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Roger Tells It:

Raising a kid alone has got to be one of the toughest, most demanding situations any responsible human could ever face. And I was pretty well-off, financially; I can't begin to imagine how someone making less than I do could manage it. I, at least, could always afford to have someone stay with Bill during the day until he started school. And I could afford to have someone be there for him when he came home or when business took me out of town.

For the first six years after Monica left me - Bill was just a year old when she decided to head for the Coast - we were very, very lucky. Annie, a solid West Indian woman with a gently firm manner about her and an honest and obvious love of children, took on the task of "mothering" my son. They got on famously, and I came to think so highly of her that when the INS caught up with her, I fought for her as if she was family. I lost, and it broke all of our hearts to say our farewells.

After Annie, our standards were very demanding. I must have interviewed 40 candidates before settling on Moira, a tall red-headed Irish lady of about 25. I explained to her about Annie, and Moira understood immediately. When Bill asked her if she was going to be the new "Annie," Moira told him that there could only be one Annie, and I knew it was going to be fine. And it was, for six good years. I was very happy to be one of Moira's sponsors at her naturalization, and I was happy for her when she announced her engagement a year later.

Neither Bill nor I were happy when she added that she and her soon-to-be-husband intended to move to South Carolina.

We - Bill and I - sat down and talked about our next step.

Bill's a bright kid. I'm not talking about a prodigy here. not by any stretch of the imagination, but he's smart, and he thinks things through. I'd always made a real effort to make it clear that when we're alone, he can ask or say anything without fear of retribution of any kind. In fact, in striving to insure open communication, I was overdoing it at the start. It had been Annie who'd warned me to remember that I was Bill's father and not one of his friends from school. A tough balancing act, but it paid dividends. We could talk.

"Dad, I'm 12. I don't need a nanny or a babysitter. I can take care of myself."

"Bill, you're 12. You can't drive a car, sign a check, buy booze or butts, or skip school. I'm not turning you into a latchkey kid. You're my son, I love you, and I'm not leaving you alone."

He sighed heavily, something he'd learned to do when he knew I wasn't going to budge on a matter of policy. I don't think he had realized it yet, but he was also a very good-looking youngster, combining his mother's big blue eyes and glowing complexion (marred at the moment by the inevitable acne) with my size and facial structure and brown hair.

"But I'll agree with you: You don't need a nanny or babysitter. Let's look into alternatives."

At that, he brightened. Bill loved a challenge. For most of the weekend and over breakfast on Monday morning, we kept coming back to the subject. Bill carried his "project notebook" around with him everywhere, and whenever one of us had an idea or thought on the matter, he painstakingly wrote it in the book.

Just before he left for school, he asked if this was a private subject, i.e., only between him and me. I wanted to know what he thought.

"I think the more input we can get on it, the better."

"Sounds good. Stay awake in school. And no drooling in English."

He did a moderately acceptable Groucho and headed out. The English reference was to his teacher, whom he'd described as a "babe-and-a-half." I was looking forward to the parent-teacher conference.

Moira came up with the winning suggestion, which Bill relayed to me that night.

"How about a part-time housekeeper."

"We considered that, remember?"

"Sure, but - " He flipped through his notebook pages. " - but Moira said maybe we should look for a college student who's got a light schedule. Especially someone who might be able to tutor me for an hour or so each day."

The more we talked about it, the better it sounded. One of the biggest problems with a part-timer was school holidays. On those days, Bill would be left alone until three or so. But a college student would have about the same schedule and would, therefore, be available on most school holidays.

We moved fast after that. Because of our location - a co-op in the Village - we concentrated our efforts on New York University, Parsons and Baruch, all within walking distance (more or less).

The folks at NYU were helpful and after checking me out passed along my name and number. We started getting calls. Most of them were washouts on the first call, but I interviewed a few. In the meantime, we were on a countdown to Moira's marriage and departure.

The first candidate showed up in fashionably torn jeans and tended to end every sentence with "Y'know?" The second had a nose ring - honest. The third enriched my life by telling me everything that was wrong with her teachers, her roommate, her life, the city and the Universe in general. The fourth began interrogating me about whether I had inculcated the "traditional sexist, racist white male views" in my son. The fifth seemed like a real possibility until she began dropping unsubtle hints that she'd be more than glad to take care of me, as well.

Two days before Moira's wedding - and after 18 failed interviews - I found one that seemed like a winner. She had good references, a good class schedule and seemed to have the right background. When she was 14, her mother died, and it had fallen to her to oversee her four siblings. No, she had no problem with taking a urine test, and she was taking a minor sequence in statistics, so she'd be able - and willing - to tutor Bill in the demon whose name is "Algebra."

Her name was Inger. Our first interview was right there at NYU, in a conference room a few doors from the student aid office. She was between classes, and I took note of her appearance. She was about five-seven (good, because it gave her a couple of inches on Bill), with hair the color of fresh-cut wheat and pulled back in a ponytail. She had a good, strong face - attractive but not quite pretty - and used her light dusting of makeup to emphasize her best features: great lips and big, soft brown eyes. She was wearing a baggy sweater and a pleated plaid skirt that came to her knees. If anything, she seemed to be on the plump side. Her fingernails were clipped and buffed, and her only jewelry was a digital watch, one of those cheap ones.

Inger spoke well, in complete sentences. From time to time, she would hesitate, becoming silent as she thought. That really impressed me, because it meant she had the self-confidence to prefer silence to inane utterances; most people feel they have to fill conversational space with noise.

Things went fairly well until I got to the tough part (for me, anyhow).

"I don't want to pry, but I want to ask you a somewhat personal question."

"I don't promise to answer."

"Fair enough. Inger, do you have a... a significant other in your life?"

A moment of silence. "I think I understand your concern. I don't really have a boyfriend. There was a guy I was getting interested in but he turned out to be... inappropriate. And as busy as I am with class and - I hope - working for you, I really don't have much time for socializing."

She was bright, Inger was, and she recognized that I wanted to ask another question but was holding back because it would have been prying.

"Look, Mr. Millman, he was inappropriate because I found out he was bisexual and not being safe about it. I am a big fan of living."

I felt myself blush. "Thanks," I mumbled.

Her wristwatch beeped. "I have to get over to Courant for a class. I'll be glad to meet you again, but right now - "

"No, I quite understand." I stood and held out my hand. "Let me talk with Bill, and let's see if you can come by and meet the subject under discussion."

She smiled, and I was somewhat taken aback by the transformation. When this young woman smiled, her whole face got into the act, lighting up the entire room.

"I'd like that," she said.

Bill Speaks:

I don't know what I was expecting when I met Inger. The only Inger I'd ever heard of was in the Swedish Bikini Team poster Ian has in his room, so I'd had this image of Inger-Goddess. Instead, she's this kind of big, squat college girl who dresses to hide her weight (I guess.) But she was really nice, and most important, she didn't treat me like a little kid. She asked me what I liked to do - Dad gave me a look that reminded me not to tell her everything I like to do - what I liked best about my best friend (Ian), and she was really interested when I told her about my synthesizer keyboard. She asked if she could see my room, and Dad said it was up to me. So I said, "Sure, if you can stand it," and showed her. She took a look at my books and computer and keyboard and magazines. She wanted to know which magazine was my favorite, probably expecting it to be the Playboy. I told her I really didn't have a favorite; I just picked up the one that looked most interesting. She asked me why I'd picked the Playboy, and I told her the interview with Zhirinovsky, because he's really nuts. Was that the only reason? Well, sure, I told her, the pictures were OK, but it seemed every model in the magazine was blonde and busty, like there weren't any pretty, slim brunettes out there. She laughed and said, "It does kind of look like an ad for the Aryan Nations, doesn't it?" So I figure if she's cool with that, she's okay. Even if she isn't with the Swedish Bikini Team.

Roger Again:

It was pretty clear to me that Bill felt alright about Inger, maybe even liked her. And she was happy when I told her we thought she'd be fine. We worked out the schedule and the payment, and that, I figured, was that.

Moira's wedding came and went. We'd been invited, of course, but I figured it would be an awkward situation, with too many of the trappings of the feudal lord giving away a serving maid in marriage. So Bill and I pleaded a prior engagement and sent a nice present (What do newlyweds need most? Right - a check) and about two weeks later we received a postcard from Barbados simultaneous with a Thank You note from Sooth Carolina. Try to figure the mail.

Bill seemed pretty comfortable with Inger, and I couldn't complain at all. She took care of the housekeeping, and Bill usually had his homework done by the time I got home from work. Inger told me that he really was without a clue when it came to algebra, but she was working with him on it.

A couple of weeks passed. The night of the parent-teacher conferences arrived. Inger said she could cover the house for me that evening.

I met Ms. Allen, the famous "babe-and-a-half" English teacher, and had to agree with my son's assessment. She was gorgeous, and she was built. She was wearing a fairly conservative suit, but there was no way she could hide that body or those legs. I noted the absence of wedding or engagement rings and start wondering...

Anyhow, Ms. Allen was very forthright and business-like. Bill's writing skills were quite good, though he had a tendency to let his paragraphs run too long. He had a good grasp of chronological organization, but he seemed hesitant about dialogue. Did he read much fiction? No, I told her, his taste ran to non-fiction, especially stuff with political content. She suggested I leave some Heinlein collections around. Which got us talking about Heinlein, and then science fiction in general, and we got to exchanging titles and authors, and when our time was up she said:

"I've really enjoyed our conversation, Mr. Millman."

"So have I. Perhaps we could continue it over coffee or dinner sometime?"

She smiled gloriously, and we traded phone numbers, as well.

Hey, being a single parent isn't all bad after all, I thought.

When I got home, Bill was sprawled on the floor, eating popcorn and watching "Dateline: NBC." Inger was reading a political science textbook, occasionally using a yellow Hi-Liter on a passage.

"How did it go?" she asked.

"Quite well," I told her, hanging up my overcoat.

"Did you meet Ms. Allen?" Bill chimed.

Inger laughed and closed her textbook.

"So he's told you about the 'babe-and-a-half'?"

"He's hinted at it."

"She is rather attractive."

"I'm sure." Inger stood. "I'll head back then. Big test tomorrow."

I helped her on with her coat and walked her to the door. I handed her an envelope. "Cab fare," I explained. She smiled and thanked me.

"By the way," I said. "I met Bill's algebra teacher. If he teaches the way he talks, I'm amazed anyone is getting it. I suspect he's one of those guys who picked it up instinctively and simply doesn't know how to explain what he knows."

"Hmmmm... maybe if we started from scratch, Bill would do better."

"Maybe. Good luck on your test - and thanks for the extra time."

"Mr. Millman, I'm joining some friends Friday evening. Would it be alright with you if I shower and change my clothes here?"

"Of course. But thanks for asking."

Bill Observes:

Y'know, it's been three weeks now. I was starting to feel like Inger has always been her. In fact, I sort of thought of her as, well, like a guy, a buddy. I mean, she's in charge, but not bossy, and we talk about stuff sometimes, and I just always thought of her as just plain Inger.

Not any more, though. Not after tonight. Not after she changed her clothes and put on her makeup to go out with her friends.

Dad called about six, which is when he usually leaves the office, and talked to Inger, and then she put me on the phone, and he told me wasn't going to be home till 7:30, but that Inger was going to leave at seven anyhow, and I was on my own, and he was sorry to be late but he'd bring in my favorite Chinese. It was no big deal, really.

So about 15 minutes later, Inger excuses herself and goes into Dad's bedroom with her bag, and about 10 minutes later I hear the shower running. Sure, I was curious, but this was Inger. I mean, I'd never seen a real woman naked, but Dad always left Playboy and like that around, and I've always looked at them, and now I'm just kind of not interested unless it's a really pretty woman or someone unusual (like that Tiffany Towers, who's got breasts bigger than her head!), so I didn't really want to peek in on Inger, who never seemed that attractive. Besides which, it would be sort of like violating her privacy, and I respect her too much for that.

So at a quarter to seven, I didn't even look up when Inger came into the living room, because I was watching "Tek Wars." And then she asked me if she looked OK. When I looked at her, I wasn't sure it was Inger. She wasn't in her usual baggy sweater and baggy skirt or baggy jeans with her hair pulled back in a pony tail - no way. She was wearing a black leather mini cut about halfway up her thighs, and dark stockings and high heels and a gray turtleneck sweater, and she had her hair combed out, and she was wearing more makeup, and Inger was definitely a babe. I mean, Ms. Allen suddenly looked shabby in my head. I looked her up and down, I guess with my mouth hanging open, and she kind of laughed - not mocking, but just amused, I guess - and said, "I take that as a 'Yes.'" So I told her the truth, just kind of blurting that she looked gorgeous, and she smiled and puckered up and blew me a kiss and said thanks, and I got the most incredible boner. When she asked me to help her on with her coat, I think she noticed it, but she just told me to behave until Dad got home, and then she left to meet her friends, and all I could do was stand there next to the door, smelling her perfume and throbbing to beat the band. The hell with the band. Five minutes later I was beating the meat.

Roger Returns:

On the next Tuesday, I sat Bill down for one of our talks.

"Bill, I'm going to have dinner with a lady tonight." His eyebrows went up. "Someone kind of new." I'd gone out with a few women in the previous decade, and Bill had met a couple of them.

"What's that mean - 'Kind of new'?" He was genuinely - and understandably - puzzled.

"Well, it means I've had coffee with her once, but we've never really gone out. And it's someone you know."


I had to smile. "No, not Inger. Good grief, no. I mean, she's attractive enough, but she's awfully young for me."

"Dad, Inger is a babe-and-a-half. You should have seen her when she changed to go out with her friends. I mean, forget Ms. Allen!"

I felt my face redden.

"Did I say something wrong, Dad?" He'd obviously mistaken my blush for something else.

"No, not a chance." I grinned. "So you're having less trouble concentrating on your English books?"

"Dad, Inger is definitely hot when she wants to be." He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "So, anyhow, who's this date of yours?"

I blushed again. "It's, uh, your English teacher."

He blinked rapidly, twice. "You're shitting me."

"I shit you not." This was our secret, ultimate-promise-of-truth code. "We sort of hit it off at the parent-teacher conference. In fact, it was her idea to leave the Heinlein around for you that got us talking."

"Wow. You and Ms. Allen."

"Bill - this has to be between us. And I'm going to ask you to do something very, very difficult. I don't think I could do it if I was in your shoes. You have to act like nothing's changed in class with her - because nothing has changed in class with her."

He thought that over for a few moments. Then: "Yeah, that is going to be tough. You know, sometimes the guys make remarks about her - "

I shook my head. "And they'll keep doing it, and it's OK. Even if you do, it's OK - but I'd prefer you didn't."

"Does Inger know?"

"Yes, she does. She's going to stay till 10 tomorrow night."

"What happens if you get lucky?"

I laughed. "Son, women - especially 'babes' - do not line up around the block for a middle-aged account executive. At least, not for this one. I do not expect to get my bones jumped. In fact, I'd be amazed. I'll be home at 10."

The next day, before he left for school, Bill wished me luck, but it didn't have an immediate effect. Oh, dinner with Bernice was quite lovely, and afterward we went to Bradley's for drinks and some music, and then I walked her to her door in a light snow and - to my astonishment - she solved that awkward moment for us by leaning up and giving me a peck on the lips... and then did it again, but it was less of a peck and turned into a clinch. Then there was another awkward moment, only this time I solved it.

"I wouldn't mind doing a lot more of that except for two things," I said. "One, it's getting damn cold out here, and, two, I have a 10 o'clock appointment."

She smiled beautifully. "We'll have to check our schedules, Roger. I really enjoyed tonight."

"Call you tomorrow?"

"I'd like that. Thank you for a lovely evening."

"The pleasure was entirely mine. Good night."

I waited till she'd closed the inner door of her brownstone apartment building, and then I strode home, feeling pretty proud of myself.

Bill Speaks:

It was about seven o'clock when we finished clearing away the dishes - Inger and I made a casserole - when she said, "I wonder how your father's date is going." I wondered, too. What I was wondering more about was Inger. How could she be such a babe and dress so plain all the time? As she bent over to put the casserole pan in the dishwasher, I saw her baggy sweater bulge with her tits and instantly got another boner. It seemed like half the time I was near her I was getting a boner. It was driving me nuts. I excused myself and went into the bathroom for the second time that evening and quickly whipped it out and started beating. In about a minute, I splattered another big load into the sink. It took me about 10 minutes to clean up and calm down enough to leave.

Inger was just sitting on the couch, looking at me funny, like she knew what I'd been doing. I went to turn on the television, thinking she was going to study like she usually did if she stayed late, but she asked me not to turn on the set and to come sit with her for a minute.

"Bill, I want to talk something over with you - just between us."

Uh-oh, I thought, sitting at the far end of the couch.

"You were just masturbating."

I felt my face get hot, but one thing I don't do - ever - is lie. On the other hand, I didn't have to confess, either.

"There's nothing wrong or unnatural about it. And I don't think it's dirty or some kind of shit like that."

I was a little surprised to hear Inger talk like that, but I got her point.

"But I want to talk with you about..." She took a deep breath. "Bill, were you jerking off thinking about your father's date?"

My face got hotter.

"I mean, if she's half the babe you say she is, I can understand that, but it's going to be tough enough treating her just as a teacher; making her your fantasy object will just make it more difficult."

I had a tough time talking. "Well, uh, what makes you think it was her?"

"As soon as I mentioned your father's date, you got a hard-on and went to jerk off."

"That wasn't it."

She shrugged. "Well, suit yourself."

"Really, it wasn't!"

She didn't say anything, but I could tell she was far from convinced.

"That was just coincidence. It was - " I shut my mouth.

She looked really puzzled.

"It was what?"

"It was you!"

She blinked, like she was surprised.

"Oh, Bill, I'm just plain ol' Inger and - "

"No, you're not. I saw you when you were dressed to meet your friends. You were so hot I - "

I stopped my mouth before I went any farther.

Her face changed, like... softened.

"You mean I turned you on like that? This long after? That's kind of hard to swallow and - "

"Don't believe me?" I stood and stepped in front of her. "Look!"

She looked, right at my crotch where Boner Number Three was making itself obvious.

"Oh, my goodness! Did I do that?"

She looked up at me.

"Oh, dear." Her breathing quickened. "Little old dowdy me made you get all stiff like that..." She put her hand on it, and I groaned. "Well, I can't have you studying algebra in a state like that. What shall we do about it?"

"Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom - "

"Not at all."

"Wha - "

She was unzipping my pants and pushing them and my Jockeys down.

"There does seem to be quite a bit to it for a young man your age."

I moaned when she took my dick in her hand.

"Maybe I can help."

She started stroking me. Her face was all red, and she was panting.

"It's so nice and hard and - are you going to cum soon?"

I grunted.

"Well, we can't make a mess in here..." Still stroking, she reached for the Kleenex. "Come on, and let it go."

"Oh, shit..." I gasped and started shooting. Even though I'd whacked off twice, my knees started to bend, I came so hard - and a lot. Inger's Kleenex got soaked pretty fast, and then there was stuff running over her hand and wrist. I came some more before I stopped, and she squeezed the last few drops out, then used another Kleenex to clean off my cock. She looked up at me and smiled.

"That was nice," she said. She put her hand to her mouth and licked up some of my jizz, then gave a little shiver. "And it tastes nice, too. Straighten out your clothes and flush this." She waited for me to pull my pants back up, then handed me the tissue. I kind of stumbled to the bathroom, wondering if I'd just had a dream. I flushed the tank and tossed some cold water on my face before returning to the living room. Inger waved me to her side, then patted the cushion next to her.

"No secrets, OK?"

I nodded.

"No - you have to say it."

"OK - no secrets."

"Have you ever done that with anyone before?"

I blushed. "Well, a couple of times my friends and I kind of... well, we have a contest to see who can shoot the farthest or the most."

"But that's it?"


"But you get horny a lot, and beat off a lot?"

"Well, I guess so."

She took a deep breath. "Well, I can understand that. I get horny, too. A lot. And I masturbate a lot. Sometimes it seems almost anything can get me hot. So I try to be careful. You know about AIDS and that, right?"

"And how." Did I ever! Between Dad and school - I felt like a walking brochure from the Centers for Disease Control. Or GMHC.

She thought for a few seconds. "I'll make a deal with you. I'll take care of you if you'll take care of me."

"Take care of you -?"

"I'll teach you how. But two rules: No one else can ever find out, and we tell each other everything - including about anyone else we play with. How does that sound?"

It took me a minute to realize what she was offering. But once I did, I told her how it sounded:

"That sounds completely excellent."

"Good. Now, have you ever seen a naked woman in the flesh?"

I shook my head. She smiled, stood and led me to my room.

Roger Speaks:

I got home at 10 o'clock, on the dot. To my surprise, Inger was alone in the living room, reading her poly sci text. Bill wasn't in sight.

"He's sacked out," she said quietly. "Said he was really tired."

"I hope he's not coming down with anything. Usually I have to drive him to bed."

She shrugged. "He ate enough. Maybe he's just worn out. How was your date?"

My smile told her plenty. She grinned at me, her face blossoming. She stood and stretched languidly. "Well, I'm a bit tired myself. I think I'll head home. Are you going to see her again?"

"Almost certainly. I think we're really hitting it off."

"Good on you." She took her coat, and I helped her into it. Something about the way she moved and talked seemed more relaxed than I'd ever seen her before. "Good night." I handed her an envelope. "Thanks, Inger. I really appreciate it."

"Hey, any time I can, I'm glad to do it. He's a good kid."

"The best." I beamed. She beamed right back.

The next morning, Bill seemed pretty cheerful and filled with energy. "I'm glad to see you feeling OK."

He gave me an odd look.

"Inger said you were pretty beat last night and turned in early."

His expression relaxed, and he grinned. "I was definitely beat. I was going to stay up and grill you about your date, but - " He shrugged. "How did it go?"

"It really went well, Bill. I like her, and I think she likes me. We're going to see each other again."

"That's swell, Dad." Oddly, that seemed to be the end of it for him. I'd spent my time in the shower rehearsing how I'd deal with detailed questions and felt a bit let down that he wasn't more curious. On the other hand, Bill was bright and advanced for his years. He might well have concluded for himself that there were some things we would not be discussing in detail. I was proud of my little guy; he was growing up!

That afternoon, at just after four, Bernice called me. (We'd agreed that it would be best for her to call me at work, since it might be putting too much pressure on Bill to have him answer the phone and find his "babe-and-a-half" English teacher asking to talk to his father.) How did my schedule look? I told her that it depended on whether Inger was available, and I'd have to get back to her. She was agreeable. I called home. After the ninth ring, Bill answered the phone, a bit out of breath.

"Oh, uh, Inger bet me I couldn't do 20 pushups."

"Really. Who won the bet?"


"Oh, good." I was surprised. Bill had never had much athletic inclination beyond some interest in basketball. "Let me talk to her for a moment, please?"


"Hi, Mr. Millman."

She was out of breath, too.

"Well, that's what he won. I had to do as many as he did."

"What's with this pushups business?"

"Well, I figure that exercise is important, helps the circulation and alertness. Since this algebra has an association with sleepville, I figured the stimulation might help."

It sounded logical, in an odd way. What the hell. I asked about her availability on Friday or Saturday night.

"Oh, no problem! Which will it be? Or both?"

I had to laugh. "You're more optimistic than I am. Friday would be best." I paused. "It might be a little later."

"Are we talking changing the date on the clock?"

"With any luck. I have a very good feeling about the way it's going."

"I'm really glad for you to hear that."

"Don't say anything yet. I'll tell him myself."


Then I called Bernice. She was very pleased that it was Friday. I explained that Bill and I tended to reserve Saturdays as our day together. We had a whole little routine that ended with going out late Saturday night to bring in the Sunday Times and News and some snack food for watching late night movies together. She thought that was wonderful. Then she told me she was glad it was Friday because it was a day closer, and she really wanted to see me.

Roger Tells It:

Raising a kid alone has got to be one of the toughest, most demanding situations any responsible human could ever face. And I was pretty well-off, financially; I can't begin to imagine how someone making less than I do could manage it. I, at least, could always afford to have someone stay with Bill during the day until he started school. And I could afford to have someone be there for him when he came home or when business took me out of town.

For the first six years after Monica left me - Bill was just a year old when she decided to head for the Coast - we were very, very lucky. Annie, a solid West Indian woman with a gently firm manner about her and an honest and obvious love of children, took on the task of "mothering" my son. They got on famously, and I came to think so highly of her that when the INS caught up with her, I fought for her as if she was family. I lost, and it broke all of our hearts to say our farewells.

After Annie, our standards were very demanding. I must have interviewed 40 candidates before settling on Moira, a tall red-headed Irish lady of about 25. I explained to her about Annie, and Moira understood immediately. When Bill asked her if she was going to be the new "Annie," Moira told him that there could only be one Annie, and I knew it was going to be fine. And it was, for six good years. I was very happy to be one of Moira's sponsors at her naturalization, and I was happy for her when she announced her engagement a year later.

Neither Bill nor I were happy when she added that she and her soon-to-be-husband intended to move to South Carolina.

We - Bill and I - sat down and talked about our next step.

Bill's a bright kid. I'm not talking about a prodigy here. not by any stretch of the imagination, but he's smart, and he thinks things through. I'd always made a real effort to make it clear that when we're alone, he can ask or say anything without fear of retribution of any kind. In fact, in striving to insure open communication, I was overdoing it at the start. It had been Annie who'd warned me to remember that I was Bill's father and not one of his friends from school. A tough balancing act, but it paid dividends. We could talk.

"Dad, I'm 12. I don't need a nanny or a babysitter. I can take care of myself."

"Bill, you're 12. You can't drive a car, sign a check, buy booze or butts, or skip school. I'm not turning you into a latchkey kid. You're my son, I love you, and I'm not leaving you alone."

He sighed heavily, something he'd learned to do when he knew I wasn't going to budge on a matter of policy. I don't think he had realized it yet, but he was also a very good-looking youngster, combining his mother's big blue eyes and glowing complexion (marred at the moment by the inevitable acne) with my size and facial structure and brown hair.

"But I'll agree with you: You don't need a nanny or babysitter. Let's look into alternatives."

At that, he brightened. Bill loved a challenge. For most of the weekend and over breakfast on Monday morning, we kept coming back to the subject. Bill carried his "project notebook" around with him everywhere, and whenever one of us had an idea or thought on the matter, he painstakingly wrote it in the book.

Just before he left for school, he asked if this was a private subject, i.e., only between him and me. I wanted to know what he thought.

"I think the more input we can get on it, the better."

"Sounds good. Stay awake in school. And no drooling in English."

He did a moderately acceptable Groucho and headed out. The English reference was to his teacher, whom he'd described as a "babe-and-a-half." I was looking forward to the parent-teacher conference.

Moira came up with the winning suggestion, which Bill relayed to me that night.

"How about a part-time housekeeper."

"We considered that, remember?"

"Sure, but - " He flipped through his notebook pages. " - but Moira said maybe we should look for a college student who's got a light schedule. Especially someone who might be able to tutor me for an hour or so each day."

The more we talked about it, the better it sounded. One of the biggest problems with a part-timer was school holidays. On those days, Bill would be left alone until three or so. But a college student would have about the same schedule and would, therefore, be available on most school holidays.

We moved fast after that. Because of our location - a co-op in the Village - we concentrated our efforts on New York University, Parsons and Baruch, all within walking distance (more or less).

The folks at NYU were helpful and after checking me out passed along my name and number. We started getting calls. Most of them were washouts on the first call, but I interviewed a few. In the meantime, we were on a countdown to Moira's marriage and departure.

The first candidate showed up in fashionably torn jeans and tended to end every sentence with "Y'know?" The second had a nose ring - honest. The third enriched my life by telling me everything that was wrong with her teachers, her roommate, her life, the city and the Universe in general. The fourth began interrogating me about whether I had inculcated the "traditional sexist, racist white male views" in my son. The fifth seemed like a real possibility until she began dropping unsubtle hints that she'd be more than glad to take care of me, as well.

Two days before Moira's wedding - and after 18 failed interviews - I found one that seemed like a winner. She had good references, a good class schedule and seemed to have the right background. When she was 14, her mother died, and it had fallen to her to oversee her four siblings. No, she had no problem with taking a urine test, and she was taking a minor sequence in statistics, so she'd be able - and willing - to tutor Bill in the demon whose name is "Algebra."

Her name was Inger. Our first interview was right there at NYU, in a conference room a few doors from the student aid office. She was between classes, and I took note of her appearance. She was about five-seven (good, because it gave her a couple of inches on Bill), with hair the color of fresh-cut wheat and pulled back in a ponytail. She had a good, strong face - attractive but not quite pretty - and used her light dusting of makeup to emphasize her best features: great lips and big, soft brown eyes. She was wearing a baggy sweater and a pleated plaid skirt that came to her knees. If anything, she seemed to be on the plump side. Her fingernails were clipped and buffed, and her only jewelry was a digital watch, one of those cheap ones.

Inger spoke well, in complete sentences. From time to time, she would hesitate, becoming silent as she thought. That really impressed me, because it meant she had the self-confidence to prefer silence to inane utterances; most people feel they have to fill conversational space with noise.

Things went fairly well until I got to the tough part (for me, anyhow).

"I don't want to pry, but I want to ask you a somewhat personal question."

"I don't promise to answer."

"Fair enough. Inger, do you have a... a significant other in your life?"

A moment of silence. "I think I understand your concern. I don't really have a boyfriend. There was a guy I was getting interested in but he turned out to be... inappropriate. And as busy as I am with class and - I hope - working for you, I really don't have much time for socializing."

She was bright, Inger was, and she recognized that I wanted to ask another question but was holding back because it would have been prying.

"Look, Mr. Millman, he was inappropriate because I found out he was bisexual and not being safe about it. I am a big fan of living."

I felt myself blush. "Thanks," I mumbled.

Her wristwatch beeped. "I have to get over to Courant for a class. I'll be glad to meet you again, but right now - "

"No, I quite understand." I stood and held out my hand. "Let me talk with Bill, and let's see if you can come by and meet the subject under discussion."

She smiled, and I was somewhat taken aback by the transformation. When this young woman smiled, her whole face got into the act, lighting up the entire room.

"I'd like that," she said.

Bill Speaks:

I don't know what I was expecting when I met Inger. The only Inger I'd ever heard of was in the Swedish Bikini Team poster Ian has in his room, so I'd had this image of Inger-Goddess. Instead, she's this kind of big, squat college girl who dresses to hide her weight (I guess.) But she was really nice, and most important, she didn't treat me like a little kid. She asked me what I liked to do - Dad gave me a look that reminded me not to tell her everything I like to do - what I liked best about my best friend (Ian), and she was really interested when I told her about my synthesizer keyboard. She asked if she could see my room, and Dad said it was up to me. So I said, "Sure, if you can stand it," and showed her. She took a look at my books and computer and keyboard and magazines. She wanted to know which magazine was my favorite, probably expecting it to be the Playboy. I told her I really didn't have a favorite; I just picked up the one that looked most interesting. She asked me why I'd picked the Playboy, and I told her the interview with Zhirinovsky, because he's really nuts. Was that the only reason? Well, sure, I told her, the pictures were OK, but it seemed every model in the magazine was blonde and busty, like there weren't any pretty, slim brunettes out there. She laughed and said, "It does kind of look like an ad for the Aryan Nations, doesn't it?" So I figure if she's cool with that, she's okay. Even if she isn't with the Swedish Bikini Team.

Roger Again:

It was pretty clear to me that Bill felt alright about Inger, maybe even liked her. And she was happy when I told her we thought she'd be fine. We worked out the schedule and the payment, and that, I figured, was that.

Moira's wedding came and went. We'd been invited, of course, but I figured it would be an awkward situation, with too many of the trappings of the feudal lord giving away a serving maid in marriage. So Bill and I pleaded a prior engagement and sent a nice present (What do newlyweds need most? Right - a check) and about two weeks later we received a postcard from Barbados simultaneous with a Thank You note from Sooth Carolina. Try to figure the mail.

Bill seemed pretty comfortable with Inger, and I couldn't complain at all. She took care of the housekeeping, and Bill usually had his homework done by the time I got home from work. Inger told me that he really was without a clue when it came to algebra, but she was working with him on it.

A couple of weeks passed. The night of the parent-teacher conferences arrived. Inger said she could cover the house for me that evening.

I met Ms. Allen, the famous "babe-and-a-half" English teacher, and had to agree with my son's assessment. She was gorgeous, and she was built. She was wearing a fairly conservative suit, but there was no way she could hide that body or those legs. I noted the absence of wedding or engagement rings and start wondering...

Anyhow, Ms. Allen was very forthright and business-like. Bill's writing skills were quite good, though he had a tendency to let his paragraphs run too long. He had a good grasp of chronological organization, but he seemed hesitant about dialogue. Did he read much fiction? No, I told her, his taste ran to non-fiction, especially stuff with political content. She suggested I leave some Heinlein collections around. Which got us talking about Heinlein, and then science fiction in general, and we got to exchanging titles and authors, and when our time was up she said:

"I've really enjoyed our conversation, Mr. Millman."

"So have I. Perhaps we could continue it over coffee or dinner sometime?"

She smiled gloriously, and we traded phone numbers, as well.

Hey, being a single parent isn't all bad after all, I thought.

When I got home, Bill was sprawled on the floor, eating popcorn and watching "Dateline: NBC." Inger was reading a political science textbook, occasionally using a yellow Hi-Liter on a passage.

"How did it go?" she asked.

"Quite well," I told her, hanging up my overcoat.

"Did you meet Ms. Allen?" Bill chimed.

Inger laughed and closed her textbook.

"So he's told you about the 'babe-and-a-half'?"

"He's hinted at it."

"She is rather attractive."

"I'm sure." Inger stood. "I'll head back then. Big test tomorrow."

I helped her on with her coat and walked her to the door. I handed her an envelope. "Cab fare," I explained. She smiled and thanked me.

"By the way," I said. "I met Bill's algebra teacher. If he teaches the way he talks, I'm amazed anyone is getting it. I suspect he's one of those guys who picked it up instinctively and simply doesn't know how to explain what he knows."

"Hmmmm... maybe if we started from scratch, Bill would do better."

"Maybe. Good luck on your test - and thanks for the extra time."

"Mr. Millman, I'm joining some friends Friday evening. Would it be alright with you if I shower and change my clothes here?"

"Of course. But thanks for asking."

Bill Observes:

Y'know, it's been three weeks now. I was starting to feel like Inger has always been her. In fact, I sort of thought of her as, well, like a guy, a buddy. I mean, she's in charge, but not bossy, and we talk about stuff sometimes, and I just always thought of her as just plain Inger.

Not any more, though. Not after tonight. Not after she changed her clothes and put on her makeup to go out with her friends.

Dad called about six, which is when he usually leaves the office, and talked to Inger, and then she put me on the phone, and he told me wasn't going to be home till 7:30, but that Inger was going to leave at seven anyhow, and I was on my own, and he was sorry to be late but he'd bring in my favorite Chinese. It was no big deal, really.

So about 15 minutes later, Inger excuses herself and goes into Dad's bedroom with her bag, and about 10 minutes later I hear the shower running. Sure, I was curious, but this was Inger. I mean, I'd never seen a real woman naked, but Dad always left Playboy and like that around, and I've always looked at them, and now I'm just kind of not interested unless it's a really pretty woman or someone unusual (like that Tiffany Towers, who's got breasts bigger than her head!), so I didn't really want to peek in on Inger, who never seemed that attractive. Besides which, it would be sort of like violating her privacy, and I respect her too much for that.

So at a quarter to seven, I didn't even look up when Inger came into the living room, because I was watching "Tek Wars." And then she asked me if she looked OK. When I looked at her, I wasn't sure it was Inger. She wasn't in her usual baggy sweater and baggy skirt or baggy jeans with her hair pulled back in a pony tail - no way. She was wearing a black leather mini cut about halfway up her thighs, and dark stockings and high heels and a gray turtleneck sweater, and she had her hair combed out, and she was wearing more makeup, and Inger was definitely a babe. I mean, Ms. Allen suddenly looked shabby in my head. I looked her up and down, I guess with my mouth hanging open, and she kind of laughed - not mocking, but just amused, I guess - and said, "I take that as a 'Yes.'" So I told her the truth, just kind of blurting that she looked gorgeous, and she smiled and puckered up and blew me a kiss and said thanks, and I got the most incredible boner. When she asked me to help her on with her coat, I think she noticed it, but she just told me to behave until Dad got home, and then she left to meet her friends, and all I could do was stand there next to the door, smelling her perfume and throbbing to beat the band. The hell with the band. Five minutes later I was beating the meat.

Roger Returns:

On the next Tuesday, I sat Bill down for one of our talks.

"Bill, I'm going to have dinner with a lady tonight." His eyebrows went up. "Someone kind of new." I'd gone out with a few women in the previous decade, and Bill had met a couple of them.

"What's that mean - 'Kind of new'?" He was genuinely - and understandably - puzzled.

"Well, it means I've had coffee with her once, but we've never really gone out. And it's someone you know."


I had to smile. "No, not Inger. Good grief, no. I mean, she's attractive enough, but she's awfully young for me."

"Dad, Inger is a babe-and-a-half. You should have seen her when she changed to go out with her friends. I mean, forget Ms. Allen!"

I felt my face redden.

"Did I say something wrong, Dad?" He'd obviously mistaken my blush for something else.

"No, not a chance." I grinned. "So you're having less trouble concentrating on your English books?"

"Dad, Inger is definitely hot when she wants to be." He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "So, anyhow, who's this date of yours?"

I blushed again. "It's, uh, your English teacher."

He blinked rapidly, twice. "You're shitting me."

"I shit you not." This was our secret, ultimate-promise-of-truth code. "We sort of hit it off at the parent-teacher conference. In fact, it was her idea to leave the Heinlein around for you that got us talking."

"Wow. You and Ms. Allen."

"Bill - this has to be between us. And I'm going to ask you to do something very, very difficult. I don't think I could do it if I was in your shoes. You have to act like nothing's changed in class with her - because nothing has changed in class with her."

He thought that over for a few moments. Then: "Yeah, that is going to be tough. You know, sometimes the guys make remarks about her - "

I shook my head. "And they'll keep doing it, and it's OK. Even if you do, it's OK - but I'd prefer you didn't."

"Does Inger know?"

"Yes, she does. She's going to stay till 10 tomorrow night."

"What happens if you get lucky?"

I laughed. "Son, women - especially 'babes' - do not line up around the block for a middle-aged account executive. At least, not for this one. I do not expect to get my bones jumped. In fact, I'd be amazed. I'll be home at 10."

The next day, before he left for school, Bill wished me luck, but it didn't have an immediate effect. Oh, dinner with Bernice was quite lovely, and afterward we went to Bradley's for drinks and some music, and then I walked her to her door in a light snow and - to my astonishment - she solved that awkward moment for us by leaning up and giving me a peck on the lips... and then did it again, but it was less of a peck and turned into a clinch. Then there was another awkward moment, only this time I solved it.

"I wouldn't mind doing a lot more of that except for two things," I said. "One, it's getting damn cold out here, and, two, I have a 10 o'clock appointment."

She smiled beautifully. "We'll have to check our schedules, Roger. I really enjoyed tonight."

"Call you tomorrow?"

"I'd like that. Thank you for a lovely evening."

"The pleasure was entirely mine. Good night."

I waited till she'd closed the inner door of her brownstone apartment building, and then I strode home, feeling pretty proud of myself.

Bill Speaks:

It was about seven o'clock when we finished clearing away the dishes - Inger and I made a casserole - when she said, "I wonder how your father's date is going." I wondered, too. What I was wondering more about was Inger. How could she be such a babe and dress so plain all the time? As she bent over to put the casserole pan in the dishwasher, I saw her baggy sweater bulge with her tits and instantly got another boner. It seemed like half the time I was near her I was getting a boner. It was driving me nuts. I excused myself and went into the bathroom for the second time that evening and quickly whipped it out and started beating. In about a minute, I splattered another big load into the sink. It took me about 10 minutes to clean up and calm down enough to leave.

Inger was just sitting on the couch, looking at me funny, like she knew what I'd been doing. I went to turn on the television, thinking she was going to study like she usually did if she stayed late, but she asked me not to turn on the set and to come sit with her for a minute.

"Bill, I want to talk something over with you - just between us."

Uh-oh, I thought, sitting at the far end of the couch.

"You were just masturbating."

I felt my face get hot, but one thing I don't do - ever - is lie. On the other hand, I didn't have to confess, either.

"There's nothing wrong or unnatural about it. And I don't think it's dirty or some kind of shit like that."

I was a little surprised to hear Inger talk like that, but I got her point.

"But I want to talk with you about..." She took a deep breath. "Bill, were you jerking off thinking about your father's date?"

My face got hotter.

"I mean, if she's half the babe you say she is, I can understand that, but it's going to be tough enough treating her just as a teacher; making her your fantasy object will just make it more difficult."

I had a tough time talking. "Well, uh, what makes you think it was her?"

"As soon as I mentioned your father's date, you got a hard-on and went to jerk off."

"That wasn't it."

She shrugged. "Well, suit yourself."

"Really, it wasn't!"

She didn't say anything, but I could tell she was far from convinced.

"That was just coincidence. It was - " I shut my mouth.

She looked really puzzled.

"It was what?"

"It was you!"

She blinked, like she was surprised.

"Oh, Bill, I'm just plain ol' Inger and - "

"No, you're not. I saw you when you were dressed to meet your friends. You were so hot I - "

I stopped my mouth before I went any farther.

Her face changed, like... softened.

"You mean I turned you on like that? This long after? That's kind of hard to swallow and - "

"Don't believe me?" I stood and stepped in front of her. "Look!"

She looked, right at my crotch where Boner Number Three was making itself obvious.

"Oh, my goodness! Did I do that?"

She looked up at me.

"Oh, dear." Her breathing quickened. "Little old dowdy me made you get all stiff like that..." She put her hand on it, and I groaned. "Well, I can't have you studying algebra in a state like that. What shall we do about it?"

"Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom - "

"Not at all."

"Wha - "

She was unzipping my pants and pushing them and my Jockeys down.

"There does seem to be quite a bit to it for a young man your age."

I moaned when she took my dick in her hand.

"Maybe I can help."

She started stroking me. Her face was all red, and she was panting.

"It's so nice and hard and - are you going to cum soon?"

I grunted.

"Well, we can't make a mess in here..." Still stroking, she reached for the Kleenex. "Come on, and let it go."

"Oh, shit..." I gasped and started shooting. Even though I'd whacked off twice, my knees started to bend, I came so hard - and a lot. Inger's Kleenex got soaked pretty fast, and then there was stuff running over her hand and wrist. I came some more before I stopped, and she squeezed the last few drops out, then used another Kleenex to clean off my cock. She looked up at me and smiled.

"That was nice," she said. She put her hand to her mouth and licked up some of my jizz, then gave a little shiver. "And it tastes nice, too. Straighten out your clothes and flush this." She waited for me to pull my pants back up, then handed me the tissue. I kind of stumbled to the bathroom, wondering if I'd just had a dream. I flushed the tank and tossed some cold water on my face before returning to the living room. Inger waved me to her side, then patted the cushion next to her.

"No secrets, OK?"

I nodded.

"No - you have to say it."

"OK - no secrets."

"Have you ever done that with anyone before?"

I blushed. "Well, a couple of times my friends and I kind of... well, we have a contest to see who can shoot the farthest or the most."

"But that's it?"


"But you get horny a lot, and beat off a lot?"

"Well, I guess so."

She took a deep breath. "Well, I can understand that. I get horny, too. A lot. And I masturbate a lot. Sometimes it seems almost anything can get me hot. So I try to be careful. You know about AIDS and that, right?"

"And how." Did I ever! Between Dad and school - I felt like a walking brochure from the Centers for Disease Control. Or GMHC.

She thought for a few seconds. "I'll make a deal with you. I'll take care of you if you'll take care of me."

"Take care of you -?"

"I'll teach you how. But two rules: No one else can ever find out, and we tell each other everything - including about anyone else we play with. How does that sound?"

It took me a minute to realize what she was offering. But once I did, I told her how it sounded:

"That sounds completely excellent."

"Good. Now, have you ever seen a naked woman in the flesh?"

I shook my head. She smiled, stood and led me to my room.

Roger Speaks:

I got home at 10 o'clock, on the dot. To my surprise, Inger was alone in the living room, reading her poly sci text. Bill wasn't in sight.

"He's sacked out," she said quietly. "Said he was really tired."

"I hope he's not coming down with anything. Usually I have to drive him to bed."

She shrugged. "He ate enough. Maybe he's just worn out. How was your date?"

My smile told her plenty. She grinned at me, her face blossoming. She stood and stretched languidly. "Well, I'm a bit tired myself. I think I'll head home. Are you going to see her again?"

"Almost certainly. I think we're really hitting it off."

"Good on you." She took her coat, and I helped her into it. Something about the way she moved and talked seemed more relaxed than I'd ever seen her before. "Good night." I handed her an envelope. "Thanks, Inger. I really appreciate it."

"Hey, any time I can, I'm glad to do it. He's a good kid."

"The best." I beamed. She beamed right back.

The next morning, Bill seemed pretty cheerful and filled with energy. "I'm glad to see you feeling OK."

He gave me an odd look.

"Inger said you were pretty beat last night and turned in early."

His expression relaxed, and he grinned. "I was definitely beat. I was going to stay up and grill you about your date, but - " He shrugged. "How did it go?"

"It really went well, Bill. I like her, and I think she likes me. We're going to see each other again."

"That's swell, Dad." Oddly, that seemed to be the end of it for him. I'd spent my time in the shower rehearsing how I'd deal with detailed questions and felt a bit let down that he wasn't more curious. On the other hand, Bill was bright and advanced for his years. He might well have concluded for himself that there were some things we would not be discussing in detail. I was proud of my little guy; he was growing up!

That afternoon, at just after four, Bernice called me. (We'd agreed that it would be best for her to call me at work, since it might be putting too much pressure on Bill to have him answer the phone and find his "babe-and-a-half" English teacher asking to talk to his father.) How did my schedule look? I told her that it depended on whether Inger was available, and I'd have to get back to her. She was agreeable. I called home. After the ninth ring, Bill answered the phone, a bit out of breath.

"Oh, uh, Inger bet me I couldn't do 20 pushups."

"Really. Who won the bet?"


"Oh, good." I was surprised. Bill had never had much athletic inclination beyond some interest in basketball. "Let me talk to her for a moment, please?"


"Hi, Mr. Millman."

She was out of breath, too.

"Well, that's what he won. I had to do as many as he did."

"What's with this pushups business?"

"Well, I figure that exercise is important, helps the circulation and alertness. Since this algebra has an association with sleepville, I figured the stimulation might help."

It sounded logical, in an odd way. What the hell. I asked about her availability on Friday or Saturday night.

"Oh, no problem! Which will it be? Or both?"

I had to laugh. "You're more optimistic than I am. Friday would be best." I paused. "It might be a little later."

"Are we talking changing the date on the clock?"

"With any luck. I have a very good feeling about the way it's going."

"I'm really glad for you to hear that."

"Don't say anything yet. I'll tell him myself."


Then I called Bernice. She was very pleased that it was Friday. I explained that Bill and I tended to reserve Saturdays as our day together. We had a whole little routine that ended with going out late Saturday night to bring in the Sunday Times and News and some snack food for watching late night movies together. She thought that was wonderful. Then she told me she was glad it was Friday because it was a day closer, and she really wanted to see me.


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Reddit Swingers, aka r/Swingers! Swinging is not for everyone, and you fucking know it. But the fact that you are here reading this tells me you wouldn't mind getting down with any kind of swinger, cuckold, or hotwife situation. I don't know how you freaks pull it off. I mean, it takes an extremely fucked up individual to swap partners, don't you think? Well, that is if you have a partner that is down for that shit to start with. Some of you motherfuckers don't realize how fucking lucky you...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit Ginger, aka r/Ginger! Some people have a certain kind of woman in mind which they deem as the ‘perfect woman’, and will fap to this kind of woman almost instantaneously because they’re THAT attracted to her for various reasons. Sometimes it’s because she reminds them of a certain ex-girlfriend which they’re still in love with, other times it’s because she looks an awful lot like their mother, and sometimes it’s because of personal preference.I know that there’s probably plenty of dudes...

Reddit NSFW List
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Gingerby theduck1930This is a true story. Everything happened just as it is told. Names are changed to protect the innocent if there are any.The year was 1970. I was on a Fraternal Order of Eagles drill team. On this occasion I was not in uniform, I had stopped off from work to have a drink in the Eagles bar. The bar was nearly void of customers except for some women who were all on the Auxiliary Drill Team. I knew all of them because the men’s drill team and women’s drill team all traveled to...

2 years ago
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Ringer By Cherysse St. Claire © As always, the characters, places and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely the product of your overactive imagination. I ain't takin' the rap for it, Bud! ***** "Nicole Norman, you have to be out of your mind," I murmured to myself disbelievingly, as I gazed at my reflection in the mirror. I was in the pink tonight - Shocking Pink to be exact. This was a first for me. Usually, I'm...

4 years ago
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We were not really a swingers but it happened to be as we were married for six years & Sarika my wife she is small but full of sex our sex was never dull because she is hot at her age of 28 she has lots to give me we are a social animals & we have few close couples which our good friends we often have party’s so we enjoy one couple that is Dinesh & Annu were very close actually Annu is very close to my Sarika & one night we were watching a blue film in it there were two couples who were have...

3 years ago
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Ok this story happened about 1 year ago, my names Dave, im a 23 yr old with (so my gf tells me) perfect pecks and fantastic thighs. None of this matters because I also happen to have a 9 inch cock. Anyway one day last year I got a text from my mate john, he sed he wanted me 2 come on a duble date wiv him and a new girl. So me and my girlfriend (Alice) went on the date that night.We arrived at the bar and they wernt there yet so we went and got some drinks from the bar, we sat down and we musta...

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These stories was written as part of a Hopper Swap, where two writers get together and use two story ideas, one from each writer and make them into a story. The other writer on this occasion was SaraH. We had one week to write the story. I've put the story ideas at the end so they don't spoil the story. "I tell you it isn't like that!" shouted Marlene. "Once you get married, it's forever, it's not just until someone else attracts your attention!" "You have no idea what men are...

3 years ago
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“Nicole Norman, you have to be out of your mind,” I murmured to myself disbelievingly, as I gazed at my reflection in the mirror. I was in the pink tonight – Shocking Pink to be exact. This was a first for me. Usually, I’m the ‘classy brunette professional’ type; sophisticated, a little aloof, definitely not easy pickings. My friend Cindy had been on my case for weeks, telling me I needed to loosen up a little, take chances, have more fun. “Try going blonde for a change,” she badgered. “Get a...

1 year ago
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Reddit Lingerie, aka r/Lingerie! Lingerie makes any man's penis go from 0 to 100 in seconds - at least the men who aren't cripplingly addicted to drawn porn and video games like the Porn Geek is. There's just something so equal parts mesmerizing, enticing and appealing about a woman in a nice lace lingerie bodysuit that just oils up my gears and starts grinding them to create a perfect melody of sexual tension. Lingerie really is undeniably sexy regardless of where you see it. In essence, it...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Introduction: Tender moments with my sister I had no idea my sister liked her sex kinky. She told me all about it in one of those girlie chats where all the fruity details about your sex life get revealed. She described how shes very sexually submissive to her man, how she lets him control her and use her when and where he wants. She said he called her his fuck toy and that hed spank her hard if she didnt slut herself to his satisfaction. She told me how she loved playing at being his whore,...

1 year ago
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Reddit Fingering, aka r/fingering! Hands down, one of the best websites that could satisfy all your dirty needs is This website is free and driven by its community; thus, everything you find on is uploaded and made by/for the community. I am not here to talk about Reddit in general, even though I love to do that. I am here to talk about one of its subreddits called r/Fingering/.Now, there is really no rocket science behind what r/Fingering/ has to offer; it is right there...

Reddit NSFW List
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My husband and I like to swing. He love watching me get fucked and suck off other guys...then for the next few days wants to fuck me like rabbit. It i so hot to fuck in front of him and have a new hard cock in me or do it with a girl after he fucked her!!!!!!!1

1 year ago
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The other woman was a tall blonde. She was about the same height as Hank’s wife, Ana, and very pretty. She and Ana had similar builds and personality traits, which made him more attracted to her. Oddly enough, he wasn’t cheating on his wife. Ana was fully aware that he was having sex with another woman because Ana was with them. Hank thought back to their wedding day. It was the best day of his life, but he never thought he would be making love to a woman other than his wife, and he definitely...

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In the silence of midnight and street lamps I open my car door, slip onto the black leather and turn the ignition. My head leans back onto the headrest and I cannot help but smile to myself. A dark laugh seeps through my burgundy lips, because right now...I don't have to see you to know exactly what you are doing.---The party has fizzled out. You make your excuses, climb the stairs to your room and shut the door behind you. The alcohol has not worn off yet. Clothing slips from your toned body...

Straight Sex
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Dani stepped off the bus into the madness that comprised the downtown business district at lunchtime. Class was over; now it was time to keep her lunch date with Brent. She turned many a male head as she made her way across the courtyard toward the sixteen-story building in which Brent worked. Dani was quite a looker; she was a twenty-year-old college coed with a gorgeous fair complexion, long, flowing blonde hair and expressive blue eyes. Five-foot- six with a figure to die for, she had on a...

2 years ago
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The meeting had gone on far too long, and still, they were getting no further. Gillian was, by now, fed up as she had no input into this meeting and frustrated by the indecision to move it forward. She had made plans for the evening, but they had gone out of the window. It would be too difficult to make it home, change, and meet the date. Gillian had resigned herself to the fact that she would spend the night alone, again. Gillian was not an unattractive woman. In fact, she was good-looking,...

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Marina's nerves were singing so hard she jumped when the screen door slapped shut behind her. Her pulse hammered with exhilaration. Her bikini felt smaller now than when she first tried it on and debated whether to go out and let Ryan see her in it. The stretch of the bright cords against the ripe opulence of her body dug in her flesh like restraints. Every step she'd taken in her garden under the watchful gaze of her beautifully made neighbor made the tiny garment feel smaller and...

2 years ago
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Lewd Tales 8211 Part 11 My First Fuck

Read previous chapters to understand this story of my first fuck. Narrated by David. After putting Aunt’s dresses back in place, I quickly ran to my bathroom. I still couldn’t believe mom held my dick. The feeling was beyond explainable. My dick still throbbed my feeling. At the moment, I wanted to do more for her. Seeing her in her bra and panties were a dream. She looked so hot. But I knew I had to control. Take it slow. I didn’t want to ruin it by pushing too hard. The fact...

3 years ago
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An exhibitionist wife Fucked at work

This story goes back a few years to when Mrs O was 20 years old and working in a small office situated on an industrial estate in her home town. The office consisted of a small open plan area that housed 6 people of which she was the office junior. The manager was a guy in his forties named Clive who Mrs O remembered as being a quiet man who was reasonably attractive and single who never seemed to take much notice of the women in the office.Mrs O was always the last to leave at night and was...

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This son of the boss

My name is Julia. I am a 35 years old Muscovite, a married woman. I have a husband, his name is Vladimir, a 12 years old son, Yuri, and our pet, a Rottweiler, dog Stan.I have been married already for 15 years. We was always a good friendly family.In winter weekends we often went threesome to forest for ski walks.In spring, summer and fall on Sundays we had fun in Moscow Gorky Park.Always threesome we flied on holidays to Turkey and Thailand.And I was always considered as a very decent woman...

1 year ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 67

"Andrew, Aggy. I want to run some RMN personnel through the 'Chens' to keep their skills up to at least 'Reserve' status. The 'Chens' basicly have only a permanent cadre recruited from the Mounty Avers with a core of 119 trained officers as stiffener. Suit?" "I'll have to have a word with higher, Aggy, but I doubt we'll say "no". What were you thinking of taking?" "Personnel for a raiding force, top heavy with gold braid. Admiral Cunningham and staff in the BC with Crypian...

3 years ago
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Night with Eli

We meet at the best restaurant in town. As we greet, I instantly take notice of your stunning beauty and complement your looks. Following my instructions, you wear the same red dress as in those photos. However, they don’t do justice compared to seeing you in person. Thoughts immediately come to mind of wanting to pull off that dress and ravage you at the moment, but I keep control of my urges. Instead, I opt with a hug and a kiss on each cheek. I take notice of how damn good your scent is, and...

3 years ago
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gangrape I

Sorry m apna naam nahi bta sakti. Meri Umar 27 saal Ki hn aur 2 mahine phele hi meri shaadi hui thi. Mera sasural shuru m tow muje bohot acha laga par kucch time baad muje yaha rehna bilkul pasand nahi aya. M apne pati se bohot Kush thi lekin mere pati aksar office k kaam se bahar hate rehte the. Ese hi ek din jab mere pati Kanpur ja rakhe the ye kahani us din Ki hn. M us din bohot der se uthi thi. Achanak garh Ki ghanti baji aur mene door khola . Mere padosi aye the. Unhone mujse dudh manga ....

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Stranger in the Woods

It was another ordinary weekend where I had performed the mundane tasks of grocery shopping, taken in a meal at a fast food restaurant and now it was time to drive the forty minutes or so back home. It was late afternoon, but it was also winter and already the light was diminishing. As I drove back homewards, I came across the secluded toilet block and forested area I had previously had a lovely time with an older stranger a few months prior. I couldn't resist checking if anyone was around for...

2 years ago
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 1

Personal log (voice), Tiffany French, Captain of the Flying Dutchman, 9 am, October 28th 2006. I sat in the command chair of the Flying Dutchman. Karen was right about one thing. With this ship, I can do anything. Anything at all. The only request Jacob had of me is that I flew no higher than 25 miles until after Jacob made his orbital flight. I had no problem with that. It was time to begin. "Joe, activate mission log." "Activated." "Let the record show that I, Tiffany Mary...

3 years ago
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Susan the drunken racist gets her come uppance

I did not get back from work yesterday evening, i was starving hungry but unforunately Susan had consumed quite a lot of wine and was very drunk.I wanted to eat so i told Susan that we were going for a meal.I took her to our local indian restaurant and luckily even though it was quite late the owner agreed to serve us as we were regular customers.As always the meal was superb even though Susan was being very annoying as she was so drunk, Susan being drunk was not really a problem as i had...

1 year ago
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i think about me bending over the table naked you kneeling behind me.. your tongue is right inside my juices running down your chin..down my can hear me moaning you can feel my legs start to shake...i tell you that im cumming and as your fingers are rubbing my can feel my pussy start to contract around your tongue and you can't remember ever feeling so much juice from one feel your cock get rock hard again and as i am cumming and my legs are...

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Kürzlich überraschte mich mein Frau mit dem Thema Dildo-Party. In ihrer Firma hatte man sich im Damenkreis offenbar darüber unterhalten und sie (Claudia, Mitte Vierzig) fand es einfach spannend. Sie erzählte mir davon bei einem Spaziergang und auch, dass z. B. in der Frauenwelt gerne eine Gleitgel dazu genutzt wird, bei zu ausladenden Innenseiten der Oberschenkel die Reibung zwischen ihnen und dem Slip zu verringern, in dem man Gleitgel aufträgt. Auf jeden Fall interessierte sie das Thema sehr,...

2 years ago
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Seeing Her Beauty

Hi friends here am describing you a new story. It is happens in 2009 Christmas. In morning I got a call from my friend that one of his clients visiting my place, he is working as a travel coordinator. So I receive them, Mr. John and his family, his wife Madhu and 2 daughters 10 and 8yr old girls and Madhu’s mom. They are coming from hill station they are so curious to see beach and like to go boating in backwater, I arrange them room in one of my friend’s resort. John asks me about the tourist...

4 years ago
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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 10

We waited and a few minutes later a car pulled into our drive. Mister Anderson came to the door. Dad said, "Come in, Ben. Where's Judy?" "She's waiting in the car." Dad said, "Will you go and bring her in or should I?" Mister Anderson said, "I want my daughter or I will call the police." Dad said, "Why don't I call my friend from before high school, Mitch? He's the chief? You might also remember that I'm the Senior Assistant District Attorney for the circuit. Now, your bluff...

2 years ago
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Waking up wet

Everyone in this story is over 18 so fuck off.I lived with my mom and stepdad and everything was great. I had my privacy so I could jack off 2 or 3 times a day at least.Then my stepbrother, Jimmy, moved in. He was a skinny, blonde haired blue eyed k**. We had plenty of room but he had to sleep in my bedroom. Now I wouldn't have the privacy to engage in my favorite hobby. We got along fine, being almost the same age, and liking the same things; sci fi, ninjas, war shit, movie monsters, etc. But...

3 years ago
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The Sleepover

Chapter 1 When I was fourteen, I was into two things, cars and girls. My mom used to say I was overcome by 'fumes, ' car fumes and perfumes. Well, I had lots more luck with cars for sure. I went to car shows and stuff, even some car racing. And I knew all the latest models, all about them. But girls? Well, it had been a more academic interest to that point, much like cars, I guess; I hadn't driven a car yet and I hadn't had sex yet, either. So, I was still holding an unused learner's...

1 year ago
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Job HuntChapter 4

Before leaving the lunchroom, I poured two cups of coffee and took them back for Ms. White and me. On the way, Julie said, "That was something. I've never seen those girls so aggressive. You're going to be the talk of the place before five. I don't know whether it's good or bad, but you're going to have a rep real quick." Ms. White smiled happily and accepted the cup of coffee. I told her, "I've caught up on correspondence and filing, what do you have for me until it's time for me...

1 year ago
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The Perfect Fall 2

A PERFECT FALL Chapters 7-8 In Chapters 1-6, Jessica (a beautiful white wife) and her daughter Becky became submissive and willing slaves to their seductive black neighbor Amy. Although not necessary, reading Chapters 1-6 will make this story make a lot more sense and is highly recommended. Note: This story could fit a lot of categories such as lesbian sex, anal, group, incest, fetish, interracial, toys, etc and is easily one of my more over the top stories. But in the end, the story is a...

3 years ago
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Father Ke Dost Ki Beti Meri Real Or Dusri Patni Bani

Hello dosto,mera name Rahul mein aap sab pyasi choot valiyon ka apne 7″ ke khade lund se swagat karta hun mein is site ki story ka bahoot purana paathak hun,main ek caal boy hun mein 35 saal ka merried man hun meri height 175 cm aur mera weight 72 kg hai maine bahut kosis karke aap logo ke liye real story ko find karke lata huor haa mein aap logon ko bata dun ki mein ek number ka choot chodu Hun yadi kisi ko apni choot chuswani ho to pl mujhe mail jarur Karen mera, mail id hai ye story my and...

1 year ago
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Pledging Tau Geta Delta Part 5 Playing Girly

Pledging Tau Geta Delta - Part 5 - Playing Girly By Farleven The morning light made me shift in bed. It was that nasty little crack of light from right between the curtains that had to hit you right in the eyes. I always hated when that happened, and yet every night I would forget to fix the shades so it wouldn't happen again. Today I just decided to move out of the way, at least that was the plan until I realized I was pressed up against someone. After a week of shocking mornings,...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Hime Marie Kyler Quinn Fourth Of July With My Step Sister And Her Slutty Friend

Kyler Quinn has invited her friend Hime Marie to join her family for a Fourth of July barbeque. As Kyler and Hime are hanging out outdoors and watching Kyler’s dad, Chris Valiant, grill, Kyler cautions Hime to be on her best behavior. Kyler is very worried that Hime is so slutty she’ll try to seduce her dad or her stepbrother, Kyle Mason. Eventually, Kyler goes inside to see what Kyle is up to. She finds him at the table getting ready to eat. She confesses to Kyle that she’s...

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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 10c

"You know something, Nerdly," Matt said. "All kidding aside, I have to tell you, that bitch of yours is all right. She's a good sport." "Uh... thanks," Nerdly said. "I like her a lot. She's got a good ear for music." "How's her titties?" Matt asked. "It's hard to tell with those baggy clothes she always wears. She got a premo rack, or what?" "The specification of Sharon's breasts are not your concern," Nerdly said. "Oh come on, Nerdly," Coop said. "Give it up. Was...

1 year ago
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Spending the Night

First off lemmie tell you a little about myself when this happened. I was 14, stood about 5'2" and had a slightly stocky build, but most would considder me still athletic. I had/have Dark brown hair that almost looked black. Back then I had it cut like most boys my age. I was, and still am, completely crazy, just this side of needing the funny farm. The day started off normal enough, me waking up to hear my mother yelling for a soda refill. I had always despised that cause she'd...

3 years ago
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Curiosity 4

“We can’t thank you enough for doing this,” said Mrs. Gibson. “I am just glad I can help, at least I will give it my best shot,” I said and drank the tea in front of me. Mr. Gibson sighed. “We don’t know what has gotten into her. She used to be so good in school, the best grades and never missed a day in class. These last couple of months have been a disaster. Since Christmas, her grades have dropped below the school average and she has missed several days. She leaves early in the morning and...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Ch 02

Dear Reader, Thank you for taking the time to read chapter Two of forbidden, and if you read the first one and left me comments! Big hug and lots of kisses xxx Even though, every precaution has been taken to make sure the historical side to the story is accurate, there are no doubt some areas that can be disputed. However, I must stress, and i don’t mean to be rude, this is a romance novel! I am human, i do make mistakes, and I’m not some, historical buff that lives in the past researching...

4 years ago
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Ellens Sex Shop 6 Ellens New Hire

Ellen looked her potential new hire over. The nineteen-year-old was certainly on par with the rest of the shop’s girls in looks, for what little that mattered. She was roughly 5’8”, with a trim build that left her perky breasts, natural and roughly a 34C to Ellen’s trained eye, as more than ample for her frame. Blond, though a rich honey to Alice’s platinum. Deeply tanned skin, which couldn’t be natural on station, and enchantingly rich blue eyes, so vivid they were almost purple, finished off...

3 years ago
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I only wanted a job Chapter 1 My break into showbiz

I ONLY WANTED A JOB Chapter 1 - My break into Show-biz! 2:00pm on a dank February afternoon: I sat in the steamy little caf? in Soho hunched over my mug of weak, lukewarm tea and contemplated my options. My name is Victor Wright and I am just about at the end of my tether. Last June I graduated from Bristol University with a good Upper Second degree in History. I had confidently expected to find myself a trainee job in management, but my expectations had been far too ambitious. I w...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Nami Lee Forget Your Grandfather I8217ll Fuck My Stepgrandson Instead

Living with my Gramps & step-gran is a bit weird. Obviously they’re older, especially Gramps who just sits around reading a newspaper all day. My step-gran Nami Lee isn’t pleased and is always complaining about the lack of attention she receives from him. When she bursts into my room one afternoon in a fit, she is only wearing some skimpy lingerie. I (Berry McKockiner) can see most of her big tits and my step-gran Nami is packing a nice pair. When she took them out & asked...

2 years ago
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Wifes Friend Comes Back for Seconds

My wife recently fucked a friend from work and I got to watch them. She was so hot and seductive, it was as if she was someone else when she fucked him. His name was David and he really knew how to please her. From the looks on their faces when he pushed his cock in her pussy, I knew she enjoyed him. I decided I would come up with a plan to be able to watch her perform with him again. David works with my wife, so it was easy to track him down. I called him at work and asked him if he could come...

Wife Lovers
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BackroomCastingCouch Emma High School Girl Tries Anal

My goodness ladies and gentlemen we’ve got another petite treat for you! It’s 18 year old Emma! Coming in at 4’11 and 80 pounds she is one of the tiniest things I’ve ever seen. Gorgeous blue eyes, amazing blonde hair, giggly, bubbly, just the whole package. Another fun and interesting fact is that she’s actually STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!! That’s right, pick your jaws up off the floor. This is like the perfect storm, or the great white buffalo ya’ll. When she first arrives, we exchange some...

1 year ago
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Up Le Revard

Jane struggled up the stairs with her two heavy suitcases. She had been banished by the hospital council to their clinic in south France, and now it was mandatory that she spend a week in a little village up Le Revard, the second tallest mountain in the region. Her best friend had tried to placate the hot headed surgeon by saying, “Think about it as a romantic getaway to the Alps! You can pick up hot French guys, and have hot steamy sex all the way up in a little cabin, and no strings...

2 years ago
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Poonam Aunty Ke Nange Friends

Hello friends well mera naam bunty(badla hua) hai age 26 or mein ek achhi family se belong karta hoo maine aapko meri ek reall story likhi thi (sweety bhabhi wali jisme sweety bhabhi khus ke husband ke saamne mujhse sex karti hai) aapko yaad hoga well frends us reall story pe mujhe aaplogo ke bahut comment mile aaj mein aapko meri ek nayi or reall story bata raha hoo ye bhi bilkul true story hai or ek ek word sahi hai aap log aapke comment mujhe Pe jaroor likhe mujhe aapke comment ka intjar...

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