The Art of Divorce
- 2 years ago
- 25
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It took me a while, but I've finally discovered what's wrong with women. Men; no doubt about it, men are the problem.
As I sit here in this bus stop shelter, smelling the leftover piss, from the derelicts that sleep here when no one is around, I can see all of my mistakes, and they're crystal clear in the rear view mirror of my mind.
I've got about an hour, so I can tell you about this chunk of my life. My life isn't exactly going the way I'd hoped. In fact right now it's an absolute disaster. I've been forced to take a long hard look at the way I live and treat people. But I'm still relatively young, so I can come back from this.
My biggest mistake was in believing that men would do the right thing. Neither of the men involved in my story did the right thing. Truthfully my idea of the right thing, is whatever is best for me, but I guess neither of them realized that.
My other mistake was in believing that other women would also act according to the rules and principles that I think keeps life organized. The other woman in the story was not supposed just swoop in and grab my toys before I was done playing with them.
So now I find myself taking this embarrassing bus ride back to my parent's house to try and rebuild my life in the hick town that I was so eager to escape from. I'm sure those small town tongues will be wagging when I get there. It will definitely not be the triumphant return that I expected, but it's not all my fault.
I'm a victim of conditioning. People are supposed to act a certain way around me, and when they don't I guess I don't make good decisions.
Men have always told me the same stuff since I was a little girl. "Oh Kathy, you're beautiful; I'd do anything for you."
They call me Kathy because that's my name. I'm an apple in a world of pears and that makes me stand out. Being an apple means that my tits are bigger than my ass. Don't kid yourself, look around there's lots of pears out there but not too many apples.
Anyway my long naturally straight blonde hair and crystal clear blue eyes don't hurt me much either. My daddy always said that I was destined to do great things and be a success in life.
Throughout my life thus far there has only been one boy for me Raphe Jenkins. He was the cutest boy in my school, and therefore in town. I latched onto him in the first grade and just never let go. He wasn't as driven as I was, but he always played his part. When we got to high-school and I became a cheerleader, he had to get on the football team, or lose me. He didn't like football much, so I had to motivate him to excel. He was a running back so I'd just tell him that when he got the ball that I'd stand under the goal-posts, and anybody that stopped him from reaching me could have some pussy. That lit a fire under him, because Raphe loved my pussy, and he hated sharing. By our senior year, Raphe had more touchdowns than any other player in the school's history. He probably could've gone to college on a football scholarship, but that wasn't in my plans.
Right out of high-school, we got married and moved to California. Raphe was a very good carpenter, and he got a lot of jobs around the city, so he could put me through college. While there I got my associates degree in business, and started working at the bank to gain experience. The first experience I gained was the fact that some of the people who worked in the bank, spent more money in a week on lunch than we spent on rent. They wore beautiful clothes, and drove expensive cars instead of pickup trucks. In short, they were living the life that I wanted. I'd spent a lot of time in school cultivating the correct image and losing my southern accent, now was the time for me to make my mark.
I started having Raphe drop me off, a block away from the bank in the morning, and pick me up a block away as well. That way no one would ever see me getting out of his old truck. Raphe was a good guy and I loved him in my own way, but there was no way I wanted anyone to see me in that truck.
One of the officers at the bank took a liking to me, and started helping me to develop into the person I wanted to be. I in turn helped him with a little problem he had whenever he was around me. It wasn't that big of a problem; his dick just seemed to stand straight up whenever I was around. Like I said it wasn't that big a problem since it was only about 4 inches long. I hardly even felt it when we had sex so I didn't really think of it, as cheating. I knew that Raphe wouldn't see it that way so I was careful that he never found out.
Anyway he started introducing me to the right kinds of people, and finally introduced me to Smith Benson. Was that classy or what, the man has 2 last names. Even his first name is a last name. Anyway Smith (that's his first name) fell for me in a big way. He was an account executive for an entertainment representation firm. They handled all kinds of stars and athletes in a number of fields. I didn't care which field it was as long as there weren't any crops growing in it. Smith drove a Silver BMW. It was the most beautiful car I'd ever seen. He got me a job as his assistant, no more days as a bank teller for me.
From the very start I knew that Smith was interested in me, after all he was a man. I watched his progress trying to get into my pants and realized that as rich and powerful as he was, or as I thought he was, that I had power over him. For the first few weeks, I kept everything above board and business like. But I had to be careful too, because if I made him wait too long, he'd replace me with someone who would give him what he wanted. I intended to give it to him too; I just wanted something in return.
He took me to lunch in a different fancy restaurant every day. He got my hair done, and even started to buy me clothes and things. I explained to Raphe, that Smith was just trying to make sure that my clothes and manners didn't call adverse attention to me, in the company we were keeping at work. Raphe, the jealous little boy that he was, had threatened to bust Smith's ass, if he so much as laid a finger on me.
I think he followed us a couple of times as we went to lunch so I had to do something to get him off of our track. Raphe still didn't like the thought of sharing me with anybody else, go figure.
Smith and I had one of his mysterious clients coming in, she was an artist from France, and had a big following all over the world. She was coming to the United States for the 1st time for a show. She was going to be here for a month before the show to finalize her new pieces. This presented an opportunity for us, I told Smith.
"What's on your mind Kathleen?" he asked.
"Where is Amanda staying when she gets here?" I asked.
"We have an apartment/studio rented for her," he replied.
"Do you have any carpentry work that needs to be done there?" I asked again.
"Well there are a few things that could be done, why?" he asked.
"Because, if you hired my husband to do it, we'd know exactly where he was and when, so we'd be able to be together without worrying about him finding us, and busting your ass."
So Smith called Raphe and had him come over for a meeting 2 days later. They worked out all of the details, and Smith gave Raphe the keys, and they shook hands as Raphe left.
Smith then came over to me and told me to pay him for hiring Raphe. I knew exactly what he wanted, because his payments usually involved my 2 friends, Kneel and Bob.
Everything should have been perfect. Smith had gotten us a room, at a motel clear across town from the apartment complex Raphe was working at.
What was Raphe doing near the motel? You can train a puppy not to shit on your rugs, but you can't train a man to do anything. Raphe was driving past the motel, because the motel happened to be located near the only fucking Burger Queen restaurant in town. When he saw Smith's BMW, he waited outside the motel and saw us coming out.
Of course Smith and I didn't know Raphe had seen us, we thought we had gotten away with it. Smith was happy, and I was disappointed but happy as well. I was disappointed because by now I had cheated on Raphe with 2 big city types and neither one of them had any idea that they hadn't rung my bell. Sex with Smith was every bit as boring as with Mr. 4 inch Jones at the bank. At least I could have my cake and eat it too. I could let Smith warm me up whenever we got together, then go home and let Raphe fuck the living shit out of me.
I couldn't believe that I saw Kathy coming out of a motel with that slimy ass boss of hers. I guess she was just too fancy for me now. She had been spending so much time with al of her big city cohorts that she was just too sophisticated for a country boy.
Well if that's what she wants she's welcome to it, I won't bother her. I called a friend of mine back home and he said I should call a lawyer about a divorce, so that's what I did. It's gonna be kind of expensive, so I'm gonna have to keep working. It's like that joke from the dukes of Hazard movie. "Why are divorces so expensive? Because they're worth it."
The lawyer had set me up with a Private investigator to get evidence, to prove my claim. He also told me that since we had no kids, and were both working that if I could prove infidelity, I wouldn't have to pay Kathy any kind of alimony or support. That's what I wanted just to be free of her.
At the same time I still loved her so much. I just couldn't imagine why she would do this to me. Yeah, I could, why should I lie to myself. From the first grade, me and Kathy had both been in love with the same person, her. We always did, what she wanted, only this time I guess what she wants, she needs someone else to help her get.
I drove over to the apartment that I was supposed to be working in. I hoped that they'd have a microwave there so I could warm up my food from Burger Queen.
This should be an easy job, but it would be time consuming. I had to build a series of easels and stands in different rooms of the apartment, and a few on the deck out back. This was so the person that was going to live here could paint or do whatever they did, where ever they wanted. I was also supposed to look around the place to see if anything needed to be repaired. If I could do the repairs, I was supposed to do them and bill Slimy Smith for the work. If it was outside of my capabilities or comfort zone, I was to notify Smith so he could have it done before his client arrived.
As I opened the door, I noticed that it squeaked and kind of stuck when I tried to open it. I'd put that on the bill, and charge Slimy Smith fifty bucks for a shot of WD-40.
In the kitchen, among all of the state of the art appliances I found a microwave. It was a really nice one too. As my burgers were heating up, I sat down at the table in the breakfast nook. I started thinking about Kathy again. There was no way I wanted to stay married to her, she was a ... Try as I might even now I couldn't think of anything bad to call her. I guess I wasn't wired that way.
I was pulled from my revelry by a sound. I wasn't quite sure I'd heard it, maybe I imagined it. But it sounded as though someone had gone up the back stairway really quietly, like they were only wearing socks.
I probably did imagine it. I ate my burgers while the smell of charcoal grilled beef permeated the apartment.
I measured all of the open walls in the rooms that I was told to put the easels in. I had a better idea in a couple of the rooms it made more sense to build racks in front of the walls.
Once I had all of the measurements done for the interior, I looked at the outside. I had an idea here too. I thought I build the easel out here inside of an enclosure so that wind or rain or dust wouldn't damage any pictures or whatever was going on. After that I cleaned up my mess and went home.
Kathy was there already. She was wearing one of those slinky night sets that she liked to lounge around in. I remember when she used to look just as good, if not better, in one of my old shirts or T-shirts. But she was too sophisticated for that now.
She came over towards me, and I pretended to have to put my tool belt away as she reached for a hug.
"Raphe did you eat, yet Hon?"
I wondered why the hell, she was asking me that. She can't cook, and I don't smell any food that she brought in.
What if I was hungry, was she just going to pull my dinner out of her ass?
"Yep", I said, "I had Burgers."
I guess I was hoping that she'd remember that I only liked Burgers from 1 place.
She knew that even though there was a McClowny's restaurant on every corner, I only liked Burger Queen. The only one in town was right near the motel she'd spent part of her afternoon in.
"Well good," she said, "Maybe we can spend some quality time together then."
I noticed 2 things right off the bat. The first was that her fake city accent was gone and she was talking like she did when we first got here 3 years ago. That meant that she wanted something. The 2nd was that she smelled like she'd just taken a shower, and cleaned herself up. Getting rid of the evidence I guessed. She'd just been out fucking old Slimy Smith, did she really need even more sex, or was this just her way of fooling me into thinking that nothing was going on. I'm not as sophisticated as Kathy and Smith, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid.
I could have gone to college, I did have a lot of scholarship offers, and my grades were better than Kathy's, but when we got here, I had to make the money so she could go to school.
She sashayed over to the bedroom door and just leaned in the doorway. I guess I was supposed to trip over my dick running after her. I just played it cool instead. I spread out my measurements on the kitchen table and pretended to go over them.
"Sweetheart I have to make sure that all of my figures are correct for this job," I said.
"If I do anything wrong, it would reflect badly on you to your boss."
"And we wouldn't want that, now would we?" I asked.
"I'll be in soon," I said.
She pouted but she went on into the bedroom anyway. She wasn't used to not getting her way, but soon enough she'd be able to do things any way she wanted because I'd be gone. My heart ached, but I knew this was the right thing to do. My daddy had always told me that when you're in a bad situation, the right thing to do was usually the one that hurt the most.
I couldn't believe that Raphe, my Raphe was making me wait to have sex. He should have jumped in here at the first glance. Normally as soon as he came through the door he was looking at me like a stallion in heat. And now not only was he not all over me, he was making me wait. Smith, and every other man I know, would do anything to get between my legs and I've got Raphe making me wait. I lay down on the bed with my legs just slightly parted. I wanted him to see the matching top and also the thong panties of the night set I was wearing. This set was perfect it was baby blue to set off my eyes. My breasts were barely contained in the top and it could be released with one tug, my ass like I said, wasn't anything to write home about but the right frame makes any picture better, and these panties were the right frame. They were so tiny they made my ass look fuller.
Smith had loved the way I looked in this set. Unfortunately, the whole thing had only taken about 10 minutes. We checked into the room, he had to make a couple business calls while I changed. He came in saw me, took his clothes off, pulled the string of the panties aside stuck his dick in me, grunted and thrust about 8 times and then just laid down next to me. I thought he was taking a break or switching positions but he was done. He even came inside me, what a fucking prick. He was starting to fall asleep until he saw the way I was looking at him. Then he just looked up at me and asked me if I wanted to do it again.
When I said "Oh yeah, I can hardly wait," he didn't realize that I was being sarcastic.
There was no foreplay, no touching, Raphe usually spends more time just eating my pussy, than Smith and I spent in the motel. I think it takes me longer to suck Smith's dick than we spent in the motel. Shit, Raphe had better hurry up and get in here.
I started imagining exactly what I wanted my husband to do to me, and I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew it was 3 a.m. and Raphe was already in bed beside me. The unusual thing was that normally even if I went to bed first, when I awoke the next morning Raphe would always be spooned up behind me. Even if we'd had one of our rare arguments, it was just how we slept. He used to say that we gravitated towards each other in the night. But not only was he not next to me, he was all the way on the other side of the bed, and he was facing away from me. I slowly rolled towards him and put my leg over his leg and hip, but he didn't react. I gently tapped him on the shoulder, no result. Finally when I shook him awake, he yawned and asked me what I wanted.
"Nothing Raphe, just go back to sleep," I said angrily.
I'm not sure but I think there was a hint of a smile on his lips, as he turned back away from me. This should have been a wake-up call for me that something, other than the things I had done was wrong in my marriage, but I failed to see it.
The next morning when I woke up to get ready for work, Raphe was already gone.
For the first time that I could remember he hadn't kissed me goodbye or said anything to me before he left. It was one of those things I could never cure him of. He always told me that if he got hurt or died, or I did, he didn't want us to go into the next life without having told me he loved me, or kissed me one last time. Raphe was a puppy; he wasn't a complicated entity so I never thought that he had any kind of plan or that anything was going on. But he had never refused, or said no to sex with me.
In high school Raphe got tackled and had a groin sprain, he supposedly couldn't move his lower body at all, without a lot of pain. When I visited him, with his mom, I asked him what he wanted. He lifted his eyebrows in a way to let me know that pain or no pain, he wanted pussy. His mom said she had to talk to the doctors for a few minutes, we fucked. It was that simple. I've heard that every man has times when he can't perform, and we are in our mid twenties now so maybe last night he was just tired. But why was he sleeping away from me. I still needed Raphe in my life, and in my own way I loved him, more than anyone else in the world. I knew I loved him far more than any feelings I had for Smith. But Smith was my ticket to the life I needed, and Raphe would never find out about him.
I got out of the house as early as I could. I was really worried that Kathy would want to have wake up sex. It was strange, that I could go from totally enraptured, to total revulsion in 24 hours but here I was. Stranger still was the fact that emotionally, I still loved her so much and wanted for us to fix this. But the thought of having sex with her; the thought of putting my lips, or even my dick anywhere near that hole she gave Smith made me want to throw up.
So I found myself driving over to the Home Depot near the apartment before the sun came up. It was open at 6 a.m. I ordered my materials from contractor supply, and went to get coffee while my order was filled. I looked through their Tool section and got new blades for my jig saw and my circular saw. By the time I was done there, they were calling me to tell me that my order had been filled. I got receipts for all of the items to present to Smith for re-imbursement, and then I drove to the site.
As I pulled up in front of the apartment, I could swear the light was on, on the upper floor. I pulled into the driveway and when I looked again it was off. Maybe I'd mistaken which unit was lit up. It didn't matter anyway since they were all dark now. The person that Smith was leasing the apartment for wasn't due to be there for a few weeks, so no one should be here now.
I got the keys out and started unloading my materials. First I moved everything from my truck to the large living room area. Then using the sketches and measurements I'd taken the previous day, I divided the load up into smaller packages and moved each package into the room it was designed for. The remaining materials, for the outdoor deck, stayed in the living room. I'd probably do the deck last and I didn't want my wood ruined if it rained.
After all of that unloading and lugging heavy pieces around, it was time for a break. So I sat down to drink my coffee. I probably should have kept moving because as soon as I sat down my mind went back to Kathy. I imagined her doing all kinds of things with Smith that I was too dumb and countrified to know about. I remembered back when we first got to California, how I'd had to work for a contracting firm until I got my license and was barely able to keep food on our table, and pay Kath's tuition. For that first year, every time she took another class we ate tuna or bologna for a week or two, so we could buy her text books. She was becoming a success and leaving me behind. I didn't regret a single one of the things I'd done or given up for her. It just hurt so bad that she'd betray me like this. I couldn't help it, the thought of living the rest of my life without her, had me desolate. Before I could stop them the tears started rolling down my cheeks and I had to bite my lips hard to stifle the urge to just break down and really cry.
It was OK for a few stray tears to escape under situations of extremely high emotion, but to just sit here bawling, was just not manly. Since my daddy didn't raise no bitches, I wasn't going to start crying now. As I wiped the tears away, I swear I saw movement at the top of the stairs. When I got my eyes clear, there was no one there.
I went back out to the truck to get my tool belt, and strangely enough felt better after the emotional release. The vibration at my side scared the shit out of me, and I nearly jumped through the ceiling. It was only my cell phone. I looked at the display and saw that it was Kathy, so I didn't answer it. I needed to start preparing myself for the time when she'd no longer be in my life. I didn't let myself think about where she was, or what she'd be doing. I'd know everything she did and with whom by the end of the day anyway. The PI would give me daily reports until we had enough hard evidence to go to court with.
I started framing the rack in the living room. The way I designed it the rack would be able to support canvasses and framed pictures in almost any width or height. There'd be adjustment bars every 3 feet so two or more pieces of differing dimensions could be viewed or worked on next to each other. For the living room I thought I would do one rack on the west wall and one opposite it on the east wall. If I built them that way the racks wouldn't interfere with either the entry way or the fireplace. I started cutting the lengths of wood I'd need, then I drilled holes for the screws and bolts to assemble them.
I decided against cutting and drilling all of the wood at the same time, because I wanted to see how well the first one would work before I committed and possibly wasted all of my materials if the design was flawed. Also I started thinking that it might be good to have at least one rack complete just in case this guy got here early. Artists were known for being flaky so who knows what could happen.
By this time it was nearly lunch time and I knew where I wanted to go. Back to Burger Queen, damn those burgers were good.
So I got back in my truck, and headed over to the drive through, on the way over, I noticed Smith's car parked outside the motel again. This time in a fit of rage I stopped, I caught myself though as I remembered my lawyer's advice on doing anything stupid.
I crept slowly over to the expensive car, looking around to see if anyone was watching me. I removed a sharpened punch from my tool belt and punctured both rear tires. Then I went forward and flattened both of the front tires. I know it was childish, but boy did I feel better. Then taking the same punch I deeply scratched a line down the side of the car. I got back in my truck and drove off, feeling electrified.
I ordered my usual from the Queen, and decided that from now on I'd have to order less. Too many burgers and I'd have trouble replacing Kathy, when the time came.
While I was there another thought went through my head. The damage I'd done to Smith's car would affect him about as much, as having to drive out and buy these burgers had affected me. It was a bit of an inconvenience, but nothing more. This sobered me up, and knocked the wind back out of my sails.
I was trading in the girl I'd loved since the 1st grade, for a few scratches and tires. By the time I got back to the apartment I was nearly in tears again. I went back in ready to eat my burgers, and it just kept hitting me. There had to be something wrong with me, for her to treat me this way. Obviously yesterday wasn't a one time thing. I now saw that they had only given me this job to keep track of my whereabouts during their time together. This could get really ugly really fast. There was really nothing I could do to save my marriage. Kathy had always been driven towards the good life. She wanted maybe even needed, things that I was never going to be able to provide. The fact that I loved her, and loved only her, didn't matter. And in Smith she'd found someone who could not only provide those things, but was the kind of person she really wanted. The only thing for me to do was get out of their way.
I really thought that I'd hit bottom about all of this yesterday, but here it was again only worse. There was no way I'd ever get her back. It was like someone had just backed up a dump truck full of concrete, and then just dropped the whole load on me. I fell to my knees and just sobbed.
Every emotion I'd ever felt just oozed out of me, it was the most desolate sadness I'd ever experienced. Time had no meaning, I was overcome. I'd heard people talk about wanting to die when a loved one passed or left them, and I now knew how that felt. It was as if everything moved in slow motion, every action, every thought required my consent, and I couldn't see a reason for any of it. Should I breathe in? Why? Why shouldn't I just stop breathing and let go of the pain. If I died maybe she'd understand why I just gave up on life and feel sorry. Maybe everything would start over again and she'd never hurt me like this again. Maybe she was just a cold hearted snake, who had never loved me and never would. She'd probably just laugh when she found out I was dead, because it would save her and Smith the trouble of having to get rid of me or divorce me. My death would be the last gift I'd give her.
It was about that time that I felt the hand on my shoulder. I'm a pretty big guy, but I have to admit that hand, though it was tiny, completely scared the shit out of me. I jumped nearly through the roof. My heart was beating so fast, I got light headed. When I turned around, I saw a girl. Well maybe she was a woman, she was just frigging tiny.
Kathy is small compared to me, but this woman was tiny. She was barely 5 feet tall, if that. She had curly brown hair that cascaded down her back, stopping where it was blocked by her shoulders and spilling over the front. It wasn't all of that hair that stopped me in my tracks though it was the expression on her face. I'd never seen so much concern in one expression. Her eyes were hard to describe, they were kind of a grayish green, that were piercing and inviting at the same time. They appeared to take in every detail of every thing they gazed at. The eyes didn't appear to form opinions, there was no right or wrong in her gaze, it only measured and compared details. As if after seeing someone this way she could easily, replicate any and all objects she saw. And right then she saw me.
As my brain reconnected with my mouth, and I realized that I could talk, words started coming out.
"Hey, who the hell are you, and why are you here?" I snapped.
"You are so sad," she said, with the thickest accented English, I'd ever heard.
"This is my house," she said. "You make my, how you say, picture stands. Only I think you do better job, with these, what you call them?"
I was speechless, and words simply would not come out.
"I was on the 2nd floor hiding and I smelled the food again," she said smiling.
"I was dying to just come down and eat with you. But no one is to know that I am here. I work day and night, but I have no ideas, only paintings with no, vision. I could do as well with a camera. This is not art."
"And as I watch, you are consumed by this sadness. It threatens to take you away. You must tell me about it, maybe I can help?"
"Come let us sit down, we will talk about it."
She led me over to the same table I'd been sitting at for a couple of days. All those times I'd thought I heard something, I guess I had.
She was again very tiny, and also obviously French. She was the person that Smith had rented the apartment for. So I guess technically that mad her, my employer's employer. Or basically, she was, my boss's boss.
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Introduction: This story is all about the second dirty little secret that I confessed to my live-in boyfriend, who would later become my husband. This confession turned out being my way of finally coming clean with the love of my life, and admitting to him that I really wasnt the naive, innocent young lady that I had always represented myself as being, ever since we had first met and started dating. * * * * * The first dirty little secret that I ever shared with my live-in boyfriend, Ray (not...
The first "dirty little secret" that I ever shared with my live-in boyfriend, Ray (not his real name), was a real doozie! It was about how I had lost my virginity in a very unique way, back when I was a young lady. It happened on a hot and sunny summer Sunday afternoon, when I was unexpectedly cornered in a small bathroom at a middle-aged Hispanic friend's equally-small house, and then sexually molested--and ultimately raped--by her teenage son, Freddy, who was so dark-skinned that he...
Taylynn's sock was still hung on our dorm room doorknob as I passed by. I couldn't believe I had cum before her or even before her boyfriend exploded. I had to laugh a little. Then I wondered if that actually was a good thing. Oh well, it was what it was. I made a poor decision, however, to just wear my clothes. I was still rather moist and my clit rubbing on the denim sure didn't help. My nipples were also still hard. I couldn't cover them. So everyone saw my pokies as I walked to the art...
ExhibitionismHOLIDAY WITH ART by "C.C." For years: I wanted to spend a Vacation down in Texas with Art, my long- time pen-pal, and share some pointers on our mutual interest--Cross- Dressing! We're both "straight", but Art's a very accomplished TV, and I've always fantasized and wanted to try it, so this looked like the Chance! A few- days before I went down, Art told me he'd just met a wonderful woman who enjoyed having him dress up for her and play mild bondage games. He said things...
“I stole one of your paintings, Artie,” confessed Mavis as she looped a hand through my arm. We’d started the day with her as my model for a new composition. I guess I had ulterior motives. I wanted Morgan to experience prolonged eye contact with Mavis. The two had been getting along incredibly well, but both Annette and I had held Mavis’s eyes for an hour or more and the effect had been profound. I’d done the same with both Annette and with Morgan, but I wanted this last loop closed. I’d...
There was the case of the research manager of a pharmaceutical giant, let's call him Jerry. His company was about to launch a new skin cream to fight wrinkles, a product which combined the benefits of Botox with the advantage of not having any side effects. Mirella mentioned to Jerry that she had always been curious about what a specification for products like a skin cream looked like and that she was dying to see one, even if it was an old, out-of-date one, but said she'd understand if he...
Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Aapke mail mile mujhe, behad khushi hui. Thanks sabko. Chaliye aaj ka episode padhte hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pahle season 1 padhle jisse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id ( ). Aur haan agar aapko meri series pasand aa rahi ho to mujhe vote karna na bhoole. PART 12: Cousin Sister Bharti – Intro...
(Dialogues are translated from Hindi to English so no problem for non Hindi readers) Anjali and her hubby were unhappy couple who spent most of their time together fighting. Anjali’s father had not bothered to look at her hubby before the marriage as he was a rich man. But on the day of the wedding she had realized that he was an ugly very black Tamilian. The marriage as expected didn’t work and after seven months they were almost at the brink of divorce when her hubby brought Ramu an eighteen...
Ann couldn't remember when those dreams started. Ever since her breasts became so large, pictures of her globes started popping up in her mind all the time. Her boobs materialized as part of old paintings and art installations, on walls and windows, in fruit baskets and even inside bookshelves! It was just crazy, and quite irritating. At some point, Ann was concerned that she was about to go crazy. She knew she had to do something about those weird thoughts. And so she decided to study art,...
Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Six: Inspiring Art By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Sixteen: Fairy Delight Sven Falk – Queen Sidhe's Palace, Faerie I rose from Queen Sidhe's bed, certainty settling upon me. I knew what to do: rescue Aingeal. No choice. I wouldn't let my faerie-wife perish. I brought her here. I promised to protect her. My eyes fell on Princess Siona. She took a step back from me, her purple-and-black...
Art, part two. Ch. 03 Art meets laboratory staff charged with making him ‘normal’. It was a long night with lots of thoughts or maybe more like nightmares and I felt lousy when I finally did wake up. I could hear Suzanne in the bathroom, but for some reason I didn’t join her. I was still deep in thought when I heard her say, ‘Good, you’re awake. I’ll order us some breakfast and then I want to talk to you.’ I lay there with a sinking feeling as Suzanne called room service. When she finished...
Ladies, have you ever felt that porn was just too hardcore for you these days? Does it feel that most of the porn is just catering to guys and their fantasies? Fear not, because there is some porn out there that I do think you’ll enjoy a lot. Specifically, I am talking about art porn and this is basically a genre of porn that is pretty close to what erotica has to offer. So, if you like erotica, you’re probably going to love art porn. You might even love it more than you like erotica. Art porn...
Porn for Women SitesIt hadn’t been this bad since my first couple of weeks in high school. At least when I started high school, my sister was always nearby to help set me straight. And keep bullies away. No one crossed her. I knew my panic would pass and I’d be okay, but knowing that didn’t make it easier. I clutched Annette’s hand as I approached the classroom for my Liberal Arts Seminar. It would have been so much easier if we were in the same section. “See the bench over there?” Annette asked as she squeezed...
Narrated by Author Pichle bar mein aap logone dekha ki Rahul apni maa aur aunty ke sath ab vaasna ki maidan mein kafi kareeb ho chukke the. Lekin un teeno ko ek baat ki fikar thi. Aur woh thi Bharti ka ghar mein hona. Jis karan Rahul, Sarika aur Kavita khule aam apne nange armano ko pura nahi kar sakte the. Lekin baad mein Bharti jab wapas aayi to Rahul ke sath uski kafi baat hui message ke zariye. Bharti Rahul aur uski maa ki harkato ke bare mein jaanti thi aur sath hi uske andar bhi halki...
“This obstacle called the Gentic Belt”. Benni explained to Zax, “It encircles the planet, like a very long belt, and can only be safely crossed through the Emerald Cross, on an equipped vessel. Imagined it as the sole punch hole on this large belt”. The girl was very patient and the closeness she maintained to Zax signaled the development of a certain interest. “The buckle is where we’re heading, the Earthly Crater, there- Eh, look! The eruption is finally over”. She pointed at the wall of...
AdamDesire 2 - Marina's Art Introduction: Welcome to the world of "AdamDesire" for a story based on an experience that I actually lived. You might want to first read "AdamDesire 1- Meet Miss Lulu", to get to know Adam and Jodi and to share their first cross-dressing experience together. The English word "tableau", plural "tableaux", comes from the French term "tableau vivant", literally meaning a living picture. --- "It must be him. It must be him." sings the lovely and alluring...
Narrated by Rahul Hello dosto, main Rahul. aaplogo ne dekha kitchen mein Bharti ko dikhate hue main apni maa ki gand chod raha tha. Kavita aunty maa ke kamre mein so rahi thi. Unhe kamre mein lock kar hum teeno yaha kitchen mein the. Mujhe aur maa ko dekh Bharti kafi uttejit thi aur abtak jhad bhi chuki thi. Main ab bhi jhada nahi tha. Maa mere lund ko pakad muh mein lekar choosti hui Bharti ko dikhane lagi. Fir lund ko muh se nikal haat mein lekar hilati hui mujhe dekh boli: Ise bacha kar...
‘Oh my God, You’ve got to be kidding me? You’re pimping out your friends to keep your geeks happy now?’ Kallah couldn’t believe it and shook her head with a half-laugh hoping that Amber was kidding. ‘It’s not like that,’ Amber said defensively. ‘You said yourself you’re in a rut and I thought you might like a change of pace. He’s a great guy honestly.’ ‘I am sure he is, but I am not sure I am I cut out to be a corporate whore, like you,’ Kallah replied a little angry that her friend had...
Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
Edited by Barney R and qxvw198 Hello again, Sue here to tell of another of Mike and my adventures. Mike has always been spontaneous so when he suggested we go to the modern art exhibit at the last minute I had no problems or worries. On our way Mike starts a conversation about art. "You know standing there being looked at by so many people," he said. "I bet a piece of art must have an exhibition fetish like you." "Yes but what piece of art gets to make love to her husband after being...
Art, part two. Ch. 05 Art finds out what Dr. Heidi’s plans are for him. * I was reliving last night’s activities in the shower, which unfortunately, included experiencing a healthy dose of guilt about Suzanne. There’s no way I could just claim I was doing Lisa a favor. Well I could, but it would be pure BS. Lisa’s a nice lady, I’ll have to be damn careful what’s happening here. My life is so screwed up, I’m in no position to be thinking about any relationship. The hot water was taking away...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
“Bitch!” Kendra’s voice cut through the air echoing my own before I got to the door. “You humiliated my friend and classmate. I don’t need this class.” “Me either.” I turned at the door to see Susan standing up. “I already graduated from kindergarten. I don’t need a self-righteous nursery school teacher to humiliate me.” She picked up her books and headed toward Kendra and me. “Now see here,” Mrs. Reynolds said. “I want this class to come to order immediately. There is no reason for...
Art was a class of nine students, seven boys and two girls with a great teacher who gave us the opportunity to do basically what we liked in practical (painting and sculptor) but pushed us hard in theory. The art room was a double standard size with sinks, potters table and kiln at one end with the students art folders kept at the opposite end with its own lock up section. Each student’s folder where kept in their own section. My folder was at the back of the storeroom on the bottom shelf....
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
XArt! I’m not what someone would consider an X Art fag. Hell, the only time I ever tried going to the museum, I ended up being dragged out by the police after rubbing one out to some classical nudes. What can I say? Paintings of fruit bowls and photographs of architecture bore the hell out of me, but naked ladies always seem to catch my attention. That’s why I was pretty happy to find out X-Art wasn’t your typical fine arts has been around for a while now; the domain was...
Premium Porn Pictures SitesThere weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...
Wife LoversThere weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...
Wife LoversTHE GREATEST LIE, CHAPTER 13 - Alexandra Rivers © [email protected] DOES LIFE IMITATE ART? I love technology, in spite of the stereotype about girls. Although I was a guy, at least outwardly, until a year ago, I think I was always inwardly a girl. According to the stereotype, we girls are supposed to be indifferent to anything more technical than the designer covers of our cell phones. Still, I just can't help myself: I enjoy mastering new technology. Even...
Hi friends …This is a real life incident which happened between me and my aunt Aarthi. My name is Kannan and I am 19 years old. I finished my 12th standard in Madurai and wanted to pursue a B.e degree. I thought that Chennai was the right place for it. I proposed the idea to my parents and they readily accepted. But they saw a problem in it. They didn’t want me to stay in a hostel since they felt that its not safe out there perhaps not conducive enough for me to study. At that moment, an idea...
IncestMy name is Lynette Adler. I’m 26 and I live in New York City. I’m a curator at the Guggenheim Museum of Art. I love doing what I do and all, even though it has gotten kind of boring. My home life was also boring, my husband Derek, a Xerox salesperson, and I had a very large rift in our 6-year old marriage. All that plus my overprotective, overbearing mother lives with us. My life with my mother had been volatile since my father had died. He died when I was 13. I managed to do extremely well...
Normally trekking through an old growth oak forest would be the cat’s meow for me. After all, I am an ecology major just on the verge of graduation. The thought of graduation reminded me once again why I was here in these woods and my ire rose. Damn art requirement and damn counselor who had realized I was missing it! I hate art. I can’t even draw stick figures well for goodness sake. I had figured my safest route was a class called ‘Art in Nature’. I love nature…plus it was reported to be a...
Art, part two. Ch. 12 Art gets an invite to the Manor House. Suzanne tried to call again several times, but it’s been quiet now for awhile so maybe she’s given up. I heard the front door slam and a moment later Lisa and Heidi came barging into the room. Lisa’s face is all red. She’s either pissed off or crying, probably both. ‘Damn it to hell, it’s none of their business.’ Heidi said, ‘You don’t have a choice. John Berger is only following your father’s orders. He needs this Barrington...
The first time that I saw Violet Gable was on a warm Saturday afternoon at the end of March, when I decided to sit in Mount Vernon Square and admire the weather, as well as the young women just out of their winter coats. Needless to say, I had no idea that she was named Violet Gable. I was fairly sure from looking at her that she was somewhere between 18 and 25 (20, I eventually found out), and that she was a student at the Art Institute since it was nearby and she was using a...
Art, part two. Ch. 09 Dr. Lisa and Art find a possible new beginning for him. Suddenly Heidi said, ‘Well hello ‘Lees’, you’re late.’ Lisa from somewhere behind me said, ‘It doesn’t look like I was missed. Heidi, you and I need to talk.’ When I sat up the two women were looking at me, so I said, ‘OK, I’m out of here.’ What else was there for me to say? Then it dawned on me I was still naked, ‘Heidi, where are my clothes?’ ‘They’re up in my workshop. Grab one of my large T-shirts in the top...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
It’s largely up to the exhibitors as to what kind of event the BFA exhibition is. Les and I wisely chose to let the women decide. As a result, the two of us stood side-by-side in the guest bath downstairs as we worked on tying our formal bowties. I had to admire the way Les had filled out and matured over the three-plus years we’d been friends. When we first met, he was a scrawny, frightened kid trying not to be noticed amidst a school conflict. We were a lot alike. I remember thinking that...
The first time that I saw Violet Gable was on a warm Saturday afternoon at the end of March, when I decided to sit in Mount Vernon Square and admire the weather, as well as the young women just out of their winter coats. Needless to say , I had no idea that she was named Violet gable. I was fairly sure from looking at her that she was somewhere between 18 and 25 (20, I eventually found out), and that she was a student at the Art Institute since it was nearby and she was using a pencil and an...
Phil sat in the waiting room with several other people. All seemed to be answering the want-ad in the student paper. 'Needed: 2 Models for Figure Drawing Class. Must be at least 18 and in good shape as classes may exceed 2 hours. Proof of age required. Payment: $50.00 per hour. Overtime for sessions over 2 hours. Classes meet Wed. and Fri., 3:00-5:00PM Apply in person at the Art Department main office Monday morning, 7:00AM. Swimwear or equivalent required.' An extra pair of C-notes a week...
Art, part two. Ch. 10 Art has a frightening experience. Our next stop was a hair salon where apparently they had both male and female customers. A majority of the customers and attendant’s were little people. I don’t see the connection between height and hair, but maybe it’s just a matter of being more comfortable among their own. Lisa must have called ahead, because we’re led immediately to an open chair. Lisa went into a discussion about what she wanted for me and I was left out until the...
Trigger Alert: Hotwife, Sort of a Sappy Romance theme.CHAPTER ONESometimes in life what we think we want isn’t really what we want. The solutions to life are rarely what we imagine they will be. Looking back now it was obvious, but I didn’t trust the man I loved. He didn’t know how to talk to me. We were a mess with no solution in sight, or so I thought. I met Bernie about six years ago, we got married after two. His name was a little weird, but he was sweet, pretty good looking and I have to...
My name is Selina, and I am a pupil at Hirstmere Hall, an expensive boarding school for girls, located in the rolling green countryside of southern England. I have just turned sixteen years old, and all my friends say I am as pretty as a doll. I have thick dark curly hair which falls to my shoulders, deep large brown eyes in a heart-shaped face, a clear pale complexion and pink rosebud lips. I am also quite petite – only five foot three inches tall, with a narrow waist and a slender body...
Not my Story - RepostSummer of sexual debauchery for exhibitionistDuring my job as a nude male model for an art class at the local college, I realized I loved being naked in front of women. After each class, I would race home and jack off. As I stroked my cock, I would think off the many eyes that had devoured my naked body during the two hours I posed nude. I'm sure some women, judging by the way they had looked at me, would go home, think of me, and masturbate, or fuck their boyfriend or...
For my first story, a experience that happened in my last year at school (before Uni). I was still a virgin at the time (17). Names have been changed, but it is based on true events which happened a long time ago. I have taken some poetic license but mostly it is true.I was sitting in a darken room with about 20 other students watching a projector slide show of 20th Century art. Our teacher Mrs Ingley, I suspect, was a bit of a sex addict, because she showed lots of nude pictures and painting...
MasturbationMy wife and a male co-worker had become close at work, just good friends she said, but for some reason I didn't believe her. Edith had never before given me any reason not to trust her, but there was just something about that friendship of hers that didn't seem right to me. It took a while, but the friendship between her and the man started to affect our home life. One or two nights a week she would come home late from work and she never hid the fact that she had been with him, but she...
Niki slowly woke up, groggy, remembering slowly that she had been having a very erotic dream. She’d been on the school stage demonstrating her exercise routine, when suddenly the principal had bent her over, lifted her skirt, and began to fuck her in front of the whole school. She was so turned on (in the dream) she did not even wonder how that could happen. As she woke up, she realized her face was pressed down into the sheets of the bed, her hips were raised high, and Max was sliding his...
“I’m looking forward to this little exhibition,” Lily Wells said. We were leading all the parents upstairs to our studio. Part of what we’d accomplished when our friends came over in the afternoon was to arrange our studio so that Mavis, Kendra, and I had artwork displayed. Annette and Susan had manuscripts sitting on opposite ends of the reading sofa. Morgan fired up her laptop with a sales graph for our work. I was happy to see that even some of Susan’s poetry had sold. “Ah, the scene of...
There’s a man about our age, in his early 50s, sitting on his own at a table. He’s having a drink and reading a London tourist guide. Looking around for a place to sit in the crowded hotel bar, we approach him and I ask if we can share his table. “Please, be my guest,” he says and I go to order drinks while my wife sits and waits. At the bar, I turn to see them exchanging words but he’s not looking at her; he still has his head in the guide. When I return, I hear him say he’s an art tutor here...
ExhibitionismAngela and Martin p1: Martin's Session "What the fuck are you doing?!?" Martin had just walked in on his sister, Angela, pissing. They lived with their mom in a three bedroom, two bathroom house. The two were less than pleased to share a bathroom while their mom got her own. Angela, who was 16, wanted to share with her ever since she started her menstrual cycle. Unfortunately, for her at least, Mom refused. She was forced to share a bathroom with her obnoxious,15 year old brother....
Untitled Document The Chronicles of Jerry O?ConnellThis is the second part of an intended chronicle detailing the works of a ratherunpleasant man by the name of Jerry O?Connell. ( the first part being ?The Objectof His Affection?) Jerry is a physician, of sorts, who deals in the art of women,modifying them to suit the needs of his clients. He has a long and sordid history,which should be detailed in future installments. Some installments of this chronicle,such as this, will feature Jerry as a...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...