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It was cold as fuck.

Pewter gray clouds scudded in from the west, moving low and fast as I stood in line for the bus at the Greyhound terminal in Des Moines, Iowa. Dawn bloomed as a small ball of muted yellow, cowering underneath the stratus. I huddled inside my winter coat, the hood shielding my head, my hands pulled up inside the sleeves, trying to keep to a minimum my exposure to the chilly morning air.

My belongings were in the backpack next to me.

I was twenty years old.

The bus driver motioned me forward. As he took my ticket I looked back along the line of seats, scanning for a large unused space at the back of the bus where I could put down my pack, kick back and stretch out.

The bus driver returned my ticket to me and gestured half-heartedly to the back of the bus. I wrestled my backpack awkwardly down the center aisle of the bus, looking for a place large enough for me and my stuff. All I wanted to do was throw my pack onto a seat and lean my head against the window and let the vibration of the glass against my head numb me into an uneasy sleep until I arrived in Minneapolis.

I walked the length of the bus. No empty rows of chairs. Everyone had taken the window seat in their own row. Someone had laid out on the very back bus seat and appeared to be sleeping. In order to sit down I was going to have to take a seat next to someone.


A kid bobbing his head to the beat on his Walkman sat in the seat in front of the sleeping figure. I resigned myself to sitting next to him.

“You wanted to sit back here, didn’t you?”

I turned and looked down at the person who had laid down in the back seat. A young woman met my gaze. She appeared lost in the thick oversized hoodie she wore. The hood covered half her face.

“I did the same thing,” she told me. “I wanted the back of the bus all to myself. But someone else was here, some old guy. So I had to sit in the seat up front, next to that kid listening to Zepplin on his Walkman, until the old guy got off the bus. When he did I took the back of the bus over. I didn’t want to take any more chances. I’m sorry. It was rude of me.”

I didn’t know what else to add. “It’s okay,” I said. I flung my pack onto the racks above and prepared to sit.

“You can sit here,” she said. “Next to me. If you want. I mean, it’s a free country.” She looked down and away, toward the cheap ripped plastic of the upholstery.

I’d made her feel awkward. Now I had to decide between acting on my guilt and sitting next to her, and my desire to sit by myself and turn off my brain for the next four to five hours.

Guilt won.

I sat down next to her. She kept her gaze averted from me, and I assumed she still felt awkward about our initial encounter.

“I don’t mind,” I told her. “I wouldn’t mind somebody to talk to either. It’s gonna be a long trip.”

She turned toward me, smiling brightly. “Yay! I love to talk!”

I didn’t love to talk.

I couldn’t figure out if she was conventionally attractive or not. Her body was fully camouflaged by her gigantic hoodie and a long, loose, colorful skirt. Her wide, over-eager eyes took up all the focus when I looked at her face, locking onto my sporadic eye contact like a tractor beam. Her nose looked red and raw, as if she was recovering from a cold. Her full lips were pocked with ragged skin, chapped and peeling.  

I tried to picture here dressed nicely, with makeup, and minus the redness and chapping.

I really didn’t want to spend the day talking to her if she was unattractive.

I was twenty years old.

I sat down next to her.

She said, “I gotta admit, I saw you walk onto the bus and hoped you’d come back here. I’m glad you did.”

I shrugged off the compliment, not wanting to get overly involved.

“I was just looking for a place to sit,” I told her.

“So sit,” she said. I realized I’d offended her again. I hated when women were angry with me.

“Where are you going?” I asked her. I tried to sound friendly. Friendlier, anyway.


“Well, yeah, but where in Minnesota?”

“Owatona.” The observation that she was only giving me one word answers was not lost on me. “You?”

At least it was a question. I told her, “I’m going to Minneapolis. I have a friend there. Gonna live on their couch for awhile.” It was a true statement, strictly speaking, but it left out most of the important details. The gender of the friend remained conveniently hidden.

“Are you moving there?”

“I dunno. Yeah. Maybe.” I didn’t know what I was going to do.

“Well, it’s a nice city. Lotsa good music.”

The conversation lapsed. A few more people entered the bus and took their seats, none of them near us. The driver closed the folding front doors, started up with a wheeze of diesel, and shifted into gear. The bus lurched out of its bay in the Greyhound terminal and onto the slushy surface streets of Des Moines, Iowa. Within five minutes we’d merged onto Interstate 35, headed north.

Minneapolis was six hours away.

We were out of downtown Des Moines within minutes. The suburbs disappeared behind us within a half an hour, and rolling, snow-covered hills stretched to the horizon in every direction. I’d grown up in that landscape, and had always found it repetitive and dull, the monotonous conformity of the scenery a perfect match for the people who chose to live there.

Or so I thought. I was twenty years old.

“My uncle lives in Owatona,” she said. “He got me a job at Dunkin Donuts. I’ll have to pay him a little rent, but not much. It’s a small town. I can save money, stay out of trouble this time, figure out what I want to do next.”

My interest perked up a little. “You were in trouble?”

She laughed, loudly enough for others to turn around.

“Oops, sorry.” She laughed again anyway. “Yeah, I was in a little trouble.” She paused, waiting for me to ask what kind of trouble.

“What kind of trouble?” I had nothing else to do.

“Whaddaya got?” she said, laughing again. “Sorry. Again. That’s from an old movie. I dunno what happened. It doesn’t matter, you don’t care.”

I didn’t want her to think that. “Try me,” I said.

“Okay. I saw a dead guy.”

“You saw a dead guy.”

“Yep. I saw a dead guy.”

“Did you kill him?”

“No.” She laughed again. I was beginning to recognize she laughed a lot. “The guy next door got shot. By his girlfriend or his wife or somebody. We were partying in my apartment, next door.”


“Me and Dolph and Joanie and Tim. Dolph’s my boyfriend. WAS my boyfriend. Joanie and Tim are just friends. And we were partying, like I said. Nothing hardcore: just booze and weed. And we heard a gunshot.”

“What did it sound like?”

“What do you think? It sounded like a gunshot.” Another laugh. “We all look at each other. And we’re buzzed enough to think that going over there to check it out is a good idea. So we do.”

“That doesn’t sound smart.”

“We walk over there, Dolph pounds on the door, pretty hard, because there’s music and TV playing loud in there. The door swings open. Just like in a horror movie. We walk in. The whole place reeks of booze. Weed too, but mostly booze—I find out later it’s because there’s a broken bottle of Crown Royal on the floor of the bathroom. I mean, like, why bring liquor into a bathroom?”

“It doesn’t sound like they were thinking too clearly.”

“It gets worse. WAY worse. First, Dolph stops and says, ‘I smell gunpowder.’ Dolph wasn’t exactly a smart guy, but he knew guns. I knew what we’d find the second he said that, and I was right. We turned the corner into the living room and there’s the dead guy, face down in a puddle of blood. Dolph goes over there right away, he’s a hunter, he’s the most comfortable with this kinda stuff. He takes the dead guy’s pulse, looks at me and shrugs his shoulders. Joanie and Tim go over. I just watch them standing over the body, talking. And after the shock wears off everything just seems so normal. Someone lights up a cigarette. They start talking about football. Fucking football. And I realize how quickly all this became ordinary. Weed and booze. Blood and glass. Guns and murder. And I hear the TV and the radio from the other side of the wall and I want to scream at those assholes to turn it down, and realize it’s my own apartment. My radio, my TV making all that noise. I’m the asshole I wanna yell at.”

“That sounds rough.” My sympathies beginning to kick in, against my will.

“Eventually someone calls 911, we go back to my place. Same smell of weed and booze in there—we open a window to air the place out before the cops show up. They show up, ask their questions, they smell the weed, they don’t care. We state partying again as soon as they leave. And about one in the morning Dolph gets up off the couch, and he stops, like, trying to regain his balance, he’s really fucking drunk. He stands there, absolutely still, like a telephone pole, for what seems like forever.

“He leans back, he leans forward, like he’s being blown by some invisible wind. Then he falls straight forward. His head slams hard right into the TV. Bone against glass, POW! And it’s loud! The screen cracks. It’s not one of those thin screen things, this was a big-ass cathode tube TV.

“I’m too scared to move. Another dead guy. After a really long pause, Tim checks Dolph’s pulse. Tim shrugs his shoulders just like Dolph did, back in the other room. And it’s like the same moment all over again. TV and music on at the same time, playing loud, the smell of weed and booze everywhere. And some guy who might be dead on the floor.

“I just got up and walked out. Fuck it. Didn’t even wait to see if he was okay. I got a text later that he was fine. By then I’d already taken all my money outta the bank and bought my bus ticket.

“If I hadn’t seen the dead guy I wouldn’t be here now.”


“Dolph?” I asked.


“His name was Dolph? Your boyfriend? Weird name is all.”

“Tell me about it. No, his real name was Ted, but he hated it. He looked a little like an actor we saw in a movie once. Dolph Lungren. You’ve probably never heard of him.”

“Sure I have. I Come in Peace!”

Together, and with surprising precision, we said, “And you go in pieces!” We both started laughing. The laugh felt genuine, and refreshing.  

Our laughter ebbed.

“He sounds like a dick,” I offered.

“He was kind of a dick,” she admitted.

The silence that followed deepened into introspection. Empty white fields slid past us at fifty-five miles an hour, broken stalks breaking through the snow like the buildings of a ruined city. Nothing loomed on the horizon except a farmhouse and three grain silos, clustered together, as if huddling together from the cold. I leaned my forehead against the ice-frosted glass of the window.

The kid in front of us opened his Walkman, flipped the cassette to side two, closed it, and hit ‘play.’ The opening notes of Led Zepplin’s “Houses of the Holy” sounded through his tinny earphones.

“So why are you on this bus?” she asked me.

I kept my eyes trained on the landscape outside. “I thought I told you. Gonna stay on someone’s couch for awhile.” I didn’t think the situation required any more explanation.

“That’s one of those answers that’s really just a bunch more questions, pretending to be an answer.”


“You’re gonna stay on someone’s couch, right?”

I nodded, without turning around. I didn’t want to talk. I felt a headache beginning to creep up on me.

“Whose couch? For how long? Why? What’s wrong with your couch?”

I might have answered the first question or two. All those questions posed at once left me weary and overwhelmed. I didn’t respond, or even react much.

“Your kind of a dead guy yourself, huh?”

I didn’t expect that. “Whaddaya mean?”

“You don’t say much. You don’t do much. You don’t even seem to listen.”

“I listen.” I did listen.

“Prove it. What did I say?”

“Your boyfriend’s name is Dolph. Someone got shot in the apartment next to you. You and Dolph went inside and found a dead guy.”

“Mostly. Actually what I was thinking was that we were all dead already. A room full of dead people. But, close enough.”

Whew. Dodged a bullet.

“So, again. Why are you going to Minneapolis?”

She wasn’t going to give up, and Minneapolis was still five hours away.

I lifted my forehead from the glass. “Okay. Okay.”

“Yay!” Her tone was light, but she studied my face intently as she said it.  

“That thing you said about everything seeming normal?” I began.


“Well, it’s kinda like that.”

Silence. I wasn’t sure any more explanation was necessary. I felt a heaviness invade my limbs. I felt very tired. Tears welled up from someplace inside me, though I had no idea why.

She noticed. She touched my arm.

I didn’t feel like talking. Or at least I didn’t think I felt like talking. Because, when she reached out and touched my arm, the words came pouring out. “I live with my parents. I work at the Hy Vee. When my shift is over I come home to my parents, to the same place I’ve lived for twenty years. The Hy Vee is the place I used to go get candy from when I was a little kid. Everything is the same as everything else. One day blends into the next. Nothing changes.”

She put her hand on my knee. “You are changing. You’re on this bus, right now. You’re leaving where you were. You’re moving to Minneapolis, right?”

“I’m gonna stay on a friend’s couch. Not the same thing.”

“Who’s the friend?”

“It’s a long story.”

“We have the time. And you have a captive audience.”

It was a long story, but I wasn’t going to tell it to her. “Old girlfriend.”

“Well that sound’s like it could be comforting.”

It wasn’t an old girlfriend. It was one of my friends from high school. Not even that good of a friend. Just someone I knew from back in the day. I knew his couch was free, I knew he’d be willing to let me stay as long as I wanted. Nothing too bad, nothing too good. Just another day. Normal. It would all seem normal.

Just two dead guys, hanging out together.

Other things that seemed normal in the past few weeks: Going to work drunk. Losing my job. Getting kicked out of my parent’s house. Going to a friend’s house and getting kicked out of there too. Sleeping by the river. Waking up cold and wet, shivering and covered with chigger bites. Bumming change for food. Stealing the money for bus fare from my Mom’s purse.

I’m not sure why I told her I was visiting an old girlfriend.

I was twenty years old.

She pressed against me without pretense, leaning in to kiss me. I felt her lips pressed against mine. My mind fed me an unbidden image of her lips when I’d first met her, chapped and unappealing. I thought about that image during the kiss. I wish I’d felt more. I wish I felt anything. Mostly what I felt was, what do I do now? How do I get out of this?

“Why did you kiss me?” I asked her, when she’d broken the kiss.

“You looked sad.”

“I’m not sad,” I told her. I wasn’t sad. Not exactly.

“Did you enjoy it?”

I didn’t know. I didn’t know how to explain to her that I didn’t feel much of anything. Everything felt like everything else; it was difficult to tell the difference. Things blended together until it was all the same.

I marveled at her ability to put it all out there: talk to some stranger out of the blue, offer a seat, tell him some extremely personal details about your life, then kiss him, like an hour into talking to them. And then ask if they enjoyed it.

Part of me pitied her for the ease with which she opened up.

Most of me was envious.

How did she do that?

“Don’t be a dead guy,” she told me. “You’re so cut off. But you don’t need to be. You’re not a dead guy. Don’t act like it. Please?”

It was her “please” that stirred me. I did not expect it to. The air in the bus was cold, and there must have been six layers of clothes between her skin and mine. I felt numb to the world.

And yet: my cock stirred. Not much. My genitals were shrunken and shriveled, a reaction to the temperature and my own tangled thoughts. But that gentle, earnest “please” reached back to someplace inside me I’d considered unreachable. The head of my cock began to tingle with a familiar energy, my balls began to loosen and drop.  

My body knew things about me that I did not.

I was not a dead guy.

I told her so by sliding my palm behind her neck and pulling her toward me. The lips I’d seen before as chapped and rubbery now appeared full and soft and flushed with desire.

I closed my eyes to my surroundings: the cheap ripped Naugahyde seats, the cold glass of the window, the empty, frigid landscape sliding past outside.

I kissed her.

Nearly all of the other non-familial kisses in my life had been straightforward—the fumblings in the back seats of cars and my own boyhood bedroom, the tussle on couches in darkened family rooms, the end-of-date ‘I had a nice time’ leans forward. Simple motivations, concrete goals.

This felt different. As I surrendered to my feelings and my tongue entered her warm invitation of her mouth, I felt like I was leaping into the unknown, at the request of some newly-found, poorly understood faith.

I slid my hands inside the folds of her thick hoodie and was rewarded with her generous curves and warm skin pressing against my palms. I moved my hands up her body, her skin radiating heat and desire. As my fingers discovered her breasts, I felt her torso twist in pleasure, a bird-like cry escaping from her throat and into the warm comforting cave of my mouth.    

She wore no bra. I brought my thumb and forefinger up to her nipples and began to roll them softly between my fingertips. She moaned, and disengage from the kiss, bringing her lips to my ear.

“Oh God yes, I love that,” she whispered, biting the lobe of my ear.

My cock sprung instantly erect. Just as that first kiss from her had awakened embers I didn’t know were smoldering, her teeth on my ear caused flames to leap from the same banked fire.

Her hand slid up the leg of my jeans, she cupped and fondled my painfully stiff erection.

“Ooh, I love to feel you get hard,” she whispered. “It’s so hot.”

I opened my eyes, surveying the seats around us. “We can’t do this. There’s someone sitting right in front of us. They’ll hear.”

She laughed. “He’s got headphones on. It’s so loud you can hear it from here.” I paused, looked to the Walkman in his lap, the opening three-note strings-and-guitar salvo of Zepplin’s “Kashmir” leaking full-blast from the earbuds—duh duh dunt, duh duh dunt—as he nodded his head enthusiastically to the beat. He wasn’t going to hear anything.    

Her tongue explored my ear. I pulled on her nipples; she gripped my cock and squeezed and a rush of blood tumbled through my weary veins. It was my turn to squirm and moan. I reached my fingertips out to contain more of her heat, massaging her breasts as she unzipped my pants and took my hardness in her hand.

“I need to suck your big hot cock,” she exhaled.

Her words struck me like a hot poker against my skin; I’d never heard a woman talk like that before. So free, so unfettered, a bird with outstretched wings, a fish leaping from ice-choked waters. 

How did she do that?

How could I learn?   

She fell to her knees, hiding behind the seat in front of us, and took me in her mouth.

I closed my eyes and leaned back into the complaining spring coils of the seat cushion.

Her tongue fluttered against the underside of my cock, where my nerves were bunched and crowded and firing wildly in response. I accepted that my body knew things I did not, and let my body take over. Her hand snaked down to the hem of her voluminous skirt, and disappeared behind the fabric as she bit her lip and sighed.  The scent of her pussy filled the cold air around me.

She took the head of my cock fully into her mouth. All I felt was her tongue and lips on my skin, all I heard was the tinny sound of Zepplin through the earphones of the kid who sat in front of us, oblivious. Duh duh dunt, duh duh dunt, went the rising beat, and I swear I could feel my heart pound in rhythm with the song, my pulse speeding to keep up.

She played with my balls as she took me deeper into the silky insides of her mouth. Duh duh dunt, duh duh dunt. I felt my cock pushing at her throat. Duh duh dunt, duh duh dunt. My balls began to feel heavy, sparks rose from somewhere deep inside me; I knew I wouldn’t last much longer. Duh duh dunt, duh, duh dunt.

As if reading my mind, she pulled back, my hard length reappearing from the warm paradise of her mouth. She took me in her fist and squeezed hard. I moaned loudly enough for others on the bus to hear me. Even the kid in front of us listening to Led Zepplin half turned toward us.

She smiled. “It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?” She let her tongue loll, teasing me. “You’re so close,” she whispered. She leaned inches away from my now throbbing hardness. I could feel her breath on every tingling nerve as she cooed, “I want to taste your cum on my lips,” and suddenly I was ready to explode, her words like a riding crop. I thrust my cock back between her lips and pushed hard.      

Duh duh dunt, duh duh dunt.

She took me all in, she didn’t choke, didn’t falter, she just opened wider, her lips engulfing me.

Duh duh dunt, duh duh dunt.

Her whole mouth seemed to squeeze against me tightly, milking me, pulling at me.

Duh duh dunt, duh duh dunt.

 I felt a my cock jerk and quiver, warmth spread from my balls outward and suddenly I was cumming, cumming hard, hot jets of my stuff leaping down her throat as she continued to suck and squeeze, her eyes bright, her face flushed and eager.

I emptied myself into her mouth, four or five or six endless and uncontrolled spasms, before my rapture subsided, leaving me exhausted, my chest heaving. I sank back into the springs of the seat.

I opened my eyes.

She still kneeled on the floor, head between my knees, a wicked grin painting her face, a trickle of cum leading from her lower lip. Her entire body shivered, soundlessly, as she joined me in orgasm, eyes open, mouth agog. Her hand reappeared from beneath her skirt. She pulled herself of the floor and sat again next to me, her grin morphing into a satisfied smile.

“Mmm, that was nice,” she said.

I responded with sounds that didn’t really resemble words.

“Kiss me,” she commanded, leaning into my face to do so.


I recoiled.

She stopped her movement toward me, looking confused.

“What’s wrong?” she asked me.

“Cum. There’s cum in your mouth.”


“So?” I repeated, stating what seemed obvious to me. “Ew. It’s cum. My cum. I don’t wanna taste my own cum.”

“Why not?”

I struggled to explain what bothered me. “It’s gross. It’s wrong. It’s like, gay.”

She looked offended by my explanation.

I said, “I don’t know. It’s just…ew.”

“It wasn’t so ‘ew’ when I was sucking your cock.” She sounded offended. I didn’t know why. “It wasn’t wrong when you were cumming in my mouth.”

I just looked at her. It was cum. My own cum. Of course I didn’t want to taste it. My memory flashed back to taunting in locker rooms, and the casual, everyday cruelties boys inflict on each other. They taught me to be ashamed of my own body, be afraid of unruly feelings, be constantly on the lookout for anything that painted me as different.

She reached out and touched the side of my face. “Don’t be a dead guy,” she said, not unkindly.

I wanted to wipe her face, erase the rope of cum that clung on to the bottom side of her lip. In another context I might have found it sexy.

Why wasn’t I finding it sexy now?    

“C’mon. Taste yourself,” she said. “Try something new. Learn something. There’s so much world out there. Experience it. Learn what you taste like.”

Insecurities tumbled out of my churning mind. I was about to say “no” one last time, maybe even leave, change seats and hang out with the Zepplin kid in front of us, when my limp cock twitched. I looked to the thin trail of cum on her lips. Another twitch, and a small drop of cum emerged like a curious animal, wary of injury.

My body knew more about me than I did.

 “I’m not going to hurt you,” she said. “No one is going to hurt you.”

I looked into her eyes and hoped she spoke the truth.

I kissed her.

I kissed her, and my cock jumped at the unexpected sensation. The salty tang of my cum bit at my tongue, coating my lips and teeth just as the bleachy acrid smell of it reached my nose, and as I leaned hungrily into her kiss my mind threw me into a clash of memories, a hundred sensual pleasures and confusions: the first exploratory touches of self-discovery, the furtive guilt and unhinged excitement, the bitter seawater mystery scent exploded from my cock as my spunk spewed onto my hand, my stomach, the sheets. I slid my tongue deeper into her comforts, she opened to me, wanted me, accepted me. My cock hardened again, pulsing as I explored her mouth and the nuances of my own taste and texture.

After a long while the kiss subsided. Our lips parted, we pulled unhurriedly away from each other.

“See?” she said. “That wasn’t so bad.”

“It was kinda hot,” I admitted. I wanted to tell her more but could not find words. I met her eyes and saw the simple joy inside them and concluded that I didn’t need to talk. I broke her gaze and looked out onto the frozen landscape beyond. The road signs told me we’d passed from Iowa into Minnesota in the last hour or so. Snow had fallen more heavily here. Smooth white dunes of the stuff piled up in the otherwise vacant fields. When the wind picked up, small whirlwinds of flakes danced in the frigid air.

The world seemed a little larger now.

A mileage sign rushed up in the window, and was past us and gone.

Owatona: 13 miles.

“You’re getting out soon, huh?” I asked her.

“Yeah. Like fifteen minutes.”

“What happens next? Where do you go?”

“I dunno. My uncle is picking me up. Didn’t I tell you this? I’m gonna stay with him for awhile, work at Dunkin, save some money. Then, well, we’ll figure it out.”

“What about Dolph?”

“I don’t care what happens to Dolph.”

“What about me?”

Her look softened. She took my hand. She said, “You get to do whatever you want. Go wherever you wanna.”

“I don’t know where I wanna go.”

She smiled again, and squeezed my hand. “That’s even better. You get to figure out where you wanna go. Decide what you wanna do.”

Ten minutes later the bus pulled off the Interstate and into the Greyhound terminal in the tiny downtown square of Owatonna, Minnesota. The brakes squealed, the bus rolled to a stop.

She gathered her bags from the overhead rack.

“My name’s Tracy,” she said. “Weird we don’t know each other’s names, isn’t it?”

“I’m Les,” I responded. “And it’s no weirder than anything else.”

“Let it be weird,” she said. “Weird is good.”

“When did you get so smart?” I asked her.

She graced me with the gift of one last laugh. “Born this way, I guess.”

She kissed me again, a light peck lacking the passion and mystery of our earlier kisses. Light danced in her eyes, emotions played at the corners of her mouth. Her cheeks flushed with life.

She was beautiful.

I hadn’t thought so only a few hours earlier. I’d not seen her clearly.

It was time to look at the world with new eyes.

She walked down the middle aisle, shot me a quick look as she reached the front door, then stepped off the bus and into the hazy winter air. An older man met her, gave her a hug, and together they walked to his pickup and got in.

She turned one last time and waved, then got in the truck and pulled away, disappearing onto the surrounding grid of country roads and on to the rest of her life.

The bus pulled out of the town square and clamored back onto the Interstate, heading north, toward the cold, the highway unspooling before me like an uncertain promise.  

I was twenty years old.

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Paul wants to expose his former girlfriend and current low-key office mega-slut Alex Blake to everyone. All undercover stud Bruno has to do is fix her car and take her to lunch and she’s soon revealing her whore exploits and deep throating his cock. He hammers her tight wet pussy extremely hard and sexually dominates her like the nasty dumb slut she is then blasts a huge load of cum on her glasses and face. She’s basks in being treated like a bitch until he cruelly reveals that she’s on Shamed...

2 years ago
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Life as a Fembot

She is Doe personal designation Jane. Her body has just been finished, and a panel lies open just below her DD breasts. A cord connects it to a computer and her programming is being uploaded. There's a ding, indicating the installation is complete. Her eyes flutter open and her purpose is clear; she is a...

1 year ago
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Cassia III

Cassia III By: Ryker Several months later, the changes to my body were progressing. When I looked in the mirror I saw more female than male, and my emotions were a mess. No one looking at me would ever think I was a man without looking between my legs, especially with the "all natural" D-cup breasts hanging from my chest. Now it was confirmed my balls and cock have shrunk, just a little bit. I cried myself to sleep the first few nights after I realized it, and Cassia even comforted...

1 year ago
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LadyMan Love pt 3

I found something more last time here in Da Nang, a male who was a female, or trying to be: Bo, who worked in the hotel I stayed at, and she gave me a taste of the future with another – perhaps better person – and indirectly introduced me to a new world, new lovers, my first glory-hole, and a new passionate lifestyle, and I was back for more…. I had left Da Nang last time after having been delayed by a tropical storm for an extra two days, but in those two days I had a whirlwind –or even...

4 years ago
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Heres How I Give a Handjob

Let's go over the title of this piece, shall we? It's how I do it. It's not about how you do it or your girlfriend or your wife or both. Not about how your Aunt Lucy did it or that girl in middle school, what was her name? Now, I consider myself a master masturbator. Every guy I have jacked-off begs for me to do it again and again. It's a sex technique that I dearly enjoy and dearly love to do. I love it all but I love seeing the cum spurt up out of his trembling cock more than...

3 years ago
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I Came Home Early

Earlier this year I came home early from a girl’s night-out. As I came in the house, I could hear the bed creaking. It was a strange noise to hear, I almost didn’t recognise it. But them the penny dropped – It was the noise the bed made when we were having sex.I stood still and listened. What the fuck was going on? There were moans coming from upstairs. As I crept up the stairs I could hear a voice. It was a deep breathless man’s voice " that’s it!, take it slut!, take it!, you love it!, take...

2 years ago
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An Angel for ChristmasChapter 2

Max and Gina had been working together at the coffee shop near the college that they both attended. They had been dating for only a month. But, Gina fell in love with him the night that they had sex for the first time. The last customer had left for the night and they were closing up the coffee shop. Max locked the door and grabbed Gina by the waist. Bringing her to him, he gave her a passionate kiss. His tongue slipped between her lips and she sucked on it. She could feel Max’s cock growing....

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DreamWeaverChapter 16

“Hello?” May said when we called. “Hi, May,” I said, feeling relaxed with a full stomach and Mel playing with my hair and looking at me the way she was. “How are we doing for Christmas?” “Hi, Rand!” she said, sounding pleased. “Everything’s good here. I told Glen you were coming. He didn’t put up quite the fight that I expected. Beth said she’d invited you some time back but hadn’t been sure you were interested in coming. She seemed surprised when I told her I’d talked you into...

3 years ago
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RequitalChapter 6 Early October

Thursday — Couple's Counseling: Couple's Counseling. He'd come to hate the phrase. Lately all he did was sit and listen to a conversation between Barbara and Verne about her latest discoveries about herself and how they related to her infidelity. She'd begun seeing a therapist, a psychologist who was telling Barbara she suffered from insecurity and a lack of self-esteem. They found out she was especially vulnerable after the miscarriage. She'd even occasionally been clinically depressed...

2 years ago
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I Fucked My Elder Sister

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

3 years ago
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Cock fun

We had gone for honeymoon after our marriage to Bombay. We used to see movies and in the evenings sit in public parks. One evening we went to a large Park in the heart of city. all the benches were occupied and there was no vacant bench. On one bench there was a old man sitting with an umbrella in his hands as it was slightly drizzling.We sat on the bench.My hubby was sitting between me and the old man.As soon as we were comfortable, we started caressing each other. My hubby started kissing me...

3 years ago
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Shelter Ch 0204

Chapter 2 Archie wasn’t exactly what you’d call nervous, Ginger thought as she watched him work on Thursday, but he didn’t seem quite right, either. No reason for him to be nervous, was there? He didn’t know he had a date Friday night, even if she did know. So fearing something had happened in the intervening 30 hours, she pulled him aside. ‘You seem … on edge today, Archie. Everything okay? Afraid my friend and I will look so hot tomorrow night that you won’t be able to control your base,...

1 year ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 4 Johnnys StoryChapter 20

Mary had talked to Darcy and was on board for opening factories in the different countries or regions around the world but not to start importing goods made with cheaper labor to the wealthier countries. As I hung up, I found Sophia looking out over the city and I asked, “Are you ready to go?” “Yes, this place is amazing. This room is bigger than my whole house.” “It is a bit much but it lets me relax and not get too worn down as I travel. Why don’t we sit down and talk before we go out...

2 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IChapter 28

Monday, June 7, 2010 Jake sat in the mostly empty courtroom thinking back on the preceding night. They had gone twice more before falling asleep. They had awakened once during the night and made love again. In the morning, she had been tender and walked gingerly. They had barely gotten into Leanne’s car when Kara had announced that she was pregnant. Leanne had turned and glared at him. “I thought you were supposed to be responsible!” “I think you and your daughter need to have a...

2 years ago
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A Dream comes True ch 10

I know this chapter has been a long time in coming, but I've been on a nice overseas holiday and time ran out in getting it put up before I left. Also this chapter had got a little long, so have decided to cut it in two. Ch 11 the continuation of Ch 10 should be up maybe next week. Julian. A Dream comes True Ch10 By Julian Irwin. The soft music didn't seem to work very well. I kept walking up with thoughts of my pending visit to the Doctor playing on my mind. Wonder what he or...

2 years ago
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Floorboards become tattered carpet beneath my fine denier, hosiery-clad feet as I ascend the stairs. Turning left on the half-landing, away from her bedroom I step into a room I've only glimpsed through the open doorway. Nothing secret here; she calls it 'The Music Room', its walls lined with vinyl and CDs. A stereo unit, two-seater sofa and a coffee table the only other furnishings. I peruse the endless spines absorbing the sense of her as I seek revelations amongst her possessions.At random I...

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Michelles Story Part 17

Michelle's Story - Part 17 May had begun with an air of expectation. The Brook family were on the verge of becoming 6. For Liz, the thought of seeing her newborn child was not only precious, but her body would finally get a chance to recover from the 9 months of pregnancy. It would also allow her to go out again, something which her two daughters were keen for her to do. Michael and Emma had been unable to go to any of the shops they liked because Liz was housebound. John had...

1 year ago
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Sperm Donation 3

Two days later Jack received anothercall to return to the clinic. Again hereturned to the non-descript buildingin the industrial park. He went insideand was told to wait once again.After a few minutes of sitting reading amagazine Jack noticed a woman approaching.He immediately noticed it was not Mei thistime but someone different. This woman waswhite and maybe about 30 but still veryattractive. Once he was sure she was comingto him Jack set down his magazine and stoodup."Hello, I'm Karen. You...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Vanna Bardot Gets Naughty With Neighbor

Clad in sweet flowery lingerie, Vanna Bardot gets naughty thoughts spying on her hunky neighbor Ramon Nomar outside her window and starts masturbating. Catching the horny hot tamale pussy fucking herself with a glass dildo, the stud can’t help but pay the auburn-tressed beauty a visit and satiate her hunger with his hard cock. He’s barely through the door when the Penthouse Pet gets down on her knees to give him a blowjob. After passionate standing sex, they move the XXX action to...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 21 How rude

Ayeka stood, slightly stooped over eyes closed, totally out of breath. Slowly, methodically the princess began taking deep 'lung-fulls' of air. Sara, at that moment being the closest to the stairs stood blinking at the young woman's sudden appearance. Glancing then back along the ancient flight to a curious a trail of dust still spiraling, linking the front of the distant house to the top step of the shrine. "Who is that?" Yoshi asked voice brimming with awe, still standing over where...

3 years ago
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Falling Butterflies

A pale blue tablecloth covered the small square café table between them, and Raymond saw one sharp stand up crease running neatly across it, from the corner by his left elbow to the one diagonally opposite. Only later did he notice that another opposite crease, less obvious, ran across the other diagonal. The obverse and the inverse he thought then, when it was too late, two sides of a whole, separated, as the table had separated him and Sally. Sally put her coffee cup down silently in its...

2 years ago
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north Indian housewife in 7 days treatment part 4

There was silence. Ramlal was facing us now and he was holding on to his dick within his underwear and I could clearly make out its position. His underwear was of thin material and I saw his lund was hanging like a big banana. Master-ji: Hmm. What to do then? Madam? I had nothing to say and before I could say anything also Master-ji bowled me over. Master-ji: Okay Ramlal, do one thing. You look at Madam and try to masturbate. Seeing a female should help you. Me: What? Master-ji: Madam, if...

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Princess The Pauper

This is just a quick little ditty that I thought someone might get a kick out of… not to be taken too seriously. ***** Sweetest Princess Juniper, You have stolen my heart, my sweet cherry pie. I love you more than anything in this world. I would give you the stars in the sky. You will taste so good when we finally are together. Love always, Periwinkle ‘He’s so dreamy,’ cooed Princess Juniper, clutching the letter to her substantial bosom. The lovely young princess had long golden hair,...

2 years ago
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Office training

So the intern wants for promoted.The last two week's the sexy little Lou has been hands on hard I mean hands on chest, arm's, hands and brushed tits on passing must say big tits she knows there a chance of a job and she wants it. So on Thursday night I call her into the office to discuss how much she wants the placement "Lou you want the job ,yes!!?" She looks around at my dark office and answers "Yes definitely, no way I would pass this up" sitting back deep breathing mulling it over "Well I...

3 years ago
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BlackmailedChapter 2

Brian and I got Jerome on the couch which was no easy task. My son didn’t say much and he was hard to read. He was no doubt in shock. After we’d put Jerome to sleep, we sat together at the kitchen table. “Look Brian, I’m sorry you had to see that...” “I’m sure!” I ignored his attitude. After all, who could blame him? “Jerome’s really drunk,” I continued. “He was passed out in the bathroom...” “So you decided that was a good time to blow him?” Brian cut in harshly. “Let me finish...

4 years ago
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The Invitation

The Invitation It was a typical Friday evening on the Northern Line; crowded and hot, which in turn lead to the strong smell of sweaty bodies. However Jenny Forrest was completely oblivious to these distractions as she stood in the swaying carriage on her way to the flat in Highgate which she shared with her boyfriend Tony. She was feeling excited and was anxious to tell Tony about the unexpected encounter as she strolled along Bond Street window shopping during her lunch break. She...

1 year ago
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Idolization part 1

[This has been up on my DA for a while, but I kept forgetting till now to upload it here] "Believe in yourself, I'll believe in you, too! We'll make it through to the end, together, me and you!" Rose held the final notes of their song till the last reverberations of the guitars petered out. The remnants of their echoing voices hung in the air over the enraptured crowd until the mass of fans roared into cheer. Rose's lips parted in a genuine smile. As leader of the girl group,...

2 years ago
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Introduction: HE DIDNT REACH WHO HE WAS TRYING TO CALL, BUT HE MET ROXY, WHICH WAS EVEN BETTER! Could I possibly be more irritated? I thought to myself as I thumbed through a stack of porno magazines. I had to get out of this foul mood, and I hoped an erotic story or two would help. I was ready to give up when my cell phone rang. I answered and was caught off guard by the deep young voice on the other end. Is Annie there he asked. Im sorry, but Im afraid you have the wrong number. I said in...

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First Experience With Meera

This is my first story I hope you all Enjoy. I am working in an MNC in Bangalore and this Incident started when I was returning from office in BMTC Volvo one month before. It was a heavy crowded bus, lucky I got a seat after crossing Marathalli Bridge (a place in Bangalore). After few stops a girl (Meera, name changed around 25 age, very hot , Short hair and whitish, Perfect figure little short in height) came and sat beside me (window Side). She was little wet due to rain and she was wearing...

1 year ago
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just a spanking fantasy

………My sassy mouth always seems to get me in trouble.   I am ordered to lower my jeans and panties mid thigh and go to the corner. I must press my nose firmly in the corner and push my bottom out, my back arched.  After 15 mins or so of corner time, I am allowed to pull my panties back up, however, the jeans must stay where they are.  I am then ordered to stand at his right knee for scolding.  Then he gently takes my wrist and lowers me over his lap.  He allows his hand to rest on my shaking...

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After setting my girlfriend/future wife up now numerous times at our place and after swapping girlfriends, with Sergio taking my girlfriend and I taking his in separate rooms at hotels for a couple weekends now, Monique my girlfriend has become more receptive and willing to party with our new friend Sergio and others.. It really helped that whenever we made love and while i was licking her pussy I would always talk up and create erotic fantasy sex stories with Sergio or guys from her work or...

1 year ago
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OOPPSS One year Later

OOPPSS: - One Year On Or OOPPSS: - Destiny Is Not Written. By Maria Ski Hello again dear readers. It's Jennifer here. Time has flown by for me since that fateful night I was caught sneaking in by my mother and that memory is as fresh in my mind as if it were yesterday. But I'm not here to reminisce. I'll leave that to others. I counted to ten slowly, wiping away imaginary dirt from my gown and taking a breath before I started my walk. As I swayed across the courtyard to hushed...

2 years ago
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The Unfaithful Wife

My heart was beating as I walked up the front steps of the house. I went to ring the door bell, but hesitated for a second and looked around. It looked like any other house. Mini-van in the driveway, freshly cut lawn, flowerbeds. Just another piece of suburbia. Slowly, Ireached up and pressed the doorbell.I could hear the bell resonating from inside the house, followed by a pleasant, feminine voice.“Coming,” she yelled from within.A few seconds passed before the door finally opened. Sandhya...

1 year ago
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family Ties

Jack, Betty, Melanie, Dirk, and Daphne, the Hoyt’s: a loving family. Jack and Betty had k**s very young, at 18 to be exact. They were young, stupid and very horny. That sex drive carried from them to their k**s. Melanie was 17. She was a junior and she was always one of the most popular girls in school. She was 5’10” 115 pounds. She had blonde hair down to the middle of her back and a nice pair of 38 c tits. She loved teasing all the boys at school by showing a lot of cleavage but of course she...

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Jenis First Anal

Jeni had never been to a sex club before, but it had always been on her list, so when Rene mentioned it one night she was on board. She wore a tiny red dress and thick blonde hair was swept back in a messy ponytail. Rene’s jaw dropped when Jeni stepped out of the door, then she smiled, “We are gonn have fun tonight.” Jeni was sitting at the bar draining her third sex on the beach when Rene smiled naughtily and excused herself. Just then she felt breath on the back of her neck and a finger...

3 years ago
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The Way of WarChapter 27

As usual Ted was on hand as they drove up. “Well, you two look a hell of a lot better than you did”, was his opening remark. He indicated that they should follow him into the command tent. When they were seated, he began. “Bobby and Bill got back yesterday. They ran into trouble out there. Jocko McPhee and Kiwi Bell are dead, and Sargent Haney is badly wounded. He’s now in base hospital.” He let the shock of the news register with them before continuing. “Bill’s jeep was pretty well shot up...

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The Kinky Masseur Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Joey is a guy of mid-thirties. He is good-looking with a well-built body but sadly he is still single because of his shy nature. He has a hard time talking to women. Hence, even though he desires them enough, he barely ever get laid. Almost out of desperation he started looking for solutions online. That’s when he came across this website for male massage and pampering session. They promised “ultimate pleasure” and has a number of interesting profiles of masseurs, that’s where he met a...

2 years ago
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Sucky VacationChapter 4

Jeff woke to someone shaking his shoulder. He blinked hard a few times and looked back to see Amy standing there. “If you want to see Christina before she leaves, you’d better get going,” she whispered. The room was still dark because of the blackout curtains, but there was light filtering around the edges. Amy? Jeff frowned. Then who is— Shelly was still sleeping next to him. She smiled in her sleep and snuggled deeper in his arms. Shit, shit, shit! The memory from the night before was...

4 years ago
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BDSM Club in Netherlands Chapter 1

It was my second month in Amsterdam. I came here from Russia to study at Visage Academy. But as it turned out it wasn;t very funny. I'd say it was very boring. I already knew most of the stuff so I basically spent a lot of time looking at internet porn masturbating to BDSM videos. One time my computer got broken and I have a hole free day so I went to the room next door."Anybody here? Cherry?""Yes I'm here, Vik. Just a little busy." I've heard from the bathroom.Cherry was my classmate from...

3 years ago
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Submissive for You

I stand before you... I wear a wife beater, no bra, and shorts. I am a little nervous, I know what will come, and its the mix of both pleasure, pain and humiliation that I anticipate and fear, just a little.At your direction, I slip the shorts down, leaving my panties on. I then turn and lay down on your lap, hair hanging over the side of the chair, legs off the other side and my ass presented to you, willingly. I place my arms forward, above my head, to make sure I am obedient, and don't...

2 years ago
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Sleeping Daughter

I stood over my sleeping daughter, staring at her moist, little mouth as I jacked my seven-inch cock protruding from my bathrobe while pumping furiously. I felt my cum surging through my cock. I leaned toward her face and my cum began to drop into my daughter's mouth. Suddenly, my daughter opened her eyes, grabs my cock and pulls it further into her mouth. I was shocked finding my cock deep in my precious daughter's mouth. Oh wow, what a sensation of my daughter taking her daddy's cock to...

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Sex With My Moms FriendsBrandon and Sasha Part 3

We arrived in Sunnyvale the day before Mom's procedure. She was happy to see us, but saved her biggest joy at finally meeting Sasha for the first time. To say that Mom was impressed with Sasha would be a major understatement. The way she carried on with her, you'd think that she was her long-lost daughter. In a way, I believe that probably summed up Mom's feelings, because I had never seen her quite so happy in a long time. Sasha certainly did her part, making sure that Mom's favorite flowers...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Shopping with a Twist

We couldn’t have timed it more perfectly. An hour before closing time on a very rainy evening and the shop was deserted. The only member of staff – a pretty, blonde, leggy girl in her early thirties - looked bored, but hadn’t shown the slightest interest in helping us. We selected several sets – all black with gold trim – and made our way to the counter. “May I try these on please?” you ask of the girl. Glancing up from her “O.K.”magazine the assistant smiles. “Of course. Let me give you a...

1 year ago
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Dominate Me Spank Me Then Make Me Scream

Everything is just a little fuzzy as I gently start to open my eyes. I turn to look ahead at myself in the mirror and I catch a glimpse of you staring at me. You gather my hair and hold it piled on top of my head. My throat and neck are covered in a ring of bruises. A reminder of only a few hours ago when you fucked me so hard, so very hard and so down deep inside that there was a moment I didn't think I could let you go. You kiss my tender neck carefully, as you look at my reflection. Our...

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Hai readers, it is a continuing story. So read it’s next episodes without fail. It’s one of the most erotic stories I have ever written. I”m sure u”ll like it. It’s a read and Cum Incest.As Kalyani finished her shower in her bedroom bath, she could hear the shower running in the main bathroom. She laid down on the bed, still in shock, and tried to sleep. After a few sleepless hours of reliving the night”s events, she went downstairs in her nightee in the morning light and made some coffee....

3 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 20 Proprietor

“Tsk!” The towering figure of an olive skinned, blond haired woman, shielded by a piece of glowing armor and skinny white pants with silver strings, stood midair and clucked her tongue irritably. To her back she wore a short, white mantle that reflected light. “A bunch of reckless idiots!” She cursed as her gaze mused on a distant location. “The Mercenary Association’s and army’s careful planing has gone down the drain all because of the greed and ignorance of loose cultivators”. White aura...

1 year ago
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The Illustrated Life Times of a Horny Cpl Chp 8

The Illustrated Life and Times of a Horny Couple Chp. 8  This is a continuation of our real life experiences as we explore our sexuality. I hope you enjoy reading about our recent cruising adventure. We always enjoy reading your comments.  We decided it was time for a vacation, and were looking for an escape to a tropical climate. A cruise seemed like the perfect choice. A warmer climate seemed like a great idea to me because Erica would get to wear some of her sexier, more revealing clothing....

Group Sex
4 years ago
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locker room love pt 3

The next morning we got up and James, Tony and Paul realized they had basketball practice so they got dressed and left. That left just Tyler, Sam, Kevin and me. We had nothing to do so we decided since we were allready naked we might as well hop in the pool. My backyard was totally fenced in and the houses were built fairly far apart so it was all clear. We walked walked across the cold wet morning grass and over to the side. It was real hot out and I stuck my foot in and realized that...

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TeenPies Jericha Jem Thats How You Start A Family

Jericha Jem and her husband have been trying to have a child for ages now! Her man has conjured up enough cum to fill up a barrel, but still no baby. This has pushed Jericha to be persistent about it. Anytime her hubby is home and not busy she’s pressuring him for sex. His cock just can’t take it anymore! One day he chose to sleep instead of fucking her, which was the worst decision of his life. Jericha out of desperation approaches his brother who was staying with them, and insists he fuck her...

1 year ago
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Quagmire The final fantasy1

She kissed him lightly, still smiling, dimples appearing. She brought her hand down and started stroking his massive long thick hot cock as she kissed him again, this time her tongue slid into his mouth. Glenn grabbed the soft, wet skin of her firm white ass as they made out in the shower. Lois broke the kiss and sunk to her knees in front of him as water poured on her back and shoulders. His hard cock was inches from her smiling face as she continued to stroke him, looking at it. She...

3 years ago
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Parent Teacher Conference Ch 01

I entered my office early on a cold Monday morning. Before leaving that morning for work, I made sure Danny got up and ready for school. Danny is my nephew. His mother who is my sister had been in and out of rehab for years so I adopted and got full custody of him. Of course my sister tried to get him back but the in the courts eyes, I was the best person to care for him. ‘Mr. Moore?’ My secretary called me from the intercom. ‘Yes Linda?’ ‘The principal of your nephew’s school is on line...

1 year ago
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Sarah my girlfriends sister

Maria's little sister, Sarah, who at the time was 18 and was going through that phase of "any boy is amazing" and I happened (luckily or otherwise) to fall square in her sights for some reason. (I know this sounds wrong but it was amazing having this little teen always wanting to be with me) She would often hang out with us and even tried to spend time with me when Maria was away. It was small things like sitting on the couch during a movie she would lift my arm over her and snuggle...

2 years ago
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I first met Angela, my wife, when she was just sixteen, some thirteen years ago and was absolutely smitten by her looks and mannerisms. It was as if all my dreams had come true and she was my sole obsession in life thereafter.Nothing mattered more than getting acquainted with her and befriending her for life. As a senior to her by three years in the same institution - we kept bumping into each other every other day. We exchanged small pleasantries at times, which slowly matured from friendly...

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