Shameless (2) free porn video

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I stared into the soulless black void for almost a full minute before add a dollop of rum to it.

At least I’d waited a full minute this morning. Up til recently, I’d have put rum in the coffeemaker instead of water if it would have worked.

Well ... Okay, I actually tried that one time. The black rum gummed up the coffee maker something fierce. And it boiled all the alcohol off so I had to add more rum to it anyway. The things you learn.

I’m Grease.

Everyone out here in the islands uses a name other than the one they were born with.

My name is Grease, short for Grease Monkey. Because I do engine work on boats. Or maybe they call me that for the grease stains on my shirts and shorts. Actually, I’ve not been too big on personal hygiene for a few years either, so maybe that’s the reason for the name.

I used to care. I used to be Thomas Knight, Lawyer. My high school sweetheart, Lily, had stood by my side through college and law school and put up with 120 hour weeks for years. We’d finally reached our time, we’d be financially secure and ready to start our family.

That didn’t work out like I planned.

Like we planned.

At first we thought Lil was just a little under the weather but it just kept getting worse. And worse.

Ovarian cancer.

Once the words were spoken, it was gasoline on a fire. She was gone in months. I started drinking.

I could quit any time I wanted.

I just didn’t want.

The job. The house. The cars. The bank account. Three DWIs and I was warned by the Bar.

So I said “Fuck it” bought a fifth hand boat and headed out to the islands. I’d grown up around boats in Florida, and worked on fishing boats through High School and college.

I vaguely dreamed of getting the boat fixed up and taking on luxury charters, maybe building a fleet of little charter boats.

I really should have stopped drinking so heavily.

After five years my boat was a mess, and I worked on engines to keep on drinking. Hadn’t even been out of the slip in two and a half. Stopped cutting my hair, or shaving, so I have a thick ratty beard, and a roughly tied back ponytail with a shitload more grey than I want to think about.

So, yeah, I’m Grease.

Everyone out here in the islands uses a name other than the one they were born with.

There’s Pogo, the owner of The Shack, which is an ex-pat beach bar and grill, pretty much for the veteran crowd. Has some kind of Special Forces logo on the back wall, and service flags from all the services – even the Coast Guard. The Shack is my usual hang-out, they put up with me because I can fix their boat.

There’s Loud Howard, a nearly permanent fixture at The Shack, the short guy with a classic napoleon complex. You know he’s there about 100 yards out.

Frank Rotuma hangs out there to avoid tourists. A lot. We call him Chief. Because he’s the local police chief.

There’s Monster and Ex, he’s called Monster because of the massive and horrible scars on the side of his face. The whole side of his face – looks like someone skinned a demon and stretched its skin over a human skull.

And Ex is, well, his ex. I have no idea why they are still together; they certainly don’t seem to be in love – more like business associates. But they are rarely apart and they’re down here about half the year.

There’s a bunch of others; like I said, everyone has a name.

In the next slip over from mine, for two weeks a month, in the really nice boat there’s Bobert. His real name is Robert Sandoval and I guess when he moved in he tried to introduce himself as “Robert-call-me-Bob”, and ended up calling himself Bobert on accident and it stuck instantly as such things are wont to do. He’s rich; a slick talking high end deal-maker, Rolex watches and a boat that would run you a cool 2 million if not more. I’d think he’d probably be more at home in New York than down here. He is sure as hell not welcome at The Shack and spends most of his time on the tourist part of the strip. I have no idea where he is when he is out of the slip.

Then there’s his wife. The reason I’ve slowed down on my drinking. Her name is Zascha. The first time I saw her, I thought I’d died. A golden mane of hair, a tall, slender model’s body, usually clad in tiny white shorts and blue and white striped short sleeve cropped top; it’s almost a uniform. On really good days she’ll walk the deck in a bikini.

And her face?

Utterly angelic. Ever hear the term “bee-stung lips”? She has them in spades. True wonders of the world. And despite her beauty, she projects purity and wide-eyed innocence; her cornflower-blue eyes seem to hold an air of permanent wonder. She has “Iowa home town girl” written all over her. She’s pristine. As if the corruption of the world cannot touch her.

But it does.

Again, and again, and again. Sometimes she wears a blue and white striped long sleeve shirt to hide the bruises on her arms. And sunglasses, to hide the blackened eyes. Rumor has it she sleeps around.

Because he makes her. To seal business deals.

And thus her local name – whispered behind her back, by everyone but Bobert. Shameless.

Bobert calls her that to her face.

I’ve seen her with other men at the bars on the tourist end of the beach. And I’ve seen her face when she is with them. There’s no joy, no anticipation, no lust. Her wide-eyed innocence is replaced by an impassive mask. Her expression never varies.

He watches them leave with a cruel smile. In some way he seems to enjoy it.

I couldn’t imagine treating someone the way he treated Zascha.

Zascha was obviously a Russian “bride” – basically a mail order long-term call-girl. I shouldn’t feel sorry for her, she chose this. She knew the unwritten rules as well as anyone. And she could leave whenever she wanted – Frank would escort any girl to the airport and personally put her on a plane home, with the flight paid for by the tourism board. He’d done it a number of times to get girls out, but they had to want it.

Whatever she was avoiding at home must have been pretty bad.

Still, I had a cardinal rule of non-interference. Who needs a drunk boat mechanic mucking around in their lives?

That all changed at the Explorer’s Day party at The Reef. It’s a tourist bar – all glitzy fake palm trees and hula skirted waitresses. Pogo had to close The Shack much earlier that day to attend a funeral, so I’d drifted down to tourist area and The Reef to get a drink or two. Or four.

I ended up at the table where Bobert was holding court with a bunch of tourists; Zascha sitting slightly off to the side. He was talking about what a great investment boats are – which is ridiculous – I’ve worked with boats my whole adult life. The definition of a boat is “a hole in the water that you pour money into”. When he made another particularly stupid statement about boats, I kind of rolled my eyes.

And realized Zascha was looking dead at me. She covered a tiny smile by taking a sip of her drink. But she kept her eyes on me. I’d already had a drink too many and took a chance, by silently parodying Bobert’s grand mannerisms.

She had to pick up a menu to hide a silly grin. Then she did the same thing.

And we went on like that for the next hour, trading childish expressions at Bobert’s expense. We’d never even said hello to each other, but this had been the best conversation I’d ever had with a woman.

From then on, though, whenever I ran into them, she caught my eye and with a wicked glint, she’d initiate the same game – we had our own secret world. It was the highlight of my existence for several months.

Just seeing her made me feel better about life. I don’t know exactly when it happened but I began cutting back on drinking – a very slow road, admittedly. I began taking showers three or even four times a week – which forced me to fix the water system on the boat. Which forced me to clear furnishings out of the hold. And since those were new furnishings, I went ahead and replaced the old stuff. The boat was gradually shaping up.

When his boat was in the slip, I hung out at The Reef in the off chance of seeing her. It was ridiculous, of course – Bobert had more money than I’d ever dream now. She couldn’t have any interest in me, but, as silly as it sounds, she made me want to be a better person.

Then, in October, Bobert offered her to me. For two weeks.

We were sitting at the Reef late and he was eyeing tourists – looking for ones to send Zascha with, no doubt, when he was given a message by one of the waiters and left to use the phone. A few minutes later he came back irritated.

“Hey Grease. How about taking Shameless for a spin?”

I saw Zascha stiffen – it was the first time I’d ever seen her react to him like that.

He noticed too and gave an evil smile.

Before I could answer he continued. “Take her back to your boat. For a couple weeks. Just use condoms. I’ve got to fly out to make a business deal happen.”

I thought for second. “Are you serious?”

He grinned nastily. “She won’t fight you. Just don’t mark her up too much.”

I nodded. “Okay”

Zascha looked shattered. Her mask of impassivity tried and failed, cornflower blue eyes glistening with unshed tears. Bobert shot her a victorious look and walked out.

She walked quietly with me back to the boat – head down watching her own feet. She walked up the gangplank slowly, feet almost dragging against invisible sludge.

When I led her down to the quarters and pulled open a hatch she looked confused.

“Wait a second, I have to get the boxes out of here and fold down your rack.”

She watched warily as I readied her small cabin, pulling out sheets and a light blanket.

“I know it isn’t really very clean, but I’ve been working on it, we’ll finish it up tomorrow. The head is on the right and I’m in the next cabin to the left – if you need anything just knock and let me know.”

When I stepped out of her cabin, I glanced back. The broken girl was gone and the look of wonder was back. More than enough reward for any effort or pain.

The next morning I was up pretty early, and had coffee going. She walked out slowly, cautiously, with a tentative, shy, smile.

She sat and gratefully accepted the coffee – adding enough cream and sugar to make me wince.

“I don’t really have any food – have you ever been to The Shack?”

She answered, and it took a second for me to get my heart started. It was really the first time I’d heard her voice. It was perfect, slightly breathy, just a hint of a Russian accent.

“No. Robert never took me there.”

“Would you like to try it?”

She smiled, an instant of sunrise washed over me.

“I would. Very much.”

The walk down the empty beach to The Shack took just a few minutes, but I stole glimpses of her when I could. Even up close, she seemed to be a study in serene perfection. I held her hand for a moment to help her up the seawall. It was hard letting go. I’m sure it was my imagination, but her fingertips lingered for a second longer than they needed to.

Pogo’s face darkened when I walked in with her. I sat her down at a corner table of the empty bar and went over to him to order.

His look boded poorly. And his words went straight to the point.

“Taking payment in kind from Bobert?”

I froze for second “What? Oh, god, no. She’s just staying in my spare cabin for a couple weeks while he’s out on a deal.”

He studied my face for a second, glanced over at her and seemed to come to some conclusion. He let it go.

We ended up eating fruit pancakes and, after a few false starts we were talking about our favorite foods. Time flew by, and the bar filled rather quickly – Loud Howard, then Monster and Ex, came in.

Monster didn’t seem to react, but a look of intense distaste passed over Ex – Pogo saw it and pulled her aside for a few minutes of quiet discussion and she seemed to relax.

Loud Howard came over and talked to me about getting a fuel line replaced on his Boston Whaler before he got it repainted. He actually had a house on the island somewhere. You don’t live on a Boston Whaler. Zascha joined the conversation asking about the paint colors and the name of the boat – pretty soon we had half dozen people over. I made sure I introduced her as Zascha. And made sure everyone understood that was what she was to be called.

Ex drifted over and began to talk to Zascha.

“So, you’re staying with Grease for a couple weeks?”

Zascha smiled – a huge, amazing smile “Yes! Two weeks. He cleared out a cabin for me last night!”

Ex gave me a sidelong glance to see if I had heard that. I nodded.

“It was kind of short notice, I was using the cabin to store some parts – had to tarp them on the deck.”

Ex fixed me with her gunmetal grey stare. “So what’s your plan”

I shrugged “Don’t really have one – just showing her this end of the beach for now. I have a couple jobs to do and some work to do on the boat. I figured I’d show her this place so if she gets bored while I am out, she will have a place to hang out.”

The unspoken part of that was that it was a place where she wouldn’t be treated like a hooker.

Ex didn’t say anything at the time, but caught me at the bar when I went to get a couple more cups of coffee.

“Her own cabin?”

“It’s just a couple weeks – I’ll move stuff back in if I haven’t used it. May have the hold done by then anyway.”

“Look, I know the deal with ‘Bobert’ and ... Zascha. When he loans her out, it isn’t for her to sleep in a spare cabin. You afraid of catching something?”

I shook my head “I don’t know the whole story, but I won’t be yet another asshole treating her like shit. She’s a great girl and she should be living a better life. He just flat offered her to me for two weeks last night with no warning because he was going out of town. I figured she could use a break.”

Ex stared at me, searching my face, then finally, “Don’t fuck this up.”

When we got back to the table, Ex engaged Zascha more directly and quickly discovered that she didn’t have any clothes for the two weeks other than what she was wearing. Before I could even say anything, Ex spirited her away, saying she’d get her back to my boat by dinner time.

I took the rest of the day to get the repair jobs done; when I got back to the boat, Zascha was there, looking radiant. She was cleaning up the galley, wearing blue shorts and a t-shirt. Her hair was just tied back in a ponytail and she was humming tunelessly, but happily.

As soon as I stepped in, she smiled brightly and immediately began talking about going with Ex. They’d picked out some clothes and talked and walked for a long time. The beach clothes on the strip weren’t exactly expensive – typical tourist stuff - and Ex had covered it, telling her not to worry. Still, she did a little bit. Ex had made it clear that we were expected to be at The Shack for dinner to eat with her and Monster. I wasn’t really concerned with Ex, but the idea of crossing Monster gave me pause. Something about him was just a little “off”. He was always distantly friendly, but I had the same feeling around him that I got when mako sharks were in the water with me.

In any case, we had to eat. So that evening, I put on a clean-ish shirt and we headed over. It was the most social evening I’d had in a very long time – and I didn’t’ drink much at all. I felt like if I did, I’d disappoint Zascha. We listened to music, talked and generally had a great time. Monster was a better conversationalist, than I expected and even seemed to speak some Russian. Still, when he glanced my way, I felt my spine crawl.

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CHAPTER 1 Released from prison after serving nineteen months of a twenty-four-month sentence, out early because of exemplary behavior, Ryan Bateman returned to Maxwell City, accepting his life was in tatters. He remembered the night well, as if it were yesterday. He’d been to a strip club and had drank too much and had become befuddled. Similarly intoxicated Merton Joyce, his employer, had come up to him and offered him a ride home. Merton had driven much too fast, lost control turning out...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Ten

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Ten: Sisters of Satan Natalie Styles decided to cool things down with the Cartel for a while. The listening devices Cassie had planted in Carlo's house were providing valuable evidence and intelligence for the FBI and a strategic decision was made to allow the Medici's to keep importing drugs, girls, and weapons into the USA. Intel was passed onto local law enforcement agencies as a third order effect so when busts were made across the south...

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PurgatoryX Chloe Creamy Trim and a Shave Vol 2 E3

This habitually horny barber (Creamy Chloe), knows how to provide exceptional customer service, even when it involves 2 big-cock clients at a time (Rowan Rails, Matt Luscious). Chloe simply loves gagging on huge cocks until they’re covered with saliva. It isn’t long before Rowan and Matt take turns spit-roasting this seductive slut. Spread wide in her chair, Matt pounds her until he drops his load deep inside her love-hole. An undeterred Rowan goes in for sloppy seconds until he gives Chloe...

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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 29

Ken looked down at Linda and gave her a quick reassuring smile as they approached the front door of Kathy's house. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" he asked as he gave her shoulders a quick squeeze. "After all, I just popped your cherry about an hour ago and here we are about to walk into a house with two horny guys who want to fuck you." "I'm ready," Linda said with more enthusiasm than she actually felt. Her pussy drooled with anticipation of fucking Kathy's brother and...

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I Cum To London

My name is Joy, I am 411 tall, with reddish brown hair green eyes, and the pale freckled skin of my Irish ancestry, and I have modest 38C breasts. This story is about when I was going to see, for the first time, the man that had filled my thoughts and dreams for a long time now. As I got off the plane in London I was both nervous and excited. Paul and I had been talking/chatting through the Internet for nearly 2 years, but this would be the first time we had seen each other&hellip,face to face...

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Badi Behan Richa ko Choda

Hi friends , i am ansh this is my first story and this is very real . Let me tell you about my self. i am 23 yrs old guy with a good built up and I have an elder sister richa.she is 26 right now. I am working in janakpuri delhi in insurance as an asst manager . My sister is MCA and she teaches in a school. Ye story aaj se 2 yrs pahle ki hai jab main job search kar raha tha aur richa MCA kar rahi thi. Hum ghar par sirf 4 log hain . papa , mummy, richa aur main. papa ki job delhi se bahar hai...

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My Little Sis Growing Up Part 4

Right after sis was 13 years old she got sick and had to be taken to the hospital. She was there for several days. The doctor told mom she had a real bad fever. After she got better we started playing around again. There was this heavy blanket that mom had used for a bunk bed that we no longer had any more. I asked her if I could have it to sit on at the barn. So she gave it to me. I immediately took it to the barn loft and spread it out on the straw. Sis had reached the age of puberty and...

1 year ago
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The Business Trip

She sat down next to me and asked me how I was. I told her fine and asked her the same. She said she was good.She said her name was Tambra. We talked about the weather and her children.She asked me if I lived close by. I told her that I was not from around here. I was here on a business trip.She asked for how long and I told her for 2 more days.She then put her hand on my upper thigh. I really did not know what to say or do. Like I said, she was very heavy and not very good looking. I do not...

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Planetary Agents 3g Tentacles of Doom

PLANETARY AGENTS 3: Tentacles of Doom - CHAPTER 7 ? by: Babs Yerunkle A teenaged girl, barely topping 5 foot tall, bounces into the room. She has close-cropped shaggy black hair, very large green eyes and projects WAY too much energy. The best description of her would be pixy, if not for her impressive figure. The girl looks at a second girl curled up like a cat in a pile of blankets. The second girl could be her twin, except for the open-mouthed snore, and the utter *lack* of...

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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 23 Epilogue

"I wondered where you disappeared to." David turned at the sound of Greg's voice. The one-time cable repairman trudged up the side of the cliff high over David's house. David often retreated here to contemplate difficult issues without the distraction of others. "Normally when you disappear, you're either out communing with nature, cleaning what the rest of us can't, or up here scheming." "I was considering where we stand and where we're heading." David spread his arms,...

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An Afternoon Encounter

The Ad Nikita was a fairly typical upper-middle class professional girl. She had completed her engineering degree at the age of twenty-two and was confident, outgoing, and didn't take any shit from men in her professional life. She took good care of her body, working out daily and performing yoga every morning and evening. Her family thought she was just working out to improve herself but in reality Nikita wanted to look hot for the men that used her. How did Nikita find men? The internet, of...

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My Black Boy Part 1

My Black Boy - Part 1 Lying back on my bed, watching the erotic, naughty images on my big screen tv against the wall, I moaned as I stroked my thick, 9 inch cock, feeling the engorged meat swell in my grip. I loved this part. I always got harder at this point in the video. It’s why I watched it so often, maybe more than any other in my rather extensive collection of interracial daddy/boy videos. Nothing turned me on more than watching a dominant white top daddy use and abuse a...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 140

The following are compliments of Mike S Back in the olden days, Queen Elizabeth 1 was always on the lookout for a viral man for her bed. If the male in question didn’t satisfy her, the next thing was a trip to the tower and ‘off with his tackle’ so to speak. Anyway Sir Walter Raleigh having just returned from a sea voyage was summoned to attend her bedchamber. Knowing the fate of others before him and as his ship was being refitted, he cut off 3 feet from the bottom of the main mast, hid...

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Chronicles of my man to man experience

I'm planning to use this space to share my life time experience and how I've bargained with my sexual desires relating to other men. I intend to continuously improve and update this narrative and I hope that I stick with it. Please feel free to share your thoughts as I write this article. Thank you.ADULT TEEN YEARS When I was 18, a male friend of mine introduced me to masturbating. Which is the greatest thing in the world, right? Every time we hang out. We hang out, if you know what I...

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Didi Ki Mada Se Maari Cousin Didi Zara Ki Gand

Hello! Saifullah again :) with new story of my sister…This story is about my cousin sis & me Please read my previous 2 stories for my sister’s intro! Waise mai bata du wo katrina jaisi dikhti hai kuch mai kai baar apni behan ko chod chuka hoon uski gand bhi mari hai kai baar To hamesha ki tarah hum raat ko nange so rahe the… Mujhe neend nahi a rahi thi isliye maine alia ko jagaya aur kaha mujhe neend nahi aa rhi hai… Alia : thik hai mere boobs chuste hue so jao… Me : lekin mera lund khada ho...

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Ein heier Sommertag Teil I

Es wahr ein wunderschöner Tag und er versprach noch viel angenehmer zu werden, aber fangen wir zu dem Zeitpunkt an, an dem ich dich mit dem Wagen von zu Hause abholte. Wir hatten uns für diesen Tag verabredet um nach langer Zeit endlich wieder etwas Zeit miteinander verbringen zu können. Du willigst ein, dich an diesem Tag von mir überraschen zu lassen. Und ich hatte vorgesorgt um uns einen herrlichen Tag bescheren zu können. Wir wahren beide sehr gut in Stimmung an diesem Tag und so...

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Runners high

The running trail where I do my daily jog is a gently winding track along the riverside that skirts the public golf course, detours through a couple of lightly wooded areas and otherwise keeps close to the river's edge. It's a scenic route that brings relief from the stress, noise and pollution of the nearby city. Pushing myself around the 3km circuit keeps my ageing body fit and trim beyond its years and ready for other physical activities far removed from the athletic arena. Mind you, there...

Straight Sex
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My Thong wearing Stud is part of a bicouple

I decided to get serious about my level of fitness recently. I am not out of shape, by any means, but, I realized that it’s going to take some work to keep what I have, make improvements on my physique, and to use my body to pic up some extra cash. I’m not sure if that means stripping, go-go dancing, escorting, or modeling. I just want to have options, and I want to wear an assortment of the sexiest gear.I discovered that I have a great affection for spandex/jock gear. Initially, it was...

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The Shadow Lover

Hands resting on a smooth balustrade, their pale colour contrasting nature, she was frozen. There was something wrong with her hands, something very wrong. They were …. They should be …. She could not catch that instinctive feeling, explain her certainty of wrongness. Her mind seemed to want to give her a desperate hint as she looked down on the smooth, unmarked skin, but she could not grasp the fledgeling thought which hovered just out of reach. Instead, her eyes lifted to take in the...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 3 Sherry WinstonChapter 4

A week later, Bobby was again reading in bed, when Mary slipped into his room. “How’d it go?” he asked. She’d been on her date that evening, and had been home at the prescribed nine o’clock. “I let him kiss me,” she said, standing there, with her hair down. “And?” “It wasn’t like kissing you at all.” “He’s better?” She took a step towards him. “No way,” she said. “I’m sorry,” said Bobby. “Maybe he’ll get better.” “How did you learn to kiss like that?” she asked, taking...

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Reginalds FamilyChapter 9

“In that case, my darling, I’ll be happy to make start on our baby as soon as possible. Even when we take our contraceptive implants out, it takes some time for the body to become fertile again.” “Ah, yes. I read something about that in a book about fertility; or was it an online article on the subject?” “The source doesn’t matter, Reg. All that matters is the reliability of the facts stated.” “Too true, my love. It is like those histories that claim Christopher Columbus brought Syphilis...

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Family PlanningChapter 4

I’m disappointed when I wake up alone. Emma is no longer by my side, and I assume that she returned to her own bed during the night. I hope my sister isn’t having second thoughts. This has been a week of many firsts, and I’m looking forward to the trip on Saturday. A possible mind blowing experience with two sexy cheerleaders. I just have to play it smart, and avoid the pitfalls that are placed in my path. It’s probably best if I don’t leave my bedroom. I can’t afford to make any more...

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The Fishing Trip

Teresa and Jim had the weekend to themselves. Their k**s were staying with their grandparents and they wanted to do something just the two of them. They decided they would go fishing and try out the new boat. So they loaded up their jeep with a 2 man boat, tent, ice chest and fishing poles. Jim headed to a small secluded spot on a creek he was told about hoping not to have to many others around. They got there and were surprised that they were the only ones. "I'm glad no one else decided to...

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Midnight Snack

MIDNIGHT SNACK Sisyphus My oldest friend, Frank and his wife, Marci invited me to spend the weekend with them at a house they rented for the summer on the Jersey shore. I've known Frank for over twenty-five years. He was teaching at the University of Pennsylvania while I taught English at a community college outside of Philadelphia. I was recently divorced and they thought it would be good for me to get away from the city. They were renting the house with another couple. At first, I didn't...

Straight Sex
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cheerleader lovers chpt2

‘Jessalyn, my mom is my part time lover.’ Jessi said to me as we all sat up. I looked over at Janice and took in all her beauty. She definitely didn’t look like a mom of a girl in high school. She was tone, firm and very well endowed with breasts that were the largest I ever saw. I guess that I was so into my idol that her mom taking part didn’t freak me out. I looked at her sex as she shifted to give me a better look. She was completely hairless and even had a nice little tattoo right above...

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Daddys Slave 2

Dear Diary- I awoke the next morning with pain coursing through my body, my arse feeling like it was on fire and had gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. There was blood on the sheets and my cock and balls were throbbing with pain as well. I wasn’t game or didn’t want to talk to or see my mother so I called my father and when he saw my state he called a Doctor that he knew to come and see me. I lay there trying to remember what and who had happened to me last night but the pain kept me from...

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Chris BeakerChapter 15 Atomic

So here I was, trapped inside or rather above a nuclear reactor, with the remains of several victims of Marcus Anderson, it seems that this was his dumping ground for those who displeased him. Thanks to Aristotle who completely ignored my warning about future knowledge I had managed to help Sally Randall who had been used as bait to get me to follow her into this place. She was now ... well she was safe if where I sent her to was ready for her, anyway I had more important things to sort...

4 years ago
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The Dress It takes two

This is my own work, and copyrighted as such. No attempt should be made to copy or redistribute in any form on any other site.What follows is a mix of truth and poetic licence. Enjoy.Cathy was one of my bar staff.I say bar - more of a lunchtime and after work social club. An escape from the drudge of the office life.I never knew why she volunteered, it didn't suit her person.Cathy was a bit geeky. Almost 30, so five or six years my junior. Shortish naturally ebony hair, quite thick rimmed...

3 years ago
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Oh Where Oh Where Could My Baby Be

My name is Lars Micheal Anderson and am about to graduate from Sanford University with a PhD. in Psychology. I will be working with the Transgendered Community to honor my dead girlfriend Katrina Leona Stewart who's Love for me led to my redemption and return to God. [-][+][-] I met Katrina after she had transitioned. She was an only child whose parents had passed away, leaving her to live with Pastor Franklin Rhodes, her uncle. He used to pastor the Gate City Baptist Church until...

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Naked On TV And The Winner Is Love

“You three have buggered up my life,” I said, staring at the fully clothed Celeste, Naomi and Sam. “Your little game caused my lady parts to become very demanding.” All three just shrugged and continued our walk towards the river. I stood there for a moment, flabbergasted, then ran after and past them. Turning, my hands on my hips, I said: “What do you have to say about…”“Watch it, Julia,” warned Celeste. “You’re in shit.”“I know and you’re responsible.”“No. You’re standing in rhino dung.”I...


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