Truckers Delight
- 3 years ago
- 31
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This story is pure fantasy, not to be lived out.
It was after midnight by the time my day got exciting. I'm a truck driverfor a major national chain and I own my own rig. I was stopped in a retailparking lot with a full load both in my trailer and my balls. Things can getreal lonely for a truck driver, going weeks not being home, not that thereis anything exciting there anyway. Sure, you can pick up the occasional lotlizard, but most of them have had a really hard life by the time they makeit to your cab to suck your cock. I would never dare stick my dick up themeven with a helmet on. Most of them have every disease in the book, and looklike they've slept in a garbage can in the sewer. But fuck, they'll stay onyour dick until they have a healthy load of creamy cum swimming around theirbellies and they won't get off it until they've sucked every fucking drop ofseed out of your balls. They come in ages from pretty young to really old,I prefer the 18 or 19 year olds myself, but some of my buddies like the youngerones, and there are plenty to pick from depending on the stop. All that for$20, you can't beat it. A few of my buddies have caught things even gettinga suck job though, the stupid whore will scrape them with their teeth by accidentand the saliva instantly gets in the wound. Usually when that happens, theguy will cum down their throat, but then beat the fuck out of them and literallythrow them out of the truck before driving away. Those are my buddies, allgood men. I've heard stories where other whores didn't get off so lucky aftermaking a mistake like that with a man's cock. The fucking bitches aren't goodfor anything else, the least they can do is suck a cock right. Luckily, thathasn't happened to me.
Anyway, it was after midnight, pouring down rain, a really cold rain, thewind was howling. Even my cab was rocking back and forth. I was having troublesleeping and I'd been awake for 18 hours and really needed some rest. I wasjust drifting off when I hear this voice screaming and pounding at my window.It was hard to make out the voice on account of the pelting rain and wind.I grabbed my .44 and opened the curtain separating my cabin with my sleepingunit. My jaw dropped when I seen this cute little face so close to my window,she looked like she was crying, but who could tell in the rain? She was smackingmy window repeatedly, begging to be let in, looking behind her every few seconds.I put the gun down and climbed up front, unlocking the door and letting herin. The dumb girl never said thanks or nothing, she just kept frantically askingme to shut the dome light off so nobody could see in (which was fine with me).I just shut the light off when around a corner a police car turned, his lightsflashing, but no siren on. She ducked in the back as he slowed and stoppedin front of my rig. He seen me sitting there, his lights fixed directly onme. He got out of his squad car in the pouring rain and walked to my driver'sdoor. I rolled down the window and he asked me what I was doing. I told himjust watching the storm. He looked a little unconvinced, but then asked ifI seen a girl, late teens run through here. I shrugged my shoulders and saidI wish. I asked if she was dangerous and he said no, but she did run away fromhome with her dad's cash and credit card. She was old enough to be out on herown, but not old enough to steal from daddy it appeared. I smiled at the officerand told him I'd keep a lookout, but was getting ready for bed. He thankedme and got back in his car, driving off.
I took a deep breath, grabbed some Jack from underneath my seat, and tooka long swig, swallowed, and took another. I still hadn't gotten a good lookat the girl, and was ready to see what I had back there. I opened the curtain,crawled to the back, and then again shut the curtain, making sure prying eyescouldn't see us. I switched on the side lights, creating a yellow glow, forthe first time seeing the beautiful slut in front of me. This bitch was hot!She was still completely wet, her hair messed up on top of her head, and hermakeup running down her soft cheeks. She had fire red hair, long, almost allthe way down her back. Crystal clear blue eyes, so deep, innocent, mysterious.Even in the dim light, I could see playful freckles on her cheeks, going downher neck, and disappearing where her shirt neck started. She had a cute littlenose and the fullest, most pouting lips that even Angelina Jolie couldn't compareto. My cock throbbed just looking at those soft, red cock gobblers. This iseven after the makeup and lipstick was washed off her face. All this is justabove the neck, it only got better the more I took in. She had a small, shiny,pink purse she held close to her She was wearing a soaking wet pink shirt withsome sports number on it. It almost looked like a sleeping shirt that camedown to almost her knees. She must've left in a hurry I thought to myself.The thin wet shirt conformed around her extremely impressive chest, which Imay add had no bra under. This girl's tits were fucking huge and round, I couldtell that without even lifting up her shirt. First impression, I'd say shewas a solid 38DD, no sag at all. It was one of those situations where evenif you try looking at the little bitches face, you still can only see the bigsoft titties. Just another reason I wonder why whores were given vocal cords.The only time I want a bitch talking is when she is either screaming or moaning.She had equally impressive nipples, large and long, poking stiffly throughthe wet, pink shirt, forcing my pants to get very tight. This girl was madeto be used, that was for sure, she was made for dick. As I moved closer toher, she kind of jerked and put her legs up by her full tits, trying to coverherself.
I sat right next to her, not quite touching her, but smelling her soft,intoxicating female scent. She looked quickly at me, then at the pictures ofthe sluts on my walls. I had pictures of girls taken off the internet or magazines.They were either naked, posing suggestively, or they were sucking cock or gettingfucked by one or many cocks. A few even had the happy ending sprayed all acrossthe little cum whores face, tits and/or hair. I could tell the pictures upsether, or at least made her feel uncomfortable. I smiled, in the most fatherlyway I could, and put my hand on her shoulder. I squeezed and said "I'm sorrysweety, I wasn't expecting company, and I get very lonely out there on theroad. As it is now, I'm over 500 miles away from home. I can take them downif you like." I of course was lying about taking them down, but I wanted toearn a little of her trust, for now. She kind of warmed up and shook her headin the usual no fashion. She smiled and said it was alright and she was justbeing dumb (big surprise). I rubbed my hand up and down her arm, she was coveredin goose bumps, and I made sure my fingers brushed the side of her tit, actinglike I didn't even notice touching her huge bag of fat, though I was readyto cum in my pants just slightly touching the side of her fucking perfect tit.
"My name is Tom, what is yours?" She smiled, and quietly said "my, my nameis Amber, thank you for letting me in. I hope I'm not bothering you." I smiledback at her, thinking of how much fun it'll be to have her suck my cock, andtold her she was not a bother at all. "Why did you run away from home Amber?" Shelooked around the room again, still focusing on the pictures, but not showingany signs of disgust as she had before. Her eyes finally stopped at her lapas she nervously played with her hands. This was the first time I noticed herfingers. They were long and slender, with very long nails painted hooker red.Just another plus to her look! "Amber, why did you run away from home? If I'mgoing to get into trouble harboring you, you better fucking tell me now!" Isaid with a growing authority. This kind of shocked her, and her voice crackedsome as she said she had to leave. "You see, Tom, I met this guy I really like,but daddy hates him. He thinks he's only after me sexually, but I told himit wasn't like that. We both belong to a group that believes in saving sexfor marriage, I've never done anything like that with a guy, and he's neverdone anything like that with a girl." My cock is jumping all around now thinkingof this girl still have all her cherry's intact for the ripping. "The mostwe've ever done is kissed, and we didn't even use our tongues. I was supposedto meet him at the old bus stop, but the police were looking for me for takingsome money to get us started, I got side tracked trying to lose them, and thenseen you sitting there. I knew you'd help me." Not believing my luck, I clearedmy throat and began to talk. "Well baby, that is an awful important stand youmade, both for waiting until marriage and leaving to be with your boyfriend.You are a smart independent girl aren't you?" I almost started laughing asI said those words and she agreed with me. Modern women, the weakest, dumbest,and most cut-throat of any species, always thinking they are so damn smartand superior, or at least equal. I don't know how or when all this startedabout, but women forgot their place a long time ago, and men let it happen.Shame on us. This girl was going to learn her place in life though, that sheis just a few stupid holes, a sleeve for guys to masturbate with and cleanup the mess after we're done. A teen, especially with a body like hers, thinkingshe can deny men the use of it, she'd learn all right! Dumb cunt.
After hearing her story I acted like I got kind of upset and told her ina stern voice "You are soaking wet, and you're getting my bed all wet, I'vegotta sleep back here everynight and you're fucking it all up." I grabbed oneof my white undershirts and a pair of boxer shorts and threw them to her, tellingher to put them on. She looked at me kind of confused and distracted. Almostin tears she said "I'm so sorry about getting your bed wet. I didn't mean to,but don't you have a bigger shirt that's not white? I'm just afraid you'llsee through it." I smiled at her innocence and told her that was all I had,the rest of my clothes were dirty. In fact though, all my clothes were dirty,and the boxers I was forcing her to wear I used to clean the cum off my chestand stomach after I shot one off before I left that day. I told her I wouldturn around while she got dressed so she didn't have to worry about me seeinganything. Hesitantly, she agreed. I turned around and listened to her peelthe clothes off that steaming body of hers. In a few minutes, she was wearingmy crusty boxers and my white shirt. I turned back around and she was foldingher pink shirt and the biker shorts she was wearing under them. Until I seenher shorts, I wasn't entirely sure she was wearing anything under that longshirt of hers. I was disappointed to see the shorts. She had the blanket overher legs to her stomach, but the white shirt had the effect I had hoped for.It should have been huge on her, but her huge full tits made it very snug,in fact, the shirt was a little small in that area. Her skin was still dampfrom her old clothes and the moisture bled through the shirt, making her tannedskin show through in some parts. I kind of looked at her tits a little longerthen I should have. She seen this and kind of turned to the side. I couldn'thelp it though, they were just so fucking huge, and perfectly round and full.I could tell the center of both tits touched each other, forming perfect cleavageto bury your face or dick in. This bitch defied gravity with those tits. Andfuck yeah, those nipples, such a dark pink, meaty and long, poked proudly outof the shirt, it was like she wasn't even wearing anything because it leftnothing to the imagination. My cock was rock hard and ready to play. I justwanted to grab huge soft handfuls of those tits and squeeze until they bruisedand she screamed. I wanted to sink my teeth into that soft flesh, chew thosemeaty nipples, force those sweet nipples to bleed and explode in my mouth.MMMMMMMMM, I couldn't wait to break her, but not yet, not yet.
After she seen me practically drooling over her mammaries, she was noticeablymore tense. Bad mistake on my part, but fuck, what was a man supposed to do.A priest would've wanted to bite into those melons and suck the juice out too,even though she wasn't a boy. She asked if I would drive her to where her boyfriendshould be. I thought quickly, because I had no intention of ever letting hergo, at least not yet. I smiled at her and in a warm voice told her that itwould be too dangerous if we left already. The police car would drive backaround and see I was leaving so soon, and probably stop me to see what happened.I told her the best thing to do is to sleep for the night, and told her I'lldrop her off in the morning. She wanted to at least call him and tell him shewas alright, but I told her she shouldn't because if they find him, he couldtell them where she was and take her back to daddy. Besides, she most definitelywas not alright! She was juicy, hot, captured prey, ready to be played with.While thinking this, I smiled my most sincere smile at the dumb, naive pussyand again, predictably, she warmed up to me and agreed. I laid back on my pillowand invited her to lay down as well and get some rest. She was hesitant, butagreed. She crawled like a pussy cat next to me, repositioned herself underthe covers, her back to me, not touching me, she told me goodnight and "ThanksTom, you're a really nice guy, I knew I was doing the right thing coming toyou for help." I smiled at her stupid trust and the fact she thought she knewwhat was going on like all "worldly, independent" bitches. After about 15 minutes,I could tell by her heavy breathing, she was already asleep. I smelled herdrying hair, kissed her earlobe with a sparkly hoop in it, and reach aroundand took a tit in my hand. I have big hands, but these tits were even too bigto fit in my meaty palm. Her nipples had went down, but appeared to just alwaysbe somewhat erect. After my touch though, the tit I was massaging forced thenipple to fully enlarge again. I pinched it and almost came right then, somuch meat in that nipple. She stirred a little and I quickly moved my handback to my side. After another minute, she was sleeping soundly again. I couldn'ttake it anymore. I pulled my cock out of my boxers and stroked it, the feelingof that rubbery nipple still in-between my fingers. I couldn't wait to tastethem, to feed off of them. After only a few minutes, I came, hard. I mean sohard my legs was twitching, and I sprayed every thick jet of cum onto her boxercovered ass. I covered those cotton boxers with my thick cream too. I couldn'twait until that cum was all over those warm tits, in that soft mouth, or insidethat ripped once virgin cunt or ass instead of being so coldly deposited onboxers. Hardly the place for a whore to keep her Master's cum.
It was a long night. I didn't get much sleep. When I did fall asleep, I'dwake right back up again, over powered by these sick, erotic thoughts, my bodywould actually shake with anticipation and I had a constant hard-on. I hadto be patient though. It was about 6 in the morning. I slowly got out of bed,I should have been much more tired then I was. She was still sleeping soundly,safely. Her extremely long red hair had dried, and to my surprise, had a lotof body, porn hair is what I like to call it. She was on her back, her perfecttits standing out far off her chest, the shirt stretching taught over them,actually pushing the soft orbs into her a bit, but then sweeping down ontoher slim, stomach. I would have to guess she was probably 5'2" or so, 100 pounds,maybe the low end of that. She was in great shape. Her tits were definitelygrossly disproportionate to the rest of her body though. She would probablyhave severe back problems one day, but who the fuck really cared right?! Ihad a small stash of drugs hidden in a compartment. I never used them myself,but sometimes when I'd get together with buddies, they liked to use them. Ifilled a small vile with some pink liquid. I wasn't sure exactly what it was,but I knew it could knock an elephant out if you gave it enough. I crawledback into bed beside her, the attack was about to begin. After I stuck her,there was no turning back. Her full lips were curled up in a kind of smile.She must've been having a nice dream. Looking down at her, I realized thatnot even a plastic surgeon could perfect on her body or face. This was my dreamcome true, any man's dream come true. I looked at her again, contemplatingwhat I was about to do. She was stupid, but she really was a sweet girl. Butthen my cock twitched thinking about how much sweeter she'd be as I throatfucked her and twisted those titties around. Without another thought, I jabbedthe needle into her neck. Her big, crystal blue eyes popped open in shock,but then quickly closed again. This time, there was no smile on her face. Herlife was changed from that point on. Her future plans of a career, sex aftermarriage, equality, all gone now. Now she was meat, Amber no longer existed.She was hot teenage meat, born to be used and abused. She was going to fulfillher true destiny, no matter what that meant!
I grabbed her small pink purse she carried with her. She had a few picturesof her, her family, and someone I assumed was her boyfriend. Her school I.D.said she was 15, just turned 15 a few days earlier, nice. She was 93 pounds,5'1". Her tits had to be half of that weight. Even her fucking I.D. picturewas hot! Who has a hot I.D. picture? I laughed to myself, looked at her, thenthrew the purse and school I.D. on the ground. It was time.
I quickly grabbed a hold of both tits through the white shirt with my hands,squeezing them hard, pulling the nipples up hard and letting them fall backinto her jiggling jugs. I pulled the shirt off, her head falling on my shoulder.I grabbed her thick hair and guided her partly open mouth to my mouth. I stuckmy tongue as deep into her mouth as I could, massaging her warm tongue withmine. I'd suck her limp tongue into my mouth and bite it gently. I let herfall unceremoniously back onto the bed, laughing at her. "How is that for notongue bitch?" Like an animal, I was on her, sitting on her waist and goingstraight for those tits. I turned on the lights so I could see better. Theywere so perfect. Even flat on her back, they pressed tightly against each otherin the middle, rose to a half circle both on top and bottom, and went far outon the sides, well past where her hips stopped. Who was this whore and howwas she blessed like this? Her freckles went all the way down her tits too.She had such a dark tan, but her tits were so milky white, I knew they'd neverseen the sun before. They circled her big nipples, but then seemed to stopwhen her tits stopped. Considering how huge her tits were, this girl had alot of freckles. Literally, almost drooling, shaking with excitement, I loweredmy hungry mouth to her left tit. It stood up so proud even without squeezinglike most women's are that have big tits. I loved the way the soft tit tissueconformed to my suckling mouth. I circled the nipple, kissing it, sucking it,then biting it, harder then I probably should have. I became intoxicated withher soft, warm melons. I started slurping them, leaving spit all over them,making them shiny. My tongue covered every impressive inch. I licked up hersoft slender neck, sucking on her full lips. I had her. I started kissing downher neck, back to her greatest features. This time though, I left a trail ofdark purple hickies down her neck, and across both tits. I grabbed a belt,folded it while looking down at her, and began to whip her tits, overwhelmedwith power and hate for this little cunt. I started whipping her harder andharder, even though she was out, an anguished expression was across her angelicface. The sound of hard leather slicing into soft flesh was reverberating inthe sleeping unit. Every slice of the belt caused her tits to wiggle like jello,only to mold back to their perfect form. I started whipping her faster andfaster, not giving her tits time to stop jiggling. I could see painful weltsstart to rise, this forced me to do it even harder. I whipped her like thisfor 5 minutes. She had welts over welts. Her huge tits were even more swollen.If she was a DD originally, I gave her another cup size. Her once milky mammarieswere now black and purple, already oozing puss and had bloody steaks drippingonto her belly and into her fuckable cleavage.
I got her right nipple a few times to many with the belt, and it actuallyburst open. It was so swollen, the blood forced the end to split. Seeing thisopportunity on such a perfect piece of ass and curiosity getting the best ofme, I put my mouth over the broken rubbery nipple and began to suck it, forcingmy tongue deep into the torn flesh. I squeezed her tits as I did so, milkingthem, feeling the intense heat rise off of them, feeling the welts and slashesthey endured, her innocent blood on my fingers. After a minute of working mytongue into her nipple, I finally felt something and began to suck on it. Isucked harder and harder, until I felt something kind of warm and slimy onmy tongue. I took my mouth off of it and looked at it. A long, stringy pieceof tit tissue was coming out of her nipple. It was about 3 inches long so far,yellow, and looked a lot like a worm. I figured she had plenty to spare, soI lowered my mouth back to it, sucked a little more, then bit it off with myteeth. I chewed the treat while looking at her. I always kind of wondered whatthe inside of a tit would taste like because I knew I loved the outside ofthem. It was so delicious, sweet even, with a buttery taste to it. The insidesof her tits tasted just as good as the outside, maybe better. I looked downat her bleeding, severely bruised and swollen tits, her ripped nipple and realizedhow bad the damage was, but she would heal. The thought occurred to me to suckmore tit meat out of her when she woke up, so she could see me devouring oneof her best features.
I got naked and took off the boxers. I took the crusty part from the nightbefore and rubbed it across her face, leaving dried sperm across her freckledcheeks and those full red lips. I through all the blankets on the floor, drugher more to the center of the bed and lowered my mouth to her pussy. Her pussywas impressive as well. She had trimmed red hair. She had an awful nice bushfor not wanting anybody to see it. Her lips were red, large and stuck out.Easily enough to suck and chew on, and more then enough to engulf a hard cock.I said it before, this whore was made to fuck. Like her tits, her pubic areaand ass was as white as the day she was born. I could smell her young scenton her pussy, and I felt drunk. I lowered my mouth to it and began slurpingon the estrogen filled virgin labia. I was the first lucky bastard to tastethis pussy. I began to tongue fuck her, trying to touch her cherry with mytongue. I came close, but just couldn't do it. I had fun trying though. I suckedin those thick pussy lips and pulled them easily 2 inches from her pussy, lettingthem go, watching the elastic flesh spring back into there original juicy shape.I climbed on top of the sleeping, whorish beauty. Positioned my precum oozingcock at her sacred, juicy entrance. I had my head positioned at her opening,my precum dripping into her pussy. I lowered my mouth to hers and began tokiss her as I prepared to break and take her cherry from her, ruining her forever.My cock was harder then it had ever been. I had a hand on her tit and was usingthe other to hold me up just a bit. I looked at her face, her closed eyes.Though she had a little feeling of pain across that gorgeous face, and maybea few tears at the corner of her eyes, she didn't really know what was happening,and she surely wasn't screaming or begging me not to do what I was just aboutready to, what I spent all night thinking about.
It just didn't feel right. I want her to look up at me with those crystalblue eyes as I take her cherry, her precious virginity. I want her to feelher virgin blood drench my cock, making it slippery so I can fuck her evenharder and deeper without feeling like my skin is being ripped off. I wanther to feel my precum dripping inside her unprotected pussy. I want her tofeel and hear me grunt, tense, and spatter her pretty pink pussy with my babymaking seed, my dirty evil slimy cum! I want to see the look on her face asI look down at her as I continue to cum in her, deep in her, as she feels mycock twitch inside her cunt as I slowly pump her womb, turning her into a whoreof a girl. I want to feel that sensation as her pussy does what it was meantto do, masturbate my cock when I start to cum. You know that feeling, everybitch does it. As you start to cum, instinctively her pussy starts to contractand grip your cock milking every hot drop of cum out of your balls and helpingto take that sperm deep into her body, to her eggs. I want to see that momentin her eyes, her face, when she breaks, when her spirit is crushed. That lookof complete pain and degradation in those crystal blue eyes, as they get wateryfrom the tears and shame, her cheeks flushed, and her mouth, with those perfectlyfull lips half open as to scream, but not saying anything as I look down ather, smiling, emptying myself into her body. How can I deny myself that?
I was on the verge of cumming as it was. I took my slippery cock head aninch away from her pussy, feeling that little tear as the two tissues toreaway from each other, stroked my cock just a little, wondering what I shoulddo. I immediately focused on those tits again. They were perfect, not nearlyas smooth as 15 minutes earlier, or as milky, but still perfect. I sat on herstomach and positioned my oozing cock at the under entrance of her titty fucktunnel. I kept my cock held close to her tight skin and began to push intoher soft mammary entrance. She was still bleeding, so it made the perfect lubricantfor my cock to fuck titties with. Her tits were so tight together, I nevereven had to grab the sides to make the tunnel grip more. Her perfect tits massagedmy cock just as they were, and the heat coming off them made it even that moreintense. At first I moved slow, just enjoying the sensation of that hot, softflesh around my cock. Her tits were so big, even on full thrust, my cock couldn'tpop out the other side. My finger was tracing an exceptionally long and deepslash across her right tit as I fucked tits slowly. I looked down at the whore,my prize, and all I had to do was let her in. She made it so fucking easy.This time, I grabbed the top of her tits, squeezing them, watching the softmeat conform around my fingers, her torn nipple oozing a bloody, yellowishfluid. I started to fuck her harder and harder, getting ready to cum. I watchedher tits bounce as I increased the rhythm, even holding the tops of her tits,she had plenty more tissue to bounce. I could feel my balls tighten and twitch.Oh fuck yessssss, I was getting ready, so ready. I was fucking the most perfectpair of tits in the world, and I was about ready to cum. I pulled out of thehot tunnel, and started to cum with a satisfying, deep moan. First one thickjet, 2, 3, it fucking just kept cumming. I was covering her cut tits, I knewthe salty cum would burn her open wounds, but didn't care. I even made sureto cover her split nipple. I few slimy jets went across her lips, drippinginside her mouth, and one up her nostril. After what seemed the most intensecum anybody could ever of had, I collapsed beside her. I looked at her, tookmy finger to her face, and began to scoop the thick, white fluid off her lipsand nose, and put it in her mouth. After a minute, she started to choke, butthen swallowed instinctively, sending the protein into her belly. It was ataste she'd become very used to. Around 8:00, we left and went to a rest stopabout half an hour down the road. I went in, got cleaned up, and brought abowl of water back to the rig. I mixed a salt solution in with the water, anddipped each tit into it. She actually muttered a painful sob in her sleep,but I continued to dip her tits into it, squeezing them, making sure the saltwater got deep into her lacerations and welts so she wouldn't get infectedand lose them. After I was done, the somewhat clear water was now a dark red,but her tits were clean. I grabbed rope from another cabinet and hog tied her.Her ankles and wrists were tied and was attached near her knees. She was huddledthere, unable to move. The ropes were very tight, but she looked good likethat. I took the cum crusted boxers and shoved them in her mouth, then tookduct tape and wrapped it all the way around her mouth and head several times.Lastly, I placed her face on one of the most degrading pictures I had. It wasonce not pinned up on the wall of a blonde whore, surrounded by guys, gettingpissed and came on, but seemingly enjoying every second of it. I wanted thisto be the first thing she seen when she woke up. I started my rig, and tookoff, my next stop was 300 miles away and I wanted to stop and see some friendsfirst. My life was good, very good!
I hope you liked this story, the parts to follow will be her being severelyraped and tortured by Toms friends and some girlfriends. A stop at a sex storeto get her proper attire, and her unwilling adjustment to her place in life.She'll be degraded and abused, and eat plenty of cum. I think those tits mightget a piercing too. If you want her to be snuffed, please tell me in the reviewsection. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writingit.
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One month ago an outbreak occurred. The infection spread like wild fire, through out the world. Between the infection, the chaos, and the destruction infecties have inflicted, the death toll has been staggering. Infecties, have become known as zombies, creatures reduced to their primal instinct, with no morals. Creatures seemingly bent on feeding, and killing. But since the outbreak, mutations have sprung up. Aberrant zombies, unique from their more normal counterpart. The world hasn't ended,...
FantasyChapter 1- Jessica James Griffin liked his job very much. Actually, he loved it. This was the kind of job he had dreamed of since he was a child. He enjoyed the thrill it gave him, the sense of domination, and of course, the risk. He enjoyed feeling the adrenaline pumping through his veins, and the hidden eroticism. Most of the time, he worked alone. His associate was a bit queasy about certain practical aspects. James didn’t mind that. He liked working alone. It was Tuesday, the 7th of...
First let me say thanks to my volunteer editor KJ plotts for putting up with me…I know I can be a handful. This is a long story about some fairly dark subject matter so if that’s not your thing I can completely understand that but you should think about another story then. Otherwise I hope you enjoy it and make sure to vote. The Second Coming Turning and turning in a widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer: Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold, Mere anarchy is loosed upon the...
Trucker’s AwakeningBy: Londebaaz Chohan Kuldeep Singh was truly startled by such sexy female voice on the other end of the phone; asking him; If he was alone at that time. He hesitated a little, not knowing, what was going on; who was calling or what the shit was all about but then he calmly answered that yes, he was alone. Now the same, very musical voice asked, if he could help her. That was not easy to answer but by now, he was also in a mood to play the game, if it were a set up or a game...
I have decided to visit my friend in Canada. As I cross the border into Canada I give a holler to my trucker friend letting him know Iam a four hour drive from him . As I am nearing his home town my phone buzzes I have a message markedurgent ,I pull off the road to read my message it seems my trucker isin a bit of trouble and needs my help this time . I call asking what I can do he preceded to tell me he is stuck out at duck pond ,giggling I remember this is where we first met he tells me to...
Suzy and I kept in touch by email for the next month or so and finally I got another delivery to Albuquerque. I let Suzy know when I was going to be there and we made a date to meet at the same bar across from the truck stop. I violated several speed limits for a couple of days so I could get to Albuquerque ahead of schedule to have time enough for a nice evening with Suzy. I offered to get a motel room for us so we could be more comfortable but she said, “No, I really like your truck. And, I...
Straight SexA widower is seduced by his teenage daughter. (M/f-teen, ped, inc, exh, 1st, oral, mast, anal, rom)***I guess it was all my fault. My wife walked out on my daughter and me, four years ago. Kasey was only ten at the time. My Ex had found a new life and one day when we got home she was gone. A note that didn’t say enough was on the kitchen table. My daughter took it very hard. Me, I never saw it coming.When my wife first left, our daughter was so upset she got in the habit of climbing into bed...
We've all heard of those ladies of the night that have been rumored to roam truck stops seeking out lonely drivers. Affectionately known as "Lot Lizards", "Pavement Princesses", "Sleeper Leapers", they tend to move from truck to truck soliciting drivers seeking money for sexual acts, drugs, or even a ride down the road.Just like regular street hookers, each of these ladies has her own reason for doing what she does. Some suffer from drug addictions, some are homeless seeking a warm place...
MoneyWe talked about it and she told me to get all the sexual thoughts out of my head this was not a sex vacation or so she said at the time. We booked the reservations and started to make all the necessary plans to have a great time. The trip was scheduled for about 6 weeks off so we had time to get ourselves into better shape to be naked in public. We both started on a crash diet and we committed to going to the gym every day until departure. We started going every evening after work and after...
Introduction: This is a story about a fun time we had at a lifestyle resort My wife and I have been married for over 30 years and we finally got all the children out of the house and launched into society. We decided we would go and have a little fun and treat ourselves to a well deserved vacation. We discussed many different options and looked on the internet for several weeks when my wife said she would like to go to an all nude resort. She had never done anything like that but she thought...
For some reason, I've always found it really hot getting fucked early in the morning, first thing even. So when a Trucker that looked me up wanted to meet, I jumped at the chance!I hadn't met him before, but he said that he's seen my pictures and videos, and kept talking dirty to me in message. He kept saying how he wanted to eat my ass, and fuck it until he fills me up, and it doesn't take much more to get me really worked up and horny, so I asked if he wanted to take me, which he said 'yes'...
It was another typical day at the Happyville high school. After a long day of classes, Emma and Emily had the cheerleading practice, and now they were heading home. They hit the highway, and just before the exit to the rural roads to their farms, they heard a clunking noise from Emily's hand-me-down old Volvo sedan she got from her mom, and they pulled over. With their nice cheerleader uniforms still on, they get out of the car. There was some smoke coming out of the trunk. Emily opened it...
Once Ki Jung got back home, she informs Auntie and little brother that she was going to cultivate in seclusion for the next couple of days. She wants to attempt to breakthrough with both her Blessed Whole arts to further improve her inner body and the depth and breadth of her Dantians and meridians. Ki Jung hopes to achieve this through intense cultivation while in seclusion at the Pergola at the Academy. As an instructor, she has full-time access to the academy grounds and most of its...
I had been driving for 11 hours. Up ahead I saw a truck parking area with restrooms. I was needing to rest. It was about 7 pm and it was winter. I pulled over and parked near the restroom. In my warm car, I reclined the seat just enough to provide comfort. I could still see the restrooms. I had discreetly stopped at a rest area or two through the years coming home from college. I was a down-low cocksucker. I found out you could find cock easily in places like this. Tonight I was tired. I...
It was the last thing that Larry expected as he answered his mobile phone over breakfast. “It’s Helen,” a soft female voice spoke, “Helen, from last night.”“Yes I know.” he responded curiously, “good of you to call.”“I... I was wondering if you were free to meet up for coffee this morning if you’re still in town.”“I haven’t checked out yet in fact I’m just having breakfast. When would you like to meet?”“I could pop over now. I don’t have to be at the office until eleven.”“That would be fine....
CuckoldThe first two sections– Prologue 01 & Prologue 02– are pretty slow and are primarily there to set up Felicia’s story, which is told in Chapters 01 through 04. Her story makes a lot more sense if you read the prologues, but if you want just the heavy sex stuff, skip to the first chapter. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted...
She woke up by strange, blurred noises she couldn't quite make out; a lot like the rattling of cold steel. Her head was a mess – one big, agonizing mess. Bits of memory flashed through her mind: a lazy evening with Hubby, a sudden malaise, a sudden nausea, a sudden impairment of her consciousness. Drugs? And then, the masked men breaking into their house. Three of them. Then, darkness.A pang of thunderclap headache shook her fully awake. Her natural reaction to hold a protective hand to her...
HardcorePrologue 01: The Truce is MadeCarlo Benito didn’t want to make the truce, but something had to be done to stop the killing. The five gangs were dropping each other’s members on an almost daily basis and the cops didn’t seem to care. One of the West Forty-Nines said that he had information that the cops were waiting for them to kill each other off before they stepped in and took down the winner.A truce was absolutely necessary, and this time it had to be a truce that could be enforced. There had...
SpankingThis is a concept that I toyed around with, and as such I’m not sure how serious I am about it. All characters that will be in erotic situations will follow the guidelines (I.E. Main character is nineteen years of age). Should story progress to need more characters, story will be edited to accomodate, ___________________________________________[Line Break]_______________________________________ Your name is John Doe, and your a werewolf. No, not some mangy mutt who hides out in a secret pack in...
Stats & Updates Act I Draft Complete Stats for Act I 27 Segments Deep at its shortest & about 15k words to P A R S E on a single path. A story that drastically changes with your decisions. Characters S U F F E R and their personality grows, depending on your choices. Several S E X Y decisions to make, now. Several P O R N O G R A P H I C decisions to haunt your conscience. 1 apocalyptic event to D E C O M P I L E as you explore the future, we imagined, haunt those we left to deal with it. No...
It's funny how popularity works. This time last year Richard Flynn was one of the more popular guys in school. He was the new guy and shrouded mystery. Before the end of the first semester there were dozens of rumors about him spreading around the campus. But that was before last years Junior-Senior basketball game. The game itself was a joke. Five seniors from the varsity basketball team would take on a team of juniors voted in by the entire school. At some point the seniors would pull a prank...
You'd like to think there hadn't been any warning. There had, of course. Way above your head - literally and figuratively - satellites had had their sensors tuned to the area of space long before most of them had recorded anything out of the ordinary. Other had been blinded, complex strings of code beamed up to them from hidden complexes across the globe - or in a few cases, simply deactivated by the controls hidden within them during their manufacture. That part you'd heard about. The news...
As some of you know I have my own Sex Perversion Counseling office at our clinic. I'm often working with men who have one or more sexual perversions they themselves cannot easily explain. A large part of the process is finding that 'breakthrough' where a client can really identify some sort of original event in their lives that brought about the perverse lusts or sexual obsession. Ben, 33 was an example of someone who might have psychologically blocked out an event yet was carrying out behavior...
(Mark rushes home to her bedroom for lunch)Mark called home, his meeting had been canceled and he decided to come home for lunch. Of course, with an hour's drive to get home, he hoped it would actually be lunch and a whole lot more. The k**s were at school and it had been a while since him and his wife had done anything, so Mark was hopeful.Allison knew exactly how to serve lunch, and it had very little to with cooking or food. Fully aware of the opportunity, she changed out of her everyday...
Icebreakers "So Nathan, how did you first learn that Trisha was not born as a girl?" Most people were done eating, and Sarah had told us all about her new job, but it was my mom's opening shot to Nathan, at least during this conversation. Nathan chuckled quickly, "Oh this is a great story! I'm in Prof. Ballard's Creative Writing class, and it's the first day. He starts things off with an icebreaker exercise. Everyone is sitting in a circle and we are to take turns saying our...
HumorCursebreaker By: Lyrissa Ardath narrowed his eyes as he surveyed the edge of the drab, foreboding swampland. Gnarled, moss-encrusted trees leaned precariously out over dark pools of still water and the air was dank and cold and smelled heavily of rotting vegetation. Ardath seemed out of place in this dreary landscape, his well-polished armor and weapons making him appear as if he was a celestial being who had just taken his first step down onto the dark world of mortals. The young...
Jailbreak Megan Roman Inspired by the picture "Jailbreak" found on Prinny77's deviantart site ( Steffie knew she hadn't lived a perfect life. For 21 years, she had spent pretty much every day indoors, either watching TV, reading, or playing videogames. She had no friends, no money, and no social life, and meeting her end by accidentally touching a broken power strip did nothing to change her activity level. Hell didn't seem like a logical...
?Porn For Breakfast? A Love story: ?love lost, love found, responsibilities and redemption, tattoo’s, an affair, a beautiful dorky that overcomes overwhelming odds to triumph & a wall street pirate who risks everything and takes many bullets for his soulmate, crazed family members, puntuated with liberal doses of the hero & heroines extreme, obscene & fetishistic sexual habits. A two year time frame for the story, most of the fact is easily recollected between two brains. The background of the...
Ingrid knew that she might have ruined her chances of a job, an opportunity to get out of the squalor and misery of the last six months, in that fit of temper that afternoon. The miraculous letter had arrived in the morning and introduced a Mrs Petrak who wished to interview Ingrid about a job opportunity. But then she had to go to work and that bloody woman Rene just would have found an old newspaper at home ? Under the Lino?? and in it details and pictures of Ingrid at the trial two years...
??????????? She?d been kneeling naked, eyes closed, for what seemed like an eternity.? Most likely it was only 15 minutes but the time of silence, without his words, his touch or the sight of him to anchor her made it feel much longer, much worse.? Despite knowing there would be an end to it she couldn?t get used to these moments of enforced silence, enforced exile.? Her arousal would dissipate quickly without him even though she knew it pleased him greatly to keep her this way.? He?d...
After such a sexy morning, I had the day to myself. Pam and Beth/Brian were visiting relatives, so with £50 in my pocket I hit the westend. I had a great day and was bold enough to hit M&S, BHS and C&A buying myself panties, stockings, suspender belts and 3 fantastic nighties, lemon, blue and a very sexy black one.There was a lovely white negligee set but it was over £20 and I couldn't afford it. I went into Soho and enjoyed looking around the sex shops even found a porno cinema. I got...
It was not even 6 o'clock yet, and both her parents and her brother were still asleep one floor below her, she knew. None of them had a reason to be up this early on a weekend. Dad wasn't due at the office until Monday, Mom had today off from the diner, and Billy wouldn't even start stirring until 10, at the earliest. Ari was awake for a very good reason, though. She had a date today, the very first one of her life. Even though she had celebrated her eighteenth birthday last week, both her...
I spent my lunch break in the women's locker room at the factory, buried balls-deep in Becca Ferguson, the nineteen-year-old press operator who wanted me. I didn't want Becca. She was flat-chested and kind of dumb, no real ambition but to get married and start cranking out babies like a puppy mill. Still, she wanted me, and I was willing to use her to get what I really wanted, which was Susan. Becca and I had our shirts on, but our pants around our ankles. I pounded into her, stroke after...
"Hurry," whispered Bess as soon as I picked up the phone. "What's going on?" I asked. Her voice could barely be heard. "He knows about us. He demanded I stop loving you. I laughed in his face. Come quick. I don't know what he'll do or I'll do. I'm barricaded in, but ... I gotta go. Hurry." I arrived too late. An ambulance sat on the round driveway. "Fucking bitch," muttered the King laid out on a gurney--his left chest wrapped in gauze and bandages--an ambulance attendant...
There was a motor coach waiting for us as we deplaned in Pueblo, Colorado. It was like a Greyhound bus, but the logo was for a tour company I'd never heard of and the interior was a little nicer and the seats were a little bigger. As we headed away from the small private airfield, I noticed there were two dark cars following us. After a short ride, we pulled onto a wide driveway and drove about 200 yards up to a circle drive in front of a sprawling, adobe-style ranch home, complete with...
-- NOVEMBER 25 -- I felt someone gently rocking my shoulder and calling my name. "Marie ... Marie..." As unwelcome consciousness flooded my brain, I turned my head and accidently put my face in the direct path of a beam of sunlight. Clenching my eyes shut against the sudden illumination, I flipped over and then blinked my eyes to find Zoey standing over my bunk. "Hey ... You okay? Bad hangover or something?" I stared at her in confusion, not understanding what she meant. But then...
They lay together on the sullied sheets, sweet exhaustion overtaking them, their bodies drenched with stale sweat and sticky fluids. Cooper lifted his head, peering around the room. It looked like a bomb had gone off. The shower cubicle had been reduced to a pile of broken glass, seemingly every table and chair upturned, silk drapes, and elaborate tapestries torn from the walls. There were furrows in the carpet left by claws, shattered vials and decanters, the torn mattress stained with wine...
Porn Break! I don’t know about you, but I could go for a good porn break right about now. It just seems like that time of day for me, somewhere between my breakfast Viagra and my mid-morning crackwhore blowjob. Honestly, though, is there ever a bad time to crank one off to pretty girls getting fucked and eating cum? Whether you’re just waking up, getting ready for bed, or at the office doing spreadsheets, you can always make time to touch is a new porn site dedicated to...
Free Porn Tube SitesThis story is about a guy who and the hot teacher he fantasises about every night. But whom he knows probably has a hot husband and would never look at him twice how wrong a guy can be. Well I guess I better start from the beginning I’m the kind of guy you see everyday at school. Not nerdy but not one of the cool guys I’m just… well me. Anyway my name is Kiefer and although I get abit of attention from girls in my year I’m not really interested I’m the kind of guy likes older woman. Don’t ask...
First TimeMy name is Hillary Jackson and I've been working for the Harrison Group investment firm for about eight years as one of the company's first female executives ever to set their little pinkie toes on Wall Street. And of course,I was so good at my job that nothing has been able to phase me and I've thought that my life would remain the way it was and I had to live with that. But that was before the Thirteenth day of September,when one of my co-workers--a real raven-haired beauty named Heather...
LesbianJulia was enjoying Tommy's pussy eating technique so much that she wasn't aware of what it was actually doing to her. As she ground and humped against his face, her head was too clouded to realize she was rapidly approaching her crest.Suddenly she was there, staring into the abyss and there was nothing she could do but plunge headlong over it!"OH FUCK TOMMY, I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING, BABY! OHHH, FUCK MEEEE!"Tommy reacted instantly. He wanted to make sure she came hard so he shoved two...
Money21 years old living in an apartment by myself working alot and dating a girl that was really just convenient. She lived in a town about 30 miles away and sometimes I would get horny and she wouldn't be around or didnt have what I was looking for. It seemed like every weekend I would smoke a little or get a buzz and she would have to work or be somewhere else. One weekend I remember she was working all weekend and I had smoked some and gotten horny so I decided to go to the porn shop to get a...
Had to take a business trip across the Canadian border.The drive started out great when all of the sudden the weather took a turn for the worse we had a white out going on .I have been following a truck so my driving was ok but it turned my two hour drive time I to four or more ,all of the sudden the truck in front of slammed on his breaks I hit my breaks turned the wheel and ended up in the ditch as I regain my composer I look up cars are sprawled all over the highway .Putting my truck in...
kittenI have always luved sex in cars and me driving is no exception. One of my favorite things is to put on a button up the front blouse, a very short skirt hopefully a buttoned one as well, a pair of high heels and nothing else. I never wear undies…they interfere with me playing with myself. After dressing as above, I get in my car and start down the interstate. I luv to masturbate and especially so when I am driving. I drive with my left foot on the gas, my right leg swung over on the...
You wake up on a carpet in a small living room. 'where am i?' You whisper. Oh right, you think, you are Tama 23 years old and working as a technician. This is your appartement. The little couch, the small table and the small tv. But something is odd.... why are you on your carpet and not in your bed? Then you start to remember.... the little bottle of water on your table and the empty bottle of pills which should have killed you. The world is a real mess now. 1 week ago a huge zombie outbreak...
FantasyMy name is Fred and I’m 27, about 6’2 and medium build and have been married for 3 years now. I lived in the countryside with my wife Sally, with only a few houses dotted around. I was working from home one day, working on the laptop, taking breaks to look at some porn, but I started stroking myself before turning back to my work. I hadn’t had sex or masturbated for a week now, and was ready to burst. It was about midday and I was about to take another break. I was in the process of looking...
TransBreakdown to Breakdown TJ Ryder femdom- toiletslave- bdsm story (preface! A Europa Femdom colony story!Background! After the federation's economic collapse and the colony on the planet Europa was just begun, it was discovered that males reaching puberty needed a protein that was only found in the milk and waste products of females at puberty through to menopause. This biological condition led to inevitable social adaptation over time. Leading to males...
My reputation for being a slut had spread around uni and i started living up to it, wearing slutty clothes and loving the attention. so it was my mates hen night and we had gone to bristol for a night out. i was ment to be sharing a room with my mate becky. It had been a long night of drinking and drugs and it was a great night. but then becky got into a fight with some girls ( i never did find out what it was about) but anyway she wanted to go home. Our train wasnt till 7pm the next day...
"GET READY, KID ... HERE IT COMES!" the big trucker said just as his huge cock started to go off inside my mouth. The first thick rope of cum shot forth powerfully, the sperm-laden wad of cock-juice shooting deep into my sucking mouth. His monstrous cock twitched and I felt a second creamy strand of his milky semen splash over my tonsils. His hips flexed back and forth as he continued to unload inside my vacuuming mouth, my head banging rhythmically against the headboard as he fucked my face...
As the new school year progressed Ron assigned the two eager for more power beavers to put together an assertive classroom management program. Jill and Kelly were given the curriculum review challenge. It quickly became evident one after school work session per week with the four of them would make little progress. Half of Alaina's weekly free periods she met with Kelly to work on their project. Jill found herself giving up her free periods to work with Kelly and Ron Freeman conducting a...
55. SHERRI`S BREAKDOWN. Sherri had been off visiting her sister for a week, more duty than love, up there in Delta up in Utah, she was happy, fairly tired and hot, glad of the draft from the open topped Oldsmobile as she cruised along not a care in the world she would be home in Vegas by the end of the day home with her husband Jason. She was a sensuous 30 year old, a size 12, about 5ft 3” 38d chest and still growing, filling her tee shirt in a provocative way. Hair, well more of a deep...
Bikini Beach: Spring Break By Elrod W Stan and Chuck were still wiping their hands as they emerged from the restroom. They moved slowly; from the fatigued look in their eyes, one would correctly guess that they'd been awake for a very long time. Jack stood up behind the windshield, peering at the two. "Come on, guys! Time's a-wastin'." He slid back behind the steering wheel of his Camaro convertible, a sleek midnight blue car suited for a young man. Right now, however, it looked...