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Written By
Miss Irene Clearmont.
Copyright © 1999/2001
Revisions © 2011

Diane and Jack are lovers... That makes Jack an adulterer...
Unfortunately his wife, Joan knows about the affair! When she gets into the toils of the evil Miss Clearmont who has found out about the money that Jack has hidden from the tax man Diane and Jack are doomed...
In the end, both lovers fall into the hands of the vengeful wife who decides to take terrible revenge!


This was the second novel written by Miss Irene Clearmont. It follows on from the novel ‘Denise’ and some characters reappear here. It also solidified the world of fantastic slavery and sexual service that Miss Irene Clearmont had dreamed of and brought into actuality.

Miss Clearmont has now started writing again after a gap of several years. She has turned her hand to many different styles of writing but, one thing is constant. In her writing women are always the superior sex, they make their female and male victims grovel and serve, they are always in control.

Miss Clearmont decided to clean up the text, chapter headings and some of the grammatical errors since the first release of the text onto the Internet in late 2010. This text is the result. The story has not been rewritten, the characters undergo the same tribulations and Diane and Jake become the innocent victims of their betters as before! What has changed is that the whole is easier to read and has now reached a final rendering.

Miss Irene Clearmont hopes that you will enjoy her second excursion into writing as much as she enjoyed writing it, so read on...
Irene x


1. Preparation
2. Assignation
3. Revelation
4. Infiltration
5. Decision
6. Dictation
7. Manipulation
8. Satiation
9. Captivation
10. Deprivation
11. Information
12. Intimation
13. Abduction
14. Induction
15. Machination
16. Extraction
17. Penetration
18. Transportation
19. Obsession
20. Evasion
21. Expedition
22. Union
23. Alteration
24. Conclusion
End Notes & Addresses.


Chapter 1

With a languid sigh Diane lay back for a moment on the comfort of the quilted bedcover and stared at the ceiling. In just half an hour Jack was to visit her. She had a few moments before she had to prepare herself for his visit. One hand smoothed over her thigh. Diane felt the ruffled silk under her fingers and smoothed it with a soft brush of her hand. As she did so, Diane thought about the encounter to come. Jack liked novelty so she would have to slip into another persona. Yesterday it had been so exciting. She had dressed as a femme fatale. Black silk and very high heels and a fur stole draped on her smooth shoulders.

She had known Jack for four years now, first as the partner of her boss, later as his mistress. Now she was Jack's private secretary.

Private in all senses of the word.

She took his dictations during office hours and his love in those secret times when he visited her in the apartment that he had bought for her. Two years ago he had suggested the operation to enlarge her already voluptuous charms.

Diane would do anything for her Jack.

Jack had gently undressed her, slipping off the dress and fur to find a scarlet and black corset encasing her. For an hour they had made love. He the masculine tycoon, she the willing but proud lady. His caresses had pushed her to new highs until with powerful strokes he entered her, rode her, and made her scream with delight.

Stripping her to nakedness he had kissed her large breasts pushing her to yet another orgasm. As Diane remembered that high, her hand slipped up to fondle the proud nipples that pushed the silk into peaks. With a small motion she nipped those buds between forefinger and thumb feeling them swell beneath the smooth fabric.

He chose to have her altered to his personal taste.

When she had awoken from the operation she found herself a changed woman. Not just a slight augmentation as he had promised, but more.

Her breasts were huge.

Smooth and firm with prominent nipples.

Diane smiled to herself as she remembered trying to get a bra to fit. That had been strange. In the end Jack had led her to a ladies outfitters where all garments were made to measure.

That had not been all.

Her hips were broader and more feminine. Her waist narrow, almost waspish added sublime curves to her body. Not content with the new Diane, she had returned to the clinic for more. The surgeon had tightened her pussy and made her naked sex bulge with erotic promise. A snake tattoo curled around her thighs and prominent lips finding it's way into the secret recesses of her pleasure. It had taken months to recover.

Months of tenderness and discomfort.

But, now she was Jack's sex goddess. With her long legs and slender arms he fell on her like a wolf falls on the lamb. She could see how difficult it was for him to restrain himself at work, in the office. Diane revelled in the attention that he gave her.

In the office he had reached under her short skirt to fondle her jutting soft pussy mound, the lips still raw with the tattoo. Every visit that he paid her was a revelation in lovemaking. She switched persona like a chameleon at every visit. Diane became coy, dominating, wanton, submissive and naïve to order.

The perfect mistress for her rich lover. Her wardrobe grew as she accumulated the clothes and props to match her changing moods and fluid sexuality, all the while devoting herself to Jack's deep needs.

With a slight tip of the head she looked at the bedside clock. In twenty minutes he would be ringing at the bell. With a slow movement Diane rolled off the bed and entered the bathroom. Allowing the silk dress to slip to the floor she stepped into the shower. This was where she prepared. As she lathered herself she thought about the task in hand.

What would she be tonight?

Tonight was important. Tonight she would persuade Jack to abandon his domestic life and join her for a life of sex and pleasure. Diane would use all her powers of persuasion to get him for herself. Sharing him with Joan, his wife, was too much.
Joan, the wife.

Diane had met Joan several times at cocktail functions. She was the opposite of Jack's lover and mistress. A tall but austere lady, slim to the point of gauntness, with few physical charms that Diane could see. Yes, she was rich in her own right, but so was Jack.

But she was also a lady with moods.

Mostly bad moods.

She cut a poor figure at parties, hiding in corners and leaving early. Whilst the partners and clients made small talk and deals she hung back and left Jack to entertain on his own. Diane could not see how she was any competition for her two years ago, now she was less. Diane had the body of a sex nymph and the stuff of Jack's fantasies curling around her over-ripe sex.

With these thoughts she stepped out of the shower and selected her identity for tonight. With careless fingers she thumbed the clothes in the wardrobe. She needed to contrast her persona with her requests. Naïve and coy would suit her needs as she broached her petition.

Her hand came to rest on a dark blue skirt as if drawn there by impulse.

Just below the knees, cotton and childlike. With a smile she remembered the last time as a schoolgirl. Jack had been so gentle and willing, fumbling through the blouse like it was his first time in bed. Then he had played the part of the schoolboy, this time he would be the stern teacher she decided.


Of course, it was perfect!

Jack would respond to her every wish and she would make her move. The white silk blouse stretched over her breasts showing every contour to advantage, the lacy white bra beneath clearly visible. She picked a tie with bold stripes and tied it under the collar. The skirt hung in pleats to her knees showing the tops of the white socks that encased her calves. Diane picked a pair of black low shoes and laced them before turning to the mirror. With her hair in a plait and a pink ribbon she really looked the part.

It took her just a few minutes to add the pink lipstick and a light touch of rouge to complete the school girl appearance. Glancing at the clock she had just five minutes before Jack was due. Going once again to the huge built-in wardrobe she quickly hauled out the last few props.

A small blackboard on an easel and a cane that she leaned on the blackboard. A final touch was a long black gown and a mortarboard hat that she hung on the hook by the door.

Diane stood for a moment and looked at the little classroom that she had created. Had she forgotten anything? Yes. She dashed to the kitchen and came back with an apple that she balanced on the chalk rack at the base of the blackboard. Everything was perfectly planned.

Jack would be the teacher whilst she played the errant pupil.

She would make mistakes and he would punish her before taking her. Then she would beg him to add her properly to his life. Jack would assent and in a few months she would be his wife.

Mrs. Diane Lorde.

Chapter 2

John Washington Lorde II, an enigma to his business associates and a dangerous man to his enemies. This was the image he fostered so carefully. 'Rich and secretive' was how the Wall Street Journal had put it.

In fact so secretive that the newspaper had been hard put to put a value on his assets when it came to listing the top five hundred men in America. They had settled on 450 million dollars and left him out, and that was just the way that he liked it. In fact they had missed the twenty-percent share in Texoil that he had sold a year ago and the half share in Verity insurance that had been sold just a week before the article was written, both private companies with no traded shares on the NYSE.

Altogether he was worth over seven hundred million.

But, he was a man not interested in money as such, just the freedom that it gave him to work and play, as he liked. After marrying Joan some ten years ago he had more than doubled his fortune.

Of course she was rich as well.

Coming from a wealthy Pennsylvanian family she had brought tens of millions into the house. Jack had married her for her position in society. With austere looks and a forbidding character she had given him entry to the respected chambers of the 'Old Money' families that still held so much of the wealth on the east coast. But, sexual she was not. Going to bed with Joan was like chopping firewood. A task that needed to be done but no fun for all that.

Still, he had not married her for her charm!

In Diane he had found a true partner. At least for sex. He reflected on the many mistresses he had had, both before and after his stale marriage. As he drove through the heavy traffic on his way to her Central Park apartment he was already anticipating her welcome. He never told her what he wanted; he just let her fertile imagination entertain him. Her body, so sexual that he had an erection every time that he saw her, was his creation.

Jutting breasts, no body hair and a sex that pouted its soft lips to meet his lips or cock and then grasped him like a closed fist. And yet, he could not say that he loved her. In fact he could not say that he had loved any of his many lovers. Tonight he had a proposal for her. Another alteration to bring her body yet closer to perfection. He would have to persuade her.

That would require tact, and good sex.

Turning off the main road he plunged into the underground car park under her block. As he entered the elevator he could feel his cock stiffen in anticipation. He felt so in control that he hoped that she had picked a submissive role tonight. By the time that he rang her doorbell he was almost panting with lust for her smooth body.

The door opened to reveal a schoolgirl. A tidy plait with a pink ribbon fell over her shoulder. She smiled sweetly and allowed him into her schoolroom. As the door closed a passing stranger glanced into the room just in time to see a blackboard with an apple teetering on the chalk holder.

"I have prepared for the test Mr. Lorde,” said Diane as she passed the black gown and mortarboard hat to her teacher for the evening.

"I hope that your revision is better than last time,” he replied as he took in the blackboard with the cane leaning on it.

"I need top marks if I am to progress,” said Diane with a coy smile as she sat on the edge of the large bed.

Jake walked to the board, his gown fluttering behind him. Taking a piece of chalk in his hand he wrote a sum on the board.

"I want you to say all the answers without hesitation,” he said in a stern voice. "For every correct answer a reward, for every wrong answer a punishment."

Diane looked at the sum '6 x 6'. It was up to her now how the evening went. Was she to be the good or bad girl? Somehow she sensed that he wanted to punish her, but she wanted to tease him.

"36" she said in a high voice. The teacher nodded and quickly wrote another sum on the board.

"What is eight times nine,” said Jake as he wrote the sum.

"Sixty four,” said Denise allowing uncertainty to creep into her voice. Now she would find out what he wanted.

Jake picked up the cane and tapped it on his left hand. "My dear girl you have not done your homework,” he said as he turned to the board again. "Seven plus nineteen,” he said as he wrote the sum.

Denise hesitated as if unsure. Then she spoke, "Twenty three."

The teacher pulled a frown and pointed the cane at the errant schoolgirl. "What were you doing last night when you were supposed to be studying?" he asked in a strict voice.

Diane twisted her hands and hung her head.

"Answer the question young lady. What were you doing last night?" He asked.

"I went to a party,” said Diane in a quivering voice. She could feel tears well in her eyes as she spoke.

"Stand up girl and look at me when you answer."

Diane stood up and held her hands behind her back. Jake tapped the cane on the floor in front of her to tell her to touch the floor. As she brought her hands to the front the teacher stopped her with a tap of the cane.

"What is that on your nails,” he said in a stern voice.

Diane looked at her fingers where a dark red polish glistened on the long nails.

"Nail polish sir,” she whispered.

"Bend over and touch the floor,” he said.

She bent over as required, the plait falling to brush her face as she did so. Diane felt a hand raise her skirt to expose her tight rear. The same hand pulled her cotton pants. With a slight tear they tore off, leaving her naked ass exposed.

"I shall give you two strokes,” said Jake as he swished the cane in the air. "One for your wrong answer and one for wearing nail polish in class."

The first blow caught Diane unaware. It stung her suddenly. She flinched a little but did not move. She felt a hand smooth over her rear feeling the slight ridge where the cane had struck. Then came the second. Much harder than the first, she bit her lip a little and felt more tears well up.

"You may stand now,” said Jake as he took a position next to the blackboard. "Let me explain again. You have not learned your sums. You partied last night. If you get any more sums wrong you will be caned again."

Through the tears Diane saw him write on the board again. She planned to get a couple more right before she got caned again. Then she would beg him not to cane her and submit coyly to his sexual orders. She longed to free his erection and let her tongue play over his balls. Jake moved from the board to allow her to see the next sum.

Diane started as she realised that it was not going to be so very easy. '23 x 17'. She looked at him pleadingly.

"Come on now young lady,” he said.

Her mind a muddle she tried to calculate, but all she could see was the cane tapping his left hand. Diane blurted out the answer. "Two hundred and ninety."

A small smile of triumph flickered on Jake's face and he slapped the cane into his left hand.

"Bend over."

Diane touched the floor. Once again she felt the dress get lifted. Then his strict voice. "Spread your legs."

The schoolgirl moved her feet apart. She felt a tap from the cane as he lined it up. The touch was to her melting pussy. Then a sharp blow.

It contacted the lips of her pussy and stopped there. A slight movement and it had slipped in her damp sex. With a slow movement he pulled the cane through her sex. Diane felt every ridge on the bamboo as it passed over her inner lips.

For a moment she thought that her knees would give way. Slowly she stood.

"Did I allow you to move little girl,” said Jake.

Once again she bent over. For some reason she felt that she had lost control of the game. Her thighs quivered with anticipation of the next blow. She felt Jake's hand fondle her. One finger touched the pucker of her asshole. Then it slipped down to her pussy and stroked her clitoris.

"What did you do at the party Diane?" asked the teacher as he allowed his finger to wander into her tight, moist hole.

Diane was starting to wonder just how naughty she should be. A few strokes of the cane were fine. A thrashing was not what she had in mind.

Jake broke in to her thoughts. "I hope that you are not allowing boys to fondle you!"

"Never,” she cried as she tried to sound outraged.

The cane found its mark. Harder than ever it kissed her smooth ass with a crack.

"Tell the truth."

"Only a petting." Diane was almost crying. Once again a hand fondled her. This time it pushed forward touching the nub of her sex. She felt her legs quiver with excitement.

"What is a good test mark worth?"

Once again the cane swept down. This time it struck her thighs. Diane could feel the heat of the weal as Jake's hand found the slight ridge and caressed it gently.

"When I ask a question you will answer directly."

"I must pass the test sir. If I do not then I have to repeat the class next year. Please sir, I will do anything," cried Diane through her tears.

"Very well then young lady."

She heard the teacher walk round her, then the sound of his zipper. A hand closed over her chin and raised her head to confront his prick. Grasping her plait he pulled her mouth over his erect organ. Willingly she massaged the intruder with her tongue as he moved her back and forth over his organ.

"Suck and please me."

Diane moved her hands to grasp the root of his prick and sucked. She knew that this treatment could make him come. That was not allowed. Somehow she had to slow him down.

Anticipating her he pulled free and moved behind her. Diane was anticipating him pushing into her and braced herself for the entry. She gasped as the cane again punished her.

"I know that you are not as innocent as you make out,” said Jake as he gave her another blow. "Petting indeed! You are nothing but a teaser."

He paused for a moment and then reached between her legs to unbutton her blouse. With deft flicks of his fingers he undid the lower buttons and then grasped the loose material on her back. With a strong tug he ripped the blouse off leaving the sleeves and collar still on. A quick movement and her bra was unhooked and allowed to fall. Diane felt her breasts swing free to hang in her face.

"Touch the floor,” he ordered.

The cane caressed her full breasts and erect nipples from the side. Diane felt a tear hang at the tip of her nose for a moment. Never had he caned her breasts. He loved her breasts. A small tap awoke her from her reverie as he lined the cane to touch both nipples.

"Are you still a virgin?" He asked. "Do not lie my little slut."

"Yes sir,” she replied.

The cane touched the floor a few inches below her breasts fro a moment and then swept sharply up. Diane gasped but held her position.

"Answer again."

"No sir. I love cock."

Once again he moved to her rear. She felt his prick pressing into her flesh. Then it slipped into the wet pussy. He felt so large. Her tight hole gripped him as he pushed to the limit.

"What is eight times eight slut?" He asked as he pushed deeper.

"Sixty four,” she replied. "Sir."

With steady strokes he pushed into her, pulling almost out and then returning to stretch her to the limit.

"Very good slut."

A finger probed her tight ass. "Have you allowed the boys here?" asked the teacher.

Once again Diane thought of the consequences of her answer. "No sir, never there."

As Jake pushed into her he slapped her butt with the palm of his hand.

"Liar,” he gasped.

"No sir, never there." Diane could feel the first warmth of an orgasm making its way through her pulsing pussy. Jake was pushing so hard that her hands were slipping on the thick pile of the carpet.

"Please not there sir, you are so big." begged Diane.

She felt him slip out of her pussy and press against her other hole.

"You do want to pass your test? Don't you?"

His slick prick pressed into her, opening her gradually. Then he was in. Diane slipped to her elbows allowing her nipples to brush the carpet. The rub of the pile gave her the final push to orgasm as he came in her rear. She felt him stop, gasp and then slip his hand to her pussy. Another orgasm and she melted to the floor, thighs trembling as he withdrew.

As she lay he caressed her back and rear. Tracing the lines of the caning with his strong fingers, he massaged her. Using the wetness of their sex he smoothed the bruised flesh. Almost glad that the performance was at an end, Diane relaxed. He had shocked her, but she had responded.

Slowly she rolled over to face him. He was kneeling by her, his hands drifting to her breasts. With a sigh of satisfaction he cupped them and then slid his hands to her waist.

"You are nearly perfect,” he said under his breath. His hand slid to her slick pussy and parted the lips to allow him to gaze at her inner sex. Thumb and forefinger griped her inner lips making her thighs tremble.

With a small motion she opened her thighs a little to allow him to see her properly. "Would you wear my ring?"

Diane was suddenly awake. He had asked the question as though he had read her mind. Suddenly her dream came real.

A wedding, and life with her Jake forever.

"Darling I would be proud to."

Abruptly Jake realised what she meant. She wished to marry him. It was a misunderstanding of the greatest magnitude. He had in mind to pierce her sex and she thought of marriage.

The thought of living with Diane was tempting but he could not cut his ties from Joan so easily. Money had never been the reason that he had married Joan what had mattered was the doors that she had opened in society. He realised though that he should temporise. There was no way that he could marry her, in fact if Joan even found out about Denise he would have to let her go.

He had a suspicion that she already knew somehow but said nothing because the diversion of his lust suited her, Joan had seemingly never been interested in sex.

"It will not be easy to put a ring on your finger,” he said. "We must take our time."

The idea of any other rings would have to be delayed whilst he thought of a plan.

"I understand,” said Denise, spreading her thighs a little more to show the snake that wandered from her thigh, curled over her groin, it's tail vanishing into her ripe pussy.

In her head the thought of an end to the life of secrecy made her almost drunk with excitement. How long would it take? What about frigid Joan? How would a settlement hurt Jake financially?

"I have to make a lot of preparations. It could take a year,” said Jake as he mentally switched gear. He could see now that his liaisons with Diane had an end in sight.

Six months?

A year?

He would then just have to move on, and so would Diane!

Chapter 3

The doorbell rang three times in quick succession. After a few moments it was opened by a servant who let in the rather scruffy man without comment. Without a word to the butler the man crossed the hall and entered the main drawing room. Seating himself on a sofa he cast a quick glance around the room.

Taste and money.

Leather Chesterton with wood panelling.

He opened his slim briefcase and pulled out a couple of cassettes and a thick report. By the time that he had arranged them on the coffee table to his satisfaction Joan had entered the room. She nodded a greeting and sat facing him.

"Good morning Mrs. Lorde,” he said as he flicked to the first page of his report.

"We shall see,” she replied and waited for him to continue.

"I have bad news for you I'm afraid,” he started.

Casting a glance at the report as though he needed reminding of last nights work he explained. "The situation is as follows. I have been watching your husband for a week now. His movements are difficult to follow easily so I have found it necessary to hire another man to cover all bases. The costs are not small but I'm sure that it still fits my original estimate, especially since I have concrete results."

Joan Lorde leaned forward showing a little impatience. "Well then?" she asked.

"I expected it to take about three weeks to find out if your husband was cheating. However, we stumbled on a meeting last night that could change the level of gravity of the whole situation. You indicated that his private secretary was the one to watch, and you were correct. Three days ago I bugged her apartment and phone, but I must say that in these cases it is normal for lovers to meet in hotels so I did not expect any real results."

From the way that Joan moved her hands he realised that she was impatient to get down to details.

"After a visit to his bankers in 43rd Street your husband drove to her apartment. I lost him there because I could not park but my other man happened to be in the building because I wanted him to reposition the microphones as reception was bad." The private detective flicked to the next page of his report. "At about half past seven he spotted your husband and followed him. As he passed the apartment door he saw your husband enter and caught a glimpse of Miss Diane Faslane. She was dressed as a 'sexy school girl'. Y'know, hair in a plait with a bow, pleated skirt, tight blouse and white socks."

The man glanced at Joan to see the effect that his words were having on her. She was leaning forward to catch every word. All signs of impatience had been replaced by calm attention.

"Even though the microphone was badly placed we got a good recording of the proceedings,” he continued. "The long and short of it is that they had sex, he played the part of a teacher, Miss Faslane was the naughty schoolgirl. The most important part is that he proposed marriage to her after the sex."

Joan made a slight sound at this revelation. He could have mistaken it for a gasp of shock but got the distinct feeling that it was rather, a grunt of satisfaction.

"The full transcript of the meeting is in the report as transcribed by my secretary but I have a copy of the recording that we made." The private detective shrugged apologetically. "I originally thought that the bed was the place to bug so the sound quality is a little poor but I feel that you should listen to the tape as well as the transcript because much of the meaning of the conversation is the tone of voice rather than the words themselves."

The man pushed the transcript and tapes towards Joan and leaned back in the chair. He knew from experience that the transcript of sex was never as effective as the actual recording for ensuring that the client lengthened the surveillance and paid promptly.

With a flick of the fingers Joan opened the report and scanned the transcript. "It seems that your work is well up to your reputation,” she commented as she read a few lines and turned a few more pages.

“This was going well,” he thought as he watched her, waiting for the next question.

"Stay on the job. Money is not an object here. I would like you to find out more about Miss Faslane. Her background. Her education. Her family and a detailed report on her movements. Needless to say you will have to follow my husband as well."

The man coughed quietly and broke into her monologue. "This will drive expenses up. In fact I can see that I shall have to hire a couple more PIs as well as a specialist in surveillance."

"Hire as many as you need. You have a blank cheque. I shall pay you now for your work and give you enough to continue at least another two weeks,” said Joan.

“The expense list is at the back of the report with a complete breakdown. My bank details are there as well,” he said. "I have a last piece of advice. Hide the report properly and we will meet in a place other than your house in future. Your husband must have no cause to believe that he is being watched."

"Yes, yes,” she replied impatiently. "Whatever."

"Please be careful Mrs. Lorde. If you make my job more difficult by telling others what is going on it will make the evidence gathered less use and meagre." The private investigator paused for emphasis and then continued. "The courts are only one of many channels of action. There are other ways but they require that from the very beginning security is tight. Naturally you will have to think about a public or private response. In both cases I will be happy to ensure that you, the client, are the one that will benefit."

In his mind ran the thought. 'If you know what I mean.' But the thought remained unspoken. One thing he was sure of. What ever Mrs. Lorde decided he would make a fortune and her revenge would be bitter.

After the PI had left the house Joan sat in the drawing room thinking about the next step. She had vague ideas about revenge. Her husband and the trollop, both would regret their liaison.

But what to do?

The more she thought of retribution the more her thoughts turned to murder. But murder was not her style; she was a lady for whom revenge was really a dish best eaten very cold.

Of course there were the practical problems of the undeniable link between murdered and murderer. She was not likely to meet a stranger on a train any time soon.

No, and anyway if she wanted rid of Jake she could divorce him and wring every red cent from his pocket. There was no prenuptial agreement. Divorce treats might be a tool but she needed to make sure that he would not stray again.

She had married him to possess him not to give him up!

Against her families advice she had married him. It had taken years for him to be accepted. She had let him into society and it would damage her to prove that they had been right.

That was the real hurt.

It was the bitch he slept with that she would exact her revenge on. When Diane was out of the picture she would force him into her bed and make him pay for his infidelity.

'I need help though,’ she thought to herself. 'That means disclosing the shame. Who to talk to?'

Joan dismissed her normal circle of society friends. If she told them the news it was as good as written in the society pages of a dozen magazines. She pondered the dilemma and had only one real option.

She would tell her own lover!

Chapter 4

Diane sat in the office the next day. Even though she had a somewhat raw behind she glowed with happiness at her new status. She already felt like Jake's wife. Even though it was a secret she walked on air with the feeling.

Jake was away on a business meeting in Texas but she could scarcely contain herself as she went about her duties. Telephone calls, appointments to be made and an appointment with a lawyer that she had to sit in as Jack's witness to documents that needed signing.

Jake's private office was a realm apart from the rest of the office so she had a quick shower and dressed, leaving of the lacy underwear that simply rubbed against the cane weals from last night's encounter. Her pussy still ached from the pounding that Jake had given her. Half in her own world of heaven as Jake's new wife drinking cocktails at parties with the social elite and half in the office she started at a knock on the door.

The door opened to reveal a young man in casual dress. Hurriedly she slipped on her shoes and stood to face him.

“Hi,” he said in a friendly way. "Name's Jim. I've come to check the computer and modem link."

Diane looked quickly at the appointment book and noted that he was half an hour early. "ID?" she asked.

For a moment he rooted in his jeans before producing the pass for the building that he should have been wearing. "This is the one,” he said as he showed it to her. "Got nowhere to pin it."

In his hand was a well-worn airline pilot's bag. He set it down by Jake's desk and flipped it open. Diane glanced into it to see tools and computer parts.

"How long will you be?" She asked.

"Not sure. Probably under an hour."

Jim started work on the two computers in the office. For a while Diane watched him open them up and start to work on the insides. They passed a few comments about the weather before she attended to some of the jobs that she could do without using the computers. Jim mounted a couple of video cams on the monitors.

"Video conferencing,” he remarked as he wired them in.

"Does that mean that they are on all the time?" Asked Diane.

"No, only when the program is running,” he answered as he worked. "But, because the Internet connection is on all the time you will occasionally hear the hard drive working even when the computer is not being used,” he commented.

Jim hummed under his breath as he worked. After working the cameras into the system he installed the software. This would ensure that the cameras ran constantly and stored the film in the hard drive to be downloaded when needed.

Probably at night he thought, then the last 24 hours of video could be taken. Now for the sound. He installed the software and the extra microphones and started to work on the program that would sift through the data on the disk every few hours and extract any new data entered.

Letters typed on the word processor.

Updated spreadsheets and any modem communication with other computers, phones or the Internet.

As the work was done Diane asked a couple of questions that showed that she understood the computers.

"If you experience any problems with the computer just call me,” he said as he gave her a card with his mobile phone number.

Diane filed the card and helped him tidy the mess of snipped wires and the inevitable two screws that had come out but found no place as the machine was reassembled.

"We need to test the system now," he said as he closed his bag.

He turned on both computers and waited. He then showed her the software. As she sat he stood behind her and guided her through the program. He marvelled at her figure. Wasp waist and big breasted she was definitely a turn on. His boss had warned him but the reality made him sweat with lust.

Finally he left the secretary and office behind him, secure in the knowledge that if he wanted to see her again he would just have to download the pictures from her computer.

His next stop?

Diane's flat on Central Park. Cameras, software, surveillance and microphones, that was his job, and he was an expert.


Joan Lorde had never been in the arms of her lover. She was not one to cuddle and kiss in bed. Her sulky disposition and repressed social bearing had a balance. Growing up in a family where the children were at arm’s length and the servants were there to be ordered around had made her shy from contact, but paradoxically strong if she had the power to order others around.

She sought in her sex life a symmetry that could not be satisfied by loving contact. Never having been attractive as a child she had married late. Now that she was just short of forty she had never entertained the hope that some man would give her satisfaction.

Marriage, that was a contract.

Love, over the horizon, behind her.

Power, that was satisfaction.

The apartment was secluded, private and unnoticed. The woman that she thought of as her lover was really her servant. Gail, her lover, was her outlet, her release. Sometimes she only went there to order Gail around. Often for sexual release and sometimes because she enjoyed the secret life that she was living.

Tonight she sat on a low chair whilst Gail stood holding her cocktail nearby. Joan sat brooding. Somehow even her servant was unsatisfactory. She pondered finding another as she did every year or so by advertising in a fetish magazine. Gail was quiet and completely subservient. An ideal servant. With a flick of her fingers Joan indicated that she wanted a drink.

"Yes Miss,” said Gail as she passed the glass to her mistress.

Drink in hand Joan sipped twice and then passed it back. She knew that Gail wished to be punished but denied her the opportunity by ensuring that no drink was spilled.

"I have a problem,” said Joan without looking at her servant.

"Yes Miss."

"Simply put I have found out that my husband is screwing around."

"May I speak Miss?"

Joan ignored her and continued. "The worst is that I think that he wants to divorce me." Joan felt the unaccustomed feeling of a tear well up. Joan was sorry for herself, loss of status and the shame of divorce. She blinked quickly and continued. "I won't let him get away with it. And that bitch is going to suffer." Joan paused for a moment.

"Do you need help Miss?"

Joan looked at Gail. It was as if she had noticed her for the first time. Gail stood naked holding the cocktail. She was perhaps fifty, Joan had never thought to ask. Not unattractive but rather past her good looking years. Grey hair and heavily made up she seemed almost to be naturally subservient or at least diffident.

"How can you help?" asked Joan.

It seemed odd that Gail felt that she could. In fact it seemed impossible that Gail was capable of anything that required independent action.

"I can ask a friend." came the reply.

Joan knew that Gail was deeply involved in the fetish scene. How else could she have found the small ad that Joan had placed.


"I know a woman who ... " Gail hesitated for a moment as she sought to find suitable words to describe the most dangerous woman that she knew.

"Who?" asked Joan again.

This time her interest was aroused.

"I know a woman who specialises in solving these sort of problems." replied Gail.

"Speak to her. No. Better yet let her come here and I will speak to her,” said Joan quietly.

'That's it then.' thought Joan. 'I hire a servant and she has the contacts!'

"I shall be here at eight tomorrow night,” said Joan feeling that speaking her problem aloud had helped. If this did not work than she would have to speak to her private investigator. But, she loathed the idea of using a man to solve her problems.

Joan settled in the chair a little and spread her legs. Slowly she lifted the hem of her dress. This was as good as an order to Gail who placed the drink on a low table and crept between Joan's thighs. With a sigh of satisfaction Joan put her feet on her lover's back to allow the heels to rest on the soft flesh of Gail's lower back.

Gail slipped her tongue to her mistresses lean pussy and gently massaged her. A small shudder passed through Joan and she dug her heels in. In response Gail worked her tongue and lips into the dry flesh and began to lick. The pain from the heels acted as an aphrodisiac to the naked servant as she noticed that Joan was becoming moist.

It moved her to greater effort.

It was so rare that Joan seemed to respond sexually that Gail could think of nothing but pleasing her mistress. Suddenly it was over. A convulsion that scored Gail's back ferociously. This was what she wanted. Servitude, punishment and to please her mistress.

With a sigh Joan pushed Gail back on to her knees. Then suddenly she leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead.

"You really must do better,” said Joan. "Fetch me the quirt and I will teach you not to make me come so quickly."

As Gail fetched the leather strap she felt fulfilled. She almost danced to the cabinet and selected the heaviest of all the short whips. She had spent months waiting for this moment. It was like a dream come true. Her mistress was going to punish her properly at last and best of all she would meet Miss Clearmont.

Miss Clearmont would know how to deal with Joan as well as the tart that had stolen her mistress’s husband.

Chapter 5

After a rather acrimonious business meeting in Austin, Jake flew to Las Vegas. An evening at the gaming tables and then a willing partner were what he needed to soothe himself.

'I must be getting old,’ he thought wryly. 'Making money is no fun anymore, just a reflex that needs to be tested to make sure that it has not faded.'

Las Vegas was a vice of Jake's.

He never lost very much at poker but the game was a stimulus. Somehow mixing with gamblers and prostitutes gave him a boyish thrill. A sort of seamy adult Disney World feeling.

He played longer than he meant to and picked the most outrageous of the bitches as a partner for the night. Of all the girls she wore the most makeup. She was the only one with a plastic skirt and was chewing gum like a demented sheep. For two hundred he bought the whole night. 'Looks cheap, is cheap.' could have been her slogan.

For three hours they moved from the bed to the shower and then to the floor. She chewed her gum and he almost made her come. But not quite. She, on the other hand made him come, twice. She moaned and groaned like the true professional that she was, finally sitting on his prick and sucking the juice from him with irresistible force.

Jake almost imagined that her pussy milked him in waves. Pumping him dry by sheer suction. He hardly felt her nails score his chest but he did see her chewing as she twisted on his prick. Truly screwing him, making him surrender every last drop until at last she pulled free, one last pull that made his erection stand proudly even though he had come the second time.

But no more!

He felt finished. Her hand gripped his prick, all false nails and pink polish. She had not even removed her plastic skirt. His erection faded leaving her poised to take him into her mouth but Jake stopped her with his hand.

He had had enough.


Miss Clearmont could be described as attractive. The touches of grey in her hair were slight but definite. What she lacked in youth she made up for in strength of character and surety of bearing. Just a year ago she had gained a considerable fortune that allowed her to pursue her hobbies without hindrance.

Her pastime was art, her passion was sex.

Formerly a nurse she had stolen a fortune from her blackmail victims.

Gail Vasdek, was her special creation.

Miss Clearmont had first met Gail at a party a year before and recognised the familiar bearing of a submissive immediately. After the party she had taken Gail under her wing and they had had a brief affair but somehow Gail was almost too passive and the contact had dwindled. Miss Clearmont preferred to subdue rather than encourage her submissives so it was with considerable surprise that she got a telephone call from Gail.

The next day Gail called at Miss Clearmont's Manhattan apartment. As she was led to Miss Clearmont's private office she felt a nervous but elated thrill run through her. The door was opened by the servant to reveal a sumptuous room, fine art hung on the walls and a massive mahogany desk dominated the chamber.

"Come in Gail,” said Miss Clearmont.

With nervous steps Gail entered and stood before the desk. There was no other chair in the room so she had to remain standing. Miss Clearmont sat on a leather armchair behind the desk looking relaxed and pleased to see her acquaintance.

"You spoke of a friend's problem, tell me all about it."

As she spoke she pressed a button on the desk and the door opened to reveal the butler who had shown Gail into the apartment.

"A water for me and a brandy for my guest,” she ordered.

The liveried butler served the drinks from a cabinet and retired from the room, closing the door softly behind him.

After a sip of brandy Gail explained. "My present Mistress is Mrs. Joan Lorde. She has a problem in that her husband is seeing another woman."

"Just how can I help?" said Miss Clearmont in an enquiring tone. She knew of Joan socially but it was news that she had Gail as a partner. That could only mean that she was the dominant one.

"She is worried that her husband plans to divorce her. I think that she would rather not go through the courts with a divorce," came the reply.

Miss Clearmont was intrigued. First that Joan Lorde had Gail as a lover and second that she knew that her husband was rich. She smelled money and an interesting opportunity.

"Tell her to call on me in the next couple of days and we shall see if I can help, but I'm not promising anything!"

Gail showed signs of relief. She had been worried that Miss Clearmont would be either angry at her or try to persuade her to stay. She had been a hard mistress.

"Has she been treating you well?" asked Miss Clearmont.

"Mistress Joan is good to me," came the reply. "She looks after me and punishes me fairly for my failings."

"I am glad to hear that my little slave. Return to your mistress and remember to ask her to call on me. I am always glad to meet a woman of like mind."

With a small dismissive gesture she waved her hand to discharge Gail. With a "Thank you Mistress," Gail left Miss Clearmont.

For a few minutes Miss Clearmont sat thinking. Then she reached under the desk and pulled on a leather leash. The leash was attached to the collar around the neck of a naked woman who had been waiting silently unseen under the desk.

"Stand up Desire,” she ordered.

The slave stood by her mistress and waited for further orders. The jewellery that she wore tinkled as she stood. Three steel rings, one through each nipple of her large breasts and another tucked out of sigh in her naked pussy dangled small bells that chimed with every move.

For a minute Miss Clearmont admired her chattel. Here was the secret of her wealth.

Late Denise Lamont, rich widow, now Desire the pliant bitch.

"Would you like to meet Mrs Lorde?" asked Miss Clearmont.

"I am your slave mistress," replied Desire as she looked at the floor.

Miss Clearmont stood up. Placing a hand under the chin of her slave she raised Desire's eyes to look into her own. Then she allowed her hand to drift down the slave's neck until it rested on her breast.

"Would you like to prove it?" she asked.

"I only wish to give you pleasure my mistress."

The hand wandered from the breast to the triangle between Desire's thighs. A finger entered the narrow slit and rubbed against the pierced nub of the clitoris.

"You have given me so much pleasure my dear. It would be such a shame if I had to dispose of you. But you are the last remaining evidence that Denise Lamont ever existed. One day I shall have to, perhaps in the near future because it seems as though you might just be a distraction now that I have work to do,” said Miss Clearmont in a quiet tone.

She felt Desire shudder but if it was the attention to her pussy or the fear of being disposed of Miss Clearmont did not know.

With a tug of the leash Miss Clearmont led her slave out of the room. The two passed through a corridor lined with delicate watercolours and small statues on pedestals. A door revealed another corridor, this time rather austere in white and black tiles.

Pulling a key from her pocket Miss Clearmont used it to enter a cubical no larger than a meter square. She allowed Desire to step past her into the small room and then shut the door locking it as she did so.

In the dark of the cell Desire sat down on the cold tiles. She was glad that her mistress had not chosen to put her back into the punishment cage. Miss Clearmont was good to her.

Miss Clearmont walked the length of the corridor, her heels clicking on the tiles with a sharp sound. Entering another locked door she came into her punishment room. The room was decorated as a boudoir, four poster bed and sumptuous furnishings contrasted with the other half of the room which looked more like a dungeon than a bedroom.

Closing the door behind her she went to the wooden box by the bed and opened it. The sides fell away to reveal a cage containing a slave. The woman was corpulent making her flesh press against the bars. Miss Clearmont opened the cage to allow the woman to crawl out with slow movements.

"How are you today Kathy?" she asked in a soft voice.

Kathy stayed on all fours. Just the effort of escaping the cage had exhausted her. Her 280 pounds of flesh heaved as she panted with exertion.

"I asked you a question." Miss Clearmont's voice had an edge that suggested that she would not wait long for an answer.

"I need to be punished mistress."

With a smile Miss Clearmont looked at her former friend. So very fat, but there was room for more. She reached out her hand and took a fistful of a roll of fat. For a moment she squeezed and twisted before letting go and sitting on the edge of the four poster. With a flick she undid the waist of her dress and allowed it to fall open. No knickers covered her ripe sex allowing Kathy to see the moist lips of her pussy.

"Please me and I may feed you,” said the mistress as she opened her legs and leaned back. Miss Clearmont heard the movement of her enormous slave as she crawled forward. Then she felt the tongue on her pussy. Four studs piercing the tongue pulled over her pussy making her shudder with pleasure.

"Use your breasts," ordered Miss Clearmont.

Kathy pulled one huge breast from the floor and put the metal pieced nipple in her mistress's pussy. Slowly she worked it over Miss Clearmont's soaking pussy. It did not take long for Miss Clearmont to orgasm. As she shuddered with pleasure Kathy withdrew to all fours and waited for further orders. Slowly the mistress sat up. Her slave, shaven head down, was a mass of pink flesh. Here and there were the criss cross marks of the caning that she had received yesterday. On her back was tattooed the word 'SLAVE' in large cursive script. Miss Clearmont stood and walked round her.

"That was good slut. In fact it was so good that I will allow you a request."

Kathy looked at her huge breasts. They were all that she could see. They hung to slump on the floor hiding the pierced soft nipples. For a moment she considered asking for something worthwhile like a drink of fresh water or a cooked meal, but she no longer had the courage.

"Please mistress, could I go to the toilet?" asked Kathy.

"You wish to try my generosity slave?" Came the reply.

"No mistress. But I so need to."

Miss Clearmont paused for a moment. Now she regretted her charity. Still, she had offered. Stooping down she withdrew the plastic plug that was blocking her slave.

"Control yourself and do not make a mess of my floor slut. You may go."

With a waddling motion Kathy crossed the floor to a chamber pot and lowered herself. Still she was on all fours. Miss Clearmont picked up her skirt and put it on before going over to Kathy. With a brief look at her watch she said. "You have a minute."

Whilst Kathy strained on the pot she selected a fresh plug and went back to stand by her labouring slave. After the minute was up she slapped Kathy who crawled forward. With great satisfaction Miss Clearmont noted that the pot was still empty.

"Tomorrow you can try again." Was her only comment as she passed the plug to Kathy. Kathy looked at the plug. It was larger than the last one and would have to be inserted into rectum and vagina. A small tube hung limply from the rear of the device. Resigned to the discomfort she inserted it until only the tube was to be seen hanging from between her plump behind. Miss Clearmont fitted a bulb to the tube with a practised motion and began to squeeze. As she did so Kathy could feel herself being stretched.

"This is my little reward for your service slut. I have decided that since you have become so large it is fitting that you should have matching holes. I intend to make you reach a weight of 350 pounds. You are simply not big enough for me to enjoy your distress.”

"Thank you mistress for your devoted care. I only wish to please you,” said the abject Kathy.

"Doctor Vance will be in to see you later." Replied Miss Clearmont. "I have a little plan for you that you will really enjoy. Would you like to guess what it might be?"

Kathy simply shook her head and murmured. "Whatever you wish, mistress."

"You are to go on a regimen of hormones. Your breasts need enlarging somewhat and your thighs are still so thin that you can nearly put your legs together."

Miss Clearmont stopped pumping the rubber bulb and detached it from the tube. With a gentle pat she urged her slave to the cage. Once in the cage in a kneeling position she fetched a bowl the size of a large tureen and set it before the hapless Kathy. It was filled to the brim with cold fatty lumps of boiled pork and a sour smelling liquid. With that she wiped her hand on Kathy's head and closed the cage.

"I will be back in about half an hour. If the bowl is not licked clean I will thrash you and then give you two more to eat. You are simply not eating enough. From now on it's double rations for you anyway."

With that Miss Clearmont pulled up the panels to cover the slave pen and slipped the bolts in place. Inside was complete and utter darkness. Kathy had no trouble finding the bowl but the space was so small and filled with her bulk that she could not get her hands to the bowl. With resignation she began to feed.

She knew that she would never get into the corners of the bowl to finish it off, so the punishment was inevitable. But she also knew that if she did not try her chastisement would be terrible. The food tasted of salt. With no teeth she had to swallow the lumps of gristle and fat whole making it difficult to swallow. She moved with discomfort because the dildo in her pussy was stretching her terribly and the one in her rear was almost unbearable.

A year ago she had been mistress of her own fortune, training slaves and living the life of a wealthy woman. But because her friend Miss Clearmont had believed that she was trying to steal she had been subjected to a year of terrible revenge. For a moment she paused to swallow again but the fat would not go down. Her face was wet with the salty liquid and congealed fat.

She almost choked as she struggled to swallow and then it went down. Never a slim lady she was gross now. On her knees motionless most of the time and never allowed to walk she was not even sure if she could. Toilet visits were far and few between and terrible when they were allowed. She was not a sex slave, she was Miss Clearmont's revenge. Kathy rarely saw anyone but her mistress. Often she heard others being tormented or used in the room but in her box she had no real idea of the passing of time.

Some time ago she had been led out of her box and shown to some of Miss Clearmont's friends. Grotesque in a huge basque and stockings she had been used as a table for drinks and then as a sex doll. For several hours they had fucked her wide gagged mouth. One of the men then complained that her teeth had caught his cock. A couple of days later Doctor Vance had removed them.

Now her smooth mouth with it's studded tongue was ready for pleasure but Miss Clearmont had not used it. No she had taken to Kathy's breasts. Each nipple had a stud through it holding a stretcher in place. Several weeks later they were replaced with larger ones. The good doctor checking that the nipples were growing. Kathy was being enlarged all the time. Her clitoris was as small as a short prick and constantly rubbed on whatever object was in her pussy. The worst of all was the hopelessness of slavery.

She knew that she could never escape, she was physically not able to. She was doomed to be a living reminder of her mistress's wrath. The best that she could manage was to rock back and forth to orgasm, at least she had that pleasure.

Miss Clearmont had a warm glow of satisfaction as she left Kathy. She was so rich that money had almost no meaning but the videotapes of Kathy as a slave that she sold the rights to, gave her no end of gratification. She had a whole store of tortures prepared for Kathy but one at a time stretched over months was the way to get her revenge.

As she passed the door behind which Desire was locked she had a sudden thought. Opening the door she found her slave curled on the cold tiles fast asleep. A touch of her heel brought Desire to her feet.

"I forgot so put you in restraint,” she said as she reached up.

She pulled at a trio of small chains and attached them to the rings in Desire's pussy and nipples. With a small tug they spooled upward to the ceiling stopping when taut. When the door closed the spool would not unwind. Desire had a long night ahead of her.

"Thank you mistress for restraining me,” said Desire as the door closed.

Once in her office Miss Clearmont made a phone call. She rang the number of a private detective agency that she always used when discretion was required.

"Can I speak to George please,” she said to the secretary.

For a moment there was music on the line. "George Watts here."

"Miss Clearmont. I wonder if you could do a little research for me in the next day or two."

"For you. I am sure that we can."

"I need information and a watch kept on a Mrs. Lorde,” she said

"Ahem." For a moment there was silence as George thought about customer confidentiality. The fees that Miss. Clearmont could pay overcame his reticence. "Funny coincidence, we have her as a client at the moment."

"That does save time,” said Miss Clearmont with a chuckle. "Are you watching her as well?"

"No just her husband and his lover."

"Well at the usual rate I want you to dig up as much as you can by tomorrow. Also follow another woman. Gail Vasdek. I believe that the two of them are having a somewhat unconventional affair."

"Anything else?" asked George. "What time do we meet?"

"At two in the afternoon will be fine. I will pay in cash as usual."


Miss Clearmont put down the phone. This was really coming together now. Mr. Lorde was in deep trouble, but he did not know it yet. Mrs. Lorde was in deeper than she realised and Gail Vasdek's powerful friend could look forward to an exciting time.

Chapter 6

Joan Lorde was expecting her husband to return in the late evening flight from Austin. Usually having the whole day to herself was a bore. Shopping or socialising.

Today was different.

She rang Gail as soon as she had breakfasted. There seemed little hope that her servant could have arranged anything so quickly but it was with almost bated breath that she waited for Gail to pick up the phone.

"Hello. Have you managed to contact your friend yet,” she had meant to be cool and cautious on the phone but somehow she could not wait.

"Yes,” said Gail. "You can call her to arrange a meeting as you like." With that she gave Miss Clearmont's telephone number to Joan. Gail continued. "Are we meeting tonight?"

Joan paused for a moment. "If the meeting brings any hope then you can expect me round tonight. I shall be expecting you to be ready to be punished."

Gail's heart leapt with excitement at the thought. "I shall be waiting for you mistress."

Joan put down the phone. After a moment considering the name that Gail had given her she dialled the number. She felt that Miss Clearmont's name was familiar, had they met at some social party or event? No matter, she would meet her and find out. The phone rang for several seconds before being picked up.

The voice on the other end of the line sounded stern and matter of fact but Joan arranged to call at Miss Clearmont's apartment in two hours. When she had put the phone down she realised where she had met Miss Clearmont before.

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The Watercolor Chapter Two

Morgan awoke to a cold bed and fear in her heart. Having opened her eyes, she jolted upright and looked around the room. Christian was nowhere to be seen. He’d left. He had fucked her and he’d left her.Excruciating pain welled up inside her chest and tears filled her eyes. She pulled up the blanket to cover her naked body, feeling ashamed, stupid, and dirty, despite having anticipated that this could happen. Intense pain shot through her limbs and she felt her heart would just give out. Sadness...

Love Stories
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Dark Hill

My name is Ted Howard and my wife's name is Beth. We have three children; Carl aged 10, Mike age 8 and Beth age 5. It all started so very innocently with my wife and me enjoying our first vacation by ourselves in over ten years and evolved into something that seems like a fantastic dream than reality. Over the past ten years we have had three children and every vacation had included each of them as they came along. Now, with the children staying with my wife's parents for the summer, we were...

2 years ago
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Memorable Time With Neighbor Bhabhi 8211 Part 3

Till now I have been enjoying blowjob and Tung fucking. I made most use of Tongue. It was a pleasure and excitement doing this. After kissing all around satisfying our self we used to settle for 69 position. Bhabhi take whole of my Penis inside and I will go deep into her pussy. Whole room get fill with our moan. Aaaaaaaaaaa , uuuhhhhhh. We can not moan loudly other wise will get caught. Bhabhi got a habit of not taking my Penis out till my penis becomes smaller and asking me to go deeper and...

4 years ago
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The Rivers Lodge on the HillChapter 2

Joni and Rich, the unmarried couple, showed up on Memorial Day weekend. Joni was a woman of twenty-eight. Rich might be a little older. Of the two Joni was by far the more outgoing. They reached here at three that afternoon. Brenda and Selma set about preparing dinner, while I showed them around. Joni was thrilled to find a farmhouse in almost the original state that it was when built except for the new changes I had just made. Rich was interested in the way the buildings were constructed...

4 years ago
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Sex With Aunty In Chennai

Hi All, Sexy Morning, This is a true story of me and my aunty. My name is Harish and sexy queen is Kanammal, we both are living in Chennai.I’m very excited to tell you my real sex experience with my aunty. I love to sex with aunties and girls but I never get chance to do it. Please reach out me with your valuable comments to I’m a looking good, 5.11 height and 6.5 inches cock. Now I’m going to elaborate you a very interesting story that totally belongs to me when I was 12th standard. This is...

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June 1977:It is probably plainly obvious this is 100% true, but just in case: " The following is 100% true"I used to work on Broad Street in Birmingham, in a building that is now a Travel Lodge. It was mostlydrinking, sleeping and shagging that went on there, when it was our office, so it was probably a logical step.Over the road was a pub, named at various timed the Granville and The Westward Ho, but it is now O'Neills. This was the place that the staff drank at lunchtimes, and after work....

3 years ago
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Something New

“Baby, let’s try something new” I smirked as I hauled my top over my head; one knee either side of his bare waist.Immediately tending his lips to my breasts, he snaked his hands behind my bra and unhooked it effortlessly. I let it slip from my arms and to the floor below as he raised his eyebrow curiously at my mischievous glance.“No, not that” I laughed, rolling my cotton t-shirt up as I hooked it behind his head, keeping his gaze. He looked confused as I brought the material round the sides...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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WildOnCam Britt Blair Naughty Hot Britt Blair Rides All Over His Cock

Welcome young and wild hottie Britt Blair to the studio. Britt is fierce and ready to get down and nasty with Jay Romero. Jay comes in wearing a cowboy hat but soon it is Britt that is being the cowgirl riding on Jays hard cock while grinding her pussy all the way down to the balls. She takes the hat and manages to look extra hot with those gorgeous blue eyes staring at you while Jay pummels her from behind. How much would you love to stick your cock down her throat to make her gag on it? Britt...

2 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 21 Hawaii

Wearing a lei around her neck, Raven walked into the suite where they were staying. Actually, it was the three bedroom ocean view penthouse. It came with every luxury imaginable. There was an open plan great room, a dining area, a private lanai with a barbecue, and a view of the ocean that was spectacular and overwhelming. Looking around the place, Andrew said, "Dave really did a good job with the arrangements." "Can the project afford this?" Cat asked sounding worried. "He says it...

3 years ago
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Visiting Sam part 1

I had to go away for a few days because of work; it's not unusual for me, so Pat was used to it. Before, she would spend time with girlfriends, but last time I was away, she was mostly with Dave, the guy I was sharing her with. This time, though, Pat asked if he could stay with her until I came back. At first, I was reluctant to say yes but caved into her request after some sucking up from her.On this trip, I would be working in a town close to where Sam lives. Sam is Pat's older sister, not by...

3 years ago
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Ravens Vacation Part 1 Poolside

PrologThis series has happened for real. Written by me (HentaiHub) and told by a Cosplayer who's cosplaying Raven from Teen Titans.RavenHere are two picture of the girl from this series.Part 1 - PoolsideMid-morning Mediterranean sunshine flashes across the cyan pool waters as Raven tiptoes between the half empty lines of sun loungers towards her own. Quickly, she d****s her towel across its padded bed, grab an ashtray from a nearby table, unlace the 4" sandals from her feet and plops herself...

2 years ago
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Threeway Love

I had known both Jake and Marksince I was little. We had grown up together and shared most important memories. We had been inseparable all through school. None of our other friendships lasted, even going through puberty and the awkwardness of feelings never changed our friendship. Having been through everything with them it was no surprise when I found myself falling for them both. Jake was tall and skinny with blonde hair and reminded me of a skater punk even though he was friendly and...

1 year ago
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Making an Omelet

Making an Omelet By Jillian There's an old saying I often think of and try to live my life by, something about when life deals you broken eggs that you should try to make an omelet from them. It's served me well over the years, helping to keep me on an even keel in the face of stress, whether it's personal or professional. But I had no idea how truly important this philosophy would become when faced with the most stressful situation anyone could imagine themselves having to...

1 year ago
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The Deliquint The Debutante

"EEEEENOOOOUUUUGH!" came the shrill voice of Mrs. Garret The two combating teens immediately snapped their heads around to look at the older woman in surprise, but a moment later, they were back to glaring at each other."This constant bickering has got to stop," Mrs. Garret continued in a more normal tone of voice, though it was just as emphatic."Well, if her highness here would just..." Jo began"That's right, peasant..." Blair sneered"Why you...!" the brunette started to lunge for the blonde,...

2 years ago
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What I did at Henrys House part 1

We had had a rather enjoyable day of lazing around and watching films, due to the guys being rather geeky films Star Trek and Star Gate related were on the agenda. It was getting later though and people were beginning to leave. My parents had gone away and weren’t expecting me back so I was planning on staying later anyway. Tim lived about 10 minutes away by bike and the others had already left. We decided to watch one more film before we went. So we stuck on one called The Illusionist. It...

2 years ago
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Fuck My Arabian Slut Wife Chapter IV Nescafe Fucked By Arabian Massive Cocks

Chapter IV Nescafe Fucked By Arabian Massive Cocks. (MF, BWC, ARABIAN MASSIVE COCKS, WAD, DP, BJ, ANAL, WIFE, CUCKOLD) My name is Aziz, I am a 45 years old businessman from Casablanca. My wife Nescafe (that’s her nickname), is 15 years younger than me. She is a very tall (almost 6’) and very sexy babe with the most perfect body you could ever imagine! She‘s got the most perfect boobs, a small waist, large sexy hips, and the biggest booty in town. With the purest and silkiest skin ever,...

3 years ago
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On Bloodhounds and Not Falling in LoveChapter 3

Two hours later, the girls seemed to be loosening up a little, losing what little they had left of reserve. All four of them were seated at the patio table. The girls were still unclothed except for their heels, but the men had pulled on their polo shirts and boxer shorts. Despite sucking off the two men, Keryl and to a lesser degree her daughter both still seemed a bit shy and unsure of themselves in the company of their host. Still, when there were dogs around, especially horny dogs, the...

2 years ago
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Professor Sin

Julianna sighs. This class just goes on forever! I mean, I love the subject matter, German Renaissance? Hel- looo. But as a night class, three hours is just too long. I take fabulous notes on the first half of the class, but the professor is a task driver and doesn't allow for a break, something we all need so we don't fall asleep. By the second half I'm bored and my brain wanders when it should be sticking to the lecture. Today is no different. After a full day at work, the last thing I want...

3 years ago
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Savagely Sexed in School6

My butt hole was so sore and tender that with every little movement of Daniel's huge cock my thighs and legs trembled and shook violently and uncontrollably. Daniel's huge cock head, slowly and deliberately, inched painfully further into my anal cavity. I could not take full breaths due to the pain of my anal muscle being stretched wider than it ever had been. I found my self clawing at the air, since Bruce and Charlie firmly held my wrist, I could only claw at the air. Daniel painstakingly...

1 year ago
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TeacherFucksTeens India Summer Cant Stop Cumming

Ricky Spanish knows that his new stepmom India Summer is hot hot hot and he wants her for himself. When he joins her in the kitchen and asks why he isn’t studying, Ricky doesn’t have a good answer. He tries to study at the table, but he’s distracted by India’s huge breasts! She notices his attention and offers to show him a little cleavage if he’ll just try studying. That doesn’t work well; Ricky now can’t stop beating his meat. India decides to take...

2 years ago
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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 13

The Waterman twins were blocking our path back from the parking lot with a few of their friends. I took out my phone and set it to record before passing it to Zoe. “What’s that hammer made of?” I asked Emma in a whisper before we got too close. “Nothing durable,” she confessed. “Char and Mark never considered I might hit anyone with it.” “As hot as you are, they didn’t think you’d need a Boy-Basher? Tsk, tsk, tsk,” I said in playful disappointment, but I really wished it was usable as a...

1 year ago
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LittleAsians Lady Dee Asian Lust On A Leash

If Lady Dee is in the mood, she is willing to go all out to get her rocks off. Today, she puts on a sexy leather dog collar with a chain and meets her dominating stud with every intention of rocking his world. She licks milk out of a cocktail glass like the pervy pet she is. Then, she crawls on her hands and knees before climbing onto the bed to get her tight Asian slit pummeled. Our stud shoves his cock inside and pounds passionately until he busts a dripping load all over Lady Dee’s lips....

2 years ago
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Thursday Night At The Adult Arcade

He behaved as though he never heard me and I could tell that he was about to cum. I pleaded with him to cum in my mouth. I had my face to the hole, my tongue extended. But to no avail; he shot his nut through the air and onto the floor, just inches from my cum starved mouth. “Oh, baby,” I said. “Why did you do that! Now I’m going to have to lick it all up off the floor!” Well, he pulled his pants up and left. So I went over to the booth and got down on my knees and elbows and lapped up the...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Jazmin Luv Give Me Luv

Jazmin Luv has put on some lovely pink lingerie to highlight her curves in preparation for a good time with Will Pounder. Crawling into bed with Will, she doesn’t hesitate even a moment before locking lips with him. Will makes his appreciation of Jazmin’s outfit clear as his hands roam her ass. In response, Jazmin loses the bra to put Will’s big palms on her tits. Kissing her way down Will’s body, Jazmin runs her tongue over his chub through his briefs. She crawls back...

3 years ago
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The Most Beautiful Woman on Television

Her mother had discovered them, black panties down in Samantha’s bedroom. “You wicked, wicked girls! No! You mustn’t do such naughty things!” They each squealed adorably. “Pull your panties up!” Situated she stepped between the kneeling girls. “This will hurt me more than it will hurt you. You may hold hands.” A firm spanking was applied. “Never again, Samantha!” “Yes, ma-ma. Witches honor.” “Never again, Serena!” “Yes, Aunt Endora. Witches honor.” They’d each peeked when Louise...

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The Sleepover4

Wow that was a amazing night at the dance with Amanda and me. The way we were passoninately together was amazing. And the best part was now that we were together we could have that all the time. I was soo juiced for what was to come in the weeks following. That next Monday she walked right up to me and grabbed my dick and said “hey baby.” Now that’s a good way to start the week. After that she said: “Elizabeth colleen and I are having a sleep over Saturday night and we want you to come....

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Nancy Learns the Ropes

Nancy Nicholas was a certified college graduate with an impressive Grade Point Average. However, even she would have to admit that there was something to the repeated opinion from her more than strict father that she had very little common sense. She had been raised according to rigid standards of right and wrong and projected an aura of confused morality and naïve perspective on everything around her. Now that she was finished with college and her parents were sending her little sly hints...

3 years ago
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Daddys mine

I became consciously aware that I was going to fuck my step-dad one summer evening while swimming in our pool. I had fostered a crush on him since I had sprouted boobs, but now the feeling was different. We swam around, playing and splashing for awhile then he climbed out of the pool to smoke a cigarette, letting his legs dangle in the water. I swam over to him, and continued our conversation, then began non-nonchalantly at first then more insistently began rubbing my breasts against his...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Moka Mora Dangerous Craving

Despite her therapist urging her to stay away from dangerous men, Moka cannot. She’s got a thing for her Dad’s married friend, Ryan and no amount of warning is going to stop her. She shows up at his office, closes the door, and after a weak attempt at resistance, Moka reaches for Ryan’s belt buckle and immediately yanks out his thick cock. Ryan’s wife isn’t even an afterthought as he plunges into Moka’s sweet, tight pussy. With her sneakered feet wrapped...

1 year ago
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Just a Jab Ch 01

This is part 1 of a longer story. I am submitting this early to gain some feedback to determine if it is worth me writing & submitting more. There is almost no sexy stuff so far, as I am just setting the basis of the story. Thank you in advance for any valuable comments. ======================================== CHAPTER 1 DAY 1 Monday John eased back in his chair pushing his body slightly away from his modern ergonomic desk, and the computer that always seemed to need his...

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The Second Circle Book 1

The Second Circle Book 1 By Paradox Wolf Springs, Wyoming, Connors Residence Normally, I was an early riser. This wasn't always the case, but ever since I manifested as a werewolf just over a month ago my habits had changed just as drastically as my biology. Now, in addition to having changed from being a skinny runt of a boy into what I was now able to admit was a pretty damn hot girl, I'd also taken on the qualities of the wolf itself. Unfortunately, this included waking up...

2 years ago
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Nursed By My Mother Part Three

Being confined to my bed gave me lots of time to lay there and think. That's about all I could do considering that both my arms were immobilized. Of course the topic utmost in my mind was that of my mothers transformation from a strict prudish and non sexual matron, to an exuberant, erotic and almost nymphomatic sex monster. It was inconceivable to think that her complete turn around occurred in just a few short weeks. When her carnal urges struck, at any given time of the day, Mom would come...

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Uncle Davids XxxmasChapter 4

As I came back up for air, I noticed the boys had all gathered around, so I lay on the floor and said "I want a cum bath, then a quick shower, and then I'll let you all fuck me in the order you cum." As I lay on the floor and watched the boys started stroking; cocks of all sizes from 5" to 9" skinny to fat, I noticed some seemed to concentrate on their cock, while others looked around to see how the others were doing. Some had their hands to themselves others were feeling the asses or...

3 years ago
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Me Dad And His Colleague8217s Wife 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, I am back again with another amazing sexperience. This incident happened a few months ago. My mom had gone to her native for a wedding. Me and my dad could not go. So we had to do all the work ourselves. Sometimes, my dad’s colleague who stayed in the adjacent block would bring us some food. Sometimes, his wife Sheeja, even used to come to our house to help us out. She was around 46 years old with quite saggy boobs and a huge ass. My dad was 44, sexually very active. He used to...

2 years ago
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Ravens Most Humiliating Day

Raven walks into the tower's common room, which is particularly empty today, the quiet in the tower almost disturbs her, almost. She was dressed in her regular attire: A black leotard, a chain belt, blue ankle high boots, and her blue cloak, if these weren't the only type of clothes she had she probably wouldn't be wearing them today. You see just hours before, The Titans had gone up against mad scientist Chang, and during the fight with his henchmen, he had shot Raven with some kind of raygun....

3 years ago
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Training Callista

I’ve always been a bad girl. I don’t know why but when I hit puberty I just flipped, before I was a happy go lucky individual but now…I’m extremely cynical, apathetic and generally an anti-social sarcastic human being. I’ve always been small too, in every way. I’m about 5”2 or something and really skinny. That’s probably where my anger stems from to be honest, people always made fun of my height. Anyways, so I had detention. Big surprise…I always have detention, I didn’t even realise you could...

2 years ago
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Building a LegacyChapter 11 A Negotiated Peace

Alex and his sisters entered the hotel dining room the next morning with more than a little trepidation, knowing Winona would undoubtedly be waiting for him. They'd discussed her and how he hoped to handle the situation—the girls having their own opinions. They'd already decided that despite how strongly Cate felt about the matter, they'd give Winona a fair chance to either hang or redeem herself in their eyes. However, as they all knew, that was only part of the problem. Not only was...

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The day my jaw hit the floor Part 1

Living in a small town can be both a blessing and yes it can also be a curse. The town I live in has a population of about 8500 and although I am out and by no means closeted I am not exactly running around with rainbow bumper stickers in your face kind of thing either.Until most people get to know me, especially the men in the town are kind of distant where as their wives and girlfriends love me, however the men are a little more reluctant to get talkative with me until they realize I am not...

3 years ago
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Jans Return Part 6

After Cindy left, Jan and I just looked at each other.Finally, Cindy said, "Well?""Well?""What did you think of your first threesome?""I thought it was terrific.  Better then I imagined.  What about you?""I thought it was wonderful.""What did Cindy say?  I'm sure you two were talking about it before I got out here?""She said that she really enjoyed everything.""Everything, huh?""Yes, especially when you fucked her ass.""She said that?""Yes.  I heard you guys even went for seconds while I was...

1 year ago
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Mami Aur Chachi Ki Chudai B4 My Marriage

Hi Friends, Mere naam Samit hai…main dilli main rehta hoon. Main 26 yrs, lamba kadh, sawla rang, lund mera 7′ aur 3′ mota hai. Meri kahani ek dum sachi hai… Yeh meri kahani kuch 8 mahine pehle ki hai… Main dilli mein rehta hoon. Main hamesha se hi kissi mature aurat ki Chudai ka sapna rehta tha. Ab main bina koi waqt waste kiye apni kahani batatha hoon. Meri shaadi tah ho chuki thi. Mere gharwale shaadi ki tayari me jute huate. Kuch 20 din bache hue the shaadi Ke liye. Ek din main meri Chachi...

2 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 17

I watched my sister start through the gate onto the school grounds. "Hey Mary, hang on a minute." She hesitated and I caught up to her. "What was all that about?" "All what?" "You know, the cat sound." "I was just commenting that Jill had her claws out." What do you mean?" "Couldn't you see? She was watching Sara like a hawk. Waiting for her to make some kind of move toward you. She would have torn her eyes out if she had." "Wait a minute. Who would have torn whose...

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Len and AlbertChapter 1

It was early evening and Len sat in the club quietly enjoying his pint. He’d been a member since shortly after Rose had passed away a couple of years earlier and he found he needed company other than his own. It wasn’t particularly regal but it was warm, the beer was a good price, and the majority of members were of a similar age to his own.‘Penny for ‘em.’ said Albert as he plonked himself down at the same table. ‘Oh, hello Bert,’ said Len, ‘no I was just what-if-ing, you know?’‘Like, what...

1 year ago
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The Alley Way

I was waiting alone by the bus stop, smoking a joint in the shadow of the building nearby. "Whats up" someone behind me asked softly. As I turned around a strong arm flew around my throat squeezing as I was drug further behind the building. "Please , what is going on"? I gasped as a rag was stuffed into my mouth and tied tight. My hands were quickly secured in cuffs and I was helpless. I was flat on my stomach partially concealed behind the building ,slighly in the alley. A rag was tied...

3 years ago
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Joys of AccountingChapter 4

Now with John's mother I learned a valuable lesson, you're going to hit somebody, make sure they never fucking forget it. I ended up hitting her to get her to line up I don't want to do that again one of the reasons being I think I could learn to like it. John's dad was a doctor, a surgeon and according to my dad's books seemed to do a lot of work for cash. I loved her tape, she kept her pearls on the whole time. There was one scene in profile, somebody had her by the ears and was face...

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