Firefighter's Convention free porn video

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This year was special and Rachel was extremely excited!  She was FINALLY going to meet David, in person!  David was a firemen, from several states away, and had been Rachel’s friend for almost a year.  They had met online and started a friendship, over their mutual love, of the fire and rescue service.  He had come into her life, when she was feeling lonely and ignored, by her husband, and swept her off her feet.  David knew exactly what Rachel needed, sometimes before she did.  He was older than Rachel but looked younger than his age. He was a chiseled god, of tan skin and muscles, and she drooled over every picture they had exchanged.  Rachel was often lost, in erotic daydreams, of him taking her, over and over again. David was her dirty little secret, she hid from her husband, and she often wondered what would happen, when they finally met, in person…..

David was just starting to open his eyes, when he heard a telephone ring, in the distance.  As his eyes began to focus, he realized it was the hotel phone, next to his bed.  Time for his morning wake up call.  He answered the phone and thanked the front desk for waking him, and laid the phone back in its cradle.  Today was going to be a great day and he didn’t want to miss a moment of it!  David had set THREE alarms, on his phone, AND had asked for the wake-up call.  It was a big day!  He was FINALLY going to meet Rachel, his online friend, in person, and was on edge.  It is one thing to talk online, but in person was a totally different story and David was nervous.  Rachel had become a dear friend to him, and he didn’t want to lose her, but things had been getting hot between them and he was afraid that he would take her into his arms, the moment he laid eyes on her!  He had flown into Indiana, two days before, to attend the conference and meet Rachel.  The last two days had been torture for him, knowing she was closer than she had ever been, and he still couldn’t see her, until today! David knew Rachel was married, so was he.  There was just something about her, she filled holes, deep in his soul, like no other woman ever had.

David loved his wife, very much, but Rachel calls to him, as only a forbidden love could.  He wanted her, in every way possible, and he was about to meet her, face to face!  He trembled with excitement, as he climbed into the shower.  His hands shook, as he went through his routine of showering, his mind lost in thoughts of Rachel…. Pictures of her, flashed through his head, as he soaped and rinsed his body.  It wasn’t long before his mind turned his thoughts erotic…David thought of Rachel’s 34 DDD breasts, as he began to rub shampoo into his scalp.  Rachel had promised him a hug, when they finally saw each other, and he couldn’t help but feel his cock twitch, as he thought of her huge fun bags, pressing into his chest.  David felt the shampoo bubbles run down his chest and drip off his, now rock hard, cock.  He was painful aware of his, unwanted, erection.  David sighed, a heavy sigh, and set to relieving himself.  He couldn’t have his cock “spring up” on their first hug!  He let his mind wonder back to Rachel and her eyes, as he sprayed his load down the shower drain. Her eyes would be his undoing, and he knew it! “Lord, give me strength” he said, as he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.  It was time to meet his “Kitten”, as he called her, and he could think of nothing else!

Rachel took special care, in dressing for the conference.  She picked out a black, lacy bra that gave special attention, to her mysterious valley, between her breasts.  Not quite a push up bra, but a very similar effect.  It rested low and made the valley between her DDD breasts, look like it went on for miles.  Guys always stared at her tits when she wore it and Rachel smiled, at the thought of her sexy fireman, staring down at her.  David is taller than her, and she knew his eyes would be drawn there.  She picked out her black, lacy, “boy shorts” panties, to match, and slipped them up her milky white thighs.  She knew better than to wear those panties today, but couldn’t resist the thought of being a little naughty.  Those panties were known to constantly rub across her clit, as she moved, and drive Rachel crazy.  She knew she would be soaked, before long, but was excited by the thought that no one would ever know what was happening under her clothes.  Rachel smiled at herself, in the mirror, content with her choices.  The rest of her clothes were an easy decision, being a professional conference.  She ***********ed her “Class A” dress uniform, from her closet.  It was a light blue, button up, dress shirt, with all of her department and rank badges, sewn on it.  It spoke of her professionalism and her skill as an Emergency Medical Technician.  She was very proud of her rank and all that she had accomplished, and her dress uniform was her way to brag.  She decided to be a little bit of a tease, and leave the top two buttons, undone.  At 5 foot tall, most everyone there, would be taller than Rachel, and get a good view, of that carefully chosen black bra.  It was going to be a great day, she thought, to herself, as she pulled on her pants.  Rachel’s pants were the standard “tech” pants, baggy, with tons of pockets, up and down her tight, toned legs, and she hated wearing them.  She couldn’t show off her sexy ass, wearing tech pants, but this was about professionalism, she reminded herself, as she buttoned her waist.

Rachel took extra care while fixing her hair and make-up.  She decided on pulling her wild mane of curls up into a hair clip, on top of her head.  It gave the illusion that her hair was tame, not the wild mess of curls it actually was.  A small spring of curls, poked out of the top of the clip, and laid along it, cleverly hiding the clip, in her hair. She carefully applied her make-up, making sure to only put on the bare essentials.  Rachel believed in natural beauty, and had plenty of it.  She lightly applied a small touch of foundation, just enough to hide the freckles, dotting her face, and set to work on her eyes.  Her eyes were her best feature and she loved showing them off.  They were the most amazing shade of blue, light blue, like a beautiful, clear, summer day.  They sparkled when she laughed, which Rachel did often, and drew guys in.  They had, often, been called “bedroom eyes”, and Rachel had been known to use them against weaker men.  They had spelled doom, for many men, in her past.  She applied a light dusting of dark eyeshadow, on her lids.  Happy with the extra attention it drew to the blue, Rachel picked up her mascara.  She didn’t need it, her lashes went on for miles, but she added some anyway, for the extra effect.  She didn’t wear lipstick often, so she grabbed her last piece, in her routine, eyeliner.  As Rachel highlighted her lower eyelids, her mind drifted back to David, and their long awaited meeting.

Rachel’s mind drifted to that first hug, they would share, and beyond.  She began to picture David, scooping her into his arms, and whisking her off to his hotel room.  She felt the moisture start to escape her pussy, and let out a tiny whimper.  Just then, a voice startled her out of her daydreaming, “Ready to go, hun?”  It was her husband, AJ, as she called him, short for Andrew James, and she had forgotten he was waiting for her.  Rachel smiled at AJ, “Ready!” and out the door they went.

Rachel had told AJ about David, somewhat.  He knew of their friendship and their upcoming meeting but didn’t know that Rachel and David had been flirting and exchanging x-rated messages, online.  She had kept that part to herself. AJ didn’t need to know those things, he would only get jealous, and Rachel didn’t need that.  She loved her husband, very dearly, and wanted him to like David.  Jealousy would get in the way of that.  Rachel and AJ made small talk, the hour long car ride to the conference.  They talked of previous conferences and vendors they wanted to make sure they visited.  Rachel almost jumped out of her skin, when AJ said David’s name.  “What was that, dear?” she asked AJ.  “I said, has David ever been to FDIC before?” AJ asked his wife.  “Nope.  This is all new for him.  He flew in, 2 days ago, and has been going to some of the Officers’ workshops”, Rachel said.  “Well, he is in for a treat tonight!  Does he know about the party?” he asked.  Rachel smiled at her husband.  She knew where this was going.  Every year, the firefighters’ union hall held a huge party, with bagpipes, and free food and beer. It never took long for things to get crazy and AJ and Rachel never missed the party.  They looked forward to it, each year.  This year, they were going to introduce David to all the fun.  They both smiled as AJ gave Rachel’s hand a squeeze and they entered the convention center parking garage.  Time to get this party started!

David had already explored all of the convention center during the last two days.  He had never seen anything like it!  There were first responders, from all over the world, attending, and there was always someone new to talk to.  David had been enjoying himself, and had a blast in the classes he had signed up for.  He had spent the last two days, learning new vehicle extrication techniques, and was about to take his skills test, to be certified, and be able to go back and teach his new skills, to all his local departments.  He knew Rachel wasn’t going to be there, for another hour, but couldn’t help looking around for her.  His disappointment hung heavy on his face, as he pulled up his bunker pants, and stepped outside and into the enclosed testing area.  He shook thoughts of Rachel out of his head, and focused on the mangled BMW in front of him. It was game time and he had a “patient” to cut out of the twisted wreckage before him.  Thoughts of Rachel slipped away, as David picked up the heavy “Jaws of Life”, with little effort, and started smashing the posts of the car, with its’ powerful jaws.

 Rachel and AJ walked into the convention center, hand in hand.  She pulled the email from David, out of her pocket, and began reading his schedule.  As she looked over the piece of paper, AJ squeezed her hand.  She looked up, to see AJ smiling at her and waiting patiently.  She smiled back and said,” David is testing for his Rescue cert right now.  Do you want to go watch? Or go look through all the vendors?”  AJ thought, for a brief moment, and then laughed, “Let’s go watch him.  I want to meet this famous David and see what all the fuss is about.” AJ responded.  AJ gave Rachel’s hand a firm squeeze and they headed for the outdoor training area.  Rachel spotted David immediately and quickened her step.  He was holding the heavy “Jaws of Life” and crushing the center posts of a destroyed BMW, and she couldn’t help but stare.  He held the heavy machine, so easily, and Rachel imagined, for a split second, what it would feel like, to have those strong hands traveling all over her body.  Rachel and AJ watched, as David, skillfully, destroyed the posts holding the roof onto the vehicle, peeled the roof back, and freed the trapped “patient” inside.  He was flawless, with his movements, and even AJ could appreciate David’s new skills, as he avoided the vehicles’ numerous airbags.  Rachel watched as David finished his test and sat down the massive jaws.  He had not spotted her yet, but she wasn’t surprised.  They weren’t due to meet up for another 30 minutes, Rachel was early.  Just as she thought about walking over, David suddenly spotted Rachel and their eyes locked.  For a split second, the whole world faded away, and it was just Rachel and David, eyes locked, in a trance.  AJ saw them lock eyes, and gave his wife’s hand a gentle squeeze, “Is that David?” he asked, as AJ pointed in David’s direction.  “Yes”, Rachel said, “Let’s go introduce ourselves.”  Before they could go more than two steps, David turned and headed straight towards them, smiling from ear to ear.  “Rachel! Over here! Hey, Rach!” David called, as he waved.  Rachel let go of AJ’s hand and closed the gap between them, in seconds.  David saw Rachel’s quickened steps and held his arms open, showing her he was expecting that hug she promised.  Rachel closed the final steps between them, as she opened and held her arms upward, letting David know that she wanted that hug, as well.  

Rachel could hear nothing but her own pulse, thumping in her ears, as she approached David.  She didn’t even realize that she was holding her breath.  They closed the distance too quickly, and their bodies came together, with a firm “THUMP”!  Caught off guard, she stumbled, a step, and David locked his arms around her.  He didn’t mind, as it caused her to grab for him, in her stumbling haze.  He caught her, easily, and hugged her to him, in one smooth motion.  “Hi Kitten”, he whispered in her ear, his breath sending shivers up her spine, and down to her achy pussy, “glad to finally hold you.” David cleared his throat, as he straightened from their first embrace, and looked towards AJ’s approaching frame, in a loud voice, he said, “Glad to finally meet you, in person, Rach!” as he released her from his arms.  They both, secretly groaned inside, at letting go of each other, but they both turned to AJ, with bright smiles.  The men introduced themselves to each other, and started making small talk, as Rachel watched an EMT fumble with a KED, in the testing area.  The young girl was next, to test, and Rachel could tell she wasn’t ready.  She turned back to the men, and was rewarded with a sight, that would spark many fantasies, for years to come.  Rachel was staring that the 2 sexiest men, she had ever seen, in her life!  David’s salt and pepper hair, sparkled in the bright morning sun, calling for her to run her hands through it.  His turn out coat was completely open, exposing his department t-shirt, dampened with traces of sweat, clinging to his chiseled body.  Oh, how she wanted to run her fingers under the elastic suspenders, holding up his bunker pants, and slide them off his strong shoulders.

Rachel tore her gaze away from David and her eyes landed on her husband.  AJ was a very handsome man and Rachel considered herself lucky to be his.  He was taller than Rachel, but didn’t tower over her, just enough that required “tippy toe kisses”, and she loved that.  His face was very handsome, tan, chiseled, like the rest of him.  Her eyes lingered, on her husbands’ bearded mouth, as flashes of the things that mouth had done to Rachel, went through her head.  She felt the heat and moisture grow, inside her lacy panties, and shook the thoughts away.  She trailed her eyes, down her husbands’ well defined chest, and longed for her eyes to be her lips.  Rachel’s eyes slide down his Class A uniform buttons, to her favorite spot, the bulge in his pants.  She couldn’t help but rape the bulge, with her eyes, as she stared at him.  Rachel knew what was behind those baggy tech pants, and wanted it badly.  It was her favorite place to be! She could spend hours, worshiping the monstrous cock, hidden just behind his zipper.  She was lost in thoughts of gagging on her husbands’ cock and didn’t notice that the men had stopped talking and were staring at her, smiling.  Rachel had not been aware that she was licking her lips and making little whimpers noises.  Her action had caught both of the men’s attention, and they were quite amused.  AJ broke the awkward silence by clearing his throat and saying, “WELL! We can all tell what she has on her mind!” as everyone laughed.

The rest of the convention went as usually. David joined AJ and Rachel, as they visited all the vendors, and explored the new vehicles.  They laughed and talked, as if they had known each other forever.  Conversation flowed freely, between the three of them, and Rachel’s “eye fucking” had long been forgotten.  It was time to head to the Firefighter’s Union Hall, and the couple was anxious to show David a firefighter party.  Rachel excused herself, to the ladies room, and let out a big breath, as she locked the stall behind her.  She peeled her soaked panties down and saw her poor swollen clit, poking out at her.  It was painfully swollen and begging for release.  Rachel gave it a loving series of pats, and hid it behind the soaked, black lace, again.  She took a deep breath, put a smile on her sexually tortured face, and pulled open the restroom door.  “Her men” were leaned up against a nearby wall, lost in conversation.  She could see AJ’s face and he appeared to be excited about the conversation, with a big smile on his face.  They stopped talking, as she approached, and just smiled at her.  Her eyes bounced from one sexy man, to the other, as panic set in.  “What were you two just talking about?” Rachel asked.  AJ pushed off the wall, closed his hand around hers, and headed for the exit, as David followed suit, easily keeping up with AJ.

Rachel was confused and her head was spinning.  What were they talked about?  What was going on?  Why were they both holding her hand?  The panic spread and built, in her chest, as these two hot men led her towards the union hall.  Everything was starting to go dark, as she became aware of a growing fire in her pussy.  Rachel suddenly jerked her hands away from both of her erotic escorts and stumbled to a nearby wall.  The cool brick felt calming to Rachel’s overheated body and she needed to catch her breath.  She could already “feel” the nearby bagpipe’s and drums playing and the vibrations didn’t help her delicate state.  Both men were, instantly, at her side, worry on both of their faces.  After reassuring her delicious dates, Rachel calmed herself, and spun to face them.  The men were inches from her face, and she could feel their hot breath, on each of her cheeks.  She felt the blood rush back to her cheeks again, and knew she was in for a long night.  Rachel took both of their hands again, and headed the last block, to the hall.

The next few hours, was a blur of food, beer, music, and dancing.  The whole block around the hall was roped off for the party, and was slammed full of fellow first responders, having a blast. Rachel had brought a change of clothes with her, in the car, but they came straight from the convention and she hadn’t had the time to change.  Her dress uniform was soaked in sweat and rubbing her skin raw.  She ached to get out of her soaked panties.  Rachel turned to AJ and asked for the car keys.  She was planning on changing in the parking garage, and hoping no one would see her.  After yelling AJ her plans, David spoke up and offered to let her change in his room.  David’s hotel was next to the parking garage and the idea both, frightening and excited, Rachel.  She didn’t know if she could be alone with David, given her current state of arousal, and behave herself.  AJ told her that David’s room was a better plan, as he handed her the keys to the car.  Rachel felt the panic rise in her chest again, and tugged on AJ’s arm.  She motioned for him to follow her, around the side of the union hall, where they could talk, without yelling.  She told her husband, of the fire in her soaked panties, and her desperate need for relief.  A tear slipped from Rachel’s eye, as she confessed her desire to fuck David, to her sweet and faithful husband.  AJ caught her tear, midway down her check, with his thumb, and wiped it away.  He took Rachel’s face, in his hands, and kissed her gently.  Electric shocks ripped through her pussy as their lips met, and she let out a whimper of desire.  “Go get changed, my love.” AJ said, his mouth hovering above hers, “I talked to David, a lot today, and I really like him.  Whatever happens, happens….” As he planted tiny kisses all over her lips…. “I want you to fuck him….” more, tiny, slow, kisses…. “ as long as….” AJ trailed those delicate kisses across her jawline… “you tell me”…..nibble on her earlobe… “every little detail later”.  As AJ finished his sentence, he grabbed Rachel’s face and forced her mouth open with his tongue.  They locked, in a passionate kiss, tongues swirling, hands roaming, until they both were breathless.  Rachel broke the kiss and looked into her husbands’ eyes, “Are you sure about this?” she asked in her sexy little timid voice.  She knew that voice drove him crazy and she saw his bulge swell and throb, under his zipper.  AJ was sure, and they both knew it.  He was every bit as excited as she was, and it showed.

Rachel took a cleansing breath and headed back around the building to David.  What had she gotten herself into? She thought to herself.  She had fantasied about cheating, but had never been able to bring herself to do it.  Now she had the chance and Rachel wasn’t sure if she could.  She was about to chicken out and return to AJ, when she rounded the corner and saw David.   He was watching for her and they locked eyes again.  All doubt vanished from her mind, as she reached David and slipped her hand in his.  His smile melted her last ounce of resolve and she was putty in his hands.  She glanced back towards AJ, and saw him smiling at her.  He gave a final nod and a thumbs up to her, as Rachel and David disappeared into the crowd.  

AJ could see the nervousness on his wife’s face, as she disappeared with David.  He didn’t know if she could bring herself to cheat on him, but the thought of another man, pounding her tight little pussy, turned him on more than he expected.  His hard cock was straining against his zipper, as he watched them disappear.  AJ smiled, as he thought about the plan that he and David had worked out, for Rachel.  She was such an amazing and giving woman, they both had wanted to please her.  Her husband knew she had harbored secret desires of cheating, and would never act on them.  She had made references, during their sexual adventures, of fucking other guys and telling him all the details.  She usually came all over his cock, when she reached the part where AJ watches the other man cream pie his beloved wife.  He always came right after, her orgasm pushing him past his breaking point.  Tonight, he was going to make sure that his beautiful wife was satisfied, in every way possible.  AJ knew that Rachel had no idea what the rest of the evening would hold, as he smiled and began heading in the same direction as his wife, slipping David’s extra key card out of his pocket, and tapping it against his other hand.  The night was about to take a very passionate turn, and he didn’t want to miss a second of it.

As Rachel and David stood in the hotel lobby, waiting for the elevator, he felt her hand trembling in his.  “Are you cold, kitten?” he asked her.  The lust had vanished, from his eyes, and was replaced with tender care.  He was very fond of Rachel. He might even dare to say that he was falling in love with her, if you could love two people, at the same time.  He felt his heart swell, just gazing at her.  David was lost in her sparkling blue eyes and didn’t hear her respond.  Her nervous giggle brought him out of his trance.  “What did you say?” he asked her.  Rachel smiled at his tender expression.  “I am fine, my play toy”, she said as she gave his hand a quick squeeze.  They had been exchanging messages, for months, about what they would do, if they were ever alone together, and the sexual tension filled the elevator, as they stepped inside.  The doors closed and Rachel’s chest began to fill with panic again.  Could she go through with this?  Her mind raced through questions as her desire set her pussy aflame!  Rachel thought about their last online conversation, before the convention, and remembered that they had promised each other that nothing would happen.  The online fantasies they shared, would remain online, and the panic grew in her chest.  She wanted David.  Her pussy ached for all those empty promises he had made online.  Her brain began to think of ways to seduce him and make him hers.

David could see that Rachel was lost in thought, as her bag slipped down her arm.  The heavy bag held her change of clothes and, what appeared to be, two changes of clothes for AJ.  David smiled, as he knew Rachel had packed it herself, always thinking of everyone else.  She had only packed one change of clothes for herself.  They stepped out of the elevator and walked the long hallway, to David’s room.  He felt her shaking increase, as he put the card in the door and opened the door.  He had decided to treat himself and had booked a large suite, for the conference.  He had secretly hoped to get Rachel back to his room, so he had made sure it had a King sized bed, for his kitten to play on.  Rachel covered a gasp, with her hand, when she saw the large bed, looming before her.  The sight of the bed made the sexual tension in the air, too thick to breathe, and he noticed they were both breathing hard.  David was mesmerized by the rapid rise and fall of Rachel’s restrained DDD breasts, poking out of her, slightly open, uniform shirt.  How he longed to see what was hiding under those buttons.  David swallowed hard and tore his eyes away from her heaving chest, as he felt his erection harden in his jeans.  He had worked out a plan, with AJ, for Rachel’s seduction, but was now nervous, in the shrinking space of the suite.  What if she said no?  Could David risk losing her?

David stepped up to Rachel and took her bag from her arm.  He laid it on the bed, as he took her hand in his.  It was the moment of truth and the air sparked with sexual electricity.  The tension was almost unbearable, as David reached for Rachel’s buttons.  She gulped in air, as his fingertips made contact with first button, nestled in her delicious valley, his skin brushed against hers.  Her eyes shot up to meet his and he could see the lust, growing with each swipe of her long lashes.  There were no words exchanged, as David delicately undid every button, trailing down to her waist.  He opened Rachel’s shirt and let out a low growl, the sight of her lacy bra, taking all words from his mind.  David slide her shirt down her shoulders and it fell to the floor.  They both stood, shaking, for a moment, just looking each other up and down.  It was Rachel, who made the first move.  Stepping forward, she closed the distant between them, and pressed her DDD’s to his chest, her erect nipples poking through the lacy bra, and into his thin t-shirt.  Rachel wrapped her arms around David’s neck and kissed him deeply, their tongues dancing in each other’s mouths, as she ran her tiny fingers into his salt and pepper hair.

David had no more self-control, as he scooped her into his arms, and held her kiss.  He carried her to the bed and lowered Rachel onto its’ fluffy softness, never losing her tasty lips, and lowered himself down, beside her.  He wanted to take his time and explore every inch of his Kitten, and hoped to have time to do so, but now was about following AJ’s plan, and giving Rachel everything she craved.  David kissed his way down her valley, to her waistline.  He unfastened her pants and starting sliding them down her hips.  Rachel let out a whimper, causing his cock to throb and strain further, in his jeans.  She lifted her hips, as he slide her pants down, her lace covered pussy, mere inches from his face, the intoxicating scent of her arousal, heavy in the air.  David took a step back and looked Rachel up and down, trying to burn her every curve, into his memory.  She looked so damn sexy and exposed!  She laid there, her chest rapidly rising and falling, her DDD’s calling to him through their lace prison.  His eyes traveled down, to her imprisoned sex mound, hiding sheepishly, behind more lace.  David could see Rachel’s love juices, glistening in the light, on her delicate mound, and milky thighs, and it called to him.  Every inch of Rachel’s body was begging for David’s touch!

Rachel was startled by the sudden loss of David’s attention, and opened her lust filled eyes.  Why wasn’t he touching her?  Did he change his mind?  Panic raced through her, once again, as she searched her play toys’ eyes with hers.  He was just looking down, at her, and it confused her.  Rachel sat up and covered herself, with a nearby pillow, hiding her body, in one swift movement.  Her actions broke David from his trance, and panic ran through his mind.  Was she changing her mind?  He had to have her and couldn’t stop now.  He sat down on the bed, behind her, and gently massaged her back, as he spoke softly to her, “Rachel.  My sexy and sweet Rachel.  We don’t have to do anything, if you don’t want to.  I care, a lot, about you, and don’t want to lose you.  We can just change and go back to the party.”  He planted a series of kisses along her shoulder, following the strap of her bra, as he gently spoke to her.  She tasted so good and he couldn’t stop himself.  She squirmed, under his kisses, and goosebumps appeared, all over her skin.  Rachel reached behind her and tangled her hand in his hair, holding his mouth to her skin.  She was arching her back, every time his lips met her skin, whimpers of lust, escaping from her pouty lips.  

Rachel heard a small sound and her eyes fluttered open.  She froze, in fear, as she saw her husbands’ reflection in the full length mirror.  AJ had entered the room and was watching the lustful scene unfold before him.  His face was a terrifying mix of anger and lust.  Rachel’s eyes drifted downward and she saw that AJ had his hard cock, in his hand, and was slowly, yet forcefully, sliding his hand up and down his swollen shaft, never taking his eyes off his wife and her wanton display of lust.  Rachel and AJ locked eyes, as David continued his feathery kisses on her shoulder and reached around her, to knead and grope her heavy DDD’s.  She heard AJ let out a soft growl at the new attention she was getting from David, and AJ slightly increased his slow tugging of his pleasure pole.  He gave Rachel a firm nod, as if once again, granted her permission, and shifted his eyes to David’s lusty assault.  It was all she needed, to lose herself in her new play toy, and Rachel’s pussy blazed into a 2-alarm fire!

Rachel spun around on David, shoving him back against the hotel headboard.  She climbed on top of him, straddling his raging hard on, lace and jeans separating the fire between them.  She startled David, when she grabbed him, forcefully, by the throat, and stared into his eyes.  Her stunning blue eyes had glazed over, and David could only see lust and desire, as she looked at him.  His “Kitten” had changed into a full blown tigress, on the prowl for cock, and starving.  He swallowed, hard, and wondered if he could handle he intense desires.  Rachel didn’t give him time to think, as she ripped his t-shirt off his chest.  It lay, in tattered scraps, around his shoulders and ribs.  He was powerless against her.  She kissed and nibbled all along his exposed chest, with a hunger none of them had ever seen.  She was so lust driven, with her movements, that both men felt their cocks swell further, and leak heavy streams of pre cum, down their rigid shafts.  Rachel was at David’s waist now, and getting frustrated with the uncooperative button in her way.  David slipped his hands down and made easy work, of the frustrating jeans, unfastening them and slipping them off, in one slick movement.  He cock strained against his boxer briefs as her face hovered above.  She could see the wet spot, from his per cum, soaking his boxers, and her mouth watered.  Rachel had a weakness, for pre cum, and her mouth wasted no time, closing around the wet spot, and his throbbing cock head beneath.  She worked his cock, with her tongue, through the thin boxers, moaning with each new deposit of wetness, her lace covered ass, waving at AJ with her efforts.  AJ could see her excitement, trailing down her thighs, and increased his stroking pace.  He couldn’t believe his wife looked so hot, tonguing another man’s cock!

Rachel yanked on David’s waistband, indicating she wanted his boxers gone, as she lifted her face from his groin.  David was nearing his limit, and floated dangerously, on the verge of cuming.  He wanted to hold out and give her all the she desired, but he was just so hot, and hungry!  He did as requested, and quickly removed his boxer briefs, throwing them across the room.  Rachel didn’t miss a beat and had wrapped her soft lips around his cock, before he had a chance to toss the hated jeans.  He let out a deep moan as her lips slid down his shaft.  Her mouth was everything he had imagined and more.  It had a velvety wetness that enveloped him, and the whole world disappeared as her lips slid up and down, taking more of him, with each stroke.  David thought she would stop, when he felt the head of his swollen cock, bump against her gag reflex, but Rachel simply took and deep breath, let out a low moan, and slide further down, until her nose nuzzled his sensitive skin.  David had never had anyone take all of his cock before and the sensations were overwhelming, as he felt her breath on his groin.  She milked his pole, with her constant movements of her tongue, coaxing stream after stream, of gooey pre cum, into her talented tongue.  He was going to lose it!  Her mouth kept working his cock with a skill he had only read about.  His whole body was trembling with her every move.

Sensing that David was about to cum, she pulled her mouth off his cock with a loud “POP”.  Rachel didn’t speak, but spun around, in reverse cowgirl position, and mounted his throbbing cock.  She rubbed his swollen head at her entrance, coating it in her excitement.  AJ made them both jump when he spoke, “Here it comes, David.  Brace yourself!  She is tight as hell, and can work her pussy better than her mouth!”  Rachel looked into her husbands’ eyes as she lowered herself onto David’s cock, her eyes lost to her increasing lust.  She didn’t stop until her pelvic bone hit his and then she paused, adjusting to the hard invader inside her.  AJ quickened his strokes on his own cock as his wife began rocking on another man’s cock.  He was more excited than he ever imagined and suddenly remembered his phone.  With his free hand, AJ pulled his phone, from his pocket, and began recording the scene before him.  It was the hottest thing he had ever seen and wanted to be able to watch it again later.  Rachel and David didn’t see AJ start recording them, as she was moving with more urgency now.  She had to feel David cum!  She NEEDED to feel him cum.  Rachel had already experienced several small orgasms, during her short time savoring David’s cock, but she could feel a big one, building inside her, and was desperate for release.  Her pussy muscles throbbed and clamped around his cock, milking his load to the surface, torturing David with every stroke.  Her pace, quickening again, as she felt him swell and her pussy pulsing around him.  David was now lifting his hips, pushing back against her, driving his cock deeper, inside her velvety softness.  The head of his cock, slamming against her g spot, was making Rachel lose her mind.  Her entire body was tied to her pussy now, and all the sensations coming from it.    They were both soaked in their combined juices and the air was thick with all of the sounds.  David was letting out grunts now, his entire focus on holding out for her.  Rachel was moaning and whimpering, with every stroke.  Sounds of AJ groaning and yanking on his cock, rattled through her ears, cheering her on.  It was too hot for words and they were all on the edge of cuming.

AJ could take no more and stepped up to the bed, grabbing Rachel by the chin, as she rode her new play toy.  He turned her face to him and pressed his cock to her mouth, rubbing his pre cum on her lips.  He knew she would not protest, and she opened her mouth, swallowing his entire cock, in one swift move.  David continued to pound her pussy, as Rachel worked her husbands’ cock, moaning with every stroke, her moaning cheering on David and vibrating AJ’s sensitive shaft.  Rachel couldn’t take anymore, as her orgasm swept over her, shaking her entire body, gripping David’s cock in a tight vice.  Her orgasm was then end, for both men, and AJ gave a final thrust, in her mouth, and shot load after load of sticky cum down her throat.  Rachel never missed a beat and swallowed each stream, never wasting a drop.  David cried out, at the incredible scene, and thrust hard into Rachel, as his first streams of stickiness sprayed her g spot, attempting to put out the raging fire within her.  She was just coming down from her wave of pleasure, when David released his first wave of cum and it sent Rachel rocketing back into orgasm, her body convulsing with pleasure.  Both men held her up, as she screamed out in pleasure, and the room went black.

Rachel opened her heavy eyes and looked around the room.  She was confused and it took her a moment to realize where she was.  She had no idea how long she had been out but the suite was softly lit by a lamp on the other side of the room and it was dark outside.  She raised up on a weak elbow, and looked around the room.  She was alone and naked.  Rachel reached for her phone, as she heard the suite lock disengage and the room door open.  She was greeted with David and AJ, walking in, laughing, and carrying some fast food bags.  She smiled at her sexy men and they both smiled back.  “Well look who’s FINALLY awake, David!” her husband said, as he sat a bag of food in front of her on the bed.  “How long was I out? Why did you guys not wake me?” she asked, poutiness in her voice.  “You looked so beautiful, we couldn’t wake you.” David said as he leaned in and kissed her quickly and softly.  AJ leaned in kissed her harder, rougher, and with more urgency.  It took Rachel’s breath away.  “You needed your rest, my cock starved wife.  The night is still young.  We only let you sleep an hour, anyway.  Eat!” AJ commanded her, “We are just getting started.  David flies out tomorrow afternoon, and we aren’t going to waste a minute of it!”  Rachel took a bite of her sandwich, and felt the puddle forming between her naked legs, her pussy sizzling with her growing excitement.  This was going to be ONE HELL OF A NIGHT, she thought to herself, as she saw her sexy firemen pull off their pants and expose their semi erect cocks, in front of her….. ONE HELL OF A NIGHT INDEED!       


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The Convent

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The Game Chapter Three

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My wifes first taste of cunt

This happened in 1983.My wife, Donna, used to do manual work in a kitchen at the local hospital. 1983 she was 22 years old and worked in a virtually all female environment. This particular day she’d finished her shift at 2:30pm, as she walked down to the changing room she was joined by another girl, Jan, also 22 slim and had long blonde hairAs you can imagine three girls all cackling away, laughing and joking, in a smallish changing room. Donna had opened her locker and taken off her overall,...

3 years ago
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The Touch Ch 13

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. Chapter 13: Concerts and Gigs The following week was shaping up to be a busy one for me. Emma had managed to completely clear the old stock room where Debbie and I had enjoyed our spontaneous shag and on Monday, Maggie and I put on old overalls and gave the room a coat of emulsion, painted the woodwork and brought an old carpet down from the...

3 years ago
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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 7

Monday evening arrived and Kevin and Denise went to the school for the governors’ meeting. School officials expected a large group attending and set the meeting up in the auditorium. The auditorium was packed, almost completely filled with parents; close to three-quarters of the parents had shown up. The head teacher, Mr Hanford, opened the meeting. “Good evening, parents, thank you for coming. I’m not surprised at the large turnout and we would have had a larger turnout except for the...

3 years ago
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Tepins Muse Hetero EditionChapter 3 Infatuation

By the time they had reached the Krell barracks again, the sunlamps had turned off entirely, the torus lit only by the yellow glow of lights that were made to resemble streetlamps. Tepin appreciated the twilight, simulating day and night like this must help enormously with the sleep cycles of the crew. There was nothing more disorienting than not knowing what time of the day it was, and trying to sleep in the glare of bright lights. His time aboard the Teth’rak’s Fang had taught him that all...

2 years ago
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Driven Ch 02

The two men were sitting at the kitchen table still drinking, when Katie emerged from the bathroom. They watched her enter the kitchen and then stop short when she saw them. She was clutching her bundled clothing in both hands in front of her. She looked freshly scrubbed and they could smell the aroma of soap. ‘Oh,’ she stammered. ‘I, ah, just needed my bag to put my clothes in.’ She walked quickly over to it and knelt down, stuffing her bundled clothing into it. Reaching up she pulled the...

3 years ago
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That Summer

That summer... By Debry (2009) It was a Friday on a summer afternoon and I had two weeks to be a gurl... so I proceeded to prepare the bathtub and I left the water running but not after adding some essence and while the water was ready I was applying the hair removal to my body. I expended some time just enjoying myself and thinking about the next two weeks. I got out of the bathtub and after draying my body I slide my satin pink chemise and put on my pink panties... the feeling of...

2 years ago
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Our Path to Husband Swapping Part 2

The next week Stacy and I talked a few times. Turns out they had a similar experience when they got home. Tom couldn’t wait till he took their babysitter home, so Stacy blew him in their car.At home, Stacy was waiting for Tom to fuck her before they could ever get upstairs to their bedroom. She told me they had their best sex since before their baby was born. Stacy said she really enjoyed flirting with Sam and would like to do it again. I brought up the idea that maybe we should try making out...

Wife Lovers
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Didnt mean to go so far

I’ll start by telling you about how my husband and I, married for over 12 years, had begun to spice up our sex life in a few – well, unusual ways… It started with him suggesting that I be a bit more flirtatious at work, and then tell him about it. Now I have pretty big tits and I think I’m hot for a 47 year old woman! All the guys like me at work, and I’ve had more than my share of passes me at me, but now my hubby was encouraging me to return the favor! I had never been unfaithful to my...

4 years ago
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Transformations A Love Story Part 3

Month 5... Over the last month, Andy had made big strides to come to grips with his developing feminine shape. But during their private sessions, he admitted to Erin that he was still extremely self-conscious about hiding his shape in public... but around Dani he was more comfortable. While comfort at home around his loving and supporting wife was easy, from a psychiatric perspective, Erin knew that Andy had to progress outside of the house. The physical changes were increasing and...

3 years ago
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He shows it to his sister in Law

Whenever we are in town, we always like to see Sissy when we can. Holly is a gorgeous brunette with 36c tits and an ass to die for. Her big sister Sissy is a hot blonde with 38d's and is just a bit taller We had a very nice room and Sissy was going to stop by and smoke some with us. She had called and was running behind, but wanted to know if it was still ok to stop by (it was getting late and we were almost ready for bed). Holly told her "sure, come on up". I was in bed when the knock at the...

3 years ago
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Pati Fauj Me Biwi Mauj Me 8211 Part 1

Hi, pornasaxena ki ek aur story apke liye. Patience rakh ke padhiyega. Ye mere ek khash female friend ki sacchi kahani hai, jise email me usne bataya. Mujhe acchhi lagi to mai ise apne bhasha me apko batane wala hu. Roshan ko school se lekar ke ghar ayi to pasine se meri saree tak bheeg chuki thee. News me ab cuttack ka temp 43 degree bata raha tha. Maine apne sare kapde khol kar bed pe fenki aur sower me ghus gayi. Nahate huye jab mere hath mere chuchiyo ko saf karne gaye to mere badan ki...

2 years ago
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The Intern Ch04

The Intern. Ch.04.When I pulled into the drive and stopped the car Yvonne immediately got out and stood waiting for me next to the car. I was in no rush so took my time in following her. I walked slowly round to her side and looked her up and down. She looked back at me uncertainly. The sun was starting to get low on the horizon and it painted the world in warm hues of red and orange. “Strip,” I ordered her. She stared at me open-mouthed. She was beginning to annoy me with her hesitations and I...

2 years ago
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Wells College and its First Males

Wells College and its First Males In real life, Wells College will admit males as students in the fall of 2005. 136 years of tradition will bite the dust. I have no ties to Wells College. This story is a work of pure fiction. No buildings mentioned here exist at Wells College at the time of this writing. No people or animals were hurt in the writing of this tale. Beware of my use of historical characters in slightly different roles. See if you can spot them all. I am side stepping here....

3 years ago
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Food Taster Day

The next morning she gets up at 8 am to make sure she gets there on time. She goes and takes a shower and masturbates her pussy until she was at her climax and wanted to cum. She gets out of the shower and gets ready for the taster day. When she got ready it was half-past 8, she decided that she would wear a skirt with no underwear so she could masturbate as much as she wanted during the day. On the top half of her body, she wore a bra and a crop-top even though it was something she did not...

3 years ago
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The Camping Trip

At this point we both had worked at least part of every day for the past 3 weeks. We were missing each other from being tired or just working different schedules for 3 weeks. We were talking about how we could get away from both of our offices where they couldn’t reach us. LOL When we came up with the idea of a primitive camping trip, way of the grid someplace where cell phones couldn’t find us. I had a commercial van I had used for deliveries on a...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 26

My hospital stay lasted three days. Catherine and her crew stayed with me the entire time. I am certain that the hospital staff got tired of the number of armed agents watching their every move. Catherine devoted herself to helping me with everything from getting in and out of bed, to dealing with things like the shower and dressing. By the time I had healed enough to travel, we were all deathly sick of that place. After I was examined, shot full of antibiotics, discharged, and given a...

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