Sadie Hawkins
- 2 years ago
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Paw tole me "Iffen ya wants yer own man ya gots to be ready to get off the pot and find him by ya lonesome."
Ya'll kin call me "Sadie" even iffen my Christian moniker be Drusilla. I never abided by that silly name cause it sounded so evil-like. Us'en Hawkins folks are unusual strange and that's a fact. None of my kin has got any book-larning like the normal folks down in the holla cause us'ens scarce leave the mountain.
That's the way of it and that be no lie.
My mam looks powerful tired recent-days and I suspect she been hitting the corn jar kind a hard since
Billy Bob got took to the Army. Ole Billy Bob was mam's favorite and she ne'er hid the fact a-tall. I was the last of the litter and a fe-male to boot so I scarce paid no never-you-mind to that simple fact.
Most of the bottom-land bitches what wear fancy store-bought undies trap their men-folks by sticking they who-zit and they nasty heinies right under they noses until they pop the question. The women-folk on the mountain wait till a special day each year to track down and snare us a nice poke-stick to share in a soft bed when the moon is shining just right.
The last few months, I been tending the hillside corn squeeze still for the family since Billy Bob is off shooting communists. We got lots more of the stuff now since he ain't around to do all his "sampling" of the moonshine. I go to do the sampling now but make sure I chew up a little cornbread to keep from getting bamboozled. I let that squirrelly Sampson McGee get me cross-eyed with some polluted punch at the last school dance and he got all rambunctious with my personal female goodies before I could land a good one on him. I guess that's about as close as I ever got to "taking it" with a fella. Thank goodness he was so tipsy all he could do was lay on top of me like a daid dog.
I hast to fess up that my pappy is riche touchy when it comes to boys looking at me crosswise. Most of them fellas get the holla girls to haul they ashes on Saturday nights. I would be willing to do the nasty with any of the good-looking ones, but my pappy is powerful mean when he thinks some young whippersnapper is plotting to slip his man-stick into his youngest offspring.
The preacher man came up the mountain just recent and he tole me I had to fess up all my sins and ask forgiveness. Now that made me God-awful confused cause I ain't got no particular sin that I can recall.
I didn't want to seem like a spoil-sport, so I made up some whoppers for the Preacher about how I was getting my female parts used by a pair of brothers what already had wives of they own.
He kept wanting more and more details until I remembered one of my brother's girlie magazines and I tole him they poked me in my bottom as well. Hell's Bells, that preacher man like to blow a fuse and whomped my poor bottom with his belt so hard that I still got some marks back there even thought I got no mirror to see them. My girlfriend Mazie wanted to know iffen my paw was taking me over his knee to keep me decent and I didn't give her no direct answer as I didn't want to admit it was the preacher was the one what done my poor bottom real hard.
Well, the crops are in now and it is that time of the year when the leftover females is given a day to chase down a seed-giver to fertilize they own little patch of furrowed private area with a real mountain man cock. By my reckoning, we got about 2 dozen females a hankering to get plowed regular and raise a passel of young'uns.
Most of us girls are particular intent on trapping a certain three-legged hump hungry ass-scratcher, but I was of a mind to grab the first and slowest fella I could get my paws on, I was that desperate to be filled with cream in my special place. Mazie tole me she was after Mozzie, the son of "Crazy" Jessie, the old lady who never went anywhere without her shooting iron. I figured she was plumb loco herself as Mozzie was a bit short in the book-larning department. Still, I guess he did have a respectable long pecker and most females would be lucky to have him handy around "rutting" time.
Us girls started training early each new sun up over the mountain time and we was running like little she-imps up the hills and through the trees with no consideration for bugs or varmints. Them lazy yahoos watched us and laughed mightily at our efforts. They be all of the opinion they could escape our clutches for another year. I suspected that be true of most of them but there be some yokels what had gained some hand-grabbing rolls about they middle and a bit of droop to they ass. I had my eye on a couple of likely "slow ones" what I considered ripe for the picking.
The preacher man had us all settle down early on that special day that would eventually be known as "Sadie Hawkins" day in honor of my years of devoted attendance.
I was in fine fettle for the hunt.
Mazie and me were probably the two fastest cock chasers in the race this year and I knew that one or mayhap both of us wouldst be dragging a seed-giver to the preacher for his blessing. I just hoped it waren't one of those Wolveton mountain fellas what liked to whomp on a female's bottom. I neer-do-mind a little fun whomping on my behind even with my britches down but those fellas were a bit too rambunctious and mean-spirited with female flanks. I purely din't mind a-watching the fun but I was mightily wary of getting stretched over a Wolveton mountain man knee.
A'fore I proceed further, I should fess up that I ain't exact what ya could call a "Virgin". I s'pect I tend to give up my mouth for a randy cock faster than most of the still single females and the boys on the mountain all know that to be a fact. I never really paid it no never-you-mind cause a hard cock has got no conscience and I figure it is a good way to try the seed-givers on for size. Some of the boys is quick to fire off a round sort a like a "hair trigger" and others is so pokey it just tries my patience. Even if I was to catch any of them fellas, I would most likely throw them back in the running competition cause I would be vexed to have them in my bed permanent.
My wife, Mary, and I had married in our twenties after dating for a couple of years. We both wanted children and were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. We loved the name Sadie and decided that would be what we'd call our beautiful angel. Being her parents became the greatest joy of our lives. Watching her grow up and turn into a bright, beautiful woman filled us with great pride and happiness.~~~Our twenty-year-old daughter, Sadie, has long blonde hair just like her mother. I know all...
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Ahem. Are you listening? I could write all day about orgasms. Most women are fortunate enough to have experienced most sorts, and we’re as females lucky that we have so many to choose from. But let’s pay tribute to the “little fella” as someone so endearingly put it, recently. The Little Fella I smile and make that “Mm” noise as I look at you, and I mean really look at you as if I’m about to lose my sight and need to capture the image in my mind for all eternity. “What?” you say with a cheeky...
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BDSMSome men will tie up their girl, thinking that’s what they wanted, and maybe crank up the dirty talk. Other’s won’t even get that far. But just being tied to the bed is not what she needs or wants, she needs you to dominate her, emotionally and physically. It’s a Lot Like Roleplay If you’re anything like me, I’ve never really gotten too excited about the idea of roleplay. I have a hard time enjoying myself if I’m too busy pretending to be something else. But the principles of a...
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BDSMIt’s Thursday and Ed and Sheila still haven't called so I go to the swinger site and send them a message when I see they are online. I ask if they decided not to meet us as they haven't called. She doesn't write back for five minutes or so and my heart sinks. Just then my home landline rings and as I answer it I see Sheila Thompson displayed on the caller ID. I would have sworn I gave them my cell number I think as I say, Hello. "Hi Rick, its Sheila from Swappernet. I just wanted...
Introduction: Mackenzie decides she will take it upon herself to bring her aunt into the decadence her and her uncle share. PART 3 Its Thursday and Ed and Sheila still havent called so I go to the swinger site and send them a message when I see they are online. I ask if they decided not to meet us as they havent called. She doesnt write back for five minutes or so and my heart sinks. Just then my home landline rings and as I answer it I see Sheila Thompson displayed on the caller ID. I would...
Mars Needs Sissies: Part 2 In order of appearance: Cindy Prince, Independent hiring agent for Jack Slammer Films and Mark Atwood's agent; Mark Atwood plays Jerry Adams, the Queen's Lover; Tina Van Tee, a professional wrestler called Gladiatus (pronounced: Glad-e-a-tus) plays the role of Umoma; Bill Brian the cook Mark worked with when he was waiting tables; Sandy Prince, Jack Slammers Administrative Assistant and sister to Cindy Prince; Jack Slammer of Slammer Films; Marge Turner, Head...
My name is Jennifer. Jeffrey, Jeff for short, and I are best friends. We lived close to each other since birth, attended the same schools, and hung out together. Jeff shared everything with me and talked about anything that came to mind, including his past loves. I was the one to patch him up after each one when he came to me with his broken heart. Jeff had several girlfriends and had gone all the way with some of them. We would talk about his experiences. He would ask me about...
First time writing a story... also new here... enjoy!Charlotte's needsnote: dialogues will be started with a -, a -- or // and assigned to specific will help recognize who is talking.Charlotte, a nice lady in her late 40s. She was married for 22 years; but the spell had warned out. it was 10 years ago when she found out that her husband was having an affair. she decided to sign a separation note; but they decided to stay together for the sake of the c***drens, and the financial...
Jean Hayes-- 40-year-old wife of business owner, Rodger. He's in his early 60s and has totally lost interest in sex for the past year and a half.Troy Martin-- 19-year-old son of Jason and Mica Troy. Jason is Rodger's business partner. Troy is a low to moderately functioning autistic. He has one younger brother, Carl, who's 18.********************************************************************************"It's only for an afternoon and overnight," Rodger said."That's one afternoon and night too...
MY WIFE TINA TAKES CARE OF HER NEEDS My Wife (Tina) and I have been married for 27 Years and she has been telling me how she would like to spice up our sex life after it has become doll. (Tina does go out and FUCK other guys but she says getting FUCKED in the bed of a truck or in a car or on a car hood does not take care of here needs not one COCK at a time it is a turn on but she says she needs more.) So I ask her what she would like. She said she would like to FUCK Two COCKS at the same...
MY WIFE TINA TAKES CARE OF HER NEEDS My Wife (Tina) and I have been married for 27 Years and she has been telling me how she would like to spice up our sex life after it has become doll. (Tina does go out and FUCK other guys but she says getting FUCKED in the bed of a truck or in a car or on a car hood does not take care of here needs not one COCK at a time it is a turn on but she says she needs more.) So I ask her what she would like. She said she would like to FUCK Two COCKS at the same...
Dear friends this is bobby here again with new bang. I and ranjana are sharing a very good relationship. We had numerous events wherein we shared bed with each other. How do like this pls revert at One day her cousin from kolkata visited her during vacations for a month. Ranjana used to tell me a lot about her as during her young age and till her marriage they share a very close relationship. She is also a horny female like ranjana and her husband is not that active on bed. He is typical...
Alyssa’s NeedsByOlivia M. RavensworthVOLUME-ONEPart-OneChapter-OneUnsatisfied Needs Brad and Alyssa had been married for about a year and a half when she told him, one evening after a quiet candlelit dinner at home, that she had needs which he could not satisfy. ?W-w-what do mean?? he asked, shocked. Alyssa licked her lips consideringly. ?I’ve come to realize,? she said, quietly but with deliberation, ?that by yourself you can’t give me what I need sexually.? He...
I’d had a long, hard day at work and couldn’t wait to get home and relax. I stopped at the grocery store and got a few things we needed for the weekend. When I drove up to the house I was surprised to see my husband Greg’s car in the driveway. He doesn’t usually get home on Friday’s until after me. I didn’t bother waiting for him to come out to help me with the groceries. Greg believes those things are women’s work. It was hard to unlock the door...
This story is intended as sexual entertainment for adults only.It was a small Southern town, isolated, and obscure, and when I saw the flashing lights in my rearview mirror I was astonished, since I knew I had been driving well below the posted speed limit of forty five miles per hour. I felt a bit of outrage, but decided that the best thing to do in such a situation is to go along with the flow, and cooperate fully.I stopped and waited in the car, having pulled out my license and papers, and...
It took me a while to understand why Lee had asked me to hang around with him after class. He had something planned, I knew that from the get-go. Lee always had something planned. And over the last few weeks, his confidence had grown in this weird way - I assumed that was why he suddenly had ladies hanging all over him. Lee and I used to be really close, but nowadays I only really see him in school - the rest of the time he's off with a girl or two or three. I figured he's probably just...
"OH... ?" the policewoman gasped. Officer Bonnie Clarke had been writing the woman a citation... "I'm sorry, Officer?" Britt-Chanelle sighed - the brunette sat back in her seat and took her driver's licence back from the wide-eyed blonde. Bonnie hesitated. She closed the citation book and leaned a little closer to the woman's car. There was a moment of silence. Standing at the driver's side door of Britt-Chanelle's corvette, Bonnie had caught sight of the woman's 'cock'......
Men like a woman to play with their penis. To them it is their most important appendage and needs lots of attention by their lover. If you've never just taken the time to look at the male member, I suggest asking your man to get naked and lay on the bed while you inspect it. Feel free to ask him questions about it. I've never met a man who doesn't like to show himself off, and when you do it for the first time, this type of foreplay can lead to very satisfying sex for both of you. It is my...