Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 3
- 4 years ago
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"So," said Dr. Jennifer Long on a sunny afternoon in the year 1962. "Tell me why you've come here today."
Jack and Jill sat in chairs opposite the doctor's desk, side by side.
Jack said, "We were hoping you could help us."
"What would you like help with?"
"We've been married for a year and a half. We'd like children. Our parents want grandchildren. They keep asking if Jill is pregnant, but she isn't. They said we ought to go see a fertility specialist."
"I see. OK, first things first. You have been having relations regularly?"
"Relations?" asked Jack.
"Sexual relations."
Husband and wife looked at each other uneasily. "Um, what are sexual relations?" asked Jack.
The doctor maintained her neutral demeanor with some effort. "Sexual intercourse."
The two continued to look at her blankly.
"Where a man's penis delivers semen inside of a woman's vagina."
The two looked at her with wide eyes. "I'm sure I didn't hear that right," said Jack.
Jill just looked at her with mouth agape.
"It is necessary in order to have a baby."
"It sounds obscene. And incredibly gross!" said Jill.
"Um, what's a vagina?" asked Jack.
"It's a thing women don't discuss with men," said Jill, nose in the air.
Dr. Long noticed that the two were sitting with arms and legs crossed, angled slightly away from each other.
"What does marriage mean to you?" she asked.
"That's obvious," said Jack.
"Tell me."
"We live together, and sleep in the same bed at night. We go places together as a couple and socialize with other couples."
"I cook for him and keep house, and he works to make money."
"Do you ever hug or kiss?"
"Sure, we sometimes have a quick hug and kiss in the morning before Jack leaves for work, and at night when he comes home," said Jill.
"Um, when you share a bed together, do you ever face each other?"
"Sometimes, though our knees bump into each other then," said Jack.
"Do you ever spoon? One facing the other's back."
"Oh, yes, we do that sometimes," said Jill. "He sometimes puts his arm over me."
"Does your chest touch her back?"
"Oh, yes."
"Do your bodies touch lower down, like the fronts of your thighs against the back of hers?"
"We did that a few times," said Jack. "But it wasn't good."
"How wasn't it good?"
"Well, I'm not sure I want to talk about this, um, in front of Jill."
"If you want to have a baby, this is the sort of thing you'll have to talk about with each other."
"When I hugged her that way, sometimes my, um, you know, male organ, um..."
The doctor noted a frown form on Jill's face.
"Sometimes it changes."
The doctor said, "It gets long and hard, perhaps?"
"Um, yes, that's it. And it's embarrassing. I didn't want Jill to know, so I made sure the bulge in my pajama bottoms didn't touch her. I've been scared to ask -- is that swelling normal?"
"Oh, yes, that's normal. That's one of the steps that needs to happen to have a baby. Jill, when you're hugging Jack's back or he's hugging yours, do you ever notice any sort of change in your private parts?"
Jill looked away, slightly pink. "I was taught not to talk about female things in front of men."
"With a husband and wife it's different. They need to talk about their private parts. Especially if they want to have a baby." That wasn't strictly true. What they really needed was to do things with their private parts.
"Well, yes, I have sometimes felt a bit uncomfortable down there."
"Perhaps a little warm, or tingly?"
"Um, yes, that's one way to describe it."
Jack looked at her with interest.
"Have you ever seen animals mating?"
"No," said Jack. "I've heard people mention it, but I never knew what they meant."
"Me neither," said Jill.
Dr. Long sighed inwardly. Just how clueless could two people be?
"Well, OK, here's the story. You know how babies sometimes look partly like their father? Not just their mother? Did you ever wonder how that works?"
"A little, maybe," said Jill.
"When we animals -- in this way we humans are just like the animals -- want to make babies, a part of the father has to go inside the mother's body."
"Yes, I've wondered about that!" said Jack. "But I never knew how it worked."
"It's through this act of sexual intercourse. All women have a vagina, which is an opening between the legs with a tube extending up inside the body."
"They said babies came out of some opening -- is that the one babies come out of?" asked Jack.
"Yes, it is. But it is also essential to getting a baby started."
"You know about your vagina, Jill. Where you put a tampon, for instance?"
"I've never used tampons," said Jill.
"But you are aware of an opening down there."
"Well, the urine and monthly blood have to come out of something, obviously," she said, looking very prim.
"Actually, they come out of different places. The urine comes out of a tiny hole, but just behind it is a hole that is larger -- or potentially larger. Nature has equipped us women with this tube for the exact purpose of welcoming a man's penis into our bodies."
She looked back and forth between Jack and Jill. She hoped they weren't going to faint.
"When the penis is long and hard, it can push its way into that tube. Semen then comes out of the tip of the man's penis. When he withdraws his penis, the semen stays behind, and that's the part of a man that starts a woman's baby."
Husband and wife both looked like they might throw up.
"It is perfectly natural. In fact, both women and men are designed by nature to find this activity pleasurable. Most men and women want to engage in sexual intercourse, once they find out about it." She might have added, "which most do before or during puberty, after which they think about it constantly."
Husband and wife looked at her with furrowed brows.
"Now, at any given time a vagina isn't necessarily able to receive an erect penis comfortably. It is much better if the woman is sexually aroused, for instance if the area is rubbed gently for some time beforehand. This causes fluid to be released so the vagina's surface is more slippery. Lubrication."
"Like monthly blood?" asked Jill.
"No, it is very different. When you felt yourself getting a little warm down between your legs, that was the first step in that process. It starts happening naturally when a man touches you."
"Is this semen you mentioned another name for urine?" asked Jill.
"No, it is different. I presume Jack knows what it is. It is whitish and thicker than urine."
Jack looked blank.
Dr. Long sighed out loud. "Here's your homework before our next session."
"We need to come again?" asked Jill.
"If you want a baby, yes, I think that would be wise. You need to go to bed with your lower parts exposed, both of you. Jill, explore with your fingers until you find your vagina. Other than your anus, it's the only hole you could get your finger into. Then you ought to press your fingers gently between your legs outside your vagina, kind of like this." She demonstrated with her fingers in the air. "Pay attention to what feels good, and do those things. You should notice feeling warmer down there, and if after a while you slide your finger into your vagina a little, you should notice it being wet. Do that for about ten minutes."
Husband and wife both looked horrified. Should she go on? Maybe suggesting intercourse would traumatize these two.
"Jack will likely notice his penis getting long and hard."
"I'm supposed to let him watch?" asked Jill, incredulous.
"Yes. If it doesn't get hard watching, he can use a light stroking motion. Then Jill, you should gently touch his erect penis to get a sense for what it is like. And you should guide Jack's finger to your vagina so he understands a little about what it's like. Push his finger a little inside the vagina. Then report back to me next week on what happened."
"But that won't give us a baby," said Jill.
"No ... but you seem so uncomfortable that I thought we should take this in steps."
"No, we can take it," said Jill. "Tell us how to make a baby."
"OK, if you both feel comfortable with it, Jack can slide his penis into your vagina as I mentioned."
"That sounds kind of awkward and difficult. I'd have to be awfully close to her before my, um, penis would come near this 'vagina' you say is between her legs," said Jack.
"Yes, you need to be very close. Your pelvises will be right up against each other, touching."
A pale Jill looked at Jack. "I think we'd like a second opinion."
Jack nodded.
"That's fine. Or you could ask your friends or parents, and they likely also know the basics of how to make babies."
At the second session, Jack and Jill seemed to want to make small talk indefinitely. Dr. Long had to interrupt to get down to business.
"So, did you try the homework I mentioned?"
"Um, well..." said Jack.
"Sort of," said Jill.
After a brief silence, Dr. Long said, "Say more. You don't have to do this at all, of course, but if you don't figure out this process you will never have children."
"Did your penis get long and hard when you lay naked next to Jill?"
"Um, yes, but it felt embarrassing. Kind of dirty and crude."
"Did you touch it, Jill?"
"Yes, I did. I agree with Jack -- it felt dirty and crude -- and very big."
"And did you rub yourself for ten minutes?" asked the doctor.
"Yes, I did. I guess it got wet. But I felt gross. That whole part of me is dirty and disgusting."
"Well, the general area is involved with excretion, but this is a special way of using it that is beautiful and natural. The vagina is different from the urinary opening and anus, even though it is very close to them."
"This 'vagina' also has its monthly discharge, which is even dirtier and more disgusting," said Jill.
Dr. Long had a sudden fear. This couple didn't have much common sense. "Was your vagina discharging at this time?"
She felt relief. "Good. You should put off these things and only do them during the parts of the month when there is no blood coming out. During those times the vagina is perfectly clean and suitable for a penis."
Jack said, "The idea of putting my penis into her vagina ... God, it sounds obscene just to say that ... it seems impolite -- violent even. A violation of her body. And she is so sweet and I wouldn't want to hurt her."
The couple turned to each other and gave forced smiles.
"This act is kind of special. You should try to stop thinking about it in terms of these parts of your body and how you think of them normally. You can think of it as a specific thing nature has arranged for you to do to make babies. These parts are designed to fit together. Jill, do you feel like Jack's penis inside your body would be a violent invasion?" She regretted it the moment she'd said it.
"Well, yes. I've always been taught that those parts of me are private, not to let anyone else see, certainly not a man. And to touch -- heavens no! And to ... invade ... it really does sound very impolite and even violent. An invasion. This is what rape is right? Horrible, horrible rape?"
"If the woman is not willing, then it is rape. But if she is willing, it's just sex. And it's how you make a baby."
"One more thing," said Jack. "If I did manage to put my penis inside Jill, what would I do to make this stuff ... what's it called?"
"What would I do to make this semen come out?"
"Ah, you can practice that separately, on your own. If you grasp your penis with your hand and rub up and down like this..." She demonstrated with her hand in the air. "First your penis should get hard, and then if you do that motion for a while, paying attention to what feels good, the semen is likely to come out all by itself. That's called ejaculation. It will be accompanied by an intense good feeling. The whole thing is called an orgasm."
"And Jill, you can also practice by yourself in advance if you want. If you rub yourself as I said, paying attention to what feels good, and keep going, you might get an intense good feeling too -- your orgasm."
"But that's not required to have a baby?" she asked.
"No, it isn't."
"Good! So we can skip that part."
"Your good feeling isn't required -- but Jack's is. Jack, after semen has come out, your penis will shrink back to its normal size. It will take some time before your penis will get hard again or able to ejaculate. So if you do that exercise, I would wait at least a day after before attempting intercourse."
"OK," he said cautiously. "So you said something about putting our pelvises really close together?"
"There are different ways to do this, but I'll tell you the easiest. Jill, you lie on your back with your legs spread wide apart."
"Naked?" she asked, frowning.
"It seems that I end up in the hospital with something major a lot. I get forced to think about things," he said. "There are better ways to do that. Hopefully, you won't keep this up or your mother is going to be old before her time," she said. "Nobody loves you like your mother. I never thought that I worried you. I feel much safer in Oklahoma than Baltimore," he said. "I feel much safer when you are home with me in Pennsylvania," she said. "Mom, I think I am going to law...
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Dorothy called Howie. "We were afraid you weren't going to make it back. How is Brooke?" "I imagine Brooke is fine. We broke up," Howie said. "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Howie. I'm sorry. Mike's family rented Professor Trevale's house. You know, the big house just down from the dorm. Come over." Howie said, "I know where Amy lives. I am an art major remember. You are too busy to bother with this now." Dorothy said, "Howie, get your butt over here, now." "Yes maam. Who...
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LesbianIt started after a date, we'd both taking a girl friend to a Friday Barn Dance and after went and parked and make out, of course neither one of Us got further then kissing steeling a feel. Worked up horny as hell took them home and went to Howard's to drop him off. We both complained about how hard up we were and by the time we parked in his driveway we were both fondling our hard-ons through our Levi's. Howard said something like "Damn I need to get a nut & we both unbuttoned our Levi's...
The last time I had spent the night Kayla and I got pretty heated. I’ll admit that it was one of my first serious kissing sessions so I got very excited and a little carried away. Since then I had raided my uncle’s porn stash (as well as the internet) and I was really anxious to see how far I could get her to go with me. It took almost no time at all for us to sneak away alone after the adults went out. They said since me and Kayla were oldest (Kayla being 13) we were in charge until the...
Ich bin ein 6 Fuß 6 Zoll groß, 25 und wahrscheinlich der schwärzeste Bastard, den Sie jemals sehen werden. Ich bin sehr stolz auf mein afrikanisches Erbe und stolz darauf, ein Amerikaner zu sein. Worauf ich nicht stolz bin, sind die verdammten Arschlöcher der weißen Supremisten, die herumsprudeln, dass Weiß die richtige Farbe ist. Nun, ich bin hier, um Ihnen zu sagen, dass sie alles falsch gemacht haben. Weißer Abschaum ist ein nicht ganz passendes Wort, um diese verdammten milchig weißen...
InterracialGrampa babysitsIt’s Saturday night, your parents are out of town and Grampa Dan is babysitting you for the weekend. It’s a bit warm tonight and you just don’t feel like sleeping. You are eight years old and even though you are supposed to be in bed, the house is too quiet, no TV is on So as you quietly tip toe out of your room and into the kitchen, you hear a bit of sound from the basement. Grampa Dan must be in the basement doing something.So you quietly open the door and go down a few steps...
FORCED INTO BABYHOOD a story by Johnathan It was Friday evening. Lesley Johnstone and her husband David had been invited to stay the weekend with Catherine Fanshaw-Jones, chairperson of the feminist organisation that Lesley had joined three months ago. David drove the car slowly down the drive towards Catherine Fanshaw-Jones' mansion. He did not want to spend the weekend with Lesley's friends, but she had insisted he joined her. "There will be other men there," she told him. "It...
"Babykins" Constance Vanderworth, the matriarch of the Vanderworth clan paced the large living room while her nephew Lawrence stood quietly by. She studied one of the stories on the front page of the local newspaper concerning him. It wasn't the top story mind you but nonetheless, it was front page. "Millionaire Playboy Totals New Ferrari In Downtown Police Chase." It gave all the details, all the details about the women, the clubs, the nightlife, the reckless attitude and the...
Babykins By Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "I think you should try it, just to see how hard it is!" "Nope," I said firmly. "Being pregnant is for women!" "Well, yes, that's true, but you have no idea how hard it is around here! You never help!" "I'll help," I stated in typical male fashion. "Yes, I know you will, because if you don't, your little secret will get out, and we don't want that do we?" She knew damned well that my dressing up was between us, and for...
She was finally back in his arms where she belonged. After a long year and a half away from him, she has returned to face her new life with a mild sense of dread and an extreme sense of anticipation. She first met this man of her dreams on a warm summer night. They had been communicating through the internet in chatrooms and e-mail. She told him how she longed to be dominated and trained to be a submissive toy for his use. On their first meeting, he immediately established his dominance and...
100% fiction! I am ryan and 22 years old. My mom is 45 years old. Still she is a pretty lady not too fat and not slim. She got divorced 2 years before. My mom runs own business. I used to think of how frustrated she will be with her sexual life. But as she was busy with growing her business she never cared for it. One day over our dinner she told me that she is now very happy with her business and wanna take some leave to normal life. So we started planning stuff to do, even i needed a break....
IncestClara was turning 40. Her friends had made a big thing of it, taking her out and celebrating with the usual amount of fake funereal trappings. It had been a hoot but now she was home and was left with it it, just left with it. She was turning 40 and was mopey about it. She wandered around fairly early that Saturday, and moped. She had a cup of coffee and just looked her house over. She called it always ‘the old girl’, and at times, when sadness was on her, she talked to the house. ‘What do...
This is a work of reality! It is autobiographical and written on feelings and observations gathered by me! My Makeover By Lisa Elizabeth Being transgendered is a rather ill defined thing. This topic covers a wide range of people and interests. You have the people that dress up one time and are quite happy. Then at the other end of the spectrum are those with an undying burning desire to become the gender they were not born. A lot of people fall somewhere in between those two...
This story contains no sex. None at all. That said, I hope you enjoy it. * It was the first full day of summer vacation. School had ended at noon the day before. I was just finishing my Cheerios when Jimmy knocked on the back door. My mom let him in and he sat down across from me at the table. He looked very excited. ‘Dave, the pool is open.’ ‘I know, Jimmy. Want to go swimming?’ ‘We got a new lifeguard this year.’ I nodded as I crunched. That wasn’t big news. Jimmy continued, ‘He’s a...
The Babysitter by Richard-to-Rachel Sometimes I guess it's hard to find ways to make a bit of extra money when you're home from college for the summer. It certainly wasn't easy for me looking for work. That's why I found myself doing a bit of babysitting in my spare evenings. I know, it's the kind of work that you'd expect from a teenage girl, not a nineteen-year-old guy who should be out living it up at nights. But, it was easy work and it was money. My parents were very young for...
The construction equipment dealership that Tall Grass had purchased in Amarillo found a used drill rig for him. He purchased the drill rig and arranged for the dealership to deliver the drill rig and a backhoe with a front-end loader to his home site. Tall Grass decided to wait at Dolph's for items to be delivered. Tall Grass planned to spend two weeks in the Western Land. He wanted to drill water wells and do the excavation for the house. He hired the Kiowa, who made the adobe bricks for...
Charity Jones here again returning to entertain you with more adventures of my misspent youth. My lat recounting detailed certain highpoints in my life as it transpired through the11th grade in my 16th year of life. I introduced you to the complete trinity of my closest friends, Faith and Hope. I also landed myself a highschool sweetheart by the name of Chet, who in turned out to be my personal cuckold. And of course the trials and tribulations of jut being a high school teen. The...
After we booked the snot nosed kids, I was thoroughly disgusted with humanity. I just wanted to go home. I had one thing I had to do first. I had to stop off at Mary Ann’s apartment. I needed my Baby Sparrow fix. I used my key to gain entry to Mary Anne’s apartment. Her car was missing from her assigned space in the lot. I went inside her place to snoop and to make sure Sparrow wasn’t there alone. I admit it was terrible thing to think, but it was a thing we had investigated before. Hell she...
EscortBabylon! I was quite confused as to what really has to offer, since while the name of the site would suggest that you have loads of naughty escort women at your service, at the same time the whole site looks like a fucking joke. Here you have reviews and ads of mostly valid escort chicks you can hire, so if you are interested, visit the site or continue reading to see if Escort Babylon is actually a place worth the visit.When I say that the site looks like a ‘joke’ I...
Escort SitesMy Sister And I Babysitting My sister and I have always been close. I had been looking for a way to earn some extra money when my sister suggested that I help her baby-sit. She promised that I would not have to change any diapers as long as I helped out by getting bottles ready and playing with the children. She had tried babysitting once and it was more than she could handle. Mom had suggested that she find a girlfriend to help but none of her friends wanted to spend their Friday and...