Katie Cooper And The Goblet Of Fire: Chapter 2 free porn video

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Well, that could have gone better. Every time Kyle tried to broach the subject all Hermione could talk about was House Elves. Apparently everything that he hadn't given a thought to how it was done in this Magical Castle was done by these small magical creatures. Hermione had been sure to give him their entire sorry history all through class, leaving him no opportunities to even bring up his feelings for her. She was convinced that these creatures were little slaves forced to do the will of Wizards all over England. But it kinda sounded like they wanted to be doing it, perhaps they even liked it. She had even convinced him to agree to help her research how to undo this injustice to these magical creatures after class today. Eager to spend time with her, he agreed, naturally. When she was passionate about something like this, her eyes would light up, and he fell in love with her all over again. When ever she talked about something she really cared about she would do it in such a way that he wanted to know everything she knew about it. He could listen to her for hours, and sometimes he did, when she wasn't off with her two friends, that is. Those two were always getting into trouble somewhere, and often she would be there right beside them. Kyle hated to think that if they every did something monumentally dumb, which is more likely than not, that she would find herself expelled right alongside them. After Dinner that night, Kyle was off to catch up with Hermione to study more about these House Elves in the Library, when he saw her and her two friends in the hall having an argument with Draco Malfoy and a couple other Slytherins. He was about to catch up when he heard that Harry kid say something rude about Draco's mother and turned his back on him. He could see Malfoy was about to curse him in the back, but before Kyle could even think to intervene, Draco turned into a white ferret. A large hulking man limped passed Kyle as he grumbled a few choice words of his own as he bounced the ferret that was Draco up and down. Kyle was horrified, as were a few of the Slytherins who screamed and ran. It wasn't long before Professor McGonagall interceded and straightened Draco out, who, once human again, ran for his life like the prissy coward that he was. Professors Moody and McGonagall had a short argument, as Kyle slid up next to Hermione. "Hey," he said as he gestured toward the two Professors and where Draco was moments ago. "What was that all about?" he asked her. "Boys," she answered as she rolled her eyes. "Never can settle anything like a civilized human being," she answered with disdain. "....Right..." he said uncomfortably, as he was a boy and didn't appreciate her attacking his gender so flippantly. "Are you ready?" she asked him, her mood brightening considerably at the thought of going off to read. "Absolutely," he responded, giving her his most charming smile. "Right, then. I'll see you two later in the common room," she told her two friends, as she took Kyle by the arm and they hurried off to the Library. If Kyle had thought earlier that he would have the opportunity in the Library to talk to Hermione about his feelings for her, he was quickly realizing now how foolish he was. She had piled 7 books, each more than three inches thick in front of him and had her own stack in front of her, between them, and told him that he needed to find every mention of House Elves, Elf Rights, and any laws concerning Magical Creatures, and then he needed to copy the information down. The next Hour and a half was a flurry of page turning, pattern recognition, and note taking. When ever he even started to speak, she would shush him and raise her finger to silence him. So he did what he always did, and accomplished the task she had set him. Truth be told, his high marks in class were due mostly to her, and her encouragement, and study habits. But as they finished up in the Library and marked down which books they hadn't finished with, as they would be doing this again the next night, and he was sharing the notes he had taken with her, he realized it was now or never as they left the Library. "Hermione?" he said softly as they left the Library, her mind still on the House Elves. "Hmmm?" she answered absentmindedly. "I... uh..." He felt more nervous now than at any other time in his life for some reason "I...." What was wrong with his brain? he thought. It was as if parts of it were flickering off and other parts felt as if they were cornered by a mad dog. "You, what?" she asked as they walked toward the Grand Staircase. "Hold on a second," Kyle said as he reached out and took her arm to stop her and pull her to the side, as The Staircase is where they would usually would part, as her House was up on the 7th floor, and his was in the Basement near the Kitchens. "What's the matter?" Hermione asked, noting his unusual behavior and hearing the stress in his voice as Kyle looked around to make sure there weren't any witnesses to his probable humiliation. "Hermione, I..." His voice broke. "I... God, why is this so hard?" he said out loud. "What's hard? What's the matter, Kyle?" she asked with concern for her friend. "Look, you know we've been friends a long time, right?" Perhaps he needed to take a verbal running start he thought. "Sure." She smiled, his heart leapt, his courage faltered. "And you know I've always liked you, right?" Here it goes, he thought. "Sure..." Her eyebrows wrinkled in concern. "And you've always liked me, right?" He needed to stop skirting the issue and just say it, why couldn't he just say it? "Of Course I have." There was that smile he loved, and her eyes sparkled as they reflected the candle light. He could feel his heart beat skip as if it had tripped. "Well, I think..." The words died in his throat. "What is it?" She placed her hand on his arm, her face drew in, her nose scrunched a tiny bit. "I love you," he spat out. She stared at him in silence. He felt as if an hour had passed as she continued to look at him, her eyes darting back and forth between his own. It was only a fraction of a second but to him it seemed an eternity. An eternity of silence. Why had he said that? Who says something like that? "I," she smirked, "I love you too, Kyle," a genuine smile crossing her face. His stomach did a flip and he realized for the last few minutes his hands had been balled into sweaty fists as his entire body wanted to jump in joy. "Really?" he quipped, as he needed to ensure what he thought he heard was what she had really said. "Of course," she responded looking at him with friendly concern. He loved her, and she loved him! This was what he had wanted, and she had said she loved him too! He felt as if he had been crowned the Tri-Wizard Champion and won the Quiddich World cup at the same time. His heart was pounding inside his chest in victory! And it was in that moment that he made the dumbest decision of his entire life. He leaned in to kiss her, his hands pulling her body closer to his. Her hands, however, were firmly planted on his chest pushing him away as she leaned her face away from his with a look of terror. "What are you doing?" she asked him, clearly horrified. His only answer was a dull throaty sound and a confounded look on his face. What the hell had just happened? "Kyle!" she demanded. "You..." He was still trying to wrap his brain around what had just happened. "You said you love me." "Yes," she reiterated. "I Love you," she said again, but his heart didn't leap this time, his toes didn't try to force his body into the air when she had said it again. "We've been friends almost all my life. You're my best friend, Kyle, of course I love you." She continued to say it, and each time, it seemed to him to be losing the meaning he thought it meant. "But, why did you just try to kiss me?" she asked, her anger growing. "I said I love you," he explained, not explaining at all. "Yes, I heard you." She was clearly annoyed now. "Why would you try to kiss me?" her reaction was making it very clear that she had never considered in her life that he would ever attempt an action such as this. "You said you loved me, too...." All reasoning was breaking down in Kyle's mind. He loved her, and she loved him, but she wasn't in love with him as he was with her. Why would she said she loved him too if she didn't love him too? he thought. "Kyle, I Love, you." There, she had said it again, his brain reasoned with him "But I'm not IN Love with you," she explained. "What?" was the only word he knew at the moment. "Why would you try to kiss me? We're best friends!" Again, a flash of anger, as if he had betrayed their friendship, and perhaps he had. "Because I Love you!" he said, his own anger rising. Why couldn't he put words together at this moment? He knew that he would normally be able to explain himself very succinctly, yet at this moment, his mind was so filled with conflicting thoughts, he couldn't grab any single one of them and spit it out. "Be..." She stepped back, shock washing over her face. "Oh my..." Her hands covered her mouth as it fell open. "Oh no..." Pity. She pitied him in this moment, and he hated her for that. He didn't want her to pity him. "What's that mean?" he asked aggressively. "Oh, Kyle," she said sadly. "I'm sorry if I made you think..." "Made me think?" Why was he suddenly so angry with her? "What did you MAKE me think? huh?" He felt his face flush. "I never wanted you to think that I thought of you in that way, Kyle." She felt sorry for him, it was in her voice. "What's wrong with me, huh?" His anger flashed again, catching her off guard. "What?" she said, caught off guard. "What's wrong with you?" "What is it? Am I not famous enough for you? Is that it?" She looked as if she were slapped. "Ex-excuse me?" Her voice faltered. "Am I not rich and famous enough to even be considered date-able material enough for the great Hermione Granger?" he continued. "Should I go out and fight some Dark Wizards? Maybe get a big dumb scar on my face, and a better than everyone else attitude to go with it?" "Kyle. Stop," she said his name like he had never heard it before. Her eyes narrowed and her lip stiffened, and if he wasn't so emotional he may have known to stop and apologize. "No, Hermione." The anger grew inside him, he was right to do this, he was perfect for her, and all she could do was talk about her stupid friends, and he was losing her to them. He would never be good enough for her because he wasn't Harry Potter. "I'm sick of it. I'm sick of you and him. I'm sick of trying to be good enough, because it's obvious now that I'll never be good enough, go have fun with your Celebrity F---" He was unable to finish his sentence, as all the air in his lungs was suddenly knocked out of him. Hermione stood, a few feet away from him, her wand drawn, tears streaming down her face. A look of shock grew on her face, she had surprised herself with her action. She had pulled her wand and cast a curse at him. Silently. He didn't know she could do that. He collapsed to the ground, as he felt every muscle in his body tighten at the same time. It was as if he had been electrocuted, but he felt ever single nerve ending in his body scream at the same time, and a moment later it was over. "Oh no!" Hermione squeaked as she fell to her knees and reached over to help pick him up off the cold floor. "What the Hell..." Kyle said softly, his voice was like a whisper as he struggled to get back to his feet. "Oh noooo," Hermione moaned as she helped Kyle stand up. He could hear the worry and fear in her voice. "Why..." His voice sounded wrong, too soft. His legs felt unsteady as he tried to stand up straight, something was really wrong with him, he had never felt so weak in his life, what had she done to him? "Nonononononono," Hermione repeated as Kyle stood up, concern on her face, terror in her voice. "Hermione??" Kyle asked as he brought his hands up onto Hermione's shoulders to try to steady himself. Why did she seem taller? he thought, as he noticed his hands peaking out of his robes, which suddenly seemed far to large for him. And his hands... as he bought one to his face, were smaller, thinner... smoother. "Oh, Kyle. I'm so sorry," she said, looking him in the eye, seeking forgiveness, as her lip quivered. "I-I didn't mean..." "What the..." he said, softly, as he noticed the fleshy lumps that were pulling from his chest. His hands instinctively grasped them as he squeaked in shock as the sensations he had never felt before. The next few seconds were a series of checks, as his bum was found to be larger than he remembered it, his feet were loose inside his shoes, and what made him a man, was nowhere to be found, and he was thorough in checking. Kyle's terrified eyes met with Hermione's as they locked a voice rang out from down the hall. "What are you two girls doing?" Professor McGonagall called out as she drew up to them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Katie and I tried to get back to normal after her weekend with Tom, but we weren't doing very well. Every time we made love together all I could see in my head was her being fucked by him, or worse, her being gangbanged by his poker buddies.Katie tried to be understanding and supportive. She did everything she could do but I would only last for about 10 seconds before cumming so hard that it hurt. No matter what we did to prolong things, as soon as I thought about her weekend, I'd blow. We...

2 years ago
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Katie and Me long

My name is Kevin Randle. Moving back home after severalyears was tough. I had set up a decent office job afterI’d gotten out of college and had what I thought was apretty happy life. I had money in the bank, a nice car,a decent condo and a girlfriend I thought I was madlyin love with. It’s funny how things change.I just recently broke up with my girlfriend, Sarah.She’d be cheating on me with her personal trainer andhad been doing so for almost six months. We’d only beentogether for a year and...

2 years ago
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Katie judges a kissing contest

Introduction: This story picks up immediately after the end of my first story, Katies dress is too small. Thanks for all the votes * * * * * * * So, did you like my pussy? whispered 14-year-old Katie, with a sleepy smile. Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katies just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began...

4 years ago
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Katie Our long forbidden romance edited

1 - Meeting Katie I first met Katie at a party. My freshman year of high school had just ended, so I threw a big bash to celebrate the fact that my friends and I were now sophomores. All my friends came, they all brought their friends, and someone brought Katie. Katie was going to be a freshman the next year. I don’t even remember who she came with, but I’m glad that she did. The moment she walked through the back gate, I was instantly smitten. This was the cutest girl I had ever seen. She...

1 year ago
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Katie judges a kissing contest

Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katie's just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began suckling his sister's cherry-red nipple. Katie sighed contentedly, holding her brother's head in her arms. She had her answer. Ding, dong! "Oh my God! That's Josh!!" said Katie with a gasp. "He's here for our...

3 years ago
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Katie Alex Part 1

Bournemouth this May was cold and damp. Dark clouds littered the sky, and it had rained without pause for the entire drive down from Guildford. At first it started as a light drizze, but intensified the closer they got to the town, becoming a deluge that monotonically drummed the roof of the car. The radio presenter glumly reported that this was going to be the wettest weekend on record, as she attempted to uplift moods across the country by playing uplifting tunes. Once Katie finally pulled...

3 years ago
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Katie Judges A Kissing Contest

"So, did you like my pussy?" whispered 16-year-old Katie, with a sleepy smile. Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katie's just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began suckling his step sister's cherry-red nipple. Katie sighed contentedly, holding her step brother's head in her arms. She had her answer.Ding,...

1 year ago
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Katie and Daddy ch01

Eyes shut tight as she explodes on the couch in a violent orgasm her legs clamping hard on her hand holding her fingers in place as her tight little hole twitches wildly her mouth biting down on her nipples causing her to scream and groan with her tit stuffed mouth. “Fuck daddy come home” Katie groans to herself as her nipples pops out of her mouth with an audible pop softly rubbing her red nipple from having just nibbling hard on herself. It would be another half an hour before her father...

1 year ago
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Katie and her Landlord Part 1

This was the first time since graduating college three months ago that Katie felt anxious about being an adult. At first, Katie had scoffed at all her friends’ complaints about money being tight and never having time for fun. Katie had been having the time of her life, most nights she bar hopped with friends, and the temp agency she’d been working for kept her making enough money to buy booze and the “going out” clothes she loved so much. Katie was young and beautiful, with silky blonde hair...

4 years ago
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Katie a Long and Forbidden Romance

Katie 1 - Meeting Katie I first met Katie at a party. My freshman year of high school had just ended, so I threw a big bash to celebrate the fact that my friends and I were now sophomores. All my friends came, they all brought their friends, and someone brought Katie. Katie was going to be a freshman the next year. I don’t even remember who she came with, but I’m glad that she did. The moment she walked through the back gate, I was instantly smitten. This was the cutest girl I had ever seen....

4 years ago
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Katie jasmine and lucy part two

Carl closed the door and went into the living room where the girls where. “So…..anyone want a drink or anything” he asked “Carl we’re not guests” Jasmine said “they practically live here” “I wish” Carl mumbled. “Anyway, what have you naughty girls been getting up too” Carl said with a little smile, expecting Katie and Lucy to wonder what he was going on about. “oh you know, licking each other out, fingering each others assholes, Cumming all over, the usual” Katie said, taking notice of...

2 years ago
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Katie is not a Virgin Anymore

They were watching a movie in the living room, and it was boring. “Can we watch something else, Uncle Dave?” she asked. “This is boring! It's for kids, ya know?” “What do you want to watch, Katie?” he asked. “I'm not really into cartoons, either.” “I don't know.” she answered. “Something for adults!” “What?” he asked. “What are you asking?” “You know...” she said, smiling slightly, knowing she was being naughty. “Something from one of the adult channels?” “Do you even know what you're...

3 years ago
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I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS STORY I WAS SENT A refreshingly brisk breeze entered the quiet hospital room. A girl dressed in a school uniform dashed straight to her grandfather's side. The girl plopped her young ass into the sitting man's lap, kissed his cheek, and rattled off questions, "Hi Pops, how are you? How's Grammy feeling? Don't you wish she'd hurry up and get to feeling better? How long has she been asleep?"Pops smiled and hugged his precocious granddaughter. Katie always brought a joyous...

1 year ago
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Katie my teen dream

This is my first story, let me know what you think and if you want more.Back in 2007 my partner Jenny and I got our own house in a quiet rural village, I worked but she didn't and this caused a lot of financial stresses, these stresses quickly turned in to frequent arguments. Were both in our early 20's and living together was clearly a strain on our relationship. As more rows occurred my mind began to wander. We had been together for 4 years but living together was proving a real test. One...

1 year ago
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Katie Gets an A

It was Katie's last semester before she graduated with her degree and she could hardly wait. She was so burned out on school and the grind that she had let her normally stellar grades slip some this semester but she didn’t really care. Her only real worry was in her Anatomy 550 class where she just had not attended as much as she should because of her work schedule and well it was spring and some days it was just to beautiful to be indoors and in class. Two days earlier she had stopped in to...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Katie in trouble

THE LAWYER'S OFFICEKatie stood in the office, of the man who calls himself her lawyer, in her heels and underwear waiting in silence while this lecherous man, who had to be thirty years her senior, stood before her, his eyes roaming her quivering body as she nervously cast her eyes down, her arms awkwardly at her sides.Silently sipping in her full breasts, curved hips and legs and working his way back up to the shaking young woman's long blonde hair.Katie just wanted to scream at him, put her...

3 years ago
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Katie Interviews Mark

[ This story is entirely a work of fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the habits and preferences of the people involved nor is it derived from any personal knowledge.]KatieThe Today Show on May 19, 2003 went pretty much as usual for a Monday morning. Katie was scheduled to do a live interview with Mark Wahlberg, to plug his new movie, "The Italian Job." Mark was already seated on the set in one the easy chairs facing each other as the camera crew prepared to go live in Studio 1A....

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Katies Awakening

Katie had just finished soccer practice when her phone buzzed a reminder. Dentist appointment.She was late. Practice went longer than expected and the team had a meeting to hash out some of the drama that lingered from a party that weekend. These are the issues of playing on a women's college team, you not only have the straight girls who have guy problems, but the lesbians also have issues with each other. The team captain had to clear the air about something that happened between two girls on...

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Katies Red Wagon

KATIE’S RED WAGON ?by Alex B. ?The moment Katie Bingham opened her purse to pay for lunch, ?she knew she was in big trouble. The problem stemmed from ?the fact that this was not the purse she normally used, ?it was sort of a spare. Unfortunately, the last time she’d ?worn it, she put some important papers inside and then ?forgot all about them. ??Great!? Katie sighed. ?Her workmates, Rachel and Liz, looked up from their desserts. ??What is it?? Rachel asked. ??I’m totally...

3 years ago
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Katie and Dani Prt 2

This was it! This was everything she could of imagined it was heaven.Danielle could hardly believe she was here with her. Kissing her, touchingher, making her feel so alive.Another shiver ran down Danielle's spine and Katie's tongue once againdived into her throbbing pussy. She was so close... so close. She couldfeel her juices flowing from with in her.NO!It wasn't her juices at all it was her own piss flooding from withinpouring over the bed sheets arching up and back onto her body. The...

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Katies Cinema Morning

Disclaimer: This Story has not been written by me.I have it from trading stories with other People and is out of the net.If there should be a Copyright, please inform me and I will delete it immediatelyAn exciting Adventure in an adult Theater!Katie's Cinema MorningShe'd done it! Katie's heart was pounding and the urge to get up and flee was almost uncontrollable. But, as always, the draw she felt to things taboo was even greater - and so she sat, staring ahead at the screen, waiting for her...

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KatieChapter 2 Cristina

After a couple of days without Katie's cute little body, I was intensely craving her. I was very pleased when Katie couldn't wait until next weekend either. She snuck over on Wednesday evening for an hour. I was once more on top of her slowly thrusting my cock in her sweet, tight pussy. Katie's long straight blonde hair was spread out on the bed, her bright blue eyes were glazed in ecstasy, and her beautiful small tits were enjoyable mouthfuls. Before Katie left that evening I provided a...

3 years ago
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FiremenPart 2 Firehouse Barbeque

Michelle was still reeling from the encounter she had just had with a perfect stranger named Stan. He was the fireman that had given her first aid for the blisters on her feet, followed by an intense sex session right in the firehouse living quarters! She had just lived out one of her fantasies, and several more were swimming through her head as she waited for her ride home. After a few minutes, the fire engine returned from a blaze somewhere in the city. She was waiting patiently in the...

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