Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 15 Partying is Such Sweet Sorrow
- 4 years ago
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Who’s Who
Jenny McEwan : a doctorate student at a University in the English Midlands, studying psychology with a research focus on adult play and the role of BDSM.
Joe McEwan: her husband, a man less than comfortable with his wife’s sexual interests and where they have led her.
Professor Angela Dawney: Jenny’s research supervisor and erstwhile lover.
Cathy Corbin: Jenny’s best friend and college companion
Charlotte, Corinne, Gerry, & Ylena: staff at the BDSM experience centre, ?Inward Bound?
Freddie, Larry, Connie, Pam, Ellie : principals in the highly illegal slaving organisation Freddie Clegg Enterprises, part owners of Inward Bound.
What’s What
This story is a sequel to the story ?Thesis? and follows some of the same characters. If you haven’t read ?Thesis?, the following summary may help:
Freddie Clegg Enterprises decide to invest in the Inward Bound organisation as a way of diversifying their abduction and slavery business. Independently of Clegg, Jenny McEwan decides that Inward Bound will be an ideal vehicle for her planned research into BDSM and adult play. Hoping to learn more of her own inner submissive drives and encouraged by her supervisor, Angela, (who harbours hopes that Jenny’s research will drive a wedge between herself and her husband) Jenny joins one of the Inward Bound consensual slave training experiences.
Here she gains her slave identity, ?Fifty? and by the end of her experiences she has been tattooed, shaved, pierced, and has become infatuated with her trainers, particularly the Russian Mistress Ylena Zukhova.
In the intervening period, Angela, anxious to use Jenny’s experiences for her own benefit, almost sabotages Jenny’s participation at Inward Bound. The effect of this is to disturb the ever paranoid Clegg organisation which leads to Jenny and Angela experiencing what they imagine to be a CIA inspired ?rendition? which purports to be an investigation into Internet Crime but is in fact an attempt to discover if they are actually in the pay of some of Clegg’s competitors (by an innocent but most unfortunate coincidence, a friend of Professor Dawney).
In the end Jenny completes her course at Inward bound and returns home marked emotionally, physically and psychologically by her experiences. She realises that she cannot suppress her desires, and wishes more than ever to share her lifestyle preferences with her husband.
Now read on?. (Or go back & read ?Thesis?!)
I’m at home with Jenny, my wife. I’m on the couch, watching the television. A rugby match is winding towards its conclusion. The scores are still close enough to offer both teams the chance of winning. My hand is stroking the nape of Jenny’s neck as she sits at my feet.
I run the knuckle of my forefinger up towards the crown of her shaven head. Jenny arches her head back in response. ?Mmm,? she says, ?that’s nice.?
?Good,? I reply, as I cup my palm on her head. Jenny pushes against it. I press her head gently so that she bends forward at the waist. I move my hand and trace the edge of the dragon design tattoo which sprawls across Jenny’s back. ?Is it finished?? I ask her.
?Not quite,? she says. She’s had a few sessions with Jonathan, her tattooist. The last was quite recently. ?It’s still quite tender at the moment but soon it will start to itch as the scab starts to lift. Remember! You have got to make sure I don’t scratch it. It’s almost a shame - I mean it’s good that it’s nearly done but I’ll miss ?. well I’ll miss the sensation, the prick of the needles, the buzzing noise, the sort of drifting off feeling that you get when it goes on for a time. And Jonathan is sweet, too.?
I let my finger explore further down the length of her spine and suddenly I stop. ?I hadn’t noticed that before. There’s an odd bit of design down here. It looks just like a barcode,? I tell her.
?It is a barcode,? Jenny says. She sounds hesitant, unsure, as if I have uncovered something she was going to leave quietly unsaid. ?It’s my slave number. You can look me up on the Slave Register. I’m 836-906-368.?
I put my hand under her chin and lift her head to look at me. ?Well,? I say, ?I hope you’ve got me down as your owner.? She returns my smile. All the same, I find it hard to credit what Jenny has just told me. For goodness sake, there can’t be 836 million slaves, can there? This one remark speaks volumes for the fissure which seems to have opened up between us. If this ?fissure? was something at work, I would walk right up to the edge and peer in, trying to understand what it was and how it had come about. But here at home, with the two of us sitting together, the remark just makes me frightened, for her – for us. Where is this all going to lead?
Jenny just smiles. Then she looks at me and says, ?You know, I couldn’t have imagined you saying that a few days ago! Thank you for being so patient.?
Patient? No, I am just covering up my real feelings. I am hoping that this is a phase that Jenny will go through and then we can be, well, normal, once more. However, I will try to be patient, try to give her space to tell me more about what happened to her and why she went through with it. I know it’s supposed to be part of a research project but there seems to be much more to it than that.
I sit up suddenly and look at the TV. ?Hey will you look at that! I missed the end of the match. You’re a serious distraction Jenny McEwan.? I laugh. I want to dispel the tension I can feel between us – or is it just me? ?Come on, I’m taking you to bed. But it’s going to be for some old fashioned, no nonsense, sex. Understand??
She’s willing. She gets to her feet and almost skips upstairs.
Meanwhile I am trying really hard to get my head around what I have learnt about Jenny – and, come to that, what she has learnt about herself – over the last few months. I still find it hard to understand Jenny’s sado-masochistic fantasies; harder still to feel comfortable with her desire for me to put them in to practice with Jenny as the victim. The whole episode at Inward Bound, a sort of holiday adventure playground for slaves – although it didn’t sound like a holiday to me – was seriously weird as far I am concerned. It is strange enough when you hear of men paying for that sort of thing for an evening. But for women to want to have those things done to them? For Jenny to want those things done to her? And for months at a time? I shake my head as I turn off the television and the lights in the living room before I follow her upstairs.
Jenny is already in bed when I get to our bedroom. I can tell by the playful look on her face that she’s naked under the covers. There’s no time wasted in joining her, laying down by her side.
She cuddles up to me, wrapping her arms around my chest, straddling my thigh with hers as she turns towards me. He turns towards her, pressing my thigh into her groin. She pushes back against me; the press of our two bodies, each on the other, driving our pleasure. She is a delight. The feeling of her, sexually aroused beside me is a powerful driver for my own arousal. My cock stiffens and the feel of that accelerates her response to me.
I reach towards her and take her breasts, one in each hand. I stroke her nipples, teasing them by gently tapping at the tiny dumb-bells that she wears through the piercings. Jenny gives an involuntary ?Ahh!? as I touch them. She smiles at me as I move across to straddle her. I run my hands down her sides and she gives an involuntary shiver as my palms slide down past her waist.
She’s already wet between her legs. As my fingers probe her sex, she pushes her hips forward against my touch. She’s moaning quietly now. I lean forward to kiss and nuzzle at her neck. ?This is good,? I tell her huskily as I slide my cock inside her.
?Mmm,? she responds, flexing herself as she feels me pressing inside her.
When the two of us join, we move with one another as my cock becomes yet stiffer and Jenny’s skin and nipples become more sensitive. Physically we are one but, are we still united in ? in our souls? In her mind, it seems to me that Jenny is somewhere else.
In the privacy of her inner most thoughts, Jenny is somewhere else: she is back at Inward Bound, naked as she is now but held tight in a harness of straps and padlocks. Her arms are locked tight against her sides. Her legs are strapped tightly one to the other. She’s standing upright. There’s a heavy harness around her head that holds a rubber ball in place filling her mouth. She’s wearing blinkers, so she can only see straight in front of her. She can feel her cunt filled by something solid and rigid. It seems to be fixed to the wall. She can’t move, skewered on whatever it is that penetrates her.
She can’t move her head at all; her head harness is clamped to the wall behind her forcing her to face the front. As she stands there, immobile and penetrated, someone comes into the room. A man and a slave girl. The man is hooded; the slave girl is too. The man bends the slave across a whipping bench. He unzips the fly of his leather trousers and pulls out his cock. He’s about to take the slave when another girl appears holding a cane out towards him. He looks at her and the cane, looks at Jenny, looks at the girl whose buttocks are presented so invitingly, and then shakes his head. The second girl goes away as the man plunges his cock between the buttocks of the girl spread across the bench. Jenny can only watch as he pushes hard against her.
The man climaxes, Jenny feels as though the plug inside her has climaxed somehow too but she still can’t move and can’t stop watching the man from between her blinkers. As he stands up and pulls off his mask. It’s Joe. She cries out into her gag, ?Ohh!?
Without warning, Jenny cries out!
?It’s all right, Jenny, it’s all right,? I tell her, trying to keep my voice warm and reassuring. ?Are you OK??
?Mmm, yes, yes of course.? She replies but she seems to be returning from ?somewhere else?. I am still inside her, no longer as hard as I was but it still feels nice and I hope its nice for her, too.
?You seemed miles away and then I thought I’d hurt you, somehow. Are you sure you’re all right??
She nuzzles up against my shoulder. ?Of course,? she says, ?everything’s fine.?
But I don’t think that everything really is ‘fine’. I don’t think it’s fine for Jenny. It seems now as if she can’t share her feelings with me, like she used to and it’s not fine for me, either. I just can’t handle the thought of any sort of cruelty involving women, even in fantasy or sexual fore-play.
It raises bad memories for me from my childhood.
And I’d rather keep them where they lay; deep in memory, undisturbed, un-visited.
1. Thanks to Tanos at the Slave Register (yes, it’s real) for allowing us to quote a genuine slave number, we’ll let you guess whose it is.
Cathy Corbin reaches the Caf? Nero in Brook Street at just after a quarter past twelve. She is out of breath and anxious. She said she would meet her friend Jenny half an hour ago and she hates being late.
It’s a bright day. As she enters the caf?, it takes a moment or two for her eye to adjust to the dimmer light. She glances round and her heart sinks. No Jenny. She knows that Jenny had to see her research supervisor. It looks as if she had to leave and get ready for the meeting.
Cathy looks around one more time for Jenny’s spiky dark drown bobbed hair but all she can see is a young man with a shaven head. Or at least she thinks it’s a young man. She looks closer, puzzled by the androgynous figure and sees that it’s not a man, it’s a girl? The more she looks, the more familiar the figure seems. Cathy approaches her as the woman turns her head. It is Jenny!
?Jenny! Is this actually you?? Cathy laughs: in relief that she has still managed to keep her appointment and in disbelief. What has her friend been up to?
?Cathy! Yes, it’s me!? Jenny gets up to hug her friend. ?I organised my own coffee. Can I get you something?’
?No, no look. I’ll just go to the bar and get something for myself but ? Jenny! Just look at you! I like it!?
Cathy soon returns. She sits, smiles and gazes once more at her friend; at her face (happy); her head (gleaming) and the ring through her nasal septum (cheeky)!
?Surprised?? asks Jenny
?Well, OK surprised. Actually, you look bloody brilliant it’s just ... just??
?A radical make-over??
?You could say that!?
?Well, research can change lives.?
?Yes, I know but the sort of stuff we do, well it usually is not quite so visible and err, I would have to say, dramatic.?
?So do you like it??
?Er, yes – yes I do. It really does suit you. Your head is just bloody brilliant. I am jealous?
?What of? Hair or nose??
?Both! I just wish I could get away with it. Maybe when George and I go away on holiday, I could try it out? So did you do this after you got back??
?No, I got back looking like this.?
?Wow. Scars of battle or right of passage??
?Well - bit of both really.?
?Active or passive? I mean did they just do it to you, or did you ask for it to be done??
?Well – oh, it’s a bit embarrassing really.?
?Embarrassing? Now I am really interested. This sounds as if it could be fun. Tell me more.?
?The instructions they sent me for the course said much of it would be about learning to follow orders... ?
?Uh-oh! This is not your strong suit. For goodness sake Jenny: you went on a course which was about following orders? You could have been in real trouble in no time at all.?
?Yes, well exactly. Anyway the idea was that you would receive rewards if you succeeded; encouragement if you tried but did not quite make it and you would have to pay some sort of forfeit if you did not try hard enough.?
?Go on ?? Cathy is beginning to smile very broadly. She knows her friend and knows that Jenny has a very independent state of mind. Perhaps it’s something to do with her being half Swedish ?
?Anyway as a preliminary challenge, I was supposed to get a crew cut hair-do and have an additional ear piercing, but I interpreted the instructions a bit too liberally.?
?Aha. So in fact you ??
?Just had a trim and passed on the ear piercing?
?Ha!? Cathy throws her head back and laughs. Jenny clearly deserved what she got but in the nicest possible way.
?So your forfeit was to get your head shaved and to have a more radical piercing. That is brilliant! Serves you right.?
?Yes, I was an awful warning to the others.?
?I bet you were. A very attractive and sexy warning though.?
However, Jenny does not confess that her failure to observe the dress code was also punished and that her punishment was to spend the entire two months naked. There is a limit after all, to what friends can disclose to each other on a single occasion, in public.
?Well, Jenny I have got to say, that I really like you just as you are. I do hope you are now under strict orders to maintain your present appearance? What does Joe think? I mean he’s a bit conservative, really – isn’t he??
?Taken aback – but accepting. At least, I think so.?
Time has passed quickly and by the time the two friends have finished their lunch, it’s time to go back to work.
?My guess is that you have had a lot to cope with??
?You could say!? For a moment, Jenny thinks about telling Cathy all about her arrest and interrogation. About seeing Angela. About the threats made to her. But some memories are very painful, even dangerous. She thinks again and decides against it. There will be other times and the less she thinks about the incident right now, the safer she feels. Going over it again will conjure up devils from the past where, at present, they seem to lay silent and sleeping.
As they leave the caf?, Cathy continues her gentle interrogation. ?So what happens now??
Jenny assumes Cathy is talking about her research. She’s only partly right. ?The first move is to diary the events. I was supposed to be under cover and so I couldn’t just write everything down. I will use this to identify the research questions I will be able to investigate and then I have to get Inward Bound to agree to let me go back and do the data collection.?
?Do they spank you if the stats don’t come out right??
Jenny laughs at Cathy’s teasing remark and replies ?Better them than Prof?
?Prof? Angela? You are right about that. Ewwww!? replies Cathy who does not have much time for Professor Dawney. She glances again at Jenny. She is as effervescent and happy as always, but there seems to be a note of desperation somewhere. Cathy begins to feel a certain sadness for her friend and Joe. Is this project an example of Professor Dawney’s manipulating and controlling ways? Cathy suspects that it could be and whilst Jenny seems to have enjoyed herself, enjoyed thoroughly exploring part of her personality which perhaps she had not known much about, Cathy still feels anxious about where this might take Jenny and Joe.
Jenny knocks on the door to Professor Angela Dawney’s room.
She waits, thinking of other doors she has waited outside. She remembers Ylena’s door. The memory is warm, spicy and sexy. She finds herself smiling. She has Gaspazha Ylena’s email and website address. She could call. Make an appointment. Oh, to feel her paddling my bum again, and then ?.
Mmmm. Gaspazha Ylena. Jenny is proud to know her title. She can’t imagine she will ever be just ?Ylena? to her; it will always be Gaspazha Ylena.
?Come!? Angela’s voice drags Jenny back to reality. She sighs, almost audibly and goes inside.
Jenny gazes across the office at Angela. She looks just as she did the last time Jenny was here, but that was before. Before she went to Inward Bound and before Angela found herself in Connie’s hands.
Jenny is disappointed. There seems to be nothing different about Angela, at least nothing for Jenny to see. Here is Jenny, shaved, pierced, tattooed and with a host of experiences, sensations, feelings from her stay. And there is the professor; sitting just as she was when Jenny went away. Jenny wonders what ?fond? memories Angela has of her experience? She accepts that she shall never know. What a pity!
?Jenny! So nice to see you again. It is Jenny, isn’t it??
It’s exactly the sort of jokey remark that Jenny expects from Angela. It’s a poor joke but a joke just waiting to be made.
?Yes, Prof, it’s Jenny. Why do you ask??
?Oh, well er I, well – new hairstyle I suppose.?
?Hmmm, well Prof I recommend it. I really do. Have you ever - ?
?Ah, pity. I think you have missed out.? Jenny’s experiences have given her confidence in herself. She determined not to be intimidated by Angela, determined to make her squirm if she can.
?Well, Jenny, why don’t we get down to business? How was your stay??
Jenny spends the next several minutes outlining the main events of her stay at Inward Bound, with one exception. She makes no reference to the rendition incident. It is not relevant to the project and most of it remains a disturbing memory.
She goes over how many other girls there were; the number of trainers; the things the she did and the things that they did to the trainees. She censors some of the details. She explains her shaven head but fails to mention her pierced nipples. For her own amusement she does at least stick out her newly pierced tongue which makes Angela wince!
To her credit, Angela listens quietly, seriously, giving Jenny her full attention.
?So what will you do first to try to make sense of your ? ah ? expedition??
?First, I will try to construct a diary of what happened to me. Second, that will suggest what the main research questions should be. Third, that leads on to much more precise ideas about data collection. Fourth, there will be the definitive data collection. Fifth, the analysis?
?Control groups??
?Will be identified after the definitive research questions have been agreed.?
?Research Governance??
?I will have to write a protocol, and tackle the appropriate ethical questions to do with informed consent, confidentiality of data, data security and make an application to the research ethics committee before I can proceed in earnest.?
?You will have to approach the Inward Bound people and confess the ulterior motive for your last visit.?
Jenny looks critically at Angela. ?I have to?? she’s thinking. ?What about you, Prof? You are supposed to be my research supervisor. You are the internationally celebrated Professor!? She says none of these things out loud, though, but takes control of the situation again and merely replies, ?Yes, Prof. As long as you are in agreement, I would be happy to go back to the people at Inward Bound. After all, it’s me they know. Would you be - ??
?Happy? Yes absolutely. Yes, I think that is exactly the right thing to do.?
Angela is rather brisk and definite, so much so that Jenny starts to wonder if something else has happened, something which makes her wary of speaking to Inward Bound herself? Or maybe she suspects that her own ?rendition? had something to do with the Inward Bound project in some way. Angela resumes her brisk tone. ?Well, Jenny I think you have made an excellent start, an heroic start, if I may say.?
?Thanks Prof?, is all that Jenny says; but she’s happy to bring the discussion to a close.
1. There is a real Cafe Nero here. We’ve no reason to suppose that anything other than vanilla coffee is served. (Well perhaps some caramel syrup occasionally.....)
? Freddie Clegg & Phil Lane 2010
All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced or reposted without permission
All characters fictitious
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Being Payday I went to the Mars BarFor a Valentines drink, perhaps a Bud. Instead of staying home, fiercely pounding my pud. Then I spotted her with ass wide as a car As a chubby chaser I loved her girth With a manly nod and smile that was fakeI bought her a jumbo chocolate milkshake My dick was smoldering like fiery scorched earthAt my booth she said she was a sex worker With the right man she could be quite randy But instead of cash she accepted only candy I quickly agreed to the terms of...
HumorHi indian sex stories dot net readers.I am manasa,thanks for ur support and comments,any comments are send to me,my mail I’d is time I’ll come with my friend(cousin) story.My cousin ki nenu iss ki rasina stories chupinchanu feedback kosam,appudu tanu nato comments to patu tana personal sex life kuda share chesukundi.Ippudu nenu tana permission to tana sex life nu some parts ga(naku own chesukuni)miku cheptanu. Ika storieloki veldam.My cousin valla college lone beautiful girl,and tana...
Hello friends mera naam bunty(badla hua) hai , age 26 , height 5,8 I’m good looking or mein ek achhi rich family se hoo …frends mein bahut time se fsi blog ka reader hoo or mujhe fsi blog bahut pasand hai to maine deside kiya ki mein bhi apni life ka real incident jo mere saath hua hai aap sabse share karoo or aapkie comments suno ki aapko mere saath jo hua hai wo kaisa laga ye mera mail id hai please aapke jo bhi comment hai wo mujhe kare …… Friends ye story shuru hoti hai 4 month pehle ,mera...
Hi iss readers.Iam manasa,thanks for ur support and comments,any comments are send to me,my mail I’d is time I’ll come with my friend(cousin) story part-3.My cousin name sweety(name changed),and her sizes 34-28-34.Ika storyloki veldam. My(sweety) lifelo,sex satisfaction miss ayyesariki malli fingering midane depends ai,daily once vankayato fingering chesukovadam baga alavatu aipoindi,hotel and restaurant business superga run avutundesariki daily once accounts check chesukovadaniki visit...
Hi friends my name is Preet and u read my old story rimpy ki chudai.Hello sexy bhabhis and auntys and girls..M back with my new sex story of my neighbour bhabhi sweety bhabhi …Kiddah dasa tuhanu meri sweety bhabhi baare 5’7usdi height 34 size de breast(mome)32 usdi kamar nirri agg si oh eh story hai ajj toh thik ek mahine pehle di mein routine di tarah apne ghar aya m a buisnes mann and mein dekhya samne sweety bhabhi aa rahi hai ohna meinu dekhya and kehnde hello mein kiya hello oh kehnde...
“Sie haben das Inserat aber schon verstanden? Sie haben gelesen dass ich eine Direktionssekretärin und nicht einen Sekretär suche?” Sicher habe ich das verstanden. Nur hatte ich noch nie ein Inserat gesehen wo ausdrücklich ein Direktionssekretär gesucht wurde. “Sicher habe ich das verstanden. Grundsätzlich haben wir heute Gleichberechtigung. Also müssten Sie ihre Stellenausschreibung auch dementsprechend verfassen.” Die Reaktion der Chefin, der Firma die Stelle ausgeschrieben hatte, ließ auf...
FetishErika war 40, dunkelblond, 80C, schöne Kurven, an den richtigen Stellen und siet 10 zehn Jahren verheiratet. Sie war glücklich mit ihrer Beziehung und ihrem Leben. Hin und wieder gab es Ärger mit ihrem Mann. Immer dann, wenn er eifersüchtig wurde. So wie heute. Erika hatte ihm gesagt, dass sie mit ihrer besten Freundin in die Sauna gehen wolle. Bisher war sie dort noch nie. Aber als ihre Freundin Tammy ihr davon erzählt hatte, wurde ihr Interesse geweckt und sie wollte es auch einmal probieren....
Antonio und Thorsten durchstreiften seit Tagen alle Luxushotels Hamburgs auf der Suche nach einem Opfer. Victor hatte zwar immer ganz besondere Wünsche gehabt, aber diesmal war sein Begehren schon ziemlich ausgefallen. Ein mexikanischer Zuhälter namens Miguel kam in den nächsten Tagen mit seiner Familie für einige Wochen zu Besuch und verlangte zu diesem Anlass nach einer willigen Sexsklavin. Davon hatte Victor weiß Gott genug im Angebot, aber der Mann wollte keine simple hergelaufene...
Es ist wieder einmal FreitagabendIch bin mit meiner Frau unterwegs Richtung Swingerclub.Beide gut gelaunt fahren wir am Ziel ein.Wir begeben uns in den 1. Stock zum Eingang, Angekommen Zahle ich den Eintritt. Oh je da schwirren ja eine ganze Horde Solo-Männer rum. Da werden wir heute wieder verfolgt. Der erste Gedanke. Der 2. Folgt sogleich, allenfalls hat meine Frau mal wieder Lust auf einen 2. oder 3. Penis.Wir gingen Duschen und uns gerecht ankleiden, sie diesmal eher Konventionell, mit...
Hallo zusammen, ich habe irgendwann mal irgendwo eine Story gelesen die mir sehr gefallen hat…Sie hiess Vera und die Drachen.Leider habe ich sie nie komplett zu lesen bekommen, wäre aber interessiert dies nachzuholen.Zum besseren erkennen hier die Story soweit wie ich sie habe.Ursprungsautor so meiner Information Erofant.Damit zur Story, sie ist NICHT aus meiner Feder und wird auchNUR zu dem Zwecke gepostet damit jemand sie evtl identifizieren kann..Sollte jemand die Story komplett haben wäre...
I would like to share my experience of having sex with my neighboring aunty and her step daughter. I am living in a housing colony which consists of 30 families, in our colony there is an aunty (I call her Valsala aunti) of 32 years of age; she is a lady of perfect figure of 42-30-40. Her husband is seeking job in Dubai. When ever I see her figure I used to excite and worked myself with my dick. She is living with his 2y old son and a daughter of her husband’s first marriage. Her step daughters...
Hi this is Sandeep f; I am a 21y old fouth year engineering student living in a semi urban area. I would like to share my experience of having sex with my neighboring aunty and her step daughter. I am living in a housing colony which consists of 30 families, in our colony there is an aunty (I call her Valsala aunti) of 32 years of age; she is a lady of perfect figure of 42-30-40. Her husband is seeking job in Dubai. When ever I see her figure I used to excite and worked myself with my dick. She...
Hi this is Vilas again I got hot ratings for my earlier story about Sucheta In 15 days about 59000 sexy iss lovers red my story but only Mr Alex has gave me feedback. Giving feedback is very easy in iss. When you read the story come to bottom part you will see four lines first is for story viewed. Second is for…find more submission from same author…third is for tell a friend about this story…forth is for post /read comments bout this story…click on last option and type your feed back and select...
IncestHi everybody I am Vilas 32 year old and married .My wife REKHA is very beautiful her top is 38” middle 28” bottom is 40” whitish complexion long soft curly hair @5’6” and @56 kg 27 year I am 5.8 muscular @70 kg and vital is 7” & 3” We are married for last 3 year well educated. I am working in engineering firm as div. Manager Rekha working in nationalized bank as marketing executive. We have our first baby on way means Rekha is in her 7 month of pregnancy her parents have come and spent some...
IncestIch hole alle meine Texte nach Hause, zu mir. Sei sind nicht neu, manche(r) kennt sie; ich will sie einfach nur bei mir haben. Sie erscheinen irgendwie etwas verloren - dort wo sie jetzt stehen. Zu denen, die sie das erste mal lesen, sei gesagt - sie erscheinen daher etwas aus dem Kontext gerissen, ohne Beginn und Anfang. Naja, seht selbst... Ich hätte auch noch eine Idee, aber dazu später. hier mein allererstes Kapitel: Wie reagieren die...
BDSMHi Friends, How are you all? This is Harman again from Dehradun. Friends, First of all i would like to thank you all for very good response for my Previous experience with my bhabhi. I have already published few of my previous experiences and you can read them in ISS by searching my name or else you can ask me to mail me. It’s because of you only that I managed to have relations with three ISS readers. Thank you very much once again. Lot of ladies mailed me and am thankful to them. I am in...
Hi iss readers.Iam manasa,thanks for ur support and comments,any comments are send to me,my mail I’d is time I’ll come with my friend(cousin) story part-2.My cousin ki nenu iss ki rasina stories chupinchanu feedback kosam,appudu tanu nato comments to patu tana personal sex life kuda share chesukundi.Ippudu nenu tana permission to tana sex life nu some parts ga,miku cheptunnanu.My cousin valla college lone beautiful girl,and tana measurements 34,28,34. Tanu telugu girl aina,undedi mumbai...
Hi dear readers, here your madan, after a little gap….i want to share with you my recent sexperience with a mail- friend, which you can enjoy an send your feelings and views…..ok?………on that day i was usually checking my mails and i found a mail from a girl sweety, that she read one of my story and she was impressed. I sent reply as usual with thanx and asking her how she felt. Sweety has replied that while she read she was so hot that her panty was wet and sweet enjoyment she had. ….later in...
Hi friends, I am Sanjeev a.k.a Sam, this is my first ISS story and my second fucking experience with a teacher. Now I am studying in a college for Mechanical Engineering in Chennai, there are hot teachers here at my college whom I may fuck later. This story is about an English teacher who taught me for my 10th and 12th grade. Her name was Arti. She was a bombshell. She was 5’8 fair 38-36-38 body. She was 38, married and have a son of ma age. She was fat but I loved her for her massive boobs and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Being a 42 year old single guy, never married and no kids didn't stop me from beating the system for the prize of three high school foreign exchange students from three different countries. I had done a little research into the likelihood of actually sponsoring three foreign exchange girls for a year and it appeared that it was not only easy, but actually encouraged. The process was somewhat of a nuisance with all the background checks and passport...
EroticDavid pulled his truck into the parking lot of the strip club just off the highway exit ramp. He was spending more and more time stopping at these road side joints, paying for a moment of pleasure as some young girl danced naked in his lap. A father of seven children, Dave had always considered himself a family man with strong moral values. Five years ago he had never been in a strip club and had no desires to go to one. Losing the family farm, however, had forced him into the seat of an...
Incest18 months, 568 days since Jenny's disappearance I'm sitting in the bar at my hotel, thinking about the course, thinking about my resolutions. Then I find I'm smiling to myself, remembering the daydreams I had about Gwenda earlier on, as I walked back from the course. I'm playing with my mobile phone, absent-mindedly flicking through the menus. I look down. Without realising it I've thumbed through to Gwenda's number. There in the "A's" is Gwenda Andrews. For a few moments I stare...
Hi doston, Mein aryan umar 20 saal college mein padta hu.. Ab tak 2 baar alag logo ke saath sex kar chuka hu ab ye meri tisri aur sabse favourite chudai ki kahani hai.. Mein ek high class building me apni family ke saath shift hua hun.. Hum a wing ke 8th floor pe rhete hai.. Building abhi nayi hai aur jyada koi rhene aya nahi hai yaha.. Humare buling ke sirf 5 falt mein families rhete hai baki flat’s investors ke hai.. Humare neeche wale floor par ek family rheti hai.. Gupta family wo 3...
I did not know the benefits of social websites until one day when i met this girl let us call her sweety on a social network site called “orkut”. She had mentioned that she is broadminded and that she has a flair for going out on dates. I thought let me see and i started exchanging scraps with her. It took some five days to be in sync with her and then one day i asked her for a date and she immediately agreed. Then one of my friends said that may be it is a boy in a pseudo name of a girl and so...
IncestLeland Turner sat in his office grading essays from his spring semester American Lit class. Most of the work was pretty dismal with muddled thinking or just poor writing, but one essay stood out. This student had caught Mr. Turner’s attention with her sharp mind and talented writing skills. She had also caught his attention with her stunning beauty and bubbly personality. Her name was Antoinee (An-TWON-ay), but everyone just called her Sweeter. Mr. Turner had no idea where the nickname came...
June: 19 Months, 597 Days Since Jenny's Disappearance I'm sitting here waiting for a phone call. I'm still not sure if I've done the right thing but maybe it really is time to move on. It's an irony that Jenny's mother and father have brought matters to a head, but that's how it is. A few weeks ago, I took a call from Inga Palmer. She said that she and Andrew were going to their summer house, south of Stockholm and would I like to go? I was in two minds. Jenny's parents have been...
Bittersweet by Callie Messenger "It's a great idea, but the US has stupid bitches like Tori who are willing to spend years pumping themselves up and still act like bimbos. Look at gladiators - all our butch women are just that. Butch!" "Mr. Hawkins, we've realised the problem, and if you're still willing to back us, we've thought of a solution." "You can't take a page three girl and fill her full of steroids. It'd still take a good year and a half to two...
By early Wednesday evening, plans were in place for Friday's final erotic activity. Michelle could see, as soon as Randy came through the cottage door, that he was excited. He was definitely flying on the wings of anticipation. That Wednesday morning, she had encouraged him to attend a special meeting with the other husbands. She knew from talking to Sora, their little Maid, that it was during that meeting her husband and another husband would decide with whom she and Randy would spend their...
June 5, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Do you want me to sleep at Doctor Blahnik’s house tonight?” Clarissa asked when she arrived at the dorm early on Tuesday evening so we could go to dinner. “No,” I replied. “Ice cream with Grace isn’t a date. And besides, you know the score.” “So this doesn’t end with her licking your cone?” she teased. I laughed, “No. I won’t be more than an hour or so.” “I’ll hang out with Jocelyn and Dona. I don’t want Kelly to complain I was in your room without you...
8 Months, 263 Days After Jenny's Disappearance a note of concern When I got back from Korea, amongst all the bills and circulars, there was one letter which was different. The envelope was handwritten, in blue ink on warm cream-coloured paper. I opened the letter and read: "Dear Mr McEwan, I have just heard the distressing news about Jenny. My colleagues and I want you to know that you are very much in our thoughts and also how shocked we were, when we heard what had happened. When...
The Protector: Assorted Sweets By Julie O Edited by Amelia_R The continuing adventures of Ally Burns, Federal Agent. Features characters from Change of Course and Turbulence. Angel courtesy of Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1 Special Agent Ally Burns sat nervously in the Director's office. She wondered why she was here, as none of her section's present cases were controversial. She knew whatever the reason, it was important, as he only brought agents into his office for serious...
15 Months, 454 Days After Jenny's Disappearance I'm looking at the PER flyer, standing outside the venue, feeling embarrassed and apprehensive. I should explain that there are two reasons for this. Firstly there's the regular embarrassment of feeling as if I'm standing here shouting "I like kinky SEX!" at the top of my voice and secondly, the last time I was in a club it was with the guys out in Seoul at a venue I don't think Jenny would have approved of, enjoying myself when who...
Hi I'm Sayuri only 16 years old a sweet ripe Asian and it may not seem like I should know but I love to Fuck! Wake up this morning in the greatest of moods i get out of my night clothes with my sexy 34 D's jumping every where I throw on a tight shirt and my miniskirt and put my shin high pearly white socks on I put on my school shoes and rush through the door I tied my hear up into a erupted volcano look my hear was black and silky down to my ass and I walk to school feeling good last...
Cousin Fuck Hi readers , this is my first story in Indian Sex Stories. My pet name is crazy, 24yrs old, i am 5’4″ in ht, my girlfriend or cousin name is Sweety(pet name)19yrs old, she is little shorter than me. Her body status is 30-28-32, round shaped boobs (.)(.) i am working as a engineer, my cousin is doing her degree in Bangalore. Lets come to the story. If any grammar mistake in my story pls forgive me. My native is a village near Mysore, i and my cousin staying in same village. We grown...
THE SWEET ACADEMY (Complete text of the 3-part story.) By Lisa Lovelace Part 1 On my fifteenth birthday, my great-grandmother, Nana, dressed me in one of her favorite old frocks, one she'd carefully preserved from way back when she was a girl. It was a pink silk taffeta dress with a white Peter Pan collar, short cap sleeves, a snug bodice with a self-belt, and a full skirt that fell to my knees. Under it I wore old-fashioned nylon panties, a bullet bra, a garter belt, nylon...
Dylan Sweet - Sweet Dreams by Spanky de Bautumn With apologies to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. My name is Dr. James Watson, I am an OBGYN by profession, but with all the cutbacks in Planned Parenthood, I find myself with more time on my hands than I prefer. As such, I find myself visiting with my neighbor Mr. Dylan Sweet, almost on a daily basis. Sweet is one of those unique individuals with an analytical mind of such wonder...
I like to go for massages. Admittedly, I’ve had an occasional sexual massage fantasy probably from having seen a massage sex porn video. But I never received anything beyond a professional, therapeutic massage. Until I got a massage from Sweetness. She walked me to a private room. It was candlelit with a big mirror on the wall. ‘Undress and lay on the table,’ Sweetness said. She was Asian, but not as skinny as the average Asian woman I’d known. In fact, she had fantastic curves. Wearing a low...