A Day Of Hotel Fun free porn video

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I've been single for a long time now and always look forward to Karen's visits. Karen is married but swings with her very vanilla husband's approval. We're both switches but I've always let her decide who will take the lead. I've always been comfortable playing with little preparation whilst she loves to prepare her ideas way ahead of time - she rarely fails to surprise and satisfy.

The lock-downs had made seeing one another impossible but we'd kept in touch by emails and regular phone calls. Karen's imagination had obviously been running overtime as she kept going on about how she wanted to plan something special for when we could get together again. I knew I'd be in for a treat, especially when she told me she'd be taking the reins and would send me some instructions the week before we were due to meet up.

As promised, a week before her visit I received a fairly lengthy email, mainly instructions for my preparation for her visit. We would usually get together at my flat however she'd booked a nearby hotel, about a 20 minute drive from my home, and was planning to stay there from Friday evening through to Sunday - I was to join her on the Saturday morning.

Her instructions were:-

1. I was to shave all body hair below my neck during the weekend before seeing her and ensure I was cleanly shaven for my arrival on the Saturday morning.

2. I was not wear underwear for week before seeing her.

3. I was to edge myself every evening, getting myself as close to cumming as possible and then Whatsapp a photo of my hard cock to her - I was not allowed to cum at all during the week prior to seeing her. She actually referred to it as "her" hard cock.

4. I would receive a parcel during the week which I was not to open until the Saturday morning. The parcel would contain my final instructions before my drive to the hotel.

I knew my arousal levels would making sleeping difficult so I had an early night on the Friday. My balls were aching and my cock was slightly swollen even when soft, or not quite soft. I woke a number of times during the night with a full hard on and had to resist the temptation to do anything about it.

I'd normally try to lie in a little on a Saturday but the anticipation got the better of me and I was up shortly after 6am. I made porridge as I wasn't sure about the schedule for the day ahead and had no idea when I'd next have the opportunity to eat. Whilst the porridge bubbled away on the stove I opened the parcel.

Inside the parcel was a butt plug, a metal cock cage with padlock, two cialis tablets and a letter.

The letter instructed me to be sure that I was wearing both the butt plug and the cock cage before setting off. I was also to wear loose jogging pants, my zip up hoodie and trainers, nothing more. I was to take the cialis tablets just before setting off. I was to arrive at the hotel at precisely 10am and go straight her room - 310 if that's of any significance.

Karen had certainly put some thought in to her preparations. I sort of dreaded having to wear the cock cage in my already aroused state and knew that the cialis would only add to the strain on my now very needy cock.

I had to make myself eat the porridge, my appetite was not for food at this point, and then took a lengthy shower, making sure any stubble was dealt with and also ensured I was nice and clean for the butt plug.

When I finished showering and had dried off I was only semi hard so I took the opportunity to get the cock cage on. It was quite a challenge to get the base ring on around my cock and balls without increasing my arousal. Feeding my cock into the cage itself was difficult in my swollen state but with some pinching and squeezing I managed it and then clicked the padlock into place. I hadn't thought about it before but it was at this point I realised that I didn't have the key so I was already completely at Karen's mercy.

I waited until just after 9am to finish "dressing". I had to use a fair amount of lube to get the butt plug into place - we'd dabbled with butt plugs in the past and they were definitely a favourite of Karen's. Even with the jogging pants and hoodie on I felt naked and exposed. The cage made a visible bulge in the front of the pants and the butt plug simply heightened my self-awareness, especially went I bent to tie my shoe laces.

I downed the two little tablets with some water and headed out. The thought of having an accident and having to explain my attire did cross my mind but my main focus was getting to the hotel to find out what Karen had in store for me.

I arrived in the car park ten minutes early so I sat for five minutes buzzing with anticipation. The cialis was beginning to take effect so I was a little grateful for the cage - walking in to the hotel with a hard on in loose jogging pants would have been a little too obvious.

I entered the hotel and headed for the stairs, avoiding the lift as this could put others just a little too close for comfort in my aroused state. I knocked on Karen's door just before 10am - there was a clock in the hallway. She made me wait until 10am before she opened the door.

She was stood there naked except for black high cut thong briefs, blocking my entrance. Her hair was a little unkempt, her nipples were very hard and swollen and she looked flushed. Around her neck was a silver chain with the key to my cock cage. She smiled and held her hands out.

"Your clothes please"

I looked around feeling suddenly very vulnerable. Not wishing to displease her or delay the inevitable I hurriedly pulled my shoes off, unzipped and removed my hoodie and dropped my jogging pants. I handed her the disorganised pile and she just tossed it into the cupboard next to the door.

I stood there waiting for her to beckon my in but she grinned and said,

"Turn around. hands behind your back".

I did as requested, quickly, hoping no-one would come in to the hallway and witness me standing there in just the cage, my cock straining against its' confinement.

I felt Karen take my wrists and she snapped a set of cuffs on me. I felt a chain dangling at the back of my legs. She told me to face her again and I did.

She reached between my legs, grabbed the lead that was dangling from the cuffs and pulled me towards her, in to the room. I felt quite relieved that I was no longer on such public display.

She pulled me to her and standing on tip toe kissed me passionately. She held the lead tightly and I was very aware of it against my very full balls. Her nipples were hard against my chest, my hair free body far more sensitive than normal.

Karen broke off and we exchanged a few simple pleasantries. I looked around the room - it was more a suite than just a room. A modern solid looking oak four-poster bed against the wall was the dominant feature. There was an armchair and a sofa clustered around a solid looking coffee table near the window, a large flat screen on the wall and also a dressing areas with counter and another chair. To my right was a door leading to what I would discover to be a spacious bathroom.

"I need to shower," she said, "but first, I have something for you". She smiled and pulled me towards the bed. She lined me up against the side of the bed and pushed me backwards. My cuffed hands were uncomfortable underneath me but my arousal was countering any negatives.

As I lay there she climbed on to the bed and made herself comfortable, straddling my chest. I was very aware of a musky scent and felt wetness against my bare skin.

"I had a couple of visitors last night. I think they might have made a bit of a mess which I need you to clean up, In fact they only left about twenty minutes ago and they made more mess before they went. Open wide."

She knelt up and forwards bringing her crotch in line with my now open mouth. She slowly peeled the gusset of her thong aside revealing her red, swollen pussy lips which were liberally smeared with a mixture of her juices and her visitors' cum.

As she lowered herself to my mouth a large glob of cum dropped from her gaping opening in to my mouth. I started to lick her in earnest, working from her opening up to her very swollen clitoris. I don't know how many times her friends had cum in her but the semen just seemed to keep flowing from her. All I was aware of was her used pussy and my cock straining again the metal cage which encased it. She came and I was rewarded with a healthy mixture of her juices and more cum.

She lifted herself forwards a little presenting her puckered little arsehole to my tongue. I knew only too well how much she loved a bit of attention there.

I teased her, licking around her opening, slowly increasing the pressure until I pushed my tongue into her, just a little. I was surprised when yet more cum flowed from her arsehole. I had no choice but to drink it down.

She alternated, moving back and forth, enjoying the attentions of my tongue, until her motions started to increase and she was rubbing her swollen pussy against my face. This time her orgasm was more violent as she flooded my face with her juices, filling my mouth. She fell forwards, onto the pillows, leaving me lying there, my whole face and neck wet and sticky from my ministrations.

She lay there for a few minutes. I had completely lost track of time. I was only aware of the throbbing between my legs and the smell of her juices as they dried on my.

"Right. Shower time," she said.

I welcomed an opportunity to clean up a little, but that wasn't to be.

She helped me sit up and undid the cuffs that had restrained me. I sat there and rubbed my wrists, regaining the circulation. As I sat there she delved inside a sports bag by the bed and retrieved some leather cuffs. She affixed one to each ankle and then one to each of my wrists.

"Stand up."

I stood and she took a length of rope and attached it to the cuff on my right wrist. She raised my arm and tied the rope to one of the bedposts at should height. She repeated this with my left wrist so I standing there, crucified without a cross.

She then attached ropes to my ankle cuffs and pulled them fairly hard as she attached these to the legs of the bed. Pulling my legs apart stretched my arms more. It wasn't long before I was tightly spread-eagled between the bedposts.

I then felt her hands fumbling with the padlock on my cock cage. I felt the pressure on my swollen cock relieved momentarily as she removed it. She carefully worked my balls and cock from the base ring, freeing me completely. My cock became fully hard in what felt like seconds. I looked down and the head of my cock was purple and shiny from the pre-cum that seemed to be almost flowing from it.

Karen looked me in the face and took hold of my aching cock with one hand. With the other she smear my pre-cum up and down the entire length and then started to massage my cock, gripping me and teasing the very sensitive head with her fingertips. I felt myself nearing orgasm and my legs weakened. Just as I was about to exploded she stopped and took hold of my ball sack pulling firmly downwards. I released a deep moan. I ached for proper release.

She went down on her knees and gently licked my purple swollen head, teasing me. All the while she maintained the pressure on my balls. I felt her wrapping a rope around my scrotum, forming a tube which pulled my aching balls away from my body. She tied this off leaving a healthy length of rope hanging down. She attached this rope to the bed frame and pulled it down again before tying it off. The pressure pulling on my scrotum felt immense but made it so hard for me to even think about cumming.

Once she had me tightly secured she gripped on to my cock again and milked it hard with both hands. I felt myself nearing orgasm again but once more she just stopped leaving my cock bouncing up and down seeking relief. My cock felt harder than it had ever felt before. The whole length was purple with the head mushrooming and the veins so prominent. My pre-cum was still flowing, a string connecting the head to the carpet below.

Karen left me and I heard the shower running. I could do nothing but stand there and wait. My cock remained ridiculously hard, the pre-cum continuing to flow.

When she'd finished showering she came out wrapped in a large bath sheet. Looking down at my still engorged cock she smiled and -dropped to her knees in front of me. She licked around the bulbous head, clearing off the pre-cum, before taking it carefully into her mouth. I felt her tongue swirling around the head as she gently increased the suction pressure. I could once again feel myself getting closer to orgasm.

I thrust forwards but she placed her hands on my belly holding me back. The sensations grew and grew and I was about to blow just as she stopped again. My cock twitched over and over again waving in mid air as she stood and went over to her bag.

She brought out a scarf which she wrapped fairly tightly around my head, blindfolding me. The darkness only added to heighten my other senses. I was so aware of my surroundings, I could sense her moving around the room, every sound making me twitch, and the scent of her juices mixed with cum all over my face seemed to strengthen. My cock and balls ached for release.

The was a knock at the door. I flinched.

"Don't worry. It's just room service. I need to eat before our guests arrive"

My head reeled. I was there aching for release, hard and on display. Whoever was delivering food would see me and we had guests coming as well?

Karen answered the door and said,

"Bring it in. Don't mind him, he won't bother you".

I heard a trolley being wheeled in and past me. I'm sure I heard a light female snigger.

"Adrian would give you a tip but as you can see he's a little preoccupied right now. Please feel free to help yourself if you like but he's not allowed to cum".

A hand squeezed my very hard cock. An unfamiliar female voice said.

"Do you mind?"

I heard the click of a phone camera and Karen said,

"Here, let me take a few of you together".

Fingers pinched my nipples hard before I felt two hands take a firm hold of my swollen cock and rub it hard. The camera kept clicking away. The exchange didn't last long and all too soon the maid left and the door was closed.

I could hear Karen move back over to the sofa area and she seemed to enjoy her food as I stood there, captured. The cialis was still doing its' job keeping me stupidly hard. Every now and then Karen would come over and rub my cock, bringing me close again before wandering back to her food.

Time was still a mystery to me. I had no idea how long I had been standing. My only focus was my aching balls and hard cock.

I heard Karen's phone beep and she came over to me again.

"Richard and Mandy have arrived. I hope you like them. I'm sure they'll like you".

Karen took a firm hold of my cock with both hands and started to massage me towards orgasm for the umpteenth time. I was really desperate for release. I got so close this time and then there was another knock on the door.

Karen release her grip and went to the door.

I heard her greet her friends and then she introduced them to me. In my blindfolded state it seemed a little pointless.

"Adrian, meet Richard and Mandy" she said "I sure he would at least shake your hands if he could. Ooh. I know..."

I felt my hard cock being gripped firmly by what I could only imagine was Richard's hand. He shook my cock as if it was my hand.

"Pleased to meet you" he said.

My cock was released and a lighter, gentler grip replaced it. I felt a female cheek against mine, and heard a kiss.

"I'm pleased to meet you too." said Mandy. "God he smells amazing".

Mandy lingered. Still holding on to my cock which was throbbing in her grip.

Karen spoke up.

"Right it's time for some fun. Don't worry Adrian, you won't be left out, well not completely left out."

Mandy's hand released my cock which twitched up and down as if seeking contact. I felt hands on my head and soon realised that Karen was placing headphones on my ears. All sounds around me were gone but for the sound of Tubular Bells.

I was left standing there. I tried to concentrate on the music to judge time but my mind kept drifting to my aching cock. I have no idea how long passed before I felt any physical contact.

A hand gripped my cock which was still pointing skywards and pulled it down. I'm pretty sure it was a female hand. I then felt a naked female body pressing itself against me, straddling my cock, a pubic bone rubbing against my own.

I felt an arm being placed against my own and ropes being bound around both. This was repeated on my other arm. I was being used as a bondage post.

The warm breasts against my chest were larger than Karen's. She was grinding herself against the top of my cock which was now nestling between her legs. I could feel her wetness against my hardness. Lips met with mine in a passionate kiss, her tongue weaving with my own.

Her movements had a sense of urgency as she ground her pussy against my cock, which felt like it was trying to lift her off her feet. The stimulation was lovely but not quite enough to bring me close. My ache and frustration grew as I felt her quiver against me, her orgasm growing, passing and growing again. I could feel her juices on me, on my cock and running down my legs.

I lost track of time again, the music on repeat. Mandy, bound to me continued to take what pleasure she could until unseen hands released her and moved her away.

The headphones were removed and I heard Karen speak.

"I need you to lie down again. I'm going to release you now. You must not touch your cock."

I felt my legs, my balls and then my hands being freed. The blindfold was removed as I steadied myself. Richard and Mandy were nowhere to be seen. I assumed they must have left before the headphones were removed.

"OK. Climb onto the bed and lie down on your back with your head at the bottom of the bed."

I did as ordered and Karen took my wrists and re-attached them to the bed posts. She then fixed my ankles to the top of the bed and pulled the ropes tight again. The rope around my balls was pulled tight again.

When she had me secured she climbed on top of me in a 69 position and lowered her obviously wet pussy so I could reach her with my tongue. I tasted her juices mixed with cum again which could only have been Richards. I continued to lick and swallow as I cleaned her up.

I felt Karen's hand wrap around my achingly hard cock and the heat of her mouth on the swollen head. My movements towards her mouth were involuntary, driven by a longing for release. She just held me firmly

I felt something touch my forehead and opened my eyes just in time to see a large, shiny, erect cock being guided towards Karen's arsehole as I lick away at her pussy. The cock was being held by a female hand and shined with lubricant. Mandy and Richard must have been in the bathroom while Karen was releasing me.

Mandy guided Richards cock towards Karen's tight little opening. I could feel his balls against my face as she brought him closer, guiding him in before withdrawing. Slowly working him deeper until there was no room for her hand.

As Richard began to thrust in and out Karen's juices began to flow more freely, coating my face as her pussy rubbed against my mouth and nose. Both Karen and Richard began to moan in harmony whilst I just lay there, tongue extended, aching for release.

Karen reached her peak first and my face was once again flooded with her juices. At this Richard pulled out and I saw Mandy's hand grip his cock quickly as she rapidly milked him, aiming his cock head directly at my open mouth. It was only seconds before he moaned deeply and shot his surprisingly large load which Mandy directed expertly into my mouth. I could only lie there and swallow the mixture of juices.

Lying there I couldn't see where Richard went as he backed away. I felt Karen release my still aching cock and roll off and away from me.

"Now it's my turn" said Mandy as she quickly mounted the bed and straddled my waist. her back to me. She rose up, took hold of my cock and in one fluid motion impaled herself completely, taking my entire swollen length deep into her very wet pussy.

I could feel the head of my cock pushing against her cervix, a perfect fit.

She steadied herself and then started thrusting her hips back and forth, grinding herself against me, he movements rapidly becoming more desperate as she approached her orgasm. The stimulation was intense and I came closer and closer to my own release.

Mandy almost howled as she came, her body quivering as she squirted her hot sticky juices over my balls and stomach. She maintained the motioning, driving hard against me, willing me to add my juices to the mix.

When I came it was like an explosion. My whole body tensed and I shot rope after rope of cum deep into her, triggering her second orgasm, our juices merging. I cried out as she continued to grind again my now over sensitive, swollen member.

When I finished twitching Mandy lifted herself off me and quickly scooted her body up to my face, planting her wet, engorged pussy directly on my mouth. I managed to catch my breath and start to lick as my juices began to drop from her gaping hole.

With Mandy sat on my face I felt hands encircle my still swollen cock and Karen straddled my body, lowering herself on to me. I felt my sensitive cock head touch, then part her lips as she took her turn and impaled herself.

Karen's movements were less frantic that Mandy's. She slowly and steadily lifted herself up and down, milking the length of my cock which maintained its' hardness.

I tried to focus on licking Mandy's pussy, distracting myself from the intense sensations below my waist. As she ground against me I managed to get my tongue to her clit and as she moved back I sucked her swollen nerve ending in to my mouth, flicking it rapidly with my tongue.

Mandy moaned again and shook as her juices flood forth once more. Her orgasm forcing the remaining mixture of our combined juices out to again coat my mouth and face.

Mandy, now drained, lifted herself up and away from my mouth. She dropped herself on to the mattress beside me and I saw her reach her hand towards where Karen and I were coupled. She reached around and I felt her take hold of my balls, her grip firm yet gentle, milking as Karen continued to rise and fall, using my whole length.

At this point Karen lowered her body towards me, and, never missing a beat, brought her face to mine. She teasingly licked my face, tasting me before twisting her tongue with mine. We kissed tenderly as she continued her motions to milk me. Mandy's hand was still massaging my balls adding to the delightfully slow build up.

I felt my second orgasm approaching. The constant and regular movement carried on as I started to twitch, never ceasing. I felt myself spurt again and again, what felt like an equally large load as Karen continued her milking motion. On each of her downward strokes I flooded her pussy with my cream.

When I finally finished twitching Karen ceased and simply lay there impaled for a little while, enjoying the glow of our two connected bodies. Mandy released me from her grip and just lay still beside us. If I could have I would have hugged them both.

I could say how long we just lay there but I did feel myself soft slightly. As my cock retreated a little Karen kissed me once more and then heaved her body up, disengaging from me and bringing her pussy straight up to my mouth.

"Clean me" she said, as my cum started to drop from her now gaping hole.

I reached up with my tongue, teasing her hole and tasting her swollen, red pussy lips. Her clit was still engorges and very prominent. She quivered each time I made contact and slowly brought herself closer until she was grinding her pussy against my mouth with my nose applying pressure to her clit.

I struggled for breath a little as Karen started to come again. Her juices were less than before but her contractions similarly ejected what was left of my cum which a hurriedly swallowed. As her orgasm subsided she stood leaving me to bask for a little while as the mixtures of juices dried on my face.

I heard the shower running in the bathroom and movements around me but I was drifting at this point. Still restrained as I was, I just reflected on the events of the day, smiling inwardly at the multitude of pleasurable sensations.

Time escaped my again. I may have slept momentarily. The next I knew I was still lying on the bed but the restraints had gone. I felt a bit dreamy, if that makes sense?

"Come on Adrian. Where are your manners?"

My eyes snapped open at Karen's words. I lifted myself up from the bed and planted my feet a little gingerly on the carpet. For a moment I felt a little unsteady. The clock on the wall said it was nearing 7 in the evening.

Karen, Richard and Mandy were standing there, all now dressed. After the events of the afternoon my nudity seemed normal. Karen came over to me and, taking hold of my still swollen but now flaccid cock, led me over to our guests. In spite of the earlier activity I felt myself start to harden at her touch.

She maintained her grip as I shook Richards hand and thanked him for the afternoon. He reciprocated and said the pleasure was all his. I rapidly became fully hard and when Mandy came forward to hug me my cock was pressed hard against her belly. She kissed me on both cheeks and her hug lingered as we thanked each other.

Karen, still holding on to my now once again very hard cock led me to the door as Richard and Mandy were leaving to see them off properly. She then led me back to the sofa and gestured for me to sit next to her. All the while she maintained her grip. I was beginning to drip pre-cum again and she used her thumb to rub this around my swelling cock head, making a shine.

"Right. We really should eat but as you have nothing suitable to wear in the restaurant I've booked room service. Once we've eaten I've booked a spa session for us upstairs a little later. We can go up in the hotel bathrobes."

There was a knock at the door.

"That'll be the food. Go and let them in"

I stood but faltering slightly given my nudity and dripping hard on.

"Hurry up. I'm hungry"

I was still a little hesitant and opened the door whilst trying to conceal myself. I looked out and there was a pretty young uniformed lady with a trolley laden with food, wine and bottled waters. She wore a name badge - Sara. She was quite tall, almost my height.

Sara was wearing a white blouse that looked a little tight on her bust and a short skirt. I did notice that her nipples were hard. Her legs were bare. I guess her work would keep her warm enough to avoid tights or stockings.

"I'm sorry but I'm not decent".

"Don't worry, I brought lunch in earlier. It's nice to put a face to the body".

I'd been blindfolded earlier so hadn't known who had brought Karen's lunch in. I opened the door wide so she could wheel her trolley in. My cock was standing fully to attention, saluting her entry and dripping with pre-cum. Sara stared at it as she came past me.

Karen stood and greeted her, handing her a note as a tip.

"Thank you Sara. I do appreciate your discretion today."

Sara blushed, looked over at my rigid cock again and said,

"Well it looks like you've been having so much fun. I'm quite envious. I've seen quite a few things working here but this is definitely the best so far". She smiled directly at me. My cock reacted, twitching a little it bounced upwards.

"What time do you finish working" asked Karen.

"My shift ends at midnight" she replied, her voice seeming a little shaky.

"Drop by for a glass of something when you finish, if you like?"

"I might just do that" she said. Her blushing was spreading to her chest. She looked nicely flushed rather than embarrassed. I'm sure her nipples had become even more prominent through her blouse.

Leaving the fresh trolley Sara wheeled out the trolley from earlier. I held the door open for her and she seemed to make a point of brushing past me, my hard on making contact with her hip and leaving a trail of pre-cum on her dark skirt. She winked at me and headed off down the hall.

I returned to Karen who patted the sofa to her left indicating I should sit. As soon as I was next to her she again took hold of my cock with her left hand, tightening and loosening her grip, making sure I was constantly stimulated.

She picked up a sandwich with her right hand and I helped myself to a bottle of water. I was feeling hungry but avoiding de-hydration was my first call. I polished off the bottle and started on the sandwiches.

We carried on eating in silence. We'd evidently both built up an appetite. I had another bottle of water and Karen poured herself a glass of white wine. Soon all that was left on top shelf of the trolley was an assortment of cakes. There were a few more bottles of water and another bottle of wine on the lower shelf, along with some savoury snacks.

"We should probably clean you up before we head up to the spa". I'd spent most of the day being covered in various fluids and hadn't thought about how I must look.

Karen stood and I had to follow - she still had my hard cock in her hand. She led me in to the bathroom. When I saw myself in the mirrors I realised how much I needed a wash. My face, neck and shoulders were smeared with shiny fluids which had dried on me, as were by belly, cock and thighs. My hair looked like I'd been pulled backwards through a hedge, the various juices acting as very firm hair gel. I used a lot of soap and shampoo, having to lather myself more than once to clear the sliminess of the various fluids from my skin. I did linger a little on my hard on which raised an "Ahem" from Karen.

Once I was clean and feeling so much fresher I exited the shower and Karen stood to dry me. She patted me down with one towel and then wrapped me in a bath sheet, the soft material feeling almost coarse on my swollen purple cock head. She handed me another towel for my hair. I then followed her back in to the main room the towel around me rubbing against my cock with each and every step.

"Our appointment upstairs is booked for 9." I looked at the clock and we had about 10 minutes to get up there. "Best get ready and head up there".

Karen took the towel from me leaving me once again standing naked in the room. She went to the cupboard by the door and took out 2 white toweling bathrobes which she place on the bed next to me. She then lifted off her dress. She was naked underneath. She reached in to her bag and took out a rubber device. It was three rubber rings, molded together to form a triangular shape.

She dropped to her knees, took hold of my cock and stretched the rubber device to fit it around my cock and balls. She must have done this before because it didn't take her long. The result had me stood there with a ring around the base of my cock and balls, one around my balls pulling them down slightly and the third was around the base of my cock above my balls. The constricting effect seemed to encourage the blood flow in to my cock but reduced the flow out. I felt myself swelling and my cock felt like it was getting even larger.

She handed me a bathrobe and put the other one on herself. She looked fantastic. I, on the other hand, looked like I was sporting a circus tent under the robe. Karen reached in to my robe and once again took hold of my cock. She led me to the door which she opened and out in to the corridor heading for the lift. I was grateful that we didn't pass anyone.

We didn't have to wait long for the lift, all the while I felt like my cock was continuing to grow under my robe. I'd never felt quite so hard before. When the lift doors opened there was another couple already inside. They were dressed up and seemed quite giggly. There was quite a strong smell of wine.

Karen led me in to the lift by my swelling cock which thankfully was not visible under the robe. The couple moved to one side to give us space and I stood behind Karen so my hard on wasn't quite as obvious. The female of the couple definitely looked me up and down and she couldn't fail to notice Karen's hand under my robe. I noticed her nudge her partner but he just smiled at me. I don't think he could see what she was trying to indicate.

We only had to go up three floors and when the lift doors open the couple headed off down the hall in one direction and we went the other, Karen still leading me by my very hard cock. I heard the girl giggling to her partner as they went arm in arm away from us. The fabric of my robe was rubbing against the mushrooming head of my cock and I was aware of the wetness from my pre-cum which was flowing from me in earnest now.

We reached double doors at the end of the corridor marked "Spa" and I held the door open for Karen who retained her hold on me as she led me in.

There was a pretty girl sitting at the reception desk. She looked up and smiled as we entered.

"Hello again Mrs. Smith. Mark and Guy are ready for you, just go straight through"

Karen led me down a short corridor and into a side room with was lit with candles. The only furniture in the room were two massage tables. There was relaxing ambient music playing. Standing by the massage tables were two men both dressed in matching shorts and T-shirts. The both appeared to be of similar age, perhaps mid twenties. One had a pale complexion and short ginger hair, the other was tanned, olive skinned with dark hair. Their builds were most definitely athletic. They both wore the hotel name badges. Mark was the olive skinned masseuse and my powers of deduction quickly resolved that the other was Guy

Karen led me to one of the tables and then turned, removed her robe and lay face down on the other. I was very aware of my erection as I too removed my robe and lay carefully face down on the table. My cock and balls felt slightly crushed underneath me and it took me a little while to relax.

As soon as I'd settled I felt a towel being draped across my backside. I felt like a little dignity was restored. Guy then started to work on my shoulders and I quickly felt myself drifting again. I suppose I might have preferred a female masseuse but Guy certainly knew what he was doing and I felt knots loosening and muscles stretching. He worked my shoulder, then my arms and then all the way down my back. Whilst I was always aware of my throbbing hard cock underneath me the pleasure of relaxation rapidly distracted me.

Guy finished working on my back and moved down to start on my legs. He worked on my feet, then calves and then the backs of my thighs. He finished on my buttocks. The added pressure did nothing to ease the massive erection I had throbbing below me. It was heavenly but all too soon both Mark and Guy said, almost in unison, "Turn over please".

I shifted carefully and held the small towel as I turned, draping it somewhat obscenely over my cock which was pointing skywards.

Guy just got on with what he was good at and started to work on my shoulders and chest from the front. He stretched and loosened my arms even more before moving down again to my legs. He spent a little time on my feet, pushing against them to further stretch my calves before pummeling and tenderising my thighs. It was all over too soon. I just lay there basking in the feeling of relaxation.

"We'll be back in a moment" said Mark, and they both left the room.

I turned my head to see Karen and she was lying on her side facing me.

"I hope you like this bit" she said.

She dismounted her table and came over to mine. Swiping away my towel, she climbed on and positioned herself in a 69 position, gripping my cock and taking the head in to her mouth before lower her pussy to my mouth. I started to lick her slowly, from her clit all the way up to her anus. She was dripping wet and tasted so sweet on my tongue. Meanwhile, in her mouth her tongue was tracing around my cock head lightly stimulating me but not enough to make me cum, but just enough to add to my hardness.

I briefly wondered how long we would be able to enjoy this before Mark & Guy returned. I didn't have to wonder for long.

Just as I had earlier, I felt a touch to my forehead as Guy's cock passed over my face and sunk itself into Karen's wet pussy. His thrusts were steady and strong as he pumped in and out of her. I continued to tease her clitoris with my tongue, making contact with the base of Guy's cock when I licked around her opening.

Karen's juices started to flow more freely as her orgasm approached and I noted that Guy's movement, whilst steady, were becoming more forceful. As Karen started to quiver he thrust more deeply and they came together. Karen once again flooded my face with her juices which were quickly joined by Guy's cum as it mixed with hers and flowed from her in to my mouth.

Once he had finished emptying his load in to her he withdrew only to be quickly replaced my Mark. His cock was larger and darker but met no resistance from Karen as he slid in to her. I continued to lick, teasing her clit and swallowing down her juices which continued to flow from her. She reached two more peaks before Mark's movements became more urgent. Karen flooded my face again as Mark began to fill her pussy. He kept thrusting until he was completely drained.

He pulled away from her leaving us alone in the room once more. I carried on licking and swallowing. Mark must have deposited a huge load in her as great globs of cum accompanied her juices as I teased her with my tongue. I kept going until Karen released one long moan, shook and tensed up for a final time, squeezing all the juices from her red gaping pussy into my mouth.

I carried on licking her gently enjoying the feeling of her mouth on my very swollen cock. Throughout the whole interlude Karen had managed to continually tease the head with her tongue and I was aching for release again.

Guy and Mark returned re-clothed. They helped Karen off of me and wrapped her in her robe. Guy then took my hand, pulling me up and helping me stand. He handed me my robe which I put on. I thanked them both and they left the room.

Karen reached under my robe, took hold of my erection and led me out of the room the way we had entered. The reception was now empty, the pretty girl no longer sitting at her desk.

We left and headed back towards the lift. I was so aware of the fabric of the robe rubbing against the head of my cock which throbbed in Karen's hand. We didn't meet anyone in the lift or on the way back down the corridor to our room.

Having opened the door with her key-card she led me into the room . I noted that it was almost midnight. We'd been in the spa for nearly 3 hours. The time seemed to have flown by.

Karen released her grip on my cock and removed my robe. "Pour some wine, we probably both need a drink".

I went over to the trolley and as I poured a couple of glasses of wine I was very aware of my hard cock which looked larger than I've ever seen it. The head was swollen and dark purple. My pre-cum was flowing, hanging down in a trail onto my feet. Karen came over, sat on the sofa and I handed her her wine. I stood waiting to be instructed to sit, sipping at my own drink, savouring the taste.

There was a knock at the door. I looked at Karen.

"You'd better answer it. It won't open itself"

I went to the door and opened it slightly to find Sara, the girl who had delivered our food earlier. She had already seen me at my worst so I opened the door wide and welcomed her in. She seemed to be more confident than earlier as she stepped through the door with a spring in her step. The spring was more pronounced as she had evidently removed her bra before joining us, her hard nipples clearly visible through her white blouse and her breasts bounced gently as she walked.

She saw me looking at her and gave me a knowing smile.

"Come and join me my dear" said Karen, patting the sofa beside her. "Adrian, please pour Sara a glass of wine".

I followed Sara, my cock leading the way. As I pour the wine Sara sat down and started to talk with Karen. Her eyes were fixed on my cock all the while. I continued to produce copious amounts of pre-cum and the rubber rings that encased my cock and balls were keeping me harder that I think I've ever been. I was aching for more stimulation and the release that might bring me.

"I wasn't certain that you'd come along" said Karen.

"I really couldn't have not come" replied Sara, "I've been dripping wet since I brought your lunch in. Seeing Adrian all tied up and helpless like that was fantastic, and his cock was so hard when I held it. I've been sneaking a look at the photos you took for me all day. It looks even harder now. Has he been like that since lunch?"

"Nearly. I've kept him busy though. Karen smiled and winked at Sara as she said this. "He hasn't gone without though. Do you play bondage games with anyone?"

"My boyfriend likes to tie me up but I don't think he really knows what he's doing. It all feels a bit too vanilla for me. He has a fumble, fucks me and then it's all over. I know he means well. I'd love to tie him up and tease him but he's not very responsive to my ideas".

"Tie and tease, eh?" Said Karen. "I've teased Adrian for the whole of last week, he was desperate to cum the minute he arrived".

Sara's eyes went wide "A whole week!! God that's so cool. No wonder his cock is so hard."

"Maybe I should lend him to you. He lives near here. I only see him a few times a year and I'm sure he'd love a more regular playmate. I really need to give a Adrian a good spanking. Would you like to help? I need to make sure he keeps still."

"I'd love to" said Sara, rising to her feet. She was exchanging her weight from foot to foot rubbing her thighs together. Her arousal was palpable.

Karen rose too and went over to the dressing table chair which she pulled into the centre of the room. "This will be better if you're naked too".

Sara eagerly undid the buttons on her blouse. Her breasts came in to view and they were amazing. Probably an E or F cup they only had a slight hang to them. Her nipples were so hard and I noticed they were pierced with small silver rings at the base. Her blouse was off and her skirt followed quickly. She had shaved pussy lips with a small landing strip of hair. Her inner pussy lips were very prominent and another silver ring with a ball on it adorned her clit hood. Her inner thighs were slick with her juices.

Karen indicated that she should stand against the back of the chair and then bent her over resting her hands on the seat. Pulling her bag over Karen pulled some short ropes out and quickly bound Sara's ankles to the rear legs of the chair. She moved around and secured her wrists to the front legs. I just stood there aching, dripping and admiring Sara's backside.

Karen then came over to me and leading me by my aching cock brought me closer to Sara's glorious bottom. She rubbed the head of my cock between Sara's legs seeking out her pussy. Sara was already so well lubricated that my cock head slipped in to her with virtually no resistance. Sara's breathing increase considerably as Karen pushed me forwards until I was deep inside our new young friend.

Karen then grabbed some more ropes and bound my thighs to Sara's so I had very little movement. Sara was impaled on my throbbing cock and I could feel her flexing her pelvic floor muscles willing me even deeper. I was then pushed forwards and Karen brought my hands together around Sara's waist once again using the handcuffs on me so I could not escape (not that I would have wanted to).

I raised my hands to cup Sara's dangling breasts, supporting them and teasing her nipples between my fingers.

Karen then stood back to admire her creation.

I then felt Karen's hand on my backside as she positioned herself. The touch went but returned rapidly and the first spank met my right cheek harder than I'd expected. The result drove me forwards, driving me deeper into Sara's pussy. I could feel her cervix again my very swollen and sensitive cock head. Sara's breathing increased.

The second stroke was to my left cheek but the effect was the same. Karen was tormenting me and pleasuring Sara with each stroke. As I was driven forwards Sara was pushing backwards trying to get as much stimulation as she could. Although quite well secured she was managing to wriggle against my cock. The strokes continued, alternating to each of my buttocks.

I continued to tease and pull of Sara's nipples and she started to writhe more below me. I'd lost count of the number of strokes I'd received as Sara's breathing became heavier and heavier. I felt her pussy muscles start to contract as her first orgasm hit her. I pulled hard on her nipples as she came. Karen continued to redden my backside and Sara rode her orgasm before becoming a little limp below me.

Karen stopped and quickly released us both.

"That's better. I needed that," said Karen.

"That was fantastic," said Sara. "I've never come just on a cock before, not without lots of foreplay, anyway".

I just stood there, my cock still ridiculously hard and swollen, dripping a mixture of pre-cum and Sara's juices.

"Adrian you really must thank Sara for helping me. I have an idea. Go and lie on the bed.

I quickly went over to the bad and lay on my back wondering what Karen had in mind.

Karen took Sara's hands and brought her over. They both mounted the bed together and Karen sort of steered Sara so she was straddling my hips. Karen had her knees either side of my head.

She briefly let go of Sara's hands and took hold of my cock, pointing it upwards towards Sara's pussy.

"Here. Lower yourself down and see if you can make him cum," she said.

Sara lowered her now sensitive pussy slowly down onto my cock, taking it an inch at a time, accustoming herself to my very swollen member. Once she had me as deeply as she could take me she started to grind herself against me, back and forth with a slight circular motion. The stimulation was quite intense.

Karen took her hands again so she could steady herself and then lowered her pussy on to my mouth. I started to lick from Karen's opening to her clit, trying to distract myself from Sara's rhythmic activity on my cock. I wanted to last as long as I possibly could.

I could tell from Sara's movements that she was nearing another orgasm, and judging from the juices flowing from Karen she wasn't far off either. Sara started to buck against me as she came and Karen ground down of my face as her juices started to flow, filling my mouth once more with her sweet nectar. I kept licking and pushed my hips upwards to meet Sara's grinding.

I could feel Sara's internal muscles milking me as her orgasms literally just flowed together, multiple and almost continuous. Karen, inspired by our new friend continued her movements against my face, her juices covering me, the scents and stimulation driving me towards my third orgasm of the day. It all became too much and I could hold back no longer. I thrust me hips upwards as I exploded, firing spurt after spurt of hot cum into Sara's depths, my swollen cock head rapidly becoming overly sensitive. I kept going for as long as I could but quickly felt drained.

Karen lifted herself of my face and, still holding Sara's hands drew her forwards. My cock was suddenly released from her pussy as Sara moved upwards.

"Here, let him lick you clean. You can't go home full of cum"

Sara planted her pussy squarely on my mouth and I eagerly licked her clean. As my tongue enter her now gaping entrance huge dollops of cum dropped in to my mouth. I was once again amazed by the volume I'd filled her with. The taste of our combined juices was wonderful. Sara had a very sweet pussy.

She started to grind her pussy against my face and I felt her muscles contracting as she expelled more juices in to my waiting mouth. I managed to tease her clit with my tongue, circling her piercing, as her orgasm flowed from her. As her orgasm subsided she slowed, stopped and unsteadily lifted herself from my face. She looked down on me with such a smile, her face was beaming.

"Wow! Just, wow!" Sara was addressing Karen more than me. "That was amazing. I've never cum like that before. So intense. And John won't come anywhere near me once he's cum inside me." She looked down at me again "Thank you. Thank you so much."

She went to Karen and hugged her tightly. Karen hugged her back. I could see Karen smiling over her shoulder.

Although feeling drained I forced myself up and joined them, forming a small group hug. Karen reached down with one hand and pulled the rubber rings from my cock and balls. My cock finally started to soften.

Sara was still buzzing. When we broke the hug it was obvious that she wanted to maintain physical contact. Karen moved over to the sofa and sat down. She patted the seat next to her. I sat in the middle and Sara sat with her leg hitched over mine, her hand resting on my cock.

"I wish I could stay longer but I'll have to head off soon," said Sara. "John worries when I'm too late back. I just want to stay". She actually sounded disappointed that she had to leave.

"Don't fret. We can exchange details before you go and keep in touch." Karen reassured her.

"Did you really tease Adrian for the whole week? I'd love to do something like that."

Karen explained how she instructed me before our get together. Sara listened intently. Her hand was massaging my cock as she listened. I'm not sure she was even aware that she was doing it.

"I'll forward you some of our emails in the week. A little food for thought for you. I'm sure Adrian would be happy to meet up with you if you want to chat more, or maybe even more" Karen smiled as she said this. Sara's attentions were getting me hard again. I just sat back and enjoyed the sensation of her hand as she started to milk my cock.

Sara looked down at my cock realising what she'd been doing. "Oh I'm so sorry", she said. She released my cock from her grasp.

"Don't worry, you're a natural" said Karen, smiling. "I'll make sure that doesn't go to waste a little later". Karen took hold of my cock and continued the milking motion.

Sara stood and gathered her blouse and skirt. As she dressed Karen took her phone number and email address adding them to the contacts in her phone and forwarding them to me. I was just sat there, hard again.

Once Sara was dressed and ready to leave Karen told me to show our new young friend to the door. I stood and as I approached her Sara took hold of my cock and led me to the door. I open it and she turned towards me. Rubbing my cock rapidly she leant forwards and kissed me on both cheeks before planting a very passionate kiss right on my lips. "Thank you so much. Message me, soon" were her parting words as she headed off down the corridor. There was definitely a pronounced spring in her steps.

I closed the door and turned to return to Karen and the sofa. She was already coming towards me and we met at the bed.

"I think it's time for sleep" Karen said, taking hold of my hard cock and leading me around to the side of the bed.

We climbed in together. I rolled on my side and Karen snuggled up to spoon me from behind, her arm around me so she could maintain her hold on my cock. Her hand moved up and down my length, encouraging my hardness. Her breathing started to become heavier and her movements slowed until she eventually released my cock from her grip. She was sleeping.

Normally I'd find it difficult to drift off with an erection but the events of the day must have drained as I'm sure I too drifted off shortly after Karen. I slept very soundly.

When I finally woke I was on my back and there was a beam of sunshine coming through a gap in the heavy curtains. It shone across the room, hitting the middle of the bed. Karen was still sleeping soundly beside me, her arm draped across my body.

I carefully lifted Karen's arm and slid myself out of the bed. I tiptoed across to the bathroom and quietly closed the door behind me. After using the toilet I enjoyed a hot shower, washing away the remnants of the previous day's events. Once clean I dried myself and crept from the bathroom and went to retrieve my clothes from the cupboard.

Karen was awake, sitting up in the bed, her lovely breasts on view.

"Good morning sleepy head. I hope I didn't wake you?"

"No", she replied. "I didn't want you to escape without a proper farewell". She smiled and beckoned me to come over to her.

I stood by the bed and bent over to kiss her. She pulled away the towel I had wrapped around my waist. Taking hold of my cock she started to massage me. I responded and became hard quite quickly. As she rubbed the length of my cock she used her thumb to tease the still sensitive head, encouraging my pre-cum.

In spite of the activities of the previous day I felt myself quickly becoming more aroused, my orgasm building. Karen sped up as my orgasm approached and just as my breathing changed she stopped and let go of my throbbing member. My cock bounced up and down seeking stimulation.

"You can get dressed now and head home. I'd hate you to leave satisfied, You should always want more."

In spite of the mild disappointment I smiled. I couldn't have expected anything different from Karen. She loved to know I was feeling horny.

I donned my joggers and hoodie, slid my trainers on and went back over to Karen. She'd sat there in the bed smiling at my predicament. There was an obvious tent in my pants.

"Thank you for everything, it was a real blast", I said as I bent to kiss her on the forehead.

She smiled. "Talk soon. No playing on the way home."

I left the room and headed down the corridor opting for the stairs rather than the lift - less likely to bump in to anyone. I quickly walked though reception hoping no-one would notice the prominent bulge below my waist. It wasn't long before I was in my car and heading home, smiling and already looking forward to the next time.


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Sex Holiday 2 The Lifestyle Friendly Hotel in Fl

Another FantasyAfter our holiday experience in Maspalomas I was interested in finding out if wife had really meant it when she had agreed to maybe having sexual experiences during overseas holidays. After dinner one night at home I suggested we look online for a venue for our next holiday. I asked if she was up for some new experiences and she said yes. I told my wife that we could go to Florida as I had been reading about a lifestyle friendly hotel just north of Miami. We could do some...

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Hotel Hearts

Chapter 1     At last winter was over and spring had begun, even though the air still had a small bite of the cold that had hung around longer than normal. I wasn’t here to see it but was told that in only two weeks all of the forest and bushes in Altoona Pennsylvania had turned a deep, healthy green. I had come to Altoona on a work crew working for a Wind Energy Company and quickly fell in love with the lush country side. The work I had come to do sucked but when I was off work I spent most...

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Night Skies Hotel VII The Sands of Time

Night Skies Hotel VII: The Sands of Time By Solari Historian's note: This story is set during the "modern" era of the Night Skies Hotel. It isn't necessary to have read the other NSH stories in order to appreciate this one, but there are some references to events and characters from those stories. ************************************************************************************** Flashes of blinding white light flared across the cerulean blue skies above the rolling campus...

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Night Skies Hotel The Lesser of Two Evils

Night Skies Hotel: The Lesser of Two Evils By Wolverine Editor's note: This story was written with Solari's permission. Please be aware that, for storytelling purposes, this story does not always flow chronologically PROLOGUE The Patriarchial dostum waved his shock troops into the empty corridor. They slowly worked their way down the hall, their stony faces scanning every nook and cranny. A blur moved past them, drawing their attention to the dostum, who promptly fell, his armor...

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hotel fun

Hi I'm Nat...took Conrad for a birhtday treat to k-west in London.top horny hotel. We spent the afternoon fucking and watching the xxx dvds I'd bought in london the previous week...all white girls getting done by nice hard black cocks. We were in a club in town when a black guy starting hitting on me before Conrad got back from the bar. When he returned I said I'd like to "hit the sack" and pleasure you both. In the taxi conrad and rob finger fucked me and called me a slut . The discussions we...

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Hotel Fun


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British Swinging Hotel

Hello readers this is a story for the benefit of people who have never been to a swinging hotel. in other words this is a fetish club with lots of fetish equipment in the hotel and many areas to play out ur fetish. this story is based in hotel outside london. i had heard about this hotel from various people. people normally cover long distance travel to this particular hotel. if you guys are interested to know about me then let me tell you. I am a regular guy with a regual life and lot of...

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Hotel Maid

Dedicated to Xoffie. When I was twenty-eight years old, I was working as an assistant marketing specialist at the Moscow's office of a big western company. I was alone in the world, and had nothing to depend upon but my intellect, ability to work hard and a good reputation; but these were setting my feet in the road to an eventual career, and I was content with the prospect. I dedicated my days to work and study and never paid any attention to the political situation in the...

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Night Skies Hotel VI Destroyers of Worlds

Night Skies Hotel VI: Destroyers of Worlds By Solari Author's note: "Destroyers of Worlds" is the third story in the three-part "Foundations" trilogy that shines a light on the wider Night Skies Hotel universe. The other stories in the "Foundations" trilogy are "Night Skies Hotel IV: The Lost Worlds," and "Night Skies Hotel V: Shadows on the Sun." It is recommended that the stories be read in order, or the reader risks not understanding the events that unfold. "What you consider...

4 years ago
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Back To Hotel Business

Please read the first part “First Class AC Nightmare” @ , would help to get the plot of this story. And second part for continuation “Glooming at Gents Hair Saloon” @ , would add spice to the current story. And third part for continuation “Village Adventure of an Idiot Wife” @ , would add spice to the current story. And fourth part for continuation “Colleague Taking Over Control” @ , would add spice to the current story. And fifth part for continuation “Local Crook Free Mistress” @ , would...

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The Hotel

The Hotel--------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 - The Mountaintop.My new guest was due any time.  I insisted on a strict timetable, so that two clients never saw each other.  Discretion was at the top of my guaranteed services.  She had just five minutes left to get here, or I would push the button that would close the electric gate.  If that happened then she would have to explain, by secure email, just why she was tardy, then accept a reschedule.  Fortunately, that...

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Hotel Room Fun

We've just come back from a mealWe're walking to the hotel, hand in handI've told you I've got a surprise waiting for you when we get back, and you get giddy, I tell you to calm downAs we get up to the room, I grab a hold of your neck and pin you up against our hotel room door, I lean in and whisper, in your ear, asking you if you're ready for your surprise, you nod your head and I pull out a blindfold from my back pocket and place it over your eyesI open the door, whilst still holding you by...

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Night Skies Hotel Infiltration

Night Skies Hotel: Infiltration By Smokewriter While this isn't one of Solari's epics, I consider it a step up from NSH: Business as Usual, mostly because this has a halfway decent plot. Less transformations and more information - it just might be crazy enough to work. Enjoy! *** "Ladies and gentlemen, since the breakdown of communications between the Sisterhood and our-selves earlier this year, there have been more than fifty known infiltrations of our timeline," Pete Ken-dall...

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A couple of months after my seventeenth birthday, I discovered three things. The first was that I am a lesbian; the second was that I have an eager appetite for sex – I’ll spread my legs for almost any woman, any time; the third was not just that I am a slut, but a bondage slut – that I get my biggest thrills from being tied up and taken by another woman (better still, by women in the plural). The first was not a great surprise, but the other two were! This is how it all happened. I...

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The Dolls House Hotel Collected with Special Features

This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters portrayed here to real people living or deceased is entirely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work, except in allowing that it may be archived and distributed for non-commercial purposes, providing all text remains intact, including this notice. This story deals with 'adult' themes of a highly sexual nature, including 'fetishism', bondage, domination, non-consensual sex acts, use of sex-toys,...

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Night Skies Hotel Lovers Retreat

Night Skies Hotel: Lovers' Retreat By Wolverine I'm not Solari, but I'm decent, so give this one a shot. This story was written with permission from Solari. ******************************************************************* Lisa and William stumbled into the entrance of the Night Skies Hotel, watching carefully over their shoulders. Leroy wouldn't be too far behind and the hope he wouldn't look inside a high-class hotel such as this one was just that - a hope, a prayer, a desperate...

1 year ago
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Harem Hotel

HaremHotel! Think about your dream job for a moment. What would it be? A porn star that fucks the hottest, tightest bitches? Or would it be a guy that puts suntan lotion on beautiful women for a living? All of those are damn good jobs. But did you ever stop to think about how fucking hot it would be to own and live in your own hotel?If that sounds fucking boring, I want you to think about it for a moment. Where else are you going to be able to spy on so many people all at once? And if all your...

Free Sex Games
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The Hotel Room

The Logic stories are three interrelated tales that begin with the actions of a monstrous, selfish, immature man, continue with an immigrant who wishes to weaken and destroy his adopted country and end on an isolated pony ranch in the Texas Hill Country.  This particular story has been expanded from a short vignette found in The Logic of My Anger: A Sociopath’s Tale.  The woman in the hotel room has been unknowingly subjugated by her psychopathic boyfriend; she has unwittingly allowed him to...

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Hot Wife Hotel Olivia Takes it All in the End Part Ten

Olivia opened her laptop and checked for any last-minute messages or additions to her schedules for tomorrow. It had been a busy couple of months, and she had needed to add a few hours on Fridays recently to fit everyone in. It was fun, but exhausting. Not to mention, because Steve couldn’t take time off on Fridays, it wasn’t as fun for her. So, she decided to stick to just Mondays and Wednesdays, even if it meant having to disappoint a few customers.Steve kept trying to arrange a gang bang at...

Wife Lovers
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The Royal Hotel Pt 4

CHAPTER 19 GWEETO ROSELLI SPEAKS FROM THE GRAVE: The Morning was bright and cheery. I opened my eyes to see Beverly who was scrambling under the covers of our bed. I lay on my back making believe that I was still asleep. I could feel her big tits rub across my left leg as she positioned herself between my legs. We had fallen asleep while still in the nude after another terrific love making session of the night before. We had come back from the badger hole where we poked a hole in the wall of a...

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Night Skies Hotel Peter And Dash

Author's note: This story was written with permission from Solari, the creator of the wonderful Night Skies Hotel universe. Night Skies Hotel: Peter and Dash By Wolverine CHAPTER I: TWO DAYS EARLIER Shane was in heaven. Ever since he had arrived at the Night Skies Hotel a few hours ago he had been surrounded by beautiful raven-haired women with green eyes. They were perfect in every physical way and every last one of them, even the maids, moved seductively at all times. It...

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Night Skies Hotel XI Humanitys Birthright I In the Eye of the Beholder

Synopsis of the Night Skies Hotel Universe: Centuries ago, two world- spanning civilizations made first contact via technology that enabled access to multiple realities. Each civilization was unique in the sense that a single sex dominated it -- Terra's Patriarchy by males, and Gaia's Sisterhood by females. Gaia was the more artistic of the two, had closer links to nature and was more advanced than Terra in some of the sciences, such as biology and physics. Terra, on the other hand, had...

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Hotel Executive Maid

Hotel Executive Housekeeper This is the story of a man's gradual transformation into a hotel maid. From once a masculine, successful businessman?into a feminine life of servitude. It can happen to anyone... My story starts about three years ago. I was a mid-level executive with a leading insurance company. The job had me traveling around the country for weeks at a time. I was single and unattached, so the travel was OK. Most of my trips took me to Atlanta where I stayed at a...

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BAG Hotel Rafael

B.A.G.-Hotel Rafael Es war im Herbst als ich zu der Messe musste. Meine Sekret?rin hatte es vers?umt mir ein Zimmer zu reservieren. So irrte ich verzweifelt durch die Stadt und musste feststellen, dass ?berall alle Zimmer ausgebucht waren. An einer T?r sah ich auf einmal ein Schild: BAG-Hotel Urlaub ihrer Tr?ume. Ob die wohl ein Zimmer noch frei haben? Ich ging rein. In der Eingangshalle kamen mir einige gut aussehende Frauen entgegen. Komisch wie interessiert sie mich ansahen. An der ...

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Dream Hotel Ch 01

Hotel La Rever , the hotel of where your dreams can come true. I had read the article online over and over again. The article said it was looking for workers like me that were welling to live at the hotel full time. It told me of a place that was made just for people like me who were looking for something different. Some place where I could belong and go to too just be myself. It was hard to believe but I wanted it to be real. I guess that is why I applied. Even if it was not real, even if it...

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Adventure Of Hotel Business

Please read the . The Deepawali season was on and I received a full week off with a handful of bonus, so I decided to have a relaxing trip in Deepawali instead of enjoying at home. So I choose a spot which had a pleasant climate. I choose a pleasant and isolated location; the location was a hill station with least tourist attention. The place was beautiful but the reason of it’s been isolated was that it was not mentioned on tourist spot and people knew less about it. Another reason was that...

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Dolls House Hotel

The Doll's House Hotel - Chapter One (Revised) By AmyAmy. June 15th, 2005 This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters portrayed here to real people living or deceased is entirely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work, except in allowing that it may be archived and distributed for non-commercial purposes, providing all text remains intact, including this notice. This story deals with 'adult' themes of a highly sexual nature,...

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Hot Wife Hotel Olivia Gets a BIG Raise Part Eleven

On her sixth-month anniversary working at Hot Wife Hotel, Olivia was called in for a review with Marilyn.“Your performance has exceeded our expectations, Olivia. Your average score is 9.99 which is the highest rating of any hot wife we have on staff. You’ve increased our customer base, which has made the owners very happy. And, you have more repeat clients than anyone else,” Marilyn said, nearly gushing with praise.“The cleaning staff has also named you the most courteous hot wife. While we...

Wife Lovers
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Maa Ke Sath Hotel Stay 8211 Part 1

Mai Delhi ki ek choti family se belong karta hu. Meri family me meri mummy sumita mere daddy aur mai rehte hai. Hum ek sedhi life spend karte hai mere daddy importer hai. Meri mummy house wife aur mai collage student hu. Importer hone ki ojhe se mere daddy kafi buzy rehte hai. Is ojhe se meri maa aur unme bht duri badh gye thi. Mere maa ke figure kuch is trah tha. Oske bade bade brest jo 42 ke honge moti gand thi aur sexy kamar. Aysa figure dekhke to koi bhi apne lund ko shelata reh jaye. Ye to...

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Hermaphrodite Hotel The Beginning

Hotel Hermaphrodite Adult fiction by [email protected]. If you're too young to be reading fiction of a sexual nature, you should stop now. This story has themes of Hermaphrodites, TG, come production, enemas, toys, surgery, transformation, and trickery. I was born with a small penis. That is a fact. How small? Small enough that I got the nickname "shorty" from the first girl I was intimate with. Small enough to consider anything that would help my condition. I got an email...

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Hotel Quarantine Chap 1

Everything had turned grey. And also dull. The result of a hotel quarantine after two days. Eight more to go! The dullness was deafening. Hotel Wi-Fi was choppy, and there was nothing on TV. I felt like a bloody prisoner in my economy class hotel room right by Heathrow airport in London. My boss had thought it essential that I safe their London branch, and so he sent me across the pond willing to pay the £2,000 to quarantine me. And to be honest, it flattered me. I felt needed and valuable to...

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Bday Gift Ani Chepi Nanu Lanja Laga Vadukunadu

Hi Indian sex story readers, andaru bagunara nenu mi Vinisha Ni, nenu share cheskuna na first story ki response Baga adirindi thankyou all. Chala mails vachayi kani konitki reply ichanu time saripoka. Nenu hyderabad lo untanu nadi recent ga graduation complete aiendi. Naku sex ante chala istam and na structure gurinchi chepkovali ante nenu chamanchaya colour lo unta height 5’7 inka 36-30-38. Nanu contact avali anukunte na mail address Eedi na bday roju aiendi. Nanu lanja Laga marchina Vishal...

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2222 5 Hotel 1

2222 (5) Hotel 1 Ich hei?e Carola und lebe seit zehn Jahren im Hotel ?Waldhof". Meine Herrin hat mir aufgetragen meine Lebensumst?nde und meine Arbeit zu schildern. Hier ist mein Bericht. Wie befohlen beginne ich mit der Kleidung: Wie alle M?nner trage ich einen Keuschheitsg?rtel mit einer Schutzhose und halterlose schwarze Str?mpfe. Als Schuhwerk tragen wir flache schwarze Pumps. Unsere Oberbekleidung besteht aus einem wadenlangen weiten schwarzem Rock und einer wei?en Bluse. Die Bluse ...

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Night Skies Hotel How the World Has Changed

Historian's note: This story is set during the "modern" era of the Night Skies Hotel; specifically, in November 2010. The events unfold in a timeline not far from our own. *** "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." ? Albert Einstein (1879 CE-1955 CE, Timeline 0600) *** Night Skies Hotel: How the World Has Changed! By Wolverine "Daisy" Coolidge sat on the couch, holding a long, thin all-white, lit cigarette in her dainty, little hand. She brought the...

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The Little Fat Fairy and the Fucking Fungus

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen."Oh, Mr. Wankles! You just don't understand." The little fat fairy plonked herself down onto the dandelion pouffe, causing her skirt to fly up and reveal her rather substantial knickers."Ooo, purple lace today, Daisy," leered Mr. Wankles."Certainly is, young-fella-me-lad," she sighed."And what sort of a problem cannot be solved by purple lace knickers?" The gnome sat back in his cumbersome velour...


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