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At some point during the early morning hours, I felt Danny slid in behind me on the bed. I slowly turned around in his arms and faced him. Poor baby, he looked so tired. "Morning love." I whispered as I kissed his chin.

"Goodnight, hmm morning.." He mumbled as he softly rubbed my back, pulling me closer into him.

"You wen't on patrol didn't you?" I asked rubbing his neck softly.

"Yes and I just got back." He whispered kissing my forehead, leaning up to look at the clock, it read 7am.

"Well I'm up now, Love you baby, get some sleep."

"Stay close to the house, the rogues are still around baby."

"I will." I said getting up as he rolled over and was sound asleep before I finished getting dressed.

Shaking my head, I walked out of my room and quietly closed my door. I made my way to the kitchen to find something to eat. Upon walking in to the kitchen, the first thing I noticed was, one: Chris was out of his room, moving around and two: so was my father.

I smiled as I walked over to my father and gave him a hug. "Morning daddy." I said as I kissed his cheek, totally ignoring the look I was getting from Chris.

"Morning baby girl." He said against my forehead, "Sit, eat. You slept the whole night away and from what your young man told me, you slept all the way here too." I smiled up at him, as I took a seat at the table, far from Chris.

"What can I say, I like to sleep." I said slowly eating the food he sat in front of me, still ignoring Chris, who was still looking at me.

"Leave, everyone." He said in his Alpha voice, I watched as my father took one look at him but walked out of the kitchen behind everyone else that was in there. I slowly got up and turned to walk out but felt him grab my arm.

Looking down at his hand, I looked up at him frowning. "I thought I told you everything I needed to last night Chris, I have.." I didn't get to finish because he pulled me against him and kissed me speechless. I could feel myself melt into him, even tho I knew it was wrong. I shouldn't have been responding to him but after all he was my true mate.

I felt him rub his hands up my back to curled in my hair and tighten in it as he pulled my head back, exposing my neck, while he kissed down the side of my neck. The sound I made snapped me out of the daze I was in and I pushed him away from me with a slap to the face.

"How dare you," I growled at him, I could feel my skin crawl, I knew my wolf wanted to come out. I was shaking so bad. 'You know we can't change Ann.' I growled to her in my head. 'I know, I'm sorry.' She whimpered back as I moved away from him.

Trying to calm myself down, I put as much distance between me and him by moving around to the other side of the table. He was watching me, his eyes pure black as he rubbed his face where I slapped him.
"What the hell posessed you to do that?" I growled at him agian.

"I have all the right in the world Niki, after all I am your mate."

"No Chris, no your not." I said to him as he walked towards me, as I moved around the table, keeping it between us.

"Yes I am,"

"No, I reject you Chris," I growled at him and watched as he winced slightly. "I rejected you the day I left and I would do it again in a heart beat. You are so lucky he is sleeping because if he wasn't you would be good as dead." I yelled at him, as I pushed myself towards the kitchen door again, this time opening it before he could stop me.

I looked up at my father, who was looking at Chris with pure rage. "No daddy, don't even bother." I said to him as I turned to face Chris again.

"If you so much as dare come near me again, I will tell Danny. I grantee, you won't like it." I said walking out the door and slamming it.

My father gathered me in his arms as I let the tears pour from my eyes. "Shhh, baby girl. I won't leave you alone with him ever again, as long as you are here." I heard him whisper, as I looked up at Mel, and Marcus. From the looks on their faces, they knew what had just happen but they wouldn't say anything to Danny about it, that much I believed.

Smiling at them, I moved away form my father. I walked over to Marcus. "Walk with me, I want to go for a walk." I said slipping my arm threw his. "Yes Luna." Was his only reply as we walked arm and arm from the house and towards the path behind the pack house.

****Chris's POV****

'Fuck, I sure just fucked that up.' I thought to myself as I opened the kitchen door and watched as she walked out of the house with this Marcus guy. I faced her father and growled at him. "Don't even think about it, I don't need you to say anything." I said as I turned around and walked back in to the kitchen. Sighing, I looked up as Megan walked in, groaning in side my head I watched her as she sat down in front of me.

"Why? I can smell her all over you." I just stared at her, actually I was frowning at her. "It don't concern you." I told her as I stood up, walked over to the sink, placing my cup in it. I walked over to the sliding glass door and looked out. I watched as Niki an that guy walked into the woods behind the house.

"Yes it dose Chris, I am your wife and your mate. It sure as hell concerns me." I heard her growl at me.
Causing me to flip around and looked at her, I growled lowly. "I told you when I married you, I didn't want you and the woman I want is out there, PREGNANT," I growled the word out, "With another mans child. I never wanted you, I want her. Now I think it would be best if you leave my sight." I yelled at her as I opened the glass door and stepped out on to the porch.

"We will see about that.." I heard her say as she stormed off out of the kitchen, shaking my head. I looked out over the back yard, I knew I just fucked up. One, Niki would never be alone again and two, I just pissed my wife off, that may have been a mistake.

Shaking my head, I walked off the steps and followed Niki an that guy threw the path. Keeping distance between me and them, till I seen them stop. I knew I was far enough away that they couldn't hear me and with the wind blowing the way it was, I knew they couldn't smell me. So I picked a spot behind a tree and watched them closely.

****Megan's POV****

'The nerve of that man, he makes me sooooo mad.' I thought to myself as I stormed off past Jackson and Jason, making my way to Chris's office. I was going to put a stop to this before I went to far, I was calling my father.

After a few rings he picked up, I cringed because I really didn't want to call him but to protect myself, I had too.

"There has been a set back daddy." I said in to the receiver, I knew no one could hear me with the door closed, that's how Chris had the room redone, to make it sound proof.

"What do you mean?" I cringed again at his tone, I hated my father but I loved him to. I just didn't like what he was making me do.

"She is back and I've caught them kissing." I softly said as I sat down at the desk, rubbing my forehead. "It's bad enough I can't get him to touch me again, an I lost the baby from the first mating. How am I going to get him to ever touch me again while she is here father." I asked softly, while trying not to cry.

"You can do this," He growled at me, making me shudder in fear. "I will call later and talk to Jason and Chris, if they know what is good for them, they will have her leave."

"What about the rogue attacks?"

"Don't worry about them, I will call them off, you know I only wanted to make them hurt. Especially him for what he continues to do to you. By the end of the night he will be in your bed again, I will grantee that."
Sighing, I told him ok and hung up. I knew my father was behind the rogue attacks but I knew to never speak of it because of what he would do to me, so I never thought about it around anyone. I got up slowly and walked out of the office and made my way up to my room and laid down, time for me to take a nap.

****Niki's POV****

Sitting down on the ground, I looked up at the sky. I felt Marcus sit down a few feet from me, he was all was the watchful man.

"I wish to be alone Marcus." I whispered as I continued to look up at the sky.

"Sorry Luna, Danny would skin my fur if I left you alone after what happened back there."

Smiling, I turned to look at him. "Don't make me command you Marcus, I just want to be alone for awhile. I am not going anywhere but right here, I wont stay out here more then 20 minutes. Please leave willingly." I said smiling at him, as he sighed and stood up. "20 minutes, I am only going to the beginning of the path, I will be able to hear you if you yell."

"Thank you." I replied as I relaxed back on my arms, letting my head fall back and enjoying the sun on my face.

"I thought you wouldn't ever be alone again after the incident in the kitchen." Chris said behind me, I looked up at him as he came over towards me and sat down next to me. Not even bothering to touch me, he must be a smart man or one with a death wish.

"I thought I told you to stay away from me." I said more of a statement then a question.

"I wanted to apologise Nic." I frowned looking at him, he still hadn't faced me.

"I shouldn't have done that in the kitchen, I get that now." He said looking at me, frowning at me.

"Yes you shouldn't have Chris, you disrespected me and Danny by doing that." I said softly to him, still looking at him. "I would never have done that to you or Megan." I sighed as he looked away from me.
"Don't worry about her, she dosn't matter."

"Yes Chris she dose, SHE," I hissed, "Is your wife and your mate. I would never put myself between you 2, even IF and that's a big if, I never found Danny and mated with him. I just wouldn't have done that no matter what. You may have been my true mate Chris but lets face it." I said turning to face him fully.

"You wouldn't have chose me, you wouldn't have disobeyed your father.." I said as he turned back to face me, he opened his mouth but I stopped him by laying my fingers on his mouth.

"I know that and you can't deny it" I said removing my hand from his mouth but he grabbed my hand in his, looking at it as he rubbed my knuckles softly.

"I know, your right but I still wish things could have been different. I wish I could have been here when they attacked you years ago." He softly said as he kissed the back of my hand, I wanted to pull away but I couldn't find it in myself to do so. "I wish I knew you before the attack," He whispered looking up at me, he was near tears and it only made me want to cry to but I didn't.

"Don't Chris, it's in the past." I sighed as he kissed my wrist, I didn't want him to continue but I didn't want him to stop either. I knew it was wrong, I knew I shouldn't be letting him do this but I couldn't fight it either.

I tried coming to my sense as he kissed up my arm and then up to my neck but I just couldn't clear my head. I sighed as he kissed the side of my neck that didn't have Danny's mark on it. "Chris.." I sighed as he nipped my earlobe, leaning in to me. I placed my other hand on his shoulder and gripped his shirt tightly in my fist.
"Just let me have this one moment please." I heard him whisper in my ear as he licked my neck below it, I shivered.

Moaning softly, I tilted my head back, giving him more room to my neck. I leaned all the way back on the ground with him laying over me, his face still buried in my neck. He keep all his weight off me by holding his self up by his arm, which in turn pushed his lower body between my legs. I shivered and moaned as he rubbed against me threw his jeans and my skirt.

"I will all was love you," I heard him whisper in my ear as he slid his hand down my side and run it up the in side of my leg, all the way up to my bare pussy. I moaned softly, as I used both my hands to rip the buttons off his shirt, I ran my hands over his chest.

Looking up at him, I smiled, grabbing his hair in my hands I brought his mouth down to mine to kiss him. I kissed him with all the passion, I felt when I first saw him and all the anger, from when I left.

"Nic," He moaned against my lips, but I wouldn't let up, I keep him firmly in place with my hands. I moaned as his hand left me, "Shh I'm not going anywhere baby." He whispered in to the kiss as I felt him unbutton his pants and push them down far enough, so that his hard member pushed at my entrance.

"Chris," I moaned as he pushed fully inside me, I let go of his hair, to only grab his lower back and dig my nails in to his skin.

Once again, he buried his head in my neck and kissed, nipped and licked it as he keep his slow pace moving in and out of me.

It didn't take long before I was crying against his lips as my orgasm hit me and a few more thrusts later, he was coming, groaning against my neck.

We lay there for a few seconds, before he slowly moved. I could feel the tears coming to my eyes as he moved away from me but I blinked them away. I would not cry in front of him, not now.

I smiled as he pulled my skirt back down over my legs and help me sit up. I reached out and buttoned his shirt, as he fixed his pants. I sighed once I was done and just looked at him.

"I.." I tried but me shook his head and it made me stop.

"This stay's between us, it will never happen again. I lost control Nic and for that I am sorry."

"You weren't the only that lost control Chris." I told him as he helped me stand up.

"Go back to the house, you know the way to get to the guest room with out anyone seeing you."

"Chris," I tried again but he kissed me and shook his head again.

"Don't worry about the guy who is waiting on you. I still smell like you from earlier, so he won't question it. I'll distract him long enough for you to go take a shower and get my smell off of you."

He turned me around and held me there for a second, I didn't bother saying anything. It was pointless, I felt so guilty for letting it go so far but there wasn't anything I could do right now.

"You don't have to say anything to him about this, It can stay between us but that Is entirely up to you. I won't say anything to anyone." He said turning to walk the path back the way I came from.

Shaking my head, I took off back to the house. I knew I needed to shower, I smelt like sex and Chris. Which wasn't a good thing, I knew I needed to tell Danny but what I didn't know was how.

Once in side the guest room, I striped out of my cloth, threw them in the laundry bin and climbed in the shower. I scrubbed my body till it was raw, the whole time I cried.

'How could I do that to Danny.' Thought to myself as I turned the water off and got out, wrapping the towel around my body.

Walking out in to the room, I walked to the closet and pulled it open, at the back I pulled out a duffel bag, it was full of my cloths. I kept it there after every run because this is the room I all was came to, to change and shower in, instead of walking naked in front of the whole pack.

Shaking my head, I pulled out a shirt, that was my fathers, so it was huge on me and a pair of shorts, they where tight on me but with the long shirt I could keep them on my hips and not have my belly being pulled in by the band on them.

'I have to tell him, but how?' I thought as I sat on the bed, looking down at my belly, I lifted up my shirt and rubbed my round belly. 'I am so sorry baby, I never should have let that happen. Now I fear your father will hate me.' I said as I felt him or her start to kick in side me.

Sighing I started to get up, only to inhale sharply as a sharp pain tore threw my stomach. 'Dang that hurt' I thought as I placed my hand on my side, taking a deep breath. All of a sudden, I felt a gush of liquid run down my legs. ''Shit, I'm going into labor." I said out loud as another pain hit me.

'MEL, down stairs, behind them, is a guest room, I'm in there and my water broke, I think I'm going in labor.' I said to her threw out mind link.

'On my way.' She replied to me as I slowly slipped my shorts off and sat down on the bed.

I looked up as she busted threw the door, followed by my mother close behind her. I groaned as another pain hit me, my mother grabbed my hand as Mel closed the door behind her, so no one can look in.

Seconds later, Danny came running in to the room, I seen Chris, he had a pained expression on his face and Marcus, who didn't look happy before the closed the door behind him.

At that moment in time, I didn't want to even think about what had happen, not even 40 minuets before.
"I'm here baby,"

"Niki, it's time, give me a big push."

I looked between my mother and Danny and screamed as I pushed with all my might.

After a few pushes, I cringed from hearing my mom shout as I pushed my baby in to this world.

"That's it sweetheart, baby you did it..." Was all I heard before darkness claimed me.


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I hated him. I always had. But now more than ever. I hated the way he made me feel. But he was just so bloody gorgeous. And every time he looked at me with his whirlpool green eyes, my legs just turned to jelly. Just one glance from him would make my stomach do multiple flips, and my cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. He knew exactly how much control he had over me, he knew exactly how manipulate me and get exactly what he wanted. And he loved it. Every last, lustful second of it. I’d known...

2 years ago
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The Courts Of Pleasure Ch 06

When at last they left the Tower House together and said goodnight to Katia long dark clouds streaked across the moonlit sky. Cliff, Sarah, and Vivienne turned towards the Rose Cottage amidst the night-sounds of crickets, frogs, and the warm rustle of the trees. Sarah and Vi walked ahead of Cliff hand in hand. They were quiet now after the supper talk, and a suspense held each of them as they approached this moment that they knew was upon them. Together they followed the path of flagstones...

3 years ago
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should never have said it part 4

Carl had now come around and seemed confused at the goings on 2 young women were at the side of him, one getting shafted on the floor and the other manipulating a big cock between her breasts, however it didn’t take him too long to get his bearings and was frantically stripping off when as if on cue Jenny re-entered the room just in time to remove his last items of clothing it was a relief to me to see that his equipment more or less matched mine, not that I got to see it for long before he...

4 years ago
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Three Blackbirds Outside Akeing MiddlesbroughChapter 2

Frances McDermot, had had a busy week, what with the new premises nearly complete, parts of the original tarted up and the birth of her eight grand child. Her waste of space, transgender secretary had left under a cloud of discrimination, handsomely paid off by the trustees to keep her/him quiet and the temporary girl wasn’t too bright either, being a real hick from the worst and most deprived estate in town. The boss decided to have a massage and shower in the brand spanking new...

3 years ago
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My GF plays with herself for me and a mate

This story took place a few years ago when I was still living at my parents’ home; I was going out with a girl called Jess who was blond size 10 and attractive. On the night in question I had a good friend over for a smoke a few drinks and a session on the PlayStation. As the evening progressed we got drunker and Jess was getting more bored so we decided to stick on a film.As the film was ending everyone was getting tired so we set up the sofa bed for my mate and settled down for the night....

4 years ago
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Beauty Queen Slut long sex story

The sun had just gone down and the apartment’s pool area was empty except for my wife, Dee, and the two guys sitting with her in the Jacuzzi. They had been drinking heavily for most of the day. Since I was reporting for two weeks of National Guard summer training the next morning I’d taken it easy on the booze. Now we were running low, so being the semi-sober one of the group, I’d been drafted for a beer run. Leaving Dee alone with these two studs concerned me. I knew that...

1 year ago
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BeckyChapter 2

The day after she'd jacked me off to orgasm, I didn't have a chance to be alone with her until well after lunch. We had our morning chores to do and our mandatory bible study period, all performed with the oversight of Uncle John, who sat at his desk for the most part, preparing his sermon for the following Sunday. I was nervous, ashamed, uncertain, a variety of emotions assaulting me throughout the morning. I could not get a read on how Becky felt about what had happened between us. Her...

2 years ago
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Charlie Zeros Lastditch AttemptChapter 11

The hangover had left him at two in the afternoon the following day, and although his head still ached a bit, he was glad to have lost the nausea. The meeting that night started at six, and he wasn’t too sure if he wanted to see Renee ever again, given the circumstances. Yet there was an irresistible quality about seeing her again, and so he decided to go to the meeting. When he arrived at the church, Jerome, Irving, and Manuel were there, but Phil was conspicuously absent, as he was usually...

2 years ago
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A changing Life Resume

A Changing Life - Resume Hello to you all and especially all my friends and those that follow my stories and make it all worthwhile by commenting on them. This is a short description of a story which I wrote a few years ago, it is meant to just set the scene and explain about the characters within it. Hopefully it might also whet your appetites for me to publish it here; I would appreciate your comments. This story is about a young man, Richie, happily married and in love with...

2 years ago
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Storyline4Chapter 2 Discovered

Lena didn't come over and I waited and waited. Finally, I called over there to see if everything was all right. Pat answered the phone; crying and I wondered what was wrong. She said that she should have called to let me know that Lena would not be able to walk the dog today, but other things seemed more important. Albie, her husband, was called up at the last minute to fly overseas because of a major military screw up that had to have his expertise immediately and they were to take him to...

2 years ago
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Advent a Calendar of Cum

I saw my stepdaughter, Ashleigh, off through security on the Sunday morning following Thanksgiving. My wife and her ex-husband share joint custody of the adorable little thirteen-year old, and as they live in different states these days, Ashleigh lives with her father and his wife during the school year, and stays with her mother – my wife – and me during every holiday and vacation. The long summer vacation provides us all an ample opportunity to relax and develop a family routine, but the...

2 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 52 Home

Anne met Will and Mary's plane. Waiting for the bags, Anne clung to Will, kissing him and hugging. When they got home, Mary started the round of hugs with the others, Anne took Will upstairs. At supper, Sigrid said, "Should we call them, Mary?" "No, Sigrid, let's make up a tray. I'll take it up." Alex went with her, knocked on the door and opened it. Mary went in with the tray. Will and Anne were lying in the bed, spent but joined. Anne's face shone with joy. Mary set the tray on a...

1 year ago
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Monicas big blowout sale

At first, we thought it must have been vandalism. On the other hand, in retrospect, we should have known better. The final ‘o’ and ‘t’ hadn’t been scribbled out, like the typical vandal would do. There had been a very neat, straight line drawn through each of them. AND they were printed considerably smaller than the other letters... and not capitalized like the others. And who the hell was Monica anyway? About an hour earlier, my three housemates and I had decided it was finally time for us to...

Group Sex
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My First Sexual Experience

Hi friends this is Rashmi, I’m here to share my love story which is completely filled with romance I hope everyone is going to enjoy this I’m here describing few thing about me I’m a very good looking girl with sexy curves I’m sure 70% of boys will give a second look while I was passing on public places I’m a traditional girl innocent and very calm girl but other side of my character I’m very horny and naughty girl anyways the story is little longer It’s the first day of my engineering college...

1 year ago
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The Devil and the Deep Blue SeaChapter 3 The Circle is Complete

The arrival of the new couple turned the lunch into a celebration. It quickly became apparent that they had played some part in tracking down the man that shot Ted last year. Ted had never had the chance to meet them or thank them, and with charm and a simple sincerity, he quickly introduced himself and convinced them to accept a case of his 2000 Private Reserve as a measure of his gratitude. The Bellers were pre-Gretchen, but that didn't stop her from giving them both a hug and a kiss. I...

2 years ago
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Good Morning

As I wake from a sweet slumber, I smile-you didn't let me go at all, and I'd been sleeping in your arms all night. Sighing happily, I snuggle against you, the warmth of our bodies together creating a cozy feeling in contrast to the air-conditioned room. You begin to stir, and I look up at you; as you open your eyes, I see a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. I lift my head and kiss your lips. You respond hotly, and as I break the kiss, I grin; your cock has stiffened. I kiss you again,...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Caught in the Act

Introduction: Just something that I I never heard her come into the house so I had no reason to stop what I was doing. What I was doing was surfing various porn sites with my pants around my ankles while I stroked my cock. Not an easy thing to do might I add as I tend to jerk off with the same hand I use for mouse moving! The pic that was on the screen when she walked into the room was of a beautiful blonde about my wifes age taking a huge load of cum onto her face and tits. Which, I might...

2 years ago
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My Sissy Life Part 3

My Sissy Life Part 3 When I got to my room I saw the Hello Kitty dry erase board on my door. There was a note from my brother that said 'Sissy, I need my jock strap clean by Friday morning.' Oh good, I get to hand wash my brothers jock strap again. Is it Christmas already? Almost every day there is a note on the board from someone telling me that they want me to do something. I walked in my room. I still can't believe how ultra girlie my...

3 years ago
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Entangled Chapter II Serving Rapunzel

“Good morning, my pet. I trust you slept well?” Rapunzel greeted me that next morning as she always had, her voice full of boundless energy and anticipatory joy for what the day would bring. It was one of the qualities l loved best about her; her endless optimism lay untarnished despite a lifetime of imprisonment in her tower. I made to rise from our bed with a contented sigh, puzzled at first by my inability to do so, blinking the dust of sleep from my eyes as I focused on her the impish smile...

1 year ago
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What you think here it is Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Dear reader what you thinks her it is actually I am not given this name in first but it is clicked after the finishing work of this story it is enotirely different theme. Read the every word of amazing story and write to me The next morning when I awoke, mom was in the kitchen preparing breakfast and went up behind her and put myself against her and she turned and said, “Hansy, I was serious, that was once, and you said you wouldn’t push.” I nodded my...

3 years ago
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The Wedding Present

Chardonnay had been Phil’s live in sissy lover and constant companion for just coming up to two years. She wanted to do something very special for him and had saved enough money at last. She phoned an exclusive hotel, giving great detail into what she required. She made a few more calls that afternoon while Phil was working. As she finished the last call, she gave a huge grin to herself in the hallway mirror. Phil had given her an engagement ring the previous year, which she found such a...

2 years ago
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Thoughts Sensations and EmotionsChapter 14

Dad met me at the airport in Phoenix. Barbie was with him. I'd forgotten she'd planned to prepare dinner for him. Had my sudden, unexpected reappearance squelched any plans? According to their thoughts, apparently not. Barbie had a new boyfriend, an eighteen-year-old fry cook. Argh! Her thoughts weren't that complimentary about him: good-looking but smelled like stale grease and was dumber than a post. Verbally, she waxed eloquently about his many qualities. I suspected she'd done a...

2 years ago
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Random Sinful Thought

It is in the arms of intense passion, whoever it may be, I often think about the naughty things I would want to do to u. Not in the sense of "dirty" but more like erotic. It is well known that I have a desire for you, that I crave you . . . and that I have this need to want you. And with that being said:“We are in your kitchen making a nice quiet dinner. Occasionally, I move behind you like I am grabbing something in front of you. But really, I am gently pressing against you so you can feel the...

2 years ago
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Wife IS the Party

We went to a party after work was going to just stop by quickly. But Margarita's with no salt are her favorite. And the song by Bob Dylan called lay lady lay, came on and she was being flirted with and felt up by guys and she liked it. Dancing slowly and rubbing against hard cocks got the better of her.She started to rub back and they responded, the first to ask if she wanted to help him was a young guy from the mechanical crew that was just 20 years old. She was 45 looking hot and he liked her...

3 years ago
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How i fuck aunty

I had always liked staying at Auntie’s, she was my mother’s youngest sister and had a girl who at this time was just twelve. Auntie lived just outside one of the lesser known coastal villages in Cornwall and there was a beach known only to the locals and we could spend time there whenever we wanted. The truth was that even when I was quite young I fancied Auntie Gill, she was so young seeming and had a great figure much of which I had seen at some time or other. That summer I was fifteen,...

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Share Croppers Wife

Foreword As in previous stories, I have used the names of Jenny, Joe, Stephanie and Sam (the perpetual evil villain). These stories are not connected in theme, sequence or any other manner except for my lazy reluctance to come up with different names. The only similarity is that I have the same personal fantasy of what a beautiful woman looks like. I use the same description of the main character (of Jenny) in most of my stories. You can go to my blog on to see...

2 years ago
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Vampire Nights 3

Darla spent most of the day distracted as she thought about Edward and the message he had left for her on the bathroom mirror. Her thoughts drifted to the memory of his lips against her bare skin and the feeling of him throbbing inside her as they had fucked passionately under her flowing shower the night before. She caught herself smiling at nothing near a dozen times throughout the day, and even when she was focused there was a persistent tingle between her thighs as she worked. Even her...

2 years ago
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Muleskinner BluesChapter 14

Before I could reply, Coleen squeezed herself between the guards and stood in front of me. "No he doesn't," she said angrily. "He needs to stay right here until Sonja returns from meeting with the Pleiad." "We won't harm your savage, Doctor O'Neil, but he is too dangerous to be allowed to roam loose. This project is my responsibility, and I'll not have it jeopardized because you three decided to pick up a pet along the way," Mendez said. Old Doctor Mendez was wearing on my nerves...

2 years ago
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Wow ThanksChapter 19 Reminiscences

Denise and I had been sitting together quietly for only a few moments, when Lissa reappeared from the den. She took in the tableau of her mom and me sitting there, so close together and side-by-side, and showed some evident satisfaction on her face. "What's up, hun?" Denise asked. Lissa shrugged, but then quickly took a seat across the table from us and leaned forward with another conspiratorial grin on her face. "I forgot that I have to give you your little task for this hour, too,"...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Natalie Knight Jaycee Starr Summer Swap And Smash

There is nothing like a nice barbecue to get the summer underway! Today, Jaycee Starr and Natalie Knight hang out by the pool while their dads grill up some meat on the ol bbq. Natalies dad does most of the grilling as he and Jaycees dad chat it up about sports and all the other stuff two older guys talk about on a hot summers day. In the meantime, Jaycee and Natalie trace each others bodies with their eyes, getting more and more turned on by how hot they are standing next to each other. The...

4 years ago
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Gay Roleplay Session With Ray

Hello guys, this is Rajesh. Read about my gay roleplay session with Ray, and enjoy. It’s been a week since has fucked me. We couldn’t meet each other because of our busy schedules. So, finally, we decided to meet and have fun on the weekend. We wanted to try something new this time. Ray suggested that we do a roleplay this time. The story was something like this “I am looking for a house on a sharing basis, and I come across Ray’s post that he is looking to rent his one-bedroom.” (This time,...

Gay Male
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Memorable Trip With Childhood Friend

Hello friends, hope you all are fine. My name is Sameer, I am doing a job now, I love reading sex stories. And I feel glad to read so many stories from the writers here. Please read this story and do comment and email me. My mail id is I am from Indore and completed my engineering. This sex story is about me and my best friend. Her name is Riya. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever met. We were childhood friends. We grew up together, played together and did all things together. Luckily...

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