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The Pain of It All Rob waited patiently at the exit to the car park outside Blum Industries. It had taken him some time and lots of forced courage to ask Debby out. It was just a Wednesday night. She had refused him politely many times but he was not discouraged; the more Debbie dismissed it, the greater his desire to win her over. He was patient. Finally at lunch on Monday, he was alone with her for an instant and invited her for a drink at a nice bar he had discovered over the weekend. Debby was just as tall as Rob, slim with a small bust line. She has short blonde hair and wore very little makeup. She was pretty in Rob's eyes and her reticence to talk or engage with others indicated some trouble in her life. She appeared to have trouble around people and particularly men. She did sit with him though at the lunch table but mostly with others. Ron wondered at her, even wondering if she was a lesbian and hence the refusals to hook up earlier. Debby had startling blue eyes and her gaze would fix you. Somehow, his attraction was her ability to say 'no' to him repeatedly. None of the other guys would even try to approach her. That penetrating gaze would cut them down. It was not that Rob was so self-confident and good looking. He was of average build, height and looks with few friends in this town. He sensed a kindred spirit in Debbie. Quite often they would sit together at the same long lunch table and mostly with others. Except for some comment on the weather or a sports result, their conversation never progressed much. Occasionally she would smile and this lit up her face. Both were relatively new to Blum and also to this large city. Last Saturday, with nothing to do and no particular place in mind, Rob took a walk downtown towards the busy cafes and bars along the waterfront. There was a small alleyway connecting the river walkway to a larger street and Rob decided to walk back along the main road. Halfway down the alley he heard some laughter and discovered a small bar. It wasn't overly busy but there was a mixed crowd. He decided to go in and have a quick beer. There were many young people and it seemed like everybody was having a good time. He ordered a beer and the friendly female bartender welcomed him in. He drank his beer slowly, ordered a burger and fries from the very simple menu and looked around. He liked the bar and his ability to be alone yet surrounded by people. On the following Monday, sitting across from Debby, he mentioned what he had discovered over the weekend. Debby appeared uninterested as always. Plucking up courage toward the end of their meal he asked if she would like to join him for a drink and he would show her this hidden gem. Debby didn't respond for a long moment, staring at him with those startling blue eyes. "OK. What time?" she finally responded. "Well, we could go directly from work and I can drop you back here later." Rob was surprised to get an answer - a positive one - and smiled at the thought of a date, his first in a long time. "I can meet you at the exit to the building around 5.15 and drive you there." "OK." Debby arose and left Rob thinking of his good luck. It was a strange kind of first date to go straight from work to a bar but it did mean there was no pressure. Hopefully, there would be many more dates. Rob watched the staff leave the building. He had parked in front of the exit as if he was here to pick someone up. He finally saw her approaching and smiled. It looked like she was going to have a drink with him. Debby was talking to another girl that Rob recognized from the corridors but didn't know at all. Debby had a small smile on her face as she approached Rob. "Hi, Rob, I asked Tara here to join us. She doesn't live far from me and I can drop off later. Is that OK?" "Of course," Rob quickly replied and introduced himself. "My pleasure." He saw that Tara was a little nervous fearing intrusion into a 'date' but Rob put her at ease quickly. Tara was a little shorter than Rob, with dark brown shoulder-length hair and better curves. She was pretty in a different way to Debby. He thought that for the initial 'meeting' Debby would be more at ease and then, when she got to know Rob better, she would be happy on her own. It would also be a badge for Rob to enter the bar with two girls on his arm. Debby got into the front and Tara in the back. On the short drive to the bar, they talked about common contacts in the office. Debby replied in one-word answers. Tara talked a little more. They had to walk a few minutes down the alley to enter the bar. It was not yet 6 pm and the bar was busy but not full. They found a quiet table and Rob volunteered to get the drinks. One guy with two pretty girls would always draw attention. Rob basked in that even if it was not planned. In that atmosphere, it was a light conversation, mostly about their respective roles at Blum. Debby was a research assistant and had moved here a few months ago from Texas. She had graduated from college just one year ago. Tara was in customer service, was a local girl that had attended a local community college. She too had graduated a year ago and Rob assumed that they were both around twenty-two years old. Rob himself was just a year older and working in administration. It was a light conversation and Debby responded to questions from Rob in single sentences. She appeared to know Tara better. Rob spent his time chatting with Tara who had no problem chatting about their co-workers, sports of music. Debby just looked on without any emotion showing on her face. Rob invited them both for dinner but Debby begged off as she had to call her folks who were two hours ahead. Tara also declined as she thought Rob's invitation was out of politeness. She didn't want to butt in between Debby and Rob. As agreed, Rob dropped Tara off first and then drove back to the office where Debby had parked her car. "Thanks, see you tomorrow," was Debby's comment as she hastily stepped out of the car leaving Ron feeling very disappointed. Yet, he wasn't deterred and promised to try again. It wasn't a date as such but he expected a kiss on the cheek at least. Still, Debby had not seemed upset and the 'see you tomorrow' line gave him some hope. At lunch the next day it was the same routine. Ron asked Debby if she liked the bar. "It was nice," was her response as she ate her salad. "Great, I'm glad. Perhaps we can do that again," Rob said hopefully. "OK," was Debby's terse reply. "Would you like to go back there for a drink on Saturday? Perhaps have some dinner?" Ron asked encouraged by Debby's response. Debby stared at Rob again. He was getting used to that look. It appeared she was sizing him up. It was rather unnerving to have those bright blue eyes stare at him. "You can pick me up at 6.30 at my apartment. I'll text you the address." The conversation was over. Debby got up and left Rob staring at her pert behind. As promised, Rob got the email with the address and a short note to say that 'they would be ready by 6.30'. Rob wasn't sure what Debby meant with 'they'. Was it Tara again? Or was it just an expression on Debby's part. Tara was very pleasant and Rob liked her, but there was something mysterious and hidden about Debby that made him even more curious. He even went so far as to ask himself if Debby and Tara were in a relationship. But, in that case, why even agree to go out with Rob? It didn't make sense but her strange behavior was a challenge to him. He called the restaurant and made the reservation for 3. On Saturday, Rob dressed in a smart jacket and open shirt and drove to Debby's apartment. He saw Debby and Tara waiting outside. Both were dressed smartly for a night out. Debby had even a light application of lipstick but no other makeup. Tara had applied her makeup skillfully for a night out. Debby wore a pants suit whilst Tara wore a nice dress in a dark olive color. Rob was disappointed that he wouldn't get time alone with Debby. But also pleased that he would have two nice looking girls at his side. Quite a lot of progress for a guy who hadn't had a date in many months. "I thought we could have a drink at that bar and I made a reservation at a small Italian restaurant a few minutes' walk from the bar. Is that OK with you ladies?" Rob asked cheerfully. "Sure," Tara replied first. "OK," was Debby's short reply. Rob got them drinks in the crowded bar. Tara seemed genuinely happy to be out and in company. Debby was her usual taciturn self. It was less that she was impolite but more that she had very little to say voluntarily. She answered questions but did not attempt to start a thread in the conversation. The bar was noisy and after one drink they decided to head for the restaurant. Rob felt particularly good to be observed by all that he was accompanied by two ladies. The small restaurant was busy on a Saturday night and Rob was glad he had the reservation. The Italian food was great and they shared plates. Debby was a little more talkative but Tara and Rob kept the conversation alive. As they all related their backgrounds, Debby recalled how her family lived on the outskirts of a large city and her father was a long-distance truck driver. Tara's parent owned a small hardware store in rural Iowa. Rob described his background from Washington State. All had diverse backgrounds and were now working on the outskirts of the Windy City, Chicago. As the dinner progressed, Debby seemed to retreat after her initial participation in the discussion. As they finished dinner, the girls opted out of dessert. Rob ordered coffee as did Tara. Suddenly Debby rose, told them to take their time and she would meet them outside when they were done. Rob looked at her in surprise but couldn't find a speedy response. Tara pressed Rob's hand. "Debby has some issues and has gone for a smoke. She does that when she is anxious." "Oh," was all Rob could say. It would explain a lot but since he had no idea he couldn't judge. He looked at Tara for more explanation. They continued to talk and Tara laughed at Rob's silly jokes. "Rob, there is a lot to explain. Debby has shared some stuff with me. It seems I am her only friend. I am sorry I don't want to intrude between you and her. But she insisted I come or she would cancel." "Tara, I am happy to get to know you. Debby always seems unhappy and since we were both strangers to Chicago, I thought we could explore together. I was very happy to meet you. There is nothing between Debby and me and you are not intruding." "I am glad," Tara replied. "Let's give her time to finish her cigarette and join her. Text me your number and I can call you to explain more. This is not the time and place." Rob was now more than curious to hear the story and texted Tara his number. "Yes, do call me anytime." Rob called for the bill and they left. They joined Debby who took a deep drag and ground out her cigarette as they approached. "I needed that," is all she said as they walked back to Rob's car. As per their last get together, Rob dropped Tara off first and then took Debby to her apartment which was about a mile away. Debby was silent and as Rob stopped the car Debby leaned toward him, kissed him on the cheek with a soft "Thanks" and got out. The mystery of Debby had deepened and Rob was even more curious now to hear from Tara. He realized that even though he had wanted to get closer to Debby, he had more in common and a better dialog with Tara. She had saved the evening. The kiss on the cheek from Debby also meant progress. Rob did his chores the next day, Sunday, and intended to watch sports that afternoon. In the back of his mind, the mystery of Debby was never far away. Around 2 pm that afternoon Rob received a call from Tara. "Hey, Rob, would you like to have a coffee this afternoon?" she asked. "Of course," Rob replied. "Where can I meet you? When?" "Would you mind coming to my apartment? I can make coffee here. Say around 4?" "Great. I'll be there." Rob wondered for an instant if Debby would be there too. "It'll be just you and me," Tara added finishing Rob's thoughts. Rob left the apartment a little early and bought some cookies. Tara invited him into her small but neat apartment. It was a small studio in a L-shape with a small sofa and two upright chairs. The kitchenette and dining area were in one space with the living space. The bed- and bathroom were apparently at the end of the short hallway. The flat appeared comfortable and neat. Tara had the coffee percolating and was delighted at the cookies. She greeted Rob with a kiss on the cheek. They sat down at the small table and Tara poured coffee into two mugs. "Rob, first of all, I want to tell you that Debby doesn't know we are meeting. I know you like her and want to get to know her better but she has a history you should know. I don't want to intrude but she likes you and I wanted to share somethings with you that may help you understand." Rob took a sip of his coffee. "Tara, I barely know Debby. As you know, she doesn't say much. I thought we had something in common in this big city and was interested to know her better but there is nothing more." Rob paused, "There is some mystery and I think she is troubled by something. I have no idea what." Tara took a sip of her coffee and looked at Rob directly. "What I tell you is between us. I just want to help you guys come together, OK? Rob nodded. "It was the first week at Blum and Debby and I were in orientation together. There were about fifteen of us. For some of the group stuff, we were paired together. She was new in town as was I. We met for coffee and then for a drink. We got to talking and became friends. Neither of us knew anybody here. One Saturday night I was to meet her in her apartment. She opened the door with tears in her eyes. She had a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other. I never knew she smoked. Her voice was slurred. Of course, I was worried and could see she was upset. She had finished a bad conversation with someone at home. As you know, Debby lived in Texas and went to college there for the first two years." Rob's face was passive. "Anyway, she forced me to take some shots with her and told me that she felt terrible. That call was with her ex-boyfriend in Texas. Apparently, Debby had wanted to celebrate her birthday with this guy. She had bought a new dress, had her hair done and went to a beauty salon. She looked great and was looking forward to a great night out. Her parents were away that weekend and Debby expected that her date would spend the night. He had arranged dinner at a restaurant and they planned on going dancing and then later.... well, you know, they would go back to the house. Debby was ready and waiting for her date to pick her up. Well, it seemed that when she opened the door to her date, he was shocked by her appearance. He thought she looked like a slut and called her all kinds of names. Then he forced her to her knees and made her do things with her mouth and swallow. She said she hated sucking - sorry! When he was done, it wasn't over and he forced himself into her.... in both openings. Debby was left in pain, torn dress and bad memories." Tara paused and was almost in tears as she recounted the story. "Debby was devastated of course. She moved to another college out of state. She said she spent a year in therapy trying to forget. Since that time, she hasn't been near a boy on a date. So, I hope this brief disclosure explains why she is reluctant to be alone with men and always drags me along when she meets you." Tara paused. "You need to be patient with her." Rob stared at Tara for some time. It made some sense now. That's why Debby had only spent a few minutes alone with him in the car and not wanted to even kiss Rob. "I'm really sorry to hear that. Is there anything we can do? Has she become a les...?" Rob asked quietly. "No, I don't think she's a lesbian and I am not either but..." Tara's response was interrupted by the ring of her cellphone. She looked at it and showed Rob the image. It was Debby. "Hi Debby," Tara answered motioning Rob to be silent. "What's up?" "No, my neighbor has come around for a cup of tea." Tara listened. "No, can we discuss tomorrow?" Another pause for listening. "OK, I can give you a call later when I am done." Tara hung up. "That was Debby wanting to meet. I'll have to call her later," Tara explained. "Well, Tara, I do appreciate the insight. Do you think I should ask her out again? She doesn't say much but I understand why now." Rob got up to leave. "Oh, Rob, please don't change your attitude to her. If she didn't like you she wouldn't have agreed to go out even if you had to put up with me," Tara replied. "Promise?" "Of course. She is lucky to have a friend like you. I'll invite her out in a few days." Rob hugged Tara and kissed her on the cheek and left. "You are most welcome too. It seems now that you and I have a common goal to help Debby." "If she says 'yes', she'll probably ask me too." Rob picked up a burger on the way home and pondered on the information he had been given. It explained a lot about Debby's behavior. He didn't understand how somebody could violate a girl like that but he knew it happened. Whilst the relationship with Debby wasn't going anywhere fast, he found that he had more in common with Tara and he like her a lot for wanting to help both Debby and him. He watched TV that night but couldn't get the information about Debby out of his mind. He would like to help her but he didn't want to get into a complicated relationship. He didn't understand such issues well enough. It was 9.00 pm when Rob received a call from Tara. "Rob, sorry to call you so late but do you have a minute?" "I have as much time as you want, Tara. It's not late at all. Thanks for that information although I am not sure what to do about it." "Well, I called Debby and we had a conversation about an hour long. I really didn't want to meet her tonight. I too was thinking how to help. Can you come over again if it is not too much trouble? I guess I can come to you too. I can take a cab." "Is it serious? I am in my slops but can be there in 10." "Yes, please. I think it is better to talk personally about this." Tara hung up. Tara opened the door to Rob with a troubled look on her face. "Can I get you anything? Sorry, have no liquor except Tequila that Debby brought here." "Tea?" "Yes, have that. I'll put the kettle on. They sat in the small kitchenette. "Rob, this has become more difficult and personal than I expected. I am sorry to call you over but I wanted to talk to you before you see Debby tomorrow." The kettle boiled and Tara poured the water into mugs with tea bags. She put milk and sugar on the table. Tara took a sip of tea that she had sweetened with three spoons of sugar. She looked at Rob. "So Debby called me to talk about you! She likes you and wants to go out with you alone but can't overcome her history so easily. She asked me if I liked you and thought you were interested in her." There was a pause in the conversation. "Of course, I replied. He has asked you out and you dragged me along. I told her that you would prefer to be alone with her. Was I right?" Tara asked. "Well, I like her and you but it has been very difficult to talk to her. At lunch, it is simple sentences with others around. When we go out, you and I have talked more than she and I," Rob answered. "Yes, well, it seems she has some interest in you but can't face being alone with you until she gets rid of these demons in her head." "So what's the solution?" Rob asked. "I mean whether it would go far or not with her and me, I don't know. I can think of her as a friend but not much more than that. But if I can help in some way, then I would do that." "Really? You would do something to help her? It won't be easy or comfortable. I am in the middle and I really don't want to be. You're a nice guy and I like you but this is something that Debby should discuss with you. But she can't and won't. She made me promise to ask you." "Sorry, Tara, I am losing you. What does she want?" "It's embarrassing to explain." Tara paused and took a big gulp of tea. Apparently, her therapist thinks she can expel the demons by re- living the scene." "What? She wants me to rape her again? Never. I can't do that." Ron stared at Tara. "How can she expect that from me?" Tara put her hand over Rob's. "You don't understand. Debby will be the aggressor and you will be the victim." "What does that mean? She would rape me?" Ron raised his voice in disbelief. "Debby didn't think you would do it. I can't blame you and I told her that it was a lot to expect of a guy. But she had some suggestions." "Tara, I am so sorry you are in the middle of this. I want to help Debby but how can she expect to... to use me like that? I don't understand." "I am so sorry to be in the middle of this. I just wanted to help you both. It is a lot to expect from a guy even if he wants to help." Tara and Rob took big sips of tea in silence. "What suggestions did she have? Did she have other ideas?" "Not really that different. She wanted you to dress like a woman just as she had done and you would be like Debby ready for her date and she would act like the boy and do what he did to her. She needs you in a dress and makeup to look like her. Female anyway." "I have to dress like a woman? What a stupid idea? How can she expect any guy to do that and agree to be .. What's the word? Raped?" Rob looked at Tara. "I should have brought something stronger to hear this. Can I have a shot of that Tequila to clear my throat and brain?" Tara got up silently and went to the adjoining room and came back with a bottle and two wine glasses. "Sorry, I don't have the right glasses and I think I need one too. They took two big gulps of the strong liquor. "Rob, don't worry. It is asking a lot of any guy to do that. She says she has thought a lot about it but never met any boy she liked enough. She will find someone else. I told her to hire a pro but she didn't like that idea at all. What pro would dress like that and agree to be taken so roughly? I even suggested she could find a girl who would do it for money. Debby said it had to be a role reversal and that no girl would do." "I am not sure what I can say to Debby if she meets for lunch tomorrow," Rob said. "I better go before I get drunk, "Well, you could always use my couch but it is small. Tomorrow is a working day too. Rob, don't worry. I don't think Debby will bring the subject up with you. As you said, she doesn't talk much anyway. " "It may be embarrassing to meet her tomorrow. I'll skip lunch." "Please don't do that. It is Debby who should be embarrassed. I am sure she will ask me if I have talked to you. I will tell her that it's not something you can do. Don't worry." Tara hugged him and kissed him on the cheek dangerously close to his mouth. It didn't take long for their mouths to meet and a deep kiss followed. "This makes it easier to say no," Rob said. "Hope you didn't mind the kiss." Tara looked at him. "I wanted that kiss badly. I have to thank Debby for introducing us." She gave Rob another lingering kiss. Rob left happy but also guilty. He was happy to have found a kindred spirit in Tara. He felt guilty he couldn't help Debby. He would try to think of ways he could help her without being used. He had a fitful night of how he was going to react to Debby. Even if she didn't bring up the subject, she would know that he didn't want to help. However outrageous her solution was, he couldn't do it. He didn't think any reasonable man would agree. It was indeed terrible what her ex- boyfriend had done. It would stay with her for a long time if not the rest of her life. Still, that kiss with Tara made Debby's problem her own. There was no way he could help. He was hoping to talk to Tara the next day and dreamed of all the things he would do with her. It had only been one evening and two lingering kisses but he felt his life had changed. He hoped very much that Tara felt that way too. He was anxious to know if Tara had conveyed his answer to Debby. He would meet her at lunch and find a way to meet her tonight. He sent her a text message mid=-morning. Rob sat at lunch in his usual spot. He saw Debby but there was no sign of Tara yet. As normal, Debby brought her lunch to his table and they exchanged a brief hello. Rob decided to ignore the question of yesterday and act as normal as possible. He asked how Debby was. 'OK' was the terse reply. To all his attempts to start a conversation, Debby's answers were in monosyllables. In between bites, she continued her penetrating gaze. Rob couldn't look her in the face for long. He assumed Debby was wondering if Tara had reached him and explained what was needed. Still staring at me with hose blue-grey eyes, Debby rose with her tray. "Talk to Tara please and let me know," she said and walked away. Rob breathed a huge sigh of relief and sent a short SMS to Tara that he had to meet her later discreetly. Debby's voice was soft and tore at him. She looked and sounded desperate. Tara replied a little later that she had been in meetings all morning. She would inform Debby that she and Rob would be meeting later. He should come around 6.30 and she would order pizza. Rob was looking forward to see Tara and pushed Debby into the background. It had been just one day but he still remembered the kiss and Tara's tongue in his mouth. He had enjoyed it. Tara greeted Rob with a hug and a kiss on the lips. It was brief unlike the kiss last night. "I ordered a pizza and will be here shortly," Tara said and poured out a glass of wine. "I stopped at the store and got a bottle of wine. I never drink alone." They sat at the kitchen table eating pizza. Rob was on his second glass of wine feeling happy to be alone with Tara, eating pizza and drinking wine. Tara was looking at Rob in a new way. She too was enjoying the easygoing and happy atmosphere. "Debby called me as I was leaving the office. She said she met you at lunch but you never said anything," Tara mentioned looking at Rob. "Yes, she was staring at me through lunch. I guess she was expecting me to say something. I didn't of course. As she left she told me to talk to you." "Yes, she seems to want an answer from you. Not sure why the rush as it has been some time since the event." Tara took a small sip of wine. She was barely down to half of what she had poured out. "Did you think about it? I know she has was asking a lot." Rob put down his glass slowly. "Frankly, I was trying hard not to think about it," he replied slowly. "It's a hell of a thing to ask somebody." "Agree, but you will be seeing her around the office so you have to respond. I think she knows the answer. Why are you even hesitating? You seemed sure of 'No Way' last night." "You're right. Honestly, I just don't know how to tell her. She seemed so desperate when she asked me at lunchtime, so sad, I felt terrible. What made it worse was what we had done last night as I left." Rob looked at Tara for a reaction. "You didn't want to kiss me or didn't like it?" "On the contrary. I liked it a lot and wanted more. So I guess I am feeling guilty to kind of dump her," Rob said softly. "It's a stupid reaction to her idea." "I feel guilty too for stealing her man. I didn't mean to. It just happened." Tara placed her hand over Rob's. "Sorry, Rob, if you want Debby..." Tara never got the chance to finish as Rob leaned over and pulled her to him and kissed her hard. "Mum always said that actions speak louder than words," Rob Said releasing her. "Does that answer the question?" Tara's soft reply was, "Oh yes. What else did your mum say? How would she suggest you solve this?" Rob stared at Tara. "Mum always said that a friend in need was a friend indeed. But I don't think she ever imagined this scenario." Rob paused. "Did Debby explain what exactly she needed?" "Not in detail. The Therapist had suggested that she replicate the scene of her.. her rape with herself as the aggressor against a man impersonating her so as to release all pent up anger and frustration." "What do you think she meant by rape? I don't have the .. the opening if you know what I mean." "Rob, I don't know. But you do know that many women use such toys to pleasure their female and sometimes even male partners." "You mean a dildo?" Tara smiled. "I am sure you are trying to be polite. I think she would use a strap on to simulate a penis." Rob blushed. He knew the word but had never heard it used especially by a lady. Tara saw the confusion in Rob's face and grasped his hand tighter. "Rob, I grew up in Hicksville but I do know what a strap on is. You only have one opening and so she'll force it in there. Sorry to be so direct." Tara paused. "Some men apparently enjoy it." After a longer pause, Rob answered. "I never had reason to think about such things. I am sure it hurts." Tara smiled. "Interesting answer. Most men would reply 'Never!' You are thinking if it will hurt. It probably would but there are ways to minimize that with preparation." Tara's smile grew broader. "No, I have no experience with it but my college roommate had boyfriends and girlfriends. She would openly tell me how she pleasured other girls. She even had one boyfriend who came over just to be used like that." Rob sat there silently with a million thoughts racing through his mind. He wanted to assuage his feelings of guilt by helping Debby but he didn't like pain and the thought of what being taken like that meant. More importantly, he had this nascent relationship with Tara and didn't want her to feel that he had such hidden desires. "I would like to help Debby if nothing else to be rid of the guilt of breaking up with her. Perhaps you can talk to her. Maybe she'll settle for something else." "I am so happy to see that you want to help her even if her solution is extreme. Says a lot about you. I too feel a little guilty but these things happen. I would also like to help Debby as a person, but I don't fit the role. I am sure she'll call and ask how you reacted. I'll see if she has other ideas." Tara got up and held out her hand. "Let's go to the couch and talk. I can clean up later," Her smile indicated they wouldn't be talking much. They spent the next half hour kissing and cuddling on the small sofa. It was a fierce meeting of lips, tongue and saliva. Their hands didn't explore the other's body. They were content to let things slowly develop. It was almost 9 pm when Tara's phone rang. Lips still glued to Rob's she looked at the caller ID. It was Debby. She broke the kiss and put her finger to Rob's lips. "Hi, Debby. All Ok here. Rob is leaving soon and I will call you. OK?" Rob could hear Debby. "How did he react?" "As expected. I'll call you back soon." Tara hung up. Tara looked at Rob. "What are you going to tell her?" Rob asked. "I don't think she expected a 'Yippee' when we can do it answer. I'll see if there is some other way. Now, where were we? Oh yes, I know." Tara brought her lips to Rob's and their tongues danced. "If you don't leave now, you'll have to spend the night here. I don't want that till this Debby thing is behind us, I think I need to talk to Debby alone. Can I call you later?" "Anytime. I agree. Let's get this thing with Debby behind us," Rob said trying to steal another kiss. "I'll call you." Tara pushed Rob out of the door reluctantly. Tara called Debby immediately. She picked up on the first ring. "He said no, didn't he?" Debby said in a slurred voice. Tara thought she may have been drinking. "Have you been drinking? Debby, stop it now or I'll come over." "Nobody cares." "Debby, stop it and listen." Debby stopped her sniffling. "OK. It is an unusual request but Rob was open to your ideas. He wanted details. What do you want and when should this happen?" "I told you. The therapist says I should reenact the scene. But this time I would enter the room and find 'her' all dressed up nicely. Just like I was. I can show you a picture of my dress. Then, I should attack him and force him to do things like I experienced." "So, it's not just a dress..." "No, if 'she' doesn't look good, the attack would never happen. If I had not looked good, Brad would never have raped me. We had gone out many times before." "I don't think Rob has ever dressed as a girl before. I never asked him. I guess we can find a nice dress for him. He'll need a wig and some makeup. And shoes, of course: "Yes, I have some stuff and I would buy it. It'll be cheaper than therapy." "So how do you plan to .. I mean to attack him? What should he expect?" Debby paused. "I have a strap on and I'll make him suck it and then thrust it into him." Another pause. "Brad fucked my mouth, cunt and arse. I know she will only have two openings." "You'll really attack her aggressively?" Tara asked horrified. "It will be painful." "Well, I was hurt pretty bad as I didn't expect it. The mental hurt lasts longer as you can tell." There was a hard blowing of her nose. Debby then continued. "Forget it, Tara. No reason for Rob to do it. I never kissed him or even blew him. Why should I expect him to help?" "Look Debby, Rob likes you. He wouldn't have invited you out several times otherwise. He is a nice guy and am sure didn't expect anything in return." "Don't bother him. I know how to solve this. I have my dad's gun." "Debby," Tara shouted into the phone. "Don't you dare. Why waste your life on that scumbag? Your parents and friends will be devastated." "I can't live like this either, Tara. How can a man love me if I don't let him get near me? You don't understand." "Debby, I never went through what you did. I am sure it was horrible and has left many scars. I think Rob may be willing to help. Are you sure that this is the only solution? Is there any other way?" Tara heard more sniffles. Debby was either pausing to blow her nose or take another drink. "Yes. There is. I told you. It's quick and will fix everything." "Debby, now concentrate and listen. I will talk to Rob and see what he thinks. I know he wants to help as do I. Now promise me you'll not do anything stupid and go to bed." There was a pause with more sniffles. "OK." Then the phone shut off. Tara wondered if she should rush to Debby's apartment. She believed that she had convinced Debby to hold off on any hasty action until the next day at least. "Rob, hi. I talked to Debby. She was in a bad way. I need to talk to you before lunch. Can you come over early? I'll make you breakfast. Around 7 so we have time. I can drive with you to work perhaps." "What's the matter with Debby? I'll be there. Try to relax. You sound worried." "I'll tell you tomorrow. Sleep tight and I'll see you early." Tara tried to sound calm but she was boiling inside. Neither Rob nor she would want to feel responsible if Debby did something stupid. Yet, what Debby wanted was outrageous and she felt uncomfortable to even explain it to Rob. Rob was there at 7 as promised. After a restless night, Tara had made them scrambled eggs and toast. Coffee was percolating. She gave Rob a big hug and a peck on the lips. She had the toast on and in a few moments, both sat at the table with their breakfast and coffee. "OK, tell me about Debby," Rob said. "You look worried and I don't think you slept much." Tara looked at Rob. She hadn't had the time to apply any makeup. She never had much on anyway, just a touch of mascara, blush and lipstick. "This is difficult, Rob. Sorry, but Debby threatened to do kill herself. She has her dad's gun. I told her not to be stupid. But I think she had been drinking, her voice was slurred." "Oh my God," Rob exclaimed. "I didn't realize she was that desperate. I'm sorry you are in the middle of this." Rob reached out for Tara's hand. "So did she tell you what she wants to do? Any other ideas?" "Rob, it's terrible what she wants. She says the only way for her to be rid of this desperation and fear of men is to re-live the scene. She is the aggressor and Brad - that was her ex's name - is the victim. It's a kind of revenge act." Tara paused for a sip of coffee. "She wants you all dolled up just like she was. She will even pay for a makeover and s dress and shoes. She wants to find you like that when she knocks on the door." Tara was looking at Rob intensely, her hand tight in Rob's. "So I need to dress like that. I can pretend it's Halloween, I suppose. Never dressed as a girl before. Just was Superman when I was eight, I think." "Rob, there's more. When Debby enters the room, she will see you as Brad saw her. Then she will attack you. I think she has or will buy a strap-on and force you to do things like she experienced. She will surely penetrate you back there. It will be rough." "Oh my God. I can't believe she would want that. I know she went through some stuff like that herself but still." "It's a terrible thing to ask of anyone," Tara agreed. "What if I don't agree?" Tara looked at Rob. "I don't know. Many make threats but never go through with it. Don't know if Debby is like that. I think if she starts drinking, feels sorry for herself and sees no way out, she is not in control and could do things to herself. I can't live with that thought. But I can't do anything about it either." Rob paused for a long sip of coffee. "I can deal with the dressing as nobody will see me except you and Debby. The other part is unknown. I never experienced anything like that before. I am sure I won't like it." "You'll hate it. My roommate told me she had tried it. It hurt the first time as she didn't have lubrication. So it'll be painful I think." "Tara, over these last two days I have grown close to you. I don't know what I saw in Debby but it wasn't anything romantic. It was companionship. I feel guilty in breaking up with her even though I wasn't really with her if you know what I mean." "I know. That's what makes this request even stranger." Tara squeezed Rob's hand. "I need a few minutes to put on my face. I'll be back soon." Tara rose and left the kitchenette. Rob cleared away the plates and cups into the sink. His mind was on Debby's request. He had never put anything like that in his mouth, except a banana. But he bit pieces off. He was torn between wanting to help and guilt. He had no idea what he could expect. His thoughts were interrupted by Tara. "I'm ready. Let's go," she said. She took his arm as they descended the staircase. Rob felt good. "I'll have to tell Debby something today before lunch. What do you think?" "I think I'll feel guilty for the rest of my life if I don't do anything to help her, especially if she will hurt herself," Rob said as they got into the car. He didn't drive off. "But I am scared of what she wants to do." "I feel the same way and even more helpless as I can't do anything for her. And then taking you away..." "Don't think about it," Rob interrupted. "I know my relationship with Debbie would have been just friends. I am happy she introduced us." "So, what shall I tell her?" Rob looked at Tara. "I don't think I have a choice. I don't want to feel guilty when I am with you. If she does something to herself, it would be terrible for both of us. I would do it if you are willing to help," Rob said quietly staring intently at Tara. He started the car. "Of course I'll help. But what do you need?" "I have no idea how to do this and pretend to be a woman, an attractive one that Debby would like. It seems she wants more than me in a dress. We also need to know where this will take place." "Yes, she was clear about that. She was willing to pay for a makeover. I don't have skills in that area but I can help with choosing a dress and getting you dressed, I guess. And anything else you need. I am sorry you have to go through this." "Hey, if this is what I need to do to get a nice girlfriend and more, it'll be worth it." Rob smiled. The decision was made. Now to execute the plan so he and Tara could be free to develop the relationship. "Tara, please chat with Debby and get her ideas down exactly. This is a one-time thing. No room for errors." "I know. I'll see what I can do. Will you meet me tonight?" Tara asked hopefully. "Well now, I'll have to drive you back too. So let's say at least two hugs and kisses should do it." Rob sounded much more cheerful now. "I don't want a cheap ride. I am willing to pay more in kisses, starting now. I'll try to be there at lunchtime in the canteen." Tara leaned toward Rob, gave him a hug and a light peck in the lips. "I don't think you want to start wearing lipstick to work just yet so I'll save the heavy stuff for later." "I can't wait," Rob replied as he walked jauntily to his office. He wondered how his conversation with Debby would proceed. Nothing could be discussed in the canteen but he would need to confirm his willingness. Rob grabbed his soup and sandwich and went to the table he occupied regularly. He wondered if Debby would show up. He only had thirty minutes for lunch. Ten minutes into his break, Debby picked up her salad and joined him. Tara was nowhere in sight. "Hi," Debby said in that same tone of voice. There was no emotion. "How are you?" Rob asked politely. "OK," was the short reply. It was hard to have a conversation with someone who replied in one-word answers. "You talked to Tara." It was a statement rather than a question. "Yes, we need to work out some details but....." "Rob agrees," like I told you. Tara just joined the conversation and sat down. "Sorry I am a little late my meeting overran." "I was just confirming that I agree to do it but we need to work out details." "Yes, I will discuss the details with Debby. You can drive me home and I'll tell you all. 5.15 at the entrance to the car park?" "Yes, sure. I'll see you later." Rob picked up the tray and left them. He knew he would be the subject of discussion. He tried to put it out of his mind. He couldn't believe what he had committed to. There was plenty of work to wade through all the customers that Rob dealt with. But he couldn't concentrate and found his thoughts returning to Tara. She seemed genuinely interested in him and she was easy to be with. It was hard to concentrate with so much on his mind. Rob kept an eye on the clock and finished on time. He didn't want to keep Tara waiting. He rushed out. To his shock, he saw Debby and Tara. He had no choice so he approached them and greeted them. "Ready?" he asked Tara "Debby wants to tell us something," Tara replied. Debby was looking in her purse and took out a pack of cigarettes. She tried to light one but her hands were shaking. Tara took the cigarette from her and the lighter, lit it inhaling lightly a few times and gave it to Debby who took several deep puffs. "Rob, Tara told me you agreed to help. I know that what I am asking is not normal but I am at the end. I told Tara that I can arrange everything and we can do it anywhere you are comfortable." "Yes," Rob said softly. "Debby, to be honest, I don't know how I will feel after this." "Well, yes, it may take some time. But if I can get over this I'll be able ...." "Debby," Tara interrupted. "I can take care of the clothes and things with Rob. Send me a picture of a dress you think you'll like. You said there is a salon that could do the makeover so he will look great. We need time to do this so I think Saturday in one week is right. Is that OK? Rob is that OK? So we have some time to arrange this." Debby was smoking rapidly and had almost finished her cigarette. "OK," she said finally. "I'll text you the salon number and a picture. See you tomorrow." Debby walked away to her car not looking back. Rob and Tara got into the car. Tara turned to Rob to kiss him. "Sorry," Tara said. "I saw how nervous she was. Her hands were shaking. I know how anxious she is. I was nervous too that she wanted to meet us tonight. I didn't want that." "OK. So what else did she have to say?" "Let's stop somewhere and buy some wine. I have a pasta dish I can bake. Is that OK? I can make a salad too." The journey to Tara's apartment was mostly in silence. Rob stopped at a small liquor store and bought a bottle of white and red. He also purchases some crusty bread and a block of cheese not paying much attention to what kind. Whilst Tara put the lasagna in the oven, Rob opened the wine. He poured out two glasses. "So, what did Miss Debby demand now?" Tara looked at Rob. "It'd not too late to change your mind. Debby will have to deal with it. I don't want to be blamed for encouraging you to do this." Tara's eyes never wavered from Rob's. "Sorry, I am getting more nervous about this. It was my decision only but I need your help." Rob looked at Tara and again repeated. "Sorry." Tara came over to him and hugged him tightly. "You have a right to be nervous. This is not something a man normally wants. Especially when someone else is dictating the action. You know I will help but it is you that must endure her aggression." "Thanks. So what does she want exactly?" "She wants you dressed to the nines as she was on that day. You would have to look good. She will come in and see you waiting for her. Something triggers a reaction and she will then attack you. I am sure you know what that means. She has already described what that guy Brad did to her. So I think she will want to do the same except..." "Except what?" Rob asked impatiently "You only have two openings... she has three," Tara replied softly. "But don't think about that now. Let's eat and then I need to measure you so I can get the right size of stuff." Over their dinner, they avoided the event that they were both dreading. They talked about family and friends; their jobs, interests and lives. It was the first time they had exchanged such details. They had met several times but always in the company of Debby. Even if their kisses had turned passionate, and they shared a deep personal interest to help Debby, they realized they knew very little about each other until now. Whilst the conversation was light, and in parts intimate, the story of Debby was never far from their thoughts. Dinner over, they stacked their plates and glasses into the sink. Tara held out her hand to Rob. "Need to measure you so we get the right outfits." She led Rob into her bedroom. "You need to take off your clothes down to your boxers. Remove your socks too. I'll be right back." Rob slowly unbuttoned his shirt and removed it together with his undershirt. He removed his socks and shoes and dropped his pants. Tara returned with sheets of paper and a pen. "OK. First, step on the paper and I'll outline your feet so we get shoes," Tara said. "Why do we need shoes? I am not going out dressed like that. People will laugh at me." Tara looked at Rob with a smile. "OK, in that case, you'll have to come back from the salon fully made-up wearing your jeans and T-shirt. People will laugh at you then, right?" Tara laughed. "Sorry, but I think that will look funny. You have a slim figure and with the right clothes, we'll go to the salon, get your makeover and then come back here to dress. You can go to the salon wearing a simple blouse and skirt. We don't need you messing up the makeup pulling a T-shirt over your head. So what's it to be?" "You'll come with me to the salon?" "It's the least I can do. I'll see if they can do my hair at the same time. You'll be wearing a wig." Rob appeared relieved. Tara had a cloth tape and took his measurements from neck, bust, waist and hips. For good measure, she even measured him from neck to knee. "Good job you're not so hairy but we'll need to depilate your body and legs. It'll grow back soon. Now the shoes. Step on the paper." Rob stepped on the paper. Tara knelt at his feet and outlined the foot. "Your feet are not that big but the width is important. As she straightened up, the growing bulge behind Ron's boxers was evident. Tara looked up at Rob. "Does talking about dressing get you so excited?" Tara asked pulling down his boxers. Rob stood there silent, embarrassed at his now fully erect penis at 90 degrees to his body. "All the ladies I know don't have this type of thing sticking out," Tara said wrapping both hands around the rigid shaft. "I think I know a way to make it go down. She kissed the tip and moved one hand to his sac, Her eyes never left his as she slowly took it in deeper, salivating to make it slide in and out. It didn't take more than two minutes and Tara's hands went around Rob's behind as he erupted. She kept him there until it was soft. She licked the tip clean and looked up at Rob. "See that's another way I can help you. I hope it was OK. This was just my second time only." Tara rose and kissed Rob lightly as she didn't know if he would be repulsed by the taste. Rob pulled her to him tightly and kissed her deeply. "Thanks," he whispered. "My second time too." "You've given two BJs already?" Tara asked with a smile. "You're ahead...." Tara never got to finish the sentence as Rob's tongue was deep in her mouth. It took some time to untangle. Rob pushed Tara onto the bed, lips still locked. He pushed up her skirt and met little resistance. He dove down and found Tara's nether lips enlarged and very moist. Rob inserted his tongue into the slit and slowly licked up and down, then taking her little knob and sucking on it gently. Tara's hands were on his head pulling it into her groin. She moved her hips up as if his tongue were a penis. She exploded with a copious amount of fluid that Rob drank down. He stayed in that position although Tara's hands were no longer holding his head. He raised his head, saw Tara smiling at him and dragged himself up to kiss her. She accepted his tongue with the remnants of her juices without hesitation. Tara could feel Rob's penis growing against her stomach. "Rob, that was wonderful. Where did you learn to do that? The same place you learned to enjoy BJs?" There was humor in her voice. "I liked it a lot. But...." Tara paused. "But what?" Rob asked worried he had done something wrong. Tara held Rob tightly. "I am very happy we did this and I want more. But can we wait till this thing with Debby is over before we go further? " Rob stared at her blankly, his erection subsiding. Tara's hands wandered down to his penis. "I would be happy to use my mouth again...and again." Rob kissed her hard. "You're right. Not long now and we can then relax and enjoy without guilt." He kissed her again. "I'd better go or I will forget what I just said." Rob dressed slowly. "You have a slim figure and very little hair, "Tara said looking at a naked Rob. "But we'll need to make sure there is no hair anywhere. I know what to get and we'll try that tomorrow. We have time but you'll need to get used to things. I will buy the clothes and stuff at lunchtime tomorrow when I get Deb's pictures." "Don't go over the top. This is a one-time thing," Rob reminded her. "Yes, even more reason to make this look good. I know what you have to go through but we can have some fun on the way, can't we? Is that wrong?" "Not if we both are having fun," Rob replied, kissed Tara hard once more and left. The next day at lunch Rob was left to his own. He saw neither Debby nor Tara. He wondered if that was a coincidence or planned. He was sure Tara would want to meet tonight. He was amazed by the connection to her and how his life has changed. Whilst he had initially just sought company with Debby in this new town, he had never been excited by her. Sure, he would have gone as far as Debby would have allowed him, but that was a kiss on the cheek. It was a stark difference with Tara. There was a bond that was going stronger by their common goal to resume a normal boy-girl relationship. Rob knew he was in for some pain by Tara's description of Debby's intended action. The dressing up part was like a Halloween exercise although he had never been interested after the age of eight or so. He was comforted by the fact that he wouldn't have to venture out and make a fool of himself. He had to suffer the salon visit but if Tara was with him, perhaps he could pull it off. He desperately wanted this behind him so he could act normally with Tara. He wouldn't feel bad not asking Debby out again or even seeing her again after that. Mid-afternoon Rob received an email from Tara that she still needed to do some shopping. She suggested they meet at the mini-mall around 6.45. They could have dinner together after that. Tara didn't have a car so Rob assumed she might be with Debby. He wanted to avoid meeting Tara and Debby together as Debby would certainly see the changed relationship between them. He was pleased Tara had made contact. Rob was there a few minutes early and watched from a corner if Debby was with Tara. He was pleased to see Tara with several shopping bags alone. She greeted him with a one-handed hug and a kiss on the lips. She had several bags without logos so Rob couldn't identify the store. "So, did you get everything you wanted?" Rob asked. "Was Debby with you?" "No. We met at lunchtime. Debby will get the dress but I needed some other things so I came alone. Disappointed?" Tara asked with a smile. "Don't ever say that. I just don't know how I should react if I see her. Maybe OK at lunch with others but alone or with you, I am not sure." "Don't worry. Debby said she had some calls to make to her home and so would be busy. Frankly, I know she wants to do this but she too is embarrassed she had to ask you." They chose a small Pizzeria and ordered a pizza they could share with half a bottle of wine. "So what did you get?" Rob asked losing patience. "Most things to turn you into a beautiful girl. Just a few more things. Will you come back to the apartment and we can take care of the body hair?" Her smile would melt hearts. "Yes, I'll take you home," Rob replied. They went to Tara's apartment and she went immediately to the bedroom and put the bags in the closet. "You'll see them soon enough," she said with a laugh. "You'll be wearing them." It wasn't long before they were in a clinch and deep kiss. "I think we had better start or we'll never get this done." Tara unbuttoned Ron's shirt slowly. His pants were next and soon Rob was standing in boxers and socks. They came off too. Tara removed her blouse and skirt and was now sown to a bra and panties. It was the first time that Rob saw her body almost naked. She didn't have the tall slim figure of Debby but had a nice set of breasts and no fat. She was a very pleasing sight. Tara grabbed his growing penis and led him into the small bathroom. "You don't have much growth but let's do it right," Tara said donning a plastic glove and rubbed a lotion all over Rob, from neck to toe. Rob didn't see her face but found her gloved finger in between his cheeks right around his puckered hole. "You better keep this area clean and lubricated. You know what she will try," Tara said humor in your voice. She inserted her index finger into his hole and Rob jumped. "Just checking if you had some experience down there," she said. "Now, we'll have to wait a few minutes and then please shower when it starts to tingle." Rob did as asked surprised that he didn't protest much. For a one time event, it seemed like this was way too much. He would accept the humiliation of dressing up and being 'raped' even. It wasn't rape technically, as he had agreed to be used like that. The tingling started and Rob felt good with the warm water cleansing his body. Tara had left him a large soft towel and the feeling on his smooth skin was intoxicating. "Tara?" he called out. "I'm ready," "Come into the bedroom," came Tara's reply. Rob walked into the bedroom towel wrapped around his waist. Tara was sitting on the edge of the bed completely nude. She looked at him with a big smile. "I thought you might like to see all after you've shown me all too." The growing tent in Rob's towel indicated his surprise. "Wow," was all he could utter. Tara beckoned with her finger and Rob shuffled forward. As he approached the tent became larger. Tara undid the knot and the towel fell to the floor. She rubbed his body with her hands. "Even though you didn't have much hair it feels so much nicer now," she stated. Her hands went to his erect penis and sac. She kissed the tip tightly, her tongue flicking at the slit. She looked up at him. "Rob, do you know what Debby will expect when she walks in to see you all dressed up and waiting?" "Will she want to kiss me?" he asked quietly. Tara smiled. "I don't think so. Remember what she described? Her boyfriend forced his penis into her mouth roughly. Remember?" Rob nodded. Tara continued, "Well, I have never been forced to do that and neither have you. So, let's see if we can get your mind on that. I want you to hold my head in both hands and then thrust hard and deep into my mouth. OK? Hard and deep as you can." Rob held Tara's head and gently put the tip between her lips. He slowly thrust in hesitantly. "No," Tara said. "You're supposed to be raping my mouth so hard and fast." She took the tip back into her mouth and looked up at Rob. He looked down at her not really sure how to do this. Tara saw the look; his gentle nature didn't allow such an act. She grabbed his cheeks and pulled him into her mouth deeply, almost choking. She kept up the movement and felt his eruption slide down her throat. She kept it in her mouth, gently sucking as it grew soft. Rob stood there helpless staring back at Tara, embarrassed. "Rob, I love doing this with you as I said before. I wanted you to know what to expect. Remember, Debby can only do this with a strap-on. It will be hard and never go soft. It may also be much bigger than your penis. I love your size but this will be different for you." She saw Rob's dejected look. He would not hurt anyone. "I knew you would be like this. You're thoughtful and kind and would never abuse a girl that way. But I want you to be prepared. Now, sit on the bed and don't look whilst I get something." Rob watched as Tara rose and went to the other side of the bed. Her proud breasts and figure appeared in perfect contrast. A few moments later Tara walked in front of Rob who stared at her in surprise. Her right hand was stroking a deep red plastic penis attached to her crotch. "I talked to my college roommate who suggested I get one of these. You don't have to do anything of course but I want you to know what is coming. This will not taste as nice as the one I had in my mouth but it will probably be close to what you can expect from Debby. Interested?" Rob's face was blank. Even as he thought of the promise he had made to Debby, he never realized that this is how she would look on the night of the planned event. "Remember, you will be dressed like a girl who, under normal circumstances, would be happy to suck her guy off. Try to imagine that your boyfriend gets into a fit and thrusts into your mouth to get him hard." Tara moved a step closer to Rob and positioned the tip at his mouth. "Open your mouth and salivate and lick the head," Tara suggested. "Forgive me as I have no experience with a strap on. But I am going to thrust hard so you get a feeling. OK?" The words were hardly out of her mouth when Tara began thrusting hard. Rob choked and tried to accept the unyielding object in his mouth. Tara thrust hard. The plastic penis was just seven inches long but caused Rob to gag. Tears formed in his eyes as Tara thrust several times hard and then withdrew immediately. She sat beside Rob and kissed his tears. "I'm sorry, babe, but it will be easier for you if you know what to expect. Debby wont expect you to enjoy the sucking and swallowing - like I do with your penis. She'll just want to get it wet and show who is in charge." She hugged Rob tight and turned his face toward her. She kissed him tenderly, her tongue slowly exploring his mouth. It took a minute but Rob relaxed and enjoyed the moment. By some strange coincidence, his penis became rock hard again. "Now I can imagine what it looks like from above when your cock is in my mouth." The kisses continued. "What's this?" Tara said sliding to her knees. "It seems like you enjoyed that. Now relax, I am going to enjoy this." Her mouth slid over Rob's erection slowly and languorously bringing it to a hardness Rob had never felt. When he finally shuddered in climax deep in Tara's mouth, she was looking at him with in ecstasy. She kept him there with slow sucking movements until he was totally flaccid. "Can I do...?" Rob began. "No need. You'll get plenty of opportunities when this is behind us. I promise. Well, enough for tonight," Tara said standing up and helping Rob up. She kissed him softly. "You had better leave or this will go further." Rob got dressed and started for the door amidst several stops for kisses. "Be ready for tomorrow. You'll try some clothes and we may want to experiment back there." Rob's startled look was interrupted with another kiss and a quiet closing of the door behind him. That night and the following day Rob's mind was on what had happened and what was to come. He had not enjoyed the initial thrusting into his mouth and he knew that Debby would be even more forceful. He was very happy to have support in Tara but wondered if he was crazy or stupid or both to have committed to this. He didn't feel he could back out. With Tara's help, he would see it through and not feel guilty about breaking with Debby. Then, he wondered why as he never had a relationship with Debby. A kiss on the cheek wasn't quite what he expected on a second or third date. The few times they had taken a drink or a meal, Tara was always there and he was glad. He wasn't sure how Debby would react. He knew that he had found a soulmate in Tara. In the short time they had been close, Tara had been more responsive and understanding than Debby had been. It was also a mystery that Debby had never trusted him enough to disclose her anxiety and history to request his help. Instead, she had used Tara as a shield and then as a go-between. Again at lunchtime neither Debby nor Tara was to be seen. He could understand Debby's reluctance but missed Tara's conviviality. Perhaps they were shopping again but he couldn't imagine what else he would need. This was a one-time deal. In his mind, he thought that the relationship with Tara was more than worth any pain or discomfort he would suffer. He was hoping to hear from Tara this afternoon. Tara did send Rob a message and asked if he could drive her home. They could meet as usual after work in the car park. Rob readily agreed. The afternoon was a blur. He put the thought of what he would experience next to the back of his mind. He was happy to be with Tara. In only a few days he was consumed with thoughts of her. Tara met him with a kiss on the cheek. When they entered the car, hidden from co-workers, she gave him a deep kiss with her tongue exploring his mouth. "Can we go to that bar, have a drink and a snack maybe and then go back to my place?" she asked. "Of course," Rob replied. "Great idea. Missed you at lunch." "Yes, Debby wanted me to make arrangements at that salon. Rob, we need to make sure you are ready for this." "What more does she want now? I agreed to do this. You were there." "I know. I have been thinking about this and what you have to go through. We said Saturday in one week. I would love for this to be over quickly so we can put this behind us." "What are you suggesting?" Rob asked. Tara looked at Rob. He was driving so she couldn't see his full face. "Would you mind if we did it this Saturday? I want to get this over quickly and be with you normally," Tara replied softly. Rob thought for a moment. "Tara, I have no idea what to expect. I will do as I promised. You are right though. Putting this behind us quickly is best for all. I need your help of course." "I'll send Debby a text. We'll have to get you dolled up sooner then. I am looking forward to see you in a dress. With your figure, you'll look better than me." "That's not funny and no way would I look better than you. I'm happy I won't be dragged out somewhere for people to see." Tara laughed. "First of all, you have to go to that salon dressed. Debby will tell the salon the story but you can't scare their other customers away by dressing as a male and then having a makeover. That would make you a laughing stock. Then you have to leave the salon like a lady, come back and get dressed as Debby wants. Then you know what to expect." "Yes," was Rob's mumbled reply. "So, still want to go through with it?" Rob was just parking and didn't respond instantly. He looked at Tara. "What do you think I should do?" Tara grabbed his hand. "These last few days have been magical. Finally, I have found a happiness I didn't know before. What I am trying to say is that I would like us to be together and see where it takes us. But, this is asking a lot to assuage our guilt. Whilst I feel for you, it is you that has to go through with it. I will support and help you and all fun aside, only you can decide. I will accept you any way you decide." She leaned forward and kissed him. "I don't know, Tara, I just feel I have to help her. I also would feel less guilty because once she knows about us, we will lose a friend." "You told me she has not sucked you off and not even kissed you on the mouth, so where does that guilt come from? Do you want her?" "No, no, no. I told you that Debby and I haven't even talked much. I only met her with you and sometimes alone at lunch. Over the last few days we have grown close and I want that to develop very much - if you want that is." Ron turned to Tara who hugged him and kissed him hard. "I want that very much too." Tara squeezed Rob's hand. "Let's have a drink and get some Chinese. We can eat in the apartment." "Deal.." They held hands as they entered the car and drove to the bar. Rob ordered two white wines. He gulped his down and ordered another round quickly. "Take it easy," Tara cautioned. "It's just 6 pm and we need to do some things tonight. You can drink at my place but you have to drive - or stay," she added as an afterthought. They sipped their drinks, each deep in thought. "Let's go," Tara said and grabbed Rob's hand. Tara guided Rob to a take-out Chinese restaurant and ordered two dishes. She had Rob wait for her in the car. It was less than ten minutes to her apartment. They drove in silence again. Tara opened the cartons and served Rob and herself. They still had wine from the day before just enough for two glasses. They clinked glasses. "So what are you thinking? You've been silent for the last 45 minutes," Tara asked. Rob looked up from his noodles. "I really don't know what to think. I only know that I would like to spend more time with you without guilt. That may not be the right word, I want to help Debby, but the price she is asking is high. " Tara looked at Rob for some minutes. "OK, Rob. You have to decide what you want to do. I will support you and be with you whatever you decide. I have told you that. I know how you think and I admire your willingness to help. What Debby is asking is not simple. It is a personal decision. I can't take away any pain or hurt, but I will be with you and try to kiss away your hurt. So decide! Neither you nor I want regrets." Rob looked at her with confusion on his face. This was the most difficult decision he would ever face. He didn't feel he owed Debby anything, yet he didn't want the responsibility of what she might do to herself. It was made worse by the fact that he didn't want any relationship with Debby in the future. Whatever happened with Tara, he knew he could never have a normal relationship with Debby. "OK." He said finally. "No more talk. I'll do it if you help." "OK, finish your wine whilst I get organized in the bedroom. I'll be back soon." Tara left Rob to finish the last sips of wine. He got up and put the dishes in the sink and disposed of the remnants of food. He was determined not to re-examine the decision. Tara came back into the room a few minutes later. "I laid out some stuff on the bed. So undress completely and wear what's on the bed. I'll be in to help you in a minute." She gave him a hug. When Tara walked back into the bedroom a few minutes later Rob had undressed completely and was wearing floral panties. The bulge in front indicated his arousal. "Turn around and put your arms through these," Tara commanded and help Rob into a bra. "I don't have anything to stuff those cups with but I can use some panties of mine and pantyhose." A few minutes later Rob had a bust. It wasn't perfect but would get him into the mood. Next came a skirt that was well above the knee and a blouse. Tara kept the top button open and wrapped a broad belt around his waist, hanging low on his hips. "This next part will be difficult at first but you'll get it quickly." She pointed out some shoes with a two-inch heel. "Sorry, I don't wear corsets and stockings just pantyhose. I never had anybody who wanted to see me in them," Tara said shyly. Tara helped Rob into the shoes and with her arm around his waist made him take a few steps. It didn't take long for Rob to get used to the heels. His gait was not feminine but he was steady on his feet. "I don't know if Debby wants you wearing higher heels but these are good for practice," Tara said. Whilst Rob would not be mistaken for a lady, his slim figure was reasonable. Some makeup and a wig would make a big difference. "Now, this isn't perfect but I am trying to get you used to what Debby would want to see. Open your mouth, please." Tara took out a tube of lipstick and applied it carefully to his lips. It wasn't the dark red she normally wore but a much brighter color. "Not bad but you'll look great on Saturday." Tara paused for a moment. "Do you trust me, Rob?" Tara asked "Yes, of course. I couldn't do this without your help." "Well, you may not like what will happen tonight but I assure you it is for the best. " Rob looked at her glumly and nodded. He didn't understand what Tara meant as she opened d a small draw in her dresser and took something out. She also put on a think rubber glove. Rob's mind wasn't accepting what he was seeing, Tara took out a tube of something and had Ron bend over the foot of the bed holding on to the low wooden frame. "Trust me, this might be uncomfortable but you will be grateful later," Tara slid a well-lubricated finger into his anus. Rob jumped but the finger sawed in and out. "My college roommate advised that this was the best preparation for what is to come. I haven't had this experience but I don't want you to hurt." Even as she was talking rubbing Rob's cheeks with her left hand, her right hand thrust a hard object deep into Rob. He grunted in surprise but wasn't really in great pain. Tara rearranged his panties and skirt leaving the case of the plug seated firmly against his rear hole. "Now walk around a few minutes and then sit on the edge of the bed. I need to change. When we get into this, I am going to try and act aggressively like Debby might. Sorry, but I don't want you to be surprised and upset. OK?" Rob just nodded and Tara left the room. Rob could taste and smell the lipstick. It felt strange and exciting at the same time. His erection had grown and he remained hard causing a big bulge at his crotch. He walked around the room and got used to balancing on those heels. He sat on the edge of the bed and waited for Tara. The plug settled itself deeper, but he felt little pain. It was discomfort. She entered the bedroom completely nude with a big smile on her face. Her hand was stroking that strap on and Rob knew what she expected. "Open wide and suck me off, bitch," she said in a gruff voice. The tip entered Rob's mouth and he tried to salivate and take it in. "Deeper," she grunted and thrust hard. Her hands held Rob's head. Tara pushed in deeper and for an instant, the dildo was buried fully in Rob's mouth. It touched the back of his throat. After a few minutes of this, the thrusting stopped and Tara withdrew leaving Rob almost in tears, lipstick smeared and spittle dribbling down his chin. She leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips. "So sorry but we don't know how long or wide Debby's strap-on will be. But you can assume she will thrust in hard and impatiently." Rob just nodded glumly. There was nothing to say as he had agreed to this. "You know what's coming next, don't you?" Rob looked at her with a mournful look on his face, scared. Tara looked at the strap-on. The lipstick marks showed how deep it had been in his mouth. "Not bad for the first time," Tara said with a sly grin. "It was the first time, wasn't it?" Rob looked at her glumly. "Just joking." Tara applied more lipstick to Rob's lips. She took his hand and lifted him and kissed him very briefly and led him to the foot of the bed. "Hold hard onto the frame," Tara said, raising his skirt and pulling down his panty. Suddenly the plug was removed. Rob then felt something small at his hole and then felt a cooling gel. A moment later the hard tip was at his hole and Tara thrust somewhat hard and in several thrust was deep inside. Except for a grunt, Rob made little sound. Tara moved faster although her movements were not smooth. She was not used to wearing and using such a device. In less than ten minutes Tara withdrew turned Rob around and before he could say anything, kissed him hard. This was the first kiss for Rob wearing lipstick. It felt different and any pain or discomfort was forgotten. "Oh Rob, I am so sorry," Tara whispered. "I would never hurt you. I just wanted to prepare you for the worst. Are you OK?" she said with her arms around Rob in a strong clinch. "Until yesterday I had never used a strap-on. I don't know what experience Debby has with one or what size it will be." "I guess I know what to expect," he replied softly. "Can you please keep your promise?" Tara looked at him with raised eyebrows. "What promise?" "You promised to kiss away the hurt,,," Rob never got to finish his sentence as Tara pounced on him thrusting her tongue deep into his mouth. They stayed like that for some time. "Know something?" Tara whispered. "What?" Rob asked kissing her lightly. "If you can look this good with my inexperience, I think you will look fantastic with a professional makeover and better clothes - all courtesy of Debby." "What do you mean?" Rob asked still holding on to Tara. Her hands wandered down and she felt the hardness at his crotch. She pushed him onto the bed. Within seconds she was on her knees. Tara lifted her head from Rob's hard penis. "I can't talk with a mouth full." She continued to suck and blow, squeezing his sac until her rapid movements caused a massive eruption deep in her throat. She kept sucking softly until he was fully flaccid. "I mean that Robin could turn me bi," The smile on her face was broad. "Will you be Robin for me too? Not just for Debby." Tara looked up and invited his kiss. Even though she had just swallowed his juices, Rob was not put off. He kissed her tenderly. Rob looked down at her. She was stroking his penis which speared to be growing. "Are you serious?" "Well? What do you say? Your little guy appeared to enjoy it." Rob thought about it whilst Tara gently stroked his penis. He had never had a girlfriend who would bring him to a rise moments after he had erupted. Then again, he had had just one serious girlfriend with whom he lost his virginity. After one or two dates, a couple of kisses, all these girls disappeared from his life. He wished so much that he had met Tara first. "I'll tell you after Saturday," he replied softly. "Is that OK?" "I think I'll get a better answer if I ask this little guy. He seems to like my mouth," Tara said with twinkling eyes. Her mouth swooped down on his now very erect tool. "I like him filling my mouth too and can't wait to have him fill my other holes." Rob couldn't speak he was full of sexual tension, excitement and trying to control himself so he wouldn't end too soon even though he had just erupted. He felt it wouldn't be long. Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to erupt. Tara had managed to get him so deep in her mouth that her nose was buried in his pubic hair. She kept it there until he was soft. "Two nice loads," she finally said. "I'll send Debby a message to ask if she can do this Saturday. I would like it behind us quickly." "Thanks, Tara. That would be great and I appreciate the help. I am still trying to digest all of this," "I know. Let's get you changed or the little guy might wake up again. I really don't mind but there is a danger he won't want to go home." "I haven't done anything for you," Rob said hugging Tara. "Can I?" "I promise you that I will want a lot more after this is over. I want you to relax and even if this is difficult, we will get it behind us," Tara kissed Rob back and helped him remove his clothes. When he was naked, she bent down and kissed his penis. "Till tomorrow, little guy," she whispered taking the head back into her mouth briefly. Rob dressed and after several more lingering kisses left. He was still thinking about the experiences of yesterday and today. He had not felt the pain as he had expected. He was dressed as a girl today for the first time but he certainly didn't look nor feel like one. He knew he had to look better for this to work with Debby. This was his only experience with a strap-on but he suspected that Tara was being gentler than Debby. Still, he felt better able to imagine what he had to endure. It wouldn't be a loving experience. Yet, with Tara's coaxing, he felt good to simulate what he would experience if he were to fuck any of her openings, especially her mouth. He loved how she got him erect in minutes. On the short drive back he heard his phone ping. He saw that it was from Tara but he would have to wait to read it. He entered his apartment and read the message. 'Debby says Saturday works if the salon has time for you. She'll know tomorrow. Sweet dreams.' Today was Wednesday and Rob was pleased it would be over. Whatever the pain or humiliation, he was glad it would be over. He very much wanted to experience more with Tara. He knew she was someone he wanted to get very close to. Rob fell asleep dreaming of himself in a dress and makeup making love to Tara. She seemed to like Robin. He wondered if she would let him fuck her in the arse. Rob had a hard time concentrating on his job. He wanted to spend more time with Tara and develop a normal relationship. He enjoyed the time with her but there was Debby always at the back of his mind. He had no idea why. Lunch approached and Rob waited to see if Debby or more especially Tara would be there. He knew sometimes meetings overran and lunchtimes were affected. To his surprise, Debby appeared a few minutes later. She sat at his table and said a brief 'Hello'. As usual, in between bites of her salad, she had that same penetrating look which disturbed Rob. He hadn't realized it before but Debby's stare would put off many a man. He understood her history and wondered if this was the result of her experience or her normal look. She never spoke much so her silence was not a surprise. Just as Rob finished his sandwich, Debby looked at him. "The salon can see you at 3.30 on Saturday. They will need about 2 to 3 hours to do everything. So we can meet at about 7. I'll talk to Tara." Debby got up and left. There were no surprises but he didn't understand what would take that long. Tara would know. Rob sent a message to Tara and asked if he could drive her home. Tara didn't have a car and normally took the bus. Lately, Rob had driven her back as they spend evenings together. He wondered what more she was going to make him do tonight. In her company and with her loving help, Rob felt he could do anything to put this behind him. The prize was that he could have normal relations with Tara and she promised to allow him a normal sexual relationship. It sounded exciting. Tara suggested they meet around 5.15 pm in the parking lot as before. Rob looked forward to that and completed his work promptly at 5. His boss needed to talk to him and Rob rushed through his questions and dashed out to the car park. To his horror he saw Debby standing with Tara. It was too late as Tara waved to him. He wondered what surprise she now had for him. "Him" he greeted them anxious to avoid hugging and kissing Tara in front of Debby who was nervously smoking a cigarette. She stamped on the butt as Rob approached. "Hi Rob," Tara replied. "Debby wanted to suggest something and I thought you needed to decide." "I wanted to ask if...." Debby paused for a moment searching in her bag. She found her pack of cigarettes and lit one. Her hands were not shaking as much as the last time. Silently Tara grabbed the pack and took one herself and Debby lit it for her. Her nervousness was apparent as she inhaled and rapidly blew out smoke. Rob knew Tara was not a regular smoker. "I wanted to know if I should reserve a hotel downtown for Saturday. After your makeover and dressing, we could meet in the bar, have a drink and then go to the room." Rob looked at Debby and then at Tara who appeared really upset. He understood. Tara didn't want Debby to spend more time with Rob than necessary. It wasn't a date. Her looks showed her anxiety. "Debby, I promised to help you," Rob said finally. "I will dress and do as you want but I don't want to be seen by strangers. It seems I have to come back from the salon to the apartment in a dress. I have never done this before. I think an apartment is best. I don't want to be seen in public." Rob paused. Tara was looking at him and taking a deep drag, blowing out a cloud of smoke. "I would prefer it to be at my apartment then I can change back easily." "Or we can do it in my apartment," Tara interrupted. "You can change into the clothes you went to the salon in. I promised to go with him." Debby looked at both of them, smoking for a moment. "I understand. You both can decide where we meet and I'll plan to be there for about 7.30 pm." "I don't want to be in the apartment when you both meet," Tara said. "I promised Rob to help him remove the makeup etc." "Yes, I don't want that either," Debby said. "You can wait in my car. I can text you as I arrive so you can sit in my car. Keep your front door open. When I return to the car you'll know I am done." She ground out her cigarette. "I talked to the salon and will give them all that you need. Tara gave me the sizes." Debby left abruptly and Tara and Rob stared after her. Tara took one last drag on the cigarette. "I know why people smoke when under pressure," she said. "Sorry, but I didn't expect that." She went up to Rob and hugged him and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I am so glad you didn't want to be seen with her in a bar. What the hell was she thinking? She wanted a date with you in a dress?" "There was no chance of that," Rob said. "You will only be Robin for me, right?" Tara said linking arms with Rob. "Let's go. I need a drink and some food." "I told you I'll tell you after Saturday. Yes, I could do with a drink and food. Pizza?" When they got into the car, Tara gave Rob a long lingering kiss. "Thanks," she whispered. "For what?" "Not wanting to go on a date or whatever with Debby. I still can't believe she would want to be seen with you in a bar and then rape you or whatever the word is." "Yes," Rob replied. "There is more to this than her boyfriend experience. I am sure she has other issues. So you don't think I'll look good enough to go out on Saturday? Robin will not look good?" Rob asked with a smile. Tara looked at his profile and smiled back. "I think you'd look great with your figure and what all the salon will do to you. I would be happy to go out with you in a dress if you wanted. But then I'd take you home and make love to you, not rape you." "I think the technical term would be abuse. Since I agreed to let her do it, I don't think it is rape. Either way, it would be what she wants not what I want." They stopped at a small Pizza parlor on the way. They each had a piece of pizza and a glass of wine. Their talk was about their day and the office. The subject of Debby would come up later. "Are you coming back to the apartment?" Tara asked hopefully as they went back to the car. "Yes, if it's OK with you. There is something I need to do," Rob replied. "Of course. What do you need to do?" "I'll show you," Rob replied mysteriously. They entered the apartment and Tara pulled Rob to her and gave him a deep kiss. "This will be over soon," she said. "So what do you need to do?" "I want to pay you back," Rob said with a smile. He took her hand and led her to the bedroom. "Just sit on the edge of the bed and relax," he said. Tara watched in silent amazement. Rob raised her skirt and tried to pull down her panties. "I am very happy you want to do that but I suggest we undress a little first, don't you? Then we can relax." Tara stood up and unbuttoned her blouse and unzipped her skirt. Tara was down to bra and panty. She watched as Rob too undressed and was now in his boxers and socks. The tent in his boxers showed his excitement. "What the hell, take it all off," Tara said releasing her bra and dropping her panties. Rob dropped his boxers, Tara pulled him to her and hugged him tightly. "I can't wait for Saturday so we can do what we want. I am sorr....," Tara started but never finished as Rob thrust his tongue into her mouth. "Rob, I have a feeling Debby knows we have grown close and she will be more aggressive. I saw the way she observed us today." "You think I should back out?" "I told you, that's your choice. But expect her to be rough." "OK, you have shown me what to expect so I guess I'll have to suffer through it." "Yes, I can't take that away. But it may help if we put that thing in you so you get used to having something in there. If you want, I can do what we did last night." Rob looked at Tara with a puzzled look. "If you think. It sounds weird. " "It is, but you may be grateful that you prepared. We'll have to lube you there too so it is easier on Saturday. Don't look so glum. It wasn't so bad yesterday, was it?" "No, I suppose." Rob looked confused. "OK, let's do that and..." Tara paused. "And what?" Rob asked when Tara didn't continue. Tara looked at him shyly. "When this is over, if you want, you can take me back there too. I never did that before. I have one condition though." "What condition?" "First you have to make love to me normally. Then you can do what you want. You don't know how badly I want that," Rob smiled. "You mean you want it badly back there?" Tara threw her skirt at him. Tara lubed and inserted the plug into Rob. It was not comfortable but there was no pain. He knew what to expect on Saturday. Tara sat on the edge of the bed as Ron knelt between her feet. They kissed hard. Rob suckled her breast taking each nipple into his mouth. As his tongue traveled down her body he inserted his tongue into her navel cavity which caused Tara to pull him into her hard. He left a trail of spittle down her body through her pubic hair to her very wet and swollen lips. At the mere flick of his tongue, Tara shuddered. She was close as Rob inserted his tongue between her lips moving upward and finally sucking on her knob. Tara exploded pulling Rob's face deeper into her groin. "Oh my God," she exclaimed. "That was a volcano. I've never cum like that." She lifted Rob's head, looked at him and kissed him hard. It was the first time she had tasted her juices from a partner. They hugged for a moment and Rob forgot he had something inside his passage. He felt it but there was no pain or discomfort. Tara stood up and helped Rob stand. "That was incredible," she said kissing him lightly. She then pulled him onto the bed and got on top of him. It didn't take long for them to be in a 69 position. It took some time but they savored the moment and exploded again. They lay like that with their mouths still at the base of the other's groin. "I'd better go," Rob said rolling off Tara. Tara didn't say anything and just hugged Rob. "Turn around and bend over," she said. "Can't have you going home with that thing inside you." As Rob leaned over the bed, Tara gently pulled on the disc at his rear passage. The plug came out with a soft squish. "We'll have to lube you well on Saturday but need to make sure the lube doesn't run and stain the dress. The panty can be washed. I may need to get a pad." She slapped his backside lightly. "Nice," she uttered softly. Debby did not turn up at lunch the next day. Tara did take lunch sitting across from Rob. Except for discreet, accidental touching of their feet their contact was normal. They ate slowly each thinking of the events to come. "Meet 5.15?" Rob asked. "Yes, as usual." Rob looked forward to meet Tara. They had grown close and Rob knew they were well matched. Tara was interested in him, looked after his interests and seemed genuinely to want his company. She also enjoyed sex with him and on Saturday they would break their self-imposed abstinence. Rob looked forward to that. Without Tara, he would never have agreed to this act. He wondered if Debby would have asked him directly. It was Thursday now and just 2 days before the big event. Rob and Tara did meet and decided that they would just go to that bar where Rob first invited Debby. It was the second time they were alone in the bar. They found a parking spot a ten-minute walk from the bar in a corner by a large dumpster. "So have you heard from Debby today?" Rob asked quietly. "Any surprises?" Rob was drinking a small beer. Tara wanted white wine. "No, don't think so. She told me she had dropped the outfit and stuff at the salon and made arrangements for you to change there. I asked what the outfit was but she wouldn't say. She said you would look good." "If I have to walk out of the salon dressed, I hope I don't look like an ugly hooker," Rob said glumly. Tara put her hand over Rob's. "First of all, I said I would be with you at the salon. I made an appointment one hour later than you. We should both be done by 5.30 or 6. I doubt Debby will want you looking like a hooker as that means she too would have looked like that. She said that she looked so hot that Brad lost it and attacked her. You may get some looks in the salon or on the walk to your car, but you'll manage it. We can say it's for a prank at a party if anyone asks. We'll take a low heeled shoe to the salon. If Debby wants you in matching high heels, you can wear then when you are back in the apartment." Rob nodded but was still concerned and mulled over his decision to do this. It was bizarre, weird, crazy and a lot more things besides. But he was brought up not to break a promise. He wanted no guilt in breaking up with Debby but that was illogical: he had never had a relationship with her! They had a light dinner at the bar. Most of their conversation was in short sentences. In some ways, it was a help to be amongst people. They had already talked about this bizarre plan for many hours. Rob could still back down but he wanted this behind him and there was no way he could face Debby after that in the office. He also worried if Tara might think he wouldn't keep to his commitments. Although she knew his motive and supported him fully, he didn't want her to feel he made such promises - bizarre as the request was - lightly. It wasn't late when they left the bar and it was getting dark. Tara grabbed his arm. "It'll be over soon," she whispered. "You look worried and tired. You can come back to the apartment or go get some rest." They reached the car, stopped for a moment and looked at each other. "You're right but I would like to come up..." They got into the car. Tara turned to Rob, held his head in both hands and kissed him tenderly. "I would like that very much but you need to relax and be ready for this. It'll soon be over." She kissed him lightly again. If you come up, I might not let you go home." Tara's hands roamed down his body to his crotch feeling the growing bulge. Whilst stroking his hair with one hand, Tara tried to open his pants. Rob didn't hesitate to allow her access and soon his growing erection sprang through the slit in his boxers. Tara stroked him slowly. "Somebody might see," Rob interrupted. "It's dark, there is no car near us and who cares," Tara replied licking the tip. Slowly it disappeared deeper into her mouth. Rob stroked her back and tried to thrust deeper. It didn't take long and Rob erupted with a load. Tara's lips were tight around his cock not letting a drop escape. She moved up and down and kept the deflating organ in her mouth. It took some minutes and Tara flicked her tongue at the slit extracting every drop. She looked up. "What a tasty dessert," she offered. "I hope you're a little relaxed now and within a few days, you don't need to go back. OK?" She reached up and kissed him. Some of the ejaculate still on her lips but Rob didn't mind. "Oh yes," Rob replied. "Sleep well. Just one more night and we can celebrate." Tara pecked him on the lips and sat up straightening her blouse. Rob pulled up his pants and started the car. "I'll see you tomorrow. I can pick you up at 7.45 and get a coffee." "Yes, that would be nice," Tara replied. Rob gave Tara a deep kiss and drove away. He couldn't wait for this to be over. Whatever he had committed to and he needed to endure, he was very sure he had found a great partner and lover in Tara. It was a restless night and the thought he would meet Tara early cheered him on. She was waiting and greeted him with a kiss. "One more day," she said softly. They stopped at a coffee shop for coffee and muffins. The short ride to the office was in silence. "Please check with Debby for any changes. Try to see how long she will need." Rob went to his desk wondering how he could concentrate on the job today. "Yes, I'm sure she'll call. Don't worry it'll soon be over. Car park 5.15?" Tara kissed him lightly on the lips and walked away. Their mood was polar opposites: Tara was glad it would be over and she and Rob could develop a normal relationship. She thought Rob was a keeper and they had experienced so much together in a short space of time that had brought them even closer. For Rob's part, he was nervous and anxious and unsure about how he would survive all of this. There was no sign of Debby or Tara at lunch. This was not unusual but Rob's mind strayed to what else Debby might be expecting. He would see Tara after work and then this would be the start of the biggest weekend in his life. That thought made the afternoon bearable. Rob looked forward to spend the evening with Tara as he shut down his PC and walked to his car. He was feeling a little easier that Tara had not sent any messages with changes. Thankfully, Tara was alone and they got into the car, Tara turned and gave him a deep kiss. "Soon it'll be over," she whispered. "Why don't we have a quiet meal and then go to my place," she suggested with a twinkle in her eye. "I want you to be completely relaxed." Rob gave a hint of a smile at the thought. "Sure," he replied. "Any place in particular?" "How about that food court in the mall? I need a couple of things," Tara replied with an enigmatic smile. "What kind of things?" "You'll see. I think you will appreciate it later." It was hard to be nervous with Tara at his side. He was resigned to do this and put it past him. There were moments when Tara's words and actions caused him to get excited. He didn't know if this was done deliberately or accidentally but each day he was more sure that Tara would be a great partner in and out of the bedroom. They ate at the food court in the mall. "Why don't you get some wine or whatever and we can meet back here in 15 minutes," Tara said. Tara left Rob to finish his meal whilst she went shopping. There was a small wine bar and Rob purchased a bottle of cold white wine and a bottle of red. Tara was back within fifteen minutes with two small bags that had no logos. She took his hand as they walked to the car. They drove to Tara's apartment and carried their purchases in. "You know it's Robin time tonight, right?" Tara asked giving him a small kiss. "You have to be ready and dressing will help. OK?" Rob nodded glumly. His happy mood suddenly disappeared. "I know," he mouthed softly. "Don't look so glum. It was fun last time and I remember very well how your little guy was. Think of it as a game between us where we're both having fun." Tara paused whilst unbuttoning Rob's shirt. "I know tomorrow will be different but think about how much nicer it will be for us to enjoy each other without that cloud of guilt. I can't be with you for those minutes but I will definitely be there in thought. OK? Now, let's try to enjoy it." She kissed him lightly and stripped him of his shirt. The pants and boxers were next. "Your little guy likes the idea, it seems," Tara said holding the growing member in her hand. "Girls don't have these things growing so big and hard at their sensitive spot. We'll have to do something about this, won't we? Well, what I mean is that I can do something and you have to relax and enjoy it." Rob saw Tara kiss his nipples, trying to take a nipple into her mouth. It was too small. She licked down his body until she was on her knees, looking up at him with his rampant cock at her mouth. A few tentative licks, the head disappeared between her lips and then he was all the way in. She certainly knew how to excite him and within a few minutes, he exploded down her throat. Tara was always insistent to let his member deflate in her mouth with gentle licks and then using the tip of the tongue to extract everything from the foreskin and slit. "There now, he should stay down a little anyway." Tara rose and kissed Rob who was now used to the taste. "If you need to use the little boys' room do that and I'll get some things out. Rob headed for the bathroom and Tara laid out some clothes for him. It was a simple dress, bra with panty fillers and shoes. Rob came back a few minutes later and saw the items on the bed. He started to grab the items when Tara stopped him. "Turn around and hold the end of the bed. You need lubrication." Tara inserted her finger into his anus and pushed in a large glob of a cool gel. Rob couldn't help it and wiggled his bum and invited her finger in deeper. Tara smiled. "Before you pull up your panty put this in," Tara said wiping her finger on a panty liner pad. "I don't think we need the plugin tonight." Tara had a big smile on her face. "I'll be putting something else in there." She kissed him on the lips lightly. Rob did as asked and felt the soft pad. "This will not only help keep the front flat but will also help absorb any lubricant spoiling your dress," Tara explained as she pulled the panty up and tight. Tara held out the bra and Rob put his arms through the straps. "I think Debby will have some pads for you tomorrow but I only have panties and hose." Rob buttoned the blouse and pulled up the skirt. Tara had him step into the shoes. "I am sure it'll be a garter and stockings tomorrow but you'll manage fine." "I wonder what kind of wig she has chosen," Tara said. "You'll look great. Now hold still." Tara applied some dark lipstick, which is what she usually wore. "We'll need to apply plenty of lipstick and gloss to make it easier tomorrow. Now, why don't you walk around on those heels and find your balance whilst I get ready." Tara kissed Rob lightly on the lips. "Sorry, but I'll try to be rough as I think Debby will be. But I don't really know how to use the strap on too well." Rob looked at her blankly. "I know," he said softly and started to walk around the small room. Tara went into the bathroom to change. Rob walked around finding his balance. Whilst he felt strange in this outfit, he was preparing mentally for the encounter with Debby. He had accepted that he would be humiliated and even hurt. Yet, this play with Tara was exciting in an inexplicable way. He didn't feel shy or afraid to have Tara play with him dressed as he was. It was strange. In some ways, he felt he understood Tara better and how she used her mouth and hands to please him. Tomorrow he would get the ultimate prize: making love to Tara without guilt. He knew Tara felt the same way. He saw Tara enter the room trying to keep a stern face. "Looking good, bitch," she said. Try as she might, the words came out a friendlier than she wanted. She was stroking the penis strapped to her crotch. "On your knees. You know where this is going." Robin looked at her a little startled then went around and fell to her knees. Tara approached. "Ready for this?" She rubbed the tip of her plastic penis across Robin's mouth as if it were a giant lipstick. Robin looked up at her and moved her hands to the hard round part that resembled a sac. She opened her mouth as Tara thrust in hard. Robin nearly choked and then began to salivate furiously as Tara began to thrust as deep as it would go. She kept up the movement for around ten minutes and then slowed down. Robin was grateful that the plastic penis was not wider and longer. The layers of lipstick and saliva helped. "Stand up and bend over you stupid bitch. You know where this is going next, don't you? You want to tease men? Well, let me show you how to enjoy it." Robin got up stiffly and Tara puller her to the edge of the bed and pushed her over. Robin's arms and head were on the bed and her rear end was raised. Tara yanked down the panty and pointed the tip of her strap on to the entrance of Robin's hole. "Take it, bitch," she grunted and thrust in. Robin was ready for the assault but it was still hard at first. Thankfully, it was more shock than pain. Tara held on to the hips as she thrust and within a few strokes was flush with Robin's cheeks. Tara thrust in for another ten minutes and then slowed down. This was not a natural movement she was used to. Slowly she extracted the plastic tool and pulled the pad lined panty up Robin's behind. She then hugged him from behind in silence. After a few moments, she helped Robin up, turned her around and hugged her tightly. "Sorry," she whispered in his year. "Did I hurt you?" "No," Robin whispered back. Their mouths met and they spent a long moment in a tender tongue battle. "Let's get a drink," Tara suggested as she held Robin's hand and led them into the small living area. Tara still had the strap-on swinging from her hips. "Sit on the couch, I'll get us some wine." Robin sat there in a bemused condition. It was strange to be dressed like a girl having had to use her mouth and anus to please someone. In some strange way, she was excited by what had happened. The rather prominent bulge at her crotch proved this. Tara returned with two glasses of wine with that pink object swinging. She wore nothing else. Neither she nor Robin appeared to consider it unnatural. "Are you OK?" she asked softly. Robin nodded. "Yes. I am OK." Tara leaned down and kissed Robin lightly on the lips. "You do look good as a girl and probably even better than Debby or me when we're dolled up. Excited?" Robin looked up at her not wanting to understand what Tara meant. "That's silly," is all she managed to say. "Well, it may be silly to you but I know a way to check." Robin looked up as Tara sank to her knees between Robin's legs. The bulge was prominent even though it had been some minutes since Tara had ended her penetration. Tara looked at Robin as she lifted the skirt and pulled down her panty exposing a still hard penis. "This guy will never lie to me," she said licking the tip and planting a sloppy kiss on the head. Tara took it in ever deeper and soon was at the root. Her eyes never left Robin's face. Her other hand massaged the tightening sac and she knew she would soon be enjoying a mouthful. Robin sat there passively as her excitement grew and exploded in Tara's mouth. Tara rose immediately and hovered over Robin. She leaned forward and thrust her tongue and exchanged a large part of Robin's deposit. She held Robin's head in both hands and she spread the deposit widely in Robin's mouth. They had kissed after Tara had accepted his ejaculate, but she had never deposited such a full load. There was no lack of intensity as their tongues intertwined. "I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed the taste of your juice," she said with a smile. "I know my juice tastes different." Rob was surprised that he had no hesitation for the kiss or to accept his ejaculate. It never struck him as odd. He was growing close to Tara and any sharing of intimacy was acceptable. "I can't use this and eject in Robin's mouth," Tara said stroking her plastic penis. "You'll then know exactly how I feel." Rob just gave her a wan smile. It was a new experience and in reality he thought it intimate and exciting rather than strange and repulsive. "We had better get you changed as we may need to use the skirt tomorrow to the salon." Tara held out her hand and helped Robin up as they turned the corner and walked into her bedroom. Robin followed with a curious smile on her face. Tara used a washcloth and removed what little lipstick Robin had left. She looked at the rather bemused look on Robin. "Would my girlfriend Robin like to stay the night in my bed? But we can only go so far." Robin's face broke out into a big smile. "Keep your panty and bra on. I'll give you a nighty. There's a spare toothbrush in the cabinet." Tara looked up at Rob as she undid the harness and strap on. "I don't think we'll be using that again, tonight anyway." She broke out into a big smile. "I think Robin likes being taken back there and I like doing it too. I am looking forward to my boyfriend Rob doing that to me too." They climbed into the queen-sized bed. It wasn't long before they were kissing. Tara's hand wandered down to the growing bulge in Rob's panty. It wasn't long before they reversed positions and turned on their sides. Tara was licking Rob's growing member. She took it fully into her mouth, stopping for a moment. "I can't remember the last time I slept with a pacifier in my mouth. I could get used to it." Most of the night was spent that way but morning found them spooned against each other in a tight embrace. Tara kissed the back of Rob's neck. "This is a nice way to wake-up," she whispered into Ron's ear. "It might be habit-forming." Tara's hands wandered down to find a growing bulge at Robin's groin. "Robin, it seems that this guy is going to cause an unsightly bulge in your beautiful outfit. I'm going to have to milk you dry today." Tara paused as she moved down his body. "I like doing this job." Her mouth engulfed Robins growing member. It didn't take long for it to erupt. Tara turned and moved up over Robin looking at her face, trying to decide something. She brought her mouth closer and clamped down on Robin's mouth exchanging all that she had. It was a long kiss. "I am glad you enjoy as we share. I am growing to love the taste," Tara said as they continued to lie on each other. She felt the bulge on Robin's chest. "These will be bigger and nicer tonight, I think," she said with a smile. "I might be turning bi." "If you don't mind the taste why should I? I am happy you like doing that." Tara thought for a moment. "I am so glad Debby introduced us. Even if you have to go through with this stupid thing. But tonight it will be over." She kissed Robin tenderly. "Do you think it strange that we enjoy each other like this? I never had a boyfriend who would have allowed that. I love you for it." Robin looked at Tara. It was the first time any girl had used the word 'love' to him. It was exciting and intimate and seemed perfectly natural for two people to enjoy each other. "I'm going to get some breakfast. Just relax. Then we start with the Nair again to make sure you are smooth and practice walking. OK?" Tara put on her tracksuit and stepped out. She was back in about twenty minutes with some breakfast stuff. The coffee had percolated. Robin got up and straightened out his nightdress and moved the bra back into place. It looked odd but somehow Tara's acceptance made it seem OK. She smiled as Robin joined her at the small kitchen table. They drank their coffee and had a toasted bagel. Tara was deep in thought. "What about dinner?" she asked. "I don't know how long Debby will be here but we need to eat something." Robin had that bemused look again. That was the last thing on her mind. She was getting anxious ab Tara smiled. "Yes, I think we'll both need that. I can get everything at that small supermarket on the corner before we go to the salon." "You have a driver's license, right? Or will we take a taxi? I don't want to drive," Robin asked. Tara thought for a moment. "I can drive but you have a nice parking spot now. So let's keep the car there and take a taxi. It shouldn't be that much for an Uber." Robin nodded. "What do we do now? I think the salon appointment is at 3 pm." "Yes. If you agree. We should dress you up better with a little makeup and you should practice walking as we will be walking to the salon. I don't know what heels you will be getting. You can get you naired and showered before we go to the salon." Tara paused for a moment. "Do you want me to insert the plug so it will be easier tonight?" Robin looked miserable and nodded. "You can wear the same skirt and blouse. I have the other dress which you can wear to the salon. "Tara got up and held out her hand. Robin followed her into the bedroom. Robin's face was a mask. Without a word she went to the foot of the bed and bent over. Tara inserted the lubricant and then gently inserted the plug and then hugged Robin from behind. "It'll soon be over," she whispered. "I want to brush my teeth," Robin said and walked to the bathroom next door. Tara busied herself with getting the skirt and blouse ready. She also sought out the brightly colored sundress and hung it up behind the bedroom door. Robin returned and saw the dress. A small smile appeared. She removed the nightdress and Tara approached and inserted more socks into the bra cups and straightened the straps. "Not great, but it'll do for now. Maybe I'll find something like pads or cotton for when we go to the salon. I am sure the salon has a solution." Robin pulled up the skirt and then the blouse. Finally, leaning on Tara she put on the heels. After a moment of finding her balance, she stood straight. Tara approached with a hairbrush and brushed the medium length hair to a female style. Lipstick and a touch of mascara followed. "I don't use much makeup and am not good at it. But this is just for you to get the feel of it." "What are you going to do at the salon?" Robin asked thoughtfully. "I was going to get my hair cut and styled. Why?" "I thought you might like to also get a makeover. Then when we walk out of the salon it will be as if we are both going to a party." "I didn't reserve an appointment for that." Tara saw the look on Robin's face. But I can call and see if they can fit me in. I know what you mean. I have only one good outfit though. I'll have to wear that. It's a dark blue mini-dress. Not sure what Debby has planned for your outfit. I assume it will also be a dress." "You don't mind doing that?" Tara looked at Robin with a smile. "If it will make you feel better, I will. It's the least that I can do. It will be a celebration of sorts I guess. "I'll make the call to the salon. They may know what you will be wearing." Robin followed Tara into the living area. She got her phone and called. She spoke to Tiffany who was the person Debby said would be in charge. Robin heard Tara ask some questions on the pretext that she wanted to know what else might be needed. All Robin heard was some 'Oh?' and 'I see'. Tara ended the call with a smile. "It seems Debby thought you might agree to the drink etc before and wanted the salon to get forms etc for you. The dress will be similar to the one I described but in a bright red. She couldn't tell me about the wig because she doesn't know what would suit. Debby has described she wants Robin to look elegant." Tara had a big smile on her face. "I am sure this cost a lot and I am surprised Debby would spring for this amount." "What do you mean? Why would she spend so much for a one-time event?" "I have no idea. She must have looked great if Brad raped her on sight. So she can't simulate it if you looked like a plain Jane." Tara faced Robin and kissed her lightly on the lips. She had that smile on her face. "I know it's asking a lot but..." "But what?" Robin asked with a slightly raised voice. "What now?" Tara looked at Robin. "I wanted to ask a favor but it's too much to ask." "What? Why don't you ask and let me decide?" "Well," Tara started, "well, if you get through this tonight without too much trouble or pain, would you like to go out with me as two girls and have that drink and celebrate? Except Robin will be with me and not Debby." Robin stayed silent for a long moment. "You wouldn't mind being seen with me dressed like that? Even if people see me as a man in a dress?" "Robin, there is no way you would look like a man in a dress. Not with all that the salon is planning. Only your voice would be a giveaway. But this is a friendly city and I see crossdressers in the mall. Everybody accepts and acts normal. Besides, I would be very happy to be with you and celebrate whether you are in a dress or pants." Tara paused. "Or even if you are nude. Only if you feel comfortable, of course." "I have no idea what they will do to me, then Debby will attack. But I do have a very good idea of what you and I could do together however we are dressed or undressed. If things go as planned, I will take that drink with you if you don't mind how I will be dressed. I may never get another chance. Happy?" "Oh yes, very," Tara said sinking to her knees. "It seems we have to keep this guy down as he seems very excited at the thought. But I think I know how to take care of it." Within moments Robin's hard member was fully immersed in Tara's warm, moist mouth. It didn't take long for another massive eruption. Tara rose, looked at Robin with a raised eyebrow. She saw the acceptance and kissed her deeply with tongue passing the ejaculate to and from Robin. It was another long kiss and another deeply intimate moment. "So, why don't you relax for a little while and practice walking. I'll go and get some stuff in case we stay home. OK?" "OK," Robin said quietly. "You had better wipe that lipstick off before people get the wrong idea." "What's wrong with kissing my girlfriend on the mouth? It is 2020!" Tara smiled back enjoying the scene. "I don't care what they think! It'll be a lot more than kissing by tomorrow. Besides, your lipstick needs fixing too." Tara left and Robin was left alone dressed. Her thoughts wandered again as to why Rob was doing this. Was it really that important? Why should he have a guilty feeling about Debby when she hadn't even kissed him on the mouth? It didn't seem right. But he had agreed. He and Tara had grown quite close and he was sure they would be great friends and lovers. They both liked the same things. Reluctantly, Rob concluded that he enjoyed the game of dressing. Whilst hesitant at first, he had come to enjoy being Robin. It was hard to explain why he might like the plastic penis in his mouth and anus. He knew that Tara enjoyed the oral part very much. He had tasted his cum through her mouth which seemed to even make it a more intimate moment. He was not at all revolted. It was all very confusing. Finally, in a moment of madness, he had agreed to go and have a drink with Tara after Debby left to celebrate. Robin paced the length of the small hallway and turned into the living area. He tried to sway his hips as Tara had demonstrated. Tara returned about an hour later with several bags in her hand. She had a worried look on her face. "What's the matter?" Robin asked concerned. "Did something happen?" "No, no," she replied, placing her bags on the kitchen table and giving Robin a tight hug. "You were so happy when you left, what happened? Did Debby call?" There was a long pause. Then Tara lifted her head and kissed Robin lightly on the lips. "I'll make some coffee and we can talk." Tara put away her purchases until the coffee was done. They sat at the small table sipping their mugs of coffee. Robin felt the plug sit deeper but there was no pain. "I was thinking that we had agreed that I would meet Debby in her car and wait until she is done. But if she sees me all dressed up, she's going to be even madder and who knows what she will do. Remember, she said she has a gun." Robin took a few sips of coffee deep in thought. "First of all, she doesn't know how you'll be dressed or made-up, so I don't think that's a concern. She does have these strange ideas but I doubt she will walk around with a gun in her purse. Not sure what she will be wearing but you could tell her to keep her purse with you when she exits the car. So, don't worry. We both need to get this behind us and forget Debby." "I guess she won't be able to carry a gun or weapon in her jacket or jeans." "Yes. Also, if you want, you could tell her that I forced you - and paid - to get a makeover as I didn't want to be in the chair alone. You can change back into your nice dress when Debby is gone. You promised to call Debby and tell her when I am ready." "You're right. I am more nervous than you, it seems." "I thought about it a lot. It is totally a weird scene but I think we both need to put this behind us and get to normal." Robin smiled. "We both made promises we have to keep." "Oh? What promise did I make," Tara asked a small smile on her face. "We don't have to wait until tonight I can show you." "Oh, no, Robin. It hasn't been long but each day has brought me closer to you and I am desperate to do the things I want. But, I can also wait a few more hours. I will keep all my promises." "Deal." Robin leaned forward and gave Tara a tender kiss on the lips. "No more talk about this. Let's get it done." Tara hugged Robin. "OK," she said kissing her ear lightly. "It's only 12 so we have about an hour before we need to start getting ready. We have to be at the salon by three. We told Debby around 7.30 so we will have time." "So, what did you get?" Robin asked. "I got some salad stuff and a gourmet Lasagna. Ice cream and a bottle of wine and a small bottle of Tequila. Also a big bag of cotton." Tara pulled a small bag out of her purse. "Tiffany said the dress was red so I went to the Dollar store and found some clip-on earrings. They are big red discs and just clip-on." Tara held them out. "Do you remember I had a room-mate at college who was bi?" "Yes, why?" "She said something before. She suggested that you have a douche - an internal cleaning before lubrication. The cleaner the less pain or discomfort. I got you a pack if you want to use it. It's up to you." Robin stared at the wall. "You and I have no experience and idea about such stuff. I can understand the need for cleanliness." They sat on the small couch for a little. Robin had her arm around Tara. There were long moments of silence and some tender kisses. Each was deep in thought. "It's time to get ready," Tara said and pecked Robin on the lips. They went into the bedroom where Tara undressed Robin. Now, it was a naked Rob that stood there. Tara too undressed completely as Robin watched. It was the first time they had been totally nude in front of each other. Tara opened the pack with the douche and read the instructions. "I will need to insert his back there and fill you up. You have to wait for a little and then expel. They suggest doing this twice and holding it in as long as possible." Rob looked miserable. "What do you want me to do?" "Let me fill this bag and then bend over the sink. It has a smaller nozzle than what you had in there before. Then hold it for as long as possible. Sorry." Tara kissed his cheek. Rob endured the insertion twice and expelled it. That Tara was with him helped him accept the intrusion. Then Tara applied the nair all over his body even going up to his neck and cheeks. She also applied it between his cheeks. He waited patiently and was pleased when he could enter the shower. It was a small cubicle but Tara joined him rubbing him down. They dried off, Tara rubbed some lotion all over Rob's body and legs. Her hands wandered also to the groin area and the growing member. Holding his member in her hand Tara led them back to the bedroom. "This guy needs to stay down tonight. Then he can rise at any time and it won't be a problem." Tara sat on the edge of the bed and gently licked the head. She squeezed the foreskin and poked her tongue into the slit. S moment later the head and slowly she absorbed the whole length. It was slow with frequent stops. She sucked each ball in the sac and teased the penis until it was hard. Then she took him from tip to root several times, massaging the sac. She could feel the pulsing and knew it would soon erupt. Rob was compelled to hold Tara's head lightly when he had the biggest orgasm of his life. Tara didn't stop. She swallowed all and continued to suck. After some minutes she concluded it would be some time before it could rise. "I was not ready to share," Tara said planting a small kiss on the head. "I never enjoyed the two bjs I gave before I met you," Tara said. "I did it because my friend wanted me to, not because I wanted to. And I never did swallow. Now, I can't wait to put it in my mouth, taste it and swallow." Rob gave a small smile still coming down from his ejaculation. "We'll have to use that lubrication after the salon," Tara continued. "But I suggest you use the pad to give a flatter front," Tara suggested and handed Rob a plain cotton panty and a pad. Rob pulled up the panty and pushed his flaccid penis back and slipped in the pad. Tara came to him and pulled it higher and tighter. "I think he'll sleep for some hours and I'll definitely wake him up tonight," she said planting a quick kiss on his lips. "I don't wear stockings as you know and pantyhose may be too much. I am sure the salon has a garter and stockings planned." The bra was next and Tara spent some time padding it out with cotton wool. As much as she was able to pad it in, it still felt softer than natural breasts. It would have to do. Nobody would touch them except Tara. The brightly colored sundress was next. Tara pulled it down so that it fitted Rob's frame well. A broad stretch belt went around the waist. Next came the 2" heels. Robin was quite comfortable in them now. Tara kissed Robin lightly on the lips and applied a dark cherry lipstick. This was Tara's normal color. She left Robin for a moment and came back with the clip-on earrings. These were simple red discs but suited the colors of the dress. "I don't have a wig for you but we can use a broad straw hat that I have. It'll cover your head till we get to the salon. I haven't worn it in years." Tara went to her small cupboard and pulled something from the top shelf. She straightened out the rim and placed it on Robin's head. "I can't see any hair but the hat will hide hair anyway." Robin looked at the small mirror over the dresser. She could not see her full figure. The body appeared to have the right curves. The face with the gash of color was hidden by the brim of the hat and would pass cursory inspection. Whilst Robin was admiring herself, Tara was getting ready. She wore her standard skirt and blouse and low heeled shoes. A dash of lipstick and she was ready. Earlier she had put her cocktail dress into the plastic carrier as she wanted to change at the salon. They had facilities as Robin was going to change there. Tara called an Uber and waited for it to arrive. She could feel Robin's anxiety and held his hand tightly. "Don't worry," she said reassuringly. "I will be with you and we'll have a little time when we come back here. Just speak softly if you have to. The salon knows who you are and why you are doing this." She hugged Robin. They walked down the short flight of stairs to the Uber. It was a short fifteen-minute drive to the salon. They didn't speak. Tara sat very close to Robin with thighs touching. The salon was located in a smaller strip mall with a series of small shops. It didn't appear to have any distinguishing features. There was a series of large pictures in the window. Tara knocked and entered. A small bell rang. She was holding Robin's hand. As they walked in they could see just four salon chairs, two in a row opposite each other. Large brightly lit mirrors were on one wall and the two chairs on the opposite wall had sinks facing them. Obviously, two chairs were for makeovers and the other for hair styling. Several rooms were leading off a short corridor. "Tiffany?" Tara asked the lady wearing a smock. She was about Tara's height but with a heavier build and rather heavy makeup for daytime salon work. "Yes. You must be Tara and Rob." Debby had obviously forgotten to tell Tiffany that it was Robin. "Alyssa and Martha are at the back getting everything ready. " Tara was surprised there were no other clients. Normally a Saturday should see a busy salon. Tiffany saw Tara's questioning look but ignored the unasked question. "Did you depilate thoroughly?" Tiffany asked. "Yes," Robin said softly. "Good. It will be easier and quicker." "What has Debby planned?" Tara asked. "You know we are going to a party as three girls." Tiffany's smile indicated that Debby had shared more with Tiffany than just a regular transformation. "She said she wanted Robin looking a 'hot bitch' if I remember the exact words," Tiffany replied. "It's good that you also want a makeover so we can try to keep it to a similar glamour look." "I brought my dress so I can get changed with Robin if that is OK," Tara asked. "Sure, we have everything planned back there. Alyssa and Martha will help Robin change. Alyssa and I'll be doing the makeovers. It is better to change first before the makeover," Tiffany explained. "I can do your hair whilst they are getting Rob ready." "Oh, I wanted to watch what they are doing," Tara said seeing the anxiety on Robin's face. "I got Robin to dress like this to come here but she has never dressed before. She is a little nervous." Rob could have come here in jeans and a T-shirt but Tara couldn't imagine this salon was empty. Tiffany had a small grin on her face. "For the first time, she looks OK. But we have to make her a beautiful doll." Tiffany's smile and demeanor caused Robin to be even more nervous. "We'll have to start. We need to finish by six as we have two customers coming then. Let's go to the back." Tara and Robin wondered at who might be coming so late. They didn't ask glad that they might be alone in the shop without outside observers. Tiffany led them down the short corridor to a room at the back where two ladies were waiting. There was a waxing table in the middle of the room and some curtained cubicles where customers could change. One cubicle had the curtain drawn, the other three cubicles had open curtains. "Rob, why don't you undress and remove everything except your panty or underwear," Tiffany suggested. "Alyssa and Martha know what we have to do." "I think we need to call her Robin," Tara said. "Rob won't fit the girl he'll become." Tara was trying to reduce Rob's anxiety. Rob hung up the hat and with Tara's help stepped out of the dress. Tara unhooked the bra and Rob was now left in the panty. "OK, Robin. Let's see your body and what we have to do.," Martha said. She was slim and had a pleasant face. Robin stepped forward nervously as Martha ran her hands over his nude body, from the chest to legs. "You did a good job with the hair. We won't have a problem with the breast forms," she said Robin looked at Tara for some kind of explanation. She assumed the dress would cover the breast forms inserted into the bra. "Robin, please lie down on the table," Martha requested. "Just for perfection, Martha took a razor and pulling down the panty scraped away the sparse public hair into a straight line. "If you want, we can trim the hair down there into a nice shape." "Why?" was all Robin was able to squeak out. "The dress will cover everything won't it?" "Oh yes, but it looks prettier if it is trimmed down. But you can do that later." Martha was smiling at Robin's discomfort. Alyssa brought a box to Martha and some sachets. "Now you have to lie still until this sets." "What sets?" Tara asked interrupting Robin's question. "Well, because of the cur of the dress, we are supposed to attach the forms to the chest with medical adhesive." "What?" Robin shouted "Well, the dress is low cut and will show some cleavage. A full bra would be visible. So we need to use a demi-bra." Martha's explanation was professional. "How does she take it off?" Tara asked. "It can't stay on for days." "Oh, no. You can keep it glued for some hours or up to a week probably. But we have a solvent that allows easy removal whenever you want." "I don't think Robin was expecting that for one night. Can't you just insert them?" Tara asked moving to Robin and holding his hand. "I don't think it will work as the dress is cut low. But we'll give you the solvent and you can help her remove them. Just rub the solvent around the edges and apply more as you lift them off. It is not too bad and won't hurt. Alyssa, please get the bottle from the cupboard. Some Drag performers do this daily," Martha smiled. "We have a few regulars who come here for makeovers and a body transformation. I think we have two coming tonight. They like to go out to clubs all glammed up." Martha opened the box and took two jelly-like forms that truly resembled natural breasts. The edges were thin and almost transparent. Robin couldn't see much but gripped Tara's hands tightly as Martha laid the forms on his chest. She then used the sachet and cleaned around the chest area. Then she sprayed the underside of the forms and positioned them, one at a time on Robin's chest. She pressed down firmly and ran her fingers around the edge of the form. Even at close range, Tara had a hard time seeing where the edge and Robin's body met. "We were told to use C sized forms," Martha explained. "They are a little bigger than normal for his frame but that was what the lady requested. Robin, you can sit up now but be careful of the pull. They are the weight of a natural breast and move like real ones too." Martha inspected the edges. "Sometimes we use a little concealer to hide the edges," she said in a matter of fact voice. "I don't think we need to do that here." Robin struggled up and Tara held on to her hand. She was amazed that the breasts looked so natural and were probably the same size and shape as her own. Even though she knew they were not real, seeing them on Robin brought back memories of her college room-mate who walked about their dorm room bare-breasted from time to time. "When you stand, you can hold them to relieve the pull on your skin," Martha said. "When we have that demi bra and dress on you'll have plenty of support." Robin's face had a mixture of horror and curiosity. What else would she need to endure? Thank God Tara was here and had the solvent. She felt the weight as soon as she stood up. She understood why ladies needed to wear bras. "You are slim so we don't need a full corset. But we will use a cincher to take your waist in a little. It also has the tabs to hold up your stockings. Today we will use a special strapless bra as the dress has no straps." Alyssa held out a garment and Martha wrapped it around Robin's new breasts and attached it firmly at the back. Robin felt immediate relief. She looked dazed at the two rather large globes at her breast. They looked so natural. Tara had an enigmatic smile on her face as she stroked a breast. "Wow, it'd hard to tell the difference." "Yes," Martha smiled. "Some of our customers who dress surprise their boyfriends until they reach down lower." Martha's smile indicated what some of her customers liked to do. The difference here was that both Robin and Debby knew in advance what was down below. Alyssa then handed Martha a garment with gooks in front and laces hanging from it. It was tied around Robin's waist and pulled tight. The waist was drawn in by several inches. The tabs for the stockings hung down. It was constricting but Robin accepted this torture in silence. "Now, if you were going all out to please we would use a longer girdle and pad out your behind so you would have a truly great figure. We were told that that was not needed but to use a tight panty to flatten the front." Martha was a professional but she had dealt with these crossdressers before. The only reason to not use the girdle was for easy access to the back. She wondered briefly what the intention was here but kept a straight face. Robin did not appear the type to want quick fun. Her girlfriend was also in the act so something was going on. Alyssa knelt at Robin's feet and rolled up a shiny pair of stockings up her legs attaching them firmly to the tabs. Tara watched in amazement as Robin's female form changed before her eyes. Her figure was not as shapely and Robin's bust was as big as her own. She was also surprised at herself for admiring the transformation and the thought of a lesbian affair. She knew full well what Robin had between her legs but this was a new and exciting adventure she could never have imagined. "We have some shoes you need to try. I hope you will find them comfortable." Alyssa brought out two shoe boxes. The first box contained some red heels, probably about 4" in height, with a sequin finish. Alyssa lifted Robin's leg and fitted the shoe. Then the other foot, "How do they feel?" Tara asked helping Robin. "Take a few steps." With Tara's arm around her waist, Robin took a few steps. "OK," Robin replied softly. "Let's try the other and you can decide. You have to spend the whole evening in them so make sure you are comfortable, especially if you are dancing or standing around for some time," Martha suggested. Alyssa slipped off the shoes and replaced them with the other pair. Once again with Tara's arm around her waist Robin walked a few steps. "So, what do you think?" Tara asked. "You have to be honest." Robin looked at Tara and then at her feet. "I think the other pair is better." It was the first time she said anything since this process started. "Makes sense," Martha interrupted. "They are somewhat wider. I am glad you shoes that pair. They are more stylish for evening wear." Alyssa took the shoes off and Robin felt the tension in her calves' ease, Tara's shoes were more comfortable and she hadn't felt any pain. "Let's get the dress on her," Martha said opening the section that was curtained off. "Tara, why don't you get dressed too so we can start on the makeovers at the same time?" There was the red dress that Tiffany had mentioned to Tara. "We'll pull this over your head," Martha said and slipped the dress off the hanger. Meanwhile, Tara was hurrying to change into her cocktail dress and shoes. Martha asked her to stretch her hands upwards and pushed the dress onto Robin. The dress was tugged into place over the bust. It was made of some stretch material and clung to Robin's slender frame. The sleeves were off the shoulder and attached to the dress under the arm. The top of the breast was very evident and the globes looked very natural. Robin tried to peek down the dress but the globes prevented her from seeing the full length. It appeared very short and ended well above the knee. Tara suddenly appeared and gasped. The dress clung to Robin's narrow frame and looked extremely sexy. The sleeves off the shoulder added a touch of glamour. "You look amazing," she said enthusiastically. Robin's face was blank. She wondered why her new girlfriend found her in a dress she described as amazing. With Robin's fair coloring, the red dress would definitely draw attention. The prominent bust line would only add to the spectacle. Alyssa knelt at Robin's feet and slipped on the sequined heels. Tara came immediately to Robin and hugged her and helped her find her balance and walk a few steps with her arm around Robin's waist. It didn't take long for Robin to find her balance. Tara guided Robin to a long mirror on a stand near the curtained area. For the first time, Rob was able to see 'Robin' in the full-length mirror. From neck to toe, Robin was the very form of a slender female with a prominent bust; certainly a magnet of attention anywhere she went. Whilst Tara looked very pretty in her black velvet cocktail dress, the two of them side by side was a study in contrast below the neck: a black velvet cocktail dress and a red outfit; both outfits hugged the wearer's frame. "It's past 4.00 and we still have to do the makeovers," Martha said. "Tara, do you want your hair set and styled? We should have time depending on what you want." Tara looked at Robin. "If you can style my hair in a neat bob without washing that would be great. Then the makeover and I think we should be done by 6. You said others were coming." "I think we'll manage," Martha said. "Let's go to the salon. I assume you both want matching looks. Debby never mentioned that Tara would be here. But she did tell us to go all out with Robin." "Yes, well, we want to look good," Tara replied. "Of course we need Robin looking great." "Debby said you were going to a party so I guess we'll need you both with heavier evening makeup." "Did Debby explain what is happening tonight?" Tara asked quietly. "Of course," Martha replied with a laugh. "We think it's a hoot to have her male replacement at work come in drag to her leaving party. She said Rob was a good sport to agree to dress up." Tara looked at Robin. So this was the story Debby gad told to explain Robin's transformation. Martha and Alyssa were talking in soft tones. Robin and Tara walked to the salon area trying to absorb their pending transformations. They were seated side by side in front of the mirrors surrounded by bright lights. Martha and Alyssa wrapped capes around the two. Robin had to stop admiration of her upper female form. Martha felt Robin's face. "It is smooth but we can't risk 5'O clock shadow. So, I'll have to shave you." Alyssa was instantly at her side with a bowl of foam which Martha applied liberally to Rob's face and neck. A cutthroat razor applied in her hand. She began to shave Robin sat there still. A slip and her throat would be cut. Martha was obviously experienced in doing this as in a few moments Robin's face was baby smooth. She rubbed some soothing lotion into the skin. Meanwhile, Alyssa pulled up a small stool to Tara's chair and began to work on her nails. She filed and shaped them and then added extensions. Then, she applied several coats of bright red color. Tara watched as her bails grew far beyond their original size. Using a computer and doing chores would be difficult. But for tonight, they would look fabulous. "Martha will cut and style your hair whilst I do Robin's nails," Alysa said. Tara's nails looked fabulous and her fingers longer. "Then I'll do your evening makeup and Martha will do Robin's." Martha came to Tara's station. "I don't think we need to do much unless you want a completely different style. I can trim it and style it. Or do you want more?" "No, that would be perfect," Tara said. "I like the current length as it is easy to maintain. Haven't been to a salon in months." "Yes, dear, I can see that." Martha went to work on Tara's hair combing and snipping. Meanwhile, Robin was having her nails done. Alyssa used the same nails as for Tara and glued them in place. She painted them the same bright red color as Tara's. Robin watched with mixed emotions. The nails made his fingers look slender and longer. She hoped very much Tara gad a solution to remove them before work on Monday. There was no way he could turn up for work with nails like that. She tried to look at Tara who smiled back reassuringly. She was sure Tara had that solution covered. "Next time we should also do your toe-nails. They will look fabulous with open-toe pumps," Alyssa volunteered. Robin had a hard time explaining that there would not be a next time and said "Yes" softly. She sat quietly admiring her nails as Martha finished with Tara's cut. "OK, ladies, now for the makeup," Martha said. "Obviously we will have to use a much heavier makeup on Robin as she'll be the star tonight. But Tara, you'll look fabulous too. First question: eyebrows. We can't match Tara's thinner eyebrows to Robin's. So we can wax them to look more arched and feminine or I can cover them up and paint them on. This is quite popular with our customers." "I don't think we want to shave or trim Robin's eyebrows," Tara replied. "If you can cover them it may be better. Agreed, Robin?" "Yes," was Robin's soft reply. She would never be able to go out as Rob without eyebrows. "I guess," Martha said. "Debby may be disappointed as she has really thin arched brows." Alyssa stood by Martha with something in her hand. It was a wig cap. Martha pulled this tight over Robin's head and then use a clear tape across the top from the right forehead corner to the left corner of the neck and vice versa. The head now looked bald. "We clip the wig to the net so you can move your head and dance without the wig becoming askew. It will stay in play even during sexual games." Robin and Tara had the same thought: Martha had no idea but guessed correctly at tonight's planned event. Martha used a glue stick to pastedown Robin's eyebrows. They now lay flat against the skin. Robin tried to absorb how Martha applied concealer and then a thick foundation with many layers of powder to reduce her face and neck to a blank canvas. Using a stencil, Martha painted on two eyebrows with a dark brown color. They were perfect matching arches higher than the natural brow line. Bow there was ample room for various colors of eyeshadow. Robin tried to see what Alyssa was doing with Tara but she had to restrict her head movements. Martha applied shades of grey and red shadow, blending them with a white highlight below the painted brows. Robin stared fascinated at the transformation and trying to forget what would be happening later. After lining the upper lid with a thick black line, a thinner line was drawn on the bottom. To her surprise, Martha glued on some rather long lashes causing the eyes to be large windows of her face. Many layers of mascara were next. A dark pink rouge was blended up the cheekbones before Martha painstakingly outlined Robin's lips with a dark red pencil. A bright red lipstick was applied with a brush. Robin was asked to press her lips against a tissue and may more layers were applied. Then, even more layers of gloss sealed in the color. "Don't look so surprised. With this base girls can kiss or do other things with their mouth without smudging their lipstick too much," Martha explained with a smile. "We'll put a tube of lipstick in your purse so you can touch up your lips. There is also a small kit for other repairs to your face in a small kit." Martha looked at Robin's face and smiled. "Just a few more things and you'll look gorgeous. See Tara?" Robin and Tara now looked at each with shock and excitement. Both had the same lipstick but Tara's eyes looked different. She also had large eyelashes with many applications of mascara but they seemed shorter than Robin's. Tara smiled at Robin and mouthed 'beautiful'. Alyssa stood next to Martha with something in her hand blocking Tara's view of Robin. In a moment something cool touched her ear and then she felt a sting. Martha inserted a long earring with three bright ruby red oval stones. "We need to do the other ear too," Martha said and moved to the other side. Robin suddenly had two long dangling earrings. "Sorry, Robin. But if I asked you may have said 'no'. I can explain away not reshaping your brows, but not earrings. We are not supposed to use these long earrings after a piercing, just studs but we have no time. As you may know, if you take them off and never insert an earring again, the holes will heal without a mark. You need to clean them every day and you could try studs at night and remove them at work. But many young men have pierced ears now." Alyssa placed a ring on Robin's right hand that had a matching stone to the earrings. "Now, for the hair." Martha had selected three wigs in different styles: a curly dark blonde, shorter redhead and shoulder-length brunette. She placed each on Robin's head. "I think with Robin's coloring and dress, the blonde is the only fit." Martha tugged the wig into place and pushed the curls up in an updo style and secured them with a clip. Some curls fell around Robin's ears. She was the ultimate starlet with a red carpet look. The wig was secured by pins clipped discreetly to the cap. "All set, you both can now get up and admire yourselves. I must say, you both look fabulous." Martha was very proud of her achievement. "It's 5.45 and just in time." Robin and Tara stared at each other. Both their transformations were spectacular. Tara had a big smile on her face as she pressed herself to Robin careful not to disturb the makeup. "You look gorgeous," Tara said. "I can't believe it. Look at me? I have never had so much makeup and the lashes? My mum wouldn't recognize me." "Yes," Robin replied softly blinking her large eyelashes. "You do look fabulous. Can't wait to see Debby's reaction." "Shock, surprise and jealousy all missed up. Careful, though, it may make her more aggressive." "Martha, can you please take pictures of us individually top half and a full length? Also two of us together?" Tara asked. "Yes, but I have a suggestion before we do that. Tara, you look beautiful but may I suggest garters, stockings and a pair of higher heels? We have everything here." Tara looked at Martha and then at Robin. It was true. Robin was a stunner and she needed to match her style. Robin saw her hesitation. "Don't worry," said. "I'll be happy to pay for them." "Don't worry about payment. Debby left her credit card here and said to do anything we wanted. She didn't mention you but she won't notice." Martha smiled. "She didn't want a makeover from us which was a surprise." Obviously Martha suspected there was more to all of this. "Come with me," She held out her hand to Tara. Robin watched her walk away with Martha. She did look beautiful and Robin looked forward to enjoying her Robin time with a glammed up Tara. She tried not to think of what would happen later. Tara would be at her side and she felt strength from her support. Some twenty minutes later Tara returned beaming. She had grey stockings and heels as tall as Robin's. This was the highest heels Tara had ever worn. Although her calf muscles were straining, she saw the look of admiration on Robin's face and decided that if Robin could endure it, so could she. Tara gave Martha her iPhone and Martha asked them to pose and took many pictures in many different poses. Tara and Robin posed hugging each other and arms around each other's waist. They wanted to share a kiss and brought their painted mouth close but not touching. Martha approved and encouraged other sexy poses. "We need to call an Uber," Tara suggested. "What about the clothes? When do we return them?" "Nothing to return. Debby has bought everything. Why don't you both come back next weekend and we'll do it again?" Martha had a big smile on her face. "We'll call," Tara said, linked arms with Robin and thanked Martha and Alyssa who handed them a bag with their clothes and shoes. Just as they were leaving two gents arrived. Martha's next customers. "I can't believe how we look," Tara said. "You're a knockout and much better looking than Debby or me even when we are dolled up." "In some strange way, I am excited too. I don't know why and what will happen later," Robin said softly. "I am tempted to go back and use my strap-on before Debby does you. I can't believe how turned on I am by my special boy-girlfriend." Before Robin could reply, the Uber arrived and they slid in. They entered the apartment and hugged each other tightly. Tara could feel the way Robin's breasts pressed against hers. It was a new experience. They wanted desperately to kiss but knew they couldn't afford to mess up their lipstick. They just looked at each other and used the tips of their tongues. "Robin, it's just 8.20 now. I'll send Debby a text to say you will be ready by 7.30 pm. Maybe she can come earlier. But, we have to do something first." Tara saw how Robin's mood changed. "Sorry, but it is necessary. Then I need to change into a more simple dress. I can't change the makeup unless you want to stay in." "Can I decide after Debby leaves?" Robin asked. "Of course." Tara led Robin by the hand to the bathroom. Robin leaned over the sink whilst Tara pulled down Robin's panty. She rubbed his cheeks and stroked the tops of his stockings. With gloved fingers, she inserted the lubricant into Robin's puckered hole. This was not new for Robin but she squirmed as Tara went in as deep as she could. "I think we need to do something else too, Can you please turn?" Tara sat on the toilet seat and pulled down Robin's panty carefully. She took out his cock which was still limp and kissed the tip. She tore open a packet and pulled a condom over his cock. "I'm sure I can bring you to life again later," Tara said pulling the penis back between Robin's legs. She put the liner in and pulled the panty up tight. "I don't think she'll pull down your panty. She just needs access. So she may not even notice the liber," Tara said thoughtfully. After straightening out the dress and making sure everything was in place, Tara led Robin back to the living area. She put some sachets on the low table. "If possible, get her to use the condom on the strap on before she puts it back there." There was a message on Tara's phone. Debby was leaving and would be there with thirty minutes. She would text Tara as she approached so Tara could wait in her car. That was ten minutes ago. Tara saw the nervous look on Robin's face. Despite the heavy makeup, her anxiety was evident. Tara hugged her tight whispering, "It'll soon be over." Robin stood there passively. "Where do you want to be when she enters?" Tara asked. "Standing, sitting?" Robin shook her head. "Don't know." "I suggest you stand around here so she'll see you as she walks into the living area. I think she will also be nervous and want it over quickly." Robin said nothing and had that dejected look. It was just moments away and she would experience humiliation and even pain. The ping came. "I am double-parked at the entrance." Tara showed the message to Robin. "Be brave, my darling. I'll be thinking of you every second. I promise you it will be over soon. Let that drive your thoughts - and what will come later tonight." Tara pecked Robin on the lips, gathered her phone and purse, blew Robin a kiss and left. The door was unlocked. Debby was waiting at the entrance. As luck would have it she had managed to find a spot in the visitor's park of her building. She was dressed in jeans and a T-Shirt and wore a baseball cap. There was not a trace of makeup on her face. She threw the keys at Tara and pointed to her car. "Is the bitch ready?" she asked in a gruff voice staring at Tara's normal clothes but fully made up. She stared at Tara's face. "Robin wanted me to be there and they wouldn't let me sit there occupying a chair. So Robin asked them to do my face too," Tara explained. Tara just nodded. There was no way to change things. Debby knew the apartment and entered the building. Tara went to the car trying to imagine what Robin was feeling. She hoped it would be over soon. Debby's car was just a few steps away and appeared full of boxes on the back seat and some other items on the passenger seat. Tara climbed into the driver's seat wondering what Debby had in the boxes. On the passenger seat, there was a bag that appeared to contain bottles of water and bags of crisps and snack bars. There was also an open carton of cigarettes, a lighter and a pack that must have just been opened. The interior smelled of smoke. Tara didn't wander too much at the contents of the bag. She was worried about what Robin was experiencing. She wished she could be there. Robin looked beautiful and she was surprised at the transformation. With nothing to do she took out a cigarette and decided to smoke to pass the time. Her mind was in turmoil. She took deeper drags. She was an occasional smoker but now needed the cigarette to occupy her fingers as she tried to imagine Robin's plight. She was barely at the end of the cigarette when she heard a ping. It sounded like a text message and it wasn't from her phone. The ping sounded again. Curious, she looked around and found Debby's phone in the bag with the water and snacks. She stubbed out her cigarette and pulled out the iPhone. The message was from Brad. The message was short. 'When are you leaving?" Tara's fingers were shaking as she lit another cigarette and tapped the message. She had seen Debby's passcode as she wanted to introduce Tiffany. Tara had mentioned that the password was not really secure with 1, 2, 3, and 4. Tara threw her inner thoughts away and opened the phone looking at the series of messages. She smoked rapidly as she read through them. A sudden urge caused her to respond. Was Debby planning to go back to Texas? Was that the reason for the water and snacks? The boxes at the back? Tara felt betrayed. Clearly, Debby had some plans to return to Texas. As she scrolled through the messages she saw the many messages with 'Sorry for what I did', 'Come back and be my wife', 'I promise I'll do anything you want'. A wicked thought entered Tara's mind. She typed a response to Brad. 'Just finishing drinks with my friends and hoping to leave soon. I hope you keep your promises.' The reply was instant. 'Can't wait. And yes I will keep my promise to do whatever you want.' 'I talked to the therapist and she has taught me a lot. She said I should be more accommodating.' Tara typed. 'What do you want me to do?' Tara stubbed out the cigarette, immediately lit another, thinking. 'Therapist says I must learn to please you and suck your cock and do it every day and swallow. She also thinks you should fuck my other holes as often as you can. That I would learn to like it. I must learn to give you pleasure.' 'You sure?' 'Yes, it's the best way to put what happened behind me. I reacted badly in surprise. But I will suck you every day if you want.' 'Well, babe, that's a promise I'll hold you to. I can't wait to see you. I'll make sure your other holes are filled regularly too.' 'Remember that. If I protest, show me this message and I'll remember what the therapist said.' 'Absolutely.' 'I have to go back to my friends. I will message you later.' Tara smiled as she took a deep drag on the cigarette. She had smoked four cigarettes in rapid succession; some only part smoked. Her smile was broken by Debby's message that she was done. Tara put the pack of cigarettes and lighter into her purse and put Debby's phone back into the bag. She might need some nicotine later depending on how she found Robin. She hoped Robin was OK and exited the car leaving the keys in the ignition. She hurried out and met Debby at the entrance. "Keys are in the ignition," was all Tara said as she hurried past. Tara burst through the door into the living space. Robin lay over the arm of the couch, leaning on her elbows, behind up in the air and dress pulled up with the strap on still partially buried in her behind. "Robin, are you alright?" Tara asked trying to take in the scene. "Am OK," came the brief response. "Hold still, babe, let me take this out." Tara gently eased the plastic penis out of Robin and pulled up the liner and panty. Tara went around and helped Robin up. They looked at each other and hugged tightly. "Are you really OK? Did she hurt you?" Tara asked concerned. Robin shook her head. "I'm glad we prepared. She was more nervous than me." Tara kissed Robin lightly. Her lipstick was barely smudged and Tara was curious as to what happened. Robin's makeup still looked pretty good. She couldn't wait to tell Robin of her exploits in the car. "Are you sore back there?" Tara asked. "Not really," Robin said softly still standing. "Want to celebrate? I'll open the prosecco." Tara paused. "You really do look beautiful." Robin followed Tara to the kitchenette as she opened the bottle and poured out two small glasses. They toasted. "I'll save this for later," Tara said re-sealing the bottle. They walked back to the living space leaning against each other. Robin sat on the arm of the couch, Tara remained standing by her side. Each had questions and was waiting for the right moment. "You look beautiful. I bet Debby was surprised." Robin thought for a moment. "In a way, I was glad to look that way. She spent the first five minutes cursing and calling me all kinds of names. She pushed me on my knees..." "Just a moment, babe," Tara said seeing something on the floor. She bent down and picked up an envelope. It was addressed to Tara and Rob and obviously from Debby. Tara's hand began to tremble as she tried to open it. She stopped for a moment, found her purse and took out the open pack of cigarettes she had found in Debby's car. She lit one, staring at the envelope. Robin could see Tara's indecision as she inhaled rapidly. Robin gently prized the letter from Tara's hands. "So what did Debby tell you?" Robin asked. "Nothing. Threw me the keys and walked in. Didn't appear to be in a good mood. I was nervous waiting in the car. Debby had several packs of cigarettes open. So I decided to smoke to pass the time. I was nervous for you and looked for a lighter and heard a beep. She had left her cell phone in the car. I saw it was from Brad. There was a whole thread between them over many weeks. Debby had planned this for some time, I think." "Didn't you say you wanted to invite your new girlfriend for a drink tonight to celebrate?" Robin interrupted seeing Tara's anxiety. "You can tell me later. If you change back into the other dress, and fix my makeup or whatever, we can have a drink and some food. I am hungry." Tara continued to smoke looking at Robin. "We can read that note or whatever tomorrow," Robin continued, standing up and wrapping her arms around Tara. Robin took the end of the cigarette from Tara and stubbed it out in the plastic plant on the table. She led Tara to the bedroom. It took another thirty minutes for both to get ready. Tara changed into the cocktail dress and heels, repaired Robin's lipstick and ensured her dress was sitting perfectly. Robin looked content that the ordeal was over. Both were curious as to hear about what had transpired but tried to curb their impatience. It was a Saturday. Just a little after 8.30 pm and the two girls were ready. They called an Uber. Just as they descended the stairs, Tara's mood changed and she began to laugh. "What's so funny?" Robin asked. "I'll tell you and show you later. Debby has left for Texas tonight and won't be back. I think Brad will have a lot of fun with her. We can have a drink so I can show you off and then have a snack in the caf?. OK?" "OK. I don't understand," Robin replied. "She left for Texas after all of this?" Just as Tara was about to reply, the Uber arrived. Tara gave the driver instructions to a large hotel snout fifteen minutes from her apartment. Discreetly, she pressed against Robin who didn't speak a word. The two ladies were admired as they walked comfortably with arms linked into the bar. Robin looked straight ahead and avoided eye contact. Tara was mumbling about how this was a popular bar with locals and out of town visitors. The bar in the hotel was busy but some tables were still available and they spotted one in a corner. Tara went to the bar and got them drinks of a cold Chardonnay. Tara pulled out her phone and placed it on the small table. "So, Robin my love, tell me everything and don't miss any details." She paused. "I could get used to having a drink with my beautiful girlfriend in hot spots like this. Everybody is looking at us." Robin took a sip of her wine, noting the smudge mark on the rim of the glass and spoke in a low voice. "I stood in the same spot when Debby walked in. She looked at me startled. I don't know what she was expecting but I don't think she expected me to look good. She approached me with an angry stare. I thought she was going to hit me. Then she started shouting at me, calling me a bitch, slut, etc and did I want to attract men and su....." Robin looked at Tara. She didn't want to complete the sentence. "I can imagine," Tara said placing a hand over Robin's. "This went on for some minutes and she pushed me on my knees. I knew what was coming. She was wearing a strap on but it was like the one you have. I expected bigger. You saw it. She pushed it in hard. She continued to say I was a faggot and only good for pleasing men. It was probably just a little more than 7 minutes when she removed it." Robin paused and took a sip of her drink. "I don't think she had used one before." Tara smiled. "I hadn't used one until a few days ago either," Tara admitted with a smile. "Go on." "Debby asked me to get up which was difficult. I had to grab the edge of the table. She pushed me over the end of the couch, pulled up the dress and pushed my panty down. I positioned myself on my elbows to make it easier. She just thrust in hard but didn't go the full depth. She was calling me all kinds of names in the process, got tired I guess and left it in me. You saw that." "Yes, I'm so glad she didn't go mad and hurt you. Shall we have some dinner and I can tell you my side?" "Yes, something small would be good." They finished their drinks and walked out arm in arm to the caf? at the other end of the lobby. Tara assumed that onlookers thought they were a lesbian couple. She didn't care, the ordeal was over and she could have a normal relationship with Rob or Robin. She was curious about what was in the envelope but it didn't seem important. Over a light dinner of soup and a salad with a shared fish dish, Tara explained what had happened in the car as she waited for Debby to finish. "You mean this was some kind of setup? But to what end? If she was going back to Brad, I don't see the point. She must have spent a lot of money on this." "I don't understand it either. But Debby will have some ordeals of her own when she meets Brad," Tara smiled mischievously. "Ordeals?" Robin inquired. "Of course. Just as I found the lighter and lit the cigarette, her phone pinged with a message. She had left it in the bag with some snacks and drinks. Brad was asking when Debby was leaving. That explained the boxes and stuff in the car. I saw her passcode when she called Tiffany. It was just 1234. Remember how she had told me she hated doing thigs with her mouth and back hole? Well, Brad will be demanding that daily. I also told Brad that he should use all of her openings regularly even if she wasn't in the mood. She'll have fun every day," Tara looked at Robin for a moment. "So did you make up your mind yet?" Robin looked at her. "About what?" "Well, I want to make plans with my new girlfriend next weekend. Dinner, dancing and a lot more after that. I'll call Tiffany for an appointment." Robin looked serious and thought for a long moment. A big smile broke out on her red lips. "Well, what you suggested for Debby was quite wicked, I think. She'll hate it. So, if you want to be with Robin next weekend and whenever you want, perhaps you should be 'punished' into doing the same." Robin held up her glass and looked at Tara. Tara looked pensive for a moment and broke out into a big smile. "I agree if you promise to use all my openings as Rob or Robin, starting tonight. Unlike Debby, I am going to enjoy it in all three places." Tara leaned forward and kissed Robin lightly on the lips, oblivious to all in the caf?. "Sealed with a kiss and let's go. It seems I have work to do tonight and I hope my girlfriend is up to it. Also, I want to read that letter." Robin gave Tara her credit card and asked her to get the check. As soon as they were back in her apartment, Tara pounced sealing their lips in a long, tongue dancing kiss. Robin was pressed against the door. Slowly, she went down on her knees her eyes never leaving Robin's. She pulled down Robin's panty and liner and freed Robin's penis. A few strokes and it began to grow after its long imprisonment. "I am starting my punishment now," she said as she licked the head and slowly began to take it in deeper. A few minutes later, Robin was erupting deep in her throat. "Let's not spoil that great dress, I am sure you'll need it in the next few weeks," Tara said and helped Robin out of the dress and left her standing in bra, panty, stockings and heels. She hung up the dress and removed all her outer garments too. Both were now similarly attired. Tara brought Robin to the living space. "I'll get us a drink and we can read Debby's letter. I need your little guy fully ready when he gives me my next punishment," Tara brought out the two glasses and a saucer and sat at the corner of the couch. She invited Robin to lie down wither her head on Tara's lap, legs over the other end. She leaned down and gave Robin a tender kiss. She reached for her purse and took out a cigarette and lit it. She gave Robin, Debby's letter. "Please read it out loud." Robin raised her head, took a sip of her drink and lay down again. She opened the letter and started reading. It was in a hasty scrawl but legible. 'Tara and Rob, you are both stupid fucking bitches. You thought I didn't notice when you guys would talk and leave me out. I know you have been meeting and I even saw you guys kissing in the carpark as I left. You were probably laughing at me as you fucked at night. Tara you are welcome to that stupid sissy who so readily agreed to be used. Enjoy fucking his mouth and arse as I will be. I will take out all my anger and frustration and put it all behind me. It was not my therapist who suggested this. I know Brad wouldn't let me fuck his arse. He's a man's man unlike that wimp you are interested in. What man would allow a girl to fuck his arse? Sissy Robin accepted it all too easily. By the time you read this letter, I will be on my way back to Texas to Brad and I will marry him soon. He has promised to do as I ask and not repeat his mistake. Have fun with each other. The money I spent on changing Rob was cheaper than therapy. It will show him what a sissy he can be. As for you, Tara, I'll leave you my toy so you can fuck him like I will have done.' Debby Tara laughed as Robin finished the letter. "What's so funny?" Robin asked. "I was just thinking. Who is the stupidest bitch? When she reads the texts between herself and Brad she'll be mad. In the texts she asked Brad to fuck her in all three openings regularly. I mean I asked on her behalf. Brad loved the idea." Tara finished her cigarette and drank the last of her drink. Her left hand went to Robin's exposed penis and began to stroke it. She saw it stirring and stood up. "I'm glad it's over and now I think it is time for you to punish me again. I am ready for you in my normal hole." Tara led a willing Robin to the bedroom. "If you don't perform well and bring me off, I'll have to punish you too," Robin looked at her with raised eyebrows. It was strange to see those painted lines move up. "What do you mean?" she asked softly. "Just remember who has the solvent. I might like you as Robin until you punish me properly." Tara smiled. "I would feel very guilty too if I don't use my strap-on in both of Robin's holes. I will finish what Debby started." They both smiled. It was going to be a long night and Sunday. "I guess we'll both have to accept our punishments as best we can," Robin said and kissed Tara hard.

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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

3 years ago
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On a fine winter morning, I was reading newspaper. My eyes got stuck on an advertisement of a worldwide contest being sponsored by National Geographic Channel inviting candidates for sending documentary films to them on various genres like adventure, wildlife, natural beauty etc.,indicating that they will give one million dollar cash prize and an exclusive award to the winning documentary.I, being a professional videographer myself got interested in taking part in this contest. I thought to...

3 years ago
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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 21 Guilt

I let Greta into the room in the morning. I wasn’t really surprised to find Honey gone when I got up in the morning. Greta sat me on the bed and informed me that Bea and Cora helped her pack. Honey had appeared in their room hysterical. She explained that she had behaved very badly. My reactions and look of horror had snapped her out of whatever spell she had been under. She couldn’t believe that she had done what she had. She told them she couldn’t face me. So they helped her pack and...

1 year ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Price of Past Miracles Ch 01

Author’s Note: This series is a continuation of my last story series, ‘Ghosts of the Past.’ It is taking place 18 years plus into the future and involves the children of the group of friends surrounding Charles and Diana Richards and Tom and Lynda Seldon… who are just about to learn the ‘Price of Past Miracles…’ ********** ‘Mama… I love him and he loves me!’ Megan Richards exclaimed as she clung to her lifelong friend and soul mate, Brad Seldon. ‘Aunt Dee… I know you probably think we’re...

3 years ago
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Principal Price Chapter 2

My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am the principal of a private boarding school. It is also an all girl school. I love my job and I will never ever want to be doing anything else. It is a pretty prestigious school where I have students from all over the world trying to be a part of this magnificent legacy. We produced students who will be the cream of society and we are proud of it. And being the principal of this school has given me numerous benefits. I have my own mansion in...

2 years ago
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Principal Price Chapter 1

My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am just like any other guy of my age I think except for the fact that I am a principal of a private school and I am most privileged as it is an extremely well-known school. Everyone as in everyone dreams to be in my school and being expelled is something unthinkable. Thus, I am privileged since many are willing to do nearly anything to be a part of Saint Catherine Girl School. We even have students from abroad and what a joy to have girls from...

2 years ago
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Price of Fame Chapter 1

Chapter 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Joey's Background +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ January 8, 1980 Joey wanted nothing more in this world then to be a rock star, but the odds were against him. He did not know how to play any instrument, nor was his singing ability anything special. It hurt him even more that he did not know anyone within the industry. Still, he wanted to be a rock star. Unfortunately for Joey, he was also lazy and undisciplined. He was just a few...

3 years ago
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

1 year ago
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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

3 years ago
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The Price of Beauty

Foreword: Dear Readers, I wrote this story nearly 20 years ago. Now, thanks to my new French friend Avaro Le Banni, who searched his archive and forwarded a copy to me, I am pleased to post The Price of Beauty, which is, in its own way, a love story. - Best wishes, Toxis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE PRICE OF BEAUTY by: TOXIS Miranda...

2 years ago
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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

3 years ago
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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

3 years ago
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Paying the Price Episode IV

Hi, I’m Jennifer, and I appreciate your taking time to read about my life. Up until the time I turned fifteen, it was a pretty ordinary life, from the standpoint of sex, anyway. I dated a lot of boys, had my share of romantic entanglements, and had more than my share of sex. I loved sex, and really couldn’t get enough. It wasn’t out of control or anything — far from it: I was always in control. Always. And I liked being the one in control. I loved it, in fact, right from the time I became...

3 years ago
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Everything Has A Price

The feed was in black and white and showed a woman in a kitchen. A gently striped cat sat on one of the kitchen chairs watching her as she picked up a plate from the floor and rinsed it under the tap. She got out a new plate and ripped open a packet of cat food. Swiftly she replenished both dry and wet food, and changed the water. The cat merely observed, waiting until the woman had moved away before hopping down from the chair to feast.The woman looked around. Job done, she had no reason to...

3 years ago
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Principal Price Chapter 3

My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am the principal of a private boarding school. It is also an all girl school. I love my job and I will never ever want to be doing anything else. It is a pretty prestigious school where I have students from all over the world trying to be a part of this magnificent legacy. We produced students who will be the cream of society and we are proud of it. And being the principal of this school has given me numerous benefits. I have my own mansion in...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...


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