Peter's Girl: New Lease On Life free porn video

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Peters Girl: New Lease on Life This is an idea I got from reading some of the things from Chieron blog, a fan of Peter's Girl. I wrote a story from this world earlier, but this just begged to be written. I promise it has no "old" nudity or anything. But, does take place in an Old Folks Home. So the characters are originally elderly. I hope you enjoy, and I promise this one won't be under the "Sweet Sentimental" section. The sun shone brightly against the well-manicured lawn. Green blades of grass waved slightly in a light breeze that caressed the cheeks of the school children that were walking to school. Pools of water glistened, the rain from earlier having subsided by the sunrise. It was a lovely day to be outside. Not that the inmates inside of the building would have known anything about that. The squat building appeared to be almost oppressive despite its rather modern appearance. Large windows graced the sides, allowing someone from inside to get a cool blast of fresh air if they so chose. Shady Acres Retirement Home was created for union workers without any family to take care of them. No one visited this building who didn't work for them. A sense of abandonment hung over it like a dark cloud. These forgotten men were beyond any outside influence, their money allowing them a comfortable living in their waning years. Frank had welded for years before he was forced to retire. At least he got a good pension that helped to pay for his private room. It was rather comfortable here if a little dull. In his mid-80's he was just happy to be alive and functioning. Getting ready for his day wasn't that busy. After all he didn't need to wear anything special. His slightly bloated form fit itself into a rather conservative jogging pants and t-shirt. Thankfully he still had all his hair. His hand combed it into place with a little sigh from all the wrinkles that were drawn across his face. The walk to the entertainment area was something that always made his ankles twitch. He dragged it gently across the floor while he worked his cane. The TV was off again, he did enjoy it for background noise, and yet it had been off for a while now. Walking over would have made his ankle hurt even more though, and he didn't want that. He grunted, sitting down into the chair with a little sigh of annoyance. Jake was already there, a little younger than Frank. His hair had fallen out though, and he simply shaved his head now. He'd set up the chess set so that they could play. Their games were normally in silence, the TV remaining off while he moved his pieces. Both of them weren't too skillful. Frank was sure that he would have been defeated easily by someone who made a living with it. But, the two friends were able to at least compete with eachother without too much of a problem. "Hmmm," Frank grunted to himself while he thought of his next move. It wasn't really his concern what might be happening outside. And in this little home none of them knew about new medicines that would change their life forever. Frank ate lunch, letting himself return for more chess, finding that he had to comb his hair again before he went to bed. After all he didn't want to be seen by the others with messy hair. Sometimes he wondered if he should be happy or unhappy that there were no women outside of the nurses here. After all he might find female company enjoyable even at his age. He decided it was quieter with all the retirees. After eating some fish for dinner he went to bed. Sliding out of his slippers made him shudder slightly. Ankles tingled while he looked towards the little pool of light that came in from outside. Closing his eyes he drifted to sleep. Waking up early to use the restroom, he got dressed before everyone else. One of the nurses arrived with a smile, escorting him to one of the windows. The young man looked rather cheerful, something that Frank found odd. Did he smell perfume? And why did the boy look so young? Maybe they were training them earlier or it was a volunteer after all? But, he decided that he wasn't going to care. There weren't many nurses in the room, supposedly they were meeting somewhere. He could see a few of the doctors running towards the large employee meeting room that was upstairs. Downstairs was the assembly room for the patients. It made noise when they pulled chairs across the floor. He did find the feminine clothes rather strange; so many trousers amongst the female nurses. Watching the kids going to school wasn't too bad. If he had done it any other way then they might think him strange. It was rather interesting to see so many young children enjoying their time in school. Though he did notice the uniforms were changing. Skirts were rather short, and he wondered why the girls looked so different to him. Their hair was long and put into pigtails, and they seemed rather slender. That shouldn't have set any alarms off. Just something felt wrong. He didn't dwell on it too long though, finding that his routine took over. After all he did have chess to play. The TV remained off, and he wondered why no one was actually turning it on. There was no way for him to know that it hadn't been on because someone had broken it on purpose. What that boded for them wasn't something good. Frank had gotten Jakes king in trouble. He'd blanketed him, and all he had to do was move his queen. There was a slight ringing, as the nurses came into the room. "There is going to be a meeting soon. This will be very important so it's mandatory." The men in wheelchairs were quickly moved by rather cheerful nurses who walked with an even gate. To be honest Jake looked rather relieved that they were being forced to end the game. Frank looked annoyed, his eyes roving to the board so that he could remember every piece's location. "We're picking this up afterwards," he said with a little curl of his lip. Jake just shrugged his heavy shoulders, moving up. Frank grunted when he forced himself up. His body was leaner than his friend's, but he wasn't exactly very fit at the moment. Parts of him cracked when he moved too fast. Shuffling his sore ankle, he walked towards the meeting room. There were dozens of different folding chairs that people were sitting into. Oxygen tanks were mines that he avoided while he sat down near the front corner. Everyone looked to be confused. It wasn't normal for them all to have a public meeting. The head doctor stood in front of them. She'd gotten rather tall, her red hair cut short so that it seemed to part right in the middle. Her chest had gotten bigger, but more from muscle than anything. Frank noticed her breasts weren't everything that they used to be, actually they looked like they were about to disappear completely. Well that wasn't his concern at the moment. All the nurses were there, the male nurses sitting with their hands against their backs. They looked rather nervous, the head nurses looking like they could jump out of their skins with merriment. Each of them had changed much like the head doctor. Sometimes Frank wondered if they were all buying the same manly clothes in order to give themselves a sense of authority. With so many male nurses it would probably be an issue to keep things under control. The head doctor leaned over to one of the head nurses. He could clearly see the head doctor asking one of them if everyone was there. When she nodded, the doors were closed behind them. Turning to the crowd of men the doctor released a rather winning smile. "Welcome Residents. I am sorry that I interrupted your day. We've been very hectic at the moment. I know that many of you don't keep up with the news, but there has been a regular marketing recently that we think is very exciting." Her fingers worked to reveal a screen that turned on automatically. A video showed a set of medication that he could barely see. Normally they had a very limited medical cocktail that no one really messed up. Why were they trying to sell something universally? That was strange. What the hell was Rejuve? "There has been a discovery that will change humanity forever. Normally it was only an option for the very wealthy, but it has become a simple tool for the future of everyone. A Panacea that will cure all of the world's ills has been created. Rejuve is a medication that with a yearly injection lets the cells reproduce without any degradation. Basically it is the fountain of youth." She added with a flourish of her hands; she waited for a pause. All the men laughed. After all they'd been promised that before. Their faces were one long smile while they tried to turn to talk about such promises they had heard in their lifetimes. Her face was rather annoyed, her mind working on something. Frank chuckled with the rest. After all there was no way to actually turn the clock back. "I am serious, and your pensions that pay for this can pay for Rejuve too. We offer it free to anyone who desires it; though you're other medications will be turned away once your health starts to improve. If you want we can bring the sign in sheet to you." Her face had a hard crag within it, even though it was clear that she hoped they would sign. None of the men looked that interested. After all they didn't trust anything that stupendous, and it was change. Wouldn't they be kicked out if they were younger? Pensions would go away, and that was something they didn't care to see; besides promises always had a way of being broken. After waiting for a while she released them to their respective rooms. This wasn't going to work the way that she originally wanted. Her hand almost seemed to shout at them when she turned around. The doctor's hands were fiddling with eachother, trying to keep from balling into a fist. Frank returned to his chess game, looking at Jake when he took his sweet time to return. It was something that he wished he would hurry up with. He won that game, and then lost the next. Nothing changed for his routine for the next week. He'd awaken, get into a game of chess with Jake and wish for the TV to work again. There were no changes to speak of. At least that's what he thought. Behind the scenes the head nurses and doctors were talking. There were laws that were being created, and many of them were more than willing to use them to their advantage. After all they had plans for this monument to old age. The men here were going to be of use whether they liked it or not. It was 11 o'clock at night when all the nurses walked into the rooms. The night crew was never supposed to be this large. Frank groaned, looking around when the nurses started to hand him his robe. "What's going on?" He asked the nurse, looking at him with a sense of annoyance. After all the sleep interruption made him groggy, and he had to hold onto the wall not to fall over when he slid out of bed. Everything seemed to be rather bothersome. A yawn creased across his face while he tried to think of what might be happening. Thankfully he didn't need to fumble with glasses like many men did, that would have forced him to search and spend more time. The nurses didn't look like they had the patience for someone needing more time. It was pitch black outside, his eyes looking out the window while they were taken to the home's meeting room. With a sigh of annoyance he fell into one of the folding chairs. The doctor had returned, her face set into a thin line, the men shuffling inside of the room. A few had to be wheeled in, looking around while she kept her arms behind her back. With a sense of authority she turned to all of them. The instant that one entered into the room she started. "We offered you a possible return to your youth. To feel healthy, and also benefit from a health that many of you have not known for decades. Obviously you did not take it or we wouldn't be here now. But, what you didn't know is that it was all a formality. Your financial situation is as follows, the government considers anyone who refuses Rejuve to be resisting mental and physical health." She paused while the groggy men looked back and forth to eachother. "Because of your refusal you are considered obstinate, and per my powers I am making the taking of Rejuve mandatory." She said with a vicious smile that sliced across her face. The men started to grumble, though they were too tired to argue too much. "If you want you can always leave this place. However, you forfeit any of your financial privileges." That was enough to silence everyone. "So that's all. You will be given your first dose today, and will take it alone for the next week. Enjoy yourselves, and remember that this is for your own good." With a nod of her head the nurses started to lead them out of the room. Frank walked towards the little line that was being created to head back to their rooms. A nurse stood at the front, handing each a pill with a glass of water. He wanted to refuse, to fall away. But, anyone who did that risked his spot. Popping the pill in his mouth he decided that he was at least going to cooperate right now. With a little swallow he moved towards his room. He was barely conscious by the time that he reached his bed. It felt so soft to the touch when he leaned against the pillow. A week passed with the routine becoming the same again. Chess was followed by their new pills that they took with a sense of trepidation. It didn't seem too bad though. Frank's ankle started to feel better, and it didn't roll anymore. After another week he noticed his hair filling in, and wrinkles were disappearing. Even Jake sprouted hair on his chrome dome. It came in thick and blonde, moving into peach fuzz rather quickly. After another week the men were much happier. They were losing weight, and gaining hair. Jake had an even smattering of hair on his head, and he was smiling. None of them were younger than their early 50's, but losing a few decades of age made them feel better about the medication. A few were even walking outside, moving out of wheelchairs that had been their homes for ages. Many of them were excited that they were finally enjoying the use of their legs. Each of them was curious what the side effects were. Having been on pills for ages they understood that there would have to be issues. And yet there were no signs that there was anything wrong. Jake had to put on pants a few sizes smaller, enjoying the fact that his thick body had been disappearing with the more medication that he was taking. Frank noticed though that his body hadn't replaced it with muscle. His body was taking more of a baby fat type. Not that he minded, he hadn't seen his hair turn brown in ages. The nurses were much nicer now that they seemed to enjoy Rejuve. Another benefit was the increase in libido. After all he hadn't used his cock in ages. It hadn't gotten smaller with age, but he found himself less interested in the process than he used to. Maybe with women at the location that didn't have the air of professionals, he might have considered it. Though he wondered what might turn him on, his erections were occurring without any help from other medications. With some passage of time the men were becoming used to the effects of Rejuve. Frank moved slowly to his room. The pace that they had gotten used to hadn't been taken away. A few of the head nurses were talking to the nurses, their bodies seeming to have gotten taller. It seemed curious, though their body language was even more different. The male nurses were being submissive, giggling when the head nurses gave them attention. His eyes roamed to the curved outline of their asses, finding that they were plump and even appealing. His head shook slightly to get the image out of his head. It wasn't his concern. Frank moved towards his room, looking into the mirror as he passed. Maybe Rejuve made it so that he didn't need to shave. That wasn't any problem for him, he would enjoy being younger. Time didn't seem to slow down either. Each week he would continue his routine with the pills, and the years disappeared. Frank sat at the chess board, looking at the queen that was sitting in preparation against a rook. Should he push it forward? Thinking was becoming difficult because there was a problem with his seat. Fixing his seat didn't appear to help. He could feel the weight of his back arching against the chair. Something was wrong with it, and he couldn't understand. His butt felt softer than before, and he could feel a little lock of dark hair get in front of his eyes. He pulled it back, watching Jake playing with a lock of blonde hair. Twirling the blonde lock made him look rather confused. The other man looked to be about 21, his face softer than he remembered. His hair cascaded down against the back of his shirt. They'd gotten to wearing similar clothes to before, and yet they didn't fit right. Even the ones that were older weren't fitting properly. They were too long; one coming down to his thighs that even when he was older had been the proper height. "So how are things going?" Frank almost jumped when he heard the voice next to his head. He turned to look up at the head doctor. She smiled, looking down directly at him. Had she always towered over him this much? He stood up for a second, finding himself right below her shoulder. No he'd almost been her height. It made him nervous. "They are going fine. I am enjoying the medication." He said with a little smile. Why did he feel so overwhelmed right now? He turned away to go back to his game. A little knot was developing in his stomach, making him wonder why she intimidated him. Sitting back down allowed him to see underneath her smock. Her normal clothes revealed a thick bulge at her crotch. The shape roamed upwards, with a little twitch. Did it move? He wasn't sure, but he found the codpiece a little strange. Everything about it seemed to draw attention to the bulge, almost as if it wanted to be noticed. That suddenly didn't matter when something distracted him from the head doctor's clothing choice. A sound of distress came from one of the nurses. His delicate little wrist was caught in one of the head nurses hands. Tears were streaming down his round face while she bent him over. With a little gasp of surprise her fingers pulled his trousers down. Underneath the medical clothing they would notice bright pink panties with a lace bow at the front. It revealed the smooth pale curve of his ass, allowing her to lift her hand. With a resounding smack she let her hand fall firmly on his ass. It jingled slightly, with his mouth opening in a gasp. The public punishment made all the younger men start to murmur between themselves. A few of them rose to defend the nurse. After all they were men, and they weren't going to stand for such an embarrassing physical assault on one of the nurses whether it was a head nurse or someone else. "Hey!!" They shouted while they moved towards the two. Almost in a flash they were grabbed by some of the head nurses. The tall women pushed them to the floor without any delicacy. All of them expected to be treated with kid gloves, and yet with their younger bodies they were not being treated like they had when they were frail. Many of them had expected that their younger forms would be strong enough to resist. Yet their muscles collapsed under the stronger women. They quickly found that they were not able to even mentally toughen themselves to fight back while they were restrained. Frank looked at the men who should have been able to resist more than they seemed to be able to. Each of them was quickly taken away, making everyone feel apprehension. The doctor glared at everyone, looking down at Frank who quickly turned towards his game. Without a word she stomped off towards the back room while the head nurses glared at them. It didn't take long for another announcement to come over the intercom that they should meet in the other room. Frank and Jake quickly got up to go. Having their lives regimented helped them follow orders, and the fear they felt after seeing young men taken down by the taller women scared them. Frank and Jake looked at eachother when they took their seats. Both of them could feel the room. In front of everyone were the men who had tried to defend the male nurse. Their asses were clearly visible to everyone. Each of their arms was tied behind their backs, and a nurse stood in front of each one. Bent over double they appeared to be shuddering with fearful anticipation. Some of them were crying from the experience, and the head doctor had her arms crossed while she surveyed all the patients. "Proceed." She ordered when the last one entered. With gusto a head nurse went in front of each male to be punished. Raising their hands they gave a resounding slap that went across the room. It was obvious that it hurt, the males letting out a loud guttural shriek. And yet the yelps weren't as deep as Frank expected. They sounded much younger than the early 20's each man showed. His balls wanted to crawl back in his belly with every slap. They didn't stop for almost thirty slaps before the mewling males were carted away. It was something that kept the room dead silent. "You little bitches have taken advantage of me for the last time," the head doctor said, her eyes blazing fire. "From now on we will be instituting new rules within this home. Your life belongs to this home; you are not to show any kind of rebellion. If a nurse is misbehaving she will be spanked in front of you. You will not resist and learn from it. Any patient resisting will be spanked in public as well. This will be your normal punishment. The doctors and the head nurses are allowed to administer punishment whenever they may decide, and it can be seconded." Her eyes roved over all of them, sensing the fear within their bellies. "Also I will be administering other changes. Strip" She ordered. The males paused for a second, not sure what to do. A few head nurses stood up, making every man get up to slide their old clothes off. With shame they covered their crotches, feeling embarrassed to show themselves in front of others. After all it was only recently they had regained their new bodies. Head nurses started to walk around each of them, forcing their heads forward. The men in front were too scared to turn their heads. A few yelps were coming from behind, and he wondered if they were all going to be spanked anyways. Someone jerked his head forward, grabbing around his neck, and placing something so that he could feel a tightening around his throat. Looking down Frank pulled up what appeared to be a light pink collar. Frank lifted the little gold heart at the end. Stamped underneath it was his name. Or at least what appeared to be his name. "Frankie-kins?" He looked towards Jake who had his own little heart collar. It said Jakey-kins. "What the hell?" Some guys still resisted, though they were quickly dragged to the front for their spankings before they were escorted back. Their sorrowful sobs were enough to stop anymore rebelliousness. "You are now given your collars. This labels you as property of this home. I am your doctor and you are my little girls. That's right I will be addressing you as girls. You are no longer men; you do not deserve the distinction. The head nurses and I are NewMen, and we will be telling you exactly how to live. There will be no rebelliousness again. I gave you youth, and you abused me for it. So now you are to be girls, which mean panties." Another nurse walked over, handing each man a pair of lacy panties of different colors. To be honest Frank was glad that they gave him a little baby blue pair of panties. It was better than the hot red that Jake got. A nervous laugh followed while they slid the only clothes that they were going to be given. "Now that you know the rules, go to your rooms." She ordered. When the doors were forced open all the men rushed out. Frank felt a horrible pit growing in his stomach. The collar rubbed against his neck slightly, and he wished that it would burn off. But, being seen without it would have dire consequences. She hadn't said so, but she meant it all the same. Entering his room didn't seem too different until he got to his closet. All his clothes were gone, and in their place he found a rather bland light blue dress. He slid it on, finding that it was a little too big for him. Either way he was going to worry about it later, right now he needed to just keep himself calm. Leaning against his dresser he noticed that they'd also given out new medication. He wondered what this one was going to do. Rejuve had given him a new lease on his youth. And yet he was finding that it was getting strangely worse to be young. The nurses were going to constantly harass them now that they had the ability to spank with impunity. Deciding he might as well, Frank took the medication. Frank's head swum while he was walking to go play chess. A nurse pinched his ass, and he found himself just smiling at the compliment she gave him. It felt strange to feel that way, but he felt ok about it. And he kept feeling alright about it over the rest of the week. That week made his head swim, and by the end he found himself staring into a young boy in the mirror. He remembered looking manlier at this age. Or at least he thought he was manlier at 17. Maybe he had been mistaken. Was his hair this long and thick back then? He didn't think that his ass was so rounded back then either. He was sure that his hips weren't so wide. "Everything is just woolgathering." Frank said to himself, the collar jingling slightly with the motion. Quickly he grabbed his dress, walking quickly to a communal shower. Maybe he would find himself a little enjoyment in the hot water. No one else was showering at that moment, the silence welcoming him. The warm water cascading down his skin made him sigh in contentment. Frank had been stressed even with his strange fugue state. The nurses were getting a little bold with him. They pinched his ass whenever he passed, and he found that many of the other boys had similar stories. He leaned his head against the wall, feeling the coolness of the tiles underneath. "Oh stop being such a little pain." One of the head nurse's voice carried into the room. Grabbing a towel quickly, he pulled himself into one of the stalls. Frank didn't want them to catch him here. What would they do if they did? "Please I don't want to," he heard a high male voice saying in protest. A nurse was trying to resist the taller female who had his wrist. It wasn't helping, and the new male uniform of a low skirt wasn't helping either. "Oh shut up," the woman said, grabbing his chest with her fingers while she pressed him against a wall. Her fingers moved further south to play gently with his belly. It was flat, her fingers rubbing against the thin cloth that protected him. Moving south her hands cupped his pantied crotch. Hooking her big fingers underneath the elastic she started to gently slid it down. Frank covered his mouth to prevent him from gasping. The male's penis was miniscule. Its little tip was barely the size of a babies' and it took the very tip of her fingers to be able to pinch it gently. Holding his hands forward, the male gasped while she twisted her fingers slightly. Obviously she was starting to massage the little shaft, though it just made him squirm. "Th...that isn't going to work." He gasped, his body tensing slightly while he leaned against the tiles, his hips thrust forward. She grinned, pulling his panties back down. The roundness of his ass was feminine, and his hips wide. Her fingers gently parted his ass cheeks before he could see her hand doing something out of his sight. The male let out a gasp, her finger obviously sliding into his anus. Her thick finger must have been entering inside of him, because his ass kept thrusting backwards into it. His little cock twitched his breathing heavy while she pumped into him. Each thrust of her fingers brought a high little moan from his lips. The movement of his little penis flopping against his smooth crotch made it strangely alluring. It didn't take long for his back to arch, and a deep moan filled his lips. Frank expected the nurse to shoot a load across the room. Instead, his little pricklet simply dribbled the remains of semen down his little tip. Panting for air he leaned heavily against the tiles. The head nurse leaned forward to gently slide her finger across his penis tip, moving the little bit of his ejaculation to his mouth. A little pink tongue slid out to taste his expelled fluids. A smile creased the young man's lips before she slid his panties up, and grabbing his wrist again dragged him out of the bath. Frank felt weird, his heart pounding in his chest. What was happening to the male nurses? And why did his cock feel like it was about to burst? But, he didn't want to masturbate after that. It would be for another time. Yet he couldn't get it out of his mind. The young nurse panting for air with a thick finger inside of him kept invading his dreams; Frank couldn't stop thinking about it. He couldn't tell Jake, and that was bothering him while he remembered to take his medication. "So are you going to move?" Jakey asked with a little cute smile. His hair was in pigtails, and his dress looked nice on him even though they had never gone beyond the boring clothes from before. Frankie looked around, trying to think about what he was going to do for his next move. His head still felt fuzzy, but he decided that the rest of the girls were dealing with it so that he would to. The head doctor entered, all the girls standing up. After all they could get in trouble if they didn't. Each of them looked no older than 15 years old. All of them had gotten used to being young again, and wearing panties. "You have been behaving yourselves." She said with a little smile. The girls let out a sigh of relief, wondering if they were going to be rewarded for behaving like they were punished when they misbehaved. Some spankings had happened after the meeting, but a few brutal ones had quieted everyone down. Now they followed orders by any head nurse. "And because you have been such good little girls, I have set up a special bath." Her hands waved towards the communal baths. They waited for permission to go. "You may go." She got out of the way while they were piling into the bathroom. All of them wondered what it might be. The showers were all on, and inside was a giant tub. It was made of wood, the studs in the center giving it an old timey feel. The girls stripped out of their clothes, jumping and hooting. Showers were fine, but a nice bath was fun. Steam covered the room, Frank jumping in with the others. A smile creased his face. They could be young mentally again too. Splashing, dunking, and a dozen other events occurred in the tub. A few tried to find a quiet corner, but most roughhoused. Jakey dunked Frankie into the water, making him splutter up. "What the hell was that for?" he swore, not editing himself with the head nurses gone. His eyes grew wide when he looked up at Jakey. Showering was something you did quickly without giving a look at anyone else. Sometimes head nurses spent those times teasing, and so you went through quickly. He'd never given Jakey a good look before, and his body had been hidden by the big bland dress. His hips were wide, and his ass had filled out a bit. It jiggled a little when he moved. Youthful his face might be, but it also looked like a girl of 15 rather than a boy. The soaps smelled of lavender, and he could see how the water glistened off smooth bodies. That wasn't what alarmed him the most. Jakey's cock was tiny. With a quick guess he was probably only 2 inches long. Frankie quickly thrust his hands downwards to feel his own. It was about the same size, and his balls were probably the size of little cherries. Scanning the room he saw the roughhousing youths were in the same boat. Their cocks were small, and even in their roughest they were almost pillow fighting with the water. Had medicine done this? His head raced through it all, trying to think of what he might be going through. Panties couldn't do this, he knew that. But, he wished he wasn't a welder. If he had been a psychiatrist or something like that he would realize that subtle treatment and environment could mold you; especially when doped up. Jakey smiled at him, oblivious to what he had noticed. Quietly he reminded himself to tell him about it later. Quickly he dove forward, tackling his friend so that he could appear to be enjoying the horseplay that they had previously been apart of. Taking a few minutes to actually clean himself, Frankie stood up and carefully climbed out of the tub. Some of the other girls were content to relax while he dried himself with some towels provided by the nurses. Frankie's eyes looked to their crotches. It was easy to see their panties due to the really short skirts. He noticed they had flat fronts, something that worried him. Panties were normal for him when he slid those over his smooth legs. A nurse walked over, handing him a new dress. The older dresses had been rather utilitarian. Light blue, and made of cotton that was meant for rougher clothing, it had been something that he had just gotten used to. These dresses were made of a silk that clung to his body. It was light, and the skirt rode up to show his round ass. Frankie just smiled about it, feeling the way the coolness from the air conditioner went up his skirt. He kept trying to pull it down, finding it difficult to do so. The head doctor probably turned the AC up too; soon it was easy to see every nipple of the girls protruding through their tops. He refused to act surprised, something that a few of the others didn't show. Little squeaks were heard, though discipline held. Frankie would wait for night before he said anything to Jakey. Lights turned off, Frankie opening his eyes. His hands went to his collar, gently pushing the little pendant back so that he could flip it up and hold it behind the collar. It wouldn't jangle or move around. His greatest fear was that it would have reflected on the light. Quietly, he opened his door. Looking out the side he could see the back of one of the head nurses while she rounded the corner away from him. Barefoot in his panties only, he moved towards the room of his friend. Silently he slid the door across, slowly closing it. Jakey sat up from the noise of the click of the hinge. "Who is it?" he demanded, his voice falling slightly when he could squint to see his friend. "What are you doing here?" "Shhh don't talk so loud," Frankie hissed at him while he slid onto the bed. "So what is it?" Jakey whispered back, his hair cascading down his back now that he had removed the pigtails that he normally wore. "Did you notice in the bath something off?" he asked Jakey, who gave him a blank stare. "I mean the other's dicks" Jakey blushed a little, turning away to cough. "Haven't you noticed your own?" he demanded, seeing Jakey think about it. "Not really, haven't thought about it in years. Though I guess if I am younger it would be useful." His eyes wandered around the room. "No it won't. It's tiny," he hissed, looking at the blonde with exasperation. Jakey just turned to groan at him. "And yours is SO much bigger." His eyes bored into his friend. "That's the point. All of our dicks are tiny. And the nurses have flat fronts," he tried to reason with him. "So?" He shot back. Frankie wanted to explain that they might have flat fronts soon to; that they were being changed into something. He wanted to say that they were under some great conspiracy. But, he couldn't because he heard the door creak open. "Oh hello doctor," Jakey said with the cheeriest smile. Frankie felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Turning around he saw that she had the most sinister smile on her face. "Sneaking out of your room Frankie-kins?" She walked towards them with an even stride; her clothes had been pulled so that she was only in her civilian clothing. That thick codpiece stared directly at him. "Both of you get on all fours on the bed. NOW!!" she ordered. Frankie and Jakey both slid onto their hands and knees. To disobey would have been even worse. He closed his eyes tightly while his friend just sighed with annoyance. "This is your fault," he said with a sense of being bothered. The hands slid their panties down. Cool air brushed against his smooth flesh. Prickly goose bumps formed around the skin, making Frankie swallow hard. The doctor ran her fingers across the expanse of his ass. It was rather round and soft, and she seemed to be gently rubbing them. Her long fingers were rather calloused, and she ran it right between his ass cheeks. For a second she slowly twirled around his little anal ring. It made the back of his head tingle while he could hear footsteps behind him. Someone else must be entering the room. "You two have been very naughty conspiring here. But, I am going to make sure that you enjoy being my lovely little patients." Her head moved while someone else got behind Jakey. He could feel fingers grabbing his ass. It dug deep into the edges, forcing his ass apart. This was rather strange; did she expect to spank him this way? Something pressed against his anus, the warmth making him jump. Frankie turned to look at Jakey. Jakey had his eyes bugging out, a head nurse forcing what looked like a little bullet into his ass. She didn't explain what it was, though he could feel something pressing against his virgin hole too. It felt slightly greasy when it slid inside of him, and he squirmed at the sensation. "Now Jakey-kins, lay on your back," she ordered, the blonde doing what he was told. His butt wiggled slightly, his little cock pressing against his stomach. "Frankie-kins, slide yourself over him." He tried his best to crawl over the other girl, feeling the smooth skin underneath his fingers while he spread his legs wider, feeling his thighs touch against his friends. A head nurse and the doctor were watching, he blushed crimson while he looked at his friend. Something strange was happening inside of him. The heat from his body was melting whatever it was that she'd slid inside of him. It was starting to feel warm, and wetness slid out of his hole. It cleaned him, making his stomach lurch slightly to feel that warm moist center. "Wh..what was that?" he asked, her smile showing she wouldn't answer him. Jakey was turning red, his little cock not getting hard. To be honest Frankie felt warm, even horny he might describe it. Yet his little cock remained flaccid, leaning downwards to point at his friend's cock. Since he was concentrating on that, he didn't notice the doctor pushing herself towards him. Her finger slid into his moist anus, forcing him to jerk forward. Twisting deep inside of him she found that it wasn't too hard. Though he wasn't ready for it, she pressed another finger inside. Frankie felt like someone was stretching his insides apart. She was thrusting it deeper and deeper. He wanted to expel it from his body, and yet he couldn't stop the pleasure that came whenever she bumped into something deep inside. No amount of pushing would get rid of her finger, and soon it didn't want to. It amazed him that he was gasping for air now, feeling his pulse racing from just her fingers. She withdrew them, his eyes turning to look at her. He didn't want her to stop, he'd felt so amazing once he'd gotten past the pain. The doctor had drawn a dildo out of a bag. It was about the size his cock had used to be. It made his eyes bug out, turning away to look at Jakey. "Please me to," he begged, his body moving in little circles while his moist anus leaked against the bed. The head nurse moved with a smaller vibrator to gently slide it inside of Jakey's body. Frankie watched it disappear inside, spreading his little rosebud with no preparation before it slid inside with a wet plop. He could see the string that would let her pull it out. With a little push of a button he could hear it vibrating inside of him. Gasping Jakey started to shake, his body tensing while he suddenly relaxed. Then he thrust his hips forward, his little cock almost grazing against his own. It flopped down, still not erect though it was easy to see that he was enjoying himself. Something pressed against his own dripping anus. Frankie felt a little rush run up his spine. That thing had been rather thick and he could imagine it all sliding inside of him. The thought of those fingers made him want to feel it again. Yet the old him wanted to just beat them up and run. But, it had been eroded over time. Soon the doctor started to add pressure, the tip of it forcing his little anal ring open. With added pressure it felt like torture. Resistance was there, his anus not wanting to spread wide enough to let it in. Then with the added lubrication the tip pushed inside. The thick false dick was inside of him, his body tensing. "You might want to relax or it'll be harder on you." His legs spread apart instinctually while he went down, feeling his body relax slightly. Jakey's warmth suddenly hit his own while their bodies pressed together. He could feel both their flaccid cocks rub against the other while she forced more of the thick dildo inside of him. It slid after a while without too much trouble. He could feel himself filled to the brim, his insides not sure what to make of it. That little bump inside of him wanted her to move it, her fingers withdrawing it. Each inch of its length bumped against his sensitive walls, his body tensing while he let out a moan. Tears streamed down his cheeks while she started to thrust the phallus inside of him. His entrance opened and closed with each thrust, his hips rolling so that his cock rubbed against his friends while his ass was penetrated. Little pearls of pre-cum were rolling past his pee slit. They mixed with his friend's, though they were both concentrating on the feeling within their bellies. Both of them were panting for air, the doctor and head nurse grinning with how easily it was to get them used to this with just a little prodding. Something built inside of his belly, growing worse and worse while he thrust against Jakey. Their moans were growing louder, their bodies dribbling with sweat while the thing thrust inside of him. It was strange, the sensation when he felt his toes curl. His anus tensed around the invading member, milking it for all it was worth. Energy rushed up his spine, his body contracting around it. Only a little bit of fluid slid out of his cock, dribbling onto the tiny testicles of his friend. Air leaked through his teeth while he felt the new orgasm overwhelm him. Shuddering against eachother, the two girls were digging their nails into the bed. It took almost 10 minutes for their minds to return. Faux wetness pooled around their used asses, and they could feel the little driblets of semen against their stomach and crotches. Both sat up, blushing at what they had done with the other. The head nurse and doctor laughed at them. They didn't even have enough energy to glare, nor did they have the courage now. "Such good little girls; my good little girls." Her hand moved to cup their faces towards her. She looked so strong and chiseled to them, and they were so delicate now. It felt rather intimidating. "Every night from now on we will be making rounds to each of you. This will be your nightly reward. Though Frankie for your naughtiness I am going to make sure that this big thing goes inside of you every night." Her smile made him blush. He didn't want to admit that the idea of being fucked with that thing every night filled him with a strange energy. No he'd deny the pleasure he got from it. Frankie continued to deny it every night; even though he would spread his ass apart for them to slide the little suppository into his body. He would deny it even though he moaned like a horny teenager every time they penetrated inside of him. No amount of shame they put him through made him admit that he loved it. Even though they might threaten to take it away and he would get on his knees and beg them not to do it. Routine was how the doctors and nurses controlled the Newgirls. They didn't have wives or mothers to protect them, so they were being used for a social experiment. Could even the most stubborn and patriarchal raised males be changed. The head doctor reviewed the room, nodding her head. Some still played old games, or kept old hobbies. But, they were doing something else that was clearly from their new point of view. They'd been fed specially place carrot and stick methods to make them adopt them. Frankie and Jakey were still playing chess. But, Jakey was fixing his hair, putting bows in it. And Frankie was moving from one foot to the other while he waited. It was clear to her that he was an addict to her thick dildo. All of them looked forward to their nightly visits. She just had to check to see if they would take other steps. "Girls," she said with a firm look at all of them. Those who were doing something instantly stood up at attention. They'd learn to follow her direction with great care. None of them needed spankings anymore; the threat of removing their nightly fun was enough to keep them in line. Her hand waved the other nurses and head nurses out of the room. They shut the door behind them so that they could not be seen. Their heads swiveled around. This was something that was completely new. "You have been very good girl. Taking care of your new lovely clothes and making sure not to rebel. And all of you have responded well to your nightly visits. That makes me very proud of you." They each blushed, looking around to see that all the males had been visited in the same manner as they had. Frankie played with his pendant nervously, feeling ashamed that he thought about those visits all the time now. "So for one hour in this common room I am going to allow you to have fun yourself. Not that you won't have your nightly visits, but there will be more opportunities to expand on what you might personally like." She walked forward, moving her solid form to a box which reminded them of a foot locker. Opening the box she revealed a huge selection of sexual toys that they could use. Ribbed dildos mixed with vibrators that had long curled twists. A few had suction cups so you could place them on the floor or the wall. The doctor turned, her muscular back being revealed to them while she made her way out the door. It was difficult to move at first. After all did you want to show that you were enjoying this more than anyone else? Jakey rolled his eyes, walking forward to grab the thick black ribbed dildo, opening a little cupboard that begged to be opened. Inside were the little bullets that they'd come to love. "I love my nightly visits, anyone else here disagree?" He said with a little cocking of his hips. "So we get to have fun ourselves, it makes me feel a little shy to. But, I want more of it, and I know you do to. So let's take this opportunity." His hands were out, making Frankie feel nervous that he was so ready. Jakey's skirt fluttered while he grabbed another bullet, moving towards him while he hid something behind his back. "Oh Frankie, I have a present for you." The other girls were moving towards the box, starting to root through. They were treating it like a new pair of panties or any other clothes they might want. It was rather neat, and their little pendants jingled while they were looking deeper. "What is it?" He asked with a little trepidation. Jakey sighed. "Stop being such a worry wart. I know you enjoy them most of all. And I want to watch you again." He smiled, seeing the other males walking to their own corners to find a little privacy. A few were actually looking at eachother. One errant thought that went through Frankie's mind was the lack of testicles on the dildos. They were veined, huge, and very detailed with heads pulsating. And yet none of them had outward testicles. His own pathetic remains made him nervous while Jakey slid behind him. Moving quickly he spread his friend's ass apart. The feeling of a bullet sliding inside of him made Frankie feel a little violated. But, the sensation of moistness flooding into his passage always sent a rush up his spine. It dribbled down his back, making him look towards Jakey who was leaning forward to slide one inside of himself. The image of his friend bending over and spreading his ass apart while the thing slid inside of his body made his anus tingle. His cock remained soft. "So what did you get?" "OH!! That." The male chuckled while he moved towards one of the chairs they relaxed on. Sliding out he took a large cock that was about the size of the one they used on him at nights. It had little bumps all over it, and he suctioned it to the chair. Moving it back, he made sure to escort his friend over. There wasn't much resistance when he slid his panties past his smooth legs, feeling the way that his ass clenched with the wetness leaking from his hole. "So you got to slide down on it." There were a few of the girls already going for it. One had his ass in the air, thrusting it against the wall, the dildo thrusting into his sopping hole. Another had his legs in the air, his little feet twitching while a curly vibrator was being thrust inside of him. Jakey slid his own panties off, sitting across from him. The chess table didn't matter now, his legs lifting him into the chair. It felt strange, watching his friend finger himself while he sat poised above this phallic object. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he leaned down slightly, his knees bending. His nipples tingled, his body pressing the tip right against his entrance. Gravity allowed him to slide the thing inside. "Oh.." His voice quivered in his throat while he slid down the shaft, his ass being shocked when he felt himself bump against the chair. A deep gasp of air filled his lungs. The head nurse or doctors penetrating him was different from this. He was choosing to do this, to fill himself with something. And it felt wonderful. All of this was wonderful. Youth wasn't wasted, and he loved to feel something inside of him. Taking their own initiative, being allowed to take it, was ruining their resistance. He slid himself up, hating to feel it leave his body. Then he would wait just to the tip and then fall again. Each thrust downwards sent shivers up his spine. He could see Jakey thrusting the curved dildo into himself, the wet slapping of his hand making it so that he couldn't tear his eyes away. For a few seconds he wondered if he'd ever be able to look at Jakey the same again. His own hips were slapping against the desk, spreading the juices down onto the soft material. Little beads of sweat slid down his body, his mouth open to let deep gasps of air fill his lungs. He couldn't keep himself from doing it over and over again until he felt that wonderful rush of energy. The orgasm washed over him, making him shudder. Yet he didn't want to stop, when his shaking knees allowed him to he started again. Each time he'd feel his orgasm wash over him, and he could barely stand. He didn't stop, thrusting himself up and down over and over again. All of the girls came too often to count. They enjoyed it. Unlike others who might have known what was happening, they were taking their own fate and enjoying it. Orgasms were making them addicted; their minds wash with the glow. Their bodies glistened with sweat, each girl lying in the position she fell. Only little droplets of semen had dribbled from their useless members. Frankie curled into a ball, falling fast asleep. Groggy, Frankie thought he heard something above him. "They will be ready, get the doctor here tomorrow." His eyes opened, trying to be sure that he heard right. The doctors sure were discussing it with a sense of excitement. After all they were all smiles when they awoke. Each nurse made sure that they got cleaned up. Frankie wished that they could have gotten into the giant bathtub again. None of them was sure what might be going on. Except for that little comment that he'd heard while he was asleep Frankie didn't hear anything about the big day ahead. He found himself rather disturbed by the experience; though he didn't ask any questions on his nightly visit. After all they might stop if he asked too many questions. He found a few other pair of panties in his room after he'd forgotten about the foreboding comments. They were lacy like his earlier pair, but had a little hole in the back. It reminded him of the briefs he used to wear. But, he wondered what it might be for. Why not just slide his panties off if he wanted to use the back? He shrugged, putting them into the drawer while he went out of his room. The common room was filled with all the patients. They were being put into lines so that they would be able to go in different groups. He felt rather vulnerable considering that they were going outside. In just panties he was being asked to walk outside to a building behind the main home. It had been awhile since he'd seen the sun directly. They were escorted to the building entrance, where they were separated into groups of ten. Each of them were supposed to strip out of their panties. All the girls did what they were told, covering their crotches with one hand. Despite that Frankie saw Jakey, waving while he was sent to another room. Walking into one of the rooms, he saw that all the beds were set into a circle. Climbing onto the bed, he swirled around. A few nurses walked inside, their breasts bouncing. If he hadn't seen the tall powerful females he had, he might have thought they were women. But, they were males now. Were they going to get breasts? Staying silent seemed like the best course of action. The nurses went to each bed, suddenly grabbing their legs. Spreading each patient's legs apart, they were tied directly into stirrups. Small feet were spread even farther apart while a little hole appeared below their legs. A strap was spread across their stomachs and arms to keep them in place. Frankie squirmed, and found he couldn't get out unless he flipped the bed. He wasn't anywhere near strong enough for that. A doctor entered, her hair gently moved so that it covered part of her handsome face. Her codpiece made him blush. Frankie could see the thickness of the bulge, wondering if it was overstuffed. They were all curious what might be happening. No one had told them what was about to happen. All they knew was that their tiny cocks were on display for everyone to see. The doctor pulled a wrap that went over the first girl's belly. Gently sliding it over, she pushed a few buttons that quickly seemed to vacuum against his skin. He didn't look comfortable, and the head nurses were moving to slide them onto all the males in the room. Frankie looked at the nurse who walked to him, feeling the wrap spread across his skin. He could feel it suddenly suck against his stomach, and held him there while it slowly whirred into life. His stomach felt like it tingled, suddenly feeling his crotch grow numb. He hadn't had too much pleasure from his cock recently, but he felt little pins and needles form around his penis. Then it went totally numb. Pulse racing, he moved slightly to look over at the first boy. There was a strange machine that fit easily into the doctor's hand. Everyone could see the machine move from where they sat. Any girl not able to see was lifted so that he would better be able to watch what would soon happen to him. The bowl had a set of wings that were closed around the top. It let out a slight little moan when it was opened, revealing what appeared to be a set of metal shears. They twirled around, the doctor grabbing the male's testicles within her fingers. Lowering them into the bowl, she slid the shears upwards. Terror in the male's eyes looked down while with expert care they sliced against the skin of his scrotum. Sliding against the skin, the shears cut the cords connecting his balls from his body. With a little dribble of blood, they fell into the bottom of the bowl, disappearing under a sliding slit that allowed them to fall into a hygienic bag. Pulling the bowl upwards, it started to do something that he couldn't see. Using sealants it was able to close around and shape. While they were concerned about them watching the loss of his balls, they were less interested in letting them see what happened next. Each male was filled with terror as each girl in front had his balls removed. The machine whirred each time, being cleaned in front of them so that they could see what was going to change them. Frankie struggled against his restraints, finding that he had been correct that he couldn't break them. While he enjoyed his body, he didn't want to lose his balls. It was somehow too permanent. The doctor got to him after almost an hour. Breathing deeply, he wanted to beg to be let go. He didn't need to lose his balls. "Pl...please don't," he begged her. Her smile made him feel a cold tingling in the back of his spine. "Why? You don't need these useless things anymore. You are penetrated; there is no need for you to penetrate. So why worry? Be quiet and it will all be over soon." He could feel a dull ache when she set the machine below him. Closing his eyes he could feel the loss of weight when his testicles dropped into the bowl. Strange pressures told him something was happening below, feeling his body be put back together. A gauze pad was put against his crotch, making him shudder that he was now less than a man than he had been before. Little tears streamed down his cheeks, the other girls looking ashamed that they could no longer be any use. The doctor told them there wouldn't be any pain because the wraps would dull anything that would be needed. The sealant that had been used would allow them to heal faster. By the end of the night they would be fully healed and could remove the gauze. Their wraps would beep when it was time. Walking out of the room on shaky legs, he saw Jakey leaving. His beautiful eyes were filled with tears. They quickly wrapped their arms together. Terrified of what this meant, they followed the long line of girls going to the home. The rest of the day they held eachother, just trying to forget what had happened. Neither of them new that they had just been Popped and Docked, or that it was happening to thousands of men around the world every single day. Frankie had napped a little bit against Jakey. Their smooth bodies were leaning together. He stretched slightly, looking down to see that the wrap was beeping. His fingers hooked underneath the wrap, the suction less than it had been before. With a little push he was able to slide it off. The cloth fell onto the floor. He could feel his crotch again, though it did feel a little sore. The gauze was still on his crotch, and he felt a little worried. Could something really be healed that quickly? He'd just had his balls removed; though when he thought about it he was a young boy with a cute little body that was towered by powerful women. And Jakey was a beautiful blonde girl with his own crotch covered in gauze. Pulling the cloth, he unwound it across his body. Only the pad over his crotch prevented him from seeing his male remains. It took a deep sense of courage to pull the gauze pad from his crotch. There was no blood or anything that he remembered from having been cut before. Frankie's scrotum was pulled back against his crotch. It looked like it had never been filled with anything before. The smooth skin was set slightly around the little remains of his penis. The skin had been combined so that only the tip of his little penis was able to be pulled back. It was aimed downwards so that he would have to pee sitting down again. His fingers gently rubbed against the little bump that would now be his genitals. It didn't feel bad, and when it brushed against his little pee slit, it felt rather nice. "So is that what I am like to?" He almost jumped when his friend commented. Giggling at scaring him, the other male just quickly removed his gauze and pad to reveal his own dainty little remains. It would allow him to have a flat front from his panties. Each of them looked around at their sad manhood. It was amazing how quickly they had healed. Both of them marveled at their own little members. Trapping the little pricklet between his fingers made him feel a little warmth that spread up his belly. Touching themselves felt rather nice. Even though they'd spent so much time on their rear entrances, he found touching his little pricklet rather enjoyable. It didn't get erect, but sent little rivulets of pleasure up his spine. His chest rose and fell, his nipples engorging into the cool air of the room. Jakey was mimicking him, thrusting his hands so that his fingers rubbed against the downward facing member. They each jumped when the door opened. "Oh here you are." The head doctor said with a wide smile. Both of the girls turned a little bit to try and hide. Neither of them had replaced the panties that they'd lost, and so had to cover their crotches with their hands. A tall handsome nurse walked into the room to grab Jakey's wrist. Covering his crotch he was almost dragged out of the room. He turned to give his friend one last look before the door closed. "I want you privately," she said, moving to lift him into the air by his wrist. "And don't cover such a lovely thing." It was rather humiliating to be treated in such a manner. Her fingers moved his hand away to reveal the little remains of what had once identified him as a man. Frankie knew he was just a little girl now. The collar around his neck showed he belonged to the organization. And the doctor was going to use him anyway that she saw fit. "Lay on the bed with your back against it," she ordered. Frankie gave a little nod, climbing onto his friend's bed so that he could lean his head against the pillow. Spreading his legs out of pure instinct now, he made sure for his dainty little fingers to spread his anus apart for her. "You are prepared aren't you?" She reached into the desk to reveal the little plug. It didn't take any resistance to slide it into his body. The familiar feeling of it melting deep inside of him made him warm. After all it was all too common now, and he enjoyed the strange sensation when it slid down his creamy thighs. " what dildo do I get today?" he asked with anticipation. "No dildo darling. We are going to show you that you are not to selfishly hold yourself to only your pleasure." Her hands moved to her codpiece, starting to unzip the sides so that it would fall off. That revealed something that he had a little trouble seeing. That's when he saw her crotch. He'd never seen any of the doctors's or head nurse's crotch before. The doctor's pussy was extremely fat. Her labia were round and thick, seeming to almost take the appearance of two very thick large testicles. Between these labia sat a wide flaccid penis. Yes that's how he had to describe it. The female doctor had a big penis, and it twitched to life when she touched it; the thing pulling upwards so that it suddenly aimed towards the ceiling. "All of us have these wonderful pudendis. That's what they are called. I will not have you call them by that outdated name of your pathetic remains." She glared at him for a second while Frankie remembered to nod. "Good. I swear it's been so hard. You girls walk around with your cute little round butts all over the place. And we had to watch you cum after playing with your new toys. I've wanted this for awhile. Now I am going to get it." She took a step towards him. The cock glistened, a little pearl of pre-cum oozing past the tip onto the bed while she climbed up. His glistening anus twitched, feeling her press the tip against his waiting entrance. Everything was swimming in front of his eyes while she leaned down to put pressure on his arms. Holding him down, she applied forward force, her co

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Supergirl and Powergirl Snobs Pleasure

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Supergirl and Powergirl ? Snob?s Pleasure By? Sonya? Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Supergirl and Powergirl are property of DC COMICS. This is not a story intended for profit-making. This is also not intended for anyone below the age of 18. Supergirl and Powergirl fall under the power of a jealous celebrity, who...

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A New Lease Chapter 4 Boys in the Girls Room

My computer was already on, as it had to be. It ran the media center which powered our television, so it stayed on pretty much 24/7. Having not seen my baby in three months, however, it took me a second to realize how big it was. I'd spent extra to get a full tower case, and now I realized I had no hope of even lifting the thing now. I sat in my chair, and immediately realized I was going to have to make some adjustments. I wasn't comfortable with the keyboard tray anymore. I...

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Dear Diary part 13 The Lace Lease

The Lace Lease Dear Diary, Life has gotten a lot more interesting lately. I have to tell you. My roommate situation has changed dramatically over the past couple of months. Marchesa found a really good job but sadly she had to move. Luckily it was just in the next city over from us so we could still see her often but I was still pretty sad. It was a great opportunity for her and I didn't want to spoil it for her. She had become a very close friend to me and I didn't want to...

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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

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A New Lease Chapter 5 While Her Guitar Gently Weeps

I would've glided through the house after my shower, had I been coordinated. I ended up successfully making it from the bathroom to the bedroom without tripping over my feet, which I considered a success. Physical therapy had taught me to walk, but it had not so far taught me to be anywhere near graceful. I plopped on the bed next to Liz, who was laying there reading. It was some fantasy novel that was popular with the younger-than-us crowd, it seemed a new book series had come...

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A New Lease Chapter 7 Being for the Benefit of Mrs Graham

I barely stirred the next morning when Liz left for work. After last night, I expected a bit of tension this morning. Her leaving wordlessly was her way of dispelling that tension. When I finally awoke, she'd sent me a text message. It was short, but said volumes. I love you. See you tonight ;) I looked at the time. 9:50 AM. I had just under 8 hours until she'd be home. 8 hours with nothing to do, with nobody to talk to. I decided that I wasn't going to take any calls, or...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 4 A New Year A New Ability

Authors note: For telepathic talking I will from this point forward use < > to differentiate between speaking and thinking. It’s January 2021 now, school is back in session. Danny and I worked on our telepathy over the winter break and now it’s strong enough to talk to each other when we are at our homes. Christmas was good to me, I got a new lighting set up for my streaming computer. Jake got some games for his computer. And mom got a nice set of earrings and a necklace set from me...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 16 Intense Training

I’m in the training area Freya had gifted us, but I was wearing the red nightie I went to sleep in, I must be dreaming. I looked around, it looked and felt real. Then I saw the others, Danny and Beth came in. “Danny? Beth?” I asked, seeing them in their sleep clothes, Beth in just some panties and a long shirt, and Danny in just a pair of boxer shorts. “Paula, where are we? Are we dreaming?” Beth asked, confused. “I’m not sure” Answering as I looked around, then I saw others...

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Peters Story Part one

I first met Peter twenty eight years ago. He picked me up in a pub where pretty young boys went to be picked up by men who had a preference for them.He got into nervous conversation with me and bought me a drink. I was dressed more like a girl than a boy and being the swinging sixties I was wearing make up. He couldn't resist stroking me bum as we talked and we moved to a secluded booth. Peter was most concerned that I had a fully functioning cock and that I could cum. I suggested he had a feel...

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A New Lease Chapter 6 I Sold My Soul for Rock and Roll

I woke with a start to the dogs going nuts. They were howling wildly at the door, which someone was knocking on. Liz was holding onto them as I got up and answered it. There was a man standing there, in an expensive suit with a fake smile, a fake tan, and fake hair. I stood there, not opening the storm door, sizing him up as best I could. I was far less intimidating in this new body, however. "Can I help you?" "Ahh, yes," he began. He didn't sound local, his accent revealed...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 9 New Allies and Friends

Friday was here, and I had my CT scan, everything showed normal and off to school I went. The doctors did talk to my mom without me for several minutes, mom wouldn’t tell me what they said which was strange. But soon I was at school, right as the bell rang for lunch and so I met Danny in line for lunch. Thinking to Danny as we ate lunch.

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New lease on life Written by a friend

I really don’t know how to start, but I’ve got a story to tell that for me has been going on for the past couple of years. I am a married 38-year-old woman and mother of three c***dren aged 18, 17, and 18 months, married to the same ass hole since I was twenty. Well, maybe I should cut him some slack as it was because of his philandering that motivated me to sculpt myself into the beauty I am today.See back a little over four years ago I caught my husband fucking Beth our then 41-year-old...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 5 Love and Relationships

It’s February now, which means Valentine’s day. From what Danny and I can figure out it’s the same as on our Earths. Yes Earths, turns out Danny comes from another Earth different from my own. Since Valentine’s day lands on a Sunday, the school decided to have two weeks of Valentine’s themed activities. The 8th graders get to have a ‘dinner and dance’ on Valentine’s day. Guess ‘rank’ has its privileges. During the week prior to Valentine’s day it was all I could do to keep from giggling like...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 12 High School

The first day of school has arrived, Jake is in the 8th grade now he’ll have to apply to the specialty schools this week. Myself, along with Cindy and Mindy, Beth, and Danny, who just got out of the hospital are in high school, the new Freshman class of 2025. First up was trying to find our respective homeroom assignments, this first week we will meet every day for 20-30 minutes to get papers sign, wavers filled out, and sign up for after school activities if one wanted to. Unfortunately, we...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 13 Weekend With New Friends

Friday afternoon, Alex, Kristy, Beth, Danny, and I all piled into Alex and Kristy’s cars after school and headed off to Lake Pleasant up north for the weekend. Beth was alone with Alex, I think she was starting to like him a little. Danny and I were with Kristy and Danny let me get shotgun. The drive up there was pretty short, only 45 minutes and that was longer than usual due to traffic. The cabin looked small, but there were 3 bedrooms all with king sized beds and a bathroom ensuite. The...

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A New Lease Chapter 3 Blinded By The Light

'Well, they lied to me' was the first thought that ran through my head. "You won't have to answer any questions" "It's going to be a small group of people, maybe one or two reporters and a few cameramen." "It'll be a 2 or 3 minute ordeal, then you can go." When I stepped into the lobby, it was a media circus. National, Local, and Global news crews were there. There was a podium with a dozen microphones that I was expected to speak into. There were dozens, if not hundreds of...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 11 Birthday Surprise And More

It’s our birthdays, and also Danny and I’s first anniversary of our death and body swap. Sun was out, not a cloud in the sky, and perfect weather for a pool party! Everyone I invited came, everyone Danny invited came, and even all of Jake’s friends came, it was huge party. Jerod was grilling up the food while everyone was playing in the pool. Cindy and Mindy were here, as well as Beth. Jake’s friend George was here, they were best friends since forever ago. Then there was Travis, he and Danny...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 1

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...

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A New Lease Chapter 1 Never Seen a Bluer Sky

It had been a day like any other. The four of us, Liz, my wife, Adam, her brother, and Christine, Adam's girlfriend, as well as myself, Nick, were piled in Liz's car. We were going to visit her Grandma, who lived a few hours away, so it made sense to take one car. It was Liz's car, so she drove, like always. It was a trip we'd made exactly like this, several times a year, for the past 5 years or so. That's why the events of that day came as such a surprise. There was a new song on...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 10 Summer Break

It’s finally here! Summer Vacation! Mid-June now as school lets out for the final time this year, our grades are final and going to high school in the fall. Unfortunately, this year we lose part of our vacation as the school board in their infinite wisdom decided to change the start of school from after Labor Day, to early August so only 6 weeks or so to enjoy ourselves. The last 6 weeks of school were uneventful, Beth got into the cheer school after all, the twins will be heading to their...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 18 Prepare for the Dance

Freya helped me get back to my house as I didn’t have my stone on me. I stepped out of my closet, looking at the clock just as it turned to 1:23AM seven hours until I had to be awake for to get ready for the Fall Dance. I crawled into bed and made sure my alarm was set, just in case. I just spent the last 17 days training with Danny, Beth, Alex, Kristy, Anna, Bill, and Sara. Sara was a wild card, Freya didn’t know why she was summoned along with us, there must be a link somehow, but she did...

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Two new pretty things for Mistresses Expensive red shoes a slavegirl

Two new pretty things for Mistresses . Expensive red shoes & a slavegirl.   I finished off my makeup in the mirror, by applying a final touch of lip gloss & just the tiniest extra hint of mascara to the tips my lashes. I had spent over 2 hours in the process, in? the bath & waxing my body all over & especially intimately. Painting my toenails & primping myself. I slipped out of my lace baby doll nightie. & pulled on my most expensive sheer silk pantie & bra set. A matching garter belt for my...

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Controlling SisterChapter 4 JP and Lavernersquos son Newtrsquos story

It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 2 School time

It’s been two months since I’ve become Paula. The cheerleading camp I went to really opened my eyes about this body. Nimble, athletic, and two hollow legs when it comes to food. I guess all that cheerleading needs energy somehow. I’ve decided to stay on the cheer squad for the fall football games. I met most of the squad at cheer camp. Mindy and Cindy, twins, are Paula’s best friends. Laura, Ashley, and Daniel are kind of friends of Paula, enough to be friendly to each other. Then there was...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 6 Sleepover Weekend

March is here, and here in Arizona for my family means the start of pool season. Low 50’s in the morning and upper 70’s during the day. While for some still chilly, for me it’ll feel great to have that icy water to swim in. Also puts us up ahead of others wanting to clean their pools and get the chemicals for the pool. The first weekend of March is doing just that, cleaning and shocking the pool with chlorine to make it ready for use. The following week felt like it dragged on and on....

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 15 Malfunctions

It’s mid-October, and the Fall Dance is getting close. It’s basically the homecoming dance but with a different name and always fall themed. I told Danny that I would take him and Beth out for this dance. My streaming tips have been great over the last month, and I’ve been saving up since school started. Danny tried to argue and say he can take us both, but I shot him down and he eventually relented. The twins, Cindy and Mindy were going to go with themselves again this year, guess Jake can’t...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 3

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...

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Robot Ponygirls

Robot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah  ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University.  ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...

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New Life for Batgirl

The event in this story takes place shortly after the Joker's attack on Batgirl that crippled her for life. Barbara Gordon lay in her hospital bed shortly after her crippling incident with the Joker. She curses herself for being so dumb to get caught by that maniac. She had spent the last few hours crying then getting mad and finally crying again. The Doctor's told her that she would never walk again. She did not know what to do. A nurse came in and handed Barbara an envelope. She simply...

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Sarah and Emily Sister Ponygirls

Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah        Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept.  The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke.  As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed        Sarah and...

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Ponygirl for Hire

Part-Time Ponygirl Ponygirl for Hire?By: Long JohnsonNote: This is a work of fiction, derived entirely from my own imagination.? Any similarity between any persons living or dead is strictly coincidence, or my good luck.? I?ve never been to Arizona, I just picked it because my atlas was open to that page when I picked up. This is written in several parts (8 so far) so all of the characters listed are not in each part.? I wrote this before the Kari series.    Characters at Ponygirl...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 7 Aftermath

Monday morning before I headed off to school, we got a call from the police officer who took our statements and asked if we could come in immediately for some more questions. I had school but mom thought this was more important, so we went to the police station to answer their questions. Most of them were the same questions, I think to try and poke holes in my story, but I gave them the exact same answers, varied a little but the same truth none the less. “Well Miss McDowell, seems your...

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Programmed Ponygirl

Programmed PonygirlBy Sarah        ?Sarah, you know I love you, and want to spend my life with you.?        Sarah and Jim cuddled in each others arms.  Sarah, having turned 18 the day before, was dressed in her boyfriend’s favorite outfit, her cheerleading uniform.  She had her hair in a ponytail, and was laying her head up against his shoulder, as he reached over and cupped her C cup breasts and rubbed her pussy over her skirt.        Jim was 23, and a junior in college.  He had met Sarah on a...

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The rise of the ponygirl transportation system in the world

The Rise of the Ponygirl Transport System in the World The Rise of the Ponygirl Transport System in the WorldBy Sarah The following is a story based on predictions of global oil producers and what a loss in oil would mean to the future of transportation in the world.? It is not the only solution, but it could be one possible scenario.? This is still just a work of fiction, but it would be interesting to see if it comes to pass. Prologue ??????????? Scientists and world leaders...

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A Chance Encounter Batgirl Babs and Renee Montoya Part One

Introduction: Batgirl while on duty saves Renee Montoya, only to have the tables turned. The fight had been going on for the better part of an hour with Batgirl trading punches and kicks with the East Side Rangers, a well organized group of gang members led by a woman who called herself The Mask. Driving a particularly hard punch to the side of her seconds woman, Batgirl finished off the young girl only to have a blow land at the base of her skull that literally threw Batgirl into the water...

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A Chance Encounter Batgirl Babs and Renee Montoya Part One

The Mask shoved Batgirl's head into the steaming water of the fountain as she brought her forearm down into the small of the caped woman's back trying to force all of the air out of her ample chest. Holding Batgirl by the neck she intended to drown the woman as she delived yet another solid blow to her back and then kicked Batgirrl in the back of the knees. own Dazed by the hard blow, Batgirl landed in the fountain and then sank as The Mask pressed her own body down on Batgirl's. Her...

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Amy Criminal Ponygirl

Amy – Criminal Ponygirl By Arnold Puttwyn? This story is a work of fiction, made up entirely in my own mind. Any similarity to any person or persons living or dead is coincidence.This is a story using the society from ‘Kari in Training’ The time is fifteen years after the finalization of the Slave Act.     Society had to change because an unknown genetic disorder caused men to have many more X chromosome sperm cells, so the birth of females 2 to 1 over males made the population change to 67%...

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Forced to be a Ponygirl

This is one of my fantasies. I’ve always dreamed of being made into a ponygirl, so here we go?Amy couldn’t remember much of what had happened last night. A college girl, she had been in a bar for a while. A handsome man, a fair bit older than her, had bought her a drink and chatted her up for a while. Amy was a slim brunette who normally had her fair share of successes attracting guys in bars, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. But then there had been something about going home in a taxi,...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 2

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 6

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...

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Batgirl and Robin Greener Grass

This story utilizes characters owned by DC/Time Warner/Warner Bros., and does so strictly in a not-for-profit, parody fanfic usage meant for the enjoyment of comic fans everywhere. Consider this a sort of Elseworlds type story, not really set in any of the normal Bat realms. Our imaginations do not necessarily work within the usual DC Comics realm. From Eric - Ever since I read Steve's great story, "Batgirl: Who, me?", I've been obsessed with it and he, kind and gracious as always,...

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The Jokers On Batgirl

INTRODUCTION: Attention - this work of fiction contains scenes of comic book violence, super villainous rape and bad puns. It is not a “safe space” and no doubt abounds with micro and mega aggressions. If reading this will cause you to visit the fainting couch or get the vapors then by all means don’t read. Stick to something more to your tastes, I wouldn’t want to lose sleep worrying you might need therapy or counseling due to my warped mind. To those that wish to read, enjoy my take on...

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Have you seen the girls released on Girls Released lately? The site gets nearly a million visitors a month, so chances are you have. If not, well, you’re in luck because it ain’t like the nudes I scoped were a one-time thing. This is more of an ongoing collection and presentation of naked ladies. In fact, the site’s been around for a decade now, so I wonder just how many thousands of hours of productive time have been squandered, spanked away into a mountain of old tissues when you really...

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The Jokes On Batgirl Sequel to The Jokers On Batgirl

(The Sequel to The Joker’s On Batgirl) By rutger5 Copyright 2016 Barbara Gordon peppered the heavy bag with one final flurry of punches but like all previous efforts it left her feeling somehow unsatisfied. Grabbing a towel she wiped her brow then tossed it into the dirty bin before heading for the gym exit. If anything the humid, summer air felt even stickier against her alabaster skin than the steamy gym interior had but it didn’t cause Barbara to change her plans. After a quick...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...

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Mark 2 Batgirl Who Me

This story utilizes characters owned by DC/Time Warner/Warner Bros., and does so strictly in a not-for-profit, parody fanfic usage meant for the enjoyment of comic fans everywhere. Characters in this story are loosely based upon the Batman Adventures animated show, since in the comics Batman, Robin, Batgirl and Nightwing do not appear or work together. Consider it a sort of Elseworlds type story, not really set in any of the normal Bat realms. My imagination does not...

1 year ago
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Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...

Hookup Sites
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 02

((Authors Note — This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 01’. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the first episode, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. In brief though, this follows a part of Batgirl’s life where she’s been through a long recovery and rehabilitation period after the near tragic events in that old warehouse battling Leopard Man. It was a period where she established a close relationship with Catgirl, became aware of...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wishes Pt 03

((Authors Note – Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify! This is the third and final part of this series covering Batgirl’s experiences after the ‘Wins’ series. As before, it’s best read after Parts 1&2, but just as a quick summary… Batgirl has just about recovered from her traumatic experience with Batman (see Batgirl Wins), and has surprisingly been reconciled with Catgirl again, just as danger threatens from another quarter when Catwoman receives a...

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