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August 1098

"God's Wounds, it's hot!"

The grizzled soldier removed his leather cap and mopped his brow with a filthy rag. His younger companion at the sentry post nodded by way of reply. Below their vantage point in the gatecastle, the city sprawled, baking in the heat, although it lacked an hour to noon. Looking away to the west, where the remains of the army's siege camp could still be seen, the air shimmered and the distant images danced, as though upon a sea. The two guards moved slowly along the walls. The younger man, a Welsh man-at-arms named Cadfael, paused to drink at the water butt. It could hardly be called refreshment, he mused, the blood-hot liquid carried the rank taste of the vinegar added to purify it; plague was rife and one couldn't be too careful.

Cadfael stood up, rubbed his aching back with both hands and adjusted the yew bow that was slung over one shoulder. Horseshoes clattered in the courtyard below. A knight arriving or leaving the Council. The young soldier sighed. It was the horses he pitied most. They, poor beasts, had no say in the matter and too many destriers had left their bones in the wastes to the north of Antioch. He wondered again at what had led him to this place. Oh, it had sounded fine enough back home. The priests blessed them when they left to join God's army. This rabble! The Normans hated the Franks and the Italian followers of Count Bohemond hated everyone. He, a Welshman of Gwynedd, had found himself with the English contingent under the command of Robert, Duke of Normandy. Robert was a brave warrior but a remote and ineffectual leader. He clung to dreams of glory, even in the face of the squalid reality that this great crusade had become.

What had started as a great and wondrous adventure had collapsed into bitter ashes of acrimony and mistrust. The battle cry of 'Onwards to Jerusalem' now sounded hollow even to the most dedicated ears. The army was suffering badly. Supplies were poor and infrequent. The Genoese merchantmen that brought goods from Europe to the port of St Symeon had hiked their prices fourfold. What little plunder that filtered down to humble soldiers like Cadfael was soon spent. The hot, stony deserts had taken their toll on man and beast and there was always the constant fear of plague that seemed to afflict them wherever they made camp for too long. Some things never changed, though. The arrogance of the chevaliers, for instance. Any man who couldn't speak French was considered worthless, even though many of the so-called 'flower of chivalry' were now reduced to foot soldiers. Most of the knights were penniless; younger sons sent on the crusades because their fathers' estates could not support them. Yet they still comported themselves as if at Court. Cadfael found all of this difficult to understand for a son of Wales.

He was short and square of build with the heavy musculature around the chest and shoulders that is witness to many hours spent pulling on the yew bow. His countenance might be best described as open; comely enough; a good Welsh face with much bone and heavy brows beneath the russet-brown hair. He was perhaps barely twenty but it was difficult to judge, his skin burnt teak-brown by the strong sun of the Holy Land.

He was roused from his reverie by a shout; a high, panicked sound that ended abruptly. Cadfael and his companion raced along the walls in the direction of the noise. There was a small gap in the parapet where stones, weakened in the recent siege, had been dislodged. The two soldiers regarded each other with wary eyes. Both had heard the commotion yet neither wished be the first to question the other. Cadfael stooped and examined the dusty stone fragments by the broken inner parapet. He rose slowly and leant out to peer over the edge. There, some forty feet below, was the body of a man. It was clear, even from that distance, that the poor unfortunate had departed this world. The limbs lay every which-way and the unnatural angle of the head revealed a broken neck.

As happens when such disaster befalls, a crowd gathered swiftly. Cadfael and his companion stared down from their vantage point until a peremptory voice, much used to command, summoned them down from their eyrie. They made a reluctant descent. It is not the way of soldiers to seek the company of their betters and in this Cadfael was no exception. He would give best to no man but rather preferred to go his own way in life. He could recognise and submit to authority readily enough if the case demanded such but otherwise he was content to be left to discharge his duty in a manner he thought fit, and he was never one to shirk.

"You there! What happened here? How came this man to fall?"

The two guards regarded their interrogator solemnly with the blank faces of those who do not understand the question or, at least, why such should be addressed to them. The older soldier, one Godred of Gloucester, a Saxon, merely shrugged. The nobleman was unknown to him and, furthermore, the thought of any involvement in this event suggested blame and blame was something Godred would avoid. Cadfael, meantime, was eyeing the corpse. He thought he recognised the man slightly. As he looked, he could not shake the feeling that all was not as it should be. He knelt beside the body to look more closely.

In the time since he had fled his native hearth, and, truth be told, his unfortunate betrothed, Cadfael had become well acquainted with death in all its sordid and unseemly forms. What he saw now puzzled him. With a grunted 'by your leave' he turned the body over and made a low clicking sound with his tongue. The back of the skull showed a deep, circular gash but with little bleeding. He felt under the lank, greasy hair along the neck from the base of the skull to the shoulder. The shattered vertebrae were obvious. He turned his attention to the rest of the body, noting the same sort of patched homespun as clothed most of the army. But why was the man wearing a cloak? It was hot as Hades.

The knight grew impatient.

"Get up man, he's beyond your help."

"That he is," Cadfael replied slowly, rising from his knees. "But I can tell you that he did not die here."

"Nonsense, man. That fall would have killed anyone."

"It would, My Lord; anyone living. This man died elsewhere. I think we are meant to believe otherwise, mind."

"And do you say so?" There was a certainty about this young archer that pricked the man's curiosity.

"Look here. He took this blow from the bastion as he fell."


"It didn't bleed. My Lord, you have seen such wounds. It is not unlike that made by a blow from a mace. Headwounds bleed freely, as you will own."

"I see. Yes, truly, there has been no bleeding. What else?"

"He wears a cloak, My Lord. On such a day in the blaze of noon? Yet we all sweat like pigs his skin is dry. And there's more."

"Go on."

"The leather of his boots has been scuffed, not on the soles or heels, we're all in that case. No, My Lord, look you here. The back of the boot. That's fresh scarring to my eyes."

The knight looked down where Cadfael's thick finger indicated a fresh looking gouge in the leather, above the heel and running straight upwards, to the boot top. He nodded vaguely, already regretting his involvement.

"So tell me what you believe happened."

"I would say, although there can be no certainty, that he met his death last night. The cloak was worn against the cold. Someone decided to cast his body from the wall, hoping it would be thought an accident. The scrape on the boot occurred when the body was dragged up the stairs or else, along the battlements."

"A murder, then, you say?"

"No, that I do not say; only that he died last night and some place else."

"But, if not murder, why go to the trouble of playing out an accident?"

"Ah. There is that."

The assembled idlers listened to the exchanges agog. A low hum of muttered speculation rose. The knight spun on his heel and eyed them.

"Does any here know this man?"

A tall, skinny, ill-favoured individual pushed himself to the front.

"That's Walter Veritas, groom to Sir Lionel de Blois, or was before His Lordship died."

Cadfael nodded. He remembered then. The man had come, seeking to join the company of archers after his master's death. The captain had refused him on grounds of a lack of skill. "And we've no mounts to tend," the captain had told him. Walter had made no complaint but left to try his fortune elsewhere.

"Oh well, there's little to be done here now. Take his body to the infirmary. And you," this to Cadfael, "attend me later. I am Mercier de Longueval, aide to Count Bohemond. You will find me at his quarters. Come at curfew."

Cadfael nodded stoically. He had little appetite for the task but accepted nonetheless. Godred jerked his thumb upwards in a gesture that suggested that they had best be getting back. He gave Cadfael a grimace of commiseration and puffed out his cheeks.

"Perhaps it would have been better if you had let it go," he muttered as they walked away.

"That I could not do, in all conscience. A man is dead and, whether by fair means or foul, I cannot say. But I do know that it merits more than a passing thought."

"So you said! Ah well, on your head be it."

The relief came late in the afternoon and Cadfael made his way somewhat wearily back to the archers' camp. He sought the captain and explained all that had transpired and of his summons to attend Sir Mercier de Longueval. The captain offered no comment but signalled his agreement and Cadfael found himself with an hour or two to kill before the curfew bell sounded. He found his footsteps taking him into the market quarter though, God knew, he had little enough silver with which to make any purchases. The worst of the heat was gone and, although the air lacked that freshness of the morning, Cadfael felt a blessed relief as he made his way down the close-packed alleys that led to the main square. The stallholders were packing up their goods for the night and Cadfael could see their offerings were sparse. Leatherwork and cloth, brass pots and gimcrack jewellery with here and there a vendor of unappetising food. The siege had gone hard with the city and no caravans had arrived bringing spices, silks and frankincense for many months now. Once-wealthy merchants now stood listlessly by half empty booths, hollow eyed and ill-fed.

Cadfael turned into the Street of Sailmakers and wandered idly among the booths. A voice hailed him by name and he advanced smiling to greet his friend, Salah the apothecary. Salah was tall but stooped and his weathered features bore the unmistakable stamp of the desert.

"Salaam aleikum, Cadfael. Peace be unto you."

"And to you, Salah bin Mugrun."

"And what brings you to the bazaar, my friend? You seek some remedy or unguent, perhaps?"

"No, Salah, I was simply walking, following my feet, and they led me to your door."

"Come then and take refreshment with me."

The apothecary beckoned Cadfael into the interior of his booth and clapped his hands. A slim, dark-eyed girl appeared and Salah called for coffee and sweetmeats. She made a slight bow and withdrew, her eyes regarding Cadfael with open curiosity.

"My niece, Mariam," the older man explained and urged Cadfael to sit with an expansive gesture. "She is learning my art."

Cadfael merely nodded and breathed in the intoxicating mixture of scents that pervaded the interior of the apothecary's booth. Bunches of wild herbs hung up to dry and there were shelves filled with oils and infusions, pots of ointment, vials of powders and liquids of every hue and description. The store never ceased to fascinate the young soldier. He had met Salah by chance the previous month. Cadfael had been looking for some physick for an infected cut on one foot. Salah had seen him limping and almost dragged him into the booth. The treatment had been effective and Cadfael felt he owed the apothecary a debt of gratitude. He had seen too many men's wounds turn morbid and had feared the worst in his own case. He returned to Salah's booth a few days later, bearing a gift of olive oil, and had stopped for an hour or two to talk. Since then, he had visited the man on perhaps a dozen occasions and, through assiduous questioning, was starting to learn the basics of the herbalist's art. If Cadfael had a motto it would be 'nothing learned is ever wasted.'

He recognised many of the plants used as being common weeds that grow everywhere from Aber Menai to Jerusalem but there were more that he could not put a name to. Salah answered all his questions with patience and corrected many of Cadfael's misapprehensions with a ready smile.

"No, my friend, wearing a sprig of rosemary will not ward off the plague. For that, you must drink a decoction of butterbur and the blessed thistle. But it must stand for two days after the brewing."

They conversed easily for many hours. Salah wanted to know all about the Western lands that sent such soldiers to his city. When Cadfael related his tale of the crusade. Salah simply looked puzzled.

"But are we both not people of the Book? There is but one God and if you believe that Jesus is His prophet..."

"We believe that Jesus is His son, Salah."

"But how? Surely that is blasphemy?"

"I'm no scholar, Salah, I simply tell you what we believe. Yet I have seen more Christian charity among the supposed infidel than I have had from many of my own kind."

"I do not understand, Cadfael, my friend. Is there not but one God? And he is your God and mine, I think."

"So I believe."

"And yet each calls the other 'infidel.' A strange world, my friend."

Meanwhile, Cadfael perfected his knowledge of Trade Greek, the lingua franca of the Levant, and learned a little of the language of the Syrians. He had a facility with languages and could converse with equal fluency in Welsh and English as well as hold his own in Langue d'Oui - the Norman tongue.

Mariam, the apothecary's niece, returned with a brass tray and set the coffee and sweetmeats before the men. Cadfael gave her a smile of thanks and her eyes widened slightly but she said nothing and withdrew behind a curtained door.

"Beware, my friend. My niece is a headstrong girl. Her mother, my only sister, sent her to me a year gone. Her husband died of the cholera. He had no family so she returned home. It was not a happy arrangement. Mariam can be... difficult. There was some trouble over a young man. He was importunate. Now he walks with a limp."

Sensing Salah's unease, Cadfael smiled.

"I do believe you are trying to tell me something."

"A wise man needs no telling. I like you, Cadfael. You are an honest man and have a subtle mind."


"You are not of our faith or our race, my friend."

"I understand."

But as he walked towards the castle where Bohemond's banner flew in defiance of Count Raymond, Cadfael could not quite manage to expunge the image of the dark-eyed slender girl. He cursed himself for a fool and turned his mind to the meeting with Sir Mercier de Longueval. He did not stop to wonder that he had become involved. The dead man had cried out to him for justice; he could not act otherwise. He ran through all he had seen once more; the cloak, the lack of blood, the scuff marks on the boots. The tale they told was limited enough. Questions formed in his mind to which he had no answers. Something worried him, like a burr under a blanket: unseen but irritating for all that.

Sir Mercier de Longueval did not keep him waiting. The young aristocrat ushered Cadfael into a small chamber containing a simple wooden table and chairs and a low bed. An hauberk of fine mail rested on a rough frame and a costly sword lay upon the blankets. Cadfael took in his surroundings at a glance. He guessed, correctly, that these were Sir Mercier's quarters and wondered why he was afforded such intimacy. The knight had a harassed look and seemed barely in control of his temper. Spots of anger suffused his cheeks and his movements were jerky and anxious. He motioned Cadfael to a chair, poured out two goblets of wine and drained one of them at a single draught.

"Your name, soldier?"

"Cadfael ap Meilyr of Gwynedd."

"Duke Robert's man?"

"Of his band but I owe him no oath. I'm sworn to Eilwynn of Worcester."

"An archer, then. So tell me, Cadfael ap Meilyr, do you know how it lies between My Lord and Count Raymond?"

"There has been some talk."

"And what is your opinion of the matter?"

Cadfael considered. Count Raymond and the other Nobles who led the Crusade had sworn an oath to the Emperor Alexis in Constantinople that they would return any lands of Byzantium liberated from the Turk. This, by rights, should include Antioch. But Bohemond and his nephew, Tancred, had captured Antioch where others failed. Further, when the Crusaders had, in turn, been besieged within the city, the Emperor had turned his army away, refusing to come to their aid. Although most blamed the craven Stephen of Blois for this abandonment, Bohemond declared his oath to the Emperor annulled. He had sworn, he said, in return for the promise of aid and succour when at need. In this, Alexis had failed. To Bohemond's mind this very failure released him from his own oath and the turbulent Count now clamed Antioch for his own Kingdom, supported by Tancred. Cadfael gave a quiet sigh and replied.

"My Lord, it is one to me whether Alexis or your master rules Antioch. I came to free the Holy Sepulchre and the other places dear to us as Christians. The disputes of princes are beyond me to understand."

Mercier de Longueval regarded the stocky soldier shrewdly before giving a shrug. He doubted much was beyond this man's understanding but he was pleased by the answer. He did not doubt Cadfael's assertion that he had come to liberate the shrines. Mercier had observed more honest piety among the men at arms than he witnessed from those of his own rank for whom plunder seemed the prime motivation.

"The dead man served Lionel de Blois, Stephen's vassal?"

Cadfael nodded by way of reply.

"And this same Lionel died before Stephen's desertion?"

"So I believe, My Lord."

"What else do you know of him?"

"Little enough. He came seeking a place among our band but the Captain would have none of him. I never saw him again until today."

"Then that is where we must start. I charge with you discovering whom he next served. That may tell us why someone thought it necessary to do murder. And if we know the motive, may we also not find the man?"

"May I ask, My Lord, why me?"

"You chose yourself, man. Others were content to believe he fell yet you were not. May I ask you why?"

"I cannot give you a ready answer, My Lord. It was plain to me that a dead man fell from the wall. And whether he met his end by fair means or foul, do we not owe him a reckoning?"

Sir Mercier gave a thin smile. "Too many of this host care less. There would be more consternation within these walls for a horse deliberately lamed. I laid the matter before Count Tancred and he laughed it off, saying what is one more death to this band of butchers? Count Bohemond took notice, however, and has ordered me to resolve it, come what may. Do you know my lord, the Count?"

Cadfael shook his head. What he knew of Bohemond was little. The foot soldiers held the Count in high regard as a General, careful of their lives and shrewd in battle. Bohemond was a giant among men, his blond head stood tall above the throng of Nobles and he must have been over a foot taller than Cadfael. Only his nephew, Tancred, matched him in height and breadth of chest and shoulder. It was said he had sworn a vow of chastity and was a pious man, but he also had a reputation for an evil temper and a rough tongue. All this was hearsay and opinion and Cadfael set little store by either.

Sir Mercier suddenly smiled.

"He is the best of men, Cadfael; mighty in battle and merciful in victory. Four times we have defeated the Turks and each time the victory was Bohemond's. Raymond of Toulouse hates him for it and your Duke Robert will not stand between them. I like it not. An army divided is an army defeated; bad blood among our princes will ruin us all."

"Amen to that, My Lord."

"Doesn't it worry you?"

"Let us say that I think our cause has merit but falls beneath my hopes and expectations as we stand, My Lord."

"Oh, bravely put for a 'simple' soldier! And I fear you will remain disappointed. Raymond will go to Jerusalem without Bohemond or Tancred, I fear. I came hence from the council. Things look bleak, Cadfael ap Meilyr, I own it freely. Still, that is not to the matter in hand. Will you accept my charge? I'll see you well rewarded for your pains."

"I accept, My Lord, and need no promises to fire me. We owe the man a reckoning, I said. If I can assist, I'll do my best, but find little room for hope and more for sorrow."

"So do we all, Cadfael. But don't be so hasty in dismissing your deserts. Even honest men must eat and, God knows, that's difficult enough! Where shall you begin?"

"With the man who named the corpse, My Lord. I recognised his face and recalled the name when I heard it spoken but I fancy that man knew this Walter Veritas well."

"A good thought. I'll bespeak your Captain to give you leave from your duties. Send word when you have something to tell me."

"I will, My Lord."

Cadfael left Bohemond's castle with a heavy heart. He had given his word to investigate as far as he could but doubted he would achieve much. Whoever killed Walter Veritas had wished to hide the fact. That could be a simple fear of retribution or something more. It was not uncommon for a brawl between men to end in death and punishment was slow and only rarely severe. The armies had become inured to sudden death. A man slain, face to face, was seldom seen as murdered and, although the Church may demand a heavy penance, the secular authorities were less inclined to pursue the matter beyond the payment of a blood-debt. Something told Cadfael that Walter Veritas had not perished in some squalid brawl over a woman or disputed share of plunder. He shuddered at the implications.

Cadfael woke early the following morning and dressed hurriedly in the pre-dawn chill. He wanted to be away from the archers' camp before the place was stirring and thus avoid those questions he would prefer not to answer. He marvelled anew, as he slipped out of the ramshackle assortment of huts and tents, that he had ever allowed himself to become involved. While never one to shirk his share of duty, neither was he such as would push himself forward to gain attention. Yet here he was, he mused, acting the sheriff's man in an affair that had the stench of politics about it. He couldn't put his finger on why he thought this yet the smell assailed his nostrils nonetheless.

The dead man had been groom to another now dead; but in life, Sir Lionel de Blois, cousin to Stephen of Blois, who was regarded by most as a craven and a traitor, had had a dubious reputation, that of a man who rejoiced in spreading discord. It was Sir Lionel who had whispered against Count Bohemond while showing that warrior a civil face. It was Sir Lionel, too, who was said to have urged his cousin to desert but, when pressed by Count Raymond, had denounced Stephen as an apostate, an oath-breaker and a craven. Sir Lionel had died of wounds received in the abortive siege of Arqah and was mourned by few. That much Cadfael knew to be fact and there was precious little else to go on. Like attracts like, though, he mused, and doubted Walter Veritas had many virtues to commend him.

He made his way silently around the base of the city walls in the darkness. Only the Church of St Peter was showing lights; the torches in their sconces threw soft shadows by the Chancel door. He alone of the city's inhabitants seemed to be awake. Rats scurried from his quiet tread but there was no other sound to disturb the silence. This was Cadfael's favourite time of the day, when he had the world to himself and there was a coolness to the air with the just the barest hint of refreshing moisture. He knew that within an hour of the sun coming up both would vanish into the desiccated heat of the day. If a man needed to think then this was the time to do it before the fiery sun drew all the will from him. He made his way to a little square built around a simple unadorned fountain and sat down upon a stone bench so old that its surface had been polished smooth by countless backsides. It was a favourite spot of his and one to which he repaired whenever he wished to avoid his fellows.

He felt weary already 'though the day had scarcely begun. He recognised it was the burden of his task that weighed upon him and resolved to cudgel his brain into life. As he had told Sir Mercier de Longueval, he had, at least, a place to start. Whither that might take him, he could not guess, but still he used the time most carefully, preparing a list of questions he would ask and also, and perhaps more importantly, a list of answers he would give to those who questioned him.

It was full day by the time Cadfael bestirred himself and made his way to the open camps where the men-at-arms were to be found. It did not take him long to find the ill-favoured soldier and he sat down beside the man at his breakfast fire.

"I recognise you. You're the one as said that Walter Veritas was dead when he fell from the wall."

Cadfael admitted it was so.

"And what brings you now to my fire?"

"A simple question. Walter tried to join our archers' band but my Captain would have none of him. I was wondering where he found a home thereafter?"

"Oh, there's no secret to that. He was taken on as groom by one of Count Raymond's men. I know not his name but the device was a leopard's head over crossed swords."

"You knew this Walter well, then?"

"Not I! I'd played at dice with him a few times but you know these grooms, they keep themselves apart mostly."

Cadfael nodded. It was true that many of the grooms were bound to their lords' service but considered themselves servants rather than soldiers and few had chosen to take the cross but had been ordered to follow their masters, not without some resentment in many instances. Such men held aloof from the rest and hugged their grievances. This did not accord with Walter Veritas, though. No reluctant pilgrim would look to take service in an archers' band.

"Was he a free man or a villein, do you know?"

"Free, for what I can say. He'd taken the cross of his own choosing and liked the life well enough, for all he said."

"When did you see him last?"

"More than a week gone, unless you count seeing him at the foot of the wall!"

"And you know not how he came to be there?"

"Not I! Nor care I less. He was no kin to me."

And with that the man resumed his breakfast, turning a little from Cadfael and signifying thus that the conversation was ended. Cadfael got to his feet with a brief wave of thanks and made his way across the city to where Count Raymond's men were lying. The Provencals had commandeered the old Emir's palace and surrounding houses and were unlikely to welcome anyone on a mission from Count Bohemond's battle. The heat smote upon him as he walked and he was sweating freely as he approached the half-ruined palace, the scene of much looting when the city had fallen to the Crusader army. He paused briefly to rinse his face at a fountain and regretted again that he had taken his cloak that morning when the air was cool. Now it was nothing but an inconvenient weight and, he thought, made him look a trifle strange in the full heat of the day. He shrugged his concerns aside, bundled his cloak with a piece of rope and slung it over his shoulder once more.

He hailed a passing man-at-arms and the man approached him with a curious expression.

"I am seeking a Knight of Count Raymond's battle, one who has the device of a leopard's head above crossed swords."

The man stared at him blankly and made some reply that Cadfael could scarcely understand. It was clear the man spoke only the Langue d'Oc and did not have the Norman tongue. Cadfael tried again, first in English and then Trade Greek. The man shook his head and spat, then walked away. It was as Cadfael had expected; outsiders were unwelcome. How then, he wondered, had a Norman groom found service here? A sharp voice roused him from his reverie.

"You there, what do you want?"

Cadfael turned to see a short, powerfully built knight with close-cropped dark hair. The stranger's features were heavy, almost crude, and he appeared to be angry. He wore a long sword on one hip and what appeared to be a long leather whip at the other. Small tags of iron were woven into the lash. The fact that he was armed marked him as the captain of the day. Cadfael patiently repeated his enquiry and the man stared hard at him for a moment before replying.

"Unless you're on good terms with the Devil you're wasting your time. The man you seek was Sir Jospin de Guise. He died some three days since and is coffined and crypted already. Who are you, anyway?"

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There was once a small kingdom on the continent of Bazah, which was small but prosperous. Our story begins on a dark night in the season of spring 2015. The small kingdom of Nicaea was woken up in the middle of the night. Men were heard shouting in the streets; “The King is dead! Long live the King!”. A crowd gathered around the royal palace and was addressed by Prince Leylin Farlier. The young prince stepped towards the crowd and began a speech. “So as you all might know, my father, the King...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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berfall im Juwelierladen

Carmen und Paulina arbeiteten bei einem Juwelier in der Innenstadt. Während Paulina als Verkäuferin angestellt war, arbeitete Carmen als Filialleiterin. Sie war mit 27 Jahren noch sehr jung für den Job. Ihre Kinn langen dunkelbraunen Haare band sie sich oft zu einem Zopf zusammen, so auch an diesem Tag. Dadurch dass sie viel Sport machte, hatte sie eine sehr schlanke Figur. Auffällig war ihre Oberweite von 75 F, weswegen schon ihre Mitschüler sie anstarrten. Paulina war 30 und hatte rote lange...

2 years ago
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Unfall Schloss und Spiel

Dies war sein erster echter Urlaub seit drei Jahren und Bernhard Szalik wollte ihn so richtig geniessen. Darum hatte er alles sorgfältig geplant und wie es schien funktionierte auch alles so wie es vorgesehen war. Bernhard war Programmierer bei einer Softwarefirma die Kundenspezifische Lager- und Verwaltungssoftware entwickelte. Seine Arbeit war eigentlich die Unkritischte, weil sein Spezialgebiet die Module für das erfassen und verwalten grosser Datenmengen waren sowie die angepassten Such-...

2 years ago
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Ueberfall auf einen Supermarkt

Michael war extrem angefressen. Vor ein paar Tagen hatte er eine Abmahnung bekommen, seine Freundin hatte ihn verlassen und die Bank gab ihm kein Geld mehr. War er vielleicht sauer. Miriam hatte ihm gesagt er taugt nichts, weder im Bett noch im Leben. Und dabei hatte er sich extra in Schulden gestürzt, um ihr etwas zu bieten. Und das war nun der Dank. Und sie war nicht die einzige, auf die er eine Wut hatte. Die Bankangestellte hatte ihm freundlich aber sehr bestimmt gesagt er bekäme kein Geld...

3 years ago
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Fallgirlsherms Ultimate Knockout Sextravaganza

A new game has come to the multiverse Fall Girls/Herms Ultimate Knockout Sextravaganza the ultimate game show in platforming, skill, teamwork, timing jumping, and competitiveness. Watch as these massively busty and clumsy bean people play and compete for crowns. However, an unfortunate oversight by the game-masters, what was that oversight you may ask well they do not have any players well that simply won't do fortunately the multiverse is filled with potential contestants. Who are more than...

1 year ago
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Fallgirlsherms Ultimate Knockout Sextravaganza

A new game has come to the multiverse Fall Girls/Herms Ultimate Knockout Sextravaganza the ultimate game show in platforming, skill, teamwork, timing jumping, and competitiveness. Watch as these massively busty and clumsy bean people play and compete for crowns. However, an unfortunate oversight by the game-masters, what was that oversight you may ask well they do not have any players well that simply won't do fortunately the multiverse is filled with potential contestants. Who are more than...

2 years ago
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Westfall Fight Club

It was so hot that I could hardly breathe. Or maybe it was my nerves because my husband was up next. The bets had been cast; the lights of the dank basement flickered. The frenzied mob made their discontent known by yelling various slangs and phrases that were an assault to the ear. Between the yelling, the sweating, and the palpable feel of antagonism in the air, I knew it would only take one spark, one comment, one smirk, and this would turn into a blood bath.Just then, the doors opened, and...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Prologue: With Josef Stalin’s death on 5 March 1953, an epic struggle for the control and future of the Soviet Union commenced. Four major players emerged very quickly: Stalin’s presumed successor, Central Party Secretary Georgy Malenkov; the hardline Stalinist, Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov; The ruthless head of the MVD Internal Affairs and MGB State Security, Lavrentiy Beria, and the respected, but displaced, Party Secretary Nikita Khrushchev. These were hard men shaped by the...

2 years ago
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FallaciesChapter 2

The next morning, Tom stretched his arms in his bed, feeling the warmth of the sun on his face. Wait, the sun? Tom lunged for his cell phone on the nightstand beside the bed. He took a glance and sprung out of bed. He was going to be late for his first lecture! Tom frantically grabbed some clothes from the closet and ran into the toilet. He looked at the mirror, and pulled on it to reveal a small shelf hidden behind it. He quickly applied some shaving foam with one hand and he washed his...

3 years ago
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FallaciesChapter 3

“There!” Selina declared. “You should be able to start the car now,” she continued as she stood straight up and dusted her hands triumphantly. Tom pushed hard on the brake pedal and turned the ignition. The engine sputtered, and with a whine, it turned over. “Yes!” Tom exclaimed. “You did it!” Selina gave a smug look, and walked over towards the driver’s door. She put her hands on her hip and struck a victory pose. “What should I do now?” Tom asked. “Should I turn the engine off?” “No,...

2 years ago
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FallaciesChapter 4

“Thanks again for the dinner last night, I had a really good time,” Selina said the next day, as she entered Tom’s office. “No problem,” Tom replied. “I enjoyed it too. And thanks for fixing my car.” “So, you didn’t have any problems driving it here today?” Selina asked. “Nope,” Tom said. “It’s as good as new. Or, at least as good as it was before it broke down.” Selina chuckled. “What brings you here today?” Tom asked. Selina sat down on the chair on the other side of Tom’s desk, and...

3 years ago
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Waterfall KeepChapter 9

Dammit, I felt like a boy with a new toy. I blew my whistle to summon Granny Eltman. She was as enthralled by the caverns as the rest of us were. She pronounced it perfect as a place to shelter from the malevolent wizards. I did say that I wondered how we would get enough light into the cave without quickly denuding the surrounding forest. Her answer was, "Let me fix that problem with a housewarming gift. It is one that you can use immediately." She mumbled something that I did not...

3 years ago
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Waterfall KeepChapter 12

"Oh, but we know all about the hedge-witch, Granny Eltman, who has attached herself to you. She is a pathetic ally for you to depend on. She is not as strong as one of us master wizards, and we can push her aside at any time." "Ex'zar, I pity you if you truly believe that. She and I have been working together, and I believe that she is as strong as any of you 'master wizards, ' and you will be very sorry if you force her to demonstrate the limits of her power. "However, we have...

3 years ago
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Downfall of Avarica in Shalirion

The Downfall of Avarica (Balance and Fairness : The Principles of Shalirion) (from the generally prosperous years before the barbarian invasions from Animar) The Councils of Shalirion had long followed business principles which aimed to strengthen and support society, rather than to spoil it. Cromilil was no exception, and it had made the whole city prosperous and happy together. The rich were not rich at the expense of the poor or of their rivals, but all had prospered together. Business...

3 years ago
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DownfallHaving been to the beautician for a full body and face wax I check into the hotel to prepare. The suite consists of a large living room and a comfortable bedroom with a large bathroom. The bedroom has a nice dressing table with mirror and stool. A full length mirror is adjacent. The king size bed is of an older style with metal barred head and framed foot. The living room has a soft leather couch, occasional tables, a desk with cane based chair with arms, and all the usual hotel...

3 years ago
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Fall Harvest Dance

Fall Harvest Dance By Bill Hart Harry Trelayne wondered which of the girls he knew would be the most disappointed that he decided to go stag to the school's Fall Harvest dance tonight. He knew the exact girl he would like to take - her name was Lisa Stevens - but there were complications with asking her. Lisa was a babe, a fox, or any one of a hundred other synonymous names. But she also had a boyfriend - one really big and very jealous boyfriend - Hank "Big Moose" Williams the...

4 years ago
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Waterfall KeepChapter 10

Finally, the King's men began to move after the ground had dried out about the middle of May. It was laughable that there were so many men in the force advancing on us. There were approximately 20,000 men in the army, and they were continually getting in each others' way. There had been no need for such a force of arms in over 50 years, and none of the King's men really knew how to handle that many men. However, they did make a splendid looking force when they finally marched out of...

2 years ago
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I was a teenager when my family and I moved house, virtually to the other side of the country. I was not exactly happy with having no say in the matter, but the move came with a promotion for my Dad, so we upped sticks and left the old neighbourhood along with all my friends.We moved to an area sandwiched between the sea and the mountains, and having moved from the city it was a really strange experience. The beaches were huge and the mountains vast. The valleys were covered in forests, and yet...

3 years ago
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Fallout Siberia

Author's notes: this is edited and extended (about +20%) version of previously published story. Liza F Fallout: Siberia. If only it were summer! The thought often comes to me. If it was summer or spring, we might have a chance. But now there seems to be no way we will be able to survive the winter. It is only the beginning of December, but it was already terribly cold. I reach with my hand trying to rearrange rags and clothes, trying to put as much as possible on top of me, trying...

2 years ago
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Fallout 4 A Brave New WorldChapter 3

Juan was definitely feeling a bit safer. He had just over a dozen power cores now, enough to walk the power armour for weeks without stopping. He had managed to enhance it’s armour a bit too, reinforcing the joints and buffing the plates a bit. He knew it was the opposite of stealthy and that was not his preference, but he had realized there were too many things he did not understand about this post-apocalyptic world ... too many things that could easily kill him. For now, he had decided to...

4 years ago
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You and I are walking along a trail in one of the eastern states. We’ve been camping here for a day or two and thought it would be fun to do some exploring. I’m wearing a pair of khaki cut off shorts with hiking boots and a tank top. You’ve got on a t-shirt and a pair of lightweight pants. The t-shirt is a little tight across your broad shoulders. Looking at you, I feel a rush of warmth to my clit. Images of the night before fill my mind…the light from the campfire, you taking me from behind,...

2 years ago
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Downfall 02

Downfall 02*My new life at Mistresses mansion was quite pleasant most of the time. My duties were to be maid to the two mistresses. I helped them bathe and dress; hand washed their delicate garments, cleaned their bedroom and changed the bed clothes daily. Sometimes, if I was really lucky the young mistress would have me lick her to orgasm. She had the most fragrant tasty pussy that I had ever experienced. Sometimes she would alloy me to play with my clit as I served her and if really lucky I...

2 years ago
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Fall From Heaven

Fall From Heaven BLURB: A man is entranced by an impossibly sexy woman at a club and brings her to his apartment. He has no idea that his life is about to be changed forever. --- I couldn't believe my luck. She was leaning against me, one arm twined with mine, her head resting on my shoulder as I fumbled with the keys in my rush to get the door open. I felt drunk. Her intoxicating scent wafted around my head, smelling sweetly of cinnamon, filling my mind with steamy thoughts...

2 years ago
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Fall From Grace

The clouds raced by. The wounds where my wings had been burned off halfheartedly tried to flap and control the fall. The peerage of angels called it a fall from grace, and surely there was nothing graceful about the twisting burned nearly naked figure I made falling back to earth. I was still convinced that it would be worth it in the end. She had made quite the convincing case; getting caught trying to steal the crow of minds from the heavenly throne was just a small wrench in the plan. Now...

1 year ago
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Fall of Artemisia WarriorQueen of Halicarnassus

Fall of Artemisia, Warrior-Queen of HalicarnassusXerxes had always believed that the lovely Artemisia I of Caria would make a far lovelier harem-slave than Satrap. Nonetheless being a generous and benevolent GodKing, he offered to make her Satrap of his conquered Greek provinces, if she could prove her mettle in battle. Xerxes was most impressed by her daring naval attacks at the Battle of Salamis.The Cretan Princess rammed against Greek ships with the courage of a Man. But as the tide turned...

2 years ago
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Fall In Washington

Washington D.C. in the fall is unlike any other city. Instead of the sighing winds bringing the smell of fires, we have the vitriol of a quarterback controversy. Instead of the crisp crunch of leaves on the sidewalk, we have the sounds of laser printers as the federal government rushes to spend any money left over by the end of September. Fall in Washington is also one of extremes in temperature. On one day it could be a high in the mid to upper eighties and the next it is barely out of the...

3 years ago
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Fall From GraceChapter 3

When we returned to the main house I dressed straight away even still with the dirt of a day’s work on my body. Madame was resting in her chambers while Abigail tended her and moaning to fetch a doctor. The only one I knew who could tend an injury might be Professor Slade. He ran the Clinton Female Seminary not too far from the plantation. We did not have horses and even though I volunteered to go, Abigail made a show of pretending she may go in my stead. “No child, attend me” Madame...

1 year ago
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Walking through the woods hand in hand... enjoying the beauty around us and the time together. We happen upon a clearing. As we walk closer we see a shimmering waterfall at the base of it... it has formed a naturally made pool... sitting together along the bank... we hang our legs over the side... kicking and splashing water on each other... the midday sun has warmed up the water... it feels wonderful on our feet... giggling and laughing... having a wonderful time... while your not looking...

3 years ago
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Waterfall KeepChapter 11

A man who looked exactly like the King was sitting in an upholstered chair with his feet propped up and a cup of wine was in his left hand. His right hand was diddling a naked woman between her legs. She seemed to orgasm, and she took the King's hand from between her legs and licked his fingers clean. He smiled and waved to another naked woman who was standing to one side. That woman walked to the king and flipped his kilt out of the way. I noted that he was wearing nothing underneath the...

2 years ago
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Fall Cross Country Fall of a Marriage

My name is Mike Cosby. I'm about 5'9" 170lbs relatively fit and trim and my sandy blond hair and green eyes kind of stand out. When I was in college and in high school, I was never the biggest guy around so I went into some of the peripheral sports. Instead of basketball or football I ran track and cross country. Running cross got me respect in school if not star status. Even for cross country and track, I was never the star on the team, but also never the dog. I was a solid middle of the...

1 year ago
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Fall of a Hero Updated

Author’s note: This story is based on real life events that occurred to me. The names have all been changed to protect the innocent, and not so innocent. Some dramatization has been added to match the themes of this site, but otherwise I have tried to remain true to the original experience. This story does not have a lot of sex for its length, but considering it’s based on reality. . . Well, you’ll see why as you read it. For those coming to this story from my dear friend’s, Dark_Brother,...

1 year ago
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Fall of The Femme Fatales Ch 01

He stood beside the machine, testing the manacles and various attachments on it. He smiled with anticipation, having plotted his revenge for nearly 3 years. They had foiled his plans then, though they did not know it. Now, at long last, he would take his revenge on them and let them know who it was who had beaten thm. It would be the icing on the cake to see their fear and helplessness, right before he made them his slaves forever. His name is known only to himself, but he is known among...

1 year ago
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Fall of a Hero

Author’s note: This story is based on real life events that occurred to me. The names have all been changed to protect the innocent, and not so innocent. Some dramatization has been added to match the themes of this site, but otherwise I have tried to remain true to the original experience. This story does not have a lot of sex for its length, but considering it is based on reality. . . Well, you’ll see why as you read it. For those coming to this story from my dear friend’s,...

4 years ago
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Fall of Autumnsville

After reading the story In the Pink by Argus, I decided to write something myself along those lines. I hope to make this an ongoing series if I see enough interest in it. I had a lot of fun writing this, so I hope people do || I'd like to thank Argus for letting me sponge, and I'd like to thank my friend Car2nage for helping me write this. If you have any questions, my email is [email protected] The Fall of Autumnsville: Chapter 1 "There are about two more boxes. Think...

3 years ago
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Fall Semester

I'm writing this down as best I remember it, but I figured instead of hearing about every single day, you'd rather I just hit the highlights. Fall was hard, in lots of ways, but some important stuff happened. I'll do my best to tell you about it. Workouts I'd thought the tryouts were tough, but they were nothing compared to our actual all-squad exercises, which started as soon as tryouts were over, a week or so before school started. Conditioning, stretches. Who the hell knew that...

4 years ago
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Fall of The KingChapter 3 New Beginnings

When Penny walked into the Jasik's kitchen Sunday morning, she found Lee's mom and dad sitting with her mom and step dad, but she didn't see who she wanted to see. Last night she had walked with him in the cool fall night, with Lee's arm holding her tight. The ranch was so far from the lights of the city that the stars seemed close enough to touch. She didn't remember her feet touching the ground as they had walked back to the house. She had dreamed about him all night and longed to see...

1 year ago
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Falling in love with a complicated woman Shruti

Falling in love with a complicated woman - Shruti (Involves cuckold, voyeurism, humiliation, rough sex and gangbangs)This story involves multiple themes like Cuckold, slavery, bdsm, rough sex and so on. If any of these offend you, please stop reading. It is going to be a very long story. So you will need patience. As with most of my stories, there will be lots and lots of sex involved. I am from India and my English writing skills are not as good as my foreign counterparts. If you are a grammar...

2 years ago
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Note: This is something really different for me, inspired by a song that really touched my heart (if you’ve heard it, you’ll probably know what it is). —– The weak sun filtered through the bare trees as Jonah walked across the Millers’ fields to get to Bethany’s house. He listened to his feet crunching over the light snow, and wondered what Bethany’s news could possibly be. They had been dating for five years, ever since the seventh grade, and Jonah could count on one hand the number of times...

4 years ago
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Falling For It

Falling For It Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on a caption by Commentator] A smile came upon Joss's face as his gaze drifted across all the costumed characters in the convention room. He thanked his luck that his employees had all turned down his offer to take them with him to the convention. Joss had been going to it for years, and it remained one of the highlights of them. He loved looking at the costumed attendees, but, more than that, he loved being in costume...

2 years ago
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As we travel along the mountain road, you look over and give me a smile. I reach over and take your hand wrapping my fingers around yours. You pull our hands down to your lap and rest them against your leg. I can feel the warm rising from your leg against the back of my hand. You lean over and whisper ‘Don’t I even get a hint on where we are going?’ I smile at you and say,’ Just another minute Angel, we are almost there’. After a few more turns we pull over the side of the road and park next...

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The first few moments she was directing my driving I do have to admit, I was slightly worried. She had plotted out a course that took me down roads I had never heard of, and to an area outside the city I didn't even think existed. When she pointed to the side of the road after the bridge and told me to pull up and park there, I had brief visions of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre running at fast-forward through my mind, and her leaving my dismembered body off in the dark woods at two in the a.m.She...

3 years ago
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Fall of The House of Lush

The fewer sets of eyes around, the less chance of being spotted by someone we knew. From the footbridge above the tracks I saw Heather step down from the train. Her overnight bag was slung casually over her shoulder and her eyes flitted about the tiny rural station scanning for a sight of me in the fading evening light. As she saw me a smile spread across her face, and she bounded up the stairs two at a time. She threw her arms around me and kissed me with a force that momentarily knocked me...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Waterfall Falling

This is part of the larger pain peace that I have. Could put that up in the future, but liked this bit, if I can remember what I had : Also want to write to follow-up to this, but not know what to call it? * The cool air broke as I came from the trees, the morning air was thick as I had underestimated what the time would be from the house, but I am in no rush. The Trees have given way to rich soft rolling grass of the plain. Here is where I wondered years before while we were camping, and...

2 years ago
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Waterfall KeepChapter 13

We discussed the matter in some detail in our war council and came to the conclusion that we should start attacking the wizards of the cabal directly. For one thing, this might distract them from attacking Prince Albert. The only name I knew was that of Ex'zar, so he was at the top of our list. We should be able to get at least one more name the next time the cabal found it necessary to construct another king-puppet. That could be as soon as next week, so we had to stay alert. I knew where...

3 years ago
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Waterfall KeepChapter 14

I spent the rest of the day working on mundane problems that had a bad habit of coming up, no matter how much I wished that they would stay inactive. Oh, well, it had to be done, so I took care of them with as much good grace as I could muster. I was working away at my desk when everything suddenly vanished in an impenetrable darkness. My first thought was that this was an attack from that wizard who was reputed to be so powerful. Well, my first thought appeared to be the correct one. I was...

3 years ago
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Falling Star

I woke up lying on my front. That was weird. I never sleep on my front. I was sleeping on my hand and I was surprised that it wasn't tingling from being crushed by my weight. It was conveniently near my crotch and already moving in to take care of my morning wood as if it had a mind of its own. I squoze and noticed immediately that something was wrong. No wood. No nothing but soft smooth cloth where my cock and balls should be. "What the fuck?" I jumped out of bed, barely noticing that I was...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Fall of The Femme Fatales Ch 05

Her name was Sapphire, and she was the leader of The Femme Fatales. James had reserved her conversion for last, wanting her to know his triumph before he made her his slave forever. He had thought long and hard, wanting everything to be perfect. The plan he came up with was truly wicked. He would make her give herself to him, using her friends as bait. She would never realise that when she came, he would her his slut. James sat in his recliner, going over the details in his mind one last time...

3 years ago
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Fall Lovin

‘That’s great, but Dale, I needed twelve dozen, not one.’ Mina Pickett groaned in frustration. ‘Fine, fine, but get them here as soon as you can. It’s almost Halloween.’ ‘Problems?’ A masculine voice questioned. ‘Only a few. Dale only sent twelve pumpkins, instead of twelve dozen, Johanna quit, and Clara is up to her old tricks again.’ Mina put her face in her hands. Greg, her best friend from high school laughed. ‘That’s all?’ ‘Yep.’ Mina peeked at him from between her fingers. ‘She hid...

1 year ago
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Fall of the Queen

Your name is Blanche Lechat. You are tall attractive 37 years old woman. Your skin is silky white, your face is beautiful – comparable to a Greek sculptures. You have slender hips, firm ass and big round breasts. Your violet silky hair reach below your ass. You love wearing stockings, garter-belts, high-heeled shoes and silky dresses. You love the feel of silk on your skin. You are a Queen of Akein kingdom. You’re a widow after last king and have been ruling for over six years. Your kingdom has...

2 years ago
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Fall of Earth

No one was expecting the bombs to fall. The Soviet Union was hit. The USA was hit. And just about every other country was hit. Humans had just about killed off their whole species. People had started villages, there was a large scale Slave trade, Government Remnants and even some deep bunkers had been found. You are a Scavenger, a former Red Army sniper. WWII ended when the Nazi forces launched ICBM's at every major country. The Soviet Union and the USA fired back, destroying Nazi Germany...

4 years ago
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Fall walk in the park

The day started with a beautiful fall morning .Nice enough to have our morning coffees on the patio. We chatted about all our chores we had to get done before cold weather came.So we finished our coffees and went straight to doing our chores. I was outside getting yardwork done and her inside getting he chores done.Before you knew it we had it all done.Wife came out with a couple coffees and sat down She wanted to go for a walk to see the changing colors of the leaves. In my dirty mind I knew...

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