelque chose dans sa t?te le for?ait ? penser qu?il ?tait n? ? Hanoi et qu?il s?appelait AIko. Pendant ce temps l? Alex lu son passeport et eu un choc... son vrai nom ?tait maintenant Natalia.. il venait ? peine d?avoir 18 ans et le m?tier mentionn? sur son passeport ?tait ?actrice?... Il eu alors un curieux Flashback d?un audition en varsovie o? un homme lui promit une carri?re d?actrice si il venait en France ? . Aiko regardait la petite pute polac qu??tait devenu Alex pendant que Nathalia regardait la putain vietnamienne qu??tait devenu Arnaud. Elles ?taient dans un bordel, plus jeune, plus belle mais encore plus b?tes, plus idiotes et une vie qui s?annonce courte et sombre.... et quand elles se retourn?rent pour faire face aux 3 hommes... ces derniers ?taient nus et au garde ? vous ? -- La vie de pute ou l?amour forc? -- Aiko dit alors avec son fort accent vietnamien :: "Mais ou est on? On dirait un bordel Alex !! " "Oui Arnaud, vous ?tes ? pr?sent dans votre nouveau lieu de travail, un bordel minable situ?e dans la banlieue de Dunkerque... Comme vous avez choisi la jeunesse, et manquiez de sexe, nous vous avons transform?es en petites putes ?trang?res ! Vous allez ainsi passer votre temps ? vous faire baiser par des gros porcs d'ouvrier travaillant dans votre propre usine ou des camionneurs qui vous baisent juste pour tirer un coup pas cher... De toute fa?on vous n'aurez pas le choix de faire les prostitu?es si vous voulez pas que votre maquerelle vous renvoie dans votre pays car vous ?tes sans papiers ! A pr?sent, on va vous baisez Alex et Arnaud, pr?parez vous !" ?Non vous pas le droit de faire ?a !? dit Arnaud en commen?ant ? pleurer ?Oui nous refusons? rajouta Alex Un des hommes lui dit alors : ?Et vous allez faire quoi Aiko et Natalia? Vous ?tes plus stupide qu?avant, vous ?tes plus vuln?rable qu?avant et encore moins ?duqu?es. Votre position dans la soci?t? est encore plus basse que vous l?imaginez. Votre jeunesse a un prix. Il y?a encore 2 semaines, vous d?cidiez de tout dans votre entreprise voire dans le pays maintenant vous ?tes juste 2 petite putes insignifiantes. Vous voulez quoi? vous plaindre ? la police? ils vous renverront dans votre pays en vous traitant de sales folles, vous voulez retrouver votre famille, tout leur raconter? Vous n?avez peut ?tre pas encore remarqu? mais vous vous rappelez o? vous habitiez? o? vous ?tes n?es? le nom de vos parents?? Aiko et Natalia eurent alors un choc car en y pensant ils ne se rappelaient plus du nom de la rue o? ils habitaient, ou le nom de leurs petites amies ! ?Vous voyez ha ha ha ? ?On va pas devenir pute, on fera autre chose, nous faire...? dit Aiko ?Tu vas faire quoi ma jolie? Tu pense faire quoi? tu ne sais m?me pas lire ou ?crire, pareil pour toi Natalia. Vous n?avez m?me pas le niveau ?cole primaire. Et si vous voulez apprendre vous aurez tellement de mal, je vous rappelle que vous avez choisi la jeunesse, pas l?intelligence : Apprendre pour vous, c?est juste insurmontable. Vous devez ? peine avoir 70 de QI. ? part la prostitution vous avez pas beaucoup de choix, femme de m?nage dans votre ancienne soci?t?? voyons il faut savoir au moins compter... allez ? genoux les filles, c?est l?heure de rencontrer votre destin.? A ce moment la, elles se revirent Alex et Arnaud, en train d'humilier et d'insulter ces hommes en les traitant comme de la merde...Maintenant c??tait ? eux...elles de se voir humilier par ses hommes... bien qu?elles ne s?agenouill?rent pas encore mais ?trangement le fait de savoir que ces hommes allaient profit? d?elles ? les faisaient... mouiller. Un des hommes s?approcha d?Aiko en lui mettant sa main dans les cheveux. sa main ?tait ?norme sur sa nouvelle petite t?te. ?Tu t?en es rendu compte Aiko... rien que le fait de penser nos bites te fait mouiller? et vous voulez savoir mes jolies? votre intelligence a peut ?tre dimininu? mais votre libido a doublement augment?. Une libido qui augmente au fur et ? mesure que vous vous faites humilier. PLus on vous maltraite, on vous insulte et on vous humilie, plus vous aimerez ?a... par exemple si je vous traite de petite salope, de garage ? bite ou de pute nymphomane ca vous fait quoi? Aiko et Natalia se mirent ? mouiller encore plus, Natalia se mordilla m?me la l?vre pour retenir son plaisir. ??coutez bien mes mignonnes? dit un autre homme en commen?ant ? carresser Natalia ?je veux que toi, Natalia, tu te d?guises en infirmiere pour me sucer la bite? Et l?autre homme dit ?ah oui et moi je veux qu?Aiko se d?guise en ?coli?re? Aiko et Natalia se retourn?rent... ils avaient envie de partir, de s?enfuire, de crier mais ?. elles avaient aussi envie de se retrouver ? quatre pattes pour ses hommes, de go?ter leur sperme ?. et pour cela elle devait se d?guiser pour satisfaire leur envie. Elles allerent ainsi dans la piece d?a c?t? ou etaient dispos?s tout un tas d?uniforme (policiere, uniforme de cat girl, mere noel, institutrice...) permettant d?assouvir n?importe quel fantasme de leur nouveaux clients. Aiko se mit ? poil puis chercha dans les vetements ? disposition pour trouver quelque chose qui convienne Elle trouva alors un uniforme d'etudiante japonaise qui lui alla : des petites chaussures, des bas blanc, une mini juppe, un haut bleu ainsi qu?une cravate rouge. Elle mit egalement des barettes pour cheveux afin de se faire des couettes. Natalia quant ? elle trouva entre les fouets qui trainaient et des vetements en cuir, une tenue d'infirmiere comportant une coiffe blanche et une robe moulante raz la moule avec decollet? ainsi qu'un stethoscope... Elles entendirent les 2 hommes hurler : ?Allez depechez vous de vous pr?parer bande de sales petites putes on attend ! ? Puis elle se rendirent dans la piece d?a c?t? satisfaites de leurs tenues. Pas mal mes jolies ! Vous faites bien saloppes comme ca...Mais il faut ? pr?sent m?riter nos bites si vous voulez qu?on vous baisent... Allez Aiko, pour commencer... Montre moi que tu es une bonne etudiante et dis moi combien font 10 fois 3...Si tu trouve la bonne r?ponse, je t?autoriserai ? me sucer la bite.. Aiko commenca a se marrer de voir tellement la question etait facile... Mais rapidement il avait un doute sur la r?ponse... 23? 35? 70? Ainsi, connaissant la r?compense qu'il aurait en donnant une bonne r?ponse, a savoir sucer une queue, il se mit ? compter sur ses doigts... 5 minutes plus tard, apres 5 verifications, il finit par trouver la bonne r?ponse et dit fierement ?30 !?. Aiko se mit ainsi ? sucer la bite du gros moustachu, completement excit?e et la chatte tremp?e, mais tout en ayant un peu de mal ? faire complement rentrer sa bite dans sa petite bouche d?asiatique.... Puis le moustachu se mit a prendre Aiko en levrette et la sauta tout en la traitant de petite saloppe et en disant qu?il aimait sa petite chatte serr?e d?asiatique... En meme temps, les 2 autres hommes etaient avec Natalia, d?guis?e en infirmiere. L?un des hommes dit : "Bon alors voila petite pute, j?ai a la bite en feu et on veut que tu nous examine...J? espere bien que tu vas me soigner... ? Natalia se jeta sur la bite comme une folle puis commenca ? se doigter sa chatte en le sucant jusqu?a ce qu?elle sente quelque chose de long et dur qui s?approchait de sa fente... Elle senti alors quelque chose qui la penetait, c?etait l?autre homme qui etait en train de la baiser en meme temps... Elle contina ? sucer tout en prenant de plus en plus pied au fur et ? mesure qu?il acc?lerait le rythme en la baisant et la traitait de jeune pute stupide... Peu de temps apres, Aiko et Natalia eurent un orgasme pratiquement en meme temps. Elles se retrouverent ensuite le visage couvert de sperme apres que les 3 hommes jouirent sur leur tete... Sans comprendre pourquoi Aiko et Natalia ne purent s'empecher d'avaler le sperme... Le moustachu dit alors : "Et bien Arnaud et Alex, je crois que l'on en a finit avec vous...le sperme que vous avez aval? a permis de finaliser notre vengeance... Aiko et natalia ne comprenait absolument rien ? ce qu'il racontait Aiko dit alors en vietnamien : "Hein quoi? Mais pourquoi je ne comprend rien ? ce qu'il raconte? Puis Natalia en russe : "Mais pourquoi vous vous mettez ? parlez dans cette langue etrangere? " Le moustachu dit alors aux deux autres hommes morts de rire !: "Ha ha ha ! Bon allez ? pr?sent on va renvoyer ces 2 putains dans leur pays.... Une belle vie de merde de prostitu?es les attend dans leur pays.... De toute facon elle ne pourront rien faire d'autre ? cause de leur QI !" 2 ans plus tard, Natalia et Aiko etaient prostitu?es dans leurs pays respectifs, la russie et le vietnam. Natalia etait devenue alcoolique et passait son temps a boire de la vodka entre 2 clients dans son apartement pourri de varsovie. De son c?t?, Aiko se mit ? la drogue pour essayer d'oublier un peu sa vie de merde, de n'etre rien de plus qu'une pute bon march? pour les occidentaux de passage dans le pays... La pire pire huliliation etaient que des qu?elles se faisaient ejaculer dessus par leurs clients, elles avaient un flash, voulu par les 2 sorciers. Elles se voyaient alors encore Alex et Arnaud, ces 2 jeunes hommes francais riches, intelligents et beau, en train d'humilier et s'insulter leurs employ?s tout en les traitant comme de la merde, ou bien encore en train de forcer une de leur employ?e ? les sucer pour ne pas les virer... FIN Histoire ?crite par Arnaud ([email protected] ) et Alex ([email protected])

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Mom And Son Abbas 4

Then abbas asked –“mom dad while fucking you sucks your breasts. does he also drinks your milk.” Mom said –“obviously yes. While suckin boobs, he drinks my milk too.” Abbas asked –“when I was an infant, did dad drank your milk.” Mom said –“yes. That time he drank the milk more than he drinks now. Because he liked it very when he drank my milk for the first time.” Abbas said –“but mom why did you allow dad to drink the milk that was produced to feed me.” Mom said –“what can I say him that don’t...

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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 66 Conclusion

So now here I was, facing my second week as barman a Mike’s place, with an appointment to service a city businessman on Monday afternoon, just one week after my ‘debut’ on the New York copulation trail. In spite of this firm appointment, and success to date, I wondered if luck would still be with me. But in fact my worries were unfounded, for just as Craig had prophesied, my second week in Mike’s bar produce another crop of visiting cards from men asking me to give them a call and so it went on...

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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 1 of 6

Prologue My business card is very discrete. It says quite simply Sebastian - Male Escort Absolute Discretion Assured Telephone xxxxxxx For those unfamiliar with the term ‘Male Escort’, let me explain. It is a euphemism for a man who is a professional copulator, selling what is usually known as anal stimulation to his exclusively male clientele. Crudely put, a Male Escort is a man who fucks other men’s arses for money. And let me say, with no false modesty, that I am a consummate...

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Sebastian Embraces His Sexuality Part 2

SEBASTIAN EMBRACES HIS SEXUALITY An Imaginary Homoerotic StorybyJason PART 2CHAPTER 4 “Pour yourself a drink,” said Craig, “While I go and make myself more comfortable.”He was back two minutes later, stark naked; a fact which did not at all surprise me as I had already realised back at the gym that this guy was hot to have sex with me.Craig looked at me and said, “You don’t seem very surprised to see me like this.”"Why should I," I said, with more conviction in my voice than I actually felt...

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Sebastian Embraces His Sexuality Part 2

SEBASTIAN EMBRACES HIS SEXUALITY An Imaginary Homoerotic StorybyJason PART 2CHAPTER 4 “Pour yourself a drink,” said Craig, “While I go and make myself more comfortable.”He was back two minutes later, stark naked; a fact which did not at all surprise me as I had already realised back at the gym that this guy was hot to have sex with me.Craig looked at me and said, “You don’t seem very surprised to see me like this.”"Why should I," I said, with more conviction in my voice than I actually felt...

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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 10 A New Ambassador

When the newly appointed Ambassador of the United States of America was safely in the Embassy car which had met her aircraft on the tarmac at Kobek International Airport she asked the Deputy Head of Mission, "Are there always this many military around?" "No," he said, "They are rarely seen in the city, except close to the barracks. I only expected the ceremonial guard for politeness. They are here because of you, personally." "The U.S. Ambassador is that important?" she...

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Christmas Wedding Part 1 Arthur and the Finns

Ten days before Christmas. Arthur Evens ran home from his grammar school in a hurry. It was the last day before Christmas break and he wanted to get home so he could leave for his vacation in Boston. His classmates had teased him about spending Christmas in the US, but he loved that he was attending the wedding of a good friend- who just happened to be like a mentor to him in many ways. His parents, Charles and Grace, were coming a week later as his father had to work straight...

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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 46

I arrived late back from the gym at Craig’s place, about 11 o’clock and he was already there, eager to know how things had gone with Mike. “Well, I got the job with no problem and the terms seem okay. At least I will have enough cash to keep the wolf from the door, but the great surprise was what Mike and I had got up to that afternoon. If you can believe it, he invited me up to his apartment- he lives above the bar, by the way, in case you did not know - and we spent the entire afternoon...

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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 3 of 6

Chapter 10 At the table, after ordering, Craig took the lead and gave me a potted history of his life. Basically he was the only son of a well-to-do New York family whose wealth was obviously considerable, judging from the apartment in which he lived, which he told me was provided for him by his father. He himself was 25 years old and worked in Wall Street in the family-owned stock-broking business. Now came the great revelation. Craig told me that he was sexually AC-DC, or better put, a...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 45 The Auction Fin

The music started and Matt opened up his leather vest to show his bare chest. Steph didn’t realize that Matt wasn’t wearing a shirt under his leather vest. She thought she would recognize that little tidbit but with the alcohol was really beginning to kick her ass and her continuing raising pressure hiding under her panties demanding a cock inside of it now she could understand missing the little tidbit of not realizing Matt wasn’t wearing a shirt. As soon as he threw his vest off stage into...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 9 and My WIfe and Wifes Fin

If you read previous stories, you will see at the church ladies retreat I had the preachers wife Pam, my sex slave cum slut, seduce my wife. Since that time, Pam had met with her 3 other times for romantic love making sessions, all of them caught on film.If you read my last story about the BBC gang bang my wife Charlotte had, this is the follow-on after she was devastated I found out she "cheated!"While I had my wife Charlotte set-up by Ed, her BBC 24 year old boy toy lover, and he had her...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 45 The Auction Fin

The music started and Matt opened up his leather vest to show his bare chest. Steph didn’t realize that Matt wasn’t wearing a shirt under his leather vest. She thought she would recognize that little tidbit but with the alcohol was really beginning to kick her ass and her continuing raising pressure hiding under her panties demanding a cock inside of it now she could understand missing the little tidbit of not realizing Matt wasn’t wearing a shirt. As soon as he threw his vest off stage into...

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Its for the Best FIN

It's for the Best - Part 3 [email protected] The continuing story about love, transformation, growth, acceptance, and peace. Sunday around noon I heard the door open and heard Dani finally get back home. I was all emotional and needed to talk to her about so many things that happened in the last 24 hours. I had just showered and put on a denim skirt and tee shirt over my bra and pantyhose. (She requested that I wear pantyhose all the time and I was happy to oblige...

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Consequences of Cross Dressing 2 FIN

Tony's Companion All week I tried to come up with ways of getting out of this date with Tony. I cried, begged, and pleaded with Grace to come up with another date for Tony, and to convince him to let me out of being his date to the Charity Ball. She would have no part of it and engaged my mother to take me shopping for an evening gown suitable for the event, and something to compliment Tony who will be in a tuxedo. "Amy, you have to stop begging. Tony is excited about Friday and...

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Sex With My Sister RewrittenChapter 10 Fin

I walked down the hall in the school. It had been a couple months from our fuck and suck fest and we had all gone back to our lives. Heather had been avoiding me, and mom had decided to let her move into Rachel's room shortly after the whole suck and fuck fest. It didn't really bother me, as Catlin was over almost every day to fuck me. Jessie had stopped coming over, and had started dating Johnny, but wasn't giving him any according to Catlin. When I inquired why, Catlin only giggled at me...

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Padhna Padhana Toh Bas Ek Dikhawa Hai

Hy friends, umeed karta hu ke aap sab thik honge. Me aap.Ka dost garry aapke sath apni life ka ek real incident share karna chahata hoon. Aap story related feedback mujhe meri email id pe send kar saktey hai aur aap mujhe facebook par bhi add kar saktey hai meri id hai garry singh gkc sab se pehle me apne baare me bata du .Mera naam.Gaary hai aur mai delhi ka rehne wala hoon hu aur b.Com 1 year ka student hu. Meri height 5.11hai mere penis ka size 6.5 inch lamba aur 2.5 inch mota hai.Meri age...

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Sebastian Embraces His Sexuality Part 1

SEBASTIAN EMBRACES HIS SEXUALITYAn Imaginary Homoerotic StorybyJasonThis is the second of a series of short stories each of which can be read as a stand-alone piece. However, as they tied together by some of the characters, who, in one way and another, figure in several of these tales, I recommend my readers to read them in the order in which they were written which is as follows:-1. Sebastian's Schooldays2. Sebastian Embraces His Sexuality3. Sebastian – The Male Escort4. Sebastian Meets...

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Sebastian Embraces His Sexuality Part 1

SEBASTIAN EMBRACES HIS SEXUALITYAn Imaginary Homoerotic StorybyJasonThis is the second of a series of short stories each of which can be read as a stand-alone piece. However, as they tied together by some of the characters, who, in one way and another, figure in several of these tales, I recommend my readers to read them in the order in which they were written which is as follows:-1. Sebastian's Schooldays2. Sebastian Embraces His Sexuality3. Sebastian – The Male Escort4. Sebastian Meets...

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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 56

Saturday morning dawned and I realised that since starting my job at Mike’s Bar, I had not been back to the gym and I truly felt that I needed a workout: so I decided that I would go over there this morning and see what I could arrange with Jonathan. I had more or less resigned myself into becoming a paying client at the gym where I had been working until just a few days previously. I had just packed my things together to leave, when the ‘phone rang and it was Mark, my bartender buddy from...

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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

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Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter One -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun crept into the smallest bedroom in the house at # 4 Privet Drive, Harry Potter fought the urge to wake up. Harry was having a nice pleasant dream. He dreamt that he was sitting on the shore of the ocean with his feet in the cool water, while reading a book about lighthouses. Two odd things about the dream stood out for Harry. The...

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Trashed Basil Hell Nite

TRASHED BASIL TRASHED BASIL As Lindy moved her crotch around, trying to get her young lover, Hugh to stick his dick in her harder, she noticed a little face peeking in the door. ?Oh, you bad boy, Basil?are you being nosy?? Lindy smiled at the chubby husband of hers, wearing blue eye shadow and an apron. Basil sighed. It had been quite an evening. Basil and Lucinda had had a big fight earlier in the week, because he was weary of her bringing lovers home in front of him. So Lindy had cut...

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Basil Frazzled

BASIL FRAZZLED BASIL FRAZZLED Basil gulped miserably as Charlene ran her long nails up and down his drooling shaft. Sure, Charlene was hot, kinda, but this was just so anguishing for him! Constantly did he have to be so humiliated? Basil looked up at his wife, Lucinda, and she laughed. Lindy laughed and winked at him, and he looked back at Charlene. Charlene had just had her hair bobbed,but she really looked good, and was in a lime green top.? But Basil thought he could keep from cumming...

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Gasping Basil

Gasping Basil Gasping Basil 1986 ?But it isn?t fair.? Basil begged his twin sister, Berly, while Enid, the severe younger sister with the punk-rock hairdo smirked. ?I can bathe myself now, no matter what we do in private, Beryl!? Beryl winked at Enid, and Basil wondered if Enid knew that Beryl had tied Basil down and run Vaseline over his cock with her red nails for two hours earlier that afternoon. It had been quite enthralling, though he had been so ashamed to have her remove his...

4 years ago
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Hassled Basil

Hassled Basil Hassled Basil TESTING?TESTING?CAN BASIL PASS? Just yesterday, Ruthanne stared in my eyes ?C?mon Basil?you can?t love that idiot more than I?don?t you know I?m better for you?? And then Ruthie?s lips around my cock?up and down, up and down, and I had to keep from cumming then?.and I have to keep from cumming NOW Basil kept his eyes shut as he felt himself approaching an orgasm. Basil?s chubby hands pumped his dick back and forth, and he felt his legs shaking. Oh...

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Basils Castle

BASIL?S CASTLE BASIL?S CASTLE Basil was so depressed?and he was humiliating himself, touching his hard penis while sniffing his wife?s scent in the highball that she?d put down. He?d snaked the glass off the table at the Tunstall?s party while Lindy was talking to that ass Saul Echerman, and then Basil had spirited the drink out to the far end of the Tunstall?s yard. Then, Basil opened his zipper and began touching and pulling his hard dick as he sniffed the scent of Lucinda?s perfume...

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Addled Basil

Addled Basil Addled Basil ANOTHER DAY WITH HIS WANK IN HIS WRIST,OUR BASILBasil rubbed his cock slowly, going up and down, sitting in the public restroom. Between the memories of? Lindy teasing him last night and his curvaceous students at Western State Commonwealth Women?s College. Then, after seeing a jogger with legs that went to Miami, Basil had had to cut off the road to drop his pants in this public restroom stall. It was scary?this was not in the best neighborhood, and Basil...

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Dazzled Basil

Basil?s Torment DAZZLED BASIL BASIL AND LINDY Basil breathed through his nose as Lucinda rubbed the tip of his cock once again. The Ten o?clock News was now over?and it was time to go to bed. Lindy let go of Basil?s cock, and watched it bounce with a smile on her face. She patted Basil?s cheek. ?Well, another fun night of television.? Lindy smiled at Basil, who tried to smile back weakly. Since they?d finished dinner, Basil and Lindy had been sitting on the sofa, Basil?s pants down as...

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Military DelightsChapter 29 Colonel Abubakar Ibn Abbas

Nearly two years had passed since the start of the war against Tirfil when Colonel Abubakar Ibn Abbas heard through the grapevine that a white woman who had been captured there was now to be sold. She had been annexed by the Emir and had spent the intervening time in the harem of the butler to the Emir, after the Emir had used her. Although he had no idea what a "butler" was or did, he thought that she might prove entertaining for the troops, especially as she had shared the Emir's bed....

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 2 of 6

Chapter 6 As I have already remarked earlier, by an extraordinary stroke of chance, I was born on January 1st , New Year’s Day, so my final term at Sheldon commenced more or less on my eighteenth birthday. I left the school forever in June of that year at the age of eighteen and a half. Sheldon had no career’s master or advisor and did not seem interested in what any of us would do once our schooldays were over. We all left Sheldon with or without our high school diploma, as the case may be...

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Mommy I dont want to try out for the baseball team again Part2

Part 2 Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again!!! By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old All, I added a few paragraphs from Part 1 so my story would be easier to read. I hope you enjoy my story, I am sure I missed a few spelling an especially grammar so please forgive. Hugs...

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A New Finn

Prologue Miles Arnold was only 14. He was tall, skinny, and relatively good looking. He never showed it though; he was shy and quiet and tried hard to go unnoticed by everyone around him. He was friendly with the kids in his classes, especially the Finn Family as the group of 12 friends was jokingly called. Miles was shy and quiet for a reason. Unknown to others, he was constantly in fear that people would find out that his dad was a drug dealer and his mom was dead. He did his best...

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Sebastian and Ciel

Sebastian opens the door, and allows Ceil to walk into the room. The Hotel Room is large, but enough for three people to sleep in one bedCeil walks forward and sits on the bed, grumpy. Sebastian steps forward and slowly and sensually takes off his shoes, tying them out and slowly taking them off. He puts them in the shoe closet and takes off his coat. He looks at his Master; "Master you are a mess" he says and Ceil looks up;"it's because of all these free hugs and glomps, when you were not...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

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Sebastians plaything

Sebastian strutted up and down the huge wooden floored room muttering under his breath, Alexandra couldn't understand what he was muttering but she knew it wasn't good. Heavy foot- steps hit the floor; the riding crop beat a similar rhythm on his right booted leg. Suddenly he blurted out "you have tested my patience to long young girl" Alexandra tried to get some words out but Sebastian ignored her attempts to speak so she just laid there relaxing her limbs and leaving a little slack in her...

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Ambassadors of Peace

Ambassadors of Peace By Malissa Madison Netti Zell had no idea why she was being summoned at six in the morning. Her mother and father had no idea either, but it was a royal summons. The only odd part was that the Guardian who delivered it stated that she was to bring her Vershang. At twenty one Netti had just completed three years of her college geared towards a career in the Diplomatic Corp. The final fourth year however was supposed to be spent in the field under a seasoned...

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The Sebastian Files Gary1

GARY: Well, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a disaster. SEBASTIAN: In what way? GARY: In what way? In every way. If our parents find out—what a nightmare. If anybody finds out. What is she telling her friends? That's what I worry about. And what are her friends telling her? I'm pretty sure that's where she got the idea in the first place. SEBASTIAN: So she initiated this. GARY: Yes. It was during the summer, when she was back from college. SEBASTIAN: She is nineteen, and...

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Wheres the Turkey Baster

All characters having sex are over eighteen. Thanks to my diligent editor who helped out on this project. ***** Thursday 1:40 am ‘Where’s the turkey baster?’ Emma asked with a soft laugh to the back of the man she had surprised in the kitchen. It was well after midnight. She giggled and added, ‘You’re naked,’ JT was rattled. He apologized, ‘I hope my nudity doesn’t upset you. I thought everyone was asleep and I could sneak in here and grab a quick drink without encountering anyone.’ He...

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The Sebastian Files Michelle

SEBASTIAN: Why would you argue about that? MICHELLE: I didn't. That was them. They were a little drunk. We were all drunk. We'd had enough of the family gathering and we were hiding and being bad. Except we didn't plan on being that bad. SEBASTIAN: Indeed. Can I ask, who has the better body? MICHELLE: Oh, probably my sister. She's stunning. But my brother is pretty hot too. It's close. Call it a tie. SEBASTIAN: So they were arguing... MICHELLE: They were joking around. We...

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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

1 year ago
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Ancient Abilities Part 2Chapter 3 Mission Finances

The Guidance Council and Cathy had stepped in to restructure my personal life and organize my financial affairs. With Cathy’s involvement, I went from a pathetic lonely widower to a happily married man with three wives. To be more accurate, I consider my three women to be my wives, but we are not actually married in the legal sense. I suppose you could say we live together and call each other husband and wife. I’ve heard of whirlwind courtships, but mine has to have set a record. One day, I...

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Flight of the Griffin

Flight of the Griffin Life is a funny thing. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and sometimes it changes just when you think you've got it figured out. It's that last part that can really throw you or maybe it can give you a new direction depending on how you see things. Not so long ago, I was just some guy trying to figure out where I belong in the grand scheme of things. To be totally honest, I wasn't having much luck. I didn't feel like I fit anywhere. After twenty-six...

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