My DATE P 9-12 free porn video

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MY DATE-Part 9

After having Thanksgiving dinner with Jane’s family, and the erotic spanking I got from Jane’s sister, Connie, I thought that we were really coming together as a couple. On my next date with Jane, I arrived on time so I won’t be spanked, and then we went to the mall. Jane wanted to look at dresses and clothes, so I went off on my own and visited other stores. At noon, we ate in the “Food Court”, a place where you could get fast food, and then Jane did some further shopping. I didn’t want to sit around in the women’s clothing stores all day, so I went shopping on my own, again, and met up with Jane later.

After we got into my car to leave from the mall, Jane was furious at me! As I was driving, she got out her cell phone and called her sister, Connie. This is what I heard. “Hi, Connie. It’s good that you are home. I was just shopping at the mall with Clyde, and he needs a good spanking for the way he treated me. Can I really use the room like you said I could.----Good! And are you available to help?---We are about five minutes away from your house. See you in a little bit.----Thanks, Goodbye.”

Then Jane said to me, “You are going to get a good spanking for the way you treated me, today. You say you love me and you want to marry me, but you don’t act like it, sometimes. I want to make sure you never treat me like this, again. Drive to Connie’s house for your spanking.”

“But I don’t see what I did wrong.” I replied.

“I will explain it to you as I spank you. Don’t say another word. Just drive to Connie’s house.”

I was confused. I had just spent most of the day with Jane at the mall, and I didn’t see why she was so upset with me. We got to Connie’s house, and I was quickly escorted to the spanking room downstairs. “Strip down to your under shorts, and stand in front of me,” Jane commanded as she sat down on a chair. As I took my clothes off, Jane talked to her sister about assisting with my spanking. I next stood in front of Jane and as she was taking down my under shorts she said, “I was hoping that you would learn to treat me with respect. That we would do things as a couple.” My under shorts were now at my feet and I stepped out of them. “Now get on your knees as I scold you for your behavior.”

I felt like a naughty little boy, being scolded by his mommy. “I was hoping that you would stay in the stores and help me pick out dresses and clothing that you would like me to wear. Instead, you went shopping on your own. There were also nice restaurants at the mall that I would have rather eaten at. But no, you had us eat in the food court. You need to change your behavior if I’m going to keep going out with you.”

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I didn’t realize I was treating you that way.”

“You will be a lot sorrier after your spanking. I hope your spanking will make you act like we are a couple on our next date.” Jane said to me. Then Jane turned to Connie and said, “Where do you spank Roger when he needs a good long spanking?”

“I know just where to put him.” Connie said.

“Stand up, now, and follow Connie,” Jane said to me.

Connie went over to something that looked like a tilted box on legs. One side of the box was higher than the rest of the box. “Bend over this,” Connie said.

I bent over the high side of the box. My arms went down on the other side of the box, and there were wristlets down there. Connie secured my arms in front of me. Then a strap went around my back so that I couldn’t stand up. Another strap went behind my knees, and held my legs in place. This left my poor bare bottom up in the air, ready to be spanked.

“You should probably start his spanking out with this paddle,” Connie said to Jane. Then my spanking started.

As Jane was spanking me, she said, “Clyde, you need to take care of my needs, too, if we are going to function as a couple.” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK “It is more than just taking me to the mall,” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK “It’s being by me the whole time,” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK “And sharing with me.” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK.

For just starting out, she was spanking pretty hard. I could really feel the sting of the paddle.

“If you really want to get his attention, use this paddle. It has holes in it,” Connie said. When Jane first spanked me with that paddle, I could feel the difference. It really stung my poor exposed bottom.

“Ouch!” I said.

Jane said, “Good! Now maybe I am getting my point across to you.” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK “After this spanking, you won’t want to sit down for a while.” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK I wanted to get away from the paddle and being spanked, but I was secured in place. SPANK, SPANK, SPANK

“I’m sorry. I won’t behave like that, again.” I pleaded

SPANK, SPANK, SPANK “I’ll make sure of that with this spanking.” Jane answered. SPANK, SPANK, SPANK

“Oh, look how red his bottom is getting,” Connie remarked. “Why don’t you switch to this. It is called a cat-o-nine tails, or cat for short. Let me show you how to use it.” Then I felt many fingers hitting me across my bottom at the same time. They wrapped around me, and made sure that my whole bottom was well spanked. “Now you try it.”

Jane didn’t hit me as hard as Connie, but the fingers still stung my bottom. Although I could hardly move, I tried to twist my body to get away from it. Then Connie said, “You should stop spanking him for now. Rub some lotion on his bottom, and let’s leave him down here while we talk upstairs. That way Clyde can think about his spanking and how he is going to change his behavior.”

“Good idea!” Jane said.

Then I felt a soothing lotion rubbed on my burning bottom. “Stay right here, we will be back in about fifteen minutes,” Jane said. Then I heard them talking upstairs. I couldn’t tell what they were saying, but it was a very animated conversation. I was still strapped down in a spanking position, with my sore red bottom sticking high in the air. Then I heard them come down the stairs.

“Are you going to treat Jane a lot better?” Connie asked.

“I sure am. I don’t want to be spanked like this, again,” I answered.

“Good. But before we let you up, we are going to give you six strokes of the cane. I will give you the first three, and Jane will give you the last three. You will count them out loud, and say ‘Thank you, madam’, after each stroke. Is that clear, Clyde?” Connie said.

“Yes,” I said. I felt a smack of a paddle on my bottom.

“Yes, madam.” I replied.

“Have you ever been caned before?” Connie asked.

“No, madam.” I replied.

“The cane can be quite painful, but I think your behavior warrants it.” Connie said.

I felt a tapping of something on my bottom, heard a whistle, then it felt like a hundred bees had stung me in a straight line on my bottom. I tried to stand up to rub my bottom, but I was still secured to this spanking bench. “Ouch!!!! That really hurt!” I exclaimed.

“You forgot to count or say Thank You, Madam, so that stroke will be given again.” Connie said.

I felt the tapping again, heard the whistle, and felt the severe pain, again. “One. Thank You, Madam.” I said.

“Very good,” Connie said.

Then I counted as Connie administered two more strokes of the cane. Now it was Jane’s turn. Her strokes hurt as much as Connie’s. Before Jane’s last stroke, Connie said, “Give his last stroke in this area.” I felt her fingers at the base of my bottom. “He is real tender down there, and it will make a lasting impression on him.”

I felt a tapping at the base of my bottom, the whistle, and it felt like the base of my bottom was being burned by a hot iron. I was just barely able to say, “Six. Thank You, Madam.”

“I hope that I never have to spank you like this again, Clyde.” Jane said. “But if you keep going out with me and keep ignoring me, you will get another spanking like this one.”

“We should rub lotion on his bottom before we let him up,” Connie said.

Then I felt four hands rubbing lotion on my poor hurting bottom. “I can feel ridges from the cane.” Jane said.

“Yes, and the ridges or welts will stay with him for a couple of days, maybe even a week. He will remember this spanking for a long time.” Connie said.

They finally unstrapped me from the spanking bench. I was told to get dressed, and then join the upstairs. Even with the lotion, my bottom was on fire and really hurt. From now on, I knew that I had to care as much about Jane as I did for myself. I didn’t want another spanking like this one!

MY DATE-Pt 10 Jane’s work

I took a personal day off at work so that I could see Jane’s work, and have lunch with her. Jane works at a company that consults with other companies on advertising and PR. The building that Jane works at is in the middle of downtown, and it is a large office building. Jane said to take the elevator to the fourteenth floor, and someone would direct me to her office. Well, there was a traffic jam in the downtown area, so I was about thirty minutes late getting to her office. I walked in and was greeted by a young woman about 21 years old.

“I’m Tami, Jane’s secretary, and you are?” She said.

“I’m Clyde, Jane’s boyfriend. I was supposed to have lunch with her at noon. I guess I’m a little late.”

“Jane has been expecting you, and she is very mad that you are late. I’ll let her know that you are here as soon as she gets off the phone. Did you know that she is one of the main three people who run this company?”

“I wasn’t aware that she had that important of a job”

“She runs a very tight ship around here. You need to do things the exact way she wants them done; otherwise you pay the consequences. Good, she is off the phone, now.” Tami picked up the phone and said, “Clyde has finally arrived. Should I send him in?” Tami hung up the phone and said, “You can go in, now.”

When I entered Jane’s office, Jane was walking around her desk and she sat down on a chair. “Come over here, stand in front of me, put your hands on your head and don’t say a word.” Then she began to unbuckle my belt, unzip my zipper, and take down my slacks. “You know better than to show up this late when I was hoping to have lunch with you at noon.” Jane next had her fingertips in the waistband of my under shorts, and they were now at my ankles.

“Step out of these and then bend over the desk and hold on to the other side, while I set these out of the way.” After I was bent over the desk, I guess my shirt was partially covering my bottom. She went to her desk drawer and said, “I need to get a pin to keep your shirt out of the way, and I guess I will spank you with this ruler.” Jane pulled out a nice long ruler and then pinned my shirt out of the way. “Spread your legs some more. That’s good. Now I expect you to stay in this position for the duration of your spanking. Your are thirty minutes late! Usually, that would mean sixty spanks, but in this case I am going to spank you for fifteen minutes.”

This whole situation was a big surprise to me. I thought Jane would understand that traffic was bad, and we would be off to lunch, together. And I know that Jane spanks me when I am late for a date at her house, but I didn’t anticipate that I would be spanked in her office. “I’m sorry I’m late.” I pleaded.

“You will be a lot sorrier once I have spanked you. You should have allowed a lot more time to get here. Remember, time is valuable to me.” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK “You have been on time, lately. I thought that maybe you realized how important time is for me.” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK

Just then, Jane’s office door opened and Tami walked in. She looked at Jane and me and said, “If I am disrupting anything, I can leave. I thought you were leaving for lunch and I needed to get this urgent message to you.”

I was quite embarrassed. Here I was, almost completely naked, bent over Jane’s desk and Jane was spanking me. I wish that I could run and hide. Jane sensed this, and put her hand on the small of my back to keep me bent over. “It’s OK. I’m giving Clyde a spanking for being so late. What is your message?”

“Rowe and Graves called. They are having an emergency meeting in a half-hour and they want you there for the it. That’s about a twenty minute drive from here. What should I tell them?”

“I guess I better to go to that meeting. Tell them that I will attend and that I will be right over. Then come back into my office, again.” Jane said. “Now see what you made me do, Clyde. I missed my lunch, again. I’ll have to pick-up something on the way over there.”

I thought that since Jane was leaving for her meeting, I wouldn’t be spanked, anymore. But then Tami walked in. “Tami, I want you to finish spanking Clyde. He needs to stay in position, and you should spank him for at least fifteen minutes. You can use this ruler, your hairbrush, or anything else you can come up with. Any questions?”

“No questions. You better leave for your meeting. Don’t worry, I’ll spank Clyde real good.” Tami said. Then Jane rushed out of the office. “Does Jane spank you a lot? Tami asked.

“Lately she has. If I do anything that displeases her, I am spanked.” I said.

Then Tami started to spank me with the ruler. She didn’t spank me as hard as Jane, and I thought I was getting off lightly. But then Jane’s office door opened, and a woman about Jane’s age walked in. She looked surprised and said, “What are you doing?”

“This is Clyde, Jane’s boyfriend. Jane had started to spank him for being late, but then she had to go to a meeting. So she told me to take over in spanking him.”

I was really embarrassed, now. First, a young woman that I had just met was spanking me, and now another woman sees me like this. “Tami, you are needed to answer Jane’s phone and to make her appointments. Why don’t you go do your regular job, and I’ll finish spanking Clyde.”

“OK,” Tami said. “Jane wants him spanked for fifteen minutes. He is to stay bent over the desk until the spanking is over, and you are to use this ruler, a hairbrush, or anything else you can come up with.” Then Tami left the room.

“Let me introduce myself,” the woman said. “My name is Robin and I am also one of the main key people who run this company. Jane and I work on projects together, a lot of the times. It was good that I had a question for her. Otherwise, I would not of had a chance to spank you. Jane had mentioned that she has been dating you, and that she also spanks you. Let me examine your bottom.”

Then I felt her fingers on my bottom. I was also wondering how many other people that Jane had told that she spanks me. “You do have a firm butt. It seems like the ruler hasn’t reddened it much. There is a recreational room one floor down with ping-pong tables. Let me get one of those paddles, I’ll be right back. Stay in position.”

Then she went out the door. I was hoping that no one else would see me like this. In a few minutes Robin came back, again. She was carrying two ping-pong paddles. “I brought two paddles up because one has rubber on it and the other is just plain wood. I will start with the one with rubber on it, that one should sting more. By the way, I have two teenage boys, and I still spank them. Let’s see, it’s 12:45. I guess you will be spanked until one o’clock.”

Robin then proceeded to spank me with the paddle. It stung a lot more than the ruler did. While Robin continued to spank me she asked, “Does Jane always have you spread your legs when you are spanked?”

“Usually she does,” I answered.

“It’s a nice touch. That way even the tenderest parts of your bottom gets spanked. Does she spank you very often?”

“Jane usually thinks up an excuse to spank me about once a week.” I answered. The paddle was really starting to sting my bottom, so I started to move about a little bit.

“Don’t move about like that. Hold still or else I will spank you even for a longer time. Yes, your butt is turning a nice shade of red. You have about five more minutes left to your spanking. I think I’ll try the other paddle, now.”

I tried to hold still, and the other paddle didn’t sting so bad. Robin kept spanking me for what seemed like an hour, then she said, “It’s one o’clock. You can stand up, now.”

I stood up and rubbed my poor tender bottom. Even though I had an erection, I kept rubbing my bottom because it really hurt. Robin then stood in back of me and unpinned my shirt. “Once Jane returns, I will be anxious to tell her that I ended up spanking you. I think she will enjoy hearing that. I hope that we can see each other, again. Maybe I will have a chance to spank you, again.”

Then Robin left Jane’s office. I found my clothes and got dressed. As I was leaving the office, Tami said, “Next time I hope that I can spank you for a longer time. If Robin spanked you, your butt should be pretty sore.”

“It sure is,” I replied. Then I finally left the office. What a way to spend a personal day off from my regular job!

MY DATE - Part 11

It was nearing Christmas and Jane and I had dated for about 6 months. Jane and I had nearly the same belief system and we agreed on many things. We both liked doing the same type of things and Jane was fun to be around. However, Jane spanks me. At first it was for being late for a date, but then she would spank me for not treating her properly or not giving her enough respect. Her friends, sister, and her mother have even spanked me. When Jane spanks me, it hurts, but I feel that it has brought us closer together as a couple. I really want to marry Jane, someday.

On this date, I was told to be at Jane’s house at 6:30 PM on a Thursday night, and to eat before I arrived. I thought this was strange because we usually started our dates at 7 PM, and we also ate out. This was also the second Thursday of the month, and Jane usually had something going on every second Thursday of the month, where we couldn’t go out.

I had been spanked enough times by Jane for being late, so I made sure that I left in enough time to be on time. I rang the doorbell, and a woman’s voice said, “Come on in.” When I entered the living room, there was a woman who I had never met before seated on the couch. Beside her was Jane’s paddle and two wristcuffs. Also, the room had a lot of folding chairs in it, and a black wooden horse.

The woman stood up and greeted me, “You must be Clyde. My name is Shirley, Jane’s neighbor in the blue house.”

I walked over to her, shook her hand and said, “Glad to meet you.”

“Jane is busy right now, but she wanted me to meet you and spank you.”

“But I was on time, and there is no reason for you to spank me,” I complained.

“Jane said you might object, but you will see shortly why I need to spank you. If you don’t submit to a spanking by me right now, Jane will spank you even longer and harder. Besides, I want to ask you some questions and get to know you better as I spank you.”

“If Jane really wants you to spank me, I guess I better let you spank me.” I said.

“Good! Remember Jane’s spanking rules during the spanking. Only speak when spoken to, and address me as madam during the spanking. It that clear.”

“Yes,” I replied.

She swatted me on my bottom with her hand. “Yes, What?”

“Yes, madam,” I corrected myself.

“That’s better. Let’s start by you taking off your shirt and then holding out your wrists for the cuffs.” I didn’t like to hear this because it meant that I would be secured in position for my spanking. I was hoping to get just an over the knee spanking from her. After the cuffs were put on my wrists Shirley said, “Put your arms behind your back and turn around.” Then I felt the wristcuffs being secured together.

“Now turn around, again.” Then she unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned my jeans, unzipped the zipper, and soon my jeans were at my feet. I felt so embarrassed. I had just met this woman, and now she was undressing me for a spanking. Next I felt her fingertips in the waistband of my undershorts, and they were at my feet. “Step out of these and then put one foot on the couch so that I may take off your shoes and socks.” Soon I was standing totally naked in front of her.

Shirley grabbed my penis and lead me over to the wooden horse. “Jane wants you secured to the wooden horse for your spanking.” She freed my arms from behind me and said, “So bend over it.” Immediately, she resecured my wrists to the legs of the horse. “Spread those legs.” Then I felt cuffs being put on my ankles, and then my ankles were secured to the legs of the horse.

“Jane wants you spanked until your bottom cheeks turn pink or red.” Then Shirley started to spank me with the paddle. SPANK, SPANK, SPANK. “Do you love Jane?” she asked. SPANK, SPANK, SPANK.

“Yes I do, madam!”, I answered.

SPANK, SPANK, SPANK. “Do you want to marry her?” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK.

“Yes I do, madam.”

SPANK, SPANK, SPANK. “Jane tells me that she loves you, too.” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK. “And that she loves to spank you. Do you like being spanked by Jane?” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK.

“Yes I do, madam.”

SPANK, SPANK, SPANK. “Then why don’t you give Jane an engagement ring for Christmas.” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK.

“That sounds like a good idea, madam.” I replied. I had been thinking about getting a ring for Jane. But by being spanked by Shirley and questioned like this, it has really made me realize that Jane would probably like to be engaged to me.

SPANK, SPANK, SPANK. “So are you going to go out and buy Jane a nice diamond engagement ring?” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK.

“Yes, madam.”

SPANK, SPANK, SPANK. “Good! I know that it would be the best Christmas present that Jane could receive.” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK. “You know, I really enjoy spanking you while you are secured to this wooden horse.” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK. “It keeps you bent over for your spanking, and it also gives me good access to the other parts of your body.”

Then I felt her fingers on my balls and erect penis. “I spank my husband and boys. I may look into getting one of these.”

Next, I heard Jane’s voice. Jane asked Shirley, “How is his spanking coming along?”

“Real good. His cheeks are pink and starting to turn red.” Shirley answered.

I felt two pairs of hands on my bottom cheeks. “His bottom is also warm to the touch.” Jane said. “Has anyone else arrived yet?”

“Not yet,” Shirley answered. “But shouldn’t we blindfold Clyde?”

“I forgot about that,” Jane answered. “Let me get a scarf from my room. I’ll be right back!”

SPANK, SPANK, SPANK. “We don’t want you to recognize anyone, Clyde. You will find out why in about a half hour.” Shirley told me. SPANK, SPANK, SPANK.

Then Jane put a scarf me and covered my eyes so I couldn’t see. The doorbell started to ring and I heard many women’s voices. Some I recognized as Jane’s sister, some of her co-workers, and her friends. I was really embarrassed because I was still secured to the wooden horse, completely naked, with my well-spanked bottom up in the air. Jane and Shirley were talking to everyone as they came in.

“Have a seat, everyone.” Jane said. I heard a lot of commotion, and then everyone was quiet. “Welcome to our fourth monthly meeting of WOMEN WHO LIKE TO SPANK MEN. Since our last meeting, we are now the 42nd group of women in the national organization.” There was a lot of applause. “Just think, there are groups like us meeting once a month across the United States. This is an open discussion group where we can share ideas in spanking men. Who are here for the first time?... And who have never spanked a man before?... Well, I have my boyfriend Clyde here, and if you want to spank him, you can after the meeting.”

They went on to discuss what they liked to use to spank their men, positions, etc. I found it fascinating to hear it from a woman’s perspective. But I didn’t like to know that I would be further spanked by women that I didn’t know and couldn’t see. Jane’s sister, Connie, also told the women that the wooden horse that I was secured to was made by her husband, and that he was willing to make other wooden horses for those who wanted them. Connie also told them that she spanked her husband.

The meeting went on for a while, then it finally ended. I could tell that Jane was standing close to me by the sound of her voice. Several women asked if they could spank me. Then my spanking started again. Then paddle stung my well spanked bottom, but I didn’t complain. After about a five minute spanking by the various women I couldn’t see, I guess everyone left.

“Thanks for helping out, Shirley!” Jane said.

“I was glad to be able to help out. I’ll let myself out, so that you can attend to Clyde.” Shirley said.

Then Jane untied the scarf around my eyes. “We didn’t want you to be able to identify the women who were here, tonight. Now you can see what has kept me busy on every second Thursday night of the month. And know it is my turn to spank you a few times.” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK. “You have been real good to take a spanking like you did, tonight.” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK. “Now you see where there is a good size group of women in this area who like to spank their men.” SPANK, SPANK, SPANK.

Next I felt Jane take off the ankle cuffs and freed my legs. Then she came around in front of me and undid my wristcuffs. I was finally able to stand up and rub my well spanked hurting bottom. Jane gave me a big kiss, and then we went over to the couch and made love. If I marry Jane, what am I getting myself into?

MY DATE - Part 12 Christmas

It was Christmas time already. I had been dating Jane for over six months, and I was invited to a Christmas feast at her mom’s house. I was so glad that it was to be held at her mom’s house, instead of her sister’s , Connie, house. We were at Connie’s house for Thanksgiving, and I was later spanked by Connie in their special spanking room in the basement of her house.

We were suppose to be over to her parent’s house by noon, and Jane lived about a half an hour away. So Jane told me to pick her up at 11:30 AM. There was more traffic than I had anticipated, and I arrived at Jane’s house about five minutes late. I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal, being Christmas, but when I rang the doorbell and Jane yelled to come on in, she was standing there with a paddle in her hand.

“I thought you had changed so you wouldn’t be late, anymore. “ Jane said. “I know it’s Christmas and we are already late getting to my parent’s house, but you are still going to be spanked for being late. Since I want to get your spanking over with real fast, just drop your pants and under shorts, and bend over the table. Let’s see, five minutes late, that’s ten swats of the paddle.”

I had no choice but to follow her orders. “Yes, madam,” I said. At least this way, I didn’t have to spread my legs.

“You don’t have to count these out loud. SWAT You have been very good lately. SWAT And on time. SWAT I hope your SWAT behavior keeps improving. SWAT You have become SWAT very special to me. SWAT But don’t let that SWAT go to your head. SWAT Now stay in position until I say you can stand up.” SWAT.

“Yes, madam,” I answered. I stayed in position because I thought Jane just wanted to examine my bottom to see how red it was.

SWAT “Are you going to behave yourself at my parent’s house and not embarrass me?” SWAT.

“Yes, madam.”

SWAT “Because if you do, you can expect another spanking, right then and there. SWAT Do you understand, Clyde?”

“Yes, madam.”

SWAT “Good! You can stand up, now, and pull up your pants. Help me take these presents out to your car.”

So we loaded my car with her presents, and we drove over to her parents house. When we arrived, her sister, Connie, and Connie’s husband, Roger, were already there. I brought in Jane’s presents, and also the presents I had bought for her family. It was a spacious house, and they had a large Christmas tree. Many presents were already under the tree. As I was putting our presents under the tree, I saw many presents for me. That really showed me that I was becoming part of their family.

The table was all set, and her mother brought out the usual turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, corn, etc for a Christmas feast. After Jane’s dad, George, said the prayer, I stood up and said, “I have a surprise for Jane and the family.” Jane was seated across from me, and I went to her chair and knelt down. “Will you marry me?” I asked as I pulled a diamond ring from my pocket.

“If I marry you, do you understand that you can expect spankings from me, my friends, my family, and my coworkers ’” Jane asked.

“Yes I do.” I answered.

“And you will willing submit to a spanking anytime, and anywhere I think you deserve one.”

“Yes I do,” I answered.

“Then, I guess I will marry you!”

Jane gave me a great big long kiss. She showed the nice ring I got her to the rest of the family. I was so happy! I didn’t necessarily liked to be spanked all of the time, but Jane and I got along so well. We shared the same likes and dislikes, and shared the same values. The family was happy, too. While we were eating, they all told me how wonderful it was going to be that I was going to be joining their family. I told them that I thought we should get married in about nine months, and that they would soon be meeting my family.

At this point, I thought this was turning out to be a wonderful Christmas. Jane had said that she would marry me, and her family accepted me. Then all of us gathered around the tree to open presents.

To my surprise, I got a lot of presents. Some were even from Jane’s coworkers. It was a bigger surprise once I started to open them. The first present was from Connie. It was a black riding crop. The second present was from her parent’s. It was a paddle with holes in it. The third present, that was from Jane, was a tawse. The fourth present was from Robin, Jane’s coworker, it was a cane. All of my presents turned out to be spanking implements.

After all of the presents were opened from under the tree, each person had to show what they got to the entire family. When it was my turn, I showed them all of the spanking implements.

“Jane will have a good time spanking you with those,” her sister said.

“Now you are really part of our family!” Her mother said.

“But wait a moment,” Her sister said. “Roger made a special present for Jane. Everybody wait here.” Then Connie and Roger went out to their van and brought in something that was covered with a sheet. “Jane, go ahead and take off the sheet and see what it is!”

When Jane uncovered it, it was a spanking bench like I was spanked on in Connie’s basement. It was made out of wood and it had places for your legs and arms. “Roger, tell them the new modifications that you have made!” Connie said.

“As you can see, it has wheels on it, so you can easily move it to where you want it. If you press this lever, the wheels retract and it sits on the floor. If you turn this wheel, it makes the arms and legs spread apart.” Roger reached into the middle of it and pulled out a small step stool. “It also has its own step stool. Also, you don’t need wristcuffs or ankle cuffs. The straps have velcro, so you can secure someone to this real fast.”

“Why don’t you try it out on Clyde right now.” Connie said. “This way we can also use the new spanking implements on him, that he just got.”

“Is it okay if I prepare Clyde for his spanking?” Jane’s mother asked.

“Sure,” Jane said. “Clyde, go over to mom.”

So I went over to Jane’s mom and she said, “Take off your shirt, shoes and socks. Then stand in front of me with your hands on top of your head.” After doing so she took down my pants and said, “It is going to be so nice that you are going to marry Jane and become part of this family.” Then she took down my under shorts. “Please turn around so that I can examine your butt.” Once I did she noticed that my bottom was pink from my earlier spanking from Jane. “What is this? Did Jane spank you before you came over here?”

“Clyde, go ahead and tell her,” Jane said.

“Yes, Jane spanked me,” I confessed. “I was five minutes late to her house so Jane gave me ten swats from her paddle, plus a few extras.”

“Well, I guess your bottom is really going to turn red after we finish spanking you.” Her mom said.

“Come over her so that we can secure you to this for your spanking.” Jane said. I went over to the wooden contraption, and climbed up the small step stool so that I was in position. It was like being on all fours, but in an elevated position. Jane and Connie immediately secured my knees, feet, elbows, and wrists to it.

“Let’s see how far we can spread his legs with this wheel,” Connie said. Then I felt the contraption moving, slowly spreading my legs further and further apart. Just when I thought my legs could not be spread apart anymore, it stopped. “That should about do it. You have full access to his body this way.” I felt someone grabbing at my penis and balls.

“Let’s start spanking him,” Jane said. Jane stood on one side of me and Connie the side. Each of them picked up a spanking implement and started to spank me. Each of them also told me what they were using. Jane’s mother also joined in in spanking me. Being in the position that I was in, with my legs spread, they spanked the tender insides of my legs and all of my bottom. I don’t think they left any part of my bottom untouched by the spanking. The spanking warmed up my bottom and started to really sting me. I started to try to move about and was starting to complain.

“Please, can you stop spanking me. My bottom really hurts!” I said.

“We have one last thing to try on you, and that’s the cane.” Jane said. “Connie, get a scarf. I want to make sure he doesn’t say a word while he is caned.” While Connie left the room to get a scarf, Jane reached under her skirt and pulled off her white cotton panties. “Open up your mouth!” Jane told me. Then Jane stuffed her panties into my mouth. Connie came back with a scarf, and the panties were secured with the scarf around my head. Then Jane said to Connie, “Why don’t you give Clyde six strokes of the cane.”

“Be happy to.” Connie said. She tapped my poor tender bottom, I heard a whistle, then CRACK. It felt like a line of fire on my bottom. I tried to free myself, but I was held securely in place.

“You now have a nice red straight line on your bottom,” Jane said. “Get ready for five more.”

CRACK. Again, a burning sensation. CRACK. Now my whole body felt like it was on fire.

“Your doing real good, Clyde. Only three strokes left,” Connie said.

CRACK. I wanted to rub my poor bottom. CRACK.

“Only one left. You now have five bright red lines on your bottom,” Jane said.

CRACK. Then I felt six hands feeling my bottom. “He probably will not want to sit down for awhile,” Connie said.

Then Jane said, “Once we release you, I want you to stand in the corner with your hands at your sides. Do not rub your bottom.”

I was released, but the panty gag was left in my mouth. Then I stood in the corner. I really wanted to rub my poor bottom, but I didn’t because I didn’t want a further spanking.

Then Connie said, “Now I want Roger up on this. Undress and then come over here for your spanking.”

While I stood in the corner, I could hear that Roger was being spanked, just like I was. After Roger was spanked, he had to stand in the corner next to me. Then George, Jane’s dad was spanked. Soon all three of us men were standing in the corner with bright red, stripped bottoms. The women sat around talking and enjoying themselves. They commented on how good our bottoms looked. They also said that this would be a truly red Christmas that the family would probably never forget.

Soon, we were allowed to get dressed and rub our spanked bottoms. Connie and Roger said that they would follow us to Jane’s house and deliver the spanking contraption. I thanked everyone for their gifts to me, and we left Jane’s parents house around five o’clock. I had to take it easy sitting down in my car seat. Jane gave me a big kiss and thanked me for the engagement ring. We finally arrived at Jane’s house, and I helped Roger unload the spanking contraption their his van. Then Connie and Roger went back to their house.

“Wasn’t it a wonderful Christmas,” Jane said. “I got an engagement ring from you. You got some great spanking implements that I can use on you. And I got this great spanking contraption, so that I can really give you a good spanking, anytime I want to, without going over to Connie’s house!”

I didn’t think that meeting Jane for the first time would lead to this!!!! What will happen next?

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A Trip To France We Will Never Forget

Finally a chance to get away from the day to day... the kids, the job, the stress with her sister. An unexpected invitation to visit the playground of the rich and famous... My wife has been under a great deal of stress at the office. We often talk about the need for some adult time and away from it all. This past spring a SMS and then phone call by her sister changed it all. "Hey do you want to visit the south of France with me?" he sister had asked. Looking at me with her big blue eyes,...

Cheating Wife
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The Agony of Simone

THE AGONY OF SIMONE A fantasy tale by Cordoza "Very well then you little slut, don't talk! We really don't care if it meanswe can gain so much more pleasure from watching your beautiful body writhein torment," the colonel cupped her firm breast and whispered into her ear, "Youhave no idea what we can and 'will' do to the most intimate parts of you bodyif you continue to keep silent," then she twisted the girl's nipple painfully. The beginning April, 1942, and in a small French provincial town a...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 453

On Owning a Canadian On her radio show in the U.S.A, Dr. Laura Schlesinger said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following response is an open letter to Dr. Laura, written by a U.S. man, and posted on the Internet. It's funny as well as informative: Dear Dr. Laura: Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show,...

4 years ago
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A Surprise at the Mall

My boys woke me at 6:30 hungry. I nursed them until they fell back asleep. I pumped my breasts and filled a couple more bottles for later use. The twins nurse or bottle feed with no problems; they are happy just to have full tummies. I fell back asleep knowing our live-in nanny was here to take over if the twins wake up. I woke up about 8:15, refreshed and ready to tackle my day. I didn't have that much to do today except I wanted to do some shopping at the mall. I jumped in the shower and...

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SweetheartVideo Eliza Jane Scarlett Sage She8217s Cumming To The Party

Cute, all-natural blonde teens, Eliza and Scarlett, steal away at a party to have sex with each other. They enthusiastically make out while undressing each other; eager to eat each other out and finger fuck their troubles away. Eliza initiates the pussy eating, burying her face deep into Scarlett’s wet pussy. Scarlett cums with gusto–ready to return the orgasmic favor, she laps at Eliza’s soft folds. Eliza is driven wild by Scarlett’s expertise with her tongue. Both...

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Monster Mayhem

Halloween Special Come to me Melinda. I heard his purring voice in my mind, before he said it out loud. Soft, velvety, almost hypnotic tones echo my name. Like an alluring whisper of magic, they streak down my spine. I shiver. Someone’s just walked over my grave. And I like it. I put the kettle on for the coffee I promised him after he drove me home from the party. He knew I hadn’t been in the neighbourhood long, and wouldn’t allow me to hail a cab at this time of night. Too dangerous he...

1 year ago
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The Weekend Guest

You finally made it, after a long 6 hour drive you can finally get inside and relax. I help you bring in your things and we get you all settled in and catch up. You are famished so we head out for dinner and drinks a few hours in and we find ourselves dancing, rubbing up against you, teasing and grinding while you try hard to control yourself. On the drive home I continue to tease you as I rub and suck your rock hard cock all the way home. We stumble through the door ripping our clothes off...

3 years ago
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my time with myself

Introduction: tales of the times when im alone in bed panting, sweating, and shaking, I lie here in bed with my hand still clamped down on my throbbing wet cunt. I love these times when im by myself and i drift away into my fantasy world. I love to worship my body, and I am home alone a lot due to my husbands work schedule. He leaves early, when my sexual awareness peaks, and i often find myself horny as fuck, and when i kiss my darling husband goodbye at the door and lock up the house, i strip...

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Old Acquaintances

I class pubs as exciting places to be, where you can experience everyday situations and the unexpected. The people you meet can be quirky or nice, good friends, acquaintances or someone new. Sometimes you end up meeting people you have met before in another life. This is one of those events. I was visiting some friends in Warwickshire and I had cause to stay at a local pub on my way home. It was a friendly eating place, which is what most pubs have now become. I had parked my luggage for the...

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First suck from a man

When I was about 16 we moved right down the street from a park. Again this was back in the sixties. i started hanging out there a lot. One evening I was still there Mom and Dad must have been having one of their fuck fests and had forgotten I was out. I had to take a piss so I went into the nearest bathroom. This was on the other side of the park from where I normally hung out. The urinals didn't have partitions and there were no doors on the brick stalls. I was taking a piss when a guy...

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