- 2 years ago
- 48
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The whole thing started at a store.
It would probably be neater if I could say it was some old, dusty store with strange potions in dark glass jars and wrinkled, dried monkey's paws in old locked cases. But it wasn't.
It was just a department store. You know, the kind of place where the perfume counter is at the center of the world and you can buy everything from lawn mowers to dinnerware.
On the day it first happened, I was after a suit. Normally, I grab all my clothes off the rack. You know: large shirt, 32 waist pants. Okay, so the last couple of pairs were 34 waist. The point is, I don't try anything on. Except I had a nephew that was graduating college the next weekend, and I didn't have a suit that was fit to be worn in public. A suit you have to try on.
The dressing area was one of those high security sites. They had a guy on a desk outside. You told him how many items you wanted to try on, he handed you a tag with that number on it. God knows what happens to you if you don't produce the right number of garments on the way out. I took my suit, took my tag, and went down the narrow hall to an open door at the end of the row. Room 6. I was thankful that they at least put real doors on the room. I hate those places where all there is to stop the public show is a little curtain.
I was down to my pants and T-shirt when I noticed something odd. The wall behind me was gone. I could have sworn that when I came in the little cubicle had four walls, but now it only three. One wall with a mirror, a door, a back wall with little shelf and a hook to hang the clothes, and that was it. Where the wall opposite the mirror should have been, there was only a dark opening.
I mean dark. Dark like in midnight inside a cave without a match to your name dark.
The smart thing to do right there was try on the suit and leave. But this big dark opening, right there in the middle of a store. It was just too weird. Leaving my shirt, shoes and the unpurchased suit behind, I turned and took a step into the darkness.
It was strange inside the tunnel. It was like there was this fog in there, fog so thick that I could barely see the dressing room I had just stepped out of. I took a couple of steps. The floor was cold and slick under my socks. I took a couple of more steps. It was completely dark now. Even though I knew I couldn't be ten feet away from the well-lighted dressing room, not the barest flicker of light made it down the hall.
All right. So even if curiosity dragged you into that hall, this would be the time that anyone but the stupid would turn back. Right?
Color me stupid.
I kept going. And going, and going. I swear that corridor was as long as the whole store. Longer. Finally, when I had walked so far that even I was about to give up and turn around, I started to see a grey glow ahead. A couple more steps and it was brighter.
A couple of more, and I could see that it was another dressing room ahead. I edged forward slowly. The room looked identical. So much so that I began to wonder if I had somehow gotten turned around in the tunnel and gone back to where I had started.
But when I took another step forward, that strange fog parted. As it parted, I felt a strange, swimming sensation. It made me dizzy enough that I had to close my eyes for a second to keep from loosing my lunch. When I opened them, I could see right away that this was not my dressing room.
On the little wooden bench attached to the back wall, there was a black leather purse. From the little hook above it hung a dark blue dress with pearl buttons.
And standing in the room was a woman dressed only in a beige colored slip. She was staring right at me.
"I... I'm sorry," I stuttered. I was so shocked that my voice was no more than a squeak.
Quickly I spun around and plunged back into the darkness, running all the way until I reached my own dressing room. Once I was there, I shoved on my shoes, through on my shirt, and charged out of there. I remembered to grab the suit, but I never did try it on. I figured it was more important that I get out of there without being arrested than it was that I make it to my nephew's graduation.
It wasn't until I drove home and locked the door on my own apartment that I began to feel safe. No one was chasing me. No police were going to haul me in for sneaking into the women's dressing area.
Once I realized that, I started to think about the woman.
She had been attractive. Not burn-your-eyes-out beautiful, but, yeah, attractive enough that I would have stopped to look when she crossed the room. She had chestnut brown hair, slightly curly, and cut just a touch above the shoulders. She had good skin. Nice legs. And good arms. So sue me, I like women's arms. Smooth, rounded, but still slender. A very underrated feature. From what I could see through the slip, she had a good figure. I put her age at about thirty, the same as mine.
The more I thought about the woman, the more I remembered something strange. She had seemed familiar. I couldn't tell you where I had seen her before, but I definitely knew this woman.
I telecommute. Sure, it's the wave of the future and all that, but it sure cuts into the social circle. Fact was, I didn't have ten friends in the whole city, and this woman wasn't one of them. But I couldn't shake the idea that I knew her from somewhere.
I also couldn't shake the idea that she had said something to me.
When I had stammered out my squeaky apology, she had said something in return. I saw her lips move. (Did I mention she had great lips?) The problem was, I had no idea what it was she said.
For the next two days, I obsessed about this woman. Every time I went for gas, I checked to see if she was the one inside the little booth. In the grocery store I was checking out the other shoppers. I even did a pass through the department store, hoping it might be one of her regular stops.
I'm not sure what I intended to do if I found her. I wasn't going to run up and say "Hi, I'm the guy that came into your dressing room." Still, I had to see her.
Finally I latched on the strangest plan possible. Three days after I had first stumbled off into the darkness, I was back getting a tag from the guy at the dressing area entrance.
Fortunately, Room 6 was open. I went inside, hung up the two pairs of pants that I had no intention of trying on, and edged into the darkness.
I had my shoes on this time, but it didn't make any difference in the tunnel. I couldn't hear any sound it all. Not even my breathing.
Finally that grayness appeared at the end of the tunnel. I strained to see ahead, but I saw no sign of the woman in the dressing room. As far as I could tell, the room was empty. I took another step anyway, and again I felt that overwhelming dizziness.
When it cleared, she was there.
Like me she was dressed this time, wearing jeans and a teal sweater crossed by a stripe of not quite white. She looked at me with an expression that was somewhere between surprise and embarrassment.
"Hi," I said. Then I cleared my throat. "Hi," I tried again. Both times my voice was ridiculously high. I put out my hands, trying to show her that I meant no harm. "Look I'm not sure why I'm here. I just..." My inane voice trailed away. The woman was mocking me. She was mimicking my every move, moving her lips to my words.
Something tickled at my cheek. I raised my hand to clear it, and a number of things became clear all at once.
The thing tickling my cheek was hair. The woman in the dressing room was not mimicking me. There was no woman in the dressing room. Wait, scratch that. There was no _other_ woman in the dressing room. What there was in the dressing room was a mirror.
I was the woman.
I stumbled forward a step, pressing my hands up against the glass. The face that I had been obsessing about for the last three days was right there in the mirror. I had plenty of chance to study it now at close range. And from the inside.
Slowly I pushed myself away from the glass. Then I raised my hand and traced the curve of my face with one extended finger. The woman in the mirror did the same, her slender finger moving along the smooth skin. The look on her face was pure astonishment.
"It's me," I said. The voice was still high, but I expected it this time. I licked my lips. Seeing that small pink tongue extend and brush against the red lips was almost shocking. This was no mask. I was this woman inside and out.
For a moment I wondered if the strangeness was limited to the mirror. But when I looked down, I knew the truth. What I saw was a teal sweater. It was pushed out too far by my breasts to see any further.
I had breasts. No little green apples, either. Large breasts. Not big enough to earn me a headlining role at a strip club, but big. I cupped the right breast in my hand and felt the weight of it.
"This can't be real," I said. I heard the words come back to me in that soft, throaty voice. A woman's voice.
I wanted to run. I wanted to turn around and run screaming down that black tunnel to my own room. But for a moment I was frozen.
What if the tunnel was gone? What if I got back to the other dressing room, but I was still like this. Still a woman.
A faint scent came to my nose. Perfume. A perfume whose name I didn't know, but whose smell I liked. I was going crazy and it smelled like perfume.
I reached up and put my hands in the brown hair. It was soft. My ears were decorated with tiny pearl earrings.
Suddenly I was trembling all over. I turned and went stumbling into the darkness. I think I screamed, but if I did that strange fog and that strange tunnel swallowed up the scream as neatly as they did the sound of my running feet.
In a few moments I was back where I has started, and the face that looked at me from the mirror was a male face, the same face I had shaved that morning. Except that now it looked really, really scared. I sat on the tiny bench, waiting for my breath to come back to normal. Finally I grabbed the two pairs of pants, marched out of the room, ran out of the store, drove straight to my house, and dived into a large bottle of bourbon.
I had never thought about anything like this. I mean, sure I had wondered what it felt like for women, but didn't every guy? I never fantasized about it. I never tried on my mother's clothes. I never had a homosexual desire in my life -- cross my heart and help to die.
It was too weird. I stood in front of the bedroom mirror, running my finger along my cheek and feeling the comforting traces of stubble. It was over. No way was I going to take this thing any further.
But when they opened for business the next morning, I was there.
I barely glanced at the guy with his little tags. I can't even remember what it was I grabbed as an excuse to go into the dressing rooms. It must have been something. All I remember is closing the door to the dressing room and plunging down the hallway.
A couple of minutes later I was wearing a green dress and a body that stretched it in all the right places. For awhile all I could do was stand there and look at my reflection in the mirror. Then I saw that the little black purse was on the bench again. Feeling strange with every movement, I bent, picked up the purse and looked inside. There was a lipstick, some crumbled tissue, loose change, old coupons, a matchbook, and a wadded up dollar bill. In short, it was the kind of purse I'd probably keep if I was a woman.
I gave a short laugh, which came out as a light, girlish giggle. After all, I was a woman.
At the bottom of the purse I found a small black wallet. Inside was a checkbook, some credit cards, and what I was really looking for -- a driver's license.
Jean Adams. It said.
A chill came over me. That was my name. I mean my name before I came through the tunnel, except that I spelled mine "Gene." Then I saw the birthday. It was the same as mine. Hair: brown. Eyes: green. That was all familiar. The Height: 5' 4" and Weight: 116 were certainly different. And of course there was that big Sex: F to remind me of the obvious. But still, there was too much on the license that looked the same. And it was while I was looking at the goofy, stunned driver's license photo the truth came through.
The woman was me. I don't just mean that I was currently living in her body. I mean that I was willing to bet that there was no Gene Adams born 12 Oct 65 at Teaneck. Instead there was a Jean Adams. My parents had had a baby that night, but the blankets had been pink.
I dropped the ID back into the purse and dropped the purse back on the shelf. If I went outside the dressing room, I would be in the world of Jean Adams, attractive female. What would that world be like? Was she dating some guy? Was it serious? I quickly scanned my smooth, slender fingers and found them free of rings. Thank God.
I wasn't ready to be Jean Adams. Whatever waited outside the dressing room door, it was going to have to wait. In the meantime, since I was already in a dressing room...
There was a row of cloth-wrapped buttons along the front of the dress. My fingers trembled as I opened them, but at last the dress was open to my waist. I pulled the dress down from my shoulders and let it fall to the floor.
There was no slip this time. Instead there was a bra with lace edges surrounding a smooth cup. Pantyhose covered my legs and extended up to a taut brown band around my belly. I was gorgeous. I had underestimated the body that lay under that slip. My waist was small, my hips belled out in a curve. Through the pantyhose I could see pale green panties and the rise of a nice round derriere. The bra hooked in the front. I reached up and pulled open the clasp.
My heavy breasts swung free of the cups. They were very pale, soft, with surprisingly red-brown nipples that pointed slightly upward. As I watched, the nipples drew tight, rising up until each of them looked a good deal like a small strawberry ready to be plucked. A tingling ran over me.
I reached up and brushed a finger across the right nipple. The sensation was so sharp that I fell back with a moan. Hair fell down in my face, and I shook my head to clear it.
In the mirror was a beautiful, almost naked woman with a face that was mine, only softer, prettier. Was this really the difference that one little chromosome could make? I looked again at the taut stomach and smooth long legs. How could such a little thing make such a difference? My fingers began to creep toward the smooth place between my legs.
Either I was taking too long in the dressing room, or my experiments were making too much noise, because there was suddenly a tap at the door.
"Are you all right in there?" called a woman's voice.
"Yes," I said quickly. I hoped my voice really sounded like Jean's and not Gene's.
As fast as I could, I tugged the bra together and managed get my breasts lodged inside the cups. Then I pulled up the dress and buttoned the buttons. I looked at my image in the mirror, a little rumpled, but presentable. I had to make a decision: out the door, or into the tunnel. There was no real choice. Whoever Jean Adams was, her life would have to wait for another day.
Back in my own dressing room, I grabbed for the clothes I had brought in and was about to leave when I spotted something. My shirttail was out. I wasn't positive, but I thought it had been tucked in when I went into the tunnel. Not only that, but my billfold had been in my pocket, now it was lying on the bench.
It could have been that the changes I made to Jean's things caused changes in my world, but another explanation came to mind. What if while I was in Jean's body, exploring her things, Jean had been here, doing the same with my body.
It was something that bore a little thinking about. I left the dressing room and went home.
Chapter 2It was hard for me to think about anything else but the dressing room, the tunnel, and the different life that waited on the other side. But the next day was a work day. Actually, the previous two days had been work days too, but as long as I got the project in before deadline, my boss didn't care about the hours. One of the big advantages of working at home.
The project in this case was some package art for a new word processor. Not exactly stuff that was going to get me a spot in the Louvre. I mean, there's only so much you can do with little pictures of computer screens and a few flying letters. I screwed around with the composition for awhile, nudging things a bit, tweaking up the color fades in the background. I increased the font size just a touch. Added a bit of metallic sheen to the edges of the simulated screens. It took me till almost midnight before I was happy with the whole composition. By the time I hit the button and sent the final color separations speeding over the modem to the main office, the department store was long since closed. There would be no trips to dressing Room 6 today.
I sat in the living room and watched some old movies flicker across around the television. Maybe I should stay away from that place. Jean Adams seemed to be doing all right without me. If her world was a real place, and not just a little cube in the middle of nothing, then did I really have a right to go screw with it? And if I was right about Jean taking control of my life, was that something I was ready for?
I thought about it through two old films, a rerun of a sitcom, and half a dozen beers. When I went to bed, it was so late that the sky outside my apartment window was already getting grey with the first light of dawn. Late as it was, I didn't fall asleep fast. I was thinking of Jean. Was she lying there awake in her world? Or was she sound asleep, curled up in a satin gown, warm and soft under the sheets.
I reached up and ran my hand across my bare, flat chest. There was a sensation, sure, but nothing like what I'd felt back there in that booth. I didn't think I wanted to be a woman. I liked women. I liked to look at them, and liked to sleep with them. But I couldn't fool myself that I didn't want to sample more of Jean's life. Could I stand to go back? Could I stand it if I didn't?
By the time sleep finally came I had made my decision. I would go to the dressing room and see if Jean Adams really existed. I would step out of the dressing room on her end, see if there was a real world outside the door, maybe stroll around the store a little. Then I would come back. An experiment. Easy phases. Small goals. Once this test was out of the way, I would decide what to do next time. With that out of my way, I fell asleep.
With a solid four hours of sleep under my belt and a moderate hangover buzzing in my skull, I made it to the store not ten minutes after they opened. This time I made sure to pick a half dozen items -- the maximum allowed in the dressing room at one time. I didn't know if my actions had any effect on what happened at the other end of the tunnel, but I wanted to have an excuse for spending plenty of time in the dressing room.
Once inside, I plunged into the tunnel and walked quickly through the deafening fog. The queasiness hit me at the other end, as always, and when it cleared I was looking at Jean in the mirror.
This time I was wearing crisp black denim jeans, very snug, and a soft cotton top. I would have called it a polo shirt on a man, but I had no idea what women called such things. It was pale green. Green seemed to be Jean's favorite color.
My hair looked a little different than it had the last time. It was maybe an inch shorter. It seemed straighter too, and it was definitely more red. It seemed that Jean had made a trip to the salon in the last couple of days.
I couldn't resist raising my hands and feeling the soft weight of my breasts. From there my hands slipped down moving into the gentle curve at my waist and going back to slid over my ample, round rear. Under the polo short I could feel the nipples of my breasts begin to tighten. There were four dresses on the back wall of the dressing room. If I wanted to, I could strip down and explore this body for a least a few minutes. With jeans on, there were probably no hose underneath. I could get these pants off and get a good gander and what went on inside them.
Then I stopped myself. Easy stages. One step at a time. Right. Take a deep breath and get on with it.
I was here to test the water outside the dressing room. The mission for the day, so to speak. Exploring the great unknown interior of my panties would have to wait.
Voices went by in the hall outside, and I heard a woman laugh. I laid a slim hand on the door knob. Could I really go out there? What if all the women screamed and called for a cop? What if everyone laughed at me for dressing up in women's clothing? I took a look in the mirror. I was a woman. These were the clothes that fit. No one was going to scream.
I started to turn the knob when I remembered to get the dresses. I turned around to take them down from the hook, and when I did I saw the black purse sitting on the shelf. And sitting on top of the purse was a small yellow envelope. And on the envelope was a single handwritten word:
My heart skipped a beat. Jean Adams was real. Not only was she real, but while I had been going through her purse, she must have been flipping through my billfold. She knew my name, just as I knew hers. Not only was I living her life, she was living mine.
I picked up the envelope and found a small note inside. The handwriting was neater than my own, with a little more roundness to the loops. A woman's handwriting.
My car is in lane 5, two slots up on the left.
There's some cash in the purse if you want to
buy anything. Don't use the credit cards,
they're pretty well maxed. I left another note
for you at home. I'll be back first thing in
the morning.
Note at home. First thing in the morning.
I read it again. I'll be back first thing in the morning. Jean was planning on staying in my body overnight!
I spun around, ready to race back down the tunnel, and got a shock so big it nearly made my heart stop. The tunnel was gone. In its place was a plasterboard wall with dingy off white paint and a smear of grey where some old poster had been removed. I ran my small hands over the pebbly surface of the board. It was solid. There was no hidden door, no secret opening. It was just a wall in a dressing room. A woman's dressing room.
My heart raced on for a few seconds, beating so hard I could literally feel it making my breasts jiggle. What was wrong? Was I stuck this way forever?
Then it came to me. Jean must have left the dressing room. That was the simple solution. Up till now, Jean's actions must have mirrored my actions. She had always been here when I had been here, and the tunnel linking our two worlds allowed us to pass each other invisibly in the darkness. But if Jean had opened the door and strolled out into my life, then there was nowhere for me to go back to. So, there was no tunnel.
"Jean?" I whispered to the blank wall. "Are you in there? I felt ridiculous. I was ridiculous.
The note said she would return in the morning. Until then, I would have to do the best I could. So much for easy phases and small steps. I was in for 24 hours of being Jean Adams whether I liked it or not.
I put the note Jean had written away in the purse and carefully arranged the strap over my arm. Then I picked up the dresses from the hook, checked in the mirror to make sure I was wearing the right face, took a deep breath, and stepped out of the booth.
Just going to the end of the little hall told me right off that I was not the man I used to be. The heavy breasts moved with every step. Not a big movement. I wasn't about to slap myself in the face or anything, but there was a definite rise, fall, bounce as I walked up the hall. There was a difference in my hips, too, a looseness that made me feel like I was walking on sponges. Several times I had to look down at the floor to reassure myself that I was not really sinking into some kind of rubbery quicksand.
After what seemed like a long trip, I reached the end of the hall and handed off the ticket reading "4 garments" to the girl who waited there. It made me nervous. Despite the reassurance of the mirror, I still expected her to shout "What are you doing here?"
The girl who took the ticket was a lot more attractive than the guy who waited back in menswear. Too young for me, but really quite cute. As I handed over the ticket, she looked up at me and smiled. "Find anything you like?" she asked.
"Uh, no," I said. "Not really." I had to remind myself that her smile didn't mean anything. She wasn't coming on to a man: this was just between us girls.
She looked me up and down. "I think I know a dress that would great on you. Want me to get it?"
"Not right now, thanks." I smiled back, hoping my face didn't look as silly as I felt. "I have to run." I stepped out of the dressing area and into the store.
It was another world.
When you're five eleven, you see over all the shelves and racks of clothes. The layout of the store seems clear. When you're five four, those same shelves seem like the walls of some huge maze. Barriers of sweaters. Barricades of underwear.
I stumbled around the women's section, hoping to spot some rack that was a probable source for the dresses. Finally I gave up and put them all on a shelf in the middle of a pile of some half price swimwear. Then I struggled on, making my way through deepest darkest spaces in search of an exit.
When I found the central aisle of the store, I was as relieved as if I had hacked my way through the bush. That is, until I started trying to walk along with the crowd. People were big. I had shrunk more than half a foot, and lost better than sixty pounds. All around me wandered this crowd of giants. Guys six feet or better where huge. Even most of the women were quite a bit bigger than me. I felt like I was going to be crushed at any second.
Reaching the cosmetic counters at the middle of the store relieved me of most of the towering men, but afflicted me with a pair of perfume girls. They seemed to have made it their mission in life to spritz me with everything in sight. Behind the counter, a woman offered me a makeover. In a dozen mirrors, I caught sight of a cute, but frightened looking woman. It took some time to realize it was me. I made for the door as fast as I could manage.
Outside I drew in a deep breath of spring air. The street looked the same as it did back in my world, and the weather seemed the same, too. There were no tailfins on the cars and no three moons in the air. If there were differences between Jean's world and mine, they were subtle.
Following Jean's instructions, I located her car. It was a good thing she had given me the instructions. We were not parked in the same place, and we didn't own the same model. Besides, the cars in the parking lot were big enough that I now had trouble seeing over them.
When I opened the door to her little compact car -- green, of course -- my first inclination was to shove the seat back. It had been moved up so far that only someone really small would fit. Someone like... me. I tossed Jean's purse into the passenger seat and got behind the wheel.
My breasts were almost in the way of steering, but if I pulled the seat back further, I had trouble seeing over the dash. And then there was the shoulder strap, which seemed designed to cut between my breasts at the most painful angle. Someone needed to tell Detroit that women drove cars too.
I looked down at my tiny feet in their tiny white sneakers. The controls all seemed to be in place. The car looked normal. I put the key into the ignition and started the car.
Driving was something of a relief. Inside the car, I was back to being the same size as everyone else. I could still cut lanes and run yellow lights with the best of them. The department store was walking distance from my apartment. It would only take me five minutes to get home and...
I pulled over to the side of the road so fast that three cars honked at me. I was five minutes from _my_ home, not Jean's. Quickly I dug into the purse and pulled out her driver's license. 4314 Basilton. Not my address, but I knew where Basilton was. I steered the car back into traffic, praying that Jean hadn't moved since her license was renewed.
Apparently she had stayed put, because my key fit the lock at 4314. It was a house, not an apartment. It was not a particularly fancy house. This was an old neighborhood, turn of the century rowhouses. Eventually the rehab trend would probably come to the area and these old stone and brick boxes would be worth a fortune. For now they were cheap. And old.
Jean had done a good job with the inside, though. There was fresh paint on the old walls, and a scattering of new furniture in the front room. On the table beside the door was another envelope.
I shut the door and put down my, that is, Jean's purse. Then I picked up the envelope, went over to the couch, and sat down. I was grateful to be out of the mass of people. Adapting to a new body was definitely something that called for a little time in private. I opened the envelope and unfolded the note.
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The wife and I hadn't been getting along for some time. I'll have to accept half the blame, but only half and in truth I guess ten percent would be the more accurate number. My contribution to the problem consisted of my inability to believe that Nan hadn't cheated on me. She swore she hadn't and I just didn't believe her. We had been at her company Christmas party and there was ample booze flowing. Nan gets a little loose when she gets some alcohol in her and it sometimes can be fun to...
Note: This story is based in the Sorceress' garden universe of Naga's Den. The red-haired young man took hold of the rope and repelled his way down the high brick wall. The task did not take much effort, but heat mixed with humidity stained his tight camouflaged t-shirt and jeans with sweat. When he reached the bottom, he peered into the wood in front of him. Convinced no one was around to challenge his intrusion, he waved to the two women who were watching him from the top of the wall. One...
Reddit ChangingRooms, aka r/ChangingRooms! We all love to see women wearing realign clothes or whatever the fuck, and that is why there are loads of subreddits dedicated just for that basically. Well, r/ChangingRooms is one of them, as here you basically get to see chicks in changing rooms… changing to lewd outfits, taking pictures or videos, and posting them for everyone to enjoy. Ain’t these sluts nice?I am sure we have all wondered what the fuck do women do for so fucking long when they go...
Reddit NSFW ListMaine, my new roommate and I got along great, we had know each other in high school but only on a casual basis. One night, about half way through the first semester of our junior year we prepared for bed, it was very obvious he had an erection and I made some remark about it. We had both seen each other with erections from time to time and had heard him jerking off fairly often during the night, not that I had not done my bit also. We had often talked about sex the availability or lack of gals...
GayIt was about three six years ag o, i was staying the night at my girls place, and we had been out the night before partying hard. My girl had to get to work early, so when I finally got up she was gone, but her roomate missy was still there. She was still asleep on the couch where she passed out. She was a brunette with a wonderful pair of. I watched her laying there. Her tits moving up and down as she breathed, her legs slightly spread and her dress just barely covering her panties. My cock...
VoyeurLiz had gone to her best friend’s house for a party earlier that day. Well, not exactly a party; More a bunch of teens and young adults smoking weed, eating mushrooms, and drinking. She hadn’t known many of the people there besides her friend, his girlfriend, and younger brother. A bunch of other guys had also shown up and her friend’s dad. His dad had been the one to supply them with the mushrooms and some of the weed. Nicer strands that they could never have gotten in town. She had never...
Copyright© 2003 by Kien Reti That's right, I collect asses. Women's asses, of course. I'm as straight as they come, and I'll knock you right on your ass if you suggest otherwise. After two years, there are eight items in my collection. Each exhibit consists of a photo album rubber-banded together with a spiral notebook. The albums hold the pictures -- the shots of the women bent over, their bare asses revealed in all their glory. The notebooks contain the case notes: the physical...
Typically, his so called buddies would crash through the door and subject each other to random acts of humiliation; taking pictures to post online or use as blackmail. It was not like they had complete disregard for my sleep, just that they were drunk morons looking for a good time. Okay, so maybe it was complete disregard. Over time, their activities mutated and one night they brought over a girl, just one, and had their way with her. At first I thought they had planned it, but after peeking...
Back when I was around 23 or 24 I moved in with a girl that I had known since grade four. Her name was Sheri; she was a cute little blue eyed blond girl who was probably the first crush that I ever had. From the moment we met we just seemed to gravitate toward one another. What I remember most vividly was how on class field trips the two of us would always be lagging behind the group annoying our teacher and just making each other laugh.All through elementary school and most of high school we...
CheatingI woke up in my boyfriends room, hung over and naked. His load was leaking out of me, but he was nowhere to be seen. I heard his roommates downstairs, so i put on a pair of panties and a t-shirt that was long and went downstairs. When I got down there, I saw that 4 of the 5 were downstairs in shorts, mostly without shirts. Since we were close, i didn’t even bother to hide what i was wearing, and it was obvious that they were happy with what i was wearing. I offered to make breakfast, and they...
Roommate It had been a hell of a year with a divorce, a new job that had me traveling more and having to move into shared housing because my ex was sucking my bank account dry. Carl, my roommate, was a decent enough guy. I found the room on and we seemed to be compatible. He was neat without being compulsive about it, was a working student and was not inclined to throw wild parties. I had not been dating thanks to the bad break up, but in the two months I had been living there I...
You walk in the door, finaly home from work....... FUCKING LAZY CUNT!!! You scream. Your roomate's shit is everywhere. Dirty clothes and dishes thrown around your nice 2 bedroom 2 bathroom house. But she is nowhere to be found. Exhausted and pissed off you
RoommateIt had been a hell of a year with a divorce, a new job that had me traveling more and having to move into shared housing because my ex was sucking my bank account dry. Carl, my roommate, was a decent enough guy. I found the room on and we seemed to be compatible. He was neat without being compulsive about it, was a working student and was not inclined to throw wild parties. I had not been dating thanks to the bad break up, but in the two months I had been living there I...
CrossdressingCopyright © 2000 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. My lover Mary and I needed a little extra money and we had a spare room. We decided to get a roommate. We didn't like the idea of another women. We decided to go for a man. As luck would have it, a gorgeous man named Paul called us, and we rented...
It was late in August when I officially began to look for a roommate. The end of first year university was over, and while most of the people I knew had already signed housing agreements as early as February, I left dealing with housing until the end of the summer. While I had met great friends in my dorm during first year, I didn't really desire to room with any of them for various reasons. Most of them were simply too loud and went partying every weekend, whereas I was a relatively quiet...
Disclaimer: All characters are over eighteen years of age. This futanari story contains questionable morals and inordinate amounts of sex that never result in chafing. If you don't know what 'futanari' means, stop right now, Google it, and then decide if you want to continue reading. Enjoy!Editing credit: Blind_JusticeCopyright © 2013 redskyes*It was almost two o'clock in the morning. I was lounging on the couch in my underwear and tee shirt, spooning Ben & Jerry's Phish Food into my mouth...
Add to that my boyfriend of six months broke up with me this morning — during a rendezvous in the bathroom at school — and I am one extremely pissed off and horny girl. He didn't even let me finish. I work with my ex-boyfriend's best friend, and up until closing time, I had been doing a pretty good job of avoiding him, mostly by letting my eyes linger on the manager of the front lanes, the thirty-six-year-old Michael. Eric, the Best Friend, works up at the service desk, and when all the...
She pulled into the driveway just after 5pm, surprised to see his car already there. He must have gotten off early, she thought to herself. She walked in the door and could hear him downstairs tinkering away in his workshop. He had a room in the basement that he spent a couple hours in every week. She had never been in there, always wanting him to have his own little retreat. She turned on some music and changed out of the pantsuit and heels she had to wear to work and into a pair of sweats...
Kim logged into the chat room. What did she feel like tonight. A soak in "The Hot Tub"? To plunge into the "Dungeon"? To role play? Then she saw a room she had never ventured into before. "The Fantasy Room". She clicked on the icon and entered. " Hello Kimuk. Do you have a fantasy to share?". Kim laughed at the screen. " Not here " she typed. Immediately she revived 4 private messages . The one which caught her eye was from Dark stranger. " Hello Kimuk. Tell me? Your secret is safe with me"...
hi there///how r u good so what brings u here tonight im just really the apartment all to myself....decided to dress up oh what r u wearing black panties and a tank top very nice...just in some boxers here...r those nipples hard and poking through that tank top? mmm yeah a little bit i think thats so...
Ashley and her boyfriend of a year were your average couple. Jake, her boyfriend, had just been laid off work and Ashley was a receptionist at a small dentist’s office. Struggling to make ends meet they decided to bring in a roommate for a bit of extra cash. Finally, after a hot and sticky hour long drive through peak hour traffic, Ashley walked through the door of her home. Immediately she felt the cool air from the air con all over her body. “Babe, I’m home!” she called out to Jake who’d no...
University is complicated no matter the circumstances, but for Nick Kotsopoulous it was all that much harder. Leaving her f****y and all that she’d ever known, she traveled half way across the world for the chance of expanding her horizons by getting her doctorate in English from Yale University. The decision was a hard one to make but her f****y knew as well as she did that in order for her to get the best education possible and open many doors of opportunity along the way, she must leave her...
University is complicated no matter the circumstances, but for Nick Kotsopoulous it was all that much harder. Leaving her family and all that she'd ever known, she traveled half way across the world for the chance of expanding her horizons by getting her doctorate in English from Yale University. The decision was a hard one to make but her family knew as well as she did that in order for her to get the best education possible and open many doors of opportunity along the way, she must leave her...
I just had graduated college with a 4.0 GPA and a degree in history, applied to the Smithsonian in D.C and got offered a job. I'm a twenty two year old virgin, but not because of my looks, I'm told I am a good looker, with a decent rack, 34 C, but because I have been programmed since childhood to excel in school. I did just that, all through my school life, studies came first, which left little or no time to party and here I was in Washington D.C. Apartment hunting, preferably with a roommate...
LesbianMy last roommate name was Adelphia. She was a nympho by the book. We had sex every day. One day I built a sybian out of a mailbox, a sander, and a vibrator. I also created an orgasm indicator, that could be placed on a nipple and when the nipple swells, a light came on. Last June I had Adelphia sit on the sybian blindfolded, knowing her expecting a big orgasm. Every time her nipples swell up, I turned the sybian off. She was craving for an orgasm, and my goal was to have it when I decided. The...
I looked across the room at Janie. She was so beautiful and a complete contrast to me. She was the epitome of sophistication compared to my rustic look. Her blonde hair styled to perfection, and her makeup looked so natural. If I didn't see her put it on, I'd swear she wasn't wearing any. She wore a simple summer dress that accentuated her body and her ever present rainbow necklace. My brunette locks were always unruly and pulled into a ponytail. My makeup was limited to some lip gloss. I...
LesbianIt was a very slow night for a Sunday at the pizza joint that I waited tables at. So slow my jerk of a boss let me go early so he wasn’t paying me for sitting there. Probably a good thing since I had 8 am class the next day and could use the extra sleep. Well, I thought I was gonna get some much needed, but my roommate had a surprise for me when I came home unannounced. As I opened the front door my eyes were treated to seeing my her on the couch with some guy I’ve never seen before. It was...
Roommates By RogerGirl "So, that's pretty much it," Marcus said after showing him around the apartment, "what do you think?" "Wow, it's great," Reggie said surprised at how much bigger, cleaner, and well furnished the apartment was compared to the other apartments he'd been visiting, "when can I move in?" "Whenever you'd like," Marcus said, "but there's something you should know about me before you make your decision." "What is it?" Reggie...
It was a very slow night for a Sunday at the pizza joint that I waited tables at. So slow my jerk of a boss let me go early so he wasn't paying me for sitting there. Probably a good thing since I had 8 am class the next day and could use the extra sleep. Well, I thought I was gonna get some much needed, but my roommate had a surprise for me when I came home unannounced. As I opened the front door my eyes were treated to seeing my her on the couch with some guy I've never seen before. It was...
BisexualChapter 1 It had been a long, hot day for Michael, he was planning on going home to his apartment, drinking a couple beers and having a nice slow jerk-off session. After stopping at the local Liquor store, he went and rented some new porno vids, but as he pulled up to his apartment he spotted his roommates car. "Damn, he must have come back early from his trip. Shit!" As he opened the door he braced himself for the argument that was about to happen since he had yet to clean the apartment...
Lets b bad...cum to the classroom of mr higgins. He aint there...its located at the back of the school...noone will c us. I wanna have yah on that desk,ur cute dress a lil up. Reavealing ur beautifull behind. Ill cover ur mouth with my hand as i give it to u. We dont want no spectators. As ill fuck u like that i can allready feel ur pussy tighten around my cock....ur gonna cum on it! After u came,ill pull my dick out. Like evry good girl u instantly drop on ur knees to clean me up. Loving the...
Her first year into the degree was a bit rocky; having to adapt to her new surroundings while trying to push down her longings for her family and friends. The school work was extremely interesting however and it kept her busy and distracted for most of the time, especially since she made it her first and most important priority. She was intent on finishing the degree in four years and it seemed like she was on the right track. It helped keep her mind off of those she missed but it also kept...
Back when I was around 23 or 24 I moved in with a girl that I had known since grade four. Her name was Sheri, she was a cute little blue eyed blond girl who was probably the first crush that I ever had. From the moment we met we just seemed to gravitate toward one another. What I remember most vividly was how on class field trips the two of us would always be lagging behind the group annoying our teacher and just making each other laugh. All through elementary school and most of high school we...
Author's note: there is a chapter "Author's notes" at the end of this one, I believe it's worth a read. I hope you enjoy this (long) story, and if you have feedback and/or ideas, please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think! **Caution: The story contains strong language and is sexually explicit. Mature audiences only.** Introduction Thursday, July 2nd. The last week of school is ending and the graduates of UvH, the University of Hoorn, are awaking from their drunken stupors as the...
BDSMJames was estatic when he realized he had been accepted to start his fall 2004 semester at the UCLA. Being born and raised in a small town in Texas, he had been average his whole life, well... perhaps not so average. He had sent in his application not really believing he'd make it in. When he was accepted into the business department, which was ranked among the top schools in the nation he was surprised as anyone else in his home town. Now he was standing on the steps to his dorm about to start...
It was my first day at college. I had already gone to orientation and was ready to hit the sack. I decided to head to my room early to see who my roommate was, and so I could pick which bed was mine. I arrived at my room and looked around. Not bad. Two beds, a bathroom, and a window with a view of the campus. I picked my bed and dropped dead. When I woke up from my sleep, I looked around and found the clock. It was 8P.M. When my head cleared I heard something. The shower running. My roommate...
IncestMaria slammed the door in frustration and tossed her coat on the pile of shoes at the entryway. "Hey, hun, what's up?" It was Deirdre her roommate. "Mark was a fucking no show again," Maria growled, flopping down on the couch. Dee was watching some peculiar program on the nature channel. "What the fuck are you watching?" "Oh," Dee said airily. "Nothing really. Just flipping." She started flipping the channels again. Maria caught a flash of a program on bondage as Dee whipped by it. "So Mark...
Lesbianby samslam"What happens in this apartment, stays in this apartment," my s!ster said, not meaning what I wish she had meant."What I mean is... I'm not going to change my lifestyle for you, okay?" Her tone softened slightly as she adjusted to my reaction. "If I want to bring someone into my bedroom, I will." She paused as if waiting for my agreement. I nodded so she went on. "If I want to parade around in my nothingness, I will. This was my apartment first." I didn't really expect her to parade...
My relatives came to visit over the summer. My aunt and uncle on my mom's side, and my grandparents on my father's side. Our house was full, with myself, my sister, and my parents already filling our three bedroom home before taking in more people. I loved having the relatives visit us, so it wasn't a problem, it just meant that my sister had to share my room for a week.That was going to prove very beneficial, as I was soon to discover. I'm eighteen, and my sister, Brynn, is not quite a year...
OctoberIt's been a while since we talked. She's got cock on the brain.My roommate Leah's boyfriend Tom happens to be hung like a bull. She's constantly fucking him, that's half their daily routine. The other half is sometimes showing up to class, sometimes sitting around and talking about his dick. She sat me down and gave me a vivid description of her sucking him off in an alleyway near the theater she temps at. At first I contented myself to putting on my headphones during their many-hours...
My relatives came to visit over the summer. My aunt and uncle on my mom's side, and my grandparents on my father's side. Our house was full, with myself, my sister, and my parents already filling our three bedroom home before taking in more people. I loved having the relatives visit us, so it wasn't a problem, it just meant that my sister had to share my room for a week.That was going to prove very beneficial, as I was soon to discover. I'm eighteen, and my sister, Brynn, is not quite a year...
Jenny Reed balanced the small bag of groceries on one arm as she worked the lock to the apartment door with her free hand. The twenty-four-year-old nurse had gone out two hours earlier to see a movie with a co-worker, only to have her cancel at the last minute. So, rather than go alone, she'd stopped at the market for munchies and planned to crash on the couch and watch some old movies on AMC. "Just as well," Jenny thought as she stepped into the semi-dark apartment and clicked on the...
"What happens in this apartment, stays in this apartment," my sister said, not meaning what I wish she had meant. "What I mean is ... I'm not going to change my lifestyle for you, okay?" Her tone softened slightly as she adjusted to my reaction. "If I want to bring someone into my bedroom, I will." She paused as if waiting for my agreement. I nodded so she went on. "If I want to parade around in my nothingness, I will. This was my apartment first." I didn't really expect her to...
Today started like any other day for Hayden he got up and went to work only halfway through the day he reserved a call from his long-time friend Ronin ‘Hayden I’m in a bit of a bind my landlord is selling and Alice and I need a place to stay on short notice any chance we could take the spare room you have?” Ronin pleaded “No problem my man was thinking about looking for someone anyway,” said, Hayden
It was my first year at Havershem University, and I was so excited. After finishing high school, I couldn't wait to be on my own. I never had a problem getting guys, since my body was a total knockout. I am 5'5", with 36c tits, and a perfect round ass. My hair is a deep red and sits just my below my tits. I was head cheerleader at high school, so I was in great shape. When I arrived on campus, I quickly unpacked my things and waited to meet my new roommate. After about an hour, she finally came...
LesbianMy wife and I were invited over to our friend’s house. I’ve known Roger and Heather for as long as I have been married, which is coming up to ten years. My wife has known them for longer as do her parents, well my mother in law any way, as my father in law is no longer around. Roger and Heather both live a very extravagant life style, and both are very open in their sexual habits. They are not married, but have lived together for more than twenty years. They love each other, but both have...
Straight SexDan and I are best friends. We have known each other since 1st grade. We lived on the same street. We played together camped together, swam, played sports and were just generally best buds. We just graduated high school this past spring and are both eighteen years old. We have been making plans of getting our own place since the 9th grade. We figured if we both worked we could get a two bedroom apartment and split the costs. I work at a local fast food place and Dan works at a warehouse. We...
You close your eyes again and keep grinding your wet pussy against the palm of your hand, with your fingers buried deep inside yourself, letting me enjoy the show. Walking past your door, I hear faint whimpering and moaning coming from the bedroom. I slowly push open the door, revealing your naked body, spread eagle across the bed with your hands cupping your smoothly shaved pussy. Your fingers busy pumping in and out of your body, legs bucking from the overwhelming pleasure writhing inside...
Sex With StrangerMy wife and I were invited over to our friend’s house. I’ve known Roger and Heather for as long as I have been married, which is coming up to ten years. My wife has known them for longer as do her parents, well my mother in law any way, as my father in law is no longer around. Roger and Heather both live a very extravagant life style, and both are very open in their sexual habits. They are not married, but have lived together for more than twenty years. They love each other, but both have...