Porta Gloryhole
- 1 year ago
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Ricordo ancora benissimo le ultime parole della mia, purtroppo ex ragazza ieri notte, mentre mi sferrava l'ennesimo schiaffo. Io e lei non stiamo più insieme da oltre un anno, da quando mi ha scaricato perché secondo lei, ero un codardo. Non avevo le palle, diceva sempre. Ma io la amo ancora, e da allora ho provato più e più volte a riconquistarla. E' finita sempre male, sempre con lei che mi augurava le peggio cose e mi prendeva a schiaffi. Anche ieri sera, quando mi ha urlato: "SEI VERAMENTE INUTILE! CODARDO! SENZA PALLE! Vuoi veramente stare con me? Bene, DIMOSTRAMI che sei un uomo! Ci vediamo domattina, alla Porta d'Argento!"
La Porta d'Argento, un locale notturno gotico, in cui non sono mai stato. Lei lo frequentava spesso, lei e tutti i suoi amici dark che si interessavano di quella roba strana, gotica appunto. Non ci sono mai andato, ma non perché mi facesse paura, semplicemente lo trovavo stupido. Ma ora sono qui, davanti alla porta del locale, che suono il campanello. C'è il sole, è mattina, il locale dovrebbe essere chiuso e vuoto. Forse è per questo che lei mi ha invitato qui... sto ancora riflettendo, quando la porta si apre di scatto, serratura automatica. Entro, guardandomi intorno, e chiedo timidamente "C'è nessuno?"
Il locale è buio, le serrande sono abbassate ed è illuminato solo da una fioca luce di candele. Mi guardo intorno ed entro, non ricevendo alcuna risposta ne sentendo alcun suono oltre i miei passi. La porta si chiude dietro di me, e quando mi volto di scatto a guardarla, una persona scivola alle mie spalle. Sussulto, faccio un passo indietro mentre osservo la donna appena apparsa: alta, magra, dalla carnagione estremamente pallida ed i capelli nero corvino, sembra avere forme definite, sotto un lungo abito nero dall'alto colletto.
"Tu devi essere John, giusto? Ti stavo aspettando. Mi hanno detto che sei qui per attraversare la Porta d'Argento... seguimi"
La voce è cupa, dolce ma tetra, mentre si volta, come se fosse uno spettro, verso sinistra, camminando fino a quello che sembra un grosso armadio. Sto per risponderle, chiedendo "Ma la Porta d'Argento, non è questo locale?" quando lei apre l'armadio, rivelando un enorme specchio scintillante. Il vetro non riflette le immagini, ma una strana massa di riverberi colorati. Sicuramente c'è qualche trucco ottico, e mi avvicino per controllare.
"Allora John sei pronto a dimostrare di essere un vero uomo? Questa Porta Magica ti condurrà in mondi lontani, dove potrai vivere numerose avventure. Rischierai, rischierai molto. Potresti fare una fine orribile, ma se arriverai in fondo e riuscirai a tornare, sarai un eroe ricco e coraggioso, e nessuna donna potrà mai dirti più di no". La sua voce è convincente, lenta, sicura. Il suo sguardo di ghiaccio mi scruta dall'alto verso il basso. Osservo lei, poi osservo lo specchio... allungo una mano per toccarlo, ed in effetti è inconsistente, sembra solo un fascio di luce... guardo la donna "Stai mentendo, vero? E' solo una presa in giro?"
Lei in tutta risposta, dice solo "Allora aveva ragione lei: non hai le palle" e si volta, distogliendo lo sguardo da me. Ferito nell'orgoglio, attraverso la barriera luminosa di scatto, dimostrando il mio coraggio, aspettandomi di finire in una stanza adiacente. Invece, un vortice di luci colorate mi avvolge, e lentamente, la mia mentre vaga in una sorta di sogno, mentre perdo i sensi.
Troppo tardi la donna proferisce parole che non sentirò mai: "Si, in parte ti ho mentito. Non c'è modo di tornare vincitore, farai una fine orribile..."
Dunkel und bedrohlich ragte der schwarze Turm über die Straßen von Porta Murazor empor. Licht brannte in den oberen Fenstern. Auf einem hohen Balkon stand ein alter Mann. Er war hager und ausgemergelt. Tief liegende Augen blickten nachdenklich über die Stadt, die sich unter ihn erstreckte. Hinter ihm war eine große Halle. Säulen aus schwarzem Obsidian, die wie aufgeschichtete Totenschädel gearbeitet waren stützten die Decke. Schwebende Glowglobes sorgen für eine schwache Beleuchtung. In dunkle...
"When you set out on a journey,... make sure that you always carefully plan for every eventuality." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .32 Lines 1, 3. Dahra walked into the large room that contained the Starjump, with Fig trotting behind her. She closed and sealed the door behind her. No more air could get in or out of the room. She portaled to a lower room of the ship. A room she could not reach, without injuring herself, in Docre's gravity. It had a large window in what was now the floor,...
I was never a man looking for a 10, or 9, or even a 5, I won't grade women on looks alone. I was only ever interested in women, who hadn't explored every aspect of her own being, including sexual, and wants a partner committed to mutual exploration. She only has to be intelligent, searching for the finer things, healthy, fastidious, enticing, seductive, amorous, sensually passionate and understanding. Certainly not too much to ask?. My lover is the answer to all that and more. She is...
You are a brilliant physicist who has been working on a side project at home for quite a while. At last, success! You can create spatial portals that allow objects to cross through one and come out the other no matter how far apart they are! You can also polarize them, so that solid objects can go in either direction, but light and sound go only in one. The size of the portals can be changed while they are active, although changing the size of one will necessarily change the size of its...
by Droid447 Malena was in her room, talking with her best friend Renee. The last two weeks, they had been discussing their next adventure. This would not be just one more escapade to the nearest town or a fling with one of the low level scientists. Their new plan was risky, maybe even dangerous. But they couldn't resist the idea of investigating the greatest discovery in the history of mankind, as Malena's father liked to call it. “So, are we really doing this?” Renee asked. “After...
When I took it out of the wrapping, it looked exactly like the gun from the game. It was a little smaller and seemed to be one handed, instead of it's normal two handed size. I tested it out, and was glad to see the promised functions worked. However, the batteries died really quickly. I replaced them with some higher power, higher function ones, as well as added a laser projector to the end. It's snap on and off when I touched the trigger, so I could see where the portal was going to be...
"... for I swear to you, males will speak again!" -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .12 Line 23. A few days after Dahra's symposium, Lissa had decided to stay and teach at the university in Fahr. She had been offered positions at other colleges, with higher pay, perks, and positions of leadership, but Fahr was her home. She grew up climbing on the plaza's statues and playing in the parks, among the wogbols. In her eyes, all the other universities she visited seemed second best. Besides her...
"Take care of your body, for it is God's dwelling place." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .13 Line 1. Dahra woke up with the feel of water dripping on her face. She raised her face off the lawn and tried to figure out where she was. She was under a wogbol tree in the plaza at Fahrlot. The wogbols usually make excellent rain cover, but during long rains the water finally makes it through the layers of fronds and drips on the ground underneath. It was this dripping that woke her. A moldering...
PORTAL By Orlando Stuck ................................................................................................................ Why me? What the hell - shit, shit shit - why me!?! All I wanted to do today is get in a little hiking, get a little exercise, and clear my mind - now some stupid chemical spill or something has my shoes pinned to this stupid spot. I thought it was an ice patch and marched right through it - slick as glass and all - I slowed down - now...
"Weep not for your loss, for the males have lost much more than you." --The Teachings of Gran Ch. 12 Line 1 Dahra waited in the wings for Lissa to finish her introduction. In Dahra's opinion, Lissa was doing a remarkable job, speaking in front of such a large audience. Dahra had originally intended for the symposium opening meeting to be held in classroom one, like all the other of her little meetings; but the response was so over-whelming, she had no choice but change its venue to the...
“ID, please.” As you hand in your card, you consider the situation. Three weeks ago, you were personally invited to participate in a secretive government project. You received the invitation in person directly from a government representative. He knew nothing about the project itself, only that the higher-ups considered it “a big deal”. You’re currently trying to enter a highly restricted research lab. Even the fact that you’re here at all is known only to you, the few employees working here,...
"After God created the world, he created male and woman."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 1, Line 1 Dahra paced on the stone-tiled plaza in front of the museum/college of geology as various women, many with their daughters, walked past her. She should have known that no one would be allowed in the building once the testing started. Lissa's test should have been over twenty minutes ago, and Dahra didn't know enough about the geology test to know if that was a good or a bad thing. Dahra...
"When God saw the dependence of women on males, he decided that it was best that man be taken away for a time, so women would learn self reliance."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 5, Line 3. Lissa kissed her mother good-bye, watched as she portaled back to her own home, let out a sigh and opened her dormroom door. Atelan Cahlartan was there waiting. "Well? What happened? Don't keep me waiting!" Lissa gave her roommate a big grin. "I aced it." The portaler let out a shriek, ran over and...
"When God saw the chaos that came from the males' disappearance, She sent Gran to restore order, and bring the women back to righteousness."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 5, Line 3. Dahra sat down on a large rock. Lissa on the pebbly ground, rapt in the story her adopted mother was unfolding. "Your mother looked much like you do today, Lissa, except that she was a year older than you are now, a little stockier, and had hair a shade darker than yours. Her hair was cut short in the front and...
"When the leaders of the remaining factions saw the success of Gran at unifying the warring tribes, they boiled in jealousy, and conspired together to kill her."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 23, Lines 1-3. The night for Lissa was interminable. The bed was hard, barely more than a board with a sheet on it. There was bell that rang every few hours, to call the monks to prayer. If she had been fully asleep it probably wouldn't have bothered her. But the worst part of all was that there was no one...
"When they were through torturing her, and Gran was dead, the warlords cut her throat and drained all the blood into a large iron bowl"--The Story of Gran Ch. 25 lines 13 &14 Krinan strode into the anthropology building with clenched fists and gritted teeth. How dare Dahra disappear off the face of the planet for ten days without notifying her. She was her superior, damn it! It was especially despicable, since Dahra had promised to give her a full accounting of her activities, the day...
"The next day, the body of Gran had disappeared, and so had her blood. Leaving no stain in the bowl." --The Story of Gran Ch. 26 Line 1 Two days later, Dahra was sorting through resumes in her office, when there was a knock at the door. "Come in." Krinan poked her head through the opening. "Dahra, can we talk?" She let out a long sigh. "What do you want, Krinan?" Since yesterday, Dahra was no longer Krinan's subordinate. She was now a special projects coordinator, and had equal...
"Gran was seen many times after she returned from the dead... As she faded from sight, she said "I will always be with you." --The Story of Gran Ch. 28 Line 1, Ch. 30 Line 14 Dahra drew a long sigh, closed her eyes, and rested her chin in her hands. The day was only half over and she was already exhausted. She had arrived at classroom one, just before nine, and discovered that the other five members of the team waiting for her. Krinan was the only one from the original group. The other...
"Cherish and protect your males, for without them, we will all die." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .12 Line 15. For the next two weeks, Dahra defended her findings. She escorted parties of esteemed archaeologist from all over the world into the shelter (as it was now called) and showed them the translated documents. Many of the more skeptical ones examined the original texts from the computer, and learned the ancient alphabets. After a few days, most of them accepted Dahra's findings and...
"Each ability group should have equal say in the governing. No one group should lord its will on the others." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .33 Line 6. The month that followed was one of the most tumultuous ones in Docre's recent history. There were more political and social debate in that one month than in the last five years. The four other guildmistresses joined with Javum in a solid pro-male stance. The ones from the other guilds who thought males were a danger to society, joined a...
"All it takes is a few bad people to ruin a community."-- The Teachings of Gran Ch .27 Line 23. Dahra woke up screaming. Never in her life had she ever felt such pain in her life. It started in her head, and crashed through her body like a hurricane. It was as if all the anguish and pain she had ever felt in her life had been rolled up in one package, and force fed into her brain, and then doubled, then tripled. Her bladder and bowels emptied. She fell off her bed and writhed on the floor,...
I could not believe the feeling I had in my stomach. My memories of being in school and being in love were back, alive and well, in the pit of my stomach. Through the bright sunlight I fought to make out the time on the digital clock 12:45PM. Good, I was early. I looked down in the seat next to me to find the rose bud I cut earlier. The moistened paper towel was making the aluminum foil wrapping around the stem cool to the touch. I chose a bud off of one of my favorite red rose bushes that was...
Megan woke up on her 18th birthday, excited about the day ahead. She got out of bed and looked in the mirror. Megan was an attractive redhead with a great body, but she never saw herself as attractive, in fact she thought she was ugly. Megan put on a t shirt and jeans and went down the stairs, where her mother was waiting for her. "Happy birthday!" Her mother shouted. "There's something I need to tell you. Take a seat" Megan thought this was an odd thing to say, but she obliged her...
FantasyWe had been seeing each other for some time now. I should say, literally, seeing, as it was as harmless as that. I was deeply and passionately in love with Sandy, but she, also was married. Although she knew how I felt, for many months now we had just been having casual lunches. A while back we would go out to various parks and have nice comfortable talks. I enjoyed several foot massages and some hand massaging to release tension. Once I even massaged her back. And several time we shared a...
Straight SexELLIANA! By Olivia Evans Our story begins, oddly enough, at the end of the story. The opening scene is in a large theater filled with "A" list actors and actress. Also, in the theater are family members of the stars, and in some cases, the star's entourage of "beautiful" people. Most of the Awards have already been given out. Only three remain, the Best Actress in a Leading Role, Best Actor in a Leading Role and the award that is most eagerly awaited, the Best Picture. ...
Hi, dosto mai anjali fir aap ki seva mai meri pehli do kahaniyo ko kafi response mila kamuk anjali ki chudai or beshrsm hoker chudai pati ke samne. Agar aap pe koi best ya sexy story ho to mujhe mail kare , pe ab mau apne baare mai bata dun ki mai delhi mai ek flate mai rehti hun or mere pati jyada ter baher hi rehte hai. Or woh sez mai sirf 5 mints tak hi tik pate hai jishki wajah se mai apni choot ki pyas ger mardo ko fasa ker puri karne lagi unka lund bhi bahut chota hai. Ab mai sidha story...
Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the end of slavery where Simi and I explored our BDSM fantasy. If you haven’t read the earlier parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story. I had a struggling night with my hands and legs cuffed, and the Mistress had a sound sleep after two orgasms yesterday. The clock was about to tick at 8 AM. I got up and climbed on the bed, and my Mistress was still sleeping. I...
"Cocoa sir. Nodding off a bit?" "Ah what, oh yes my cocoa. Nodding off you say? Well I suppose it's getting on to bed time." "Its Thursday evening sir, here let's have a sip now." "I can hold the cup my self you know; oh very well carry on then. Ah, that is good cocoa, Amber. Thursday evening you say and nearly time for bed." "No sir, it's only eight o'clock and sir knows I like holding the cup, another sip?" "Oh, alright... I supposed then maybe some reading. Did you see my book, what was it...
FetishIt was up to Happy to convince Wilson to take the job even though it meant starting his own company. If he said no, I would just be forced to use the Swamp's nerd, if he would do it. The investigation might go to committee hearings and I might be questioned. The nerd couldn't be sure I wouldn't roll over on him. Wilson shouldn't worry about that. He knew how far I would go to protect him. He knew where I kept the keys to the office, so he could set up there temporarily. He might do that...
Disclaimer: This is part of a larger adventure story. If you reached this page as part of a reader’s choice from a previous page, continue below. If not, CLICK HERE to start at the beginning of the SexVenture. = = = = = Page 7 = = = = = You clear your throat. ‘No, I don’t mind at all, not if it makes you relaxed and happy.’ Stephanie steps out of her flats. You can see that her toenails are painted red. She unzips her jeans and wiggles them over her hips and ass and slides them down her...
I was dating a very kinky woman who works as an assistant and farm hand to a rich couple with horses. Lots of great material there! We spent as much time there as possible this past summer. A paradise. Unsupervised and unfettered. We are both exhibitionists and love being nude outside. With complete privacy it's easy to be uninhibited. I'd never met someone so open to kinky things. It's amazing and liberating. We are into light bondage. The regular restraints. A crop. The usual penis plug,...
I walked past Mrs Peters a few times today and i could tell she wanted me as much as I wanted her. She normally eats her lunch in the canteen so I went to sit next to her but was pushed away by my mates that also like Mrs Peters, if only they knew. After my friends had barged their way past I was forced to sit opposite her which I didn't mind as I could stare into her eyes. As soon as I sat down I felt a foot rubbing up my leg, naturally thinking it was Katy (Mrs Peters) I sat there and...
THE PERIOD POST-WAR OF 1812 TO BEGINNING OF THE CIVIL WAR IN 1861 This chapter will be primarily focused on the Seminole Wars which were also known as the "Florida Wars". The rise of the Seminole Indian Tribe took place over a period of almost two hundred years and was greatly influenced by the encroachment of the European settlers into the area now known as Florida. The Seminoles were comprised of a number of remnants of other Indian Tribes that had escaped from the ravages of European...
“That was...” Bethany sat up, gesturing wildly, like her hands would make the words come out faster. “That was...” “Pretty cool, huh?” I asked like it was no big deal. I’d just jilled off my bestie and the fact I was so turned on had me weirded out. I wondered if she would do me back. Could I talk her into using her mouth like Mark had done at the pool? “Can we do it again?” she begged. “I guess,” I said. I didn’t really want to put my mouth on her, despite the crazy impulse to lick off my...
Well, due to the feedback I received about my first reminiscences of my relationship with my step-mother, and my panty fetish, I realise you might be interested to hear more about us. I'll start the very next morning.You can imagine I had a very pleasant night, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Really I'd been overwhelmed by it all, and I had to sort of explain it all to myself. I reckon my Mum (I'll continue to call her that, as I have ever since) had begun by indulging me over...
“You know me well enough to know I would. What about you, are you comfortable with me having my way with them? Or are we going to share?” I took the two boys aside before we showered the next day and explained Sarah loves having an extra man, or two, around once a month. “She loves being licked and teased before she blows her man of the moment. And she is good, very good. Would you like to see some pics of her in action?” The two boys were rapt as I showed them some pics of me licking her...
I was stunned as I lay next to my brother trying to sort out what had happened. While I knew my parents knew Eddie and I had sex, I never really wanted to be caught doing it, especially with my brother. Once my heart stopped pounding, I rolled toward Eddie. "I think we're in deep shit, Eddie," I said. My brother always had the cooler head and this was no exception. "Maybe, but maybe not, Jen. I mean they know were not virgins. If you ask me, I think they already knew." "Do you think...
As usual the line at the ticket counter was quite long. But today I was not in the bored and jaded mood that had become my normal reaction to this daily event. Reaching the station and getting a ticket for my ride home every day, had soon palled and had become a somewhat blasé ritual. Today the difference was that, a few feet in front of me stood a very attractive boy. He was slim and of medium height with a fresh looking face devoid of any trace of moustache or beard. He was dressed in a...
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As you come back from your morning walk all sweaty and thinking of taking a quick shower and having a good rub you let your mind wonder and enter your room – you feel something different, closing your door and no lights on the room is dark and very quiet. A warm breath caresses your ear and you tremble with fear and delight. Hands grasp your shoulders and pull you back, back to your bed. You feel your clothes being removed from your body and instantly your pussy starts to get wet. Only...
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A story, I had written to arose my girlfriend and then sent her. Reading it, she got so aroused, that next day she told me to come her home, and then we did everything that is written down. Baby this is for you. I was imagining about u naked lying in front of me on a bed, your legs were wide spread. You was showing me your love hole and was whispering: “Baby eat my pussy! This is what you dreamed of na! Come dear make you dream come true! Lick it! Lick it hard!”. Sitting beside your legs, I was...
“I know what happened last night,” Gail said, her face red with embarrassment. Shewas sitting at the breakfast nook in Crystal’s tiny apartment and the trembling youngteacher slowly took another sip of coffee to try to steady her nerves. “I’m sorry, s*s,but you’ve got to remember that I was drunk last night. I feel entirely different aboutthe whole thing this morning.”“You mean after all that you’re going to tell on me, anyway?” Crystal gasped,squeezing Jerry’s hand tightly. “How can you be so...
His breath came out in a steady even puff, condensating in the cold night air. Christmas lights sparkled around us, lighting up the night sky. It was magical in a way, transporting us to another place altogether. The only toasty part of my body was where his hand lay interlocked with mine. With each step we got closer to the coziness of our home. The crackling fireplace was waiting, along with the fresh sheets laid atop the bed. “I’m freezing.” His pink tongue darted out over his lips where the...
Straight SexHello readers, this is Nikhil back with my recent sex experience in Kolkata. First of all, thank you for your massive response on my last story and guys, please stop asking her name and identity, as I am not going to reveal anything. She was just an unsatisfied housewife and not a slut! For all those to whom I am new, I am Nikhil, 21 years old guy living in Kolkata. Lett’s begin my story. This is my recent experience. One fine weekend, I woke up relaxed with absolutely nothing to do the entire...
It was a hot Saturday afternoon, we had just got back home from shopping. We quickly unpacked the groceries and then headed off to the bathroom where we hopped into the shower together. Cool water running over our bodies as we took turns to soap each other up to remove to the sweat. Standing behind her, my hands massage her soapy tits, her nipples hardening and growing as the passion kept getting hotter. My cock throbbing hard, pressing against her butt as I started nibbling on her ears while...
He climbed up the two little steps and rang the doorbell. He heard nothing and tried to look through the window. The curtains were closed all he could see was a dead fly lying in the windowsill. He rang the doorbell again. ‘One moment.’ Someone yelled from inside the house. He leaned against the banister and stared out in the street, there were some trash cans standing on the sidewalk, one had tumbled over and some seagulls were scavenging for food. ‘Hi there,’ The door swung upon...
On Sunday, 22 June 1941, Anna and Niki woke to shouting in the building. ‘The Germans have attacked! The Germans have attacked!’ The radio reported the attack and said that the Red Army was fighting valiantly but with no more details. On Tuesday all the workers gathered in the main factory building to hear Comrade Biebler, Elena’s father, give a speech. At the end of the speech, he asked for volunteers from all men under forty. They would leave immediately for the front. They couldn’t even go...
By RawlyRawls This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain. If you want to read lots more stuff, vote on new stories, or support my writing, please visit my Subscribestar site (you can find the link in my profile). Also, all characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older. Chapter 1 “Do you plan on living in the house?” Roger Peddler sat across the table from George and Julie Anderson. They were an attractive middle-aged couple. She was a tall brunette with a pretty smile,...
Some scents arouse us in conflicting ways. They incite lust as well as fear, desire as well as apprehension – they’re like a blend of cold sweat and intoxicating perfume. The 25th of June arrived, and Norton’s Academy of Excellence was in turmoil. Lucian learned that it was an important date; it was the day, 16 years ago, when the school had been established. It also was a day of reunion, when sponsors and alumni came from all over the States to meet and celebrate. And it was the first...
Thanksgiving 1982 It was decided that we would have our first band practice the second Friday after Thanksgiving break at the home of Inez's uncle and aunt. This would give Inez a couple of extra weeks to recover fully. We'd ease back into it slowly, perhaps having a couple more practices before Christmas. Of course, we all had final exams to wade through as well, except, of course, Eileen. We'd try to get together over winter break a couple of times, and then hit the ground running as...
Jara holds little interest to the rest of the kingdom it's within and outside of maps held by the nobility no mention of it ever reaches past the borders. This is where you grew up, thatch roofs and rough stone walls are a sign of wealth here, most people live in roughly woven tents pitched against the cliff walls that hide your childhood home. Traditional and paranoid nothing has changed much in the last five hundred years and before that only one major event was ever forced upon the...
FantasyHi, my name is Beatrice Perri. I'm 24, blonde hair, hazel eyes, skinny, curvy body, long legs, 5'6". I had just recently had feelings for someone. Not just someone.... someone of my own gender. It normally doesn't happen, but, it did. Her name is Leah Burns, 25, brown hair, brown eyes, skinny, petite body, long legs, 5'4". Whenever I saw her, I felt wet in my pussy. She was just so sexy. My dreams came true one day when my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey it's Leah," she said into the...
Lesbian“You okay, mister?” The girl regarded me as I lay in the empty parking lot.I was not okay. I had slipped on black ice, twisting my ankle and landing hard on my ass. It was embarrassing—I slipped because I turned to check out the girl’s ass when she walked by.The glare from the high light posts was as cold as the February wind and the ice I lay on.On my hands and knees, I crawled over to clear pavement and stood. The girl grabbed my arm to help.“Oww... oh dammit!” It hurt when I put weight on my...
Straight SexThe Beverage Cart Girl She rolled up on to the seventh hole and smiled. “Do you need anything?” -he cheerfully asked. She was cute, with her tight, light blue shorts, and a tight-fitting t-shirt. Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a pony-tail. Her name tag read 'Brandy' and was strategically placed on her t-shirt so that it stood out. “A cigar, a brandy and something sweet,” I replied. “I have beer and cokes, no brandy,” she cheerfully replied. She stepped from the cart and opened a...
Quickie SexSkeletons in my closet part 13 The Healing and the Slut games begin I returned home and Keith never asked me about the convention or if I had enjoyed my fun or even if I had any. I didn't tell him anything neither. I sort of buried myself in work. My time with Megan was only to give her cards from work or maybe sit with her while Keith showered. Megan and I hardly talked or perhaps I just wasn't listening. I stopped drinking as when I did drink I always thought about Keith. I still loved...
Hello dear readers, I have brought a hot story which you will like as you have loved my previous stories. Please send your feedback at l.com I recall the time when the orphanage that house me was shut down due to lack of fund. It was in Kudh, J & K in India. I was barely young then and did not have a penny in my pocket and not a grain in my stomach. Mindless to the bright sun that shone above me I was walking up the National Highway when I spotted a Abdul Tea Stall, a small broken tea shop. The...
Ya’ll know what be happening late at night. Can’t sleep. Nothing on TV. Bored as hell. And then you start thinking… For me, them late night thoughts always lead to one place. Gettin my dick sucked. And ain’t many better at suckin my dick than this bitch. Mouth wet as hell, Throat deep as fuck, her lips, her tongue her hand work…everything on point. This bitch can suck dick. This the type of bitch you need to call late at night when you get them thoughts…czu...