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It’s Complicated



It’s been almost two weeks since we got back from the cabin. Real life has turned out to be a real nightmare. Liza has started a new job, which is turning out to be super stressful so she’s needed a lot of Ethan’s time. Added to that, there’s no getting around it, Jess is being clingy. Honestly, I can’t say I blame her. I’ve been blowing hot and cold for months. The net result of all this, is that Ethan and I haven’t been able to hook up.

I’m beside myself. Absolutely beside myself. I’m so horny, I feel like there are ants crawling all over my skin. It’s taking every ounce of my willpower not to snap at Jess, so I’m relieved, if apprehensive, when the girls organize a night out. I’m not sure I want to see Ethan with the girls there, given how pent up I am. At the same time, I’m so desperate to see him I can’t stand the thought of not going.

We get to the club and it’s crowded and loud. Jess is wearing the dress she was wearing the night we met. It’s long-sleeved and black and so short it barely covers the curved shelf of her ass. She has her hair pinned to the side, cascading over one shoulder. She looks sensational, but tonight, I don’t even notice the leering male eyes on her, as I scan the room for Ethan.

There’s a split second of relief when I find him. There he is. Followed by bodily chaos - heart racing, head pounding, cock raging.

We get drinks and try to chat, though it’s a fool’s errand, if ever I’ve seen one, as none of us can hear a word anyone else is saying. Liza wants to dance, and drags Ethan off. I smile inwardly as I see the sweet way he twists his mouth to the side slightly, as he breaks out his dad-like moves. He’s so fucking cute. I want him. I want to tear his clothes off him. That’s what I want. I want them ripped. Tattered. I want to throw him over the bar and fuck him until he screams.


Get yourself together!

I’m out of control. Far from chilling me out, the drinks are making things worse. Liza has her arms around him and is whispering into his ear. He absentmindedly leans down and grazes his lips against hers. Dark green envy coils around my heart and squeezes tight, suffocating me. I can’t get a good breath, so I head out onto the balcony.

Get your shit together, I berate myself, as I lean against the railing, taking slow deep breaths. We are in public. The girls are here. Calm the fuck down!

I’m starting to relax slightly when I feel his presence near me. He stands next to me, leaning back against the railing, facing me. I keep my eyes forward on the view of the lights flickering across the city, a stark contrast to the black night sky.

“Damn, Irish,” he sighs wistfully, “why you gotta look like that?”

I drop my head and breathe in slowly, my hands gripping the railing so hard my knuckles turn white. When I finally flick my eyes up at him, I know what he’ll see. I’m not trying to hide it. I couldn’t even if I wanted to.

“Oh, shit.” He murmurs. He understands.

“I need to fuck.” I whisper through clenched teeth. “I mean it, Ethan. I need it.”

He leans over to me, his shoulder pressing briefly against mine. “I get it.” He says quietly, “I get it, okay?”


The uber pulls up at my house and we pile out, fumbling with the keys in the door as we stumble inside, barely able to make it to my room, before we are at each other. He told the girls I wasn’t feeling well and that he’d take me home. We don’t have long, he said he’d be back.

I’m grabbing his pants, stupidly trying to pull them off without undoing his belt. He’s trying to undress, but my desperate tugging is hindering more than it’s helping. I manage to get my flies undone, before glancing around desperately. I need to use the bathroom.

“There’s no time.” He says urgently.

“I need more,” I whimper. “I need to fuck.”

“Ollie,” he says reasonably, “you’re too fucked up, okay? You can’t wait. We’ve just got to get the poison out.”

He kneels and takes me into his mouth. I want more, but the fight leaves me the second I feel the wet warmth of his mouth. I sigh with relief as my body rushes towards orgasm.

But then, there’s a sound at the door. We freeze, hardly daring to breathe. Hoping against hope, it’s just our imagination. But there it is again. It’s unmistakable. Someone’s unlocking the front door. Ethan’s eyes are open wide in fright.

“Who the fuck’s that?” He hisses.

“Baby, are you okay?” It’s Jess. Fucking Jess! She’s left the club and come home to check up on me. I frantically zip up, struggling to contain my painfully hard cock, as I quickly head down the passage to stall her.

“Are you okay?” She asks again. “You should have let me come with you.”

“You should go back,” I say tersely, “I’m not feeling well.”

She makes it clear that she’s not going anywhere, so I excuse myself to use the bathroom, glancing into my bedroom furtively, as I walk down the hall. The curtain is billowing out gently in the breeze. He must have ducked out the window.


I jerk off quietly in the bathroom, my orgasm comes quickly and is so unsatisfying it’s almost painful. A single thought dominates - When the hell will I see him again?

“Are you okay, baby?” Jess asks again.

I look down at her concerned, caring face, and I honestly just don’t have the strength to lie to her again. I can’t take this anymore. I can’t stand anything getting in the way of me seeing him. Never again. I just can’t take it. So, I sit her down, and tell her that no, I’m not okay. Something has changed and I don’t feel the way I used to. I tell her that what we have, is not what I want anymore. She sits silently next to me, blinking hard before quiet, silvery tears trickle down her cheeks.

Oh, man, I feel like shit.

“I just don’t understand.” She says, over and over. I could explain it to her, make her understand. But the truth isn’t mine alone, so all I can manage is, “I’m sorry.”

And truly, I am.

She asks to stay the night and after everything I’ve done to her, I can’t deny her. She sleeps in one of my old t-shirts, as I lie stiffly next to her. I don’t know how to comfort a person when I am the very thing that’s hurting them. I sleep badly, woken every now and then by the muffled sounds of her crying.

When morning finally dawns, I help her pack a bag of the things she’s left at my place; her toothbrush and expensive shampoo, a small bag of make-up, a couple of changes of clothes. Her face is pale and her eyes are red and puffy. I feel like human garbage. Why did I do this to her? I should have broken up with her months ago. I should have left her the first time I was with Ethan. Then it hits me. I stayed with her, so I could get close to him. That’s the bare-faced truth of it.

I’ve been using her.

I am a steaming pile of shit.


A few hours later, she must have called Liza and told her the news, because I get this text from Ethan:

What happened, dude? Want to come over?

Hell yes, I want to come over.


When I get to his place, his concerned expression causes a new wave of guilt and self-loathing to flood over me. My dick, however, knows nothing of such things, and so, with a non-committal shrug, I pull my sweater off over my head. I see him taking me in. His eyes travelling down my chest, like molten lava. Warming me, making me burn. I walk over to the dining table and without looking back, I unbuckle my belt, unzip, lower my pants and bend over, bracing myself on my elbows, palms flat on the table.

“I need to fuck.” I say matter-of-factly.

“What the hell’s got into you?” He asks.

“Fuck me.” I snarl, my voice has a husky, desperate edge to it and doesn’t sound like my own.

He reaches for me, caressing.

“Not like that.” I want it hard. Sensing my urgency, he works his fingers into me quickly. He’s taken to carrying travel-sized lube and condoms in his back pocket, so he’s prepared. Still, he’s going too slow. When he eases his fingers out of me, I roughly replace them with my own. Quickly, crudely stretching myself.

“Jesus.” He mutters under his breath.

I look back at him hungrily, I know what he can see in my eyes. But I don’t care. I want him to see. I reach back and gripping a cheek in each hand, purposefully spread my ass wide open.

“Jesus.” He says again, though my sluttish behaviour must be having the desired effect, as his breath has become ragged. I hear the quick rip of the condom wrapper and within seconds, he’s at my backdoor. One hard thrust of his hips all that it takes to flood my body with the familiar, tense shock of accommodating something so large.

“Uunnnnngg.” I moan, as he starts to move. He’s still going slow, being gentle. That’s not what I want.

“Harder.” I plead.

“Slow down,” he says, “I don’t want to hurt you.” As he says it, I realise that’s exactly what I want. Exactly what I deserve.

“Harder!” I say again, though this time there’s an edge in my voice and it’s more of a command than a plea.

“Shhh.” He says, pulling my head back by my hair and clamping his hand over my mouth.

“Do it harder.”

“Stop it,” he hisses, his voice fraught with tension, “you’re going to make me lose control.”

Given that that’s exactly what I want, I let my head lol back slightly, my eyes meeting his, as I say, “Do it. Do it harder.”

I see his jaw clenching, so I say again, “Fuck me harder. Harder!” My words are garbled into the palm of his hand, but the meaning is clear and suddenly, like the flick of a switch and with a low grunt, he erupts.

He shoves me down onto the table roughly, pinning me down by my shoulders as he thrusts into me with unimaginable fury. He unleashes such force, I have to use my own hands to muffle my cries, as his body slams into mine over and over again. It’s exactly what I wanted, exactly what I deserve, but bloody hell, that doesn’t mean it isn’t hard to take.

When he finds himself again, he slows, pausing, before setting a new, slower pace. Long strokes that are so deep and so thorough each one forces a stifled cry from my lips. His stamina is unbelievable and my body gives way long before his. I grunt and spasm as my body arcs and finally relents.

As soon as it’s over, I want to leave. I need to go. I don’t feel I can look him in the eye.

“You okay?” He asks. I guess almost injuring me at the cabin and the fact that he’s bottomed himself now, has made him a little more aware of my wellbeing.

“I’m fine.” I say, before adding quietly, more for myself than for him, “It’s nothing I don’t deserve.”

He looks at me with something resembling dismay, “You don’t deserve to get hurt, Oliver.”

“Yeah, sure,” I say with a wry smile, “you didn’t see how Jess looked when she left.”

“Just sit for a while.” He says.

“Nah, I need to get going,” I say, as I move unsteadily toward the door.

“For fucks sake!” He exclaims, “You can’t even walk straight. Just sit down and chill.”

Reluctantly, I stretch out on the sofa, as he makes us coffee. As we drink it, he asks about Jess.

“She okay?”

“No,” I say quietly.

“What happened?” He asks.

I run my hand through my hair, shrugging my shoulders in defeat, “I guess I just couldn’t do it anymore. Just couldn’t keep lying to her.”

“Did you tell her about…?” And there it is. This is what he’s concerned about. He can’t even say it. He just gestures vaguely between us.

“’Course not,” I say, after a beat. He sighs audibly, weak with relief.

“Thank you.” He murmurs softly.

When the last of my coffee is finished, we sit in comfortable silence for a while. His shirt is still off, and the button of his jeans is undone. The seasons are changing and it’s cool today, and now, I can see tiny gooseflesh form on his chest. I nudge him playfully with my foot.

“Hey, you got any fuck left in you?”

He rolls his eyes slightly, shaking his head, bemused, “Christ, Irish.” He laughs, “You’re an animal.” There is not a single ounce of judgment in his voice, because you see, he and I, we are the same.

If I’m an animal, he is one too.










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Tom and Becca had been going out for two years, they had a great relationship and had an amazing sex life. Becca was free minded and up for trying most things and had even gone so far as to use her finger up Tom’s bum during sex and had a range of sex toys they openly practiced with.Tom was a good looking boy at 6?1, with a 8 inch cock, tight body with a six pack and great arms - a good catch. Becca was also incredible - dark blond hair, slim but curvy with 28DD breasts and a fantastic ass, her...

1 year ago
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Kimberly Has A Ball

MsKimberly -- Tuesday 8:37 AMI was told you are the one to talk to. Possible thing. How do we meet?I love these out of the blue 'somebody said' messages. Most of the time it's just some little monkey wanting to jack. Like there's not enough web porn? Or it's a cop hoping for a freebie. All part of the playground I work in, but I always answer, 'cause you never know.Certainly willing to talk. My office 1:30 tomorrow.3:30? Address?Fine. Ask your friend.And so we'll see.After quite a nice school...

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My Ladies first Gangbang

It was just a normal Midsummer evening, the sun had just started to go down and Amy had decided that she wante to go with Dave to the pub for a few drinks. Amy was 20 5ft6 with curvey hips and a round bottom, she also had 36e boobs the kind that sagged sexilly under thier natural weight. She was wearing an airy summer dress that was soft and almost silky on her soft skin. She had decided that it had been to warm for her to wear and underwear. Dave was happy to take his sexy wife to the pub he...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 112 Blind Again

I felt a sharp sting in my butt right before I started to doze off. How did Paula get a tranquilizer shot past my shield? Did the place in my head trust her to not hurt me so much that it did it without my permission? Had someone snuck into the room while she talked to me? It took me a lot of effort to finally wake up. When I did I was not only in a hospital bed, I was blind, again. Fuckers. My eyes weren’t clouded over like before when they had put the special contacts on my eyes. There...

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Can I count on your vote

It was a week before polling day and I was getting sick of all the election nonsense already. Walking home from work I passed poster after poster proclaiming this lot were doing it wrong, or that lot were doing it wrong. From my experience they were ALL doing it wrong, and it wasn't going to change anything come next Thursday. There was, however, one silver lining to the grey clouds. My local Green Party candidate, Caroline Hudgington was fucking HOT! Every time I passed one of her posters I...

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Monica MechanicChapter 1 Monty

Sometimes a solution turns out to have unintended consequences, and so it was with Pēteris. He and his Companions had created what amounted to a honey trap to lure ‘bad guys’ who had Damsels. Unfortunately, as part of their scheme they left behind too much honey, and Hastert made a connection. Fortunately, not the connection, but while his wound was healing and he was regaining strength, he decided that his year’s supply of potions could be used to resupply himself with Damsels. It wouldn’t...

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The Drive

The Drive You suggest that we take a ride into the countryside, but little did I know of your plan. At around 9am we left the house and got into the car which I had hired at the airport. You give me some general directions and we set off. I had already noticed that you had dressed in a way which was bound to turn me on. You had a short red skirt and had teamed it up with a sleeveless white top. We talk as we are driving and it then with your skirt riding up that I notice the fact that you don’t...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 12 Improving My Attitude

June 1978 I woke up early on Sunday morning, feeling good for the second day in a row. I decided I was going to go to church as well. There was something positive about sitting in church that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. After church, I did my chores and then pedaled over to Bethany’s house for lunch. Her dad made hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill and I ate two of each. Bethany laughed when I had the second hot dog after I’d already had two burgers and a hot dog. “I’m a growing...

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The IfrinnChapter 11 Jillian

"Zach! Look out," Jillian cried as Sean stepped around behind Zach to crack him on the head with the hilt of his sword. Zach fell like a stone across Arrais' body. "This be our island!" Sean yelled as he lifted his sword towards the stunned guests. "You can yield or die!" The crew of the ship jumped over the railings brandishing swords, flintlock guns, and wooden belaying pins as they ran towards the panicked crowd. Jillian got pulled along with the retreating hotel guests as they...

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Adventures of Anita and seema African safari

After a long time me and seems had got a holiday to our own. Our husbands had decided to stay back and give us a break. We decided to fly down to Kenya. We booked into a hotel and thought will just rest for the day in the hotel. We dropped our bags in the room and decided to take a long bath. There were two showers in the room but with seema I would not want to loose out. We got undressed and stepped into the shower. She looked absolutly stunning. I turned on the shower and I held her from the...

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Libertys Bra

Liberty's Bra: "There comes a time in a man's life, Anthony, when he has got to wear a bra!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. You see...or perhaps you don't, perhaps I should explain myself. I was an only child and I had a strong overbearing and rather disciplinarian father who I lived in fear of for much of my childhood. He always used to to tell me what to do and how to behave and it was not always obvious to me which meant I often felt a sense of paralysis, of...

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Top 10 Indian Sex Stories Of December 2018

Check out the  in the month of December 2018. These quality erotic tales are surely going to give you the best reading experience and make you horny! By My Payal aunt was a very horny lady and we enjoyed fucking each other while there was a Pooja going on in my house. We escaped and went had great sex. “I lowered her pant and kissed on her panty. She was wearing a light pink color panty. I kissed on her thighs and then lowered her panty. There it was my door to heaven. She had trimmed her...

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Flying High

The overhead bins on the plane were already getting full, including the one over her row. Errgghhh… fuckin’ frustrating. She opened a bin across from her row and there was space for her suitcase. That’s when she noticed him. He was sitting in the aisle across from her row. He looked up at her as she was re-organizing the overhead to make room to store her roller-board. Their eyes briefly met and she smiled, feeling a flutter in her stomach. He quickly stood up and grabbed her suitcase. She...

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The Shop Owners Dream

The Shop Owner's Dream The bell above the sign jingled lightly as the door was pressed open. Theshop was vacant save the owner, and now the new patron. She was breathtaking,the shortest skirt possible, which some would venture to say was just aboutthe size of a belt hugged her waist. No sign of underwear was visible asher elastic T-shirt showed the size and firm texture of large C cup breasts.Her blonde mane was layered in volume as it hung down at her ass. Sweet featuresembraced a sexy smile...

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Sara Learns Something New

"I swear, if I have to look at one more paper on pedagogy, I'm going to take an axe to my computer," Sara thought to herself. "Or Professor Carson. Or both." She looked at the passage again. "Deriving from the Derridian concept (or non-concept), dissemination signifies the simultaneous presence and absence of meaning or, more specifically, the Other (Derrida, 2007), critical thinking operates to dismantle and separate ideologies, opening the possibility of future meaning. In other words,...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 27 Margaret

The girl that sat on the pulled-down steps of the fancy carriage looked sad indeed, nearly despondent, head down and knees wide apart. She was drawing on the ground with a stick. She glanced up as I dismounted and gave me a wan smile. There was neither team nor driver in sight so the problem was obvious. She stood and my cock stirred. She was a true stunner, dressed in the height of fashion and sporting a mop of dark red hair that cascaded over her shoulders and well down her straight back,...

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Fairly CAPableChapter 5 Contingencies

All was not well in Leo Gunter’s world. He’d survived two tours in the fucking sandbox from hell only to come home and have his world completely re-arranged. The fucking ‘Average Joe’ show had ensured it. He’d been mustering out of the Army at Fort Benning in Georgia when the penultimate episode of ‘Average Joe’ had aired. Of course, he’d heard of the President’s speech by then, but he figured it was a hoax or some political maneuvering to get the asshole another four years. ‘Average Joe’,...

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The Magic of BellsChapter 5

Sam shook her head, eyes opening. Her temple throbbed, which was never a good sign. That she noticed that fact was good, though, as that meant she was conscious. She was also upright, something very unusual if she had, as her confused mind suspected, been unconscious. She was still on horseback as well. Hands, someone's, were on her leg and belly... "Sam!" Heather's worried voice brought her farther into the land of the living. She turned, blinking. Heather stood on the ground beside...

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Thick As A Brick

My dad made me take the day off school to wait for the painters who were going to do our apartment. He couldn’t do it himself because he had a big client for personal training at his gym. I didn’t want to stay home because I’m not much good round people I’m supposed to boss around, and dad told me I’d have to crack the whip because these guys were being paid by the hour and so they’d try to stretch it out as long as they could. They didn’t turn up till ten when they were supposed to start...

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Letter of Recomendation

“You sure you don’t mind writing the letter?” “Not at all. I’m glad to help out Wendy.” I replied to Laura. We work at the same company in different departments. Our paths cross in the hallways, break room and the other usual places. We got to the same happy hours and other events. She’s really terrific looking for a woman ten years older than me. I’ve tried to initiate a little off-work fun, but it’s been a no-go. She won’t date anyone from the same company, even though we sometimes go to the...

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The Light Behind The WorldChapter 16 Binding

I caught up to Ginny in the parking lot. She was standing next to her parent's car, crying softly in the darkness. I walked up to her and pulled her into me, wrapping my arms around her. "Ginny, please don't cry!" I whispered. You're moving away, and I'll never see you again!" she sobbed. "No!" I said. "I'm sure that's not what Mom meant!" "Well what did she mean then?" she blubbered into my neck. "I don't know!" I said, "Mom caught Dad and I both by surprise just like...

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Working Late

I work for a small company and at about 7 o’clock one Thursday evening I was finishing a report that had a deadline for the next day. I was the only one left in the building but it meant I could finish my work without any interruptions. Needing a break I made my way downstairs to the water cooler. That is when I realised I wasn’t alone. My colleague Luke was there also getting water. I greeted him with a smile. He is my favourite colleague, my boyfriend and I sometimes get together socially...

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Night With My Old Boss Part 2

After our two nights in the hotel in London, Fi and I kept in contact on the phone and via WhatsApp with lots of naughty messages and dirty phone calls. Plus some topless photo shots to me from Fi.We arranged to meet in London again when we were both there for work, but in a more modest hotel. I had bought a new glass dildo at Fi's request and a tartan micro skirt for her to wear.Fi arrived late at about 10 pm at London Bridge after her flight was delayed. I met her with a kiss and a hug and...

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Lady in Red Ch 32

Gwen and Steve arrived at the Governor’s mansion in plenty of time for the rehearsal. Steve had tried to beg off, and remain at the hotel, but Gwen wouldn’t hear of it. ‘I know you aren’t in the wedding party, but Amber and her parents will want you there. Remember how they treated you last time we saw them? Besides, we’ll be going to dinner afterward and I’ll need you to protect me from all of those handsome Army Rangers.’ Lisa and Jason met Gwen and Steve as soon as they were granted access...

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Miss Blind America

*Dedicated to Wayne P. over at SOLDG* This is a true* story; all characters and events described are based on factual accounts, although some small portions of dialogue have been altered for dramatic effect. Certain manufacturers or their representatives have paid a substantial fee to, or performed many hours of cunnilingus upon, the author for the shameless promotion of products and services. Any persons who believe this are invited to forward their most recent bank statements, along with a...

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Rescue Climber

I swung from one hand and reached up and over to catch the narrow ledge. I looked up at the overhang and the stranded climber hanging from his harness. I did not bother looking down since it was over two thousand meters to the base of the cliff. I pulled up and shifted as I swung and reached and shoved my hand into a crack. Slowly I worked my way to the climber and hung from one hand and clipped a follow me rope to his harness. I continued to move out and up and finally caught the edge and...

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