Five Hertz Of Separation (chapters 56-61 Of 61) free porn video

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CHAPTER FIFTY SIX "She has seen them! The witch has seen them!" I shout as I light the shell's fuse. The fuse burns. And burns. And burns until finally reaching the base of the shell which sputters for just the barest moment before whooshing high into the air, a black stream of hot gasses trailing behind against the bright blue sky. The rocket arcs over just a bit at the top before exploding with a resounding boom that echoes down the valley. * * * *** * * * *** * * * "What in Zaphod's name was that, Sergeant?" "Don't know, Corporal. Sounded like the fireworks they use to celebrate the Queen's birthday. The old Queen I mean. Not the new one. Don't exactly know when her birthday is." I turn to the men standing around me. "Any of you lads know when the new Queen's birthday is?" "Be nice if it was soon. We get an extra ration of Klatch, don't we?" answers one of the new men. Haven't got their names locked in my head yet. "We will if I have anything to say about it. Pick up your bindles boys, let's go check it out." "Shouldn't we wait for the Lieutenant, Sergeant Timbler?" asks the new Corporal, name of Lichmer I think. Thank Zaphod for ranks. "The way I see it, Corporal, that was a signal of some kind. Could be good news, could be bad news, but them rebels were trying to get us to leave this area so we better find out why they was doing that. The Lieutenant shouldn't have any trouble finding us." Which tain't a good thing. * * * *** * * * *** * * * The loud explosion draws my attention away from the argument with Denson as we both turn our heads to the north. We can see the remains of the rocket, a small black splotch with a fading tail against a clear blue sky. "What was that?" she asks. "I have no idea," I honestly answer. My radio beeps. * * * *** * * * *** * * * A rocket-propelled grenade. I've seen pictures. It looks Russian, that classic green and brown. There's a loud hissing sound behind me and I turn just in time to see a small rocket shoot into the air below me but it flies right by, way over to my right. Wasn't even close. I follow its flight with my eyes until it explodes with a loud bang that reverberates back and forth between the hills on either side of me. Suddenly, all the men below me flee the scene, including the ones that were supposedly dead or injured. At the same time, other men pop up all around me, throwing dirt colored covers off. They are standing in holes dug into the hillside and each one is packing the same rocket-propelled grenade. One half of my brain is screaming "TRAP!" but I can't seem to move. All the other half of my brain can think is "I'm pregnant"! Lilly launches herself skyward, jerking me back into action. I punch my headset as we claw at the air, fighting to gain altitude, the sound of multiple launches behind us filling my ears. "IT"S A TRAP!" I scream. "IT"S A GOD DAMN TRAP! THEY'VE GOT RPG'S. SEND HELP! OH PLEASE GOD, NOT MY BABY. IT'S A TRAP, GENERAL! FLY LILLY! FLY!" * * * *** * * * *** * * * "What did she say?" demands Denson. "Not now!" I grab the bi-nok-u-lars off the table and quickly focus on the spot where I last saw Lilly. The wait is unbearable but I finally see her crest the hill and climb higher in the sky. There are also some other things in the air with her, small, brightly burning things that are rising faster than she is. They will catch her in milicycles. One of them explodes behind her, then another. "What is happening?!" Denson screams. "I don't know." * * * *** * * * *** * * * I hear the two explosions behind me and my heart stops beating for a moment. I'm not hit. Which means those RPG's didn't hit anything, they just exploded in midair. Which means that the damned things are working on a timer of some kind and it doesn't matter if I dodge them. They're like depth charges and I'm the sub. I quickly scan the area around me. There are two to my left and three to my right, all different heights and they could go off any milicycle. Lilly's not fast enough to get away and even if I fly by myself, it's too late. Max protection means I fall from the sky but it's my only chance. I kick away from Lilly, who instantly disappears. With a momentary burst of speed, I angle up and away from the RPG's that surround me and then concentrate every ioata of magic that I can tap into a dense, protective shell as I become a free flying object on a ballistic trajectory. The first shock wave hits me right after the nearest grenade explodes. * * * *** * * * *** * * * We can't see shit, what with the canopy of trees around us, but we could certainly hear a lot of explosions. I think I spotted the Queen's dragon, wings beating faster than I ever seen, through a gap in the trees but it only lasted a milicycle. Then them explosions started. "Look about brightly, lads," I shout. "Looks like we are into it up to our arseholes again. What ever 'it' is." * * * *** * * * *** * * * I lost track when Lilly vanished. For a milicycle, I thought I saw the Queen in the air by herself and then she too vanished but she seemed to move in a particular direction. That is when the remaining bright objects exploded, but not all at the same time. Denson cried out in anguish but I kept scanning the sky with the bi-nok- u-lars. It feels like decicycles but I eventually spot something. It appears to be a person but they are not flying. When Alexia flies, it is head first, arms tucked to her side. This person is completely out of control, rolling, spinning, arms and legs flailing about. It must be Alexia but things are not right. She continues to rise in the sky but is slowing. She reaches a peak, holds there for but a moment then begins to fall back to the ground, still out of control. I reach out and grab Denison by the arm, jerking her next to me. I drop the bi-nok-u-lars from my eyes but quickly see the small figure in the sky that is Alexia. "There!" I shout, pointing in the Queen's direction, tracking her with my extended finger. "That is Alexia, falling to her death! You must do something immediately or she dies." "What can I do? I am not strong enough!" "Only you can save her! Do it NOW!" * * * *** * * * *** * * * She escaped! That Zaphod riding harlot of a witch escaped! I turn to face General Tasher. "She escaped! How is that possible? It was the perfect plan! And now she just flies away as if ..." The General is not looking at me but at the retreating view of Alexia. "She is not flying, Dupree. See for yourself." My eyes are not as sharp as his. "I see nothing, Tasher!" "She does not fly, she falls!" There is hope yet. "Gather the men! I want her alive or her dead body! Go now!" * * * *** * * * *** * * * I freeze in fear. It is Leeanna and the snakes all over again. I could not take action that night and now, with Alexia falling before my eyes, I feel helpless. Packer is demanding that I do something but I know not what to do. "I cannot reach her!" I scream. "Then reach out to her! There is no time!" I remember Alexia's trick with her protective shield, the use of the air itself to slow or stop a bullet. I send a blast of air in her direction and keep sending more and more, straining to the limits of my power. * * * *** * * * *** * * * A mighty wind appears from nowhere, shaking the trees to their very roots. What is strange is that the wind seems to begin very low to the ground then suddenly wells up and flies skyward, taking all manner of leaves, grass, twigs and dirt with it, nearly blinding everyone. The men are looking very worried as they search for cover against the wind and the debris it carries. "What is happening, Sergeant?" Corporal Lichmer shouts, trying to be heard over the howling, swirling gale. "Clearly, witches work!" I shout back. "Have the lads hunker down and hold position. It can't last forever! Jillian's mercy, this one's a real ox lifter!" Suddenly, something big comes crashing through the trees about fifty decileagues to my left. It hits the ground but not as hard as one would expect. Perhaps it was a bear that had been hiding in the tree but dislodged due to the wind. That is all we need, an angry bear chasing us about behind enemy lines. That would get a good laugh back in camp at our expense. It is more likely just a large, broken branch from one of the surrounding trees. The way everything is swaying about, it won't be long before some of these trees are uprooted or split apart. I look warily about, trying to see if any of the trees hold a lot of big broken branches or look particularly risky. If a tree begins to fall, there may not be time to escape it. "Keep a sharp eye about, lads!" I bellow. "Watch for falling trees!" Several of us are crouching down behind the trunk of a long dead tree that fell ages ago. "Is this our witch or their witch, Sergeant?" Trooper Copperman yells. "Doesn't matter, lad. You'll be just as dead if something crushes your skull." * * * *** * * * *** * * * The strain is too great. I cannot keep it going much longer. Alexia has such exquisite control over her power, such an understanding of how the natural world works that she makes this look easy. The rest of us can only use magic like a blunt tool in comparison to her but that is the only choice right now and I am rapidly running out of magic. I need to hold out as long as I can or Alexia dies. * * * *** * * * *** * * * Just as quickly as it arrived, the wind disappears. The sudden silence is almost as frightening as the wind. Almost. "Head count, Corporal Lichmer," I calmly order as I stand, brushing the dirt and debris off my uniform. "Aye, Sergeant!" he snaps back, quickly calling out names and getting replies. Turns out we weathered the storm nicely, no one was hurt, no one lost any equipment. "Zaphod's luck was with us," he adds at the end of his report. "Can't rely on that, son. Them gods are a fickle bunch." "Did we win that one or lose it, Sergeant?" "Damned if I know Corporal. Copperman! You and Hoskins head over that way," I point to my left with a jerk of my thumb "and see what fell out of those trees. If it's some injured beast, put it out of its misery but be careful. Don't let it put you out of your misery." He salutes. "Never any misery with you around, Sergeant." Wise ass. They both trot off at a double quick pace. There could be some meat on tonight's menu. "The rest of you slugabeds mount up. We need to find out what is going on around here and then report it. Phillips and Massey will take point and ..." "SERGEANT! COME QUICK! IT'S THE QUEEN!" Hoskin roars. I take off at a dead sprint, or at least what passes for a dead sprint at my age, towards the grove of trees. Most of the men follow me. I pull up just short of where they are. If this is a trap of some kind, we can't all run right into it. "It's the Queen's what?" I ask. Copperman hurries over, grabbing my arm. "It's the Queen herself!" he exclaims, dragging me forward several decileagues. By the time I pull my arm free, we are standing next to Hoskin, kneeling next to a crumpled figure, wearing a woman's version of our uniform, though it is torn and bloody. Hoskin is as white as my granny's pantaloons. I close my eyes and cock my head to the side. I can hear men coming from the direction of rebel territory and they aren't far away. * * * *** * * * *** * * * I collapse, landing on my side. General Packer is beside me straight away. "Are you well?" "Yes," I whisper, pausing a moment to gauge the level of magic in the area. "Alexia lives ... I think. She is very depleted." "How can you be certain?" "When Opulessa died, we all knew it. A witch of that strength leaves a mark when she dies. There is no such mark for Alexia though she is very weak." "Can I leave you here as you are?" "Yes! Yes! Please go. Find her!" "My horse!" he shouts. The animal is there in milicycles. He vaults into the saddle. I struggle to my feet, a Guardsman helping me. "General! Wait!" I gasp. He glares at me with a mixture of anger and frustration. "We do not have time to ..." "Alexia is with child!" His visage instantly becomes one of total surprise and shock. "The Queen is WITH CHILD?!" I can only nod my head in confirmation, being too tired to even speak further. He wheels his horse about and spurs it forward, the animal bounding towards where we last saw Alexia. One of the officers chases after him but the gap between them rapidly increases. "General! We need to plan this action!" The General pulls back on the reins, slowing the horse enough for Packer to turn his head back towards the officer. "The plan is for every man jack to follow me! We ride to save the Queen!" He turns back and spurs the horse again, galloping with gaining speed through the camp as men scatter about, shouting orders and raising the alarm. All around me there are cries of "We ride to save the Queen!" * * * *** * * * *** * * * "Is she alive, Sergeant?" "How in Zaphod's name should I know? I tain't no Healer!" "Don't they check the neck or the wrist or something?" "Shouldn't we not touch her?" "I heard you touch the Queen without her permission, you turn into a newt!" "Be silent the lot of you!" I order loudly. In their silence, I can better hear the approaching rebels. The woods are thick around us, lots of low brush about, slowing their approach but they're raising a rucas, not trying to cover their movements at all. The lot of them are searching hard for the Queen and they can't be more than a hundred decileagues away. "Look, lads," I say much more quietly. "There's nothing for it. We are going to have to leg it out of here and right quick!" "They always say don't move an injured woman. That's what they always say." "Corporal, you hear those voices out there? That's the whole rebel army headed this way. They are looking for her. If we stay here; they capture all of us and her, whether she's alive or dead. If we run for it and leave her; we escape and they capture her, alive or dead. We pick her up and run for it; we may escape and she ends up back at headquarters, alive or dead. Not much choice here as I see it. Help me get her up on my shoulder." Several hands help lift her up and settle her gently over my right shoulder. That'll be the last gentle thing that'll happen to her for a while. Don't see any newts in the crowd so that takes care of that rumor. She's lighter than she looks but it will still be damn near impossible for me to make any good speed with her like this. I'm not the fastest man on the squad but I can run down every one of them on the long training runs. I've got endurance. I shift her just a little bit so that her stomach is right over my shoulder. "We do this fast and quiet. Head straight back to our lines. They'll have to slow down and search while we leg it. There shouldn't be anyone in front of us but just in case, I want the two fastest men out front." Five hands immediately go up. I point to two of them and they head out. I can already feel the weight on my shoulder. "Last thing. If I go down, nearest men grabs the Queen and you all take off. No one stays behind for me. If that man goes down, nearest man grabs the Queen. Same rules. She got us home. We get her home. Understood?" There was nothing but quiet determination in the squad. We owe it to her. "Right. Lead us home, Corporal." * * * *** * * * *** * * * I make good progress in the open plains outside of the camp. I look back behind me several times and do not see any indication of Guardsmen following me, organized or not. It was foolish to do what I did. No rational General would ever commit his troops to battle by simply pointing to a spot on the horizon and saying "go get them." We could not afford to wait, however. Dupree had a very smart plan. She put herself within their grasp and Dupree took advantage. Advantage of her good nature and loyalty to her troops. There has never been a Queen in the history of this world that would do something like that for her Guard. With child. Is the woman insane?! How could they conspire to keep such information from me? No General has ever lost a Queen to a direct battle. The Queens themselves will battle without any help from their respective Guard but no General has actually lost a Queen, let alone one with child. When was the last time a Queen was even with child? I thought they discouraged things like that. I don't know exactly how but I'm certain I read about it or heard something. Madness. Utter madness. Now that I have reached the tree line, this is much more difficult. There is no way of knowing where Alexia is. The proper thing to do is wait for the men to arrive in strength, establish a grid and then assign specific areas to search. Anything else is simply an emotional response. Well. I'm here with nothing to do until the rest of the men arrive. I might as well make myself useful. I urge my horse forward and we plunge into the woods. As we slowly amble along, I scan left and right. The height of my mount gives me some advantage but the underbrush is so thick in some areas with brambles and thorned plants that Alexia could be laying at my feet and I would not know it. This is hopeless. Suddenly, I hear gunfire off to my right, not a half a league away. Where there is trouble, that is where you will find the Queen. I force my horse to speed up over the uneven terrain and bad footing of the forest. It is not to his liking but it cannot be helped. As we near the fight, I stop and dismount, leading the way but keeping a firm grip on the reins. After a few hundred decileagues, I spy a squad of the Guard under fire by what appears to be twice their number of rebels. No one has a superior position so they must have just encountered each other in the woods but the rebels are clearly blocking the path of the Guard from reaching our encampment. Circling wide to the left of the rebels, I am able to come up on the Guard from their flank, whereupon I am stopped by a Guardsman. "Hold! Who are ye'?" At least he asked before trying to kill me. "I am General Packer of the Queen's Guard." "Bulls balls, chumie, and I'm the king of the faeries." "Guardsman, I am stepping out slowly. Do not fire upon me." I ease out into the open where we can both see each other. His mouth drops open then he signals with his hand for me to come ahead. I tie the reins to a nearby tree and scuttle forward in a bent over crouch. We proceed together, ducking and weaving from tree to tree, avoiding fire, until we reach a sergeant who is standing behind several large rocks with the Queen laying on the ground next to him. He regards me with one raised eyebrow then returns to firing as my guide returns to his post. "Welcome to the fight, General. Didn't bring any more with you?" "They are on their way. Do I know you, Sergeant?" "Aye, Sir. Sergeant Timbler. We met a few days ago: 3rd Regiment, 12th Squad." "You mean this is the same group of men the Queen saved?" "Aye, Sir. Strange ol' world, isn't it." "Where's your Lieutenant, Sergeant Timbler?" "We sorta lost him, General. He went one way and we went the other. I didn't like the feel of everything and thought the rebels were up to something. We investigated and found her." He points to the Queen. "We tried to make it out of the woods but stumbled onto these boys about ten decicycles ago. They've sent three runners to get the word out and Pyters over there got two of them and likely winged the third." I nod towards a tall, thin Guardsman, holding an old style long rifle instead of the new rifles supplied by the Winthrop Group. He must be the sharp shooter. He smiles in acknowledgement. Timbler continues. "That may have bought us some time but help better get here soon. I don't know anything about healing but the Queen needs help right now." "Well, luckily, I have my horse with me. If we can just get her back the way I came, there's a good chance ..." The Guardsman I first met slides to a stop on his hands and knees next to us. "Beggin' the General's pardon, but your horse has been shot. He's down." Damn! So much for the fast escape. "Looks like I'm not much help here, Sergeant." "Not to worry, Sir. We can always use another finger to pull a trigger." "Unfortunately, in my haste to get here, I forgot my weapon." The Sergeant looks at me as if I was a raw recruit but says nothing. He fires two more rounds then glances down at the Queen. "General, we can't stay here. We're running out of supplies and every second the Queen is here the more dangerous it is for her." "I could not agree more, Sergeant. If you would lend me your rifle, I will lead your men in an attack on the rebels which should give you cover to take the Queen and run for it." "An attack, General?" "Yes, Sergeant. I've always found it more useful for the enemy to be concentrating on not getting killed instead of concentrating on killing me." "There is that, Sir. You sure about this? Me and the lads have already faced certain death once this week. Wouldn't like to make a habit of it." "When we signed up for the Guard, no one promised us an easy life or an easy death, Sergeant. Do you think you can carry her?" "I got her this far, Sir. I can get her farther." "Good man. I should probably tell you one thing though. The Queen is with child." He looks at me wide-eyed, down at Alexia and then back at me, speechless with shock. "My exact reaction, Sergeant." He finally finds his voice. "And er' I been carryin' her over my shoulder like an old sack of potatoes!" "That's as good as any other, Sergeant." "But what if I done hurt the baby by being so careless?" "She has to live to give birth, Sergeant. First things first." I hold my hand out to him. He shrugs and hands me his rifle. "I do hate to leave a soldier defenseless." "If I'm legging it, the less weight the better. Besides, if they get past you, doesn't really matter now, does it, General?" "I suppose not. I wish we had more men like you in the Guard, Sergeant." "You do, Sir. There's just not a lot of call for you to mix with the rest of us. Once the riff raff and opportunists left for a better deal, the lads that were left weren't a bad lot. Just needed a bit of organizing, that's all." He reaches down and, after a moment's hesitation, very carefully stands Alexia up and gently places her across his shoulder as he steps forward and up behind the rocks. There are a few cautious adjustments and he nods his head. He is ready to move out. "Jillian's mercy be with us all," he says. "And Zaphod's strength," I add. "Give us five decicycles to draw their fire and then you run like the wind." "Aye, Sir. The first bottle of Klatch is on me." "And the second is on me, Sergeant. We serve the Queen." * * * *** * * * *** * * * The General signaled the men to move out. He left six in our position to keep firing so that the rebels wouldn't suspect that the rest of them were going to try to flank them. It's a simple move but effective, particularly when the fighting first starts and you haven't gotten everyone in position yet. That's why I always have at least one man on each flank. It reduces the firepower of the squad but there are rarely any surprises. More men live to see the next day. When the lads start firing, the rest of the Squad rushes to join the fight, wishing me luck before they leave. I do the same to them. We tain't likely to see each other again. It's the best move we got but it won't be enough. We don't have enough men or ammunition. They can give those rebel bastards a bloody nose but after that, if they're smart, they'll keep enough men to tie the Guard up and send the rest after me. I'll have a jump on 'em but I'm running for two ... well, more like one and two thirds. They'll catch me before very long. With child! She did all that for us and she was with child! I don't know what to think about that. She has more balls than most men I know, that's for certain. I guess it's been long enough, tain't been no firing this way for a bit. I stick my head up and look around. Nothing I can see. Better be off then. I start out slowly, moving and checking as I go. I need to put some distance between me and the fight before making for the camp at top speed. If I can find more Guardsmen and if they got horses, there's some hope. If I don't ... well, no one can say we didn't give it our best. Don't see nor hear nothing unusual so I better make Klatch while the fire's hot. There's a winding path in the woods, probably a game trail of some kind where deer and such follow the same route every day but it heads in the same general direction as I want and it's easier than breaking my own trail. Quieter too. The first half a league is mostly flat and easy but then the ground gets hillier, moving up then down irregularly. The terrain provides better protection from easy discovery but it slows me down. The footing is also worse. Climbing a small hillock, I slip and fall to my knees, a sharp pain traveling up my thigh but I don't drop the Queen. When I try to stand up, the pain in the thigh only grows worse. So much for speed. I struggle up and limp off, jostling the Queen way too much for my liking. I can still hear the gunfire but it's less than before. That could be either good or bad so there's no reason to worry about it. I need to keep moving. Been on the run for at least fifteen decicycles, which is longer than I thought I'd last. The game trail turns to my left and deeper into the woods but it looks lighter off to my right. Guess it's time to go brush bustin'. The thigh still hurts but it's feeling a little better. Don't matter right now because I'm wadding through all kinds of thorny brush, full of little, thin branches that rip and tear at my uniform. The Queen's also. She's still alive, of that I'm sure. I can feel her breathing, though it's very slow and shallow. I think she's bleeding less, though the thorny branches have created some new wounds on her hands and arms. I just pray to Jillian that she's got the strength to hold on. I hear voices back to my rear left, so I hunker down, hoping they won't see me. After a few milicycles, I also hear horses coming from my right. The horsemen are likely Guard but Zaphod preserve me if I'm wrong. As I rise to make a run for it, someone behind me raises the alarm. I force my way through the last few decileages, bursting clear of the woods into an open field. The horsemen are Guard but they are a quarter league away and trotting in the wrong direction! "HEY! MUTTON LOVERS! BACK THIS WAY!" I shout. Several of the riders turn in the saddle to look back at me. I run towards them despite the pain in my leg. No reason to save anything now. The voices from the woods sound louder but I don't bother to look behind me, they don't matter. I hear gunfire. Don't matter. The horsemen have all wheeled their mounts around and are galloping my way, many firing as they ride. I catch one in my left shoulder, causing me to spin and stumble a few decileagues, the pain taking my breath away, but I get back on stride and keep running. It don't matter. We serve the Queen. CHAPTER FIFTY SEVEN I'm back in our New York apartment. Everything is exactly as it was right before Mom and Terry were killed. Except I'm still Alexia and dressed in my Guard uniform, or at least what's left of it. It's cut to ribbons in spots and very bloody but I can't find any injuries on my arms or legs. Anywhere on my body in fact. I slowly stroll around the living room, lightly touching things as I move about the room. I pick up the family photo where Terry is dressed as Terri. We're all smiling. It was some kind of promotion at Sears and mom insisted. Terry agreed only if he could come as Terri. I didn't give a damn one way or another but that was back when I was still hiding so any kind of a photo made me a little nervous. I finally decided that if the cops traced me all the way back to Mom and Terry, I was probably gonna get caught anyway so I agreed to pose. Terri looks more than passable. He should have done Mom's makeup. You can see the toll the booze took on her. Still had a great smile though. The traffic noise is clear and loud. I move to a window and look out. It's just like I remember it. Same dingy buildings, same declining neighborhood, same low level gang bangers lounging on the stoops. It's like I never left. So, what am I doing back here? Is this heaven? Hell? I hear a key rattling in the front door and step back, looking for something to use as a weapon if need be. The door swings open and an attractive, young blonde woman steps into the apartment. "He's here, Mom!" she squeals. Another young, attractive woman hurries in, stopping to stare at me but this one has auburn hair. She's slightly shorter than me but we have the same angular face. The other woman is a little more babyfaced; softer, fuller, big eyes and small nose. They stand side by side, holding hands and giving me the once over. "Oh my!" Red exclaims. "So beautiful! I'd never thought he would turn out so well!" Blondie steps closer to me, eyes me up and down, then smirks. "Leave it to you, Alex, to be a better looking woman than me. You are sooo competitive!" "Do I know you ... bitch?" I ask, emphasizing the last word. Red steps between us. "Girls! I'll have none of that! We're family. Behave like it." "Family? What the hell are you talking about ..." She smiles. I recognize that smile. I grab the picture frame off the table and give it a good look, then compare the smiles. "Mom?" I hesitantly ask. She steps forward, grabbing me by the shoulders and pulling me in for a hug. "Yes, Alex. It's me. And this is your sister, Terri." Blondie waves at me. "Hey, sis. Nice outfit." "Screw you, Terri. What the hell is this place? Why do you two looks so ..." I want to say young but Terri actually looks just a bit older, like she was in her late twenties. Mom, on the other hand looks about my age. She steps up and lightly touches my face, then my stomach. "A grandchild. I never thought I'd see one." "Not from me, certainly" Terri giggles. "Mom, what is going on? Where am I? Why am I here? Am I ... dead? Is the baby ..." I can't ask it. She gently strokes my hair. "Honey. Baby. Alex. Where do I begin? This isn't heaven or hell, it's a way station. You're not dead. Yet. Neither is your baby. It's still up in the air. Personally, I think you'll pull through. You've always been the strongest willed of the family." "And the meanest," Terri adds. "Hush!" Mom hisses. "What? That's a good thing!" Terri protests. "So why are you guys here? I know you both died." "That's true and I can't begin to tell you how much Terri and I appreciate all that you did to bring our killers to justice." "Real bulldog stuff, Sis, but you were never one to let things go." "I remember this one time when you were in third grade," Mom says. "You were in the boy's bathroom and had just finished up when this older boy began to urinate on a younger boy, making him cry. You ran out to the water fountain, filled your mouth, ran back in and sprayed the older boy in the face. The principal was so angry. I told him that I was proud of you for defending the younger boy." "Alex always did think outside of the box, Mom. In sixth grade, at recess, three jerks took my stocking cap and started to play keep away. Alex stepped in and told them to give it back. He said that if they didn't, he was going to flatten whoever had the hat regardless of whether he threw to another person or not. If anyone picked up the hat, they were next. The biggest jerk had the hat and he just laughed. Alex charged him at top speed, the jerk threw my hat into the air and Alex hit him in the chest with both hands as he ran right through him. The jerk landed in a snow bank and the hat landed in the middle of the playground and no one even moved a muscle. Alex came over, picked up the hat, gave it to me and we walked away. No one ever took my hat again." "This sounds like a wake, guys. Why are you here?" "Why, to keep you company, Alex," Mom says. "Or should I say Alexia? Such a lovely name! You really are beautiful. So much like me but ... more so. I can't explain it." "Why do you look so young? And why is Terry ... Terri?" "I'm Terri because that is what I want to be, Alexia. Mom is young because that is when she feels she was most beautiful." "So why am I Alexia instead of Alex?" Mom smiles at me. "I think you know the answer to that one, Honey. It's the same reason that you're pregnant. It's what you want." "Wait a minute! I was as shocked as anyone when I found out." "Part of you was but part of you knew. Oh, Alexia! I wish I had been a better mother to you and Terri, a better example of what a mother should be. I know you'll be a wonderful mother despite my failings." "If I don't die." "You won't. Can't you feel it? You're being pulled back even as we speak. The only reason you're still here is because you want to stay and visit and you're strong enough to fight it but the pull back will soon become too strong for even you to resist. Just remember, we both love you and will watch over you, though you may not need much." "Mom ... I've done some terrible things, killed so many ... I never wanted to do anything like that but, if I hadn't, things could have been so much worse." "I'm sorry you got stuck with this, Sis," Terri says with a sigh. "I could never have done what you've done. I'd have screwed it up big time." "I knew that you were the one for the job, Alexia," Mom says. "From the very first meeting with Mirantha, it was obvious. I told her to wait for you at the graveyard. I didn't have your cell number or where you were living, you were always so secretive." "So that's what that whole 'visit me at my grave' stuff was about!" "Sorry, but it worked. We don't have much time left, milicycles I think is what you say over there. Be strong, my baby. Do what you know in your heart is right and you'll be fine. Also, give me lots of grandchildren." "I'll do my best, Mom." "I know you will, Alexia." She leans over, kisses me on the forehead and walks to the front door. She pauses, looking back at me, smiling broadly. "You're a good daughter." Terri follows her and also stops at the doorway. "Remember, Bro. You're at your best when you do the unexpected. And wear something sexy now and then for me." "For you and Johnathyn." "That Hubby of yours, he's a hunk! Rrrroooowwww!" We both laugh. Mom guides Terri out the door, winks at me, smiles one last time with tears brightening her eyes and then she leaves, the door quietly closing behind her. * * * *** * * * *** * * * Oh MAN! The pain! I hurt all over! It even hurts to think about moving! Just opening my eyes causes my breath to catch and then my lungs and ribs hurt! I want to say something but all I get out is a low, quiet groan. Instantly, someone is hovering in my face. It's Silva Cunha, one of our better Healers. "My Queen!" she gasps. "You live! Bless Zaphod and Jillian, you live!" "Don't know how much they had to do with it," I wheeze. "But I'll take whatever I can get." I'm on my back in bed, covered by a light blanket. Slowly turning my head to the left, then the right, I see that I'm in my tent, alone except for Silva. Trying to sit up, Silva quickly places her hand on my chest, stopping me. "My Queen, you should not move. You have been grievously injured!" I carefully fall back but reach up and grab her wrist. "I have to know. How is my baby?" She smiles, gently prying her hand free of my grip. "All is well. Dierdra insisted on seeing you herself before retiring." "Where is she?" "She is recovering in her tent." "Recovering? Is she hurt?" "No, simply exhausted. She overextended herself in saving your life." "She was the one who saved me?" "Only in part. She kept you from falling to your death. It was the Guard who found you and brought you back here." "Was there a fight?" Silva steps back, looking away. "It is best that you not be upset so soon after your injuries." "Why would I be upset? What happened, Silva?" "My Queen, it is not my place ..." "Cunha! Tell me what happened!" "I am not privy to all the details." "Tell me what you know!" "Dierdra left strict instructions that I was not to ..." "CUNHA!" Owwww. That hurt. "Yes, my Queen," she reluctantly complies. "You landed in the forest after the cowardly attack on your person. You had been falling from the sky but Dierdra conjured a mighty wind to slow your fall. You were found by a squad of Guardsmen who fought their way back towards our encampment while General Packer led a large group of men in the other direction towards them. One man came out of the woods carrying you on his shoulder and he met up with our other men. Unfortunately, a large number of rebels came upon the scene and there was a terrible fight. The Guard prevailed and you were brought back here where Dierdra and I cared for you until you awoke just now." "That's it? Nothing more?" "None that I know of, my Queen." "How many casualties?" "No one has provided me with exact numbers." "Ballpark numbers then." "I do not understand, my Queen." Aarrrgh! "Approximately how many were hurt or killed, Silva?" "That is hard to say for certain. Not all of the men have returned to their squads and the regiment commanders have yet to report actual numbers ..." "CUNHA!!" That hurt but not as badly as before. "Tell me what you know as of now! I'm tired of dragging information out of you!" "My Queen, Dierdra said that ..." "Dierdra's not here and I am! She sighs deeply. "Over sixty." "Wounded?" "No, my Queen. Dead. Many more than that wounded." My God! Sixty plus. All my fault. I didn't see the ambush and over sixty men died! What am I doing out here? What am I accomplishing? Wait a decicycle ... "Silva, what are you doing here? Why aren't you with the wounded?" "You were our first concern, my Queen." "Well, I'm fine. Go help out with the men. They need you more than I do. If you could, have General Packer come in to see me. We need to make some decisions about my future." She doesn't move, paralyzed by uncertainty. You can read it on her face. "Silva, I told you to go. I'll be fine." She still doesn't move. "Silva, what's the problem?" "General Packer cannot come to see you." "Why not?" She won't look at me. "Silva, why not?" "As I said, he led the charge to save you. It was very brave of him." Oh no! No no no! "Is Packer dead?" "No, my Queen. Not dead ... not yet ... at least no one has told me that he has died but it may be just a matter of time." "What are you saying?!" "He was injured. Badly injured. They were surprised that he lived long enough to be brought back to the camp." I push myself up off the bed, stifling the impulse to scream in pain. "Help me up" I gasp through gritted teeth. "No! You mustn't! You will re-open your wounds!" "So what? It won't kill me. I've got a job to do." "That is not a certainty, Alexia. You are far from well. As for your job, you are weak. I can feel it. What can you do?" I fight my way upright, tossing the blanket aside and carefully swing my legs over the side of the bed. I'm not wearing anything and can see numerous bandages on my arms, legs, torso and feel some on my head. "I may be weak but I'm still the baddest witch in this camp. No one can do what I can. Find me some clothes to wear." "I refuse. You are not fit to be up and about. You are endangering your health and the health of your child." "Won't be the first time, maybe not the last. I have the choice but Packer doesn't." "He risked his life to save yours. You dishonor his sacrifice by doing this." "That's crap. He helped save me and I'm helping to save him. Find me some clothes, damn it!" "He may already be dead!" "Then let's go find out. Get me some clothes!" "Alexia, it is not wise to ..." Extending my right hand, I turn it over and open it, palm up. A small ball of flame appears and steadily grows as I tremble with the effort. "Clothes. Now." * * *** * * * *** * * * Silva finally relented and gathered some of my clothes. I sent her out to find a cane for me because I didn't want her to see my struggles to get dressed. When every little movement causes pain, you get very economical with your motions. It's slow and I have to pause every few decicycles to catch my breath but I eventually get dressed in my most basic clothes; ankle length light blue button front cotton dress belted at the waist, simple white bra and panties, slip on shoes. I've just managed to stand up straight by leaning on a chair that almost fell over when Silva returns with a cane. I take it in my right hand and grab her arm with my left. "Let's go," I gasp. "My Queen ..." "No arguments, Silva." She sets out for the Healer's tent with me hobbling along besides her. * * * *** * * * *** * * * "She lives, Tasher! She escaped my trap, she escaped my men and she lives to tell the tale!" "Are you certain, First Minister?" "I am certain" replies a voice from outside my tent. The flap is pushed aside and Queen Tammy steps in, followed by two of her guard. She is the last person I wish to see at this time. "What are you doing here? Return to your tent immediately!" "You did not fail completely, Dupree. You failed to either kill or capture Alexia but you did weaken her significantly. The other witches in her camp are also stressed and low on power. All thanks to your toys." "What does it matter?" Tasher spits. "She will withdraw from the field, regain her powers and then come looking for us. Her vengeance will be swift and horrible. We are all doomed men." Tasher is right. A wounded Alexia is ultimately more dangerous to me than any other person, witch or not. However, he is wrong about her vengeance being swift and horrible. "No, General. She will take her time, savoring and enjoying each excruciating milicycle." "All the more reason that I should challenge her to a fight," declares the witch. "It would be madness for her to accept, you fool!" Tasher shouts. "She need only wait until she has sufficiently recovered her strength and then fall upon us along with that dragon of hers. Or perhaps this time it will be two or maybe three dragons! We have lost! It is time to run, while we can!" "Utter twaddle," Tammy calmly declares. "You know nothing of witches, Tasher. She will have no choice but to accept the challenge. It is our way and has been so since time began. And I will defeat her. Yes, she is alive but greatly weakened. I feel it, as would you if you were a witch." "Thank Zaphod for small favors," he growls. She raises her hand to strike at him. "You witless cur! You have insulted me for the last time! Feel my wrath!" Before she can do anything, I step between them. "General Tasher! Queen Tammy! Both of you cease this quarreling immediately! We all need each other more than ever now." Tasher moves away from us about thee decileagues, stops and glowers at Tammy. She turns to confront me. "What is your plan, Dupree? Do you also wish to run and hide, afraid of your own shadow just as a frightened bunny?" "See here! There is no call for insults. Alexia is an extremely dangerous foe now." "Then where is the harm in me challenging her? Do you have a better choice available? Does the brilliant General Tasher?" she taunts. "Have a care who you disparage, witch!" he threatens. She ignores him, continuing to press me. "What is your risk? The Guard has fewer men, even after all she has killed of yours and those that have fled in fear. You still have your secret weapons, though little good they did you." "They are no longer secret," Tasher notes. "The fact of which supports my challenge," Tammy continues. "Everything supports me. I have fought the Guard since I was a young woman. I know when to run and when to attack. You attack while your enemy is weak. Right now, Alexia is week." "Except the reality of our position, Queen Tammy," he says, sarcasm dripping from each word. "No sane person would accept the challenge." "Should that not be her choice, First Minister Dupree?" she asks, ignoring Tasher completely. "If she rejects it, you are no worse off. If she accepts it, you win. We both win." "Idiocy!" Tasher cries. I say nothing, considering what Tammy has proposed. Tasher is correct. Alexia should never accept but she is young and foolhardy, still impulsive and reckless. I should not assume that she would always act as rationally as I would. We trapped her once before. Perhaps we can do it again but in a different way. "General, how quickly can you assemble all my men?" Tasher is upset. "Dupree! You cannot be considering this!" "Queen Tammy is correct. We have no other plan than running away, which only delays the inevitable." "It gives us time to think of something much more likely to succeed, First Minister." "Which would be what? Our Queen is willing to risk all. I believe that we should join her. You are certain that you can win ... my Queen?" She stands still and erect, full of herself. "Of that there is no doubt. She is wasting what little magical power she has on trying to help her men. I let yours die to preserve my power. I may not be Opulessa but Alexia is not at full strength. She is barely a Sixty One!" "So, a fair fight?" "Against a much more experienced opponent. Remember, I am still here after all Opulessa's efforts to kill me. I have killed many who sought my death. That must count for something." She might be correct. It is worth pursuing. "General Tasher, let us talk about where and when such a challenge can take place." "Dupree, I implore you ..." "Just talk, General." I swing my arm towards the flap of my tent. After a moment's hesitation, he storms out. I prepare to follow him but Tammy grabs my arm. "It must be soon, Dupree. She must not be given the chance to recover." I bow towards her. "Understood, my Queen." I then leave the tent and find Tasher waiting for me, full of anger. I raise my hand to halt any immediate protests. "Yes, it is unlikely that Alexia, or more probably, General Packer, would ever accept such a challenge; however, there is no harm in making the offer. Should it be accepted, it would let us get another chance to strike at Alexia before she is strong enough to overwhelm us." "So, we are in agreement that wagering everything on that old hag's victory is beyond foolish?" "Absolutely in agreement. If she should win, so much the better but we need to be prepared for all possibilities." "Including the strong possibility that they will laugh in our faces for even suggesting it." "Nothing attempted, nothing achieved, General. How quickly can you be ready?" CHAPTER FIFTY EIGHT I walk as quickly as I can but it still takes forever to get to the Healer's Tent. When we step in, all activity comes to a halt. "Carry on!" I order and everyone starts right back up. The lead Healer hurries towards me and curtsies. "My Queen! You should not be here! Your injuries ..." "Are of no consequence. I do appreciate all you and your staff have done for me and the Guard. Excellent work. I am here to see General Packer. Take me to him." She hesitates, quickly glancing back over her right shoulder before returning her attention to me with sad eyes. "My Queen," she begins with a big sigh, "General Packer died almost twenty decicycles ago. We did all that we could but it was not enough." "No one dies until I say they die. Take me to him now." "But, my Queen, he has passed over." "Not yet, he hasn't. Where is he?" She leads us to a group of bodies laid out on a long table. So many bodies. My mind can't help trying to count them before I drag my attention to a lone body off to the side. It's Packer, laying on his back, hands across his chest. A quick look tells me that he has at least three chest wounds and a head wound. "Silva, get me a chair and then you lend a hand to whoever needs it most. I'll be just a decicycle." She leaves my side, grabs a chair, sets it next to the body and then waits, along with the lead Healer. "You two need to find other patients to help. I'll take care of the General." Silva still won't leave me. "Alexia, there is nothing you can do for him. He has passed." "So did I. It didn't take." I slowly drop down into the chair and lay my hands on the body. It's still warm but there is no reaction. I close my eyes and begin my search for signs of life. No heartbeat, no brain activity, lungs deflated and flaccid with several holes and lots of damage. Broken ribs and a shattered left shoulder. His liver and digestive system have already begun to breakdown. This won't be easy. Best start slowly. I let the magic trickle in, concentrating on the damaged lungs and getting his heart beating. I can't have a brain damaged general. The lungs aren't repaired so they're leaking air like a broken bellows but some of the blood is getting oxygenated and the heart is moving it around. The body's systems are sputtering back to a minimum operating level like an old Ford Model T auto but I have to use magic to keep everything running. Nothing will keep working if I remove the magic. The toxins in his blood are being filtered out by his kidneys but they need constant monitoring. Same for the liver. Things are beginning to look up but that leaves the brain for last. I don't know how much I've got left to use but Packer will get all I have to give. I begin to push the magic into his brain, first in the brain stem and then up into the main body of the brain, including both hemispheres, first on the surface but then deeper. I can see synapses firing but they appear to be random but I've never studied a working brain before so that may be normal. I keep pushing, looking for signs of life that I'm not controlling with magic, but haven't seen any so far. I'm just about to reach my limit when Packers eyes suddenly fly open and he coughs several times. "Where am I?" he croaks, his voice as dry and cracked as his lips. Silva nearly collapses in shock. "Alexia! What have you done?!" she exclaims, drawing the attention of every nearby Healer. I ignore them all. "You're in the Healer's tent," I whisper into his ear. "I've brought you back from the brink of death, General." "Why?" he gasps. "I told you, no one dies on my watch, not if I can help it." By now, any Healer not immediately working with a patient has gathered around me. Word had quickly spread that General Packer had died and just as quickly that he has come back from the dead. That kind of rumor tends to get your attention. "Water," he requests. One of the Healers tips his head forward and carefully pours a small amount of water in his mouth. I need to operate his throat and tongue so that he can swallow. What seems so easy for a person to do on their own is devilishly hard to do for someone else. Most of the water runs out of his mouth but some of it makes it to his throat. "Thank you," he says a bit louder. "Alexia, why have you done this to me?" "I told you already. No one dies if I can prevent it." "But I had died. It was a good death, a soldier's death. I had already passed over. My family was waiting for me. My recently deceased mother was there as were many old comrades. Lucretia, the love of my life, was just about to greet me when I was brought back here." "I can fix you, Dyson. It'll take time but I can do it. I just need to get some more witches together, keep you on life support and start repairs. I can save your life!" "To what end? Have I not done my duty to Queen and country? Do I not deserve my final reward? What more can I do?" "I need you, Dyson. Your Queen still needs your advice, your judgment, your support. I can't do this without you, General. Besides, you said you wanted to open a print shop when you retired. We were going to build you a printing press. Remember? We can still do it. I can make it all possible." "That was just a passing fancy, Alexia. An old soldier looking for something to do while awaiting death." His eyes look around him while his head remains still. They open wider when he recognizes someone. "Sergeant Timbler, explain it to her. Please!" I look up and recognize Timbler. He was one of the men that Lilly and I saved days ago. He's got an arm in a sling and leaning on a crutch. What is he doing here? He appears to be shocked at what he sees. "I heard it but could not believe it! Is it really you, General, Sir?" "Yes. Save me Sergeant. Explain it to the Queen so that she understands. I beg you!" "What does he mean, Sergeant?" I ask. Timbler looks down at me, nervously licks his lips, then hops a little to get squared up to me. "It's like this, Alexia. The General here is a military man, spent practically all his life in uniform. Worked his way up from the ranks. Seen a lot of fighting, killed a lot of people, done his duty. He's also sent a lot of good men to their deaths because that was his duty too. When you're an officer, that's what officers do, among other things. When you're the top officer, that's about all you do. Eventually, if you're a good officer, you get so you can't do that no more, not without trouble to your head. Sooner or later, you have to stop or go mad. You're still a military man, you just can't do it no more. That can make you mad too. The lucky military man dies at war, doing his duty. For the General here, the way he went, you could not ask for none better. Saving the Queen's life? That's a top drawer death there for a real military man." "What if the job isn't done yet? What if he is still needed? What if there are people left behind who still need his help and advice?" "Begging your Majesty's pardon and all, but, if that's the real reason for doing all this, tain't that a bit selfish on your part? I only say that because when you saved me and the lads, I didn't see a selfish hair on your head, if you know what I mean." "So what are you telling me, Sergeant?" "I tain't telling you anything, Ma'am. I'm just saying what the General's been telling you. Tain't that right, General, Sir?" "Yes," Packer says. "Well done, Timbler." "Thank you, Sir." Timbler hops back into the crowd. I've screwed up again. Looking at all these bodies, I just want it to end. I thought if I could save Packer, he could help me do that and I wouldn't feel so guilty about his death and all the others but now I see that those are my problems, not his. "I'm sorry, Dyson. Please forgive me. I shouldn't have done this to you or anyone else. It's simply too much. You deserve to get all you are entitled to. It was a pleasure to work with you, General Dyson Packer." "I also enjoyed our time together. I believe you will eventually be the greatest Queen this world has ever seen, Alexia Thompson Tyber, and I am proud to have served you. One last thing for Sergeant Timbler. There are two bottles of very old Klatch in my tent. They are to be given to the Sergeant for him to share with his squad. We made a pledge. Under the circumstances, I'll stand for both bottles." "Very generous of you, Sir," says Timbler. "Me and the lads will be proud to drink to your memory and future happiness." "Thank you, Sergeant. I'm ready, my Queen." "Goodbye, Dyson." I pull all the magic back as Packer returns to where I had torn him from. Was it Heaven? Was it the same place I may have been? I feel all alone and helpless for a few milicycles as everyone around me returns to work. Another good man lost to this war. I need to put an end to this now. No matter what the cost to me, it must end now. "Are you well, Alexia?" asks Timbler. He had lingered behind as the others left. "Yes, Sergeant, I'm reasonably well. A little beat up physically and emotionally but getting better." "And the young one?" "Also well, or so I've been told. How did you know?" "We all know, what with the rescue and all. Hard to not spread that news. We're all happy for you, Ma'am." "Is that how you were hurt, saving our lives?" "Well, me and the lads were out on patrol and got swept up in all the fighting. We made it back to camp without anyone hurt too bad. They say I'm laid up for a few weeks." "I could take care of that if you wish." "No thank you Ma'am. I'll just take the time to heal if it's all the same to you. They may even give me time to go home and see the family." "I'll make sure of it. I can't tell you how sorry I am that all this happened. I should have been smarter, I should have seen the ambush. All these men killed or injured because of my mistakes." "No one tells me anything, Ma'am, but the skettershot is that you was trying to help some poor troopers caught in the same kind of trouble you found me and the lads in. That they weren't what they seemed is no reflection on you. If you'd been more careful back earlier, I wouldn't be alive today to get hurt trying to save you. It's a funny ol' world." "That it is, Sergeant. Is there anything I can do for you to show my appreciation?" "You wouldn't know how I could lay me hands on them bottles of Klatch now, would you?" * * * *** * * * *** * * * I felt the surge of magic while resting in my tent. Alexia was attempting something that required a large amount of magic, even more than that dragon of hers. She was supposed to be conserving her energy. Instead, she is expending it. That girl will be the death of me yet! I have just managed to sit up on the edge of the bed when Silva bursts into my tent, red faced and out of breath. "What has she done now?" I ask, afraid to hear her answer. "I would not have believed it if I had not seen it with my own eyes! She raised General Packer from the dead!" "He was truly dead?" "As dead as five day old fish." "You must be mistaken, Silva." "Dierdra, I have been a Healer for over thirty years, I know dead when I see it. Packer was dead and then he spoke of what he saw on the other side, that his departed friends and family greeted him." "No witch has ever brought a dead man back to life, not one who was truly dead." "She appeared to be living for the both of them. I could see the strain in her face." "The fool! She already lives for two! Does she care nothing for her child! Where is General Packer now?" "Returned to the land of the dead. He asked that Alexia allow him to die and she agreed." "She does the impossible one decicycle and then reverses it the next? Why did she do it in the first?" "She did not say. After Packer died again, she turned to treating the other badly injured men. No others died today." How can I not be pleased at that news? Yet, it may come with a terrible price. "How is Alexia?" "Greatly fatigued. We have both seen it before but it is worse this time. With her injuries ..." "I well know it. Why did you not stop her?" Silva gave me a look of exasperation. I should not have even bothered asking the question. Alexia is very strong willed. "I apologize, Silva. You tried your best, of that I am certain." "I did. She has returned to her tent and was asleep but who knows how long that will last." "Agreed. We should prepare her a meal that she may be able to eat in the morning. I will speak with her after she awakes to try to dissuade her from this dangerous path." "I fear that is impossible, Dierdra." She may be correct about that. * * * *** * * * *** * * * There was a ringing of the bell outside my tent flap. I've been asleep for over eight cycles but it feels like only four. I hadn't bothered to get undressed, just flopped into bed after I got back from the Healer's tent. I still hurt all over but the pain is down to a dull throb. Some of the bandages came loose during the night and the cuts that I can see have healed quite a bit, certainly more than I expected. I slowly slide out of the bed, slip my shoes on and shuffle to the entrance of my tent. I must look like death warmed over. "Who is it?" I mumble. "The General Staff, my Queen. We beg an audience with you." I assumed I'd have to meet Dyson's replacement sooner or later. Guess the military can't really afford a respectful period of mourning. "Sure, come on in." I turn and shuffle back to the small table where Dyson and I used to eat together and shoot the breeze. Three officers enter and wait as I sit down with a muted groan. I look up at them. I've seen them all before but never really talked with them, I always dealt with General Packer. They look nervous. I force a smile. "Have a seat, Gentlemen. No reason to stand on ceremony." There's a momentary hesitation and then the shortest one steps forward, quickly followed by the other two. The short one takes the chair opposite me and the other two sit on either side. "Sorry about my appearance. I was up late and haven't had time to get presentable yet." They look back and forth between themselves before Shorty speaks up. "No apology needed, my Queen. You appear to us as you always do, perfectly attired." I glance down at my dress, expecting to see a sea of wrinkles but it looks as if it is fresh from the laundry, clean and neatly pressed. Must be my subconscious taking care of me. "You're too kind General ... I'm sorry, I don't think we've been introduced." He pops up and bows. "I am General Joshua Dekes, second in command of the Queen's Guard. This is General Laughlin Slyter." The man to my right hops up and bows. "And this is General Pytor Fortney." The man on my left does the same. "We are General Packer's staff and next in the chain of command for the Queen's Guard. Due to General Packer's death, it is necessary to appoint a new Commander of the Guard. As Queen, the choice is yours." "Sit down, Gentlemen. Technically, I haven't returned to the throne yet, General Dekes, so I'm not really the Queen." "General Packer considered you to be the Queen as do we, Ma'am." "As do all the men of the Guard," adds General Slyter. "That is true," says Dekes. "We will honor whatever choice you make." "General Packer had told me that there were a number of competent officers on his staff, all capable of replacing him. He did not give me names but I will assume that he was referring to you three. There is no reason to shake up the command structure while in the middle of a war. Not good for morale. You are the new Commander of my Guard, General Dekes, and I leave it to your good judgment to arrange your own staff." All three of them visibly relax, with Slyter and Fortney bowing their heads ever so slightly towards a smiling General Dekes. Better give him the bad news right now. "General Dekes, I intend to let you run the Guard but I will set the objectives. I want this war to end as soon as possible. I am tired of losing good men like General Packer. This war must end and I will do whatever is necessary to end it." Dekes is shocked. "You do not intend to surrender, do you, my Queen?" "No! I want to end it by winning it!" He relaxes again. "I am pleased to hear that, my Queen. I agree that we need to be victorious and sooner is better than later but Dupree's army remains a formidable foe despite their recent losses. Rash actions on our part could lead to more deaths on our side." The other two nod their heads sagely. You can tell why Packer trusted this group, they all believe as he did. "General Dekes, I intend to do all that I can to win this war. If I have to go on the offensive on my own, that's what I'm going to do. The Guard can join me or they can watch me." "My Queen, have we not already seen the results of that strategy? How many died yesterday?" He's a very brave man to say that to me. Packer was right. "I had General Packer's authority for what I did. In fact, he asked me to take to the air. I am willing to take responsibil

Same as Five Hertz of Separation (chapters 56-61 of 61) Videos

2 years ago
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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 4145 of 61

CHAPTER FORTY ONE It was easier to talk after Pegues left the room. "Tell me, Lee. What's it like being a boy?" "It's so strange, Mother. I'm stronger and faster and louder. People pay attention to me." "Tell me about it. What do you think about wearing pants?" "It's summer. A dress would be cooler but Mr. Pegues wouldn't allow it." Thank you, Miran. "He's right about that, Lee. Your father, on the other hand ..." "Do not be foolish, Alexia." "Awwww come on,...

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Five Hertz of Separation Chapters 6 through 10

CHAPTER SIX "I am sorry, Alex, I just do not understand how this 'anarchist paradise' of yours would work in the real world." "It's simple, Johnathyn. There would be no organized government of any kind. People would be free to go about their daily lives with complete autonomy. Every man would be free to do what is best for him, to live by his own rules." "And what about women?" "Unlike your world, it would be the same for women. The same freedoms, across the board." We were...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 4650 of 61

CHAPTER FORTY SIX I don't think anyone heard the "ding" of the elevator when it reached to lobby. There had been a few cries of surprise when the door of one elevator opened and Pegues boarded several minutes earlier, headed for the top floor after Alex called on the radio. That was over ten minutes ago and most everyone's attention had returned to the locked doors. I had been watching very carefully since she left and was relieved when I saw the display above the elevator indicated it...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 1115 of 62

CHAPTER ELEVEN We pull into Sweetwater at around 12 cycles, I think. We don't have a clock, though most towns seem to have a big town clock. Another sign of an almost complete lack of tech. They don't have mail or newspapers either. Information seems to pass strictly by word of mouth, which, as we all know, is really reliable. The town got its name from the decent water from its wells. Low in iron and minerals so naturally soft or "sweet". It's a heck of a lot nicer looking place...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 5155 of 61

CHAPTER FIFTY ONE There is certainly a different feeling to the Palace under the new rule. Politics is always politics but the threat of death, or worse, has been lifted. That brings a new set of challenges, ones that the Witches Council seems incapable of dealing with. They all mean well but good intentions will not feed the horse. They are too divided to truly rule this world and they fail to inspire the kind of loyalty needed among both the people and the Queen's Guard. There is no...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 2125 of 62

CHAPTER TWENTY ONE There was a loud, frantic, knocking on my door just as I was about to open my lunch beer. I limited myself to just one beer at lunch but it's a good one. An imported Pilsner from Germany. I was down to my last case and personal supplies wouldn't be coming in for at least two weeks. Thank God I hadn't opened it yet. I stashed it back in the little DC electric fridge and opened my office door. It was Trooper Beech. He saluted and I returned it. "What's up,...

4 years ago
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Five Hertz of Seperation

CHAPTER ONE She made me promise to visit her grave. "Alex," she gasped, "promise me ... you'll visit ... us ... every week." I gently held her hand, careful not to dislodge any of the needles in her arm carrying painkillers and other drugs to her shattered body. "Mom, you aren't going to die ... you're gonna make it. Just rest and let the doctors do their jobs." The nurse turned away from the hospital bed as she changed one of the many IV's. I could see her face but Mom...

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Five Hertz of SDeparation chapters 2630 of 62

CHAPTER TWENTY SIX It had been a surprisingly short fight. At least three squads of the Queen's Guard had ridden up but we had disarmed most of them before they even dismounted. None of them expected their weapons to be yanked from their hands. The only ones who kept their guns were those who had the straps around their arms or shoulders and they ended up on the ground at their horses' feet. They came up firing but that only lasted as long as their fingers remained unbroken, which was...

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Part 1 The Separation MomSon

The woman looked at her naked body in the the full length mirror.Her beautiful face was sad, her big hazel eyes full of tears and her small nose sniffling as her full red lips contorted in pain.The dark lines that showed her 50 years deepened around her eyes and mouth as she stared at her tits. Big, full, and drooping all the way down to her belly, her tits were creamy white with pink aerols and very long, almost 2 inch long nipples.She grabbed her breasts and looked at herself again."Those...

1 year ago
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Separation Anxiety

Paige and Ally were in love. There was no other way to put it. Ever since their first night together they'd become almost inseparable. It hadn't taken long at all for Ally to realize that she not only loved Paige, but wanted to be with her in a way that she hadn't been with anyone in a long time: in a serious, committed relationship. This was actually a huge leap for her. Ally had just been so used to being a "slut" for so long that the idea of a truly monogamous relationship was almost...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 55 Trial Separation

April 19, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “Do you need any help?” I asked Jessica on Monday morning. “No. I’ll just take enough things for a few days and figure things out from there.” “I want you to come back home,” I said. “But those conditions aren’t negotiable. They can’t be.” “I know. You’re OK with my plan to see the kids each morning?” I’d been very happy when she’d made that request, rather than me suggesting it, because it seemed to indicate that I was right that she did love them, and...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 131 Separation Anxiety

We left Denerim a scant few days later. We’d managed to avoid Eamon – who was apparently accompanying Connor to Kinloch Hold – altogether, and saw Kallian only briefly, between her duties as Bann of the Alienage. Cailan had ‘people’ looking into who would have attacked Anora’s ship, as did Leliana, though I doubted we would ever get closure on that subject. Erlina had been locked up in Fort Drakon – but in a rather comfortable room, not a cell, and the reforms Cailan had brought to the prison...

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One Year Separation

My ex-wife and I were married for 25 years before our divorce. We met at Clemson university in South Carolina. I was in a fraternity and she was one of our little sisters. After a year of dating, my ex-wife admitted that she had had a one night stand with one of the Clemson football players. They had been studying together that night. my wife is a sexy 5 foot five 110 pound lady with skin as white as snow. The football player was 6’5 star running back with less than 2 ounces of body fat. Just...

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Summer of 1992Chapter 3 Another week of separation

Surprisingly, neither Suzanne nor Mr. Oldham questioned why I came in the back door thirty minutes after leaving for my date with Kelley. I guess they were getting used to our on-again, off-again romance. As for me, I was getting damned tired of the off-again periods. Down deep, I made allowances for her flare-ups. Both times, I had done something to set her off. Not skimming my journal before giving her my password was a big mistake. I would have discovered that I had forgotten the few days...

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DistributionChapter 13 Separation sucks

The downpour of winter rain monopolized my mind from the time I hit the city limits. Paige talked me through the unfamiliar streets, saying she would remain inside the building until my truck was sighted. "I'll run out and jump in when I see you coming down the street," she said, cautioning me to drive carefully. "These people are crazy. Is it always like this or is it just the rain?" Paige laughed. "The kids are out of school this week. They're in town to exchange gifts that are...

4 years ago
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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

3 years ago
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The academy Chapter I Separation Anxiety

People do not choose to attend the academy, they are carefully selected; it is a true science, an elegant game. The academy is a place where behavioural science, neurochemistry, bioengineering, and synthetic biology are utilised to test the limits of pleasure and despair. Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to select our very special “guests” realize their full potential. None of us work full time at the academy, we have two lives; one we show to all, the other...

3 years ago
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The academy Chapter I Separation Anxiety

Introduction: Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to select our very special guests and realize their full potential Prologue People do not choose to attend the academy, they are carefully selected, it is a true science, an elegant game. The academy is a place where behavioural science, neurochemistry, bioengineering, and synthetic biology are utilised to test the limits of pleasure and despair. Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to...

2 years ago
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Separation Anxiety

Even though I know I'm going to miss her while she's gone, I was also excited about the prospects of flirting online again with JS. Nothing was ever going to happen in real life, neither one of us would let that happen, but the sexual chemistry for a good on-line flirt is there (or so I hope).I guess my mind got caught up thinking about her sexually, after she and Suzie joked about her breast exam by a male Doctor. There was some silly reference to men and boobs – and she had some big ones. ...

1 year ago
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Temporary Separation

Temporary Separation Please direct any questions or comments or ENCOURAGEMENT to: [email protected] Chapter One. Katherine toweled her long brown hair as she stepped out of the bathroom and into the master bedroom. Wiggling her damp toes into the thick carpet, she called downstairs to her new husband, "Sweetheart, how much time do we have left before we've got to go?" "A little over an hour," Bob hollered up at her. She did a loose wrap-around with her short blue silk...

2 years ago
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Empyrian Final chapters

This is the CONCLUSION of the novel "Empyrian". I'm so happy to share with you the final chapters. Please make sure you've read chapters 1-46 before proceeding because otherwise you'll know how it ends! Go on, back up and start at the beginning like everyone else. Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Stolen pls add chapters

(I have published this story on first. I am not the owner of every chapters, it's specified at the begining of chapters. If you see some of your work in it and you dont want it to be in, message me and I will delete it a soon as a receive the mail.) You are a boy, 18 years old. Your name is Tim and you have a wonderfull girlfriend, enveryone arround you are jalous about her. She is the perfect girl, angel face, slim with perky and perfect breast and ass. But a morning she is...

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Report 2 The Lost Chapters

Report 2: John becomes Joanie: The lost chapters by Jodi John stood, his legs shaking as Bri had Candy help him to the dressing room. The Wendy's came in smiling as Bri gave them instructions to help Candy. They held the still bound and gagged John and let him put his weight on them as Candy slowly unlaced the corset. As it came free, John felt his body relax and the cool air made him shiver as the Wendy's buried...

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Barford File 2 The Betancourts Chapters IX and X Final Chapters

IX: Training Daze Harvey Betancourt kept his eyes closed, his mind in an almost Zen-like state, as his wife continued to run the buzz of her old-school clippers over areas of his head. Glenda was almost done shaping his hair to resemble the look of the eager new recruit that was a day shy of being shipped out to Europe. Only back then, he wasn't as pleasantly well-built, nor as tanned, as he was now. The radio played a Benny Goodman swing tune as Glenda worked. He remembered...

3 years ago
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Trial Separation

Hi Folks, Another tale of woe and love gone wrong here. And as requested last week, this one is much shorter. SS06 As I looked around the church, I felt useless. The flowers were beautiful. The decorations were beautiful. The architecture of the hall was exquisite. Great care had been taken with every detail of the wedding and I hadn't had a God damned thing to do with any of it. It was crazy. It was embarrassing as hell. I don't remember ever going to a wedding where the mother of the...

1 year ago
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The ArrangementChapter 13 A Sophomore Separation

As difficult as Riley’s first year of college was for us and our relationship, her second year ended up being even worse. Over the summer, we kept in touch, somewhat infrequently. She was busy with soccer, with work, and with catching up with high school friends. We didn’t talk more than once a week, maybe about half that time video chat. When we did talk, we got along well and the conversation flowed easily. I think a little of the pressure was off us both, with us being 1200 miles...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 185 Separation Anxiety

The next morning at breakfast, Fergus informed us he’d found us passage to Ostwick leaving in the afternoon. We split up to get last-minute errands done, like packing and shopping for a few supplies. I insisted on going down to the Alienage with the hopes of running into Ena, and though Avanna grumbled, she relented when Alistair insisted on coming as well. My poor, frustrated guard captain had learned little about Dera’s escape except that it had happened only two or three days after we...

2 years ago
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six degrees of separationmass effect

Book 1: Tangled By Firedancer Chapter One: After the Storm Ashley Williams jerked awake, and then gasped as the action caused pain to lance through her badly injured body. "Easy Chief," came the soothing tones of a familiar voice as Dr. Chakwas' face finally came into her view. "Doc," she whispered hoarsely. It was both a greeting and a plea and the older woman intuitively understood and pressed a hypo against Ashley's neck, administering a painkiller that quickly eased the agony....

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Angie and Sara Ch 3 Separation Angies side

"No, no, no, I won't hurt you, I promise," the voice said, it was soft, not deep a tone that was stuck at sort of a gay sound. "My name's Phillip, I just wish to help you." "Can I see you?" Angie said standing up now. "Oh yeah, sure sorry, I wanted to keep my distance in case you tried to lash out at me." He said. "Oh well, yeah, not going to do that..." Angie chuckled quarter heartedly. Phillip came out he was handsome and strong with sandy blonde hair with a few funny Red...

4 years ago
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Separation Anxiety

Author note: This is going to take some time to build up. I'm trying to build framework in this chapter without cutting out too many possibilities for the future. The first few chapters I write will be boring origin story stuff and little to no sexual activity. If you get too impatient, feel free to contribute. Maybe even go with an alternate timeline/reality after this chapter to get to the sex faster. Just make sure to keep continuity with this intro chapter when you go off the...

3 years ago
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Asian High School Wife Part 5 Separation Anxiety

I have a pretty good deal with the work I do. It pays well and doesn’t take up a lot of my time. But every once in a while it’s an intense couple of weeks involving travel. I was about to leave for the airport and would be in California for almost two weeks. I had been married to my wife, Kana, for just six weeks but she couldn’t come with me because she was still in high school and couldn’t miss. Kana was 18 and we got married so that she could escape her repressive and controlling parents. We...

3 years ago
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The Union Part 2 Of Separation

The next few days with Kevin were fantastic.The fat bottomed mother and her slim, wiry son stayed in bed and made each other cum, sometimes all night long. Kevin's youthful vigor satisfied even Lizzy's hyper sex drive. She loved his hardness and Kevin was always hard. Once Lizzy had accidentally touched her son at night when she rolled over only to find his phallus rock hard. Kevin was still awake and groaned in pleasure."Oh My God!" Lizzy exclaimed with a shock and delight."Don't you ever get...

3 years ago
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Separation Anxiety

My Girlfriend Has Feelings For Her Work Friend While based on a real situation that I read about in an advice column, it is otherwise totally fictional. {Many thanks to my sweet inspiration blackrandl1958 for her guidance and of course her editing. Thank you, Crkcppr for Beta reading.} It had a beginning. Everything has a beginning, and this was no different. John loved Emily. That is not the beginning, but that is the stage for the action. After dating for two years, they knew they were...

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Separation Saves a Marriage

Tina was devastated. Her husband suddenly announced that he didn’t want to be married anymore and left. She thought that the last five years had been ok, even if not exciting. As the word got around at work, she discovered that the married women were not very sympathetic and the divorced ones too bitter to be of any help. Men started paying a lot more attention to her. She cynically thought they were just sniffing around for some available lonely pussy. After two weeks of sleeping alone she...

4 years ago
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Six Degrees Of Separation

"April is the cruellest month." T.S. ELIOT. The Wasteland Chapter 1: A Handful of Dust 15th April 2001 Sometimes the rats came, but tonight, thankfully, was not one of those nights. When they did come, Mary could do little about it. They would scurry around her feet, noses twitching over the debris which people had left behind - hamburger cartons, cigarette packets, chocolate wrappers. Mary would sit in her doorway and watch them, always nervous that one of the creatures would come...

4 years ago
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ChanceChapter 7 The Separation

The soup had looked good when Duncan took it off the stove but when he sat down to eat it, there was no taste. After a few trying a few spoonfuls he disgustedly dropped his spoon. Pushing the chair back he got up and bussed his lunch dishes, rinsed them and popped them in the dishwasher. Since his return to Seattle nothing tasted good. Restlessly prowling his living room he stopped in front of the big picture window to watch the happy crowd promenading around Green Lake. A light wind rippled...

2 years ago
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Crystal ClearChapter 4 Separation New Careers and New Playmates

"Ellen will be your very special assistant. She'll be your script girl, check your makeup, help you go over your lines, and keep you on schedule." Crystal smiled at me to be sure I thought I'd be taken care of, "And, of course, she'll keep you warm in bed, and she's promised to remind you that I love you even though I'm six thousand miles away." She laughed at her innuendo abd then whispered, "And I've left instructions that she's supposed to fuck you senseless at least once a...

3 years ago
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Geeks In SpaceChapter 11 The Need for Separation

The next trip to Alpha Centauri took place without Rob or Wendy Young. It took place with a bevy of doctors and scientists whose job it was to decide if Islandia was going to be safe for people. In the end, it was announced that as places go, Islandia was pretty innocuous. Other than some pollens causing mild reactions, mostly just due to 'gumming up the pipes', the microbial and bacteriological studies suggested that the Islandian analogs were not easily able to latch onto anything in the...

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Titcage All Chapters

TITCAGE Claire didn’t want to work at Titcage. But work experience during the school holidays was compulsory for seniors and despite her best efforts she couldn’t convince her parents or teachers that the so-called Committee For Gender Equity was against women, not for them. Funded by church groups, conservatives, and the world’s richest men, the organisation existed for one purpose: to change community and government attitudes to women and restore women to a role solely as sextoys,...

3 years ago
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Reversal of Roles For a Day All Chapters

Chapter 1 The Switch After years of being my Dom, you say you want to switch with me for a day and experience some new things. We will find out just how submissive you can be. I have sent you a large box along with some brief instructions telling you what time you need to be ready for the limo to pick you up, what you are to bring with you and what you are to wear. There are three seperate, plain wrapped packages inside the box. You are to bring the package marked with a one along with...

4 years ago
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The Lesbian Debt All Chapters

LAURA AND ERICA Her girlfriend's cunt tasted as good as ever. Laura lay in the top position of a nude 69, her short fringe of pink hair hanging over her eyes as she lapped at her lover Erica's pussy. She loved this position. She loved the feel of her large tits being splayed out to either side of her lover's trim stomach; she loved the feel of Erica's boobs against her own midriff. She loved Erica's head between her thighs, loved knowing she could clench her knees together and trap it...

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Heads You DressThe Final Chapters

CHAPTER SIX --- THE SALON & THE SECOND DREAM 1 A few weeks later Jason arrived for work in medium heels, low cut, patterned blouse and women's trousers, his lips as pink and glossy as ever. He was surprised to find Kelly in his office. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Morning, Jenny. Fetch us a glass of juice each and we'll talk about it." "Huh?" "Hurry. I'll not tolerate slackness." What the heck was going on? Jason thought. He reached into the small fridge and...

3 years ago
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A New Life The final 4 chapters

“Good Morning sleepyhead,” I heard as I opened my eyes. “My name is Qi; I wanted to see what you had before you came to the party preparations room.” She smiled down at me and then turned and headed to the bathroom. I watched, as the smallest woman I ever saw, walked into my bathroom. She was barely four foot tall, if that. She had acute little ass that had the gentlest sway as she walked and I think I could wrap my hands around her waist without trying. I quickly jumped up when I heard the...

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Waiting Out the Storm Final Chapters

Chapter 4The ice maker was on the far end of the hall from their room so that helped kill a little time. He wanted to give her time to get into position and wait there for him as long as possible. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to do next except that he knew that putting ice cubes into her pussy was going to be involved. He also knew that she was going to be there with her pussy full of a cool bottle and a vibrating egg that could go off at any minute with her ass in the air waiting...

2 years ago
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Aunt Jeans Illicit romance 12 chapters

Chapter 1Mortified. If Ron had thought of the word he might have used it to describe how he felt at the moment -- so embarrassed and so angry at himself that he wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. He had been so freakin' stupid!She said she was going to the grocery store!He usually locked his door when he did it, but he had been in such a freakin' rush to get to his room to gawk at Mrs. Gregerson sunning at her pool, her freakin' bikini top undone, her half way decent ass barely...

4 years ago
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The Senpai and the Kohai the missing chapters

Chapter five I walked upstairs. I started dreading walking out in public again. In my room I found a yellow dress with short sleeves. It had floral suiting. It reminded somewhat of a Japanese, or perhaps Chinese, dress. I undressed, and rummaged around my underwear drawer to find some suitable things to wear. How should I choose? It wasn't exactly obvious. If I wanted to avoid the lingerie to be seen through the fabric, I had to choose something lighter. White, perhaps. There...

4 years ago
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Maybe Its Magic Final Chapters

Maybe It's Magic by RH Music Chapter 7: The Concert It is Thursday, just two days until our evening out in New York, and I am worried. Am I starting to have feelings for Mr. Feyla? Is that possible? What is clear is that my female parts (as I call them now) get wet all on their own - no salve required (although I still apply it every two hours, as Morgen suggests). Further, the 'indentation' is getting deeper and deeper, up to two knuckles deep. Okay, it's a hole. I...

1 year ago
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Fivesome Delight 8211 Lustful First Night Ceremony

Hi readers, Akash here. This story about the first night is in continuation of the previous part, Vijita/ Viji (Mom) walked out of Akash’s bedroom with torn clothes hanging around and wet hair. She was totally tired due to her intense fucking session with Akash (son). With wide open legs, she (Viji) slowly walked towards the phone. Cum was oozing out her ass hole. Her eyes were tired of crying, and her voice was tired of screaming. She continued her conference video call with Naveena/ Navi and...

3 years ago
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Fivesome Delight 8211 Lustful First Night Ceremony

Hi readers, Akash here. This story about the first night is in continuation of the previous part, Vijita/ Viji (Mom) walked out of Akash’s bedroom with torn clothes hanging around and wet hair. She was totally tired due to her intense fucking session with Akash (son). With wide open legs, she (Viji) slowly walked towards the phone. Cum was oozing out her ass hole. Her eyes were tired of crying, and her voice was tired of screaming. She continued her conference video call with Naveena/ Navi and...

2 years ago
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Life Lessons combined chapters

The boys on my side of the street and the girls on the another side I watch as the boys, just a minute ago were talking and rough housing with each other when one of them notices the girls and they go dead silent looking down at their feet trying not to be noticed by two average looking girls, all because they look a little order then they do. Those boys continue to walk on and as they come in front my house I see one of the boys look back at the girls whom are now several house away just...

2 years ago
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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 7 Only three chapters

I went to the house and as Olga smiled at me she told me about her morning preparations, "My breasts were pumped a little this morning, but there is so much milk that remained only for you. I put the rest in the fridge, so when you're thirsty you could drink it later. Yesterday I ate a lot of chili so my milk would be extra tasty for you." She told me, as this would be an everyday activity. My cock took over control in my brain. She stood a short distance from me I could see her whole...

3 years ago
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Barbara and the couple two short chapters

Barbara gets piercings Seth watched Barbara again from a distance. This time they were in the middle of the city and the red headed girl was looking for adresses. Seth had send her only a adress and a time. So far she has not seen him yet but she had followed every command that he had given. She was sturdy and ready for anything. Wondering if he should try to have her be a piss slut once, he saw that the girl had found the adress. She had arrived at a tattoo and piercing parlor. Seth...

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Cupids curse in proved grammar and proof read first 4 chapters

It's nothing new to me. I've been having same dream ever since my 18th birthday. At first it was only happening once a week, but now it’s happening every night. “Shit! I’m going to be late.” I shouted after looking at the time on my IPhone. You see today is the first day of the 19 years I've spent on this planet that I will be living alone. Well with my best friend. “Jaden, come downstairs right now.” My mom shouted from down stairs. “I'm coming mom.” I said in a nonchalant tone. You...

2 years ago
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Cupids curse The first 4 chapters

As I get off the bed to come to her I feel the same sharp pain in my eyes. I never stop moving as almost if my body was possessed. Drawling me closer to this mysterious women with every step. When I finally reach the sofa my heart starts thumping wildly like a horse on a open field. Again she signals me to sit down by her. The mysterious women does nothing more nor nothing less. And in reply to her soundless motion I take my seat next to her. As I sit down next to her she let's off a odd...

2 years ago
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Alicias Lesson CAW8 entrant All 5 Chapters

An XNXX exclusive. ***** This runs about 13,000 words so be warned. Check the tags and enjoy. Introduction: Bryan falls in love with Alicia, a coworker. As their relationship advances, two women he works with show their interest in him. One Alicia invites to have a little fun, and the other Bryan hints that he likes. Jealousy breeds a taste for revenge, but who is the killer? ***** Alicia drove to work, cruising at a leisurely pace with plenty of time to spare. She would make it...

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Abigail three chapters

It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave. But, for a large slice of the...

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The Truth About Bethie The First Part Chapters

9. Bethie's wishWe cuddled and pecked and necked for a good little while after that. Not worrying about pictures, just enjoying ourselves. I was by then completely in her spell, so comforted from my earlier anxiety about Lizvette, and guilt-free about Bethie. She was very much in command and very obviously enjoying her status as lady of the house and love of my life.She was curious to see the pictures, and eager to secure them. At her request, we moved to the den. There, at my desk, she sat in...

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