Mommy-To-Be free porn video

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Mommy-To-Be April It was a normal late Saturday morning at my girlfriend's house--- until the screaming started. The screamee was my girlfriend's 16-year-old daughter, Tiffany. "What's wrong? What happened?" I asked anxiously as Linda pulled Tiff through the kitchen, where I was finishing up the dishes, and into the living room. I followed. Linda sat down on the sofa and pulled her daughter next to her. Tiff was sobbing more than screaming now, but... Tiffany no longer looked like the brown-eyed girl that she had been just a few minutes before, when the two of them went to the basement to do laundry. Tiffany looked like... Well, she looked a lot like her pregnant best friend Paige. How was that possible? But it was true. Tiffany's hair was shorter and turning blonde. Her eyes were blue. She was growing taller right before my eyes. And then there was the baby bump. There was no mistaking that. "What happened?" I asked again. "Look at me!" Tiff sobbed. "I'm not me anymore. Who am I?" Linda and I looked at one another and then my girlfriend said, "Sweetie, I think you're turning into Paige." Tiffany looked down at her growing belly and the sobbing intensified. "Oh, my God, you're right! I'm pregnant. I can't be pregnant! How did this happen?" Linda leaned into the daughter who had suddenly grown taller than her and stroked her hair. "Shh. Shhh. It's okay, honey. We'll figure this out." Tiffany now was an exact twin for Paige, only in clothes far too small for her taller frame. For the first time, I noticed that she had some costume jewelry in her hand. Tiff held it up when she saw where I was looking. "This shocked me," she said. "And then I started to change." She tossed it onto a pile of clothes next to her that probably should have gone into the laundry basket. Tiffany typically left her stuff scattered all over the house. Just then, the doorbell rang, and before Linda had a chance to answer it, Paige's mother burst into the house. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't knock," she said. "But Paige is missing. She was supposed to be home hours ago. Have you... " And then she saw Tiffany--- or rather who used to be Tiffany but now appeared to be Paige. "You were supposed to be home long ago, young lady. We're moving to California tomorrow, and you know it. You have to get packed. And your father has to start his new job on Wednesday. We don't have time to waste," she said. "Why didn't you call? Why are you still here?" Paige's mother started toward the girl that she thought was her daughter. Linda stepped between them. "That's not Paige," she said. "That's Tiffany." The obvious idiocy of that statement stunned Paige's mother into silence, for a moment at least. Then she laughed. And laughed. And laughed. "Very funny," she said. Then she turned to Tiffany and added, "Why are you wearing Tiffany's clothes? Go put on your own. We're going home." Linda crossed her arms. "She's not going anywhere," she said. Previously shocked into silence by the insanity of this situation, I suddenly realized that I must get involved, if for nothing else than to avoid the two women fighting. "Linda is telling the truth," I said as I crossed and sat down next to Tiffany, putting my arm around her. "I saw Tiffany change into Paige. It really happened." Feeling an uncomfortable lump, I stood up slightly and pulled the clothes and the jewelry out from under me. Something shocked me. But I was too concerned about what was happening between Linda and Paige's mother to give it much thought. "You're both lying," she said. "Or maybe you're both crazy. Paige, why don't you say something?" Just then, Linda glanced at me and her jaw dropped. "Oh, Bryan, now you're changing too!" she shrieked. Tiffany looked too and her new blue eyes grew as large as saucers. "Oh, no, you're turning into me!" Tiffany then looked up at the woman who thought she was her mother. "I'm not Paige," she said. "I'm Tiffany. Really, Mrs. Mueller, I am. And now Bryan's turning into me. I know it's crazy. I know it is. But it's true." Still, Mrs. Mueller didn't seem swayed by what she heard and what she now saw, a grown man turning into a teenage girl. Even though I wasn't all me anymore, I retained enough of myself to realize that this was a dangerous situation and I had to try to do something to prevent someone from being hurt. Paige's mother still intended to push past Linda. I tried to stand up to intervene, but with shorter legs and a shift in my center of gravity I fell back on the couch next to Tiffany. Fortunately, a phone call intervened. Mrs. Mueller's instinct to instantly answer a call outweighed her intent to do battle with Linda and take her daughter home. "John, I've found..." she started to say after she answered, but never finished. "What? Where? She's at the bus station? With Bill? Are you sure? "Yes, I know you know what your own daughter looks like. But are you sure it's her? Okay, okay. I believe you. I'll be right there." As she clicked off the call, Mrs. Mueller looked totally shell-shocked. "I don't know what's going on here. You should all be ashamed of yourselves." And she stormed out the door. All eyes turned to me. I knew why Tiffany had been screaming. I wanted to scream, but I did not. Tiffany stood up and looked down at me. "Oh, Bryan, I'm so sorry. You are me. I don't know why. But you are. Just like I'm Paige. Linda sat down next to me and gestured for Tiffany to sit on the other side of her. Then she put her arms around both our shoulders. "This is insane, I know," she said. "If I hadn't seen what happened, I wouldn't believe it either. Magic like this just isn't real. But here we are." She pulled me into her. I didn't resist. I just felt numb and lifeless, as if I were a spectator instead of a participant in this Freaky Friday fantasy. For a moment, when there was danger, adrenaline kept me going, ignoring what was happening to my body. Now the danger was gone. And, so it seemed, was the person I used to be. Instead of an adult male, I was a petite girl. My mind simply couldn't process that. "Paige's mother saw you change from Bryan into Tiff, and she still didn't believe it," she said. "I still don't believe it. My daughter's her pregnant best friend. And my boyfriend is my daughter." I sensed Linda turn to me, but I kept my head down. I wouldn't, I couldn't make eye contact. I was too embarrassed. Too humiliated. Even though I had done nothing wrong, it felt like I had. Fortunately, my male clothes were baggy enough that I couldn't see the breasts that I felt on my chest. "Bryan, I know that this is the most difficult for you. You're a 40-year- old man in the body of a 16-year-old girl. I can't imagine how you must feel." She squeezed my shoulder. "But don't worry. We'll figure out what happened, and we'll reverse it. I promise you. "But first things, first," she said as she got up, grabbed my hand and pulled me up with her. "Until we get this fixed, you can't walk around like that. Let's get you into some of Tiffany's clothes, and then we'll research this necklace on the internet. The real Tiffany, now a blonde six inches taller than me and six months' pregnant, took my other hand. "I hate this too," she said. "But we'll get through it together, you'll see. With any luck, we'll be like this for only a little while." * * * * * * * * In Tiffany's bedroom, I made a concentrated effort not to look in a mirror. How I felt was bad enough. To see how I looked, I was afraid, would push me over the edge. I had already stepped out of my shoes in the living room, and if Linda and the new Paige hadn't been holding me up, I would have tripped on my jeans. My too large socks fell off in the hall. "Drop those pants and take off that shirt," Linda said. I did, and stood there in my boxers. The cool air on my bare chest--- my breasts!--- felt so disturbing that I nearly looked down. Instead, I closed my eyes. "Boxers too," she added, and I complied. "Okay, put on these panties and shorts." I opened my eyes just enough to take them. Then I backed up to the bed and sat down to put them on. The soft cotton of the panties snugged up against my crotch--- my now flat crotch. The denim shorts wouldn't go on. "Lie down on your back and pull them up," the new Paige suggested. "That's easier." Linda saw how miserable I was about all this. "I'm so, so sorry, sweetie," she said. "This will soon be over. Now, stand up, please and turn around." With my eyes still closed, I could feel her put my arms through straps and then close a snap at the middle of my back. A bra! I was wearing a bra! And I could feel my breasts---- No, not my breasts! Tiffany's breasts! I could feel Tiffany's breasts lift and lighten, while the straps pulled down on my shoulders. "And here's a top," Linda said. "Tiff, put her--- I'm sorry, Bryan, but that's what you are for the moment--- put her hair up in a ponytail so it won't bother her so much. She's not used to long hair. And find her some shoes, maybe flip-flops. Those are easy. Then you two meet me in my office and we'll see if we can't figure out what happened and how to fix it." MAY Using the internet, we found out what happened to Tiffany and me. The legendary Medallion of Zulo is what happened to us. Linda found all kinds of references to how it worked and how mysterious it is, suddenly appearing and then disappearing at the worst times. Tiffany had found it as the two were doing laundry in the basement, using a washer that came with the house when Linda bought it two years ago. Paige had spent the night before with Tiffany and left some of her clothes behind. Tiff tossed them in the basket to wash with hers. And when she accidentally dropped Paige's bra behind the washer, she touched the medallion at the same time she picked up the bra. Likewise, I had touched the medallion and Tiffany's clothes at the same time when I pulled them out from under me. Finding information that helped explain what happened seemed to bring me out of the almost-zombie-like trance I was in, which was good. But as I came back to reality, I also realized how alien my new body seemed. I was shorter and softer. My hips felt gigantic and my breasts even more so. The bra seemed to be some sort of torture device that put pressure on me in all kinds of new places. Panties and shorts pressed so tightly against my groin that I couldn't believe they weren't crushing my balls... Except that I no longer had balls. As Linda had said, I was a 40-year-old man in the body of a 16-year-old girl. And my toes. My toes had pink nails! I willed myself to ignore the physical discomfort of it all and focus on what Linda told us as she read from the screen. "This all just seems to be hearsay and folklore," she said. "But some of the information does accurately describe the necklace. So that's encouraging. "Also, there's good news and bad news," she said looking up, first at her pregnant daughter and then me. "The good news is that Bryan should be able to change back to himself in 12 hours." "All right!" I screamed in a high, feminine voice that startled me so much that I quickly put a hand over my mouth. Linda and the new Paige laughed at what must have been a shocked look on my face. "All right," I said in a quieter, but still disturbingly feminine voice. Suddenly I had hope and I felt more like my old self, only in drag. "What's the bad news?" the real Tiffany asked. "Well, maybe it's not bad. I don't know," Linda said. "But it definitely seems to be something to be concerned about. "Anyone who gets pregnant while in someone else's body can't change back until the baby is born," Linda says. "But it doesn't say what will happen if you get changed into a body that is pregnant. So maybe you can change back after 12 hours and maybe you can't. You might have to wait three months before you can become Tiffany again. We'll just have to wait and see." The longest 12 hours of my life followed--- 12 hours that we spent making forced conversation, cooking lunch, finishing the laundry, and trying to ignore the bizarre reality that Tiffany now was her pregnant friend and I was my girlfriend's daughter. When the time came, Tiffany touched the medallion and some of her own clothes. Her body shifted slightly. Her hair started to darken. Then the changes stopped and she was Paige's pregnant twin again. "I was afraid of this," Linda said. "And I've been thinking about what we will have to do because of it. "Come on, girls, let's sit down on the sofa and I'll tell you what I think we should do." I shook my head, feeling the ponytail--- my ponytail--- sway to and fro. "I'm not a girl," I said. Linda smiled. "Well," she said as we sat down. "About that. "Tiffany is stuck as Paige until she has the baby in July. That's three months. There's nothing we can do about that." I quickly saw where this was going. "No! No!" I said, crossing my arms under my breasts. "I won't be Tiffany for three months! I have a life too, you know." Linda put her hand on my leg, my smooth, bare leg. It felt good--- and bad. "I know you do, sweetie," she said. "Believe me, I know that. And you're my boy friend. I don't want you to be my daughter for one second longer than you have to be. "But how do we explain Tiffany's absence for three months if you turn back to yourself? She's a child. People will ask questions. Her friends. Her teachers. My friends and the people that I work with. She can't just disappear." I shook my head side to side and bit my lip. Tears welled up in my eyes. "You're an adult," she continued. "Well... you were an adult, an adult who works at home, lives in a rural area, and travels often. Your temporary disappearance won't raise nearly as many alarm bells." She reached over and turned my face toward hers. With a tissue she gently wiped my eyes and then gave me another to blow my nose. I hadn't cried like this since... well, never. I couldn't believe what an emotional wreck I suddenly had become. She hugged me and I sobbed on her shoulder. Intellectually, as a 40-year-old man, I knew that what Linda was proposing made sense. But as an adolescent with a whole new set of hormones--- female hormones-- I didn't want to hear it. I wanted to be me again, dammit! "Okay," I finally whispered. "Okay, I'll do it because I love you and because I love Tiffany. I lifted my head and smiled, not a totally sincere smile, but not a totally fake one either. "But after three months, I'm going to be the manliest man you've ever seen! And you'll just have to live with it, woman! No more washing dishes either!" I said, before blowing my nose again. Linda patted me on the head and handed me another tissue. "You've got a deal," she said with a smile. " * * * * * * * * * Because Paige's mother had seen me change into Tiffany, Linda was able to convince her to not tell the school that Paige was moving away with the family. The story would be that she was staying behind to live with her best friend, Tiffany, and finish her sophomore year before joining her family in California. When the baby was born, it would be put up for adoption, Tiffany would change back into herself, and I would be Brian again. At least that was the plan. Because Tiffany and Paige really were besties, Tiffany would have little difficulty pretending to be her friend, and, because we were living together, she could coach me on how to be her 24/7. And from the moment that I agreed to the plan, Linda said, I would be called Tiff or Tiffany at all times and the real Tiffany would be called Paige. The new name was the least of reality-changing adjustments for me. I had to go to school again--- as a girl. I had to walk, and talk, and act like a girl. I had to wear girl clothes. Oh, the clothes. They were tight, and soft, and skimpy, and, well, embarrassing! When I wore a skirt or dress--- and Linda said that I had to because her real daughter wore them--- I felt naked and exposed. Although my boobs weren't particularly large--- 34B-- they seemed to get in the way all the time. I hated wearing bras. And I hated not wearing bras because it hurt when I didn't. My shoulder-length hair was always in the way too, if I didn't put it in a ponytail. But Mom said that I couldn't wear it that way all the time. And earrings bugged the hell out of me, especially hoops, but Linda said I should wear them too. Finally, though, I started to develop a fashion sense for my teen girl body. I learned which tops to wear with shorts and which to wear with skirts. I learned which shoes went with dresses and which ones did not. I learned to put on makeup, fix my hair, and do my nails. I learned how to walk in heels and properly carry a purse. And I learned how to deal with a period--- Yech! I also realized that I was wearing some of the same clothes and shoes that I had bought the real Tiffany as birthday and Christmas presents. Weirdorama. On Friday of my second week as Tiff, I noticed Linda watching me as I swung my bare legs into the car for her to drive us to school. I adjusted the seat belt between my breasts, checked my face in the mirror of the sun visor... and saw that she still was staring. "What?" I asked, throwing my hands wide. Linda laughed. "Oh, Brian, you're a natural," she said. "Thanks a lot!" I said, as I crossed my arms and legs and kicked off the heel of one of my flats. "Now, can we go to school, please? I don't want to be late." Mom patted my smooth leg. "You bet," she said as she put the car in reverse. "And don't call me Brian," I added as I took sunglasses off my head, put them in my purse, and then adjusted the hem of my dress. "I'm Tiffany, remember?" Keeping her eyes on the rearview mirror, Linda said, "I hope you have Tampons in your purse. You're probably going to need one today." From the back seat, Paige chimed in. "It started last night. I made sure she has some, along with extra panties." Not long after, Paige called to me one night as we lay in our beds in the room that we now shared. "Tiff, Tiff," she whispered. "You're really getting the hang of this being a girl. You're not embarrassing me anymore. "Tiff? Did you hear me? You're doing really good. I know it's difficult for you and I'm sorry if I was too critical." I heard her all right, but I pretended to be asleep. Her words had sent a chill down my spine. I really was getting the hang of being a girl--- and I didn't want to. I was losing myself. I had to remember who I was, even as I pretended to be someone else so that we could pull of this absurd three-month masquerade. I'm not sure how long we lay there in the darkness before Paige made it worse. "It's not like we're pretending anymore," she said. "It's like we really are best friends." Probably worst of all, pretending required that I spend time with Tiffany's boyfriend, Eric, while Paige, for some reason, found herself drawn to Bill, the father of her baby. Our first Saturday night date, just one week after I became Tiff, came much too soon. I wasn't ready, although Paige assured me that I was. She was wrong. Dinner and a movie were okay, but then we were alone in his car in a dark driveway. And I could see it coming. He was going to kiss me. When he did, I feared that I would hurl pepperoni pizza all over the front seat of his Camaro. Instead, I closed my eyes and pretended that I was Bryan kissing Linda. That seemed to help and I actually felt like my old self as I enjoyed the brief moment of passion. But Linda didn't squeeze my breasts. She didn't lift my top and suck on my nipples. She didn't put her hand under my skirt and feel me up. Oh, Christ! It was awful and wonderful. Little electric shocks zapped down through my tummy from my engorged nipples to my wet--- well, you know--- and back again. I wiggled and moaned. I pressed myself against Eric and he pushed his tongue into my mouth. "Oh, yes! Yes!" I hissed in his ear. As a man, arousal had been focused mostly in one place for me. As a girl, it lit me up like a Roman candle, from my tiny toes to the base of my pony tail. My ears seemed on fire. As if he knew that, Eric raised his head and put his tongue in one of them to turn up the heat--- and the desire. "Oh, yes! Yes!" I said again, as he started to pull down my little cotton panties with the red hearts. "Oh, no! No!" I yelled suddenly, as a remnant of the man that I once was gained control. I pushed Eric away and pulled my panties back up. "Not in the car!" I said. "Not in our driveway! My mother might be watching!" What was the real reason? Was I holding on to manhood buried deep inside a teenage girl who yearned to do the dirty deed right then and there, no matter who was watching? Or did I really think that this wasn't the proper place? "I'm sorry," I said and gave Eric a quick kiss. "I'll make it up to you. I promise. I had a nice time. Night." And I was out of the Camaro and running for the front door before he could respond. My mind raced as I stepped inside, hoping to avoid Mom on the way to my bedroom. What did I just say to Eric? That I would "make it up to him"? Did I mean it? Of course I didn't. Or maybe I did. "How was your date with Eric?" Linda said suddenly from behind me. Where had she been hiding? "It was fine," I said, as I stopped and tapped my shoe on the hardwood floor. "Really, it was fine." Linda put her hands on my shoulders. "Oh, Brian, I hope that you will forgive me when this is all over. If there had been any other way, believe me, I wouldn't have asked you to do this." Arms crossed below my breasts, I continued to tap my foot and fought back tears. "I know," I said softly. "I know. Can I go now? I'm tired." Mom turned me around. "Give me a hug first," she said. "I want to know that you're okay." We hugged, our boobs pressing together. As a man for 40 years, I had no idea how such intimacy between mother and daughter was supposed to feel. It was comforting. And it was disturbing, although not nearly as disturbing as what had almost just happened in the Camaro. "Good night, Tiff," Linda said. "Sweet dreams." Yeah, like that was going to happen. From then on, I insisted that we double-date with Paige and Bill whenever possible, although Paige didn't always want to do that. Otherwise, I made sure that Eric and I always were in a place where we could not pick up where we left off that night in his Camaro. I knew that was something he wanted to do, and, with a little encouragement, I was afraid that it was something that I wanted as well. But prom was coming up. I didn't know what teens do these days after prom- -- or maybe even during it--- but I had a pretty good idea. The thought excited me. It made my panties wet and my nipples hard. It also scared me. The real me--- Bryan--- seemed to be slipping farther and farther away. Could I keep hold of the real me until Paige had her baby? Paige and I spent one whole Saturday trying on prom dresses and shopping for accessories. As, side by side, we appraised our appearance in full- length mirror in a dress shop, I realized that Bryan still was alive inside the daughter of his girlfriend. I had been a girl long enough to know that the default setting for judging one's appearance when trying on clothes, especially prom dresses, is criticism. But I could truly appreciate the beauty of these two teens, even as I knew that Paige was thinking that she looked ugly because of her enlarged breasts and the baby bump. As if on cue, she proved me right. "I look horrible," she said. "I can't go to prom looking like this." I shook my head, as we continued to stare at our reflections. "No you're not," I said. "You are beautiful. And you are going. We are besties, remember?" In truth, pregnancy made her even more attractive. With short blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, she stood an elegant 5-8 without heels. She had a straight nose, high cheek bones, and a blinding smile. As a woman, she wouldn't be just beautiful, she would be breathtaking. On the other hand, I could only be described as terminally cute. I had shoulder-length curly, brown hair, big brown eyes, an upturned nose, full lips, and braces. Braces for cripe's sake! And pink, no less! The real Tiffany would have judged my body to be too fat, but the Bryan in me knew that it was just right, with perky boobs and a bottom just big enough to complete my hour-glass shape. With my encouragement, Paige selected a long, emerald green grown. I couldn't make up my mind, but kept returning to a short, flirty dress, with bodice of silver sequins and a sweetheart neckline. The hot pink skirt was layered silk and barely thigh length. Finally, Paige could contain herself no longer. "Oh, my God, Tiffany, take that one already. You know that you want it. And it is so you," she gushed. "Eric will love it!" Then she laughed. "And all the other boys will too. Girl, you are so hot!" June Six weeks after prom, Paige wakened me from a sound sleep. "Tiff. Tiff. I need to talk to you. Tiff, are you awake?" I raise up on one elbow, not even noticing anymore the way the weight shifted on my chest whenever I moved my body without a bra on. "I am now. What's up?" Paige raised up too, and I heard her groan a little bit, which reminded me that the baby was due in just another month. "I don't want to give up the baby for adoption," she said. "I want to keep it." I wasn't sure that I heard her correctly. "Say that again," I said. "I want to keep the baby," she said. This time, I sat bolt upright, and, without even thinking about it, straightened my tank top over my breasts, as I plopped both feet on the floor. "Have you told Mom?" I asked. Paige sat up too. "No, and I'm not going to. You know how she is. She's stubborn. She has a plan and she's going to stick to it." I stepped across the darkness and sat next to my bestie. "But if you're not going to tell her... " Paige put her fingers on my lips. "I'm not going to be Tiffany again either. I'm going to be Paige. Bill loves me and I love him. We're going to run away together." I didn't say anything immediately, and, as I thought about it, what she was saying made perfect sense. Even before the prom, I had noticed Paige wanting to spend time alone with Bill. After the prom, she wanted it even more. The real Paige and Bill had been in love too, but her parents had prevented her from seeing him after she got pregnant. That was one of the reasons that her father accepted a job offer in California. And the main reason that Paige and Bill wanted to run away together. "Truthfully, I'm not surprised," I finally said. "That baby has been a part of you for two months." I put my small hand on her belly. "And it's part of Bill too." Paige squeezed my hand. "But I don't want to hurt Mom. If I run away with Bill, she won't have a daughter anymore once you turn back into Bryan." I put my arm around my best friend and pulled her close. "Well, girl friend, I've been planning to tell you something as well, but I didn't know how to do it because I didn't want to hurt you." Her blue eyes looked down into my brown. "What is it?" she said. "I'm not going back to being Bryan anytime soon," I said, as I pushed long, brown hair behind one ear. "I missed my period. "I'm going to be a mommy too."

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Jamies WorthChapter 3

I was free, or as free as a guy like me could be. The evidence had been destroyed and only Jamie's word remained to incriminate me, and I knew how to take care of that. Trusting young girls to keep a really big secret like having sex with a teacher was a real risk, but a necessary one. Making sure they were happy and hopelessly in love was the key, that and picking a girl not only for her appearance, but much more importantly for her personality. If you know what you're doing, you can tell...

2 years ago
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Jennifers CumPulsion Part 5

Jennifer's CumPulsion V: On The Prowl ? by: Jennifer James [email protected] For those of you who have been following the story, you've probably already guessed that this is a backward chronology of my cumpulsion. At the point of time I'm writing about I had already been placing ads on the internet, and meeting a few guys that way, but the hunt was still very much of an attraction in itself, so whenever I did get out, I'd find myself on the prowl without even consciously...

3 years ago
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Becoming an Egirl Part I

Becoming an Egirl - Part I ======================================== Note From the Author: It's so great to be back! It's been way too long since I've posted a story, but if you know me at all, you know that I spend most of my free time basically living out the scenarios from my stories lol. You can find me (Ashley Barron) on several other media platforms: Twitter (@AlsoAshleyB), Tumblr (AlsoAshley), Reddit (AlsoAshley), and you can find all my modeling stuff on...

4 years ago
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California CrewChapter 21

Seven months later. I woke up at six thirty like usual, showered, blow dried my hair, and got ready for school. Today was the day that I would have to break the news. That I was moving back to France at the end of the school year. I had to tell everyone. Kyle already knew, and had known since forever ago, when he had first told me he loved me. Today was May second. I put on khaki capris, a simple bright blue tank top, and my Adidas. I headed downstairs, to find Peter and Adrienne...

2 years ago
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Losing My Boxers

A tale about how I gave a woman my boxer shorts and ended up being the entertainment for she and her friends that night ... a night I'll always remember and, after you read it, you will, too. About two months before this all happened, another thing happened to me ... my fiancee, Anna, told me she'd found someone new that she loved more: Michelle. If you have't been told by your lover that they're leaving you for someone of their same sex, well, consider yourself lucky. It is even worse...

4 years ago
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Waking up to a new Life 9

Waking up to a New Life. Ch9 by Matthew. |||||||||||||||||||||||||| I was left kneeling on my cushion before Mummy's armchair with fingers interlocked behind my back with a stern warning, "We don't want those little hands wandering do we?" I was told before she and nanny went to see the Doctor off. It felt like an hour, but guess only a few minutes before Mummy returned. Oh how I now wish it was longer, much longer as she...

3 years ago
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Teacher seduces student with erect nipples

I was sitting in panting hard, trying to catch my breath. I ran most of the way, trying not to get late for my math tuition class. I sat on the desk, trying to cool myself, sitting under the lone ceiling fan. My long hair was wet and left open to dry. The black hairband was on my right wrist. As usual, I had just used black eyeliner and had no other makeup on my face. A pair of small rings were on my ears for earrings. I was wearing a knee-length dress, sleeveless, and thin shoulder straps. It...

4 years ago
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Caught in the act of cross dressing

I'd been fantasizing about my day off for weeks, planning what I would wear and what naughty things I would get up to, home alone for the whole day. I hadn't jerked off in days as I wanted everything to feel that much more sensitive when I finally did touch myself.I woke up early and jumped straight into the shower, shaving my legs and arms, then rinsing myself off with soapy shower gel until I could feel the smoothness of my skin all over. After wrapping the towel around my chest and waist,...

First Time
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Earth Mother

Gaia wandered through the dense forest. Her trees greeted her with their songs as the winds whipped through their branches. Her bare feet made no sound as it tenderly crushed the thick bed of dead and decomposing leaves from autumn. Her hand softly caressed an ancient oak that rose from the rich soil. She felt its life force coursing through the trunk as surely as any human could feel a pulse. This was her world. Spring had come once more and with it the life that she gave to all things. Life...

2 years ago
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Sisters get married

MY name is Vanessa I am 21years old my height is 5 feet 3inches my breast cup size is B cup I am a Brunette with Blue eyes I weigh 100 pounds. My sister's name is Rochelle she is 21 her height is 5 feet 5 inches her breast cup size is D cup she is a Brunette with Blue she weighs eyes 115 pounds. We are fraternal twins meaning same mom and dad born at the same time but we don't look alike. We are also Engaged to be married we have been dating for almost five years. We fell in love in high school...

3 years ago
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Ek Raat Saali Ki Jam Kar Chudai Aur Use Abhi Tak Pata Nahi

Meri saali humaare saath 1 saal se reh rahi h.Meri biwi maal h par saali usse mast maal h.Uske boobs thode chhote hain par gaand gazab h.Main hamesha se use pasand karta tha par jabse wo saath aake rehne lagi uske chaal chalan aur kapde dekh use chhodne ka mann karne laga.   Wo har subah dodne jaati yoga pants pehen kar.Waapis aate hue uski pant itni gili ho jaati ki uske gaand ke saath hi uski chuth ka shape dekh paata hun.Uska night gown itna chhotha rehta h ki kabhi wo bina dekhe jhuk jaye...

2 years ago
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Swinging Take Five

When we were younger, even before Jessica was born, we once were planning to meet this Dutch couple, Tom and Marijke, for sex. They asked us if it was alright for them to bring along a girl that they knew very well. They said she was beautiful and liked men as well as women and that she was great fun. We agreed, my husband and I, although I was a little anxious: I hate it when someone is left out and with two couples and a single there’s always that risk. We met at their place, a large red...

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Changes Ch 06

CHAPTER 6 (Back to Alice) ‘Well folks, that will wind up our activities for tonight, thank you so much for your participation. Now, let me go over the rules by which each of you must comply. Remember the collars are swift to correct any inappropriate act or action, and you are being monitored by video and audio at all times. First, you may talk with each other at any time you are not involved in any activity outside your cells. Any activity outside your cells will require complete silence...

2 years ago
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Vandana The Sexy Bitch Part 1

Hi friends !! I am Ramon and I am here with my second story. Contact me @ The boy here is Ramon. A half Bihari and half Bengali guy. Brought up in Delhi. He joined a college at Delhi University.And with the start of the session, he met a girl named Vandana. Vandana was a short heightened sexy bitch. Round boobs.Sexy bulging ass. Wearing shorts of the time.And the strap of her bag going between her boobs would make it even more prompt. Vandana and Ramon became friends.One day Ramon was given...

4 years ago
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The Night of Living Dangerously

All of us were happy for Zoe. After a couple of tense years, living on an emotional roller coaster, she finally came out to her mother and her step-father the weekend before. And now she invited all her friends, including the straights like Kate and me, to come to this ‘rainbow’ bar, Likkks it was called. Now it was our turn to be nervous in the hours leading up to meeting at Likkks. Kate didn’t know what to wear. She tried getting Zoe on the phone, but it was always busy. Finally she called a...

3 years ago
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Mom Son Aunt And Nephew 8211 Foursome

My name is Nawaz,my mother’s name is Farhath, my aunt’s name is Munni and my cousin brother’s name is Salman… This is the incident when I was very much addicted to incest stories.. I was a teen when I started seducing my mother and got to fuck my mother and aunt at the age of 19 . This incident happened when I was 19 my mother was 45 my aunt was 40 my brother was 22 .My mother is very hot and sexy she has a perfect figure to die for her breasts are 40 dd and a good ass of 38 . My aunt too...

3 years ago
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My new neighbor blows my brains out

I was home along that Saturday morning; since my beloved wife had travelled to Buenos Aires to visit her parents. So, I was purring alone in bed, as I heard a truck pulling up close to the window. I went out to the balcony and saw we had new neighbors.The man was in his early fifties and the wife looked really hot.The lady was younger than him; a sensual brunette, with a slim sexy body to die for; including a pair of killer legs. She looked so fucking hot!I stood there stroking my hard dick...

2 years ago
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Finding HomeChapter 07

The alarm goes off, and Sharon is still sleepy when she gets up. She has her shower, and comes back to get dressed. I tell her, “Sharon, take four fifties out of my wallet so you can take a taxi to and from your home today. You’re too tired for me to be happy with you driving.” “Master, my car’s at home, and I’ll need to drive it back.” “Offer the removal men bringing your stuff back here a fifty dollar tip each if one will drive you back in your car. He can follow the van back. I don’t...

3 years ago
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Mom See No Evil Hear No Evil

My mom Tina loves me in her eyes I could do nothing wrong. I have just turned 18 and am about to go to college this fall so she wanted to spend all summer with me. The plan as it stands is for us just to chill at home for the first week or so – unwind from all the rush of my exams and for her, her work and then we would just do what ever felt like doing. We were most probably going to go on holiday to Europe or visit a relative or something. A little about my background: I am an only child...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Sissy Slut Part 1

It was a Friday evening in late January as I walked through the lounge in the back of a bar in downtown Spokane Washington. A friend from work named Mark had invited me to come to his wife’s 30th birthday party and even though I didn’t know her, it was a good excuse to get out of my apartment. I had just moved to Spokane the previous fall, taking a job as an engineer for large road building company. At 21 years old and just out of college, I was pretty proud to start out with a $60,000 a...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 249

As Eric Dean and his sister, Angela Butler, stepped through the Ship's hatch, they felt a slight tingle that barely touched their conscious minds. Eric, an avid target shooter, also sensed a subtle difference in the weight of his 9 mm, but because his mind was focused on the strangeness of the situation and the anticipation of seeing his daughters, he didn't focus on it. Before the alienness of the room they had stepped into could fully register, Terri and Alice launched themselves at the...

2 years ago
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Goetic Justice 2Chapter 4 Lioness

“ ... and make all spirits subject unto me so that every spirit of the firmament, and of the ether, upon the Earth and under the Earth, on dry land, or in the water, of whirling air or of rushing fire, and every spell and scourge of God may be obedient unto me!” Finally, the Preliminary Invocation was complete, and Ryan was able to take a breather for a few moments. He had been chanting for at least twenty or thirty minutes. He knelt and took a quick drink of water that had been conjured for...

4 years ago
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iSummer chapter 1

[Sequel to iStartLife]Carly, Sam, and Freddie arrive back in Seattle. It was May 20th and it was raining."Oh Seattle weather, how I have missed you." Carly said with a sarcastic smirk.Sam and Freddie snickered."You don't like the rain?" Freddie asked."No. I like the sunshine. Why? Does that make me high maintenance?" Carly said. "I don't think so."They all three were in the back of the cab they took from the airport. Sam was stuck in the middle."Dude this sucks." She said."What?" Both Freddie...

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Never Expected This Holiday Is Going To Be Too Hot

Dosto mai 18+ huun. So mai college jata hu. Yeh story 2014 june ki hai. Jab mai 12th mai tha apne ghar walo ko goa jaane ko insist karta tha par vo kehte the agar 12th mai achi %age laya toh. Meri 12th mai 92.8% aaye toh unhone ko manayi nahi ki. Mai apne uncle unki family & humari family (maa,behan & me) ke saath goa jaane ka plan. It was like a dream coming true for me. Finally hum goa train(delhi se) & ek taxi se beach tak gaye afterwards we start deciding at which beach resorts...

3 years ago
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              He left the Audi in the multi-storey and ground his way up through the grim bleakness of the stairwell, the smell of piss and the crunch of spent hypos, discarded like spent shotgun shells to be obliterated beneath his boots. The ambient stench of degradation clung to his Armani three-piece like some foul, invisible smog and, holding a silken handkerchief to his nose and mouth he quickened his ascent, desperate to get back to the luxury and safety of his government...

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Dungeons and Dragons Royal Prerogative

A/N: Hey guys, this is my first story on CHYOA, set in the DnD universe. For a more accurate setting, this is set in the year 1360, based on the Forgotten Realms Ck2 mod I’ve been playing lately. Do note that this is a public story, so I encourage prospective or interested writers to try creating their own threads where possible. Will be working on the rules for new threads after I post the first few chapters. With that, let us begin. Prologue The world of Toril, a world of many fantastical...

3 years ago
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Office Space

Sally placed one high heel against the wall and pushed. The chair rolled across the floor, the casters rumbling faintly. She spun around and braced her other foot on the far wall as she neared it and pushed again. This time the push was not so hard. She bumped over the carpet behind her desk and came to a stop just about exactly where she wanted to be. The fifty year old woman sighed heavily. She was bored. There really wasn't much to do here at the office, which is why she generally avoided...

4 years ago
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Mast secretary

By: Bobby Hello Guys Bobby Here. With the response I got from last three stories of mine I am flattered. One person has asked me to write this for him. Well its his fantasy about his sister. Ya you heard me right his own sister. Well he is a sales executive and she is a teacher. Well he gave me an idea for the story. I am putting my words. Before joining into a school she was working under Abhi. Abhi is the CEO of a Marketing Firm. This happened about two years back. She had joined in the firm...

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Winner Takes It All Loser Gets Fucked

My plan was simple, the reception was coming to a close and nearly all the guests had retired for the evening. I was staying in the imperial hotel for a mates wedding.Also there were many of my past conquests including my sister in law Michelle as well as my best friend’s wife Elaine. My wife had work commitments so she was unable to attend, I found myself in a very envious position that if I choose I could fuck both of these hot bitches.Sliding over to Michelle I bluntly told her room 278 in...

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Aunty aur unke behan ke sath

Aunty aur unke behan ke sath By: Ashwin Hi friends I’m Ashwin 19 from Indore again here to narrate my true and unexpected incident from my life, I think you must have red my story=AUNTY KI WISH PURI KI. Today I’m going to write my new story based on me. Kuch dino k baad sham ko jab mai aunty k ghar gaya to aunty phone par baat kar rahi thi,maine kaha baat khatam hone ke baad aunty ko bola-bohat bate ho rahi thi kis-se baat kar rahi thi to aunty ne kaha ki apni sister se,maine kaha kyu kya hua...

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Why I Hated The Guy From The FBI Ch 12

Note: All names and associations used in this story are not real, and any similarity is strictly accidental in nature. This is a work of fiction, and please read it with that in mind. Dear Reader, This is an Edited Version of Chapter 12. I did this for two reasons. First, to clean up some English problems. Second, and MOST IMPORTANT, to advise you that my computer, containing Chapters 13, 14, and 15 died, taking with it all my work. It is with my I.T. people now and they are trying to retrieve...

4 years ago
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New StartChapter 12

Frank and I sat together in companionable silence, content to enjoy our drinks and get pleasantly high from the heady, marijuana laden atmosphere. "That was a neat little job you did yesterday Paul, that's quite a team you've got there" "They're good lads" I agreed, "Bit more importantly Frank, they're friends too, we learned a long time ago that we could rely on one another" "Yeah, it shows too mate, I agree with you, they're the best and talking about the best, would you take...

2 years ago
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I Become Wild In Park

hi everyone. I regularly visit this site and liked the narration of love story and try this in our practical last i got courage to write my experience, Let me tell about me i am smriti name is changed sorry 25 year sexy girl as my bf say. I am fair height 5’2 little plumpish with 36 30 34 figure. Thanks to my bf who made my boobs really very attractive after pressing and sucking it from last 6 years. 6 years back i was very simple girl not even know anything about sex but after my...

1 year ago
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Sex With House Wife In Dallas

Hi everyone, this is first time posting my experience on a website. Before going to the main story, let me brief you about myself. I am 26 years old decently built and 5.11″ height. You can leave a comment at   This started a couple of months back at the grocery shop. I was buying groceries and this aunty (Anu not her real name), was in front of me in the lane, as usual, I was checking her out and she noticed me looking at her stuff. I never intend to make her feel uncomfortable staring at...

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Padosh Wali Babita Nikli Randi

Mera nam rahul hai . Mai 2nd year undergraduate student hu .Mai apne bare me apko bta du .Mera height 6’feet hai aur mera lund ka size 8’inch lamba aur 3’inch mota hai. Ab mai apko apni padosh wali babita ke bare me btaya hu. Babita ko mai aunty kehta tha.Uske gand bahut bda hai.Uska chuchi bhi bahut bda hai ap dono hath se nahi pakad paoge uska ek beti bhi hai jiska nam kavita hai aur wo bhi bahut sexy hai. Ab mai story pe aata hu winter ka season tha aur mai apne terish pe padh rha tha.Us...

2 years ago
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The Way BackChapter 6

The train kept good time and the sun shone so the journey was very pleasant, especially across the Pennines, where the deeper drifted snow had remained after most had melted. I arrived at Manchester and was met by Vivienne as arranged. I wondered if I would know her, but she was waving at me frantically so the problem did not arise. I took some time to get to the end of the platform using one stick (I was very proud of this) and pushing the trolley with my two huge suitcases perched on it,...

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Carly MomChapter 20

Linda looked on in sheer delight as her fantasy unfolded before her eyes. As was her friend Carly, Linda was a very sexual being who boasted a very diverse love life over the years. But nothing had captured her erotic imagination like Carly's relationship with Stephen. From the first time Carly confided in her months before, Linda was hooked on this incredible tale of love and lust. She waited eagerly for new updates from Carly (With as much detail as possible, please!) And after she heard...

2 years ago
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Meeting an Xhamster Dominatrix part 1

The following is … right now!!! I’d love for some dominatrix to read this and to play out the following scene with one of her clients/slaves. This fantasy of mine has been so vivid to me for so many years that the details are very specific. So specific, it will be a two part story; each long, each hot!!Please comment!!!! I love to hear if I have hit the nail on the head. There is Lesbianism in this, anal play, BDSM and just about EVERY fetish I have ever had!! So read it, enjoy it,...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

Katie called me and asked me to meet her over at my mother-in-law's house. She was the realtor for the property, and she wanted me to help move some things around to show the house better. So I took off early from work and met her at the house.Katie was 32 at the time, married with a daughter. She was very cute, though a little plump, but dressed very well and had a winning smile. Thick auburn hair, a big chest, and a quick laugh. She asked me to rearrange some of the furniture to make the...

3 years ago
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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 10

New characters appearing in chapter 10 and after: Phil Del Vecchio Captain, Bill met him in Bangkok, 5’-7”tall, 185 pounds, 36 years old, black hair, hazel eyes, very muscular Tweed SSG, Engineer, Bill’s friend from Cambodia, 5’-9” tall, 155 pounds, 32 years old, blond hair, blue eyes Carson SSG, Infantry, 5’-11” tall, 170 pounds, 32 years old, black hair, gray eyes Williams SSG, Infantry, 5’-9” tall, 150 pounds, 30 years old, Brown hair, hazel eyes Colby SSG, Artillery, 6’-0” tall,...

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Desperate MeasuresChapter 4

Monday morning Janet called the school and told the guidance counselor that Maria would not be in classes that week due to a sprained ankle. She had not heard a sound from her daughter all-night and peeked in to see that she was all right. When Janet opened the door she saw the empty wine glass on the nightstand and knew that Maria had flagrantly disobeyed her. Throwing on a housecoat, Janet slipped out to the backyard, and with a sharp steak knife, cut off a long thin branch from the maple...

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Roses Video Chapter 2 Lil and Rose Get Busted

My heart was pumping, but suddenly the door just opened. "Lil, Rose, what the hell is going on in here?" Kate whined, looking at both us standing up. "Are you having sex with Lil, Rose?" She covered herself with both arms and took a deep breath. I was clueless about what to say, but the adrenaline coursing through my system made me hide behind Rose as Kate look mighty pissed off. 'I sss Rose shedding a couple of tears, but I'm still unsure what is going through her head exactly. No one...

1 year ago
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Tushy Haven Rae My Lucky Day

Haven has been working as a waitress to help pay her bills while she was at college. The problem is, she’s really bad with money and when her car breaks down she has to borrow some cash from her boss – and until she can pay back all the money she owes, they come to an ‘arrangement’. He loves to dominate her and she adores being his plaything. When she goes to pay him the most recent instalment of her debt, he lets her know that he wants a little more. Just how far is she willing to go to...

4 years ago
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Camping with my Wife

My wife and I had been married for 4 years. Even now, I can't believe my luck. At 28 years old she is a revelation to behold. Not only has she turned a lot of heads with her long blond hair, delicate and beautiful face, perky 36C breasts, slim waist and a perfect nice and round ass, but she has always been completely dedicated to our relation and faithful.She kept herself in shape by long strenuous bike rides, and daily laps in the pool. Also, she is very successful in her professional career,...

Straight Sex
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Who Would Have Known

Dave never realized how much he would like it. He didn't have a complete understanding of who he was and how he felt. Dave is a dockworker, a motorcycle rider, a beer drinker, an average Joe, and likes his women as fast as his bikes. How was he to know that one day his life would change in a way he could not fathom? Dave works as a longshoreman at the Port of Oakland. He works the docks by day, lives in a four-story apartment complex by night. Working at the port is physically demanding, so...

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Untitled work of Fiction or PUNished (HA-HA! Get it?!) By The Anonymous Bastard Hi, my name is Steve. At least it used to be. Now it's Jake. I had it changed last fall. No, I would never get it changed to some girly name like "Cindy" or "Jenny." Why on earth would I do that? Anyway, it all started last year. I was getting ready for the big homecoming festival. Naturally, I had my eye on the girl of my dreams- Suzie Lawsonitingshiremont. Looking back, all I can think is, "What a...

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The old swimming holepart 2

Betty set a date and decided to have the "party"...she and I would be the hostesses. I guess some good can come out of all of these things - both Betty and I started exercising a little....want to be a little bit in shape when we hosted the boys. Vanity. It will make you do a lot of things.So far nothing much had happened. I had asked my son if anything unusual was going on - got the typical "Nah...nothing much". I kept thinking what a surprise he would have when he got to the party. ...

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