Five Hertz Of Separation (chapters 21-25 Of 62) free porn video

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CHAPTER TWENTY ONE There was a loud, frantic, knocking on my door just as I was about to open my lunch beer. I limited myself to just one beer at lunch but it's a good one. An imported Pilsner from Germany. I was down to my last case and personal supplies wouldn't be coming in for at least two weeks. Thank God I hadn't opened it yet. I stashed it back in the little DC electric fridge and opened my office door. It was Trooper Beech. He saluted and I returned it. "What's up, Beech?" "Colonel Willis, Queen Opulessa wants to see you, Dupree and that guy White from the Consortium. Pronto." "Did she say why?" "No, but she seemed kinda pissed. That ain't good." "I'll handle it, Ernie. You supposed to get the rest of them?" "No, she sent Taylor and Pinski." I take my pistol belt down from a hook on the wall and strap it on, making sure that my right hand falls just above the butt of the Colt .45. I know it's old fashioned but it was my father's service pistol and the Winthrop Group doesn't give a damn what I carry just as long as I hit what I aim at. And nothing else. "Good. Return to duty, Beech." Another snap salute. "Yes, Sir!" Beech hurries off. A good soldier. As I stride through the corridors towards the Queen's chambers, a number of the passing maids give me coy smiles. Some aren't so coy. It's not surprising. I'm one of Alpha dogs around this place. Maybe the Alpha dog. The Queen has given me permission to try out the local babe population but it just doesn't seem right. An oath of fidelity should mean something. It doesn't stop the other men from playing the field and I won't hold it against them. That's one of the reasons we all signed up, for the full male experience, including screwing around. The Company doesn't care, just as long as we get our jobs done and I make sure of that. At least I did until that damn rebel witch showed up. Dupree is waiting outside the Queen's chambers when I arrive. By the time I greet him, White's shown up. "Do either of you know what the hell is going on? One of your men, Willis, practically drug me here." "Don't know, Don. You got any idea, First Minister?" "Not directly, Colonel, but it is likely about the other world witch." "Well, let's find out." I reach up, grab the heavy metal knocker mounted on the wooden door and give it a couple of big swings. The loud thuds echo through the hallways. "Come in, gentlemen." The other two fall back slightly as I pull the door open. "Best not keep the Lady waiting ... gentlemen." I walk in with the other two falling in close behind. The door closes behind us with a gentle whisper. I can see Opulessa sitting at a large wooden table with three other smaller chairs sitting around her. She's dressed fairly simply for her, a lilac purple gown, woven silver belt around her small waist, flat soled silver slippers, several rings but no necklace. She wears a golden tiara instead of her formal crown. She gestures toward the empty chairs. "Be seated, gentlemen." We all take the seat nearest us so I end up on the Queen's right, White on her left with Dupree sitting opposite of her. "I'll be brief so that you all can get back to work. Why have you not captured this upstart witch known as Alexia? Such a name! Has she no shame?" "We have no good leads, your Majesty," I say. "All the captured men were questioned but they claimed to know nothing. I tend to believe them, in light of what we put them through." "I received the same responses, though some of them provided false information. I also believe them," Dupree says. "Her main contact with the group was Miran Pegues, who also escaped. We're assuming they're traveling together. If we find him, we might find her or he can tell us where she's hiding." "That is all well and good, Colonel Willis but I want results, not some hopeful plan." "To be fair," says White, "Colonel Willis is operating with rather old technology and he has captured several hundred rebels. That is a lot of people to thoroughly interrogate. He has very limited resources." "What does the leader of my government have to say?" "We are searching, my Queen, sparing no expense. Turning over every pebble, probing every forest, overturning every village," Dupree answers. "We have over 2,000 men in the field as we speak, with more coming every day." "Interesting, then how do you think she has avoid this massive manhunt." "It is a very large country with many places to hide." "But my sources say she is nearby, gentleman." "What sources?" I ask. "People I know and trust. They say a mysterious woman travels from village to village, caring for the sick and performing almost miraculous cures. The recent reports are all from this area." "We also have heard these reports," says Dupree. "Upon investigation, we find nothing, sometimes not even the alleged beneficiary of the cure. No one knows anything." "I cannot do your jobs for you, gentlemen. I expect to have this interloper prostrate before me by the end of my birthday celebrations. If that does not happen, changes will be made. Am I clear about this?" We all acknowledge hearing her loud and clear. Then she reaches out and covers my left hand with her right hand. "You other two are dismissed but I wish for you to stay, Colonel Willis. I need to discuss the behavior of one of your men towards one of my favorite maids." The other two hurry out, leaving the Queen and I alone. "Is there a problem, my Queen?" "Not at all, Colonel Willis. I just wanted an excuse to speak with you alone." "You don't need an excuse, your Majesty. You only need ask me." "I know that, Colonel. The excuse was for the ears of the First Minister and Mr. White." "So my men treat your favorite maid well." "Very well indeed! She is highly satisfied! Though she wishes you would spend some time with her." "My Queen, I cannot. My oath to you ..." "If I were to order you?" "I would obey, of course but I beg you not to." "Do not worry, Colonel. I would never do that. I find your faithfulness quaint and do not wish to spoil our relationship. Nor were those admonishments to find the witch aimed at you." "They should have, my Queen. We have been derelict in our duty towards you and I swear that we will ..." "Colonel, please. I understand more than you may know. If Dupree and his men can capture her, so much the better, but I doubt that he is capable of doing so. This is simply another test of her skills. I want to keep the pressure on her. Eventually, she will come to me." "My Lady, that allows her to pick the place and time! We do not want to give her that advantage. It could be crucial!" "She is a mere child, Willis. Full of potential, which I will us to further my agenda. You are excused." I bow low. "As you wish, my Queen." * * * *** * * * *** * * * It is either very late or very early when Alexia returns to my room. She looks very tired. "Sorry about that, Miran. Now that you've had a little more time to think about it, what's it gonna be? The whole truth and nothing but the truth?" "Where were you?" "Had to see a man about a horse." "I'm serious! Dierdra said that you were out playing doctor. Is that true?" "I'm the one asking questions here, Pegues." "I'll answer your questions after you answer mine. Is it true?" "Yes, it's true." "What gives you the right to go around my world and subject poor sick people to your experiments on their bodies? Do they even know who or what you are?" "I tell 'em. I tell 'em there are no guarantees, that I'll do the best I can." "What is your best? You have no skill or training to offer them." "As opposed to the charms and voodoo that passes for medical care in your world? I've saved a lot of lives, Pegues. If I was smarter or better, I could have saved more, like that boy tonight." "He died?" "Yeah, he died. Leukemia. It was too advanced by the time I first saw him. He needed a bone marrow transplant. I could clean up his blood, a temporary cure, but it didn't last long. He'd still be alive if he was over in my world but ... I can only do so much!" "Why do anything at all?" "Because I can! Leeanna was bitten by deadly snakes and I saved her life! One man had an arm so bad he was dying of gangrene right in front of me. I fixed him right up. Some things I can cure just like snap but others ... I don't have the resources." "Why try at all? You're risking everything." "How can I not? How can I sit by and do nothing when I've got the power to maybe cure someone?" "Or kill them." "I've already killed two men, or have you forgotten? I sure as hell haven't. Nobody else dies on my watch, not if I can help it." "What about the Queen? What about her guards" What about the First Minister and all his people?" "Not if I can help it." "That's impossible! You yourself paid for all those guns, which were captured by the way. What were you going to do with them?" "They weren't part of my plan." "It couldn't be done! Revolutions are bloody things and they always will be." "Then the blood spilled will be a trickle instead of a flood." "This is madness! What do you have, a bunch of old women?" "A bunch of witches. We can do this!" "And then what? How do you rule?" "I don't rule, no one does. The people can decide their own fate. I'm not imposing anything. I'm giving people a chance to fix this world." "It will be a spectacular failure! People are conditioned to accept concepts like 'democracy' and 'majority rule' or 'a Bill of Rights' in your world but they are unknown in this world." "The concept of 'freedom' isn't. I've seen a lot more of your world than you saw of mine. People need a government that cares about them." "We never have in the past. Why start now? It is every man for himself." "Yes. Man. You of all people should know the difference. You spent time as a woman. Didn't that teach you anything?" "Yes. If you want power to control your own fate, take it." "You knew that already when you crossed over to trick my brother into joining your fight. He wasn't a fighter. Opulessa would have mopped the floor with him." "As she will with you." "We'll see about that." "And who created this brilliant plan of yours, the plan to overthrow the most powerful witch in the history of our world." "It was a group effort." "We both know how successful those are." "Fine. It's mostly my plan with a few tweaks by the others." "What qualifies you to be a tactician?" "I have spent my life since the age of ten infiltrating and attacking large, complex systems." She may actually have something there. No one could possibly describe our government as lean and efficient. Some of us had argued that the best approach would be for our group to wait a little bit longer for it to collapse from its own bloated bulk and simply pick up the pieces. Alexia's outsider's view may give her a distinct advantage. At least in the attack phase. The ruling phase ... . "Even if you should succeed, this 'truth and reconciliation' idea is a farce! We are sitting on over two hundred years of suppressed rage and revenge. Once Opulessa's control is lifted, it would take an army to keep the people in check." "Really? Give it a try. Tell me the truth." "What truth?" "The part of this operation you didn't want me to know. The part that makes you feel shame. Tell me and walk away." What is the additional harm? "As you wish. It was I who first suggested that we would be better off keeping Opulessa and getting rid of the First Minister and his people, using you as a diversion. I was also the one who reported you to the New York police department, giving them your location in that abandoned building." She seems impressed. "Not bad. Forcing me into a corner so that I'd willing take whatever escape route was offered. I'll have to remember that one for future use. Anything else?" "I sent those men to attack you in Shellcrest. It was a test to see if any magical abilities had yet manifested. They were instructed not to harm you, just ..." "Test me. I get it. Anything else?" "No. Nothing I can think of." "See. That wasn't so bad. I'd figured out or suspected most of it anyway, except for the part about the police which, frankly, I should have suspected. Too many coincidences for something not to be funny. Now, don't you feel better?" Surprisingly, I do but I will never tell her that. "Now it is your turn, Alexia." "Sorry, 'truth and reconciliation' is a one way street until we're done with this. After that, I'll tell you everything. Some of it will make you laugh." She reaches for the door handle. "Then tell me one thing," I ask. She grabs the handle but stops, turning back towards me. I press on. "Why did you save me from the Queen's men the other night?" "Because you were my contact with Miller's group. You knew more about me than anyone. If they didn't have you, I was a lot safer." "Agreed. Was that the only reason?" She smiles at my question. "No, not at all. It gave me a chance to rough you up a bit. A little payback." I remember the punch to my stomach. That was more than 'a bit'. "I guess that I may have deserved that. Those were the only reasons?" The smile disappears. "No. There was one more. Despite what has been said today, I believe that you are uniquely qualified to help this world evolve into a better place for future generations. You've seen my world with its pluses and minuses; you know the pluses and minuses of your world. Once I've gone back home, you'll be the only one left who can help this world learn from our successes and mistakes. That's important and I didn't want to lose that. Give it some thought ... Mirantha." * * * *** * * * *** * * * Gamgee had returned with the cell phone earlier today and I wanted to get to work right away. I downloaded all the pictures. She managed to get a little video, which helps a lot. Johnathyn and I studied them all for at least an hour; both of us looking for any telltale details that would throw us off. Neither of us could find any imperfections. She's had over two hundred years to get her look right. I've got just a few days to copy it. After reviewing everything multiple times, I start working on the actual transformation. This can't be half-assed. I've got to get it absolutely dead right. We'll be trying to fool people who likely have her image burned into their minds. I might be able to fool a few by speaking from the shadows or behind pillars but our success depends on every one of them doing what they are told and they must not suspect a single thing is out of place. My first attempts were a little rough. I was passable but it will take a lot more than passable to fool the men in the Palace. I started with her hair and worked my way down. Johnathyn carefully reviewed every variation. He has a good eye for details and is a stickler for accuracy. It must come from his profession. You wouldn't think of smithing as a fine detail line of work but if you're fixing something, it's all got to be just right to work. The whole process is very tiring, using a lot of energy, both magical and physical. I have to take several breaks, once for lunch, but Johnathyn won't let me goof off for very long. He can be a little slave driver when he wants to be. Must be all that experience driving the horses. When we're both finally satisfied with the image, I have to start practicing her movements. She's smaller than I am but makes grand gestures, big movements but always graceful. Plus, there are small details hidden inside the big movements. She's an actress who's always on stage, always on display, always conveying a message with each twist and turn. I've got to keep my concentration up to maintain both the image and then how to move. It is exhausting. We practice well into the night and finally stop simply because neither of us can go on, Johnathyn having strained with me all day, though I think I've finally got it nailed. I couldn't spend all day as her but I just need about fifteen minutes of perfection, which is hard enough. Gamgee is coming back to judge the results along with Dierdra, Bengsston, and Beckwith. Gamgee sees the Queen practically every day and the other three have met her once or twice. I find some flowing dresses, something with a little body in the skirt and Leeanna helps me put together something that looks somewhat regal. I'm not worrying about the clothes yet, that's a whole other thing but there's several ways we can get around that. For now, I just want something that looks right and doesn't distract from the overall effect. When we arrive at the barn, everyone is there, which doesn't help my nerves. Leeanna and I step behind some bales of hay while Johnathyn sets the stage, putting out some tables and chairs plus a set of steps for me to use. I want to review everything one last time but decide I better not. I might not get a chance to do that when we go live. After a few seconds of prep, I change my image and Leeanna helps me dress. "Good luck," she whispers. "Thanks," I respond. When I step out from behind the bales, there is an audible gasp from the girls. I begin my routine, moving around, sitting, standing, picking things up, putting them down, up the stairs, turn and back down. I hit my marks like a champion dancer. Johnathyn stands off to the side, his broad smile encouraging me. Once I finish my routine, I ad lib a bit, doing a quick two step and turn. Beckwith walks up to me to get a better look. "Amazing. Absolutely amazing. You won't fool a single person who knows the Queen." "What are you talking about?! That was perfect!" "Perfectly wrong." Dierdra is there before I can punch Beckwith in the face. "Calm down, Alexia. I am afraid that Beckwith is correct." I look over at Gamgee for help but she nods her head in agreement. "You took my breath away for several moments but after the shock wore off, I knew it could not be her. I'm sorry." Johnathyn is upset. "I challenge any one of you to point out one single way Alexia does not look exactly like Opulessa." "It has nothing to do with how she looks," says Beckwith. "It is how she feels." "FEELS?!" Johnathyn demanded. Dierdra tries to restore peace. "It is not your fault, Alexia. You could not know because you have never met Opulessa. She has a ... presence that can be felt." "A presence?" "It is hard to describe. She uses it to influence your emotions. You can feel what she feels about you." "Or what she wants you to think she feels about you," says Gamgee. "She can control it. Sometimes it is there, sometimes it is not. It is not always the same intensity." "So where does it come from? More importantly, how do I copy it?" I look from face to face but none of the other witches says anything. Finally, Beckwith answers. "We don't know." "How can you NOT know?" "Because she is a Seventy Seven and we aren't. None of us have a presence, at least not one that anyone can feel." "What about me? I'm a Seventy Seven. Where's my presence? My aura?" Dierdra steps closer to me. "You don't have one, Alexia" "Why the hell not?" "Again, we are not certain. Obviously, for Opulessa, this happened many years ago, before any of us were born. We think it develops for a Seventy Seven when she becomes a woman." "But I am a woman. I've been a woman ever since I got here months ago. I couldn't be more of a woman!" "You are a female," says Beckwith. "But you are not a woman. Yet." "What are you talking about? How can I be female and not a woman?" Dierdra pulls me slightly aside. "Leeanna is female but not a woman. Yet." "Is this about age? How old do I need to be before ..." "It is not age, it is maturity and ... the act." Maturity and the act? What are they talking about? What act? The act. I think about it for a moment or two before it hits me. "Are you talking about losing your virginity? Sex? Because I can guarantee you that I was not a virgin when I crossed over." Far, far from it. "Yes, but since you came across, have you had an opportunity to do ... the act?" "No. Not exactly. Doesn't all my past experience mean anything?" "Apparently not." "Well ... that's a gyp." "Gyp or not, that is what we suspect." I look over at Johnathyn. "Let me get this straight, you're saying that I'm not going to be able to impersonate Opulessa, which is an absolutely vital part of our plan, unless I have sex." "With a man," adds Beckwith. "I have a cousin who might be willing to volunteer." "Drop dead, Beckwith." CHAPTER TWENTY TWO We had finished questioning the captured rebels last week. It was clear that most of them knew very little about the overall plans and absolutely nothing about the rebel's witch. The few at the top that did know something about her didn't know much. The prize of that group would have been Miran Pegues but he's nowhere to be found. I've reviewed our procedures top to bottom but I'll be damned if I know how she got away and took that Pegues guy with her. It's as if she had a chopper stashed nearby and just flew off, silently. With a passenger. Most of the rebels went to prison but a choice few of the leaders were turned over to the Queen. Several of them begged us to shoot them instead. If I were in their shoes, I might have asked for the same thing. Now the Queen has called me to meet her at the stables again. I think she does that just to see my reaction to her latest "pets". I've doubled the security on the Queen, short shifting some areas in the Palace, primarily the First Minister's offices. He complained, naturally, but I told him to take it up with the Queen. I haven't heard back yet on that one. Dupree can add some locals to the militia stationed outside the Palace but he's not totally sure about their loyalties so he's not looking to make that force too big. Honestly, I don't know how these people have gotten by so long, what with all the back stabbing, spying and shaky loyalties. I like having my feet on solid ground. Know who you can trust, know your job, do your job, go home. Uncertainty gnaws away at discipline. It's good to see that my men are on alert when I pass through each level of security around the Queen. As usual, she's alone when in her private area of the stables. I have to steel myself before opening that last door. Locking my eyes straight ahead and ignoring all the strange grunts, groans and screams coming from the pens on either side of me, I stride directly towards the Queen as quickly as my pride will allow. Her smile when she sees me almost makes me forget where we are meeting. Almost. "Colonel Willis! Prompt, as usual." I stop and bow slightly. "It is my pleasure to serve you, my Liege." She is standing on a step in front of a solid board gate almost six feet high. Mercifully, I can't see into the stall from where I'm standing but there's no doubt something is happening inside. It sounds like there are two big animals inside, one huffing and puffing, the other moaning and lowing, kinda like a cow. I was a city kid so I don't know much about farms and farm animals, other than I like to eat them when they're cooked medium rare. I can hear them shuffling around and banging into the sides of the stall, sometimes pretty damn hard. The Queen doesn't flinch, just stands there, looking in, a smile on her face, occasionally turning her head to get a better view of whatever the hell is going on. "Have you seen my most recent acquisition?" "No Ma'am, I haven't." "Would you care to?" "If it's all the same to you, Ma'am, I'd prefer not to." Her smile is directed straight at me. "Come now, Colonel. Indulge your Queen." My feet move forward as if commanded to do so. As I near the gate, I can begin to see over the top. It's a big, black bull, hunched over the back of a smaller brown and white cow. The bull is plowing the cow for all he's worth, rolling his eyes and foaming at the mouth in between bursts of breath that spray spit across the heifer's soft, brown fur. She really looks almost too small for this kind of assault. The bull is pushing the heifer around pretty good. Right now, she's pinned against the far wall, their backs and hind legs about the only thing I can see, but she's making a lot of noise, lowing, almost moaning, with each powerful thrust. Despite the surroundings, I'm starting to get into it, jerking my hips ever so slightly in time with the bulls plunging cock. I think the Queen notices it but I don't stop. Yeah! Take that you sexy, little cow! Take my big, fat ... suddenly, the heifer's right front leg buckles, throwing the couple sideways up against the wall. They recover quickly and return to rutting but now I can see them from the side. The heifer turns her face towards me. Oh GOD! "Is-is-sss that-that ..." I stammer. "Why, yes it is Colonel. I call her 'Millie'. This is her first time with Rufus and I so wanted her to enjoy it. I'll give her some time to get accustomed to his very frequent attentions before becoming pregnant. She needs to fill out a bit before bearing calves, don't you think?" "I-I-I-w-wouldn't kn-now M-ma'am." "Not a farm boy? Too bad. You can learn much from a well run farm." I can't tear my eyes away from the heifer ... Miller's face. Definitely human eyes, mostly human head until you get to the ears, nose and mouth. It's like he's wearing a half cow Halloween mask from the nose on down, but it's sickenly real. And I was just mentally fucking that ... thing seconds ago! God! If I didn't know better, I'd say it was actually smiling, enjoying itself. How is that possible? I thought she wanted him punished. The Queen cocks her head slightly to the side, looking at my face as I stare at what once was Patron Miller. "You are wondering why I permit her to enjoy this, aren't you, Colonel?" "Yes, I am." "Because pleasure can be torture also. Millie remembers who she once was, the life she led, the mistakes she made that brought her here. Right at this moment, none of that matters because she is overcome by her animal urges but, as soon as Rufus is done with her, all of those thoughts will come flooding back into her mind along with the memories of what she just did. The shame of it all will be unbearable, as will the shame of the next time when she willingly submits to Rufus' demands tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. And so on. Pleasure is a very important tool when wielded correctly. AH! I think Rufus is almost finished. This will be fun!" With one last, loud bellow, the bull drives forward and then stays there for several seconds, Millie's eyes glaze over in ... satisfaction? He then dismounts, pulling out his astonishingly large cock. A gush of his semen flows from Millie's vagina. I hear an unusually loud buzzing sound and then at least a dozen enormous flies zoom past me and land on Millie's rump, where they appear to be eating the discharged semen. "What the hell are those things?! They're as big as the palm of my hand. They look like ... flies of some kind." "You are correct, Colonel. Millie had people around her all the time in her prior life so I thought it unfair to leave her alone in her new life. She has all her old friends and comrades to keep her company. They can clean up after her sessions with Rufus, eat her shit and occasionally suck her blood. Just like the old days." "You mean that those things were once MEN?!" "Certainly. If you could safely catch one, I'm sure you would recognize him." The thought is so nauseating that I can barely keep from vomiting. Just then, one of the bugs flies slowly past my face, pausing for a second or two. She's right, I do recognize him. It's Bickle Rholls, a man I interrogated four times. That pushed me over the edge. "Oh My! How unfortunate, Colonel. Luckily, Millie's little friends will eat practically anything so they should have that cleaned up in a moment." That image almost causes me to puke a second time. "I'm sorry your Majesty. It must have been something I ate for breakfast. I-I have to ask. Those flies. Do they ..." "Oh yes, just like my lovely Millie. They remember all of it, including Millie's role in their ruined lives. I expect that they bite particularly hard when they need her blood." "How long will they all ..." "As long as I wish, Colonel. As long as I wish. I did not call you out here simply to show off my handiwork. I wanted to speak with you where I was certain we would not be overheard ... at least by creatures capable of repeating what they might hear. I noticed you have increased the security around me despite my assurances that I do not need it." "Yes, Ma'am, you're correct. I can't take any chances with your safety." "I must assume some guilt in creating this sense of over vigilance therefore, I will not punish you. Yet. But I will explain something that will, hopefully, solve the problem. Can you keep a secret, Colonel Willis?" "Your secret? Without question! I would die first." "I do believe you would. Excellent. The reason I do not fear this young witch is that it is impossible for her to kill me just as it is likely impossible for me to kill her." "I don't understand." "Witches as advanced as we are rarely do battle with one another. When we do, the magic moves between the two witches, with one growing stronger and the other weaker but as soon as the stronger witch attacks, the weaker one grows stronger from the magic used to attack her. There is always a balance of power. No matter how weak one of us becomes, a killing strike from the other will make her stronger." "Then how does one of you win?" "It is a test of wills, one of the witches can break the will of the other, forcing the other to quit. These battles can take days, even weeks, eventually, one of them quits, surrendering. The other is the winner. I have never lost, Colonel Willis, and never will. I want this contest to occur. I need to win. She is a mere inexperienced child, there is no chance she can defeat me. All your extra security may frighten her off." "My Queen, are you saying you are immortal, that you cannot die?" "That would be wonderful but it is not true. Everyone, even witches, eventually dies but the inevitable can be put off for a very long time. I can say that magic will never kill me, so this upstart witch will never kill me. She is an asset to be exploited, not a threat to be feared." "This balance of power you talked about. You can never get so weak that you could die?" "No, it is not possible." "How about too much power? Could you explode or something?" "What a colorful thought! No witch has ever tried to absorb all the power. It is a foolish thing to attempt. You can be certain I never will. "Are you ordering me to drop all protection for you?" "No, Colonel. I just want your normal level of efficient security. Extra security may scare her off but no security would create suspicions." "Now that I understand, my Liege, I will obey with pleasure. Is there anything else you wish me to do?" "Not at this time. Just continue as before." "If I am not being impertinent, how do you kill a high level witch?" She smiles, making me feel blessed. "That is impertinent but I will forgive your curiosity. I also will not answer that question. I may trust you a great deal, Colonel, but I do not trust anyone that much." * * * *** * * * *** * * * "Somebody could have said something! Presence. What the HELL is PRESENCE?! That shit Beckwith knew and she didn't say squat! Just sat there, let me go through the whole damn charade and then shot me down. She just loved that! She's been giving me nothing but trouble from God Damn day ONE! Jealous Bitch!" "Please calm down, Alexia." "CALM DOWN?! A major part of this plan is that I get in the Palace and disable the Winthrop guards. If I don't do that, those poor bastards will fight to the death to protect Opulessa. To the death, Johnathyn. They'll die. Some of our people will die. YOU could die!" "I accepted that as a possibility a long time ago, Alexia." "Oh no you don't! You don't get to die and leave me alone to take care of Leeanna. That's not going to happen. Just forget it right now, buster!" "Uhhh ... then I will not die." "You bet your sweet ass you won't die. There's got to be another way to take them out without hurting them." "Then let us think about it." We did. The rest of the day and far into the night. Nothing else works as well as the original plan. Not even close. I look over at Johnathyn, sitting on a wooden box next to me in the wagon. Maybe we could save the original plan. It's not like I hadn't thought about it. We've been sleeping together in the same place for months. Ever since that night at the Miryian Waters, he's crept into my dreams. We've done some pretty wild stuff in my dreams. Plus, I've seen how he's looked at me sometimes. We've gotten really good at the 'husband and wife' routine. I'm almost comfortable with it. And Leeanna treats us both as her parents, even trying to play one off the other, the little schemer. I put a stop to that right quick. When you think about it, we've done damn near everything a married couple does except the sex. It's not like I'm some shy, virginal bride. Technically, yes, I'm a virgin, that's our problem, but I'm not really a virgin. I've been with lots of women. Lots. I've had more than a few hookups in my day. Strictly recreational sex. It doesn't have to mean anything. We just do it, get it over with, I get my "presence" and we're back on track. No big deal. Right? Yeah, sure, except this time, I'm the one getting fucked. I know how big he is. What's that old saying? Oh yeah. "Close your eyes and think of England." Do your duty. People have done worse for a good cause. Oh God ... here I go. "Johnathyn?" "Yes?" "This whole thing is important. Beating Opulessa, bringing a whole new, better world for Leeanna and girls like her. It's important, right?" "Yes, it is." "A lot of people have sacrificed a lot. Dierdra, Steinvild, Emlilly, Olga, Pamela, Silva, all the girls." "Beckwith?" "Yes, even Beckwith. My point is a lot of people have so much invested in this revolution. People have died to get us to this point in time. We're almost ready to take control. There is so much at stake. It's not asking too much for us to ..." "To what?" "To ... you know." "I am uncertain." "Geez, you're not making this easy. What Dierdra was talking about." "Dierdra said many things." He's gonna make me say it. "Sex, Johnathyn. Losing my virginity. Obtaining my 'presence'. Saving the original plan." "If I remember the conversation correctly, it was pure speculation that having sex would be the cause for you to develop a 'presence.'" "Yeah, there are no guarantees but it was their best guess and they have way more experience in this area than you and I do." "Agreed. Do you wish for Beckwith to contact her cousin?" "NO! Of course not!" "I am glad to hear it. It would be a breech in security. What are you proposing?" "I'm not proposing! Wait ... oh, that's not what you meant. No, I'm suggesting that you and I take care of the problem ourselves." "Would you not be better off with Beckwith's cousin? At least he has some connection to our group instead of some total stranger." He's intentionally doing this. "Listen carefully, Johnathyn. What I am suggesting is that you and I quietly slip away from the group, we have superficial sex, we return to the group, having solved my virginity problem." "Do you view your virginity as a 'problem'?" "For the moment it is, but it's a problem with a quick solution." "And you are suggesting that I be that quick solution." "Well, when you put it that way, not exactly, but you and I together can make it happen. No big deal. A little horizontal bop and we're done." "You make it sound so appealing. How could I possibly say no?" "Johnathyn, please don't be that way. It's necessary for the good of the cause." "If it is so necessary, I'll find Beckwith." "NO! I don't want her cousin! I want ..." He leaned in closer, looming over me. "What DO you want?" "Why are you giving me so much grief over this? It's no big deal." "If it is 'no big deal' as you say, why have we not been having sex these past months?" "Well ... it's obvious! There's Leeanna. And Dierdra. And the revolution. Revolutions just don't happen by themselves, you know. You gotta work at it. We've just been busy." "There have been many opportunities. Many opportunities. We have both turned down offers to care for Leeanna to give us time alone. You made your feelings on the subject quite clear." "Don't give me that! You agreed too." "Out of necessity. I would not pressure you into anything." "Well, I've - I've changed my mind." "Because of the revolution? That is just another form of pressure. No thank you. Not interested." Johnathyn spun on the box, turning his back towards me. "Johnathyn! Please don't make me beg!" "You would never beg and I would never give in. They are our complimentary natures. That is why we get along so well." "We get along so well but you won't do this for me, for us. For Leeanna." "Do not bring her into this!" "Why not? You told me at the very start that you were doing this for her." "What would she think about us if she knew that we had loveless sex purely to benefit from it? What kind of moral example is that?" "Loveless?! Are you saying that you don't ..." "Be honest with yourself, ALEX!" That hurt. Johnathyn calling me Alex hurt me, stunned me ... then stunned me again that I was so upset and hurt in the first place. He simply called me by my real name but coming from him, it means so much more than that. I can feel tears starting to gather in my eyes. I haven't cried in decades. I haven't cried in this world. I didn't cry at my mother's and brother's funeral. I honestly can't remember the last time I cried. Johnathyn has turned his back to me again. "You have no idea how hard it has been for me to see you every day, to be so close to you at night, to not be able to just reach out and touch you. I have only known you as a woman. A woman of great strength, great intelligence, great morality and, yes, great beauty. A beauty that is unsurpassed by any. I know in my head that five months ago you were a man but my heart says otherwise. What is 'no big deal' to you is much more than that to me. You could not possibly care for me as I do you or it would be a 'big deal'. I do not blame you, Alexia. You were tricked into coming to my world and have stayed of your own free will to help us. You are the one who has suffered the most. I know that it is impossible for you to love a man, regardless of which world you live in. If we win, you will return to your world and we shall be parted forever. Again, I do not blame you, it is the correct thing to do, my head agrees but my heart. My heart ..." My vision grows fuzzy and unfocused due to the gathering tears. I'm not this strong, perfect icon that Johnathyn describes. I think I see his head drop down but I should be the one hanging my head. I came and stayed for vengeance. Pure and simple. Changing this world didn't come up until way later. I'm not brave, I'm not a genius. I've got the survival instincts of a New York rat! I've been getting by on guts, bravado and luck but I'm tapped out. No more. A few tears trickle down my cheeks. I brush them away, along with the next few more tears but it's a waste of time as they start to fall in torrents. "Johnathyn ... I'm so sorry ... I can't do this ... anymore," I gasp between sobs. "I ... can't do ... this ... alone. I'm sorry ... about ... everything ... let you all ... down ... Sorry ..." I can't see anything through the tears but I can feel Johnathyn wrap me in his strong arms, holding me gently against his broad chest. My arms slide up and I grab him round his thick, muscular neck, hanging on for dear life itself, still crying buckets. "Alexia , please, you are not alone," he whispers into my ear. "You will never be alone as long as I have breath." He softly kisses my forehead. I don't deserve him. He thinks I'm this great, wonderful person, but I'm not. I am a fraud. "Johnathyn. No. I'm not what ... you think. I'm a ... not a ... good person." "You are what everyman desires, Alexia." His lips brush against my damp cheek, leaving a tingling sensation trailing behind. I pull myself up so that I am nose to nose with him, our eyes inches apart. "You're my strength, Johnathyn. You and Leeanna. Without the two of you, I'm ... less. With you, I'm a better person than I've ever been before. I need you. I need and ..." I stop. I can feel his big hands slide down my back, cross at my waist, then slide apart again to cup my ass. "You need and ... what?" he murmurs. I'm no longer crying but my body's trembling. Our mouths are so close; we're breathing each other's air. I inhale as he exhales. "I-I-need and ... love you, Johnathyn. My Husband." We keep breathing in sync for several seconds, I start to get light headed. Johnathyn pulls me closer. "As I do you. Alexia ... my Wife." Placing the palm of my right hand behind Johnathyn's head, I pull it forward the last fractions of an inch until our lips lightly touch. It's as if I'm experiencing kissing for the first time, completely different from my experience as a man. It's both softer, more flexible but also more stimulating. We kiss harder, the passion building. Short, quick kisses mixed with longer, lingering kisses, tasting each other's mouth. Johnathyn is silent, though I can hear him start to breathe harder, louder. I'm doing the same but sounds rise up from my throat, out of my control. "Mmhhmhhmm uuhmhhaaa." Johnathyn slips away from my lips, instantly moving slowly down my chin to my throat, kissing gently but insistently the whole way. "Oohhmhhmmyyesss ohhhmmmyyyesssss," I moan quietly, my fingers wrapped in his hair, pulling him tightly to the base of my neck as I lightly encourage him to move lower, to my chest ... my tingling breasts. The top button of my blouse stops his progress, disappointing me, but only for a moment as he moves both hands to the task, rapidly unbuttoning the top ... then second ... the third ... and finally the last button, exposing the chemise. He starts to dive back down to pick up where he left off but I carefully pull his head back up. "Wait, Johnathyn." He looks confused. "Wait? Alexia, you have not changed your ..." I touch a finger to his lips. "Don't worry. They're all yours. Give me a sec to catch up." I slide my arms from the blouse, tossing it aside. His eyes are burning a hole in the damp cloth clinging to my breasts. I give him what I hope is a sultry smile and feel myself up a bit before reaching down to grab the hem of the chemise and slowly, sensuously pulling it over my head, dropping it on the floor of our wagon. Johnathyn smiles broadly, reaching for my exposed boobs but I stop him again. "Not yet, Tiger. Were not equal yet." I push myself up and forward, attacking his mouth with mine. French kissing with aggressive vigor. He doesn't react right away but joins in on the fun within a couple of seconds. As we tongue wrestle for dominance, I quickly unbutton his shirt, push it up over his shoulders and pull it down, momentarily trapping his arms down around his waist. I pull back sharply, leaving him in mid pucker, then slowly run my hands across his broad shoulders, down his bulging biceps, over his muscled chest, finally stopping at his fully erect nipples, which I gently pinch and pull. Johnathyn inhales sharply. "Alexia," he hoarsely gasps, "what are you doing?" I slide back up to his mouth and sweetly kiss him while still playing with both his nipples, then I repeat what he did, kissing down the chin, down the neck to the base but I continue on to the chest and eventually to his nipples, which I suck and nip in turn until I force a groan of pleasure mixed with lust from Johnathyn. "I have never ... no one had ... Leeantha never ..." "Not a good thing to talk about your first wife when having sex with the second wife, Johnathyn." "I apologize ... oooohhh, Alexia." I'd gone back to working on his nipples as he was apologizing, just to show we're cool but now it's time to get serious. I step back while reaching down to unbutton the waist of my skirt, then hook both thumbs over the waistband and push down, wriggling my hips free of my skirt, petticoat and underwear, pushing them all the way to the floor of the wagon before stepping out of the pile of clothes. Johnathyn moves towards me. "One last thing, Johnathyn." "Alexia ..." "Hold on, Tiger. If we're doing this, It's gonna be on a soft bed not a wooden floor. Splinters in my ass are not sexy." I walk over to our pile of bedding and bend over, giving Johnathyn a good view of my naked bottom while gathering several quilts. I quickly lay them out in an open area and add several pillows, finally, I slowly settle down, resting on my back with pillows behind my head and the quilts bunched around me. It's soft and warm ... and I'm hot and ready. "Now, Johnathyn," I purr. He reaches for his belt. "Are you certain? Nothing else?" I wriggle deeper into the quilts and spread my legs ever so slightly. "Not a single thing ... well, just you and your big friend." He loosens his belt and unbuttons the fly, spreading the top of his pants so that they drop freely to the ground. He's not wearing underwear. It's just as big as I remember from the Miryian Waters. Just as big and beautiful. He drops to his knees as I spread my legs wider. He runs his hands up my legs to my thighs as he walks forward on his knees, settling them around my waist. His fully engorged dick is bobbing and swaying just inches from my increasingly wet pussy. He just stays there, smiling down at me. "What are you waiting for?" I ask. "You had your fun. I must have mine." "MY fun? You didn't enjoy that? Because I swear that I heard ..." "You did. And you will again." He falls forward, landing on his forearms on either side of me, his head level with mine. "We will when you are ready." "I'm ready now." "Convince me." "What do you mean?" "I think you'll catch on." He drops his mouth down to mine and we start kissing again but he soon slips back to my neck and down to my breasts. It was worth the wait. "Jeez, Tiger ... awww God!" His big hands and my big boobs are a perfect match. You'd think a guy who pounds iron for a living would have a pretty heavy touch but Johnathyn is tender, gentle but playful, licking, nipping, sucking and massaging with intensity. The sensations go up my spine to my brain and down to my crotch. After a few minutes of this, I can't imagine being more ready. "This is fun, Johnathyn but I'm ready for the main event." "Not yet." He reaches down with his right hand and starts to feel me up, sticking his index finger into and up my pussy while diddling my clit with his other fingers. He works his finger slowly in and out, gradually getting faster and adding fingers. By the time he works up to three fingers, I'm nearly delirious. I reluctantly reach down and stop his hand with mine. "Why are you doing this, Johnathyn?" "I do not wish to force myself upon you. Only if you want me." "Do you want me to beg?" "No, you would not if I demanded it. Though it does make a man feel desired." I take the hand that he had been probing my pussy with, pull it to my mouth and suck on his fingers, licking my juices off it until it is clean. "Johnathyn, I don't know of any other way to prove it to you. I want you to take me as a Husband takes his Wife, not because it is our duty, not because we owe anyone anything but because I love you. If you love me, take me now." He slides up between my spread legs, guiding his hard dick with his right hand until the mushroom shaped head is nestled in the folds of my pussy. "Always remember this, Alexia. I do love you and take you as my Wife. For now and forever." He pushes forward with his hips and I feel his wonderful cock slide in and up my wet vagina ... and up ... and up ... and up until his balls make contact. He's all in. It didn't hurt at all. We just fit together, like a lock and key. I reach around his back with both hands, pulling him down on top of me, mashing my breasts into his chest as I bring my head next to his. "Now and forever," I whisper into his ear. Then we kiss as he begins to fuck me, moving in and out, driving with his hips. I always loved it when the woman I was fucking would show she was into it, not just leaving all the work to me. I wrap my legs around Johnathyn's, pulling in rhythm with him. I can feel the tension building, my muscles tensing, like a big spring in me getting tighter and tighter. I'm getting close to an orgasm but I'm not there yet. If only he would ... Harder ... harder ... just a little ... aaahhh yeah, like that ... oh that's good! Just keep ... yeeaaahhh! Oh Tiger ... perfect. So good, so good, so nice, sooo gooood, ggooooodd , ooohhhhh GOD! I actually see stars. My eyes are closed but lights swirl. My arms close tightly around his chest, my nails digging into his back as my body is wracked with muscle spasms. So different. So different. So good. Ooohhh, so good. My grip on Johnathyn weakens, slowly falling back onto the quilts. Johnathyn goes up onto his knees, moving his hands to my hips, holding me in place as he keeps pounding away. Oh yeah ... oh oh oh ohh yeaahh. Just like that you fucking stud! He suddenly stops, pulling me tight to him as he pushes as deeply as he can. Then I feel his cock start to pulse, then spray his spunk into me. So different than being a guy. So erotic, so ... sexy. He grunts a couple of times, the muscles in his arms bulging, trembling slightly, then he relaxes with a loud sigh, falling towards me but catches himself with one arm, rolling toward my right side, his rigid cock still lodged deep within me. "I could hear you!" he gasps. "In my mind, I could actually hear you." What is he talking about? I'm still a little dazed and goofy from the experience. "Is that the presence thing they were talking about?" Johnathyn settles in next to me, pulling some of the quilt over both of us. "I do not know, having never met Opulessa before. It did help me know if I was satisfying you." I turn my head towards him. He smiles shyly and taps his forehead. "You were very loud. Up here." Snaking my left arm up around his neck, I draw his unresisting head down to mine and we deeply kiss. "What do you expect, you big Rogue? You really know how to treat a woman." "I do not. Leeantha and I often had problems. With you telling me, it was much easier." "What did I say about mentioning your first Wife?" "I'm sorry but there was no other way to bring it up." He shifts his hips and his softening dick finally slips out of me. "Speaking of 'up', I think I can do a little something ..." I wiggle the index finger of my right hand. "...and we can get right back in the saddle." Johnathyn grabs my right hand. "No. No magic. Not between us." "Why not? It's no different than Viagra. You just have to know which buttons to push." "No Alexia. With magic, we would never know what is real. I need to feel I am on solid ground. I know who I love and why I love her. Magic can only harm that." "It could be fun." "Perhaps, but I will always try to make it fun for both of us." "What about this 'presence' thing? Isn't that magic?" "I don't know. From what Dierdra and the others said, it seems now to be a part of you after we ..." "Fucked ourselves silly?" "Not how I would have said it but I won't argue the point with you." "No, you won't, not with that big, shit eating grin you're wearing. Supposedly I can control it, turning it on and off. We'll see." "I won't always need your guidance. Once I know your preferences, I will be mindful." "Same here. Let me show you something one of my old girlfriends used to do that I really liked." "What was it that you said about speaking of past relationships?" "My situation is a little unique, don't you think?" "Yes, but ... what are you ..." I push him over onto his back and quickly straddle his waist, keeping my hands on his chest. "Be quiet. It's my turn. Lean up." I grab a pillow, reach around behind his head and stuff it behind his upper back. "That's better. Now you make sure to let me know if any of this hurts." "I truly doubt that you could actually harm me by ... OOWWW!" I slide down his body just far enough to trap his dick between his pelvis and mine then I slide forward, dragging the lips of my pussy the length of his still sensitive dick. She often did this right after we had a knock out session of sex. My dick would get hard in minutes. Though I was eighteen at the time and was sporting an erection or at least semi-hard most of the time. Gina would slowly rock back and forth, masturbating me with the folds of her pussy, gradually getting faster while I worked over her boobs with my free hands. After several cycles with my hips, I finally get the hang of it. It's tougher than I thought but Johnathyn's groans tell me I'm on the right track. Pretty soon, I can feel him getting harder ... and bigger. "AAAhhh, there you are, Tiger! Now we're in for some fun." "What is this 'tiger' thing you call me? At first, I thought yooouu, ohh myyyy ... were calling 'Tyber' but now I can hear clearly." I keep up the pace on his cock. "Really? Was your attention elsewhere earlier?" "Yes, I believe so." "Give me your hands." He lifts them towards me. I take each of his in one of mine and guide them to my dangling boobs. I hadn't realized how responsive they were. His touch stops me for a few seconds, but I'm quickly back to work. His actions on my boobs tells if he's enjoying himself. Pretty sure he is. I sure as hell am. Time to up the ante. His dick is nearly back to its original length and rigidity so I pause just long enough to guide its head with my hand to the opening of my vagina and slip it inside, then slide its entire delicious length in me. Indescribable! Johnathyn says nothing but groans and squeezes both my boobs with his large hands, adding to my pleasurable sensations. I return to rocking back and forth but mix in some left to right, some sharp thrusts and the occasional series of bounces, his hands staying glued to my tits the entire time. I lean forward, letting my breasts swing near his face. He takes the invitation and brings first one, then the other to his mouth, sucking, licking and nipping at my bullet hard nipples as I continue to ride his cock. Exquisite! It's my turn to ride him hard now, adjusting my legs so that I can rise up until his cock is just inside my pussy then I drive down, impaling myself time and again, faster and faster. He finally releases my boobs and grabs my hips, driving up as I push down. I think the entire wagon is bouncing. I didn't notice it the first time. My attention must have been elsewhere. The tightening sensation from last time returns but this time I fight it, trying to hold off, make it last. I want Johnathyn to join me this time. From the sound of his breathing and the look on his face, he's close. He's staring up at me, teeth gritted. I look down, smile and bring my hands to my boobs, holding them tightly to my chest as I pinch the nipples. His eyes fly wide open as he shoots up into me. I let go as the first spurt of semen splashes deep inside me. It's better than the first time. Much better. * * * *** * * * *** * * * I gave myself to him. Completely, totally, without reservation. At the Miryian Waters, we were just fooling around and I was the one in control. Ever since I came to this universe, I've kept everyone, including Johnathyn, at arms length. Except Leeanna. All my life, I've kept people at arms length. Family, friends, girlfriends, customers. But now, with a sleeping Johnathyn laying next to me, his right arm holding me possessively against his body I can't deny that I let him in. He took but I gave first. I couldn't be happier. Before, I always took. Certainly with girlfriends or casual hook-ups, I took. It was never rape or anything like that, always consensual, but I took. Even if she was on top, I took. But not this time. This time, I surrendered to him. I may have been on top sometimes but it was all about what he needed, what he wanted. Johnathyn was generous, more than generous with his attention to my desires but that was his choice, not mine. I was his to do with what he wanted. I opened up and let him past my defenses. The joy was incredible. The sex was too but it was more than simply sex. It was intimacy. I know what the word means and I thought I had experienced it before, many times in fact, but I was wrong. So wrong. I run my hand lightly across his slowly rising and falling chest, letting it rest over his beating heart. He fell asleep almost immediately after his last orgasm, just as I did so many times as a man but I'm too jazzed to sleep right now. Was it this way for all the women and girls I slept with? Maybe. I did get a few complaints about a lack of post sex cuddling but that's not what I'm feeling now. I wouldn't reject it but I don't need it. It's like my senses are opened wider, more aware of what is happening around me, what people feel. Even asleep, I know Johnathyn loves me and I also know he knows that I love him. There's a mix of emotions coming from the house. Fear, anger, jealousy, worry, contentment ... I don't know which from whom but they are there. I can feel them, like they are physical things, things to be adjusted, changed, and manipulated. They had been wrong, at least partially. It wasn't the sex, it was the intimacy. In my case, the sex led to intimacy, breaking down the walls I had built but there had been other times before now, with both Leeanna and Gallinda. The time I spent inside Leeanna was short but intense, very emotional. She felt me, felt my love for her, my presence. Gallinda was different. With her, it was the length of time, over 25 cycles while I kept her eyes clear. It was at a much lower intensity than it had been with Leeanna but for a much longer period of time. At the end, she knew me. In both cases, it was a form of shared intimacy. That is what a presence is, an ability to project your feelings about someone to them, to connect with them on a nonverbal level. What makes it so powerful is the possibility of controlling those feelings and thereby manipulating that person. Right now, all I can do is project but I can do that in spades. CHAPTER TWENTY THREE I am usually the first one up in the morning. My mother always used to wake me before dawn to start my jobs on the farm. I have not done farm work for decades but old habits die hard. I throw some logs into the kitchen stove and fan the embers from yesterday until the wood catches fire. By the time the others stumble in, it will be hot and ready for breakfast. Originally, we all prepared our own meals but Alexia insisted we start having communal meals, claiming it would help develop something she called "team spirit". What ever that is. She also spoke of some activity she called "football" but the rules were too complex to comprehend and the level of violence very high. Fixing meals together was infinitely preferable. Regardless, there did seem to be an increase in the sense of cooperation and shared objectives since we first joined forces, which is no small thing. Our existence as witches has been a solitary one up until now. Certainly we all knew about other witches, some even communicated, but there was safety in solitude. Everyone has taken a large risk simply by showing up together in one place. The concentration of magic could be noticed by someone with the right heritage. Like the Queen. Add Alexia to the group and it is no small miracle that we have not been detected yet. From here on out, the risks only get larger. Or at least it seemed that way. After last night, I just don't know. Alexia insists that this be done with the minimum number of people getting hurt, let alone dying. She doesn't ignore the possibility of physical injury but she refuses to accept any option where the possibility is high. No matter how hard I and the others try to explain that people die in revolutions, she says she knows that but not this time. "Not on her watch" she repeats. Killing those two guards affected her more than any of us can appreciate. None of us have ever killed anyone either, so we are at a loss on how to approach her. Other than Beckwith, of course. She says we should do what we want and Alexia can either join us or step aside. Bold but impractical, particularly coming from the witch who is the farthest in the group from being a "team player". We had the bones of a good plan that simply needed fleshing out until Alexia's inability to mimic Opulessa thwarted it. I knew from the beginning it would be difficult but hadn't realized how completely inadequate Alexia would be. She made as good an attempt as any of us could but facts are facts. It was like looking at a perfect statue of a person. It could fool you only for a moment or two. After that .... What made the entire thing worse was Beckwith's gloating. She had opposed the plan from day one. She had opposed any plan except hers, which is basically to lay waste to the Palace with all our combined powers, including killing the Queen. What happens after that is unclear in her plan but I strongly suspect that Beckwith feels that she can become the first among equals after Alexia returns home. Alexia seemed so defeated last night. Defeated and angry. An angry Alexia is dangerous to be around. Her head tells her to not injure people but her heart holds much emotion. Sometimes the heart wins out. I can remember that enormous tree being ripped from the ground, flying directly towards me, towards all of us. It was by sheer luck that I only broke a few bones. The others saw it too. We all respect Alexia, many admire her except for Beckwith. We all, including Beckwith, fear her. At least fear what she might do if pushed too far. I would have followed her and attempted to console her last night but thought the better of it. A little time to cool off would be best for all. I don't know why Johnathyn takes the risk of being so near her. Well, actually I do. Most men would risk a lot to have a chance with a woman who looks like Alexia but most would also think twice if they knew that woman could decapitate them with a simple waive of her hand. Johnathyn not only knows, he saw it happen. Yet he remains near her. It is more than simple dedication to the cause. He loves her. We all can see it but Alexia doesn't. Or she refuses to acknowledge it because she doesn't want to deal with it. Or knows how to deal with it. Beckwith walks into the kitchen, head high and a light step, moving with a purpose. "Good morning, Dierdra." "Good morning to you, Beckwith. You're up early." "We have much to do and not much time to do it. We need to start work on determining the weaknesses of the Palace defenders and the best way to force entry." "We could all fly over the wall. Oh, wait, you can't do that, can you?" "No," she answers sullenly. "Then I would not be so quick to throw out what we have agreed to already." "It is hopeless to think that this can be done bloodlessly, Denson. The original plan was hopeless, as is any plan that does not take the direct approach. We find the weakest point and attack it. Simple. Direct." "And wrong. Even if Alexia cannot fool the Winthrop Group's guards, there are other options that can ..." I notice a change in the feel of the room. It feels lighter, brighter, more like a spring morning. The air is fresher, the birds louder, I think I may actually smell flowers. Beckwith notices it also. "What is this?" she asks, looking about

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 4145 of 61

CHAPTER FORTY ONE It was easier to talk after Pegues left the room. "Tell me, Lee. What's it like being a boy?" "It's so strange, Mother. I'm stronger and faster and louder. People pay attention to me." "Tell me about it. What do you think about wearing pants?" "It's summer. A dress would be cooler but Mr. Pegues wouldn't allow it." Thank you, Miran. "He's right about that, Lee. Your father, on the other hand ..." "Do not be foolish, Alexia." "Awwww come on,...

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Five Hertz of Separation Chapters 6 through 10

CHAPTER SIX "I am sorry, Alex, I just do not understand how this 'anarchist paradise' of yours would work in the real world." "It's simple, Johnathyn. There would be no organized government of any kind. People would be free to go about their daily lives with complete autonomy. Every man would be free to do what is best for him, to live by his own rules." "And what about women?" "Unlike your world, it would be the same for women. The same freedoms, across the board." We were...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 4650 of 61

CHAPTER FORTY SIX I don't think anyone heard the "ding" of the elevator when it reached to lobby. There had been a few cries of surprise when the door of one elevator opened and Pegues boarded several minutes earlier, headed for the top floor after Alex called on the radio. That was over ten minutes ago and most everyone's attention had returned to the locked doors. I had been watching very carefully since she left and was relieved when I saw the display above the elevator indicated it...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 5661 of 61

CHAPTER FIFTY SIX "She has seen them! The witch has seen them!" I shout as I light the shell's fuse. The fuse burns. And burns. And burns until finally reaching the base of the shell which sputters for just the barest moment before whooshing high into the air, a black stream of hot gasses trailing behind against the bright blue sky. The rocket arcs over just a bit at the top before exploding with a resounding boom that echoes down the valley. * * * *** * * * *** * * * "What in...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 1115 of 62

CHAPTER ELEVEN We pull into Sweetwater at around 12 cycles, I think. We don't have a clock, though most towns seem to have a big town clock. Another sign of an almost complete lack of tech. They don't have mail or newspapers either. Information seems to pass strictly by word of mouth, which, as we all know, is really reliable. The town got its name from the decent water from its wells. Low in iron and minerals so naturally soft or "sweet". It's a heck of a lot nicer looking place...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 5155 of 61

CHAPTER FIFTY ONE There is certainly a different feeling to the Palace under the new rule. Politics is always politics but the threat of death, or worse, has been lifted. That brings a new set of challenges, ones that the Witches Council seems incapable of dealing with. They all mean well but good intentions will not feed the horse. They are too divided to truly rule this world and they fail to inspire the kind of loyalty needed among both the people and the Queen's Guard. There is no...

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Five Hertz of Seperation

CHAPTER ONE She made me promise to visit her grave. "Alex," she gasped, "promise me ... you'll visit ... us ... every week." I gently held her hand, careful not to dislodge any of the needles in her arm carrying painkillers and other drugs to her shattered body. "Mom, you aren't going to die ... you're gonna make it. Just rest and let the doctors do their jobs." The nurse turned away from the hospital bed as she changed one of the many IV's. I could see her face but Mom...

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Five Hertz of SDeparation chapters 2630 of 62

CHAPTER TWENTY SIX It had been a surprisingly short fight. At least three squads of the Queen's Guard had ridden up but we had disarmed most of them before they even dismounted. None of them expected their weapons to be yanked from their hands. The only ones who kept their guns were those who had the straps around their arms or shoulders and they ended up on the ground at their horses' feet. They came up firing but that only lasted as long as their fingers remained unbroken, which was...

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Part 1 The Separation MomSon

The woman looked at her naked body in the the full length mirror.Her beautiful face was sad, her big hazel eyes full of tears and her small nose sniffling as her full red lips contorted in pain.The dark lines that showed her 50 years deepened around her eyes and mouth as she stared at her tits. Big, full, and drooping all the way down to her belly, her tits were creamy white with pink aerols and very long, almost 2 inch long nipples.She grabbed her breasts and looked at herself again."Those...

2 years ago
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Separation Anxiety

Paige and Ally were in love. There was no other way to put it. Ever since their first night together they'd become almost inseparable. It hadn't taken long at all for Ally to realize that she not only loved Paige, but wanted to be with her in a way that she hadn't been with anyone in a long time: in a serious, committed relationship. This was actually a huge leap for her. Ally had just been so used to being a "slut" for so long that the idea of a truly monogamous relationship was almost...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 55 Trial Separation

April 19, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “Do you need any help?” I asked Jessica on Monday morning. “No. I’ll just take enough things for a few days and figure things out from there.” “I want you to come back home,” I said. “But those conditions aren’t negotiable. They can’t be.” “I know. You’re OK with my plan to see the kids each morning?” I’d been very happy when she’d made that request, rather than me suggesting it, because it seemed to indicate that I was right that she did love them, and...

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There and BackChapter 131 Separation Anxiety

We left Denerim a scant few days later. We’d managed to avoid Eamon – who was apparently accompanying Connor to Kinloch Hold – altogether, and saw Kallian only briefly, between her duties as Bann of the Alienage. Cailan had ‘people’ looking into who would have attacked Anora’s ship, as did Leliana, though I doubted we would ever get closure on that subject. Erlina had been locked up in Fort Drakon – but in a rather comfortable room, not a cell, and the reforms Cailan had brought to the prison...

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One Year Separation

My ex-wife and I were married for 25 years before our divorce. We met at Clemson university in South Carolina. I was in a fraternity and she was one of our little sisters. After a year of dating, my ex-wife admitted that she had had a one night stand with one of the Clemson football players. They had been studying together that night. my wife is a sexy 5 foot five 110 pound lady with skin as white as snow. The football player was 6’5 star running back with less than 2 ounces of body fat. Just...

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Summer of 1992Chapter 3 Another week of separation

Surprisingly, neither Suzanne nor Mr. Oldham questioned why I came in the back door thirty minutes after leaving for my date with Kelley. I guess they were getting used to our on-again, off-again romance. As for me, I was getting damned tired of the off-again periods. Down deep, I made allowances for her flare-ups. Both times, I had done something to set her off. Not skimming my journal before giving her my password was a big mistake. I would have discovered that I had forgotten the few days...

2 years ago
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DistributionChapter 13 Separation sucks

The downpour of winter rain monopolized my mind from the time I hit the city limits. Paige talked me through the unfamiliar streets, saying she would remain inside the building until my truck was sighted. "I'll run out and jump in when I see you coming down the street," she said, cautioning me to drive carefully. "These people are crazy. Is it always like this or is it just the rain?" Paige laughed. "The kids are out of school this week. They're in town to exchange gifts that are...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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The academy Chapter I Separation Anxiety

People do not choose to attend the academy, they are carefully selected; it is a true science, an elegant game. The academy is a place where behavioural science, neurochemistry, bioengineering, and synthetic biology are utilised to test the limits of pleasure and despair. Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to select our very special “guests” realize their full potential. None of us work full time at the academy, we have two lives; one we show to all, the other...

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The academy Chapter I Separation Anxiety

Introduction: Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to select our very special guests and realize their full potential Prologue People do not choose to attend the academy, they are carefully selected, it is a true science, an elegant game. The academy is a place where behavioural science, neurochemistry, bioengineering, and synthetic biology are utilised to test the limits of pleasure and despair. Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to...

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Separation Anxiety

Even though I know I'm going to miss her while she's gone, I was also excited about the prospects of flirting online again with JS. Nothing was ever going to happen in real life, neither one of us would let that happen, but the sexual chemistry for a good on-line flirt is there (or so I hope).I guess my mind got caught up thinking about her sexually, after she and Suzie joked about her breast exam by a male Doctor. There was some silly reference to men and boobs – and she had some big ones. ...

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Temporary Separation

Temporary Separation Please direct any questions or comments or ENCOURAGEMENT to: [email protected] Chapter One. Katherine toweled her long brown hair as she stepped out of the bathroom and into the master bedroom. Wiggling her damp toes into the thick carpet, she called downstairs to her new husband, "Sweetheart, how much time do we have left before we've got to go?" "A little over an hour," Bob hollered up at her. She did a loose wrap-around with her short blue silk...

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Empyrian Final chapters

This is the CONCLUSION of the novel "Empyrian". I'm so happy to share with you the final chapters. Please make sure you've read chapters 1-46 before proceeding because otherwise you'll know how it ends! Go on, back up and start at the beginning like everyone else. Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is...

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Girlfriend Stolen pls add chapters

(I have published this story on first. I am not the owner of every chapters, it's specified at the begining of chapters. If you see some of your work in it and you dont want it to be in, message me and I will delete it a soon as a receive the mail.) You are a boy, 18 years old. Your name is Tim and you have a wonderfull girlfriend, enveryone arround you are jalous about her. She is the perfect girl, angel face, slim with perky and perfect breast and ass. But a morning she is...

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Report 2 The Lost Chapters

Report 2: John becomes Joanie: The lost chapters by Jodi John stood, his legs shaking as Bri had Candy help him to the dressing room. The Wendy's came in smiling as Bri gave them instructions to help Candy. They held the still bound and gagged John and let him put his weight on them as Candy slowly unlaced the corset. As it came free, John felt his body relax and the cool air made him shiver as the Wendy's buried...

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Barford File 2 The Betancourts Chapters IX and X Final Chapters

IX: Training Daze Harvey Betancourt kept his eyes closed, his mind in an almost Zen-like state, as his wife continued to run the buzz of her old-school clippers over areas of his head. Glenda was almost done shaping his hair to resemble the look of the eager new recruit that was a day shy of being shipped out to Europe. Only back then, he wasn't as pleasantly well-built, nor as tanned, as he was now. The radio played a Benny Goodman swing tune as Glenda worked. He remembered...

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Trial Separation

Hi Folks, Another tale of woe and love gone wrong here. And as requested last week, this one is much shorter. SS06 As I looked around the church, I felt useless. The flowers were beautiful. The decorations were beautiful. The architecture of the hall was exquisite. Great care had been taken with every detail of the wedding and I hadn't had a God damned thing to do with any of it. It was crazy. It was embarrassing as hell. I don't remember ever going to a wedding where the mother of the...

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The ArrangementChapter 13 A Sophomore Separation

As difficult as Riley’s first year of college was for us and our relationship, her second year ended up being even worse. Over the summer, we kept in touch, somewhat infrequently. She was busy with soccer, with work, and with catching up with high school friends. We didn’t talk more than once a week, maybe about half that time video chat. When we did talk, we got along well and the conversation flowed easily. I think a little of the pressure was off us both, with us being 1200 miles...

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There and BackChapter 185 Separation Anxiety

The next morning at breakfast, Fergus informed us he’d found us passage to Ostwick leaving in the afternoon. We split up to get last-minute errands done, like packing and shopping for a few supplies. I insisted on going down to the Alienage with the hopes of running into Ena, and though Avanna grumbled, she relented when Alistair insisted on coming as well. My poor, frustrated guard captain had learned little about Dera’s escape except that it had happened only two or three days after we...

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six degrees of separationmass effect

Book 1: Tangled By Firedancer Chapter One: After the Storm Ashley Williams jerked awake, and then gasped as the action caused pain to lance through her badly injured body. "Easy Chief," came the soothing tones of a familiar voice as Dr. Chakwas' face finally came into her view. "Doc," she whispered hoarsely. It was both a greeting and a plea and the older woman intuitively understood and pressed a hypo against Ashley's neck, administering a painkiller that quickly eased the agony....

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Angie and Sara Ch 3 Separation Angies side

"No, no, no, I won't hurt you, I promise," the voice said, it was soft, not deep a tone that was stuck at sort of a gay sound. "My name's Phillip, I just wish to help you." "Can I see you?" Angie said standing up now. "Oh yeah, sure sorry, I wanted to keep my distance in case you tried to lash out at me." He said. "Oh well, yeah, not going to do that..." Angie chuckled quarter heartedly. Phillip came out he was handsome and strong with sandy blonde hair with a few funny Red...

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Separation Anxiety

Author note: This is going to take some time to build up. I'm trying to build framework in this chapter without cutting out too many possibilities for the future. The first few chapters I write will be boring origin story stuff and little to no sexual activity. If you get too impatient, feel free to contribute. Maybe even go with an alternate timeline/reality after this chapter to get to the sex faster. Just make sure to keep continuity with this intro chapter when you go off the...

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Asian High School Wife Part 5 Separation Anxiety

I have a pretty good deal with the work I do. It pays well and doesn’t take up a lot of my time. But every once in a while it’s an intense couple of weeks involving travel. I was about to leave for the airport and would be in California for almost two weeks. I had been married to my wife, Kana, for just six weeks but she couldn’t come with me because she was still in high school and couldn’t miss. Kana was 18 and we got married so that she could escape her repressive and controlling parents. We...

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The Union Part 2 Of Separation

The next few days with Kevin were fantastic.The fat bottomed mother and her slim, wiry son stayed in bed and made each other cum, sometimes all night long. Kevin's youthful vigor satisfied even Lizzy's hyper sex drive. She loved his hardness and Kevin was always hard. Once Lizzy had accidentally touched her son at night when she rolled over only to find his phallus rock hard. Kevin was still awake and groaned in pleasure."Oh My God!" Lizzy exclaimed with a shock and delight."Don't you ever get...

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Separation Anxiety

My Girlfriend Has Feelings For Her Work Friend While based on a real situation that I read about in an advice column, it is otherwise totally fictional. {Many thanks to my sweet inspiration blackrandl1958 for her guidance and of course her editing. Thank you, Crkcppr for Beta reading.} It had a beginning. Everything has a beginning, and this was no different. John loved Emily. That is not the beginning, but that is the stage for the action. After dating for two years, they knew they were...

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Separation Saves a Marriage

Tina was devastated. Her husband suddenly announced that he didn’t want to be married anymore and left. She thought that the last five years had been ok, even if not exciting. As the word got around at work, she discovered that the married women were not very sympathetic and the divorced ones too bitter to be of any help. Men started paying a lot more attention to her. She cynically thought they were just sniffing around for some available lonely pussy. After two weeks of sleeping alone she...

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Six Degrees Of Separation

"April is the cruellest month." T.S. ELIOT. The Wasteland Chapter 1: A Handful of Dust 15th April 2001 Sometimes the rats came, but tonight, thankfully, was not one of those nights. When they did come, Mary could do little about it. They would scurry around her feet, noses twitching over the debris which people had left behind - hamburger cartons, cigarette packets, chocolate wrappers. Mary would sit in her doorway and watch them, always nervous that one of the creatures would come...

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ChanceChapter 7 The Separation

The soup had looked good when Duncan took it off the stove but when he sat down to eat it, there was no taste. After a few trying a few spoonfuls he disgustedly dropped his spoon. Pushing the chair back he got up and bussed his lunch dishes, rinsed them and popped them in the dishwasher. Since his return to Seattle nothing tasted good. Restlessly prowling his living room he stopped in front of the big picture window to watch the happy crowd promenading around Green Lake. A light wind rippled...

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Crystal ClearChapter 4 Separation New Careers and New Playmates

"Ellen will be your very special assistant. She'll be your script girl, check your makeup, help you go over your lines, and keep you on schedule." Crystal smiled at me to be sure I thought I'd be taken care of, "And, of course, she'll keep you warm in bed, and she's promised to remind you that I love you even though I'm six thousand miles away." She laughed at her innuendo abd then whispered, "And I've left instructions that she's supposed to fuck you senseless at least once a...

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Geeks In SpaceChapter 11 The Need for Separation

The next trip to Alpha Centauri took place without Rob or Wendy Young. It took place with a bevy of doctors and scientists whose job it was to decide if Islandia was going to be safe for people. In the end, it was announced that as places go, Islandia was pretty innocuous. Other than some pollens causing mild reactions, mostly just due to 'gumming up the pipes', the microbial and bacteriological studies suggested that the Islandian analogs were not easily able to latch onto anything in the...

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Titcage All Chapters

TITCAGE Claire didn’t want to work at Titcage. But work experience during the school holidays was compulsory for seniors and despite her best efforts she couldn’t convince her parents or teachers that the so-called Committee For Gender Equity was against women, not for them. Funded by church groups, conservatives, and the world’s richest men, the organisation existed for one purpose: to change community and government attitudes to women and restore women to a role solely as sextoys,...

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Reversal of Roles For a Day All Chapters

Chapter 1 The Switch After years of being my Dom, you say you want to switch with me for a day and experience some new things. We will find out just how submissive you can be. I have sent you a large box along with some brief instructions telling you what time you need to be ready for the limo to pick you up, what you are to bring with you and what you are to wear. There are three seperate, plain wrapped packages inside the box. You are to bring the package marked with a one along with...

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The Lesbian Debt All Chapters

LAURA AND ERICA Her girlfriend's cunt tasted as good as ever. Laura lay in the top position of a nude 69, her short fringe of pink hair hanging over her eyes as she lapped at her lover Erica's pussy. She loved this position. She loved the feel of her large tits being splayed out to either side of her lover's trim stomach; she loved the feel of Erica's boobs against her own midriff. She loved Erica's head between her thighs, loved knowing she could clench her knees together and trap it...

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Heads You DressThe Final Chapters

CHAPTER SIX --- THE SALON & THE SECOND DREAM 1 A few weeks later Jason arrived for work in medium heels, low cut, patterned blouse and women's trousers, his lips as pink and glossy as ever. He was surprised to find Kelly in his office. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Morning, Jenny. Fetch us a glass of juice each and we'll talk about it." "Huh?" "Hurry. I'll not tolerate slackness." What the heck was going on? Jason thought. He reached into the small fridge and...

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A New Life The final 4 chapters

“Good Morning sleepyhead,” I heard as I opened my eyes. “My name is Qi; I wanted to see what you had before you came to the party preparations room.” She smiled down at me and then turned and headed to the bathroom. I watched, as the smallest woman I ever saw, walked into my bathroom. She was barely four foot tall, if that. She had acute little ass that had the gentlest sway as she walked and I think I could wrap my hands around her waist without trying. I quickly jumped up when I heard the...

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Waiting Out the Storm Final Chapters

Chapter 4The ice maker was on the far end of the hall from their room so that helped kill a little time. He wanted to give her time to get into position and wait there for him as long as possible. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to do next except that he knew that putting ice cubes into her pussy was going to be involved. He also knew that she was going to be there with her pussy full of a cool bottle and a vibrating egg that could go off at any minute with her ass in the air waiting...

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Aunt Jeans Illicit romance 12 chapters

Chapter 1Mortified. If Ron had thought of the word he might have used it to describe how he felt at the moment -- so embarrassed and so angry at himself that he wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. He had been so freakin' stupid!She said she was going to the grocery store!He usually locked his door when he did it, but he had been in such a freakin' rush to get to his room to gawk at Mrs. Gregerson sunning at her pool, her freakin' bikini top undone, her half way decent ass barely...

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The Senpai and the Kohai the missing chapters

Chapter five I walked upstairs. I started dreading walking out in public again. In my room I found a yellow dress with short sleeves. It had floral suiting. It reminded somewhat of a Japanese, or perhaps Chinese, dress. I undressed, and rummaged around my underwear drawer to find some suitable things to wear. How should I choose? It wasn't exactly obvious. If I wanted to avoid the lingerie to be seen through the fabric, I had to choose something lighter. White, perhaps. There...

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Maybe Its Magic Final Chapters

Maybe It's Magic by RH Music Chapter 7: The Concert It is Thursday, just two days until our evening out in New York, and I am worried. Am I starting to have feelings for Mr. Feyla? Is that possible? What is clear is that my female parts (as I call them now) get wet all on their own - no salve required (although I still apply it every two hours, as Morgen suggests). Further, the 'indentation' is getting deeper and deeper, up to two knuckles deep. Okay, it's a hole. I...

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Fivesome Delight 8211 Lustful First Night Ceremony

Hi readers, Akash here. This story about the first night is in continuation of the previous part, Vijita/ Viji (Mom) walked out of Akash’s bedroom with torn clothes hanging around and wet hair. She was totally tired due to her intense fucking session with Akash (son). With wide open legs, she (Viji) slowly walked towards the phone. Cum was oozing out her ass hole. Her eyes were tired of crying, and her voice was tired of screaming. She continued her conference video call with Naveena/ Navi and...

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Fivesome Delight 8211 Lustful First Night Ceremony

Hi readers, Akash here. This story about the first night is in continuation of the previous part, Vijita/ Viji (Mom) walked out of Akash’s bedroom with torn clothes hanging around and wet hair. She was totally tired due to her intense fucking session with Akash (son). With wide open legs, she (Viji) slowly walked towards the phone. Cum was oozing out her ass hole. Her eyes were tired of crying, and her voice was tired of screaming. She continued her conference video call with Naveena/ Navi and...

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Life Lessons combined chapters

The boys on my side of the street and the girls on the another side I watch as the boys, just a minute ago were talking and rough housing with each other when one of them notices the girls and they go dead silent looking down at their feet trying not to be noticed by two average looking girls, all because they look a little order then they do. Those boys continue to walk on and as they come in front my house I see one of the boys look back at the girls whom are now several house away just...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 7 Only three chapters

I went to the house and as Olga smiled at me she told me about her morning preparations, "My breasts were pumped a little this morning, but there is so much milk that remained only for you. I put the rest in the fridge, so when you're thirsty you could drink it later. Yesterday I ate a lot of chili so my milk would be extra tasty for you." She told me, as this would be an everyday activity. My cock took over control in my brain. She stood a short distance from me I could see her whole...

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Barbara gets piercings Seth watched Barbara again from a distance. This time they were in the middle of the city and the red headed girl was looking for adresses. Seth had send her only a adress and a time. So far she has not seen him yet but she had followed every command that he had given. She was sturdy and ready for anything. Wondering if he should try to have her be a piss slut once, he saw that the girl had found the adress. She had arrived at a tattoo and piercing parlor. Seth...

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Cupids curse in proved grammar and proof read first 4 chapters

It's nothing new to me. I've been having same dream ever since my 18th birthday. At first it was only happening once a week, but now it’s happening every night. “Shit! I’m going to be late.” I shouted after looking at the time on my IPhone. You see today is the first day of the 19 years I've spent on this planet that I will be living alone. Well with my best friend. “Jaden, come downstairs right now.” My mom shouted from down stairs. “I'm coming mom.” I said in a nonchalant tone. You...

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Cupids curse The first 4 chapters

As I get off the bed to come to her I feel the same sharp pain in my eyes. I never stop moving as almost if my body was possessed. Drawling me closer to this mysterious women with every step. When I finally reach the sofa my heart starts thumping wildly like a horse on a open field. Again she signals me to sit down by her. The mysterious women does nothing more nor nothing less. And in reply to her soundless motion I take my seat next to her. As I sit down next to her she let's off a odd...

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An XNXX exclusive. ***** This runs about 13,000 words so be warned. Check the tags and enjoy. Introduction: Bryan falls in love with Alicia, a coworker. As their relationship advances, two women he works with show their interest in him. One Alicia invites to have a little fun, and the other Bryan hints that he likes. Jealousy breeds a taste for revenge, but who is the killer? ***** Alicia drove to work, cruising at a leisurely pace with plenty of time to spare. She would make it...

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Abigail three chapters

It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave. But, for a large slice of the...

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The Truth About Bethie The First Part Chapters

9. Bethie's wishWe cuddled and pecked and necked for a good little while after that. Not worrying about pictures, just enjoying ourselves. I was by then completely in her spell, so comforted from my earlier anxiety about Lizvette, and guilt-free about Bethie. She was very much in command and very obviously enjoying her status as lady of the house and love of my life.She was curious to see the pictures, and eager to secure them. At her request, we moved to the den. There, at my desk, she sat in...

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