This white sissy got pimped
- 3 years ago
- 56
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A Tony and Nancy Story
It had been a long three weeks out on the road and I was looking forward to getting home. A lighting guy on the tour lived in Marin and his girlfriend had come and got us at SFO. Guessing by the way that she stroking his leg and the hot kissing when she met us at the gate, I think that he was just as eager to get home as I was.
This had been a rather long three weeks and I was damn sick and tired of tour buses, loud all-night post concert parties and hallways full of giggling teenage girls who were egging each other on to make it with a rock star. The Midwest has a lot of small cities and towns in it and after a while it all looks the same. Flat fields, crops growing along the highways, barns, burger stands, small-town auditoriums and corn-fed beauties who stretched the hell out of their thin cotton t-shirts and who were willing to settle for the tour photographer once they had enough beer in them, including one who'd given me a dose of crotch crickets that had taken me a few days to get rid of. The temperature had been in the high nineties and low hundreds for the last sixteen days straight and when the door opened on the air conditioned buses, it was like opening a blast furnace door. You'd step down off the bus and just stagger from the hot, humid air hammering your ass as your feet hit the sticky asphalt, and I was so happy to be back in a land where summer days were a whole lot friendlier.
I thanked Rog and Lilly and got my gear over my shoulders and my bags in my hand in 'going through the airport carrying everything' mode and made for the side stairs. I had on a baggy pair of cut-off sweat pants that I'd hacked the legs off of back in Lawrence Kansas and a tank top and sandals and was looking forward to putting a cold beer down my throat and something down Nancy's throat as well. I had a half hard-on from riding with Lilly and John and was thinking of how much I wanted to ball Nancy's brains out and how much I was hoping that she'd not have any clients scheduled for the afternoon, as I had some plans for her fair young body involving making love in a place where there would be a cool breeze through our open windows and not having to wipe the sweat into my eyes.
As I bounded (well, more like struggled under the load of cameras, clothes, etc, ) up the uneven concrete steps in the side yard leading up to our flat, I could hear the Cat's laughter coming from the tub and just barely hear Nancy saying something back to her as I rounded the corner.
The way our place is, you go up the side steps and then there is a short piece of concrete walk way that leads alongside our storage shed built onto the back of the house and then there is the hot tub on your right and the small deck around it, then the back porch.
Just hearing the Cat laughing had put some additional ideas into my head(s) about 'how I want to spend my afternoon' and that half a hard-on that had decided it was going to get twice lucky and perked right up. It wasn't a full-bore 'blue steeler', but it was sure apparent that I had something on my mind at just that moment and it wouldn't be something you'd want to talk to your mom about.
Nancy caught sight of me out of the corner of her amazing blue-gray eyes and turned to me and there I was, being kissed by a naked lady standing in a hot tub, while I still had all of my gear hanging off of me like I was a hat rack. Then Cat grabbed my camera bag out of my left hand and I could get one arm around her and I just dropped my duffle bag on the walkway and had my other arm around her and the sling I had for my lighting kit wound up sliding down my shoulder and I just grabbed hold of Nancy's butt and returned some of the intensity of her welcome home kiss.
The Cat wasn't able to resist making a crack to their companion. "Five'll get you ten that she gets him out of his clothes in the next two minutes." Whomever it was chuckled, and said, "No bet."
I flipped the Cat the bird behind Nancy's back and finally we broke the kiss. "God, I really needed that," I whispered in her ear.
She whispered back, "Feels like that ain't all you need."
"Sure got that one right."
I hugged her tightly to me and she hugged me back.
"Let me go dump this junk and grab a quick shower."
"Okay. Need someone to help scrub your back, hon?"
"Think it's his front that needs the attention, Nance." The Cat tossed in casually.
"Fuck you, Cat."
"Well, as long as you'll still respect me in the morning, okay." She said cheerfully.
"Let me give you a hand." Nancy said as she got a leg over the wooden tubs side.
I stepped back a little bit and old Mr. Wang was shoving out the front of the cut off sweats pretty obviously, which embarrassed me a bit. While if it had been just the Cat there, it would have been okay, but I didn't know the skinny lady sitting on the side of the tub from Adam's off ox, and I was feeling a bit like a public spectacle. She gave my pants an interested glance and smiled, then looked over at the Cat. "That must be Tony." I picked up my suit case and Nancy got my camera bag and the light kit and I smiled a kind of inane smile over at whomever it was and followed Nancy's wet tail over to the screen door and into the shady privacy of our living room where my gear just got dumped on our way to the bedroom. As far a long slow afternoon of sensual delight fantasies went, well, they went in a hot rush of 'just fuck me now' urgency from three weeks on the road and missing the hell out of her. About five minutes after the suitcase hit the floor in the living room, we were giggling about how fast we'd both been and it was just great to be home and all that bottled up longing had just set us off in record time.
We kissed a few smoochy kisses on our way from the bedroom through the shower and while not lasting more than two, three minutes tops, might have put some guys in the dog house as far as their girlfriends went, mine just thought it was funny how quickly we'd both gotten off and was into a giggling and teasing space without any malice behind it. I tried to lure her back to the bedroom for a little more leisurely round of sex, but with having company and all, well, I could just see that this wasn't going to fly, but it was my way of teasing her back. We got out and I grabbed a cold beer out of the fridge and we went out on the back deck and into the tub.
I hadn't really paid any attention to the girl in the hot tub before, having more pressing business on my mind, and the Cat smirked at us and said, "Golly, that didn't take long. Guess you still haven't got that premature ejaculation problem licked yet, huh?"
"I got it fixed for him, Cat, and if you want any of his dick this week, I'd suggest you just shut the hell up, okay?" Nancy said sweetly.
"Aw, hell, hon, she's just jealous because she hasn't got a sex life." I injected drolly.
"Yeah, that's probably it."
"Fuck you." The Cat replied.
"Well, if I was you and wanted to get lucky, I think I'd say that in a different tone of voice, Cat." Nancy chuckled at her and I grinned.
"So who's your friend?"
"Donna, Tony, Tony, Donna." The Cat did the intro's.
"Pleased to meet you." I said.
"Likewise." She smiled at me and I smiled back. She seemed to be fairly at ease with the weirdness that had just gone down and had a bit of amusement showing in her face at my belated greeting.
"So, how long are you in town for?" I asked the Cat.
"About six or seven more days."
"So what is this gig I hear your doing? Did I hear right that you're doing PR shots for a movie? What the hell happened?"
"Tie in with a company that makes athletic wear. Kind of a waste of my talents, but definitely a challenge."
"God, Cat. Who did you piss off to get that assignment? Not your usual sort of gig, doing ads for jock straps."
She snickered at me. "Naw, it sure ain't, but they waved a huge stack of diñero in front of my agent, and seeing as the movie's being shot in Sausalito and around here, I lowered my standards a bit and took the gig."
"Hey, whatever pays the bills, right?"
"Right." She said smugly. Considering what her agent was asking and getting for her time and talents, she had a right to be a bit smug.
"So you're going to be working, or you going to have some play time, too?"
"I think I'm going to have plenty of time to play, soon as I get the fucking director straightened out." I raised an eyebrow in question. "Seems he's got the idea that I'm either a glorified set snapshot shooter, or some scum he has to put up with, and he's got the stupid idea that he's in charge of everything that goes on on the set. Can you believe the asshole started screaming at me about 'where the hell have you been?' yesterday when I showed up in the afternoon?"
"Didn't make your day?"
"He's not a barrel of laughs to work with. Prima donna prick tries to put everyone in the company into fear mode. Half the crew is ready to walk, and the other half are living in constant fear of getting fired." Cat picked up a joint on the rolling tray and fired it up. "Thinking is that this might be his break-out picture and he's really not doing too well under pressure."
"Yeah. Donna and I decided to get the hell out of Dodge today as she's not due on the set until tomorrow. He wanted her on stand by but I made sure that she didn't get the word in time and so here we are."
I looked over at Donna. "You talent or crew?"
I didn't know her, and figured she was a character supporting actress. Most actresses during that time had a lot better figure than she had, and figured she was playing someone's kid sister.
"She's about to make it big, and that's why there is so much pressure on the asshole director."
"Oh?" I asked curiously.
"Ever hear of Tits?" The Cat asked. I made an inquiring murmur as I had just sucked down a whole lot of smoke and didn't want to blow the toke. Nancy snickered as she took the joint out of my hand.
"Tits. The movie?" Had I ever heard of tits? Oh, the movie!
I let go the toke and shrugged. I'd seen a review of it in the Rolling Stone on the tour bus and it had won some kind of an award at Cannes, but it had just been released in the states and there weren't that many 'art' movie theaters in the Midwest. Evidently, it was a picture that had a lot of critics raving about it. "Just what I read."
"Well, Donna's the lead actress in it."
I couldn't help it. I glanced down at her chest and over to Cat, who smirked at me. Donna laughed at my bemused expression.
"The movie was about a flat chested girl who wondered if she'd ever get a boyfriend." Donna explained. "It had some great lines in it, and I was ideal for the role."
I knew when to keep my mouth shut sometimes. "So how did you wind up in a European flick?"
She shrugged. "I was living in England and my boyfriend heard about this low-budget movie that was being cast and I went to the audition. Seems that my body type was just what they were looking for and I could deliver a line, so ... Just lucky I guess."
"That's neat. So you getting rich and famous?"
"Not yet, but it looks like it's in the works, if things work out."
"Good deal. Hope it works out okay." There are a lot of things that can go wrong with becoming famous and I knew of a guy who everyone thought was going to be a huge star but his entire performance was cut out of Goodbye Columbus and his career just dropped dead on the cutting room floor. Donna gave me a smile and said thanks.
The Cat talked about how Tits winning the Greased Palms award moved this new flick from almost-no-budget to half-way-decent budget just before they were to start filming and a few higher budget scenes and some location work had been added at the last minute. The director was someone-who'd-made-it-big's film-school buddy and the guy wasn't dealing well with the stress of running a major motion picture. But there was a tie in with athletic gear and the Cat had been hired to take pictures of Donna and that brought her into conflict with the so called director, who couldn't shoot a simple scene without doing a half a dozen CYA shots 'just in case' and who was burning out the crew. Seems that there were some words spoken between the producer of the movie and the director and the money that the athletic company was putting up was a significant budget line item so the Cat had dragged Donna away for the weekend so she could 'get the shots' she needed for the ads and hadn't left a phone number.
The Cat had gone through the suddenly-becoming-famous drill and had become chummy with Donna hanging out with her in her mobile dressing room. There wasn't a great deal of stuff for them to do while the crew was getting the lighting and stuff ready, so they'd talked and gotten to be friends. Right then, a lot of people were trying to become her friend on the set in that phony Hollywood way. After all, if the buzz on Tits lived up to its expectations, she'd become a hot property and access was the name of the game, right?
Well, the Cat had dragged Donna over to our place to hide out at, and she and Nancy had hit it off pretty well, and she seemed like a nice person, so I just settled into the tub and caught up a bit on how the Cat was doing.
When you live with someone a long time, you can pick up stuff they aren't saying. While jumping Nancy's bones all afternoon had been high on my list, with no more than a few side glances and a very small nod in return from one raised eyebrow, we had a nonverbal communication that went something like, 'why don't you be nice to the Cat, as she's pretty hard up right now and could sure use some loving' and I said, 'you sure you want me to take care of the Cat's itches instead of your own?' and Nance indicated to me that we'd have the rest of the week, but the Cat had only today free, and I gave a very slight nod in agreement and then Nancy was suggesting that we have a barbeque for dinner and one thing lead to another and New Girl got roped into going to the grocery store with Nancy, knowing by girl signs too subtle for a guy to pick up that it would make both Nancy and the Cat very happy if they wandered off and left us alone for a while.
Well, soon as they were about half way down the stairs, the Cat was climbing into my lap and by the time I heard the 240Z firing up, I had a boner that the Cat was using to persuade me to accompany her out of the tub and into the bedroom. You could say that she had me well in hand, but it was damn near a repeat of the trip I'd just made with Nancy. Into the bedroom, into the Cat, and a few minutes later she's howling out her orgasm. Only difference was this time I didn't get my own cookies, and kept hammering her sweet box until she had another orgasm, then another, and another.
Well, even though it was quite a bit cooler out here in California than it had been back in Kansas, it got pretty sweaty as we rolled around in the sack and got into a few other positions than the missionary we'd started with. Sometime much later, we were cuddling and just enjoying a break in the festivities when I heard the screen door open and Nancy and Donna had gotten back with the groceries. We kissed and sighed and then got up to go help deal with the groceries.
It's kind of funny how being naked out in the hot tub didn't bother Donna at all, but it seemed that two naked people in our small kitchen she kept bumping into kind of bothered her a bit. Nancy picked up on it and shooed Cat and I out, telling us to go take a shower because we smelled 'like whatcha been doin' which wasn't a hard sell for either one of us.
The Cat and I got into the claw footed old tub and put the shower on. She soaped up her hands and did me and I did the same for her.
The Cat asked me to do her a favor while we were in the shower, and I kind of looked at her kind of strangely after she asked it. "Say what?"
"Would you be into getting it on with Donna?" She repeated.
"What brought that one up?"
"Well, it's a long story."
"Oh, hell, I'm not good at asking this kind of stuff, like Nancy is."
"Hell, Cat, you know me. Just blurt it out in your own way."
She kind of fidgeted around, while I did her tits. "Well?"
"Yeah, well, it's like this. She's got this really bad self image."
"She doesn't think she's sexually desirable, so I was wondering how, as a favor to me, if you'd mind getting it on with her."
"Well, just when I thought I'd heard everything." I muttered under my breath. The Cat has really good ears, though, and gave me a smile. "I dunno, Cat."
"She's nice people, T, and I think you'll find her a lot of fun in the sack."
"Cat, how the hell I am going to swing that? Just come out and say, 'hey, you, wanna fuck?' Between you and Nancy, I'd say that I have my dance card pretty well filled out for tonight."
"Well, let's just say that if it ever comes up, you wouldn't turn it down, would you?" I gave her a curious look. "Would you?"
"Turn it down? Jez, Cat, where in the hell do you come up with some of this stuff? How on Earth would I make a pass at her without..." I shrugged. "Well, it would coming across as pretty low, I guess."
"Well, she and I and Nance got into a talk last night."
"Oh oh." I said.
"Yeah, well, oh-oh yourself. Nance is fine with it, and I'm cool, too, so..."
"So what do I do? I just can't see hitting on her and not coming across like a sleaze ball."
"Tony, believe you me, she's not going to think you're just hitting on her, and Nance and I have told her that we'd be cool with her sharing your bed."
"And where are you and Nancy during this time? Aren't you guys a little old to fall for that 'here's money for the movies, now get lost kid' routine?"
"Tony, I know this sounds a bit crazy and all, but it took a while to talk her into this, so don't go blowing it, okay?"
"Me? How come this gets to my fault?"
"Oh, don't be an asshole. It's not your fault, so don't even go there. She's pretty neat people, and stressing out like you wouldn't believe about all this crap going on in her life right now. Why do you think I dragged her up here, anyway? You have no idea of how strange it's getting for her and she needed a place to unwind. Nancy and I were talking with her last night after Nance got done working on her and Nance was kidding her about how she just needed to get laid, and this whole thing with how she doesn't feel real sexy looking, but really digs the hell out of sex, but just can't find any guys that are worth a damn in the sack that will even look at her twice. And it's about to get a lot worst in her life, real soon, and if you think I have a tough time getting laid, think how it's going to be for her."
Well, this was certainly a bit strange, to say the very least. I think I'd said maybe about ten words to Donna since I'd meet her, and here was both Nancy and the Cat, trying to get me into the sack with this stranger I'd just meet under rather odd circumstances and who was busy helping my old lady put away groceries while our lover was pitching me with this totally off the wall proposition and fondling my dick while she was hitting me with this idea.
"Shit, Cat, how in the hell do you come up with stuff like this?"
"Well, Nancy is the one that came up with it."
"Figures." Yeah, it sounded like something Nance would come up with all right.
"So. You in?"
"God, Cat, what the hell am I supposed to do? Just go; okay, let's fuck?"
"Don't worry about it, T, Nance and I got it covered."
"Yeah, 'oh-oh'. Between Nance, you and her, I can see that she's going to be rather disappointed in what a great lover I am."
"Tony," she said and raised her head up and kissed me a quick buss on the lips, "she's not looking for the world's greatest lover here, just someone that isn't going to bone her and make her feel like she should be grateful that she got lucky." I gave her a kind of cocked eyed look, and she nodded. "Yeah, she's fucked some real losers."
"Sheesh!" Some guys, I thought to myself, but didn't finish the thought.
"So be a nice guy, hey, and do us this favor?"
I sighed. "Man, Cat, you guys sometimes come up with some of the most off-the-wall shit I've ever heard."
"So that means you'll do it, right?"
"Well, I ain't going to make any promises here, okay? About all I'll say if it feels okay, I could probably be talked into it."
"Ah, that's my boy."
"Seriously, Cat, what the hell is going on?" Sometimes you just gotta cop to the fact that you haven't got a clue as to what is twisting and turning inside the feminine mind.
"Well, let's just call it stress relief for someone who's become a pal of mine, okay? A favor to a friend."
"So you just come up with this idea on your own, or did you have help?"
"Well, long about the third bottle of that absolutely wonderful merlot you got laid on you, Nancy and I and Donna cooked up this plan."
"Uh huh?"
"Well, let's just say that our soon-to-be-star out there hooked up with three losers in a row, all in the last month or so. So I had to top her, you know?"
"Uh, okay." The Cat had a lot of problems with her fame and getting laid.
"Then Nancy chimed in with a few of her own, and we were giggling and laughing, but Donna knew you were coming home today and said at least Nancy was going to get laid, then she said, 'Well, it's not just me, the Cat'll be having some, too.'"
"Oh." I said as I soaped her back.
"Yeah. So I said, 'hey, Tony's easy, and not too shabby in the sack, either.'"
"Any idea of what a slut that makes me look like?"
"Well, yeah, why do you think Nancy brought it up?"
"Oh, so it's Nancy's fault now?"
"Fault? Here I am trying to get you laid by a soon to be internationally famous film actress. Least you could do is gratitude." The Cat, who had been stroking my half a hard on lazily slipped her hand down and cupped my balls. "But I suppose fear will work, too." She gave me a smirk and playfully squeezed me, but not too hard.
"Okay, okay, I'll get with the program, anything you say, dear!" I said in a falsetto voice.
"I'll 'dear' you, you..." The pressure on the family jewels got a little more intense.
"So how is this going to work?"
"I don't know. Let's go out and see."
The groceries were put away and a bottle of Chablis had been opened, and the other women were out on the porch by the tub getting undressed when we came out.
"Okay everybody, I want everyone into costume in five minutes!" The Cat sang out as we came out. Donna flipped her the bird and Nancy just chuckled.
Subtle and the Cat are two different things.
"Okay, Donna, you're up!"
Nancy cracked up looking at my face. Which I was covering with my hand just about as Donna gave me this startled look. I don't know what she read on my face, but she shot Cat a look of 'you didn't really tell him about that did you? Did you?' But the look on my face was all the confirmation she needed to convict the Cat of confiding Girl Talk to a guy! Oh, yeah, the Cat had zinged us both, and as far as one-upsmanship in our sometimes rather off-the-wall game played to make the other one blush, she'd scored big time on this one.
"That was over the line, Cat, even for you!" Nancy scolded.
"Yeah, well, thought I'd break the ice, you know?"
"Uh, sorry." I said to Donna. Obviously, I didn't know what the hell I was apologizing for, exactly, but Donna shook her head and I shrugged, kind of taken aback on how to deal with this really awkward as hell thing that the Cat had just sprung on us.
"I'll live," Donna said dryly. "Nancy warned me about you two."
"They do get out of hand quite a bit, don't they?"
Donna laughed then, one of those half from relief and half just because of the way Nancy had delivered the line so drolly. She shook her head and dropped her skirt, then peeled her panties down her legs. I didn't want to seem like I was gawking, so I just went over and laid out on the deck on my stomach to catch a few rays on my lily white ass. Three weeks of road had taken and wiped out my tan, and I wanted to start working on eradicating the tan line that I'd aquired going shirtless in the Midwest. Pretty soon, there were three naked ladies laying out on the deck next to me. Nancy and Donna were talking about something or other and the Cat just laid face down next to me, while the other two sat up and chatted and carved up some apples and cheese on the small chopping block.
When they passed over a plate, the Cat sat up. "Does this mean I'm forgiven?"
"Not, we're just fattening you up for the sacrifice later on tonight. Moon's full, you know?"
"Sorry, Nancy, I'm not qualified anymore, as you may remember."
"That's okay, the gods said that you'd been to the Virgin Islands and that's close enough."
"Well, it was only a five-day shoot. That can't hardly count. Besides, I got laid there, so it really doesn't count."
"Cat, you've been laid on every continent on Earth." Nancy said matter of factly.
"No I haven't."
"No? I miss one?"
"That's an island."
"Fraid she's right, hon. Continent."
"Big fucking deal."
"Well, I figure I owe Donna a Cat story, so, which one should I tell?"
"Give it up, Nancy, Donna's hip to what a slut I am."
"So you told her the one about Studio 54?"
"Ah, Nance, let's not go there, okay?" I put in quickly.
"Oh yeah, we don't want to make you look bad too."
"Uh, listen, Donna, sometimes I just see a line and I can't resist it."
"Boy, I'll say," I mumbled under my breath.
Donna gave me a wry half grin, sharing in just how awkward the Cat's not-too-subtle tactic to break the ice had put us both on the spot. I was plainly mortified at my friend's blatant way of jerking my chain. I gave her a 'sorry about her' look and shrug, plainly not having a clue as to how to deal with this, but hoping that she wasn't going to hold it against me. "Not a problem, Cat. Plenty of people have already warned me about you, so I should have been better prepared."
"Yeah, well, Tony and I go back a long ways, and with him," Her shrug was pretty eloquent. "Sometimes I just don't know when to stop." That was about as good an apology about our odd 'let's see if I can get him to blush' embarrassment game we played. "Seriously, though. I hope I didn't wreck it."
"Wreck what?"
"Getting you laid."
"Ah." Plainly Donna didn't have a clue as to how to deal with that one.
"Come on Cat. You're just making it worse." Nancy said.
"Yeah, well." The Cat shrugged. "I fucked up. I still think that you'd like doing Tony."
"God, Cat, your really making me feel pathetic as hell here." Nancy had fired up a doobie and handed it over to me after taking a toke. I sucked in smoke like it was the breath of life. Hell, if I had a toke in my lungs, I couldn't be expected to talk right then now could I? And this was one conversation I wanted to sit out as much as possible.
"Hell, Donna, I got the same problem, so just ditch that 'I'm so pathetic' shit and don't look a gift horse in the mouth, okay? Tony isn't just some low-rent gigolo that I'm pawning off on you, you dig?" She toked up the joint I'd given her and Nancy kicked in her two cents worth.
"Hey, Donna, just relax. The Cat is about as subtle as a sack of cement at times, but she's got a good heart. I know that it's odd, being offered some stranger to fuck, but she's got your best interests at heart. We both love the big lug, and I don't mean just 'love to fuck him' either. I don't have any objections to him getting some strange on the side," which caused the Cat to blow her toke and Nancy to shoot her an irritated glance, "so yeah, this is an odd-as-hell thing here, but it's seriously okay if you want some.I asked him while we were showering if he would be up for it, and its okay with him. He's a good fuck, too." Donna had a lot of cool, I'll give her that. I knew I was blushing furiously and couldn't do a damn thing about it.
"Let me get this straight. You're just offering me this guy to fuck I just meet, right?"
"Yeah." The Cat said. Nancy just nodded. Donna looked over at me, and I looked back at her. Her look was speculative, like part of her couldn't believe that she was actually having this happen, and part of it was 'you okay with this?' mixed in with 'I wonder how good in the sack he is' buried way down deep, plus a certain amount of horniness, and a layer of surrealism over the top of it all, while I just looked back kind of helpless about the whole thing the two women in my life were hauling out on me.
"Well, as far as a zipless fuck is concerned, I'd say that this is about as close as I'll ever come to actually getting that fantasy offered to me in real life."
"Don't turn it down," Cat broke in hurriedly. "Seriously."
"We don't normally go loaning him out like this," Nancy said. "But it's for a good cause and all."
I leaned closer to the mirror to apply my lipstick, the bright red smudged across my pink lips. I needed to hurry and finish my make-up, John would be home soon enough and I didn’t want to make him wait. I was looking forward to our outing tonight. I was already dressed. My black high heel boots that came up to my knees, my black leather mini, my black cotton tank top with the word “Sissy” written in big silver letters across the front. My thong was a vinyl material that fit snug so I could...
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*smack smack smack* The slaps to the face which awoke Zack were light ones only because Rebecca couldn't utilize her full strength. He was still trapped under the covers where he'd spent the entire night roasting in his sweaty latex prison. The hot and sticky gimp suit had become a second skin, glued to his entire body and immobilizing him just below Rebecca's pungent sex. She had woken several times and put his tongue to work; enjoying orgasms throughout the night before drifting off...
smack smack smack The slaps to the face which awoke Zack were light ones only because Rebecca couldn’t utilize her full strength. He was still trapped under the covers where he’d spent the entire night roasting in his sweaty latex prison. The hot and sticky gimp suit had become a second skin, glued to his entire body and immobilizing him just below Rebecca’s pungent sex. She had woken several times and put his tongue to work; enjoying orgasms throughout the night before drifting off to...
Being DippedLife can be pretty sweet. Look at me, sitting here in the prime of mylife on a Friday evening watching a movie on my super huge tv with mybeautiful girlfriend by my side. Hell, I don't even like the stupidmovie, but nothing is gonna get me out of this terrific mood."Hey Loverboy, I got a secret sumthin'- sumthin' today from one of myspecial friends," my girl teases in a sing-song way. Cammie and I havebeen pretty close these past few months, and I'm starting to really seeus as a...
ALBANIAN SADICS PIMPS(for the illustrated part go to my website (blog) or google : Maria Proco )The brothels.Clans of Albania, criminals who have exploited the tragic misery of their own people have created an entire underworld regime, a nexus of pimps, traffickers and enforcers. There is now a pattern of pimping on a wide scale in some ethnic Albanian communities: If a man can afford to buy one, two or three girls, why should he work? That is the attitude among a number of people from the...
The ebony that gave Derek the time of his life had a pimp. She made her way to his house. The house didn’t look like much on the outside, but on the inside, it was a different story. When she entered the house, she was greeted to many men and women having what looked like a fur orgy. Both men and women alike were wearing furs, whether it was a scarf, a hat, or a floor length coat, someone was wearing fur. The host of this event; a large ebony man roughly 6 feet tall, seemingly sculpted from...
I was only thirteen years old throughout most of my freshman year in high school. I was only four years old when I entered kindergarten and I had not failed any grades. I was a nerd and had no friends. I just didn’t fit in. High school was nothing like grade school I’ll tell you that. Then one day in March a senior boy talked to me. I thought that he was talking to someone else and turned around to look. He walked right up to me and then I figured that I was going to get beaten up. He...
I grew up in a trailer park and so any class discussion would be irrelevant. We had a roof over our heads and fortunately never starved, but my parents worked their arses off in menial jobs to give my brother and me a reasonable education and stability in our daily existence.At the time of my story, my brother was in his final school year, one he enjoyed so much that he was compelled to do it twice. Although Nate was two years older than me we now found ourselves a year apart at school, with me...
Gay MaleChapter Thirteen – Hogwarts Pimp Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, Mf, ncon, x-mast, cream pie, grope, magic, mc, preg, spank, unif, The Triwizard Cup feast had gone off without any problems; Ron had used a wondrous little potion to seduce the beautiful Fleur Delacour, and Harry had finally picked up the trail of his missing Spellbook of Desires. Even...
Reena Joy was a Malayali Christian lady, who lived on the first floor of our apartment. When I took her to bed, she was 37 and I was 35. She was a surprise partner. She was extremely good looking, very fair and stood at 5’3”. She had extremely large breasts for her frame and stood out. She had the right amount of flesh at the right places. She and Lois were married for the about 17 years and they had a 15 year old school going daughter Rhea. Unlike other women of the apartment, she was very...
Story Puzzle: Pleasing a Pimp By Anne-Mal Magical Mindy, a fairy godmother in training, was invisibly flying though the city when she noticed a group of five pimps talking at the street corner. They were deep in conversation about the best type of woman one could have to make money. Outraged, Mindy listened as the men described their perfect woman. 1) Arthur said, "I like brunettes, yeah a lesbian brunette, you know they won't get involved with the customers." 2) Danny...
Whores and Pimps - Part I By Michele Nylons Malcolm was a middle manager in a small business in a large city. Malcolm led a pretty boring life; he in his forties, single, devoted to his work, he liked to keep himself fit, all of his family lived interstate except for his older sister who lived nearby, and he led a quiet social life. Malcolm had a few girlfriends over the years but never anything serious; he kept himself to himself and rarely socialised outside of a small circle of...
Sister's Pimp I grew up in a very loving family that also practiced corporal punishment as a means of instilling discipline in both myself and my younger sister. Counter balancing this was my parents firm belief in sexual freedom. My gorgeous, well-built mom never wore more than her underwear around the house and most of the time she went braless. It didn't take her long to notice my erections and so one afternoon she escorted me into her bedroom, took...
Those of us who work as IT contractors frequently use the term “pimp” to describe the recruitment agent who has found us the job, and who subsequently pay us (after deducting their ongoing commission). This is the story of how I fucked my pimp one day. I had talked to Joanna ( just call me Jo) for about two weeks during the process of applying for the job, and going through the contract signing process. I had done a search on LinkedIn and found a photo of the young lady. Yumm ... she was a...
In the condominium complex where lovely JoAnne had lived since she was a young girl, there was one woman whom she always had admired. A single mother now of two teens, one boy and one girl, Tiffany somehow always had managed to work out daily, maintain a spectacularly trim and fit figure, and otherwise look so amazing all the time. Even now, in her late thirties and with a daughter age nineteen and a son of seventeen, she could pass for early to mid twenties. Jo once remarked, years ago, that...
Group SexIn high school, I picked up the nickname of Ram because I would ram every cunt/pussy I could. Being a three-sports-superstar made me very popular with the girls, and to be honest, with some of the female teachers as well. My good looks, athletic build, and reputation of having a huge cut cock helped also. Most of the guys were in awe of me and very envious.During my senior year, I got in serious trouble when I was caught taking money from a college alumnus trying to recruit me to an out of...
HardcoreI’m daisy I’m 34 and a prostitute. 4ft 11 tall, slim body 34cc tits and firm ass. This story is about how I became a whore. My father walked out when I was young, leaving me and mom. My mother started drinking a lot and had regular men friends over ( who always ended up in her bed ). But she always protected me from them. Then when I was 16 she came home early one day and caught me getting fucked by a boy called Jake ( he took my cherry ). Instead of screaming she said carry on laughing as she...
My mom and I have always had a close relationship. I guess because dad was gone alot. I could talk to her about anything and she could with me. When I hit puberty I could not stop playing with myself. I mean it got hard all the time and I had to relieve it. Mom walked in on me, busted me spanking my monkey. I was embarrassed but she did not seemed fazed at all. Then it happened again and again. "Well don't let me stop you, go ahead and finish" or "Don't mind me." She would say. So the fourth...
This happened in my college years. I was a fair student but more into sports. I specially practiced wrestling. Then my grades began to go down. I was worried a bit. soon after a boy called Robbi started taking an interest in me. Hi, he said, you look worried, I said you know my grades are down this time and I don’t know why. Robbi was a small plump guy, he was a fixer, his grades were very good but he didn’t even show up at the classes. Don’t worry, he said now I’m your friend, I’ll take care...
LesbianA little about me, i have a curvy hairless body. I am a bit on the chubby side but have a small waist. I have a bubble butt and thick thighs. I should tell you I still hadn't reached puberty. I had no friends to tell me about and i spent all my time at home so i had no exposure to outside world. I spent most of my time at home studying and catching up on lost work. Well coming back to the story, My uncle picked me up in his truck and we drove off to his friends lodge which was next to a...
Monday, June 17th, 2013 – Jessie Smith It had been a little more than a week since I quit my job so Kevin, my boyfriend, and I could found our 'escort' company, Divine Escorts. Our motto—the prettiest girls to keep you happy. I was the only pretty girl, for now, and things were going great. Kevin was right, we were making far more money going into business for ourselves. Why should I use my tight snatch to satisfy Best Buy's customers? Many of the men that I satisfied in the bathroom were...
It was 6 p.m. thursday night and Andrew and Arielle where just finishing up there daily chores around the Farm and they were both sweating profusely due to their constant work on the farm and it being late May in south Louisiana. Arielle who is a brunette with long dark brown hair and hazel eyes 34DD , her ass was the perfect build right in between flat and bubble like, arms, legs, and stomach would make you think that she's a pro runner for the Olympics all this while still being only 5 feet...
IncestMy fantasies are becoming more intense. I am so ashamed of what I yearn to become. I have been dressing for a couple of months now and was pretty good at looking like a whore but still not good on make up. I decided to get a sleazy motel room in A bad area of Columbus oh and lock myself in the room and work on it before putting on my group goggles and watching hypno porn and fucking myself with the dildo I brought. This was a bigger black dildo as I find black men so sexy. It is not their looks...
I was a professor at college. I had a reputation of giving my students the grades they deserved. I would not give extra credit. I had heard of professors sleeping with students. I dated another professor that I caught fucking one of her male students. I told her I would turn her in if she did not fuck me instead. It worked out great for two years. I fucked her in my class room or hers during the week. She came to my place for the weekend. We stayed nude and fucked most of the weekend. About a...
College SexHERMAPHRODITE WHOREIt had been over a year since Johnny threw that tantrum thatruined me and got him excommunicated from mom.Holding me down when mom walked through the door withher friends, colleagues, whatever and they all gasped andscreamed as my big brother finished doing me.We had ample warning, we could have all vanished whenwe heard them at the door.Bobby ran away and got dressed. The chickenshitdenied any knowledge of the event.Smart but chickenshit.Mom severed all ties between me and...
My wife Manju works for a dental agency and is well liked by all the patients and is very personable in general. She is 26 years old, 5’1” and 100 lbs. She is a 34B cup and very light skinned. She worked there for the first 2 years we were married and then a new partner (male doctor) came in and took over half the business. My wife was promoted to manager and was in charge of more than just assisting the doctors. As such she didn’t have to wear scrubs anymore, she was allowed to wear dresses...
“Stand over here by this park bench. I have to go across Decatur Avenue onto the dock and meet him. It will be rough. He was quite crude and demanding in our e-mail exchanges. He’s been at sea for months. But it’s a lot of money—for both of us. And good experience for you when we do this again. It’s OK with you, isn’t it, Harry?” I looked up into Jake’s face. “Yes, it’s OK,” I said. And it was OK. I’d give Jake anything he wanted as long as he liked me and was good to me. I hadn’t had an older...
And indeed it was. We cleaned up the towels, clothes, put away the film and went to Katie's room. That is, after I went to relieve myself and scrubbed off that ridiculous eye-liner mustache. As I got back to her room, Katie and Andy left for the bathroom. I discarded the rest of my costume ... that is, the stockings and garters, but left the boxers on. I sort of understood why Katie liked them, now. When the girls came back into the room, Katie winked at me. "Pete, Andy wants you to make...
The old saying goes that “Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.” I’m not sure how scientific or even true by practical experience that may be but I for one know for certain that in matters of the heart… It’s not true. I’ve for the most part led a very fortunate and blessed life. I grew up in a warm and loving home surrounded by family that both kept me humble and taught me the value of kindness and sincerity. I have made very dear and lasting friendships with...
* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim-Ch.07-Barbra’s Wish By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer every day. I reached...
* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.09: The Heart Has No Conscience Or: The Guilty Heart By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is...
BEING GAMMA PROLOGE: This is a work of fiction, describing a 'what if' world if after the Persians sacked and destroyed Athens following the battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC or BCE, if you prefer. The USA is not really all that different of a place, but there are some noticeable differences if Athens had never been rebuilt and Athenian philosophy had never materialized. This is not a war story, rather a social examination of a 'what if' society. ------------------- Randi Thomas...
I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...
Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven of many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, one of many, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life By Frodov This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past. Names and a few details have been changed to...
Being myself with Marian By Jessie I have a short little story to share about an event in my life. It happened when I was only sixteen. I'd always been fascinated with the way women dress. When I was a kid I'd tried dressing up in my mothers clothes until I was caught one day. My mother made me feel so bad about myself that I swore I'd never do it again. She really made me feel like I was the sickest creature alive, when all I was doing was experimenting. I hated her for the...
Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven of many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, one of many, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life By Frodov This story is based entirely on true experiences from...
Being myself is good enough for me My mom always used to tell me to stay away from trouble. Did I listen to her? No. Instead it was like was involved in it, a fight here, the police there, yeah you get the picture. I was born to two god loving parents, having a Christian upbringing. Every Sunday we would go to church and I would always have to wear a stupid dress, even though I hated them. The boys could wear pants, so why couldn't I? "Because you are not a boy, honey," mom would...
Can George trust Naadiah, who he has just met, enough to forsake a weekend being Joanna at Dragon*Con to go to Toronto with the promise that he could transition and always be Joanna? Being Joanna A 14 Chapter Fanfic of 'Being Erica' (The CBC TV series that concluded 12/2011) By Sasha Zarya Nexus Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this...
Being Popular By Arecee Popular: approved of, being accepted, example, a popular girl Jason Randall scanned the help wanted adverts until his eyes fell on 'the advert'. "Positions open for self motivated persons with an expanding import- export company, MBA required. Starting salary 96K$. Phone 800 567 8765, ask for Mr. Larson." Jason went to the phone and called the number listed. The phone rang and a...
.==========================================================================Being Husband When I was young I was a fool. When my future wife to be refused full sexualintercourse before the marriage day, I assumed this was quite normal,respectable behaviour on her part, the natural reaction of a nice, middleclass girl true to her upbringing. Only later did I discover that Nadiawasn't 'respectable' at all! At the time though I couldn't see past thesmooth curves of her ample breasts, tightly...
As a young college student my life and my dedication to the joys of being a transvestite had become conflicting. I had to put my college classes first, but living off campus made my female life so much more workable on weekends. I now looked at my sexy mini-skirted flirty self in a very different way now that I had discovered that attracting men had a quite enjoyable side. I realized that there were at least some men in the world that I could trust, and I finally felt so free to be the feminine...
CrossdressingBeing Trustworthy Part V by Sissie Maid Cuckold Karen observed the two sissies as they dealt with the objects penetrating them. She noticed how fluid Alice seemed to be, how she became one with the machine. It impressed her how pliable Alice was, accepting whatever the machine did. Her mouth seemed to continually suck but in a gentel determined way not as if it were labored. She was part of the system. On the other hand, Cindy looked like she was resisting. She could not resist much...
Being Suggestive As a young college student my life and dedication to the joys of being a transvestite had become conflicting. I had to put my college classes first but living off campus made my "other" female life so much more workable on weekends. I now looked at my sexy mini skirted flirty self in a very different way now that I had discovered that attracting men had a quite enjoyable side. I realized that there were at least some men in the world that I could trust and I finally...
Being The Favorite One By Brat Edit by Umgestalten Lying in the grass on my belly, I looked at the football field that was located just beyond the pasture fence. I saw the fans and, of course, the cheerleaders of both teams. My eyes focused on a cheerleader for the home team with long blond hair who stood in the middle of her group. She was laughing and I could see she was having a really good time. While looking at her I went on chewing my food and chasing those damn flies away with...
HorrorThis story started out as a serial. Some changes have been made, but for the most part it is complete. Please overlook some small editing or proofreading mistakes. It comes with the territory when you read my stuff. Being "Dipped" By Boredsitting Life can be pretty sweet. Look at me, sitting here in the prime of my life on a Friday evening watching a movie on my super huge tv with my beautiful girlfriend by my side. Hell, I don't even like the stupid movie, but nothing is...
Becoming Trust Worthy Part II By Sissie Maid Cuckold With dinner and Karen both finished... John was sent to cleaning up the kitchen as Karen sat there watching and instructing him. She noted that John was allowing his arms to fall by his sides when he was not using his hands. Karen approached him and said, "John, you are not being efficient the way you are holding your arms. I want you to allow your arms to remain parallel to the floor and let your wrists go limp so your hands hang...
This is a story involving explicitly described sex. If you think you might be offended by it, or you aren't allowed by the laws of the place in which you live to read such a story, don't. If you read past this warning, any offense you take or laws you break are your problem. I've warned you. Permission is hereby given to archive this story anywhere on the Internet, so long as I'm credited as the author, it is reproduced in its entirety (including this disclaimer!) and no fee is...
Being A SlutIt was 2024, and viral nano-technology had become thetreatment of choice for many serious diseases. It hadonly been slightly more than a decade since thebreakthrough that caused it to go from a crackpottheory to a widespread reality.Of course, there were still drawbacks. If we'd beenable to perfect true nano-technology, such as sci-fiwriters had been describing for decades, we probablywouldn't have had a problem with the one-time uselimitation of the viral variety we had....
I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...
When I got to the student council meeting, it was as if the negativity that was coursing throughout my body was some kind of atmospheric event that plagued the entire school. Even in my state of shakiness and numbness over what I had done, I couldn’t avoid noticing that the mood of the entire council had gone down. Nevertheless, instead of asking around before the council began, all I could do was find a seat and slump into it. “You okay?” the concerned voice of Megan asked. I looked over to...
Granted, if one looked at it objectively, Nicole quitting Student Council wasn’t exactly horrific. If it wasn’t Nicole, I might have even labeled it ‘teen drama.’ Nevertheless I still mirrored her sad expression. “Is it that bad?” I asked her. She nodded as she drove, then sighed. “I didn’t wanna tell you because I figure it would put a rain cloud over our hanging out time.” She paused, then spoke with an uncharacteristically small voice. “Want me to just drop you off at home?” “No!” I all...
No copyright infringement intended. The characters are the property of Tim Allen and ABC. This is a variation of our earlier, longer story 'Body Improvement'. Being Heidi Plot and Writing by Eric Writing and Editing by Caleb Jones Invention Week on the home improvement TV series Tool Time was just a few weeks away and the star of the show Tim Taylor was working on one of his wacky high-powered inventions...
Being Caught by Lorraine Simmons My wife Diana found out that I was a cross dresser two years ago when she inadvertently found my secret wardrobe of female clothing hidden in our attic. I tried to explain my feelings but without any acceptance for over a year, during this period our sex life eroded to almost nothing and I felt truly worthless. The only relief for me was the rare opportunities to cross dress when she was away on business. I always wondered what...
The following tale is adapted from a story started be SlimV. The story was never finished and sent to me to read some time ago. I liked the idea so much that I asked if I could steal it and finish it off while expanding on it. Both SlimV and myself have been collaborating on it for some time now, thanks hun for the editing. I hope you enjoy reading it and get as much fun out of it as we did writing it. Being ME Part 1 - Out of The Closet Kind of a waste, I thought as I took...
100% fiction! Note: The following contribution(s) were inspired by "Nasti4unow's" 9-part serial titled, 'Cassie Hole.' But this story explores Michael's sexual life primer beginning with the transformation of his mother from dour to power. Cru-el To Be Kind : Chapter 1 It's hard to answer even for yourself how a person is drawn to certain activities above and beyond reason. Of course there are the physical timeline of events and moments of indiscretion but answering how one becomes soiled and...
IncestBeing Troy / Jennifer - "Jennifer- come on," Mack was pulling at his arm, urging him at a whisper to move, "you have to get up- we need to get out of here." "What happened?" Troy asked trying to raise his hands, but he felt all wrong, exhausted and weird all at the same time. "I don't know; I just woke up. There is something in the house, we have to get out of here," he was pulling at him again. Troy rolled onto his side, feeling very strange and off balance and sore like he had...