Empyrian- Chapters 44-46 free porn video

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This is the continuation of the novel "Empyrian". Please make sure you've read chapters 1-43 before proceeding! Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is reading! Still more to come!! - Alice CHAPTER 44 Major Byrne stood over the assassin. The door to the Treaty room had opened immediately when the shooting stopped. Another couple of Palace guards had come out and stood over the assassin, guns drawn. One was attending to their comrade in the stairwell, still unconscious. Byrne looked down the hall to where the Empress was. She was down but sitting up, Asta, Valencia and the security team were surrounding her, so he turned his attention back to man on the floor in front of him. The prisoner was in deep shock and covered in burns. His breathing was coming in shallow, painful gasps. "Who sent you," Byrne yelled at him. The man just stared at him still moaning and writhing. Byrne grabbed his arm and squeezed sending a new wave of pain through the man. "Who sent you," she asked again determined. Still no response. Byrne squeezed the arm again and a raspy cry came out again. "Agh...No more, please," he spat in agony. "Talk." "It was the prince. Please you have to help me," he said trying to speak clearly but fluid was starting to take over his lungs. "Prince Juan Louis? The Fifth?" "Yes...he wanted...the throne for... himself... He wanted the King... and the Empress... dead... wanted to start a war with...Virago. He wanted...to...to be Emperor." The man flopped back, his breathing getting worse. Byrne looked up as someone approached them. Queen Xenia came out of the Treat Room and stood over the man. She looked at him then at Byrne. "Arrest the Prince," she said softly, stricken with the events of the last few moments. She looked down the hall and saw the King and the Empress, one lying motionless, the other sitting up, holding her lover. She then panned right, and her eyes came to rest on her only child. The Prince was slumped on the floor against the wall security personnel trying and failing to find a pulse. A round bullet wound glistened angrily on his neck. Ironically, in his desire to get out of the way, the bullets intended for Byrne had hit the Prince instead. Queen Xenia hurried down the hall to her boy, pushed the men away from him and knelt over Pyat. The assassin her son had hired had ended up killing him as well. She wasn't necessarily a believer in karma, but the irony stuck out in her mind. Tears began falling down her face. Byrne had the Palace guard close the door to the Treaty room and told them not to let anyone leave. The scene was secure, but it was also a crime scene and there were photographers there to cover the accord signing. Medical personnel were just arriving and asking how many were hit. He turned back to the gaggle of people down the hall to give them a count. From where he stood, it seemed the King and the Prince were both hit, probably dead and the Empress was wounded. One of his team was on a knee but seemed to be fine after taking rounds to his body armor. "Six down, two likely dead, one unconscious, one gravely wounded, one hit in body armor and the last one's status is...," she squinted at the Empress trying to discern what her condition was. She was smiling and kissing Asta. "...TBD," she finished, puzzled. The Empress got to her feet. But for the small tear in the back of her dress, and a large spot of blood now staining its right side, she looked as she had almost moments ago. She used the handkerchief to wipe away the small amount of blood still on the back of her arm. She then surveyed the scene, taking it all in. "Asta," she said, looking at the Queen kneeling over her son perhaps eight feet from her, "you and General Skarpsv?rd need to go see about the shooter. It is important he lives as a witness. We need to know who was behind this, and we'll need his testimony." "Yes, your Majesty," she said and the two began walking down the hall, Marta close at her side. "It was my son," said the Queen, standing up straight, still looking down at the Prince. "I beg your pardon, your Grace?" Viktoria asked. Xenia turned around spoke to Viktoria. "I said, it was him, it was my son. That man down there said he was hired to kill the King...and you. I am sorry, your Majesty. I don't know what to say." Her voice started to quiver as she was trying not to break down crying. She brought her hand to her mouth as if it could hold back her emotions. "I'm ashamed of what my family has done," she sobbed. She looked up at Viktoria and saw the bloodstains on her right arm. Suddenly, it occurred to her that Viktoria, too, might be injured. "Are you alright?" she said coming to her senses. "Has he hurt you?" she asked, a look of grave concern coming over her face. Viktoria closed the distance between them. "No, no, I'm fine Xenia, I'm fine. I'm so sorry for this...loss." She put her arms around Xenia in a hug and sent waves of strength and love to her. Xenia absorbed the suggestions and after a while straightened up. Looking up into Viktoria's eyes. "Thank you, your Majesty." "It's okay, Xenia, you're going to be okay," said soothingly stroking her hair. She gently pulled the Queen away from the body of her son and walked slowly down the hall toward the Treaty room. She stopped when they were some distance away and held the Queen. At the other end of the hall, Asta and Alina stood over the Assassin. The man was covered in nasty red burns, skin peeling from his face and hands. His eyes were swollen shut and the rest of his face was bloated with swelling as well. His breathing was coming in short bursts and made unnatural wet sounds as though he were drowning in his own lungs, which he was. He wasn't moving now, and she could tell it wouldn't be long before he was dead. She thought about letting him slip away but Viktoria was probably right that he should see justice through the courts, not by her hand. She also understood the importance that these events not be blamed on Virago. She put her hand on his chest and closed her eyes. Marta and Alina were astonished for a second time. Within moments his skin began to clear up and the redness and swelling slowly faded away. Another few moments and he looked normal; his breathing no longer audible. The man opened his eyes. As if sensing an opportunity, he struck out at Asta, knocking her backward onto her rump and into Alina before clamoring toward his feet. He didn't make it far. Marta clobbered him with a strong right hook across the jaw and the man went down, out cold. "Wow," said Byrne from the stairwell. "That was quite a punch Captain. Remind me not to get on your bad side." "You got cuffs, Major? This asshole needs a pair." She turned around and pulled Asta to her feet. Byrne reached around to the back part of her belt to pull out some zip ties they used to restrain prisoners. As she handed them to Marta she looked again down at the assassin. "Say, you all wouldn't happen to know how this guy got all better again would you? Last I saw him he was heading for the burn ward." Asta just looked at her and gave her a wink. Marta put the restraints on him and told Byrne he was all hers. The three of them turned and headed back over to the Empress to figure out the plan. "So," Marta said as they walked, "I've been having this nagging pain in my knee, you think you could do your razzle dazzle and fix me up?" Marta asked the Duchess. Asta and Alina gave each other a look. A sly smile creased Marta's face. "Captain, did you just make a funny?" Asta asked, smiling. Marta's face quickly turned to a sort of sheepish look. "I think she did," Alina confirmed "Good for you," Asta said encouragingly and gave her a sideways hug as they walked. CHAPTER 45 "Do you want me to gather everyone up and head for the airport? This thing is going to blow up, perhaps we should not be here," said Asta seriously. "Perhaps her Highness is right, your Majesty. I can handle the affairs until a more suitable time for you to return," added Queen Xenia. "No, the time is now. This changes how we tell the world, but not when. If we leave the Queen now, who knows who will come forward and try to lay claim to the throne. It would only be leaving the Queen here to fend off the wolves by herself. No, Xenia, the time is now. We will go into the Treaty Room and sign the accords and then you will sign the proclamation bringing Elsmere under the Empire and my rule." "The government won't like this timing. They'll challenge my decision making given what just happened here," said Xenia. "Don't worry about the crowd in the Treaty Room. The Duchess and I will take care of them. For now, let's make certain all the right people are in the room." For some reason, the King had not allowed film crews in to cover the signing of the accords only still photographers. Viktoria needed a national audience though, so a call went down to the news teams in front of the Palace, more of whom were showing up by the minute given the reports of gunfire in the Palace. They all retreated to the Queen's quarters where Xenia and the Empress worked through the last-minute specifics. A select number of camera teams were requested to set up in the Treaty Room to cover the signing and to capture a short speech from Queen Xenia. In short order Viktoria and Xenia had managed to get everyone and everything set in order to finish the plan to unite the countries. Viktoria donned her grey coat to cover the carnage the bullet had made to her dress and freshened her makeup. When they were alerted that everyone was in the Treaty room, they reversed their steps again and headed back. By now the hall leading to the doors had been cleared, but Viktoria stood close to Xenia as they walked and filled her with love and brave thoughts as they walked past the assassination scene to the entrance of the Treaty Room. There was a somber atmosphere as they entered, and the assembled ministers, dignitaries and other governmental officials were all chatting in hushed tones. Several still coming to terms with how close they were to violence that took their King, some chatting about the lines of succession and others still, wondering why they would still be meeting to sign the accords in such a moment. They all fell silent as the two monarchs walked in. Viktoria's plan was now twofold: Get the right people in the room and then use her powers to quell any suspicion, debate or sedition. Once gathered, she and Asta began using their powers to turn the opinion in the room in their favor. The Queen and Empress first signed the accords, with the assembled delegations and ministers from both sides. This brought subdued and respectful applause, thanks to Asta's encouragement. Xenia then took to the podium and for perhaps fifteen minutes spoke to the people of Elsmere. She spoke about the incident that took the life of the King and Prince, the dire financial shape the country was in thanks to the now deceased King, and the broad strokes these accords would take to help alleviate these economic conditions. She stressed that Elsmere could not get out of the financial mess without help. She then thanked her parents and the good people of Pyandavostok for their strong backing and support. "I now want to thank her Imperial Majesty, Empress Viktoria. Without her steadfast belief in the people of Elsmere and its future, we would not be able to find our way through this storm of our own making. The Empire of Virago has long history of being our ally who stood with us and though our recent history under the hegemonic rule of King Juan has distanced us, in our time of need they are here, standing with us." She gestured to the Empress. "Thank you your Majesty, thank you to the Empire and thank you to her people. We do not ever want to stand without you again. And so, with the Chancellor of Justice as witness, I have drawn up our official agreement to join the Empire and give our fealty to Empress Viktoria." She paused, and then in full voice added, "Long live the Empress." Viktoria and Asta both sent out energy waves creating an overwhelming sense of allegiance and relief in the minds of the assembled group. Those in the room felt as though a heavy weight was finally lifted from the kingdom. This was the solution all along! "Long Live the Empress!" the men and women in the room said in unison. Several began cheering and clapping. Asta scanned the crowd for any holdouts. She made sure to send extra encouragement to several officials who still seemed shocked or muted in their reactions. It was important that this influential crowd all agree that Elsmere join the Empire. The Chancellor of Justice, who oversaw all official and legal matters for the crown, stepped up to the treaty table and set down the official proclamation. Queen Xenia signed the document, closed the folio and brought it around to the Empress who stood at the end of the table. She handed the signed agreement to the Empress and then knelt before her kissing her hand. "I swear my loyalty and allegiance to the Empire and to her Imperial Majesty, Empress Viktoria." A small smile broke out on Viktoria's face as she watched the final piece of her plan for Elsmere fall into place. "Arise, Xenia, Minister of Elsmere. May you be faithful, valiant and worthy of us." She helped the Minister to her feet. Xenia took a step back and dutifully curtsied to her new sovereign. There was more clapping. Viktoria came forward and began her remarks. "To the good people of Elsmere, we have much to rejoice in this historic day. Today, we are brought together in a union that will solidify our place in the world for generations to come. Together we are better than apart. Together, we will prosper. These accords are only the groundwork, the beginning of the way back for the industry and economy of Elsmere and for her people. As the new Minister of Elsmere pledged her allegiance to me, I, too, pledge my allegiance to the people of Elsmere. May they prosper and grow under the Realm." When she was done speaking, the Treaty room emptied out of the far side doors so as not to give the camera crews an opportunity to show the scene in the Grand Hallway and to allow the official investigation teams their time to gather evidence. It would be an open and shut case as the assassin, as yet identified, was happily telling anyone who would listen about the Prince's conspiracy, all thanks to a little suggestion Asta had given him before he was taken away. The rest of the evening was a whirl. First the Palace staff had to make significant adjustments. A suite was prepared for her Majesty and the former Queen's staff set about getting more clothes for the Empress, so she needn't keep wearing the bloodied grey dress. The Empress and Archduchess would stay overnight in the palace so that they could receive the various foreign dignitaries and key Elsmerians who wished to see them immediately. Various political opponents were the first to start showing up, primarily to vehemently protest the Queen's rather abrupt decision. They felt strongly there should be a period of morning before any agreements, let alone subsumption, should be considered. Viktoria let them plead out their cases, mostly so she could learn who harbored what ambition. She then used her powers of suggestion to take control of their thoughts and bend them toward her will. By the end of the meetings, they all left as strong proponents of the plan and with new loyalty to the Empress. This continued through the morning the following day and past lunch. Come midafternoon, there were no serious political leaders or pundits in opposition to her. By design, the Ministers Nagy and Golan and General Barnes were to work out the integration plans for the two countries economically, politically and militarily respectively. This was so a cohesive plan could be presented to any obstinate politicians they might find. While she of course would use her powers to encourage these detractors, the logic and rationale of each aspect of the plan was solid and added real credibility. She would have to get out into the big cities in order to win over the people though, and so Viktoria planned a speech from the balcony of the Palace that overlooked a massive square that very afternoon. Thousands gathered and she and Asta controlled them in short order. With both of them projecting out their power, the assembled mass was soon cheering for their new Empress. The speech, and the crowd's reaction to it, was broadcast throughout Elsmere and the slow march to acceptance was kicked off. CHAPTER 46 The Empress and the Archduchess returned to Verstrata that evening and celebrated their triumph. Viktoria now ruled almost three quarters of the continent and she controlled the heads of state of the remaining countries. It wouldn't be long before she was able to take those countries into the Realm as well. Excited by her new political power, Viktoria practically carried Asta to the bedroom with the idea of ravaging her. Asta too, was intoxicated with the Empress's power. In fact, now that Elsmere had come under Viktoria's control, she could feel the power of the Empyrian grow stronger in both of them. It was as though the amount of land mass Virago controlled was directly proportional to the power of the Empyrian within them. That night, as a show of submission to her Empress, she let Viktoria subjugate and control her. She knew she was going to bed with the most powerful person, man or women, on the planet and she let Viktoria have her way. Asta wanted to be dominated that night and so she used her powers to send encouraging thoughts to Viktoria. Viktoria, playing along, used her powers on Asta as well. It was quite the turn on for both of them. When they got to the bedroom, Viktoria told Asta to find a special outfit to wear and both women went to their closets to prepare. Asta was only mildly surprised to find an outfit waiting for her. After a short time, she returned to the bedroom and to her waiting lover. Asta wore a custom, deep blood red bodysuit of lace and stretch-mesh, with black, full silk billowing sleeves, each with a blood red satin bow at the wrist. The body suit had a deep plunging V in front and the mesh showed every bit of her skin and nipples underneath. Her legs were covered in matching silk stockings, which attached themselves to straps hanging from the body suit. She also wore five-inch black patent leather stiletto heels and matching red lipstick as she had been instructed. As she approached Viktoria, she felt her prurient eyes all over her. It made Asta feel sexy and provocative. As Viktoria gazed upon her, she also felt preyed upon. She was already wet with anticipation of what was to come. "That's a good girl. Don't you look lovely," Viktoria said as Asta walked to her. Asta studied her lover and took in her own sensual look. Starting at the top, she wore a black mask of silk and lace over her eyes and nose, which seemed to magically stay on her face. She had on a black satin floor length robe, which she opened in the front as Asta got closer, revealing a matching black stretch silk satin bustier, embellished with floral motifs in silver down the front. The plunge neckline seemed to be held in place with a thin satin cord tied in a small bow. The bustier, if it could be called that given how delicate it was, ended at her navel in front but the sides of it split front and back on each side and extended down to connect to her black silk stockings which in turn ended in black stiletto heels. Asta was quick to note that she had on no panties and her smooth, bare sex sat exposed, ready for Asta's attention. Asta closed the final distance between them and stood in front of the Empress. Even in her heels, Viktoria towered over her. She looked like a satin clad goddess Asta thought, swooning at the thought of what Viktoria was about to do to her. Viktoria smiled a wicked smile. She put her hands into the pockets of her robe and then quickly pulled them out. She lay her hands out in front of her, each holding a black item. In her left hand she had a similar black mask as the one she wore. Asta took that first and placed it over her face and turned around. Viktoria tied it in the back, tight enough so it wouldn't move out of place. It felt sensual across her face and let her see with no occlusions. She turned again to examine what was in Viktoria's right hand. It was a thick, black satin choke collar with a metal ring at the front. "This is for my pet," said Viktoria in a lascivious tone that gave Asta goose bumps. Asta again turned and, as she did, pulled her long blonde hair away from her neck so her lover could attach the collar. She felt the cool material close around her neck as Viktoria locked the clasps in place then spun her back around. Viktoria sent her thoughts of submission and Asta felt a wave of worship and devotion wash over her. There was nothing she wouldn't do for her lover at that moment. All she wanted was to make Viktoria happy. "Now, down on your knees," Viktoria ordered. Asta actually gave a little whelp of delight as she knelt in front of Viktoria. She felt like she was a wrapped present, a pretty plaything that her majesty was about to enjoy, and it made her excited. "What shall I do with you, Ch?re?" asked Viktoria. "Oh, please your majesty, let me pleasure you until you cum in my mouth," pleaded Asta, surprised by her genuine longing to take in her lover's juices. "Let me show you how powerful you are." She paused and then looked up into the eyes of her lover. "Let me be a good pet," she moaned to her Viktoria. Was that her own desire or Viktoria commanding her she wondered? It didn't matter; she knew what she wanted to do. She put her hands on Viktoria's hips and looked up to her eyes again, pleading to be allowed to service her majesty. "Very well, you may begin my pet, but if it isn't good enough, there will be a punishment." With that, she widened her stance to make room between her legs for Asta's eager mouth. Asta knew she could use her power to make Viktoria have a mind-numbing, toe curling orgasm right then and there but she wanted to be punished. She moved to Viktoria's swollen mons and leaned in, kissing and nuzzling her sex. She used her thumbs to part Viktoria's labia and sent her tongue exploring into the slit between her legs. First, she found the clitoris and licked and sucked it. This got Viktoria's juices flowing, which she eagerly lapped up and swallowed, savoring the musky taste. As she did, she whispered to her lover telling her how powerful she was. She stoked Viktoria's lust for control and begged Viktoria to cum so she might taste her royal orgasm. Asta was lost in her hunger and desire and soon Viktoria rewarded her with room shaking climax. She let out a loud groan and her knees became week. Asta drank in her Tor and savored her juices like they were a cordial. She wanted more. Viktoria stepped back, away from Asta and looked down at her lover. Asta's chin glistened with the nectars of her orgasm and there was a wild look in her eye. "Please let me have more your majesty. It was soo good!" she said, running her hands down from her chin, down across her throat and to her sensual breasts. She looked up hungrily at Viktoria. "Don't you want to give me more?" she breathed at Viktoria, still cupping her ample breasts. Viktoria was both shocked at the lewdness of Asta's words and demeanor and incredibly aroused by them. She had complete control over this creature kneeling before her and she knew that she would own her tonight. She shuddered, again climaxing at that very realization. "Oh..." she let out; eyes closed as she let the last of the orgasm wash over her. Asta, still kneeling, gazed up pleadingly as if she had just missed out on something. Viktoria opened her eyes and looked down at Asta. "Stay, my pet. All this work has made me thirsty." She went over to the corner where a tray containing various bottles had been placed. She took out the stopper of one of the bottles, and then grabbing a glass in one hand, poured out a measure of brown liquid. She reached into the ice bucket and dropped a couple of ice cubes into the drink then turned back to Asta. She took several slow steps to her, spinning the ice in the glass as she did. She was contemplating what to do next. "I told you if your tongue wasn't good enough, I'd have to punish you," Viktoria said, crossing her arms in front of her as she stood above Asta. Her robe had slid down her back and rested at elbow height, her bent arms the only thing that kept it from falling to the floor. She took the first sip of the fine liquid in the glass. It burned nicely going down her throat. "Rise," she commanded and Asta got to her feet, careful of the tall heels. Viktoria closed the distance between them in one stride and ogled her captive. She stroked Asta's beautiful hair, careful not to dislodge the mask. Gods she was gorgeous. A blonde goddess, she thought. And my bride! She smiled and leered down at her betrothed. "Your efforts were not good enough. Now, I must think of a suitable punishment for you. Sit, while I think," she ordered, pointing to the bench at the end of the bed. As Asta sat on the bench and crossed her legs seductively, pretending to pout. Viktoria walked back to the bar and downed her drink, savoring the brown liquor as it went down her throat. She looked at Asta and finished her plan. She put down her glass, then reached into the pocket on the right side of her robe. From the pocket she pulled out one more item: a long metal chain with a clip at the end. Holding the chain balled up in one hand, she let her robe fall off her back onto the floor. Free of the garment, she then stretched the chain out between her two long arms making a show of it and its strength. "Your punishment will be rough," she said. She looked down and brought her left hand down to within several inches of her crotch and spread her fingers wide. She closed her eyes and began to conjure a large penis and accompanying set of balls. Within, moments the phallus was full sized and erect. Asta gazed at the cock and her womb twitched at the thought of taking it in. She looked at Viktoria, black bustier and stockings framing her wonderful erection and she became achingly wet for her 'punishment'. "No, please, your Majesty," she said in mock protest. "I'll be a good girl, please let me try again. I can be a good pet," she pretended to plead. Viktoria walked over to Asta and stood astride, flaunting her erection dangerously close to Asta's face like villain might brandish a knife. She grabbed a hold of the ring in the front of Asta's collar and gave it a tug and then clipped the chain to it. She pulled Asta to her feet. "Come, pet, I'm thirsty again," and pulled her by the collar back to the bar tray. "Fix us a drink." "Yes, your Majesty," she said and hurried around the Empress to the tray. As she did, Viktoria gave her a slap on her ass, strong enough to make a good sound but not with much force. Asta yelped in ecstasy, her crotch now fully saturated with her own wetness which was threatening to descend down her legs. She picked up the same bottle as before and refilled the Empress's glass with another measure of the brown liquor. She then added an additional ice cube as she had seen Viktoria do and handed the glass back to Viktoria. "And make one for yourself, my pet, I'm not drinking alone." Asta repeated the process and soon had a drink of her own. She took a sip, recognizing one of the Empress's favorite whiskeys. "Finish it, you don't have all night to nurse that drink," Viktoria said forcefully, giving another short tug to the chain attached to Asta's collar. Asta quickly downed the drink, the liquor burning as it went down to her stomach. "Come," said Viktoria as she led Asta by the chain back to the bed. "Please your Majesty, I can do better, please, I beg you, not the cock. I'll do anything," Asta pretended to plead halfheartedly. "You had to your chance my pet, but you weren't quite good enough. Now I will just have to take pleasure into my own hands." She took a long pull from the glass, almost emptying it, and put it down on the bedside table. "Get on the bed, on your knees and present yourself to me," she said. Asta crawled slowly onto the bed on her hands and knees, ass facing her, the end of the chain still in Viktoria's hand. "Good, now give me access to that lovely snatch!" she said wickedly and tugged on the chain again. Asta gave a little cry out as she did, then slowly reached down to her crotch and unsnapped the three buttons holding the bodysuit in place between her legs. Her now engorged labia were exposed, wet and inviting, longing to be violated and filled with Viktoria's magnificent cock. Asta shuddered, knowing what was coming. She couldn't wait to be fucked by the Empress. She used her powers to send a wave of suggestions to Viktoria, encouraging her to dominate her more. "Mmm, that's it, my little pet, you have accepted your punishment. Now, beg me for it." She sneered at her lover. Asta was overcome with lust and mumbled something incoherent in response. "I didn't hear you," Viktoria said sternly and pulled at her leash. "What did you say?" she scolded. "I said, please, your majesty, please give me my punishment," she gasped, looking back over her shoulder at the magnificent penis about to penetrate her. "Tell me you want me to be fucked like a good little pet. Beg me," she said in a soft but commanding tone. Asta was beside herself but obliged, savoring the domination. "Oh, please your Majesty, fuck me like a good little pet. I beg you please fuck me." Viktoria looked down at her soon to be wife's bare, glistening pussy and smiled a wicked smile. "That's better my pet." Viktoria's erection throbbed. She was amazed at how good it felt and how powerful it made her feel. She liked that it represented an action. It was a thing with which you did something to someone. You fucked someone with it. It wasn't passive. It was wondrous and she loved how Asta ached to get it inside of her, just as she had the night of the solstice. It was delicious and she couldn't wait a second longer. She stepped in behind Asta and felt her grab the cock and guide it into her vaginal lips. There was no resistance as Asta was so wet her cunt practically sucked it in. Viktoria, still in her heels, stockings and bustier, began pumping her new appendage in and out of her lover's swollen cunt with vigor. Asta shuddered with her first orgasm almost immediately and began to grunt with every thrust. Viktoria reached down and grabbed Asta's hair and pulled her head back gently, but firmly, getting her attention. "You like that don't you!" grunted Viktoria as she pumped. "You like being my little bitch!" she said loudly. "yes, yes, yes!" screamed Asta as Viktoria sped up her thrusting "Oh...I...like... being...your...little...BITCH..." she cried out with each pump of Viktoria's long cock. Viktoria let go of her hair and decided to switch positions. She pulled out of Asta and pulled Asta's leash taught. "On your back my pet, I want to look into your eyes while I fuck you," she commanded. Asta groaned, not wanting to pause in the lovemaking, but dutifully rolled over and repositioned herself so her head was now on the pillows. Viktoria now crawled on the bed and over top of Asta and held her wrists above her head, pinning them down with her one of her hands. She took one hand and loosed one breast from her bustier and dangled it over Asta's face. Asta suckled her imperial breast and made Viktoria groan. "Please. Put it back in me. I must be punished," she moaned spreading her legs wide. "I need to feel you fill me up. I want to be your sex toy tonight, your little bitch. Please put it back in me!" she pleaded with Viktoria. "As you wish." Viktoria easily reentered Asta's honey pot and began again to thrust. Her prodigious abdominal muscles were on display as she did mini crunches, pounding into Asta's loins. Asta wrapped her legs around her lover firmly and for several minutes both ladies gyrated and thrust their hips at each other until finally, blissfully, they climaxed together. Asta could feel the heat of Viktoria's cum fill her womb and they both entered into the Empyrian. Viktoria's astral body reached out and pulled Asta into a hug. Asta could now feel her body and the energy coming from it even more than she could the night of the solstice. Their power in the Empyrian was indeed growing. "I love you, Ch?re," she said. "I love you too, Viktoria. I can't wait to be your wife." The two kissed and hugged until the bliss of orgasm had subsided and they were brought back to their bodies. The two lay back, exhausted and satiated. "Mmm...your Majesty," Asta said languidly, draping her long silk sleeved arm over Viktoria body "I'm going to pledge my allegiance to you more often." "See that you do, ch?re. I treat my subjects well." 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Empyrian Chapters 2931

This is the continuation of the novel "Empyrian". Please make sure you've read chapters 1-28 before proceeding! Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is reading! Still LOTs more to come!! - Alice CHAPTER 29 There had been strict instructions not to wake them. Viktoria and Asta communed with Catrine and...

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Empyrian Chapters 1113

This is the continuation of the novel Empyrian. Please make sure you've read chapters 1-10 before proceeding! CHAPTER 11 Andreas pulled on the door to his room and as he suspected it was open. He checked the hall. No one was visible in either direction. He had no plan, which somewhere in the recesses of his Tor addled brain he knew was a mistake. Was he trying to escape? His military brain kicked in an pushed him forward He hurried down the hall back the direction he had...

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Empyrian Chapters 3538

This is the continuation of the novel "Empyrian". Please make sure you've read chapters 1-34 before proceeding! Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is reading! Still more to come!! - Alice CHAPTER 35 Moving into Minnesm?rke Palace was not the only distraction for the two these days. There was, of c...

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Empyrian Chapters 2123

This is the continuation of the novel Empyrian. Please make sure you've read chapters 1-20 before proceeding! Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. There is LOTs more to come!! - Alice CHAPTER 21 Marta reversed their steps from earlier in the afternoon and they exited the same doors into the courtyard. They then entered the doors at the back of the palace Wahl had noticed earlier. This was an older part of the main palace and though there...

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Empyrian Chapters 1820

This is the continuation of the novel Empyrian. Please make sure you've read chapters 1-17 before proceeding! Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This installment will get you to the halfway point of the story, so LOTs more to come!! - Alice CHAPTER 18 Andreas awoke in a haze. He was aware that he was in pain. He slowly blinked and took in his surroundings. It was dark and he was in a round stone room on some sort of cot. There was a...

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Empyrian Chapters 3234

This is the continuation of the novel "Empyrian". Please make sure you've read chapters 1-31 before proceeding! Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is reading! Still LOTs more to come!! - Alice CHAPTER 32 The real reception was one week later in the Summer Palace itself. To say that this was the...

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Empyrian Chapters 3943

This is the continuation of the novel "Empyrian". Please make sure you've read chapters 1-38 before proceeding! Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is reading! Still more to come!! - Alice CHAPTER 39 After many weeks of planning, smaller meetings and one reschedule, it was time for the second round of...

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Prologue General Lopez was always careful to be five minutes early lest he stir the King's ire. King Juan Louis Felipe IV, or King Juan as he was referred to, was known to have a nasty temper and suffered fools at their peril. His reign of almost 35 years was not nearly the longest in Elsmere's long history as a country but it was longer then most, and it could be rightfully argued among the most detrimental to the country's well being. He was not originally destined to be King. ...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Girlfriend Stolen pls add chapters

(I have published this story on writing.com first. I am not the owner of every chapters, it's specified at the begining of chapters. If you see some of your work in it and you dont want it to be in, message me and I will delete it a soon as a receive the mail.) You are a boy, 18 years old. Your name is Tim and you have a wonderfull girlfriend, enveryone arround you are jalous about her. She is the perfect girl, angel face, slim with perky and perfect breast and ass. But a morning she is...

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Report 2 The Lost Chapters

Report 2: John becomes Joanie: The lost chapters by Jodi John stood, his legs shaking as Bri had Candy help him to the dressing room. The Wendy's came in smiling as Bri gave them instructions to help Candy. They held the still bound and gagged John and let him put his weight on them as Candy slowly unlaced the corset. As it came free, John felt his body relax and the cool air made him shiver as the Wendy's buried...

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Barford File 2 The Betancourts Chapters IX and X Final Chapters

IX: Training Daze Harvey Betancourt kept his eyes closed, his mind in an almost Zen-like state, as his wife continued to run the buzz of her old-school clippers over areas of his head. Glenda was almost done shaping his hair to resemble the look of the eager new recruit that was a day shy of being shipped out to Europe. Only back then, he wasn't as pleasantly well-built, nor as tanned, as he was now. The radio played a Benny Goodman swing tune as Glenda worked. He remembered...

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Titcage All Chapters

TITCAGE Claire didn’t want to work at Titcage. But work experience during the school holidays was compulsory for seniors and despite her best efforts she couldn’t convince her parents or teachers that the so-called Committee For Gender Equity was against women, not for them. Funded by church groups, conservatives, and the world’s richest men, the organisation existed for one purpose: to change community and government attitudes to women and restore women to a role solely as sextoys,...

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Reversal of Roles For a Day All Chapters

Chapter 1 The Switch After years of being my Dom, you say you want to switch with me for a day and experience some new things. We will find out just how submissive you can be. I have sent you a large box along with some brief instructions telling you what time you need to be ready for the limo to pick you up, what you are to bring with you and what you are to wear. There are three seperate, plain wrapped packages inside the box. You are to bring the package marked with a one along with...

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The Lesbian Debt All Chapters

LAURA AND ERICA Her girlfriend's cunt tasted as good as ever. Laura lay in the top position of a nude 69, her short fringe of pink hair hanging over her eyes as she lapped at her lover Erica's pussy. She loved this position. She loved the feel of her large tits being splayed out to either side of her lover's trim stomach; she loved the feel of Erica's boobs against her own midriff. She loved Erica's head between her thighs, loved knowing she could clench her knees together and trap it...

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Heads You DressThe Final Chapters

CHAPTER SIX --- THE SALON & THE SECOND DREAM 1 A few weeks later Jason arrived for work in medium heels, low cut, patterned blouse and women's trousers, his lips as pink and glossy as ever. He was surprised to find Kelly in his office. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Morning, Jenny. Fetch us a glass of juice each and we'll talk about it." "Huh?" "Hurry. I'll not tolerate slackness." What the heck was going on? Jason thought. He reached into the small fridge and...

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A New Life The final 4 chapters

“Good Morning sleepyhead,” I heard as I opened my eyes. “My name is Qi; I wanted to see what you had before you came to the party preparations room.” She smiled down at me and then turned and headed to the bathroom. I watched, as the smallest woman I ever saw, walked into my bathroom. She was barely four foot tall, if that. She had acute little ass that had the gentlest sway as she walked and I think I could wrap my hands around her waist without trying. I quickly jumped up when I heard the...

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Waiting Out the Storm Final Chapters

Chapter 4The ice maker was on the far end of the hall from their room so that helped kill a little time. He wanted to give her time to get into position and wait there for him as long as possible. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to do next except that he knew that putting ice cubes into her pussy was going to be involved. He also knew that she was going to be there with her pussy full of a cool bottle and a vibrating egg that could go off at any minute with her ass in the air waiting...

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Aunt Jeans Illicit romance 12 chapters

Chapter 1Mortified. If Ron had thought of the word he might have used it to describe how he felt at the moment -- so embarrassed and so angry at himself that he wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. He had been so freakin' stupid!She said she was going to the grocery store!He usually locked his door when he did it, but he had been in such a freakin' rush to get to his room to gawk at Mrs. Gregerson sunning at her pool, her freakin' bikini top undone, her half way decent ass barely...

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The Senpai and the Kohai the missing chapters

Chapter five I walked upstairs. I started dreading walking out in public again. In my room I found a yellow dress with short sleeves. It had floral suiting. It reminded somewhat of a Japanese, or perhaps Chinese, dress. I undressed, and rummaged around my underwear drawer to find some suitable things to wear. How should I choose? It wasn't exactly obvious. If I wanted to avoid the lingerie to be seen through the fabric, I had to choose something lighter. White, perhaps. There...

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Maybe Its Magic Final Chapters

Maybe It's Magic by RH Music Chapter 7: The Concert It is Thursday, just two days until our evening out in New York, and I am worried. Am I starting to have feelings for Mr. Feyla? Is that possible? What is clear is that my female parts (as I call them now) get wet all on their own - no salve required (although I still apply it every two hours, as Morgen suggests). Further, the 'indentation' is getting deeper and deeper, up to two knuckles deep. Okay, it's a hole. I...

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Life Lessons combined chapters

The boys on my side of the street and the girls on the another side I watch as the boys, just a minute ago were talking and rough housing with each other when one of them notices the girls and they go dead silent looking down at their feet trying not to be noticed by two average looking girls, all because they look a little order then they do. Those boys continue to walk on and as they come in front my house I see one of the boys look back at the girls whom are now several house away just...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 7 Only three chapters

I went to the house and as Olga smiled at me she told me about her morning preparations, "My breasts were pumped a little this morning, but there is so much milk that remained only for you. I put the rest in the fridge, so when you're thirsty you could drink it later. Yesterday I ate a lot of chili so my milk would be extra tasty for you." She told me, as this would be an everyday activity. My cock took over control in my brain. She stood a short distance from me I could see her whole...

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Barbara and the couple two short chapters

Barbara gets piercings Seth watched Barbara again from a distance. This time they were in the middle of the city and the red headed girl was looking for adresses. Seth had send her only a adress and a time. So far she has not seen him yet but she had followed every command that he had given. She was sturdy and ready for anything. Wondering if he should try to have her be a piss slut once, he saw that the girl had found the adress. She had arrived at a tattoo and piercing parlor. Seth...

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Cupids curse in proved grammar and proof read first 4 chapters

It's nothing new to me. I've been having same dream ever since my 18th birthday. At first it was only happening once a week, but now it’s happening every night. “Shit! I’m going to be late.” I shouted after looking at the time on my IPhone. You see today is the first day of the 19 years I've spent on this planet that I will be living alone. Well with my best friend. “Jaden, come downstairs right now.” My mom shouted from down stairs. “I'm coming mom.” I said in a nonchalant tone. You...

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Cupids curse The first 4 chapters

As I get off the bed to come to her I feel the same sharp pain in my eyes. I never stop moving as almost if my body was possessed. Drawling me closer to this mysterious women with every step. When I finally reach the sofa my heart starts thumping wildly like a horse on a open field. Again she signals me to sit down by her. The mysterious women does nothing more nor nothing less. And in reply to her soundless motion I take my seat next to her. As I sit down next to her she let's off a odd...

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Alicias Lesson CAW8 entrant All 5 Chapters

An XNXX exclusive. ***** This runs about 13,000 words so be warned. Check the tags and enjoy. Introduction: Bryan falls in love with Alicia, a coworker. As their relationship advances, two women he works with show their interest in him. One Alicia invites to have a little fun, and the other Bryan hints that he likes. Jealousy breeds a taste for revenge, but who is the killer? ***** Alicia drove to work, cruising at a leisurely pace with plenty of time to spare. She would make it...

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Abigail three chapters

It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave. But, for a large slice of the...

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The Truth About Bethie The First Part Chapters

9. Bethie's wishWe cuddled and pecked and necked for a good little while after that. Not worrying about pictures, just enjoying ourselves. I was by then completely in her spell, so comforted from my earlier anxiety about Lizvette, and guilt-free about Bethie. She was very much in command and very obviously enjoying her status as lady of the house and love of my life.She was curious to see the pictures, and eager to secure them. At her request, we moved to the den. There, at my desk, she sat in...

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True Stories Winter At Beech Mountain Chapters

It was mid-winter here in Western N.C. --- and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places- same faces - had given me the 'itch' to travel.. My income also suffered now because of the Christmas season. People would rather buy presents than have a massage.I had watched the discovery channel lately, and hit on an idea. In winter, caribou would migrate south to their winter grazing areas and be near a water supply. In summer, they moved back north to stay cool and be near food and water. I would...

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Amber and Jake An Altered Fates Story Final Chapters

Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Edits by SteveZ Part 6 Jake awoke the next morning feeling wonderful; she kissed her lover Bob gently as he began to stir. It was great to feel so sexy. She padded over to the mirror and looked admiringly at her - at Amber's body. 'Well, in many ways it was tempting to see if Amber would be willing to trade bodies and lives,' she thought, 'but I love most of my own life too! I'm rich, have a great job, my income from all sources is...

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Love Me til Dawn The Final Chapters

It was not for another four months before Alice had Lorraine alone to herself again and in a position to discuss it with her.Upon their return from San Monique she had begun an intensive management course designed to give her the basic knowledge she needed. She would never need to do any bookkeeping but it was vital that she could interpret the accounts. Alice had some experience in her previous job as a clerk that helped her understand the accounts sufficiently. She was taught the different...

7 months ago
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Spread sex into chapters

A Russian, mature aunt just loves to play pranks with an experienced, hormonally excited, strong male - this is exactly the name you can give to this story, which tells how my neighbor… A Russian, mature aunt just loves to play pranks with an experienced, hormonally excited, strong male - this is exactly the name you can give to this story, which tells how my neighbor friend loves to masturbate experienced guys. She loves to give a blowjob, and we are happy to show everyone who wants to...

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Amandas Journey The Final Chapter

Chapter 12 "Oh Princess, we have an hour all to ourselves," Jennifer says in a wicked tone, as she forces me to walk across the room. I know I'm about to endure pain like I've never felt before, so I try to brace myself as well as I can. I judge we're on the other side of the room near the stairs when she stops. I hear a panel open, and a click. Jennifer whips off the sack and says, "Check this out, I love this part." A section of the media wall swings open into a short...

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Turbulence The Next Chapter

(Recommend you read Turbulence Parts I-X first) (Reading Change of Course Series is also recommended) Turbulence: The Next Chapter By Julie O Chapter One I was actually enjoying being back in college. First, it took my mind off all the problems caused by Keir. Well, that's not exactly true. I would never truly get over the trouble he caused. It was his web of revenge that had changed my life forever. If it hadn't been for Keir, I would be on some warship troubleshooting a...

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The night that was final chapter

For those of you who will give me one star because of the end, please keep in mind this is life, and life doesn’t always work out the way you think it should or the way we want. With that in mind, I hope you enjoy the fourth, and last chapter. The night that was Chapter 4 I picked it up on the second ring. “This is Dan Taylor, can I help you?” “Hi Dan,” came the concerned voice from the other end, “how are you?” “Hi Bev. I’m okay I guess. At least I think I am....

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Long Distance LoveThe Final Chapter

Those of you looking to find sex in this story, will be disappointed, but it is the final chapter, one that needed to be written, to end the story for the readers who liked the first three chapters, and for the characters, who also needed their own ending.   This is the final chapter of this story, and the final chapter of this part of my life.  To Jack, who was a wonderful lover, who is a wonderful man, and who will always be a wonderful friend.  Thank you.   Jack and I had been trying to...

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We Meet In FantasyLand Chapter 2 last chapter

"We Meet In FantasyLand"Chapter 2 - Bound For PleasureWe are laying together on our hotel bed and I'm amazed that after having an incredible orgasm, a few minutes of relaxing, cuddling and feeling your soft, naked flesh pressed up against mine has totally re-energised me...and my now rapidly hardening cock..."Hey, you gorgeous sexy woman, are you ready to surrender yourself to my wicked desires?" I ask theatrically."Only if you will then surrender yourself to my wicked desires?" you reply,...

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Jennifers Cumpulsion VIII Final Chapter

Jennifer's CumPulsion VIII The Final Chapter By Jennifer James [email protected] I have no idea if anyone noticed... but I haven't written anything in quite awhile. If you have read any of my previous chapters you'll know a little bit about me, but here's a summary and an update anyway. I'm transgendered, somewhere on the TS side of the spectrum though I'm non-hormonal and no-op and plan to stay that way. 5'8 and 128lbs, I keep my body permanently hairless except...

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Long Distance LoveThe Final Chapter

Those of you looking to find sex in this story, will be disappointed, but it is the final chapter, one that needed to be written, to end the story for the readers who liked the first three chapters, and for the characters, who also needed their own ending.   This is the final chapter of this story, and the final chapter of this part of my life.  To Jack, who was a wonderful lover, who is a wonderful man, and who will always be a wonderful friend.  Thank you.   Jack and I had been trying to make...

Love Stories
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The Neighbors Chapter Sixteen The Final chapter

Well you girls ready we got to go it is an hour and a half trip your all welcome to come camping sometime we may thank you . We hug sue whispers into my ear your my sud I want more you know I will be back you can count on it baby love you . The get in the car and head out all waving good bye Mary left yesterday April's still in school Jan or the bus bring her home . The Neighbors Chapter Sixteen The Final chapter or is it ? It is time for graduation it is June twelfth it is...

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Solomons Daughters Risas and Kylies Chapter

This is the ninth chapter in the Solomon's Daughters series. These are not stand alone stories so if you are starting anywhere but at the first chapter then you may not understand some of the references and won't have descriptions for most of the character. Risa's and Kylie's Chapter Anthony took the bus to the corner near his house and disembarked. He went inside and showered and then went to the kitchen and...

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Solomons Daughters Cassies and Cindys Chapter

This is the eight Chapter of this series I suggest you read the preceding chapters first! Also this is put under fantasy because it is not real don't pm me saying this story was fake I never claimed it was reality. Solomon's Daughters: Cassie's and Cindy's Chapter The door closed behind them and Megan rushed up the stairs and Liz followed after her. Galina looked around examining his basement and the wolf stayed close to his leg...

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Solomons Daughters Minas Chapter

First off let me thank all of the readers who read and comment on my stories. Now at the bottom you notice the comment section has been turned off. That is because a bunch of retarded losers think the comment section is for them to advertise phone numbers and how truly pathetic they are. To the losers out there doing this, and I don't need to name you, you know who you are I hope you catch the plague you are to stupid to continue living. For Everyone...

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Solomons Daughters Lizs Chapter

WARNING: This chapter contains incest and lesbianism (if that is a word ???) so if you were too stupid to read the tags and got here by accident and don’t enjoy reading about such things leave now! Also sorry for the long wait for this chapter but i have a really short attention span and this ended up being longer then i had originally planned for it to be. Solomon’s Daughters: Liz’s Chapter Liz walked from the bus stop towards her and her brother’s house happy about how her...

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Coke Whore The Next Chapter

This story is almost a stand alone, however, to better understand the characters I recommend you read ‘Coke Whore’ by RLFJ first. It is my interpretation of the next chapter to that beautiful romance. * Coke Whore No More Chapter 1 Dave looked thoughtfully at a sleeping Nancy, tenderly holding her in his arms after she pumped him dry yet again. An angel couldn’t be prettier. Yet this angel had a horrid, troubled past. He wondered as he felt her gentle breathing if this really would work...

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Nora The Third and Final Chapter

Introduction: I would suggest you read the first two chapters of Nora, to fully acquaint yourself with the characters Although I feel this story can stand alone, you may want to read the first two chapters. If youre looking for mindless sex, you will not find it in this chapter. She sat in the dark, looking out over her city, but seeing nothing. A chill ran through her, but it was May and it wasnt cold. Her world had come crashing down around her and life, as she knew it, was over. ...

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A Life Ever Changing The Final Chapter

A Life Ever Changing: The Final Chapter By Angel O'Hare We drove through, and passed several huge homes and a few where you only saw a gate and driveway. It took us another five minutes to get to Betty's estate. When we pulled up to a set of beautifully carved, solid wooden gates, Harry stopped and pressed a button in a box attached to his sun visor. The gates slid open slowly, and I entered a different world. This world I now entered greeted me as a servant and not a guest. I...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter

Cory kicked the door frame to Rob's new room twice before he crossed the threshhold. Eli groaned. "It wasn't booby trapped the last three times you walked into it. Why would it be booby trapped now?" Cory rolled his eyes at Eli and spoke in his preachiest tone he could muster. "The ninja girl lives in this room- she is a ninja. As in ninja- ing into a room and booby trapping it in the the short time we went down to Angela's car to get more stuff out is something she could do." Eli...

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Princess of Castile chapter 16 part 2 of 2 Final Chapter

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed This is the final chapter. Chapter 16 Susan and Alejandra meet and finalize things within her family. Alejandra deals with her husband once and for all as Natalia feminalizes things within her new life and husband Anthony as he finds out what awates him as Natalias husband in the Castile Empire Part Two of two The look on Susan's face was one of intense pride and approval as she saw her new stepdaughter. She had known of Alejandra since...

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Solomons Daughters SarRahs Chapter

Read the prologue chapter first for back story. Enjoy! Solomon’s Daughters: Sar-Rah’s Chapter United States: Present Day Anthony woke to the screech of his alarm just as his hand came instinctively slamming down on it to stopped the horrible sound. His friend Sam had bought it for him as a joke gift but it was the only alarm clock that would wake him due to that god awful screech like nails on a chalkboard. His sister started pounding on his door. ...

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The Blue Girdle Fantasy 4 Final Chapter

This is the final chapter in our story that involves the discovery of cross dressing and the joys of masturbation, and taboo sex. If you have no interest in this fetish you will want to move to another story. If you haven’t read the first 3 chapters I urge you to start at the beginning.Char stayed in my bed until I fell asleep but was gone in the morning. My mind was filled with the previous day and with the date I had with my aunt, “a guy couldn’t have a better day,” I thought as I rolled out...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series The First Chapter

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter I“An Introduction”, with Vic and Madame (The Divine, Stramaglia)(Madame: )(This story is a work of fiction, based on erotic art/comics. Not done for any financial gain, just for sheer lust)Before I say anything, I must warn you this is not an ordinary erotic tale. Or your ordinary ‘fan fiction’ about people having sex.It’s more than that. It’s the adventure of men and women on the pursuit for happiness and orgasms. Men that jump out from ink and pencil to our...

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My Girlfriends Daughter Final Chapter

Chapter 7, the Final Chapter, thanks for reading everyone!After the spending the afternoon with Julie, my sex drive had increased to an even higher level. I daydreamed about fucking both Monica and Julia, as the memories of Marie slipped slowly into the back of my thoughts. That evening when Marie called, I realized that I needed to change my perspective before she returned from her business trip. When she thought I was alone we had phone sex. But what she didn't realize was that both Monica,...

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Tuition Sir Taught Me A Chapter

Hello , sometimes in life , we all want sex , some has much priority and some has less . Here I bring you the story of a middle age man who earned his living by teaching kids and teaching there mothers too Shocking ? yes a bit of course , but its a story to tell , his mentality and his super mind ideas and preparing constant remedies to fuck women , students or women of any shape size or any age , just to feel the pleasure , its was like a mental disorder he just wanted to fuck and get his dick...

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Joans Room The Final Chapter

Chapter 25 I Will Sam was far more in tune with everything than I'd ever realized. For awhile I worried that he was just another confused kid. It was pure serendipity that we found each other all those years ago, albeit in a playpen with him wrestling me to the ground as often as not. I grew to love all the more the person that he was becoming. His strength of purpose, his sense of being, everything about him were things to admire. Sunday morning...

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