April_(1) free porn video

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straightened his stance and put a pleasant smile on his face, hoping she wouldn't notice how nervous he was. After all, he was simply there to have dinner as a friend, right?

Rob and April met each other two years earlier when they were in training for a tech support job at a major insurance company. Rob immediately felt a connection with April, and they struck up a friendship. All during training (which included some 15 other people) they spent lunches together, eating in the cafeteria then walking the expansive parking lot for exercise. April would tell Rob of her problems with boyfriends, and Rob would tell April his problems with family members in general.

Rob hoped at first that something more than friendship would come out of their relationship, but had become convinced that it most likely never would. For one thing, Rob was 14, almost 15, years older than April, who had just turned 30 when the training started. For another thing, Rob simply didn't think he was good looking or interesting enough to hold her attention as a lover.

By far the biggest hurdle, though, was Rob's wife of 20-plus years, Ines. Rob had no interest in leaving Ines, whom he loved, and didn't want to hurt her. He couldn't offer any girl, even April, anything more than a relationship based on sneaking around and (hopefully) sex. At her age, April was presumably interested in finding a more stable relationship, someone with whom she could go out in public openly without fear of a jealous wife keying her car or coming to beat her up.

So Rob contented himself with her friendship, vowing to not ruin it by pursuing anything else with her. Instead, he introduced April to Ines and suggested they all hang out together. As he thought, Ines and April became friends, which lessened Ines' suspicious nature. They'd go out to dinner or drinking, either with just April or sometimes her boyfriend Sam, but always having a good time.

April and Rob continued to spend time together at work even after the training was over, until Rob decided to pursue a different job. They kept in contact, and would meet for drinks (always accompanied by Ines) to catch up, but Rob assumed that the friendship would eventually fade over time.

And it did for a while, where they'd go days and weeks at a time without any contact before one or the other would send a quick "how are you doing?" text. But then April started texting more often. During a six month period, April would text Rob about the good and bad things going on in her life. Most of the texts concerned her on-again, off-again
relationship with Sam, who turned out to be an abusive control freak. When she finally broke up with him for good, Rob and Ines took her out for drinks to console her, but secretly Rob was celebrating that she had ditched the loser.

April would text Rob fairly regularly, alternately feeling blue and missing Sam, then feeling happy to have him out of her life. Rob noticed that, over time, she started acting like the confident, self-assured person he'd met in training, and was happy to see her finding herself again. When he told her exactly that, she beamed and thanked him for noticing.
When April told Rob via text that she was going to have to have her dog, which she'd had for over 15 years, put to sleep, Rob consoled her as best he could. April appreciated his kindness, and even told him that it was a marked contrast to how she knew Sam would have reacted.

All in all, Rob thought he was over the crush he'd had on April, and that they truly were nothing more than friends even in his own mind. So when Ines told him she was going on a weekend excursion with one of her girlfriends, Rob was surprised to find himself excited about the idea of seeing if April would want to go to dinner with him. He told himself
that it would just be as friends, and that it would be an opportunity for the two of them to talk uninterrupted by anyone else.

He called April from work on the Wednesday before Ines left, instead of texting. "Hello?" April answered.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Rob asked.

"Hey, buddy!" April exclaimed. "I'm doing good! How are you?"

"You know me; if I was any happier I'd have to sit on my hands to keep from waving!"

"Yea," April responded, laughing. "What's up?"

"Well, Ines is leaving for a weekend trip with one of her girlfriends on Friday. I was thinking of going out for dinner, but I don't want to go alone. Would you care to join me?"

"Oh, Rob, I'd love to, but I don't know." April answered, uncertain. "Money is a little tight right now..." she didn't finish the thought, but the meaning was clear.

"Oh, right, I understand," Rob assured her, disappointed in her response. Another idea struck him, but he didn't think it would be received any better. "Well, I could pick us up some Chinese take-out, and bring it over to your place if you like."

"Chinese take-out?" April asked, showing genuine interest. "Where would you get it from?"

"Wherever you like," Rob answered, brightening. They agreed on the restaurant, and Rob assured her he would get a good variety of things to sample.

So there he was, on time, bearing beef and broccoli, Hunan pork, and teriyaki chicken, as well as a bottle of moderately expensive wine that he hoped she would like. "Nothing's gonna happen, we're just friends!" he told himself over and over, as he heard her approach the door.

April opened the door with a big, bright smile. She was wearing a pair of yellow terry-cloth shorts and a plain t-shirt, but somehow made that look sexy as hell. Standing just at 5' 4", she weighed about 115 lbs, with an athletically toned body. Her breasts were not big, maybe a B cup, but from what could be determined in a bra, appeared to be firm and
perky. Rob was dressed in cargo shorts and a polo shirt. At 6' 1", his 220 lbs was a little heavy for him, but he carried it well and didn't look fat.

"Hi, it's so good to see you!" she gushed, taking some of the bags from him. "You too!" he answered, just as enthusiastically. She led him into the dining room, where, he noticed, the table was already set for the two of them, and they placed all the packages down. When they were both empty handed, she turned to him and held her arms out wide for a friendly hug. Rob was all to happy to comply, and wrapped her in his arms and lifted her off the ground in a good-natured joking manner. She squealed with delight, and he sat her back on the ground.

"Sorry," he grinned. "I missed you more than I thought!" It crossed his mind that he had never hugged April before, because it seemed too familiar when Ines was around. Tonight, it felt just right.

"I missed you too!" April replied, gripping his forearm warmly. "Is that wine?"

"Yes," Rob answered, taking the bottle out of the bag. "It's still cool, and we'll want to open it and let it breath for about 15 minutes."

"Okay, I'll open it now, then we can start dishing out chow."

"Sounds good to me."

April got a cork screw out of one of the drawers and started working on the bottle. Rob watched for a few seconds before reaching out and gently taking the bottle and cork screw from her. "Give it to me, sweetie, before you hurt yourself," he said, only half joking. For all her good attributes, the girl was klutzy! With impressive skill, Rob quickly opened the bottle and poured two glasses so that the wine could aerate.

They opened the food containers and passed them back and forth as they dished out a small amount of each on their plates, chit-chatting. When they were ready, April turned away just a moment, and turned back with a small candelabra with two candles. "I hope you won't think this is too forward or corny, but I just like eating by candlelight."

"Oh, I don't mind," Rob answered. "I like intimate." He chuckled, hoping to take a little of the edge off his obvious flirting. April smiled warmly, looking him briefly in the eyes. In the lower light, Rob couldn't be sure but thought she was blushing.

They toasted each other and sipped the wine, exclaiming how good it was, and started eating. They continued to chit-chat, talking about work and how much (or little) they liked what they were doing. April asked how Ines was, and Rob told her she was fine. Rob realized that he had been fooling himself that he was over any desires for April, and his
thoughts were racing with things he wanted to say, admissions he wanted to make to her. He knew he had to fight it, and not take a chance on damaging the relationship.

Somehow Rob made it through dinner, and afterwards was torn between wanting to leave before he embarrassed himself and wanting to stay longer. April made the choice easy when, after clearing the dishes, she asked if he wanted to sit in the living room and watch TV. Of course he said yes.

April turned on the TV and sat in the love seat across from it, motioning for Rob to join her. He sat on the other side, trying not to sit too close, and hoping he hadn't sat too far, and wanting to avoid looking like he was thinking way too hard about it. He was acutely aware of how close she was, and how good it felt to be sitting beside her. She was talking, he knew, but he hadn't been paying attention because of the thoughts running through his head. Marshaling what self-control he could, he turned in his seat to face her.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" he asked, mildly embarrassed.

"Oh, I was just saying how I finally packed Jazz's things away," she replied. Jazz was the dog that had been put to sleep. "I didn't want to, but it kept hurting every time I'd see them."

"Oh, I imagine it would," Rob agreed. "We always know when we get a pet that eventually we'll have to say good-bye, but it doesn't make it any easier when it happens."

April wiped away a tear, and Rob put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry, baby," he said softly. He immediately want to apologize for saying "baby," but decided to see what her reaction would be. When she put her hand on his, and looked into his eyes with her sweetest smile, his desire for her almost overwhelmed him. He abruptly turned from her, and gulped from his wine glass, almost chocking.

"What's wrong, Rob?" she asked, concerned, putting her hand on his arm.

Rob looked at her and tried to speak, but couldn't. He took another gulp of wine and tried again. "I'm sorry, I think it was a mistake coming here," he stammered.

"What? What do you mean? I don't understand?"

Rob took a deep breath, and tried to explain. "April, you're a good friend... I don't want to... and I thought I could... You don't know how much... " He was finding it very hard to talk coherently with the little voice in the back of his head screaming about what an idiot he is.

"Rob, look at me!" April demanded. He raised his eyes to meet hers. "What are you trying to say?"

Rob decided on the spot to be frank and open with her, and to admit his feelings. He knew he risked almost certainly alienating her, but could think of no other way to proceed that made sense. One way or another, he had to say what was on his mind. That decision steadied him, and his head cleared enough to talk clearly.

"Okay, April, I'm going to say this. I hope you won't hate me after, but I won't blame you if you do." Rob took another deep breath, then looked her in the eyes again. "From the day we met in training, I've felt something for you. It was an immediate attraction, because you're smart, funny, and very self-assured. Plus you're so damned pretty. How could a guy
not have a crush on you?

"And all this time, I thought that's all it was, a crush. It was easy to ignore it, and deny my feelings, because we've never been alone like this. But tonight, being here with you like this, this close, and alone... You don't know how badly I want to kiss you right now. I honestly think I should leave before..."

As Rob tried to finish his sentence, April suddenly moved towards him, swung her leg over his to straddle his lap, took his face in her hands and bent down and kissed him. "Shut up," she said, softly, then kissed him again.

Rob returned April's kiss and immediately his manhood began to wake up. April ground her pelvis lightly into his groin, enjoying the sensation of feeling him grow against her. When April straddled him, his hands instinctively went to her back to support her, but they soon began to roam all around her body; he rubbed her shoulders, massaged her lower back, then gently squeezed her petit but exquisite butt.

When he brought his hands back up, Rob made sure they went under her t-shirt so that he could feel her hot, naked skin. April broke the kiss long enough to pull her shirt up and off in one fluid motion, then bent back down to resume kissing. Seemingly of its own accord, Rob's hand immediately went to the clasp and deftly unsnapped her bra, leaving it hanging off her shoulders exposing her breasts.

Without the need for words, Rob took hold of the bra and eased it off April's shoulders as she sat up to allow it free from her arms. Taking advantage of the position, Rob cupped both breasts in his big, gentle hands and massaged them. He ran his thumbs over the nipples, thrilling as they hardened under his touch.

"I love these," he said softly.

"They're so small," April replied self consciously.

"No, baby, they're perfect." Rob leaned forward and kissed each nipple, then licked and sucked on them both. April's breasts were on the smallish side, but the nipples were nice and suckable, and very responsive. Judging from her quickened breathing and half lidded eyes, Rob also guessed correctly that they were very sensitive.

After a few moments, April pushed Rob back into the love seat and again bent down to kiss him. As their tongues played together, Rob massaged both tits then allowed his right hand to roam down her tummy before cupping her sex in his hands, over her shorts. When April pushed herself into his hand, he rubbed and probed as much as the soft shorts and panties would allow.

April started tugging at Rob's t-shirt, and he reluctantly moved his hands away from her body so she could pull it off. Now both were naked from the waist up, and immediately went back to kissing. This time, Rob's hand trailed down her stomach and when it got to the waist band of her shorts, he let his fingers slip under. When she didn't object, he
pushed his hand in further, until he was under both her shorts and panties, and was touching the fine hair right at the top of her vulva. One more gentle push, and his hand was fully in, and he had complete access to her warm, moist opening.

Rob slid his finger along her lips, which were swollen with excitement, and spread her womanly moisture around. He gently probed at her opening, eliciting a small gasp and a quick buck of her hips. April's head rolled back as he played with her, but snapped up in pleasure when he found her hard, exposed nub. After just a short time of playing, April
sighed deeply and shuddered, signaling her first orgasm.

"Mmm," she smiled, eyes still closed. "That was nice. I needed that!" She leaned forward into Rob and lay her head on his shoulder. Rob extracted his hand from her shorts as the resulting angle made it very uncomfortable for him. He moved both hands around her and cupped her firm ass, squeezing the cheeks.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he answered, chuckling. He wondered if that was to be the end of the encounter, as April didn't seem anxious to resume any activity. Just as he was wondering if she'd fallen asleep, she raised her head and planted another sensual kiss on his lips.

"Let's go to my room," she whispered, then stood up pulling Rob up with her. She led him to her room where she turned on the ceiling light then used the dimmer to darken it to just a soft glow. She turned back to Rob and stepped in to his embraced. He bent slightly, wrapped his arms around her firmly but gently, then straightened up and lifted April off the
floor. Her legs immediately encircled his waist, and they stood like that kissing passionately for a moment.

Still carrying her, Rob shuffled towards her bed. When they were beside it, April lowered her legs and Rob stood her back on the floor. She turned to her bed and pulled the spread down, then sat and pushed herself to the middle of the bed. "Take those pants off," she purred, "and come join me."

Rob took his pants off, but left his boxer-briefs on because April still had her shorts on. when he crawled up in bed next to her, she lay back and Rob stretched out beside her, resting on his left arm and looking down into her face.

"This must be a dream," he breathed softly. "I've wanted this since almost the first day we met, but I didn't think I'd ever have a chance with you."

"Oh, Rob, the truth is I've wanted you just as long. But I told myself you were off limits, because of Ines. But I always kind of knew somehow we'd wind up like this. I think I knew it when I invited you to come here tonight for dinner instead of going out somewhere." Her devilish smile made Rob's heart beat a little faster.

"I'm glad you did," he said, bending down to kiss her. He nuzzled April's neck, and nibbled at her ears, all the while massaging her boobs and rolling her nipples between his thumb and finger. He kissed his way down her neck, to her chest, and licked and sucked on her nipples, lightly nipping them. Continuing down, he kissed her stomach and side, creeping
closer and closer to her belly button, then beyond.

When he reached the waist of her shorts, Rob hooked his fingers in them and tugged them and her panties down. April lifted her butt to help, then pulled her legs up to help the clothes come off entirely. Suddenly, Rob was looking at the prettiest pussy he'd ever seen. While her legs were still up and together, Rob pushed against the back of her knees to
raise her ass in the air, then bent down and gave her one slow, wet lick from hole to hole. April shivered at the sensation.

Rob released April's legs and she spread them wide, planting her feet outside his shoulders. Using his thumbs, he spread her pussy lips and lapped at the moisture pooling in her hole. Her nectar was sweet and gooey, and Rob drank it like a man dying of thirst. He licked upwards until he found her clit, and concentrated his efforts there as he inserted first one then two fingers in her pussy. She was so tight, but so wet he could still fuck her with his fingers without any problems.

April was in heaven, loving the attention Rob was lavishing on her sex. Her last boyfriend was squeamish about eating her out, insisting every time that she be freshly scrubbed. If he smelt even a hint of any feminine odor, he would refuse to get close to it. Rob never shied away once, seemingly loving the musky odor of a hot, wet pussy. When he started licking her clit, April felt her second orgasm building, only this one she could tell would be stronger than the first.

Rob used his now soaking wet fingers to fuck April's pussy, then pulled out the middle finger and touched it to her butt hole. Pressing gently but insistently, he entered her just to the first knuckle, but continued pumping her vagina with his index finger and licking her clit. The sensation was too much for April, and she started spasming, squeezing both of his fingers with her pussy and asshole, and bucking her hips up to get more pressure on her clit from his tongue.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" she panted. "Oh, god, Rob, I'm cumming!" she moaned loudly. She tensed and arched her back, letting out one long, loud "Ooooh", then shuddered and collapsed back on the bed, catching her breath.

Rob continued licking gently around her clit, but April grabbed him on either side of his head and pulled him up to her. He left a trail of kisses along the way, pausing to lick and suck each nipple once more, before reaching her face. April licked around his lips and chin, cleaning her juices from his face, then locked lips again. Rob was a really good kisser, she thought.

"I've cum twice, and you still have your underwear on, mister! Lay down!" she commanded, pushing him onto his back and rolling on top of him. She ground her pussy against his cock, feeling it's length and girth through the material of his boxer-briefs, then slowly crawled down his body, licking and kissing along his chest and belly. She was impatient to see him, so didn't take long to reach his groin. She mouthed his shaft, and tried to picture in her mind how it must look.

Finally, she grabbed his waist band and pulled his underwear off roughly, then flung them behind her.

"Holy shit, Rob!" she exclaimed, looking at his cock standing proudly erect. "It's beautiful!"

Rob wasn't hung like a horse, by any means, but he was close to 7" length, and a solid 5.5" around at the base. It tapered slightly along the length to the perfect mushroom shaped head, which was a little thicker than the shaft. April reached out and gripped it,
but her small hands could not close entirely around it.

She pumped her fist up and down, up and down, eliciting a low moan from Rob. The head was already slick from pre-cum, and another drop was forming at the slit. April, kneeling now between Rob's legs, bent forward and licked the slit, then all around the head, loving the taste. When she wrapped her lips around the head, then slipped the first two inches into her hot mouth, Rob thought his head would explode from pleasure.

April would suck him into her mouth, then back off, then suck in again, going a little further each time. At about 5" deep, she had to fight off a gag reflex, but like a champ she backed off a little then went right back to it. Rob balled the sheets up in his fist, enjoying the sensations and concentrating on not cumming too quickly. When April finally worked most of his cock into her mouth, and her nose was just brushing against his abdomen, she looked up into his eyes and recognized that she would either have to stop now, or he was not going to be able to resist cumming. Making up her mind, she licked the sensitive spot under the head quickly with her tongue, causing Rob to squirm.

"Oh, god, April, you're going to make me cum!" he warned, moaning. April managed a muffled "Uh huh," indicating that was exactly what she wanted. She gripped his shaft in her small hand again, and bobbed her head up and down several more strokes, then felt him swell in her mouth. With a guttural moan, Rob pushed up, burying his cock deeper in her throat.

April felt his cock twitch, then suddenly the first jet of his semen was going down her gullet. She backed off, taking the next shots directly in her mouth, so that she could savor the taste. She swallowed each squirt as it came, milking Rob dry.

"God damn, I thought I was going to never stop cumming," he groaned. April let his softening dick plop from her lips, then crawled back up Rob's body. She wondered if he'd be like Sam, and insist she go brush her teeth and gargle before he would kiss her. Rob answered that by pulling her to him and passionately kissing her, sticking his tongue in her
mouth without reservation. He didn't mind tasting himself on her lips and tongue, figuring that she had tasted a lot more of him than that. He just didn't find anything disgusting about something so beautiful.

When his passion calmed, and she was laying beside him in with his arm wrapped around her, Rob said "I didn't mean to cum so quickly."

"I wanted you to," she assured him. "I wanted to taste you."

"You got more than a taste!" he said, laughing. She chuckled with him in agreement. She reached down and fondled his dick, and marveled that it wasn't completely soft.

"Do you think you could go again?" she asked. "I mean, not immediately, I know... you're too old for that."

"Hey!" Rob exclaimed in mock anger. "I'm only *technically* old enough to be your dad!"

Laughing, April replied "Oh, I know, I was just teasing. But seriously, do you think you can go again sometime tonight?"

"Hell yea," he answered, smugly. "Just give me a few moments, and be patient with me. Plus, I need something to drink."

"Me too!" April said.

They got up and went into her kitchen, still naked, and Rob poured them both some more wine.

"So," he started, "you wanted me too, huh?"

"Yes, of course I did silly. It should have been obvious!"

"You had to know how I felt about you; why didn't you say anything?" he asked.

"Like I said, because of Ines. I wasn't absolutely sure that you wanted me, though. I thought you might, but maybe you just thought of me like a daug... er, I mean, younger sister, hehe."

"Oh, ha-ha, yea I'm old!" Rob said, laughing. "I figured there was no way you wanted me. Not only because of Ines, but I'm older, and you can do so much better than me."

"What are you talking about, so much better than you?" she asked, incredulously. "You're very handsome, Rob. But even more than that, you're just such a good person. I don't know how many times in training, and even later at work, I'd just look at you, and listen to you talk so intelligently, and I'd get so damned horny because I wanted you so bad. I
almost told you so a few times, but didn't want things to be awkward in case you weren't interested."

"I can't believe you'd think I wouldn't be interested," he retorted. "I felt like most times I was walking around with a big neon sign on my head declaring how much I wanted you."

"Are you feeling any guilt now?" she asked. "Or do you think you will?"

"Honestly? I don't think so. I mean, I don't want Ines to find out, because that would hurt her and I absolutely would feel guilty about hurting her. But as long as she doesn't know, then no, I don't really feel any guilt at all."

"I'm really just not the type of person who should have gotten married," he continued after sipping his wine. "But I do want to make this clear; I love Ines, and I am not going to leave her. This, with me and you, is a dream come true for me, and I hope we can continue this when circumstances allow. But I don't want to lead you on or make you think I'm
ready to leave her for you."

"Oh, no, that's fine," April assured him. "After Sam, I realized I really don't want to be tied down to one man anymore. I want to date around, have some fun. I'm hot for you, but I don't think I'm in love with you or anything. I'd love an easy-going, friends-with-benefits relationship with you, where neither of us has any pressure to be anything more. As
long as you know I'll be seeing other people too. I don't want you getting jealous about it."

"I can do that," Rob said, nodding. "Friends-with-benefits sounds nice."

Rob took another drink of wine, then set his glass down and reached for April. She came into his arms willingly, and he reached down to cup her ass cheek in his right hand, while his left hand went behind her head and pulled her in for another kiss. They played with each others tongues for a few minutes, and Rob played with her ass, running his hand
along her crack and toying with her butt hole and pussy. She was getting wet again, quickly.
Meanwhile, April gripped his cock in her hand and fondled his balls, feeling him start to thicken under her attention.

She broke the kiss to walk towards her room again, pulling him along with her. They crawled in bed and again lay side by side, kissing and fondling each other. Rob urged April up, pulling her to straddle his face with her hands on the headboard. He lifted his head and once again assaulted her pussy with his tongue. After a brief time, April spun around so that she could enjoy his ministrations while reciprocating. Leaning down, she took his now almost fully erect dick in her mouth, while he licked her pussy and clit.

Rob gently pulled her hips just a little lower so he could reach up and lick and tongue her asshole. He rubbed her clit with his middle finger while he did this, and could feel her hole lightly squeeze his tongue. He used his tongue to transfer her juices from her pussy up to her butt hole, and tongue it some more. When it was good and wet, he used the middle finger of his other hand to start probing her ass.

April was enjoying the sensations, but wasn't too familiar with having anything up her butt. The one time Sam had tried to play there, he was too impatient and wouldn't take the time to let her grow accustomed to it. Plus, he didn't try to lubricate the hole at all, making her feel very uncomfortable. But Rob was so gentle and patient, and before long he was
gently sliding his finger in and out of her ass up to the second knuckle, then further. She continued to lick and suck his cock, which was now fully erect, and play with his big, full balls. She loved the size and shape of his cock, and it was so velvety smooth and hard at the same time.

Finally April could wait no longer, and wanted his dick deep inside her pussy. She spun around, straddling him, and backed up into his erection. She guided him into her hot, wet hole, and eased herself down. As wet as she was, he was still big enough to make her work at it. She eased on, then backed off, then eased on again, much as she had with her
mouth earlier. With one last push, she buried him to the hilt into her, and marveled at how full, but good, she felt.

She swiveled her hips a bit, grinding her mound into his pelvis, then lifted up to feel him slide back out. Just before his cock exited her fully, she thrust back down, burying him in her again. The exquisite feeling caused them both to grunt at the same time.

"Your cock feels so damned good in me," she breathed. "Get on top of me and fuck me, baby!"

Rob didn't need to be told twice. He rolled with April, never breaking the connection between his cock and her pussy, until he was on top of her. He slowly pushed all the way back in, feeling his cock head butt up against her cervix. She wrapped her legs around his hips, and when he pulled out she would pull him forcefully back in. Soon they reached a
rhythm, him pounding her pussy and grinding against her clit, and the exertions of using her leg muscles just increased the pleasure for her.

"Oh, Rob," she hissed. "I'm going to cum again! Fuck me, Rob! Fuck me hard!"

"I'm going to fill your pussy with my cum," he moaned. "I'm going to pound you until you cum, and fill you with my cream!"

"Yes!" she yelled "Do it! Fuck me, baby!"

Rob felt his orgasm building for the second time the evening, knowing that April was getting ready to cum for her third. His tempo increased, but he backed off the pressure, not wanting to hurt her. April was having none of that, and gripped his ass in her hands and pulled him harder and harder into her, urging him to pound her with abandon. She could feel her juices running into the crack of her ass, she was so wet and hot.

Her orgasm crashed into her, and just a second or two later Rob groaned and shot his seed inside of her. He felt her pussy clinching on his dick, milking him for all his sperm. April was shuddering and jerking under him, as the electrical volts from her orgasm swept through her.

Rob slowed his thrusting as they both calmed down, and finally stopped. He lay on April, holding most of his weight on his elbows, but reluctant to pull out of her. They shared another long kiss until his softening cock slipped out of her wet pussy. April felt his cum spill out of her and slide down the crack of her ass, and knew it would leave a wet spot,
but she didn't care. This was the best sex she'd had in a long time. Despite their words from earlier, she could easily imagine falling in love with Rob, and it scared her.

Rob rolled off April and onto his back, and pulled her into his arm to snuggle. He caressed her shoulder, and kissed the top of her head, and wondered how long he'd be able to keep pretending that he wasn't already in love with her.


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Introduction: Cheerleader Captain gets group raped by nerds April My name is April Caughman. This is a story of the day that changed my life. I was 18 when it happened. I am 510 with long brown hair. My 36c breast always caught the attention of most straight males. I have been involved with Cheerleading my whole life. So my body was lean with long muscular legs. I was the Cheerleading Captain for my high school. While most of my friends dated a lot I had only had a couple boyfriends. I had sex...

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April walked through the door, throwing her graduate cap onto the couch. I did my best to be cheerful. “Congratulations, my little graduate girl.” She disrobed her back-pack and threw it onto the couch also. ‘It’s just rehearsal.’ “What’s wrong?” She threw her arms out. “What’s wrong? Oh, let me see. I don’t have money for college. I don’t have a car. And I’m the only one who borrows her mom’s ’85 sedan…freaking embarrassing.” I crossed my arms. “We’ve been over this, April.” “Yeah, I know.’...

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April walked through the door, throwing her graduate cap onto the couch. I did my best to be cheerful. “Congratulations, my little graduate girl.” She disrobed her back-pack and threw it onto the couch also. "It's just rehearsal." “What’s wrong?” She threw her arms out. “What’s wrong? Oh, let me see. I don’t have money for college. I don’t have a car. And I’m the only one who borrows her mom’s ’85 sedan…freaking embarrassing.” I crossed my arms. “We’ve been over this, April.” “Yeah, I know."...

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This story examines another angle of the theme Smith laid out in two earlier tales: "The Abattoir" and "The Culling Lottery."Most anthropologists agree that many prehistoric human tribes practiced cannibalism; the premise here is that in a world ravaged by overpopulation and hunger, desperation has brought it back and profiteering has turned it into big business.With a high demand for young female flesh, huge breeding farms have sprung up to provide not only meat products, but other services...

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I’d been out all morning. I deposited a check into our bank account, then went out for breakfast, then got an overdue oil change, and then went shopping at a ladieswear place called Just Hers, which had opened about a month earlier. A friend of mine named Rita told me she shops there and raved about the place. I bought a few pairs of super-tiny see-through panties, a minidress, and a pair of very figure-hugging faux leather pants. I’d always wanted a pair of tight leather pants, but they were...

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The Mistress Monologues

The Mistress Monologues By Cassandra Morgan "You see, Doc, it's like this. I like a boyfriend with titties." I looked at the bartender's face for the shock value. I was disappointed that I didn't see any. Usually, when I told people about my love of the simpering girly-boys, I at least got a flinch. Something. This time? A blank stare. Look, there are all sorts of tastes of all sorts of flavors. Some women liked the blond surfer dudes with their tan bodies and their...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 36 The Carnival at Rome

When Franz recovered his senses, he saw Albert drinking a glass of water, of which, to judge from his pallor, he stood in great need; and the count, who was assuming his masquerade costume. He glanced mechanically towards the square--the scene was wholly changed; scaffold, executioners, victims, all had disappeared; only the people remained, full of noise and excitement. The bell of Monte Citorio, which only sounds on the pope's decease and the opening of the Carnival, was ringing a joyous...

1 year ago
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Lesbian sex slave Part 3

Right, you now who I am by now, you now who my masters are,Denise and Any called me over after a day at school. I arrived in my school uniform, you know the sort of thing, short skirt and white blouse. My black bra peeping through the thin fabric. I arrived and was ushered in. Any told me to go up to the living room and wait there. After about 5 minutes the 2 woman entered. Any in a pink thong and bra wearing a 12 inch strap on, then you had Denise in a white bra and panties with a pink trim....

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A sluts talethe introduction

---------------- Hi, my name is Debbie and I am a nypho. [This is the part where you say, “HI Debbie”…think of AA but for sluts.] It has been two months since I have been fucked by a cock other then my husband’s. I confess, I celebrated on New Year’s with my best friend and her husband, but that doesn’t count as they are my closest and dearest friends. It has been two months since any “stranger” cock has fucked me. I love to fuck and to be fucked. I love to cum, and I love cum. ...

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At The Bottom Of The Bag

At the bottom of the bag Mary was not in the best of moods as she tidied round the bedroom. Tom had come in from a business trip late last night and had left again early this morning. She knew that he was up for promotion and it was a busy time for him but business always seemed to come first. They hardly seemed to have any time for each other nowadays and as for their sex life, it was practically non-existent. She sighed deeply as she found Tom?s overnight bag next to the bed. He?d just...

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Increasing Desire Chapter 1 Reaching Out

How It StartedI must say that I was surprised when my husband of some fifteen years said he thought that our marriage and our sex life lacked the youthful enthusiasm we once enjoyed. Then he suggested that we contact a local couple for instruction in light bondage and submission to spice things up a little.He was right about our relationship of course, but I thought it was just the nature of getting to our late thirties and forties together. He said he had found out about a middle-aged couple...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 91 Swimwear or Lack Thereof

If Greg thought he was going to maintain an air of modesty around the house with his children there, he was sorely mistaken. For one thing, he still had to work every week day, which left the girls alone in the house. On Friday he sat behind his desk at work, daydreaming about the girls all swimming nude in the pool. Or perhaps "fantasizing" was a better word. It was made all the more realistic by the knowledge that it was probably going on even as he was thinking about it. That didn't...

1 year ago
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Worst 101 Sexual Perversions

101. Assphilia:- The desire to put your Toungue on an ass Image. 100. Pyrophilia:- The burning desire to have sex with a partner who is on fire. Tip: lighter fluid works well and doesn't smell as bad as petrol. 99.5. Pyrocoprophilia:- The desire to take a shit on your partner and set the shit on fire. 99. Cropohilia:- Liking for rumpy pumpy in a field of corn. 98. Frodorism:- Lusting after a small person's ring. 97. Dwarfism:- Dressing up in silly pointed hats and wanking over a sleeping person...

4 years ago
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Aunt In Law Part 3 Pregnant

Aunty Tania was 8 months pregnant now and came to a party event. She was heavily pregnant and her bump was fully on show. Her breast had also grown larger and more plump. She had put a few extra pounds. She came over to me and spoke to me during the party and then asked if I could drop her home as she wasn't feeling well as I was leaving the party early.We left the party me and her, to my surprise she came and sat in the front seat which was a little odd. As we I was driving towards her house I...

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A fantasy comes true

Keith had me get in his car and we got naked to fuck again. I had seen videotapes of us having sex at my home and in his car. He didn’t have to threaten me that he would tell his parents. He said, “If the cops find out they’ll believe when I show the tape.” I said, “Keith you don’t have to do that. I want you to fuck me.” He had me get on my back and said, “ I want to cum in your cunt.” I opened the car door and bent down to suck his young penis. He didn’t ejaculate until we got back in...

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General Store Aunty 8211 Part II

Hi friend. I’m 22 year old from Hyderabad. If any aunties or girl interested in sex or sex chat please mail me on , I’m receiving mails from all over the world but except Hyderabad’s not sending mails. So friend’s please forget me if any mistakes and grammar. Like in my all stories there are no names and no identity because I don’t want to disturb any life. So without boring you more come to the point. I daily use to smoke at one shop. One a 33 years old woman is the storekeeper. Let me tell...

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Renting a Room

‘Scott! The damn toilet’s plugged again.’ Valerie’s shout carried from the third floor to the kitchen, where Sharon and I were having a first cup of coffee. I wandered out to the foot of the stairs. ‘That’s it, Valerie, I warned you the last time. Your indoor plumbing days are over.’ Seconds later, the hard body landed on my back and a hand grabbed away the coffee. ‘I am reporting you to the city this very morning. Tenants can’t be treated like this!’ She perched on the counter, helping...

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Lovers by Elaine © 2016 It was still wintry dark outside and it was a little chilly inside Lawrence's bedroom. He woke and stretched out under the warm duvet, and then suddenly felt his new girlfriend's soft warmth next to him. He could feel the gentle movements and sounds as she breathed in and out in her own deep slumber. He checked to see that the duvet was pulled up tight to her chin and made his body closer to her soft naked body. Very slowly and quietly he rolled over onto...

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Idolization finale

Carmine's voice continued. "Oh, and if you want to call the police, be my guest," the voice from the speaker dared smugly. "The chief says he might have left his office light on, so if you could ask them to check it for him, that'd be great." Rose's heart sank and Hazel's eyes widened. She had her hooks in the police as well? After finding out Carmine had been steadily replacing members of their pop idol group, Angel's Embrace, with substitutes wearing skinsuits, Rose was not sure...

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08 TogetherChapter 88

Flashback – Ben – Back at the formerly captured hospital I called my improvised sniper team, complete with the M25s, over and ordered, “The fucking towelheads are using the remaining piece of that building to hide behind.” I pointed to the wall which was about five feet high. I continued, “I’m going to use the M107 to start blowing some fucking holes in the wall and the fragments from the wall should kill most of the towelheads. The ones who try to escape will make great practice targets for...

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My Best Friends Pregnant Wife Part 2

What a difference a couple months can make when it comes to marriage, pregnancy and infidelity. When you take a woman who is neglected and only viewed through the prism of a body type by her husband and on top of that the husband is even suspected of infidelity prior to the wife's then one thing drives the other.Neither is justified but people have the need to be loved, touched and desired while at the same time people want to love someone, they like to touch and they want to desire someone, it...

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For King and Country Part 3

King & Country part 3 by Miss K Three: Tsuruga, Fukui Pref., Japan... Red Fist of Justice Complex ("The House")... ===== I was frozen to the spot. Feeling my knees buckle involuntarily, I had to put my hand out to stop going over on my high heels. My mouth opened and closed noiselessly. A hundred different thoughts crowded in at once, fighting for attention, but I felt unable to organise them into any meaningful order. I guess I was fucked. After what seemed like...

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Sweetest Surrender Part 1

******************** "Are you ready for the games to begin, my Queen?" he asked with a sinister smile. "Hmmm, should I be nervous?" she giggled. He shook his head no. The waiter came & took their drink orders. As she began 2 speak, she felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her. She squealed in shock, instantly blushing with embarrassment. "Ma'am, is everything ok?" the waiter asked her. "Sure, everything's fine. Thank you." She felt another jolt, causing her to jump....

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Only His Toy Pt2

He caressed my shoulders and forearms with gentle strokes, something that usually did not happen first. My breathing was still becoming ragged just by his touch. It always did this. Master looked at me intently, as though he was trying to understand something difficult ‘Are you well?’ I basically repeated. He didn’t answer. His hands found my zipper and roughly pulled the dress down. Seeing my half-naked figure did not even appease him the slightest. The stern expression never left his face....

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Family History

A History Lesson: I had always been proud of my paternal family surname. I had a proud family history. It was always been a bit of am embarrassment to me that my father had agreed to preserving my mother's maiden name of Shirley as the second part of my surname. This was particularly at school, when the teachers were cross with me they would call me Miss Shirley or DSS instead of calling me by my real name of Daniel Stephenson-Shirley. So it came as something of a surprise to my...

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The Perfect Coffee

Here's some more of my personal fantasies. Here’s my blog http://singlesexysecrets.blogspot.com.au/ xxSSB. -------------------------- It had been an agonisingly long day. My high heels were cutting into my feet as I stepped out of the taxi. My husband was waiting at home. Even though it was barely 7pm I knew he’d be snoring on the couch. Waiting for me to step through the door. His beer cans would be on the floor around him, his balding head would be lolled to the side, waiting...

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Cuckold with a view

Wednesday evening I came in from work and as I entered the kitchen from the garage I could smell supper cooking. Since its mid June I was of course all sweaty and smelly from working in my shop all day. I glanced around for my wife and noticed her standing just outside the patio door talking on her cell phone. I didn't want to bother her, I knew she had heard me come in so I decided to grab a shower before eatting. I tossed my work cloths into the laundry room and went to the main bathroom....

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KristinChapter 26

After night-long lovemaking, it wasn’t until ten when we awakened on Saturday morning. Kris just stretched while her pelvis was still in the final throes of her last orgasm and said, “My darling, without a doubt that was the finest night of my entire life. And it was all due to the love of my lord and master.” She grinned and added, “Now let’s go see what’s been happening to Diane!” So off we went. Since it was late fall, we did wear bathrobes going across to the parents’ house. There we...

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7 old gentlemen to gang bang my innocent daughter

i am happy that my elder daughter is now an adult, a pure adult in the legal terminology.I am fucking with a good number of young and old persons. But i feel I am too old now. I am a little pervert as well. So i determined to invite at least 7 lusty males to deflower my elder daughter on her birthday celebration. Let my daughter narrate the happenings at the Hotel Sexo Grand,the venue of my experiments of various kinds.( Leela, my daughter narrates . . . ) Hello, I am Leela, just turned to...

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Helping My Girlfriends Daughters Come Of Age 3

We let go of each other. "Right girls its bedtime I think” Christine announced. “Okay Auntie but” "But what?“ ”Can we take these with us" Katie held up the vibrators."No ! Not at all take these instead". Christine reached into her large handbag and brought out two oblong packages wrapped in greetings paper. "Sorry Girls.With all the fun I'd forgot about your pressies". I'd heard from your Mam that you're birthday present was going to be a fuck off Sparky and she'd already told me she'd given...

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Daughters Lesson

I loved my mom. I was adopted at an early age and was raised into ahousehold of fun and open-mindedness. I always remember beautiful womenover at my house, sometimes at night I would hear noises coming from momsroom. I soon learned she was a lesbian, she liked women. I was intriguedby this, I wanted to know hat they did at night when I heard noises.Mother would always treat me special. I really felt she loved me betterthan her blood son. I had a close bond with her. When I arrived at her...

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Why Was Frank Avoiding Her

I sat at the table sipping a Coke from the machine just down the motel hall and watched as my best friend Joie (pronounced Joey) worked her magic on a young stud that she had picked up at the Golden Spur. Joie was married, but quite obviously not working at it. She had already taken her sweater and bra off and her breasts were out there for all to see. The 'all' was Joie's stud Al, me and Phil who was Al's wingman of the evening. Phil and I watched as Al moved up behind Joie and cupped her...

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YoungerMommy Alice Visby Imagine Im Not Your Stepmom

Alice Visby is a younger stepmommy to Anthony Pierce, but she’s a source of constant embarrassment to her stepson. They argue that Alice seems to think she’s still a cheerleader, but Alice defends herself. Anthony storms out, which leaves Alice realizing that she needs to talk to him. Letting herself into Anthony’s room, Alice points out that he can either be embarrassed by her or he can lean into how hot her milf stepmom is. Alice gets Anthony to admit that he thinks...

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The Client On The Sixth Floor Part IV

While you don’t have to have read parts I, II and III of the story, it will enhance your reading experience. I hope you enjoy it. *** Mattie shifted in her sleep. She dreamt that she was lying in a sumptuous bed with a gorgeous man beside her. She felt him move between her legs and she wriggled her bottom, allowing his shoulders to push her legs apart and expose her soft mound. She sighed in her dream, as she felt his tongue begin to lap at her now-exposed clit. Fuck, it felt good, so good...

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Davids landlady disciplines Barbara

                       Linda returned from her visit to her daughter with a number of things that needed attention. Firstly David’s experiences with Barbara and the result of his visit home to his mother and sister, and to take up the offer to discipline Barbara.                          ‘So David, tell me how you got on with Barbara while I was away’.                           ‘Well Mrs. Robinson she came round on Wednesday evening and punished me’.                             ‘Tell me more...

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The lift home

"Hey jen why are you still here so late? jump in its pouring out there." Jenny was shocked at her math teachers invitation to get in to the car with him. " I'm actually waiting for my transport but his running late today sir" Mr Davies looked at jenny her sexy body all wet with rain water her see thru shirt, her long white legs, her white ankle soaked socks and his eyes moved to her pretty face she had big brown eyes rimmed with long dark lashes and pouty kissable pink lips she was an...

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Miss Parker

It was parents’ evening: only the second she’d done, but already a chore. Half the k**s were boring, the other half beyond saving – of course, you couldn’t say that to the oh so loving, caring parents. She was already bored of the sound of her voice. ‘Thoughful c***d… improved effort… detailed knowledge of… blah blah blah.’ She couldn’t stop her mind from wandering back to the previous night. Against common sense, her friend Karen had persuaded her to come out. ‘It’ll be wicked, Hels,...

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Als Sarah erwacht, liegt sie in einer dunklen einsamen Gasse. Sie rappelt sich mühsam auf und sieht sich um. Die schäbigen Häuserfassaden auf beiden Seiten sind so hoch, dass der Himmel darüber nicht mehr zu erkennen war und das Tageslicht gänzlich verschluckt wird. Vielleicht ist es auch gerade Nacht. Das einzige spärliche Licht kommt von vereinzelten Lampen über den Häusereingängen. Doch die meisten sind zerschlagen oder sehen so aus als ob sie schon seit Jahren nicht mehr gebrannt hätten....

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Second Time Through Book IIIChapter 11

Friday, June 25, 1971 "Adriana!" I thought. "Shhh," she was telling someone else. "It's him." "Adriana?" I thought again. "Yes, sir," she replied. "Can I help you?" I could hear the giggles in the background. "What can you tell me about these 'guys' I'm supposed to be meeting?" I asked. "You know. Charlie and Lee?" The giggles erupted into gales of laughter. Judging from the number of different laughs, I quickly figured out that Vickie must be connected to her as...

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My Dear SisChapter 3

It was 11 in the night I was sitting relaxed on the couch watching the news about the number of illegal arm that people are storing just in case for the apocalypse, I hear a dull thud at the front door, i get up and go to see who it was.i see Claire stumbling stumbling with blood coating her white tank top, someone stabbed her. She was slurring her words, I went and took her arm and led her to her room and laid her on the bed. “let me call the hospital “ I said to no one in...

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what the fuck

What the F..Every year, about this time I start going nuts, being inside the house more than being outside due to the weather, and not being able to do the outdoors things that I enjoy. I am a mature 55 year old Hispanic women who enjoys life, sex and everything about sex. I have really gotten into exploring my wilder side, and have not really found anything I would not do or try. I have nice breasts (36D) and am not skinny, but also not fat – just right for some hardcore pushing. While the...

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Ashleys TailChapter 8

Next Halloween. Brain, aka Dionysius the Greek God, aka Dear Old Dad, was less active in our lives lately, but then he had other mortal offspring to collect, I suspected. He didn’t say as much, but I got the distinct impression that he wanted to gather his progeny for some reason, and now felt some urgency to do so. We now lived in a new, far nicer home provided by pooling our funds to acquire it and gain more privacy. No one was likely to pry very much into our business where we lived...

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Geeta Aur Manju Aunty Part 8211 1

100% suchhi kahani bata raha hu apko. Ye tab ki baat hai jab mein 19 saal ka tha. Mere baare me batane ke kuch baate hai jo mein apko apni kahani ke beeche me bata dunga. Chalu karte hai mere height se mein 5’8ínch ka hu aur weight 55 kg tha jab mere saath ye ghatna hui. Mein apni gali me kaafi shareef aur sharmeela maana jata hu jiske kaaran aunty bhi mujhpe bharosa kar apni beti ko bhar saman etc. Laane bhej dete the Halaki mein patla tha lekin mera lund kaafi bada aur lad ka supada kaafi...

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My name is April Caughman. This is a story of the day that changed my life. I was 18 when it happened. I am 5'10" with long brown hair. My 36c breast always caught the attention of most straight males. I have been involved with Cheerleading my whole life. So my body was lean with long muscular legs. I was the Cheerleading Captain for my high school. While most of my friends dated a lot I had only had a couple boyfriends. I had sex once before and had given a few hand jobs, but...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 39

We were both crying as I read it, and Deb rested her head on my shoulder. I paused for a moment after the second paragraph and saw she was looking down. “It’s OK Deb, you can read it also. You know how we felt about each other.” I know we were both crying softly when I finished, and I put it into the envelope. “You’re not mad, are you Pete?” she softly asked. “Actually, no. A little hurt, but I also understand. And thinking on it, I think she’s right. This is hard on me, and I know it was...

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Sex experience with my friends mother 3 with my little sister

Introduction: i recomend you to read my previous story named :Sex experience with my friends mother -2 for feeling more horny from this story Slowly, I left the house without being noticed by anyone to my hostel. That day, in the evening, avinash came to my hostel .he gave me a pendrive and asked me to play it in the pc. (I know that he brought the prone videos .he used to collect new prone videos every week and used to watch them at my room and I am in a plan to get out of hostel and rent a...

2 years ago
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Life Of A Common Girl 8211 Part III

The game played by Rekha and Rahul to tempt me really excited me. I didn’t notice but found some changes in Rekha after she came home on top of that to their plus point in seducing me we were continuously harassed by the builder who was telling us to pay the amount at the earliest so he can shift us to new place and start the construction work. One Saturday evening Feb 2004 Rekha received a call from someone and she said, Nahi yeh sab galat hai, aisa ku and all that stuff and I asked her what...

4 years ago
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Stepmom Godaughter from Portugal Part 8

I walked back to the ladies and noticed Luz was gone. Luz went home? Maria tells me yes and told me to give you a kiss so from Luz “cheek kiss”. I told Mimi & Maria take a seat and I will stand as they both took a seat in they skirts as they crossed the legs. Mimi asked me some questions about my life and I told her my past life story as we finished the drinks. I looked at Maria should we get going? Yes, it’s 6:30. Mimi said yes I need to get home for the dogs and get ready to go shopping...

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An Amiss WishChapter 7

It was Sunday morning, and Jen was making a wonderful breakfast. Deb, Linda, and I were at the table, and talking finances. Each breakfast alone was costing us a surprising amount of money -- okay, it was actually not that surprising considering the number of people who would eat it -- the surprise was what it was doing to our budget. The previous night was very cuddly, due to the number of bodies in the bed; even the giant Alaskan king size bed was getting cramped. Not that anyone seemed to...

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Can I Speak to the Manager

Karen’s address was in a gated community with a security booth. The officer at the gate eyed me wearily when I pulled up. “What’s your business here, son?” “I am here to work on Ms. Smith’s computer.” “Oh? She did not leave word. I will have to call.” I waited and could not help laughing when I heard her yell at him over the speaker phone. “Well! Let him in!” “Good luck fella,” He said, rolling his eyes when he opened the gate. I found her address. Whoa, what a big ass house. Not a mansion by...

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And creamypie for dessert

My wife has been doing some amateur modeling . At first she said it was just for fun and she was always paid by being able to keep what she was modeling. So when she started coming home without any new clothing I got curious. Usually she would come in and after a quick kiss she always headed to the shower. But one Friday when I got home I found a note on the fridge that said she had a modeling gig and should be home around eight. So I decided to start cooking dinner. I made a tossed salad...

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Coeds Slave Girl FantasyChapter 2

I was probably making a lot of noise there on the floor, noise that was easily heard by the guy who came into the room to use the toilet. If I hadn't been so distracted I'd surely have heard him, but as it was, I couldn't have seen or heard anything. I was rising higher and higher, climbing upward into a huge orgasm, my body shivering and jerking under the hard pulsing onslaught of sexual passion. He probably pulled at the door a little, then peeked inside for a few seconds, not wanting...

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Beauty fucks the Beast Chapter 1

‘We’re over!’ Bianca yelled, as she stormed out of the boy’s locker room. Tears streaming down her face, Bianca Brogan threw her biology text book into her locker, slammed the thin metal door shut, and grabbed the keys to her brand-new Jupiter Red Mercedes. Her head was swimming–how could this possibly be happening? How could he have cheated on her!? Barely five minutes ago, Bianca surreptitiously snuck into the boys locker room to wish her boyfriend, Adam Masterson, good luck for the big...

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REBIRTH ADVENT Chapter 1 I sat at the bar, alone, just enjoying the dim lighting, the cool air, and, most of all the quiet. It should be quiet; it was only 1o'clock in the afternoon, after all. I have always enjoyed this place because it was just a bar; in a world of specialty drinking houses, sports bars, strip bars, pick-up bars, you name it, it was pleasant and relaxing to find a place without pretention, without ambition, that just is what it is and is content with that. The...

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