A Lesson Better Left Unlearned
- 2 years ago
- 25
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It was a rare night out with some friends with whomI had gone to school, they were in town for the first time in four years and my Master had graciously allowed me a night out to go and have a drink with them. I got in trouble when I got home because I had more than just a drink. By the end of the evening I had drank four mixed drinks and had to take a taxi home.
When the cab pulled into my driveway I saw that Sir?s car was parked out on the street. I hadn?t known that he had planned to be here. He had used the key I gave him to let himself in and he sat waiting in his favorite chair watching a football game on television. I smiled and was excited to see him on this unexpected visit.
?Sir! I didn?t know you would be here tonight!? I rushed to say hello, but in my alcohol induced giddiness, I tripped and nearly fell causing me to giggle with an intoxicated peal.
?Little one!? He bellowed sternly. ?Are you drunk? Please tell me that you have not embarrassed yourself by getting publicly intoxicated! Is this the way you wish to represent yourself as my submissive??
I stopped dead, by breath caught in my throat, I knew that tone. I knew that stern look. I had nothing I could say for myself. I just simply lowered myself to a kneeling position and felt the tears flow warmly over my cheeks.
I cleared my throat three times before I could speak. ?Sir, I am sorry, I won?t insult you with excuses, I am responsible for my current condition, and I sincerely apologize.?
?Very good little one, however that doesn?t help me with want I had planned for you this evening now does it? I sure as hell cannot play with a drunk now can I? So, as I see it, you have several offenses to answer for come morning. You will answer for being out longer than I was told. For being publicly intoxicated to the point you were not even able to drive your own car home. And you will answer for me not being able to play with you tonight, denying me of my pleasure and that of your own. Is this all clear to you? I am getting through that alcohol soaked haze of a brain you have right now??
I swallowed hard and tried to fight back the sobs that threaten to burst from the very depth of my soul. Never had I disappointed him more. It broke my heart knowing I had let him down. When I tried to answer that yes I understood and that I would take and accept any punishment he felt necessary my voice cracked and my entire body shook as I simply nodded and whispered in near convulsive gasps, ?yes, Sir, I understand.?
He left me where I knelt and went to the kitchen. I heard cabinets opening and closing hard, water running and the sound of aspirins rattling in their bottle as he came walking back in.
?Here!? he said as he held out the glass of water and aspirins for me to take. ?I want no excuses about a hangover in the morning.?
I took the pills from his hand and tipped the glass to drink. After drinking about a forth of the water and started to hand it back to him he ordered me to finish it all. Silently I sat there until I had emptied the glass. He took it from me and sat it down on the end table next to his chair and grabbed my hand to pull me up. For the next twenty minutes I hung my head in shame and regret as he helped me prepare for bed.
Not once did he speak a word. He undressed me, washed my face clean of makeup, made me use the bathroom and then pulled a nightshirt over my head and put me to bed. Finally he sat down next to me and his eyes softened just a bit and his voice grew quieter as he smoothed a strand of hair from my face.
?Little one, you are mine. I don?t like you taking chances such as you did tonight. Now I am proud of you for not driving and having sense enough to call a cab. But, if you had not acted so irresponsible in the first place that would not have been something that was needed. I told you to meet with your friends, I wanted to give you that because normally you are such a good girl. You deserve to go out and share your company with others. But if this is how you choose to behave when I am not with you, then we will need to have a serious talk about some new rules, and trust me little one, I do not wish to make more rules that will only serve to repress and micromanage you. You are a grown woman, you are bright and I love the way we can exchange banter and hold intelligent conversations. I like the way we work together and how we are not like so many others in the lifestyle that think and believe even the smallest things has to be controlled or ruled over by the dominant. Tomorrow morning you will wake up and prepare yourself for punishment. I don?t like going there, but it is necessary. Now I am going to go, you sleep so you will be rested up for what will happen? He bent forward to kiss my forehead and leave.
I reached out and grabbed his hand, ?Please, don?t go. Please stay with me tonight.?
?Okay, little one, I will stay, but I want you to sleep now. I will be in the other room contemplating your fate tomorrow, when I return to this room, I had better find you fast asleep.?
If it hadn?t been for the alcohol I would have been wide awake for some time. But then, if it hadn?t been for the alcohol I wouldn?t be in this trouble. As it was, I was in trouble, and I couldn?t have stayed awake if I had wanted to. I rolled to my side and closed my eyes.
As in the past after drinking, I had wicked dreams all night long. Dreams that made no sense and in all honesty those dreams are the cause for any type ofhangover feelings I might have. I guess I am not typical in that area. Also as it is with drinking, I awake several times throughout the night needing to pee. That night was no different. I got up four different times, making me feel even worse for my Master?s sake. Here I had asked him to stay and now I had not only ruined his evening of play he had planned, but his sleep as well.
Morning came and thankfully so had the rain showers that had threatened the area for several days. Morning light throughthe window blinds was not going to be a blinding ordeal to add to the already existing issues. Cloudy skies and distant thunder only seem to add to the air of dread a day of punishment held. But yet it seemed fitting.
I looked over to the left side of the bed, my Master had already gotten up and was not laying next to me. I sat up and rubbed my puffy eyes. I squinted and tried to adjust my line of vision to make out the time on the clock, it was already 11am. He had allowed me to sleep in, I sighed as the thought occurred to me, probably the only mercy he would afford me today.
I pushed the covers back and swung my legs over the side and prepare to stand just as my Master stepped into the room. He looked handsome. He had showered and shaved and gotten dressed in a pair of dark charcoal gray casual slacks and the light blue casual pull over shirt that he leaves here for those times he sleeps over. His hair was combed neatly and the gray at his temples made him look even more distinguished than ever. He was leaning against the door frame and sipped a cup of coffee. In his other hand he held another cup, steam swirled upward and it smelled heavenly.
?I thought you might be waking up about now, thought you could use this.? He said as he crossed the room and handed me the cup. Seeing the cup made me smile. It was our own little private ritual, he had his mug that read ?Old Fart? on the side and mine, read ?His? just a simple but yet subtle reminder that I belonged to him and him only. I gratefully took the mug from him and sipped. A small appreciative moan rang forth from the gesture as much as the wonderful taste. I sat the mug down and felt myself begin to blush.
?What is it little one??
?I know that after getting up so many times during the night that this is the last thing you probably want to hear, but I need to pee, again.?
My Master chuckled, ?Well girl, I guess you best get to it then before you make a mess adding to the problems you already face today.?
I sighed and choked back the shiver of dread that laid at the surface. I rose and moved stiffly towards the bathroom door.
After taking care of the urgent need to empty my full bladder I washed my face, ran a brush through my hair and opened the door to go back into the room and finish the coffee he had brought into me.
?Little one, I want to bring your coffee into breakfast and sit at the table with me.?
Breakfast, I thought. My stomach churned a little, breakfast wasn?t something I wanted to hear about, let alone partake in, not so much due to a hang over, but my nerves at what I was facing for the day. But he has the final say, so I took a deep breath and walked behind him down the hall carrying my mug of coffee with me.
Once I got into the dining room, I saw that breakfast was also going to be merciful. Nothing heavy that was going to make me sick later on, just simple slices of toast and a bowl of cut fresh fruit, and juice.
?Eat up, little one, the fruit will help restore your energy, and believe me, you?re going to need it today.?
I sat the mug of half drank mug of coffee and picked up the fork and gently stabbed the soft pulpy flesh of a cubed piece of cantaloupe. Normally I only drink one or at least one and half cups of coffee when I first wake up, because coffee being a diuretic I don?t want to spend most of the next few hours running to the bathroom as I did all night long. But on that morning, it tasted so wonderful and my Master kept refilling the mug as soon as it was half full.
?Make sure you also finish your juice.? He ordered.
Just as the words were said I felt the first pull of intense dread wash over me, why was he wanting me to drink so much this morning? It couldn?t be to replenish my fluids in fear of me being or getting dehydrated, or coffee wouldn?t have been on this morning?s menu. I picked up the glass of juice and raised my eyes up to meet his.
?Drink it ALL!? was all he said, and I felt I wasn?t in a position to ask questions that would only serve to annoy him further.
I sipped the juice and sat the glass back down and finished eating the fruit and a slice of toast. I wanted to ask so many questions, but I knew better. I knew that he would be explaining anything he wanted me to know in his own good time, and once I had finished almost half of the juice my prediction was becoming a rapid reality.
?Once you finish the rest of that coffee and juice, I will be taking you into the bathroom and I will watch you shower. You will not go to the bathroom while you are in there, you will hold the contents of your bladder, is that clear? I think getting up four times during the night and going first thing this morning is quite enough for now. Before I ALLOW you to go again, you will beg and plead to be allowed to go. But as of this moment, you no longer have the right to make that decision for yourself. You are about to learn that if you force me to make up new rules that will only result in micromanaging your every thought, need or even your obligations will be like. Now hurry it up girl, drink up and let?s get on with this.?
I wanted to cry. I wanted to already plead my way into being allowed to go and empty my bladder. Funny how once you hear something is going to be withheld, even something as the right to use the bathroom, makes it suddenly an urgent necessity to do. Within the last 30 seconds I realized that my bladder was feeling full and the thought of not being allowed to go only made it feel fuller than it truly was.
The last one quarter of the juice was swirling around the bottom of the glass as I held it in my hand. I was stunned and I didn?t want to drink the rest of it, I was stalling and I knew it was going to make things worse if I continued to do so.My master was growing impatient and took the glass from my hand and forced me to finish the contents by placing his other hand behind my head and bringing the glass to my lips and ordered me to drink and not lose one single drop of it.
Never had I seen him so angry, and yet so controlled. Never had I seen the flashing darkness in his eyes as I did that morning. I swallowed hard and fast as he tipped the glass and the juice that poured forth into my mouth.
He slammed the glass down onto the table and grabbed my wrist and yanked me from the chair as if I were a rag doll, ?Now let?s go!? he barked as he pulled me along the hallway towards the shower.
He opened the glass door to the shower stall and turned on the water. I stood there and was about to lift the nightshirt he had pulled over my head just hours before, but before I could begin to raise it up, his fingers curled under the edge of the finished neck band and with great force, ripped the shirt down the middle.
I gasped and let out a whimper as I stood there having my shirt torn away by my Master?s hands. He leaned close to my ear and sternly reminded me that I wasn?t allowed to let go of my full bladder, not even under the running water of the shower. He turned me and with his hand placed on one shoulder guided me under the water.
?Now wash, and be quick about it!?
I hurried to wash my body and hair, not wanting him to grow anymore impatient or angry. The water felt good but boy did it ever make me want to pee! I held on though, hard as it was, I held on.
Once the last of the hair conditioner was rinsed away he ordered me to turn off the water and step out.
I stepped out and the coolness of the air hitting my warm wet body caused me to shiver and my nipples were instantly hard. From the pocket of his trousers he pulled out a set of nipple clamps. He attached them to my wet nipples so fast I almost didn?t have time to flinch. I knew that since I was still wet that anything, even just the slightest pull, tug or move would cause the clamps to slip off and that the experience wouldn?t be very pleasant.
?Turn around!?
I turned carefully, not wanting to disturb the clamps.
?Bend forward.?
I bent forward, my breasts dangling. A towel was tossed onto the top of my head. ?Dry your hair!?
I whimpered as my hands reached upwards to towel dry my hair, causing my dangling clamped breasts to jiggle just slightly.
My hands moved the towel with anewed vigor, fearing any spontaneous swats or any other quickly adjusted punishments. I felt his hands separated the cheeks of my ass. I almost halted the movement of my hands drying my hair. I slightly stiffened, he wouldn?t? Or would he? I hate anal plugs and anything to do with anal play what so ever! Oh God I thought, this is not going to be good!
My body still wet from the shower, bent over, breasts clamped crudely and now my ass was on the line. I felt the tip of the plug, I whimpered aloud and tried to fight back the pleas with all I had. I knew I had done wrong, I knew I had a responsibility to accept the consequences of my actions from the night before. But this, this was more than I thought I could take. I began to cry, as I stiffened and tensed my behind with the instinct of self protection.
A swat firmly landed on my right wet ass cheek, it stung intensely.?RELAX THAT ASS, NOW!?
I cried as I unclenched. I felt a small amount of cool lube dribble down the crack of my spread cheeks. I tried to brace myself, but it doesn?t matter, I knew it was going to hurt, I just didn?t know the extent of the pain until I felt the plug being pushed with a controlled force.
The plug was one that was larger than the ones he uses to build up a scene slowly. I cried out louder as I felt the friction of the larger invader. I jerked upward on instinct as I felt it plunged all the way inside. The clamps pulled against the wet skin and popped as they slid off roughly causing my knees to buckle and I yelped like a whipped pup.
He exhaled with an air of disgust and turned me back around. ?Brush your hair.? he said as he glared at me.
Tears stung my eyes, I felt miserable. I wanted to fight back the tears, I suddenly felt this incredible injustice, even though I know in my heart that that feeling is so misplaced. Tears are something my Master cherishes, he loves it when I cry for him. But right at that moment I found myself fighting the tears back. It would prove to be one of the last acts of defiance I gave into that day, but not the very last.
My Master stared at me, it felt like what I already know, he can see into my very soul.I felt myself backed into the edge of the counter, I winced as I felt the plug filling my tender behind. My bladder screamed from the pressure that had been added against it?s fullness. He handed me another towel and told me to finish drying myself off.
I dried myself quickly, my damp hair brushed and not a word spoken made the air in the room feel heavy. I laid down the towel and he grabbed me by the wrist again and pulled me into the bedroom.
I went down on my knees, legs slightly apart, careful not to let my feet touch each other as he has instructed me from day one. I felt my shaved sex brush against the roughness of the carpet and I tried to raise just enough so that my ass wouldn?t be fully against the surface of the floor causing the plug to driven deeper inside of me. He saw this and instead of admonishing me about it he simply placed his hands on each shoulder and pushed downward. I winced as I felt my rear bottom out against the floor causing the plug to slid deeper.
He moved about the room in silence, gathering things to use that day. It didn?t matter if I looked or not, because he always gathered and added things that he felt might make me react but then never use them. It was his way of keeping the balance of power his.
When he was done, all the different floggers were laid out as well as a crop, a cane, several different lengths of rope, my cuffs, a collar made of thick leather. Dildos of varying sizes, vibrators, bullets, paddles of all sizes and materials. More anal plugs, lube, and creams that would cause me to squirm when applied. Clamps, clips and clothespins laid in heaps and awaited to pinch and torture a nicely bound sub.Off to the side of the bed on the nightstand laid a package, wrapped, I could only surmise that it contained the new items he had talked about surprising me with, they probably came in the mail earlier in the week and what he had planned for last night. Now I really was wishing I hadn?t screwed up so badly, his surprises were almost always wickedly playful.
He paused a moment to look at me, then without saying a word he returned to the closet and pulled out the modified sawhorse and set it up.
?Up slut!? he commanded.
I stood and he bent me over the top, tied each ankle and each wrist to the legs. The plug felt even larger in this vulnerable position. A blindfold was slipped onto my head and plunged me into darkness. Next thing I felt came as a surprise, he was wrapping rope in an X pattern so that my waist was tied to the sawhorse, holding me tight against it. He was making sure I couldn?t go anywhere.
I wasn?t sure what to expect this time, normally I can gauge what he will do, but tying me the horse was something new, so I wasn?t sure if I would feel swats, or a flogger, or what. I didn?t have to wait long.
The first swat, I think I felt it vibrate through the roots of my hair. It was hard and cold and it stung with instant intense heat. He spoke not a word, but delivered an entire speech through twenty-five hard swats. I knew with the first swat that he was using the long leather slapper that I hated with a passion that could melt an iceberg.
I began whimpering after the ninth swat, and by the time the last one was delivered I was gasping between racking sobs. The blindfold felt soaked from tears, and my ass felt like fire, inside and out. Each swat made the plug in my ass feel as if it were exploding.
The slapper was gone, and I was given only a small amount of time for a reprieve and to brace myself for what came next. I felt a strong tug at the plug in my ass, more lube was applied and then pushed back inside. My bladder felt pressured from the plug and from being bent over the bench. I needed to go to the bathroom but I knew I wouldn?t be able to just yet, at least not until he decided to let me up from where I was tied.
There was another long pause before I felt my Master?s fingers reaching under me and stroking my clit. I almost cried again, but from the tenderness in which he was using his wonderfully long fingers. But then I felt the heat, the sting, and instead of smelling my own arousal I caught the scent of mint. He was applying toothpaste to my clit and just under it too, inflaming my urethra. I wanted to squirm but the rope that held me to the sawhorse prevented even a fraction of an inch in any direction. Instead of sudden tears, I yelped and began pleading to go the bathroom. The intensity of the mint toothpaste only made the need to pee a hundred times worse.
My head was being yanked up from where it dangled, the pull of my hair caused new tears to sting and burn before they inched their way from under the blindfold.
?You best hold your water girl! Or there will be consequences.? He let go of my hair and my head dropped back down, I continued to sob.
I yelled out again within seconds of his hand letting loose of my hair as I felt clamps being placed on my nipples and the cold chain pulled downward and a clip pinched my clit. Clothespins came next, lining up in a row all along each of my pussy lips. Bondage tape held them down, causing me to be spread wide open.
More clothespins were applied to each inner thigh, the sides of my breasts, my waist, the backs of my legs, arms, and down each side, several over the top of my back and several more on each cheek of my ass. When he was done, he had placed fifty-five pins in all. There wasn?t an inch of my body that didn?t hurt.
The toothpaste had grown weak and it wasn?t burning so much anymore, but it wasn?t to last. I felt my largest dildo at the stretched lips of my pussy. The edges of the pins pulled as he worked it into me. Within a few seconds I cried nearly hysterical because the tip had been covered with the minty paste from hell. It was halfway in when he decided to push it hard inside and then used bondage tape to hold it place. I felt the bulb that was attached to the end of the dildo, the one used to inflate it to a much larger size. Two squeezes and I was yelling out again.
All those pins, a plug deep in my ass, the inflatable dildo stretching me wide and causing me to feel fuller than ever. The pressure on my bladder so acute and then the added toothpaste, clamps and clip, my tears were now a steady flow.
The first strike of the crop came as little surprise. Swat, then flick the flap of the crop against my stretched clit. I wanted to wiggle and move away from the stimulation, I preferred the pain over the pleasure, the pleasure of those sweet little flicks to my clit made me want to pee more. I didn?t need the blindfold to be off to know that within minutes of his picking up that crop that my body was turning red with small tiny welts that would burn and probably lightly bruise in a few areas. Areas that had once held a clothespin that was now being popped off with each flick of his wrist. The ones that were stubborn and held on even after being flicked several times, were flicked and swatted off with the cane once he grew tired of the crop. I begged and pleaded to be allowed up to use the bathroom. My request was repeatedly denied.
The crop and cane were now gone, the pins except for those lining each lip of my pussy, also gone. Another squeeze of the bulb on the dildo pumped more air to inflate it wider inside of me, I sobbed and pleaded. Duel floggers struck the backs of my legs, the insides of my thighs, occasionally a few of the tails would flick upward and strike against my exposed clit. Another squeeze of the bulb for the dildo. The flogging grew heavier and harder. It seemed like hours, but it was only twenty minutes. Finally he stopped. His breathing was heavy, mine was coming out in gasps and sobs.
I felt his hand in my hair again, yanking my head upward, I felt the tip of his hard cock at my lips. I only briefly wondered when he had taken off his trousers. I felt the precum that coated the head.
?Open your slut mouth and suck me!?
I opened my mouth and my Master began to throat fuck me fast and furious. I gagged and my stomach lurched and heaved several times, threatening to erupt with my breakfast. Finally he pulled all the way out of my mouth and I felt the warm cum hit my face. He loosened his grip of my hair and my head dropped back down, my face coated with his cum.
He moved behind me again, and I tried to brace myself for a flogger or paddle, or the crop or cane again. It didn?t come. Instead I felt the rope being released and I was free to stand.
?Lay your ass down on the floor and keep those legs spread, showing me what a slut you are with your ass and pussy filled and stretched.?
I started to go towards the floor, my bladder screamed for release. I felt something soft and yet a little rough, towels I thought, he had placed towels down for me to lay on. I laid down and spread my legs as wide as they would go. I felt something like a cool gel and then he placed something over each spot of the cool gel. What was it? I didn?t know of anything we had that would cause such a sensation. I begged one more time to be allowed to go to the bathroom, he didn?t deny me this time, in fact, he didn?t say anything at all.
I was about to ask again when I felt a slight tingle, a pull from each of the spots he applied gel to. The sensation began to pulse and I moaned aloud. Ohhh I thought, this was what had been in the package, my Master had bought a tens unit for some electrical play. We had talked about getting one for so long, but it was something I thought would take a while to afford. Every few minutes he stopped and moved the pads to a new spot. Finally I felt two very close to my exposed clit, he turned it on low. He let off some of the air from the inflatable dildo and began to move it in and out. I was growing so aroused, but the plug in my ass prevented me from fully relaxing, no matter what or how many times we have done anything anal, I have fought the urge and even the need to cum. I don?t know why I continued to put up such a fight over it, I mean it wasn?t like he was going to stop, he would always find a way to make me cum and then I would cry hard for him. Tears that he loved. Tears that he cherished. Tears of guilt for enjoying something I didn?t want to like.
My body began to shake, and I my moans grew louder and louder. The dildo was still so large inside of me as was the plug, but the dildo was gliding in and out with ease and making that sloppy sound from my wetness. Just as I thought I would cum he removed the dildo so fast that I gasped. I felt him thrust three of his long thick fingers inside of me and stroke my g-spot. I lost all control, I didn?t have time to ask to cum. I felt my pussy tighten and convulse against his fingers, then the unthinkable happened, I not only came without permission, but I lost control of my bladder as well.
My Master yelled and pulled the leads and pads of the tens unit from my body and flipped me over onto my stomach so quick I felt like a fish flopping on the deck of a boat, all the while urine flowed from my body. Pins popped off my lips and I screamed from the pain. My Master was swatting my bare ass his bare hand, and yelling how dare I piss all over him.
I lost count of how many swats I received, but when he stopped I felt the heat of each blow. He pulled the plug from my ass fast and rough and pulled me up and pushed me along into the bathroom. He opened the shower door, and removed my blindfold, I couldn?t stand so I slumped to the floor of the large shower stall. He turned on the water and looked down at where I sat. I was crying hysterically.
?Get on your knees slut!?
I moved and raised up on all fours. He turned off the water and I was lectured about pissing on him. At first I thought he had turned on the water on low again, but then I realized as the words began to register in my head, that no my Master hadn?t turned the water back on, but was relieving himself of his own bladder across my ass and back.When I felt him finish I collapsed onto the floor of the shower and curled up in a tight ball and sobbed. I felt his hands reaching for me and I wanted to flinch and move away but the strength it would have taken was simply just not there. His hands were now tender and soft, he washed my body and his. The water stopped and he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. I was laid on the bed and lovingly dried. He got in the bed next to me and pulled me close, cuddling me and letting me cry it all out, and I slept till evening fell, I awoke to the sound of the soft rain and his smiling face.
?I love you, little one.?
?I love you my Master.?
Punishment over. Lesson learned.
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BDSMLearning another lessonAbout 5 days ago. I was taken on a shopping trip by this lady my wife found. We contracted with her to help us explore and to teach us more about the kinkier side of this lifestyle. We stopped in this adult sex shop and I was introduced t this store clerk. Not only did she help me pick out some toys but she gifted me with a chastity cage that I was instructed to lock and secure on my manhood and then to hand the key over to the clerk for safe keeping. After she accepted...
The king-size bed has a headboard with tall spires on either side and the footboard has shorter finials on either end. Out of the bag, I pull out different lengths of rope. I had pre-measured and precut the rope before I brought it back to the room. I tie one end on a spire at the headboard and toss the working end onto her in such a way that it trails from her shoulder down between her legs and ends at her feet. The other side is tied and tossed in the same location. Watching me as I stop...
BDSMSometimes in life you learn or are taught a lesson and because you weren't paying attention you have to be taught that same lesson again. Hopefully you will learn by the second time. That's what happened to me. Let me explain. I had just turned 25 as these events took place. At that time I was a personal transportation consultant; that's what my business cards read. Truthfully, I was a car salesman. I only tell you this because it helps explain my mind set at that point in my life. My name...
She woke up that morning with a sinking feeling in her stomach. The night before had not been a very good night for her and Sir, oh it started wonderfully.. but it ended horribly bad. He was so angry at her behavior that when he dropped her off at home he left without saying a word. This is not going to be good, surely there is a lesson to be taught and when he's this upset that point will be sharp, that goes without saying. The evening earlier, she was so excited getting dressed to go out...
The wife and I have been married for twenty years. It has been good. But like most of you all I have long fantasized about my wife, Susan , fucking another man. Susan has always been very conservative, the way she dresses, the way she acts, everything. She has always been happy to spread her legs and take my seed, but a wild and crazy fuck she is not. But over the years I have pestered her about taking another man and she always blew it off saying that is gross or she is happy with me. The way...
Looking at the clock on the nightstand, I see that I have about thirty minutes until the rehearsal.“I have to get to the rehearsal but I would much rather hold you!” I whisper as I wrap my arms around her and hug her into me even tighter.“Do you mind if I shower off before I head back?” she says as she stands up.I look at her standing there. My body is wanting to grab her and finish what was started, but my mind has other plans. I break myself out of my short daydream and look at her...
BDSMJerome’s mind often toyed with him like a cat with its prey/food. He was powerless to stop it, so he just let it happen. He’d become a passenger in his own head; someone else was at the wheel. In a way, it was less exhausting this way, even if he wasn’t in control of the journey. Sometimes they were speeding down a bumpy road on the way to places they shouldn’t be, and his stomach began to summersault like when on a rollercoaster with lots of loops. Other times the ride was smoother and the...
Lessons Learned Lessons Learned The phone rings and I sleepily reach over to answer it. Who would be calling me at this hour? I looked at the clock. It read Five AM. I pick up the receiver and answer with a half asleep tone in my voice.?Hello???Slave I want you prepared for my return. Do I make myself clear?? ?Yes Master.? I reply. Now fully awake.?Good.? He says and hangs up. I could not have gone back to sleep if I wanted to. The tone in Master?s voice had been very harsh. He did not...
Lessons Learned Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I walked in the house and saw my parents sitting there, you could have killed me with a feather! They weren't supposed to be home, so I had gotten dressed and gone out with my best friend to a show. We traded stares for a moment, then I started for my bedroom to change and go to bed. Wait a minute young...lady" came dad's voice, "come back in here right now!" Now, since I am their son, you can guess how I was...
Lessons Learned Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I walked in the house and saw my parents sitting there, you could have killed me with a feather! They weren't supposed to be home, so I had gotten dressed and gone out with my best friend to a show. We traded stares for a moment, then I started for my bedroom to change and go to bed. Wait a minute young...lady," came dad's voice, "come back in here right now!" Now, since I am their son, you can guess how I was...
A famous rich cousin from Vermont bailed Eve out and she avoided prosecution for pick-pocketing. Seems a little cash placed in the right hands can go a long way or that entrapment schemes are less tolerated than in the past. Yeah, thought Eve, his dick was so big that I couldn’t keep myself from reaching into his pants pocket for a righteous grab and I was thereby, entrapped by doing so. Yikes!But, honestly, Eve felt guilty as sin and strangely deprived of resolution by her lucky break. ...
FemdomSam and his younger sister Liz met for coffee one afternoon this summer. Sam and Liz had never been very close, mainly because Sam was 11 years older than his younger sister Elizabeth or Liz as she liked to be called. They hadn’t seen each other for a couple months yet they lived in the same city. Sam was the type that let his career run his life and never had gotten married or really settled down. He would have the occasional girlfriend but nothing ever really came of it and he was fine...
Sam and his younger sister Liz met for coffee one afternoon this summer. Sam and Liz had never been very close, mainly because Sam was 11 years older than his younger sister Elizabeth or Liz as she liked to be called. They hadn’t seen each other for a couple months yet they lived in the same city. Sam was the type that let his career run his life and never had gotten married or really settled down. He would have the occasional girlfriend but nothing ever really came of it and he was fine...
"I hate those stupid sluts!" Melissa heard one of the boys say. A slam of a locker and then footsteps toward the exit from the gym, then she followed. "I don't care anymore...she has become such a little cunt you know J," the other boy says. I glance around the row of lockers. I see Jake Burns and Johnny Morgan, both were in my poli sci class, head out to the basketball courts. Before they open the door, Jake stops Johnny. "You know that she needs to continue being taught her lesson, she is...
It’s a warm Tuesday afternoon in May, and I’m catching up on my studying on the lawn outside the music building. I’m a music major at the University of… well, to protect the innocent let’s just say it’s a large state university in California. Plenty of time before my piano lesson, I think to myself, until I glance at my watch… 2:25 – only 5 minutes until my lesson! I must have lost track of time as I was enjoying the feel of the sun on my skin! 5 minutes is plenty of time to gather up my things...
I was worried about today. Melissa was coming over for a music lesson. Melissa is Steph’s 50 year old Mum. Steph is 28 years old like me and we are great friends. Melissa asked me to give her some help with her music which on the one hand seemed strange, tutoring a friends Mum, but I knew her well enough. Steph has been to the house loads of times so Beccy knew her well, and had met her Mum quite a few times. Still, it was agreed Melissa would come to ours for her lesson which meant Beccy...
SpankingTrumped Up Punishments 16 – Charlotte’s ordeal: Televised punishmentCharlotte woke up after a restless night. She was known as the school rebel, and had been due to be punished at a punishment assembly open to the paying public the night before. Fortunately proceedings had been delayed – two boys had been severely punished, and to top it all, had been arrested just as their ordeal appeared to be over. Their case had been expedited for trial, but they would have another two weeks at least to...
Boys Brigade Femucation Chapter 1 - Discovery From a very young age I was aware that I am a pretty boy and have experienced the pleasure of being dressed in my elder sister's clothes for the entertainment of family members - although not when my father is at home. My sisters think it is great fun and my mum goes along with my aunt who is the main protagonist in making me look so sweet and girly. From around the age of four, I enjoyed these sessions, however I became aware that it...
Catherine Dixon’s Punishment By Jonnyboy A Five part Story taken from certain events now reworked from the original by the Author who reserves copyright. This story is for the most part a work of fiction and should be viewed as such only by those over eighteen who view it as such and have no objection to the subjects of bondage/ bdsm/sexual slavery/voyeurism and emotional incest. Synopsis: Oblivious as to their real motives after being told they...
Punishment 2015 Stephen "It couldn't be… and yet for a brief moment I thought it was. Thegirl I had dreamed about…the girl that had figured in my every eroticfantasy. At school she had been head girl; three years above me and probably a millionlight years away from ever looking my way. Head girls don't talk to lowly 5 th .Graders, I wonder if in fact if they ever see them? Not that I am not worthy of a look. Even though I would never say it throughmodesty, I am good looking although only five...
The first four or so weeks at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College had flown by for the new Head Mistress, Amelia Marks. The slim, dark-haired lady had not administered a punishment since the Upper School assembly on that first day when the usually well-behaved Fiona Nicholls had been caught by the new Head Mistress using her mobile phone as she was outlining the changes that had been implemented, and that would affect, every girl at the exclusive fee-paying school. The Year Twelve girl had received...
SpankingIn the span of history, until relatively recently, a beating was given across the bare flesh, and dress had a significance limited to the procedures and drama of its removal. Before the great change, the chances were that a victim would be crudely stripped and flogged without more ado, but, if dress played any part at all, it was as an agent of humiliation rather than as a layer of protection: a soldier was the more shamed by being stripped of his full-dress uniform, and, by the same token,...
Emma was looking forward to Lesley arriving at her house. Her mum and older sister were out all day which left the house empty for her to give Lesley the punishment she had asked for at the punishment area.Emma who was eighteen-years-old had enjoyed punishing the thieves the other day and after the initial surprise was looking forward to disciplining Lesley who had asked to be punished by her. Today as it was the weekend and very hot she was wearing a pink vest top with a bare midriff, with...
SpankingFor the first time in her seven years at St Katherine’s School, Joanne Wilson was in trouble. Serious trouble. Even worse than that was the fact that she knew it and knew what was coming her way in a short while.For the first time in her school career, the straight A-Grade student was sitting on the chairs that were lined up against the wall in reception, directly facing the offices of the Head Mistress and her two Deputy Head Mistresses. Joanne had over-stepped her authority and, two days...
SpankingPunishment 2 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - Karen's visit Maria opened the door of her flat and, almost silently, strode into the hallway, closely followed by her best friend Karen. Maria draped the jacket of her business suit, together with her handbag, over a hallway chair and stepped out of her smart, patent, red, high-heeled court shoes. Immediately at her back, Karen similary placed her jacket over a hallway chair and, as both of them quietly made their way towards the...
The Punishment Mistress [F/M noncons institution, spank, milking]"No... No," he moaned aloud, to no one in particular, because he knew that the punishment mistress would take no heed of his protest. "Please, no," he said, louder, this time addressed to the punishment mistress. Part of his fear was his total vulnerability. He knew that there would be no escaping the severe strapping that he had been sentenced to for the week's misdeeds at the institution. He was totally naked, bent over a heavy...
She offered to give me a ride home but we stopped at her house first. Maybe if I hadn't been so excited to be near a girl like this, I would have realized sooner that this was a bad idea. I foolishly followed her in, admiring her long blond hair that went down to her well shaped ass. "You can have a seat Matthew, I'll be right back." I sat down on the couch, peering around the room, looking over the many family photos across the wall. To my surprise, Brad and Andy walked through the...
“You sure talk a lot of shit,” Ronnie chided as she took a long sip of her martini. Her eyes were deep green vessels that poured forth cool, unwavering judgment. I was taken aback by her direct confrontation, and confused. I was a reasonably experienced date, enough that I at least knew how to be a little charming when I needed to be and very persuasive when I chose to be. But Ronnie had been combative all evening, and I was beginning to find it difficult and frustrating. I hadn’t made her...
THE PUNISHMENT A man is unjustly accused of rape. His trial ends in a hung jury. To correct this "miscarriage of justice," a coven of witches punishes him by turning him into a girl and raping him multiple times, and then enacts spells forcing him to become a prostitute, while still remaining a man inside. But s/he manages to build a life with dignity and purpose, and eventually with love and happiness. Warning ... Contains limited descriptions of violence and rape. Table of...
She lay there bound tightly on the hotels king sized bed shaved and dripping. John and Chris gazed on as Heathers freshly shaved pussy itched and dripped down into her gaping asshole. She begged for one of them to itch her and writhed against the tight ropes binding her legs back. The nipple strings were becomming more painful with every movement and her puffy nipples became darker. Chris had used sewing thread to tie her nipples to her big toes earlier in the session. I think its time. said...
Megan kissed her husband goodbye and went into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. She left the coffee percolating and went to take a shower. She returned after showering, a towel wrapped around her body, and another around her long blonde hair. She plopped down on the couch with a sigh. The doctor was starting to lose interest again. At first the blow jobs had so excited him, he was asking for them twice a day. Now, it was once every other day, pretty soon, she was sure, it would be down...
Zoe Vanssen sat on the leather sofa outside the Head Mistress’ office and fidgeted with her hands. She knew that she was really going to get it for what she had done in town that previous Saturday morning. The girl with the long dark hair shuffled around uneasily on the sofa as she waited to be called into Miss Marks’ office to explain her behaviour. Conduct that was unbecoming an Alannah Lawrence girl and also conduct that would probably earn her an exclusion from the prestigious school. The...
SpankingJenny entered the school secretary’s office holding her Punishment Form. The 42 year old knew the words off by heart, those her Mum had written just two days ago. The request is for 18 strokes of the cane and the reason was simply caught lying. Jenny’s Mum had berated her and Jenny had promised it was the very last time but no matter what Jenny said her Mum filed out the Form, handed it to her daughter, and whilst she was still in the room phoned Mrs. Denver’s office, spoke to Charlotte, and...
Jenny entered the school secretary’s office holding her Punishment Form. The 42 year old knew the words off by heart, those her Mum had written just two days ago. The request is for 18 strokes of the cane and the reason was simply caught lying. Jenny’s Mum had berated her and Jenny had promised it was the very last time but no matter what Jenny said her Mum filed out the Form, handed it to her daughter, and whilst she was still in the room phoned Mrs. Denver’s office, spoke to Charlotte, and...
SpankingPeter's Punishment ? by: Patti Remick Prologue/Part 1 10 year old peter has been a total little brat again! Mommy has really had it with me this time. She is going to punish me and She knows exactly how She will do it! It all starts as She says to me, "Now I have repeatedly warned you about this behavior of yours. I am sick and tired of it and now Mommy is going to punish you real good, you little brat." Mommy then says to me with a wicked look in Her eyes and a smirk on...
THE PUNISHMENT A man is unjustly accused of rape. His trial ends in a hung jury. To correct this "miscarriage of justice," a coven of witches punishes him by turning him into a girl and raping him multiple times, and then enacts spells forcing him to become a prostitute, while still remaining a man inside. But s/he manages to build a life with dignity and purpose, and eventually with love and happiness. Table of Contents Prologue 1. North Western Texas State College 2....
Last weekend I was surprised by my niece Leeza, as she opened the shower curtain and stepped into the shower with me. Her firm tight little tanned body glistening under the hot spray of water caused my rod to thicken instantly. We made hot passionate love, which was her first time with a man. It was one of the most erotic moments of my life. Yesterday, Friday, she asked if I could give her driving lessons. She just turned 16 and has her learners permit. We decided that on Saturday, we would...
IncestAlice’s Crime and Punishment Synopsis After losing her temper, Alice is sentenced to a whipping for assault. Her father, the local vicar, disgusted with her behaviour, ensures she has the harshest treatment and a lengthy work rehab programme in a subject she won’t like.Alice’s Crime and Punishment by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking Punishment If you are underage or offended by such...
By Mistress Kylie,This post contains all of the ideas I have been able to come up with or find on the internet for female-dominant, male-submissive scenes…You’ll probably notice that a lot of the ideas are designed for use over many days and are associated with orgasm control. This theme emerged over time because orgasm control is so effective at heightening male desire. We use this list in a very simple framework when setting up scenes. First she picks one or more of the ideas below (either by...
Cathy Dixon looked into her full length bedroom mirror, pulling down on the soft cashmere jumper that seemed to cling to her v ??????????????????????????????? Catherine?s Punishment? ??????????? A? Forty something mum is forced to submit to her schoolboy son?s friends???????????????????????? ?Ouch, please Sean?..for Christ?s sake, it hurts too much, please, you?re going to kill me, please stop! Groaned the young schoolboy through tears of pain and shame. The Gymnasium changing...
Lauren Dickson packed her things into her sports bag before checking that she had everything and turning her attention to her handbag. She smiled as she found her mobile phone and car keys which were lying under her collection of cards, makeup, tissues and other items. She closed the zip on the bag and placed it over her right shoulder. Lauren picked up her sports bag in her right hand and walked out of the staff changing room, turning and locking the door with her key. The young PE Mistress...
SpankingTeaching Sally, the final LessonIf you read my previous 2 stories. You will remember that as a high school teacher who has suffered through being teased by the young hotties in my class I was frustrated but I never came on to any of my students. However, a former student, a recent graduate, named Sally approached me and confessed her crush on me and how she wanted me to teach her all about sex before she went off to college. And we met and had an incredible “lesson” with me showing how...
Lessons Learned When I walked into the club for Gina’s bachelorette party, I was too frazzled from work to wonder who else might be there. I’d left the office closer to seven than six, ran home to change into my one appropriate dress, and now I was late. A broken chunk of sidewalk almost made me later, but I managed not to fall. I was sure I looked ridiculous as I stumbled towards the door, but I got in without further trouble. Once inside I took a minute to orient myself amid the pulsing...
Lessons Learned When I walked into the club for Gina’s bachelorette party, I was too frazzled from work to wonder who else might be there. I’d left the office closer to seven than six, ran home to change into my one appropriate dress, and now I was late. A broken chunk of sidewalk almost made me later, but I managed not to fall. I was sure I looked ridiculous as I stumbled towards the door, but I got in without further trouble. Once inside I took a minute to orient myself amid the pulsing music...
LesbianNina had to stand on the bus the whole way home from work because her bottom was stinging so much to risk sitting down and gasping as she squirmed around on one of the seats as it went over any bumps in the road. She also had to be careful when taking hold of any of the handgrips because her hands were also stinging from being caned. On the other hand, she was giving a lot of thought to what was said by Mrs Lawson. She knew the points were well made and that there were plenty of areas where she...
SpankingAs I was nearing the end of college, I was no longer interested in the girls I was coaching. I was 21, they were 14 and 15. It was too big of a gap, for the law and for myself. I noticed some of their attributes, breasts coming to perky fruition and asses and legs that were firm and smooth. But no girl appealed to me overall. Then Nikki called me. Nikki was an incoming freshman into high school, and I had seen her hit from a distance. She hit a good ball, harder than I was used to...
Punishment 1 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - The blonde It had all happened the previous weekend when he had been out with a fellow college student, who had invited him to his brother's stag night. Not a hardened drinker, Jim had quickly gotten pissed and found himself separated from the others, in a large bar with what seemed like hundreds of strangers. He had intended to phone his live-in girlfriend of 1 year, Maria, and tell her he was drunk and would be heading home soon, but...
To enjoy this story, you don't need to know about the Overwatch cast, but it'll certainly help. Though at this point, I assume almost everybody has at least heard of the game. If your preferred character doesn't lead to a path yet, feel free to like it and return at another time, and hopefully something will be written. Feel free to "like" your favourite paths. It definitely helps with knowing what people like the most, especially if some have certain characters they'd prefer to follow! Join...
Punishment Stephen "It couldn't be... and yet for a brief moment I thought it was. The girl I had dreamed about...the girl that had figured in my every erotic fantasy. At school she had been head girl; three years above me and probably a million light years away from ever looking my way. Head girls don't talk to lowly 5th. Graders, I wonder if in fact if they ever see them? Not that I am not worthy of a look. Even though I would never say it through modesty, I am good looking although only...
Chapter One: Johana's Shocking Futa Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Johana Jordan's Week, Monday The entire student body of Rogers College thundered with applause as the MVP from last Saturday's championship football game led off her rewards. Tanisha Read, a Black futa, gripped the leashes that lead to a futa named Charisma and her little sister, a cutie named Krysten. It was the Monday morning assembly. Normally, it was the Program assembly, but there was a special...