Skin Ability 2 Part 1 free porn video

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"Please see me in my office after school," the email read simply. Yuan pondered the vague and unprompted meeting request from the principal most of the day but had not come up with any ideas what it might be about. He already made and submitted a report on the fainting situation recently, so it probably was not that. They were not due for another staff evaluation for another few months as well. It had only been a few days since the student health surveys had come in and Yuan had only gone through about half the stack. While there were some potentially useful Gifts among the students he had not known about, he had not encountered any Gifts that inspired any solutions to his present plight. Yuan was a war orphan who grew up on the streets of the Conquered Capital prior to his Gift, Skin Ability, manifesting on his eighteenth birthday. Using his ability to turn people into skinsuits that, when worn, transformed the wearer into the original person, complete with memories, mannerisms and skills (Gifts included), Yuan and his small gang of teenage boys highjacked new lives in the affluent New City. Yuan wore Caetlyn Portland, the bombshell school nurse for the New City's more esteemed high school, while his gang wore various other students and teachers. Making full use of his ability and its quirks, Yuan and his gang enjoyed many a sexual adventure with the various students and staff, making use of other Gifts to cover their victims' memories and pass the memory gaps off as fainting spells. Unfortunately the frequency of these fainting spells have attracted unwanted attention from parents and school administrators, but greedily, as if suddenly gaining access to unlimited water after a lifetime spent living in a desert, Yuan and his crew did not want to stop unless there was no other way... Yuan tucked one of Caetlyn's long brown bang behind his ear as he strode deliberately through the rapidly emptying halls of the school following the last bell. Arriving in front of the principal's office, Yuan knocked on the door and a commanding woman's voice bid him enter. Principal Ambur Freunt looked good for a mother of two in her mid forties. She had the most striking emerald eyes that stood out brilliantly from her bronze skin and dark brown almost black hair, which was neatly tied in a tight bun. She wore a formal dress suit like always that clung to her wide hips. She had a decent sized chest, but there was not much to see bundled behind her blouse and blazer. She was neither particularly short nor notably tall, but she had mastered all principals' ability to make anyone else seem small when she wanted to be intimidating. Principal Freunt smiled when she saw Yuan enter. Ever since the beginning of the fainting spells, the older woman always seemed to make Yuan feel like it was his fault there had not been any solutions or breakthroughs. Which it technically was, and that made Yuan uncomfortable around the imposing principal. Yuan's stomach turned involuntarily when he saw Kimburlee Leone adorning one of the plush couches in the fancily furnished office. She looked up at him expectantly as he entered, but remained silent. Before Yuan could gather his wits though, Principal Freunt began. "Thank you for coming by, Miss Portland. I know you must be busy with all of these fainting cases plaguing our precious school," the Principal started off. "Now, I don't know for certain if this is related, but..." she paused for dramatic effect, seeming to watching Yuan squirm. "I have certain evidence to suggest that certain individuals at this school may not actually be who they claim to be." The words hit Yuan like a punch to the gut. How? They had taken as many precautions as they could. Even so, the scope of what Gifts are capable of was constantly shrinking the realm of the impossible. Yuan cast a nervous glance at Kimburlee and was surprised to see her calmly sipping a cup of tea, as if she were unfazed by the revelation that someone outside their gang suddenly and somehow knew their secret. When Kimburlee glanced up at him with a sudden smile eerily similar to the Principals, Yuan began to see just how wrong things had become. As he scrambled to think of something to do in this situation, Principal Freunt spoke again. "Miss Portland..." She paused again seeming to debate one last time in her head what she planned to say. In that moment of lull, Yuan lunged. As quickly as he could in his three inch heels, he dashed across the room, keeping the coffee table between himself and Kimburlee, and reached for the exposed skin of Principal Freunt's face. "Wha- Wai-!" was all she had time to utter before Yuan's ability took effect. From the point of contact, Principal Freunt's body rapidly deflated, as if all of her insides were suddenly turned to air that then escaped from her various orifices. Her clothes folded in on themselves as the body wearing them did the same and in seconds, Yuan was holding the dark skin of the former Principal in unsteady hands. "Oh." The small voice jerked Yuan's attention to the ground next to the Principal's chair. Sitting on the floor, hidden behind the large fancy desk, a dark skinned female student looked up with bemused surprise at him and the former Principal's remains. The girl's bright blue eyes clashed with her brown complexion as she stared him through bangs of dark brown hair with a hint of red in it, the rest of which hung loosely ending just above her shoulders. Yuan found himself frozen in confusion. Who was this student? What was she doing there of all places? "I... wasn't done yet," as if to answer his mental questions, the girl spoke again as she slowly crawled back a few feet before getting to her feet and dusting herself off, talking while she did so. She was a little short, but well curved in the right places. "As a warning, if you do that to me, I have no idea what'll become of your friend in Mrs. Leone's body. He's still in there, but yeah my Gift is... mind control. I was controlling the Principal, too. So there. We're birds of a feather forcing our way into lives that don't belong to us..." Despite claiming Kimburlee and her wearer as insurance, the girl seemed less confident than she had speaking through the Principal. Yuan was still processing the situation, but seeing the girl fidget nervously, reminded him that he was not powerless here, and that helped calm him down as well. After a few second's contemplation, Yuan broke the silence. "So... what do you actually want?" That was the most important question he could think of. With the answer to that, he could figure out what to do from there. The girl blinked, but took a moment to compose herself before answering. "I... I want to know more about you, and your group, first. And I think we can come to a mutually beneficial relationship at worst." "'At worst?'" Yuan repeated, raising an eyebrow behind Caetlyn's glasses. Having decided that she was not threatening him, Yuan relaxed a bit, sitting down on one of the couches to get more comfortable. The girl took a breath, and Yuan just barely heard her whisper to herself, "Well, I've gone this far, might as well go all the way..." She looked up and Yuan saw a bit more resolve than there was before. "My name is Linn. As I said, I can, uh... control other people. Psychically, I suppose. I was taken from my family during the war because of my Gift, but they decided I was... too scary and tried to execute me when I was 7. So then... as you can tell I guess, I escaped. I've used my power to live this far, but... I'm beginning to feel the limits of what I can accomplish alone..." Linn trailed off. It was a story that resonated with Yuan. He had been fortunate to have escaped the orphanage with his gang, but they had encountered loners before, even taking a few in, though only one had stayed. He was confident he would have been dead in a ditch somewhere long ago if not for his crew. Linn was not finished yet. "And so I found myself here. A few days ago. It's always easy to get in, got myself a uniform, floated around a bit, but it's hard to actually, err... DO anything. Um.. I mean, even if I make administrators enroll me, I don't have money, or... parents with money. There'd be too many questions that I wouldn't be able to answer. I can only mind control up to two people at once, and I overwrite them during the time that I'm doing so, so it's not like I can read minds, though I have gotten decently good at pretending to be others while controlling them, but it doesn't hold up under scrutiny. And they go back to their old self once I release them, with no memory of what I made them do." Linn glanced at Kimburlee with a nod and snapped her fingers. Kimburlee gave a start, blinking and looking around in confusion. "My old friend, do you remember the name of the orphanage we left together all those years ago?" Yuan probed carefully, making sure his friend really was himself again inside the math teacher. Kimburlee's eyes darted between Linn and Yuan before settling on the fake nurse. "'St. Sewage's Orphanage for the Unwanted.'" She gave their gang's not so loving pet name for the orphanage, confirming her identity as Jeorge, Yuan's best friend. Yuan nodded his thanks to Linn who shrugged. "No point holding on to him if I want you to trust me." "Quite true..." Yuan nodded. "For not having a formal education or backing, you've done quite well for yourself. You don't speak or move like a street rat. When we wear a skin, we gain access to the memories and mannerisms of the person we're wearing." Yuan commented, moving over to the principal's desk where the principal herself still lay in a pile of clothes and skin on her chair. "When you're livelihood depends on controlling people, you learn from them pretty quickly. I've observed a lot of smart and high class people, so I can talk like them, but it doesn't make me smart. I've learned that the hard way." Yuan had one last question for the time being. "How did you find us?" It had been on his mind since the Principal had said her last full sentence. "Oh, that's an interesting one!" Linn perked up. "Normally I only need to be close by to take control of someone - roughly 50 feet or so? By chance, I tried to control Mrs. Leone once but found that I couldn't! That was the first time something directly interfered with my Gift, and it naturally caught my attention. After that I followed her until I happened upon one of your... sessions... I'm... interested in those, too. But anyway, I kept following her and finally saw her take off her skin at home yesterday. As himself, I found I was able to take control of him." Yuan threw a look that promised further words at Kimburlee who blushed furiously and looked away. "My guess," Linn continued, shifting her gaze to the hapless Kimburlee, "is that I can't take control of anyone wearing one of your suits because however they work, wearing one seems to... um... hide the presence... of the inside wearer. So I can target the person you appear to be, but uh.. it's like I'd just be trying to control a puppet who's strings are already in someone else's hands." That was all Yuan was waiting to hear. Having already closed some of the distance by approaching the desk, he lashed out suddenly with a hand grabbing Linn's face and triggering his Gift. Her eyes widened in surprise before growing hazily distant and finally closing as she lost her internal form. Whether it was the time he had spent borrowing her knowledge or her intellect itself fusing with his own, Yuan had noticed himself capable of and even naturally thinking more complexly when wearing Caetlyn than he ever had on his own. Whatever the case, Yuan found himself carefully analyzing Linn's story. As powerful a Gift as she had on paper, Yuan could see its downsides - she could make anyone DO whatever she wanted, but she could not make them think what she wanted, and after the fact, they would not remember a thing. Her Gift would likely hurt rather than help making friends in normal circumstances, and fear of being taken control of was a very natural response to knowing what she could do. However, the more he contemplated Linn and her situation, the more he found he sympathized with the girl. Yuan had had to win back the trust of his gang after discovering his power, which may not have happened at all if they had not enjoyed such a strong bond to begin with. From that angle, Yuan understood her loneliness. It's also easy to imagine the damage she could do, though, whispered a little voice in the back of Yuan's mind. Would accepting her for her sake be worth the risk if she decided to turn on them? Yuan shook his head, making Caetlyn's locks sway in his vision in front of her glasses. That voice was his old self, the powerless street rat who had to suspect everyone but his mates to survive. Things were different now. If Yuan's skin ability could resist Linn's mind control, then Yuan was dangerous to her, but only if he was her enemy. Unlike Linn's ability, Yuan could get inside the heads of his victims. There was an easy way to find out if she had any intention of stabbing them in the back. As Yuan set aside Linn's skin and prepared to strip, Kimburlee chimed in with a suggestion. "I'm still not entirely sure what is going on, but are you sure it is safe to do that here? What if Principal Freunt were to return?" While the Principal herself was not a concern, being a skin herself, Kimburlee did make a good point - they did not know how likely or unlikely other visitors may be. Unlike the nurse's ward, the principal's office did not have a 'The Nurse is Out' sign. There was a double-keyed deadbolt, but finding Freunt's key could take longer than putting her on and searching her memories. Yuan picked up Freunt's skin from the chair as he explained what Kimburlee had missed while under Linn's control. As circumstances would have it, Yuan and Kimburlee found themselves in a bind. What should they do about Principal Freunt? Linn's Gift would would already produce a hole in her memory, which, left alone, would likely make her assume she was the latest victim of the recent fainting spells. Who knew what she would do if she came to that conclusion? It was not ideal, but Yuan had an idea. "We need to get Tyhm into Freunt so he can fill in her memory," he declared and Kimburlee nodded, picking up on his line of thought. "You'll have to wear Freunt till we can get to him though, I need to be home for Daev..." Kimburlee looked at her watch and grimaced. "Soon. I'll watch the door, change quickly!" Yuan nodded and hastily resumed stripping out of Caetlyn's nurse's uniform. He hoped that Principal Freunt had some kind of bag or briefcase to store Linn's skin in. Unless it was a big bag, he would have to leave her and Caetlyn's clothes here till later as well. Yuan tossed the last of Caetlyn's lingerie on top of the pile of her clothes. He reached for Principal Freunt's skin but stopped as an idea hit him. He grabbed Linn's brown skin instead and started putting her on, starting from her legs as usual. If someone did show up, it might be easier to use Linn's mind control to make them leave rather than forcing Kimburlee to lie to stall. Plus wearing both would let him walk out with both bodies without having to hide their skins - that space in whatever bag Yuan hoped Principal Freunt had, could be then allocated to clothing. It was not often that he donned the skin of someone smaller than his current form, but fortunately he knew the skins could accommodate some stretching during the dressing process and everything reshaped to the right size as it synchronized. When Yuan finally managed to squeeze Caetlyn's massive double Ds in behind Linn's bordline B-C cup breasts, he noticed how different her light pink areola looked against Linn's dark skin backdrop compared to Caetlyn's fair skin. It took a little more effort than Yuan had hoped to squeeze into the smaller girl's skin, Caetlyn's more blessed assets requiring some maneuvering to get inside, but all in all, it took only a few minutes before Linn stood on her own feet again, moving her limbs one at a time to make sure they were all working correctly. Everything feeling in place, Yuan grabbed Principal Freunt's skin next, not having time to wonder at the change in skin tone. Principal Freunt was slightly darker than Linn. "Three?" Kimburlee raised an eyebrow from in front of the closed office door. "Will you be okay?" "It won't be for long," Yuan assured his friend, musing at how Linn's higher voice sounded like to her own ears. The memory dive began but Yuan pushed it aside in his mind for now to continue working on dressing in Principal Freunt's skin. Normally wearing multiple skins was reserved to anyone wearing Tyhm, his ability to manipulate his own mind helped his wearer block or funnel memories from multiple skins. As the one with the Skin Ability Gift himself, Yuan had a bit more control personally in dealing with memory dives as well, and he hoped that resistance plus his already intimate familiarity with Caetlyn's mind would help prevent ... things from going wrong... inside his head while wearing three skins at once. Putting Principal Freunt on over Linn was a more familiar process, the older woman having a larger frame than the more petite Linn. Linn's legs slipped into Freunt's easily and there was plenty of space in her motherly derriere. In went Linn's arms and pulling Freunt's shoulders up brought the rest of the principal's torso over her own. From their size and weight, Yuan estimated that Principal Freunt had her own Cs, though with a much larger band size than Linn. Last was the head, but Yuan hesitated. He could still see Linn's memories dancing in the back of his mind. "Someone's coming down the hall," Kimburlee warned, her ability to manipulate sound enhanced her hearing when she wanted to. The principal's office was at the end of a dead end hall. There was a janitor's closet to one side, but a small teacher's lounge to the other. While it could be a janitor, or a teacher who may have forgotten something in the lounge, the most likely circumstance was someone with business with the principal. There was no longer time to wait. Yuan would still need to dress the principal in her clothes again before she was presentable. He felt the trigger in Linn's mind for her Gift, similar to how his own had a mental trigger, but he hoped to not have to use it. Stretching the opening left in the principal's neck, Yuan took a deep breath and hastily stuffed Linn's head inside. He sealed up the opening in her back and let the suit do its magic. Breath came to him through another new set of nostrils and he felt eyelids heavy with make up and mascara. He opened Ambur Freunt's eyes to a world lacking red and green. His jaw dropped as Yuan examined the office in an almost foreign light. "What is- No, no time, Yuan! Get dressed!" Kimburlee snapped nervously at the goggling naked woman. His mouth snapped shut and Yuan dug into Ambur's clothing extracting underwear and quickly slipping it on, no time to wonder at view through color blind eyes. Why did she have to dress so conservatively? All these layers! He thought in frustration as he buttoned up her blouse. A silhouette appeared in the translucent glass window of the office door as Yuan shrugged into Ambur's blazer and a soft knock accompanied his struggle with her neck scarf. A quick look in a hand mirror showed Ambur's hair bun had become somewhat disheveled but otherwise, she looked presentable. "Good enough," Yuan muttered under his breath before raising Ambur's voice to reach their intruder. "Come in." Kimburlee hastily scuttled back to the closest couch and tried to look unassuming. "Umm.. is Miss Portland here?" At the sight of the redhead peaking around the door, Kimburlee and Yuan both let out a heavy sigh, slumping in their seats as all the tension from moments ago evaporated. "Miss Lister," Yuan breathed, "what in the world made you think I was here?" Aemii blinked. "Y-Yuan...?" "Long story at this point." Yuan massaged the bridge of his nose. "Did you need something?" "Oh, uh. Just wondering about tonight, but if something happened, then that's more important. Anything I can help with?" "Not sure yet, maybe. Do you know if Tyhm's still around?" Kimburlee answered. Yuan let Kimburlee handle catching Aemii up, and instead opened himself up to Ambur's memories. He fast-forwarded through her childhood, he needed more immediate information. Today's and tomorrow's plans. There! Her son, Alecks would need an early dinner and help preparing for his choir concert tonight. Ambur did not expect her son's older sister, the moody rebellious high schooler that was Madalyne to want to have anything to do with her dopey younger brother's concert. In fact, the teenage girl had grown so difficult lately, Ambur's wife, Klair would likely have to miss the concert to stay home and just to keep Madalyne out of trouble. Huh... interesting family, Yuan mused. A part of Linn's mind tickled his attention when Madalyne came up in Ambur's memories, but he had to repress it for now. Fetching Ambur's purse bag from the corner of the office, Yuan stuffed in Linn and Caetlyn's clothes as well as a few documents Ambur would need over the weekend. "If Tyhm's not around, then he'll have to wait till later, when we can coordinate with him properly," Yuan announced, making for the door. "For now, Kim and I need to leave to attend to our hosts' evening plans. I'll contact everyone once things settle down for me this evening and we can figure out things from there." Kimburlee and Aemii nodded in acknowledgment and the three departed without further discussion. Yuan stopped by the nurse's office to grab a few of Caetlyn's effects before heading out to the parking lot. At first, Yuan was worried about driving while colorblind, but Ambur somehow managed on a regular basis, so he figured he would just have to rely on her intuition. Finally alone in transit to Ambur's home, Yuan began to sift more thoroughly through Ambur's memories. Klair was a strong but gentle woman; her tall, slender beauty clashed endearingly with a surprising lack of grace that arose from her inability to be anything but honest for better or worse. Her long strawberry blonde hair reached all the way to below her shapely ass in order to make use of her Gift of prehensile hair. Her fair skin made a striking contrast with the dark bronze skinned school principal. Ambur's more intimate memories indicated that Klair's ample bosom was especially sensitive as an erogenous zone something that complimented Ambur's own Gift to intensify the current emotions with skin-to-skin contact. That the lovers were still sexually active at least gave Yuan something exciting to look forward to. Modern fertilization technology facilitated their two darling children: Science used one partner's DNA to fabricate synthetic sperm, which could be injected directly into an ovum for almost 100% successful fertilization, or used more intimately, as Ambur and Klair elected when they decided they wanted kids. Ambur had birthed Madalyne, and Klair had birthed Alecks. It was a unique sharing of experiences that only couples like them could enjoy. As Yuan pulled into the Freunts' drive way, he felt Linn's mind seemed to shiver if such a thing were possible. Before he closed the door to the car, the front door burst open and Alecks ran up to him, bawling uncontrollably. "Mmuh... Moooommmyy Ambuh.. Ambur!" the boy cried, barely able to form words. "Maddie's... She's...! And Mummy Kuh..Klair is!" Ambur's body tensed involuntarily. "Stay here, honey. It'll be alright," Yuan told the him, though, whether he was reassuring the crying boy, Ambur, or himself, he could not tell. Inside, Yuan had to force Ambur's body to breath as the scene that welcomed them robbed her lungs of air. Knives hung suspended in mid air. Probably every one in the kitchen. All pointed at Klair, who at first glance appeared to be standing her ground, but Ambur's familiar eye detected her distress. Madalyne stood rigidly behind the wall of knives, her normally pretty face contorted in an ugly mix of disgust, anger, and frustration. No sooner did Yuan step into view, several of the knives swiveled to aim at him. "I'm done. I'm done with this... With you," Madalyne's hoarse voice was terrifyingly quiet. Resigned. Ambur's biggest regret in that moment was having missed the part where talking might still have been an option.

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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She answered, "Hey hon." he replied "Let me guess, you're just now leaving work?" She sighed and said "You know me so well ... What's up?" "Well your extreme predictability is something I have learned by now, that combined with your your pretty crap memory is why I went ahead and took your brother to the airport." "SHIT, thanks hon. I completely forgot John was leaving. I doubt I could have gotten off of work early anyway, the store was packed and the new girl...

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Absolute believability

Everyone around you believes you 100% the will believe anything you say you tell them they are dogs then they believe that also extends to other people who come across someone that you told them something then they will also believe that.

Mind Control
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Adaptability by Dafydd Cyhoeddwr Jason was a very special child. Perfect, in fact. Though he started out to be the ugliest baby in the maternity ward, by the time he was taken home he had somehow become the most beautiful. All through school, he never got sick - not once. Always healthy, always beautiful in a masculine way, always the darling of his teachers and always making his parents proud. He was everything a parent could want. When puberty came, it...

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Every circle of friends has its feuds. Bring enough people together and some will rub each other the wrong way. That's just how it goes. With my crew the biggest rivalry is between me and my technically-friend Marco. We've known each other since we were little, and were buddies for years, but by middle school we started moving in different directions. By the end of high school we were cool toward each other, and by the time we got back from college our relationship had blossomed into...

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In my childhood days, I used to stay outside the town limits of Hasnabad, in a small cottage with my mother and pishimoni (my father’s cousin sister, who was about 4 years older to my father) there was no concrete constructions around our cottage. A few village huts existed only beyond about half a kilometer in radius surrounding our cottage. I had a bicycle which I used for going to school/tutions or procuring articles from Hasnabad. My father was in the defence, posted at Lilabari, Assam. He...

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Intimate Improbability Drive

"So, you finally succeeded." The Director follows the man in the lab coat down a bland, immaculate hallway to a security door at the end. The sound of her high heels echos up and down the hall as she walks. "Yes we did." The lead scientist says proudly. "As always with these long-shot R&D projects, all it took was a drunk intern working late to stumble upon the answer." "PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR GENITALIA FOR IDENTIFICATION." This tinny request comes from the door's security system. A metal dildo on...

2 years ago
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A House in Disarray13 Accountability

Em leaned over, pushing her hair back as the harsh winter wind blew everything aflutter. “Man, I am not ready for this. I had ... a bit of a ... rough night.” Doug grinned over the image of his partner suffering. “Attempting to blur uncomfortable memories?” She rolled her eyes, something she wouldn’t be able to do in a few minutes. “Worse, I spent the night discussing details of the shooting with an angry mother upset at the idea of stray bullets around her precious baby.” Doug smirked,...

3 years ago
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The ProfessorChapter 26 Social Acceptability Going Public Commitment Ceremony

“Do you think we’re too far off the scale of social acceptability?” Ashley asked. We were sitting in the new sauna. The temperature in the sauna was around 160-degrees Fahrenheit, and I’d just poured some water on the heated rocks to add a little steam; but not too much or we’d scald. Over the past three months since the unit had been completed in the addition to the house we’d experimented with the temperature and water, always erring on the cautious side. I responded to Ash, “Whoa! What...

4 years ago
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Finding Adaptability of the GayVirusChapter 2

Oh ... that was a good break. It looks like we went about an hour over our time. But by the satisfied looks your faces' you don't mind. Let us move on. This is the part of F.A.G. where we delve into the changes that the virus has had and is still having on society, law and everyday morals. As you know my daughter is my wife and she is sixteen. About a year ago this would be considered illegal. That is no longer the case. Five months after the virus went global, You guys most likely...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 480 Accountability And Clear Air

We caravanned back to where Amelia’s group had staged to try to locate me. Amelia rode with me back to Chrissy’s mom’s house in the minivan. “I don’t know if you consider us friends or just fuck buddies when you have enough time for me to scratch your itch, Thirty-Six,” I told her. “You are following your orders, and it must be a lot to process, learning that I am more than even Chrissy’s mom could comprehend. Those kids spent nearly fifty years in that hell, not knowing where they were...

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Disability Medical

I sat in the waiting room of the Medical Centre at precisely 9:00am as the letter from the benefits office had stated, I double checked I had filled in the form correctly; Name, Address, Date of Birth all correct and filled in with the correct coloured ink, I checked the other answers to their questions and found them all to be acceptable to my eyes. A few minutes after another man came in who was in his mid-fifties I guessed, smartly dressed and sat opposite me and like me checked his...

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Probability Dysfunction

Probability Dysfunction AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a little story I wrote for the Machine Malfunction Contest in the TF-TG-Contests group on deviantart. I didn't win, but it was a lot of fun to write and I'm happy with how it came out. *** I grip the vertical and lateral function knobs as I work to keep the indicator in the green zone. I haven't operated the plasma input on this early prototype in years, so I'm glad that I'm still a ninja at this. I just hope the directors at...

4 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

2 years ago
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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

4 years ago
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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

5 years ago
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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

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Katie Lusts Her Father PART2


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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

2 years ago
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My Boss Mr Paul Cooper Part2

My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part2I walked towards the couch to start my strip tease for Charles, Paul played a little slutty music in the background for Charles to have a good show. I got in the camera view and winked at charles and bent forward jiggling my boobs for him on cam.. "Hey there Charles, Why don't you screen this in your conference room, Only the strip tease part, on the projector and get a few of your members to join you in this show too? Then we'll give you a pvt screen of our...

4 years ago
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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...

2 years ago
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Plausible Deniability blindfolded wife shared

Plausible Deniability (blindfolded wife shared) My wife always got very horny when she would flash when we were out of town. As long as she thought she would not see anyone she knew, she was good to go. She didn’t say yes right away, she made me work for it. She didn’t want to be seen as a slut. The talk eventually turned to someone watching us have sex. But she was afraid someone would find out or she would get ‘caught’. Over time we came up with a fantasy or her being tied and blindfolded, so...

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Plausible Deniability blindfolded wife shared

Plausible Deniability (blindfolded wife shared)My wife always got very horny when she would flash when we were out of town. As long as she thought she would not see anyone she knew, she was good to go. She didn't say yes right away, she made me work for it. She didn't want to be seen as a slut. The talk eventually turned to someone watching us have sex. But she was afraid someone would find out or she would get "caught". Over time we came up with a fantasy or her being tied and blindfolded, so...

3 years ago
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South of Bikini 4 Departures

With Clemson slipping away once again, Alex and company decide some 'R and R' might be good for morale, but is 1944 Hartford ready for the Empress and her entourage? How could a young girl, killed in 1942 Burma, possibly make one of Emily's hometown neighbor's life complete? Episode 5 "Departures" 1050hrs, Pearl Harbor, August 20th, 1944 "Cap, Admiral Demmit and Mrs. Scott just appeared on the bridge," Jack informed...

2 years ago
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Patchwork People XXVIII Departures

XXVIII. Departures. It was one of those mornings that seem unable to decide what it wants to be. Halfway to the airport, a fine rain blew up against the windshield of the pick-up. A few miles later, the sun unexpectedly broke out from a temporary gap in the impregnable line of gray clouds massed like battleships laying siege on the horizon It had finally been agreed that Phoebe would return to New Jersey and sign in to an outpatient rehab clinic. At the same time, she would take...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 25 Two Sudden Departures

One aspect of these sex sessions that Jessie Harper found herself noting and being really intrigued about was the way she always seemed to have a much better singing voice the next day at a choir practice or even at a church performance as a result. Somehow all the naked, sexual fun of the night before seemed to enhance her auditory awareness and her ability to find perfect pitch when she was about to perform. And it was one such sex session at the Terrence’s house the day before the final...

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Manufacturing a Partnership

Manufacturing a Partnership Part One By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers JUST BEFORE MIDNIGHT "Hey, you ok?" said Greg seeing Blake looking wiped as rummaged through the red pocketbook on the vanity. "I'm fine," shivered Blake as he stood staring at his reflection. "But I need a minute. This has all been just too much to handle!" He took a deep breath standing in front of the bathroom vanity clutching the ends with his hands quickly becoming mindful of his sharp long...

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Worlds of ProbabilityChapter 8

The next morning Jason was up early and he started work on prepping for the trip he would be making with Michelle that day. He hoisted the transfer pod onto the truck and secured it so that he could transport it to the remote location from which he would depart upon the inter-nodal trip. When Michelle arrived Jason wanted to be able to just hop into the truck and go. As part of the equipment strapped to the outside of the transfer pod was a second bicycle for Michelle. This would allow her to...

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Availability for work auction part one

"Order, Order," The speaker of the House of Commons, the Palace of Westminster, the mother of Parliaments, the British Legislature spoke the words in the time honoured way as he gave the name of the next member of Parliament he would allow to speak. "The Prime Minister." The Prime Minister rose slowly from his seat and the whole chamber went quiet, more than six hundred elected members crammed into the chamber with barely room for half that number in comfort, it's timeless grandeur...

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Breasts Can Be A Big Liability Stephanies Extreme Interrogation

Breasts can be a big liability - Stephanie’s extreme Interrogation Chapter 1 – The first half hour ?Stephanie, are you ready?? I asked. ?Yes, I am.? she replied. Stephanie stood in front of me stark naked. She was an attractive 31 year old brunette with a beautiful figure. She worked indoors mostly, and her complexion was very pale. She had beautifully shaped firm breasts, with pink areolas, and reddish brown nipples that stood forth proudly from them. She stood with her shapely thighs pressed...

3 years ago
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The year was 1876 the country was reeling in shock and horror over the Battle Of The Little Big Horn, there was talk of revenge but many were scared of what the Red Indians would do next which is why 17 year old Jake and his 16 year brother Joe were helping Sara and her sister home from town, both boys were good shots with the rifle and handgun and were much sort after for protecting ranches. At 18 Sara was hot headed and moaned about being treated like a kid by 2 gunslingers, as they rode...

2 years ago
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Rumpelstiltskin Ch 03

Gareth spent hours sitting in a dark corner of the tavern, waiting on the girl to arrive and pay her father’s debt. He blended into the darkness. His mind made mental notes as he listened to the common folk complain about the lack or food and resources. He had much information to report to James upon his return to the castle. If the girl’s father lied about her ability, James would have to marry King Robert’s daughter. His people were ready to rebel, and the land would fall into lawlessness. ...

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Rumpelstiltskin Ch 04

Eleanor sat on the cold floor trembling in fear as her eyes roamed over the piles and piles of clean straw dominating the room. Sniffling, she wiped the tears from her eyes. ‘I thought I would have a chance with a simple farm… have a few babies, and be happy,’ she wailed. Her blonde head dropped to her knees as she cried for her unfinished life. Rumplestiltskin stood outside of the door listening to the girl’s wails. He couldn’t understand why her plight touched his heart, or maybe her beauty...

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Rumpelstiltskin Ch 02

Rumplestiltskin hated these annoying family affairs. A lifetime listening, cajoling, and solving his sister’s many problems. Why in the burning pits of hell was she made a fairy godmother? The magical world was quite simple. You’re assigned a human, and you spend a good portion of time fulfilling the wishes of said human. It’s not hard, she never read the fairy handbook. Luna, his sister, would arrive home in the midst of a crisis, and her tears flowed like a babbling brook. Their father would...

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It’s Friday night, I’m feeling fucking horny and want some ass abuse. I get myself kitted up- 20 hole rangers with red laces, my favorite bleachers nice and tight with a rip up the ass seam, red braces hanging down framing my ass nicely, white Fred Perry and my green MA1, quick check in the mirror, yeap lookin good off down the pub. I get me first pint in while I checking the talent, not bad but nothing that grabs me by the balls, but it’s still early yet so I ain’t worried. I get myself...

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It's Friday night, I'm feeling fucking horny and want some ass abuse. Iget myself kitted up- 20 hole rangers with red laces; my favorite bleachersnice and tight with a rip up the ass seam; red braces hanging down framingmy ass nicely; white Fred Perry and my green MA1; quick check in themirror, yeap lookin good off down the pub.I get me first pint in while I checking the talent, not bad but nothing thatgrabs me by the balls, but it's still early yet so I ain't worried. I getmyself another pint...

2 years ago
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Unmasking True Love

Hot candlewax and cold steamTwo different thingsThat blends together like sugar and teaWhen your cold kiss hits my hot lipsMy angry fire dies downAnd the world will never defeatHot candlewax and cold steamEvery word oozed out of the singer like honey hitting a spoon, as she mesmerized the crowd in that penthouse with her angelic voice that was only accentuated by hair white as snow, but skin as young as a freshly bloomed rose and hazel colored eyes that was covered by a 24 karat ruby red mask....

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Frisking A Lady At The Airport

Disclaimer- All the characters of the story are fictional. Hello. I am Rishabh. I am 25 years old and am working temporarily at an airport. On that fateful day there was a false alarm about a potential threat at the airport and because of that a lot of commotion was there. Due to someone’s fault all our duties got scrambled and I ended up at the security desk of the ladies. Due to the false scare and the rush women didn’t mind much a male security guard. There was a lady in the line who was...

2 years ago
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MAXOSKIN by Erin Shoemaker, Jr. On the TV came a picture of a man and woman sitting far apart on a couch. They were glaring at each other with disdain. The commercial's announcer began, "Maxoskin! Yes - Maxoskin! It's the revolutionary new product for men guaranteed to increase your sensitivity and stamina." The next scene was the same man and woman in an embrace - kissing passionately. "Our scientists at Maxoskin have invented the ultimate product to help you increase your...

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