Cassy's Author Notes free porn video

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Foreword: By the time I am writing this I had just published my eleventh story on Fictionmania. However, it was my tenth story that marked a small milestone for me. While still being an inexperienced writer I counted myself now as one to not just post once or twice, but be able to continuously write stories. Still, I have a lot to learn and sometimes I wish I could learn from other more experienced authors on FM. See their notes and understand their reasoning. One of the things I learned is that if you want a certain change you have to be willing to do the first step. So, as an experiment, I am publishing my notes and thoughts. Not because I think many people will read it and applaud it. It is in the hope that others might do the same and I get to peek into the writer's minds that came before me. I welcome you to look around and if you want you can ask questions in the review system or leave suggestions. I plan to update this document with every fifth or tenth story published. You are free to leave questions or suggestions in the reviews and I try to address those in future updates. xoxo Cassy ***** Index ***** Please use your browser search function to jump to the desired point. [A] My writing strategy and how it changed [B] Notes to specific stories [B.001] A jar full of Pixie [B.002] Tales of heirloom gems (1-5) [B.003] [UC] Natural Affection [B.003.a] General notes. [B.003.b] A chapter by chapter commentary [B.004] The other self [B.005] Troublesome Beauty [B.006] An elusive Fetish [B.007] Strange Attraction [B.008] How to chain Whissies [B.009] The Totalitarian Society You Will Love! [B.010] A Girl And Her Lantern [B.011] There Is Always Space For Another Exhibit [B.012] Pantie Raid In Hell [B.013] Miss Apocalypse [B.014] A Fateful Meeting [B.015] What Are Heroes Anyway? [B.016] Giving Birth To Pervy Ideas [T.001] Testreaders wanted! ***** [A] My writing process and how it changed ***** Writing stories was always a dream of mine, but I had the same hesitation that many others had. Namely that my writing will be horrible and that no one will read it. Looking back I know it is silly. Still, for years I was reluctant to pick up writing. It all changed thanks to a small indie fetish game now called "Transformania Time". A PvP game with the focus on changing other players into strange new forms. Be it animate or inanimate. When I stumbled onto it the number of spells was limited. Maybe fifty or so. Shocked I saw the lack of a cheerleader spell. I vowed to change that and shortly after submitted my first contribution. Coincidentally it was also the first time I wrote something related to genderbending. Inspired by my first work I wrote three more spells. Two of them featured gender-bending as well. My interest in the game waned, but not for the gimmick of transforming people. In my search for more I stumbled upon Fictionmania. While oriented at people looking for gender-bending, it still had a fair amount of categories related to my interest. Soon I stumbled upon two writers that pretty much a huge part of the Fictionmania foundation. Bill Hart and Morpheus. Through (mostly) them I learned to be intrigued by genderbending. From the storytelling standpoint, it was neat to see a radical shift for a character and how he or she reacts. Soon I discovered a certain issue with stories on FM. Most followed the same mechanic of transformation. It felt limited in creativity. Following the discovery, I started to write down my own story ideas, plot devices, and mechanics. The intent was to pitch these ideas to established writers on FM. Those of you who are fellow writers can appreciate how stupid of an idea this was. At the time I started my first tries on writing my own stories. Looking back I would say my biggest mistake was to write in the first person. I was intrigued by plot or story, and not as much invested in experiencing it through the eyes of my characters. Writing soon halted and looked elsewhere to use my creative juices. In the summer to fall of 2015 I decided to work on my poor English grammar. It was especially bad as English isn't my mother language. My chosen tool was writing stories. Contrary to before I chose this time to write in the third perspective. To this day a decision working out quite well for me. At that time I had about thirty story ideas and I made the plan to chose three or four and switch between them depending on mood. Here I made my second big mistake that I regret nowadays. All chosen stories were intended to be long. Above 100.000 words. Progress was slow and soon my writing suffered from it. Still, I managed to finish the first part of one of my stories. "Dimension Mages: Battle World Part 1" It had close to 11k words. I was very proud of my little accomplishment and started to look for an editor in order to publish it on Fictionmania later. Picking up an editor was harder than I thought. The reason why I learned a year later. Only one of the editors asked replied and soon he got my first draft. I expected critique, but not the one I got. "In all honesty, you need to rewrite the whole story." Naturally, I hadn't expected to write a masterwork on my first try. It wasn't the shocking one-liner that made me despair. The lack of any follow-up or willingness to answer what has been wrong put a serious dent in my mood. How can someone expect me to grow as a writer if no one points out my flaws? I might have quit writing if it hadn't been for one story. "A jar full of Pixie" was a spur of the moment project. It was the first story I wrote in one week and without switching to other stories in between. To finish something this fast felt elating. Not willing to risk another editor fiasco I published it straight to Fictionmania. The many positive reviews uplifted my mood. Yes, my spelling and grammar were critiqued, but overall people liked it nonetheless. I was eager to follow up with more. My first story not only changed my mood but made me rethink my writing strategy. Clearly working on four or five long stories was beyond my ability. I vowed to focus on shorter stories. Thankfully I had just the right project on a backburner. "Tales of heirloom gems" had been a side project slowly inching towards sixty percent. While I was still busy hitting F5 on my first story I rushed to complete the first five tales. To this day I am a little amazed that I managed to publish them a week later. At that time I thought that rushing things might hurt my writing, so another rethinking of my strategy was in order. For one I wanted to stay with short stories, but I still wanted to provide a continuous experience for readers. My chosen answer was to write a shared universe. By now the count of my story ideas was above one hundred. About a third of them scattered over various ideas for shared universes. I still had ideas for tales for the heirloom gems universe, but none were as flashed out as the first five. I decided on another shared universe. The "Undesirable Classes" universe was ideal to start out. I had already flashed out most plot points for the first six stories in my iterations. Perhaps I should explain what these iterations are as they build the foundation of my writing process. Following the initial story idea, I tell the story to myself. The resulting plot points I never write down. I let the story idea rest for some time and then retell the story to myself. Plot points noteworthy from my previous telling remained in my memory. The rest was not good enough and I forgot about it. Each retelling I call an iteration and most of the "Undesirable Classes" stories had about ten or more iterations. I knew their plot points by heart. Pushing all other started stories aside I began writing on "Natural Affection". Early on I set a goal of 15k words. Those I reached a few weeks later, but the story wasn't even about half-way done. It exposed another weakness of mine as an author. I was unable to predict how big a story will be. So much for writing a "short" story. Still, I continued. I finished mid-January and then scrambled to find test readers to offer me feedback. With about 34K the story was not only my biggest but also most complex one. The reception wasn't as good as my pixie story. Neither in reader count or reviews. Still, I eagerly started on the next story in the UC universe. Here I made an old familiar error. Instead of taking a break I rushed into the next story. It all did go well ... till it didn't. Halfway through I hit a writer's block. Unsure what to do I looked around and found the answer in form of writing "palate cleansers". Short stories to loosen my writer's muscles. What is the saying? "Third time is the charm." In the span of a week, I wrote 4 little stories. I patted myself on the shoulder, but then came the question of what to do now. Obviously, I had to publish them, but I didn't want to spam them just out. Soon I settled on uploading one every Friday. While not as successful as my previous stories they offered another small relief for me. Namely, they combated my growing pile of story ideas. By that time about 150. Another change in writing strategy was in order. The goal was clear. Each Friday a new short story and the rest of the time channeled into the next "Undesirable Classes" story. So far it is working out. I am curious how the future will change things. (In other words how it will &$%# me over next.) ***** [B] Notes to specific stories ***** ***** [B.001] A jar full of Pixie ***** "Pixies" was from the start designed as a pilot for a series. Not that I intended to write a series, but I drew inspiration from pilot episodes of various tv series. I wanted to establish a good protagonist and dislikeable (but slightly relatable) villain. I tried to set the story up in a way that would fuel the imagination of the reader. They should imagine how the series would play out. I am not sure if I was successful, but it was still fun to write. One of the major mechanics was the pixie home and that pixie homes could be owned. Resulting in mental changes along the way. For me, the intriguing part was that the hero would have a nontypical weakness. One that wasn't just "damn this hurts" or "damn you killed me". It was a way to the core to the person. With Jeri witnessing it first hand and escaping, she has all the reason to loath her weakness and to protect it more than if the knowledge had been just theoretical. There was one scene that didn't make it into the story. Early on I imagined Jeri finding out about her arousal inducing spells way sooner. After the meeting with the flying bus of fur (the encounter with the cat), I also Imagined her stumbling onto an elderly couple. The idea was that she would bewitch the old husband and wife and they would have sex. As in rediscovering the passion for each other. I scrapped the scene as I feared it would diminish the reader's view of Jeri as a hero. Willfully using her spells to toy with other people lives. Instead, it became melody who "pressured" Jeri into using the spells. Fun fact: If I ever would blow up this story into a series I'd imagine it would draw a huge amount of inspiration from the smurfs. I think why should be fairly obvious. ***** [B.002] Tales of heirloom gems (1-5) ***** "Casanova remix" was from the start designed as a way to explain to the reader how the gems worked. They most of all give skills, then behavior, followed by changes to the body. What intrigued me was the topic of womanizer versus sluts. The concept that it is okay or even expected for men to chase women, but not the other way around. I kind of wanted to break the mold by having a woman follow the male standard. The additional part of cross dressing is the cherry on top. Sadly it was a rather quick first tale. I intend to revisit the topic and this gem in tale number six. "Smooth like stone" was to introduce the concept that the gems grow stronger the more they are exposed to other magic. Much of the inspiration for this tale came from my original fascination with person-to-object transformation. As it switches main characters halfway through the story I made the decision to separate them into individual mini tales. "Claimed by Fire" was the deliberate try to tell the reader that gems can result in a "bad ending". I am kind of the writer to always write a happy ending so this was a little hard to write. In the end, I think one could say it is a bad and a good/happy ending depending on the point of view. For the mage, it is a tragic death and a bad ending. For the damsel in distress, it is the fulfilling of her destiny and a happy end. "Druid wanted, Druid needed." started out a lot differently. I really wanted to do a dryad transformation. Originally I imagined a warrior slaying a dryad and finding the gem. Then slowly the warrior would take over the dryad's position. I changed it to a voluntary change and love story mostly because it followed "Claimed by Fire". I wanted to have an upbeat tale to change the mood of the reader. I imagine some readers felt cheated after reading "The price of vanity". No gender-bending in this one. Like the first part of "Smooth like stone" it was intended purely to set up the gem for future tales. In a way, this gem represents one of the most extreme changes. To reset someone's life to that of a baby. More so of a female one. I imagine I will have some fun to now and then give this gem a cameo in future tales. ***** [B.003] [UC] Natural Affection ***** ***** [B.003.a] General notes. ***** Much of the details of this story I will explain in the chapter by chapter commentary, but I want to tell here how this story and the shared universe of "Undesirable Classes" came to be. At the time I wrote the story I was a little obsessed with stories that use games and RPG's as meta influence. I had the desire to write my own. However, unlike others, I wanted to highlight the often illogical rules within such worlds. The "Undesirable Classes" world was to generally focus on how restrictive it would be for a person to be defined by one class. To do this, I planned the world to be broken from the start with unbalanced rules inspired by games and their tropes. Natural Affection was intended to specifically highlight the broken romance logic in RPG games and dating sim games. Throw gifts at them and they will love you. Sure. Expanding from that I thought it would be nice to have a class that could carve at the same topic. What better than a Succubus for this type of work? Fun fact: Valerie's class name "Empusa" is copied (in other words stolen ... psst don't tell) from the game Disgaea. It is one of the unlockable variants of the Succubus classes there. Valerie's Empusa class and the one from Disgaea share the ability to drain health points from an enemy. ***** [B.003.b] A chapter by chapter commentary ***** Chapter 1, was the typical meet the hero part. Here I tried to underline that Walter was boring and quite happily so. He has no big aspirations as he already achieved all that he wanted in life. We also get a few first details of the world he lives in. "Walter logged out of his workstation." became also a much-hated sentence by me. Every time I opened the document this sentence greeted me. It was a reminder that I still wasn't done with the story. I imagined quite a few times to change that sentence, but I guess I would have hated the replacement sentence soon too. Chapter 2, was more details about Walter but also introduced his wife and daughter. They play a very big role in the story and have character development of their own. Therefore it was important to me that certain details, in turn, open to the reader early on. Bethany as a loving wife. Content to let her husband make big decisions. Sarah the perfect daughter caught in the middle of a huge change in her world. This part also introduced the reader to the Affection stat and how broken the rules surrounding it are. I wanted to highlight early on that this world was not balanced and fair. That there could be abuse and people willing to do it. Chapter 3, was the first major plot point. The fight leading up to Walter's switch to Valerie and his genderbending. I purposely tried to keep the first part peaceful so the reader would be equally surprised by the sudden escalation as Walter and his family are. A little fun fact is that I gave the story up to this point to a few friends. One of them didn't get the detail that it was a work in progress. She flat out told me it was very mean to end the story on such a cliffhanger. Chapter 4, was hard to write. First I tried the "OMG I AM A GIRL !!!" approach, but quickly dismissed it. I felt it was not in line with Walter's character. Instead, I tried to leave him in a state of shock, but also with his most important priority on the foreground: concern for his family. We also have the courtroom scene. Highlighting what happens to their attackers and how wicked the class is that he now is stuck in. One of the details, that might be overlooked, is that the attacking Empusa got no name. Internally I never gave her one as it was part of my imagined backstory. She died so often that she literally lost so many memories that she doesn't even who she is. That, in turn, fuels her desperation to change classes. Chapter 5, is rather short and is meant to not only highlight how $%?#ed Walter is but also to show the reader the overlaying theme of the shared universe I wish to create. As I have plotted out most of the future stories I was able to sneak in a little foreshadowing of a future story. Quite a few such foreshadowings made it into the story. Chapter 6, expanded on what the reader learned in chapter 5 about Empusas. To this day I fear it is a little too heavy of an information dump. I also tried to highlight how Walter started to coping with his new body. Not well, as he mainly is being passive about it. Chapter 7, was the typical "first time to buy clothes of the other gender" chapter. However, we have here also a small role reversal. Normally it is Walter in the family who takes charge. In this scene it is Bethany and Walter again takes on a passive stance. A theme to continue further in the story. We also have the naming of his female self. I needed a while to decide on Valerie as I first tried to come up with a fitting name starting with W. At the end is also the first clue that the changed body of Walter might split him apart from Bethany as the rules of the world are starting to act. The description of the clothes is mostly glossed over at this point. This was on purpose as I feared going into too much detail would slow down the overall story pacing. Chapter 8, is short and meant to reinforce some information gained by chapter 7. Giving also Sarah a small moment of character development. Chapter 9, picks up the speed of the timeline. Clueing the reader in how Walter is coping with his new body and the resulting changes in his life. I tried the low-key approach to reinforcing the fact that Walter/Valerie is mostly reaction instead of acting. That he/she acts if it is a short- term situation and therefore tries to stick to his normal view of the world. it also introduces new characters. Janet as a strict, but fair boss. Gary, a person I loathed to write but included him because he was important to the plot. However, I hoped that by this point that Gary stuck in the reader's mind, but not as a character to watch out for. And at last Hank. I planned him as a one-off throwaway character, but later found an additional use for him. Chapter 10, brought a small character development opportunity. In this chapter, I resolved most of the "sexual harassment at work" plot point of the story. However, by flipping the accusation to indicate it was Valerie doing the harassment I tried to for one to do something unexpected to the reader and highlighting some of the biased view people in that world have that differ from ours. We have Valerie for the first time proactively doing something about her day to day situation. Also, we have a conclusion to the plot involving Gary. A fake conclusion that I hope fouled some readers. Chapter 11, further shifts the dynamic in Valerie's household. This time we have Sarah stepping up. On a smaller part, it also tells the reader that Bethany is the one now researching a solution to the class problem. Again leaving Valerie on the passive side. Chapter 12, deepens the change and how Sarah takes up a more dominant role in the relationship to her father/new-mother. We also learn new details on how Valerie's class works. Slowly shifting the perception of the reader from an unmanageable class to one that one could at least bargained with. At least that is what I hoped to accomplish. Chapter 13, doesn't fulfill as much of a plot point as it is to give the reader how Valerie's new typical workday is or shaping up to be. We have a foreshadowing peek at Gary just to remind the reader that the character exists. The chapter ends on the positive note of Janet's compliment mostly to set up chapter 14. Chapter 14, was a hard chapter to write. I even hated myself a little for putting Valerie through the ordeal. However, this scene is there for an explicit reason. As mentioned before Valerie acted mostly passive to the changes around before and others took the initiative. Most of her adjustments can be traced back to Sarah or Bethany. I needed something to break Valerie's passive behavior. The resulting chapter 14 is the pivot-point to shift Valerie's behavior to a more active one. As with chapter 3, I started with a deception to the reader. The busy day prior to the garage scene was to lull the reader into thinking this was the main plot point of the chapter. While clearly in the victim role we have Valerie reacting in a few active ways. Using her intelligence to plot a way out of the situation. To actively use some of the learned knowledge since her change. That this is not a 100% success is on purpose. Near the end, we have a scene where Valerie faces the real possibility of dying. In this world, it means losing memory. In other words losing her past accomplishments as Valerie. While numb from the encounter we also have the short moment when Valerie insists on giving a statement. This was to hint at what was to come. The shift inside her to change from reacting to actively doing something to move forward. To not cling to the past and face the challenges ahead. Chapter 15, shows Sarah coming to the rescue. Once again showing her more dominant. This chapter is a little more than just showing off Sarah's class and ability. At first, we have Valerie very passive. I think very understandable to the reader, given what happened in chapter 14. But here she is given an opportunity to improve herself. Not as Walter, but as Valerie. It marks the low-key moment when Valerie sees her new body not as something to get rid off, but also as something to protect and care for. Chapter 16, brings Brad Cooper back. Oh, that poor sucker. We will encounter him a few times in the story. While he is in part running gag and comedic relief he also is there to bring back the memory of the affection rules ( and how broken they are). It also gives Valerie the opportunity to show off a bit of her new found active role. Going into the introduction of the new teacher and learning to dance is in part to deepen the chapter as comedic relief and lighten the mood after the previous grave chapters. Chapter 17, is meant for the reader in part to show off how Valerie further starts to act on her own. On the other end, it is still mostly light-hearted. Chapter 18, starts on another big plot point to resolve. The decline of Bethany's affection for Valerie. By showing off a happy couple I tried to contrast the current relationship of Valerie and Bethany. We also have Hank again. For a former one-off character, he pops up surprisingly often. Chapter 19, is another big one resolving a plot point and I image quite a few readers dismissed it as fan service or smut. For one we have Bethany take the initiative. Quite strongly too. Further cementing a shift in their relationship. It used to be Walter who resolves family problems. Now as Valerie she takes a step back and lets Bethany supply the solution. I see it not as Valerie falling back into passive mode. Rather she actively chooses to let this change happen. Next, we have the gratuitous week of pure sex. it is a little more than just smut or fan service. The story is highlighting broken rules of games and I needed something to break the broken rules of the world. A glitch so to speak. I tried other approaches but settled on this one because it is so strong and extreme. To highlight how much is needed to cheat the system. It also has the added benefit of Valerie finally acknowledging an aspect of her body she so far ignored. Not only is her defense on this torn down. It is literally obliterated by Bethany. It marks the point where Valerie stops thinking of something to be tolerated and starts seeing the advantages. Chapter 20, was another break from the main plots to provide a little comedic relief. We also get another clue on the Empusa class's real potential. Chapter 21, starts pretty low-key. It, of course, foreshadows some action later. By now I hope this tactic didn't become too obvious to the reader. I originally needed a chapter to explain how the "evil" Empusa and Gary escaped the prison. It quickly ballooned out to throwing Valerie right into the middle of a fight. Letting me show off how much she learned in her combat training. It also gave me a good moment to clue the reader in on the "concentrated health" trait of an Empusa. On a very very low-key note, we also see Valerie's affection changing aura/pheromones work in a nonsexual way. Meaning she takes on a leading role in the defense and how others look up to her as a leader. Chapter 22, sees again Bethany taking charge. Resolving another big drawback of the Empusa class. It also provides a bit fetish-centric fan service. Surprisingly the hardest part of the chapter was naming the class Bethany changed into. I tried several names based around cows or minotaurs. None made it click and in the end, I used the name "Heylin". Created by randomly sticking letters together. How professional ... Chapter 23, provided mostly comedic relief and prepared Bethany for the big boss fight at the end. No deep plot here. Chapter 24, was to set up chapter 25. I didn't want to spring the big company BBQ on the reader without warning. It also gave me the opportunity to remind the reader of the advantage of the Heylin class in a comedic way. Chapter 25, is a big conclusion. Valerie has learned the details of her class and started to master them. In order to highlight those, she is thrown into a fight alongside with her family. It doesn't really resolve a lot of plot points but is meant as something to tie all the previous experiences together. We have Gary who gets a face full of a spear and a small revenge for Valerie. We see Valerie once again take charge and in return how her work life might improve in the future. The big bad is the other Empusa. She is not only a focus of Valerie's anger. She represents a lot of the fears Valerie had in regards to her new class. The "evil" Empusa is cut off from meaningful social contact and mostly reduced to her "sexy" image. Lost to the disadvantages to the class. In the end, Valerie gives the other Empusa a class stone. One might interpret this as the other Empusa winning as she succeeds in her goal. However, for Valerie, it is to make peace with the embodiment of the negative aspects of her class. Showing in turn part of her personal growth. One of the biggest hurdles in this chapter was to give Valerie a reasonable opportunity for her one on one duel at the end. I did go through a few iterations why the police needed so long to storm the last room. I settled on spread thin troops and barricaded doors. Still, I view this plot convenience as pretty weak. Not a plot hole, but maybe a frayed patch of plot fabric. The other big weakness is the passive behavior of the thugs after their boss died. I wish I could have resolved this better. Chapter 26 / The Epilogue, is the customary happy ending. Here we see Valerie's new resolve and finally embracing her new class and sex. I tried here to resolve every last open plot point, which hopefully I managed. Oh, there is Brad Cooper again. I wonder when we will read about him next... ***** [B.004] The other self ***** "The other self" had a specific idea as its core. To flip a low-key trope most gender-bending stories followed: We have one change or a series of changes that transition a character from a starting body and personality to another. In my story, I tried to write the other extreme: the constant changing of one's body so much that the mind got used to it, but wished the change would stop. The "be careful what you wish for" is a big part of the story and I quite liked toying with the reader into thinking "the bad ending happened". ***** [B.005] Troublesome Beauty ***** I regret a little writing "Troublesome Beauty" as a short story. The idea that a label might define you not just mentally, but physically as well was intriguing. To this day I think I haven't fully that part and maybe one day I revisit the story. I had a lot of fun writing about Leon and how he was "haunted by trouble". Throwing him or later her into the school was like throwing a fox into a chicken cob. Especially as Leona still attracts trouble. Part of what makes me regret cutting the story short is an unexplored aspect. Conceptually I had the internal logic that people with a mature/developed title can give others new titles. With Leona being legendary I imagined quite a few girls around her getting titles offered to them. Maybe even without Leona noticing that she is handing out titles. ***** [B.006] An elusive Fetish ***** This story was conceived as a possible prequel to a bigger story. I wanted to get a feel how readers would take in the idea of fetishes being traded as a commodity. Sadly the reading count was rather low and the reviews sorta mixed. If I would have continued I imagined Melise using deals and bets to get other pupils at her school to cultivate fetishes for her. ***** [B.007] Strange Attraction ***** The idea for "Strange Attraction" was after I wrote down yet another story idea involving a Succubus. As I tend writing girl on girl smut it struck me as odd why a Succubus should be interested in a woman and vice versa. That was typically the role of Incubus. The idea to have a transgendered Incubus came a moment later. I wanted to focus the story on both main protagonists while being in a tight confined space. Setting it on a freighter in a sci-fi setting allowed me exactly that. In hindsight, I admit that the story feels a bit rushed. The story could be better if I had added one or two more scenes to make the shift in Serina's headspace a little more gradual to the reader. Fun fact: To this day I am baffled by RachelJBadger's comment about what Cure song reference I might have added. The answer, by the way, is that if there is one it is coincidental. ***** [B.008] How to chain Whissies ***** Whissies started out with a fun little thought experiment of mine. If Sissies had their own magic how would it work? What would be the effects and mechanics? Given that Sissies are predisposed to take in body fluids (cum) the idea that it was needed for their spells wasn't too far off. From there the mechanic of passing spells in turn to each other wasn't so far fetched either. That gave way to the idea that they would need to chain themselves in a way and that in turn gave me the basic plot point of Whissies. A story I that was surprisingly a lot of fun to write. While I think of this story as done and over I sometimes think about just how it would play out if two or more Whissie covens would go to war with each other. For fun, I'll answer Daphne Xu's question here that she posted in a review: "The Whissies are an underworld secret in a world with overt witches and warlocks?" - I imagine they aren't a really a secret, but shunned or belittled by witches and warlocks. I imagined magic in the world more like a hobby for most. Instead of making a bowling team with your co-workers they do spells in the moonlight. "I'm wondering, is this a sane world or a crap sack world? " I imagine from our point of view there are a view insane aspects to the world and its people. Of course, they would say the same about us. "I guess that since the guards were able to repel the chasers, there are at least islands of sanity. On the other hand, if it was impossible to call a cab after 5 PM, then..." Oh no, someone found a plot hole! To be honest, that mistake might be because I don't own a mobile phone myself, so that might be the reason why Arnold hadn't thought about it himself. Why didn't he called a cab at work? I call lapse of judgment. ***** [B.009] The Totalitarian Society You Will Love! ***** Another story that was very fun to write and was based on a simple idea: imagine a totalitarian society that actually fulfills very wish of you. Even the ones most hidden. To highlight how ridiculous it is I tried to make the main protagonist (Roman/Maureen) a little contradictory. I mean writes male on male smut, but is really attracted to woman. While not impossible it is a bit hard to believe and that was my intention. I don't really think a sequel is necessary. Maureen's story is done for me. But recently I got a few ideas of other strange people with strange needs that could end up in the totalitarian society they will love. ***** [B.010] A Girl And Her Lantern ***** Originally my writing started with a focus on person-to-object transformations. After so many gender-bending stories I decided to return to my roots for a little. Of course, my old habit to avoid downtrodden paths caught up again. Bras, panties, stockings and heels. All done and a staple of the genre. I needed something else. One object transformation that had always intrigued me was that of becoming a candle, slowly burning away. After choosing my target transformation I had to come up with a plot. As candles aren't very common in modern age I looked in the past and thought a folklore or fable-like story might fit best. I kind of like the end product as in a way it has a bad and a happy ending. Overall it might be a bad ending. Radovan gets kidnapped by the old man and his friend is about to join the fate. On the other hand, Tereza is quite happy now. For her, it is a happy ending. Paula Girl brought up the topic that I might have miscategorized the story by adding "identity death". I think that is debatable. Yes, Tereza keeps her memories, but her personality twists so much that she loses connection to them. The moment she chooses to not warn her old friend she chooses her new reality over the sentimentality rooted in her memories. Some might have wondered why Tereza was fitted with brass to fix her to her lantern while other candle girls were free within their lantern. Originally I planned the story to end in an additional scene. Tereza outside of the house in her lantern while another storm was tearing through the landscape. It would have made the story come full circle as it would now be her to lure in lost wanderers. But liking the scene where she "betrays" her friend so much, I decided to omit the addition as it would subtract from it. Fun fact: This was the first story after finding a name generator that could output names based on country. For this story, I used names originating in Croatia. I liked the idea to fish in a new and less established pool for names. I think for this story it worked quite well. However, it doesn't necessarily mean the story plays in Croatia. ***** [B.011] There Is Always Space For Another Exhibit ***** This story was based on a suggestion of a friend and as she was a devoted test reader I decided to write this story as a little reward. In the process, the story evolved a lot beyond its usual scope. The original idea was that of a traveling spaceship museum using modern technic to "hide" refugees in order to smuggle them past customs. In order to add plot I came up with the betrayal part and the one being sold to a new owner. The first draft wasn't even 2000 words long. It missed the curating scene on the spaceship and cut off after the delivery to Sverre (the new owner). My friend had several good suggestions after reading the first draft. For one the museum part or that Juliska was displayed fell short. Prompting me to add the curating scene and influencing the two new closing scenes. Number two was the idea for the control implants that would pose Juliska before she returned to "statue mode". Her last gripe was with me adding the zeraphian race aspect. She called bullshit and pointed out the many plot holes surrounding it. Of course, I accepted the challenge. Time to do some pseudo-science. This quickly grew into the longer version the story is now. I don't think it was quite that what my friend had in mind for the story, but it was too late. My mind was made up. XD Names: Again I used a name generator. If I remember correctly Juliska and Lucinda originated in Hungary and Alma and Sverre are based on Norwegian names. ***** [B.012] Pantie Raid In Hell ***** Normally I tend to write stories with happy endings. Not in this case. It was an attempt to write a bad ending. Nothing beats landing in hell as the bad ending, right? However, midway through writing, I came up with a lot more of possible content. Chronicling the long journey for Tiffy through this hell finding redemption and rebirth at the end. In the end, I decided against it and did go with my initial story plan and length. Mostly because why should a bad guy get a happy end? Even if it would take an eternity or two to reach it. Two reviewers mentioned that Andrew/Tiffy is accepting too fast her new body and role. I think they might have missed a point here. Giving Andrew a female name and forcing his mind to think of himself as a female does not mean he is accepting his role. It was meant as another insult to him, as he can't even live in denial about his new body and gender. He was an "alpha male" in his mind and to be forced to be a woman is the worst for him. It is ... hell. And since I am commenting on reviewers here I might as well say: I have no clue why someone might think it is a sci-fi story. ***** [B.013] Miss Apocalypse ***** The story might be confusing a little. The Reason is that it was in part an experiment and writers exercise. My goal was to write a compelling story, that takes place inside a world that did not make much sense and where not everyone acts logically. Many parts of the world building are unreasonable or hidden. Not just to the reader, but also to the characters living in this world. To be honest, even I don't know all the details in the world. Which is part of the challenge. I probably could have explained the soul chips better. Think casino like chips that function as trading cards. Each unique and linked to a person. They "spawn" at obelisks and use the corresponding person as a template for the zombies. Acquired by summoners they act as a focus to summon the corresponding person. Flicking a soul chip is an ability of a summoner to "sell" a soul chip to gain a currency summoners use. I tried to explore the world through the eyes of Damien and since his understanding is flawed, so is the view the reader gets. He tries the same as the reader to make sense of this world. I had a lot of fun writing Zoey as she doesn't make much sense. There is not a lot of logical reasoning behind her actions and this sets her apart from the characters I usually write. Now, each time I start a new story, I wonder if I can somehow add a screwball character like her. ***** [B.014] A Fateful Meeting ***** One of my first story ideas I came up with was one with the novel idea to follow along a meeting of gender benders who try to overcome their addiction. It offered the fun opportunity to moonlight some tropes. However, the idea gathered dust as I never could figure out a plot. I was developing another story idea about a fertility goddess priestess and suddenly it made a click for me. Remembering the older idea I combined both. Sadly the moonlighting of tropes fell a bit short. I couldn't help myself to include another fun little idea. Namely a cameo of myself. I guess most would have figured out that Cassandra - the FM writer in the story - was me. If you didn't then now you know. Sadly I don't live in a universe with rampant gender bending. Which brings me to the next point. I was asked in a review if the story plays in existing universe. No. Not intentionally and given the details, it is not very probable that it could fit into an existing universe. Let's see. We have magic and it is openly known that it exists. That rules out the SRU universe for sure. We have technic enabled devices. So much that the government has watchlists for specific parts. Speaking of government. They not only know about gender bending and magic. They passed laws concerning them and have some kind of reaction planned for worst case scenarios. If you know a universe that has all these aspects: please do tell! I also have to correct a little mistake in the future when I update the story. I wanted to include another person in the epilog. Some might remember that Susan's anger management therapist was gender bend and Susan promised to turn him back. With Susan stuck as a male I imagine the therapist still waits for it. ***** [B.015] What Are Heroes Anyway? ***** The first review of this story was along the lines of "Great superhero story, but it has barely anything to do with gender bending. It shouldn't be on Fictionmania." Maybe because of this review the story didn't get as many views as I hoped. Still, I was kind of sad that the review was deleted. After all, it was a valid opinion. Writing the story I was tempted to include more reaction to the gender bend. After all, that is the part that fascinates me the most about TG. How characters react to such a sudden and drastic change. So why didn't I? The answer lies within the story. More specifically the world. Silvio grows up in a dystopian future and he had to fight for everything he got. Be it hard work or stealing. In such circumstances could you envision dressing up or hitting the mall or a hair stylist? The world itself excludes many reactionary actions we are accustomed in TG stories. Even Silvio's reaction to the gender bend is logical from his perspective. He had a hardened youth. Risk and quick hard decisions part of his upbringing. Violet has no time to mourn the loss of her male self. All her instincts tell her to look forward and do the best in this situation. It is just another hurdle life throws her way. It makes sense in her shoes to ignore the change itself and focus that "the sacrifice of losing her male body" was not in vain. Hence her immediate instinct to start training. Her frustration of failing in said training also has another consequence. The realization that she might have sacrificed her male body for nothing. Hence her determination to make it work. Those that got that this story is not only about heroes and villains, and is a full TG story by showing a realistic reaction: cheers and thank you. Those who can't agree, please read the story again and then I welcome the chance to discuss your opinion. About a few other questions I got. Why aren't the super villains and police capturing the bearer of the Phoenix spark? Try keeping someone alive who is in full on berserker mode. With enhanced strength, even metal and walls could be rent in time. There are plenty of opportunities for a spark to escape and then you have a spark inside a base. Not good. Why not bury a spark? That would lead to the death of the spark. As a consequence of being killed by an enemy the spark would be reborn stronger before and as often as needed to escape the grave. Why are the villains keeping the slums and people alive in the first place? I omitted this detail to not blow the story up too much. Many villains use emotions as a source of power. Namely, the despair of people around them. ***** [B.016] Giving Birth To Pervy Ideas ***** What a fun little story. Especially since I wrote it with one goal in mind. I think my writing of smut and more importantly sex scenes are lacking. The best way to chance it is training it. Hence this story was my practice and playground. I think it turned out alright. You might be wondering why I wrote "The end?" yet marked the story as complete. I think this part is pretty complete as a story about the change itself and the immediate reaction to it. However, I plan to revisit Ricky and Amanda in two years. Hopefully in story time and not real-life time. I think the sequel will deal with how they settled in their new life and how they found a way to exploit Ricky's unique curse/blessing. To tie it all up maybe Sallie finally makes an entrance and offers to undo the curse. How will Ricky react? Of course, there is always the possibility to bigger garments springing forth of Ricky's imagination. Originally I planned to start the story with Richard and Sallie on their date. However, I came to the conclusion that it might slow the story pace too much in the beginning. I think the chosen start to recap the date in a talk with Amanda is satisfactory and helps to build up Amanda's character more. A fun little tidbit: One of my test readers had an immediate question. "I heard latex quickly takes on smells. Does every latex garment Ricky makes smell like her sex?" I have no clue how to answer that one. Maybe one of you dares to try? ***** [T.001] Testreaders wanted! ***** I know what you are thinking now: "But Cassy, don't you mean editors?" No, I do indeed need test readers. Recently I started to wish I had a small test audience before I posted. That is why I hope to pick up ten to twenty test readers. Though I admit I would be happy to pick up even one, which sadly is more likely. 1. What would it entail and time commitment: Well obviously you, as a test reader, would have to read my stories before I post them. As I write in a normal week ideally between 4000 and 8000 words, the produced text would be fluctuating between 15 and 60 mins of reading time. Most of my current output is short stories after all. What I would need is a detailed review of about ten sentences. Answering questions like the strength or weaknesses of the overall plot and how likable (or hateable) the characters are. Additionally, I might sometimes ask to test read one of my bigger "in progress" stories. There the time commitment would be about two to three hours and I would probably ask specific questions in order to get a feel for reader response. Often I do this to overcome a hurdle in a bigger story that resulted in writer's block specific to that story. 2. Pro and cons for being my test reader: I am sorry to say that I can't offer monetary incentives. Sorry. I tried to prepare a small list to help you decide. + You could help shape my stories before I post them. While I usually stick to my vision of a story I listen to suggestions that fit into the narrative. + You get to read bigger unfinished stories that might not land on FM for month or years. + I might do small straw polls about what stories I should write next. So as test reader you could influence what stories land on FM written by me. + I am always open to suggestions for story plots or plot mechanics, but I might be more inclined to do a story based on a suggestion by test readers. My story "There Is Always Space For Another Exhibit" is such a reward story for one of my current test readers. Please note that I can't guaranty picking up a suggestion so don't volunteer for this possible perk alone. - The time commitment involved - Test readers usually get to read the raw version before I check for spelling and grammar errors. So you can expect mistakes. A lot of them. But since you wouldn't be an editor you don't have to point them out. 3. Workflow and communication: I would prefer communications over Google Hangouts or email. Usually, I finish a raw version of the story and share a google docs link with my test readers. Next is a phase where I listen to suggestions and try to incorporate them. This phase is ideally one to two weeks long. Afterward, I start checking for grammar and spelling mistakes. Once done I put it aside for posting on FM. 4. What do I write and what can you expect to read: Writing for me is all about finding a unique narrative or plot device. That is why I write in all genres, even though I lean towards specific ones. Most of my stories are using sci-fi or magic (but I do plan to write others as well.) They also tend to have a happy end, but that too isn't a given. Expect a varied spread of stories as that is my goal to accomplish as a writer on FM. I also think I lean towards humorous writing, but that is subjective on my part I guess. 5. Currently available workload: There has been a small pile up of finished or unfinished stories where I still (desperately XD) need feedback. In order to be open, I'll write a small overview here of my writing projects most noteworthy. Stories currently finished in a raw version (no grammar or spell checking yet): - Wanna See A Lakers Game? (about 1600 words - Focus: cross-dressing; plot twist; humor) Finished raw versions of serials: - Dimension Mages: Battle World Part 1 of 3 ( About 11000 words - Focus: magical transformation; caught with consequence; mental changes; pop culture; game-like mechanics) - The Lokian Way - Week 1 & 2 (out of 10) (About 27000 words - Focus: magical pranks; bizarre body modification; school; smut; humor) Unfinished bigger stories: - Undesirable Classes: Last Regrets (About 13000 words and about 80% done - Focus: BDSM; tricked; cross-dressing; magical transformation; voluntary; game-like mechanics) - About Thorns And Sleeping Beauties (About 7000 words and 40% done - Focus: defiant; fantasy; tricked; stuck; magical transformation) - The Summer Job (About 13000 words and 20% done - Focus: tricked; voluntary; BDSM/pet play (cowgirl and ponygirl); smut; magical transformation) - The Pantie Switch (About 17000 words and 80% done - Focus: body swap; multiple changes; BDSM; mental changes; uniforms) If someone of you is intrigued please contact me at [email protected]. Also maybe read my previous stories to get a feel how I write. xoxo Cassy

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Characters in Search of Their Author

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The Author

The Author By Margaret Jeanette Sheila Jennings was balancing her checkbook, checking it out on-line with her credit union statement. It was coming out perfectly. She finished and decided to check to see if she had any E-mails, clicked on the E-mail link, and got her husband's E-mail by mistake. One E-mail caught her attention. It had the heading 'Thanks for the story.' She clicked on it. It read "Dear Tabitha, Thanks for the wonderful story 'My Pretty Girlfriend' on...

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When An Author Meets Her Regular Reader

Anjali waited outside the railway station with her left hand holding her mobile to her ear. It was nearly eight o clock at night and she wasn’t standing close but at a moderate distance from the station. Today Ananth was arriving. She wrote sex stories on iss and Ananth was her fan and also her ‘online boyfriend’. Anjali: where are you? Ananth: I am outside now looking for you. Anjali quickly walked out of sight and hid behind a parked car. Anjali: what are you wearing? And just raise your...

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Author and Subject

Author and Subject Belladonna Brett Hynde was by most standards a successful man. He had his first novel published when he was 24. The book received plaudits from the literature community and produced decent sales. It was his second book that made Brett known to a sizable public, however. The success of the book put Brett in a difficult position. He was a shy, retreating man. He wanted no part of the spotlight or the people who sought him out. Brett decided then that he would...

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Author and Subject Two

Author & Subject Two Belladonna As Secretary's Day passed, Brett prepared to settle in at his new job. However, he first had to take care of the loose strands of his old life and set up his new life. He typed up a formal letter to his publisher informing them that he had retired from professional writing. He made no mention of his new life or career. He drove to a post office over 100 miles away to drop off the letter to help conceal his whereabouts. It was not long before...

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Author and Subject Three

Author & Subject Three Belladonna Brett walked towards the office's door in the short strides that his grey pencil skirt permitted. Thoughts about the prior night consumed him as he pulled the door open. He smiled at Nina as he saw her walking into her office. They exchanged good mornings before Brett started to set up at his desk for his workday. He tried to understand what had happened the night before, but he remained as conflicted as he found himself at the...

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The Dogging Diaries Questions With The Author I

Part 1 of a series of questions and answers with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries I'd like to thank Matt who has been such a great friend and pen pal throughout this entire process for putting together these questions. Awesome job. Away we go ... 1. It was almost a year from when you first dressed as Kristy until you even touched another man's penis. How did you drift? What were some of the things done that help you to drift? What would you say to help someone...

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The Dogging Diaries Questions With The Author II

Part 2 of a series of questions and answers with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries. These questions cover parts 3 and 4 of the diaries. Again, thanks to Matt for putting the questions together. Away we go ... 1. You obviously had some deep struggles. How close did you come in 2007 to giving the dream of being a girl? How were you able to get past the stress and doubt? Do you have any recommendations for those who might be in that situation now? The answer lies...

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The Dogging Diaries Questions With The Author III

Third in a series of reader questions with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries: Q. You seem to have quite a fashion sense when you were dressing to play. You were pretty detailed with what you wore for the events mentioned. Surely there must have been more about your thoughts on sexy fashion. Your fashion ideas may be valuable to other t-girls. Can you share your recommendations on what worked (clothes, makeup, shoes) for you? A. Great question. How much time do you...

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Reader Meets Author

“I imagine I’m not what you expected.”You can say that again.I had the uncomfortable feeling that whatever I said, the woman would see right through me in a flash. “I wasn’t sure what to expect.”But I’d had my suspicions. Rather unflattering suspicions at that. Revealing them would no doubt make me seem shallow or worse, as if I’d come prepared to throw stones in the glasshouse that was my own physical frame, which I had taken little care of in the years since my wife…No, let’s not go there....

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Fucked My Best Friend8217s Author Mom

Hello beautiful people. Thank you so much for showering so much love on It was overwhelming. If you haven’t read it, click on my profile and read it. Let me quickly re-introduce myself to people reading my story for the first time. I am Aryan, 26 years old, from Delhi. I hail from a well-to-do family and am a qualified professional. I am 5’8” tall with a 6” long tool and 2.5” in thickness with fair color, athletic body, and looks that you can’t ignore! I am very thankful to ISS for giving...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Best Friend8217s Author Mom 8211 Part 2

Hello beautiful people. Thank you so much for showering so much love on . It was overwhelming. If you haven’t read it, click on my profile and read it. Let me quickly re-introduce myself to people reading my story for the first time. I am an Aryan, 26 years old, from Delhi. I hail from a well-to-do family and am a qualified professional. I am 5’8” tall with a 6” long tool and 2.5” in thickness with fair color, athletic body, and looks that you can’t ignore! I am very thankful to ISS for giving...

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Fucked my best friend8217s author mom 8211 Part 3

Hello beautiful people. I hope you are in a good state of health and got both your vaccine shots done. Thank you so much for showering so much love in the previous two parts. It was overwhelming. Let me quickly reintroduce myself to people reading my story for the first time. I am Aryan, 26 years old, from Delhi. I hail from a well-to-do family and am a qualified professional. I am 5’8” tall with a 6” long tool and 2.5” in thickness with fair color, athletic body and looks that you can’t...

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The AuthorChapter 3 Searching the Soul

As Jennifer drove home on autopilot, she wrestled with what had happened. Jennifer had found her answer, the secret of the basement, yet she had more questions. What exactly did he have in mind for her? Did he really expect her to become submissive, and allow herself to be tied up and used again? She got home just before three, and walked upstairs with his books stuffed into her oversized purse. Jennifer had become frugal in her expenses, in an effort to save money. So far in her adult life,...

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The AuthorChapter 10

Bill woke with Jennifer next to him and stretched as he sat up. It was time to get back to work, he had enjoyed the week away from the difficulties of writing, but it was time to work. He nudged Jennifer who smiled at him as she woke. "I kind of miss waking up with Monica. I liked that." Jennifer said, as she started moving. "Yeah, me too. But in a couple months, she'll be here with us every morning. In the mean time, we have weekends together." Bill said as he headed for the bathroom....

4 years ago
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Sex for notes

When I was in college, specifically a junior, I was sick and missed class for the whole week. The day after I got better I had an English test. I needed to get the notes I'd missed, but the problem was no one in my class really took good notes. Except for one kid, Trent. He stood at about 5 foot 11 inches, with dark black hair, green eyes, and completely jacked. He also had huge arms and six pack that you could always see through his shirt. I never really spoke to him before he was a quiet guy...

Gay Male
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The Notes

The Notes When I was thirteen going on fourteen my parents separated. They said that it was just because they fell out of love with one another but that they both loved me. I knew that it was because Dad had gotten his girlfriend pregnant. Anyway soon after that I started masturbating constantly. It didn’t have anything to do with my parents splitting up it was strictly sexual. I used to get Mom’s used panties from the dirty clothes hamper in the bathroom. After her shower at...

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Crib Notes

‘Don’t touch me!’ Charlotte Miller cringed in the corner of her room, her hands balled into fists, ready to attack the first person that approached. We all stood looking at her, wondering what had set her off. Even the nurses didn’t know. Nurse Stenton just glared at her, pissed off beyond words and trying to find a way to remain professional. And there wasn’t one. ‘Mrs. Miller, it’s time for your bath!’ ‘I don’t care. You’re not touching me.’ I stepped forward, drawing a stern look from...

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Sex for notes

When I was in college, specifically a junior, I was sick and missed class for the whole week. The day after I got better I had an English test. I needed to get the notes I’d missed, but the problem was no one in my class really took good notes. Except for one kid, Trent. He stood at about 5 foot 11 inches, with dark black hair, green eyes, and completely jacked. He also had huge arms and six pack that you could always see through his shirt. I never really spoke to him before he was a quiet guy...

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Perks of an Erotic AuthorChapter 3

I must confess; Sunday passed very slowly for me as I constantly wondered if George and Esther were biding by my rules, I knew the fascination of their new piercings would constantly nag into their thoughts, but such is my nature I knew I had to trust them until proved otherwise. Monday was easier for me as I was busy till fairly late into the evening when at 10 30 pm I phoned George and Esther. I wanted to know how the last two days had been for them and also wanted to tweak up the ante a...

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A Story Writing Contest For All Our ISS Authors

Dear ISS Authors, We are happy to announce an exciting Story-writing contest on Indian Sex Stories. We are looking for the best sex story written based on the popular Hindi sitcom, ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma.’ You can find some samples of such stories The winner will be rewarded with a one-month premium subscription of Savita bhabhi comics worth $24.95! Please go through these details of the contest:- *The story must be written in Desi Hindi (Hinglish) only. *The story should have about...

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Daddy got mad by sharicoopertheauthor

Shari is a fourteen year old girl and recently been introduced to sex by her father, no they were not sexually involved. Just that her father gave het the 'talk'. The whole time her father spoke she felt rather uncomfortable but yet at the same time felt a tingy sensation near her private area. The mention of words like, 'penis', 'vagina', 'semen', sparked her interest into sex even further. On that evening she started masturbating. It has been a few months that her and her father...

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The Absolutely True and Totally Verifiable History of the Lush Annual Authors Orgy Gangbang

Sitting at his computer, Marcus took himself in hand, stroking slowly, being careful not to get too close to cumming. He had a bet with that doll, Alice, about who could get the other to cum first, and he was damned if he was going to lose.They took turns reading Lush stories over the phone while they both masturbated, non-stop. The one who came first had to forfeit to the other. And Alice had a vicious sense of humor when it came to forfeits…He finished reading a story by an author in Brooklyn...

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Divorcee Milfs Erotic Sex With ISS Author

Hi ISS readers and fans of ISS!  I would like to thank my ISS Readers for appreciating . Also, I thank all those women, teen girls, and bhabhis and my other story followers for their valuable comments and encouragement for keeping me going to post my sexual experiences. To those who don’t know me, my name is Hemant, from Bangalore. I am one of the authors of ISS Story Page. The sex experience I am going to share happened around November i.e. last month. Many women email me to express their...

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Boarding school punished for passing notes

My high-school was fantastic. It was a boarding school with allowed physical punishment. The punishment was mostly more humiliation and public shame with which they tried to make us behave properly and learn. I never had problems with learning and grades but I did stuff on purpose to get punished.The boarding school was relatively close to our home and I was at home on weekends. They had loose rules on uniforms which can be broken down to "girls wear skirts and shirts but still decent". This is...

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Cassie and her brother do more than study

It was a little after seven when my iPhone buzzed, letting me know I had a text message. I had it set on silent ring, since I was studying in the university library, which had been my practice for the past several weeks. Courses were getting much more difficult since I'd gotten into my major. The first two years were a breeze, but now I really had to study.The text message was from my sister, Cassie. She's in her first year at the same university where I'm a third year student. We're only one...

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Cassie and Wendy Find a Maid

Cassie and Wendy Find a Maid Author's Note: I decided Cassie and Wendy (from Meteor Strike) needed more than their brief appearance in that story. Seemed like I could make several people happy with this! I hope you enjoy it. Cassie woke up Saturday morning feeling a bit depressed. She had spent the previous night trawling the bars looking for someone to bring home for some sexual calisthenics but nobody that she found interesting enough was available, and the ones that were available...

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Cassie and Tim make up and explore a nude beach

I had just discovered that my k** sister schemed to get me to have sex with her because she wanted to have my baby. She had been charting her ovulation for the past several months, and knew that she was fertile this particular weekend, so she got me back to her apartment for sex. After discovering her plan, I confronted Cassie in the kitchen, where she was preparing dinner. Cassie, still nude, slowly walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"You remember a few minutes ago when...

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Cassie Meets Her New Neighbors Part 1

Nearly two weeks after Zack and Ellen moved into their new apartment there came a knock at the door. It was a bit of a surprise, since their place was at the end of a two-story building and offered a nearly private entrance for them and the one other apartment on the end.“El, can you get that?” Zack called from the second bedroom. He was attempting to assemble a TV stand and desk in what was going to be an office for him.“Okay!” Ellen dried her hands and went to the door. She glanced toward the...

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My Internet buddy Greinskyn again allowed me to take a story he started and run with it a bit. My thanks to him for his permission and indulgence. My thanks also to Max for his suggestions and help. Dan in rainy Los Angeles [email protected] CASSIDY The ringing doorbell finally ended Rosa's torment. A day spent waiting for her friend Cassidy to come over. She was unable to enjoy her favorite T.V. show or even taste supper... nothing to do but wait. The reason for the...

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